#reference: holidays
exhausted-archivist · 2 years
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Thedosian Calendars and Holidays
Thedas has twelve 30-day months and five holidays, or annums. which start at the beginning of the month. Their day lengths are contradictory if not unclear as one instance mentions 24-hour days while all the clocks we've seen in Orlais work in 8-hour increments. Though it should be noted that clocks are dwarven in invention and manufacturing according to lore.
While the Chantry calendar shares some similarities to the Gregorian calendar, due to the placement and functions the holidays in regards to what they mean to the common people; it falls more in line with some versions of medieval calendars, though not entirely. For the common folk in Thedas these universal holidays mark the change of the seasons: letting them know what weather to expect, when harvests must be finished, when to plant, and other seasonal work and activities.
Additionally, it is important to know that Thedas appears to be in the southern hemisphere. It is never explicitly stated in lore or by any of the devs, but the context clues of things such as Tevinter being to the "north" and Orlais and Ferelden making up "southern Thedas" are the most prominent pieces of evidence. Though I will note that sometimes the devs/writers have gotten this mixed up and have referenced things like "birds flown south for the winter".
Thedosian Calendars - General
Of all calendars in Thedas, we know only of three: Chantry, Elven, and Tevinter. For other prominent cultures, we know nothing about the Avvar, Chasind, Dwarven, and Qunari calendars. They are not mentioned in lore, but are likely systems they would have.
Thedas, in its entirety, has converted to the Chantry calendar after the Second Blight. It became the universal calendar, and it's season marking holidays became the five universal holidays - though this doesn't mean they are the only holidays in Thedas. It is also unclear as of now whether the sharing of names and holidays are all the Tevinter and Chantry calendars share. We do not know if that extends to format, twelve 30-day months, or other factors.
The elven calendar fell into disuse after the fall of Arlathan when Tevinter outlawed its uses and enslaved the elven people. Now, not much is known about how the ancient elves of Arlathan kept track of the passing of time. Only a few notable events have lasted through the centuries to be recorded by modern scholars.
While the Tevinter Imperium did follow the Orlesian Chantry Calendar at some in their history, after the schisms between the two Andrastian cults they chose to return to their original calendar that dated back to the foundation of the Imperium. It is from this calendar that the Chantry took inspiration. It is suggested that elves had some influence on the creation of the Tevinter calendar (though this is only mentioned in the Traveler's Guide in the Origins Collector's Edition Game Guide). The Tevinter calendar is where the high names of the months come from.
The Orlesian Chantry calendar adopted several things from the Tevinter calendar, including the adoption of some holidays dedicated to the worship of the Old Gods that overlapped with their own holidays, and in turn gave them new meaning. Additionally, it is the Tevinter calendar that we inherited the high names and from the Chantry calendar the low names of the months.
Months and Days of the Week
Each month has two names:
a high name - used by scholars and courts
a low name - used primarily by common folk
Most codex and dates shown in Dragon Age use the low name even when it is written in the voice of a scholar or noble, so I have listed them below in Low/High name format.
Wintermarch / Verimensis
Guardian / Pluitanis
Drakonis / Nubulis
Cloudreach / Eluviesta
Bloomingtide / Molioris
Justinian / Ferventis
Solace / Solis
August / Matrinalis
Kingsway / Parvulis
Harvestmere / Frumentum
Firstfall / Umbralis
Haring / Cassus
If the Chantry calendar and by extension Tevinter calendar were to follow the same solar equivalent dates as the real world, the months would land as follows in accordance to the southern hemisphere:
Spring/Vernal Equinox: September 21-23 -> Guardian / Pluitanis 1st
Summer Solstice: December 21-23 -> Bloomingtide / Molioris 1st
Autumnal/Fall Equinox: March 21-23 -> August / Matrinalis 1st
Winter Solstice: June 21-23 -> Firstfall / Umbralis 1st
My only note about this is that Tevinter seems to be predominately a tropical climate that begins to encroach closer to the equator. In the real world, this would usually result in them using a lunar (or lunar-solar) calendar as their seasonal changes would be relatively minimal. Solar calendars are more typical in temperate regions as there are more seasonal changes and they're impacted more by the the decrease/increase of sunlight.
That said, Tevinter seems to follow a more solar calendar that made it an easy port for the rest of Thedas. The likely reason for this might have simply been to keep things simple, as it would make it a little easier to track.
As stated before, the length of a day seems to be 24-hours, though the clocks seem to work in 8 hour increments. Additionally, from what we can tell, Thedas has the same days of the week that we do. Except, there has yet to be any mention of Monday or Wednesday.
Holidays, Celebrations, Ceremonies, and Festivals
It is noted that there are more holidays in the world than the ones listed in universal holidays. The following holidays/festivals/feasts listed are predominately human and surface, there isn't much on Orzammar and their holidays or celebrations nor the Dalish.
Universal Holidays
These are the holidays implemented by the Orlesian Chantry. These are the holidays called annums. With the exception of First Day, they typically mark the changes of the seasons. All of them fall at the beginning of the month.
With that in mind, based on how they line up with the solstices and equinox they seem to be roughly floating holidays that may range from the 1st to 3rd of the month.
Something to note though, is that the holidays were once mentioned to fall outside of any month. Which would align them more towards the special days you would see in a lunar calendar or some forms of historical calendars. However, this arrangement of the holidays hasn't been mentioned since the (Collector's Edition Prima Guide for Dragon Age Origins in the Traveler's Guide).
First Day, celebrated on the first day of Wintermarch / Verimensis
A traditional start of the year that involves the practice of visiting neighbors and family as well as gathering in town to commemorate the year past.
In remote areas this holiday was once the annual check to ensure everyone was alive.
In some areas, such as Serault in Orlais, it is customary to eat chicken on First Day.
Wintersend, celebrated at the beginning of Guardian / Pluitanis (Potential Spring / Vernal Equinox)
Previously called "Urthalis" and dedicated to the Old God of Beauty, Urthemiel.
Currently a holiday that is the celebration of the Maker.
It stands for the end of winter in many areas.
In the Tevinter, coincides with tourneys and contests at the Proving Grounds in Minrathous.
In the south, the holiday became the day for trade and theater.
In some areas, it is also the day for arranging marriages.
Some places, like Orlais, hold Wintersend Balls during the season.
Summerday, celebrated at the beginning of Bloomingtide / Molioris (Summer Solstice)
Previously called "Andoralis" it was a holiday dedicated to the Old God of Unity, Andoral.
Universally celebrated as the beginning of Summer.
For Andrastians, there is the practice where children ready to come of age don white tunics and gowns before joining a procession that crosses the settlement to the local Chantry. They are then taught the responsibilities of adulthood.
In Orlais, this is a particularly holy holiday.
In some places, this festival is described as particularly showy. To where it would be considered an appropriate level of extravagance to welcome a monarch or ruler.
All Souls Day, celebrated at the beginning of August / Matrinalis. (Potential Autumnal / Fall Equinox)
Previously it was called "Funalis" and was a holiday dedicated to the Old God of Silence, Dumat.
The Chantry uses the holiday to commemorate the death of Andraste, they will light public fires and put on plays that depict her death.
This holiday is also spent in other areas as a day in remembrance of the dead.
In the northern areas of Thedas, people will dress as spirits and parade through the streets after midnight.
Satinalia, celebrated at the beginning of Firstfall / Umbralis (Winter Solstice)
This holiday was originally dedicated to the Old God of Chaos, Zazikel. It now is more attributed to the second moon of Thedas, Satina.
Customary celebration includes wearing masks, naming the town fool as ruler for a day, and wild celebrations. In more pious areas, it is simply a large feast and the giving of gifts.
Antiva celebrates this for a week or more, followed by a week of fasting.
Feastday is part of the Satinalia celebration, incorporating the gifts and pranks practices of the holiday. It is unclear if this term is just for Ferelden.
Ferelden celebrates by serving a specific dish, Fluffy Mackerel Pudding, during the holiday.
Regional Holidays, Events, and Festivals
Allsmeet (Rivain)
An event that happens twice a year where the village seers travel to Dairsmuid to meet in council, gorge trade agreements, and pledge loyalty to the Rivaini queen publicly. These are also times where people will attempt to settle old feuds, but there are feasts, gift-giving ceremonies, musical contests, and other such activities. It lasts a few days.
Andraste's Day
An undefined holiday. One for Andrastians but unclear if it is universal to all Andrastian cults, regional to those following the Orlesian Chantry, or regional to Ferelden.
It is a holiday in which family will come to visit.
Anniversary of Archon Hessarian's Death (Tevinter)
A religious holiday, usually accompanied by an additional feast day for Visitations.
Visitations is a feast celebration of Andraste appearing in the dreams of mages when she crossed into the fade. Celebrated in Tevinter.
Arlathvhen (Dalish)
Its name means "for love of the people".
A celebration of the old ways while lore keepers exchange stories and knowledge, but the gathered Dalish also recount and discuss the sad lessons of the destruction of Arlathan and the Dales.
Barnack Festival (Orzammar)
An undefined festival mentioned by Oghren.
Celebratory Proving (Orzammar)
A type of proving held to celebrate an event.
Victors of these provings are rewarded with ceremonial items.
Commission Day (Orzammar)
A celebration for when one receives their military placement, or commission.
Unclear if this celebration is for all nobility of families of import or if it is restricted to the royal family.
Commission Proving (Orzammar)
A proving done during the commission celebration. It is in honor of an individual gaining a leadership position.
It is not clear if this proving and celebration is just for the royal family.
Coronation of the Divine (Chantry)
It is mentioned that when the first Divine was chosen, the festivities lasted a full year.
It is unclear if such celebrations happen every year in honor of the first Divine.
If it were an annual holiday, it is unclear if it would be only an Orlesian Chantry event or if it is also something that was celebrated in the Tevinter Imperium. Though considering the relationships between the two sects, it is possible that they adopted it in the Imperium but in celebration of their first Divine.
If chosen as Divine, Cassandra mentions that "They would love to bury me in ceremony for my coronation". Suggesting that there is at least some level of grandness that extends past a straight forward ceremony for crowning the Divine.
Drinking Festival (General)
Undefined if this is an Antivan specific festival, a universal one, or a joke. It is mentioned by Zevran.
Memorial Proving (Orzammar)
A type of proving done during celebration and honor of an individual receiving their military role.
Groundbreaking Festival (Universal)
Held much like events in real life, where they celebrate a building - such as a fort, castle, ect. - being built.
Grand Tourney (Free Marches/Nevarra)
A yearly event described as part circus, part tournament, and part festival. It allows contests, feats of strength, food, performers, and merriment. It travels around the Free Marches, and occasionally outside of it.
It is an event that many are aware of and Orlesian nobles are particularly inclined and encouraged by their families to participate in.
According to the Dragon Age Tabletop RPG (ttrpg), Orzammar sent warrior representatives to the Grand Tourney one year. It is unknown if they continued to do so or if this is held up in current lore.
Harvest Festival (Universal)
Undefined, but mentioned that Honnleath celebrates such an event.
Vinter, a Ferelden town mentioned in the ttrpg, celebrates the year's harvest and bounty in an annual event that lasts for several days. This is a major event of merriment and trade, but also open to the Dalish as well.
Hunt Ball (Nevarra)
Balls held in the winter, a lingering custom from when Nevarra used to have annual dragon hunts.
Memorial Proving (Orzammar)
A type of proving done to honor the memory of a dwarf of high stature.
Naming Day (Universal)
Separate from birthdays, there is little information on these parties outside that they occur.
Mentioned by both dwarves in Orzammar as well as found in a box of invitations on the surface.
Solstice Celebrations (Universal)
Avvar have alters dedicated to their favored hold-dieties, they house sacred relic that aligns with the rising sun on the Winter Solstice.
Honnleath celebrates the winter solstice.
Undefined as to which, but stated that the Chantry hold them, at one point for six consecutive years in Cumberland. This seems to be separate from the four holidays that mark the change of the seasons.
In some areas they celebrate the solstices with dinner parties. Aveline throws one. It isn't clear if this is simply a Fereldan practice or universal.
Summer Festival (Orlais)
A general festival that differs by region.
Celene mentions how youths participate in tests of skill though in heavily padded tunics and blunted blades.
Winterfest (Unknown)
An undescribed event/holiday mentioned by Dorian. He says he was "hoping for a lively Winterfest gift."
Possibly a regional holiday in Tevinter.
Feast of Ascension (Orlais)
Undefined if it is a common celebration, nor what exactly the purpose is.
Feast of Urthemiel (Tevinter, Ancient)
A feast that spanned a total of twelve days, it was the grandest celebration of the year during its time. Celebrated at the height of the Imperium when they worshiped the Old Gods.
Unclear if this feast was part of the Urthalis (now known as Wintersend).
Hivernal Feast (Orlais)
Originating in the highlands of Orlais during the early days of the nation. Groups would go out and hunt Hivernals, on a successful hunt they would return and feast before salting the dragon meat and using the rest for potions, armor, and other supplies to help them last the winter. It is a feast still celebrated in some areas of Orlais.
Noble Feast (Orzammar)
A feast had during a celebration, typically one honoring an individual for their military accomplishments or a service done for Orzammar.
Also used to honor the mercy and/or martial skill of a commander.
General Ceremonies
Uthenera Ceremony (Arlathan)
Where an elder's long life and all their contributions to the elven people was celebrated before they moved on to the next step of waking slumber.
Harvest Ball (General)
A ball held during the harvest season.
Unclear how common or well spread these balls are, but they are mentioned as occurring in places such as Ostwick.
Wedding Ceremony (General)
Can be especially lavish for rulers, nobility, or people of import.
Typically overseen by Chantry Mothers in southern Thedas.
Unnamed Holidays, Ceremonies, Feasts, and Festivals
A religious holiday in the Imperium with a ceremony to mark the day a spell is cast to renew the Eternal Flame that is lit and continuously burns in every chantry in the Imperium.
A holiday in the Imperium that celebrates the death of Joyous II, Orlesian Chantry Divine. It is unclear if this holiday is still celebrated.
At Adamant Fortress the residents would have a celebration which included a feast on the day of the first snow fall. Traditions include the residents putting up wreaths, dancing, and other events.
There is a festival that includes a turkey. But there is little information outside of the line mentioning "festival turkey".
In some Dalish clans, there is a special ceremony for when a Keeper anoints a mage as their first.
Miscellaneous and Trivia
There is a practice of giving gifts on the solstice mentioned by Luka.
People have both a Wintersend gift list as well as Satinalia gift list. It is unclear if the Wintersend gift list is a regional/cultural specific practice, a universal one, or if it was simply confused with Satinalia.
Birthdays while separate from Name days are both celebrated universally.
The Qun does not have holidays or annual festivals. They will have celebrations but usually in response to a death in service to the Qun by an individual who did a great deed. They have a celebration that allows for unabashed revelry; this includes drinking, public chanting, and even meditations are abandoned.
The term "holiday", "on holiday", and "family holiday" are used by those in Thedas as opposed to vacation or the like.
Fluffy Mackerel Pudding, while a Fereldan traditional dish, is a recipe from the 1974 Weight Watchers.
BioWare Blog Weight Watchers: Fluffy Mackerel Pudding
Dragon Age Origins Dragon Age 2 Dragon Age Inquisition Dragon Age Inquisition Multiplayer Dragon Age The Last Court Dragon Age Tabletop Dragon Age Tabletop Blood in Ferelden Dragon Age Origins Official Prima Guide Dragon Age Masked Empire Dragon Age Asunder Dragon Age Tevinter Nights World of Thedas Vol 1 World of Thedas Vol 2
Origins Codex: Archdemon Codex: Feast Day Fish A Note from the Honnleath Village Council
Dragon Age 2 Codex: Chest of Unanswered Invitations Codex: Notes on the Avvar Sky Cult Codex: Thedas Calendar
Inquisition Codex: Mad Emperor Reville War Table Mission: A Favor Returned War Table Mission: Rescue the Spy
The Last Court Your Bailiff is Attacked
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wizard0rb · 2 years
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kris and noelle discuss critically acclaimed fps game half dead 2, their missing siblings, and obscure human musicians like claude debussy
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choochooboss · 7 months
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Kalosian Emmet ideas are very entertaining rn, keep them coming ahah!!
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akanemnon · 7 months
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Sorry, Noelle... They're a little slow on the uptake.
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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lupucs · 6 months
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Light World class pic ☀️
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Solid View:
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Raw Render (without comp):
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Wooo its finally done peeps! At last, here's the Deltarune Light World group render featuring Alphys's whole class! It's sort of a counterpart to my Dark World group render from a couple days ago. I also added some comp to improve the lighting and reused an old bg (some of you might remember which anim that's from hehe).
From left to right: Susie, Kris, Berdly, Noelle, Alphys, Jockington, Temmie, Catti, Monster Kid and Snowy!
These models were a ton of work to make but overall I'm really happy with how this turned out. The only light world model missing here is Rudy... I didn't know how to add him here since this was supposed to be a class pic of sorts, but maybe I'll make a designated render for him one day, since I really like his character even though he doesn't get a lot of screentime in-game. Oh, also first look at Deltarune Alphys!! Since I already made her rig for my Undertale animation, I just had to model her Deltarune clothes and bind em to the rig with an extra switch.
Anyways, feel free to use this as a wallpaper if you want!
Here's a link to the full resolution should the resolution be crushed by Tumblr.
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mugwot · 10 months
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the whole gang (so far) is here! im really happy with how they turned out i have bigger images of the lancer fanclub here
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hoagiesnadwich · 7 months
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it was the world's first [[gratitude]]
-> song that goes w/ this part :-b
part 5 <- part 6 -> part 6.5 -> part 7
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amustikas · 9 months
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stay frosty, and safe, this holiday season y’all o7
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alpacacare-archive · 10 months
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the brainworms are kiiling me. have a dad and son 👍︎
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toytle · 5 months
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happy birthday barry allen‼️*
(*2 ‼️ so he knows i’m wayy happier than 1 ❗️)
[alt text ID, close-ups + ID below cut]
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Image 1: Fanart of Barry Allen from DC Super Hero Girls celebrating his birthday. He has acne and lightning highlights in his eyes, as well as lightning bolt blush, lightning-shaped eyebrows, and wing-like tufts of hair tucked behind his ears. He’s wearing a birthday hat and red jacket, holding out a race car birthday cake with 17th candles in an awed expression. The cake reads: “Happy Birthday Bartholomew!!” Behind him are various balloons creating a frame around him. To the side are panels containing simplified moments of Barry throughout his birthday party. The first is a pink panel where someone puts the birthday hat on him. The second is a green panel where he blows a party horn with chipmunk cheeks and a scrunched up expression. The last is a blue panel where his friends stack a pile of gifts into his arms, his face barely peeking through. Confetti is strewn about everywhere.
Images 2-4: Closeups of Barry’s face, the 3 side panels, and the cake, respectively.
VIDEO ID: A clip from DC Super Hero Girls where Barry frets over his birthday card for his nana. He had originally written only 1 exclamation point on the card, even though he was “way happier than that,” so he quickly adds another exclamation point to “stop being so burdened all the time.”
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mozquito · 9 months
oh?? requests?? open you say?? can I request trans pines twins (either ones LOL do wutever you want) :3
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they r trans ur honor
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7cfc00 · 9 months
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home is where the heart is (and yours is gone)
#happy holidays#dndads#dndads fanart#dungeons and daddies#dndaddies#dndads s1#glenn close dndads#dndads season 2#dndads odyssey#dndads glenn close#im so sick and fever rn so forgive me for any mistakes in this drawing or in my following explanation#background is covered in crosses for the bad day book. the chains represent his time in meth bay prison#the three swords are a reference to the three of swords tarot card which means like heartbreak or smth#also can be taken literally because his heart exploded#the swords themselves are modelled after the sword of justice to bring in themes of justice and punishment as well as referencing the trial#i also drew the same sword in the blackjack thing.#bottom left is his funeral pyre (referencing his death) and nick jr (representing his son's “death”)#the door is the door to his apartment its number 48 because ep 48 is carry on my wayward son#christmas decor cus of course hed had them up all year round#the plant is a peace lily representing death and funeral s again#headstone is morgan's the crysanthemum represents her death. this is because its also featured in the “remember death” thing i drew once#also i just associate flowers w the close family because it very easily represents both mortality and love#anyway. fuckin. his heart (loved ones + literal heart) are gone and its like. can he ever return home#idk smth about not being able to go back to the way things were smth about having the comfort of a home anymore. leaving all that shit behi#d. i feel so tired#sorry for the long explanation i think i may have went a little too hard on the symbolism but i didn t know how else to#express the feelings of glenn's conversation w darryl in that one episode
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mobius-m-mobius · 9 months
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#too soon NASA... too soon 😅🎄
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huecycles · 5 months
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pollyanna "just polly" her and dess lost their smiles overtime friends... with a hint of more
polly sprites by @marmarblesz and me
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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💙❤️Happy Holidays!❤️💙
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miiukkaa · 9 months
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mokey's subway room
yippee, the artistic and sensitive kiddo of the family, mikey! ended up keeping the room veeeery much similar to the one he had in the sewers.
i split the space into two separate areas: a bedroom and an "art studio". these two spaces are separated by a simple cloth that mikey can pull to the side fully when he wants to. i imagine he'd pull the cloth to cover the other more roomy area of the subway car when he goes to sleep. it is after all very easy to mistake your own large paintings and random clothing for a scary figure in the night (at least that's my personal experience lol). so to avoid seeing scary, ominous shapes, mikey would limit his field of vision for sleepy times.
the art studio side has most of mikey's art supplies. there's a huge paint spill from when he was dragging all his stuff into the car during the move. i believe he would find the spill cool and artsy. for when mikey would want to spray paint, he could easily grab any and all supplies he needs and go outside the subway car (for ventilation's sake). so he would have another specified art corner somewhere in the subway tunnels - further away from the actual space in which everyone hangs out at.
mikey, instead of hanging up a lot of posters, prettied up the subway car's walls by doing his own graffiti. though he would have the same "mad dogs" flag that everyone else has, too.
mikey doesn't strike to me as the kinda person who stays in their own room a lot but instead prefers to hang out in the common areas where other family members are more likely to pop out, too. for this reason, i imagine he has a lot of his own belongings scattered about the entire lair! so, a really messy art kid who keeps forgetting where he put his things.
leo's room
raph's room
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