#remember timeless
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thresholdbb · 5 months
Kate's reaction to Time and Again was, "I wore this?" 🤣
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ivytwines · 1 year
when the doctor regenerates, their first instinct is almost always to comment on their new body and it’s unique features (i know these teeth, don’t like the color of my kidneys, etc etc). however when they regenerate into thirteen they make no comment on the sudden disappearance of certain… body parts. this can lead me to only 3 possible explanations:
1) the doctor does not have genitals, in any regeneration. I find this to be stupid and boring
2) the doctor has always had a dick and continues to have a dick even when they are in a more “female” presenting body. trans coded doctor ftw here but I think there’s a better explanation…
3) the doctor has had a vagina before (either always like in scenario #2 or just in certain regenerations) and therefore feels no need to comment on this bodily change.
I am a firm scenario #3 believer and it allows me to come to the obvious conclusion that the tenth doctor was rocking with a pussy. I am he/him lesbian truthing for the tenth doctor at all times
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rowanthestrange · 10 months
MISSY: Why does the Doctor always survive? CLARA: Because he's clever. MISSY: Yes, but there's lots of clever dead people. I love killing clever clogs, they make the best faces. CLARA: Because he always assumes he's going to win. He always knows there's a way to survive. He just has to go and find it. MISSY: Yes, except this time, he made a will and threw himself a goodbye party. Now, if the Doctor assumes he's going to die, what happens then?
You know how we said the Doctor is a law of physics? If the Doctor is one of these creatures…then that’s literal. Count the salt. Transgenderism even. Your understanding of yourself governs the rules you live by.
Not to get too Dhawan!Master -> Missy, but…how much does she know? Because sure this could be a philosophical concept. Or she could actually mean it literally.
And second question. If the Doctor and Master have been so Frankensteined and blended, are they so mixed that now the Master can prove to be deathless because that is their own self-image? Or do they keep coming back solely because the Doctor believes they will always come back?
And if it is the second one…is the Master evil of volition, or because that’s the Doctor’s narrative?
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random fun time question!: which ted lasso character do you think is the most you??
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no one's done this one yet?
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if Ephemera were to ever get a musical theme, I’d want it to sound similar to one of my all-time fav tracks, Merry-Go-Round of Life (Joe Hisaishi; Howl’s Moving Castle). It just feels like the perfect encapsulation of all the charm, whimsy, and drama associated with his character. Plus, Merry-Go-Round is very much influenced by Baroque music sooo…maybe something along the same lines would work for Ephemera, as a kind of call forward to ML’s Baroque society?
I also for some reason have just always associated Ephemera with the violin. It’s probably because I used to think that The Dream was his theme before figuring out that it was actually from DDD. That, along with the fact that Yoko Shimomura composed a good handful of other tracks where the violin takes the spotlight around the same time he was introduced. Tracks like Distant From You, and Wake Up, World! come to my mind first.
And of course, Union Cross’ Dearly Beloved came a bit later, with—you guessed it—violin as one of its main instruments. It’s hard not to associate Ephemera with it, especially when he’s right there on the title screen as it plays. Funny enough, Young Xehanort’s battle theme, L’Impeto Oscuro, has a strong violin motif too, so I wonder if I’ll be able to someday point to that as “compelling evidence for my case” lol 😄
Lastly, I just wanna say that I think Scala’s field theme in ML actually has all the qualities I’m looking for for Ephemera. It’s probably one of the best examples in canon I can point to right now as inspiration, which is great, considering it would make a lot of sense for his potential theme to share characteristics with the field theme of his city
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catwif3 · 9 months
oh yeah! forgot about this post. so a while back i got a new corset which is the same corset i've had for a while but with a smaller bust (this is the timeless trends hourglass overbust corset, which comes in three different bust springs!)
< -- 28 medium 28 small -- >
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on account of the medium (which is my first/old one) fits really well which is actually not always what i want-- you need a little compression to get that REALLY dramatic push-up cleavage!
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yes ..... haha ha YES!!!
a lil muffin top results here of course but an otr corset is never gonna be perfect
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pixlerelish · 7 months
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Can he pull off a hat trick?
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lunaprincipessa · 6 months
Every year since his passing, fans have paid their respects to, and mourned the immense loss of, Peter Steele from the band Type O Negative.
I acknowledged the loss in the past but this year is unlike the others. For the first time since becoming a Type O Negative fan, I have a better understanding of what was actually lost to us.
I openly admit that there was a lot about Peter Steele that I didn't know. There is no reason for this other than the fact that I just never learned about who he was as a person. Of course, I thought he was talented, of course I thought he was handsome, I just never looked into the details of his life.
I was more taken with Trent Reznor as I felt Nine Inch Nails expressed the angst and sadness I felt in a way, with certain sounds, that just fit me a little bit better. While my favorite band hasn't changed, my favorite singer certainly has.
I wrote about it in my seventy-fourth entry, a brief recap of what I recently learned. It was inspired by a comment section on social media where a couple of fans accused his last girlfriend of negligence. I wasn't aware of such a situation and never once knew or assumed that it was possible.
In lightly pursuing that somber topic, I eventually came to learn more about him. He was misunderstood, fighting addiction, having mental health struggles, grieving, depressed, dealing with the aftermath of lockup, feeling betrayed by family, trying to cope with loss, battling abandonment issues, and being unlucky in love.
This made my heart and mind break open wide as it provided a more revealing depth and life and sustenance to the songs I had listened to, to the music I had heard. Not that there wasn't any before, but now I could truly feel his voice and his words. Hard to explain. The art just hits different when you have a better understanding of the artist.
Same thing can be said for my little experience here. His music and his death are hitting different now that I have a better understanding of him, of who he was.
Consider everything he went through, then consider that despite all that, he was still so passionate and so loving instead of shutting down. That's not for the weak, you know. It takes real strength to maintain those qualities after going through hell.
A pure soul was lost, not just an amazing musician and lyricist, not just a great man, but a pure soul - as is anyone who can maintain their friendly, kind, humorous, and caring nature after a rough life where others may succumb to apathy.
And that is a much more positive tone for the blog, and a much more positive approach to the loss that can never be rectified. To revisit not only the gifts of the photography, acting, artwork, and music that he left behind, but the ways in which he is remembered to this day.
Someone who was a musical genius, one of the most influential, an original, kind, generous, helpful, supportive, creative, smart, intriguing, passionate, caring, funny, insightful, gorgeous, and hard-working.
While it cannot be denied that Peter Steele's loss still stings to this day, 14 years later, from April 14th, 2010 to April 14th, 2024, it also cannot be denied that we can seek solace in his work, even if it hurts knowing he's gone but wanted to continue. And I can only imagine how incredible it would've been to see Peter Steele and Type O Negative evolve and transcend over time.
Ending this blog with the same conclusion as the blog that started it all, my favorite song, and some more lovely pics.
"My guess is that Peter's spirit is still with us, silently urging us all to never forget about Type O Negative. And we never will. RIP 💔" ENTRY 74 - Jan. 29th, 2024
More thoughts later.
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I'd fallen in love with you. And nothing that happen or didn't happen, or might happen was ever gonna change it. // Timeless (2016-2018)
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azurecanary · 7 months
At this point, whoever has a problem with the Timeless Child retcon in the 'retcons once a season' show are simply weak
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firstofficerkittycat · 10 months
read the line "a youth of 9 centuries" in this fic and it's rly doin me in like. 900 yrs IS old by gallifreyan standards but it's been over 4 and a half billion years since 10 said i think a time lord lives too long. and even then they only decided they were 900 again bc it was easier than admitting what happened to their body in the war when time was made into a chemical weapon and they were catapulted between birth and death an unknowable amount of times idk. looking back at ur impossibly old self and seeing a child
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So as while you all know, I've been super excited that Ashley is coming to the switch, but something about it that I've kind of kept to myself because I wasn't able to describe it was also this feeling that something was off. It was just... not right. I thought maybe it was a kind of selfish apprehension, like perhaps I just was so used to this game being something it felt like only I knew about, and then it was announced in a direct with over a million people watching and it felt like my secret treasure wasn't a secret anymore, and while I am selfish and childish, I don't think it's that.
After watching this video, it seems more clear to me. This is not just remastering the game for the Switch, like the Ace Attorney games. This is a remake. This is an adaption. I understood that some changes would have to be made to change from a two screen, one of which is touch device to a single screen that technically has a touch screen but also needs to be able to be played with a controller, changes would have to be made, but not to this degree. This feels like a different game. Especially the graphics. They may be much more smooth and technically higher quality now, but the original also had a certain charm that I'll miss.
And taking into account all of this, I have a message just for Nintendo, so if you don't work at Nintendo, feel free to stop reading.
Look at me and listen closely. Do not even fucking LOOK at Kyle Hyde or anyone else at the Hotel Dusk or even the building itself unless you're going to respect it's incredible unique design and honor it for what it was. Out of the quadrinity of puzzle games I loved as a child, even now, Hotel Dusk reigns supreme in my heart. I know it's only a matter of time before you port him over but you better ONLY remaster him, not remake him like you did to Ashley. You show him and every single guest and employee at that hotel some respect or I'll show you my crossbow, got it?
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what if we get no trailer?
What if we just wake up one day and BAM! they release the first 3 episodes out of fucking nowhere. Would it be very sexy or very extremely cruel and Not Cool™️ of them to do that?
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