#reflective two-piece bikinis
rafesfavgirl · 5 months
belly piercing — r. cameron
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pairing: bf!rafe x fem!reader
context: you got a belly button piercing and rafe sees it for the first time.
words: 652
warnings: fluff, mention of smut
it was a bright and sunny day when rafe convinced you to take a ride in topper's new boat with him, topper, and kelce.
you had recently gotten your belly button pierced and hadn't told rafe about it yet, so you quickly threw on one of his oversized shirts over your bikini before meeting them outside.
"hey, pretty girl," he holds a hand out to you when you reach the end of the dock to help you step into the boat.
"hey, y/n," kelce and topper both greet you as you join them, topper at the steering wheel, and kelce sipping on a bottle of beer.
"hey guys," you throw them a smile, as rafe wraps an arm around your waist and gives you a peck on the lips.
topper steers the boat away from the dock and starts heading out towards the marsh.
topper had anchored the boat to a stop in the middle of the marsh half an hour ago, so you were all now chilling under the sun.
you were perched on a lounge chair on the opposite side of the boat's deck from rafe, topper, and kelce, who were sitting on the L-shaped couch, sipping on their beers, and talking about some girl kelce was trying to get with, while you read your summer romance book.
all three guys had lost their shirts some time around noon when the sun reached its peak, and now that it was beating down hard and causing sweat beads to scatter across your skin, you consider taking off rafe's oversized shirt to just sit in your bikini.
you contemplate it for a second, unsure of what rafe might think about your newly pierced navel, but after persuading yourself that he was probably too distracted talking to topper and kelce to even notice it, you hop up from the lounge chair to pull his shirt over your head.
little did you know, he watched your every move from the moment you stood up, his eyes trailing over your body as you took his shirt off, the diamond encrusted ring in your belly button reflecting the sunshine and immediately catching his eye.
a smirk comes across his lips as he stood up to walk over to you in the middle of topper's sentence, and sat down at the edge of your lounge chair, facing you.
it didn't take you long to notice exactly what he was staring at, as he pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth. 
a newfound confidence washes over you when you realize that the look on his face meant that he was loving the new piece of jewelry on your body. "you like it?"
he tilts his head up at you, his piercing blue eyes twinkling as he reached out to grab the back of your thighs and pull you closer to him, your navel directly in front of his face. "it's sexy, baby." he glances at it again, bringing a finger up to play with it. "does it hurt?"
"it's a little sore, but nothing too bad," you tell him, your hands tangling in his hair as he tilts his head up to look at you again.
"so it wouldn't hurt if you rode me?" he kinks an eyebrow at you and pulls you into his lap so you're straddling him, your thighs on either side of his legs.
"is that something you'd like?" you tease, his face inches away from yours now.
"very much," he nods, placing his lips on yours as his hands on your lower back pushed your body closer to his.
"hey lovebirds!" kelce calls out to the two of you, and you both snap your head towards him and topper on the couch.
"get a room," topper adds, sipping his beer.
"jump off the boat and go for a swim then," rafe tells them, causing you to snicker. "give us ten minutes."
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The Meet Cute - Ace's Story - 4
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Source for pic
Firestarter 4
Word Count: 6856
Tags For The Whole Story: Fem!Reader, slight NSFW (It's mature, not explicit), slightly sugestive behaviour, flirting, jealousy, frenemies, sexual tension, miscommunication, unresolved tension, slight angst, slow-burn, romantic comedy vibes, alternate universe modern setting, swearing, drinking, fluff, feelings realisation, denial of feelings.
Special Warning: English is not my first language, I apologise for any possible spelling or grammar mistakes.
Summary: After moving away from the hustle and bustle of Grand Line City to help your father around the property following a horse-riding accident - and in the hopes of healing your broken heart after your asshole ex-fiancé cheated - you settle into the country calmness of the Calm Belt. You intended to have some alone time, to reflect and heal, but your childhood friend's older brother, Ace, seems to be there just to upset that fragile peace you're striving for. He's a flirt and a womaniser. But why does he also have to be so handsome and perfect? And how long can you resist his charms?
Notes: And so the angst begins! If you wish to be added to a tag list, say so! Thank you!
Tag List: @rosidaze
Masterlist for previous introductory chapters.
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Saturday comes and it’s very uneventful. Your father says he's got some plans with his friend Mihawk and you use the free time to clean up the rest of your room - there were still a lot of trophies and books from when you were a child, but now it finally resembles a grown-up room. 
Your initial plans for the afternoon included a marathon of trash TV and plopping down on the couch like a parasite, maybe even gobbling up some junk food. But it's such a nice day outside that you decide to do some sunbathing. 
And you do. You dress in a simple red two-piece bikini and lather sunscreen on your body before heading outside armed with your headphones, a book and a towel. The backyard has a little wooden deck with two sun chairs and a small pool. The pool is closed but you're not really interested in it. So you get your little setup and sigh in relaxation. You never had moments like these in the city. Ichiji liked the fancy parties and clubs, there was barely any time the both of you spent together like this. 
In retrospect, you should've seen the end of the relationship coming. You barely had anything else to give each other. It was only a matter of time. 
You cosy up on the chair and stretch. It feels really nice. 
The view of the property is relaxing and the only house you can see in the proximity is Mr. Garp’s. The houses are only separated by a small path and you can see the windows perfectly well. You know which one was Luffy’s old room, you have been there a bunch of times, but you don't quite know which one is Ace's. 
You try to guess based on the knowledge you have of the inside of the house. It's either the one to the right of Luffy’s, or it's the one that faces the side of the house. 
A small smile creeps its way to your lips as you remember your time together at the firestation. Being with Ace felt really natural. You didn't have to force any conversation, he made you laugh and, damn, the chemistry. The sexual tension was crazy. 
But there is only a slight problem. You aren't looking to be just another one. You are no longer in that phase of your life when you're just looking for fun. You want something actually meaningful. And Ace is not meant for meaningful relationships. He isn't capable of it. 
You exchanged some texts with Nami last night saying that you had fun and she had probed you so hard that you caved and admitted you feel very attracted to Ace. But then you probed her, and every assumption you had about him was correct. He is a player and leaves behind him a long trail of broken hearts. He's all about the chase and the conquest. Once he gets the kiss, the girl, the fuck… It's over. 
And you refuse to be just that. 
The afternoon rolls by lazily and you have already rolled over on your back and on your front, just like a happy kitten. Until you see a movement in Ace's house. 
It’s him. 
You were right, his room is next to Luffy’s. He stands in front of the window - shirtless - and unaware that you are there, apparently, since he’s staring somewhere else, his signature cheeky grin in place, and you smile. Damn, he’s cute. 
Off-limits, player, just a crush! 
Can he see you? Could he be tempted to join you in the sun? 
Immediately your head starts to create interesting scenarios for both of you to play out. 
Ace arriving with his cocky smirk and telling you that you look gorgeous. 
Ace setting a knee in the middle of your legs to pry them open as his hand cradles your neck to pull your face up. 
His other hand clutching your hip for dear life. His tongue licking the sweat from your body, from your belly to your chest. 
The hottest kiss you could ever dream of, eliciting all kinds of choked noises and mewls from your mouth. 
You take a deep breath and fan your hat over your face. Maybe it's time to get out of the sun? You're getting pretty hot! 
You gather your book and start to get up when you take another look at Ace's window. And then instantly freeze and regret having looked at all. 
There is a young brunette girl in front of the window, grinning while she closes the curtains. 
Your breath catches for an instant. And then the dread in your stomach spreads its icy tendrils up to your heart. 
It's nothing short of a surprise. It's what he does. His modus operandi. But the realisation still stings. Just last night he told you that he's always thinking about you. Your mind told you, at that moment, that it was a line he used on every girl, yet, your heart thought differently. 
But today, not even 24 hours later, he has a girl in his room. 
You refuse to cry. Even if the tears are more of frustration and about how gullible you are, more than anything else. 
Yet, you should've known. You were warned. 
Ace keeps sending you texts asking how you are and if you want to hang out. You keep leaving him unread. You're still pretty pissed at him, even though you know you have no right to be. He's not your anything. 
Then you get another text. It's Nami this time, so you open it.  
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You miss Luffy! Ace told you he also works at the firestation, but since he no longer lives with his grandfather, you still haven’t gotten the chance to hang out with him. You’ll definitely go to this party. Even if you’re sure to run into Ace and whatever girl he’s with right now…
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This triggers Nami, so she instantly calls you. 
“What are you talking about?”
“Forget it, Nami. It's nothing new. I just saw him through the window of his room with some girl.” You force out a laugh. “Nami, it's just a silly attraction. Nothing else. I just think he's really hot!”
“Babe, if you keep thinking about him I think you should just ride that cowboy… Scratch that itch… You get my drift? Take it out of your head and then that's it!”
“You sound ridiculous.”
“Yet no wiser words have ever been spoken.”
“Maybe, but I'm not interested in being just another notch under his belt. I'd much rather be just a friend.” You reiterate. 
“From what I hear, I’d say it's your loss!” She chuckles. “But you're still coming to the party, right?”
“Yes, obviously.” You agree with a chuckle. 
“And if Ace's there with his bimbo?”
“Good riddance to both. I just want to be friends with him, anyway.”
You can almost hear the eye roll on the other end. But to her credit, she doesn't say anything. 
“Deal. We'll meet at your house to get ready. It's closer. I'll tell Robin.”
You agree and after hanging up, there's still a small smile pressed upon your lips. Nami is a friend and she makes you happy. Ace is also a friend. You shouldn't be mad at him. 
Therefore, you open his texts and finally answer him, claiming to have been busy. Forgetting all about the brunette bimbo and simply focusing on your friendship. 
Just like Nami, he gets tired of texting and calls you. 
“Hey gorgeous. I thought you were ghosting me.”
You lie back on the bed and roll your eyes. “Don't call me gorgeous. And I could never ghost you. I've just been busy.”
“Yeah, I get it. I've had a busy day as well.” He chuckles and the cold in your stomach spreads. 
“I bet…” You mumble. 
Friends! Friends! Friends! 
“I can't call you princess and I can't call you gorgeous, what do you want me to call you then?”
Why is his chuckle so damn sexy over the phone? 
“My name, genius! What else?”
“I'll get back to you about that.” Another chuckle. “Have you heard about my little brother’s party?”
“Nami is my friend, how could I not?” You chuckle. 
“Right, right. Are you going?”
“Good. Me too, obviously.”
Then he proceeds to tell you about the busy day he had helping his grandfather with some affairs at the house and about some paperwork he still had to do from this week's occurrences at the firestation and you tell him about your day. 
He doesn't mention the brunette. And neither do you. 
Somehow, the time goes by and you end up talking with Ace for almost two hours straight. Just like you were musing earlier, he's so easy to talk with. So natural, so fun. 
Shanks knocks lightly on the door and pokes his head inside. “Bug? Dinner's ready.”
You rise immediately, sitting on the bed with wide eyes. Dinner already? You didn't even realise it was already dinner time, and you had meant to cook it. Shanks must have realised that you were taking too long on the phone and did it himself. 
“Oh! Right. I'll be right down, dad. Ace I've got to go. Talk to you tomorrow, bye.”
Shanks bites his cheek, his brows scrunched. It looks as if he wants to say something, but he's considering that it's not his place to do so. So he smiles at you and begins to walk downstairs to the kitchen and you follow. 
The first minutes of the meal are spent in silence until you start telling him about your day. Then, abruptly he talks. 
“Bug… Is your relationship with Ace advancing?”
The fork stops midway to your mouth and you feel your cheeks burn. 
“I know it's not really my place. You are an adult and I was not a present father in your life. Believe me, I regret it most days. Maybe if I had tried a little harder, you and your mother could still be together and you'd have grown up with me. Maybe I had more right to butt into your business. But I worry… and… well…”
“Dad, Ace and I are just friends. Nothing else. He's really easy to talk with and we have a lot of the same interests. He's fun. But that's it. Don't worry.”
You can almost see the relief in Shanks’ face. And you almost feel bad about the way Ace really makes you feel. Because your father's worry is not at all misplaced. Ace is dangerous for impressionable hearts. 
“Friends? Okay, okay. That's good.”
You just have to make sure your heart is not impressionable and that friends are all you and he will ever be. That's all you want to be. 
The next morning passes by pretty fast as you help your dad with the chores and get the horses and the ponies ready for the Summer Jubilee. Shanks is going to have a horse riding station, mostly for the kids, but sometimes adults like to join too. 
“How's your back, dad?”
“I'm managing. I'm still taking the pills.” 
“Don't overdo it, alright? Are you sure you don't need me there to help you?” 
“No, baby, Beckman will be there to help me. You know he loves these horses. You go and have fun at your party.” 
Benn Beckman is one of your dad’s oldest friends. They used to play some sport together in school and they both never left town, so it’s a natural friendship, like yours with Nami and Robin. The festival only starts on Monday, but the vendors and concessionaires that will have their businesses at the fair are going to use Sunday to set up and you feel as if you should be helping your dad instead of going to a party. 
Shanks winks, and you laugh. “I will, dad.”
“Just not too much fun…” He grumbles, beneath his breath and you roll your eyes as you climb the stairs to take a bath and wait for the girls. 
“Ohhh, I've got the perfect dress for you!” Nami claps excitedly and you roll your eyes to the back of your head. 
“I have my own clothes, Nami! What is it with you and trying to get me into your clothes?”
“Funny, she always tries to get me out of them…” Vivi muses and you laugh out loud. 
“Honey, don't take this the wrong way. You're beautiful, but your clothes are a bit… plain… don't you want to dress to impress?” She winks. 
“Not really, no.”
“Too bad. This dress is perfect. Vivi and Robin already agreed and I won't take no for an answer. Ace will be blown away!”
You sigh and let Nami dress you up as if you were a barbie doll. There’s no use in fighting her, really. And you hate to admit it, but she does own some sexy clothes. And you do want to blow Ace away.
Though you’re having a hard time admitting it.
As you cross the tiny pathway to Mr. Garp’s house - turns out ‘at Luffy’s’ means there because Luffy’s flat is too small to fit his many, many friends - your heart starts to beat faster. You know Ace will be there. And you know there will be girls all over him. But you should also know that you can't be jealous, because you're nothing but a friend to him. 
And that's all you'll ever be. 
Still, you feel as if an army of tiny ants are crawling on your insides because everything is moving and squirming in there and you are actually quite nervous to meet him. You guys had a wonderful chat yesterday, but you also knew he had been with another girl before speaking with you. 
And Nami has already told you: Ace is a chaser. He likes the difficulty in seducing women - not that it's difficult for him, you bet. You need to keep repeating in your head: you don't want to be just another girl! 
Are you obsessing? 
Shaking your head, you try to steady your heels on the uneven path. Why did you listen to Nami? You tried to put on sneakers, but after she dressed you in the most shockingly slinky, short red dress with a draped cowl neckline and thin gold chain straps, she almost had a heart attack when she saw your feet. 
She screamed sacrilege and almost hit you in the head with the gold heels. You kept repeating that it was too much, but none of the girls listened to you. To be fair all of them look equally stunning and sexy, so you don't really feel that out of place. 
Still, it's hard to walk in these things and you're pretty sure you’ll be taking them off at one point or another as the party progresses.
As you pass the threshold of the front door, you get immediately overwhelmed by the sheer number of people. It smells like sweat, pot and booze, and the mixture makes you wrinkle your nose. 
“Who are all these people?” You ask Nami, screaming over the loud music. 
“Luffy has many friends!” She answers with a laugh. 
Right. He has many friends but they're definitely from out of town because you're pretty sure that he has more people inside this house than the entire population of your hometown. 
Robin wanders away saying she saw Sabo and she wants to say hi. Nami winks suspiciously at her and the raven-haired girl blushes and giggles. Then, Nami does a little crowd check and smiles. 
“Oh, I see my friend Lola. Will you be alright by yourself or do you wanna come?” She asks with concern and you nod vigorously. You are already seeing some familiar faces, and you won't mind mingling for a while. She smiles and saunters over with her girlfriend, also ready to mingle. 
Sighing, you set out to find a drink, first. You're in the right mood to get wasted after thinking about Ace sucking face with half of the pretty girls at this party! And free booze is just the right way to do it. Sanji is there and you take the cocktail he effortlessly makes for you with a big smile but you don't get to chat much as his drinks are in high demand and he excuses himself to go cater to another beautiful lady. 
You chuckle at his ways and take a sip of the drink he made for you. Perfect. 
You hear your name being shouted and turn around with wide eyes. It's Luffy. You hug him and he hugs back, introduces you to some of his many friends and both of you speak as if you never stopped talking at all. 
“I'm so glad you're back in town again! Ace can't stop talking about you!” He grins and you blush. 
“Right. I bet.”
But, even though you wouldn't mind knowing what Ace has to say about you, Luffy is also in high demand and gets summoned by a man with a long nose and curly black hair, who's smiling at him. Excusing himself, Luffy promises to find you again and you promise to hold him to that. 
You take another look around the room, trying to find old friends amidst the sea of new faces, but your eyes are immediately drawn to him. In all his shirtless glory, obviously. And, even more obvious is the way there's a brunette sticking to his side. An arm draped around his waist and dreamy eyes on her face. 
It figures. The party has just started and already Ace has chosen his catch of the day. Or maybe it's the catch from yesterday?
It irks you so much! Why does he have to be such a player? No, screw that! He can be a player all he wants, he just needs to stop giving you attention and making you feel special! He needs to back off! So you can move on! Geez, you look like a teenager with her first serious crush. 
Chugging the cocktail in one go, you cringe at the aftertaste and quickly ask Sanji to make you another one. You've made up your mind. You just need to avoid Ace all night. If he doesn't speak with you, there's no chance for him to enchant you with his deceiving words. There. You're a genius. 
With this happy resolution in mind and a new tasty cocktail in hand, you decide to leave this room. First step to avoiding Ace, don't be where he is. 
Swaying your hips to the beat of the song, you make your way to the backyard so you can breathe some fresh air and though there are many people outside, the open makes everything better and you inhale deeply. 
“Heeey beautiful.” A slurred voice echoes near your ear as a grimy hand moves your hair away from your shoulder, from behind. “Is that dress on sale? Because it's 100% off at my place!”
You cringe as you turn and slap the hand away from you. “First of all: eughhh! Secondly, don't touch me, creep.” The man looming near you smirks and licks his lips as his eyes rake your body from head to toe, drinking you in, and he further invades your space. 
“Come on,” he snorts and you realise he's clearly inebriated or high, or maybe both. “Dressing like that, what were you expecting?” He reaches and tries to touch you, but a large hand, coming from a presence behind you, wraps around his wrist and stops him. 
“Respect, obviously.” A low voice rumbles over your head as you turn your head around and meet the cold gaze of Ace, boring his dark eyes straight into the boy in front of you. Because in the face of Ace, he's nothing but a scared little boy. He steps in front of you and smirks. “Now apologise and beat it, before I kick you out of my house.” You're impressed with how he managed to speak such menacing words with a smile and still sound threatening. 
The boy mutters a hastened apology and escapes, tail between his legs. 
You face Ace with a frown still upon your lips. So much for avoiding him. Your plan failed and you're not a genius. You're actually an idiot. “Why do you insist on being my knight in shining armour? Especially since you're never wearing anything other than shorts!” You reply deadpan as you point at his naked torso. 
He's checking you out. His eyes linger suggestively on your exposed legs - Nami, once again, knew who she was dealing with when dressing you - and a cheeky smirk curves his cheeks upwards and makes his freckles dance just for you. “I know you like seeing my muscles.” He flexes and guffaws as you roll your eyes. 
“Yeah, me and all these young, impressionable college girls. Smooth, Ace.” You muffle a snort by taking another sip of the amazing cocktail and close your eyes in bliss. “Thank you, but I know how to defend myself from creeps. You can go now. I see a lot of lonely girls ogling you. I'm sure you have better things to do.” You mention suggestively. 
It still stings to know Ace is a player. And that you almost fell for his act. Because how can you not fall for the hot, freckled, funny and helpful fireman who compliments you and pays attention to you? Until you realise you're just another one. And you're not special nor ever were. Not to him, not to anyone. You're just… just… 
Sighing, you finish your drink in one gulp and turn inside to get another. Maybe this time you'll bring a bottle with you. 
“Woah, easy there, tiger. Don't chug your drinks like that. They taste sweet but they pack a mean punch! Sanji doesn't go light on the alcohol unless you specifically tell him to.”
You eye his drink and, honestly, don't even care what's in it. Locking eyes with him and burning him with your gaze, you snatch the red cup from his hand, ignoring his protests and warning words. “Well, boo-freaking-hoo!” With a mock toast gesture, you chug the whole thing in one gulp.
And regret it immediately.
You cough and wheeze, eyes brimming with tears as you try to breathe through your nose to calm the burn in your throat. Ace just stares at you and crosses his arms over his bare chest. The drink was nasty! It was like pure alcohol. 
“What the hell?” You sputter. 
“I told you, you couldn't handle it.”
“Shove off, Ace!” You drawl as you turn back inside in search of a bottle. God, this man infuriates you. He doesn't follow you inside and you don't care for the empty feeling that leaves in your stomach. You'll soon fill up that spot with some booze. 
Securing a bottle, you make your way back outside, expertly avoiding the place where Ace was, and start mingling with some old school friends. Time flies in an instant. Either that, or the vodka you snatched is really good, because suddenly everything seems to be spinning around you. 
You make up an excuse and try to find your way back inside, ready to find Nami and tell her this was a terrible idea and you are going to go home. But, instead, you take another chug of the bottle and wince. The numbness of the alcohol is quite refreshing, maybe a bit more won't hurt. 
But your steps are uneven and you keep bumping into people and apologising. Someone grabs you and pulls you into a dance and you can't quite tell if you know the person or not. It looks like he has spiky green hair and a loop for a nose ring. His teeth seem really sharp but that might be just the alcohol talking. He starts to get handsy because you're losing your balance, but soon, his hands go from your waist to your hips and try to get lower. 
Your brain clicks and you shove the man away but you are even dizzier from the dance and ready to fall or pass out until a strong pair of hands grabs your waist and sets you over his shoulder unceremoniously. 
Before you protest, you realise it's Ace just by the smell of him. That darn smokey wood and fresh pine! A freaking punch in the gut just as you were having fun. “Let go!” You slur into his back as you start to kick your feet in the air. 
“Stop it! Your dress is riding up! This thing is freaking short.” He hisses. 
“I don't care! Let go of me, Ace, I mean it!” You keep kicking and sure enough, your dress is almost exposing your butt, so you feel him pull the fabric down and settle his warm, big hand over the gap of your thighs and your butt so it doesn't ride up again. 
That action stops your squirming immediately. 
You start to take notice of your position: breasts are squished against his back and bare legs feeling all of the heat emanating from his chest. And his smell… God, his intoxicating smell is making your head spin. Or perhaps that’s from all the alcohol. 
Why is he with you? Shouldn't he be sucking face with some bimbo? 
You realise you still have the bottle in your hand, so you take another sip as Ace carries you up the stairs. You've been upstairs at Luffy’s house before. In his room, never in Ace's. Because that's definitely where he's taking you. So in with another sip. 
“Stop drinking!” He hisses again and sets you down at the top of the stairs. You stumble and hit your back against the wall with a low whine. At least you're steady now. 
Grinning, you raise the bottle, your eyes never leaving his harsh stare. “Make me.” You taunt and take another sip. Ace grunts as his hands tousle his dark hair. 
“You're infuriating.” 
“Hmm, hmm.” You chuckle. “As I thought. You're all bark and no bite.” You take a step to the side to descend the steps, aiming to get another bottle, or to find Nami, or leave. Whatever. Anything to get away from Ace's intoxicating presence. 
But the stairs move! Or the floor does. You're not certain. What you do know is that you're about to fall. 
But, obviously, you don't get to fall, because your knight is right there for you, holding your waist and pulling your body against his. Ace’s head nuzzles against the crook of your neck while his arm circles your waist, protectively. You feel pressure on your hips just as he digs his digits firmly against your flesh, his hip fixation driving you crazy once more as your toes curl. 
A gasp leaves your parted lips as he inhales your scent and then you moan softly as he exhales hot breath against your neck, trailing goosebumps with his lips and grunting near your ear. 
He lets go abruptly and wraps a hand around your wrist, tugging and pulling you towards his bedroom. Is this going to happen? Are you going to fall into his trap? 
Because you're drunk? 
Opening the door he throws you onto his bed with a growl and turns. You hear him breathing heavily but you can't do anything as everything is spinning around you and, even if you wanted to, you couldn't quite get up yet. 
After a moment you hear his feet shuffle as he turns back to you. “Sleep.” He approaches and snatches the bottle from your hand. “And enough of this.”
He turns to leave the room but you grab his wrist. Were you going for the bottle? Or was it really his wrist you meant to grab? 
“Stay.” You whisper against your will. 
You can almost hear his internal battle raging outside. You're drunk, and you know he doesn't want to take advantage. But you do. 
Do you? 
His jaw clenches and he sits by the foot of the bed, away from you, his face turned as he's assaulted by a grim look. 
You can't think too much about this or it will never happen. You're drunk. So you should just go with it. You're sure it'll feel good. It will help you process whatever it is you think you feel for him and then, finally, forget him. What did Nami say? 
Ride that cowboy, scratch that itch. 
Damn, riding him does sound good. Who cares about the dumb bimbos he has downstairs waiting for him? Who cares if he'll just find another girl to chase after you?
Sex sounds pretty damn appealing now. 
“So how does this work, exactly?” You start, getting on your knees and approaching his body, one hand caressing his naked shoulders and now he can't help but stare back at you. “You seduce the girl, or barely do anything because you have all that!” You point at his body with a snort. “And then after you've fucked her, you move on? It's like she never existed, nothing happened, just another notch under your belt?”
You ask while he keeps staring at you. You can't read anything in his dark eyes. His freckles seem lifeless, his smirk is gone and he doesn't seem amused at all. 
“Because if that's how it works, maybe we should have a go at it. You just fuck me and we both move on. Because I can't take this anymore, Ace.” Your voice is barely a whisper. You move closer and straddle his lap. Your dress rides up and you buckle your hips against him, feeling his hardness against your achy, needy core as he muffles a grunt against his pressed lips. His hands twitch as if he wants to grab you but they remain planted firmly against the bed. His eyes never leave yours, yet he remains silent. “I can't be this hung up on you anymore, Ace. So just get this over and done with, will you? So we can both move on.”
Tilting your head to the side and digging your nails into his scalp, you lean in for the kiss, ready to take his lips, his tongue, his hands and his dick. And then his rejection, his aloofness and the hurt of seeing him with someone else. 
That is the whole Ace package. 
But maybe that's what it takes to stop obsessing over him. 
Except you don't take anything because he stops you. Two strong hands on your shoulders push you back as his gaze falls down, facing your bodies where they are close. Would be connected, even, if not for the clothing between you. Ace is breathing heavily and you can feel the tension oozing out of him in hot waves. 
“Stop.” He says your name firmly. And you know a ‘no’ when you hear one. Even though this one hurts like hell. 
Nodding, it takes you a few turns to swallow the hard lump that formed in your throat. As you get off his lap and fix your dress, you notice that the world is spinning once again and this time it's almost unbearable. 
“It's not that I don't want you. Trust me.” He groans. “It's just… you're not even going to remember this conversation tomorrow, let alone be of sane mind to consent to sex.” He snorts and shakes his head. “When-... if we do this, I want you to remember all of it.”
You roll your eyes at him and scoff loudly. “I would rather forget.” You mumble and lie back, curling to the side and closing yourself off. As if you would like to remember the time when Ace used you and dumped you - if it happened. Forgetting is much easier than getting all of his attention. 
He sighs and gets up. Then he takes off your shoes and tells you to close your eyes and sleep. You close them, with a heavy heart and a heavier conscience. You do hope you don't remember this tomorrow. The way you threw yourself at him and the way he swiftly rejected you. 
Which one is worse, really? 
Covering your body with a blanket, he puts the trash can near the bed in case you need it later - you’ll probably need it. There’s a heaviness on top of your eyes, the beginnings of a throbbing headache, and a moment passes but Ace doesn't leave. His presence still fills the room, still fills you and makes your heart ache. But you don't open your eyes to acknowledge him - or your pain - and your breath starts to even out. 
You hear him sigh and sense him leaning above you, his head hovering near yours. “You would never be just another notch under my belt…” He murmurs and kisses your forehead gently before leaving you alone in his room.
You’re woken up either by the bright sun shining directly on your eyelids, or by the throbbing headache in your temples, you’re not quite sure.
Either way, your body says that it’s too early for this, and it’s too freaking hot. When it gets this hot, you usually lean against the wall on the side of your bed to absorb the coolness from the bricks. So you turn to the side and scoot over to mould yourself against the cool wall.
Except there’s no wall. 
And there’s no more bed.
So you fall with a soft yelp, dragging the blanket - which is rolled around your torso, arms and face, for some reason - and fall onto the hard floor.
You fall, alright, but not onto the hard floor. It’s firm. And it’s a body. It’s grunting.
Huffing, you try to stand up but the blanket makes the job difficult and the room is still spinning from all the alcohol you ingested yesterday, so you sit, on top of the body, stradling the man below you, and trying - in vain! - to either get up or to get rid of the blanket, all the while muffling apologies for the minor ‘inconvenience’. 
In the middle of your desperate plight to escape your situation, you hear another low grunt and feel two strong hands grab your hips and pin you against his body, making it impossible to move.
“Stop. Squirming. Please.” 
It’s Ace. You stop immediately, your free hand grasping at the surface in front of you - his abs. Feeling your face burn up at the touch you realise the reality of your situation: You’re both on the floor, with you straddling him and fondling his perfect six-pack - maybe stop touching him! - and he’s very hard between your legs. 
“I-I’m sorry. It’s… the blanket…” You start, your face hidden by the thrice-damned blanket. Ace grunts again and you wince at the loss of contact when he removes one of his hands and rips the blanket off you with one swift motion. 
The pull disrupts your balance, and you dig your nails into his stomach - that’s sure to leave a mark - and tighten your legs around him to try and steady yourself. You know he doesn’t mean to, but Ace bucks his hips up with your squirming and you barely bite back a whine at the friction that creates in your core. 
“Fuck.” He mutters with a desperate exhale, lifting his torso up and facing you.
This is dangerous territory. And now you’re free, so you should get up. Why don’t you? 
Ace’s fingers grip your hips tighter. When did his hand return to your hip? You didn’t notice it, it’s like it belongs there. And why are you now grabbing his shoulders? His eyes are all pupil and he doesn’t blink while he drinks you in. You know you must be a mess. Hair all over the place, smudged makeup, dress straps off your shoulders… yet the look he’s giving you makes you feel like you’re the only girl that matters in the world. 
“Don’t do that…” You whisper. You want him to stop looking at you like that, to stop making you feel special and wanted, because you can’t take another heartbreak, and there’s no way that something you start with Ace won’t end in heartbreak. So you need to nip this in the bud even before it blooms. 
“Right.” His voice is hoarse and ragged as his hold tightens around your waist, lifting you with ease and setting you aside, removing himself from the situation. He grabs a discarded shirt from the back of his chair and leaves the room cursing and tousling his hair. 
You only meant for him to stop looking at you like that. You didn’t want him to leave completely. Right? Because now there’s a sudden emptiness inside and around you and you’re not quite sure how to be complete again. 
Sighing, you massage your temples with both hands. The tension between the two of you is becoming unbearable. Should he just fuck you and get it over with so you could each go your own way?
Why does this line of thought feel so familiar?
Lowering your head, you inhale and almost gag at the smell of your dress. At some point yesterday you must’ve spilled an entire drink on yourself, because it smells like the back alley of the town's dingiest tavern. 
You test your stability by slowly lifting yourself with the help of the bed, and it works. Then you look around and, sure enough, there’s a half-crumpled t-shirt lying on the chair, the same place he took the other one from. Grabbing it, you take a tentative sniff. It doesn’t smell bad. If anything, it smells like him.
It smells amazing.
Even though Ace closed the door when he left, you turn your back and quickly discard your dress. You curse when you realise you’re not wearing a bra because the dress didn’t allow for one, but you still pull the shirt over you. It falls to your thighs, almost at the same height as the dress.
“Hmm, hmm.” Ace’s grunt startles you and you turn swiftly to the door. Did he see you change? “Here.” He extends a glass of water and two pills. His eyes are locked on the ceiling and there’s a slight blush on his cheeks. He saw you.
You choose not to acknowledge the fact.
“Thanks.” You take the pills and almost inhale the glass of water because you’re so thirsty. Then you sigh in satisfaction and set the glass on his desk. “I took your shirt, I thought you wouldn’t mind… seeing as you barely wear them.”
That elicited a very small chuckle from him, but the curl of his lips didn’t even reach his freckles. 
“Do you remember anything from last night?” He asks, scratching the back of his neck.
“No. Not much. I think I remember you bringing me here, but then, nothing. I must’ve blacked out immediately, right?” You chuckle and miss the pained grimace on his face.
“Yeah, that was it.”
“Sorry for taking your bed and making you sleep on the floor.” He shrugs. “Sorry for falling on top of you… I thought I was in my room, you see, there’s usually a wall there and-...” You stop your wild gestures and chuckle. 
Why does this feel weird all of a sudden?
“I guess I should get going. Shanks might be worried.” You know your father will never say anything about you spending the night away or drinking, you’re no longer a kid, but he will still worry.
“I texted him last night to tell him you were alright and spending the night.”
You flush as your eyes meet his. “You told him just like that?” He nods and you groan. “Great, he’s going to think we have something.”
“Who would want that, right?” He sounds sarcastic.
“What’s your problem?”
“I don’t have a problem!” He grunts again and you somehow pick up on the fact that he’s angry at you, or frustrated at least. 
“Clearly you do!” Taking a step forward, you try to approach him with your hand extended, but he turns his face away from you with a ‘tsk’ and steps back. For some reason your heart sinks and you feel cold. 
“Got it. I’m the problem. I’ll get out of here, no worries.” Maybe he wanted to spend the night with some girl and you being in his bed got in the way of that? That had to be it. Why else would he be so upset?
Grabbing your shoes from the floor and your crumpled, smelly dress, you make your way to the door, brows knitted together and lips pursed. 
“I’m so sorry for getting in the way of your lay. Maybe you should’ve just dumped me in Luffy’s old room instead of your own. Then you would’ve been able to fuck whomever you wanted.”
You stomp past him and you don’t know why you have tears stinging in the back of your eyes. Might be because of the hangover? It has to be.
“So sorry for the inconvenience.” You shout before running down the hall, down the stairs and to your home.
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fleming-o · 20 days
Secret Meetings
Jessie Fleming X Reader
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just a cute little (2k) fic where reader and jessie gotta hide around to kiss
i need more requests! so please
The sun was setting over our beachside villa, casting a warm, golden glow across the Portland Thorns' getaway. The villa, with its whitewashed walls and an infinity pool that seemed to merge with the ocean, was a perfect retreat from our busy schedules. The gentle rustling of palm leaves and the distant sound of waves created a soundtrack of tranquility, making it a dream destination for us.
I was lounging on a deck chair, my gaze fixed on Jessie. She was by the pool, her blue bikini and sun-kissed skin glowing in the soft light. Each time she glanced my way, her smile seemed to hold a private meaning, just for me. It was moments like these that made me appreciate how lucky I was to be with her.
Janine, always perceptive and a bit of a troublemaker, plopped down beside me, her grin mischievous. “You’ve been staring at her like she’s the last piece of chocolate. What’s going on?”
I laughed, feeling my cheeks warm at the teasing. “Janine, you’re impossible.”
She nudged me playfully. “I’m just saying, you two are pretty obvious. It’s actually kind of adorable.”
Jessie noticed our exchange and approached us, her presence immediately making me feel lighter. She flopped down beside me with a contented sigh. “What are you two whispering about?”
I shrugged, trying to look casual despite the fluttering in my chest. “Just wishing we had some time alone. It’s been a pretty busy day.”
Jessie’s eyes twinkled with a hint of mischief. “Well, if you’re looking for a chance to get away, I think Janine might be able to help us.”
Janine’s grin widened, and she gave us a subtle nod. “Lucky for you, I’m an expert at distraction. I’ll keep the others entertained for a bit. Just don’t keep us waiting too long.”
“Thanks, Janine,” Jessie said, giving her a grateful smile. We slipped away from the bustling pool area, heading toward a quieter part of the villa. Janine’s support made the whole thing feel more relaxed and less like we were sneaking around.
As we walked away from the pool, the sound of laughter and splashing faded, replaced by the soothing sounds of nature. Jessie took my hand, and I could feel the warmth of her touch sending a shiver of anticipation through me. We wandered through the villa’s lush gardens, the fragrance of blooming flowers mingling with the salty sea breeze.
We found a secluded spot near the edge of the property, partially hidden by thick greenery and offering a perfect view of the sunset. The colors of the sky—shades of pink, orange, and purple—painted a breathtaking backdrop for our little escape.
Jessie looked around, her gaze reflecting the beauty of the moment. “This should be private enough.”
I nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. “It’s perfect.”
Jessie’s hand found mine again, her touch gentle and reassuring. As we drew closer, I could see the warmth in her eyes. We shared a quick, tender kiss, a fleeting moment that left my heart racing. Jessie’s cheeks flushed, and she looked at me with a mix of joy and relief.
Just as we were savoring the intimacy, Janine reappeared, strolling towards us with a knowing smile. “So, how was the sneaky business?”
Jessie and I exchanged a quick, sheepish glance. “We were just taking a moment,” Jessie said, her tone light and playful.
Janine chuckled. “Well, I’m glad I could help. It’s nice to see you two so happy. Just remember, no more disappearing acts without me.”
We laughed together, and I felt a wave of gratitude for Janine’s understanding and support. Her presence made it easier to be ourselves, even when we were trying to keep things low-key.
As the evening settled in and the crowd started to thin out, Jessie and I decided it was time to retreat to our own private space. We headed back to our room at the villa, a cozy retreat softly lit by the warm glow of bedside lamps. The air was filled with the calming scent of lavender from the candles we had lit earlier, creating an ambiance of relaxation and romance.
The room was a haven of tranquility, with the soft light casting a gentle glow over the space. Jessie’s eyes softened with affection as she looked around. “This place is so relaxing. I’m glad we can unwind here.”
I smiled, feeling a sense of peace as we settled into our space. “Me too. It’s nice to have a break from everything and just focus on us.”
Jessie flopped down on the bed with a contented sigh, patting the spot next to her. “Come here.”
I joined her, the softness of the bed contrasting with the warmth of her body as she pulled me close. Her arms wrapped around me, and her fingers began to trace gentle patterns on my back. The soothing rhythm of her touch made me feel completely at ease.
“I’ve missed having these quiet moments with you,” Jessie murmured, her voice soft and full of affection.
I snuggled closer, savoring the intimacy of our shared space. “Me too. It’s like we can finally slow down and enjoy each other’s company without any distractions.”
Jessie’s fingers continued their soothing caress, and I could feel her love in every touch. It was a welcome change from the hectic pace of our lives. The room was a bubble of calm, where we could let go of our worries and simply be together.
“We’ve had so many busy days lately,” Jessie said softly. “It’s nice to finally have some time to ourselves.”
I nodded, my heart full of gratitude. “It really is. It feels like everything else fades away when we’re together.”
Jessie’s eyes were warm as she leaned in for another kiss. This one was slower, more deliberate, as if we were savoring every second of our time together. The kiss was tender and filled with a deep sense of connection, as though we were speaking in a language only we understood.
As we continued to kiss, I felt a surge of emotion and closeness. Jessie’s hands roamed gently over my back, and I could feel her love in every touch. We were creating a bubble of intimacy and comfort that made the outside world feel distant and unimportant.
After a while, Jessie pulled back slightly, her eyes locked onto mine. “I’m really grateful for this time with you. It’s like our own little paradise.”
I smiled, feeling a deep sense of contentment. “I feel the same way. It’s perfect here with you.”
Jessie’s touch was gentle as she traced her fingers over my arm, her warmth providing a sense of security and calm. The room was filled with the soft glow of the lamps and the soothing scent of lavender, creating an ambiance that made everything else seem distant.
“I love these moments with you,” Jessie said softly. “They make everything else worth it.”
I looked up at her, my heart swelling with affection. “I love them too. It’s like we’re in our own little world, where nothing else matters.”
As the night wore on, we continued to enjoy our peaceful retreat. We talked about our day, shared our hopes and dreams, and simply enjoyed each other’s company. Jessie’s laughter, her gentle touch, and the way she looked at me made everything feel right.
Eventually, we drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other’s arms. The world outside felt distant and unimportant, and we savored the simple joy of being together. Jessie’s warmth and closeness provided a sense of security and comfort that made everything else fade away.
In our little haven, surrounded by warmth and understanding, everything was just right. The villa, the sunset, and the tranquil atmosphere all contributed to a perfect escape where we could be ourselves and enjoy our love for each other. As we slept, I felt a deep sense of contentment, knowing that these moments were special and cherished.
Jessie’s presence beside me was a reminder of the deep connection we shared, and I knew that as long as we had these moments together, everything would be okay. The world outside could wait—we had our own paradise right here, where love and understanding reigned supreme.
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featherandferns · 1 year
surfs up (fic)
jj maybank x fem!reader | part of the F.W.B universe, but can be read as a standalone too!
content warning: drug use; mentions/discussions of sex
word count: 4k.
blurb: you meet JJ's friends. whilst Kiara and Sarah grill you about your boyfriend, John B and Pope are still trying to wrap their heads around the fact that you've managed to tie JJ down.
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The mirror could do with a clean. You look past the smudges and marks on the glass to focus on parting your hair with a comb. It’s freshly washed and wet, dripping down your bare back.
“Do you have to do that naked? It’s like torture,” JJ complains from the bed.
You don’t look away from your handy work as you reply. “You know, if we go to war, and you get captured, you’re in for a big shock.”
JJ hurls a pillow towards you and it hits you in the side before you have time to dodge, making you laugh.
“I don’t understand why you’re styling your hair anyway. We’re going surfing,” he says.
“I always style my hair.”
“I don’t get why. I mean, I never style mine."
Turning around to take him in, you reply, sarcastically, “you don’t say.”
JJ’s laid on his back on the bed, naked save from his boxers, eyes closed, his hair pointing in any which way. You know that for him, getting ready will consist of switching into some swim shorts, pulling on one of the many tee-shirts on the floor (that won’t stay tidy, no matter how hard you try), and shoving a cap over his unruly hair. You watch as his hand lazily searches for another pillow to toss, coming up short. A vape gets thrown instead, hitting your thigh.
Looking back to the mirror, you thread the comb through some strands, encouraging them to fall the right side of your head.
“Your hair's just gonna get wet anyway. I don’t know why you’re bother-Oh.”
“What?” you grumble, not liking how his voice has suddenly dropped off. He doesn’t reply. Starts giggling to himself like a schoolgirl. You roll your eyes, looking to him again. “What?”
“You tryn’a look pretty for my friends?”
“Shut up.”
“You are! You wanna look pretty for when you meet them!”
“Shut up!” you repeat, louder. Your face is flushing hot with embarrassment. “I just wanna make a good first impression.”
“Babe, they're so chill, you could walk in half naked and it’d make a good impression. I mean, you basically already did with John B.”
“Please don’t remind me of that,” you whine.
The comb gets dumped on the dresser. JJ’s grinning at you from the bed – you can see his pearly whites reflecting in the mirror – and you somehow refrain from rolling your eyes again. Okay, sure, maybe you are spending a bit more time than usual on how you look and are overthinking how you’re going to dress for this chill-out-surf-day on the beach…But you want JJ’s friends to like you. Think good of you.
JJ hasn’t let up on teasing you. In silent retaliation, when you reach down to collect a tee shirt from the ground, you make a show to bend over forwards, the back of your legs facing him. JJ groans.
“That’s just mean.”
“What is?” you ask innocently, standing upright again, tee shirt in hand.
“You’re not playing fair,” JJ tells you.
Smirking, you open a dresser draw and shove in the tee. There’s no point wasting time folding it, as it’s only going to end up on the bedroom floor again by tomorrow. Opening the second drawer, you dig through your clothes that have gradually accumulated in JJ’s room at the chateau. Digging out a two-piece and a pair of shorts, you move to get dressed.
“Do you think we got time for a quickie?” JJ asks.
You bark out a laugh. “We really don’t.”
“Sure we do. Please.”
“Are you seriously begging me to have a quickie with you-” you glance to the bedside table’s clock, reading the time “-ten minutes after we said we’d meet your friends outside?”
JJ shrugs, sitting up. “I’m very fast.”
“That’s usually not the kind of thing guys brag about,” you remind him.
Your shorts are on now, and you reach around to tie the back of your bikini top.
“I’m serious. In and out, I swear. Two minutes tops.”
“And they say romance is dead.”
“JJ,” you mimic. “No means no.”
He grunts and flops back on the bed, dramatic. You grab at another tee shirt on the floor (I mean, are these things multiplying?) and toss it at him. It lands on his face and he groans.
“Get dressed. I’m gonna brush my teeth.”
You laugh to yourself as you walk out his bedroom, into the bathroom. As you brush, you inspect your face for any blemishes, and your hair for any stray strands which have fallen away. There’s a nervous thrum in your chest, over-layed with excitement; similar to the kind you get before a match.
You know JJ’s friends are far from snobbish. They’re perhaps the most easy-going people on earth. But earning their approval weirdly means a lot to you. Maybe it’s because JJ doesn’t seem very close with his family – at least, he never talks about them with you – so this feels akin to meeting the parents. You also have a sense that his friends inform a lot of his thoughts and decisions, and so if you were to slip up, maybe they’d somehow convince him to leave you. Whilst the pair of you have only been official for a couple of weeks, nearing to a month, you already feel how attached you’re becoming to him. How you save your dirtiest jokes for him and make a mental note of any anecdote at work that you know will have him in stiches. And the sex is better than it ever was before.
By the time you’re done in the bathroom, JJ’s pulling on his boots. He’s dressed in an old work muscle-tee and some swim shorts (just as you suspected) and there’s a cap waiting on his bed. The red one. You smile, sit down and pick it up.
“Think this is my favourite one,” you tell him. You inspect the front and read the branding.
JJ takes it from you and places it on your head, pushing down on the lip of the cap so it blocks your vision. Makes you laugh.
“Looks good on you too,” he says. “Not as good as I look on you…”
“We’re not having a quickie, JJ.”
“Damn it. Ah well, worth a shot.”
You take off the cap and hand it back to him, getting up. JJ’s kicking your trainers towards you and you slide them on rather easy, without having to untie the laces. Then the two of you are heading out the house and out the front door. The butterflies that had momentarily let up in the bedroom are back, beating their wings in full force at the sight of his friends gathered around the back of the house. Kiara is sat in the hammock, scrolling on her phone, and Sarah is half-laying at her feet. Pope is lent against the tree. He’s talking to John B, who’s sat on one of the low deckchairs, eyes closed and nodding along. JJ whistles as the two of you approach, catching their attention. When their heads turn to look at you, it makes you think of hawks fixating on prey.
“Yo. Good to go?”
“Only been waiting for ten minutes,” Pope says.
“Wasn’t it Newton who said time is relative?”
“No. That was Einstein, genius,” Pope corrects.
JJ rolls his eyes. “Whatever. We’re here now.”
Sarah’s on her feet, walking over to you, smiling with a hand outstretched. “Hi! I’m Sarah!”
“Hi,” you smile, shaking her hand, introducing yourself. Kiara follows second. Pope nods at you from the tree, introducing himself, and John B gives a small wave.
“We’ve technically already met,” he says, making you laugh through your embarrassment.
“Come on!” Kiara’s calling, half-way to the twinkie. “We’re missing all the good waves!”
“Who’s got the cooler?”
“Already packed."
"Yeah, we had some time to kill...”
“Attached to the roof.”
“I mean, can you seriously not see them? You do have eyes, right?”
“Shut it, Pope.”
You tag behind the gang, barely following their constant banter, chuckling at the antics. It seems they have a routine. John B and Sarah climb in the front, the former sitting behind the steering wheel. Kiara slides open the back door and her and Pope climb in first, taking the back seat. JJ offers you a hand as you step in. You take the spot nearest the steering wheel – a strange box-like podium that you imagine is hollow for storage – whilst JJ slides the door shut. He sits near your feet, leant against the wall of the front seats. The engine has spluttered to life and the radio begins to play Marley. The gang gives a few whoops of excitement as you set off towards the beach, away from the marsh.
By the time you pull up to the beach, Pope has explained the theory of the universe; JJ and John B have gotten into a brief, fleeting argument about whether Atlantis could be real; Sarah reminisced about the last time she went surfing; and Kiara has gone on a semi-heated tangent about litter on the beaches. Your cheeks ache from smiling and laughing. Whilst you haven’t fully stuck your neck out yet to join in, you’re content just listening to the gang bicker and beam.
As the engine shuts off, JJ reaches down to squeeze a hand on your shoulder. “Ready to ruin your hair?”
Mirthfully, you roll your eyes. “Can’t look any worse than yours.”
Pope ooo’s at the burn whilst Kiara whistles lowly, grinning.
Then everyone’s getting to their feet, hopping out the car, retrieving gear and supplies to lug down onto the sand. JJ carries his board and the cooler, and you lug the paddle board and a tote bag of snacks. John B and Sarah settle on a good spot, just shy of the dunes, far enough from the water that there’d be plenty of time before the tide comes in to pack up and leave. As everyone starts to dump the stuff, Kiara pulls out a blanket to lay out. A speaker beeps to life and Pope connects. Classics ranging from the sixties through to the noughts begin to play, encapsulating the feeling of summer. It’s hot under the sun but not uncomfortable. There’s a slight breeze that could catch someone out with thinking they’d avoid a sunburn.
“Who’s up for some waves?” JJ asks, pulling off his tee.
“Hell yeah,” John B grins.
“I’m in,” Pope agrees.
Sarah’s situated herself on the rag-tag blanket, pulling out a nail file. “I’m gonna wait a bit longer.”
Kiara is pulling out a joint and lounging back on the sand. It’s answer enough that she’s skipping out for now.
You decide to stay with the girls; wait for the waves to build some more. The guys begin to race towards the water, JJ cracking a joke to John B that earns him a shove. You shake your head as you watch the trio go. Searching around in one of the tote bags, you retrieve a packet of pretzels chips and pull it open.
“Thanks for letting me tag along today,” you say to the two girls.
“What’d you mean tag along?” Kiara frowns.
“We’ve been begging to meet you ever since JJ started hooking up with you,” Sarah tells you.
You chuckle, sceptical. “Wait? Really?”
“Yeah!” the girls chorus, making the three of you laugh.  
“God, that boy is so whipped, it’s gross,” Kiara snorts.
“It’s adorable!” Sarah corrects.
Offering around the bag to the two of them, you frown. “I don’t know about whipped…”
“Girl, you didn’t hear him,” Sarah says, amused. “After you two had been hooking up for like two weeks, he started talking about you all the time. It was hilarious.”
“Yeah, but he’d do it in a way that he didn’t realise he was. Like he’d just randomly have to add little bits and pieces about you into conversations,” Kiara continues.
“Thanks to him we know your favourite sandwich.”
“And your favourite colour.”
“Favourite TV show…”
“Alright, alright, I get it,” you laugh. Your face feels burning hot. Glancing out to the waves, spotting the three guys wading out on their boards, you smile to yourself. You never knew that. “That’s kinda sweet, actually.”
“So…he treating you well?” Kiara asks.
You look back to them and smile, nodding.
“It’s so weird for me. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way about someone before. I mean, I’ve cared a lot for people, but only like my parents and stuff. And, for most people, you’re born with that sort of affection for them, you know? But with JJ…I just felt it sort of grow until I couldn’t imagine going a day without seeing him.”
The moment the words leave your mouth, you cringe. Laughing in spite of yourself, you add, “sorry. That was gross.”
“It was adorable!” Sarah is practically giddy. Kiara and you laugh. “We’ve been waiting for the right girl to get to him.”
“I knew he was a romantic at heart,” Kiara nods in agreement.
“Wait. Is he romantic?” Sarah asks, looking to you once more.
You grab another pretzel and eat it as you think.
“I guess. We’re not really the mushy-shit type couple. But he’s kind of thoughtful. Does these little things for me sometimes. Like, I told him that I used to have chocolate-covered strawberries with my nana on picnics when I was younger, and that they remind me of her. I don’t even know how it came up, really. But the next day he’d made me some as a surprise. It was kinda sweet.”
“No doy – his love language is acts of service,” Kiara shrugs. She flicks on her lighter.
“What’d you mean?”
“Like, he expresses his love and affection for people through actions,” she tells you. “I’m telling you, that’s what it is.”
“What are the other types of love language again?” Sarah wonders.
“Lemme think. There’s gift giving, words of affirmation…”
As Kiara continues to list them off, you look out to the water and mull it over. You catch sight of JJ surfing, dipping in and out of the waves, weightless like a feather, as if he were born and bred on the water. You’d played down the chocolate covered strawberries story. There was more to it then him just doing it out of the blue.
That night, the two of you had decided to watch a movie. An old classic came on – one of the Monroe films – and you went into this random spiel about how your nana used to be the biggest Monroe fan. That went into JJ asking about your family, and you nana, and you telling the chocolate strawberries story. You got a little tearful at the memory, knowing that you wouldn’t have a moment like that with her again, and JJ made a point to tell an embarrassing story from middle school gym to cheer you up. The night had gone on and you didn’t think much more of it. The next day, JJ texted you to meet him in the marsh. When you arrived, there was a blanket laid out and some snacks and drinks (mostly beer) laid out. He seemed somewhat embarrassed, as if worried it was too much. The two of you hadn’t really done an official date: mostly movie-nights and sometimes grabbing lunch purely out of hunger. But you’d never had someone do something like that for you. Then, bashful, he'd opened up a Tupperware and held it out to you, offering you a chocolate covered strawberry. Come to think, it might have been the most romantic thing anybody had ever done for you.
But telling the girls all of that felt like you might take something away from the memory. You knew JJ liked his reputation. You understood, having one of your own somewhat. The fact that he had done it without being prompted, out of the kindness of his heart and his feelings for you…It made you feel special and wanted. And what other feeling do humans crave from another, other than that? No. You’ll keep those details to yourself. They can just know about the strawberries.
“No, no, John B’s definitely a words of affirmation sort,” Sarah is saying pointedly.
Kiara’s shaking her head in disagreement. “Quality time, all the way.”
“Quality time’s Pope’s thing,” the blonde argues.
“He’s surprisingly really into words of affirmation, in his awkward Pope-ish way,” Kiara informs, taking a drag.
“Wait, I’m confused. Are you and Pope a thing?” you can’t help but ask Kiara.
She looks away from both you and Sarah as she takes another hit. The smell of weed is gradually building. “Not exactly.”
“That’s not a no,” Sarah grins, teasingly.
“And it’s not a yes,” she affirms, shooting a glare. It softens, as she struggles to find her words. “It’s a…”
“Complicated?” you offer.
She smiles at you, grateful. “Yeah. 'Complicated’.”
“I know complicated,” you chuckle. “Used to be the queen of complicated.”
“You mean like before you and JJ were official?” Sarah wonders.
You nod. Resting back on your bent arms, you sigh.
“It was so hard to tell where we stood sometimes. And whenever I’d try and start up a conversation about it, he’d get all weird and defensive and stuff.”
“Yep. That sounds like JJ,” Kiara chuckles, a little sadly.
“For the record,” Sarah chimes in. “I knew he liked you from the first time he got with you.”
“Oh yeah. He just seemed lighter. Happier.”
“Sex does that to people,” you chuckle, brushing it off.
“No, I’m telling you. He was a goner from the start.”
“Did you forget the sandwich-colour-TV-show story?”
You laugh, waving them away. “I’m just pretty decent in bed, is all.”
“No kidding. You know what JJ says right?”
“You don’t know!?”
“What? What don’t I know?” you worry, sitting up again.
Kiara and Sarah are making faces at each other, laughing. You confusion twists into anxiety that eases the moment Sarah looks at you again.
“Okay, okay, so we’re hanging out at the chateau one night, right?” she begins.
“And JJ’s drunk as a skunk, okay? Like really wasted.”
“And high.”
“Yeah, and high,” Kiara nods, chuckling at the memory. “So John B asks about who the girl he accidentally bumped into the hallway was, the other night.”
You throw your face into your hands with a groan. Are you ever going to live that down?
“Well, at first JJ tries to act all casual. Says you’re this side-chick he’s seeing,” Sarah continues.
“But for some reason, John B thinks that’s not the whole truth. So he starts pushing at him.”
“Eventually it all just kicks off until JJ lets slip that you’re the best sex he’s ever had,” Sarah finishes, smirking at you, almost like she’s proud.
You’re human. The indirect compliment goes straight to your head and makes it grow about ten times in size. Fighting and failing to hold off a grin, you check you heard them right.
The two girls nod enthusiastically.
“And, of course, we’ve never let him live it down,” Kiara smiles, sweet like a pageant queen.
Your teeth sink into your lower lip as you chuckle to yourself. This whole time, with his stupid little game of ‘best you’ve ever had?’ that he kicks up nearly every time the two of you hook-up, came from a part of him wondering if it was as good for you as it was for him. If he’s alone in feeling that way.
“I came up with the theory – which, proved to correct, might I add? – that the reason why the sex was so good is cause he had feelings for you,” Sarah proudly proclaims.
Kiara rolls her eyes as she says, “But you know JJ--”
The three of you chorus through a laugh: “deny, deny, deny.”
With that, all three of you are in hysterics. Your ribs begin to hurt from laughter. As you revel in the wonderful pain, you wonder if you’ve ever felt so at ease in your life before. It wasn’t that you didn’t have friends, but you didn’t have a group of them like this. Just people here and there who you could vent to and grab coffee with and such. But these girls liked you, and they found you funny, and they cared about what you had to say. Tied in with the added benefit of having JJ, everything felt like it was aligning just as it should.
Flopping back onto the towel, you smile at the afternoon sky. No clouds and no birds. Just endless, stretching blue.
“He’s the best sex I’ve ever had too,” you quietly confess.
The girls’ lingering giggles pause before kicking up, tenfold.
“Wait? Really?”
“Yeah,” you grin, nodding. He was. Easily. “But you tell him that, and I’ll deny it. I like that he doesn’t really know. Only has a hunch.”
“Oh yeah,” Kiara affirms. “We can’t ever give guys the satisfaction of thinking they’re actually good in bed.”
“It’s like the one thing we have,” Sarah winks.
The three of you collapse into giggles again.
“What’d you think they’re talking about?” Pope asks, looking out to the shore at the girls.
The three guys are taking a moment to rest, sitting on their boards, legs dangling in the water. JJ can see you, lying on your back, basking in the sun. Sometimes your combined laughter is loud enough to travel out to the water. He feels like he can make out your distinct giggle easily.
“School maybe?” Pope continues to wonder.
“Dude, they’re one hundred percent talking about us,” JJ declares. “I bet my board on it.”
“You think so?”
“JJ’s right,” John B sighs, nodding. “I feel like Sarah and Kie have been dying to grill your girl for ages.”
JJ’s heart feels like it skips at beat at the phrase 'your girl. He never thought he’d hear someone say that to him. Never thought it would make him so happy to hear it. Huh.
“It’s weird seeing you in a relationship,” Pope says, as if reading his mind.
JJ frowns. “What? Like it’s hard to picture someone wanting to date me?”
“No, you moron. Hard to picture you settling for one girl. Honestly, I was worried you had nymphomania or something."
“It’s an addiction to sex,” Pope clarifies impatiently.
JJ grins, smug. “I mean, can’t say that I don’t have that.”
“JJ. Gross.”
“What? Like it’s a secret or something? You’re just jealous, Pope. Gotta get your dick wet,” JJ shrugs.
Now John B’s cringing. “Gross, JJ.”
“So conservative,” he jests, lying back on his board. Clasping his hands over his bare stomach that’s beginning to dry under the rays, he gazes up at the clear sky. “My girl treats me good. Not gonna apologise for bragging about it.”
“But you do you gotta do it in such a crude way?” Pope almost whines. JJ flips him off half-arsed.
“Never thought I’d see the day when JJ was pussy-whipped, but here I sit,” John B says. JJ flips him off too for good measure, then lets both arms flop back onto his stomach.
There’s your laugh again. Makes him smile.
“You guys like her though, right?” he can’t help but ask, after a moment of quiet. Nothing but the waves licking at the boards.  
“Yeah, man,” John B says.
“Course,” Pope seconds. “I think she’s a good match for you. And your out-of-control libido.”
“Pope, I swear to God, you say one more million-dollar-word and I’ll drown you.”
As the afternoon turns to dusk, the beach day continues. The guys return to land and the girls take the boards out on the waves. You revive your chats from the beach out on the water, drifting into new topics outside of boys: like boxing and school and work and activism. By the time you’re walking back onto the shore, the boys have started up a fire. JJ offers you a sip of his beer as you ditch your board. You smile and accept, moving to sit between his legs. He wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you against him, and takes the bottle back to have another swig. Sarah settles with John B, and Kiara lounges back, her feet placed on Pope’s lap.
The music lulls out well-known hits (Come on Eileen, Build Me Up Buttercup, and the never-ending American Pie) and you bask in the warmth of the embers from the fire, drying off any speck of salt water. The bottle keeps getting handed back and forth between you and JJ, and eventually a joint joins the mix. The conversation turns easy, light-hearted jokes enhanced by the booze and weed, making everyone chuckle. Sighing, you lean your head back against JJ’s collarbones, looking up at him. He glances down at you, smiles, places a quick kiss on your lips. When his friends gently heckle the two of you, neither of you respond. As he pulls away, JJ rolls his eyes at their antics. Closing your eyes, quietly chuckling at something Pope says, you enjoy the wonderfulness of summer and your boyfriend, never wanting either thing to end.
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petalsthefish · 2 months
Read on A03 for July @jilychallenge prompt: surfing lessons and sexy wetsuits. This oneshot was too long and is now a three chapter story, so enjoy!!!
Summary: Nothing gets between Lily Evans and her board. Living near the beach with two roommates including her naggy older sister, she is up before dawn every morning to conquer the waves and count the days until the Morro Bay surf competition. Lily finds all she needs in the surf scene ... until pro quarterback James Potter comes along. Like it or not, Lily starts losing her balance - and finding it - as she falls for James.
“Don’t drift out too far!” Petunia’s voice mixed with the seagulls, “I’m not coming after you if you get sucked into a riptide!”
“You worry too much,” Lily shouted over her shoulder.
The ocean was an expanse of endless blue, wild and breathtakingly beautiful. She could lie on her board forever, drifting with the tide, staring out over the white-capped, ruffled waves. Occasionally, an otter would drift by, its serene presence contrasting with the sight of a dolphin’s fin cutting through the water. The waves were terrible for surfing that day but perfect for slipping away into her thoughts.
Her fingers swirled through the water as she hummed her favorite song from the radio that week. Her legs kicked up behind her, waving in the wind, her white-painted toes dipping into the water playfully every few minutes. Her red hair was unbound, the hair tie long retired to her wrist, allowing the ends to soak in the salt water. A heavy but contented sigh escaped her lips as she rolled onto her back, her gaze shifting from the ocean blue to the sky blue.
Lily Evans was born in California after her father moved to San Diego for his military career. Her early years were filled with the scent of plumeria and the sound of the ocean. But when her mother died, her father left the military and, unable to cope with the loss, left the world a few months later. He’d left sixteen year old Lily in the care of her older sister. Petunia and Lily couldn’t have been more different—Petunia was practical and grounded, while Lily was a dreamer with a love for the ocean.
As the sun climbed higher in the sky, its rays reflecting off the water, Lily noticed Petunia and Marley waving from nearby where they floated with their boards. The carefree moments of drifting were over; the wave meant it was time to face the responsibilities of the day. Lily sighed, knowing she couldn't delay any longer. The ocean, her refuge, would have to wait. She paddled back towards the shore, her heart heavy with the weight of reality pressing in once more.
"Come on, Lily," Petunia nagged as Lily leisurely paddled over to the girls. "We can’t be late again!”
"Yeah, yeah," Lily rolled her eyes, but picked up her pace because she knew they needed the job for the money.
Petunia was the oldest of the three girls, the skinniest, and always clad in her six-year-old one-piece and purple and black wetsuit. The purple clashed with Petunia’s dirty blonde hair and over-tanned, reddened face, but Petunia was a creature of habit. She’d wear the wetsuit to pieces if she had too.
"Come on," Petunia urged, practically racing for the shore, her thin arms carving through the water.
"Petunia we’re coming as fast as we can," Marley huffed, paddling in front of Lily but directly behind Petunia. "Chill, please, or I’m sneaking pot into the brownies this weekend."
Marlene, the youngest by only a month as she constantly reminded Lily, had curly black hair, thick expressive brows, and a beautiful golden tan. She was undeniably the hottest one, she got all the guys, even the ones she didn’t want. Marley only wore a bikini today, absolutely taking advantage of the warmer weather even though the pacific was still cold.
"One day I’ll bring home the big bucks and we won’t even have to ever leave the water," Lily shouted after them playfully, “I’ll have maids cook and clean for us all day so we can just surf.”
If Lily looked in a mirror, she'd see a face covered in freckles from her time in the sun. Her red hair was her statement piece, attracting attention and making her look more like she’d stepped out of Ireland than California. Her cropped rashguard was doing little to protect her from the sun or the waves, but she liked to show off the abs she’d worked so hard to get.
"Come on!" Petunia exclaimed, "I've seen children swim faster than you two!"
The girls reached the shore just as the first tourists started to arrive, equipped with their sunglasses and lawn chairs. Other locals were clearing out, unwilling to deal with tourists taking over the beach and sandbars. Lily wiped down her board, then began peeling off her rashguard, the fabric clinging stubbornly to her wet skin like a banana peel.
They didn’t have a car, but they managed to hitch a ride in Alex Graff’s truck, which took them halfway to the resort just up the beach. In Lily’s opinion, the resort was the nicest on Morro Bay. Built only ten years ago, its sleek design featured walls of glass that reflected the ocean and gave it a modern, luxurious appearance. As they approached, the building seemed to sparkle in the sunlight, but Lily dreaded heading inside because it meant it was time to work.
Being a cleaning lady in hotel rooms hadn’t been on her list of ‘most impressive jobs to have’ but it paid for the expensive shack on the other side of town where the girls lived together. The rest of the money went into maintaining her board, surfing competition fees, and what food money was left over. The girls tumbled into the staff locker rooms, pulling their maid outfits from the lockers as they laughed and ate apples Marley had nicked from the breakfast lounge.
“I’m going out with Vernon Dursley again tonight,” Petunia said as she pulled the gray dress over her body, her wet hair staining the fabric.
“Ew, that toolbag from Piper Tech Industries?” Lily wrinkled her nose. “Petty, you can do so much better.”
Petunia shrugged. “He’s making six figures a year, Lily, and one of us needs to marry well.”
Lily tossed her bikini top at her sister. “You act like I’m going to marry some slum.”
“Your last boyfriend was Raymond from the post office,” Marley sang from her locker, “and he’s as slummy as they come.”
Lily flipped Marley off while Petunia laughed. It was rare for those two to gang up on Lily. Usually, it was the other way around, and Lily hated it when it happened. Despite her frustration, she couldn’t help but admire Petunia’s determination and practicality. Petunia always had a knack for thinking ahead and making choices that secured a stable future, even if Lily didn’t always agree with her decisions.
Last week Lily had been forced to get an expensive plan B from the Wal Mart in the next city over because she’d let a stranger at a bar fuck her without a condom. Meanwhile, Petunia was on date number five with the IT guy from Piper technologies and they hadn’t even kissed yet.
Lily and Petunia were not the same.
The girls were stationed on the second floor, where there was currently an influx of professional football players enjoying the spa and amenities during the off-season. They were from the team in San Francisco, but Lily didn’t know much more than that. The only sport she cared about was surfing. Even as she started making beds, her eyes wandered to the window panes, constantly drawn to the sight of the ocean.
In just two weeks, the championship surfing competition would be held in Morro Bay. Despite training hard for the last year, Lily felt totally unprepared. She knew she could surf, and surf well, but she was so concerned that once she was up against the real professionals, Petunia would force her to give up her dream of going pro and make her focus on college instead. The pressure was immense. She felt torn between her love for surfing and the expectations placed upon her. Every wave she caught in practice carried the weight of her aspirations, and every wipeout felt like a step further from her dream.
"Hey, this room left us a tip!" Marley called from the bathroom, holding up a hundred-dollar bill where they could see it.
"What?" Lily and Petunia gasped, racing over to Marley to stare at the bill.
"Are you sure they didn't just forget it?" Petunia asked worriedly, snatching the crisp bill from Marley's fingertips. "I mean, this is a lot of money."
Marley shrugged, a grin spreading across her face. "I found it tucked under the soap dispenser. Doesn't look like an accident to me."
Lily's eyes widened, and she glanced around the room, half-expecting someone to burst in and reclaim the money. "This is crazy. Do people usually tip this much?"
"Not in my experience," Petunia said, still holding the bill like it might disappear any second. "But maybe these football players are just really generous."
"Or really messy," Marley laughed. "Maybe it's a bribe for not complaining about the state they left the rooms in yesterday."
"The rooms were pretty disgusting yesterday," Lily agreed, "I still can't decide if that was blood or ketchup on the walls."
All the girls shuddered then Petunia said, "This room wasn't bad at all this week, though."
“This room has been the nicest out of all of them so far,” Lily agreed. "Either way, it's a nice surprise. We should split it."
Petunia hesitated, then nodded. "Yeah, you're right. But let's be careful. If anyone asks, we found it and turned it in."
"Agreed," Marley said, her grin widening. "But we’re eating steak this weekend, ladies.”
The other rooms down the long hall hadn’t been quick cleans, and none of them had left any tips to keep them motivated. By the time they reached the last room, Lily was eager to be finished. She leaned against the solid wood door and knocked politely.
“Housekeeping!” she called out. When there was no response, she knocked again and raised her voice. “Housekeeping!”
When there was no answer, Lily pushed the door open and was immediately hit with a wave of unpleasant odors. She quickly covered her nose, her eyes stinging and watering, as she forced the door open wider. The sight that greeted her almost made her gag.
The room was a complete disaster. Clothes were strewn haphazardly across the floor, and half-eaten food was scattered on the sofa and beds. Empty beer bottles were littered everywhere, adding to the mess. To make matters worse, there were visible signs of someone having thrown up, with streaks and splatters of vomit on the carpet and furniture. The entire room reeked of stale beer and something far more foul.
“Oh hell no,” Marlene exclaimed, peering over Lily’s shoulder. “There’s no way I’m touching this.”
Petunia covered her nose and added, “We don’t have a choice, guys.”
“This is the worst I’ve seen in ages,” Lily said, stepping over a pizza box filled with half-eaten slices.
“Football players are gross,” Marley complained, carefully tiptoeing around the mess.
“This is just awful,” Lily agreed, her eyes watering from the stench. “I can barely stand it.”
“Come on Lily,” Petunia urged, trying and failing to look undisturbed, “help me make the bed.”
Lily walked over, with Marley trailing closely behind her, preparing to grab the other side of the white sheets that desperately needed a good cleaning. Suddenly, Marley cried out behind her, as if she was in pain. Lily spun around, expecting to find her friend nursing a bloody foot from a broken beer bottle. Instead, she saw Marley hopping up and down with a piece of plastic stuck to her foot.
“Get it off, Lily!” Marley pleaded, collapsing against the wall—one of the only clean spots in the room. She held her foot up and cried, “Ew, ew! It's stuck! It won’t come off!”
“What is it?” Petunia called from the other side of the bed.
Lily wrinkled her nose and grimaced. “Oh gross, it’s a condom.”
“Please, get it off!” Marley begged, hopping in place.
“Hold your foot still!” Lily snapped at Marley, pulling her gloves up higher on her wrists.
With a shudder, Lily peeled the condom off, her entire body crawling with revulsion at the thought of why it was so stiff.
Marlene slumped, as if she was defeated. ‘Fuck men.”
“I’ve had enough of this, we are not their mothers.” Lily grabbed the small trash can from the desk, acutely aware of Petunia and Marley’s anxious gazes as she headed for the door.
Petunia noticed the wild look in Lily’s eyes and warned, “Lily—”
Lily’s voice was tight with frustration as she snapped, “No,” without turning around. “I’m not touching this room, and I’m going to let the guest know why.” She strode purposefully to the elevator, her footsteps echoing her determination, while Marley and Petunia’s desperate pleas faded behind her.
Ignoring their calls, Lily exited the elevator and pushed through the back door of the resort. Stepping onto the beach, she was met with the mingled sounds of laughter, chatter, and waves lapping at the shore. Her shoes sank into the warm sand, and the salty breeze stung her cheeks as she scanned the area, searching for someone to blame for the mess she had just left behind.
Raising her voice above the ambient noise, she called out, "Is anyone from room 215 here?"
When no one responded, she made her way down the beach toward a group of men lounging on lawn chairs. She locked eyes with a hazel-eyed man wearing a maroon and gold baseball cap. His charming smile momentarily distracted her, but she forced herself to speak.
"Gentlemen, room 215?" she asked.
The hazel-eyed man glanced at the condom in her hand and the trash can in her other hand, his gaze lingering on the latter. "Nope," he replied, his eyes shifting back to her. “You okay?”
“Fine.” Before he could say more, she turned and headed toward the water's edge. "Is anyone from room 215 out here in the water?"
“What?” a pudgy young man in a white tank top shouted from his floating noodle.
“Suite 215? Is it yours?” Lily called out to him.
She could feel the eyes of onlookers behind her, their curiosity piqued. She tapped her foot on the sand, maintaining a face of cool, formal disgust—her best customer service expression. The man stumbled onto the shore like a clumsy sea lion, nearly colliding with her. She stepped back, keeping her composure.
“I’m in 215. What’d I win?” he asked with a grin.
“Hi, I’m Lily, the housekeeper for your rooms during your stay here at the resort,” she replied.
“Peter,” he said, still grinning.
“Do you have a sec, Peter?” she asked.
“Sure,” he said in a sleazy tone. “Take all the time you want, sugar-whooger.”
Lily bit back the urge to kick him where it would hurt. She lifted the condom she was holding into the air, and his eyes, along with everyone else’s in the vicinity, followed its trajectory. “Step one,” she said. Then she dropped the condom into the trash can she was carrying. “Step two.” She flashed a sickly sweet smile. “Got it, sugar?”
His friend, still in the water, burst into laughter. “You got schooled by the maid.”
Peter stuttered, “I’m on vacation. You don’t have to clean your own room on vacation…”
“You’re cleaning your room today, buddy,” Lily warned, “and every day after until you leave.”
“That's ridiculous–”
Lily gave him a crisp salute before turning on her heel. As she walked back up the sand, she caught the eye of the handsome man. He was sitting up, the sun gleaming off his tanned chest. She felt her stomach lurch when he smiled at her with a fucking look that promised her a good time if she stopped.
“Most people are scared to talk like that to our linebacker.” He said loudly enough that she couldn’t ignore his piercing gaze.
“I’m not afraid of anyone,” she responded with a small, mocking bow.
“Wait! Can I take you out for a drink?” he called after her retreating form.
“I’m too busy cleaning up your friends’ messes,” she replied, continuing on her way.
"Ouch." But he laughed a deep, pleasurable laugh that would make her toes curl if she heard it in private.
Whispers followed her from behind, “Don’t waste your time on her, she'd just a maid.”
"She's going to be in so much trouble."
Lily heard one of the girls that worked the bar who saw the whole encounter add, “Lily’s made grown men cry before.”
“My kind of woman.” Lily felt her cheeks reddened and she glanced back to see hazel eyes following her up the beach with interest.
Lily trudged back to the resort, her steps heavy as the weight of her confrontation sank in. That guest was furious and would likely report her to management. She wondered why she had let her temper get the best of her again. When she got back upstairs, Petunia and Marley were waiting for her with disapproving looks.
“What did you do?” Petunia asked, her voice faint.
“I took care of it,” Lily replied, placing the trash can in front of the door. “That guy will clean his own room.”
“You’d better not get fired,” Petunia hissed. “Rent is due, and we still have to come up with the extra two hundred for the Morro competition.”
“Lay off her, Pet,” Marley said. “She was only trying to help.”
Lily let the girls bicker, staying silent to avoid getting dragged into the argument.
As Lily wrapped up her work processing sheets in the basement, she found Mrs. Thompson, the maid supervisor, waiting by her locker with an air of stern disapproval. Petunia and Marlene stood behind Thompson, shaking their heads at Lily as if to warn her not to make any sudden moves. Word must’ve gotten around then, probably because of the gossip beach bar babes.
“Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” Mrs. Thompson’s voice was cold and accusatory. “That display on the beach was completely unprofessional.”
Lily shifted uncomfortably, her cheeks flushed. “It was disgusting. Did you see their room?”
“They are VIP guests!” Mrs. Thompson cut her off sharply. “They don’t pay good money to be lectured by a housekeeper about hygiene!”
“But there was vomit all over the floor!” Lily protested, her voice rising slightly.
Mrs. Thompson’s eyes narrowed with frustration. “And making a scene in front of other guests is how you handle it? What you did was completely out of line. You can pick up your final paycheck next week.”
Lily bit her lip, struggling to keep her composure. “I’m sorry. I just…”
“You’re fired, Evans.” Mrs. Thompson sighed, leaning back in her chair. Her expression softened slightly, but remained resolute. “You need to learn to manage your frustrations more professionally.”
Lily noticed Petunia angrily hissing into Marlene’s ear but forced her gaze back to Mrs. Thompson. “Please, we really need the money.”
“You should have thought about that before antagonizing a paying guest,” Mrs. Thompson said firmly. “Goodbye, Evans.”
With tears threatening to spill, Lily slammed her company card down on the bench, and stormed out of the locker room. She walked out to the back, where her surfboard stood propped against the wall alongside Petunia's and Marley's boards. The pink color was bright and horribly offensive (according to Petunia), but Lily had saved up all her money to buy it three years ago. It was supposed to get her to nationals in Hawaii after she won at the Morro Bay competition.
Right now, it felt like her saving grace.
Ignoring the fact that it was a private beach, she grabbed her board and walked for the water. Her little maid uniform rode up at her hips as she walked fast, aiming for the sea. She kicked her shoes off as she went, not even bothering to even untie them. The football players were in the middle of a beach volleyball game, and she caught the eye of the handsome black-haired boy again.
He offered half a wave from where he stood at the back of the pack.
She quickly looked away and leaped into the water, then onto her board.
She thought she heard Petunia chasing her from up the beach, but she didn’t want a lecture. Especially not a Petunia lecture. Paddling out, she made it to the break and caught the first wave she could. As she stood up, a feral laugh escaped her, mingling with the crash of the waves. Salty water fell behind her in the barrel, mixing with her tears.
No job. No security. Just the relentless pull of the ocean, offering a brief escape from the reality waiting on shore.
She considered letting the silver-white foam of the waves take her under. It would be easier than facing the earful waiting for her once Petunia got ahold of her. Ever since their dad had left, and Petunia had gotten sole custody, she’d taken the role of ‘big sister turned mother’ a little too seriously sometimes. Right now, Lily couldn’t bear one of those lectures, where Petunia somehow morphed into a perfect blend of their mom and dad.
Lily stayed out on the water longer than the football players stayed on the beach. By the time she abandoned the waves, the beach was mostly clear, save for a few families who had appeared once the men had gone. Lily barely noticed that her maid uniform was ripped up the side, revealing the curve of her hip. She was half-ready to rip the damn thing off.
She made her way up to the double doors, preparing to get her stuff out of her locker, when she remembered that she’d left her entry card inside… and her regular clothes. With a hiss of frustration, she let her forehead fall against the door, her hand pushing at the handle out of sheer hope.
“Are you alright?” a voice asked, laced with humor behind her.
Lily, her face burning with humiliation, turned around and found herself face to face with the hot guy from the beach. Gone were the straightforward views of his hazel eyes; now they were hidden behind a pair of sleek sunglasses. His baseball cap, which had shadowed his features before, was missing, allowing his jet-black hair to fall freely. He stood there confidently in nothing but gym shorts, his lean body perfectly sun-tanned and glistening in the sunlight.
"You," she blurted out, her voice a mixture of surprise and embarrassment.
"Me," he replied, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. Even with the sunglasses, she could sense the amusement dancing in his eyes. There was something infuriatingly attractive about his self-assured stance and the way he seemed to enjoy her presence.
She nervously tucked a strand of her fiery red hair behind her ear. "No, uh, sorry… just leaving."
Lily rounded the corner quickly, but the football guy was faster, following her down the side path with an easy, casual stroll.
"Nice surfing. I saw you out there," he said with a nod in her direction.
Lily felt her cheeks heat up. "Thanks," she muttered, unsure of what else to say. She quickened her pace, hoping to put some distance between them, but he easily kept up with her, his long strides matching her hurried steps effortlessly.
"Do you need help getting in?" he asked, gesturing towards the double doors she had just been leaning against.
She hesitated, her pride battling with her desperation. "No," she said firmly, glancing around the parking lot for a familiar car. Everyone had already left for the day. She'd have to walk back to the house, and the thought filled her with a sense of dread
"I'm James," he said, extending a hand towards her. "James Potter."
"Lily Evans," she nodded, shaking his hand briefly. His grip was firm, his palm warm against hers. Despite her initial irritation, she couldn't help but feel a spark of curiosity. What was he doing here, and why was he so interested in her?
"Are you waiting on someone, Lily Evans?" he asked, noticing her scanning the parking lot with a hint of desperation.
She sighed, letting her gaze fall on him again. "No, not unless you know someone who can drive me home."
"I can," he offered quickly.
"Yeah," she laughed darkly, "right."
"I'm not kidding," he said, his tone earnest. "Consider it a formal apology for my teammate. He's pretty disgusting, but he's the best linebacker we've got."
"Listen, no offense," she began, "I'm sure you're a great guy, but today’s been terrible, and I just want to get home so my sister can yell at me."
"You want your sister to yell at you?" he asked, a hint of confusion in his voice.
"It's bound to happen, so I might as well get it over with," she replied with a resigned shrug.
James raised his sunglasses away from his eyes so that they rested perfectly on his hair. “Why’s today terrible?”
“Your friend from room 215 got me fired today,” Lily said tersely. “He complained to my boss about the condom.”
A flicker of shock crossed James' face. “He did?”
“Yes,” she replied curtly. “So, forgive me if I’m not in the mood for flirting with guests.”
James ran a hand through his jet-black hair, looking genuinely pained. “Look, I’m really sorry about that. Please, let me help you. Do you need to talk to your boss?”
“No,” Lily said quickly, shaking her head. “I’m not looking for someone to swoop in and save me. I should have managed my temper better.”
James' expression softened, and his voice dropped to a more serious tone. “I saw that room. I ordered him not to come out until it was spotless again.”
Lily’s eyes widened slightly in surprise. “You did?”
“Yeah,” he said, nodding earnestly. “I didn’t realize the extent of the problem until after you left. I’m really sorry for what happened, I feel responsible for these guys; I am team captain after all. Let me make it up to you.”
“How?” Lily asked, her skepticism evident.
“You need money, I’m guessing?” he inquired. “Until you can get a new job?”
“I’m not having sex with you for money,” Lily said flatly.
“First of all,” James leaned in slightly, looking slightly hurt, “I’m disappointed that you think I’d pay anyone for that. Second, I was going to suggest something else entirely—surfing lessons.”
Taken aback, Lily raised an eyebrow, her surprise evident. “Why would a football player need surfing lessons?”
James shrugged, a small, genuine grin tugging at his lips. “I dunno. You made it look like so much fun, and I thought it might be a great way to improve my skillset.”
“Surfing lessons?” she repeated, disbelief coloring her voice. “You’re serious?”
James nodded, his expression sincere. “Absolutely. I’ll pay you one hundred dollars for private lessons, once a day, until the end of the month when I head back to training camp.”
Lily stared at him, trying to wrap her mind around the offer. “One hundred dollars a day? That’s more than I’m worth.”
And more than enough to finish paying for her slot in the Morro Bay surfing competition. Lily tried and failed to not look relieved, but she was, this was the best thing anyone could have asked her.
James chuckled, clearly pleased with her reaction. “I know it’s not what you expected, but it seems fair to me. My friend got you fired, and I can help you, so you don’t get an earful from your sister.”
Her eyes widened. “Well, this definitely wasn’t what I had in mind to escape her wrath. But if you’re serious, then sure, why not?”
“Great,” James said with a broad grin. “Let’s set up a time for our first lesson while I drive you home."
"Fine," she shifted her arm on her board as she started to follow him while joking, "but you have to promise not to fall in love with me."
He snorted and sent her a charged look before lowering his sunglasses back down. "Right. Whoever falls in love first, has to skinny dip in the ocean at midnight."
"I like my odds." She was rewarded with another one of his nice laughs.
Her odds weren't great.
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laylajeffany · 4 months
Their Own Kind of Pride | Wenclair Microfic
Sitting in an airport experiencing an act of homophobia because Delta has delayed my flight FIVE TIMES and it's the only thing keeping me from kissing my girlfriend for the first time in seven weeks. DURING PRIDE MONTH? Actually - I've got really complicated feelings on that - so here's a 2.5k microfic that is set in the Murder, She Woe universe about six months into Wednesday and Enid's move to Grisly Cove. How I wrote this in the most overstimulating environment after an hour at the airport bar - I don't know. A pride miracle I guess.
Rated: G TW: Talk about complicated feelings surrounding pride
“Should we order a rainbow flag?”
Wednesday stared at her wife with unblinking eyes, trying to determine if she was serious or not. Enid cringed, glancing to the side. “I mean…it’s fine, we don’t have to do that!”
One – the clashing colors, two the display of pride…oh. Was that more of the problem, other than the colors? Wednesday took a brief look inward as she tried to determine which was more of a reflection of her feeling about such a flag. Generally – she was against any sort of show of patriotism or allegiance. She didn’t need anyone to know where she stood on anything by looks alone.
Wednesday tilted her head, wanting more information before outright rejecting Enid. “Tell me what your thoughts are in wanting to hang a flag that represents the LGBTQIA+ community in front of our home.”
“Um…we’re gay?” Enid offered, then let out a giggle. “And June is like – somehow, only three days away. This year is slipping between my fingers, I swear – if I had like, fully realized summer was this close, I would have been making very different choices in my workout routine -”
“Say a negative comment about your body and I’m going to take you to the bedroom and write poetry over every part. And not in the kinky way you want,” Wednesday said, pulling a dip pen out of seemingly nowhere. Enid pouted. “You have a body, and you’re going to put a bikini on it – therefore, you have a bikini body. I want to see you in your little triangles, barely covering you with your little silly strings holding them together. Don’t you dare take that away from me.”
Enid flushed.
“Back to the topic at hand,” Wednesday glanced up from the piece of steak she had been neatly slicing into which she’d seared to rare perfection for her wife – medium-well for herself. “Why would you want to display a pride flag?”
“It feels like the right thing to do,” Enid replied as she looked to the side. “I mean…we’ve never…done any pride stuff, together. I obviously never dated any girls before you – so, it’s not like I did any on my own. Now that we finally have our own place, I thought maybe…but we don’t have to. For real, I just – was…putting it into the universe.”
Wednesday bit her lip. Pride in the strange, touristy-town they’d moved into six months prior was about to be A Big Deal. She had seen the advertisements, on her occasional trip into town – and Enid was already working overtime at the establishment she’d secured a gig in, which was absolutely rainbow-inspired. Sighing, she wondered, “Are you anticipating participating in any of the downtown events?”
“I mean…I don’t know – when I say that I just realized it was about to be June, I’m totally not just saying that.” Enid sighed, trying not to inhale her food as she spoke. Wednesday twitched – she always waited too long to eat…especially so close to a full moon…she wished her wife would take better care of herself –
“Are you expected to participate in the parade, of all things, with your workplace?” Wednesday wondered, unable to keep a disgusted sort of grimace off her face.
Enid rolled her eyes. “We’re not required to…but…” She bit her lip. “I kind of…I kind of want to.”
“You already work at a gay bar, Enid.” Wednesday could barely comprehend what was going on during their dinner hour (four o’clock in the afternoon, that Thursday – Enid had to work). “Do you want to be made a spectacle of?”
“Well – that’s…kind of what I’m hoping, generally, Wednesday – you know I love it there, you know I want to…maybe be in the show someday, I don’t know how, I mean…it’s not like I have an act, but…yeah, I’d like to be in the parade with my work friends.”
Friends…right. Enid had made a host of those.
“Okay,” Wednesday said and then could’ve practically gulped as she wondered, “Do you…want me to…watch?”
Enid managed to smile again and shook her head. “No, you don’t have to take yourself to a parade, Wednesday. Though it does feel like the optimal time for someone to be unsuspectingly pick-pocketed. Maybe you could go and observe petty crime and get some inspiration for your novel.”
“I have plenty of inspiration,” She said, somehow – avoiding a massive subject.
“So, I’ll take it – that’s a ‘you do you’ on the parade, and a hard ‘no’ on the flag?” Enid asked after a full minute of quiet.
“Enid,” Wednesday placed her knife and fork down, deciding she was going to make a very bold decision in that moment. “I have never felt like I belonged in any community. This community – you and I…maybe with the addition of some of our old outcast friends from school…that’s all the community I’ve ever needed.” Enid nodded her head – going along with whatever Wednesday wanted…
…but that was not what Wednesday wanted.
“I said I…not we,” She cautioned, leaning forward a little bit, wishing she hadn’t tossed her hair in braids that morning – so she’d have looked more…mature, when delivering such an assured monologue. “You have always enjoyed belonging. It’s always been important to you to be a part of something that is bigger than yourself.” Enid swallowed and looked to the side – her eyes were visibly misting over. Hardly able to stand it, Wednesday reached for her hand. “That is not a bad thing. That is a normal thing. That is what people are supposed to want – to be part of life with other people.” Wednesday rolled her eyes a little, squeezing her hand instead of withdrawing her own like she wanted to. “I wish I wanted to be part of life with other people,” She said in almost a whisper. “Just because I need to hide in the shadows doesn’t mean you shouldn’t let the sun shine on you. If you want to order a rainbow flag, we will hang it on the front porch. Perhaps we should get two – to hang one from the back for the boats that enjoy riding around the cape to see as well.”
Enid blinked out twin tears that she could clearly not avoid. Wednesday’s internal guilt meter (that only ever activated when Enid was involved) intensified. “Enid,” She sternly called for her to explain when a full minute of silence passed. Her wife almost never stopped talking – and she was going to choose then to be quiet? “What are you thinking?”
“Just…that…I’m…really happy, that you think it would be okay to hang that flag.”
Defying her body’s urge to drop her shoulders in a most dramatic sigh, Wednesday gave a curt nod. She waited, for more…and when none came, she decided to finish cutting her steak.
They ate in not uncomfortable quiet, but…there was obviously more to say. As Wednesday took Enid’s plate upon finishing, she felt her grip her wrist. “Um…I’m going to…I need…” Enid let out a near whimper. “Can we go talk, for a minute?”
Wednesday swallowed a lump in her throat that was far from unexpected, though that didn’t mean she could tolerate it. She made sure her face didn’t betray her and stiffly followed Enid to the living room, where their new-ish sofa looked way too comfortable for the discomfort that Wednesday had swirling in her gut.
She sat on the edge of an ottoman and Enid paced for a bit in front of her, clearly working up nerve and courage. After so much time passed that Wednesday thought she was going to get motion sick from watching her turn and pace and turn and pace, Wednesday gripped her wrist, forcing Enid to suck in a breath. “Don’t be afraid to tell me what’s on your mind. I want to hear it. Even if I disagree – I’m not going to rebuke you, Enid.”
Enid collapsed into a puddle of tears beside her. Fully unsure why, Wednesday tapped into the part of her brain that was responsible for demonstrating her very limited scope of affection, almost all of which was reserved for her wife. Curling an arm around her and tucking her close, she let Enid get her shirt collar all wet as she unexpectedly heaved another sob. Wednesday almost felt a flutter of fear in her chest as she waited for Enid to clam enough to express what the tears were all about.
It was some time – a long time. Whatever Enid had been holding in, related to that damn rainbow flag…she’d been holding it in for a long time.
Finally, after her heart was about to hammer right out of her chest in anticipation of what her wife would say, Wednesday tried not to look relieved when she started speaking.
“When my mother rejected me…” Enid sniffed. “I knew – it wasn’t…just because of this. It was just…maybe…” She shivered – her face so blotchy and red, Wednesday really…just – surprisingly, almost wanted to take her to bed and…cuddle and hug her until it cleared.
Enid tried talking again, but her words got stuck in her throat. She practically choked as she tried to speak. “Enid, come here,” Wednesday insisted, scooting back into the corner of the sofa and opening her arms. Enid nodded, crawling onto the cushions and into them, the sigh she released like a deflating balloon. Wednesday rubbed a hand up and down her back, kissing her temple three times. Enid let out a near coo, then, nuzzling her face into Wednesday’s neck. “Do you want me to call your jerk of a boss?” She whispered, “Tell him you’re not well?”
“No,” She muttered. “I want to go to work. I like work. I just…want to tell you about why this is so important to me, first, okay? And – we can totally cuddle until then, I’ll find a drag queen to coverup any hives left on my face when I get there.”
Rubbing her back again, Wednesday nodded, kissing her one last time. Enid shifted, so she could look up at her, practically cradled in her hug. “Finding out that I loved you was the nail in the coffin, for my relationship with my mom, for my standing in my old pack. You know that.” Wednesday tried not to think about it – that she was the ultimate reason that Enid’s mother had cast her only daughter aside… “For so long…I felt like…this part of me, the…interested in girls part of me was…was…like a curse, almost. There wasn’t a single thing I’d ever done to meet my mom’s expectations – and then…I went and defied gender norms and expectations, too.”
Wanting to rebuttal, but holding her tongue, Wednesday let Enid finish. “And…I don’t know – I never felt, like…ashamed or anything, because I am attracted to women, because I love you – I literally would tell anyone that we’re married. Sometimes against your will,” Enid giggled a little, obviously thinking back to their honeymoon when she managed to get them free drinks everywhere they went for her inability to keep the news to herself. “But…I’ve also never celebrated it. I’ve never taken the time to think about the fact that – hey, a lot of people struggled for us to be able to legally do this – to be together, to be in love – that…so many people worked for so long to make marriages like ours legal. And there’s so much more to it – I’m learning so much at my new job…but – Wednesday, I think…I think I’m just…I’m proud of myself, for the first time, in this way.”
Nodding, Wednesday was proud of her for being proud of herself. She might not share the sentiment - but, she could celebrate her wife.
“I want to walk in the parade, because I’m not ashamed of who I am and who I love. But I also don’t want you to feel like – you are, because you’re not interested in participating? I don’t know, now this all feels complicated and kind of icky…”
Cupping her cheek, Wednesday tilted her own head. “Look at me, dead in the eye. Not for one single second do I feel…icky,” She parroted her own word back to her, “Because you want to march in a gay pride parade. I don’t feel embarrassed, and I don’t feel shame.”
Enid bit her lip, looking conflicted. “But…I know it’s hard – can you tell me what do you feel about it, Wednesday?”
She gave a genuine shrug. “I don’t feel anything about it. If it will make you happy, if this is how you want to express yourself, then I want you to do it!” She almost shouted the ending and Enid blinked a few times in apparent surprise at the tone she was using. “I just…I just…”
Enid took a turn to put a hand on her face, clearly making sure her eyes didn’t wander to the side, but stayed locked on hers. “Tell me.”
“I…don’t know, Enid. You know that rainbows are never going to be my thing. There is just not a universe where I can put a rainbow flag in my fist and go walking down the street with it. That’s not me. I don’t experience pride in that way.”
“But…you are proud, aren’t you?”
“I’m proud of myself,” Wednesday declared, “For opening myself up to love, to the person who deserves love more than anyone else I have ever known.”
At that, Enid’s eyes welled up again.
“I’m not interested in a parade. I’m indifferent to a flag on the house. But I am proud, every time I walk out of the door with you – Enid,” She almost smiled. “I’m proud of being behind these doors with you. I’m proud of everything that happens on this couch – I’m proud of being able to snuggle with you like this, and all the things that I’ve allowed myself to engage in in our bedroom…Enid,” She did smile then. “I do have pride. It might not be the corporate, parade-going, deals-at-the-bar while Lady BlahBlah or whoever plays way too loud kind of pride. But – I’m proud of myself, for being open to love with you.”
Enid attacked her in a kiss as she straddled her suddenly, then held onto her so tight – it was almost difficult to breathe. Wednesday gripped her just as tightly back, hoping that she’d successfully conveyed what she needed to.
When Enid pulled back for another kiss, much sweeter that time, and rubbed a hand along her collar bone, she let out a breath of relief. They’d both understood one another, keenly. They both had pride, in their own way. “Enid, I will come to the parade to watch you. So long as you don’t expect me to wave a flag or dance. But when it’s over, I’ll be there to kiss you, and tell you about how I disassociated a vivid scene for my book about a horrible act taking place at such a function.”
Giving a full laugh and a very proud smile, Enid kissed the side of her cheek. “Maybe we just hang one flag on the house instead of two. That might be overkill.”
“One flag sounds acceptable,” Wednesday agreed, squeezing her hip – thinking…if Enid really worked her over – perhaps she’d even show up for a single night in June at her club…a Tuesday though - not a weekend, and not during that ridiculous show. The only way she’d ever drag herself to such an event would be if Enid were the shining star of it – and since she didn’t even have an act, Wednesday was sure, she’d never find herself spending more time at the club than she wanted to.
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gennygosling · 5 months
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𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐭. sierra six.
warnings: age gap, always between consenting adults 18+. somnophilia induced noncon. creep six <333 need him so bad
𝐰𝐜: 𝟏𝐤
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stealth. six was the ultimate professional in that. it’s his livelihood, his freedom. it’s what he was hired to do.
that’s what he tells himself as he silently sifts through your belongings. meters away from your sleeping body. he was hired to be stealthy, to protect and manage. eliminating any dangers possibly lurking in your things is a completely sound course of action.
although the possibility of finding a weapon, a camera, anything planted without him noticing, was unlikely.
he doesn’t know what he’s looking for, really. some kind of insight to quench his ache. a reason to be put off by you, proof that you’re too young for him.
there’s little out in the open; few pictures, few tchotchkes, sketches, records, whatever. nothing that satiates him. he moves to the drawers, slowly opening each and sorting through them without a trace, ignoring the creeping feeling of knowing what he would soon find.
the top left drawer faces him, last to search, surely enclosing what he’s dreading with hope. and he can’t resist. he slides it open with an immaculately careful restlessness, and his face pales, and then heats, at what he’s met with.
lace, sheer, leather, mesh, satin. teddies, two-pieces, bikinis, thongs. six releases a quiet, controlled exhale as he feels himself hardening and growing. there’s much more than he could’ve imagined.
he takes a minute to reflect and ponder, one foot still stuck on the line that the other has passed. unfortunately, he feels that his quest for relief has only made him sicker. he can’t walk away now. he can’t sleep this off. he can’t face you tomorrow without obscenely vulgar visions of your body plaguing his mind. and he can’t walk around all day with his dick strained against his slacks.
but he’s got options. well… one option. one repugnant, deviant, thrilling, option. he leaves the line in his rear view and lets his hand fall into the sea of erotica.
six shuffles through the lingerie of all colors and fabrics, searching for the perfect implement to take his load. his free hand dips to cup himself, and he nearly groans when he finds his bulge stiff as a board. it’s all risky, but it’s addictively tantalizing- he won’t back down now.
he finds his favorite, still partially buried under the rest, but when he tugs it, out flies something even better.
“fuck,” he whispers forcefully, carrying the revelation to the chair in the corner of your room, his eyes never leaving it, hand on his cock squeezing to relieve the ache.
a wallet-sized portrait.
he’s not sure how long he stares, engrossed in the imagery; your skin, your breasts, your cunt, clandestinely revealed to him. the sky has turned twilight, and he hasn’t noticed. all he’s noticed is the crippling grasp you have on him, and his now leaking cock.
there’s also an unrecognized twinge, jealousy, tugging at him. he wonders, who took it? but mostly, he’s enthralled.
he sets the image on the arm of the chair, eyes remaining locked on it as he works his dick free. he can hear his blood pumping in the silent room, feels it concentrating and throbbing at the head of his cock as he starts to pump.
it’s a fight to keep himself quiet, as he’s still moderately aware he needs to be, but the reason has escaped him. all he knows is he’s finally getting some form of gratification, finally witnessing the body he’d spent months yearning for. his mind flickers with images of you under him, begging, moaning, squirming for him, gripping and caressing you, making you take every inch and ounce and forcing the both of you over the edge.
six grunts at the thought, the wave of yes, finally, washing over him as he eagerly strokes himself, now completely lost his sense of noiselessness-
until he hears you rustle.
he’s stuck with his dick in his hands, literally, nearly caught, and he’s afraid to move and fully wake you. it all comes crashing down in that moment, exactly how destructive things could get if you wake up and it all goes wrong. that’s the thing about being sierra- it’s always a life or death situation. and he crossed the line.
he watches you, like a deer in headlights, anxious, unsure of what his next move should be. but he can’t even think.
he sees how your body arches, contracts and relaxes, how your lips part as you sigh, and the sound of it. all real, close enough to touch and feel.
just as quickly as it’s dawned on him, it escapes him again; suddenly he can’t fathom why the fuck he’s stuck with his dick in his hands.
he makes his way to you, shedding his clothes as he approaches. you’re still fast asleep, and rather than wake you and halt his dream just before the best part, he carefully pulls the comforter down.
your body is highlighted by the sapphire hue that fills the room, bare nudity taking six by surprise, and he shudders.
he traces his hand over your frame, so gently that you barely stir. he can barely breathe as he nears your sensitive folds. a single, calloused finger slides between and inside, and he bites back a moan to hear yours instead.
you’re dreaming, feeling six fondling you, stroking your walls, reaching a pleasurable, unfamiliar depth inside you.
you don’t recognize the reality; six had always been calm and collected, seemingly uninterested. and the dream is one you’ve had before, waiting for your return at the end of every night, after six has escorted you to bed. but this is more than a dream, and it doesn’t click until you gasp yourself awake.
six is above you, bare and erect, and you nearly faint at the sight alone. you’ve seen him shirtless, by the pool, dressing a wound, but never this close, never hovering above you. your hand reaches for his statuesque torso, down his massive chest and over his abs, and your body flutters.
“good morning, sunshine.”
your eyes lock as he lifts your leg around his waist. he’s got that quintessential blank stare, but this time you’re seeing right into it. he’s wanted you, this whole time, and stupidly, never managed to act on it.
his cock knocks at your entrance, spreads your slickness and prepares you for him. he’s thick, and he’ll be a challenge, but one you’ve waited much too long to back down from.
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undead-supernova · 7 months
I'll Pay the Price, You Won't.
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I'll Pay the Price, You Won't. / Masterlist
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2
plot: aquamarine, moonlit swimming pool...what if........all I need is you?
Pairings: modernrockstar!Eddie x bisexualfem!popstar!Reader (curvy!reader, bisexual!reader)
Warnings: slut shaming, body image insecurities, Eddie being too precious for this world, soft, comfort, reader is pretty girly and femme, so yeah
wc: 1.6k
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“You know I want to be with you.”
“Oh yeah?” he said back, voice light and playful. His smirk was flooding his face, all well-intentioned and sugary sweet. 
The pool water lapped around you while he laid on his stomach, black towel underneath his shirtless figure. His fingers fiddled with yours to keep pulling you close to the edge. As you looked up at him, illuminated by the hot pink neon glow from your inner tube, you couldn’t help but swoon like a teenage girl. His hair appeared nearly fuschia, darkened by the shadows of the night and the reflection of the porch light behind him.
With a smug yet playful smile, he let out a hum before asking, “And why’s that, sweetheart?”
“Maybe I have a crush on you,” you said softly.
That smile turned into a smirk, his thumb running over your knuckles. You nearly blended in with the water, your turquoise bikini matching the color exactly. 
Usually, you wore a one piece to keep the world from commenting on whether your body looked good enough. It was hard enough to love your skin as it was—natural, textured. Stretch marks and cellulite. Scars from childhood mistakes. The exact opposite of whatever airbrushed magazine cover you or any of your peers were on, dolled up like plastic Barbies and whatnot. 
But he had gotten you this bikini. Stood you in front of a mirror and traced the outline of your waist and your tummy, chuckling whenever you quivered from his touch. Whispered how gorgeous you were in your ear. Reminded you that no one else was around. You were safe. 
(Even if his closest bodyguard, James, was standing outside his front door.)
“Yeah?” he asked.
“Mhm,” you mumbled, nodding.
“Had no idea,” he nearly whispered. 
It felt right to be quiet. The hot California air had finally cooled for the night, the neighborhood surrounding Eddie’s house seemingly devoid of human existence. The Los Angeles skyline skimmed the horizon only when you chose to peek above his fence. The illusion of seclusion when you pretend this was a guarded castle.
“I know. I hid it so well.”
“Exceptionally. You’re a master of deception.”
“Mm, thank you.” The two of you chuckled softly before you tried to gently clear your throat. “So are you going to keep teasing me or are you going to tell me how you feel?”
His eyes searched yours, as if he was trying to find something but couldn’t quite remember what it was. “You already know what I want,” he said.
“Yeah, I do,” you lied, praying your insecurity wouldn’t bleed through. “Which is why I want to hear it out loud.”
Scooting closer to the edge of the pool, he began to kiss your hands. 
“I.” Kiss. “Want.” Kiss. “To.” Kiss. “Be.” Kiss. “With.” Kiss. “You.”
You couldn’t help but smile. It felt like bliss, knowing that you weren’t the only one feeling this way. All the others were a jumbled mess of Maybe Later and Just Not Looking For A Serious Relationship Right Now. The girls wanted to play the field. The boys wanted something almost too casual. Those outside the gender binary would kiss and flirt at the bar and then ghost you on the dance floor. 
But he…oh, he was something else entirely.
“Do we go out on a real date now?” you asked. “Or do we just skip to the sickly sweet, hot and raunchy sex?”
“‘Hot and raunchy’?” he questioned, laughing at your word choice.
You narrowed your eyes playfully. “Sorry, was I not sexy enough for you the first six times?”
“Never said that, darling.” The nickname had you nearly kicking your feet with schoolgirl affection. “And to answer your question, I think I should take you on at least one proper date before I blow your back out again.”
You couldn’t help but snort. “After three and a half months?”
“As if we were honest about being official until a few weeks ago.” You couldn’t disagree with him on that. “Besides, it’s better late than never.”
“What a gentleman.”
And he was. 
Eddie Munson was nothing short of the nicest guy you’d ever liked. Maybe the nicest guy you’d ever met. He opened every door, from cars to hotels to bedrooms to the cages you'd thrown your heart into. When you left with him after your concert in Seattle, he sheltered you from the rain with his beloved leather jacket. He made you cum twice before he even dared to touch himself, worshiping your body like it was sculpted by the gods. Not to mention the homemade meals and the constant protection from the paparazzi whenever possible. He knew what the media had been doing to you. He hated it. Despised it.
And amidst it all, he still wanted you.
Even the mere thought of it still made you weep sometimes.
But Eddie’s smile began to falter. “What do you reckon the verdict will be when they see us?”
You knew what that forlorn smile meant. You knew what this was doing to him, but it felt like nothing compared to what the outside world thought. It had been done to Whitney. Amy. Rihanna. Britney. Miley. Lindsay. Megan. Lizzo. Taylor. Hell, even Olivia, Sabrina, and Billie were being given hell now that they were emerging into adulthood.
And now it was down to you. Another female popstar thrown to the goddamn wolves. 
Before you could think about how pessimistic it sounded, you said, “I’ll be labeled a slut and you’ll be considered a king. The cycle will only continue.”
The media were vipers. Predators. They wanted to hunt you down with cameras and watch you and Eddie Munson do something obscene. Vulgar. Just as his reputation had forewarned. The lead of a metal band (god forbid), along with the residual damage of “devil worshipping music” despite it not being the fucking Eighties anymore. However, in their storybook you were just the right kind of girl for him to corrupt.
He did anything but that.
“I don’t want it to be like that,” Eddie whispered, his eyes shining with the threat of tears. “You know that, right?”
“Yeah, I do.” You shook your head, trying to clear all of the voices and camera flashes out of your head. “I don’t know. I just don’t want this to blow up in our faces.”
At first, the label was furious.
You were a cutesy role model for a demographic that you were not originally catering to. But the magnetic pull of a synthesizer flowed through you with the frizz of the vocoder and the glitter and the bright colors and advocacy and passion and the people— 
You were helping people. Especially the teenage girls. You were giving hope and guidance to them. Reminding them that they could achieve dreams far beyond their wildest dreams. Even if they were queer. Even if they weren’t thin. 
You were becoming an inspiration.
But after a while, you were seen as merely a PG-13 performer with all of the downfalls of being a woman, a popstar in her early twenties. Your life stopped being about you and started being about the narrative storyline of some fucking fairytale that you had no ability to write yourself, even if it was written in every song you released. 
It was sick enough knowing that people who didn’t know you would write books about you some day. 
But then you were seen at one of Corroded Coffin’s shows. Your music spiked on the charts despite the bizarre outrage at how different you were. The demographic your label originally wanted began to seep back in all in a matter of a few weeks. Back before you asked him about his feelings. Back before your confessions were frozen in the steam between you.
After that, the label wanted you and Eddie to play it up for the cameras. Stir up attention. Enjoy the ride, write the music, and then profit from the gossip columns and clout. Get more followers, more likes. Be endorsed by another fragrance subscription service or wireless headphones. 
Make them money. Risk your heart in the meantime.
It was a gamble, but why wouldn’t someone bet on a losing dog?
“Favorite Beatles song right now?” he asked, drawing your attention away from the world outside.
You grinned. “‘A Taste of Honey’.”
“Ah, from Please Please Me." You nodded. "Sometimes I forget how good their first album was.”
“You know, it’s incredible to me that you know their entire discography and yet I’ve never once heard you listening to them,” you observed.
Eddie winked at you, opening his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the meow of a cat. Both of you turned your heads to see his black cat, Oz, pawing at the back door.
“Someone wants a treat, the spoiled bastard. At least Puppet has manners," Eddie said with a sigh before looking back at you. "Why don’t you come back in with me, hm?” he asked, lightly stroking your cheek. "Throw a movie on and cuddle or something?”
“Can we?” you pleaded. “Please?”
“Anything for you, sweetheart. Anything.”
He helped you out of the pool, grabbing a towel and drying you off. He finished up with a gentle kiss to your forehead, the inner tube left forgotten and floating in the water.
“Hey, Eddie?”
His eyebrows knit together. “Yeah? What’s up?” 
You could only wonder what it would be like if this didn’t end up in some fit of flames along the length of your graves. Caskets lying side-by-side, big fat crosses sitting on top like a pointed threat. His headstone littered with roses while yours drowned in spray paint. Eulogies and hymns crescendoing into a wave of madness as they repeated your fears back to you: Nothing lasts forever.
Or maybe you’d end up in a small house somewhere, making music together while you drowned out the rest of the world. One day where the chatter would flutter into a whisper and you could walk down the street of some coastal town and not get ogled at. The stars would align and you could say to yourself, It was worth it.
But it was only August, nearly swallowing you whole with the heat threatening to scorch your skin. Maybe yours more than his, but nevertheless there were going to be scars—  
You knew to love him was to lose your mind.
And maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad thing.
“For once, I think…” A smile met your lips. “Well, maybe it’s worth it."
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quinloki · 1 month
Quin idk why but I’m blaming this on you
Someone called me clever girl at work tonight and I just
My brain immediately went to Marco omfg hearing that from him would fix all my problems I think!!!!
I also got called the brains of my area so…. There’s my brag :3
Imagine you’ve been trying to get Marco to take a break for a while now. He’s tossed “in a moment” and “let me finish this up” and “after lunch, I’ll try, pretty bird.” At you and you just can’t get him to stop.
The day ends in disaster from your perspective because Marco doesn’t take a break until bedtime.
The next day you try a different approach.
You bring him coffee in the morning, then a light breakfast he can eat while he works, another snack after that, and some tea. You continue to bring him easy to eat items from morning to lunch time, and with every delivery you either undo a button on your shirt or discard a piece of clothing.
He notices and comments and you just say it’s been a bit warm running around. You’re not indecent, and you don’t give it any more energy than that.
After lunch you bring him a drink and you’re in a bikini top and shorts. Hair pulled back as you go about organizing and tidying things to help where you can.
“Pretty bird.” He says, a knowing lilt in his easy voice.
“Mm?” You return, not even looking over your shoulder.
Marco grins. “You haven’t asked me to take a break today.”
“You’re a busy man,” you reply, a smile on your lips and in your tone as you finally turn and look at him.
“Indeed. You’ve been bringing me lots of,” he lets his eyes move over you, taking a beat to pause. “Snacks, today, yoi.”
Finally. It didn’t always take so much effort to get him to take a break, but he had been truly swamped the last week and you had to be a little unorthodox.
Walking over to him you tease pulling the bikini top off. “Ready to focus on a proper meal?” The devious grin pulling at your lips is reflected on his face.
Marco reaches out, two firm hands on your hips as he brings you into his lap, leaning back as he helps you straddle him. “Maybe after an improper dessert.” He hums, pulling at your top as he leans in and presses kisses against your chest.
“You’re freezing.” He grumbles, the teasing look on his face turning a little sharp.
“We came into a winter island’s climate a couple hours ago.” You admit with guilty shrug. “I wasn’t going to get you take a break if I started putting clothes back on.”
“Pretty bird,” he admonished and you kiss the top of his nose.
“I’m freezing doc, instead of taking break won’t you tend to your patient, and warm me up?” You lean into him, tugging at the collar of his shirt as you give him a playful pout.
He chuckles, his admonishment disappearing. “Clever girl.” Cradling your face he pulls you in for a kiss. “How many little schemes did you have planned out?”
You grin widely. “Only two, don’t give me too much credit. My third option was undecided, but dumping a bucket of cold sea water on you was considered.”
“Maybe I should just toss you overboard.” He grouches and you giggle grabbing onto him tightly.
“Noooo, it’s really really cold out there right now!” Your laugh turns into a moan as Marco kisses your neck. “Ah, please… warm me up.”
“With pleasure, pretty bird.”
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beegomess · 24 days
Dark Paradise || Theodore Nott
Don't forget to watch the previous chapters
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated🫶🏼
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15. Your halo’s full of fire
Although Y/N showed Lorenzo the unhappiness that he didn't stay, she thought it was better that way. She really needed to think about the feelings she might have for him and clarify that at once. Theodore, on the other hand, could not be happier with the absence of Berkshire.
The adults had already left the place, leaving only their friends and their plans for the days. Already at breakfast some lively and others sleepy, the day was beautiful, waiting only for them. Y/N only surprised one thing, the fact that Astoria and Draco didn't join them for breakfast, which at this point was not so strange, actually.
- Astoria stayed in Draco's room, Y/N? - Daphne seemed slightly angry, but asked in a low tone so that only Y/N would listen.
- I don't know, Daph, I didn't notice. - She offers a light smile to her friend, but she lied. Y/N had noticed, but would not give his brother to her now, Daphne would probably say something discouragousing to her younger sister.
- So, are you ready for the beach? - Pansy enters excited already with her bikini under her clothes.
- Let's go now. - Y/N gets up before Daphne stretches in the conversation and she runs out of excuses to cover up her brother.
The beach was part of the property, which means that they had all the freedom in the place, so much so that Y/N had the pleasure of knowing that it was in that place where she and her brother were conceived.
Theodore had barely woken up when Y/N passed distracted by the table while spreading the sunscreen on her face in a mirror that decorated the environment. The girl barely wore clothes, after all it was hot. Y/N was without a blouse, only the top of the black bikini covered the breasts, at the bottom, only a tiny white skirt completely tight and transparent made clear the color of the bikini panties. Nott thanked himself for sitting while trying not to stare strangely at the wonderful body that caught his attention.
Occasionally he looked over the cup of coffee that took his mouth, the boy smiled at himself when he remembered that he had already seen her in an even more exposed way than that, but he was still curious to see her without any piece of clothing.
Mattheo leaned against the stop of the entrance to the environment with a malicious smile as he stared at the girl shamelessly.
- Oh, good morning, Matt. - She said kindly, heading out of the place.
- And what a good morning! - Riddle said without any shame to face Y/N's hips swinging as he left the place.
- Don't be disgusting, Riddle, she's my sister. - Draco sits at the table next to Theodore, who is mentally grateful for the blonde's interference.
- Don't fight just with me, then. - Mattheo sits with a rogue face. - After all, I wasn't the only one who blatantly stared at Y/N's body, right? - Theodore just looks at him with a clear anger in his eyes, getting up from the table.
- You two have to calm down. - Astoria says when entering the place radiantly.
- Aren't you going to the beach with them? - Draco had the softest voice when he referred to her.
- Yes, and I'm already late. - Astoria took a glass of juice to her mouth, just drinking the liquid and putting it back on the table, making mention of going out, but Draco pulls her wrist, preventing her from leaving so fast. With the impact of the pull, the faces were very close.
- Aren't you forgetting anything? - The blonde says quietly and in a very suggestive way that the girl understood, but decided to play. Astoria gets closer to his face, while Mattheo watches everything with enthusiasm. But the girl gets up abruptly without giving her what she wanted.
- You're right! The sunscreen. - Astoria ran from the place with the call of her friends at the door of the house while Draco just ignored the Mattheo look on him.
The heat of the sun was reflected in the sea water, the rays were like points of light in that immense blue. Y/N was hypnotized by the beauty of that place, every year that passed it was even better to go there. However, this time it was different, a strange feeling of comfort and farewell, she would not know how to explain if they asked, but she knew what she felt.
The four girls were stretched out over their towels under the shadow of a huge tree, Y/N leaned on her elbows as she passed her eyes lazily through the lines of the book she had taken, occasionally interacting in the conversation of the friends next to her. Pansy took pictures of everything with a small polaroid machine, recording the most beautiful scenarios of that place.
- Look here, Y/N. - Pansy points the camera at the girl who drops the book and smiles at the camera. Pansy, with the lack of experience with the muggle object, took the photo a little earlier than she should, which, luckily, made her look more spontaneous with a beginning of a smile.
The printed photo showed the entire body of Y/N lying on the toil and the sea in the background, the sunglasses on the tip of the nose and a small smile sprouting on his lips opened interpretations both for a shy and also suggestive smile.
- Pansy, come. Take one of mine too. - Astoria said sitting on the towel with her back to the camera and then spying on her over her shoulder.
- This one goes to Draco, for sure. - Y/N said jokingly completely forgetting Daphne's presence there, by luck or not, Pansy quickly replied.
- And yours goes to Theodore, of course. - Soon the other girls laughed and Y/N was slightly ashamed, but not so much, since she had all the freedom to talk to her friends.
- I don't understand why you put this in your head. - Y/N seemed a little irritated now, however, Parkinson didn't seem to have noticed and kept joking.
- You'll see, it's because you had sex in Daphne's kitchen on New Year's Eve. - And then the camera click perfectly captures Astoria's reaction to knowing that. Y/N was simply without reaction.
- So, was it you? - Astoria said indignantly. - And did you let the blame fall on me? Do you understand how much Daphne fought with me that day? - Daphne completely confused, Pansy guilty for talking that way and Y/N just didn't know what to answer.
- Merlin, I really thought it wasn't you and Theodore. How naive I was. - Daphne had her hands covering her mouth in surprise, but a smile opened on her face, but he soon falled. - By Merlin, did it have to be in my kitchen?
- Me... I'm sorry. I... - Pansy completely loses the look of guilt, turning into enthusiasm.
- So it's true? - The girl said. - Mattheo told me to bluff, but I didn't think you'd fall, Y/N. I'm completely shocked. - The weather was too confusing, Y/N just confirmed everything with your reaction. A few long seconds passed as they stared at each other, and the silence irritated the girl deeply.
- Look, it's okay. Maybe I made some mistakes here. - She starts. - But Astoria, I couldn't just get up and say it was me, and well, you didn't deny that it was you either.
- By Merlin, Y/N. She loved that everyone thought it was she and Draco who had done that. - Daphne says bluntly, receiving a severe look from her sister, who completely ignored it.
The morning passed quickly after the novelty, the four girls got together to speculate the details with Y/N, who was still a little undecided whether to say one thing or another. Astoria, on the other hand, felt, for the first time, really part of the Slytherin Elite, sharing secrets and crushes.
When lunchtime was approaching, the girls returned home. Pansy was more enchanted once again with the landscape of the garden and the sea in the background, it was much better than the repetitive walls of Hogwarts or her house. The girl decides to stop the path that the Greengrass made to the interior of the mansion and Y/N decides to wait for her, staying by her side.
- It's beautiful, isn't it? - She contemplates. Y/N, on the other hand, paid attention to something else.
- Oh, yes... - Y/N sighs, Pansy thought her friend was talking about the same thing as her, however, when looking away at Y/N and seeing where her eyes pointed, she laughed.
The girl watched Nott carefully at his every move. Theodore walked slowly with the horse, apparently tired since they heard him slow down the animal's strides when they arrived. He was far away, but close enough for her to be able to record every muscle of the back on the boy's display. The sun hitting against her tanned skin while small droplets of sweat shone, the way with him pulled the horse's mane to turn it in the direction definitely brought her very dirty memories, that day just got hotter for her.
- Y/N, I'm not talking about Theodore riding a horse without a shirt, by Merlin. - Y/N quickly turning his attention to his friend.
- I was talking about the sea like you, Pans, don't make things up. - You disguised it. Pansy mentioned turning to the entrance of the house, but soon looked back at Theodore when he heard that something was coming that looked like another horse running.
- Things seem to have become more interesting to you now, don't they? - Y/N jokes when he notices Pansy's gaze fixed on Zabini, who had just approached Nott. Apparently, the boys were betting on a race.
- Definitely yes. - Parkinson said without any shame with a malicious smile sprouting and paying more and more attention to the boy.
Y/N decided to leave her behind now, despite wanting to accompany her, a certain memory made her body warm up a little more than usual, which was great, since the girl was heading for a long and pleasurable bath after the beach.
xoxo, bee🫶🏼
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whorekneecentral · 1 year
Boat sex with Danny ric 😫
inspo :)
after scotty and chloe's wedding, the two of you headed up to lake como for a week, all of the love made you two want some time alone.
dan ended up getting you two a villa next to the water, a little dock and boat along with it. the sun was hot and bright today and you figured you'd get some time in the sun in.
you were laying on the lounger, sunglasses on and eyes shut. you felt the sun disappear, your body now cold. when you opened your eyes, you found your boyfriend standing above you with with two glasses of wine.
"want some company?" he asked, sitting next to you.
you scoot over and make space for him, cuddling into his side. the heat reflected off your skin and made you all sticky; your body sticking to his as you laid over him.
the two of you chatted quietly, the water splashing against the side of the boat. his hand reaches down and tucks a piece of hair behind your ear and you smile, reaching up to kiss him.
daniel pulls on top of him, his hands moving to undo the knot on the back of your bikini top.
"what are you doing?" you stoped him for a second, "someone could see us."
"there's no one out here," he reminds you, looking around.
you let undo the knot, pulling it off and tossing it behind you somewhere and now his lips are all over you; face, neck, chest. it's a few swift movements and you're on top of daniel like that.
your hand tangled in his hair, giving it a tug when he reaches a certain spot. "so good," he mumbles, nipping at your jaw.
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theloveoftoms · 2 years
sittin' on the dock of the bay - jake 'hangman' seresin x reader
Summary: a fun day at the beach with your boyfriend. suntanning, swimming, and shirtless hangman, what more is there to want? ;)
A/N: I had a dream about hangman about a month ago, and I finally found the time to finish editing this piece. I hope you enjoy :D (all of those steamy photos of hangman in my for you tab have been getting to me 😤🤤)
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The warmth of the summer breeze rushed through a patch of long wispy grass in a way that was calming and familiar. The ocean, a colour composed of a variety of blues, was calmer than usual today, the waves rolling in like clouds in the night; quietly and gracefully.
Jake Seresin, the man you had been seeing for the past little while, invited you out for a day on the beach. Usually, the San Diego beach in the heat of August wasn't something you were fond of. It was nearly impossible to find a spot in the sand with any privacy on the beach where little children and seagulls alike weren't scavenging through your tote for juice boxes and cookies. However, dating a man in the navy had its perks; there was a private 'on base' beach that members and their families and friends could use, any time they wanted.
it was mid afternoon, about three or four, when you drove up to Hangman's uniformly neat base condo. The sun hung low in the sky and filled the air with its usual tone composed of pinks and blues and tangerine. San Diego sky's were your favourite. You parked your red Toyota in front of the lawn, and walked to the front door, tote bag in hand.
You rang the bell, and noticed your reflection in the glass of the screen door. The fuchsia bikini that you had on was one of your favourite swimsuits. The colour was flattering with both your complexion and your curves. It had a scoop neck with a small keyhole in the centre, revealing a hint of your chest. Atop of your swimsuit, you were wearing an airy white linen top - after all you were on a navy base and wanted to look somewhat presentable. And on your waist, over your matching pink bottoms was a pair of simple denim shorts. And by the time you finished admiring your outfit in the glass, there he was, hangman, grinning at you from the doorframe.
"Wow," he said, putting a hand around your waist, pulling you close, "I didn't know I loved the colour pink so much."
You rolled your eyes in a playful manner and planted a gentle kiss on your boyfriends cheek. "You all ready to go?"
Jake nodded, stepping out into the porch, putting on the pair of aviators that he so carelessly loved. Grabbing a small cooler - filled of beer and doritos no doubt- and closing the door behind him. And in a tone that was more hushed, Jake said, "might have to take that thing off of you later."
You gave your boyfriend a slap on the arm and smirked, "in your dreams hangman."
From Hangman's near seaside apartment, it only took about five minutes until the two of you were seated comfortably on the blanket that you had brought. The sun was brightly shining above and your toes were in the sand. There were a couple of other people on the beach; a family of four, a couple, and people by themselves, suntanning against the backdrop of the sand. Overall, it was pretty private. Not too loud, but not too quiet either. Perfect.
Seated on the blanket, your wavy hair blowing in the wind, Jake opened the cooler, revealing a six pack of vodka coolers and copper-toned beer bottles. "Want anything hon?"
"I'll take a beer," you said, slipping out of your denim shorts, and quickly covering your legs with them bottom hem of your linen shirt.
"Thats my girl," he said, handing you the bottle.
The two of you lay out in the sun, talking and laughing, and enjoying your drinks. This was relaxing and very unlike any date you had ever been on with Jake. Generally, your dates involved a loud bar or some sort of activity you usually wouldn't do, like karaoke singing or axe throwing. It was definitely a change of pace to have some leisure time with Hangman, but it was actually quite nice to simply just relax beneath the sun with him at your side.
However, after laying out for nearly thirty minutes, it began to feel a bit too hot for you. Your boyfriend, who was somehow asleep, didn't stir when you whispered his name, I guess it would be a solo swim. You took off the remainder of your accessories, like your sunglasses and woven bracelet, Birkenstocks, and white linen shirt and began a leisurely walk out to the ocean.
The bay was calm, the waves tricking in against your legs as you began to wade slowly into the water, kicking about the waves as they rolled in. The water was colder than you had thought, but it felt refreshing compared to how the sun was baking down onto your skin moments ago.
You swam around until you were cool enough, splashing in the waves, letting the salty water refresh you, until you were almost too cold.
The walk out of the ocean was never as glamorous as the walk in. Your hair, which had been perfectly blown out in a wavy pattern, was now darker and clung together in a way that was not luxurious. Your swimsuit didn't have the same pink shimmer to it as it did before, but soon enough the sun would dry you off and all would be as it was.
Back at the blanket, you had nearly dried off when Jake had finally woken up, grinning up at you. "How was the water?" he asked, shedding his sunglasses.
You folded up the magazine you had been reading, "it was great," you replied, "you looked so relaxed, I didn't want to wake you."
On your stomach, you took the liberty to lean atop of your boyfriend, planting a trail of kisses up the back of his palm, up his forearm, and up to his bicep. Jake's lips, taught in their usual smirk grinned through the process. "And to what do I owe this surprise?" he said as he propped himself up on his arms, his biceps firm, and the muscles of his chest flexing in the act.
You crawled forward, until you were laying nearly atop of your boyfriend. Looking down at him, you took a moment to admire really how gorgeous he was, with his long lashes, his oceanic green eyes, and his somehow perfectly angled jaw. Jake Seresin was here, in front of you, and very very hot. You smiled, and then kissed him gently on the bow of his lips.
The kiss tasted like summer air and a forbidden lust that seemed just out of reach. The kiss was gentle and slow, the kind that was suitable to a lazy day at the beach. But as soon as the waves broke upon the shore, Jake's tongue found its way into your mouth as his hand curled around your waist in a corresponding manner. The kiss got deeper as all you could hear was the sound of the ocean in your ears; the waves and the wind and the birds that flew above the nearby sea.
Noticing how unconfroable you back must feel from literally leaning over him, Jake did the singlee handledly hottest thing imaginable. He proped himself up on his right arm - just a bit more than before - and gently rolled you over onto you back, all while still immersed in the kiss.
Breaking the kiss, Jake, who was now on top, looked down at you, grinning, "god," he sighed, "your beautiful," right before he resumed the hot and gentle kissing pattern.
And beneath the kiss, while you smiled to yourself, Jake's hand found its way to your side, gently trailing itself up the side of your ribcage until the tips of his fingers brushed gently against the underside of your breast. "Is this okay?" he mumbled in-between kisses.
You nodded, "yes," and brought your hands around his torso and began to gently rub his muscular back.
Jake let the kiss linger into something slow and sweet as his hand trailed across your chest. Breaking the kiss, his mouth coming close to your ear, he whispered gently, "we better go back to mine before we get kicked off the beach."
You smirked, kissing him once before he rose to his feet, waisting no time in the act. "Lets see how long it takes us to get back there," you said, slipping on your sandals.
Jake grinned, "race you there."
And off in the heat of the mid-afternoon San Diego sun, you and Jake were running down the beach, back to his condo, the wind in your hair and the love in your hearts.
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yujo-nishimura · 11 months
The Escape - Part 2
Warning: A little bit of angst and sadness, female reader, One Piece based storyline mixed with my own weird creativity. This will be my personal Nanowrimo project I want to share with all of you. Hope you can enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing.
Content notes: Small buggy turning into big Buggy later during the story, love, romance, female reader who will experience a strong character development, SFW for now, might add NSFW later.
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The two strange creatures introduced themselves as Gaimon (the box creature) and Buggy (the dwarf clown). They seemed to have a great interest in you, being the only tall person on this island and seeming to be a pirate as well. Carefully they turned you on your back to check your injuries. Gaimon, who seemed to know the island a bit better than Buggy, brought you some water and fresh fruit, the nourishment immediately bringing your throbbing head and your whole body a quick relief. 
“How did you end up here?” Buggy asked, still scanning your carefully, not sure if he could trust you. 
“I wish I could remember. I only know I set out during the night away from our ship…” 
You decided to not tell them that you ran away - this was none of their business and you also did not want them to become suspicious of you for being a traitor or a weakling. 
Gaimon offered a logical explanation for your current predicament, assuming that you had likely encountered a fierce storm, miraculously surviving its wrath and finding yourself washed ashore. As he shared his thoughts, he extended another container of water to quench your thirst. Instantly, a soothing relief washed over you, alleviating the discomfort caused by dehydration and sunburn. You still felt very hot, coming from a winter island and being with the snow pirates, the attire of the crew was fur and warm winter fabrics. Now, in this tropical paradise, your torn and inadequate garments only worsened your discomfort, trapping the heat against your skin.
You couldn't be bothered and you nonchalantly removed your shirt, revealing a bikini top and exposing more skin to the curious gazes of the peculiar beings beside you. You noticed a bashful tint in their eyes, a reaction to the unexpected sight. While these creatures possessed unconventional appearances, it dawned on you that they were, after all, simply men.
You took a closer look at Buggy as well - you seem to recall that you had seen his wanted poster somewhere in another town and probably more often in the East Bleue before you entered the Grand Line. Despite his size his face was very handsome and his eyes had something captivating. As you focused your gaze directly on him, another blush crept across his cheeks, intensifying his reaction. He took a few hesitant steps backward, creating a physical distance between the two of you.
“How did you both get here?” you ask now and Gaimon tells his story of trying to find a treasure and falling into a box while doing so. You are surprised that this is how he ended up in the state he was now in and not having a coddled childhood as you suspected at first glance.  He enjoys talking to you, seeming to be deprived of human contact. As the conversation unfolds, you gradually regain your strength. After several cups of water, a sense of vitality returns and you can finally fully sit up. 
Then the clown starts telling his story - Buggy's voice trembling with a mixture of anger and spite as he narrates the story of his pursuit of a notorious pirate who had stolen his body parts. His words carried an air of desperation, reflective of his burning desire to escape from this place and exact revenge upon this particular pirate. You are somehow scared and fascinated by his determination. However, you are also glad that they do not ask what your plan from now on was. Since you had simply no clue what to do. 
Gaimon seems to feel your distress and gives you another big, inviting smile: 
“Would you like to join us tonight for a little drink and barbecue at our fireplace? Our dear Buggy is planning to leave the island tomorrow on a raft and we want to bid him farewell, don't we?” 
You are still not sure if you can trust Buggy, but Gaimon seems like a simple minded, friendly creature so you agree to join them both. What other options do you have anyway? You are still feeling a bit too weak to build yourself a new boat and being with two strange dwarfs sounds at least more entertaining than a lonely night in the woods. 
You slowly start to stand up, still feeling shaky in your legs, but trying to assess how much you can walk. Aware that you might need to defend yourself if the situation demanded it, you prepared for the worst-case scenario. Buggy and Gaimon, both barely just reaching your knees, cannot assist you, but you feel stronger than initially expected. 
“You are in better shape than we thought. We first had the idea to eat you in case you were dead!”, Buggy chuckles. 
With a firmness in your voice, you assert, "I will kill you both first and roast you on the fire if you dare to try anything." Despite your attempts to sound convincing, an underlying tremor betrays your words. Deep down, you carry the weight of past experiences aboard pirate ships, where the presence of female pirates often led to dismissive attitudes and a lack of regard for their skills.
Buggy still cuckles but Gaimon seemed to be impressed. 
“Which pirate crew were you in, if I may ask?” 
“The Snowland pirates.” you sigh. You are all too aware of their notorious reputation, their name synonymous with fear and ruthlessness. However, as a member of this crew, you couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment in how it failed to live up to your own expectations.
Buggy seems to be impressed and stops laughing for a moment. He looks up to you, walking now slowly on your right side. As you look down on him you somehow cannot deny that he looks adorably cute and that thought kind of keeps bothering you until you reach the fireplace of these two island survivors… 
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writingwhimsey · 2 months
Married to The Enemy- Shingen Ch. 47
Chapter 47
It was the last day of the beach trip. There was a big party being held on the beach. It was an event for all of the houses along the beach. Everyone staying in them would be in attendance. There was going to be music and games and plenty of food. There was also going to be a bar set up for the adults and a makeshift dance floor.
“You seem to be rather excited, my love.” Shingen said as he pulled up his swim trunks.
I had just changed into my bikini and was tying a sarong around my hips. “Just excited to go to a party with you.” I replied, smiling at him. “I mean it’s not that often I’ve attended one of these parties and had the sexiest date.”
Shingen smiled warmly at me as he walked closer, his arms wrapping around me. “You say that, but I think I am the one with the sexiest date.” He said, warm lips brushing against my forehead.
I grinned at him. Shingen never ceased to make me feel so loved and treasured. I stretched up to press my lips to his. “I love you.”
Shingen smiled. “I love you, too.” He replied, pulling me closer for another kiss.
“As much as I enjoy being right here in your arms, we should finish getting ready.” I said after a moment.
“Allow me to help you finish then, my angel.” Shingen replied.
I was turning around then as Shingen reached for my brush and began to brush out my hair for me. His touch was always so gentle and loving each time he helped me with my hair. Once he had it brushed out, he was reaching for the claw-clip I had laid out and pulling it up for me, leaving my bangs and a piece on each side framing my face.
“Seriously, how are you so good at this?” I asked as I inspected my reflection.
Shingen chuckled. “I’ve been watching you enough…and maybe I’ve watched some of those…what are they online tutorials?”
I felt myself melting. I knew Shingen had been having Sasuke help him learn how to use his phone more…but to know he had done so, to watch hair styling videos? I mean how sweet can one man be?!
It was then I felt Shingen’s thumb brush the corner of my eye. “Why are you crying, my angel? What sin have I committed to upset you so?”
I was crying? Man, I didn’t even realize. I shook my head and smiled up at him. “I’m not upset…I’m crying because I’m happy.” I answered. “You’re just so sweet and wonderful.”
Shingen’s arms wrapped around me and he pulled me to his bare, broad chest. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head above his heart. “You are far too adorable.” He whispered to me.
We stayed like that for a moment while I collected myself. We finished getting ready and were then heading out of our room to meet Shoko and her family. “Are you guys ready?” Shoko asked, grinning.
“Yes.” I answered, smiling happily.
We all headed to the beach, which was setup almost like a festival. There were lanterns strung up. Kids were running around playing. “Mom, can we go?” Kaito asked.
“Yeah, we wanna play with the other kids.” Ren agreed.
Shoko smiled at her boys. “Of course, go have fun.” She answered.
“And make sure you play nice with the other kids.” Kenji added.
“We will! Thanks!” The boys shouted in unison before running off to go play with the other kids.
“Alright, kids are happily distracted for the rest of the festivities.” Shoko said. “Time for us to all cut loose now.”
The four of us walked around the party together. We played a few of the beach games that were set up before we decided we were hungry. We grabbed some food and took it to a little picnic area that had been set up for all party-goers.
“You know, I think we should go grab our lovely ladies something to drink.” Kenji said to Shingen.
“You might be right.” Shingen agreed.
“I’ll have a pina-colada.” Shoko told Kenji.
“I’d like a strawberry margarita, please.” I told Shingen.
“Anything you wish, my love.” Shingen replied, pecking me on the lips.
“We’ll be right back.” Kenji said, giving Shoko a peck on the cheek.
The two men were then getting up and heading to the bar to grab those drinks. Shoko was grinning at me. “So, how have you two been enjoying your beach trip?” She asked, wiggling her eyebrows at me.
I giggled. “It has been wonderful. Thank you for inviting us out.”
“And you’ve been enjoying getting to see yous husband walking around shirtless a lot.” Shoko teased. “Pretty sure he’s been enjoying you in your bikini.”
I giggled again. “Well…yes. That why you and Kenji enjoy coming out here? So you have an excuse to see each other hal naked all the time?”
Shoko giggled. “Why of course. There is nothing better than a beach vacation.”
“Oh my gosh! Ava! Shoko!” A high-pitched voice called from behind. A voice I hadn’t heard in years…a voice I dreaded hearing.
“Please tell me…” I muttered looking at Shoko.”
“Ugh..I didn’t think she would be here.” Shoko replied. “What did we do to deserve this hell?”
Shoko and I both turned to see our worst nightmare. Akemi Nakamura…our high school nemesis. We both put on fake smiles. “Akemi…”
“I can’t believe I am seeing you two here.” Akemi said, coming up to us and sitting down with us. I hated to admit it…but she was still just as pretty now as she had been in school. Thick, long glossy hair. Perfect figure. Still a pretty face and bright smile that hid so much malice. “What brings you guys here?”
“Just enjoying the party.” Shoko answered.
“Oh yeah, you married Kenji Abe, so you’re staying at his family’s beach house right?” Akemi asked.
Shoko smiled. “Yup. Our boys really love staying here.”
Akemi turned to me. “Guessing they invited you? You’d never be able to stay at a private beach house without them.”
Akemi…always had to rub it in my face that she was from a rich family and I wasn’t. Shoko’s family wasn’t poor, but they weren’t rich either. But they had lived comfortably. Kenji’s family… well they were a different story, but they hadn’t always been so well off and unlike Akemi’s family they remembered that and were kind to everyone.
“I invited Ava because she’s my friend.” Shoko said.
“Of course.” Akemi replied, waving her hand dismissively. She then looked at me. “So, how have you been? I heard you had moved away to become a fashion designer. How’s that working out?”
Every question from Akemi was always a dig. She put on a nice smile and pretended to be your friend, but it was always so she could get dirt on you. “Good. I may not be famous, but I get plenty of work doing custom pieces for a select clientele.” I answered. I wouldn’t let her get to me. I wasn’t the same girl I was in high school. I had been to war and lived with the freaking Devil King!
“Oh? That sounds interesting.” Akemi replied. “Do any pieces for anyone big I would know?”
If you had paid attention in school…yeah you would know their names. I thought. I shook my head. “Not likely.”
“Well, maybe I could commission some work from you.” Akemi said. “If you can come up with something worthy of me, I could wear it and show it off. I bet I could get you some big names.”
“Ava is quite busy.” Shoko said. “I barely even got her to agree to come on this weekend trip. I’ve seen her waiting list. It’s kilometers long.”
I smiled at Shoko. She had always had my back when it came to Akemi and her little digs.
“Well, I am merely wanting to help out an old friend.” Akemi replied. “You know my family has always run in some pretty important social circles.”
Ugh, if only we could get her to go away. I’d been honestly having a wonderful time until she showed up. I’d also like for her to be gone before Shingen got back. She had a way of making me feel so insecure and I really didn’t want Shingen to see me like that…at least not again.
Shingen and Kenji…
Shingen and Kenji stood at the bar that had been set up, waiting their turn to order drinks. Shingen couldn’t help but to watch the bartenders as they made the drinks. Things had certainly changed over the last five hundred years. But they had also remained the same in some ways.
“So, what do you think you’ll order for yourself?” Kenji asked. “I’m partial to a simple beer myself.”
“I’m usually a sake drinker.” Shingen answered. Granted that’s because it was the alcohol most available in his time. Though he had heard of some other drinks in the port cities of the Sengoku. Imports, but they weren’t as plentiful as they were now.
“Classic.” Kenji replied. “There’s a place that makes a really good sake in the city. It’s also a restaurant. Maybe you and Ava should join me and Shoko sometime for dinner there. A double date. You know, just while you guys are in town. I know Shoko has been really happy to see Ava.”
Shingen smiled. He had a feeling Ava would like this. “Sounds good.” He agreed.
It was soon their turn in line and the men placed their orders. They chatted a bit more while they waited for the drinks to be made. Once the bartender had finished, he handed them the drinks and then moved on to the next person in line.
Shingen and Kenji walked back to the picnic area, where their wives were waiting. They were both surprised when they noticed another woman sitting on the blanket with them. Shingen could tell even from this distance by the tense set of Ava’s shoulders, that something was wrong. He could see her face and saw a strained smile that didn’t quite reach her beautiful green eyes.
“Uh-oh.” Kenji said, confirming Shingen’s fears.
“What is it?” Shingen asked.
“That other woman over there…that’s Akemi Nakamura.” Kenji answered. “She’s one of those people who sees herself as above everyone else just because her family comes from money… and for whatever reason she’s always been especially mean to Shoko and Ava…more Ava than Shoko.”
Shingen frowned. “That’s not good.” He instantly didn’t like this woman. Anyone who upset his beloved was a terrible human in his book.
“No.” Kenji agreed. “She pretended to be nice. Pretended to be their friend just so she could dig up dirt on them and use it against them. Everything she says is a thinly veiled insult. She used to find out who Ava and Shoko liked, just so she could make that guy her next boyfriend and rub it in their faces.”
“That’s terrible.” Shingen said. Granted, the pretending to be a friend thing was kind of what Shingen’s spy network did…but it was also a different time and still not quite the same thing. Shingen didn’t like that this woman had clearly hurt his wife. “We’d better go to their rescue then.”
“Agreed.” Kenji replied with a nod. I won’t let anyone hurt you, Ava. Shingen thought as he made his way towards his wife. And he knew exactly what to do in order to make her feel safe and happy even when faced with something like this.
Taglist: @limonzu @zulablaise @oda-princess @kisara-16 @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @lucyw260 @selenacosmic
@bjorkshire-pudding @eventinelysplayground might want to get some more popcorn ready :)
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drainslo · 7 months
Brains & Brawn- Chapter 5: Spades
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You watched Chishiya rest for a bit while trying to blink away the throbbing hangover feeling  you had. He looked incredibly vulnerable, you thought.
This was the first time both of you had slept overnight in the room. You almost laughed at the irony. First, it was you avoiding Chishiya. Then it was him awkwardly trying to give you space until he bribed you with drinks.
He was a man who knew the way to your heart.
The sun reflected off his face in a way that made him look heavenly. It felt sinful to admire him while he wasn’t aware of it. The light highlighted his blonde hair, which you noticed was dyed by the black showing his roots growing in. 
He was so easy on the eyes that you felt your face start to flush. You almost forgot the cruelty he once showed you. You chastised yourself for this, you may have let him buy you drinks but you weren’t going to harbor a crush for a man like this. Right?
You tentatively hopped out of bed, trying your best to be quiet. You rummaged through your closet for a change of clothes, before settling on an all black two-piece bikini with a sheet cover-up. You heard Chishiya start to stir.
You turned to watch as he silently opened his eyes and blinked at you.
“Good morning,” you said awkwardly.
He ignored your greeting, and looked around the room. He seemed faintly surprised that he was there for some reason.
“I didn’t mean to stay here,” he finally said.
“It’s expected. I mean Hatter wanted us in this situation, it’s more surprising it didn’t happen earlier,” was your reply.
“I only meant to bring you back here. It was late, and I had been drinking so I wanted to rest before leaving. I didn’t plan on staying overnight.” Chishiya seemed truthful for once, and looked as awkward as you felt.
You decided to relieve Chishiya from the awkwardness of the situation by letting him know he could stay with you. You had avoided each other long enough, and he proved he could be civil with you. However, you mostly decided on this because you felt the threat of Hatter looming overhead.
It would be unpleasant if Hatter found you were disobeying his orders, and it was pure luck that you hadn’t had an executive meeting or run into him recently. Sure you were impulsive and did things before thinking, but you weren’t stupid enough to keep defying Hatter.
“Chishiya, you don’t have to avoid this room. We were forced into this situation, but we should try to make the best of it and be civil roommates.” You said as you walked to the coffee-maker to boil water.
Chishiya looked contemplative, but a slight smile grew on his face. His smile was perfectly fine, you noted, thinking of how Kuina compared it to a grimace earlier. More than fine actually. “Alright,” he said.
He went to sit at the desk, pulling out the taser he was working on.
“Did it get broken?” you asked out of curiosity. 
He hummed in agreement. “At my last game.”
You left him as you went to find Kuina to spar with. To your surprise, you ran into Niragi with a woman on his arm.
“Hey! If it isn’t my favorite bitch,” he said, as if oblivious to the other woman.
You watched as she wrenched herself out of his grip, shooting you both a dirty look as she stormed away.
“Niragi! The same goes for you,” you smiled, looking for a topic to converse over. “How have your games been?”
Niragi’s face darkened briefly before he mimicked your smile, but it was too uncanny for someone who constantly risked their life in sadistic games. “Good— actually, pretty fucking amazing. I’ve never felt better.”
As he spoke, a chill of fear that was never there before rushed down your spine. He was too excited over it, and you saw a hungry look in his eye that you never noticed before.
“T-that’s great! I have to participate tonight in leading a group. My visa is expiring soon,” you stuttered, hating yourself for it. 
“Hah! Sounds fun. Speaking of fun— how have things been going with blondie?” Niragi laughed at his nickname for Chishiya.
“It’s getting better. I think.”
“I bet 15000 yen that he sleeps with you.”
You were taken aback at Niragi’s suggestion. Seeing the look on your face, he continued sarcastically, “What? He’s a man sharing a room with a beautiful woman.”
You hit the back of his head playfully before he could say more and walked to find Kuina in the area she usually smoked at.
You waited with the rest of the masses for Hatter to finish making his rousing speech for the Beach’s players participating in games that night. You had to admit, you hated Hatter but he was extremely good with crowd control.
He finished speaking, and players started splitting into groups. Hatter usually divided groups into 4 or 5, with one of each speciality composing a group to make it balanced, as well as a supervising executive.
You watched as a couple meandered over to your group. “#9?” they asked, and you nodded.
There should be one more you noted, and then you saw a familiar blonde making his way over to you. You watched in disbelief as he stood next to you calmly.
“Are you in group #9?” the woman in the couple asked.
Chishiya nodded, and cooly looked towards you. He made four players, and it didn’t look like anyone else was joining.
“Alright, let’s get this started,” you said and led them all to the convertible. 
You were grateful that Tatta had such good taste in cars, and you drove to the game venue quickly. The car ride was spent in uncomfortable silence only broken by murmurs of the couple in the back. Chishiya was sitting shotgun next to you, and he was gazing out the window the entire ride.
You entered the venue with everyone, which took place in a high school football field with a line dividing the two sides. There were four phones left on the table when you entered, and four players who had already joined were waiting. You each reached for a phone.
“So there’s two strategies,” Chishiya looked faintly amused after the game’s rules were read. “Go for the offensive and try to get the flag from the other side–”
“--Or tag all players from the other team,” a man that wasn’t from the Beach finished Chishiya’s sentence. He smirked wickedly at Chishiya, and turned to team with his friend.
“All from the Beach form a team?” you questioned, but it wasn’t really a question. The couple nodded, but Chishiya didn’t respond. “Chishiya?”
He sighed like he was doing you a favor, and resigned himself to be part of your team. You took the left side of the football field and waited for the rest of the players to walk on the right side.
While waiting, you found that the woman from the couple was a hearts player while her boyfriend played clubs.
“I’m not particularly good at anything,” he explained and winked, “But I have a knack for surviving.”
“I think we should just rush the other side as soon as the game starts,” you said slowly. The couple looked unsure, and you didn’t see Chishiya’s reaction. For you, it made the most sense. There was no better opportunity to catch the other team off guard, and you could end the game quickly if one of you made it to the flag zone.
“Is anyone here good at running?” Chishiya asked. You and the man raised your hands. You weren’t surprised at the implied lack of athletic prowess from Chishiya.
“Her and I,” Chishiya pointed at the woman, “Will serve more as distractions for the other team. (Name) and your boyfriend will focus on targeting the flag.” 
“But what about the flag? If the other team does the same, someone should guard it,” the man protested. He didn’t seem too eager about being sent into the lion’s den. It was a smart thought from him, you noted frowning. You would have sent everyone from the team to the other side without a thought.
“Then a sprinter should stay to chase them down. (Name) should do it,” Chishiya replied. The man exhaled with disappointment. It was now clear that he wished to stay on this side. You realized that you didn’t know the names of the other players.
“Hey what are your names–” You were interrupted by the game start sound before you could continue talking further, and you watched as everyone rushed to the other side.
The other team wasn’t expecting the sudden attack, but even still the woman was chased down easily. You watched as Chishiya was targeted by the smirking guy from earlier. Chishiya was jogging lightly, but somehow hadn’t gotten tagged yet.
You turned your attention to the man who was supposed to be targeting the flag. He was almost there. So close. You almost cheered. You watched as his foot was about to step into the safe zone when he was suddenly yanked back by the smirking player.
How? He was targeting Chishiya. You drew your gaze to see Chishiya already heading towards the designated jail area where the woman was waiting.
With horror you realized that you were the only player standing on your side. The only player standing between life and death for you and three other people.
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midwestmade29 · 5 months
Just The Way You Are 🥰
Thanks for the request @officialchristiancagebbgirlblog! I could relate to the topic of your request 100%. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it 🖤 Word count: 1,146 Divider by: @saradika-graphics *GIF is not mine Original Request:
Could I please request a turtleneck Christian Cage fic where he helps the reader feel better about herself after self confidence issues regarding her weight arise please?
Disclaimers: None. All fluff 🙂
When you're feeling down about yourself, Christian reminds you just who you are...
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Christian had been written off TV for a while after earning a much-needed break. He just lost his TNT title to his childhood best friend, so to give his mind and body a rest, the two of you were set to go on vacation. Through the entire planning process, you had been so excited to get away with your man and soak up some rays, but unfortunately the closer the vacation got, the more self-conscious you started to feel. Every commercial, magazine and internet post you saw were of women who looked differently than you. They appeared to be flawless from head to toe, from their skin to their small waistlines and everything else in between. The bikinis they wore along with the dresses and other summer clothes were cute, some even sexy, but you had a hard time picturing yourself in them. Your self-confidence was taking a major hit and it started to rob you the joy you once felt about the vacation.
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One afternoon, you were trying on some of the clothes you ordered for your trip. There were several dresses, shorts, tank tops and bathing suits you hoped would bring back some of the excitement you had lost, but no such luck. All you saw in the mirror when you stood in front of it was a stretch mark here and a stretch mark there, fabrics that seemed to hug every one of your curves in the wrong way, and patterns and colors that made you stand out more than you wanted them to. When frustration got the best of you, you let out a loud groan and plopped down on your bed with tears in your eyes. A soft knock on the doorframe caught your attention, pausing your thoughts momentarily. “Everything okay in here?” Christian asked softly. He looked around the room and noticed all the pieces of clothing thrown around with tags still attached, most of them inside out and starting to get wrinkled. He walked over to the bed and smiled down at you, but you only covered your face with your arms in response. “Hey, what’s wrong baby? Talk to me,” he murmured as he sat down. “I’m just having trouble finding things to wear for our vacation. Nothing seems to fit right, or I don’t feel attractive in it. This would be easier if I looked like the girls in the pictures,” you said with a sniffle. “I’ve been feeling bad about myself lately,”
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Christian propped himself up on his elbow, listening intently to your thoughts and feelings. While he disagreed wholeheartedly about what you were saying, he never interrupted you or made you feel bad for it. Only when you started to apologize for your current state did he stop you mid-sentence, “No need to apologize Y/N. Your feelings are important to me. You can always talk to me about anything,” Christian got up and stood at the foot of the bed, extending his hand to you before walking you over to the mirror. He stood behind you with his chest pressed against your back, gazing lovingly at your reflection.
“Ugh, do we have to stand here? I look terrible,” you groaned. You averted your eyes from the mirror and Christian, but he gently grabbed hold of your chin and turned your head back. “Yes, we do. I have some things I want to show you,” He wrapped one of his arms around the top of your ribcage, resting it beneath your breast before speaking softly, “These here are just one of my favorite parts of you. Do you want to know why?” Your cheeks flushed when you thought about the answer, but Christian surprised you when he explained something totally different. “Your chest is one of my favorite places to rest my head. At the end of a long day when we’re snuggled in bed, I love laying there and listening to your heartbeat. It’s soothing, especially when you run your fingers through my hair,”
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You couldn’t help but smile at his sweet remarks, but he wasn’t finished yet. He placed both of his hands on your hips, gripping them lightly and grinning. “Your hips are another favorite of mine. I love the way they look in your jeans and how they can make any dress you wear that much sexier. The way they sway when you walk makes me stare in awe every time,” Goosebumps spread all over your body as his fingertips tickled your skin on the way to his next destination. He grabbed the outside of your thighs and squeezed, but this time you cringed at the handful he had. “Please don’t tell me you like those too,” you begged. He ignored your request and continued, “Now these, these are the best. Not only do they look great in shorts, but they look even better when they’re wrapped around me,” You gasped at his last comment and turned around to face him, playfully smacking him on his chest. Your laughter filled the room causing Christian to smile brightly.
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He took you in his arms, embracing you as he kissed the top of your head. “You are stunning, Y/N. I love every inch of you, every curve. I don’t want you to forget that. No one else compares to you and they never will. I have one more thing I want to show you,” he said before releasing you. He took his phone out of his pocket and opened his gallery before handing it to you. “I want you to look through all the pictures. You’ll notice there’s several of the same kinds because nearly all of them are of my favorite thing,” Christian instructed. As you tapped and scrolled through the gallery, tears started to well up in your eyes again. This time, they were happy tears. Almost all of his photos were of you, or of you and Christian together. There were photos of you sleeping, ones of you dressed up and some of you in your sweatpants. Pictures of you without makeup on and candid ones that you didn’t even know he took. The ones you noticed that he favorited were pictures you would never have considered to be good ones or flattering of you, but he loved them.
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You handed his phone back to him, nearly knocking him over from the force when you hugged him. You buried your face in his chest, holding onto him tightly as you thanked him for everything, “This was so sweet, Christian. Thank you for helping me see myself through your eyes and making me feel better,”
“Of course, baby. You’re perfect in every way, there’s nothing I would change about you. I’ll always be here to remind you exactly who you are, and that’s the most beautiful girl in the entire world,” Christian said lovingly in between planting kisses all around your face.
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