bundlesofchaos · 5 months
[ Starter for @reflections-of-mobius ]
It had been literal years since Yana recalled meeting that alternate of their father. Once in awhile they would recall the 'not Baba' that they had met with Kaz, and how much he seemed so similar to the parent they knew. Of course getting older gave the hybrid better understanding of what had happened.
But knowing it better just made their curiosity grow even more. How was that version of Baba different from the one they knew? Were they similar in some ways? He was still the guardian of the Master Emerald that much was certain.
These thoughts were clouding their mind as they stared the Master Emerald down. The teenager had agreed to watch over it for a few hours to give Knuckles some time away from it. They wanted to help protecting it. A choice they had made on their own since Knuckles didn't want to put the same responsibility he had onto his children.
Although right now Yana was thinking less of protecting it and wondered if they could use it. Surely they could just take a small peek at that 'not Baba'. Gently they placed a hand on it, giving a few murmurs. There was definitely a shift in energy as they closed their eyes and concentrated hard. Please lead me to that other Knuckles-
They had been putting their body weight against the emerald, which is why they suddenly stumbled when it disappeared. They fell onto a heap on the ground, a moment of confusion and then panic as they looked up and around them. This was not Angel Island. This was not the Master Emerald's resting place. Where in the world did they just end up?!
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emeraldtied · 10 months
⇨ starter | @reflections-of-mobius | murk
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{➹} – "NO, PLEASE. I insist. It's the least I can do, 's my fault for not watching where I was going."
Had it not been for the hedgehog's blind running around he wouldn't have caused the other to spill their drink, and in the colder weather the hedgehog knew how much a warm beverage could improve even a bad day. Not to mention that it was a waste otherwise and it wasn't as if Arrow couldn't afford.
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multisuperfluity · 2 months
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@reflections-of-mobius had liked for a doodle!
Hopefully I did them some justice~
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hybridafterdark · 4 months
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@reflections-of-mobius asked:
A low growl rumbled through the inn- but it was far from what one may call predatory. On the contrary, a certain werehog had pushed Volt up against the wall from behind, his breath ghosting over the hybrid's ear. Fangs just barely brushed along the edge, one hand coming up to rest on Volt's thigh as his dark blue tail swished from side to side. "Did you really think I'd let you get away with all that teasing, V...?~" His claws trailed through the hybrid's fur, hips pressing against Volt's with a low, wanting sigh. He couldn't help but take a sniff of his scent, ears twitching. "Because if so....allow me to prove you dead wrong..."
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Having just exited the shower, a towel around his shoulders was the only form of coverage he had before he heard the sound of his partner in the hallway. That growl sent a pleasurable shiver along his spine before he was pressed against the nearby wall. A shuddering breath escaped his parted lips as he felt his partner so close to his ear.
Those hot words matched the air cascading over the red-tipped appendage, and another shiver shot down his spine.
A retort had been on the tip of his tongue but it came from his parted lips as a needy whine. Oh those claws would be his undoing as the hybrid pressed into them against his skin.
But if Bless was going to think this would stop Volt from teasing, he was also dead wrong. His hands might have been occupied, but his tail was not. It wasn't hard to shift it upwards, just enough so the bulk would brush against his partner's pelvis with a bit of pressure.
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"Oh? And whatcha gonna do t' me?"
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fabulousflynn · 11 months
▽ - @reflections-of-mobius - starter
One glance around told Phineas two things: he was no longer in his backyard and that his brother may have been right about triple-checking their coordinates on this invention. Oh well, nowhere to go but forward. And it seemed to be exactly where he needed to go as he spotted someone (something?) just a few minutes later.
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"Excuse me, mind if I ask you something?"
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familylightfox · 12 days
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"You guys are biased."
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reflections-of-mobius · 5 months
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@familylightfox asked:
I am so curious how an interaction would go between Ten and Harmony. ;3
[Unprompted. | Accepting!]
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I do think we've talked off and on (every here and there) about an interaction between Harms and Ten, but nothing was ever set in stone. I know at the very least, Ten would probably be able to detect bits of her own energy coming off the teen- but I leave that in your hands as to if she truly would. I would like to say I think they'd get along great, but- y'never know.
After all, Tenebrosity-- isn't exactly the best. She's a bit morally aloof, since (as part of Mobius' natural cycle) it's her duty to obliterate all of civilization when the planet starts to choke- that way it can reset again (something Eggman nearly caused early by waking her up and causing a tantrum). I think Ten would love trying to help Harmony get a grasp on her Dark Gaia powers, or at least help her feel them out- after all, I'd figure variants of Dark Gaia would be incapable of harming one another with Dark Chaos Energy.
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Overall! I'm in the same camp as you- curious. Y'never know until the muses actually meet! Though we'd need to discuss if it's pre/post the events on each of our blogs, since Ten's slowly shifting towards her first one (and- by slowly I mean at a glacier pace, which honestly makes sense for her XD).
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dyadhogs · 7 months
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☀ inner thoughts [accepting]
– @reflections-of-mobius asked: 🕯️ Tosses from Bless to Wisteria
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"i hope he's alright...i know he was trying to hide it but he clearly went through something recently that he's still recovering from. typical really. blue hedgehogs never can seem to take it easy."
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bundlesofchaos · 1 year
@reflections-of-mobius liked for a starter with Amara!
There would be a small pocket of static in the air for only a moment before a gentle 'pop!' could be heard and a small figure went tumbling to the ground.
There was quite a bit of huffing and puffing before followed by a shout. "This isn't where I wanted to go!" There was a growl as the child finally hopped up onto her feet. "Stupid! This is not inside the castle at all!"
Actually taking a look around, she wasn't sure where she was.
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multisuperfluity · 5 months
Starter for @reflections-of-mobius from Phineas!
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"Kinda funny how it feels like it's been forever since we've last seen each other, but like yesterday at the same time, huh?" At least that's how it felt for Phineas. Time seemed to flash by him at times, and lately with everything he and his brother had been creating thanks to some of Ten's gift things had been in overdrive.
It had been a blast, trying to find out which things did and didn't work with the ring. Difficult at times, but fun.
"I figured it was long past time to check in, but sometimes visiting friends in other worlds can be tricky. Took a few times to get it just right. How have you been?"
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familylightfox · 1 year
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@reflections-of-mobius asked:
There was a soft glance between emerald and hazel, a moment of doubt solidified only in that the two would be approaching this together. They breathed in, a collective soft inhale as they turned their attention towards the door of the inn. The sun's rays were high overhead, illuminating the world in bright hues.
But the two mobians couldn't help but be nervous- they had up and disappeared months ago, the only warning they'd given that they'd be back in due time... But it had been so long. Cautiously, each reached out a hand- the usual sight failing to bring chuckles to the tired couple's muzzles, this time. They jointly knocked on the inn door, waiting for it to open as soft smiles finally, finally dawned on their faces.
"Been a while!...sorry about that, guys.." Bless chuckled quietly, scratching at the back of his head with an apologetic smile. He couldn't hide his tail that had slowly begun to wag back and forth. Call him hopeful, but he'd missed the two a lot- and even seeing their faces after so much work made it all worth it.
"...hope you don't mind we dropped by?" Node tilted their head slightly, an ear flicking slightly back. "How've you guys been?" They weren't sure what to expect- and that made them just a hint nervous (who were they kidding, they were a bundle of nerves).
The two had already agreed that, if this went well... They'd have to find some way to make it up to the hybrid and his daughter- but that would be a hurdle for the future. Right now... They just wanted to reconnect, after so much time away. However the two hybrids reacted... The couple would accept it.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
It was always an odd look given to the door whenever someone knocked. The Inn was always open to anyone and almost everyone that came to the village knew to just walk right in, but the knock was familiar. So was the energy behind it.
Volt knew that energy by heart, held it within his heart if one looked close enough, and quickly came around the counter in order to open the double doors. The instant his eyes looked upon those familiar faces, his arms were spread and both of them were pulled in for a tight hug. He took turns on who was getting the bulk of his cheek rubbing against theirs and also snuck a few kisses where he could while they spoke.
"As if I would ever be mad 'bout you comin' t' visit." Words were so easily muddled by the deep rumbling purr that had settled into his throat, but what might not have been conveyed in words, certainly were in his actions. A small gathering of tears had formed in the corner of his eyes upon being reunited with the two Mobians who held his heart.
"Bless! Node!" Harmony's call came from behind the pair, having been just making her way home from picking up supplies in the market. While she wasn't willing to dump the packages in her arms, a pep in her step allowed the teen to close the space and set it all onto the porch first.
A moment later and Volt laughed as his daughter lifted all three adults into the air to give her own hugs.
"Daddy and I missed ya so much! Where ya been? Ya gotta tell us all about whatcha been up t'!" Already her thoughts were going a mile a minute, needing to be tapped on the arm by her father's fingers to pause long enough for him to get a word in edgewise.
"Pumpkin... I'm sure they'll be more than happy t'... On their feet."
"Huh?" Emerald eyes blinked, pink suddenly crossing the powder blue muzzle. "Ooops..."
Harmony set them down, backing up with a wag of her tail while also scratching at the back of her neck. It was easy to see that she would have been more than willing to dive right back in for hugs the second she was given a chance.
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hybridafterdark · 5 months
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Anonymous asked:
How often do you get busy with your partners? This is for the ship with reflections-of-mobius.
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"Sorry, but 's up t' both o' them on if I tell ya that, but it's enough that we're all satisfied at the end o' the night."
((OOC Note: This was sent to my main blog but I'm answering it over here. @reflections-of-mobius))
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bundlesofchaos · 4 months
"...I hope Murk is okay..." Amara gives a little sigh. She missed her new friend. Her grandfather really scared him...
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familylightfox · 3 months
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@reflections-of-mobius asked:
“Am I the only one out of all of us who doesn’t get floofier when certain criteria are met?” It was a random question- suddenly voiced as it struck the fox. Volt could enter his feral or monstrous states (both of which Node considered ‘extra floof’ modes), Bless became a werehog at night…and them?- Nadda. “…n’ no, I’m not countin’ shampoo.” They nuzzled between their two partners with a quiet groan. “…least fluffy…” A small pout formed on their muzzle. They weren’t genuinely concerned about it- more playfully disappointed.
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While not exactly a statement that Volt was expecting, he had to chuckle at the soft grumbles from his partner that followed. There were still a few hours in the day left before the sunset, and so he considered things for a moment before slipping one arm around Node where they were sitting.
Of course, the arm hadn't remained its normal size.
Fur darkened and grew, or maybe that was just the muscles underneath it. The soft chuckle deepened ever so slightly as the hybrid shifted to be better positioned to scoop them up and draw them into the fluffy barrel chest.
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"Guess this means I'll just have t' share some o' my fluff with ya."
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familylightfox · 6 months
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Just a cute little something for @reflections-of-mobius of Volt being sneaky with his partner Node. And the resulting revenge from both his partners that night~
Slowly but surely, I have been testing new brushes and canvas sizes to find the perfect ones that help me not feel overwhelmed and stressed about drawing.
Free to Reblog/Do NOT Repost
Node & Bless belongs to @reflections-of-mobius/@toshinoris-spouse Volt belongs to me
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familylightfox · 4 months
⭐ Slides this in before vanishing into the depths of Subnautica-
Superstar: Accepting
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