#religious freedom? who that in girl meets world we believe in forcing christianity down people's throats
thetimelordbatgirl · 8 months
"Riles, how about I do what you do, and you do what you do?"-the credits should have rolled at that point in Girl Meets Belief, because its a good message on religious belief's, but nooo, this episode wants to force belief's down people's throats so can't have that be the message.
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Santa Claus and the Nature of Belief
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I doubt anyone will read this thing, but here's my not-so-little essay: God is as real as Santa, and Santa is as real as God, and I don't say this in a negative way.
Every holiday season I end up reflecting about Santa and the nature of belief as a whole.
We tell our kids to believe in Santa, and generally we try to protect that belief for as long as we can. A frequent theme in Christmas movies is the kid or adult that don't believe in Santa Claus, but by the end of the movie their faith is restored and magic can be sensed everywhere.
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And I wonder, what was all that truly about.
Yes, Virginia. There's a Santa Claus
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This is the most reprinted newspaper editorial in the English language, and one of the most important pieces of Holiday lore in North America.
Virginia O'Hanlon was the daughter of a coroner's assistant, Dr. Philip O'Hanlon. In 1897, at eight years old, she asked her father if Santa Claus existed. Her father recommended that she send her question to "The Sun", a very important newspaper from New York City, which ran from 1833 until 1950. This was her original letter.
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For the surprise of everyone involved The Sun responded the question of the little girl. As far as I can see there was no utterior motive. The paper ran the editorial in the seventh place on the page, below even one on the "chainless bicycle". But it was noticed by the readers. It became almost a legend.
What is important about the story is that the author of the editorial was Francis Pharcellus Church. This man was a war correspondent during the American Civil War. He saw pain, death, misery and despair.
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"The Rest of the Story", a radio program that presented little-known or forgotten facts of History, described Church as a hardened cynic and an atheist who had little patience for superstitious beliefs. Initially, he didn't wanted to write the editorial. He even refused to allow his name to be attached to it.
His other writings typically espoused hardened cynicism, skepticism toward religion and superstition. Yet, his most memorable work celebrates faith.
Was he forced to write this thing? Why someone so contrary to blind faith and superstitious beliefs would try so hard to protect and legitimate the beliefs of a young girl? We will never know the answer.
Santa as a metaphor for God.
Mr. Kringle is not concerned for himself, if he was he wouldn't be here. He is in this regrettable position because he is willing to sacrifice himself for children. To create in their minds a world far better than the one we've made for them. If this is, as Mr. Collins suggests, a masquerade then Mr. Kringle is eager to forfeit his freedom to preserve that masquerade. To subject himself to prosecution to protect the children's right to believe. If this court finds that Mr. Kringle is not who he says he is, that there is no Santa, I ask the court to judge which is worse: A lie that draws a smile or a truth that draws a tear.
Miracle on 34th Street
To believe in something even when it doesn't make sense or when you don't have proof. This is a frequent theme in Santa movies. Many use Santa as a commentary on the nature of faith and use him as metaphor to the Christian god. No one took it so far as the 1998 remake of Miracle on 34th street.
The final proof on court that Kris Kringle may not be crazy is that since the US Department of Treasury can put "In God We Trust" on US currency with no hard evidence, then the people of New York can believe in Santa Claus in the same way.
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The "Hogfather" and Terry Pratchett
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I wrote this essay because I recently read the "Hogfather" by Terry Pratchett, and he basically wrote the best argument for faith and belief that I've ever seen.
First, there's this dialogue exchange:
"There are many who say this... person does not exist," he said.
He must exist. How else could you so readily recognize his picture. And many are in correspondence with him.
Well, yes, of course, in a sense he exists..."
In a sense everything exists
But this one takes the cake. This dialogue is between Susan Sto Helit and her grandfather Death, the best character in the book mind you. This is after they save the Hogfather, the Discworld version of Santa.
Susan: Thank you. Now...tell me...
Susan: Yes! The sun would have risen just the same, yes?
Death: NO
Susan: Oh, come on. You can't expect me to believe that. It's an astronomical fact."
Susan: It's been a long night, Grandfather. I'm tired and I need a bath! I don't need silliness!
Susan: Really? Then what would have happened, pray?
Susan: All right, I'm not stupid. You're saying humans need...fantasies to make life bearable.
Susan: Tooth fairies? Hogfathers? Little—
Susan: So we can believe the big ones?
Susan: They're not the same at all!
Susan: Yes. But people have got to believe that, or what's the point—
And it continues...
Susan: Yes, but people don't think about that. Somewhere there was a bad...
Susan: Talent?
Susan: You make us sound mad. A nice warm bed...
Belief makes us human
It doesn't matter which religion is the true one because no one is. At the same time, all of them are.
Religion is about humans in the past finding patterns in the chaotic world, and trying to survive through it. By believing there's a order in the world, they were able to bring order to their communities and to their personal lives.
Belief is part of our nature. It's our way of understanding the world, of making sense of it all.
These characters and stories in a sense are very much real. They are metaphors for the forces we struggle with in our daily lives, the eternal hardship that is to be human
They don't have to be absolutely real to mean something. Think about your favorite character. They aren't real, but what they represent, best, what they represent to you, this is very real.
Listen, I not advocating for complete abandonment of logic and reality. Today we have a very serious problem with people who completely disregard facts and cults. They consume fake news, they believe in stupid pseudo-science and by refusing critical thinking they put others into danger.
And then there are the Christian fundamentalists, that by all talk about "Religious Freedoms", they really meat forcing their belief system in others and control what people can or cannot believe.
Facts and logic are very important. Always believe in the Science. And, I can stress this enough, Critical Thinking is ESSENTIAL to escape con artists and charismatic cult leaders.
But you can force people to live by only what it can be proved. We aren't robots. There will always be a hole that rationality alone won't be able fill. A deep existential hole that If left unchecked will destroy you bit by bit.
I'm not saying "You need to convert" or "You need religion". But there's clearly something way deep and transcendental in these rituals and stories.
I don't really believe in God and the supernatural. I say that as a gay men who had a lot issues with my overly religious parents. But the gods and these rituals and stories clearly mean something, and I think we shouldn't dismiss the living experiences of these people as just mere superstitions, be then christians, muslins, jews, Wiccans, neopagans, hindus, etc.
Belief certainly brought something to their lives, and certainly they know something we don't.
If your faith makes you happy, if it helps you bring order to your life, if helps you appreciate the world better, if it doesn't force you to discriminate, your faith is completely and integrally valid, and you don't have to prove it to anyone
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sgtpaine · 3 years
The Left’s Revolution Dominates Every American Height, And They Don’t Know Why We Aren’t Cheering
Herein lies a glimpse into just what kind of knuckle-draggers the left thinks we are. They think patriotism means we’ll do whatever they say whenever they say it.
Christopher Bedford
AUGUST 10, 2021
“Rooting against Olympians, scoffing at Capitol police, broaching civil war — meet today’s conservative movement.”
That’s the opening of an article last week at Vox.com. You’ve probably heard of Vox. Their self-proclaimed, self-aggrandizing purpose is to “explain the news.” But when Vox’s condescending reporters start talking about conservatives, Christians, guns, or really anyone outside of a few coastal cities, they have a habit of sounding like Jane Goodall observing apes.
So, what’s their qualm now? Let’s let them explain it in their own words:
[There is a] rising tendency in the conservative movement to reject America itself. In this thinking, the country is so corrupted that it is no longer a source of pride or even worthy of respect. … Queer female soccer stars demanding equal pay, Black basketball players kneeling to protest police brutality, the world’s best gymnast prioritizing her mental health over upholding the traditional ideal of the “tough” athlete — this is all a manifestation of the ascendancy of liberal cultural values in public life. And an America where these values permeate national symbols, like the Olympic team, is an America where those symbols are worthy of scorn.
Worthy of scorn; imagine that. Underperforming and overpaid people who for a living play a game no one watches want to be paid the same as people who are better players and earn more viewers.
Rich athletes publicly spitting on their country, their flag, and the men and women who have died for it, so they can push left-wing lies.
An enormously talented athlete quitting on the brink of competition, and saying the problem was she wanted to compete only for herself, not for her coaches, her teammates, or her country.
These are indeed “all a manifestation of the ascendancy of liberal cultural values in public life.” They’re the fruits of a spoiled, privileged, narcissistic, and self-obsessed revolution that began in the late 1950s and has been fighting its way to power ever since. They have it now, and it isn’t simply confined to our sacred soccer ball kickers.
Sports is just the latest, but look at its sponsors: You can be a subpar professional athlete, but if you spit on the flag you get a lucrative Nike contract.
Remember that Nike ad, “Believe in something even if it means sacrificing everything”? It featured Colin Kaepernick. The only problem is, he didn’t sacrifice anything — he discovered he could be paid a lot more playing the American public than he could playing football as a backup quarterback.
Now, thanks to his fake bravery, he gets to decide if the first flag of the United States is permissible. He says it isn’t, because America wasn’t perfect 245 years ago — and Nike sanctifies that decision with a lucrative payout.
They don’t mind; Nike may still be headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon, but at heart they’re a Chinese company. That’s the People’s Republic of China: a godless slave state that uses forced labor to manufacture products and criminalizes dissent. That’s a country Nike respects, or at least one it cares about offending. Guess what: We don’t like that.
They’re far from alone. Silicon Valley was once a symbol of American enterprise: Young men working in their garages to harness technology and revolutionize our lives. Now Silicon Valley symbolizes the most powerful private companies the world has ever known — and they use that power to crush dissent, censor presidents and critics, and push left-wing propaganda. Turns out, when they do that we don’t like them.
We can go on. Blackrock sends its urchins to buy up affordable homes in growing cities to transform a society of homeowners into a society of servile tenants.
Mastercard and IBM build international databases for tracking humans so they can bar them from travel and commercial activity if they don’t take an experimental vaccine. Or, in MasterCard’s case, maybe they’ll ban you if they just dislike your politics.
Bank of America refuses to make loans to American gun manufacturers out of principle while making a $1 billion gift to Black Lives Matter, a racist, anti-American, anti-family, grifty riot squad responsible for dead police, murdered innocents, and burned-out cities. Huh — turns out we don’t like any of that either.
How about the Pentagon? Conservatives used to respect it because it won wars and embodied the finest of American values while doing so. But now the Pentagon loses wars, throws away lives, and wastes trillions of dollars while trashing those fine American values.
The military used to be a strict meritocracy. Now, they cut standards in the name of diversity. They used to demand that every soldier be fit and ready for war. Now, they slash the requirements for our troops’ physical performance and brag about maternity flight suits.
They teach weak and disgusting left-wing racism in their academies, they target Christians, they insult the middle-America conservatives who do most of the fighting and an overwhelming share of the dying in our armed forces. While our enemies run ads touting the manly virtues necessary to a warrior life, our generals run ads about having two moms. It’s not very intimidating. And hey, we don’t like it.
Ladies and gentlemen, we could all go on with example after example, but the point is this: The left got their revolution, the one they spent decades screaming and agitating for. They got their ideologues into the halls of power — not just the university halls, not just the halls of Congress, but all of them: Business, media, military, sports.
If there is an institution in your life and it’s not a good church, chances are that institution has implemented one policy after another pledging itself to the dogmas of the left. Now, the left is shocked — shocked — that we don’t like it one bit.
There was an America that we loved. It was an America of religious liberty and freedom of speech, and equality before the law. An America that loved what is beautiful rather than what is warped and ugly. An America that loved its founders and loved its children. An America that knew that whatever prosperity it possessed, it owed it all to the Almighty, and that it had a solemn duty to Him in return.
That was the America we loved. An America that hundreds of thousands of young men proved they loved more than life itself. We still love that America, and we’re not just going to cheer and applaud their active desecration of it.
Herein lies a great little glimpse into just what kind of knuckle-draggers the left thinks we are. They think patriotism means we’ll do whatever they say whenever they say it. “Drink your can of beer, sit on the couch, and cheer for sports. You like sports, don’t you, you ape? Come on, watch them on your 60-inch Chinese TV you bought at Walmart.”
“Buy our cheap, foreign products, do it now. You like free enterprise, don’t you? What’s more free than your boys and girls in the Navy guarding Chinese ships shipping Chinese products from Chinese companies to run-down American towns that were once industrial hubs?”
“You like cheap things, don’t you? I thought Republicans loved sports and business!”
“When Gen. Mark Milley says jump, you say how high. When he says you’re racist and you are showing white rage, nod along. When he says standards are overblown, and that diversity is our new strength, salute. Come on, don’t you support our troops?”
They don’t get it. They don’t get that we don’t honor and salute empty institutions and buildings! We don’t just bow down before the local magistrate’s hat on a stick.
They don’t get that a church is not just some building that can be made into a nightclub, it’s where we worship God — and it’s from his presence that it derives its meaning.
They don’t get that people watch sports for athletic excellence, good old American entertainment, and the thrill of cheering for the guys fighting for your team. No one watches sports to be condescended to, regardless of what uniform the athlete has on.
They don’t get that we respect the flag and the Americans who’ve fought and died for it and will again, but that doesn’t mean we stand and salute the Pentagon and all the foolish politicians in the brass.
They also don’t get that we’re not all 100 percent serious and miserable all of the time, like a couple of CNN anchors we could name; we still have a sense of humor. So yes, when a woman with an ugly heart says ugly things about America and then flops in a big soccer tournament, we’re going to chuckle about it. Maybe even laugh out loud. Maybe we will have that cold beer.
We’re Americans; we don’t resent success in sports, business, or military service. But as Helen Andrews of The American Conservative recently wrote, conservatives don’t resent the left’s success — we resent the ways they actively harm us. And we’ll never accept the rotten version of America they tell us we’re supposed to love.
America is worth saving. If you live in a major coastal city, leave it whenever you can and see that America. It can sometimes be hard to find — the left has warped it viciously. Today this country kills its children in the womb, celebrates decadence, and glorifies decay, but if Vox is onto anything it’s this: We are onto them. And we’re not buying it. And America lives on in our hearts.
There are a lot of problems in this country. We’re experiencing a secular elite trying to justify their existence in any way they can. Things are going to get worse before they get better, because they want things to and it makes them feel good.
But there’s no God at the end of this tunnel. Just as with drugs or money or sex, no amount of Black Lives Matter,  climate change activism, and yard signs can fill the hole they’re feeling. The good news is, it won’t work; the bad news is, our experiment is delicate and badly damaged.
The work — going to school board meetings, running for local office, speaking up in our towns and our cities and our states — is hard work. We’re going to lose friends along the way, but we will lose this country forever if we don’t, so there’s really no choice at all, is there.
Christopher Bedford is a senior editor at The Federalist, the vice chairman of Young Americans for Freedom, a board member at the National Journalism Center, and the author of The Art of the Donald. Follow him on
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danasmonster · 4 years
Comparing the SKAM Remakes: SANA (Part I)
Sana (SKAM original)
Sana is constantly having to defend and explain herself to others - her friends, her family, strangers. We see this with Vilde when she says Sana can’t have sex, and Sana clarifies that by explaining that she can have sex, she just chooses not to. There is also the assumption that Sana isn’t interested in boys or that she can’t participate in russefeiring “because she’s not ‘allowed’ to drink alcohol.” We see it with her parents when she has to explain to her mom that not all aspects of Islam fit her, and with her brother when she references him discouraging her from wearing a hijab in order to fit in more and avoid stigma. And finally, she explains during her season that she has experienced watching her brother being spit on, being asked racist questions, and other rude or hateful acts because she and her family are Muslim. 
The struggle to be both Norwegian and Muslim turns into a competition she gets lost in, and she ends up doing some very non-Muslim things like bully the Pepsi Max squad and lie in order to procure a russ bus. She also develops feelings for former Muslim and current atheist Yusef, which opens up an internal debate about the “Muslims only marry Muslims” rule.  
With all of her bitchiness, her prickliness, her rudeness and her mistakes, I still absolutely adore Sana. She is strong, outspoken, and takes absolutely no shit from anyone. Her story is so incredibly relevant to the world as a whole because of the way a lot of people view Islam or other “restrictive” aspects/sects of Christianity or other religions. It is a reminder that ultimately we should strive to love and understand each other, whether you are a theist or an atheist, a Muslim or a Norwegian. All is love. 
Everything I Love:
The opening scene with the contrast between Sana’s view from the bus with terrorist attacks and None of Dem by Robyn & Royksopp is so fun, & the look Sana gives the woman giving her a look over on the bus is pure Sana perfection 
The scene when Elias called Sana a slave woman and all of his friends gave him a verbal beatdown 
When we heard that Eskild was redecorating Noora’s room without her permission 
The Hot in Here scene with all the Balloon Squad working out while the girl squad ogles them, and the way Sana visibly snaps herself out of her trance. Also the shot of them coming up the street with a bunch of balloons to meet the girls is iconic
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The way Yousef comes over to talk to Sana while she is over in the corner being a grump on the bus - I knew there was a reason she and Isak became friends. They’re both grumpy pants. 
When Sana catches Yousef dancing in her living room
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The happy little look on her face when Yousef sends her a friend request on Facebook. She always smiles so freaking bright when she’s having fun with him
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When Yousef showed off his carrot peeling skills
The way the Pepsi Max squad always has Pepsi 
When Yousef took the rap for the vodka left out at Sana’s party, then Sana was hit with a metaphorical brick when Yousef told her he isn’t Muslim. You could see the shock on her face, and now she is conflicted because “Muslims only marry Muslims” and she clearly has already developed feelings for Yousef
When Sana and Noora drink coffee and bask in their solidarity that Vilde and Magnus are gross
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When Sana and Yousef play basketball together and we see her smile - we have NEVER seen her smile like that. And then they have a heart to heart about their individual religious beliefs and it is PURE GOLD
“I just feel like Islam, or religion in general, creates a lot of anxiety in people . . . I personally feel like I’ve taken the best out of the religion and thrown away the rest. It’s like, compassion towards others, being grateful for what’s best, having compassion. That’s it. Don’t you think I can remember to be a good person without praying?” - Yousef
“For me, everything can be total chaos during the day, but the moment I start to pray, everything turns quiet and clear. Because even though there’s all this chaos, you’ll remember what really matters. It’s fine because everything has a bigger context and a meaning. Because every little part of the universe is so complex. Imagine that! Even the brain of a cockroach has greater meaning on earth. I just can’t believe all of that is a coincidence,” - Sana
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Her chat with Elias was also fantastic
“What’s more important, saying you believe in Allah or behaving as though you believe in Allah?” - Elias
Watching everyone join in during “Imagine” definitely almost had me tearing up - another song added to my playlist. Honestly this scene was so sweet and touching and then everything just came crashing down. It was intense. And Sana’s face just looked freaking broken. Then when she overheard that her suspicions about being pushed out of the group because she’s Muslim were correct it was like an extra stab through the heart
The scene where she’s walking through the schoolyard was excellent - very reminiscent of Isak’s similar scene, and another way in which the two of them parallel one another 
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And this line is so, so true from Sana to Isak regarding why she never told Isak she knew Even before he met Isak
“I think Even should get to choose for himself how much he wants to share about his past. I mean, you might not want to share every thing about your past.”
When Sana and Jamilla have the conversation about all the different ways people fast, and Jamilla references her friend who won’t even swallow her own spit. So this friend goes around spitting all the time while she’s fasting. “She’s really confident about it, too.” 
Both Sana’s expression of how she thinks the world views her and Isak’s response are very powerful
Sana: “Do you know what people think when they see me, when they see my hijab, which is the first thing they see? They think I’m wearing it because I’m forced to, not because I want to. And if I say it’s because I want to, then I’m just oppressed because I can’t have my own opinion. We talk about freedom of religion and all kinds of freedoms here in Norway, but being allowed to wear an extra piece of clothing, that’s wrong? Do you know what people do when they see Elias and I walking down the street? They spit at him because they think he’s oppressing me! He doesn’t even want me to wear the hijab because he doesn’t want me to get hate. Do you know how fucking tiring it is to walk out the door everyday knowing it’s yet another day where you have to prove to a whole country that you’re not oppressed . . . I’ve received so many dumb, racist questions in my life.”
Isak: “The dumb questions are so fucking important. People can’t stop asking the dumb questions because when they stop asking the dumb questions they start making up their own answers. And that’s dangerous. You just have to stop looking for racism in dumb questions. Even if they feel racist, it’s so fucking important to answer them.”
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The Los Losers bus definitely had me tearing up
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When Linn admitted to sending a used tampon to someone who flirted with the boy she liked 
When we see Eskild picking up his guru mantle once more and he compares The Bible to Beyoncé . . . “The Bible says ‘The greatest of these is love’ or as Beyoncé would say ‘Love on top,’” while giving Sana advice
Noora’s face both when she saw William getting out of his car and when she got out of his after a four day sex and talk marathon
The conversation between Sana and her mom about why it is important for her to eventually marry someone who understands her beliefs and reminds her of them, not because she should be Muslim but because she chooses to be Muslim and she “would be very lonely if she were the only one in the relationship who believes.” So, whether or not she marries a nonbeliever or a non-Muslim is Sana’s choice, but there would be essential parts of Sana’s own wellbeing that would effected if she chose to go that route because her faith is an essential part of who she is. 
The conversation with Noora was equally important. They may not necessarily be fated to be together, but there is a reason this person (Yousef) came into Sana’s life and avoiding him would be ignoring this sign from fate that this person is supposed to be a part of her life right now. Life is now. 
When Yousef and Sana have yet another philosophical/religious discussion and Yousef proposes: “Maybe that’s why society needs religion. Democracy isn’t based on the idea that all people are different. It’s based on the idea that all people have equal worth. And that idea doesn’t exactly come from science. But I don’t think it helps to pretend there aren’t prejudices. What you have to do instead is show what Islam is.” 
And The Finale!!!
When Vilde was putting on her makeup and listening to Pretty Hurts by Beyoncé, and everything else about her segment. I loved getting that glimpse into some of her life and mind for a little while. I’m still disappointed she never got to tell us her story during the original SKAM.
When Eva reminds Chris that he’s a fuckboy so they can never be together. Sure he’s momentarily disappointed and probably felt sad for a little bit, but he was really quick to move on to Emma - proving Eva was smarter than him and knew him better than he knew himself. Seriously though the scene where Penetrator Chris and Emma first see each other is fucking awesome
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I LOVE LOVE LOVE that the school nurse has a big white dildo on the desk next to her while she has her chat with Chris
When we see Even stressing over making Isak’s birthday perfect 
The interaction between Eskild and Linn when Eskild tells Linn she has to wear a hijab to Sana’s party because Sana is Muslim was hilarious. And then he told her they are always going to be there for each other and it got me right in the feels
And then when Eskild was proposing he, Noor, and Linn could share everything together if William moved in . . . shampoo, and William, and dish soap . . . 
Then Vilde to Chris; “You know why you’re my best friend? Because no matter how hard my day is, you always find a way to make me laugh. Sometimes it makes you feel better to pretend that you’re fine.” 
And the final speech!!!!
“Dear Sana, This speech is for you. And you’re getting it because what you’re inviting us to today overthrows American presidents tomorrow. We live in a chaotic world where it is difficult to understand the rules. Because why are some people poor and other people rich? Why do some people have to be refugees while others are safe? And why is it that sometimes even though you try to do something good it’s still met with hate?
It’s not weird that people give up, that they stop believing the good. But thank you so much for not giving up, Sana. Because even though it sometimes feels like it no one is ever alone. Each and everyone of us is part of the big chaos. And what you do today has an effect tomorrow.
it can be hard to say exactly what kind of effect, and usually you can’t see how everything fits together. But the effects of your actions are always there, somewhere in the chaos. In 100 years we may have machines that can predict effects of every action but until then we can trust this: Fear spreads But… But, fortunately love does too.”
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I’m going to go cry now. 
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kissmeaboutit · 6 years
Fic recs part 1
The Intern- https://archiveofourown.org/works/979988/chapters/1929352#main
Armin was convinced that it was the opportunity of a lifetime, but Eren just saw it as just another chance to fail. Nothing good could possibly come out of an internship in a stuffy office at Survey Corporation. Eren would have been content to sit and watch the remainder of his senior year pass him by. However, after one elevator trip, Eren finds himself questioning everything he thought he knew about life and himself.
Tentative Bliss- https://archiveofourown.org/works/1131646/chapters/2286009
In the D/s community, a contract is the agreement between the Dom and sub: It outlines the structure, expectation, rules, and limitations of the temporary relationship. After Eren nervously signs one with his new Dom, Levi, they both have a month to decide if they're right for each other and to see if Eren can fit in the household without clashing with the others. Although, Eren is a little surprised by Armin's kindness and Levi's actual objective...
1994- https://archiveofourown.org/works/875756/chapters/1683367
Before cell phones. Before the Kardashians. Before internet porn. The year is 1994. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin, poor kids from the wrong side of the tracks, have been transferred with the rest of their neighborhood to the posh, uptown Trost High (Home of the Titans). Mikasa and Armin seem to fit in well enough, but Eren isn't quite so lucky. Of course, most of this has to do with Eren's personality. When he accepts a bet to lose his virginity (and actually prove that someone likes him) by the end of the semester, it's hard for him to deny the improbability of winning. After all, the only one he seems to be talking to these days is the weirdly pretty (and just plain weird) goth working at the donut shop down the street...
Louder Than Words- https://archiveofourown.org/works/1810396/chapters/3885151
My boyfriend, Eren Jaeger, disappeared ten days before his seventeenth birthday.
Six months later, he was found again, completely intact save for his mental and emotional scars. Oh, and the fact that he would never be able to speak again.
And so, we all started to rebuild from the debris that had been left in the destruction of our lives.
Little Titan Cafe- https://archiveofourown.org/works/1032582/chapters/2057524#main
Just another cliche AU in which Eren works as a barista in his mother’s café, specializing in latte art. And then there’s Levi, who’s not exactly your typical patron, because, well, he’s blunt and rude (which Eren supposes isn’t that much different from regular customers) but mostly he just confuses Eren’s poor little homosexual heart.
Chasing Summer- https://archiveofourown.org/works/4059769/chapters/9136579
Two more weeks left before Levi Ackerman graduates from high school and leaves the small town of Shiganshina. He can't wait for the moment that he can finally put that dreadful town behind him. But when a Grisha Jaeger becomes the new family doctor, bringing along his ill son that breathes new life into the town he desperately wants to escape, will Levi find a reason to stay?
A Forged Wedding- https://archiveofourown.org/works/1557026/chapters/3301223
Modern AU, based off of the Japanese game: "I... Don't think I heard you right. What did you just ask me, Rivaille?" "I'm asking you to marry me for a month. How did you not hear me right?" (Rated M for later chapters, mentions of other pairings, more warnings inside)
Don’t Let Your guard down- https://archiveofourown.org/works/5440217/chapters/12572078
Eren and his adopted sister were raised in an extremely Christian household and as a result, are very ignorant to the world around them. And there's one big problem with that. Eren is gay and has been hiding it from everyone since he realized it, out of fear of his homophobic father and other people finding out. One day he feels tested religiously when he meets some eccentric people as a result of him drawing attention to himself by exhibiting his athletic abilities. Little does he know, he drew their attention because they are all apart of their school's color guard team and are desperate for a new member. He's hesitant to join, however, it may not be his choice to accept the offer after all.
Trost Landing- https://archiveofourown.org/works/1622420/chapters/3458933
After a fire devastated their apartment, Levi and Eren move into a new housing community on the outskirts of town. However, after a little while, things don't turn out as happily-ever-after as they had planned.
A voice from the rubble- https://archiveofourown.org/works/5014987/chapters/11525746
It all just took 30 seconds. Thirty seconds that kept replaying in my mind over and over again, the details so vivid. Thirty seconds that would change my life forever.
Thirty seconds earlier we had all been safely tucked up in bed. Shiganshina Lodge was my home, my family was visiting for the holidays; it had now become our tomb.
Shiganshina District had been a second home to all of us ever since I was born. I know this place. I know its beauty... I'm now learning its terror.
OR: Eren's trapped in a landslide and Levi's the paramedic that finds him.
Freedom of the press- https://archiveofourown.org/works/3261971/chapters/7113611
Eren is just an ordinary college student, wondering how long he can put off his art projects and if it's possible to live off of only ramen and mac 'n cheese. Oh, and if his medical alert bracelet is really necessary, because honestly, it shouldn't be. His part time jobs as a barista and a photographer for a major newspaper help pay the bills, but when he gets assigned the task of photographing the upcoming professional soccer match, he can't believe his luck. He has been given permission to legally stalk his idol, center forward for the Scouts, Levi Ackerman!
Levi Ackerman is a famous soccer player, and the object of millions of girls' and guys' wet dreams. For Levi, the life of a celebrity is nothing to complain about. He can walk into any bar and leave with his choice of men to take home. And with a sexual appetite that can rival that of a porn star, this is a benefit of stardom he takes full advantage of. The only problem is, it's hard to keep secrets when constantly under a spotlight. What the world doesn't know is that he's gay, and he's determined to keep it that way. Levi struggles to keep his deep, dark secret out of the public knowledge, but a certain green-eyed brat is making that exceptionally difficult.
Both sides of the same coin- https://archiveofourown.org/works/1966659/chapters/4255494
Eren is a werewolf, captured by humans for experiments, and wakes up in a cell that he soon realizes he's sharing with a vampire. The two work together to get out of their unpleasant prison but the price for their freedom may end up being too high. How will they cope with the consequences of the choices they have made?
Help Me Stand- https://archiveofourown.org/works/934319/chapters/1818776
Eren's best childhood friend and high school boyfriend, Armin, dies in a car accident in which Eren had been the one at the wheel. Unable to keep from blaming himself, life itself becomes agonizing for Eren and he turns to the more negative side of coping mechanisms. Eventually, he meets a college student named Levi who seems like he has it all figured out, just to discover that they have more in common than he thought. Modern!AU.
Also, Levi has a motorcycle because it was definitely necessary.
Make You Feel My Love- https://archiveofourown.org/works/4863482/chapters/11146277
Levi is Trost's strongest soldier, he's Captain of the Special Ops Squad and he's also the only chance Trost has to end their long war with Maria. Eren is Maria's Prince, he's beloved and respected by all of his people, he's also the only hope Maria has to survive their long struggle against Trost.
What neither of them expected was an arranged marriage to try and solve all their problems. Fun fact: it doesn't.
A World Of Our Own- https://archiveofourown.org/works/2632715/chapters/5875388
Eren wasn't happy knowing his whole life that he'd have to be forced into an arranged marriage, but finding out that his fiance is one of the richest, most famous heirs of the modern age wasn't exactly helping. All about the struggles of being forced into a modern day arranged marriage.
And Eren being a little shit in the process. Cause he's a brat.
The Music Room- https://archiveofourown.org/works/5043655/chapters/11596453
Levi Ackerman resides in a facility for the terminally ill, angry and bitter toward the world for being stripped of his life before he's even allowed to live it. He keeps to himself and in fact shuns any kind of social interaction with anyone. That is, until he stumbles upon the music room, inhabited only by a cancer-ridden teenager who's just as lonely as he is.
Leave your Lover- https://archiveofourown.org/works/2062431/chapters/4482963
Levi is a 30 year old divorced Chef who works at his best friend's restaurant.
An ex military Sergeant, Levi lives his life according to a strict routine. One day, his strict schedule is thrown off when a mysterious cat makes it's way into his apartment from the open Balcony. When Levi hears it's owner knocking on his door, he wasn't aware that his life would be turned upside down and all because of this boy standing in his doorway with the biggest, brightest green eyes he'd ever seen and his name is Eren Jaeger.
The story in which Levi doesn't know he's gay and is in denial about it until a certain bright eyed boy moves in next door and steals his heart. The only problem is... he's got a boyfriend.
Comment On... - https://archiveofourown.org/works/7897357
Levi has come a long way since he started writing fanfiction, but there's always been that one reader who's stuck by him since the beginning. A fanartist for his fanwriter who goes by the name of Jaegermeister. After months of talking back and forth in the comments of AO3 one of them finally becomes brave enough to send a message on Tumblr that takes their conversations to a whole new level.
Promises Travel-
One promise could lead to more.  
And for Levi, he intended to keep every one of them no matter where Eren may be.
A Place for Hearts To Rest- https://archiveofourown.org/works/7189850/chapters/16318364
Levi is Eren's captain, and Eren assumed it would always be that way. Captain and subordinate, the way it was meant to be. But, when Eren's heat hits and the two can't resist each other, will the change be for the better, or the worse? Especially with the extraordinary circumstances that follow. There were orders they were meant to follow, rules that were not meant to be broken, and repercussions that would be dire, but no one can withstand the battering of wild instincts indefinitely and even taciturn captains sometimes have slip ups.
Only with the help of their friends are they able to come to terms with the sticky situation they'd managed to get themselves into. But, will it be enough to save them?
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stillevann · 6 years
The 10 Most Dangerous Places to Be a Christian
January 16, 2019 by Lindy Lowry in Africa, Asia, Middle East, Stories of Persecution
The Christian persecution we read about in Scripture and history books is not a thing of the past. It still exists. Today, in the 21st century, we are living in a time when persecution against Christian believers is the highest in modern history. According to Open Doors’ 2019 World Watch List—an in-depth investigative report focusing on global Christian persecution—persecution is increasing at an alarming rate. Below, we look at the world’s 10 most dangerous places to be a Christian—countries where saying “yes” to following Jesus is truly a life-or-death decision.
1. North Korea Ranks No. 1 for 18th Consecutive Year on World Watch List
For three generations, everything in this isolated country has focused on idolizing the leading Kim family. Christians are seen as hostile elements in society that must be eradicated. There was hope that new diplomatic efforts in 2018—including the 2018 Winter Olympics—would mean a lessening of pressure and violence against Christians. But so far that has not been the case. In fact, reports indicate that local authorities are increasing incentives for anyone who exposes a Christian in their community. If Christians are discovered, not only are they deported to labor camps or even killed on the spot, their families to the fourth generation share their fate as well. Communal worship is non-existent. Daring to meet other Christians for worship is a risky feat that must be done in utmost secrecy. Yet Open Doors estimates the number of Christians in North Korea to be 300,000 strong—believers who are defying the unjust regime and following Jesus.
2. Afghanistan—Where Christianity Is Not Permitted to Exist
Photo credit: IMB.ORG
Afghanistan is once again a close second behind North Korea on the 2019 World Watch List. An Islamic state by constitution, the country does not permit any faith other than Islam to exist. To convert to a faith outside Islam is tantamount to treason because it’s seen as a betrayal of family, tribe and country. Very often, there is only one possible outcome for exposed and caught Christians: death. In Afghanistan converts are considered literally insane to leave Islam. As a result, some may end up in a psychiatric hospital and have their homes destroyed. In addition to communal pressure, the security situation continues to deteriorate due to the influx of foreign militants who have pledged allegiance to ISIS. And the radical Islamic Taliban have also increased in strength; at least half of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces are either ruled or contested by the Taliban. Afghan Christians (mostly those with a Muslim background) are in hiding as much as possible.
Watch the 2019 World Watch List video
3.Christians Are High-Value Targets in Somalia
Estimates suggest that 99 percent of Somalis are Muslims, and any minority religions are heavily persecuted. The Christian community is small and under constant threat of attack. In fact, persecution of Christians almost always involves violence. Additionally, in many rural areas, Islamic militant groups like al-Shabab are de facto rulers who regard Christians with a Muslim background as high-value targets—often killed on the spot when discovered. In recent years, the situation appears to have worsened. Islamic militants have intensified their hunt for people who are Christian and in a position of leadership. An attempt to reopen a church in Hargeisa, Somaliland, failed; the government was forced to shut it down due to pressure from the local Islamic population. In the World Watch List 2019 reporting period, Christians in Somalia remained so vulnerable to attacks by Islamic militants that in the interests of security, Open Doors could publish no specific examples of persecution.
4.Believers in Libya Face Deadly Violence
After the ouster of former dictator Muammar Gaddafi, Libya plunged into chaos and anarchy, which has enabled various Islamic militant groups to control parts of the country. Libyan converts to Christianity face abuse and violence for their decision to follow Christ. The country is also home to many migrant workers who have been attacked, sexually assaulted and detained, which can be even worse if your Christian faith is discovered. Libyan Christians with a Muslim background face extremely violent and intense pressure from their family and the wider community to renounce their faith. Believers from other parts of the continent are also targeted by various Islamic militant groups and organized criminal groups. Few will forget the horrifying video of Egyptian workers martyred by ISIS militants on the coast of Libya. The level of violence against Christians in Libya is very high, and Christians in Libya are subjected to violent, inhumane and degrading treatment.
5.Christians in Pakistan Live With Open Discrimination and Constant Threat of Mob Attacks
Under Pakistan’s notorious blasphemy laws, Christians continue to live in daily fear they will be accused of blasphemy—which can carry a death sentence. The most well-known example of these laws is the case of Asia Bibi. After sitting on death row for more than 10 years, the Christian wife and mother was acquitted of blasphemy charges in October however her life is still in grave danger from radical Islamists that have gained increasing political power in the world’s sixth-largest country. For that reason, the new ruling government must maintain good diplomatic relationships with some radical groups. Christians are largely regarded as second-class citizens, and conversion to Christianity from Islam carries a great deal of risk. An estimated 700 girls and women abducted each year are often raped and then forcefully married to Muslim men in the community, usually resulting in forced conversions. While traditional, historical churches have relative freedom for worship, they are heavily monitored and have regularly been targeted for bomb attacks (for example, the Quetta attack in December 2017 on Bethel Memorial Methodist Church). In Pakistan, all Christians suffer from institutionalized discrimination. Occupations seen as low, dirty and derogatory are officially reserved for Christians. Many Christians are very poor, and some are victims of bonded labor. On the other hand, many Christians belong to Pakistan’s middle class; however, this does not save them from being marginalized or persecuted.
6.Christian Converts in Sudan Targeted for Persecution
Sudan has been ruled as an Islamic state by the authoritarian government of President al-Bashir since 1989. Under his charge, the country offers limited rights for religious minorities and places heavy restrictions on freedom of speech or press. The last year has been difficult for Christians in many ways. There have been arrests; many churches have been demolished and others are on an official list awaiting demolition. And many Christians are attacked indiscriminately in areas like the Nuba Mountains where there is an ongoing conflict between government forces and rebel groups. Christian converts from Islam are especially targeted for persecution. So to keep from being discovered, converts will often refrain from raising their children as Christians because this might attract the attention of the government and community leaders (since children might inadvertently reveal their parents’ faith).
7.Christians Imprisoned in Shipping Containers in Eritrea
Since 1993, President Afwerki has overseen an authoritarian brutal regime that rests on massive human rights violations. During the 2019 World Watch List reporting period, government security forces conducted many house-to-house raids and imprisoned hundreds of Christians in inhumane conditions, including small shipping containers in scorching heat. Protestants, in particular, face serious problems in accessing community resources, especially social services provided by the State. Christians from non-traditional church groups, such as evangelicals, face the harshest persecution. In 2018, Eritrea embraced an end to hostility with both Ethiopia and Somalia. How that agreement will play out for the situation of Christians remains to be seen. This extreme pressure and state-sanctioned violence are forcing some Christians to flee Eritrea–often called “Africa’s North Korea”–and seek asylum.
8.Believers in Yemen Especially Vulnerable in Civil War and Famine
An ongoing civil war in Yemen has created one of the worst humanitarian crises in recent memory, making an already difficult nation for Christians to live in even harder. The chaos of war has enabled radical groups to take control over some regions of Yemen, and they have increased persecution of Christians. Even private worship is risky in some parts of the country. Christians are suffering from the general humanitarian crisis in the country, but Yemeni Christians are additionally vulnerable since emergency relief is mostly distributed through Islamic organizations and local mosques, which are allegedly discriminating against all who are not considered to be pious Muslims. Converts to Christianity from Islam face additional persecution from family and society. In Yemen, the small church is composed mostly of Yemeni Christians with a Muslim background who must live their faith in secret. They face persecution from the authorities (including detention and interrogation), their families, and radical Islamic groups who threaten converts with death if they don’t denounce Christ and re-convert.
9.Illegal to Convert, Illegal to Preach in Iran
In this gateway to the Middle East, Christians are forbidden from sharing their faith with non-Christians. Therefore, church services in Persian, the national language, are not allowed. Converts from Islam undergo persecution from the government; if they attend an underground house church, they face the constant threat of arrest. Iranian society is governed by Islamic law, which means the rights and job possibilities for Christians are heavily restricted. The government sees them as an attempt by Western countries to undermine Islam and the Islamic regime of Iran. Leaders of groups of Christian converts have been arrested, prosecuted and have received long prison sentences for “crimes against the national security.” In December, to crack down on Christians sharing their faith, Iranian police arrested 100 Christians in one week, making a blatant statement to both Christians and Muslims. Iran is also infamous for its prisons and inhumane treatment of Christians in places like Evin Prison where well-known house church pastor Yousef Nardarkhani is serving a 10-year sentence.
10.Unprecedented Christian Persecution in India
In the world’s second most populous country, Christians saw unprecedented persecution on numerous fronts from both the State and general Hindu society. For the first time, India enters the top 10 on the World Watch List, jumping one spot from No. 11 in 2017. Home to more than a billion people, even an incremental rise in persecution yields an exponential impact. Since the current ruling party took power in 2014, Hindu extremists have fueled a crackdown on Christian house churches and have attacked believers with impunity—believing that to be Indian is to be Hindu. So any other faith is viewed as non-Indian. In rural areas, Christians were told that one church would be closed down every week because they have been “destroying” local tradition and culture by “luring” others to convert to Christianity. And it is common for Christians to be cut off from local water supplies and be denied access to government-subsidized groceries. In India, saying “yes” to Jesus has become a risky decision that costs you and your family greatly.
To read more about these countries and the remaining 40 countries on Open Doors’ 2019 World Watch List, click here to see the list and download the full report. To help you pray with these believers, Open Doors has a mobile prayer app that alerts you to prayer requests from believers. Learn more about it and sign up to get regular updates delivered to your phone.
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delwray-blog · 6 years
The Attitude of Communism toward Christianity The greatest danger facing the world today is the Jews! The Russian leader Vladimir Putin knows it very well. After having lived to see his country collapse and all because of a Bolshevist, Jewish Communist coup that succeeded and now controls the Soviet Union, once an Orthodox Christian nation turned into an Atheistic Dynasty by dirty money supplied by the Jews in New York City. The Jews have vowed to do it again here in America. Money speaks! The dirty money that overthrew Russia is now being used to destroy America and is behind all, and I say all the upheaval in the United States today, especially, the attacks on the current President Donald Trump and now his Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. An old philosopher once said, to know a thing well one must understand its first cause. It is unpleasant to realize that a certain element of apostate Jewry is behind the turmoil of this dark hour and the present Soviet persecution through which the Church of Jesus Christ is passing. The Jews and Communism: No informed person who is truthful denies the Jewish character of Communism! The writer recently published the names and nationalities of every leader in the Moscow dictatorship as it was set up many years ago. It was discovered that out of the 545 members of the bureaucracy, 454 were Jews and there were only 23 Russians in the group. In other words, the Russian people are governed by a gang of anti-Christian foreigners, many of whom are said to be unable to speak the language of the people they govern. Some of the principal officials of the Red government are reported to have come from the East Side of New York. It has been said on the floor of the United States Congress, and the charge has not been denied, that a certain Jewish banking concern in Wall Street sponsored Trotsky's mass meetings of rebellion in New York some years ago, sent him across the ocean secretly, and deposited millions of dollars in a Swedish bank to the credit of the destroyers, with which the Russian revolution was financed. In her remarkable book “Waters Flowing Eastward”, Mrs. L. Fry states that back in 1893 a Jewish secret order here in America appointed Jacob Schiff, a Wall Street Jew, chairman of its committee on Russian revolutionary activities. If this is true, it simply means that Mr. Schiff sat at his desk in New York and directed the destruction of the Czar's government thousands of miles away. It is impossible to separate Jewish Communism from Jewish Capitalism. Laboring men who think they can free themselves from the Money Power by embracing Communism are being betrayed by soap-box oratory. The Moscow leaders are the world's wealthiest Capitalists. They own one-sixth of the earth's surface. They control one hundred and sixty million Gentile slaves. The Russian people are not allowed to vote, own property, exercise free speech, enjoy the freedom of the press, or worship God. The masses are kept in their weakened, helpless condition by the most powerful system of secret police ever invented in the history of the world. The attitude of Communism toward Christianity was explained by Lunatcharski, one of the leading Jewish members of the Moscow dictatorship: "Why should we believe in God? We hate Christianity and Christians. Even the best of them must be regarded as our worst enemies. They preach love of one's neighbor, and pity, which is contrary to our principles. Christian love is a hindrance to the revolution. Down with love of one's neighbor; what we want is hatred. We must know how to hate, for only at this price can we conquer the universe. We have done with the kings of the earth; let us now deal with the kings of the skies. The anti-religious campaign must not be restricted to Soviet Russia: it should be carried on throughout the entire world. The fight should also be developed in the Moslem and Catholic countries, with the same ends in view and by the same means." There is no way of knowing how many millions of Russian Christians have been slain during the last one-hundred years because of their faith in Jesus Christ. The magazine, New Outlook, recently carried an article entitled, "Men of Russia." It was the author's purpose to make a critical examination of the ringleaders of international Communism. He says: "Some of the businessmen are Russians, but most of them are of other blood, and practically all of them have prison records. In considering the men of Russia, it should be remembered that it isn't often that ex-prisoners get a crack at the society which punished them, but they did in Russia." The writer in New Outlook then proceeds to discuss some of Moscow's principal Jewish fiends: "Joseph Stalin is a minor official of the Soviet Government. He is but one of the three hundred or so members of the Central Executive Committee, and yet, nevertheless, he was the first man of Russia. Although serving as secretary of the All-Russian Communist Party, Stalin was not a Russian. His every feature is commensurate with 'Stalin', the Russian word for steel." Parenthetically it should be remarked that Stalin was merely the customary "Gentile Front" for the Moscow Jewish leaders. His Gentile wife died a "mysterious" death and he immediately married a Jewess. "Lazarus M. Kaganovitch is a member of the Politbureau or arbitrary 'Brain Trust', and chief organizer of the Second Five Year Plan. This Polish Jew was Stalin's Number One Boy and was his logical successor as dictator. "Maxim Maximovich Litvinov is Commissar of Foreign Affairs. He was the super-traveling salesman of Bolshevism. This shrewd Polish Jew has fought diplomatic battles in every political arena where the gate receipts warranted his appearance. He returned from these victories from time to time to his spacious Moscow office to check up one more Red diplomatic triumph by sticking a new red glass tack in the huge map which covers the wall behind his desk. "Klementy Voroshilov (another Jew) was Commissar of War and Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy. He is the dashing yet modest cavalry officer who was charged with preparing the Russian forces for an anticipated war. "Mikhail Kalinin, (an Armenian Jew) was President of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Like all big leaders, he served his term in prison, taking an important part in the revolution of 1905 as a member of the Council of Workers' Deputies. "Karl Radek, (another Jew) was Contributing Editor of Izvestia, an official government newspaper. Radek has frequently been suppressed by radical organizations for being too radical. "Michael Borodin, Editor of the English-language Moscow Daily News. This Czechoslovakian Jew was educated at Valparaiso University in Indiana; and spent many years agitating for the International Communist Party, in Spain, in Mexico, in America, the British Isles, and China. "'Just' Podolsky, master of the Foreign Office Press-Censorship Bureau. He may have a first name, but it is doubtful that anyone in Russia, including his wife, knows it. He is a soft-spoken Jew in eight languages, not counting American slang, of which he has a thorough knowledge. Padolsky was a hundred percent Communist. "Jerry Lifschitz, Ex-Vice-Yankee Consul, ex-Second-in-Command of Moscow Amtorg. This Polish Jew had an American jail and prison record for I.W.W. activities; and an added palm for being twice tarred and feathered by irate Midwest American farmers. "Comrade Smirdovitch, (another Jew) is the 'Red Pope'. Smirdovitch, an atheist, is the official restrainer and regulator of religion in the U.S.S.R. He was a member of the important Central Executive Committee. As the official Anti-Christ of the Soviet Republics, he decided how far remaining priests of the church may go toward preaching the Word of God. Kindly, cultured, educated, tolerant in manner, Smirdovitch says religion will die out when divorced from superstitious ritual, pomp, and fear. His job was to help kill it." Toward the close of the article, the writer in the New Outlook says: "But the men who control Russia are not Russians. Members of the Jewish race from all over the world predominate. Every member of the foreign office press censor bureau is a Jew. Little men of Russia who help in responsible positions, heads of offices, trusts, are mostly Jews." Let Christians remember that the international Jewish Communists and Capitalists expect to eventually destroy all Gentile governments, rule the world, and establish throughout the earth the kind of conditions they have introduced in Soviet Russia. They expect to murder all Christian believers and blot Christianity out of existence. The struggle is between the philosophy of the Jew Karl Marx and the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The manner in which the Moscow Jews have proceeded with their program of destruction is recorded in a quotation taken from the London Times dated November 14, 1919. The quotation is a letter written by a British army officer, who was stationed at the time in southern Russia, to his wife in England. It reads: "The Bolshevists are devils. I hope to send you copies of 64 official photos taken by British officers at Odessa when the town was taken by the Bolshevists. I suggest you make them widely known. Their horror may make people realize. The victim gets crucified with nails through his elbows. The hands are treated with a solution which shrivels the skin. The skin is cut out with a razor, round the wrist, and peeled off, till it hangs by the fingernails, a human glove. The victim gets terrified and goes insane. Other photos are of women. Women with their breasts cut off to the bone. Passes issued to Bolshevists by commissaries authorize holders to arrest any girl they fancy for use of the soldiery. Sixty-two girls of all classes were arrested like this and thrown to the Bolshevist troops. Those who struggled were killed. The rest when used were mutilated and thrown dead or dying into the river. Slaughter-houses were choked with corpses. Hundreds of suspects, men, women, and children, were herded in these, doors and windows manned and the struggling mass fired into until most of them were dead or dying. The doors were then locked and they were left with veritable plague spots causing widespread epidemics. The Bible, to them, is a 'counter-revolutionary' book to be stamped out. Churches are used for anything from movie shows to 'slaughterhouses.'" Let no Christian be duped into believing that we are supposed to sit supinely by and permit the Reds to create a reign of terror in America simply because this menace happens to be a "Jewocracy." True, there is a stratum of Jewry that is indeed "Chosen" and has been a blessing to humanity through the centuries, but there is another stratum that is a "curse in all places" as Jeremiah said they would be. Speaking through the lips of the prophet in Ezekiel 38:3, God said: "I am against thee, O Gog" and this is a clear reference to Communism with its seat of government in "Meshech" (Moscow). It is possible that this invisible empire has existed as a self-propagating body ever since the Jewish leaders contacted the Chaldeans while in Babylonia. Persons holding to this view agree that the organization has almost completed its course, that the time for the consummation of the plot is near at hand, that the last great attack is now being launched for the purpose of setting up an international system of Jewish government. The existence of this secret sinister organization in New Testament times is implied in 1 John 4:3, "And this is that spirit of antichrist whereof ye have heard that it should come, and even now already is it in the world." The entire cabal (plot) is so large and far-reaching, its motives so hellish, its plan of attack so contrary to Christian thinking, that it simply staggers the mind when it is first exposed to view. But the results of its devastating influence may be seen both in history and among the nations today. It breathes the spirit of the last great Beast-Emperor described in the thirteenth chapter of Revelation. It discloses the perverted Messianic theories of an apostate people. This anti-Christ force has apparently manifested itself from its underground sources in different ways at different periods of history, but never with the boldness and permanency that it has since it came to the surface so many years ago. There have always been two kinds of Jews. One racial division represents all that is highest and best in Jewry and regards the Jews primarily as being a system of religion. The other has little inclination toward religion but regards Jewry as a political State, the purpose of which is to conduct world conquest until the nations are brought under one head with themselves in control and all the Gentiles changed into servants. In AD 70 when the Romans turned against the designing and wicked political leaders of Israel, the Pharisees and Sadducees were driven under cover. With the dispersion that followed, their taint was taken to the ends of the earth and has grown up in every nation. No doubt Jesus had this in mind when he warned to: "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees." In all parts of the world, it appears that this poison "leaven" is "leavening" the whole lump of the nations. What used to be the Russian Empire is now completely "leavened." These are the subversive forces that have moved through the centuries, changing their form from time to time as governments have been made to heave, totter, cave in, and fall, but always with the same object in view, a final culmination when all nations will be leveled and a super-Jewish State set up, presided over by one man, their apostate Messiah. This is the genius behind Socialism and Communism. Let me say it again, Let Christians remember that the international Jewish Communists and Capitalists expect to eventually destroy all Gentile governments, rule the world, and establish throughout the earth the kind of conditions they have introduced in Soviet Russia. They expect to murder all Christian believers and blot Christianity out of existence. The struggle is between the philosophy of the Jew Karl Marx and the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. America, you better take heed!
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automatismoateo · 6 years
I’m a 17 yr old closeted atheist that has been forced to go to church my whole life... Here’s my story. via /r/atheism
Submitted May 28, 2018 at 10:17AM by michaelhogue (Via reddit https://ift.tt/2KXHdRR) I’m a 17 yr old closeted atheist that has been forced to go to church my whole life... Here’s my story.
It started when I was 6. I remember going down the road with my dad in our truck. Somehow we got on the topic of god, and I wasn’t quite sure what it was all about, even tho I had been around it since I was born.
So naturally as any kid would do, I asked my dad about it. He said something like, “He’s perfect and holy, and people who don’t believe in him will burn for eternity in a place called hell”
Instantly, this stuck out to me. We got back to the house and I just stood in my room thinking about what he said. No kid wants to burn in hell. So what did I do? I walked out in the living room where my parents were and told them I wanted to be saved by jesus. We went in their room, got on our knees by the bed, and they said a prayer for me.
Afterwards, I was back in my room just sitting there, having no idea what it all meant. I picked up a bible and began reading... this is where my story begins.
5 years later -
It’s the 6th grade now, and a lot has changed in my life since that day that I began to believe. I had studied a lot about the Bible, and could generally answer any question someone asked me about it.
There was the occasional “This doesn’t make any sense, so I’m not going to pay any attention to it.” Actually, that happened a lot.
I kept a journal of all the kids in my school I planned on targeting to share the gospel with. Every day I would talk to them at lunch about how they were going to hell if they didn’t change their ways. I even made a twitter account targeting atheists and I would try to debate them. (Needless to say, I ended up deleted twitter from the frustration.)
Also note that I didn’t just go to church every Sunday morning, but I went (and still go) every Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Wednesday evening by the choice of my parents. So constantly having god placed back in my head kept me from thinking too much for myself.
2 years later (8th grade) -
Ah, who doesn’t love middle school? (Sarcasm) It’s a time of discovering new things, and you learn that the world isn’t as innocent as it once seemed. People started using all these cool new words like “fuck,” and I wasn’t having any part of that.
I knew that people in my church said that cussing was a huge sin, and that it would anger god. But, it didn’t take very long for me to start coming up with some loopholes. Instead of saying “What the fuck” like everyone else my age was saying, I’d say “dafuq.” To me, that was surely okay cause I wasn’t actually saying the cuss word in the form of F-U-C-K.
Since I was so heavily forced to be involved in religious activities with the church, I didn’t make making friends much of a priority. That is still a huge regret of mine today. (Remember, I was still a solid believer at the time.) I began to look at every person and my school and judge them based on how much they sinned. This kept me away from most people. Which kept me away from most social events.
I was taught that being with friends and having “worldly fun” would make me fall away from god and cause god to be mad at me. I didn’t want god to be mad at me cause I didn’t want to go to hell. This has affected me even to this day, because I simply have too much anxiety to go to a party or even enjoy myself at prom. I will forever hold a scar of feeling like I don’t belong.
Slowly, things were starting to make me more mad. I was losing friends and tried telling myself that the Bible was the solution. This dug me into a deeper hole and a closer bond with my belief.
1 year later (9th grade) -
High school... a completely new world for me. At this time, the world was still evil to me. It was something I couldn’t be a part of. But, nothing could keep the world from reaching out to me.
Around this time, I started meeting more girls. I had never really made dating a priority, because I feared it would take the place of my love for god. But, I had feelings just like anyone else. I’ll never forget one of the first girls I ever really got close to. She wasn’t from the same school as me, so I didn’t know very much about her.
One day, we were talking on the phone when out of nowhere she said, “... do you believe in god?”
And I obviously I said, “uh, yea of course.”
“Oh... that sucks, cause I don’t” she said.
At that moment my face went white. ‘How do I have feelings for someone that doesn’t believe in god’ I thought to myself. It was awful.
That was the moment the emotional roller coaster began. How could someone so nice and normal be an atheist?? I was told my whole life that atheists were evil people who were mean and nasty and just wanted to attack Christians.
I stopped talking to her after that conversation, but nothing would ever make me forget it and the effect it had on me.
It didn’t take long for me to start getting curious. I just couldn’t figure out how someone like her was an atheist.
Scrolling through Instagram one day, I came across an account about atheism. I cringed and said, “let’s see what pathetic trash they have on here.”
I looked through every single post. Every picture. Every meme. Every scientific fact... Every comment on every post from every Christian that was debating the atheists. I simply closed the app. I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t want to think about it.
It all made sense. The actual facts I saw on that account were making me think. From every biblical conflict to every scientifically backed fact about the cosmos.
I began to cry, and soon forgot the things I learned after attending a couple of church services, where a motivational preacher would make me scared of hell yet again, and make me want to forget anything scientific.
Later in my freshman year, I met another girl. Instead of having feelings for her, I bonded with her as a friend.
It didn’t take long for me to discover that this friend was an atheist. But, instead of pushing her a way, I decided I would be friends with her and hope that I could convert her to Christianity. (Deep down I wanted to know what her life was like as an atheist.)
We took theatre class together, so we ended up spending a lot of time together. I actually never got around to telling her I was a hardcore Christian.
Eventually, I started hearing her talk to people about why she was so against religion and how harmful it was to society. (Of course I just rolled my eyes and tried to avoid listening.) But after a while, I wanted to hear what she was saying.
Another day went by when I was scrolling through Instagram and came across yet another atheist account. This time, I started doing my own research about the posts I was seeing. It was at this moment, I started realizing that maybe, just maybe, I was wrong all along.
** ( If you’ve never been a fully believing Christian in your life, you don’t understand the painful transition from believer to atheist/agnostic. For the first long while, half of you is trembling from the fear of hell, and the other half is embracing a new world of happiness and freedom. It has got to be one of the most mentally traumatizing transitions that a human can go through ) **
And as it turns out, I actually followed that account. A few hours later, I got a text from that friend saying, “hey, are you an atheist?” And when I opened it, I just sat there speechless...
It must’ve been 10 minutes that I just sat there.
“Yea...” I said. I could barely read my own text from how much I was shaking.
“Oh cool! I am too. I just saw your name on the following list of this one atheist account and thought ‘wow! I didn’t know Michael was an atheist’.”
I didn’t know what to think, and I didn’t know what to do. I felt different. I was scared, excited, happy, and sad all at once.
1 year later (10th grade) -
At this point, I was fully considering myself an atheist, but didn’t want anyone to know. The only person that knew was that friend from theatre.
I later explained to her what happened, and told her that I didn’t want people to know, because my family would basically disowned me. (Just like they did with my brother who came out as gay... haven’t seen him in 8 years.)
She respected that and we kept it a secret.
Life was a lot different at this point. Church wasn’t the same now, it was now something to regret and get mad at because I was forced to go 3 days a week. Every time I went, I realized more and more how indoctrinated I had been my whole life.
There was only one thing that kept (and is keeping) me sane in the midst of these constant fallacies that are shoved down my throat... computers.
Computers unlocked a whole new world for me. It was the one place I felt free and happy. At first, I was just always doing my own research on space and other sciences. My interest in physics and cosmology grew greatly. (The fact that it could take billions of years for light from another galaxy to reach earth just absolutely fascinated me, and reassured my decision to abandon my faith.)
My obsession for computers continued. I started learning how they worked and more importantly— how to code.
One day, I decided I was going to create an iPhone app and put it on the AppStore. This would be a cool side project that would fuel my love for computers and technology, while keeping my mind off of the fact that I had not many friends and people to hang out with.
The idea for my first app was simple. I wanted an app that would give users suggestions of movies to watch on Netflix. Sounds simple and innocent, right? Well apparently not.
It took about 8 months, but with a ton of effort and learning, and a $100 Apple developer’s license, I finally released my beloved app on the AppStore for free. I even had ads on the app so I could make a little money on the side.
This all came crashing down one day, however. I remember coming home from church on a Wednesday afternoon. In the truck, my dad began yelling at me. He said that people in the church were concerned about me, so both my parents decided to have a closer look at my app. They discovered the genre of horror movie suggestions. In their church, they believe horror movies or anything involving witches or wizards are evil and sinful (even the Wizards of Waverly Place.)
They both began screaming at me saying how much of a disappointment I am. I told my dad I would delete the app once we got home and he said, “GOOD. You think I care? I don’t feel bad for you at all.” So that’s what I did. As soon as we got home, I ran inside, got on the Apple developed portal, and sent the signal for my app filled with months of sleepless nights and relentless work to be removed from the AppStore, along with all its data. And just like that, I got an email saying it was gone.
I could no longer feel. To care about a project so much then have your parents say they could care less about it and have you delete it, over some horror movies.
I got in my bed and all I could do was cry. I didn’t care anymore, I just wanted to cry. Deleting that app was like killing my own child. (It may seem extreme, but you should’ve seen how happy I was to actually create this app, and the work I put into it.) A little bit later, my parents come into my room and start reading me verses from the Bible about how what I did was wrong. I fell asleep screaming for them to leave me alone as they continued to read.
1 year later (present day) -
By now, I have been through a lot. The app situation was only a sliver of the struggles I’ve encountered. I’ve had many more situations worse than this.
Over these few years, I have learned so much about life. I’ve learned what it’s truly like to be free from religion, even if I still have to live with it.
Here I am today, in church as I was just told “evolution can’t be real, because someone would’ve struck some slime with electricity and created a new creature” and thinking.... how much longer do I have to go through this.
So yea, that’s my story. Just know that if you ever feel alone, you’re not alone. I know how it feels to feel trapped in a world that you don’t belong in.
Soon, I will graduate and be free. Until then, I’m only learning more and more about computers every day, the only thing that keeps me sane.
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snaylzntaylz · 7 years
Wow wow wow! Just more clear proof Hillary Clinton is psychotic! I hate Trump, but Clinton would have been at the last equally as bad, if not 10x plus worse! She's a monster. A sociopathic, psychotic, narcissistic bitch, and she's no patriot. She's a traitor. She's continued the ongoing destruction of any sort of decent reputation we might have had left with the rest of the world. She's vindictive, crazy, and a war-mongering, ignoramus. She's a Soros-puppet who puts no value on human life. She's also racist, closet-lesbian who argued publicly for marriages to be solely between men and women because that's what she thought her target voters wanted to hear. She tells everyone what she thinks they want to hear, and goes behind their backs and backslides on her own statements or self-proclaimed bullshit convictions when meeting with others who disagree with what she's already gone on-record as having standing. She's two-faced, or multi-faced, and has already been leaked by her private $$$$$$$$ speeches that she has a public agenda and a private agenda, public opinions and private opinions, public stances and private stances, etc etc. You can get what you pay for with her, as long as it will continue to benefit her. Many people from her early career years go so far as to say that she hates children and never wanted any and only had Chelsea because it was their best chance of getting elected as a wholesome looking family. Their marriage is even more of a business agreement/arrangement than a marriage of love or religion. They raised Chelsea to be a ruthless legal-loophole-trained, politician-speaking, social-engineering, like-mother-like-daughter mirror image of the evil between the two of them. Have you ever listened to Chelsea talk about how she was raised and the games and quizzes they would pay with her as a child? Is totally demented and unnatural! Not only must we be careful to never direct any Clinton to any position of control ever again, but we musty also pay close attention to anyone and everyone they've ever had any substantial contact with and not to elect them or allow them to rise to power at any level either. Because Hilary, Bill, and Chelsea Clinton are all well-trained professionals of evil and they are all master manipulators and con men/con women. Anyone they've had the chance to influence or socially engineer you better bet they have or have tried to. They've socially engineered mass members of our society while they were in the White House. It so take generations of pushing them out of contact with entire societies, charities, and people in power before we can even begin to regain a smidgen of control and unravel the mess they've weaved of this country and others. By others, I mean like what Hilary has done to Libya and countries like it, what she convinced Bill to do while he was President, what they all did to Haiti and continue to do to poor countries with their scam of a charity foundation. Many White House insiders from the Clinton Era, including secret service agents sworn to protect and lay down their lives for them have come out in recent years publicly and in books describing how much control Hillary had during Bill Clinton's presidency, how she made most of the decisions for him, she "wore the pants" (or at least the pantsuit) in the marriage, she ran the show, she was abusive, controlling, and manipulative. Read the books these former secret service agents have written. They are astonishing to people who think Hillary is such a strong, wholesome, family woman. Strong surely, but not in any good ways! Christian woman? Ha! Highly doubtful! Hillary didn't stay with Bill when he cheated on her because she lived him so much or for religious reasons or anything of the sort. She stayed with him for the same reason she always has. He's always cheated on her. He's been her ticket into ruling over people. She doesn't love him,she's not in love with him, she could care less for him other than what being married to him can do for her. She prefers underage girls sexually, and she doesn't give a shit about any women's rights but her own. She doesn't care if women are raped or children are molested or raped either, according to multiple reports and a few victims themselves, she's raped and molested underage girls herself. One person has even claimed that she's a cannibal and has had people that she felt have crossed her murdered and has consumed and served up at least one of her victims to her friends and had some for herself. It's a sick world the elite live. Difficult for the majority of us to comprehend in any way. Especially when it seems so unrealistic and conspiracy-theory-like to hear these things. But just look at how many of their friends and colleagues are now being proven of being involved child sex slave rings and other sick, dark things. Do you think they really didn't know or partake? There is almost an entire police force worth of former Arkansas policemen who worked during Bill's office-holding of governor in Arkansas who all of them claim he had multiple girlfriends, did a lot of cocaine, and told them that Hillary was a lesbian. He's told them that he didn't want her to catch him and asked them to cover for him because she would get mad at him if he mucked up their chances to rule. She just wanted to rule through him, knowing how hard it was for a female to get elected. She ran the show behind the scenes to get him into offices of power so she could assume the throne behind closed doors. She's already been the United States President once, the public just never knew it. He wants recognition and she wants money, power, and recognition. That's what their marriage and family arrangement is. She never cared what drugs he did of who he slept with as long as he didn't get caught and ruin their political careers. She was constantly threatening and blackmailing women he has slept with in order to keep them quiet. She has even thanked some of them for keeping him satisfied in that area so she didn't have to, while simultaneously threatening them to keep their mouths shut about it. When they got into the White House, they pulled records on everyone they ever knew so they could blackmail anyone they needed to at anytime and anyone they didn't have dirt on our didn't have enough dirt on, they had them followed or framed to create either dirt on them or to have them arrested and ruin their lives. Any woman (or man) who refused to go along with Hillary's evil threats she made an example of and had them framed for crimes they didn't commit to ruin their lives, take away their freedoms, kill any/all credibility they might have had, establish motive of retaliation should they try to pursue anything against them, and made an example out of them- should anyone else think of disobeying her. Or, if timing was a problem and she had someone she trusted that was willing to do her dirty work, she'd just have them murdered, often after trying to make them appear insane or drive them to true insanity in an attempt to get them to commit suicide. Then she'd work hard to have their murders declared as suicides or frame another enemy in a homicide. She's ruthless, viscous, vindictive, terrifying, and scandalous! If all of this is true, and by as many witnesses as there are, it's hard not to believe all these people, most of which have everything to lose and absolutely nothing to gain by saying so, them Mrs Clinton might just be the most evil woman alive and perhaps the most evil woman of the century. The question is, will she go down in history as the evil beast that everyone who knows her says she really is? Or will she go down in history as the former First Lady who almost became the first woman President? I hope I'm wrong, I hope all these people are liars, I hope no woman, especially one that almost became or leader, is that awful of a human being. But if even some of these things are truthful, she's still sinful as all hell. In fact, even if none of this true, what we already know about her as public record is evil enough to have never considered her for president of our country! What she did in Benghazi, despicable! The emails, omg! The lying, deceit, lack of remorse/lack of empathy, lack of responsibility, etc. The ignorance, the rallying for bills promote the school-prison pipeline in black communities, the fraud, there's so many things. And what she and her DNC did to Bernie Sanders was inconceivable! So unforgivable that is likely the real reason she lost the election. Had she beaten Bernie fair and square and not stolen the primary, she might have had the majority of Bernie voters. But because the fraud was so obvious, the theft so in-your-face and I-don't-care, many Bernie voters voted for Trump, Stein, or didn't vote at all just to show Clinton and the DNC that our votes DO matter and if they won't count them in the primary then they won't get them in the general. She still got a lot of Bernie votes in the vegetal because so many people feared a Trump presidency, but it still wasn't enough. Her rallies had little-to-zero attending in most areas and when that happened the media faked them or used camera tricks to make them look packed. Bernie was drawing bigger crowds than Clinton and Trump combined everywhere he went! The DNC and Clintons various political groups tried to sabotage him repeatedly. The most successful they were before the total takeover of the DNC locking Venue delegates out and turning off the lights and sound where Bernie supporters were designated to sit, creating riots and protests outside, having the Media on her side, etc was when they got Black Lives Matter to take his microphone and take over his rally and put him in an extremely awkward position. Bernie was the ONLY politician who stood a chance to help the Black Lives Matter platform with sincerity, it turns out the crazy ladies who did that to Bernie didn't even have any authority within the movement to represent them like that and it ruined the Black Lives Matter movement in the process by wiring against it's own best interest, proving it too was a scam. A Clinton-Soros created/backed scam/sham created to cause more division among our society and part of a ploy to ruin Trump's chances. Trump is whole other conspiracy story in itself too. And I bet he and Melania are through, if she can hold on until he's no longer in office. She can't stand his lying, cheating, ignorant ass anymore and is so obvious it hurts! Maybe I've been misinformed on multiple fronts, and maybe most of what I've said are based on multiple liars, but that doesn't change the facts and the facts lead me to the same conclusions all the same. I just wish everyone saw it too. People just don't last attention or investigate anymore. They don't listen. They think they know what they think they know and they plug their ears and start running their mouths and never learn what might hurt them. I'm willing to learn. I'm open to bring proved wrong. At least proving me wrong requires others to see what I have seen and decide why they don't believe what I chose to consider as truth. I state multiple times thriving this post I could be wrong, misinformed, uninformed, etc. But some facts are facts and are public knowledge, undisputed, and as I've said before, those facts alone are enough to stand by my decision to despise the Clinton family, the DNC, Trump, and our political process. Period.
0 notes
firstumcschenectady · 7 years
“Change Bearer” based on 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 and Mark 1:21-28
In the midst of all the news that swirled around this week, one little line caught my ear. A Congressman was accused of sexual harassment of a staff member, and within his reply was the idea that he didn't think he had any power over her. He thought she could consent, or could reject his advances, because he ran an egalitarian office. In fact, he was quoted as describing his office saying, “There is no hierarchy.”1
I've heard such malarkey before, and it infuriated me then too. Most significantly, at one point a District Superintendent informed me that he didn't think of himself has having power “over” the clergy in his district. This came up in a conversation when I was indicating that I didn't think he should date clergy he was supervising, and he was justifying his behavior. Simply denying the power one has isn't the same thing as not having it.
To be fair, at almost the same time, I had an awakening that resulted in an ah-ha moment of my own. I was serving on the “Conference Leadership Team” for the Upper New York Annual Conference. I was regularly in meetings making big decisions, had regular time on stage during Annual Conference meetings, received subtle deference from colleagues because of my role, and had even shared in DRAFTING the structure of the Conference itself. AT THE SAME TIME, I was really unhappy with the way the conference existed in the world and felt helpless to make the changes I thought we needed. During an Annual Conference session, when I was on the floor with everyone else, someone mentioned feeling disempowered and uninformed in the Conference. I ALMOST empathized by saying “me too!” but JUST BARELY kept my mouth shut.
I realized that while I felt disempowered, uninformed, and generally cranky, I had about as much power in the system as ANYONE did. In particular, I had a heck of a lot more power than the person who was (rightfully) expressing his own concerns. And I realized that if I had spoken, and claimed to be as disempowered as he was, I'd have created a false equivalency. I simply wasn't disempowered in that system at that time, even if I didn't feel like I had the power to do what I wanted.
In that moment, I realized that I'd done a similar thing to the District Superintendent – I'd internally downplayed my own power.  Downplaying, or ignoring, the power I held was dangerous because it made it much easier to abuse the power. Whenever a person ignores a power they hold, and pretends it doesn't exist, that enables the person to wield it irresponsibility and ignore the consequences for those who don't have as much power.
At that point I made a commitment to myself to ACKNOWLEDGE and NOTICE what power I do hold, and attend to holding it carefully, so that I wouldn't do accidental harm with it. I wanted to operate differently than those I saw abusing their power, and I wanted to have more integrity than I started with, once I saw the error of my ways.
Sometimes it is uncomfortable to acknowledge power differentials. Actually, it is often uncomfortable. (Perhaps especially in progressive circles where hierarchy is less valued.) It is far easier to pretend away hierarchy and to claim that the limits on our power make it useless. However, it is irresponsible and hugely dangerous.
The District Superintendent was engaged in sexual harassment (at least), and his SELF-JUSTIFICATION for it was in pretending away his power. His power over those he supervised didn't dissipate when he pretended it away though. It didn't give those he supervised easy ways to ignore or dismiss his advances. It just meant he didn't take that into account, and he got what he wanted without acknowledging to himself that he'd done so with the power he wielded. It meant he took away both others' consent and his responsibility for having done so.
This congressman did exactly the same thing. It is hard to believe that anyone who has the power to hire and fire their staff could be under the impression that their office is egalitarian, but clearly this misconception benefited the congressman and in his head justified his actions.
I suspect that ignoring the power one has over another is a common part of justifying sexual harassment, and many other abuses of power.
There is, however, an even more sickening reality. There are also those among us who claim the fullness of their power and authority and use it to harm others. In this case I'm taking about the Larry Nassars of the world, who not only set himself up to be in a position over young girls, he ENJOYED the ways that he was able to harm and humiliate them.
Larry Nassar, the “medical doctor” who worked with USA Gymnastics and Michigan State University, who used his power to sexually assault more than 100 girls. Around Larry Nassar and those like him, are a set of people around them who functioned with their power in a third problematic way. Unlike that congressman who pretended away his power and thus allowed himself to use it inappropriately, AND unlike Larry who claimed his power fully to do harm, there are those who had the opportunity to use their power for good and didn't. There are likely more reasons for this than individuals who didn't act, but the results are all the same: more children traumatically abused.
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.”2 There have been many, many people in the world who have passively accepted evil, and even used their power to silence those speaking of it.
One of the many gymnasts abused by Nassar was Rachael Denhollander. She was far from the first to speak out, but she was the first one to do so with her evidence and accusations prepared to force herself to be heard. Those defending him tried to silence her in many ways, but she kept talking anyway. She spoke with clarity and authority during his sentencing hearing saying, “I believed the adults at MSU surrounding Larry would do the right thing if they were aware of what Larry was doing, and I was terribly wrong. And discovering that I could not only not trust my abuser but I could not trust the people surrounding him has been devastating. It is part of the consequences of sexual assault, and it needs to be taken seriously.”3
That is, Larry Nassar's actions were an atrocity. So was the enormous cover up, people who decided that maintaining the status quo, or getting the next win, or keeping the organization from liability, or not upsetting the apple cart was more important than the protection of CHILDREN from sexual assault. Many, many people had the power and authority to step in and stop his actions, and they did not do it.
Thus far, I've mentioned three ways power and authority is misused:
by being dismissed or ignored, and thus held irresponsibility.
by being used directly and intentionally to cause harm.
by being held passively, not being used to help those in need, which functions to support an abuser over the abused. (In some cases this crosses the line into intentional harm as well.)
This is all very interesting to consider when we have a Gospel passage that takes note that Jesus held power and authority very differently than the religious authorities of his day! Oye ve. “He taught as one who had authority, and not as the scribes.” This the thesis statement of or Gospel reading! His authority is said to be amazing to the people who heard it, it was one of the first things that drew a crowd to him.
The early Christian communities whose stories of Jesus formed the Gospels may well have thought that Jesus' authority seemed different because it was different. They may have thought that his connect to God was different than everyone else's, and this may have been their point. Or, it may be that the scribes taught as if they were a bit removed from the text, teaching what other people had taught them, raising the historical questions, doing everything other than speaking about God from their own experience and claiming authority from their experience. (I may also be projecting myself onto the scribes, as I often choose that path.)
Or, perhaps it was something else entirely. When I listen holistically to the stories of Jesus, it seems that one of the themes is his work of empowering the people. Apparently “authority” in Greek means more fully “the freedom to express one's powers.”4Perhaps he was using his “authority” to build up those he was speaking to. In this case, I'm drawing on the line from 1 Corinthians, “Knowledge puffs up, love builds up.” Authority used well builds up people, in love. It isn't used for the sake of the one who holds it, it is used for the well-being of the community that gives it.
Jesus speaking in the synagogue would have been speaking in his own voice, not just that of the tradition, but I suspect he was using his voice and his authority to encourage others to claim their voices and their authority in building the kindom of God. He was building them up so they could build others up and everyone together could build the kindom.
That's what it looks like to change the world. Power and authority used in the ways of the world are used to PUFF up the one who holds them, and to push down those who don't. We've talked about many ways they can be used to do harm. But our goal is not only to “do no harm” but ALSO then to “do all the good we can”. (The first two of John Wesley's “Three Simple Rules” as rethought by Reuben Job.) That means that ALL power and authority we have should be used to BUILD up.
This is a rather high calling. And it can be difficult. There are pitfalls in many directions, and discomfort to go along with it all. But that doesn't mean it should be attempted. We are, all of us, leaders in building up the kindom, and the first work of the kindom is building others UP.
So, dear ones, may we follow in the way of Jesus, and find the ways to use our power and authority to BUILD others up. Amen
1Chris Cillizza, “Oh, Pat Meehan. No, no, no, no.” on CNN politicshttps://www.cnn.com/2018/01/24/politics/meehan-analysis/index.html accessed on 1/25/18
2https://paradoxologies.org/2010/08/28/martin-luther-king-jr-on-complacency-mlk/accessed on 1/25/18
3 Alanna Vagianos ”She Was The First Woman To Go Public About Nassar. Read Her Statement In Full” ttps://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/rachael-denhollander-nassar-impact-statement_us_5a690ef6e4b0e563007627aa 01/24/2018 08:46 pm ET accessed on 1/25/18
4The Jewish Annotated New Testament: New Revised Standard Version Bible Translation, edited by Amy-Jill Levine and Marc Zvi Brettler (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011), 61.
--Rev. Sara E. Baron
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First United Methodist Church of Schenectady
603 State St. Schenectady, NY 12305
Pronouns: she/her/hers
January 28, 2018
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