#relentless negativity actually erases space for people to just be wistful or disappointed
sixth-light · 7 months
I wish I saw more discussion about the kind of grief that can be felt about a media adaptation which isn't right for you, regardless of the adaptation's quality on its own merits. It's not a profound grief or a deep one, but the reality of the world is that tv/movie adaptations are expensive and generally singular, and if you come to them hoping to feel the same emotions you felt about the original and you don't...there's a grieving process there, a hope denied.
The way some people act about that grief is, um, wildly disproportionate and frankly disrespectful to adaptations as stand-alone works of art, especially when it crosses into the entitlement of Everything Should Cater To Me Personally, but it doesn't come from nowhere. I genuinely wish there was more space for people to be sad about what they didn't get rather than angry.
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