mythoughtworld · 2 years
Healings - A gift
Healings – A gift
Insta : clear.energize Mail : [email protected]
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rinainshadows · 2 months
"I AM": Identify, Affirm, Move. How to Deal with Doubts.
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When it feels like our emotions are consuming us or derailing us from our goals it can be hard to detach from our emotions. Here's a little tool I recently picked up to help.
I'm sure you've heard the mantra "I am". I recently saw someone break it down like such:
I: Identify. Identify the emotion. Are you feeling angry, frustrated, anxious? Why? Here's an example: "I'm feeling sad because I haven't received a text from the person I desire." Ah, there's the emotion. I want you, then, to close your eyes and really feel where the emotion is settling in your body. Do you feel a tightness in your chest? A pit in your stomach, maybe? Your throat? Feel where it settles, examine it.
A: Affirm. After identifying the feeling and where it settles in your body, this is where you affirm. "I am feeling an emotion right now." "This emotion is serving to protect me in some way." "This emotion isn't a reflection on how I truly feel." Often, we're not in the most rational spot when we're emotionally charged. When we remind ourselves that it's just an emotion and that it's okay and very human to feel, we're not only able to validate the emotion but also start to detach from it.
M: Move. Now that we have both pinpointed what the cause of the emotion is, where it settles, and have realized that it is okay to feel that way; we can move away from it. Detach. Sometimes physically moving or distracting ourselves can be helpful to aid in this process. Sometimes it may be a more meditative approach- envisioning or feeling the energy move outside of your body.
Remember, energy is universal. We can project and also take on energy that doesn't serve our highest self. We choose what to interact with and what to let pass.
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nouveaucrystals · 6 months
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Reblog if you a true Rose Quartz lover 🌸💖
Shop Here ⬅️
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serenityreikiclinic · 3 months
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Reiki can help you find peace and balance. It works great for grief, addiction management, pain relief and so much more.
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realmofthefaesubs · 5 months
Most recent Subliminal from Realm Of The Fae Subs , Epic Life Elixir, You can have it all! Brain Sync, Manifest in 10 seconds or less! Energetically Enhanced with Rainbow Diamond Aura Light Reiki and the Assistance of the Arch Angels Miracle Formula to Hemisync your brain, heal any trauma in you brain, subconscious or conscious mind. Heal any and all past present and prevent traumatic future events from happening.
Rife frequency, scalar waves and affirmations used. Headphones required.
Benefits and Affirmations:
*Brain Sync of the left and right hemisphere. helps to increase flowstate and creativity and facilitates brain hemisphere synchronization through the use of binaural and isochronic frequencies/tones primarily in the theta to alpha range allowing for more fluid to flow through the brain.
*Rife Frequency for Brain sync and healing any damage caused by substances or other harmful toxins or traumas.
The problem with society worldwide is that we are all taught from the time we are children to utilize chemicals to treat disease. From the time we are conscious, we are told to “see your doctor”. We are told this thousands of times every year and that gets repeated for every year of one’s life until they die. Same goes with “take this medication or pill” for this condition or that condition. Get yourself a blue pill, get this immunization and so on.
It never ends: one cannot read a magazine, turn on a TV or a radio and not be subjected to this constant form of message reinforcement. The propaganda persists from cradle to grave.
So that being said, such programming is what someone new brings to the discussion when they are inquiring about frequency alternatives. They will often filter what is being said through prior experience and the subconscious meme of “health comes from chemicals”. There are many other methods such as Chiropractic, Acupuncture, and many different forms of body energy therapies.
The use of frequency instruments has been around for well over a century. We just don’t tend to think of these instruments as frequency devices. Devices like electro-cauterization units and electric scalpels are frequency instruments. Pulsed short wave diathermy used for deep tissue heating, TENS units, ultra sound units, Bio Feedback devices, Micro Current devices, Bone Growth Stimulators and Lasers, are all frequency devices.
There are many other devices in common usage that depend upon the use of frequencies. Those frequencies often are specific to the production of a desired physiological effect. So the use of frequencies is nothing new, and are in use every minute of every day worldwide helping people.”
Rife machines use low-energy electrical impulses to kill or disable diseased cells by targeting the electromagnetic frequency of a medical condition. The pads on the machine are attached to the patient's hands or feet, and treatment is often done at a health clinic, but can also be used in meditations and subliminal treatments.
*Scalar waves to purify any and all negative energy from the body and atmosphere
*Ultimate Beauty enhancement, all of your features will be enhanced and modified very quickly, perfect small narrow sloped nose, get rid of nose bridge
*Have Angelic ethereal beauty, Bright eyes, angel skull, perfectly proportioned ideal face in seconds
*You are the ultimate beauty, when you walk in a room everyone stares in awe of your beauty
*You have perfect lashes, hair and lips, perfect body
*You are able to manifest your ideal wardrobe to enhance your glow up even further
*You literally glow from the inside out, your cells are healed and in turn causes your skin to shine naturally, it's like you have on natural makeup all the time
*You are perfect in every photo that you take and every video you record. Removes any spells cast against your beauty from shining through
*You literally have your dream life. Everything every second goes completely perfect for you.
*You live where you want, have your ideal friend group and the money and car you want
*You have a perfect social life
*wattpad life is your reality
*You are confident , you will feel an extreme confidence boost, everyone will want to be you
*You are extremely lucky and win things and get gifts all the time
*Every day you wake up in your dream reality
*Birds and animals sing to you , want to be close to you because your aura is so radiant and beautiful
*You are a star and very popular
*You succeed in everything that you do, and get perfect results
*You are able to manifest within seconds
*You have magical manifestation powers, you get what you want all the time.
*You literally feel like you are living in a dream everyday because it's so perfect, you are so perfect and your life is so perfect!
Drink water, dna upgrade, light activation, deep healing, unisex, use headphones! I love you all to infinity and beyond!
*Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/realmofthefaesubs
___Paid Request (Open)
*I do not take requests or suggestions unless they're paid requests
Contact me:
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clownqueen88 · 5 months
I've posted in my Instagram as well, but I'll post it here too:
I won't be posting as frequently as I was before. The reason being is that I went to a reiki session yesterday (everyone can have their opinions about this, I don't care) to try to help heal some trauma I've had that's recently been resurfacing again. I, honestly, had an amazing experience, and I really enjoyed it, and I do feel like it really helped. It helped me realize that I need to slow down with things and do more for myself. I'll still be posting my art and putting prints up on Ko-fi. Commissions are still open, art trades, etc.
I appreciate those who understand and will be patient with me. Thank you ♡
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queenbeaver69 · 3 months
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ascendingaeons · 5 months
My Reiki Attunement Ceremony
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"When you see the Southern Cross for the first time You understand now why you came this way Cause the truth you might be running from is so small But it's as big as the promise The promise of a coming day"
Crosby, Stills & Nash - "Southern Cross"
On March 24, 2022 I drove from the house of a friend I was living with at the time to Karen Wilson’s house on Padre Island. I was talking to my husband-then-boyfriend on Google Duo as I drove over the bridge towards Flour Bluff. I felt calm yet vibrated with excitement. As I parked in front of Karen’s house I told my boyfriend I loved him and said I’ll call him afterwards. I would be a very different person the next time we talked.
Karen led me into her office and we spoke for a bit before proceeding to her Reiki room. As I laid down on the table she invited any Guides who wished to be present. Immediately the room was full as many Netjeru visibly manifested for me. I impulsively said, “holy crap, there’s a lot of Them!” Karen backpedaled a bit and with a laugh explained that this was a sacred ceremony that required a bit of decorum. I laughed nervously and laid back down as she began working on my Crown.
To the far left I saw Set and Heru-Wer (Horus the Elder). Standing side by side, They looked very much like brothers. Set was cocky and proud, His smile toothy and wide. Heru-Wer was stoic and severe, yet He had a small smile on His beak. To the far right I saw Yinepu (Anubis) and Wepwawet (Upuaut). They have been shamanic guides for me in the past. In the center stood Aset (Isis), Djehuty (Thoth), Sekhmet, Bast, and Mafdet. I was very surprised then to see Aset as I felt estranged from Her husband Asar (Osiris). I assumed She didn’t like me very much. And Mafdet was a surprise as well, for I wasn’t quite sure how She related to me. Shu and Tefnut were in the back against the wall. Geb was the floor below and Nuit was the ceiling above. They were all practically beaming and it felt like a graduation, though it took me a while to begin to understand just what that meant.
As I lay on the table my mind began to wander. Quickly, Djehuty appeared in the forefront of my vision with an admonishing glance. He explained that this was a sacred ceremony and demanded I give it the proper respect it deserved. Sheepishly, I apologized with a glance. Djehuty gave me a very curious look, the knowing sort of look a patient schoolteacher gives the student who apologizes after getting a reprimand for misbehavior, a kind of feigned way of saying, “I’ve got my eye on you.” With a cheeky smile He returned to the rest of the group and I immersed myself back into the experience.
About halfway through Bast and Sekhmet had stepped forward. Bast held my left hand and Sekhmet my right, each looking down at me with a smile. They soon each put their free hands on my shoulders. Their touch was warm and soft and I saw nothing but love and pride in Their eyes.
As Karen began speaking Light Language at my feet I was immersed in a series of visions. I was shown my room as it was when I was a baby. I had forgotten the off-white color the walls used to be before my dad painted it sky blue. I was on my back in my crib and Aset was leaning over the rails, singing to me. She appeared as the Divine Mother, wearing a flowing white gown with long, flowing black hair and an ample bosom. She wore the Uraeus crown on Her forehead, made of gold inlaid with blue and green stones of rectangular cut.
The scene shifted to the first dark day of my life. My mom had a cerebral aneurysm a month before my third birthday. As the paramedics took her away, Aset and Her sister, Nebt-Het (Nephthys) had wrapped Their arms around me as Sekhmet and Bast looked on. In Bast I saw love and a twinkle in Her eye. In Sekhmet I saw fierce devotion, a mother lioness determined to protect Her cub.
Again the scene shifted to a few days later. After my dad picked me up from staying with a neighbor, we found a litter of kittens in the side yard. We kept one cat that I named Jimmy and gave the others to family friends. As a grew, I suspected Bast had something to do with it. In that moment, I saw Her speaking to the kittens with that feisty glint in Her eye. I was too young to know it but Jimmy and I needed each other.
Again the scenes shifted, more rapidly. When I was being mischievous or too smart for my own good, Set was there egging me on. When I was writing in the workbooks my dad made me do before starting preschool (thank you for that, dad), Djehuty was looking over my work and pointing out corrections. These were affirmations that throughout my entire life They were with me. I was never, ever alone. Even when my higher senses were shut down and during every dark night of the soul, They never left my side. That is why I have the utmost loyalty and respect for the Netjeru.
After the ceremony, Karen laid on the table and had me practice Reiki on her. I could feel it, the energy coursing through my bloodstream. It felt like a miniature River of Light coursing through me, a holographic emanation of the very soul of the Cosmos. Karen told me to relax a bit, to open up my Heart and Crown chakras. I did so and the flow began to surge. I had performed my role as a Reiki Practitioner for the very first time.
I realized something profound at the end. As I got in the car and called my boyfriend, I told him everything that happened. And I told him what I had realized; it was so simple, but it had eluded me my entire life. If Reiki is the Light of the Source, the First Energy called Love, and the Source is the Pythagorean Monad, what the Gnostics called the Godhead or what some today call the Divine, the One or the Self, then there is utter truth in the statement “God loves us.” I felt like a lifetime of weight, from my upbringing in Texas to being abused and bullied by those claiming to be devout Christians, just disappeared. In that wonderful Light, their actions didn’t matter. I was given a profound gift that can never be taken away.
Image is a painting in the tomb of Sennedjem, in Thebes, Egypt depicting Yinepu preparing a mummy for burial. The way His hands are placed on the mummy just feels… familiar.
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ancientastarwis · 9 months
Sacral Chakra 🧡
The Sacral Chakra symbolizes creativity, sexual energy, abundance, power and pleasure. This is one of the most powerful chakras, as it vibrates at the same level of creation and holds the keys to inner unity.
Once open, the individual will begin a process of reassessment of their deservingness and abundance during which the material and spiritual planes will merge. This will give the individual a renewed concept of existence and a matching new approach to life.
The key to unlock the Sacral Chakra is FEELING DESERVING
The vibration of this chakra resonates with the SOUL
The fastest way to block this chakra is through ENVY
The wisdom hidden in this chakra is of ABUNDANCE
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In the last few days, I've noticed a deep Sacral Chakra Activation that is showing some physical symptoms. The double focus of the current activation on a Collective level is mother wounds and gender equality. The latter is clearing some imperfections on certain distorted beliefs about feminine energy vs masculine energy that led to a misunderstanding of the energies.
Some of the symptoms that indicate you are going through this Activation are: feeling pinching or twitching on private parts, healing body image issues, feeling more beautiful physically, self-care increases, power struggles diminish, in women breasts increase size, among others.
If you would like to balance and optimize your chakras, feel free to book a personal energy healing session with me. Message me for more info.
Have a beautiful day 🕉️🧘🏼
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artsystudiofinds · 3 months
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I recently created this pendant from my collection of moldavites, I use free form natural arrow shape real moldavite to be made into pendant. Enjoy its energies and soak in bliss.
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nouveaucrystals · 1 year
Stunning purple #Labradorite 💜🔮
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Affirm your reality!
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hermes-gems · 2 years
Natural Malachite Polished Stone ◇ DM / WhatsApp / Email / Telegram for info ◇ [email protected] ◇ Telegram: @HermesGems #Malachite #MalachitePolished #NaturalMalachite #MalachiteTumbled #MalachiteTumble #SemipreciousStones #HealingCrystals #crystalhealing #HealingStones #Healing #7Chakras #7ChakraCrystals #7ChakraStones #ReikiCrystals #ReikiHealing #ReikiCharged #Reiki #OrgoniteCrystals #Orgonite #OrgoniteStones #Orgone #OrgoneCrystals #OrgoneEnergy #HermesGems #HermesJewelry #Hermes
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neptunes-sol-angel · 2 months
Interested in booking a reading or reiki session? How about some tlc for your spiritual needs? You can get all of that with 20% off your order from my online botanica www.theindigopriestess.com! 🌌
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Chi Activation: The Energy Technique That Could Transform Your Life ✨🔮
Chi Activation is a powerful energy healing method.
It originated from ancient Chinese practices.
The technique aims to activate and balance your life force energy.
This energy is known as "chi" or "qi".
How Chi Activation Works 🧘‍♀️
Chi Activation is unique among energy healing techniques.
It combines physical movements with energy work.
The practitioner guides you through specific exercises.
These exercises stimulate your body's energy centers.
Benefits of Chi Activation 🎁
Chi Activation offers numerous benefits:
It boosts your overall energy levels.
It enhances physical health and vitality.
It promotes mental clarity and focus.
It facilitates emotional balance and well-being.
Chi Activation isn't just about healing.
It's about optimizing your entire energy system.
Who Can Benefit from Chi Activation? 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️
Chi Activation is for everyone.
It helps those feeling low on energy.
It's for people seeking better health.
It's also for those interested in personal development.
Chi Activation can benefit anyone looking to improve their life.
Learning Chi Activation 📚
Want to experience Chi Activation?
We offer comprehensive training programs.
These programs are suitable for:
Beginners curious about energy work
Experienced practitioners wanting to expand their skills
Our training provides:
In-depth understanding of Chi Activation principles
Practical techniques you can apply immediately
Certifications to recognize your expertise
Ready to start your Chi Activation journey? 🏁
Learn more about our Chi Activation courses here.
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