#relistening to second citadel
Sir Damien: I forgot I was going to kill you because I was so scared you were hurt.
Rilla: I am betraying the most terrifying knight in the known world because I love you.
Lord Arum, Renowned Dumbass™, in denial about every feeling he's ever had: Welp, Guess I'm Gon'na Die At Your Hands.
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croh3 · 1 year
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i’m sorry but this is the funniest thing i’ve ever drawn so i need to share it
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leonardburton · 7 months
tpp second citadel gets so little attention compared to juno steel and yet where else would we hear lesbian lovers fight to the death in between flashbacks of their first fight/flirting session
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dreamingdewdrops · 2 years
I'm just going to say it. As much as I love this podcast, I miss the Penumbra being a hotel/train. I don't know why they stopped doing fun intros. (And on a more controversial note, as much as I love listening to the Second Citadel, I kind of miss their one shots as well)
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realitydistored · 20 days
Finished penumbra today because I procrastinated listening to the two final eps:( Sigh what a good podcast, i love you penumbra you're truly special
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postcardowl · 2 years
I need more writers to take cues from the penumbra podcast when writing wlw - if I can't say "God she's awful, I love her" then what even is the point?
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this bird is a fucking demon, isn't it
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wonderwomemes · 2 years
Made the mistake of listening to "knight of the crown, lord of the swamp" in public and istg Arum and Damien are both fucking idiots they basically start flirting immediately while trying to kill eachother
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inalucky · 2 years
arum is so annoying but i love rilla so it's more than a fair trade. and i was also just saying how i needed to see rilla and arum again to find out what they think about damien's disappearance.
since they've found him, does that mean they know most of his situation? unlike caroline, rilla and arum and probably angelo know damien well enough to not think he would work with the knights by choice.
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mocacheezy · 10 months
TPP 4.09: Second Citadel--The Demonic Dance (Part 2)
Or as I experience it on each relisten;
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cactusnymph · 1 year
relistening to second citadel and arum's defense statement about the two most beautiful blooms he set free......... it gets me every time
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sky-fire-forever · 2 years
I know everyone is obsessing over the new Junoverse episode right now (and so am I, trust me), but I’m relistening to Second Citadel The Battle at World’s End Part Four and thinking about RAD Bouquet.
Okay, but Rilla straight up had an emotional affair. Like she high-key cheated on Damien with Arum. And I feel like no one talks about that. She says she “figured it out” how she can be with them both before even mentioning Arum to Damien. She planned to be with them both without discussing it with Damien at all. She tells Damien he’s paranoid for noticing that her feelings for Arum are deep.
That’s an emotional affair. It’s not about her feelings, it’s about her plans. She was already planning on just telling Damien the situation instead of communicating and asking his feelings. That’s what’s fucked up. And I get why! It’s a character flaw of Rilla’s that she rushes in, that she’s excited by new things. She does love Damien! She loves him very much. She just didn’t pause to think about how he might feel, which is what she talks about in Battle at World’s End Part Three, which is also a hugely important part that few people talk about.
Rilla learning that she needs to value Damien and can’t just brush his feeling aside. That’s a HUGE character moment for her and I genuinely love it. I love that Rilla learns to value what she already has. That she doesn’t want to lose Damien.
Kevin and Harley have talked in commentaries about how having Rilla and Damien be in a traditional (ish) relationship makes it hard to cheer for them because introducing Arum is a break to the status quo, which people tend to want to see.
But I love Rilla and Damien’s relationship! They love each other! It’s comfortable to them! But it’s only comfortable because they find comfort in each other! They adore each other and make each other happy.
And Damien and Rilla both love Arum too! Of course they do. But their relationship is also important.
Damien is hurt by Rilla’s betrayal and he’s confused and hurt and he prays. He is so afraid of losing everything he’s ever known. Everything is changing and it frightens him. This change is hurting him. He learns to move and he changes a lot. He grows to change and to embrace change. (Kinda like Sasha Wire, huh)
But gods, this relationship compels me. I’m going feral.
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croh3 · 11 months
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lizard kissing tuesday monday!!!!!!!!!
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thesecondcitadel · 2 years
so fucky to relisten to murderous mask after being in a second citadel death spiral for the last six months. caroline what did they do to you. this isn't your heart.
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eternal-flame · 2 years
you know, I was relistening to Head of the Janus Beast today, and had a thought. what if Caroline is going to be the one to convince Marc to get his head out of his ass already ultimately side against Tristan?
they always had narrative parallels going on, what with both of them not being taken seriously by the knights and desperate to prove themselves no matter what. that is literally the first thing we find out about them! in the very first second citadel episode! in a way, Marc is undergoing a nearly identical arc to Caroline, but with a delay. now that he's powerful and respected, he is actually more or less in exactly the same position as she was in season 3. you know, the season where she realized just how much the knights suck and left?
okay, this got really rambly and I don't know how to end this properly but I hope you understand what I mean
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damienthepious · 8 months
Fandom ask meme: 16, 19, and 20 =w=
16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate: man idk. i feel so weird about propping up any part of canon penumbra anymore. i guess.... how effectively s2 managed to weave in both the worldbuilding and the slow spiraling-together of the ensemble cast. back when they used to do that.
19. your current fandom(s): hmm... Megamind, Second Citadel (s2), Naddpod (all campaigns, but currently relistening to Eldermourne), Dimension 20 (though i am rarely caught up with anything), Brisco County Junior, kindasorta House of Leaves
20. your very first fandom! oh godsake. if we mean... like... REAL fandom, like, sought out content for, wrote for, engaged with other fans about.... it was either Wicked (broadway AND the book) or it was Fullmetal Alchemist ('03). I don't remember which I was insane about first. But i was very insane about both. And I'm still quietly insane about fma and reread a certain LJ author's fics at least once a year (I downloaded them to make sure I never lose them), i just don't engage with whatever fandom might still exist. Everyone is apparently deep in FMA:B anyway, and I just don't have any interest, weirdly.
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