#remember that poll way back when? I was one of the scared ones so I'm stopping being scared for u <3
sleepis4theweak · 1 year
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I went on a walk today and was dodging ants the entire time so I didn't squish them. And then today @mushtoons mentioned something about Raph and animals and this popped into my head...
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kairiscorner · 1 year
the poll has spoken.
miggy and his feelings for you. (when he catches you smiling because of someone else)
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summary: what's the next step after telling someone you like them? usually, stuff like that ends in rejection–but... you didn't reject miguel when he finally expressed how he felt for you. what's next after this? he can only handle his need to love you and declare that you're his and he's yours so much before he... before he breaks.
pairing: miguel o'hara x gn!reader
genre: a bit of angst and fluff 🫂🫂🫂
word count:
a/n: i'm writing this on the date of my blog's second monthsary, HEHE, this is kind of a belated monthsary gift (or early third monthsary gift~~~) for my miguel babes out there, y'all know who you are 🤩 anyway, hope you guys enjoy !!
the rapid palpitations of his heartbeat could still be felt in every fiber of his bones, of his muscles, as he reminisced that moment when he mustered up all the courage he had and breathed out those three, four words he's been dying to utter to you, for you to hear, listen, and sink in your heart as he tells you in such a soft, sentimental tone that he can't help but let out.
"estoy enamorado de ti."
"i'm in love with you, i love you."
he has never been able to recover from the shocks and tingles sent up his spine and tickling the back of his brain every time silence settles in and consumes him. the silence is a perfect, beautiful torment for miguel; because it is the silence that reminds him of how you held him dearly, teased him for his "dramatic", "extra" showcases of affection towards you, and that he remembers every bit of how he feels around you, the love of his life. you've always seen him as a very close friend–like an annoying, overprotective brother at times in the past–but those feelings have thus shifted; and is miguel ever so grateful for that happening.
he's been so scared and lost–like a child who's afraid of the dark wandering in a pitch black room, calling out for help–he was always unsure of what to do with these secret feelings he harbored for you. he thought it'd be better to bury them, to never let you know and take that secret of his to the grave; but he knew he would forever regret that. sometimes, wanting to love and wanting to protect the one you love are two very conflicting ideas–thet don't always end in mutual agreements. and ever since you declared that you reciprocated his feelings and loved him back through your actions and words... he has never felt an even greater need to love and protect you.
miguel's got a new role in your life now, to be the man who will protect and take care of you, ensure you don't go a single day without feeling loved, that you live every day, every hour of your life being as you are–happy and comfortable with yourself, hopefully with the addition of him in the picture. miguel trusts you among everyone else in his whole life–you are the only friend he has that's stuck with him this whole time and still puts up with him, despite his hard-headedness, and does the unthinkable: love him the same way he loves you. he couldn't ask for any more, really, when everything he's ever wanted in life had been granted in the brief moment you two shared when he swore to you he'd work on being such a pain in the ass for you and not be a selfish prick.
he's spent every waking hour searching for you, wanting to hold you close to him in private and smother you with all the love and affection in the multiverse. you have to understand, now, that miguel has never felt this compelled to be with anyone before in his entire life–this is his first time wanting someone with such devotion and affection behind that desire, it's a desire with depth, with genuine emotions; and it sometimes terrifies him. he doesn't know what to do with these feelings, save for acting accordingly to what they compel him to do, so long as it is within bounds of what you want and what you're okay with. however, there are times that those feelings of his get... a bit out of hand, may come off as a bit too strong. there are some things that his feelings compel him to do without him even being able to think of the consequences until it already happened and the damages have already been done.
he feels his heart get pierced by a sharp dagger, he feels like he's getting light-headed as he watches from the monitor on his screen that beautiful, all-too familiar face that he never wants to wake up without seeing as the first person to greet him in the morning, giggle and look so close in proximity with this... random person. miguel swears he's never seen this person before, this person's not a friend of yours he knows about, nor a relative, he can tell that much–they're someone he doesn't know about; a total enigma.
and that scares miguel, because he has no idea just how happy this person makes you.
he feels a twinge of venomous envy strike at his heart, and he feels his pulse quicken a bit when he witnesses the corners of your pretty lips curve up into a smile after that person told you a funny joke, said a nice thing to you today, or... maybe... no way, you wouldn't fall for their flirting, would you? miguel asks lyla to run a background check on the person close to you, and lyla reassures miguel after doing so that this person wouldn't harm you–they were just a 'really close friend of yours'.
"and you're positively certain about that?" miguel asked her as his eyes remained glued on your delightful figure, smiling all the while as this person continued to make you all happy and a little brighter than you seemed before. he hated it. he hated it because some random person was doing his job for him, to make you the happiest you've ever been–but who was he to pry you away from your friends? he loved you and trusted your friends, that he knew of–but this person, he has no idea of who he is–and this frightens him because... he might actually lose you to them, he thinks.
"miguel, i've never heard you use those two words together in one sentence before. you're anxious about something, aren't you?" lyla asks miguel with a curious look on her face, prompting miguel to bare his fangs as he furrowed his eyebrows together and glared at the AI assistant. "just answer me." "alright, grouchy, yes–yes, i'm positively certain this person has no intention of hurting them." lyla replied as miguel placed his palm on his face and rubbed his eyes clean of the frustration he was experiencing right then and there, only for it to return on his face with a scorching heat filling his frame the longer he thought about you smiling around this person.
miguel turned the monitors off and decided to distract himself with some missions, though you never left that spot in his mind and heart once as he fought anomalies and tracked the statuses of other universes. his other teammates believed he was acting pretty strangely whenever he'd go out and fight the anomalies; he'd act more brutal and less cautious than he usually would, bringing the anomaly to the brink of death at one point until peter b and jess had to intervene and contained the anomaly for him.
miguel had to sit the next mission out, and so, he was holed up in his office again, begrudgingly so. "either you tell us what's going on, or you're not coming on anymore missions." "no, that's stupid, i will be going on the next o–" "you're posing as a threat to the anomalies, a lethal one, and that's not like you." jess berated miguel like a mother chiding her son for having a temper tantrum. miguel sighed and leaned his head against his hand, his elbow propped up on the control panel to support his head. jess sighed and peter b entered the room once things cooled down. "hey, so... what's his deal?" "no clue." jess replied to peter b with a shrug as miguel slumped over on his desk, sighing to himself repeatedly as thoughts of you refused to leave his mind.
you were like an endless memory miguel wanted to relive forever, and he never wanted you to leave his mind, actually–but he knew he'd go crazy without properly talking to you about this, but the thought of that alone was killing him right now. he felt so helpless and pathetic, he couldn't even talk to the love of his life about what he was so afraid of... and now, the others had to pick up after his scattered, broken pieces. "what if we have them talk to him?" "with him being in this state? yeah, no, not the best idea." "c'moooon, they're the end all, be all solution to his little slump. i know, because mj is–" "alright, alright, i get it; save your hopeless devotion for mary jane later. call them up now, we need to go on the mission, parker." jess told peter as he smiled and contacted you to come over to miguel's office right then and there, with the very important reminder that miguel was: 'in a terrible slump and needs some love and affection to be cured.'
after a few minutes, miguel heard the doors to his office slide open, and the clacking of a couple of familiar heels were heard; before you could even speak, miguel immediately knew it was you. call it creepy or weird if you want, but miguel can't help but memorize every detail of you, because it's the mere thought of you that keeps him going–but the thought of you... leaving him, that's enough to stop him from even wanting to go on. miguel spoke out your name in a gentle whisper, but afterward, he immediately shied away from you–hiding his face in his hands again as you approached him.
"mig, what's wrong?" you asked him, and the sound of your melodic voice filling his ears made him go mad with affection for you but also ridden with guilt all over again as he remembered just how angry he was at that person making you smile and... at you, for being happy with someone who wasn't even him. of course, that anger towards you fizzled out quickly, but he can't help but feel awful that he can't be fine with letting you be happy with someone who isn't even him. "...nothing's wrong." he lied in a soft grumble. you folded your arms over your chest and raised an eyebrow up at him. "right, well, you looking like a sad, droopy-eared dog while hunching your back and burying your face in your palms when i'm not looking is the definition of something being wrong." you pointed out, making miguel bury his face in his hands even more at how right you were. "what are you even doing here?" "peter called me." "that pendejo... well, why'd you agree to come anyway?" he asked you as he turned to look at you with softened eyes, eyes that appeared to be on the brink of sobbing.
you pulled up a chair and sat close to miguel, so close that your knees were touching his own–making him look up at you in surprise. "because you've been avoiding me all week." you remind him, and that very fact made miguel tense up. he gradually turned his head to look at you with an evidently pensive look on his face, which was rare for him since he didn't really show much emotion... except to you, his beloved partner. being his partner gave you the privilege to see all sides of him–the good and bad sides–whether he likes to or not; and having been together with miguel for a while and being his friend for the longest time, you could tell something was wrong. "i'm... sorry, i'm just..." miguel muttered under his breath with a sigh as he rubbed his eyes again with his hand. you gently took his other hand in your own and interlocked hands with him, making him jolt up and turn to look at you in surprise.
you sighed and ran the pad of your thumb over the back of his big hand, thinking of what to tell him as you just held on to him closer and tighter. "is it about my friend?" you asked him softly as miguel tensed up even worse again. miguel's lower lip trembled and he took in a deep breath. "...n-no, why would... well, o-okay, yes, it is. h-how'd you..." "you were always the jealous type, mig." you tell him with a grin as miguel looked down in shame, but you placed your other hand on the side of his face and lifted his head up a bit to look at him. "but, i know you're not like this to hurt them or me. you love me, right? well... i definitely love you, too, unconditionally." you tell him in a whisper as you bring your face closer to his own shy one. you could see the signs that he was getting more and more flustered and embarrassed. "mi vida, i... don't deserve you. who wants such a jealous, overbearing, overprotective guy as their lover? i-if i can't trust them with you, then... can i even trust myself to make you happy?" miguel rambled as he felt his breath getting ragged and his grip around your hand tighten.
you leaned over and kissed miguel's plush lips, effectively answering his question. "yes, miguel–you are trustworthy, you are worthy of having me." you reassured him. you pressed your lips against his again, making him moan gently through your kiss and mumbling your name. "cariño... i'm sorry, still... i'm just... just really jealous, and i... wanna make you the happiest person in the world." he muttered to you, sighing. you wrapped your arms around his neck and held him close, patting his shoulder and shushing him. "you already do though... miggy, i want nobody but you, you and your sweet, jealous ass." you plant a kiss on the top of his head as you said that, making him even more heated up in the face and shy. "i can assure you, nothing bad's going on between us–they told me a few funny jokes that made me grin, but... i smile even wider when you're being all adorable like this with me. they're just a friend, and you're... the love of my life." you told him with a smile as miguel looked up at you, his hazel brown eyes gazing up at your own and concentrating on your pretty orbs.
"it's okay to be jealous, but... know that in every universe, i'll choose you and only you as my lover. you're perfect, miggy, you're all i want and need." and the minute you tell him all that... he feels his world slowly come together again, and his mood instantly lifting. he gently wrapped his arms around your waist and pulling you closer to him, making him lowly sigh in relief. "and you already know i want and need you the most... no soporto estar sin ti amor... i can't live another day not being with you..." he murmured to you as an oath, an oath to not hurt you ever again, to not let his emotions overwhelm him and make you feel forgotten or guilty over something you didn't do, and... an oath to you that he loves you more than anything or anyone he's ever loved before.
he can't stop being jealous on instinct, he'll sometimes get insecure and anxious about himself, but... he loves you, that much, he knows; and you... you love him dearly, too. he just needs you to keep going and to keep feeling worthy and happy; you are enough for him, and he will always, always let you know that you are all he loves and cares about, in his own little and big ways and words–because... you love him like that, he makes you happy like that, and you couldn't ask for more.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @hearts4gabri @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @fictarian @yuridopted0 @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @fable-library @ophanimgold @smokeywhalee @capnshtfce
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scribblesofagoonerr · 6 months
It's only up from here now on, kid
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Since this one won in the poll that I put out, here it is ✌🏼
Thank you so much @alotofpockets for the help with this post!
Let me know what you all think & I hope you like it.
Ps. It's almost 2 am and I'm tired so I apologise if the last bit of this doesn't make much sense at all... 🫠
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“It’s going to be fine, remember?” Beth tries her best to reassure you as she takes a gentle hold of your hand on her own, “Just breathe, you’re okay” she adds.
“I’m scared” You admit, barely louder than a whisper.
Viv glances at you and smiles at you sympathetically from the seat opposite, “It’s normal to feel like you do, kleintje” she tells you.
“We’re going to be right here for you the whole time” Beth promises you as she moves her free arm to wrap it around your shoulder and tug you in a little bit closer, “We’re not leaving you” she states in reassurance.
It was unfortunate for you that the day of your planned surgery came around quicker than you initially would’ve liked and you couldn’t avoid it any longer now.
The way that your uninjured knee bounced up and down anxiously and your hands that were ridiculously clammy was a clear indication of actually how worried and scared you were about this.
Both Beth and Viv could tell straight away that you were beginning to freak out the moment that you had stepped into the waiting room; You’d always hated hospitals, there was just something about them that made you always try and avoid them when it was possible.
However, this surgery wasn’t something that you could just brush under the carpet, because it was important and it was needed if you wanted to continue with your career.
Initially you thought the hardest thing that you would have to face would be dealing with the aftermath of it all, listening to the media drone on about how this injury would rule you out the rest of the current season and any international breaks for the next 9 months, like you didn’t already need enough of a reminder about your dream of the olympics being over.
It was like a virtual kick in the teeth.
You hated the fact you were sidelined from the games and despite how much you had the support of Beth, Viv, Laura, Leah and hell even the rest of the girls, it still hurt to deal with it all.
Even Kyra’s mischievous ways couldn’t put a smile on your face most days, nor the adorable puppy cuddles from Myle, Beth & Vivs’ new pup that you’d completely fallen in love with.
“Is it too late to just turn around and go back home?” You can’t help but wonder, glancing around the hospital waiting room apprehensively.
Beth lets out a small laugh, “We can’t do that kiddo, we’re already here now” she replies to your question.
Pouting quietly, you fumble with your hands which has become a trait that you’d do when you're nervous, “I… I don’t want to be here. I’m scared” you confess.
“I know kiddo, but you have nothing to be worried about” The blonde tells you in reassurement, doing her best to ease your worries about your feelings of the upcoming surgery, “The surgeons are good, they know what they're doing here” she reminds you.
“They have done it enough times” Viv chips in quietly, earning a small chuckle from Beth.
“I hate hospitals” You complain a few seconds later.
“I know that you do, kiddo” Beth smiles at you sympathetically, all but wishing that she could take your pain and suffering away.
It had hurt Beth and Viv so much to see you go down on the pitch in the way that you did, they’d not openly had a conversation about it but it was definitely understood that they shared mutual feelings about the whole situation.
None of it was fair for you, you were on the path to succeed and just like that, this cruel injury has wiped that all away in just a blink of an eye.
Life really was cruel sometimes.
“Can you… Can you run me through it again, please? Just so I remember what’s going to happen” You mumble quietly, but still loud enough for the two women to hear you ask the question, “Please” You whisper, sounding unusually vulnerable compared to usual.
“Okay” Beth exhales a sigh, she’d already run over the whole procedure of what would happen at least twice, or maybe even three times previously, but if it eased your own worries than she’d do what she could to help you out, “You want me to run you through the procedure, or the whole of it in general?” she wonders.
“All of it” You whisper, fumbling with the strings of yours– Laura’s hoodie that you had somehow stolen from her but you liked the way that it buried you and made you feel small enough to try and escape the world.
The blonde nods in understanding before she starts to explain it once more, “So in the next hour or so from now, your names’ going to be called and you’ll be taken to the room that you’ll be in before your operation” she pauses for a minute to let you catch up to speed, “You’ll have a hospital gown to change into that they’ll give you when you go into the room along with a pair of them snazzy socks, huh? So you just be able to pull the look off” she jokes with you, trying to keep the conversation light and jokey to avoid you getting any further worried.
“Nobody can pull a look like that off, well other than Leah I suppose” You mumble as you giggle slightly at the comment.
“Well she can pull anything off” Viv chuckles, shaking her head amusedly as she tries to bury her own feelings down to not have you feel any more scared than you need to be.
“Even a bin bag” Beth jokes with you both, “Alright, so your surgery isn’t until 4 o’clock, remember? So you’re going to have to wait a bit, but we’ll be right in the room with you to keep you company, up until the minute you go down” she adds.
You follow along and nod, somehow Beth running through everything again does a little something to settle your bubbling nerves, “What happens after that?” you ask.
“Before you go down to the operating room, there will be an anaesthetist that will come and see you beforehand to discuss the options of anaesthetic before you go down” The blonde tells you, pausing for you to quickly catch up on the last bit of information, “Remember how we spoke about the anaesthetist inserting a cannula into your vein as well? They’ll do that, so they’ll be able to administer any medicine that’s needed during the operation” she tells you.
“Will the cannula hurt?” You start to panic once more, you were vaguely familiar with the fact that a cannula was a sharp needle that would be painful and you absolutely hated needles.
“It will be just like a sharp string, but it’ll be over soon enough” Viv is quick to tell you when she notes the panic in your eyes, they both definitely knew how much you hated anything medically, and they’d definitely experienced their fair share of dealing with your panic attacks when you’ve needed any type of injections in the past, “They’ll give you the anaesthetic that’ll put you to sleep” she adds.
“Will it be a n… needle?” You absolutely hate needles, you’re terrified of them and every single doctor's experience in the past had always been disastrous ever since you were little.
“You won’t feel it initially, kleintje” Viv tells you as she places a gentle hand on your uninjured knee to stop it bouncing anxiously, “You’ll have a cannula in your hand. When you're down in the operating room, the anaesthetist will ask you to count backwards from 10 while they administer it and before you even get to finish, you’ll be completely out of it so they can begin the operation” she explains to you.
You slump your shoulders as you feel slightly more at ease, “Oh, okay then. That… That doesn’t sound too bad then” You mumble, swallowing the lump that forms in your throat, “So the doctors will know what they’re doing?”
“They do, they have done it enough times” Beth says as she lightly chuckles.
“And when I wake up from surgery then Leah and Laura will be here as well, right?” You ask hopeful, after all they’d both told you that they would be and you hoped that they wouldn’t break their promise.
“Yes, they have both promised that they will be here” Beth replies in agreement.
Smiling slightly, you nod in agreement with the blonde, “They can’t break the promise then, can they?” You quietly ask, fumbling with the strings again.
“No they can't, otherwise they’ll face a very unhappy girl after surgery” The blonde jokes, ruffling your hair, which earns a small grumble of protest from you.
“Feel less nervous now?” Viv questions, hopeful that you did feel at ease a little bit.
“A little bit, but I really hate hospitals” You huff in annoyance, shaking your head, “And I really hate stupid knees’ as well” You mumble quietly.
Beth can’t help but snort amusedly, “Don’t we all, kiddo… Don’t we all, hey?” she jokes, still trying to keep the conversation light still.
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“Okay, we’re going to take you down now, Y/N” The surgeon tells you once they’ve finished spieling all of the medical jargon, which you didn’t really listen to too much.
When they placed the cannula, you can’t deny that it didn’t hurt. There were a few tears in your eyes, but you consider yourself to be mostly brave in comparison to not freaking out about it.
“O… Okay” You swallow the nervous lump in your throat that had formed, the nerves settling in once again.
Beth takes a gentle hold of your own when she can sense your worries, “Don’t be scared, kiddo. You’re in great hands” she reassures you, or at least tries to do that.
“We’ll be right here waiting for you when you come back” Viv chips in, trying to contain her own fears and worries in favour of yours.
You glance between them wearily, “Y… You promise?” You question in fear, although you know that of course they’ll be sat waiting in the room for you and they wouldn’t let you go through this on your own.
“We promise” Beth replies in agreement.
“We promise, kleintje” Viv adds in.
“Love you both” You tell them, it’s barely louder than a whisper but both women are able to hear it and smile at you fondly.
“We love you too, kleintje” Viv tells you, placing a light kiss on the top of your head.
Beth smiles and swaps places with Viv to be closer to you, “We love you so much, our wonder kid” she tells you, kissing the top of your head again, “We’ll be right here when you come back. We’re not going anywhere” she adds.
The very single second that you left the hospital room with the surgeons, it was like Viv completely fell apart trying to hold it together any longer now you weren’t there, constantly pacing the floor in the hospital room up and down as Beth watched her girlfriend, worriedly.
“Viv, you’re pacing the floor so much. You might put a dent in it” Beth jokes lightly, furrowing her eyebrows as she watches in concern as her girlfriend get worked up
“I know, I can’t help it” Viv admits as she still continues to pace the floor, not pausing to take a breath or speak to her girlfriend, 
“I think you might be more nervous than Y/N was before she went down” Beth jokes, trying to keep the mood in the room light.
“I am nervous for Y/N” Viv admits quietly, just loud enough for her girlfriend to be able to hear what she said.
Beths’ facial expression softens in realisation at just how worried Viv actually was about you and your impending surgery, “Why didn’t you tell me?” she asks.
“BecauseI was trying to be strong for Y/N, she was scared enough without seeing me to fall to pieces” Viv explains to the blonde, shaking her head and still continuing to pace the floor, “You’re not worried for her?” she asks.
“Of course, I am nervous for her but I’m trying to be brave for her and put my feelings aside” Beth replies to the Dutch womans’ question, “I know it’s hard to keep it all in though. You know that she’s going to be okay though” she tells her.
Viv exhales a sigh and shakes her head, “I’m trying, but it’s so hard and she’s still so young. None of this is fair, Beth” she mumbles.
“I know, leifje” Beth mumbles in agreement before she exhales a sigh herself.
“This is her first major surgery. You saw how scared she looked before, I just can’t help but be worried right now” Viv states, still pacing the floor continuously.
Beth frowns and moves to step in front of her girlfriend to stop any further pacing, “Viv, leifje. I know you’re worried for her but you know that the surgeons here are good and you know that she’s in safe hands” she does her best to reassure her girlfriends’ own fears.
Viv halts from her continuous pacing and exhales a loud sigh, “I know, and I know that too as well but I still can’t be less worried about her until I see her” she confesses.
“That might still be a while yet though, so how about we just sit down?” The blonde suggests, gesturing to the empty chairs in the room, “This pacing isn’t healthy either” she notes.
“What if something goes wrong?” Viv questions in concern.
“Viv, Y/N/N is going to be fine” Beth still tries to reassure her girlfriend, gently pulling her towards the empty chairs, “She’s going to be so brave” she tells her.
“But what if–” Vivs’ question is cut off.
“Viv, leifje” Beth interjects with a soft smile, “Listen, I know you’re worried but there’s nothing that we can do to control this right now. Y/N is in safe hands with the medical professionals, remember?” she reminds her girlfriend.
“You’re right, I know you are but what if–” Viv starts to speak again.
“Vivianne, all that we can do right now is sit down and wait” Beth cuts in, holding her girlfriends’ hand in her own, “I’m just as worried about her as you are, but all of this pacing the floor isn’t going to help ease your worries nor mine, so please just come and sit down” she tells her girlfriend gently.
“Okay” The Dutch woman nods in agreement and moves to sit down beside her girlfriend.
Beth smiles at the woman and joins her to sit down, “Thank you. Y/N/N is going to be okay, she’s our strong girl” she states, trying to remain positive for the both of them.
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“We’re here!” Laura announces, rushing into the hospital room as fast as she could without injuring herself again.
“We made it here, finally. Traffic was a nightmare on the way here” Leah follows the younger girl in, shaking her head, disgruntled by the typical London traffic that made her get stuck in the middle of rush-hour traffic.
“You both made it here, that’s the main thing” Beth breathes a sigh of relief that she’d been holding in for a while, glad that both of them had made it to the hospital before you came back from surgery.
“The room was a little hard to find. Hospitals always confuse me still” Laura mumbles, moving to sit down in an empty seat in your hospital room.
“Baby England still down in surgery?” Leah questions, settling into the seat Laura.
“Yes” Viv exhales a sigh.
“They took her down around 4 pm, so hopefully it won’t be much longer now” Beth hopes as she takes a quick glance at the time on her phone, apprehensive to mention anything about complications in case that would make Viv panic all over again.
“Gotcha” Leah nods in understanding, glancing between the couple, “How’re you both holding up?” she checks in with them.
Beth can’t help but chuckle slightly, “Well I think Viv’s been a lot more nervous about this than I was led to believe, so it seems like I’m just trying to hold it together for the two of us at this point now” she jokes with the blonde, mock-teasing her girlfriends’ need to worry so much.
“Hey, Y/N is like our own kid. You’re just as worried about her as I am!” Viv insists firmly, shaking her head at her blonde girlfriend.
“I am worried, leifje” Beth responds in agreement, taking a gentle hold of her girlfriends’ hand in her own.
Leah chuckles slightly and shakes her head, “The rest of the girls all send their love, they’d be here as well but they didn’t want to crowd her too much. Steph had to pull Kyra back from her trying to get in my car to join us” she adds in, amusedly.
“We can invite them around when Y/N/N is up for visitors” Viv suggests, trying to chat now to distract any more nervous thoughts about you. Beth was right, you were in safe hands and there was nothing that she could do to change what happens in the operating room.
Beth smiles and nods in agreement, “I’m sure she’d like that” she states.
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It felt like several more hours had passed before you finally made an appearance in the room, fast asleep still from the general anaesthetic that you’d been given.
“Here she is” Leah cheers quietly as she spots you still asleep  as they wheel your bed back into the hospital room.
“Surgery went well?” Viv checks in with the surgeon.
“Surgery went very well” The surgeons beams a wide smile in agreement with the woman.
Given the general post-op run down from the surgeons, they left the room and the ACL crew were now just waiting for you to wake up and come back around from the anaesthetic, which wasn’t too long afterwards thankfully.
“Ah, look whos’ finally woken up” Beth jokes when she sees your eyes prise open, “Hello sleepy head” she adds.
You groan as you come around from the slumper you were previously in, feeling slightly disoriented about things, “Ugh. Where am I?” You mumble, not completely aware of your surroundings yet.
“You’re in hospital, Y/N” Beth chuckles slightly and shakes her head, “Did you bang your head down there, huh? We’re all here for you, just like we said” she motions around the room the 4 familiar faces.
“Mhm, oh yeah. Had knee surgery-- Le, you're here, you came!” You mumble in realisation as you squint your eyes and look round the room, spotting Leah and Laura along with Beth and Viv, who had been strangely quiet still since you’d woken up.
"Ahem, I'm here too, you know?" Laura chips in, amusingly.
"Laur! You're here too!" You exclaim in realisation, excited to see the older girl, "Can I go home now?" You ask, eager to get out of the hospital as you thought you had already been here long enough.
“Whoa easy there, let’s just take it slow, huh? There’s no rush” Beth replies, laughing amusedly as she watches you try and climb out of the hospital bed, still very much under the anaesthetic so you couldn’t feel how much pain you were really in.
You can’t help but pout in disappointment, “My own beds’ more comfier than this one though” you note.
Leah can't help but chuckle amusedly, "Glad to see that you've not lost your sense of humour, baby England" she teases you lightly.
"Le!" You exclaim in glee, so high still from the anaesthetic that you forgot she was here again and you are just so happy to see her again, "You're here!" You add in joy.
"I am. I promised you that I would be here, didn't I?" The blonde defender laughs in amusement at your own expense, "It's nice to see that you're in the land of the living now, eh?" she still continues to tease you.
The second that you lie your eyes on Viv, it only takes a few seconds before the floodgate of tears is opened as you stare at her in shock, before you giggle slightly.
"Seriously, Vivi? You told me to not be worried yet here you are, balling your eyes out" You can't help but laugh hysterically, mostly from the anaesthetic making you feel so loopy, "This whole time you've been so worried yourself!" You add in.
Beth chuckles and shakes her head amusedly, "Oh kiddo, she's been beside herself with worry" she tells you as she gently squeezes you on the shoulder, "Remember now, it's only up from here now on, kid" she tells you.
"It's only up from here now on" You parrot the blonde in agreement, happy enough to be closer to leaving that dreaded hospital.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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navybrat817 · 1 year
The Red Woods
Pairing: Lumberjack!Steve Rogers x Female Reader Summary: Steve tells you a story as he keeps you warm by the fire. Word Count: Over 2.7k Warnings: Implied sex, spooky story (violence), attempted scare, humor, Steve Rogers (he’s a warning, okay?). A/N: Fic #5 for Navy's Trick or Treat Nonsense belongs to Lumberjack!Steve thanks to this poll winner. ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @firefly-graphics. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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The moon and stars lit up the night sky, beckoning you to go outside and bask in the beauty. Cold settled into your bones as you stepped outside and shivered. It was chillier than you expected and you debated going back into the comfort of the cabin. Steve had already started the bonfire nearby though and you knew the heat from the flames would warm you up.
So would your lumberjack.
Steve carried an extra load of wood from the shed as you walked toward the fire. He set up a spot for you to sit beside each other, but you had a feeling he'd have you in his lap as the night went on. He liked having your body close to his, whether it was after a long day of work or coming home after a mission. You enjoyed it, too, because he enveloped you with his love.
"Sorry, sweetheart," he said, catching the slight tremble in your body as you took a seat. "When I suggested the fire, I didn't think it would be this cold."
"It's okay," you assured him as he added another log to the fire. The rich and powerful scent from the smoke soothed you as you stared into the flames. "But what made you so adamant to have one tonight?"
"No particular reason," he replied casually, wiping his hands before he sat down beside you. It was a bit too casual, but the red and orange from the flames dancing along his face distracted you. The urge to reach up and touch his beard was strong. "Wasn't something I really got to do in the city."
Part of you would always love the city. So would Steve. There was always something to do and inspiration could be found around every corner. It didn't mean it was home though. It was a place to visit, to remember. Your place in the woods with each other was where you were meant to be.
And the love of your life provided plenty of inspiration if you ever needed it.
"I don't remember ever having a fire there," you said after thinking about it. There weren’t many places to have fires. Your old apartment didn’t even have a fireplace.
"Hardly ever saw the stars," he added.
You nodded a little, your fingers scratching along his chin. If your touch was too cold, he didn't make a big deal out of it. "I didn't really get to appreciate the stars from my old apartment either," you said, tilting your head to look up at the sky. "But out here? It's like they serenade us. It's a chorus that resonates with the moon until the sun comes up."
Steve wrapped an arm around you, allowing your body to heat up more. He was your own personal heater. "Even when you're not writing, your words are beautiful."
You couldn't blame the fire or his body for the heat that filled your face. His opinion on your writing meant the world to you. "You're just saying that to get in my pants," you teased.
He chuckled as his mouth moved close to your ear. "I already did that this morning," he whispered.
You exhaled, remembering the two of you tangled up in each other. Lazy, soft kisses and lingering touches as he made love to you. His large body pinning yours to the mattress, his hips thrusting in a slow rhythm like the gentle waves of an ocean. You nearly sobbed when you came, his head thrown back in ecstasy as he quickly followed.
You had lovers before Steve, but he taught you the true meaning of making love.
"And I'm sure you'll do it again before the sun comes up," you whispered.
"If I have my way," he said, pulling you closer. Your hand fell to his shirt, gripping the flannel. Your super soldier was insatiable some days, but you weren't going to complain when you both reaped the benefits of his appetite.
"It's too bad the gang isn't here. Otherwise we could tell spooky stories," you said. Maybe you could invite Bucky and Jewel over another night for dinner. It was nice that Steve had one of his best friends not too far away. Sam also didn’t mind making trips to visit.
"Well, you and I can still tell stories to pass the time," he said, kissing the top of your head. "How about I start? Even though I’m not the best storyteller."
“That’s a lie. You’re a great storyteller,” you said, lifting your head and seeing a hint of a blush in his cheeks. With his deep, commanding voice, the man could read the phone book to you and you'd listen. You teased at times that he could do a podcast if he wanted to. Or erotic recordings. "And I don't scare easily, but you can try."
You didn’t mind a healthy dose of fear now and again. It was natural and helpful in some situations. It was also fun and exciting in the right setting, like this.
"I'm sure you've heard all sorts of different stories about creatures and spirits who live in the woods," he began, which earned a nod from you. "Local legend says there's a spirit right here who controls part of the forest: The Lumberman."
"Wow. A lumberjack is telling a story about a lumberman? How original," you said, your deadpan expression dropping when he pinched your side. "Hey! I was kidding."
"Let me tell the story," he said, brushing his lips against the top of your head again as an apology. "They say long ago that a lumberman lived in the deepest part of the woods. He had no family or friends and mostly kept to himself. He only ventured into town to sell the wood he chopped down."
"A loner," you said, already invested.
"Yeah, he was. Not unfriendly. Just a quiet man. And all was well until a local woman went missing. The town searched everywhere for her and couldn't find her. It was like she vanished without a trace. Her family demanded answers, so people shifted the blame to him," Steve explained, a slight breeze rolling by.
You frowned as you listened. It was just a story, but you knew how dangerous mob mentality could be. "What happened?"
"A group of men confronted him in his home and demanded to know what he did with her body. He swore he didn't know what happened and that he would never hurt a soul, but they didn't listen. They were out for blood,” he said, sadly shaking his head. “When he still refused to admit to any wrongdoing, the men took turns hacking him up with one of his axes and burned his cabin to the ground. They even brought the axe back as some sort of trophy, stained with his blood."
"Jesus," you whispered, scooting a bit closer.
"It was only after they killed him did the girl show back up in town alive and well. Not a scratch on her. She had gone a couple towns over to meet up with some guy," he said, rubbing your arm.
"So they condemned an innocent man to death," you said.
"They did," he said, nodding toward the trees. "Most of the townspeople didn't venture to his part of the woods out of fear that his spirit would seek revenge. And they were right."
You raised an eyebrow and waited for him to continue.
"Over the years, hikers and locals who were brave enough to go on his old land went missing. Their bodies were never found, but people say you can hear their screams echo through the air if you get close enough,” he said, pausing to look around with a somber expression. "And that they became part of the trees."
Glancing around as well, it was difficult to make out the trees in the darkness. "They became part of the trees? How?"
"As you get closer to his land, you can see faces twisted in pain in the bark if you look closely enough. Some even say there’s blood in the sap and dripping from the branches. They even renamed that part of the forest the Red Woods since the paths have inexplicable red dirt, like blood had seeped into the soil," he said, lowering his voice as if to tell you a secret. "It’s like a warning to turn back."
"That is not why they call it the Red Woods," you argued, though you weren’t completely sure now. You actually had no idea why the area got that name.
"That’s how the story’s told."
"So an innocent man was hacked to pieces in his home," you said slowly. "And now he kills anyone who steps into his territory?"
"Condemned to a terrible fate. Just like he was," he said as simple as that. "And people still go missing to this day."
You smiled a bit. There was nothing at all uplifting or funny about the story, but Steve spoke with such seriousness that you almost believed the tale was real. "Okay, but why is he still haunting the woods? If it's revenge on the men who killed him or the townspeople in general, he wouldn’t go after random, innocent hikers."
Steve’s head tilted as he looked at you, something a bit more sinister in his gaze. "Isn’t it obvious? They took his axe. He’s waiting for someone to return it."
A heartbeat passed before you huffed. "Of course, he is. The axe that the men brought back as a trophy," you said, gesturing toward the toolshed. "It’s too bad you don’t have it. You could help put his soul to rest."
"What if I told you I do have it?" he asked.
Your heart rate increased before you huffed again. "You’re a great storyteller, but a terrible liar, Beefcake."
His eyes shot to yours, maintaining eye contact as he reached beside him. You raised an eyebrow when he held up an axe. You had to admit, you knew his tools well and that was one you didn’t recognize. "See? Still stained with blood," he told you, holding it closer to the fire so you could see the blade. "Should we go into the Red Woods and return it?"
You didn’t admit that your stomach turned a little as you brought your hands up and slowly clapped. "Bravo. You went all out for this story. And, no, I’m not going into the woods when it’s this cold out," you said before a snap from a twig nearby drew your attention, making you tense up. "What was that?"
"What was what?" he asked, setting the axe down.
"Oh, you had to have heard that. Your hearing is ten times better than mine," you argued, standing up and narrowing your eyes to try and see when you heard another twig snap. You froze before you began to giggle. "Okay, Bucky! Come on out! I know Steve put you up to this."
Steve jumped to his feet and pushed you behind him. He wouldn't let anything happen to you. "Buck isn’t here. He's at home with Jewel," he said in a hushed tone.
"Wait, you didn’t convince him to come out of the woods to try and scare me?" You asked, placing your hands on his back when he shook his head. "Okay. It’s probably just an animal then."
"I don’t think an animal did that," he whispered, guiding you toward the cabin. Maybe it wasn’t a joke after all. "I think we should-"
"Give…" you stopped at the sound of a demonic voice just beside the toolshed, your heart thumping. "Me…" a man stepped out of the darkness, dragging his left foot behind him. "My…" His decayed skin was caked with blood as he lifted a hand. "AXE!"
Your eyes widened before you snapped out of your stupor. "Oh, fuck this," you muttered, pulling away from Steve who called after you. Grabbing your shotgun from the porch, you brought it to your shoulder and cocked it. "I don’t have an axe, Lumberman, but I’ll shoot you in your fucking face if you take a step closer."
"Whoa!" Steve shouted, holding out his hand for the "zombie" to stop. "Don’t move. She’s serious!"
"Fuck," the zombie muttered, tapping the side of his neck. "Seriously? I really thought I’d get you," the demonic voice fading to a normal tone.
"CLINT?!" you guessed, lowering your gun. The former Hawkeye nodded. "What the hell are you doing?!"
"For the record, this wasn’t my idea," Steve said, an innocent look in his blue eyes. "And I told you she wouldn’t get scared. I don’t know why you insisted on this."
No wonder he wanted to have a fire tonight.
"Okay, okay. It was my idea. Everyone is off doing their own thing and I just wanted to have some fun," Clint explained, walking closer toward the fire as he began to peel the makeup away and toss it in to burn. "This didn’t work on Jewel either! She grabbed one of Bucky’s knives and almost stabbed me."
You laughed a little. No doubt Bucky was both proud of and scared for his girl for that move. "Maybe because, I don’t know, in the story Steve told the Lumberman was hacked to pieces and you’re clearly not. There was also no indication that the Lumberman could leave his territory. Everyone went missing on his land. So why would he be here?"
Clint exchanged a look with Steve. "She has a point," your husband said.
These men are defenders of the universe.
"Yeah, okay. Thanks for that," you said, putting the gun back where it belonged. "I have to ask though, why prank me? And why prank Jewel?"
Clint shifted a bit on his feet. "So the guys could be heroes? But seeing as how you grabbed a gun and Jewel grabbed a knife, I think you two are good."
You had to smile as you turned your attention back to Steve. "You wanted to be my hero and protect me from a zombie?"
With a sheepish smile, Steve nodded and scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, I did," he said in a small voice. "It’s stupid, right?"
Your man, a true hero who saved hundreds of lives, simply wanted to protect you from anything bad. You never loved him more. "It’s not stupid. I think it's kind of sweet," you assured him. "Clint, please, put out the fire and get the hell out of here. Steve, get inside so we can have sex and get warm."
Clint coughed into his hand. "Can I at least get a coffee before I go? I was out there for a while and it’s a little chilly."
Steve ignored his friend as he gave you a smile. "You’re really going to sleep with me after we tried to prank you?" he asked, looking at his feet for a split second. "And you know I’d never want to scare you, right?"
"Yeah, I’m really going to sleep with you. And I know the last thing you’d ever want to do is frighten me. All you want to do is protect me," you smiled. You weren’t going to deny yourself pleasure, especially since you were starting to get cold again. "But for the record, this is pity sex for failing your prank and not grabbing the gun first," you added, giggling when he took two large steps toward you.
Clint stared after you as Steve grabbed and pulled you toward him, fastening his mouth to yours. "So, is that a no on the coffee?"
Your friend eventually got his coffee before he went on his way. After Steve thoroughly wore you out, he promised to stick to cuddling in front of a fire moving forward. Making love in front of a fire was also on the table, whether it was in front of the fireplace or outside under the stars. Though he never did tell you where he got that axe or why it really looked like it was stained with blood.
But maybe you could convince Clint to take that axe into the Red Woods and show Steve how to really scare someone.
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Oh, these two. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Steve Rogers Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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hyenabeanz · 2 months
Can you dumb motherfuckers stop trying even now to SHAME people into voting how you want and instead talk about the good your candidate will do instead?
Democrats, liberals, and "leftists" can't read the room or strategize their way out of a wet paper bag.
Even now, with Biden out and Harris as a prospective new nom, I'm already seeing "yeah our guy sucks but <insert fear tactics here>"
That is not how you get people to the polls for your candidate.
That's why Trump is a threat. He is saying "this is what I'm gonna do." His followers and campaigners are going "this is what he's gonna do." THAT is what the average voter cares about. Is what he says he's gonna do lies or terrifying fascism? Yes. But when people are scared, insecure, full of despair or frustrated, they want hopeful things to cling on to, promises of change and action, what their candidate is gonna do for them, not "they suck but they suck less." And while wildly misplaced and sick, an action plan is what Trump promises, and his followers spplaud. So this shame shit isn't going to move them.
And as for those who are educated enough to see Trump as the horrific mess he is and will never vote for him, but not satisfied with the other option, shame STILL doesn't work. Because despair kills motivation. And "we suck slightly less" is just despair fuel. Why bother if everyone sucks? And no, a litany of horrors isn't motivation. We live in a litany of horrors, that ain't special. Again: Despair = hopelessness and helplessness = why bother?
Some of you may be too young to remember, but for those who aren't: Think of the Obama campaign. He wasn't some amazingly progressive angel with all the best policies (some were horrible.) But he was a hell of a speaker who promised hope. fucking learn from history. That promise, that fire for hope, got so many young people to the polls. It energized. And he won in a comparative landslide.
So Ok, you got rid of the guy who elitist donors and insufferable people on the Internet said they wouldn't vote for. K. Fresh start. Kamala ain't no Obama in terms of gifted speaker, but those of you talking about her NEED to treat this like the new opportunity it is, and start talking up the reason to be hopeful for Kamala Harris.
Here's a starter for you, for one of the big ones:
Harris has already been vocally more critical of Israel than Biden was, and did so much sooner. Has she said Free Palestine, abolish Israel? No. Of course not. No one in this election is going to. It's not gonna happen. So your options here is someone who has said they want to give Israel enough aid to turn Gaza to glass, or someone who at the very least acknowledged back in March that Israel's conduct is unacceptable. She doesn't have the personal connections to Israel that make her have a soft spot for people ordering war crimes.
I've already spent too long this evening writing this considering I mostly use Tumblr for fun stuff vs. my other social media, but that's how irritating some of y'all are being. I'd love to see and challenge others to reblog and tack on more of the reasons to vote FOR the presumptive nom here, vs. voting against the toupee'd terror.
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gurugirl · 8 days
Hi, idk really why I want to ask you this but sometimes I just feel so insecure about the fact I’m still a virgin at 23. I haven’t even kissed someone. I’ve always been so insecure about my looks that I’ve never wanted to get intimate with someone, and i know I’m not ugly but I just feel like now the fact I have never had anything makes me feel repulsive. I’ve been on dates but I’ve just never felt that interested in them? I like my alone time too and I feel like I can’t be bothered trying to force a relationship when I want to work on myself. I’m going travelling in 6 months for a year and I doubt I’ll meet someone when I’m travelling so I’ll be 25 almost when I come back and still a virgin. Is that bad? I know I should take things at my pace but I just feel like there must be something wrong with me if I don’t really want to with anyone I’ve met who’s been into me? What should I do?
I got wordy here so a read more was necessary ↓
Hi hon. I say this anytime someone asks me about having not met some milestone yet - but you still being a virgin at 23 really doesn't define you at all and it's not weird. I bet I could post a poll right now and ask who's still a virgin past the age of 23 and you'd see a lot more virgins than not. In fact, I just had a recent anon who is also 23 and a virgin (pretty sure I posted this ask yesterday - check the #ask tag on my blog if you'd like) so you're not alone. Not even close.
Milestones, especially something like when you should lose your virginity, should all be done away with. There's no timeline for something like that. And I'm sure you've heard it before but you definitely want to enjoy your first time having sex and do it with someone you trust and not force yourself to get it over with. While I think virginity is mostly just a social construct, it can be a big deal to us as individuals.
You aren't repulsive, there's nothing wrong with you, and you get to decide when and with whom you do have sex with. No one but you. I actually think you sound like you have a good head on your shoulders. You've gone on dates and have made the mature decision that you weren't that into the people you dated, you know you're someone who enjoys your alone time (me too hon), you already know better than to force a relationship (some people don't get this concept bc they're scared to be alone and by the time they realize what they've done it's too late), and you're about to go on a year-long travel which is huge and there would be so many people your age terrified to travel for a year. You're brave, adventurous, and smart.
I think you're way more amazing than you realize, just from this ask I can pick up how mature and emotionally intelligent you are. Don't compromise. You're doing absolutely amazing. And also don't discount yourself that you're not going to perhaps meet someone on your travels. Who knows what will happen? Maybe you'll still be a virgin after the year is up - but that's perfectly okay too. Be open to what could happen and keep doing what you're doing.
Also, it's going to benefit you to not talk badly about yourself. Start telling yourself how impressive and how unique you are. Do away with saying such negative things. Seriously. No more of that that! You're going to be just fine. Remember that you're still young, you're smart, and you're about to do something that most people in this world cannot say they've ever done, nor would they be brave enough to (enjoy wherever your travels take you!).
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comshipbracket · 3 months
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Antis DNI - Block the tag "comship" if this causes discomfort.
Remember, you are voting for the ship you prefer, not the ship you find more problematic
Propaganda for both ships under the cut.
Disclaimer: All ships (other than NozoCoco) on this bracket are FOLLOWER-SUBMITTED ships, the Mods do not always hold necessary knowledge to be aware of any errors or fanonizing what should be canon material that may arise.
Stuilly Propaganda (Abusive Dynamic)
"Billy is bent on murderous revenge, and Stu is the fucked up little person who's along for the ride. Their killing spree climaxed with symbolic mutual penetration as they stab each other as part of their scheme to pin it all on the film's final girl. The way they touch each other is affectionate to the point of intimacy. When their plan is out, Stu can't keep his hands off of Billy."
Stannarrator Propaganda (Codependency, Toxic Power Dynamics - In most endings)
"The Stanley Parable is a game about The Narrator wanting to tell a story through their game but having to rely on the Stanley's choices. The core of the game is that Stanley and The Narrator are bound to each other: Stanley needs The Narrator to make the "parable" he lives in, and The Narrator needs Stanley to make the choices that drive the story.
The Narrator clearly has the most power in this dynamic, since he can alter the world the Stanley lives in: modifying the rooms, creating and deleting objects at will, reloading the game, altering Stanley's perception, knowing almost everything and being almost everywhere. But, despite all that power, he isn't able to control the one thing that keeps his story existing: Stanley's choices.
Okay, spoilers to both the original 2013 game and the Ultra Deluxe remake from here on out since it's impossible to talk about them without spoiling a lot of the endings.
In one of the new endings on the Ultra Deluxe remake, the Skip Button ending, The Narrator creates a button that lets Stanley skip his dialogue `inspired` by a bad Steam review, but when Stanley clicks this button The Narrator is left all alone in that room, and which each click the skip becomes longer, from minutes, to hours, to weeks, to months… And in the fifth skip (where Stanley stays frozen for like, one, two weeks), The Narrator breaks up, talking about how he needs Stanley to listen to him and how scared he is of slipping back into the silence he passes through every time we use the skip button. In his own words, `I can't lose myself in the stretch of emptiness between you and me.` Of course, since it's the only way to advance in this ending, we skip again, and again, until The Narrator ends up eventually disappearing after the 12th or 13th skip, leaving Stanley alone in a desert, and that's where the ending stops, though it continues on the Epilogue, but I'll leave some things to add as propaganda during the polls.
Despite this, The Narrator still has more control of the situation than Stanley, like on the Explosion ending, where he traps Stanley in a room while the building's destroys itself as consequence for choosing to activate the Mind Control Machine instead of shutting it down to free everyone. He keeps acting like Stanley is nothing but a vehicle for him to pass a message through his story. `Watching you try to make sense of everything and take back the control wrested away from you…it's quite rich. I almost hate to see it go!` `You're only still playing instead of watching a cutscene because I want to watch you for every moment that you're powerless, to see you made humble. […] You wanted to control this world; that's fine. But I'm going to destroy it first, so you can't.`
But there's one point where they're equal, they both want to free themselves. On the Museum ending, we meet a being that is higher than The Narrator, the Female Narrator (yeah, that's her name), and she gives the best description of the relationship between these two: `Oh, look at these two. How they wish to destroy one another. How they wish to control one another. How they both wish to be free. Can you see? Can you see how much they need one another? No, perhaps not. Sometimes these things cannot be seen.`"
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shygirl4991 · 10 months
Becoming Canon
Summary: After a successful heist in getting the notebook back SMG3 and SMG4 confess their feelings to each other. Tags: Love confessions, enemies to friends to lovers, fluff Next Part Note: i put a poll up to see if peeps want 'The Next Step' on tumblr and forgot to mention the prequel fic becoming canon so here we go!
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SMG4 smiles as he watches SMG3 jumping with joy over saving his notebook, he was so thankful that his viewers were on his side to help this happen. After having fun teasing SMG3 he started to feel the fatigue from the whole thing, who knew doing a heist would take so much out of you?
After teasing SMG3 about why he was building a new evil lair right next to his castle he lets out a small yawn “Speaking of cafes…I’m dead tired.” he gives his partner a small smile “Let’s have some coffee.” For the first time since they have known each other things felt peaceful, maybe it was them both being drained from the heist or maybe this heist helped bring the two closer together. He remembers back a few weeks ago how SMG1 and 2 told them they needed to get along and work as a team, of course their plan on gluing their hands together really didn't work on bringing them together. What it did bring was a lot of videos and tweets explaining he wasn't dating SMG3, though thinking about it would the two of them dating be so bad? During the heist he never felt so close to SMG3 before, the way they were in sync scaring Mario. How they had each other back helping each other out of tight spots, they even finally manage to get their fusion ability to work…sorta.
SMG3 perks up hearing his words “Now we’re talkin!” walking together they sit on a pile of wood waiting to become a part of SMG3 cafe, SMG4 smiles looking at the sunset as SMG3 starts doing their coffee. They smile at each other doing a small cheer as they clink their cups together and drink, as SMG4 enjoys the warmth of the coffee he notices SMG3 writing in his notebook with a huge smile “What are you writing?” he knew he wasn't going to get an answer but it wasn't going to hurt him to ask you never know what mood SMG3 is in.
He smirks and turns away “I’ll never tell!” SMG3 makes sure the other cant see the drawing he is doing of them both with cups of coffee.
With a giggle he nods “Don't worry i wont push it,” as he looks back at the sunset his heart starts to beat faster. This would be the perfect moment wouldn't it, he honestly felt this whole day was a sign of some kind. It all started with SMG3 telling him he wrote about their moment in the igloo, then they got stuck doing a game show where they had to watch the video and see the moment they both agreed never to talk about. He had to admit the closer they got the harder it was for him to keep his feelings in check. When he hears the notebook close he decides now is the time with one last gulp of the coffee he turns to SMG3 “You know…this heist got me thinking,”
SMG3 sips his coffee and stares at his partner “What that we should be full time spies, cause i'm not a fan of the idea of your fans telling me how to live my life,” SMG4 shakes his head with a small chuckle “No, nothing like that…just we make a good team don't we?”
He keeps staring at SMG4 feeling confused on what was going on with the man next to him, seeing this SMG4 sighs feeling himself blush. “You know…people ship us together…and uh with all that's happened to us i started to wonder….” he had no idea what he was doing. Every TV show he has seen made confessions look easy, even Axol made it look sweet and easy with the manga he was making before everything.
SMG3's eyes go wide as he also starts to blush “Why are you bringing this up all of a sudden, idiot!!”
SMG4 closes his eyes “WHAT IF WE MAKE IT CANON!?”
Everything was dead silent, he was nervous to open his eyes to see how SMG3 was looking at him. Finally he hears a whisper “you….what?”
Slowly he opened his eyes to see a stun SMG3, his face was as red as his eyes, it almost made SMG4 giggle for how cute it was to see him like that. “I..well i like you, so i was wondering if maybe we can try…the next step?”
SMG4 started to get worried he broke the man for how long it took for him to move again, he watches as SMG3 stares at the floor then his notebook. His heart sank, did he read the signs wrong, did the guardian not feel the same as him?
SMG3 gets up and stands in front of him “Fine, i guess i…i like you too! But don't let it get to your head…Baka!”
SMG4 gives a huge smile before running and hugging his boyfriend, SMG3 gets flustered as he starts to break free from the hug “Oi! I said don't let it get to your head!!”
With a smirk he leans close to SMG3 “Oh? So does that mean you don't want a hug? Maybe it's a kiss you're looking for?”
SMG3 covers his face with his notebook to hide how flustered he was getting. It was always fun teasing the man before but now that they were going to date, teasing has gotten much more fun.
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phoenixdeleted · 1 year
Memories and GIBD crossover (part 2?? Ig)
@tmnt-crossover-polls we got propaganda!!
Thank you dearly @theawesomeninja-xd for collabing with me by the way! I had a lot of fun! They own literally every other character except Angel and Neon.
When Neon and Angel heard who they were against in the polls Neon immediately decided to set up a cupcake stand. Angel didn’t know why but he loved the idea.
So here the two were trying to make a cupcake stand from random things in the back with Angel running around and being  Angel. (God Neon wished he had that energy.)
Neon practically jumped at the sudden yelling. He turned around, finding a way too hyper Leon excitedly showing the beanie. 
"Look, look! We got it! Just like we promised!!!"
Meanwhile, a much more drained Rafa gave a half wave as he caught up to his brother. "Hey Neon, we're back....ah, cupcakes." He thoughtlessly grabbed one and threw it into his mouth.
Neon smiled at the shenanigans and sighed softly, “thanks for keeping your promise,” then he turned to Rafa, “you look awful.” 
Angel, who has already jumped over the counter of the cupcake stand somehow not touching any of the pastries, gasped at Neon with a Beanie now in his hands, “Neon!”
Wait...Angel had a beanie already? So who's--
Angelo promptly took the beanie from Leon and put it on neon's head. He looked pretty out of it too. 
"This one's yours. Oh and as to your comment. We kinda fought with the adults and everyone had to make up and I had to make sure no one hated themselves so no one really got sleep since....a day ago?"
"Oh...uh...sorry to hear that. Where's Dee by the way?"
Rafa finished another cupcake. "He ran off to hand out arson....arsa..."
"Arsenic," Leon corrected with way too much enthusiasm. 
"Yeah that. I dunno what what it does, but he seemed happy."
Neon chuckled, “Donnies will be Donnies, thank you by the way.” He took the beanie happily.
“That sounds cool!” Angel said excitedly, then turned to the group, “you wanna join us in making cupcakes? We can show you how!”
"Yeah sure," Angelo responded, "Although Rafa has to stop eating them." He lightly shook him. Rafa paused and gave an embarrassed smile.
"I wanna help!" Leon broadcasted.
"What, no!" Angelo said. "Don't you remember why you're banned from the kitchen?"
"Noooo I wanna help!"
“You can help if you want Leon. And don’t worry about it Rafa they are there for a reason.” Neon waved away at the air besides him. “Come on I can show you what to do.”
“HELL YEAH COOKING BUDDIES!” Angel exclaimed dragging the closest turtle behind the booth. “Come on I’ll show you my speciality!”
Neon probably should've kept an eye on Leon.
As he was working on his own batch, something suddenly exploded. Leon then waddled over to Neon with a hand behind his head and covered in ash.
"Okay, so this looks kinda bad..."
"Kinda??" Angelo exclaimed. "What did you even do??"
Neon grimaced and then slowly exhaled. "I'm...sure it's fixable." He laughed a bit. "Just show me where--"
Neon jumped again. How many people were going to give him a near heart attack??
He turned around to find...Raph?
He looked a little older, so probably not from their dimension. But it was definitely him.
"Where have you been?? You keep running off and scaring Leo--why is there a giant Leon...?"
Neon waved slightly looking like a deer in the headlights at the again sudden outburst.
Angel moved from where he was teaching the other turtles how to sneak in random ingredients to where Raph stood. 
Bouncing on his legs with a cupcake in his hands, he spoke a bit faster than normal, “Hi! Welcome to the cupcake booth! Take one for your time in the polls!”
Looking even more confused, older Raph gave Neon another curious look and then stared at Angel for a bit.
"...uh...thanks I guess." He took several cupcakes before awkwardly patting his head. 
Neon swore he saw him smile a bit.
He put the serious face back on, turning to the other kids. "You three. We're going before Leo has a meltdown." Despite the excuse, he looked like he was relieved himself.
Angelo shrugged, climbing on Rafa's back. Older Raph grabbed Rafa's hand as Leon looked around wildly. 
"Uh...bye Neon! Bye other big Mike!"
“Come back any time!” Angel waved wildly copying Angelo as he climbed onto Neons shell so he can wave to them from a higher vantage point.
“Thank you for the beanie you four,”Neon called out to the turtles as the older Raph turned to leave, “Come back if you wanna make more cupcakes.”
The kids waved back. The older Raph smiled a bit at them before reprimanding the others about wandering off.
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nei-ning · 7 months
Dream ppost, possibly long, once again.
First dream: I visited a woman who had some kind of mental illness. She had 3 puppies and 1 of them was very scared, sitting still and trembling. I thought I need to report about that poor puppy but never didn't. At one point she and I went near to her balcony and there was 3 or 4 wild HUGE Great Horned Owls (huuhkaja) sleeping on the railing under a bedsheet. I LOVE those owls so seeing them made me super excited!
Next we stood on the balcony after those owls left. Before us was Chinese landscape with mountains and lake which was right beneath us. In the lake was HUGE cat fish! Like at least 5 meters long! But with it in the lake lived dragons. 2 of them were middle sized / normal (whatever you consider "normal size" to be for dragons) and one HUGE one. Those smaller ones were black and red-black in color while biggest was made of stone. They all laid at the bottom of the lake, relaxing and living peacefully. At the edge of the lake, near mountains, was wooden polls with ropes and something hang from those ropes. Rope went from poll to poll. I then thought: "Wait a minute. This was MY idea! MY way to earn money and help environment! She STOLE this from me!" Soon after this I woke up.
In last night's dream I, first, was in some mall and first I followed this guy who liked me, like I liked him, and he played hard to catch. I lost him at some point. Then something happened and people started to rush out of the mall in panic. I tried to keep up with my sister but lost her.
Next I sat in a high car, looking behind through back window. We were driving on a forest road, forest being on both sides of the road. Road itself was like a storming sea, covered with water which was coming towards us. Suddenly bright yellow flashing, like lightning, started to appear in the middle line of the water and it made me happy. I knew it was the guy, my crush, who I lost at the mall. He had returned and found me instead. I also need to mention this guy was more or less like a lizard people (if you know what I mean).
Then, in the same dream, I was in HUGE white truck. It had 2 big trailers but they were shared in 2 levels. Upper levels looked like a bus with seats but below area was empty, stored with food and weapons. I sat near the window, equipped with a hammer only. We were chased by enemy or police, I'm not sure. My sister was there with many other people. I saw one enemy coming with flying scooter or something so I asked could I break the window so I could shoot him. Sis started to say no, but I already hit a small hole in the glass, pushing my little gun through it, aiming at the enemy.
I pulled the trigger and out came a group of small white balls which turned into seagulls! They attacked the man, me yelling at them to poke his eyes out of his head! :'D More enemies came to his aid and one of them aimed at me directly with his gun. The glass shattered and I fell out of the truck. Luckily I, like evetyobe else, were tied on their seat with a long rope or chain so I hanged along.
I managed to land on near by police car which was still chafing us. On it's roof was a pile of weapons, mostly old long axes, knives and swords. I took few of them before falling off on the car. I got sucked under the police car before my chain yanked me back with such huge force that I landed on another white truck which was driving beside us. I heard my sis scream at me something while I watched another pile of weapons in front of me. Once more I took old swords, knives and axes. We had no good weapons in our truck so I took weapons to as many people as I could.
I remember how excited and pleased I was when picking up those weapons, haha! Oh, and another thing! For a some reason wearing shoes, and socks, was forbid in our truck. Apparently they made noises what enemies could hear.
And then I slowly started to wake up.
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iamthecomet · 1 year
And hoot again :D
Yeah, you’re very right (both with so quickly depending on it being overwhelming and with it showing how much I needed it)
The trip to therapy went quite well! The bus wasn‘t overly full on both ways, so I could sit down which was really good. I‘m still nervous for the first time that I’ll sit down on the floor if all seats are taken (it would be safer and better for me, but before I was always too scared to do that. Now that I have a cane that makes it sort of visible that I have trouble walking/standing, I want to try to do it).
I have suspected that I have hypermobile joints for a while (the problem is that I’m not in enough pain to really struggle so much that it would really be worth seeing a doctor for, but I’ll mention it when I got my next appointment). Part of the problem is my bad memory, because due to that I honestly can‘t even remember if I’m in pain (I know stuff constantly and quickly starts hurting but that’s probably normal in most cases and I also have a really high pain tolerance).
My body can do things it‘s apparently not supposed to do though
But I feel it with the cane, cause my wrist always sort of wobbles cause it’s really not stable. So I tried applying tape today, but only went to the very near grocery store that takes like a minute to walk to. So I don’t really know how much it has helped yet regarding walking with the cane. I do feel more comfortable though, and I think it‘s also helping me with writing and drawing
(On the video I watched the guy explained what the hypermobile thing in that hand he was showing it on is exactly, what it would look like if it wasn‘t hypermobile and what the tape is gonna do. And my thumb has the exact position that is a result of the joint being hypermobile (so like my suspicion doesn’t seem to be too wrong)
Since noon I had a really really bad headache that felt like my skull was split open and my brain crushed. So really not nice. I took 1,5 ibuprofen and later one paracetamol but nothing helped.
Then I tested myself cause I remembered that the only time I had such a bad headache was when I had COVID and boom! Positive
So yeah. I‘ll stay in bed tomorrow (and my head hurts so fucking much. I hate it)
I‘ll send you pics when the order gets here if you want! :D
But two pairs of Doc Martens sounds very nice!
A really sweet and funny story:
A friend of mine asked me to explain Ghost (as in, explain everything).
Three days ago I sent a video of like a few clips of Jutty, one of which being this clip in which he is like “unfollowing is bullying“ and “wHaT iF i WaS cOsMo 🧐🤨“
And since then, we‘ve constantly been sending “wHaT iF i WaS cOsMo 🧐🤨” back and forth (then we started to send the clip as a only one time viewable video so it wouldn’t be visible beforehand).
Today, I cut off the beginning of an edit and put that clip behind that to hide it and sent it to them. They have also hidden it in a poll on WhatsApp already
It turned into a game and we can‘t stop laughing about it because it‘s so fucking silly xD (it‘s practically like Rick-rolling)
wHaT iF i WaS cOsMo 🧐🤨
(You just got wHaT iF i WaS cOsMo 🧐🤨-ed. You‘re welcome xD)
~ @owlishanon
I'm glad it's still going well! It's good that it gives you so much peace of mind and that you feel confident doing what you need to do now without worrying that something awful is going to happen. But I'm so sorry that you have COVID! It's rotten. I hope you get lots of rest and your headache doesn't last too long. Sleep and drink lots of water! You can definitely send me pictures of the stuff you get when it comes in! I always love to see people's hauls! I am very excited about my docs. I paid $140 for both pairs, which is like half of one what one of them costs brand new. I feel VERY lucky about it. One pair is rusty orange suede, they're short boots. Great for every day. The other are standard black knee highs which have been my dream boots since, like, forever (I've owed many, many pairs of knee high lace-up boots, but none of them were Docs). The wHaT iF i WaS cOsMo 🧐🤨 thing has me giggling. Thank you for that. What a great joke to have with your friends, seriously. Fucking Jutty. He kills me in the best ways.
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emphistic · 5 months
Can I request reader being really sick and baby Yuji being really worried about her while Sukuna is trying to take care of her?
A/N: hope the ppl who voted for this in the poll are happy 😡😡 — i feel betrayed because yall didnt choose the other one
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If someone who personally knew the three of you walked in right now, they would probably laugh at the current sight. Others would be surprised or confused. But little Yuuji was neither of those things. He was utterly adorably worried and concerned — for you. His little heart couldn't comprehend that you were only sick and would eventually recover. In other words, Yuuji is scared you'll die and never come back.
Then, who will tell him bedtime stories?
Then, who will kiss him goodnight and good morning?
Then, who will hold his hand while walking?
Then, who will coddle and pamper him?
Then, who will?
These were all questions Yuuji could not and would not like to answer.
But Sukuna — being way older than his brother — knew better, and he knew this was nothing too serious. But again, Yuuji couldn't comprehend that.
“Don't make me say it again, sweetheart. Now, open,” Sukuna held out the medicine for you to drink.
“Nuh uh,” you crossed your arms over your chest, backing up into the pillows behind you on the bed. You tried to stifle a cough, but you failed.
“I will pry open your mouth and shove this down your throat. Now, drink.”
You groaned, yet still obeyed. The fluid felt hot and cold simultaneously as you swallowed it.
Sukuna ruffled your hair, “See? Wasn't so bad, was it?” He retrieved the now empty cup from your hands and left the bedroom, probably walking to the kitchen to wash it, you assumed.
Yuuji turned to look at you with big glittery eyes. “I—I don't wan’ you to die. I don't wan’ you to go . . . like Grandpa.” Yuuji’s bottom lip trembled, he didn't want to cry — not in front of you, at least. He wanted to appear manly, brave, just like his brother.
You were quite taken aback at this, did he seriously think a cold could kill you? “Yuuji, come here,” you said, your tone soft.
Yuuji instantly crawled into bed — not without struggling a bit at first — and snuggled into your side, holding onto your hoodie with a white-knuckled grip.
“I will never ever leave you, Yuuji. So don't you worry your cute little head off about it, okay?” You booped him on the nose, emitting a squeal from the boy before he curled up impossibly closer to your body. You wiped away his tears.
“Y’know, I'm not going to die anytime soon. You can't get rid of me that easily.”
Yuuji fervently nodded, not fully believing you but still hopeful, nevertheless. “Yay!”
Yuuji was sad that you wouldn't be able to drive him to school that morning, but he knew you were tired. Plus, he overheard his older brother telling you that sleeping would be good for you, and the boy only wanted the best for you. So Yuuji accepted the fact, though still a little upset about it.
But when he came home from school, Yuuji ran straight to your side, where you were sitting on the couch.
“Y/N!” Yuuji jumped into your lap and gave you the biggest big bear hug a toddler could possibly give.
“Hi there, Yuuji,” you replied, before coughing. “Did you have fun at school?”
“Yeah! It was so fun.” You let him ramble and babble to you about his day, while running your fingers through his pink locks.
“That sounds like you had a really good day, Yuuji.”
“It would have been better if you were there with me, though,” Yuuji mumbled into your shirt.
You giggled at the boy, “Sorry about that, Yuuji.”
“‘tis okay!”
Yuuji snuggled into your sweater, enjoying the warmth from your body. He almost fell asleep from your massaging his scalp, but then he remembered something and gasped, jumping off of your lap.
You raised a brow, albeit not bothering to ask — your throat felt itchy. You unpaused the TV and continued watching your show. Halfway through, Sukuna decided to join you on the couch, pulling you into his side and resting your head on his shoulder.
“Feeling any better?”
“Sorta.” You coughed. “My throat kinda hurts, though.”
You rested your head on Sukuna's shoulder as the both of you watched the actors on the screen, occasionally making small talk here and there.
Minutes later, a screaming, hollering, laughing little Yuuji ran into the living room, making both your heads whip towards him.
“It is I! Dr. Yuuji Itadori! Don't worry, Y/N. I am here to help you not be . . . um, sick — anymore!” Yuuji climbed onto the couch and inserted himself in between you and Sukuna.
Yuuji was dressed in a white doctor’s coat, and had a stethoscope hanging around his neck. A toy thermometer was also in his hand.
Quickly discarding the thermometer, throwing it aside — onto a protesting Sukuna’s lap — Yuuji put the back of his palm against your forehead. And though he didn't understand what he was doing, he attempted to copy his brother, who he had seen frequently do that in order to check you for a fever.
Speaking of said brother, Sukuna got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen.
“Hmmmm!” Yuuji pulled a clipboard out of his pocket and messily scribbled down illegible words onto the sheet of paper. Then, he placed his clipboard down and grabbed ahold of his stethoscope, pressing it onto your heart and listening to it beat.
Out of the blue, a hand roughly pushed the doctor aside, and Yuuji fell off of the couch and onto the carpet. “Out of my way, pipsqueak. Y/N needs her medicine.”
“‘Kunaaaa,” Yuuji whined from the floor. “She was getting her check-up.”
You covered your mouth, muffling your giggles. “Yeah, babe. You interrupted Dr. Yuuji.”
Sukuna grimaced, scrunching up his face. “Doctor? Since when?”
“Since he was born, silly! Yuuji is a prodigy, isn't that right, sweetie?” You picked up the toddler and set him onto his lap, he immediately went to rub his face in your chest.
A muffled ‘yes’ came out from him, though he didn't even know what he was agreeing to.
Taglist: @starlets-things @sad-darksoul @mochimoee @r0ckst4rjk @lillycore @deepchromatose @yinyinyinyinyinyin @fivehoneyharg @desihopelessromantic @lich1 @hannas16 @acroso @msvalsius @call-memissbrightside
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dykexenomorph · 10 months
ok actually ripley/xenomorph is really interesting, i'd never thought of it before but i do like girl x horrific monster lesbianism so please i'm begging you elaborate
OKAY OKAY SO!! for me, I joked about it A TON throughout my first watchthrough of the original quadrilogy, ONLY TO GET TO ALIEN³ AND BE FACED W RIPLEY LITERALLY SAYING STUFF LIKE "youve been in my life for so long I hardly remember anything else" AND "where are you when I need you" AND I THINK AT ONE POINT REFERRING TO HERSELF AS PART OF THE XENOMORPHS FAMILY (vague requotes cuz i harbor a deep dislike for tht movie and have only seen it once). so like. OBVIOUSLY i just HAVE to get my dykey little hands all over tht and see her as kind of begrudgingly holding a sense of respect and arguably even a sense of comfort in the xenomorph? like she's scared of them and doesn't want to die OBVIOUSLY, but at this point she's been dealing with them for so long and has been continuously alienated (pun halfway intended) from her human peers due to it that she finds more comfort in the fact that she KNOWS how to deal with the xenomorph issue over any sort of comfort she may find with other people (ESP since the xenomorph has been the only consistent thing for her even after losing person after person around her).
anyways ripley 8 + xenomorph is a COMPLETELY different thing to me, in resurrection ripley is now part xenomorph. after dealing with them SO MANY TIMES and finally FINALLY thinking she was going to be free of them in death, shes not just brought back from that death (sorta) BUT THE XENOMORPH IS NOW AN INTEGRAL PART OF HER. that mixed w the way her thoughts on the xenomorph left off in alien³ (in MYYY mind at least) is INSANE TO ME. and that's NOT EVEN MENTIONING the fact that the xenomorph queen LITERALLY has the xenomorphs hunt ripley down and being ripley to her just so she can be there for the birth of that weirdass human/xenomorph thing. it's not even a stretch to say that the xenomorph queen felt bonded with ripley OR that they both had a child together(???). ITS LITERALLY CANON (resurrection is fucking insane). ripley 8's whole thing of not knowing herself + not knowing if she feels more human or xenomorph + whatever the fuck she had going on with the queen is SOOO yuri, idc what anyone else says.
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Chapter 10: This trip would go smoothly
Exposition chapter (sorta) into the minds and thought process of everyone.
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
Red couldn't believe what he was hearing. Was that what was eating at you? The strong and confident you that he saw all those times. Why didn't you talk about it? He then remembered what your sister had talked about.
'When ever Lilo has those kind of dreams it usually holds a little truth. She might have seen a way they could break our barrier or an entrance we overlooked. Don't argue and listen to the dream is usually my best advice.'
But what if it was just a regular nightmare? He thought when you had cried the other time it was just from the shock of it but if it's truly eating at you, how could he make you feel safe?
Gunshots were heard further in the distance, grabbing both of your attention.
"Sorry didn't want to but we got company!"
Red stood up and looked around. He saw a small hoard coming towards your group. His sockets went wide and he grabbed you by the arm. Yanking you up and carrying you on his shoulder.
"Red, what the fuck."
"sorry cheeks ain't got time ta explain."
He ran back to the car dropping both of you in the backseat as your sister took the wheel. The wheel spun in the gravel leaving you slightly dazed. You looked around to see that things seemed to be calmer. Red was sweating profusely. You thought it looked quite weird that a skeleton would sweat red but it must be related to his magic. You turned around to reach into the trunk. Rule #12 (bounty paper towels) to wipe away at the excess sweat. He let you do it although you saw his cheeks flaming red.
You smiled once you were done.
"Sorry, that might have been rude."
His lazy smile returned and he sat back with his arms behind his back.
" 'nythin' for ya doll."
He drawled out his sentence and wiggled his eyebrows. He told you both that he was due for a nap and that he would be out like a light for the next few hours. You promised to wake him up for dinner.
Once you heard him snoring your eyes met your sister's in the rearview mirror.
"So, did you tell him?"
You shrugged your shoulders.
"A bit of both. I'm scared. What if it's all true? What if this dream will also happen?"
"I'll stop, you talk."
She slowed down her pace on the highway until coming to a full stop. She pulled the handbrake of the car and put it in neutral.
"You both die. Instead of me taking the bullet it's Red that takes it. It all starts going south from there. The worst part is, I can't stop it and I keep dreaming about it."
You furrowed your brows and ruffled your hair with your hands. Your own frustration becoming too much to bare.
"Fin is probably dead. With the amount of Z's in Atlanta I'd be surprised that anything but stragglers survive. We can check if you want. We can turn around and explore Atlanta until you are satisfied."
"No!" You shouted, eyes wide with panic.
"That's even worse. What if it's the second time I saw it in my dream? What if the second time around Red steps in front of me? We can't risk it!"
She nodded and let you rant until you couldn't form words anymore. It took a little while but both of you came to the same conclusion. You had to stop thinking about it. Your dreams weren't always accurate. You couldn't let them be real.
"You know what happens anyway if I die."
"Don't. We don't talk about this anymore."
"But you'll do it."
You crossed your arms and looked outside, your sister taking this as her cue to drive some more. She wasn't that far off the mark. You truly hated the idea of death but you did feel slightly better after talking about it. Slowly the snores of Red and the car's engine lulled you into sleep.
The next time you woke up it was pleasantly after a dreamless slumber. You looked around and saw that you were the only one in the car. You got out of the car and slammed the door. Looking around you seemed to be on some kind of camping ground. Your sister was hanging clothes to dry while Red was working a grill. You wouldn't question where they got such a big grill from or the meat.
Red spotted you and grinned from afar.
"well looka that. sleepin' beaut' is finally up."
You stretched your back and turned to your sister.
"How long was I out?"
She shrugged.
"A couple hours or something like that. We let you sleep in. Thought it would be a good idea since you've been losing sleep these days."
"ya nightmares are common where ‘am from. knew ya needed da rest."
You thanked them and all of you ate peacefully. You stayed the night to sleep in the hummer and took first guard duty since you didn't think you had it in you to sleep. Stitch would take middle and Red last. You kept the fire lit so you'd have a source of light in case any stragglers made their way here. Stitch and you always have the argument but since you proposed to smoke some game meat Red had hunted for dinner. How did he even find this much meat in so little time?
It was then decided that the fire could stay lit until morning. A grill on top and the fire, a few feet above the flame and a poking stick and a smokey sauce Red had brought back from the supermarket. Blessed be the supermarket once again. Your shift was pretty quiet. One or two stragglers but mostly just the sounds of the quiet night. Soon enough it was time to switch shifts and you went to the car to wake up Stitch. You shook her slightly and she grumbled but stood up slightly. She blinked slowly before you saw her get spooked and throw a knife behind you. You finally heard the gurgling sound of an infected who had just died.
You turned around to it and then her, placing your hands behind your back and allowing her to get out.
"I told you. You loose your natural night vision when you are exposed to a bright source of light. It could have been bad sis."
She left the car and stood above its body. Rule #2 (Double tap), She had to make sure it was truly dead so she plunged another knife into his skull before grabbing the two she had used on him.
She placed her hands on her hips and whirled around to face you. She seemed to gather her words and like the pressure was slowly building up. You waited for her to blow a fuse but it never came. She just sighed.
"You should get some rest. It won't do us any good to argue this late in the night."
You looked back to her and offered a hug before climbing the passenger side and laying there. You could hear the snores of Red, you turned around to look at him and observe him. How could he just kiss you like that? It's like he didn't even care what you thought. You did like him or you think you do but that was so sudden. You didn't even get to talk to him about it after.
That wasn't fair. How could he look like nothing was wrong in this world? He had kissed you and you just let him? Why? Just so he can break your little heart after? No, Red isn't like that. Fucking self doubt, making you question the only person you've ever liked. Would he even talk about it if you asked?... Maybe you should try. You leaned over the seats and got close to his ear (?) to whisper to him.
"Hey Red. What do you think of Lilo?"
He grumbled in his sleep but it wasn't anything coherent. Well at least you were sure he was asleep. It had been such a long time since you or your sister had some alone time.
You went to check in your backpack and got out a battery powered adult toy. You hoped it didn't make too much noise but you both know it shouldn't. You turned it on and slowly rubbed it along the top of your pants. The pleasure wasn't enough so you shimmied your pants down and were now in your underwear. You rubbed it along there and the vibration was indeed stronger but you needed more.
You had enough of your panties and decided it was time they left. The toy now right flush against your clit made you shiver. You rubbed circles with it and stuffed a bit of your t-shirt inside of your mouth to prevent any mewls from escaping you.
The closer you got the harder it was to contain yourself. You wanted to moan but it just made you crave more and more release. You were about to reach your peak. Just a few more seconds, you felt it as you tighten-
The toy stopped vibrating. You were left with the toy in your hands and you felt completely dejected. What the hell? Was it really missing a battery so close to you finishing? You got a spare battery out from the big pack of batteries you had. You twisted it open and replaced the old battery. You closed it and turned it on.
Why isn't this thing working...?
You tried another battery thinking it might have been a dud.
Still nothing.
You wanted to throw it but you knew it made too much noise. Why did you only rely on that one? You struggled to think coherently. You just wanted relief and without a good toy that would be much harder.
Anger, sadness, defeat. There's only so much you could do, your climax now out of reach. It had been half an hour and you couldn't get close to it. You had to relent and stop for the night.
When you woke up you felt groggy and sluggish. You got out of the car as Stitch was still sleeping in the back seat. Your mood was sour but at least you could spend a little alone time talking to Red.
"Hey Red. How's breakfast coming along?"
He stiffened and you heard the pan sizzle but the skeleton didn't answer you. You went close to him, tapping his shoulder to gain his attention. He turned around to look at you. You saw his cheeks flushed red and his eyes darting around anywhere but to look at you.
"heya, stitch's not up yet?"
You shook your head and that seemed to appease him. He went back to flipping the skillet but there still seemed to be some tension there. You decided to be direct and ask him.
"Did something happen with Stitch?"
He looked back at you and you saw sweat beading down his skull.
"nah nothin' happened with ya sis. we peachy."
That was highly too suspicious to your liking. You tried to prod Red for an answer but he would flat out ignore any attempts you made towards it. You were fed up and that's when your sister got out of the car. She yawned and stretched herself to her full height before moving slowly towards you.
"Morning sis, Red."
She shot him a look and Red immediately tensed up. He audibly gulped and you saw him twist his collar around his neck to fidget with. That was definitely your sister's fault. You gave Red a tap behind the skull and then went to confront your sister.
"What did you do to him?"
She looked sly and just shook her shoulders.
"I didn't do anything. I just explained the rules."
The rules? The survival rules? No that wouldn't make much sense, he doesn't really follow rules. What would make her this smug and him this distanced?
"You gave him the talk. I can't believe that you gave him the talk!"
She just twirled a piece of her hair on her finger and sat on a trunk.
"He needs to know his place."
She gestured towards Red. He looked like he would rather be in the middle of a hoard armed with only a butter knife than deal with you and your sister's shit. You forced a smile and grabbed your sister by the scarf. You brought her face close to yours and spoke eye to eye.
"Take that back."
You yanked her forward and she just placed her hands behind her head. She was messing with you wasn't she? She wanted to see if you were serious about him. She clicked her tongue and you just threw her off you. You made sure you had your equipment on you and darted for the woods. She wanted to get a rise out of you and she sure did. Now you need to let that frustration go so you don't act rashly.
You saw a small group of zombies and darted for them. You undid the button to your knives and immediately threw one at the closest. It hit him square in the face. He went down and that's when the others got agitated. You took a second knife and threw it at a second one. This time hitting him in the neck. The black sludge of what used to be his blood leaking from the wound. They finally caught sight of you and one sprinted towards you.
You just took out your machete and swung it at the first one. You saw him fall and immediately kicked the second one so you could focus on the third one. You had priorities in this fight. Your next strike brought him down and you just plunged your machete into the skull of the second one who had fallen over. The other two were slow and you easily took them out. Your breathing was ragged but it felt refreshing to let out your pent up energy. Couldn't forget the rules though. Rule #2 (Double tap) to make sure they're actually dead.
You leaned down next to one of the trees. This was a lot to digest. Your sister was such an asshole for doing this but you know it's because she cares. Cold and calculated to a t, as always. You just didn't like to be part of her target audience. You heard leaves crunching and immediately got up, your blade at the ready. Red got out from behind the trees. He had his hands in his pockets and nonchalantly walked towards you.
He took you by the hand and started walking back towards camp. He didn't talk, he didn't whisper, he wouldn't even look at you. It was a silent agreement to just follow him or it felt like it. You were perplexed by his behavior but also quite loving the attention. It was probably his way to deal with things and you liked his thoughts on the matter.
You must not have realized how lost you were because Red wasn't bringing you towards camp. You started looking around and he kept holding your hand. You were somewhat reassured but still felt like something was off.
"Red, where are you taking me?"
He just turned around and you saw his eyes dart around a bit before they settled on looking at the ground. He had stopped moving. You looked at him worryingly.
"Red what's wrong?"
"ya what's wrong. am tryin' ta cheer ya up but ya ain't calming that damn soul of yours. it's actin' like am tryna kill it.
just shut up and follow me. ok?"
He mellowed down on those last words and you just marched forward with him. This time side by side. As you both moved forward you heard the sound of water rushing by. He gestured for you to keep quiet and moved some branches aside. Next to the water was a deer and her fawn. You looked in awe as Red sat back watching your face glimmer with delight.
"there's still good out 'here. ya part of it. ya sib is too but she can be... a bit calculated. i know she means well. so, let's put this behind us. go into the next part of our day, or somethin'. am not good wit' words."
You looked at him and saw some glimmer in his eyelights. Their usual lights were pretty opaque but right now they shined differently. It was like a reflection of his soul. You grabbed his face intent on making your intentions known when a gurgled scream was heard in the distance. The fauna retreating where it had come from and you and Red running back towards camp. You saw him sweating as he ran but he still followed you.
Once you reached camp it was all packed up and already in the car. Your sister standing on the hood getting a tan.
"I'm not sorry by the way. You know I'd do anything to protect you. You're always the one to go head first into danger and for a stranger like him. It irked me. I needed to see if you were serious."
She jumped off the hood of the car and came up to you. She stood there like a kicked puppy while Red looked on, not sure what to do with himself. You extended your arms and your sister jumped in for a hug. She squeezed you tightly and felt your shoulder grow wet. She did feel sorry.
She was probably scared of losing you for doing this. You patted her back and Red looked to you for his next move. You gestured towards the car and he just slowly walked towards it.
Your sister's sniffle slowly died down and you just moved her towards the back seat of the car. She climbed in and you buckled her in before joining Red at the front. He smiled at you, although a little wearily. You just took his hand in yours and squeezed it lightly. He smiled and did give you the side eye.
"when were ya gonna tell me, ya had da keys?"
"Sorry. I should have before but with everything going on I never had the chance to bring it up. You know, being shot and all."
You saw him pull a cd tray and couldn't help but stare. He chuckled and told you to pick one. So you did and decided to pick a fitting song for this trip. AC/DC, Highway to hell. Red laughed as he recognized the song. You both started laughing as you enjoyed the choice of music. You moved up the highway and continued for this long journey. Now that everyone's feelings were mostly put at ease, this trip would go smoothly.
I promise next chapter is the prompt it shouldn't escape me anymore. ; - ;
I love all the positive comments and feedback I received on the previous chapters btw. Any comment and or ideas are more then welcomed.
Vote on your prompt
Although it looks like we might already have a winner. Can the vote be swayed?
Chapter 11: Two girls and a skeleton walk into a sex shop
Well according to the title of the chapter, what could go wrong? You know.
Nothing, right?
Oh wait you can see my evil laugh. Never mind carry on!
Chapter Text
You have been restless for the last couple of days. It wasn't because you didn't sleep well. Luckily enough, once you talked about the nightmares they stopped. You must have worried too much. No, what was eating you up was that your toy had stopped functioning and you couldn't bring it back to life no matter how hard you tried.
One day when Red was out patrolling you told your sister. She laughed and tried her best to repair it. She was also unsuccessful. You asked if you could go to a sex shop and she told you that it would only work if you saw one ahead on the road. So now you have to patiently wait for one.
You watched the road like an hawk to make sure you'd spot the first sex shop in sight, although you hadn't been very lucky. You tapped your foot from the backseat as Stitch and Red were talking. Red was driving and he had been so engrossed in his talk with Stitch that he had missed something you spotted.
You tapped on your sister's shoulder and gestured to the side. Red caught on and looked in the same direction.
"hell nah. we ain't stoppin' 'ere."
"Yes we are!"
You both said at once. The highway exit was coming in fast and you both looked at one another quickly.
"Rule #4." (Seat belts)
Red scrambled on his seat to remember which one that was. You saw him quickly tighten his seat belt and in that same second Stitch was pulling on the emergency break. The car sheared to the side and stopped right in front of the exit. You felt the spot where the seatbelt dug into your skin but beyond that you were fine.
Red's sockets went black and he took a second to recuperate.
"are ya both tryna get us dusted?"
You shook your head, Stitch shrugging. You sighed and placed your hand on his shoulder.
"Sorry Red but I really need to go there. You understand, right?"
He looked at you and you saw him eye your breast before his cheeks turned crimson and he looked away. He took off the break and went for the exit. You smiled and thanked him. He just kept mumbling incoherently to himself. You looked at Stitch who seemed relieved with this turn of events.
Red stopped in front of the store and parked the car. He looked to the side of it and saw a few miles down the road a mall. He didn't see any undead activity outside although it looked like the mall was occupied. You'd have to do a quick in and out to prevent yourself from attracting any unwanted attention.
Red followed you both inside although reluctantly while you started browsing the shelves for a good replacement. He slowly walked down the isle of the empty looking shop. He didn't trust that this place was this clean and neither did you or your sister.
Stitch did a full round of exploration with you at her back before you both felt comfortable enough to truly explore this place. You went to the section which held most of your attention while Sitch wandered the shelves. You didn't even pay attention to Red who was ten steps back from you, sweat beading his skull as he saw you browse the toys.
You finally turned around hoping to see him or your sister and realized neither were there with you. You continued browsing and decided to call out to your sister. She poked her head from a cabin and you saw her get out in a sexy latex outfit. You started laughing uncontrollably and finally you saw the edge of Red's jacket around the corner.
"Red you have to see this. Oh my stars Stitch, why did you even try that?"
You couldn't be stopped and neither could Red who had apparently just cleared the corner and seen your sister. I guess she wanted a rule 32 moment (Enjoy the little things).
She said that everyone should get something out of this trip and you shook your head.
"Agreed but not that, please. You look ridiculous."
You heard the latex squeak and couldn't stop your laughter. Your sister asked for a better argument and you just asked her to listen to herself for a second. You saw her facial expression crinkle in doubt but she did as you said. Her expression of horror was priceless.
"It's that loud? This isn't apocalypse approved."
You hummed and saw her quickly dart for the changing room. You turned back to the shelves and finally found a toy that was similar to yours. You held it tight and quickly stowed it in your bag. As you zipped your bag, Red cleared the corner, his face a pretty red shade. You saw he had one of his hands behind his back.
You raised an eyebrow and asked him if you could help him. He nervously revealed what he had in his hands. You saw a black and red collar with a black fur trim on it. It was beautiful and for a second you wanted to humour Red.
"Red it's beautiful!"
Before he had time to answer you took it from him and put it around your neck. The colors on his cheeks turning brighter by the second.
"How do I look?"
You exposed your neck to him. You saw how he eyed your neck and you could feel how his eyes trailed on you. You decided to egg him on.
"Do you like what you see?"
You saw the sweat that was already accumulating drop down and more started replacing it. You smiled as you achieved the intended effect. Red slowly got closer to you. You saw his tongue lap his sharp teeth and your breath itched. Maybe this had been a mistake. He looked almost feral in a way and that didn't scare you, it excited you.
He grabbed you by the waist and whispered in your ear.
"it ain't nice to play wit's a monster doll. might think ya serious or somethin'."
You shivered at the contact but didn't push him away. You very much wanted this.
You heard a loud thud both of you stood and you reached for your machete. You then saw a mannequin's head fall to your feet. You looked from the second floor where your sister was laughing.
"Wanted to see if you both were too dumb with feelings to react. Glad to know you wouldn't have died."
You sighed and rubbed the bridge of your nose.
"Ahah, very funny sis."
She just shrugged and sent another one.
"They have a ton of these upstairs. Why don't we use them as target practice?"
You and Red shared a look before your sibling threw a whole body mannequin. You yelled at her but she just shrugged another one instead. As you were all talking and exchanging banter you heard the door open and saw light coming in, you and Red standing at attention while your sister was too busy throwing more stuff from the second floor.
You saw a human figure standing in the door. They looked mortified and unready to see people here. Red placed himself in front of you and growled at the intruder.
"stand back doll. ain't trustin' that one."
You readied yourself and hoped your sister would stay up there. That way at least she'd be safe in case of a shoot out. Everyone stayed still until you heard a gun shot fired from the second floor. The human immediately raised their hands up and looked back to you.
"Let's be pacifists here. There's enough of the dead trying to kill us out there. We don't need to do this between humans and uh monsters, right?"
You looked at them and you felt Red grab your hand as he made a step back. The human in front of you sighed.
"I was just here to de-stress, my dudes. I didn't mean to stumble upon more people needing it."
You looked up and saw that your sister had her sights on them. At least they couldn't get out of this alive if they tried anything. You decided to be a little reckless and took a step forward. Letting go off Red and moving in front of him.
"Take it easy, I got this."
You went and stood in front of them. Your eyes met theirs and you felt the tension rise. You looked at their gear and it didn't look anything like what you'd imagined a survivor would have at this point. You extended your hand.
"I'm Lilo. My monster friend is Red and the one that's making sure you'll die in agony if you try to hurt me is Stitch."
You saw their smile tighten and you felt like you had won this first battle.
"Well, I’m TK. Nice to meet… one of you so far. The other two are kinda rude.” They said, stage whispering the last part to you.
You eyed them suspiciously. They have black hair and brown eyes. They’re wearing some baggy clothing with what looks like leather sewn into it as armor, a tool belt with two large pouches collapsed shut, smaller pouches on that. They have baggy pants that also have leather on them, and are wearing sturdy looking boots. You held their hand tight in yours and brought them close to your face in one fell swoop.
"If you try anything I'll kill you myself."
TK nodded. You gave them a side eye glance and pushed them back. They gestured with their hands as they spoke.
"So what's got you all in these lands?"
You decided to put back your machete in its place and made your way out of the door, TK following you out.
Red was next to you and told this to TK with a threatening tone. You felt them shiver and they probably had a hard time standing up to Red. With a bit less ease the human stood in front of you. Now out in the sunlight you saw that they carried no real weapon except a small army knife on their belt.
"Come on I'm just curious!"
"Like our friend said. None of your business."
This time it was Stitch who was now standing behind you that said it. You realized that they were both very hostile towards this human. Were your senses dulling? You didn't feel like they were much of a threat. Sure, it's the apocalypse so everything can be misleading but he didn't have the aura of someone who's a bad guy.
You decided to take Red aside while your sister stared at him.
"Red what gives?"
"he ain't alright doll. he's hidin' somethin'. not sure what yet and i ain't stickin' 'round ta find it."
You sighed. You knew Red wasn't wrong and you also knew you should trust him but you wanted to try and trust this person.
"How about this? We give them half a chance? First sign that they're a bad person we get out."
Red didn't seem happy about it but he relented.
"ya better be ready to pack fast."
You nodded and went back to your sister. You saw her talk in almost a friendly manner to TK.
"I thought you didn't trust TK?"
"I don't but they are non-binary. So I guess we bonded because of it. So what's the plan?"
You explained it in her ear while TK got some death glares by your favorite skeleton. While they both head out without fighting one another you look to see that this other human didn't have a car. You raised an eyebrow at TK and asked for an explanation.
"Oh yeah, I use this to go around."
They took out the longboard that they had behind their back. You almost sneered finding this highly unlikely considering the state of the roads.
"No but seriously."
TK gave themselves a light knock on the head before climbing on top of the board. You saw the board glow a deep blue before it was lifted off the ground. You eyed the thing suspiciously and then turned back to Red.
"That's a thing?"
Red just shrugged and walked up to TK who was levitating a solid 3 feet off the ground. Red placed his weight on the side of the thing and you saw a deeper glow envelop the board before it fell altogether. TK yelping in the process.
"guess kid ain't tha' good at usin' magic."
He smiled deviously and you just knew Red had something to do with it, although you couldn't prove it.
“Rude…” TK mumbled, giving the skeleton a bit of a deadpan look. “Like, you woulda only been more obvious there if ya stated ya were gonna mess with me.”
You just smiled awkwardly not sure what this was about. You turned to look at Stitch who shrugged. Welp, you weren’t going to get any help from her. You saw how hostile Red was being to TK and you decided to intervene. Let’s hope this was subtle enough.
You took Red by the arm squishing his arm in between your breasts. You looked at him and gave him big puppy dog eyes as you squeezed a little more. Trying to get his attention.
“Sooo~, you guys doin some Master/Pet kinda thing ooor…?” TK questioned, raising a brow.
You turn awfully pale but that quickly stops as you feel the rush of static in the air. You turn to Red who’s sockets are pitch black. You still kept your arms around his and tried to reassure him.
“It’s alright Red.”
You turn to TK and give him a dead pan look.
“We were just being silly. I tried this for fun.”
You gesture to the collar around your neck. You quickly undid the buckle and took it off. You didn’t want to throw it away so you just started packing it in your bag. You saw Red deflate from the corner of your eyes.
“Ah, sorry for assuming!” TK said.
“It’s alright Lilo isn’t used to people being around us to make those assumptions. Because I wouldn’t make them.”
Said Stitch while snickering. You shoved her lightly and she just smiled even brighter.
“So… do you guys need a place to crash for like, a couple nights? I get a more nomadic feeling from you, so I won’t ask you to stay, but you guys can stay with me for a bit and restock if you need to.” TK said.
You looked at Red and Stitch. Red seemed on edge but Stitch looked oddly at peace with the idea. You knew you had to be the one to decide on this.
“We could use a good night of sleep if you don’t mind. Also we got some gas cans that need filling if that’s a possibility.”
Apparently Red wasn’t too happy with that answer. You went to whisper to the side of his skull.
“Just one night, after we leave. I just want to have one night where we can be safe.”
He turned to face you and you saw his tension deflate. He didn’t know why your eyes convinced him but he would follow you. You knew you wouldn’t do anything reckless and you managed to share that feeling to him.
“Alright, well, shall we get goin then? Also, can I ride with you since i'm filling your gas when we get there anyway?” TK asked, seemingly oblivious to the situation.
Stitch went up to Red and asked him for the keys. The skeleton grumbled but ultimately gave her the keys. You took him aside as Stitch and TK were climbing inside of the car. Red was still glaring at TK and you had enough. You grabbed one of his hands and flicked his forehead.
“That’s enough Red. I know we haven’t had the best experience with humans but give them a chance.”
Red looked at TK who was taking the front seat with Stitch. They seemed to be doing small talk and Red sighed.
“ya not goin’ to back from this ain’tcha doll?”
You shook your head.
“I just want to stop running for one day. Can you do that for me?”
He looked away from you and scratched the back of his skull. He mumbled under his breath and you saw him look back into your eyes.
“fine but first sign somethin’s off. am gettin’ us out of there.”
You squeezed his hand and he suddenly took a reddish tone. His skull turned ever so slowly red. You heard honking and just like that the color was gone. You smiled at him and made your way with him to the back of the car.
It wasn’t a long drive to the mall. Red stayed silent but you saw how tense he was. You were surprised to see how well guarded this place looked like. You realized this place was more akin to a castle than anything else. It had a moat, a bridge, walls and towers. It looked sort of rustic and you had never seen something like this. Usually people seemed to make due with what they have but this one camp seemed to be thriving.
There were trenches that were dug so deep you could see the zombies falling in them but you failed to see them once they dropped down. Two towers stood on either side of what was essentially a medieval drawbridge. You saw armed guards on top of the tower who were equipped with swat vests and helmets. Beyond the moat you could see farms stretching to the buildings.
Your eyes went wide as you realized that this place was a literal fortress. You saw the guards weapons be pointed to your car and Tk poked their head out the window, waving at the guards.
Instantly the guards weapons lowered, a moment later the drawbridge following and admitting the group entry. You were surprised by the organization required to make such a place work. You couldn’t believe that if you didn’t stop here you might have missed this place. Stitch seemed nervous all of a sudden and that gave you a bad feeling.
“Nervous Stitch?”
Red turned to look at Stitch, although he couldn’t see her face he could definitely feel the nervous energy around her. Why was this place making the both of you so on edge? He thought you wanted to come here. He’d like to ask you but he’d keep it to himself for now. Maybe once the three of you are alone he can see what’s bugging you.
You placed a hand on your sister’s shoulder and she turned around and looked at you. The slow drive was directed to a parking garage on site. You got out of the car and tentatively looked around. Stitch took the keys out and gave them to Red. The skeleton eyed the place suspiciously. You were all in the same boat if you had to guess, rule #22 (when in doubt know your way out).
As you slowly took the place in TK guided you back elsewhere. You followed two paces behind and you suddenly felt your sister grab your hand. You saw how she looked at you and you gave her a reassuring smile. She sighed but still marched on with you.
Walking back towards the mall's main entrance, they saw a person there with a book.
“This is the sign in. It's for if any family members or loved ones come by, they’ll know you're here.” Tk explained.
You looked at your sister who shook her head.
“We don’t need that. The only loved ones or family I have are with me, right now.”
The person manning the book smiled softly and looked up to you.
“You can just put your names here then. Don’t need to be all fancy if you don’t want to.”
You felt bad saying no to that person for some reason. You decided to put in your name as Lilo. Stitch followed suit but Red seemed hesitant. He looked up to the person and whispered to them.
“can i look in first?”
Right, maybe Red had a family. You didn’t know him that well. You decided to let him do it in peace. You went up to your sister and you saw the look she gave you. You knew exactly what it meant but decided to ignore her. Her smile turned lopsided and she sighed as she went past you to talk to TK.
Red joined you and he eyed your sister suspiciously.
“somethin’ up with ya two?”
You shook your head.
“No, I guess this place is just getting to us.”
You hesitated to tell him. You looked back at Stitch and then to Red.
“Later? Not now Red.”
TK guided you inside once in, they were swarmed by people welcoming them in. You were surprised but that didn’t compare to the amount of anxiety a certain skeleton next to you was having. Said skeleton was grinding his teeth and had both his hands in his pockets. You saw his whole demeanor change from how he usually acted. It didn’t even compare to the first time you had met Red.
0 notes
help-im-a-gay-fish · 4 years
My people, I love this and I hope you do. Its a long one, but I promise its worth it.
So ever since I read this head cannon from @yuriyuruandyuraart I've had one nagging thought.
Polygamous marriage is illegal.
So as much as I loved this story of them getting engaged, they couldn't ever get married, but I didn't wanna rain on everyone's parade so I kept it to myself. Until now!
While talking with @jann-the-bean I came up with this and Jan loved it! So I hope you guys do to.
So imagine that the 3 of them are going around telling their friends and family about their engagement, in the classic happy kind of way. It's all well and good, Dream is thrilled to find out his brother is so happy. However, then he realises the law and Dream pulls his brother aside.
Dream "Uhh Night...Can I talk to you?"
Nightmare "yeah?"
Dream "I'm so happy that you got engaged brother.."
Nightmare "........."
Nightmare "but?"
Dream "but..... But isn't Polygamous marriage illegal?"
Nightmare "......."
And that was the glass shattering moment. Dream wasn't trying to be cruel or anything like that. He was just generally concerned that Nightmare hadn't thought of that.
So later that night, Nightmare brought it up to his partners and of course both of them where upset when they remembered that law. So began a long talk about what they could do. In the end Ccino mostly just said that it didn't matter to him if they were married, so long as they were together. Since he's still just a small city boy, he didn't really see that there was to much they could do, he was content to just maybe have a ceremony where they promise to be life partners, but not marry.
Nightmare and Killer on the other hand were not satisfied with that.
That Night, when Ccino was asleep the two got to talking. I like to think that over the years that Nightmare and Killer have become icons for the poly community, much like Elton Jon is one for the gay community. The two of them decided that they were going to use this to fight for the right to marry each other.
It started small. Posts on social media, comments in interviews. They started speaking out that they should be allowed to be wed. Because they loved each other and the law shouldn't stop them. There where online polls and campaigns as their fan base who had been a huge fan of the throuple started to back them up.
This is when Ccino became alerted to what they were doing. He was scared that they could damage their reputations and careers over this. He told them that he wasn't worth everything they were risking. That if they really wanted to get married, the two of them could and he'd just keep being their boyfriend.
They told him no and then lovingly told him to shut up and they would take care of it.
So began the start of a long legal battle, which all together spanned about 2 years. From when they first started talking about it online, to when the find judgment was made. They were denied.
In the end the court ruled that if polygamy was legalised, it would cause alot of issues. Its a taboo for a reason, and some people would just abuse it for their own gain.
Both Killer and Nightmare were heart broken. Ccino told them that he was so proud of them for trying and that he loved them more then ever. But Killer and Nightmare were still really upset.
This upset Ccino, because he'd seen how hard they had worked and as he thought over everything, he realised that he was actually irritated himself. In fact, he was a little angry. So now it was his turn to say No.
Ccino "you know what? No!"
Killer "what?"
Ccino "they said they couldn't legalise it because people would abuse the system"
Nightmare "yeah?"
Ccino "well I say No! That doesn't apply to us. You aren't some guy who wants a bunch of wives. We are 3 people who all love each other equally. We should have the right to marry"
Killer and nightmare "........"
Killer "we thought you said that you were ok with it"
Ccino "I'm not. Of course I'm not! I want to marry you both! "
So this prompted them to start a new campaign. If Polygamy couldn't be legalised for everyone, then they was campaign for the court to give the 3 of them legal right to marry. If a man could get the rights to marry himself (true story) and a women could be granted the right to marry a building (again, true story) then the 3 of them should be granted permission to marry.
So they took it back to court and this time Ccino took a more active roll in it, though Nightmare and Killer were more dominant. Ccino appeared with Nightmare and Killer in some interviews, but even if his mental health was much better at this point, he still couldn't fully handle all the pressure. But he put in a lot of work behind the scenes to help his partners in the case.
They Luckily still had the support of the public. They argued that they didn't want to abuse the system, they didn't want to have the bunch or wives or a bunch of husbands. They were 3 people who all loved each other deeply and just wanted to be married to each other.
Imagine the judge in court asking them why they wanted to make it legal to marry Ccino and why they couldn't just date him. And Killer just stands up like.
"dude have you seen him!? Who wouldn't want to make that fluffy marshmallow their husband?"
Then as Jan said this leaves poor Ccino (who is sat next to him) just a blushing mess and he says “Killer, don’t be so loud it’s embarrassing..”
Meanwhile, nightmare staring the judge dead in the eyes.
“I agree he’s to adorable not to marry, I mean if we don’t marry him someone else may try to steal him. And I refuse to let that happen”
(thanks for these ideas Jan)
After another 2 years or so of fighting for it. After all the public backing and the long process. Killer, Nightmare and Ccino are finally granted the right to marry.
Just imagine Nightmare trying to keep composed in court, though his having a little party in his head, and Killer on the other hand just stand on his table in court like.
"yes! Ha!"
Then he points at Ccino "guess what fluffy buns! We are marrying you!"
Ccino is so shocked, but he's also so happy. He truly never would have dreamt of this happening.
The moment that Nightmare, Killer are handed over the legal documents, they don't waste a moment, they grab Ccino and jump straight into their car. Then they drive straight to Las Vegas to elope not stopping to change or pack any clothes or anything, because they don't want to wait a second longer.
Of course Ccino gets super flustered at their suggestion to elope.
Ccino "get m-married right now!? But don't you want to wait? And have some big celebrity wedding? You mentioned it before"
Nightmare "nope"
Killer "we've been engaged for over 4 years, we want to put a ring on it right now!"
Nightmare "we don't need a big wedding, or all that stuff. We just need you to say I do"
Nightmare and Killer "so... Will you?"
Ccino "......"
Ccino "YES!"
(though maybe they stopped to pick up dream on the way. Nightmare probably knows that Dream would kill him if he missed his wedding.)
So the 3 were married in a small Chapel. Nothing fancy, but for them it was perfect. They all agreed that they would probably host a proper reception and ceremony for their friends and family to attend later. But for now, they didn't need that, they just needed to be married. It was a very small simple thing.
They probably stayed in a Vegas hotel that night. Probably had some time to celebrate. I just imagine Killer waking the two of them up the next morning with breakfast he'd ordered like:
"Good morning Husbands"
And he just can't keep the smile off his face.
About a year later they have a more formal ceremony. Which of course is super fun. But for them it doesn't change that fact that their actual wedding was truly perfect.
And dam I just love those 3. Jan was the one who wanted me to share this with you guys and I really hope you like it as much as me.
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Dam it Dream XD
BTW, I know this most likely isn't fully realistic to what the legal system is like, but give me a break. I’m not a lawyer, I’m a shipper. Its fiction, just let me have it.
studio verse by @zu-is-here
original nightmare by jokublog
original killer by rahafwabas
original ccino by black-nyanko 
Oh and @kotikaleo I'm sorry I forgot to tag you! You always as to be tagged in this stuff. Sorry idk if you saw it
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korissideblog · 3 years
ohhh i'm lowkey very proud of this one <333
sillie little characters: Hiroharu [@compoundhero ] Michiko [@residentquirksupport ] and Ikuto [@the-heartbeat-hero ] <3
i didn't finish all the sketches i wanted for this fic, but i also wanted to get it out today, so maybe i'll reblog it or edit it later with the drawings <3 there are like two that i finished on time, but ahugghieisdifs whatever. it's officially midnight and i have work tomorrow <3
(also, if heartbeat-hero is reading this, thxs for reading over it for me, and i changed the ending a tiny bit so you could have something new to read <3)
“And then he’s going to put the ring on you-”
“But the ring is poisoned.” “Yes, we’re not gonna let it touch you. We’ll be there before anything happens.”
“Alright and- you can go tighter than that Mich.” Aito said, looking over his shoulder to Michiko, who was busy tying Aito’s corset.
“Any tighter and you won’t be able to breathe. You’re gonna be wearing this for longer than you think.” Michiko warned, tying the knot as flatly as she could. “Plus the dress is already fitted, if your waist gets smaller the fabric would look baggy.” Aito fought the urge to roll his eyes and turned back to Hiroharu.
“You know Jeje, I thought you would have brought me a gift.” She said, crossing her arms. “New silverware or something.”
Hiroharu closed the file in his hands as he looked at Aito in confusion. “Why would we have done that?”
“Because!” Aito said, walking to the other side of the dressing room, passing Ikuto- who’s been nervously rearranging Aito’s bouquet for the last 20 minutes- and unzipping a huge dress bag. A short but fluffy white dress spilled from it, and Aito unhooked it from the hanger.
“I’m getting married!”
Aito was kinda spacing out a bit.
In his defense! He’d already done the walking-down-the-aisle-over-pretty-rose-petals bit, and that’s all he was really looking forward to at his wedding.
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He knew Haru and Michi and Iku would be here any moment to break up the arrangement, but he had to play it cool, smiling and giggling at her groom as he read his vows.
Haruto Suzuki, better known as the White Phantom, was Aito’s target. He was cunning and malicious and a hopeless romantic to anyone who could get ahold of his list of ebooks. Aito spent almost half a year in this role-Ichika Yokoyama, for the time being- and worked a bit harder than necessary to get close to Suzuki. She just liked her cases ending with a bang, and what was more exciting than a wedding?
Hiroharu listened intently to the wiretap under Aito’s dress, trying to time the ambush while the support team rounded the back, ready to catch any of the villains in attendance. The support team was being led by Michiko over radio as Haru focused on Suzuki.
“-I promise to always remember that you are indeed human. That you may sometimes make questionable decisions, decisions I don't agree with, like when you got a red velvet wedding cake when I asked for vanilla”
The reception laughed and Haru could hear Aito smack Suzuki’s hand playfully. At least she was staying in character.
“But that’s just it, isn’t it? You’ve always been like that, headstrong and sure of yourself in ways I could never be. You’re always right in the end- red velvet is my favorite flavor, I was just worried about other people’s opinions.- and… and I think that’s why I love you, Ichika.”
“I don’t think I would poison someone if I loved them.” Ikuto huffed, trying his best to stay in his chair in case pacing would alert anyone to the ambush.
Hiroharu remembered the call well. The one where Aito told him that he found messages between Suzuki and another villain, messages describing how Suzuki knew that Aito was speaking to someone behind his back. Secret calls to Michiko and Ikuto about the mission turned into hidden calls from a lover in Suzuki’s eyes, and he was going to take his revenge. Hiroharu was ready to pull Aito out of the mission then and there but… Aito wanted to continue.
“He didn’t tell me that he knew.” she reasoned. “If the wedding goes as planned, there’ll be at least 3 villains in attendance, as well as a few people who might have information that we need! He’s not gonna kill me before the wedding, so let’s keep going!” Hiroharu hated this plan, but Aito was stubborn enough to get her way.
Hiruharu noticed a slight change in Suzuki’s voice, silently getting Michiko’s attention with a wave of his hand. The vows were about to end.
“And that’s what today is all about… it’s not about arguments over cakes or venues or honeymoons… it’s about getting past all those arguments and realizing that… that I would go through a thousand more if it means I get to wake up next to you tomorrow.”
And Aito laughs, tears threatening her makeup as she gives the signal that the ring is in his hand- it’s time to go.
The small reception turned to face the doors of the building as the heroes crashed through it, but the entire room stood still as the scene settled.
There he was, Aito Takao, Ichika Yokoyama, the blushing bride… with a golden band on her finger.
Aito’s eyes drooped a bit, as if she couldn’t figure out what she was looking at. Her hands clutched weakly at Suzuki’s lapels as she tried to regain her balance, his breathing getting heavy as he tried to stand up straight. “H-Haru…?” she asked just above a whisper, nobody sure of which one she was talking to as her body leaned back and she fell to the floor, limp as a corpse.
… a corpse…
Hiroharu could… he could feel Michiko’s hand clutching his wrist, but it was like he was remembering it, not like it was happening currently. Like he was asked to describe what happened as he watched his friend collapse into a pile of lace and satin, white and cold like a dead dove. Asked to describe the feeling of loss as he felt Ikuto slump onto his shoulder, holding onto his sleeve as if he couldn’t stay upright, like his body told him to meet Aito on the floor. Asked to describe Aito, her breath shaky and pained, the last one leaving her chest like a deadly flower wilting.
Something wicked… but also delicate in it’s own way.
What Hiroharu couldn’t describe was the sound. He knew there was silence, the telltale ringing of the room as no one dared inhale, as if Aito’s death would proceed all of their own, but there was also something else.
There was laughter.
Laughter Hiroharu recognized well. Notes and melody that he could recall from his high school years, a finger pointed at him as his friend laughed at whatever trick she had just pulled.
And oh what a trick he had pulled.
Aito sat up lazily, looking up at her groom- the villain shocked and nearly shaking as he looked down at his corpse bride- laughter spilling from her lips like blood as he gazed at the man in black through her eyelashes, batting them playfully as he finally calmed down enough to speak.
“Oh, you think I’m stupid, right?” He asked, one hand sneaking under her skirt. “Thought you could just kill me- didn’t wanna talk out our issues, baby?” He spat, his teeth pearly white and dangerously sharp as she smiled. From under her garter she produced a short poll, which when swung extended into his iconic golden colored staff. Aito took the ring off his finger as he stood, holding it up to Suzuki like a prize.
“I switched the rings~”
“I can’t believe you did that.” Ikuto sighed with exhaustion, the fight was finally over, looking over the party as Michiko and the support team made quick work of arresting everyone involved. “I was so scared- I thought you died.”
Aito shrugged and continued eating the small slice of red velvet cake he somehow managed to salvage after Haru threw a guy into it. “That happens sometimes. Who’s feeding Jiji while I’m away?” He asked, as Ikuto realized that Aito really didn’t know what he did wrong, and also realized that he didn’t have the energy to explain.
“One of your neighbors. She’s like 2 doors down-“
“You got Hasegawa to feed Jiji!?” And now it was Ikuto’s turn to roll his eyes at something he saw as minuscule. “I hate her! You know that!”
“You don’t have to like her for her to feed Jiji.” Ikuto responded, his dismissal similar to Aito’s. Aito responded with her usual dramatics, shoving his plate into Ikuto’s hands as he turned to the gift table, sorting through the things that could be evidence (all of it) and the things he wanted to keep (also all of it). He held up a little envelope, and read the words on the front aloud. “Suzuki, for you and your new wife- and two bodyguards.” He tore it open with curiosity and four tickets fell into his hand. “Oh they‘re for-“ Aito gasped quietly as he read the name on the ticket, immediately holding it out to Ikuto. Before Ikuto could actually read the tickets, Aito stepped away and jogged over to Michiko.
“Mich~” Aito sang, holding up the tickets, but failing to catch Michiko’s eyes as she watched through the open doors, Suzuki in handcuffs being escorted into a large black SUV. “guess what?”
“Do you… Aito?” Michiko started, as if she was unsure about whether she wanted the answer to her question or not. “He… I know he’s a villain and he’s done terrible things but…” she leaned her head so she could see the SUV drive away. “He thought… I mean… he really thought he was going to kill the love of his life today.” she held herself, as if just the thought of it brought a coldness that would make her shiver. “I mean could you even imagine-” and then… she looked at Aito. Aito, with his droopy yellow eyes, completely unfazed by what Michiko was describing.
She knew Aito could love. She knew that Aito loved his mama, and Ikuto like a brother, and she knew that Aito loved her and Haru like best friends but… given the blank stare… she wasn’t sure if Aito…
“You dated him for half a year- Aito, he even asked you to marry him.” Michiko said, trying her best to describe her ideas in a way that Aito could understand. “That whole entire time did you ever… you know…?” Aito seemed as though he was about to respond, but paused, as if he really wanted to think about his answer.
“He… he really had a thing for poker.” she started, watching as the last of the SUV slipped behind the horizon line. “He’d play with his friends and… if he won big he’d…” Aito raised her hands gently, as if holding something delicate. “He’d buy me a dozen roses… and he’d tell me I was on his mind. That I was his good luck charm.” he laughed, recalling how silly it all sounded. “And… for just a moment… I’d forget it was all a job.”
“Hope I’m not interrupting.” Both of the women jumped a bit as Haru came up from behind them, quickly turning to face him and forget their prior conversation. “Ikuto said Aito found something and she wanted to show us.”
“Ohh Boss!” Aito chirped, immediately snapping out of whatever mournful spell him and Michi were under. “You’d never guess!” she then held out the four tickets for them to examine. “Pack your bags! I know where we’re going next!!!”
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