#redacted vincent solaire mentioned
themonotonysyndrome · 4 months
You just got Rick Rolled!
I have no excuse.
Watch Max0r videos on Youtube :)
Summary: Bright Eyes is ready to pull a deadbeat dad.
The duffel bag underneath the bed is ready to go. Pockets are stuffed with wads of stolen cash. 
All they need to do is swipe an armful of blood bags from the Clan’s cold storage for the long road ahead. 
William Solaire standing between them and the milk aisle was not part of the plan. Nor his sad, puppy eyes.
Fucking damn it. 
In the grand scheme of things called life, Bright Eyes is not a main character. 
Main characters are people like Frederick, who’s worthy of second chances because he vomits out his heart to those who demand it. Vincent, with his flashy smile and equally flashy cars that caters to single simps who dream of being swept away by a set of 2000-era vampiric TV tropes. Sam, who you can’t hate because he’s not just a bitch, no, no - he’s a bitch with a backstory who just so happens to love to pretend that Bright doesn’t exist on a good day and won’t stop bitching why they’re the modern incarnation of Satan on the worst. Oh! We can’t forget the poster child of Byronic Hero which is Tank. They’re a fan fav for a reason.   
In a world of main characters, Bright Eyes could hardly hold a candle to the people around them. If anything, they’re an NPC. The glitchiest NPC to ever exist in this Skyrim of a world. 
The kind that was brought into the story to be shitted on by the audience because they either don’t meet up to lofty expectations or weren’t the perfect victim.
Is it getting too close to home now? 
Bright has no problem being an NPC - hell, they don’t even mind that there was no space for them on the picture wall that consists of Sam, Frederick, and Tank - they still have their pride, as shitty as it is. Why the fuck would they want to stay at a place where no one wants an NPC that fucks up the whole gameplay? Nah, fam - Bright has been preparing for their getaway on the same night they woke up with an angry Sam sitting beside the bed. 
The Summit expedited the plan. 
While they and Frederick were expected to show up at the undead shindig, being Clan members and all, Sam worried it might overwhelm his Progeny. Apparently, older Vamps enjoy stabbing each other with words and dinner knives after the third course. Sounds like Bright’s kind of people. But because Frederick was benched, so were they. It’s cool, it’s fine. Silver linings and all that. It gave Bright lots of opportunities to pack their meagre shits into a worn-out duffel bag from the store room and steal whatever cash they could find around the house while Frederick was asleep. Vampiric hearing rocks! Sure, they were curious as to why Sam and Tank came back looking like they just witnessed a train wreck, and Vincent seldom came over with his trademark smirks anymore, but since no one tells them anything, Bright chalked it up as another Tuesday. Not their circus, not their monkeys. 
Whatever happened at the Summit isn’t their problem. Missing the last bus to Ferris is.  
Earlier that evening, they made a show of getting ready for bed after Sam left to meet Tank for something, and they can’t bear to look Frederick in the eyes, knowing that this will be the last time they will ever see each other. Not that he knows, but hey, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him, right? So they collapse onto the mattress, willing themselves to be calm because anything less will have Frederick peeking his head through the door. So they close their eyes until the bond between Progeny and Maker whispers to Bright that Frederick is unconscious. The rose detergent on the pillows and duvet itches their nose. They hate the smell but they can’t forget how wide Frederick smiles just because they accepted a bouquet of roses from him once. It’s not rocket science that all of the previous lavender scents on linens were replaced with rose soon after that. 
Bright Eyes is so exhausted of sustaining themselves on the pitiful sweetness of their once friend turned Maker. Not when the bitterness that comes from Sam is gradually killing them. 
They get up and take a good, long bath. It's probably the only one they’ll be getting for a while, so they’re making the most of the soap and shampoo. They continue to ignore the sweet, floral scent clinging to their body. Then they dig through the closet for a jacket covered in patches and a ripped pair of jeans - the clothes their parents bought for their birthday, now worn with time. The clothes that they wore on the night they were murdered. Then they spend half an hour checking everything for one last time. Anyone can tell by a single glance that Bright Eyes is a walking charity case. It’s cool, it’s fine. No one cares about runaway people all the time. They’re statistics. 
Their stomach flips when Bright stalks across the hall like a ghost. A part of them wanted Frederick to catch them in mid-act, to convince them to stay so they could work things out for good. The part that loathed Bright, however, hisses to remove the glitch in this game. 
Once the front door is locked behind them, Bright wipes their eyes and hoists the duffel bag strap firmly on their shoulder. The abandoned theme park will be their last stop in Dahlia. 
Wonder World will forever be a sight for sore eyes. 
Like the Clan, the place is a living corpse. It should have been destroyed, put all the bad memories to rest, but instead, it transformed into a hideout for the walking dead. Hah. 
Bright keeps a good healthy distance from the Vampires that are on shift, listens well to the chatters in dark corners, and avoids slipping underneath awnings that will collapse on top of them if they so much as breathe. They memorised the schedule for this specific night, and it paid off. No one notices them skulking towards the cold storage. See, new batches of blood will be delivered tomorrow, so no one will find out that a couple of leftovers will be missing. Fingers might be pointed at Bright, but by then, they’ll be long gone. A footnote in their lives. 
The fridge greets Bright when they sneak in through the open window, no different than a racoon. Their entry wasn’t as smooth as James Bond’s because their kneecap bumped against the nearby table. Luckily, no one heard it. 
“A+, A+, more A+… you’re fucking kidding me? B-? Beggars can’t be choosers, Bright. Food’s food.” They grumble to themselves as the fridge is raided. They stuffed as many blood bags into the bag as they could. 
Suddenly, the door gently opens. Bright Eyes turn around. Their eyes widen in horror because - 
“Little Bright? Is that you?” William Solaire, the fucking king of every magical equivalent of Schrödinger Cat in Dahlia, tilts his head in question as if to better see them. Standing between them and their freedom. What the fuck, how the fuck, why in the actual fuck!? “I didn’t mean to interrupt your break time. Ah… how are you? Lately, I haven’t had the pleasure of…” Here’s where Bright could only watch in frozen shock when William’s eyes met with the duffel bag and stuffed pockets.  
Hubris is the downfall of many great men. In Bright’s case, it’s stupidity. They really should’ve come up with a backup plan for something like this. That’s on them. They’ll take that L like the underdog they are. 
The two of them shatter the awkward silence by speaking at once. 
“This isn’t what it looks like!” 
“Did you just went through the window?” 
Cue the stares. Wait. There’s something they need to try. 
“Dinosaur in the museum say what?” 
Bright promptly snaps their mouth shut. Don’t laugh. For the love of Reddit Mods, don’t laugh at the most dangerous grandpa in the world. While Bright manages to avoid death via lectures, their shaking shoulders give William the wrong impression. Thinking that the youngest Vampire in his care is shaking with fear at the sight of him pulled on William’s heartstrings. He had always harboured a sadness for not being able to connect with Bright Eyes the way he does with Frederick. The boy is often quiet but perks like a sunflower when you give him the right attention. Bright, on the other hand, scampers away the moment you turn your back. No gentle words or amount of glitter bombs as presents could entice them to drop the walls fiercely guarding their heart. 
William’s heart twists and turns into a knot - more so lately - seeing how Bright Eyes tremble. 
“It’s alright, Little One. You’re alright. The blood bags are for anyone who is in need.” William kindly assures them. “It’s unlike Sam to forget and restock for his household. I supposed our recent conversation has put him out of sorts.” 
“Wait. You think I’m hungry?” 
“Is that not why you brought that bag over - ”
“Yeah, yeah! Pssh, totally! Sam was getting testerical about the lack of bloodshed in the house. Not the fun kind, though.” Bright Eyes fib as they ramble on, their little tell-tale sign of attempting to smother the panic. They refuse to fidget or look away from William’s eyes. Is it a trick of the light? Is Bright high? Why are they wet near the corners? “Uh… c-can I go now? I need to dip to the grocery store for some milk… you know how it is…” 
For some reason, that made the Vampire King flinch. What the hell!? Anyone walking by would think that Bright is bullying him! 
But William lets out a gust of air, heavy and somehow reluctant. He steps aside to present the open door where the world that allowed Tom Howard to live is waiting for Bright. “Of course, Little One. I shouldn’t keep you from your errands.” 
“Lit! So this is me, walking away now…” Bright Eyes warily sidesteps William, who is still giving a strong kicked puppy vibe. Which is insane to comprehend. 
Something about it, however, made them turn around to look at him one final time. Due to the hilariously huge gap between a king and his peasant, Bright has only seen William thrice from afar, and that’s during really important events where they can’t fake a seizure and escape - 
“Bright, Vampires don’t get seizures.” 
“Until now. Quick, pretend you actually care and drag me out.” 
“…Low blow, Bright, and you know it. Why do you never listen when I’m - aaand you’re already on the floor. Great.” 
- so they’re left with them being sandwiched between a highly amused Lovely and a distracted Vincent because their beau is flashing their ankles or something. Bright doesn’t want to know or care. What they do care about is that thanks to Frederick sulking off somewhere, they are now in the spotlight because the prince of the entire damn clan is holding onto their elbow. Random Vampires snicker when they pass by their group, and whenever Bright flips them off, some of them actually laugh! Bright will never understand these deadbeats. But anyway, because of Frederick, Bright has the front row of William in all his fancy ass clothes, in a shiny crown that blinded Bright and a million-dollar smile that rubs them off the wrong way. Fuckers with a max level on charms give them the hives. 
So this melancholic shroud that drapes over his shoulders so heavily that Bright might as well ask if it’s made of lead with how it makes William look so small in the shadows? Yeah, it’s giving red flags. 
And since Bright is colourblind with no filter whatsoever - 
“OK, why do you look like someone woke you up from a depression nap?” Bright demanded, marching back to William. It’s stupid. It’s borderline suicidal, but hey, Bright was never known to make decisions that align with their self-preservation. That’s something their murderer and both Makers will agree on. Tonight, curiosity wins. “Usually you’re very…” They scrunch up their face, trying to think of the perfect words. 
William raises an eyebrow. “Very?” 
“Very shiny.” Bright nods, pleased with themselves. “The kind of shiny that’s like fire in Chinese factories after every election.” 
“I… see. I’m starting to understand why Samuel complain of migraines every now and then.” 
Even as he said that, William began to smile fondly. That threw Bright off a little. He said that without derision and they have no idea how to react. 
“Uh, right. So what’s up?” 
“Can’t a man be caught in his own sorrow every now and then?” 
“But you’re not supposed to be angsty. You’re the King. Your world is supposed to be perfect and all that shit.” Unlike mine, is what Bright didn’t say. 
William’s smile turns rueful. He surprises them by admitting, “Would you like to know a secret, Little Bright? My world hasn’t been perfect lately. How can it be when my loved ones are leaving one by one.” 
Oh, fuck them, is William trauma dumping right now? Deadass? Is this trauma dumping!? Bright didn’t consent to this!
Wait - leaving? Who’s leaving too? 
…Is it any of Bright’s business, though? When they’re doing the same thing tonight? 
This scene feels familiar. It’s like the time they steal a sip from a man in his late fifties while he’s in the middle of a divorce and struggling with alimony. Bright was looking for food, not someone’s entire life story that, in the end, they paid for an Uber and sent him on his way. The point is, there’s no fun in kicking someone who’s already eating dirt. That’s not enough room in Wonder World for two miserable fuckers, so Bright might as well do something about it. 
“C’mon, let’s go. We’re going on a side quest right now.” Bright demands, and fuck it, they grab one of William’s hands and drag him to the exit. Does it say something that the Vampire King lets himself be led away like a cow? Probably, but Bright couldn’t care less.
The patrolling Vampires stare at them incredulously. None attempted even to approach the duo. 
“Is this a kidnapping?” William politely inquires. While Bright might’ve initiated the contact, he finds himself reluctant to let go of their smaller hand. It’s an anchor that he silently needed over these past few days. 
“That and robbery too. I’m gonna be needing your wallet since mine are non-existent. Which one is your car? Wait! Let me guess, the one on the right that looks like it just left the showroom a day ago.” 
“It’s actually this morning. I enjoy collecting Rolls Royce as much as I enjoy watching those exciting Bond movies.” 
“Sheesh, I guess it’s hereditary then. Ok, Goldfinger - take the wheel. We’re going to karaoke. Screaming into a mic is a legit form of therapy. Take it from me.” After dropping that nugget of wisdom, Bright and William enter the car. 
Before William speeds off from the driveway, he frowns and asks, “Why can’t I be James Bond?” 
Bright Eyes groans into their hands. 
It takes William Motherfucking Solaire crying into a microphone, singing Hurt by Christina Aguilera to convince Bright Eyes that something is wrong with the trajectory of their life. 
Seriously, what the fuck? 
Despite being one of the prettiest men who should be kept in a museum (isn’t he 5,000 years old or something?) William is an ugly crier. It doesn’t make any damn sense, but he sure ain’t got that damsel-in-distress tears like Cinderella. Bright could only grimace as they extended a box of tissues once William finished belting out the final verse. Their duffel bag mocks them from the door, the only exit from this room. The lamentation of Bright Eyes would be a sick-ass song. 
“The closest thing I have to a son, child-in-law, great grandson and friend are leaving me.” William confesses after blowing his nose. 
“Did I ask?” 
Much to Bright’s horror, William continues.  
“I wanted to be a leader and a father that I never had. A Maker that mine never was. All I wanted… was to protect my family. How did it all went wrong?” 
Oh, geez. William does not give a shit that Bright Eyes hasn’t unlocked his social link. All they wanted was to evict whatever funk was messing with his system like a landlord so they could run away in peace. Not play therapist! Now, the employees are nervously looking through that window on the door because a grown man is depleting their stock of tissue boxes by the minute while Bright is struggling to figure out how to comfort said grown man that doesn’t involve homicide. 
By the way, it took precisely ten minutes for William’s words to register in Bright’s crack-concentrated, addled spider monkey brain. 
Their eyes widen like the backside of a yogi mid-downward dog. “Time out. Back it up, dump truck. Vincent’s leaving? As in, leaving the Clan? Him and the rest of the main characters?” If Bright was still alive, their heart would beat frantically as their head spins in disbelief and betrayal. 
Frederick is leaving them? After everything? To follow what, Sam? And Vincent and Lovely? 
…Without even telling them? 
Numbness and Bright Eyes always have a strange relationship. Quinn draining their blood down to the last drop didn’t give Bright that all-encompassing numbness. It was only when they woke up again that did it. It feels like their bones just took a dip in a pond in the middle of Antarctica. They didn’t even realise they were crying until William gently wiped the tears with a tissue. It’s a testament to how the shocking numbness rooted Bright to the core because they would flinch away from any physical contact that they didn’t initiate after death. 
“You didn’t know.” William summarised with that same melancholy from Wonder World and that same sad smile. They hate it. They don’t deserve it Well! So much for karaoke therapy. Now Bright’s feeling like shit too. 
William leans back when Bright Eyes huffs and slumps against the cheap red sofa. They pretend that their nose isn’t itching when they sniffle as they angrily rub their red eyes. “Of course I didn’t know! I get that Sam wouldn’t tell me shit but I didn’t expect this knife in the back from Freddy!” They spit, and then words start to embarrassingly spill from their mouth before Bright could stop themselves. “I fucking hate this! Why can’t I do anything right!? Why can’t I stop making mistakes? Why do I always try for people who never even like me? Fuck, fuck, fuck this! I hate feeling like this! God, I’m so tired of-of everything!” Fun fact: Bright is also an ugly crier. Even more so than William at this point. Not that it matters because they’re too busy wailing and making a mess out of his shirt when he pulls them into a tight hug. 
A shirt that has more of a network compared to theirs, and Bright Eyes appropriate it by blowing their nose. 
When their crying tapers into hiccups, it’s William’s soothing hand behind their back that grounds Bright Eyes. Exhaustion finally sinks in, and they’re long for the rest in the forever box (coffin) already. 
“I’m… sorry, Little One.” 
“The hell for?” Bright Eyes scrunches their nose. Although William had released them from his embrace, Bright didn’t actually scoot away. Instead, they play the part of a finicky cat - pressing close to the older Vampire without acknowledging it. “You’re not Sam. I hardly even know you.” 
“And I regret it dearly. And I deeply apologised for the suffering that you had to endured under Samuel’s blatant negligence. If I had known earlier that the wounds caused by Alexis run deeper than he would like to admit, I would have intervened. I would have you in my care instead of his in a heartbeat.” 
Here, William sighs. “My eldest Progeny and Samuel’s Maker.” 
“Why does he hate her so much that he took it out on me?” Bright hates how small their voice sounded to their own ears. They needed to know, though. They needed closure, and then maybe, finally, they’ll be able to move on somehow. 
William looks torn, clearly debating with himself. He sighed once more, but this time, it was with resignation. “It’s not my story to tell. However,” Seeing the crushed expression on poor Bright’s face, he decides to be honest towards someone who desperately needs it. Especially since they suffered not only at the hands of someone who was supposed to be their caretaker and teacher but also William’s own negligence. After the Adam incident, he should’ve kept a closer eye on his Clan instead of diverting this attention to other Houses. He owed this much to Bright Eyes and more. “You deserve the truth. Do you have some time to listen to an old man’s regrets?”
“I was supposed to clap my asscheeks to Ferris. So much for that. Actually, I guess it’s pretty hypocritical of me to get pissed off at Frederick for booking it since I was gonna do the same.” Bright’s grumbled, causing William to rear back in a start. But they press on. “So why the fuck not? Whose origin are you spilling? Wham Slam Bam Sam?” 
“…Yes. Two sins never cancel each other.” Something dark flashes over William’s beautiful face. The hair behind Bright’s neck freezes. “Yet I can’t help but find myself disappointed in Samuel’s behaviours more so than mine after tonight.” 
“Spill the tea, spill the tea! My life is already a German bedtime stories and besides, isn’t it so much fun when you focuses on someone’s L instead of yours!?” 
William simply rolled his eyes at their cheek, and so Bright Eyes made themselves comfortable as the Vampire King narrated a story of a daughter he dearly loved but could never understand, and in return, she was unable to understand those she loved. It was all very sad, and the tropes that William describes are all too familiar to Bright. Man, no wonder Alexis turned out to be a villainess like those in their favourite Korean romance manhwa. They wonder if reincarnation is a thing in this world. Would they reincarnate as one of Trisha Paytas’s babies, or is that exclusive to royalties? They made a mental note to ask William once story time was over. Anyway, Alexis and Sam’s history could be a Hozier’s album all on its own and Bright supposed they could muster up some form of sympathy for him if they have similar-sized bazoombas/chesticles as the Princess’, but alas, they don’t. For that, Bright can never forgive Sam for his projection. 
Frederick and their situation hit too close to home apparently, but just because he can’t dish it out on Alexis, does that justify him punishing Bright in her stead? Fuck that. 
Anger buzzes around Bright’s ears like angry hornets. They can’t be around Sam for at least 100 years now that they know the truth. Frederick and Tank can have him for all they care. 
They snatch the microphone again, prompting William’s curiosity. “Are we in for the next session of karaoke therapy?” 
Bright just searched for Grow A Pear by Kesha and belted out for the next three minutes. Making sure to scream out the verse, ‘but you cry about this, and whine about that. When you grow a pair you can call me back,’ making William wonder if he should’ve used more tact. Once they got it out of their system, Bright exhaled deeply and turned their attention back to William with their hands on their hips. 
“If thought crimes were a thing, they would need a new set of the Geneva Convention. So Sam’s a major Soy Wojack.  Good for him. Why is he and every one else are packing their shit up now and not ten thousand years ago?” 
“That’s my fault. My decisions regarding the Summit were inexcusable, and I fear they will be unforgivable to those I love.” William replies as morosely as a tortured poet in the 1500s. Very apt. 
Storytime, part 2! So, while the Summit didn’t go to hell in a handbasket, a lot of the parties that were nearly caught in the crossfire were butthurt, apparently. Trusts were betrayed, and William no longer rests on that pedestal in the eyes of Sam, Vincent, Tank and the furries. Bright doesn’t understand what the big deal is; William is literally an artefact. You can’t live that long with a shiny moral compass. Even now, as William easily takes in Bright’s shenanigans in stride, they could never ignore his capacity for cruelty and ruthlessness. No matter how soft he speaks or how kind he is to Bright. However, stressing out over the assumption that William always has an ulterior motive whenever he opens his mouth would be the equivalent of same-day shipping to God for Bright. Again. Besides, assumptions are nails that could seal a coffin, and Bright would rather use them to build a shelf for Bad Dragons and Lovehoney instead. 
So they snap their fingers, switching to Business Mode. “You know what your problem is? Your problem is that you don’t have a Shae to your Sansa. The Garrus to your Shepard. The Soundwave to your Megatron. Get it?” 
William just looks like a lost child in Whole Foods. Bright tries another angle. 
“Confidants, dude. You don’t have any of those. You’re a King, right? I thought every King has a council of advisers? Ain’t that supposed to be Vincent and Alexis’ job?” 
“No. I can’t possibly bear to burden my children with the unsavoury aspects of our world.” William counters with a grimace. Perhaps William and Bright share a lot more in common than they thought. Not the martyrdom vibes coming off William like radiation but the fact that both of them are essentially the universe's way of trying to figure out how much PTSD one man can possibly get. If Bright is an economist, they would vehemently write themselves and William down as bad use of human capital. Oh! Wait, William is still talking. “It was not out of malice that I placed my family in the dark regarding the Summit. It was out of love. I don’t understand why they couldn’t understand that. Porter even served as their shield.” 
“It could’ve gone better. It really did.” Bright insists, but judging from William’s stubborn expression, this is an issue that is not going to be resolved overnight. 
They thought long and hard about this. Running away is so damn easy it might as well be a cheat code, and isn’t that what Bright and the others are doing? Vincent and the others are probably doing so under the guise of ‘needing some space’ from William, but Bright was planning to run away from their feelings and issues with Frederick and Sam, with no intention of ever talking to them again. 
Being abandoned fucking sucks. Bright of all people knows how that tastes! The thought that William would be left all alone with a daughter that comes and goes worse than that street cat Priscilla leaves a sour taste in their mouth. William isn’t an evil dude. He’s just dumb.
Slowly, their duffel bag loses its appeal. Bright is going to take a leap of faith here, and only time will tell if this will be the stupidest decision they have ever made, triumph over their jaunt in Wonder World with Frederick. And so they sit beside William and say, “Look. I actually don’t wanna be alone, and I bet you don’t want that too.” “No, Little One. I had enough of it back in the day.” William quietly admits. A Vampire King shouldn’t be able to look like a poor puppy being left out in the rain! Seriously! 
“Right. Here’s the plan, Batman. You wanna spare Vincent and the rest about the nitty gritty aspects of what it means to be a deadbeat? Fine. We do it baby steps, then. You tell me before you pull off any shits, and I’ll talk your ear off how stupid it is until we figure something better. Sounds good?” 
“No. Absolutely not. You’re family as well, Bright Eyes. I won’t have you suffer the burden of my crown.” 
“I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am one of the mods in 4chan. I can handle shits, alright? It’s in my DNA! Look William, you need someone in your corner that you can trust. If you can’t start with your Progenies, start with me. Prove to them that you value their opinions. We’ve got all the time in the world for it, right?” 
Finally, after trying to get through William the entire night, he starts to look hopeful and, most importantly, determined. He clutches Bright’s hand tenderly. 
“In that case, I have a proposal of my own. If you promise to be my guide, I promise to be your teacher. Allow me to be what Sam was meant to be for you. Perhaps by helping one another, happiness can make its way to us.” As he says this, William feels a lot more better than ever before. It feels like things are starting to look up for him. A rebirth could be just what he and Bright sorely needed. 
What a blessing. What a boon to have a great-great-grandchild to be the modern incarnation of Athena. 
“Yeah, yeah. So! Never gonna give you up?” 
“Never gonna let you down.” 
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p0pp3t · 7 months
evangelion elevator scene but it’s vincent and porter
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penncilkid · 2 months
Welcome back to
The SkySide Redacted Awards! [Rec List Edition]
(Once more, there's a few NSFW mentions here so mdni, please and thank you)
This segment was titeled The Exhibition of Admiration! The main rule was that your submission couldn't be something you made, and we had quite the collection of submissions! So, without further ado, let's go!
Category: Shaw Pack
They Broke The Mould When They Made You // Written by BlueWhispers
Moments That Flash By // Written by @bratty-telepath
House Call // Written by @romirola
Bedroom with a View // Written by @/romirola
At Your Altar // Written by @angelicaether
An Unexpectedly Good Night // Written by LiveRandom
This lovely art of David by @sincerelywhistler
And this lovely art of Milo by @hotmcrodz
Category: DAMN Crew
Stress Relief // Written by @calicostorms
honey, baby, love // Written by @/calicostorms
Secret OP Dominant Side // Written by CatArsenal
Formidable // Written by @lovelylonerliterature
This art of Gavin and FL by @ryoko-san
And this oh so scrumptious art of Gavin by @/sincerelywhistler (Wes, you're in here a lot, fair warning /lh)
Category: Carpe Deus + Sovereign State
V1309 Scorpii // Written by @/calicostorms
And That's Why We Broke Up // Written by @dominimoonbeam
resist and elongate // Written by @gingerbreadmonsters
easy pickings // Written by @/gingerbreadmonsters
This DIVINE art of Vega by @yoteako
And this lovely art of Hush by @nortyourself
Category: The Imperium
All (For Nothing At All) // Written by @agentplutonium
the devil's threesome // Written by @ejunkiet
Weighted Blanket // Written by @teafairywithabook
Two pieces of art, both from @/nortyourself! One of Imp!Damien and one of Imp!Vincent
Category: Contemporary/Unempowered Stories
Oh, Baby, Baby // Written by @/lovelylonerliterature
Nine to Five // Written by @bicyclepainting
This oh so fun art of Aaron/Smartass by @thefablefoxart
And this funky fun art of Guy by @slushiepizza
Category: House of Solaire
Get Me Out Of Here // Written by @/dominimoonbeam
五二零 // Written by @/gingerbreadmonsters
This tasty art of Porter by @pycth
And this cozy art of by @sri-rachaa
Category: Sadism's Hold (+ Yandere Friends)
alone with you (does that make sense?) // Written by @/nortyourself
Still Here // Written by Anonymous
No One Is Coming To Save You // Written by LoveRun
This chilling art of Regulus by @/sincerelywhistler
And this bonus Regulus art by @dyswarpia
Category: The Balance
Face to Face, Miles Away // Written by troubadour_main
motion capture // Written by @/gingerbreadmonsters
This nostalgic art of Blake and Bestie by @androgynouspenguinexpert
This DELICIOUS (sorry my demons) art of Blake by @/sincerelywhistler
And this lovely art of Brachium also by @/sincerelywhistler
Category: Project Meridian
you touched me (and suddenly I was a lilac sky) // Written by @autisticempathydaemon
Canon reminiscent art of Michael (Yes, Angel's ex) as an ETS worker by @/pycth
And this moody art of James and Asset by @itsdaifuku
Thank you all for submitting all of these works! Go check out everything here for yourselves!
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algolithium · 8 months
Tumblr media
cheers to that person who reblogged my Terzo fanart while referencing redacted ASMR (mentioned Vincent Solaire??). and now that i need asmr to fall asleep i went ahead and gave redacted audio a try and here we go
here's Lasko, or at least how I imagine him to look like.
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aurorialwolf · 1 month
Ok I’m feeling better (got burnt out) so now I’m gonna continue my posts about next gen redacted ocs!! I made a custom tag for these posts, so you can click that to see the rest of them :D (it’s tagged on this post)
This time: David’s son, Dante!
- His full name is Dante Gabriel Shaw
- His nickname is probably smth like Danny, so Davey and Danny lol
- He looks a lot like Gabe, his eyes being closer in shade to Gabe’s than David’s, and his facial structure & hair being very similar as well. This makes David both happy and a little sad, which Dante doesn’t understand until he’s a little older and David explains everything about Gabe to him.
- David brings him and Angel to visit Gabe’s grave regularly, and they leave dahlia flowers and honeysuckles (which i stole from other ppls flower hcs sry fhksdhjs)
- He’s besties with Ashlyn (Asher’s daughter) because of course
- He has a sort of inner circle who are all his friends in the pack, so that includes Samuel Jr., Ashlyn, and Milo’s daughter
- He’s always acted like a mini alpha, protecting his friends like David does, he started mimicking David when he was 2, attempting to do speeches to the rest of the pack toddlers
- He shifted for the first time when he was 14, a week before the winter solstice, and while it was painful, he managed pretty okay. His shifted form is very similar to his dad’s (large black wolf in my hc), but with a white swirl pattern on his right flank.
- He is the most responsible in his friend group, making sure they’re all eating, they’re on time, etc. would absolutely be the guy who has all the papers and passports when they go on an international trip.
- He may act a lot like his dad, having a gruff exterior, but it’s mostly a cover, and he can be a little goofball sometimes, like his other parent (Angel)
- He loves playing minecraft, started when he was 5, and co-ops with Angel often to make cool builds
Ok now for official alpha / security company stuff that he’d do!!
- He’s David’s only kid (in this version of things) so he’s naturally expected to become Alpha
- So, he often shadows his dad to important events, as well as security gigs
- One of the major things is he accompanies his dad to Solaire-hosted events, and while his dad greets William and shakes hands with him, Dante greets Emilie (William’s daughter), and shakes hands with her.
- She enjoys messing with him, and has held him in a couple second trance to see how he reacts (like I said in her post, she’s not great with mortals), which he eventually, after a couple meetings, can reliably break out of.
- Usually at these events, he stands around with his dad mostly separated from the vampires, interacting only with those who approach them, because David is worried about him being vulnerable to attacks or trances
- Luckily for him, Samuel Jr. (Sam’s son) is a regular attendee at these events, as William invites him, Vivienne (Vincent’s daughter), and their parents. Of course, Samuel is very protective of his friends, so whenever Dante has been at risk, he’s protected him, albeit maybe too violently, but it gets his point across.
- Now I feel like it’s a good time to mention that Samuel jr and Dante are boyfriends / eventual mates!! So it adds an extra layer considering Samuel has a rightful claim to him (the magic bite thingy), mostly for the purpose of being allowed by vampire law to protect him somewhat violently 👍 (Samuel also visits Gabe’s grave independently to leave flowers, because he’s paranoid about getting permission to date and eventually propose to Dante cuz blah blah tradition even though Gabe wouldn’t care if he were alive)
- He also shadows his dad on security gigs, learning all the best ways to keep large groups safe and orderly in case of an emergency. He also gets properly trained in gun use, just in case, and does pretty alright (they train at a typical gun range after he gets the proper licenses)
- Dante eventually heads his own event security gig, and manages pretty well. He’s doing it with his group of friends, so they goof off a bit over radio, which he scolds them for, though lightheartedly
- He does experience some rough gigs, not ever quite inversion level but there was a time when a clan of vampires descended on a large event being held in a stadium that had similar levels of danger, with luckily less losses
- One day, when Dante is ~25, David gets pretty sick, though is not in any danger, simply is somewhat immobilized and can’t perform his usual duties. Asher takes over, as a beta typically does, but starts trying to convince Dante to take over as alpha, which has been a previous conversation before, especially between Dante and David, but Asher is now making it a bit more urgent, and Dante is resistant to the idea.
- Dante says something along the lines of David not being dead, just sick, so he doesn’t need to take over yet, since he’s scared of taking over so soon. Asher flinches at that, and things become awkward. He eventually apologizes, but Asher insists it’s okay.
- Dante takes some convincing, but eventually decides to step up and take over, after David promises to support him in learning his duties.
- He picks Ashlyn to be his beta, and she does a good job! His takeover of the pack goes pretty well, mostly because everyone was expecting it anyways. David recovers fully, and helps him keep everything orderly, and keeps being in charge of the security company for a few more years before signing that over to him as well.
Taglist: @vegafan69 @darlin-collins @kxemii @professionallyyappin @sereh624
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pompyoly · 3 months
Redacted Headcannons pt 2
As Gavin and FL get older, Gavin alternates his appearance to make it seem like he is aging too(he knows FL is gonna die someday he just won’t accept it)
Sam thinks about what could happen after he and Darlin left the house of Solaire
Gavin, Asher, and Guy sometimes wear croptops and paint their nails
Huxley doesn’t work out he’s just naturally buff, but he does drink protein shakes or smoothies and go on morning runs
All of the D.A.M.N. crew is used to Gavin making out with FL anytime anywhere
Darlin sometimes gets scars that they don’t even know about until Sam points out that he can smell the blood on them
Milo had a mullet but decided to cut it after he accidentally cut too much off(he wore a beanie until it grew back close enough to make it into a mullet
Darlin is academically smart, but people’s opinions about them cause them to lash out and make bad decisions
Gavin has an incubus mark on his lower abdomen
Darlin would often avoid hangouts with the wolf pack due to feeling unwanted
Cutie felt conflicted and confused when Geordi got mad at them for reading his mind, causing them to stop using their powers when Geordi left
Porter stares at Treasure when they sleep not in a creepy way but more of an admiring type of way
Milo snaps at sweetheart but always feels bad and apologizes after especially when he’s not mad at them(he can tell when he goes too far when their aura changes a different color)
Lovely and Vincent play hide and seek in the woods(it drives Vincent’s primal instincts, making it more fun)
Darlin isn’t good with kids they don’t hate them they just aren’t used to being around them(the kids in the pack think they’re cool and berates them with questions)
Freelancer always includes coworker whenever the D.A.M.N. crew hang out no matter what they’re doing
Sam gives advice that he learned growing up in the South (he often gets looked at like he’s crazy but the advice does work)
Darlin's parents were in the pack but got banished due to abuse towards Darlin, who later got adopted by Gabe and Mrs. Shaw
Guy laughs about things at the worst times, and Honey hits him to try and get him to stop even though they think it’s funny too
Baabe helps Asher dye his hair, even helping him cut it if it gets long enough
Darlin and Asher are naturally fast even without their werewolf abilities
Milo and Darlin don’t wanna get married(they don’t care about traditional marriages, but they do have promise rings)
Darlin tilts their heads, and death stares at Alexis whenever she’s around(they have thought about just punching her and dealing with the consequences later but never acted on it due to Sam and David telling them to "behave"
FL celebrates Xavier’s birthday with Huxley
Sweetheart's dad worked in the department and died on the job, sweetheart carries a picture of him in their car
Asher only eats puffy chips and refuses to eat anything else
Sweetheart has a model walk with top tier fashion taste(they hate the color orange on clothes)
Micheal once asked Angel if they could try and get back together, and David stopped him before he could even finish his sentence(Micheal fumbled HARD)
Milo’s father hates interspecies only accepting sweetheart for the sake of Milo but once got into an argument with Darlin over Sam(Marie apologized on his behalf, and Darlin and her have a good relationship)
Damien got confused when FL accidentally mentioned Caelum, and FL just told him that he was a friend of theirs and Gavin’s(Caelums their adopted son)
Darlin has a fear of abandonment they had a panic attack the first time Sam and them got into a serious argument about Darlins recklessness
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pasteloctoz · 5 months
Redacted what ifs- Hero AU shitposting
might bring this series back i still need to write up mafia solaire clan.
They have the same powers as they do in the base universe, and unempowered people barely know about empowered people apart from heroes and villains, and D.U.M.P. is a corrupt government that controls people from reaching their true magical potential or whatever.
● DAMN Crew
-Vigilante Freelancer
Feel like Freelancer would initially be some kinda low level villainbc of how they were brought up, but then they meet Caelum and try to do more good than bad.
-Goofy Sidekick Caelum (i miss him so much)
Caelum would be Freelancer's gauge between good and bad. They'd probably become dependent on him at some point because they don't want to loose their temper.
-Hero Gavin
Gavin and FL have a complicated relationship initially and then find out abt eachothers identities and fall in love.
Also Gavin is probably the furthest thing from a hero he's just chillin with the lifestyle mandated by the corrupt government tbh.
Like he knows the government is bad but nothing compares to his life on Aria (forgot how to spell it)
-Support hero Lasko
Lasko is a support hero because of his relationship with Gavin.
-Civilian Damien
-Civilian Huxley
Lasko, Damien, and Hux are less involved in hero life bc they don't know about Caelum. Not to mention I like the idea of people who don't know about someone's trauma helping the person through it.
-Villain Vega
Hes more of a Vigilante but specifically for demon kind (i think ive barely listened to his audios) but in general hes a villain from FL's POV (cus he hurt caelum)
-Hero & Rival Kody
He's not enough of a bad guy to be a villain but he is enough of a parasite to frequent cameos in FL's routine.
● Shaw Pack
-Freelance Hero David
He takes jobs for money, and is indifferent to politics unless it effects his pack.
-Civilian Angel
Genuinely thought Davey was a normal guy (except for the moodyness n shifting). When they find out its about a year into the relationship and Angel isn't having any of that shit. Of course David told them about him being a shifter after a while but not THIS. Safe to say they'd be angry for a while.
-Civilian Asher
He's Davey's chairman, just cannot realistically be a full time hero because its too boring for him. Though he will help David any chance he gets.
Also probably the quipiest mother fucker ever-
-Civilian Baabe
They'd find out about Asher and Davey waaay before Angel and probably keep the secret too. Angel would be real hurt but heal a lot faster with Baabe.
-Hero Sweetheart
-Anti-Hero Milo
He definitely has SH realize the realities of government shit or whatever
Also Davey and Asher know about Milo being an Anti-Hero they just don't give a shit 😭
(I've lost all knowledge of what the fuck is going on with the vamps so im not caught up)
● Solaire Clan
-Support hero Sam
-Vigilante Darlin'
They're kinda on the run after getting a bit too violent with a villain. Then found out that the government is protecting certain villains because of the money they get if they do.
-Villain Quinn
Yes, the villain darlin' got too violent with is Quinn, who tf else would it be?
-Civilian Lovely
They'd still be a civilian after finding out they have magic, despite the government pushing them to be a hero. Although, they'd probably help a lot more after turning.
Another thing- the letters from the government asking lovely to be a hero would stop after their turning. They'd probably be even more angry when realizing that than when the government harassed them. Probably resulting in a breakdown and them thinking theyre worthless now.
-Hero Figure head Vincent
I don't think Vinnie would get too much into action unless absolutely needed.
-Hero Adam
Adam would've been a hero but gave into his cravings when lovely came around looking for vincent. But he wouldve been pushing his hero reputation a lot, if anyone knew of him before he died for good, they would've said hes a terrible hero.
-Hero Alexis
I dont think i need to say more, she'd still be on thin ice after sam's turning, though.
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starlitangels · 1 year
Last Night of Tour
Literally everyone and their mom has done a rockstar/band AU for Redacted characters... but it's my turn now 4.0k words
The house lights dimmed. From our spots right up against the stage, Tank passed me a pair of earplugs. I twisted them up and put them in my ears. Tank did the same.
“Ladies, gentlemen, and assorted honorable persons, please welcome to our stage here tonight:
“The House of Solaire!” the announcer’s voice boomed over the excessive amount of loudspeakers and the crowd went absolutely wild.
With the earplugs in, everything was tolerably loud, but not earsplittingly so.
The band ran out onto the stage. Vincent at the front, as always. And the screaming and cheering rose to an absolute breaking point. I was more grateful than ever for my earplugs. I cheered and whooped along with everyone else.
Vincent took his place at the front center of the stage. Lead vocalist. Keyboard. Front man.
Tank shouted beside me as Sam followed, going to the back center and carefully sitting on his stool behind his drum set with the band logo on the large bass drum. He picked up his drumsticks and twirled one in the fingers of each hand.
Alexis jogged out next to only slightly-less uproarious applause. She went the farthest across the stage and scooped up her electric guitar, slinging its leather strap with an embroidered red rose over her head and under one arm. She hit a test power chord and everyone in the crowd went nuts.
Frederick slipped out after her, walking instead of running or jogging. The crowd was still going wild even though he wasn’t looking them in the eye. His partner stood on Tank’s other side, earplugs in and staring at him intently, but not screaming or anything. He carefully slid his bass guitar strap on and took up his position.
Vincent yanked his microphone off its stand. Solid rose-gold. “Gooooood evening Dahliaaaaa!” He beamed broadly while the screaming got even higher pitched. “We are The House of Solaire and we thank you for such a big—warm—welcooome!”
More screaming.
Tank nudged me with their elbow. “Your man knows how to put on a show!” Their shout was nearly drowned out but I could see most of it on their lips. We were used to this by now.
I smiled wide and nodded.
Vincent snapped his fingers to a rhythm while looking over his shoulder at Sam. Sam clacked his drumsticks together, matching it.
He hit his drums, getting started. Alexis struck her first chord.
The crowd lost it with recognition. You Mentioned a Blackout was the single that really put them on the map, as it were, and was still one of their most popular songs ever.
Vincent had written it not long before we officially got together, but he wrote it because of me. He’d written it while I was unconscious and asked sheepishly if he could play it for me when I woke up. The sheet music was covered in the frenzied work of inspiration desperately trying not to be lost—and a few water stains of tears. No matter how many times I told him it wasn’t his fault, he never listened.
He held eye contact with me the entire time he swapped between working the crowd and playing the keyboard. Smiling and giving me a dramatic wink.
"I told you once and I meant it— "If you touch what's mine again— "You won't have time to regret it—"
The crowd sang along to the chorus, bouncing to the beat Sam was hammering out. Tank, Frederick's partner, and myself included.
Vincent strode out from the main stage and onto the jetty that jutted into the crowd, high-fiving reaching fans as he passed them, bent low and still singing.
On his strut back to the main stage, he paused during Alexis' solo long enough to fall to his knees, reach down for me, pull me up enough to plant a kiss on my face—to a swell of screaming cheers—and get back to the main stage.
When the song came to a nearly-explosive close, the crowd cheered.
Vincent whipped his glossy blue-black curls off his forehead, beaming. "Man, it is good to be home!" he said into his mic. Everyone whooped. "How's everybody doin' tonight?" More raucous cheering. Vincent raked a hand through his hair to get it out of his face. His white V-neck T-shirt was almost obscenely thin and would get replaced by a tank top at intermission. It was loose around his torso but clung tight across his shoulders.
Damn it looked good on him.
"I'd introduce that last song, but I think you folks already know it," he remarked. "Y'know. That song gets a good reaction everywhere else, but nowhere near as excited as it gets here in Dahlia." He chuckled as several excited whoops went over the crowd. "We've got a pretty special show for you all tonight. It's the last night of our Surge album tour and—" He paused while the crowd screamed. "—and we've got some very special guests tonight. But before we get into that, how about Fangs After Dark?"
The crowd lost their minds.
Sam clacked his drumsticks together again, looking at Frederick, before hitting the bass drum with his pedal. Vincent pounded his long, slender fingers into the keys of his keyboard.
Several songs came and went. The three of us knew them all by heart. We heard them all the time. So did the crowd, apparently. A local band making it big on the rock-and-roll scene was certainly something to celebrate in a college town like Dahlia.
Toward the intermission, Vincent picked up a little hand-towel from his keyboard stand and wiped the sweat off his forehead and neck. "Alright, alright, alright!" he said into his microphone. "Before we do our last song before the break, how 'bout a little intro for the band that needs—no—introduction?"
Screaming again.
Vincent chuckled. "House of Solaire. A little diddy, if you will."
Sam started gently tapping out a beat on his bass and snare drum, adding little cymbal flourishes. Alexis and Frederick kept rhythm on their instruments, Alexis improvising a melody.
"Over here on bass guitar, we have Frederick Collins! Give it up for Freddie!" Vincent announced.
Cheering went up across the stadium.
"And back in the back doin' his thing, we've got the best damn drummer in the world—Sam Collins!"
The audience went absolutely nuts. Sam actually smiled. Tank put their fingers in their mouth and let off several earsplitting whistles. Sam glanced at them and rolled his eyes affectionately, but we were close enough for me to catch his wink, so Tank definitely did too.
"And on my left we have my big sister. The most talented electric guitarist in Dahlia—no, in all of California itself—Alexis Solaire!"
The reaction wasn't quite as loud as Sam's reception, but Sam had always been one of the fanbase's favorite band members. Tank knew it too, and tended to be a little defensive of him.
Vincent let the screaming die down. "And last but not least, we have myself on lead vocals and the keys. My name is Vincent Solaire and I am proud to present The House of Solaire and our new album Surge to y'all tonight!" Even with all the loudspeakers, the end of his sentence was barely audible over the absolute bedlam of noise that erupted from the audience.
Vincent smiled. "Before we go to intermission, I give you a song I wrote for the love of my life." He glanced down at me and grinned. "Everybody give it up for Electric Soul!"
Another popular one that they'd released about a year ago.
The crowd went wild.
When the band came back on stage after the intermission, T-shirts and flannels had been exchanged for tank tops. They'd cleaned up and dried some of the sweat off a bit. The audience cheered.
Vincent didn't say anything to whip the crowd into a frenzy. Just looked back at Sam and smiled.
Sam clacked his rhythm signal and Alexis hit a power chord right in beat. A song Sam had written for Tank. Vincent still sang and led it but the lyrics had been a bit of a love letter. A very rock-and-roll love letter. Which I thought suited the two of them perfectly.
"Hold me tight and kiss me— "Before we damn near bleed out— "Darlin', don't you dare miss me— "I love you too much to see you pout—"
I watched Sam keep his gaze steadily on Tank the whole song. He always did when they performed this song and Tank was in the audience.
When the song ended, Vincent clapped along with everyone. "That, uh, that one was Before We Bleed," he said. He let the cheering swell and die down. He had a good instinct for it and always seemed smooth, not awkward while waiting for the crowd to calm. "So. Who here are fans of Milo and the Wolves?"
A fair portion of cheers rose over the crowd. Not as loud as the rest of the night had been, but still loud, even through the earplugs.
Vincent nodded, pacing back and forth across the main stage. "Oh good. I'd hoped so. Very good friends of ours. Yup. Very good friends." He smirked. The jumbotron behind us caught it, and so did the screens on either side of the stage. "We have one of their former members here tonight. And they're gonna do a song with us," he continued.
More cheers.
Tank was unbuttoning the flannel they'd stolen from Sam.
"You didn't tell me!" I shouted.
They gave me a cheeky wink.
"Everybody give it up for Tankerrrrr!" Vincent called into his mic.
Tank shoved the flannel into my hands and leapt up onto the stage with a single bound in just their tank top, skinny jeans, and combat boots. They gave Vincent a side-arm hug as they passed him, ran off stage, and came back a single second later carrying their guitar, extended above their head in victory while the crowd cheered.
They slung the guitar strap on, took up a mark right next to Vincent, and flicked a guitar pick into their fingers from seemingly nowhere—but I knew it came from a special little pocket in the thick leather cuff bracelet they wore on their left wrist. They twiddled a knob on their guitar. One I knew meant they were turning up the gain for the real hard rock sound, compared to the more alternative style of The House of Solaire.
Not even waiting for Sam to count them off or Vincent to introduce what song they were doing, Tank slammed into an intro.
Frederick's partner and I screamed in support for our friend while the crowd joined in with us.
The song Tank played was a Milo and the Wolves song that Tank had written years ago called Tougher Than You, and their original band had been more than happy to give The House of Solaire permission to play a cover for a concert.
Vincent's voice was fundamentally much different from Milo's—the lead vocalist, obviously—but Vincent delivered a sincere cover that showed he'd put work into nailing the spirit of the song.
"If you hit me down, I'll hit you too— "Try to put me down— "But I don't lose— "Baby, don't you know— "I'm tougher than you!"
Tank sang the harmony with Vincent into the black mic on a stand that had been placed there over intermission, lifting their strumming hand off their guitar for just a moment to grab at the mic and hold it close to their mouth, letting their rich, sultry voice fill the loudspeakers.
I craned my neck to see Sam past his drum set.
Gazing, as I expected, with absolute, utter desire at Tank. Probably only keeping the rhythm on muscle memory alone. The tattoos covering both his arms shone with sweat.
I snickered, the sound completely drowned out by the stadium. Sam was entirely taken with Tank and he deserved it. I always thought they were cute together.
Tank struck back against their strings hard, backing a step away from the mic so when they bent in half in a headbang as they resumed their solo, they wouldn't smack their head on it. The crowd was jumping along hard, too.
When they ended, they gave Vincent a side-arm hug, ran their guitar off-stage, and gave Sam a long, dramatic kiss before rushing back toward me and leaping off the stage. Sam's ears were bright red as I handed Tank back the flannel and they put it back on. I threw my arms around them. "That was amazing!" I shouted.
They smiled. "Thanks," they said loudly. "Been a long time since I played in front of a crowd this big! Felt good! Felt... normal."
"Everybody give it up for Tanker!" Vincent called again.
The crowd cheered.
The stadium was finally cleared. The house lights had come on a long time ago and the stadium staff was cleaning up. Mopping up sticky, spilled soda and alcohol from the concrete floor, sweeping popcorn and discarded wrappers.
Vincent had taken his keyboard into his dressing room. I heard him singing Faithfully by Journey to his partner as I walked past. "O-oh you stand... byyy me—I'm forever yooouuurs—faithfully..."
Just off-stage, my electric guitar was sitting up on a stand, its gig bag case haphazardly discarded not far away. I scooped up the gig bag and sat cross-legged in front of the guitar. "Hey beautiful," I said softly to it, digging into the gig bag's front pocket for an old cloth with some polisher stains on it. I pulled the guitar off the stand and into my lap, wiping at its amber-gold body and polished wooden head, including the tuning pegs. Giving it a little bit of a shine and clean-up.
"You take better care-a that thing than you do yourself, darlin'," a voice remarked. With a familiar Southern drawl.
I smiled and looked up.
Sam stood there, leaning slightly on a pair of enormous stacked amps, a set of drumsticks poking out of his back pocket, arms folded over his chest. In the light from the house and the regular lights of the stage, the tattoos all down both of his arms glistened just slightly where his tank top left them exposed. His hair was still a little disheveled from the performance.
It was a very hot look on him.
"People always tell us to take better care of our babies than we do ourselves, right?" I asked, finishing the last bit of wiping up and gently tucking my guitar into the gig bag, zipping it up.
A member of the tech crew that had been moving equipment backstage approached, holding her hands out for the guitar bag. I hesitated for just a moment before passing it over. I trusted The House of Solaire's usual crew. I was just protective of my guitar.
The tech shuffled off with it.
I spun to face Sam again. "So. Last night of tour. How's it feel to be done and free for the next couple months?"
Sam shrugged. "Ready to take some time to relax—but you know me. I'll get restless fast."
I approached him and hooked my fingers around the belt loops of his jeans, pulling him close to me. "I can help with that," I whispered, leaning close to his ear.
He chuckled low in his throat. "Well, I look forward to that," he said, voice low and soft, turning his head to kiss behind my ear. Goosebumps rose all the way down my spine. I shuddered a little bit. His hands wrapped around me and he held me close. I held onto him too.
Vincent still singing Journey to his partner was barely audible over the sounds of the stage and house crews packing and cleaning.
Sam rested his chin on my shoulder and looked around. "How'd you ever give this life up, darlin'?" he asked. "I don't think I can."
I smiled and sighed out my nose. "I needed a break, at least. After the break-up and Nomadic's PR people doing their damnedest to throw me under the bus and try to ruin my image... stepping off the stage was the easiest choice I'd made in a long time. David, Milo, and Ash all understood, and Ash had been wanting to try to take up lead guitar for a while anyway. So after they found Christian to take up bass guitar, Iii... left."
"Ever think you'll rejoin?"
I snorted. "I'd love to, on one hand. On the other... it'd mean even less time with you. Being back on tour at different times... or even the same time... I wouldn't be able to take a weekend and fly to wherever you're playing to see you."
Sam massaged his fingers into my hips. "Guess you have a point," he said.
I hummed, letting go of his hips to run my hands up his arms, tracing the lines of his tattoos as I passed them. "You know, I swore off dating rockstars after things with Quinn fell apart," I remarked.
Sam kissed my neck. "What changed?"
I sucked in a shuddering breath. "I met you," I replied.
He smiled against my skin. "That a good thing?"
I snickered. "A very good thing, smart mouth."
"Mm... then why don't you do somethin' about this smart mouth of mine, darlin'?"
I kissed his neck, feeling the way he relaxed under the contact. "Oh I plan to," I replied.
"Y'know, it's kinda funny to me," I began, watching Vincent lean over the counter of the vanity station in the dressing room.
"What is?"
"You take off all those piercings and put on a nerdy T-shirt and normal jeans and no one recognizes you out in public," I said.
Vincent removed the earring from the helix of his left ear. The only one he ever left in between shows was the industrial on his right. He spun around to face me, leaning back against the counter. "That's part of cultivating a public persona. People expect the tight, plain T-shirt with the V-neck and the black skinny jeans and big boots. The dozen piercings. The rockstar eyeliner. No one recognizes... just some guy in a T-shirt with I Am Groot plastered across the chest. Put me in a grocery store and I'm just a taller-than-average nerd. No rockstar to be seen."
I scoffed. "No. You're not just some guy. You'd still be waaay hotter than everyone else in that grocery store."
Vincent laughed and held his arms out for me. I hugged him. "I think you're a little biased, lovely," he whispered.
"Oh definitely," I said.
His hands slipped under my shirt. And hesitated, as always, over the scar across my back.
He wrote You Mentioned a Blackout after a former lighting tech of the band's had been making jokes about The House of Solaire's lighting rig being enough to cause power outages in the smaller cities they played in. That lighting tech—Adam—had been making more of those jokes while Vincent was showing me around a venue before we were officially together. Just flirting. Adam had, apparently, been watching me intently while working. Tried to flirt with me after. When I turned him down, he had "accidentally" dropped a small light fixture he'd been setting up over the stage. It glanced off my shoulder on its way down and knocked me forward. It had already been attached to live wiring and the electrocution and strike knocked me out.
Needless to say Adam got fired after the incident. But the scar of the electricity and the light fixture remained—and Vincent was always hesitant to touch them. He'd been wracked with guilt when I woke up in the hospital. Made it his personal mission to take care of me while I recovered. Put a tour on hold before it even really started—their tours always started and ended in Dahlia—to make sure I got better.
And along the way, our feelings deepened and we fell properly in love. We'd been together ever since.
I knew Vincent still felt guilty about the "accident" but I tried not to let him dwell on it much. Including pushing him past his hesitance to touch the scar it left behind, almost three years later.
I kissed him. "Excited for the after party tomorrow?"
"I will be if I get enough sleep," he replied. "I love touring but, God, it leaves me exhausted."
"I know, baby. But you get a couple months off now. To rest and relax and recharge. Then you can get started on your new album."
He snorted. "Lovely, you know I wrote nine songs while on this last tour, right?"
"Wait, really?"
"Hours upon hours on a bus between cities? Yeah. Plenty of time."
"What'd you write?"
"Mostly yearning for you. A few love letters to the places we visited. None of them are at a stage that they actually fit our usual style but I just... I don't know. I can't not write new songs. Taking a couple months off just means I'll keep writing more songs. Alexis and Sam probably will too. Just not as many as me. But it'll be a passion project at that point. Then maybe later get to be an album."
"You're adorable," I said.
Vincent smiled. "I'll play them all for your while we're home."
"You'd better." I pressed another kiss to his mouth.
He deepened it immediately. "Oh God, I missed you baby," he whispered. "Doesn't matter how many weekend shows you flew out to see. I miss just being with you all the time."
"Me too."
I really had to hand it to Sam on his foresight. The stool of his drum set was sturdy and steady. Able to bear the weight of two people.
The crew usually saved the stage itself for last to clear, so we had plenty of time to sit on his drum stool—me straddling his lap—and make out. His hands, warm and callused, were just barely under the hem of my shirt on my bare skin. We were passionate, sure, but not exhibitionists. And the house staff was still cleaning the stadium seating area. We were mostly blocked from sight by the drum set, but better not to go too hard while there were still eyes on us.
Still, he was warm beneath me and his hands on me were heaven. I ran my hands down his back and slowly extracted his drumsticks from his back pocket. The muscles in his back relaxed more immediately.
"How's this for doing something about your smart mouth?" I whispered.
He chuckled. "Ohhh... I think it's just right, darlin'." He kissed me harder. "So. Next tour, gonna play with us at more concerts?"
"Mmm... maybe. Vincent and William haven't officially offered yet." I ran my hands over his hair. "But if you're just asking me to go on your tour with you... I can probably arrange that."
Sam dug his fingers into the skin on either side of my spine. "We've got a while before that happens. But I'd love it if you could join us. Hell, maybe Vincent and Fred can bring their partners too. Maybe it would make the band less sick-a each other by the time we're done."
I snickered. "Maybe," I agreed. I kissed him deeply again. "We'll see, cowboy." I pressed more kisses to his cheeks and forehead. "Now kiss me like you mean it and let's celebrate the end of this tour, yeah?"
"Hell yeah, darlin'." He rocked against me and met me in a kiss that I returned enthusiastically. I threaded my fingers into his hair and tugged on it, making him moan into my mouth while I stuck my tongue in his. His body was so much more relaxed when we were like this. Loose, wild, carefree.
I loved every second of it.
And, judging by how he was moving, he did too.
Tag list: @zozo-01 @shellssstuff @thegoldenlittlerose @darlin-collins
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soup-scope · 1 year
I def think its unfair to call ppl who dislike her or talk about her harmful actions misogynistic, I also think theres an aspect of misogyny to people who are downplaying her actions. shes cool! id love to see how her mind works and if she tries to justify what she did or knows it was a bad move
I did not say you’re misogynistic if you dislike Alexis. Where are you getting this from.
If you feel the need to hide behind anon whenever you say anything remotely negative to a creator, I think you should just. Not send an ask then. (I understand to an extent if they’re a huge creator or smth but I’m. Not. I don’t think ur at risk of harassment or smth. If anything if helps *ME* out cause then we could have this convo in the dms or smth. Instead of you putting words i haven’t said into *my* mouth. On *my* blog.)
Anyways the point of that paragraph is to say my dms are open if you ever want clarification on any of my viewpoints and that I think hiding behind anon on this blog is dumb cause only like two people pay attention to my opinions on here and even interact with my content when it isn’t art based.
Back to the point at hand.
I think I know what you’re referencing, and you’re taking it completely wrong and running off a cliff with a point I never made.
What I THINK you’re talking about. Is a comment I made saying smth along the lines of “I don’t hate Alexis as much as I could because she’s a woman.” And to explain that. That’s smth I always do with fictional women lmao.
And I also mention that the reason why I do that, is because in many fandom spaces (including redacted) many people tend to enter misogynistic zones when they hate female characters. You’re allowed to dislike female characters‼️‼️ but I’ve seen people get INCREDIBLY misogynistic with female characters they dislike. When their male counterparts have potentially done worse.
I’m very neutral about Alexis. I don’t care enough about vampires that aren’t Vincent Solaire or Alice Cullen.
You’re allowed to dislike Alexis and her actions. But if you do so while calling her a ‘bitch’ and so with even more vitriol than you’d show someone like Kody? Yeah imma look at u funny.
Every three months the redacted fandom discovers critical thinking and it’s sending me through the fucking roof.
If you have any more questions. I’ll either talk to u in my dms or on the comments of this post or smth. 😭😭
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ryoko-san · 2 years
Can you please tell us more about your reverse au for redacted? I love it sm please infofump about it :)
If you're talking about magic swap au, be my guest!
While the AU is basically the characters swapping their magic (and personalities/roles), there are some characters that are technically still similar to their prime universe counterparts.
~Here are a few things about this au~
1. The vampires and the wolves both swapped in this.
2. (Inchoate) Vindemiator/Gavin and (Fire elemental) Lasko incident thing still happened in this AU, except it sort of ended up differently.
3. Despite (fallen) caelum being extremely envious towards regulus for having a better life as an empathy daemon (and sort of being the center of attention) he still sees him as his big brother.
4. Asher getting turned as a vampire was non-consenting. Explains why he's pretty angry all the time.
5. (Sadism) Camelopardalis is very manipulative. Regulus falls for this very easily.
6. (Inchoate) Vega's an anti-hero. He is pretty much a chaotic neutral in this au.
7. While Gabe lives in this au, William is not. Which makes Vincent the alpha of the Solaire pack.
8. (Earth elemental) Damien may be a sweet person, don't even think to insult his friends, this dude is ready to throw you some roasting.
9. (Wind elemental) Huxley's an artist! Mostly loves to sketch the nature around him.
10. (Fire elemental) Lasko isn't really a tsundere, he's just really pissed off all the time due to his work and trauma as a child.
11. Starlight's other nickname that (incubus) Avior calls them is "Pudding"
If you'd like any more questions for the other characters i did not mention, go ahead and ask! I'd be happy to share them ^^
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caelumsnuff · 1 year
After the last quinn video I'm definitely... underwhelmed. I guess it's supposed to be a power moment that darlin gets to beat up quinn but like he's literally going to be tied to a chair, where are the stakes?
It also seems that there's a hesitancy to give these characters different relationship dynamics? Like oh he's a vampire so the not wanting to bite is of course a barrier he needs to overcome, they're dating a vampire so of course they need to be seeking that out- one of the most intriguing things about sam to me was that he is still uncomfortable with his vampirism and he's still figuring out his own way of coming to terms with that, plus the two of them not incorporating biting into their relationship would be another way to explore the vampire/non vampire relationship! It just feels like they're being pushed onto the same narrative track as vincent and lovely with 1. Nonvampire unexpectedly runs into vampire on solaire territory, 2. They start dating, 3. They address the trauma surrounding biting, 4. Inevitable biting indicating growth, 5. Nonvampire becomes immortal so they can live happily ever after
Like I didn't really have a problem with that being vincent and lovely's story it just feels like we already HAD that arc? And i felt like this was supposed to be a different story
(Also this is smaller but it strikes me as weird that it mentions in the video how darlin would continue to ask sam to bite them after he already explained how traumatic that experience had been for him in the past given that the entire foundation of their relationship is built on understanding and respecting each other's boundaries and being willing to wait for the other to be ready?)
Anyway sorry for the ranting i have just been looking forward to this arc for so long and I'm just kind of disappointed that all the stakes are gone and that it seems like the whole point didn't even really NEED quinn to be part of it since darlin could have told people that stuff at any point in time
You, me, and about at least a dozen other people apparently anon! Im so upset over it for real.
After all of this, it doesn't feel like a power moment. It feels condescending, having the fucking magical cops catch the man you wanted to catch and then going "^-^ oh but we'll tie him down to a chair and you can maim him before he gets his head chopped off" LIKE?????? why? what would be the point???
I feel like their story does mirror Vincent's and Lovely's, but not even in a good way. It's not a foil, its just a fucking mirror. But one of those wacky fun house mirrors that distort how you look.
Redacted very much does hesitate to give characters different dynamics, i mean. Again, look at Vincent and Lovely. Having Lovely be turned by Vincent was SUCH a good opportunity to explore a drastic dynamic change, but instead he had William magic away his power to 1) invoke and 2) lie. But those choices themselves could have had some kind of backlash with Lovely struggling through their turning, but they literally glided right through it. It would have been nice to have some kind of scenario with Lovely doing something batshit insane and having Vincent either 1) have to invoke them (in a universe in which he didnt magic that ability away) or 2) not have the ability to invoke them, and have to struggle through that situation without that power to lean back on. But here we are!!!! Nothing changed!!!! Just like Sam and Darlin.
I think its slightly strange that they keep asking, but you can't really know when someone's boundaries have changed if you don't ask again yanno?? Its not something i necessarily have a big problem with its just...... its been so long, Sammy, have some development.
Thank you for the ask, and dont worry about the ranting! I was very disappointed as well. I was so looking forward to this, it could have been so good and yet.
Im gonna put my thoughts about how this could have gone below the cut :3
Darlin wanted to catch and kill him themself, and they should have gotten the chance. Like.... it was well established that they wouldn't have been able to take him on their own, but isn't it great that theres the Solaire clan and the Shaw pack to help them now? That would have been a better conclusion to come from all those "Love Conquers All ❤️" speeches that Darlin had to endure.
We could have had Sweetheart catch wind of him somewhere, and instead of reporting it to the department, they report it to David and word spreads to Sam and then to Darlin and so on and so forth. Maybe along the way he ends up catching and killing one of the human mates, or maybe even Sweetheart themself?, just a few minutes after they report him to the pack. That'd be interesting, or at least heavily injure one of them. Or both.
We get Sam running off just ahead of Darlin to go and try to catch him. Sam gets incapacitated by Quinn, at which point we get the (sexy slutty) little villain monologue from him about Darlin. Darlin shows up right behind Sam as Quinn is spillin tea to him, and they hear everything as he airs out their dirty laundry, about how he's been right behind them, he knows that Sam hasn't bitten them, yaddah yaddah. Darlin shifts, embarrassed and tears in their eyes, and attempts to kill him, failing miserably. Perhaps he breaks one of their legs, maybe even rips it off. Both Sam and Darlin are on the ground, bleeding, heavily injured and about to die at the hands of Quinn when slowly the whole Shaw pack and some members of the Solaire clan show up (including William!!!). They surround him and prevent him from escaping, they attack him and injure him enough that he doesn't have a chance to get away. Every body passes him off to Sam and Darlin, the former holding him (he's already heavily injured and pretty much immobilized), and Darlin rips his head clean the fuck off, crushing it in their maw and spitting it on the ground like trash.
Afterwards, when they're healed enough to not die, Darlin and Sam finally have an actual talk like similar to how they did in the third video, but this time it's like. Warranted. They have a talk about Darlin's blood and biting kink isn't actually bad, and they and Sam can work through getting up to a point where he can give that to them, because he wants to as well. They also deal with the consequences of being heavily injured, maybe they actually lose that leg i talked about (credit to one of my former anons about the losing a limb thing, they were also galaxy brain about the idea of magical prosthetics and medical tech :3). Darling deals with some emotional turmoil over finally reaching this goal that they've been chasing after for over a year now, feeling a little aimless without it. Sam feeling some type of way about not being able to do anything else for his progeny now that Quinn's dead. And then they work through that shit together!!!
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♪ gimme gimme i love your music taste 🖤🖤🖤
I am selfish, I am broken, I am cruel./ I am all they things they might have said to you.
cw: Alexis/Christian, mention of Fred/Bright eyes- who I’ve never actually listened to
“So you’re really here for Alexis?” Christian startles at the forward, irreverent tone and looks up from his phone at Sam’s young progeny.
“Yeah, and?” he responds, Aussie drawl thick with attitude, and the vampire just shakes their head, not combatting his tone but not relenting either.
“You’re a Shaw. Can’t you do better?” They look up at him with bright eyes surprisingly lacking in malice. The expression is more honestly curious than anything, and it’s only that genuine question (and his reluctance to start a fight) that makes him put his phone away and respond as nicely as he’s capable.
“What makes you say that?” Christian asks, keeping an eye on the clock and the corridor leading to William’s office. “Do you and Alexis even talk?” They shake their head with a shrug.
“Nope; we see her at meetings and hear what everyone else says about her though. She’s rude and cutthroat and doesn’t play well with others to put it lightly.” The vampire says, making quotation marks with their fingers before shrugging again. “Fred thinks that’s Sam and Vincent’s way of saying she’s a bitch.”
“What do you think?” he asks, and their silver eyes seem to shine at being sincerely asked and seriously answered.
“I think she could be bitchy but so is Vincent on a bad day-“ Christian snorts at that, having himself heard more than one wild story of the Solaire prince. They smile at him, and he sees something almost like a family resemblance in the flash of fang. “-but mostly I think she’s fucking scary.”
“Oh my god, her taciturn, quiet schtick still works on you.” The snort grows into a full laugh, and he can’t even try to hold it back as he watches the Solaires finally get out of their meeting. Alexis walks apart from and ahead of the others, as she always does when Sam and his progeny are around, but Christian knows his girl well enough to clock the way she speeds up at the sight of him. “Hey, Sexy Lex-“
“I’m breakin’ up with you so violently and so publicly,” Alexis says with a hiss, making her way to his side in a blink and covering his mouth with her hand. “In front of your whole pack.”
“Mhmm, that’s what you said last week, petal.” Taking her hand in his, Christian brushes a kiss against Alexis’s fingertips and smirks when a flush rises in her cheeks. The younger vampire bites back a laugh, and Christian grins at them even as Alexis digs her knuckles into his ribs. “See? She’s not scary; she’s gotten soft in her old age.”
“Do you want to make it to old age, cher?”
Send me a ♪, and I’ll put my music on shuffle and write a Redacted ficlet based on the song I get 💌
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cashandprizes · 1 year
Hii I’m new to redacted, and I’m wondering who Freelancer is, like I’m a bit confused lol. Also r huxley and Daimen dating ? Is it jus the two of them or r they in a Polly with some listener. Also who else has a listener ?
Ik David and angel. Ash and babe. Sweetheart and milo. Vincent and his partners whos pet name I forgot. Sam and darlin. But that’s I know. Please helppp 🙏🙏 I’m so confused and idk where to start with the lore !!
hi! I cannot believe someone is asking me for lore help um. okay.
The way I understand it, there's probably two ways to go about learning the lore.
You could start with the everything playlist and just listen in order - make sure you check warnings on audios but just go for it.
Or you could just start picking playlists and when other people get mentioned just hop over to their playlists until you know what's going on, which is basically what I did?
I started with Freelancer Season 1 playlist, which upon discussion is probably the best place to start understanding what the heck is going on. Around season 2 of Freelancer, you're gonna want to listen to some of the Shaw Pack and House of Solaire storylines before you get too far or else you will be very lost. By the time you get to the Inversion, it'll probably help to be caught up on Avior, Blake, Elliott, Brachium, Vega, and Project Meridian.
The timeline also exists, which thank you sophie for reminding me because I basically fucking ignore it , so you can also look through there. I think the ones that are directly in a video have links to the videos.
I feel like I should mention that I do NOT follow canon esp since the timeline came out (hence, "we take canon out back like ol yeller") so everything I say goes against this. Buuuut, to answer your questions:
Freelancer is the listener for the DAMN squad (Damien, Huxley, Gavin, and Lasko up until like a week ago)
Yes, Damien and Huxley are dating <3 I love them sooooo many
These are... most of the listeners. Regulus's listener is missing and Lasko's listener was just introduced but yeah
You have Morgan - Seer Obscura, Blake and his "friend"/"bestie", Elliott - Sunshine, Vega - Warden/Darling (Pet in imperium), David - Angel, Avior - Starlight, Milo - Sweetheart, Asset is um... complicated (used to be "love" for Marcus), Geordi - Cutie, Ollie - Babe, Sam - Darlin, Gavin - Freelancer, Guy - Honey, Asher - Baaabe, Aaron - Smartass, Vincent - Lovely
Tumblr media
Idk if you have more questions you can ask? I am not the authority tho lmao!!!
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aurorialwolf · 2 months
Oki dokes folks, I made a post a bit ago about my next gen ocs, Samuel Jr. Collins-Barrera (Sam and Darlin's kid) and Adrian Getty (Alexis's son), talking about their dynamic I mentioned a bit of Adrian's backstory, and his personality, but didn't go too in-depth, so now I will with a post specifically about him! If you want to read that post after, there's a tag on this post that'll lead u to all my next-gen posts
Y'all know the drill, basic info first, then some more detailed specifics - Full name is Adrian Getty
- Full title is Adrian Getty, Duke of the House of Solaire (this is also what he would introduce himself as formally)
- His mother is Alexis Getty, his father is absent, as he was the result of a hookup, making him illegitimate, although William does not care, and still grants him his title
- He doesn't have many friends, since he is rather isolated, having been turned at a young age by his own blood (according to my hc, children of vampires can be turned when they unlock their core if they have vampiric blood from an Old Blood), so he mainly hangs around Emilia Solaire (William's daughter) and Portia Solaire (Porter's daughter), as they are in the same boat.
- He's also kind of a jerk, mainly because he doesn't know how else to act given his upbringing (cough cough Alexis)
- His favourite flavour for basically anything is lemon! He becomes partial to Samuel Jr. moreso when he gives him lemon snacks
- He can speak a bit of French as well, like Vivienne (Vincent's daughter, I made a post about her a bit ago), though he's much more fluent than her, and becomes fully fluent around 19, since I hc that the kids of the House can all speak some French since I assume William would teach them
- He has a sword that was given to him by William when he reached 16 and was out of bloodlust, at the same time as he was granted the title of Duke
- He is one of Emilia Solaire's personal guards, mainly as a formality, since she is rarely in actual danger, but it helps make the clan look proper.
- He's gay, but closeted, though he figures it out and comes out a bit later (around 18-19)
Okay now for angst stuff, mainly about his upbringing
- Since he was an accident, his mother is.. not very nice to him, and they argue regularly
- Alexis invokes him as a disciplinary measure, to keep him in check, and this affects his mental health very negatively
I feel I must clarify that I do like Alexis as a character since she has depth, but I don't think she'd be a good mother if she were to have a kid suddenly at this point in the storyline (we will see if she gets a redemption arc though)
- Part of the reason he's closeted is that he's worried Alexis will harm him further for it, although she wouldn't, but he doesn't know that and is too nervous to test the waters
- After a lot of fighting and being at each other's throats, he becomes friends with Samuel Jr, who helps him better himself, come to terms with being gay, and become nicer, leading to him getting more actual friends, specifically befriending Portia and Emilia properly, and making up with Vivienne (Vincent's daughter, who he has also been a jerk to)
- Eventually he sort of sees Sam (the dad not the son lol) as a father figure, because once Sam realizes he's a good kid, and not like his mother, he helps him, and allows him to stay with his family when he needs to, giving him a proper safe space That's about it! Lmk if you'd like to be added to my taglist for redacted posts (mainly this stuff and dreamwalker theories), and lmk if you have your own hc about Alexis as a mom, since I know she's interpreted differently by a lot of folks Taglist: @vegafan69 @darlin-collins @kxemii @professionallyyappin @sereh624
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gingerbreadmonsters · 2 years
i think about vampire puns for the solaire clan every single day send tweet
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the-sugar-crash · 3 years
It's Lonely at the Top
Lovely is competing in the E&E games, but they didn't realize what would happen afterwards.
So I really wanted to do this as a comic strip instead, because I think that form of media would be better at conveying the feeling I was trying to show. But I'm not a very good artist, and while my writing isn't very good either, writing is a lot more subjective that visual art is.
But I wanted to get this out before all the game videos game out, so here you go. CW: mentions of the Adam incident, feelings of self isolation
Lovely released a final wave of electricity, feeling the familiar way it rolled out of them and then raced through the air, the static noise it made ringing in their ears as the buzzer signaling the end of the match sounded through the arena. Lovely straightened themselves up as they realized the final match was over, their breathing heavy from using so much of their power. They turned towards the giant scoreboard, anxious to see their results on the screen. The listing of names started at the bottom, listing the lowest of the top ten first, and then making its way up to the higher scores. Lovely watched nervously, waiting for their name. Their nerves building as each name appeared.
As each name was called, they could hear the crowd growing louder.
Lovely’s name was still missing.
They stared at the screen, reading their name over and over. They couldn’t even hear the stadium anymore, their brain trying to process that their name was first. They had won.
The realization hit them all at once, their anxiety turning into excitement. The announcer was calling out each name, congratulating the contestants for their hard work as people from the crowd were starting to flood onto the field. Lovely watched as the other electro energetic competitors were tackled by their friends and family, each one of them with a small crowd of people wrapped around them. A couple of Lovely’s classmates congratulated them as they passed, but they quickly moved on to join their own groups of friends.
Lovely didn’t feel their excitement start to fade until they realized they were the only person standing alone on the crowded field.
They weren’t sure why this realization would hurt as much as it did. They knew this was how it would end up. When it was revealed that Lovely was latent, they hadn’t been allowed to tell their family about the new part of their life, or the awful things that had revealed it. All they had during that period was Vincent. They wished he was on the field with them, but he was stuck in the tinted box on the upper level, unable to come down to see them on the field just like everyone else. Lovely turned towards the dark box and raised their hands above their head, waving them wildly, hoping that he could see them from so high above.
On the other side of the glass where Lovely couldn't see him, Vincent was cheering like a madman.
He had watched the scores go up with the same anticipation as Lovely did, waiting impatiently to see his lover’s name on the screen. When he read their name at the top of the list, he jumped out of his seat, nearly knocking Sam over as he stood. He wished more than anything he could be on the field with them, spinning them around as they celebrated. Vincent could see them standing by themself on the field as they turned and looked up at the box. Lovely waved their arms above their head at him, and Vincent waved back, pretending they could see him.
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