#registered immigration experts
abhishekdigi-blog · 1 month
The Importance of ICCRC Registered Consultants in New Delhi for Canadian Immigration
Immigrating to Canada is a transformative decision that requires careful planning, comprehensive knowledge of immigration laws, and precise execution. For many aspiring immigrants, the process can be overwhelming, with numerous steps that must be carefully navigated to avoid delays or rejections. This is where ICCRC registered consultants in New Delhi come into play, offering expert guidance, strategic advice, and peace of mind to applicants seeking to make Canada their new home.
The Significance of ICCRC Registration
The Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) is the regulatory authority that oversees immigration consultants in Canada. Consultants registered with the ICCRC have undergone extensive training and are required to adhere to a strict code of conduct. This registration guarantees that the consultant is not only qualified to handle your case but also committed to providing services that meet the highest ethical and professional standards.
Why Work with ICCRC Registered Consultants in New Delhi?
1. Expertise in Complex Immigration Procedures:
   Canadian immigration is governed by a complex set of laws and regulations that are frequently updated. ICCRC registered consultants possess in-depth knowledge of these legal frameworks and are well-equipped to guide you through the intricacies of the application process. Their expertise helps ensure that your application is prepared correctly, reducing the risk of errors that could lead to rejection.
2. Personalized Service Tailored to Your Profile:
  Every immigration case is unique, with individual applicants having different strengths, challenges, and goals. ICCRC registered consultants in New Delhi take the time to understand your specific situation, whether you’re applying through Express Entry, a Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), or another immigration stream. They offer tailored advice that aligns with your profile, ensuring that your application is as strong as possible.
3. Comprehensive Documentation Assistance:
   One of the most critical aspects of the immigration process is ensuring that all required documents are complete, accurate, and submitted on time. ICCRC registered consultants assist with the preparation and review of all documentation, from educational credentials and work experience letters to language test results and financial statements. Their meticulous approach helps prevent common documentation-related pitfalls that can delay or derail your application.
4. Legal Representation and Advocacy:
   In situations where legal representation is necessary, such as responding to procedural fairness letters or attending hearings, ICCRC registered consultants can represent you before Canadian immigration authorities. Their legal expertise ensures that your case is presented in the best possible light, with a strong focus on safeguarding your rights throughout the process.
5. Ethical Conduct and Transparency:
   ICCRC registered consultants are bound by a code of ethics that emphasizes transparency, honesty, and professionalism. They are required to provide clear and upfront information about their services, fees, and the realistic chances of your application’s success. This transparency builds trust and ensures that you are fully informed and confident in the services you are receiving.
Overcoming Common Immigration Challenges with Expert Guidance
1. Low CRS Scores:
   A common challenge for many Express Entry applicants is achieving a high enough Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score to receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA). ICCRC registered consultants can offer strategies to improve your score, such as enhancing your language test results, gaining additional work experience, or securing a job offer from a Canadian employer.
2. Navigating Provincial Nominee Programs:
   The Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) provide an alternative pathway to Canadian permanent residency, especially for those with skills in demand in specific provinces. However, each PNP has its own set of criteria and processes. ICCRC registered consultants have a deep understanding of these programs and can guide you in selecting the right province and preparing a successful application.
3. Addressing Previous Visa Rejections:
   If you’ve experienced a visa rejection in the past, it can be a significant barrier to future applications. ICCRC registered consultants in New Delhi can analyze the reasons for the rejection, provide corrective measures, and help you submit a stronger application that addresses any previous concerns raised by immigration authorities.
4. Adapting to Policy Changes:
   Canadian immigration policies are subject to change, and staying informed about these changes is crucial for a successful application. ICCRC registered consultants keep up-to-date with the latest policy developments and ensure that your application complies with current requirements. This proactive approach helps avoid issues that could arise due to outdated information or non-compliance with new regulations.
Conclusion: Secure Your Canadian Immigration Success
The journey to Canadian permanent residency is one that requires expert guidance, strategic planning, and meticulous attention to detail. By working with an ICCRC registered consultant in New Delhi, you can navigate the complexities of the immigration process with confidence and ease. These professionals provide the expertise and support needed to enhance your application, address challenges, and ultimately achieve your goal of living and working in Canada.
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migrationagentperth · 2 years
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By Steve Corbin
According to a May 15 NBC News report, there are a multitude of issues that voters must discern about Joe Biden, Donald Trump and the independent presidential candidates before voting on Nov. 5. Logically, the importance of each issue differs between and among America’s 161.4 million registered voters.
One issue missing from the NBC News report that has become a focal point of the Biden camp, Make America Great Again Republicans and third-party candidates is democracy vs. authoritarianism. Specifically, on Jan. 20, 2025, will the duly elected and inaugurated president of the United States keep America as a democracy that dates back to the 1630’s in the New England colonies, or will it be the start of changing the country to authoritarian fascism?
If you’ve not heard of Project 2025, it’s very worthy of your independent investigation. Project 2025 is a playbook specifically created for Donald Trump and his supporters to use in the first 180 days of Trump’s 2025-29 presidential administration. The far-right extremism-based Heritage Foundation proudly takes claim for facilitating the creation of the 887-page turning-democracy-into-an-authoritarian-country document.
Project 2025’s two editors had assistance from 34 authors, 277 contributors, a 54-member advisory board and a coalition of over 100 conservative organizations (including the American Legislative Exchange Council, the Heartland Institute, Liberty University, Middle East Forum, Moms for Liberty, the National Rifle Association, Pro-Life America and Tea Party Patriots).
Project 2025 is a serious endeavor, if Trump returns to the White House, to make America a fascist country. After all, on May 20, Trump posted a video on his Truth Social media account depicting his 2025-29 administration as a “Unified Reich.” (Hitler’s Third Reich occurred from 1933 to 1945.)
Download the Project 2025 document (it's linked from this essay) so you can check out the disconcerting manuscript that tells Trump what specifically to do from Jan. 20 to July 18, 2025, to convert America into an authoritarian regime.
The 30 chapters of Project 2025 are a daunting read. Project 2025 proposes, among a host of things, eliminating the Department of Education, eliminating the Department of Commerce, deploying the US military whenever protests erupt, dismantling the FBI and Department of Homeland Security, removing sexual and gender protected discrimination and terminating diversity, equity, inclusion and affirmative action.
Additional mandates include: siphoning off billions of dollars of public school funding, funding private school choice vouchers, phasing out public education’s Title I program, gutting the nation’s free school meals program, eliminating the Head Start program, banning books and suppressing any curriculum that discusses the evils of slavery.
Project 2025 also calls for banning abortion (which makes women second-class citizens), restricting access to contraception, forcing would-be immigrants to be detained in concentration camps, eliminating Title VII and Title IX of the Civil Rights Act, recruiting 54,000 loyal MAGA Republicans to replace existing federal civil servants, and ending America’s bedrock principle that separates church from state.
A news story in Politico described Project 2025 as an authoritarian Christian nationalist movement and a path for the US to become an autocracy. Several legal experts have indicated implementing the 180-day manual would undermine the rule of law and the separation of powers.
As noted earlier, Project 2025 is worthy of your independent investigation. So that you’ll be in-the-know as to what authoritarianism looks like, seriously consider reading one research-based book per month for the next five months as pre-election homework. Here’s my suggested reading assignment:
JUNE: "On Tyranny: 20 lessons from the 20th century," Timothy Snyder, 2017.
JULY: "Twilight of Democracy: The seductive lure of authoritarianism," Anne Applebaum, 2020. Chapters IV, V and VI get to the bottom line.
AUGUST: "Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America," Heather Cox Richardson, 2023.
SEPTEMBER: "Attack from Within: How Disinformation is Sabotaging America," Barbara McQuade, 2024. The 1,717 reference citations proves this is well researched and an honest read.
OCTOBER: "1984," George Orwell, 1949. Orwell’s novel shows Americans what life would be like under totalitarian and oppressive rule.
Reading even just one of these books will enable you to discern political candidate and party-based disinformation, misinformation and propaganda from truth, ready to vote on Nov. 5 and keep America a democracy.
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Arthur Delaney and Jonathan Nicholson at HuffPost:
WASHINGTON — Lawmakers rejected a ploy by House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) to combine legislation to fund the government with a right-wing bill attacking the illusory threat of illegal voting. Johnson’s gambit failed thanks to unified opposition from Democrats, plus objections from a handful of Republicans who complained the bill didn’t cut government spending enough. The vote tally was 202 to 220, with two House members, Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) voting “present.” Fourteen Republicans broke ranks to vote with Democrats against the bill, while three Democrats voted with Republicans in favor.
The bill’s defeat did not come as a surprise — Johnson initially scheduled a vote for last week, but postponed it amid warnings from several members of his own party that they would vote against the package. Ahead of the failed vote on Wednesday, Republicans openly talked about a plan B, and Johnson himself suggested in an extended football metaphor that he would need to call another play after this one yielded no gain. “We’re on the field in the middle of the game, the quarterback’s calling the play, we’re going to run the play,” Johnson said. “We have a thick playbook, of course, with all sorts of ideas in it. But when you’re on the field and you’re calling a play, you run the play.”
One outcome several Republicans anticipate is that Johnson will move a short-term government funding bill, known as a continuing resolution, without the voter fraud language attached. Johnson himself refused to rule out passing a clean funding bill in response to a reporter’s question last week.
Former President Donald Trump, however, has repeatedly urged Republicans to shut down the government if Democrats won’t accept the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, or SAVE Act. “If Republicans don’t get the SAVE Act, and every ounce of it, they should not agree to a Continuing Resolution in any way, shape, or form,” Trump wrote Wednesday on his website. “Democrats are registering Illegal Voters by the TENS OF THOUSANDS, as we speak - They will be voting in the 2024 Presidential Election, and they shouldn’t be allowed to.” Republicans have provided no evidence whatsoever that undocumented immigrants are registering to vote in massive numbers. It’s already illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections, and voter registration forms already require signatories to attest to their citizenship under penalty of perjury. For those reasons, experts say, noncitizen voting is exceedingly rare.
House Republicans in disarray! They voted 202-220 against the plan that would combine funding to keep the government open with the SAVE Act, a bill that that is based on manufactured outrage about noncitizen voting. 14 Republicans broke ranks and voted no (largely from the right), while 3 Democrats voted yes.
See Also:
The Guardian: US House fails to pass federal funding bill as shutdown deadline nears
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mariacallous · 4 months
On Tuesday, Georgia’s parliament approved its controversial bill on “transparency of foreign influence” in its third and final reading, bringing it closer than ever to becoming law. The vote followed weeks of demonstrations against the bill, which opponents refer to as a “Russian law” for its similarity to Moscow’s own repressive law on “foreign agents.” Barring any unforeseen changes, Georgian media outlets and other non-government organizations that receive more than 20 percent of their financing from foreign donors will soon be required to register as “foreign agents.” The issue has sharply divided Georgian society: proponents say the bill is an important transparency measure, while experts and politicians both in Georgia and abroad have warned that it will give the government grounds to restrict the activities of anyone who opposes the ruling Georgian Dream party, weakening the country’s democracy and putting its prospects for E.U. accession in doubt. But not all of the bill’s protesters are Georgian: many of the Russians who fled to Georgia after facing repressions back at home feel they have a duty to support the movement against the new law. They spoke to Meduza about their experiences.
These accounts have been edited and abridged for length and clarity.
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
Conservative calls to deport Representative Ilhan Omar over comments she purportedly made about Somalia have no legal merit, experts tell Newsweek.
The progressive Democrat, a Somali American and Muslim, has been under fire for remarks she allegedly made to Somali American constituents that have been viewed over 7 million times on X. Omar, a Somali American and Muslim, seemed to address a deal struck by Somalia's breakaway region of Somaliland with landlocked Ethiopia to give it access to the sea.
Republicans, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, have openly called for Omar to be deported, with the latter saying: "She flaunts using her position as congresswoman to protect Somalia's border while our border is invaded by MILLIONS of illegals who are a danger to America."
Immigration lawyer Rosanna Berardi told Newsweek that since Omar is a naturalized U.S. citizen, calls for deportation lack legal ground unless the individual in question gained citizenship through nefarious means such as fraud, misrepresentation or membership in certain organizations—or being dishonorably discharged from the U.S. military if citizenship was based on military service.
The Minnesota representative's statements, whether accurate or taken out of context, are also protected under the First Amendment, which extends not just to U.S. citizens but also to public officials who routinely express opinions on foreign and domestic matters and do so without fear of legal repercussions—especially deportation.
"The Immigration and Nationality Act allows for deportation/removal of individuals due to criminal activities, violations of status or violation of immigration law," Berardi said. "Deportation for expressing political views, particularly those covered by the First Amendment, is not legally supported. Political speech does not constitute a valid basis for deportation.
"In essence, we have a series of sound bites here that are legally baseless. Typical political banter."
Stephen Schnably, a law professor at the University of Miami, told Newsweek that calls for the deportation of a sitting member of Congress for expressing personal views—whether accurate or spun by political adversaries—is "far beyond the realm of any reasonable response to her remarks."
"It's just not in the cards, deportation as punishment for a U.S. citizen," he said. "That is something that just cannot be done."
He said that even if Omar's statements, as attributed by some conservatives, are taken at face value, favoring foreign country interests over U.S. interests "is not a First Amendment violation to do that." Members of Congress can say what they want, and ultimately, voters have their say in elections.
The situation would potentially be different if Omar did not hypothetically register as an agent of a foreign government, comparing Omar's casual remarks to criminal charges against Democratic Senator Bob Menendez. The New Jersey legislator and his wife are accused of accepting bribes, including gold, cash, a luxury vehicle and payments toward a home mortgage, allegedly in exchange for advancing their interests, as well as those of the Egyptian government, in his role as the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
But in Omar's case, there is no indication that anything of that sort—of "committing a well-defined crime where conduct or actions are not in accordance with a statute that is not constitutional."
Politicians make similar remarks all the time, Schnably added, saying there is nothing unusual about foreign policy positions that favor one country over another in a dispute.
Omar's alleged statements, backlash
According to one translation of Omar's remarks first shared on X by Ambassador Rhoda J. Elmi, Somaliland's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Omar purportedly said that she was "Somalian first, Muslim second" and "here to protect the interests of Somalia from inside the U.S. system."
Omar is also alleged to have said that "as Somalis, one day we will go after our missing territories."
But Omar has refuted the retelling of her statements, calling the viral clip "not only slanted but completely off," adding that she "wouldn't expect more from these propagandists."
Another translation posted online by Abdirashid Hashi, a researcher and Somalia analyst, states that Omar said that Somalis "are sisters and brothers, supporting each other, people who know they are Somalis and Muslims, coming to each other's aid."
Per that translation, she also said: "While I am in Congress, no one will take Somalia's sea. The United States will not back others to rob us. So, do not lose sleep over that, O Minnesotans. The lady you sent to Congress is on this, and she is as cognizant of this interest as you are."
Greene bashed Omar and her comments in an X post, saying: " Patriots, you must show up big in 2024. We have a country to save and people to deport."
"Expel from Congress, denaturalize and deport!" DeSantis wrote on X.
In the past, DeSantis has singled out Omar as allegedly propagating antisemitic movements within Congress. In January 2022, after a group of people wearing Nazi symbols made national headlines for yelling antisemitic slurs on streets and highway overpasses in the Orlando area, DeSantis said he would not let others shame him for his support of Jews.
"I'm not going to have people try to smear me that belong to a political party that has elevated antisemites to the halls of Congress, like (US Rep.) Ilhan Omar, that have played footsie with the (boycott Israel) movement," DeSantis said at the time.
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intertaxtrade · 9 months
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hindisoup · 2 years
इतने लंबे समय के बाद मैंने एक नया वीडियो कर दिया। हो सकता है कि यह वीडियो से स्पष्ट नहीं है, पर यह मेरे अब तक के पसंदीदा विषयों में से एक है।
दो-तरफ़ा प्रक्रिया - two-way process (feminine) अधिनियम - act, bill, statute (masculine) आप्रवासन नीति - immigration policy (feminine) अनुकूलन, एकीकरण - adaptation, integration (masculine) समावेश - inclusion, involvement (masculine) भेदभाव - discrimination (masculine) संरचना - structure (feminine) प्रथा - practice (feminine) भागीदारी - collaboration, partnership (feminine) बाधा - obstacle, hindrance (feminine) असमानता - inequality (feminine) विविधता - diversity (feminine) बहुसंस्कृतिवाद - multiculturalism (masculine) सह सकनेवाला - tolerant (adjective) शरणार्थी - refugee (masculine) शरण तलाशने वाला - asylum seeker (masculine) पंजीकृत करना - to register (transitive) आव्रजन सेवा - immigration services (feminine) सक्रिय - active (adjective) भाषा प्रशिक्षण - language training (masculine) स्थानीय प्राधिकारी - local authority (masculine) संशोधन - revision, amendment (masculine) बंदूक हिंसा - gun violence (feminine) गिरोह अपराध - gang crime (masculine) हिंसक झड़प - violent clash (feminine) पूर्वापेक्षा - prerequisite (feminine) जनसंख्या - population (feminine) सृजित करना - to create, generate (transitive) निवेश - investment (masculine) विशेषज्ञ - expert, specialist (masculine) प्रतिस्पर्धा करना - to compete (transitive) ग्रहणशीलता - receptivity, hospitality, openness (masculine) प्रतिभा - talent (feminine) संसाधित करना - to process (transitive)
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rajasimmigration · 2 years
Tips for Choosing Immigration Consultant
There has been a rise in the number of people taking trips to other nations. Historically, people have left their home countries in search of better opportunities. Still, it takes time to think of all the paperwork involved in an international trip. And if you are planning for Alberta and looking to move, here is something to know. 
Complications arise from the need to process the visa, examine the legal requirements and evidence, and adhere to the laws and regulations. To improve the effectiveness of our procedure, we need the advice of the top-tier best Immigration consultant in Alberta. 
However, with many qualified and unlicensed consultants available, choosing the right one for your visa application will be challenging yet crucial. This article will provide helpful pointers to help you locate the finest immigration counsel for your needs.
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Tips to Find Best Immigration consultant in Alberta
Verify Their Qualifications
The immigration procedure, regardless of your expectations, will be complicated. As a result, it is highly recommended that you only work with a Canadian immigration consultant registered with the appropriate authorities (RCIC). 
RCICs are advisors who have finished an accredited immigration consultant training program. Their membership in the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants is in good standing, and they are active members (CICC). 
As a result, you can rest assured that you'll consistently be presented with appropriate choices and data that can influence your judgment.
Looking up the Canadian immigration consultant you're considering on the CICC website is a quick and easy way to confirm whether or not they have met the educational requirements to practice as a registered Best Immigration consultant in Alberta.
Get some references
It's possible that after your initial phone call or in-person meeting with an immigration consultant, you'll feel comfortable hiring them. Remember to check the citations!
Please inquire with the immigration expert about some of their past clients. You may learn more about the company's reliability as a business partner by speaking with some of its current or former customers. 
It's also a good idea to talk to people who have worked with the consultant you're considering to learn about their experiences and identify any trends that may help you make your final choice.
Examine Their Online Standing
Google and JustDial are good places to start looking into the background of a potential immigration consultant. If their rating is about what you'd expect, it's OK to move further with them. 
In addition, read the immigration agent's published articles on their website to learn more about the company's mission and principles. There will also be reviews from satisfied customers for you to peruse. Finally, research the immigration consultancy's offerings and examine any accolades they may have earned.
Ensure they have the appropriate skills
It's been said, and it's true, that progress is slow but steady. Thus, it is recommended that no payments be made quickly while working with immigration experts. Checking the consultant's credentials is necessary before proceeding with the visa application procedure. 
The appropriate question is regarding the paperwork, schedule, and fees involved. Be bold about stating what you need, too.
Check the website and Cases
Suppose you want your immigration application to have a good chance of being accepted. In that case, you should look at the success percentages of the issues that your selected immigration firm has successfully handled. 
Check at the selected Canada permanent resident consultants website and read up on everything there, including the applicant reviews. Please look at their past performance and determine whether they improved their services for the applicants.
Where to Go?
Hope these tips will help you to find the finest immigration consultant for your needs. If you are still having difficulty, look no further to Rajas Immigration. When you hire them, they will handle everything related to immigration, so you don't have to worry about a thing. They are the Best Immigration consultant in Alberta to look upon. Hang up on their website for more details!
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Immigration Lawyer Townsville
Freeman Migration Services Australia provides advice on a commercial basis about Australia’s migration law and visa processes. When you use our skills select services you gain the benefit of our extensive knowledge of migration procedures, which makes us different from other less experienced providers of migration advice.
The principal, Alison Louise Twiname, is a Registered Migration Agent with the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority, and is a Member of the Migration Institute of Australia.  
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At Freeman Migration Services Australia we have handled many complex migration cases and can therefore provide you with expert advice about Australia’s migration law and procedures.  Our 'hands on' knowledge of skills select procedures, and years of experience in processing and lodging visa applications, means that we can give your application the best possible chance of success.
Australia immigration laws are complex, and it is advisable to seek expert advice if you are considering migrating to Australia. When you use Freeman Migration Services Australia you can be assured that we have the depth of knowledge of skills select procedures to get you the best possible result.
Freeman Migration Services Australia assists many clients and businesses throughout Australia and internationally with their visa requirements. We respond as quickly as possible to our client’s many enquiries, and will take the worry out of your skills select experience.
We work closely with Australian businesses and skilled overseas employees, and can assist you with a range of other visa options such as partner visas. At Freeman Migration Services Australia, we gain a lot of satisfaction through helping people migrate to Australia.
We will not take on a case if we don’t believe that the application has a reasonable chance of success.
Freeman Migration Services Australia 155 Denham Street TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 0747720100 Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm https://www.freemanmigration.com.au
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naxusimmi · 1 hour
Looking for an experienced immigration consultant in Brisbane? We provide expert guidance on visa applications, permanent residency, and citizenship. Trust our knowledgeable team to simplify your immigration process and ensure a successful outcome.
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10 Steps to Successfully Launching a Business in Saudi Arabia
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Starting a business in Saudi Arabia is an exciting opportunity, thanks to the country's thriving economy and welcoming environment for foreign investors. However, the process of launching a business here can seem complex if you're unfamiliar with the local regulations and requirements. At Capital International Group, we're dedicated to simplifying this journey for you. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the 10 essential steps to successfully establish your business in Saudi Arabia.
1. Understand the Saudi Market
Before diving into business registration, it’s crucial to conduct thorough market research. Understanding local customer preferences, competitors, and industry trends will help you craft a solid business plan. Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 encourages investments in sectors such as technology, renewable energy, healthcare, and tourism, so it's essential to know where your business fits in.
2. Choose the Right Business Structure
Selecting the appropriate business structure is a critical step. Saudi Arabia offers various options such as Limited Liability Companies (LLC), Joint Stock Companies (JSC), and sole proprietorships. Each structure comes with its own regulations, tax requirements, and advantages. At Capital International Group, we help you choose the one that best suits your business goals and minimizes risks.
3. Register Your Business Name
Choosing a unique business name is essential. Your company name must comply with the regulations set by the Ministry of Commerce and Investment (MCI). It’s important to ensure that the name you choose is not already in use. Our team assists in verifying and registering your business name quickly, avoiding potential legal issues later.
4. Obtain the Necessary Licenses
Depending on the type of business you plan to operate, you'll need to apply for specific licenses from various government bodies. For instance, companies involved in retail, industrial, or professional services must get approvals from relevant ministries. Working with experts like Capital International Group ensures that all the required licenses are secured hassle-free.
5. Secure Investment and Funding
Securing funding is a crucial aspect of starting any business. Saudi Arabia offers various funding opportunities, including local banks, venture capital firms, and government support programs. The Small and Medium Enterprises General Authority (Monsha'at) also provides support for startups. Our consultants at Capital International Group can help you identify the best funding sources for your venture.
6. Open a Local Bank Account
Having a local Saudi bank account is necessary for managing your company’s finances. This requires you to complete company registration, obtain licenses, and provide identification documents. Opening a business bank account with a reputable bank will help facilitate smooth financial operations and enable access to local financial services.
7. Prepare Your Articles of Association
The Articles of Association (AOA) define the rules governing your company’s management and operations. It includes details about the shareholders, business structure, and responsibilities. The AOA must be drafted in Arabic and meet local legal requirements. Capital International Group ensures your AOA complies with Saudi regulations while protecting your interests.
8. Obtain Visas and Residency Permits
If you’re a foreign investor or planning to hire expatriates, you’ll need to secure work visas and residency permits (Iqama) for your staff. Saudi Arabia offers the Investor Visa, which allows foreign entrepreneurs to live and operate businesses in the Kingdom. We assist in the visa application process, ensuring compliance with local immigration laws.
9. Register for VAT and Taxes
Saudi Arabia imposes a 15% Value Added Tax (VAT) on most goods and services. Businesses that meet the VAT threshold are required to register with the General Authority of Zakat and Tax (GAZT). Additionally, foreign companies may be subject to certain corporate taxes. Our tax experts guide you through the registration process and ensure your business meets its tax obligations.
10. Launch Your Business and Stay Compliant
Once you've completed all the necessary steps, it's time to launch your business! However, staying compliant with local regulations is an ongoing responsibility. At Capital International Group, we provide continuous support with government reporting, regulatory updates, and audits, ensuring that your business remains legally compliant while you focus on growth.
Why Choose Capital International Group?
At Capital International Group, we specialize in offering comprehensive business setup services in Saudi Arabia. From market research to securing licenses, we guide you through every step of the process. With our expert team and local knowledge, you can confidently navigate the regulatory landscape and successfully launch your business in the Kingdom.
Ready to start your business journey in Saudi Arabia? Contact us today at setupsaudibusiness.com to get expert advice and support!
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For those looking to raise doubts about American elections, it's becoming clear that a key 2024 voting boogeyman will be immigration.
The false notion that undocumented immigrants are affecting federal elections has been floating around for over 100 years, experts say, but this year, due in part to an increase in migrants at the southern U.S. border, the idea could have new potency.
The narratives are being pushed by prominent right-wing figures including Cleta Mitchell, a former adviser to Donald Trump, along with the presumptive Republican presidential nominee himself.
NPR acquired a two-page memo Mitchell has been circulating laying out "the threat of non-citizen voting in 2024."
"I absolutely believe this is intentional, and one of the reasons the Biden administration is allowing all these illegals to flood the country," Mitchell said on a conservative radio show in Illinois last month. "They're taking them into counties across the country, so that they can get those people registered, they can vote them."
Trump has made the same claims on the campaign trail. And even Elon Musk, the Tesla founder and owner of X, has used his social media platform to push the baseless idea to millions of people.
"[Democrats] are importing voters," Musk wrote in a post about undocumented immigrants on March 5 that X claims has been seen more than 23 million times.
It's illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections, and numerous studies over the years have found that it almost never happens, but voting experts still worry the claims could take hold at a time when huge numbers of Republicans simultaneously don't trust elections and see immigration as the top problem facing the country.
"I think that's what it's meant to do — to freak people out over an issue. It's a continuation of this myth of voter fraud," said Gilda Daniels, an election law professor at the University of Baltimore. "It not only creates hysteria, but it [furthers] this idea that only certain people should be allowed to participate in the process."
The idea that people are being shuttled into the U.S. to influence elections is a familiar tale for seasoned election officials.
"I've been hearing it my whole career," said Kim Wyman, a senior fellow at the Bipartisan Policy Center and the former Republican secretary of state of Washington.
In fact, the myth started taking hold in the U.S. in the late 1800s.
A hundred years before, when the country was first founded, noncitizen voting was actually fairly common and uncontroversial, says Ron Hayduk, an expert on noncitizen voting at San Francisco State University. But after the Civil War and Reconstruction, a wave of migration from Europe of nonwhite, non-English-speakers led to xenophobic fears about what would happen to the U.S. if immigrants were allowed to exercise their power politically.
One by one, states began implementing voter registration systems specifically as a means to disenfranchise immigrants.
"Allegations of vote fraud were the main stated justification for imposing restrictive practices," Hayduk said.
And in the century since then, he said, every time the country has seen an influx of immigrants, a loosening of immigration policy or an expansion of voting access, accusations of voter fraud have followed.
Mitchell's memo about the risk of noncitizen voting touches on two of those things. Migrant encounters at the southern border hit an all-time high in December, and the document focuses mostly on the implementation of a 1993 law, the National Voter Registration Act, that made registering to vote easier.
The NVRA does not require proof of U.S. citizenship for people to register to vote, only that potential voters fill out a form and attest under penalty of perjury that they are citizens. A federal voting law passed in 2002 also required applicants to provide a unique identification number to register, like a driver's license or Social Security number, which election officials say effectively serves as a citizenship check since both of those forms of ID involve the government checking whether someone is a citizen or not.
But Mitchell's main hope, according to the document, is to spur Congress to require documentary proof of citizenship as part of registration.
Experts say that sort of change would have a drastic negative impact on many eligible voters, like naturalized citizens, without solving any real problem.
"If you make [registering] harder, there will be students, young people, elderly people, poor people and other groupings of people who would just not bother," said Daniels, of the University of Baltimore. "This whole document is [saying] we don't want the NVRA or any other piece of legislation to do what it's supposed to do, which is register people to vote."
Mitchell did not respond to an email from NPR requesting comment.
The right's concerns about noncitizens voting have persisted despite there being no recent evidence that ineligible people are voting at anything other than microscopic numbers in American elections.
After the 2016 election, the Brennan Center for Justice, which advocates for expanded voting access, looked at 42 election jurisdictions including some of the jurisdictions with the largest noncitizen populations in the country, and found suspected noncitizen votes made up roughly 30 of the 23.5 million votes cast (0.0001%) in those places.
A recent study in Arizona (first reported by The Washington Post) found that less than 1% of noncitizens attempt to register to vote, and even in those cases, the vast majority are thought to be mistakes.
"There are dire ramifications for those who register when they are not eligible—in the naturalization process applicants for citizenship must affirm that they have not registered to vote," wrote Tammy Patrick, a former local election official in Arizona who is now the CEO of the nonprofit Election Center, in an email. "The stakes are high and not something that most people would willingly, knowingly gamble away for the sake of casting a single ballot."
Hayduk, of San Francisco State, agreed.
"The last thing [migrants] want to do is put themselves at risk of being detained, deported, let alone put a wrench in their application for citizenship," he said.
In Georgia, Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger had his office perform a citizenship audit that found fewer than 2,000 suspected noncitizens registering to vote in the state over the past 25 years. None were actually able to cast a ballot.
"Noncitizens are not voting in Georgia," said Raffensperger, in an interview with NPR.
Still, in a sign that the issue has become a priority not just for the election denial wing of the Republican Party, Raffensperger has made noncitizens a key focus of his time in office even as he has fought against other conspiratorial election narratives.
Earlier this year, the secretary was pushing for a constitutional amendment in Georgia to explicitly ban noncitizen voting, something a number of other states, including neighboring Alabama and Florida, also passed recently.
"Perception is 9/10 of reality," said Hayduk. "Putting the solution on the table suggests there was a problem. And I think that's part of the point. [These laws] create a solution to a problem that doesn't exist."
Legislation tracking by the nonprofit Voting Rights Lab shows that in the first few months of 2024, 17 bills have been introduced in 12 different states that involve proof of citizenship provisions.
Federal law already bans noncitizens from voting in federal elections, but a few liberal U.S. cities, including Washington D.C., have begun allowing them to vote in local elections, adding to conservative fears that soon noncitizens will be voting en masse.
In Georgia the proposed amendment effort stalled in the legislature but Raffensperger said he plans to push for it next session.
That is almost certainly true. Both Ohio and Florida's constitutional amendments banning noncitizen voting passed with more than 75% statewide support.
But it's one thing to say noncitizens shouldn't vote. It's another to claim, as Mitchell and Trump have, that they already are in great numbers.
Raffensperger has directly refuted many similar election fraud claims over the past four years.
But when asked by NPR what he thought of the false idea that President Biden was shipping in undocumented immigrants to boost his reelection bid, Raffensperger declined to comment on it.
"What Joe Biden's up to, I don't really know. You'd have to ask him," Raffensperger said. "I'm going to make sure that we secure our elections: Now more than ever, American citizens are demanding this."
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