solargroup09 · 4 years
hello! the members live together in a dorm, who do you think would be the first to get her own place? 💃
Yueliang: hello 💃 anon! Personally I think I'd be the first (or one of the first) to move out. I love the members and it's always fun to have them around, they're like my family here in Korea but, at the same time, I'm the kind of person who needs a lot of time alone and really appreciate a private space. So I guess that whenever I find the right place, I'll move out. It would also be a good idea if I ever have friends or family visiting from abroad. They could stay at my house and we could hang out comfortably. I'm also sure the members would always be at my house anyway hehehe just to play around or to steal some face masks! 😂 But that's a future plan that I'm working on! 💕
*Ari screaming in background* Yueliang you KNOW YOU CAN’T LEAVE ME ALONE IF YOU MOVE OUT I’M COMING WITH YOU!
Mina: hi sweetie! 💞 I can only agree with Yue - while I am very social and love being around the people I love, I also need lots of alone time to recharge. Self care is very important for a healthy mental state, and for me, that’s taking time for just myself: to catch up with reading, new music as well as new movies and documentaries. So I can really see myself moving out of the dorm at one point, and to have my very own place. But at the same time, I feel responsible for our younger members and wouldn’t want to leave them on their own - so I’d definitely stay for them, as long as they need me. I am their leader after all! 😊
AJ: hi dear! I think I’d also be one to find a home of my own, just to have a space that’s completely my own! Don’t get me wrong, I love living with the girls! But living in a house that’s only yours, gives you freedom for many things (mostly for me to burn candles everywhere😂).
Luna: Hiii ! I think having my own home in the future would be something I'd love as well. But that's for later, for now I'm happy to live with the girls and I cherish those moments 🥰
Skitz: Heyo! In all honesty yes, I am gonna wanna move out. But not for quite a while! Even though it might help them sleep a bit better without me moving around like a ghost at like 2 in the morning, I don't have the heart to leave. Plus, if all the unnie line leaves, who'll take care of the kids? I don't wanna leave them alone if I can help it 🥰 I love them all too much.
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solargroup09 · 4 years
so we asked about the america line, tell us about some china line traditions and quirks! - 💃 anon
Yueliang: Rin lived in Singapore while Hannah and I are from mainland China. We definetely love chatting in Mandarin and we often share memories and experiences. And of course, once a month we go to our favourite Chinese restaurant and eat until we're so full we have to roll away. 😂 Finding the perfect place wasn't easy and we had to try a lots of restaurants until we were happy. We became regulars and the owner knows us so well that she has our album and pictures and she keeps them over the counter! She's the sweetest. 💕
Rin: I'd say the thing we do often that really drives our manager mad is when we pretend we don't understand korean, especially when he's trying to stop us from doing something 😂 but our manager's smart and he has learnt to use google translate so 😭✌️we also definitely speak in mandarin when talking about cute boys because no one has to know 
Manager:  as Hannah is on hiatus, she won't be answering - we hope you understand!
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solargroup09 · 4 years
hiiiiiii i was wondering, having many foreign members how messy is communicating sometime? Also, i just realized yueliang is from italy, how's pizza in korea? - 💃 (can i be 💃?)
Hi 💃anon! Yueliang speaking! 🌒
We are lucky since all the foreign members can speak really good Korean -some of them being bilingual have an advantage and some of us just studying hard. All of us also speak fluent English! So we don't really have much issues communicating, but it happens, as you walk around the dorm, to hear random languages being spoken (read: screamed) and that's really loud. Our manager hates us when we pretend not to understand Korean and we play the "foreigner card" just to mess with him. (Hannah, Rin and I held the record for the longest "sorry I don't speak Korean" prank on the manager which lasted for nearly five hours!).
Pizza in Korea is... painfully not pizza. I would not recommend if you like "real" pizza. Or at least go there with an open mind, thinking "I'm not eating pizza, it's just something that has the same name that I can maybe enjoy". I didn't enjoy it and don't want to have anything to do with it, but the members seem to like it so probably I'm just "too italian" for this 😂
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solargroup09 · 4 years
p6 (FINAL) YUEILING GOSH when i found your scenario (its not in the masterlist i was confused) with heachan i squealed! i was highly anticipating this romance (im waiting for all romances to be honest ahaha) and it was so cute! when will we have more please i want some more story and stuff to happen to the members i mean the incorrect quotes are cute but theyre a bit redondant now... but scenarios are so cool to read 💃
Yueliang: dear 💃 anon, thank you so much, I wanted to talk about Haechan earlier but there are so many things I wanted to share with our Suns that made the wait longer! I'm so glad you liked it, I was a bit nervous about it! 🥺 We will fix the masterlist as soon as possible (without my members I wouldn't know how to make the blog work jdjd) and this is a bit of a busy time for everyone so not every member can post frequently, but don't worry, we always have some content coming up! Thank for your messages and suggestions! 🥰
Luna: We will fix the issue with the masterlist as soon as possible dear ! And yes some of the members are busier than others at the moment hence the lack of more written content. We thank you for your patience ♡
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solargroup09 · 4 years
please tag me in anyone's posts as @redsummer21 (she/her)!!! thanks!!! also, im curious about what is the standard schedule for the members when they have a free day/sunday? 💃
Mina: I often sleep in! after reading the news in bed, I take a long relaxing shower, and afterwards I make fresh coffee which I drink while watching some YouTube videos/documentaries or while reading a book. Around midday I usually go out to meet friends for lunch and to catch up with them. Afterwards we often go to a museum or an art gallery, sometimes we go shopping or just take a stroll by Han River. In the evening, we usually head home to watch a cheesy (or horror) movie with some wine and face masks - or we go out to have some Soju! I always keep busy on my days off - I enjoy seeing my friends too much and wouldn’t like to stay in the dorm the whole day ☺️ sometimes I also use my free time to record some covers, or to write lyrics! I also always (have to) use some of my free time to conduct research for my masters! - and yes, we‘ll absolutely tag you like that!! 💞
Yueliang: I try to wake up early and I usually have a big breakfast as I used to do when I lived in Italy. I take a shower and I read until noon. After a light lunch, I meet up with friends or I go out with the members. We try to do different things every time, going to the movies, exploring different areas of Seoul, going shopping, anything that looks fun! We usually stay out for dinner and we often drink together a glass of wine or some soju. But my favorite thing to do is to just take the car and drive, no plans, no destination, just the pleasure or driving, listening to music and getting lost.
Ari: Even if we do have a “free day,” I do my best to keep myself busy! And it often depends on what some of the other members are doing that day! I love to start my days off with a workout (and a shower) before figuring out what I want to do. If some of my members don’t have plans, I’ll often hang out with them, going out to explore and have fun. If Matthew has the day off too, I usually choose to hang with him, since it’s not often we both have the same day off - a lot of song writing and goofing off is had on those days. But one of my favorite things to do on a day off is to go to karaoke with my members and friends! With a little bit of soju, we all have a grand time 😂
Rin: I still wake up early on a free day so I can enjoy breakfast alone in the serenity of the morning 😍 and then i go for my pilates or flying yoga class, go to a popular brunch/lunch spot. Usually I would hang out with the stylist unnies, doing window shopping and trying to think of new fashion ideas for our group promotions too! Otherwise I would hang out with friends, catch a movie, shop for clothes (sorry i can never shut up about fashion). BUT if i don't feel like going out or meeting anyone I just head to the dance studio to practice ✌️ or i try to write some lyrics/draw/practice playing instruments (just things for myself in general)
Luna: I usually sleep in, (Though there are days where I get dragged out of bed at the ungodly hour of 8 in the morning) and I like checking my social media when I wake up. Then I get out of bed and after saying hi to the girls who are awake, I head straight to the kitchen for a cup of Mina's freshly made coffee ! Once I'm done with breakfast, I take a shower and like Mina, I usually meet up with friends for lunch up and we hang out together until way over dinner time 😂 but if they aren't available for any reason I tend to head over to the dance studio and stay there for a long time. Either that or I spend a lot of time on my university work. Or I binge watch dramas. It just depends on my mood that day.
Skitz: Days off???? Free days?????? What are those????? X.X just kidding. On days off I normally crash and burn for a good 12 hours or so? Go to bed at like 4:30 am.....wake up about 4pm? Then I'll wake up with some video games, and my normal energy, caffeine drinks. Sometimes I'll kidnap my bois and we'll go out to either drink, play games, both, or something else. Other times I'll stay in and maybe help the girls with whatever they need around the house. And yes.....I am in comfortable clothes as I do this. Sweatpants, sweatshirt, sometimes fuzzy socks if it's cold enough, and I will most definitely keep my hood up all day, especially if I go out.
AJ: I am unable to sleep until very late which I absolutely hate. So on days off I’m usually up early, as always but I like to just lie in bed for a while playing games on my iPad until I get hungry enough to get up for breakfast. I usually like planning beforehand so I always give my friends a call to see if anyone is available and we can meet! I love taking walks and also biking around Han River (though I am always 👌🏻this close to falling off the bike). I also looooove going to the movies! So even if I just go to the cinema and then grab a coffee after by myself or with my friends, I think it’s a well spent day!💖If my friends are busy sometimes I try to visit them at their schedules, if that’s okay with their company and them, bring them some snacks over and stay hanging out for a while until their manager kicks me out (it’s happened a lot oops but I’m happy to say their managers like me either way).
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