#removals company serbia
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Iskustvo i mehanizacija kakvo nije bilo prisutno u našem gradu!! Prva #ProfesionalnaFirmaZaSelidbeBeograd 063 823 15 15 * 064 00 82 822 #selidbeposlovnogprostorabeograd #selidbeprivatnihprostorijabeograd #medjunarodneselidbe #selidbebeograd #beoselidbe #MagacinskiProstorBeograd #skladišenjenameštajairobe u kontrolisanim uslovima... Za više informacija dobrodošli ste da posetite našu web str. Kontakt; +381638231515 +381640082822
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mariacallous · 3 months
In less than a day, prosecutors, police and the government in Serbia reacted to an AI deepfake video of Prime Minister Milos Vucevic allegedly posted on Facebook.
The rapid reaction contrasted with other cases of deepfake content posted in Telegram groups or broadcast on national TV stations about Serbian citizens and opposition politicians.
The Special Prosecution Office for High Tech Crime told the police to collect all “necessary notifications” on the matter, said a prosecutor’s statement on Thursday.
On Wednesday, the government said a Facebook account named Corvus01 had posted the AI-generated video statement in which the PM talked about “non-existent government projects”.
“A criminal complaint has been filed against an NN [anonymous] person and work is being done to establish the identity of the person,” the statement said, adding that police had asked Meta company to send them all data on the account and to remove the fake video.
As the video is not publicly available, it was probably removed after the government’s request.
However, BIRN’s Digital Rights Violations Annual Report 2022-2023 noted numerous other cases of AI-generated videos of politicians being published without sanctions.
In August 2023, Zeljko Mitrovic, owner of pro-government TV Pink, published AI-manipulated footage of Marinika Tepic, vice-president of the opposition Freedom and Justice Party, misrepresenting her remarks.
The same month, Mitrovic did the same with Dragan Djilas, president of the Freedom and Justice Party, airing the video on TV Pink as “satire”. Mitrovic posted the deepfake on X and later showed it on TV Pink without the audience being properly informed that it was fabricated.
Mila Tomanovic, a lawyer handling the Djilas case, told BIRN that Djilas sought a temporary measure that would prohibit the broadcast and re-recording of the video but the Higher Court in Belgrade in November 2023 rejected the call. The Court of Appeal then cancelled the decision of the Higher Court, which is currently considering the temporary measure again.
Tomanovic said Mitrovic defended the edited video as artistic expression. “However, the spread of violence, lies, fraud, deception, misuse of other people’s data, provision of false data and fabrication and presenting a person in a false light cannot possibly be art, or of importance to a democratic society,” Tomanovic said.
Other cases in which Serbian institutions didn’t respond concerned tens of thousands of Telegram users in Serbia who were sharing images of women “undressed” by artificial intelligence, as BIRN reported this week.
Ana Toskic Cvetinovic, executive director at Partners for Democratic Change, an NGO from Serbia and a privacy protection expert, told BIRN that the prosecution in the case of the PM likely reacted to a criminal complaint of the unauthorised publication and display of other people’s files, portraits and video.
“In our country, there is no specifically regulated or sanctioned use of artificial intelligence for the generation of audio and video content, so the use of deepfake can be brought under existing criminal offences, such as unauthorised publication,” she said.
She added that what was specific in the latest case was “the speed of reaction of the prosecution, which is mostly absent in other cases”.
“The prosecution and the police generally state that these crimes are difficult to prove, including collecting evidence from companies that manage social networks,” Toskic Cvetinovic noted.
Nina Nicovic, a lawyer, told BIRN that a direct parallel cannot be drawn between the fake recording of PM Vucevic and the deepfake material circulating on social networks and Telegram groups about “ordinary citizens”.
“If something related to the non-existent projects of the government of any country is really published on a video, then every country … has the right to react urgently because it can lead to consequences for the country,” said Nicovic.
However, she added that her impression is that institutions in Serbia only react fast to rights violations in the digital sphere when politicians are involved.
“If they can react so quickly to everything related to the government and politicians, in certain situations such as the Telegram groups they should have reacted just as urgently,” Nicovic said.
She said one big obstacle is that the courts, prosecutor’s offices and the police do not have enough IT experts to help solve these cases.
thinking about @roycohn's post about AI deepfakes and Ted Cruz...
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adarkrainbow · 6 months
Edmund Dulac's Fairy Tales go to War
Jstor Daily published an article with the catchy title "Edmund Dulac's Fairy Tales go to War". Of course I had to read it. The original article is here if you want to check it out, but I'll still copy-paste it below because it's crazy info. (And given it is quite long I will put two thirds of it under a cut)
Edmund Dulac’s Fairy Tales Go to War One of the best-known illustrators of the “golden age of children’s gift books,” Dulac was also a subtle purveyor of Allied propaganda during the Great War.
By: S. N. Johnson-Roehr and Jonathan Aprea ; December 16, 2022
Once upon a time, there was a young artist named Edmund Dulac, who built his early reputation on his illustrations for J. M. Dent & Company’s 1905 edition of Jane Eyre. Almost instantly, he became a leading name in the book arts, producing illustrations for the Brontë sisters and popular magazines. Annual exhibitions of his drawings and paintings at the Leicester Galleries, London, drew the attention of both the European and American art world. In 1910, critic Evelyn Marie Stuart, writing for Chicago’s The Fine Arts Journal, described his work as “rich with poetry and imagination, and strong in the possession of that decorative element which renders a picture universally pleasing.” His drawings were like "things seen in a vision or a mirage; or traced by the fancy of a child in the lichens on the wall, the water discolorations upon a ceiling, or the light shining through a broken crumpled shade; or, even like the things we try to decipher in the leaping flames and glowing embers of an open fire—many of these delightful sketches suggest to our fancy in some detail a variety of objects."
Dulac’s themes tended toward the fantastical—scenes from the Arabian Nights and Omar Khayyam’s Rubáiyát—with roots in the Pre-Raphaelites and not far removed from the work of Arthur Rackham and Kay Nielsen.
Born in France and naturalized as a British citizen in 1912, Dulac understandably awarded his loyalties to the Allies during the Great War. To support the war effort, he contributed his art and design skills to several charity books, including Princess Mary’s Gift Book and King Albert’s Gift Book, both published in 1914. If there remained any doubts as to his feelings about the Axis powers, they were surely erased when he published Edmund Dulac’s Picture-Book for the French Red Cross in 1915, with its cover proclaiming “All profits on sale given to the Croix Rouge Française, Comité de Londres.”
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Even more convincing—and more inventive—was his use of fairy tales to not just further his charitable efforts but to possibly encourage the United States to join the war. Published in 1916, Edmund Dulac’s Fairy-Book was a subtle but persuasive example of wartime propaganda. Subtitled “Fairy Tales of the Allied Nations,” it included Dulac’s own adaptations of folk tales gathered from the nations fighting with Great Britain: France, Russia, Italy, Belgium, Serbia, Japan, and China.
Below, courtesy of the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, are reproductions of some of the illustrations from Edmund Dulac’s Fairy-Book, accompanied by brief explanation of each story.
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Snegorotchka: A Russian Fairy Tale
Snegorotchka (more commonly transliterated Snegurochka), the “The Snow Maiden,” is a recurring character in Russian folklore, playing various roles, from child to adult, in stories bounded by the winter and spring seasons. By the late nineteenth century, Snegurochka had blended fully with the traditions of Christmas, often serving as a helper to Grandfather Frost (Ded Moroz).
In Dulac’s version of a common tale, Snegurochka is a girl made from snow, brought to life to add joy to the waning years of a childless couple. An elderly man and women all but will the girl into being as they shape a tiny body of snow in the woods. Snegurochka leaps to life, filling their home and souls with warmth throughout the winter. Tragically, the little girl disappears with the heat of spring weather, leaving the parents bereft.
Another version of the Snegurochka tale formed the basis of a play by Alexander Ostrovsky, which was subsequently adapted into an opera by Rimsky-Korsakov.
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The Buried Moon: An English Fairy Tale
Sometimes known as The Dead Moon, The Buried Moon highlights the dangers of living in the bog country of Northern Europe.
Traveling through a bog, a personified Moon becomes entangled in magical, malevolent branches. After some struggle with “all the vile things” that love darkness (witch-things, bogle-bodies, creeping things, and the Scorpion King, to name a few), the Moon finds herself buried deep in the mud, held down with a black stone.
Of course the humans miss the Moon, lamenting her failure to appear in the sky on schedule, but who even knows where to search for her? Even the Wise Woman of the Mill can’t see any trace of her. Fortunately, just before her entombment, the Moon had managed to briefly shine her light to guide a lost and wandering human out of the treacherous marsh. Remembering this moment, the man spreads the word. Emboldened by the Wise Woman’s words of encouragement as well as the Lord’s Prayer, the local people march to the bog, fight off the Horrors of the Darkness, and rescue their beloved Moon
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White Caroline and Black Caroline: A Flemish Fairy Tale
Folklorist Antoon Jozef Witteryck collected White Caroline and Black Caroline (Wit Karlientje en Zwart Karlientje) and included it in his 1899 Old Flemish Folktales (Oude Westvlaamsche volksvertelsels), an annotated version of which was republished by Hervé Stalpaert in 1946. The story can also be found in the Annales de la Société d’Emulation pour l’Étude de l’Histoire & des Antiquities de la Flandre (Bruges, 1889).
White Caroline and Black Caroline depends on the familiar figure of the evil stepmother, a woman who loves her ugly daughter (Black Caroline) more than her beautiful stepdaughter (White Caroline). Everyone and everything, from townspeople to lambs to dancing dogs, love White Caroline and equate her beauty with good. But the mother prefers her own daughter, noting “Black Caroline was so ugly;—but she was good all the same!”
And indeed, Black Caroline is good. Her mother tries no fewer than three times to murder White Caroline, and each time, Black Caroline intercedes. Poison thorns in the pillow, poison in her meatball dinner, an “accidentally” falling millstone—none manage to kill White Caroline, thanks to Black Caroline’s quick thinking.
The abrupt entrance of White Woman, queen of all the water and the woods, brings the murder attempts to a close. Not surprisingly, White Woman also loves White Caroline and promises to give her whatever she wishes—beautiful grapes, a dress of silk, a nice sailboat. Luckily, White Caroline is also good: she wishes to have Black Caroline with her. More than that, she wishes they could look alike. The White Woman has an idea:
“Little white feathers appeared on their shoulders and spread until they were entirely covered; and there they stood together, two beautiful white swans! And ever after they swam up and down on the peaceful water and no one could tell one from the other.”
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The Seven Conquerors of the Queen of the Mississippi: A Belgian Fairy Tale
While there may be an actual fairy tale underpinning The Seven Conquerors of the Queen of the Mississippi, the story’s title reveals Dulac’s probable agenda. It takes no large leap of the imagination to read the “seven conquerors” as Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Serbia, Japan, and China, all seeking an alliance with the Queen of the Mississippi—the United States—on the fields of Belgium.
The story is straightforward and structurally repetitive—each conqueror swears an oath of loyalty, and their individual strengths combine to win the Queen and kill the King (hello, Kaiser Wilhelm II).
Dulac, or some unnamed collaborator, has penned a verse that cuts through the first half of the tale with a modern rhythm and vocabulary.
“Will you travel with me, my pippy?” “Oh! Whither away? To Botany Bay?” “But no; to the far Mississippi, Where a Queen—tooral-ooral-i-ay— Is waiting for what I’m to say.” “I am yours! And the bounty?” “Either here or in Botany Bay!”
‘Will you travel with me, my pippy?” “Oh! Whither away? To Rome or Pompeii?” “But no; to the far Mississippi: There’s a Queen of great beauty that way, And there’s no one but Cupid to pay.” “I am yours! And the bounty?” “Name your price: it shall be as you say.” And so on. Travel with me, my pippy!
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The Serpent Prince: An Italian Fairy Tale
The Italian poet Giambattista Basile collected The Serpent Prince (sometimes translated as The Enchanted Snake) in the seventeenth century, including it in The Pentamerone: Lo cunto de li cunti (The Tale of Tales). Folklorist Andrew Lang drew upon Basile’s version for The Green Fairy Book (1892).
Dulac has created his own prefatory material for the familiar story, opening with the popular nursery rhyme:
The old woman who lived in a shoe, Who had so many children she didn’t know what to do,
allegedly “lived about the same time in another part of the country” even though The Serpent Prince was collected in Naples.
As the story goes, a forester’s wife, Sapatella, finds a tiny serpent in her firewood. Childless, Sapatella is startled but amenable when the serpent offers himself up for adoption (“she was a kind-hearted woman and very, very lonely”).
The serpent grows—as children do—and soon demands a wife. And not just any wife! The serpent must marry the king’s daughter. Surprisingly, the king agrees to meet this demand. Or does he? He will give his daughter in marriage only if the adopted son-serpent can turn all the fruit in the royal orchards to gold.
It’s not clear why anyone is surprised that a talking serpent can wield the magic necessary to turn fruit into gold. Nor is it clear why the king would think the serpent would fail at any additional challenge placed before him. Turn the walls into diamonds and rubies? No problem. Turn the entire palace into gold? Absolutely (“not gold plate either: it was all solid gold of the purest kind.”). The king is forced to cede the battlefield. The princess will marry the serpent.
Of course, the serpent is really an enchanted prince, and here you would think the story would end: the affianced are wed, their kingdoms allied. But thanks to an additional foolish act by the king, the prince is again enchanted (and worse), and only the princess can save him. But will she be able to outwit the wily fox standing between her and her beloved?
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The Hind of The Wood: A French Fairy Tale
Dulac offers a faithful retelling of The Hind in the Wood (La Biche au bois, also translated as The White Doe or The Enchanted Hind), written by Marie-Catherine Le Jumel de Barneville, Countess d’Aulnoy. A talented and creative storyteller, Countess d’Aulnoy gave us the very words “fairy tale” in 1697, when she published her first collection under the title Les Contes des fees (Tales of the Fairies).
Though the titular hind is the star of the story, the scene opens with an unhappy, childless queen encountering a talking crayfish. Though “hearing a big Crayfish talk—and talk so nicely too—was a great surprise to her,” the queen listens carefully to the crustacean.
The reward for her attentiveness is a kingdom transformed. Beneath her feet appears “a carpet of violets, and, in the giant cedars above, thousands of little birds, each one a different colour, [singing] their songs; and the meaning of their melody was this: that cradle, woven by fairy fingers, was not there for nothing.” Soon she will be a mother!
A troupe of fairies gather around the suddenly expecting queen and ask that she welcome them on the day of birthing so they can give special gifts to the babe, who will be named Désirée. And on that special day, the queen indeed remembers to bid them come to the palace. Sadly, she neglects to invite the talking crayfish (who is really the Fairy of the Fountain) to the celebration.
Curses. But only small ones, in the scheme of things. The Fairy of the Fountain warns the royal parents to keep Princess Désirée from seeing daylight until she turns fifteen. That’s all.
Alas, the Warrior Prince lies on his death bed. Just a portrait of Désirée is enough to make him fall in love and abandon his plans to marry Black Princess. Yet he cannot see her—she will not be fifteen for a few more months. To save the Warrior Prince, Désirée agrees to travel with her two ladies-in-waiting by darkened carriage to his kingdom.
Unfortunately, one of those ladies-in-waiting, Long-Epine, is a traitor. She slits the cover of the carriage, exposing Désirée to daylight. Just a drop of sunlight turns the princess into a dazzling white hind. She instantly runs off into the forest. And that is the curse: by day, a doe; by night, a lonely princess.
The Warrior Prince wanders this very forest and soon spots the white deer. Annoyed that the animal tries to keeps its distance from him, he looses an arrow and pierces her flank. He’s sorry! Especially when he finds out the hind is his beloved, enchanted.
She isn’t enchanted for much longer, however. The Prince, even knowing all, loves her. And that is enough to break the spell
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Ivan and the Chestnut Horse: A Russian Fairy Tale
Variations of Ivan and the Chestnut Horse are abundant in Russian folklore. Sometimes Ivan rides a chestnut horse, sometimes a dun. A common version of the story, known as Sivko-Burko, was collected by A. N. Afanas’ev in the mid-nineteenth century. Included in Jack V. Haney’s comprehensive The Complete Folktales of A. N. Afanas’ev (Tale #179, Vol. II), this version gives Ivan a magic black steed.
Ivan and his brothers have just committed themselves holding daily prayers over the grave of their recently departed father when they hear that Princess Helena the Fair has decided to wed. To win her favor, her suitor must leap on horseback to the top of the shrine on which she sits, kissing her as he flies through the air.
Ivan, the youngest of the siblings, offers to take on the burden of graveside prayer for a week so his brothers can curl their hair and train their horses for the challenge. One week stretches to two, and then to three. The brothers ignore their filial duties to dye their mustaches. So much attention is paid to their appearance that they even neglect to feed their horses.
And yet, when the day of the leaping contest arrives, the older brothers dash away on their mounts, leaving Ivan alone to pray and weep over his father’s grave.
It was thus that two out of three brothers miss their father’s resurrection. Shaking himself free of the damp earth, the father offers to help his youngest son. He begins to call out in a loud voice—one time, two times, three times. Ivan discovers his father is summoning a beautiful chestnut horse!
Yes, this is the enchanted steed that will take Ivan to the shrine of Helena the Fair, where—after two failed attempts—it rises to the leap, allowing Ivan to press his lips to those of the princess “in a long sweet kiss, for the chestnut horse seemed to linger in the air at the top of its leap while that kiss endured.”
After summoning the steed, Ivan’s father immediately vanishes. No matter, because Ivan is soon welcomed to supper with the father of his bride, Princess Helena the Fair.
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The Blue Bird: A French Fairy Tale
The Blue Bird (l’Oiseau Bleu) is another tale that comes to us by Countess d’Aulnoy. Though there are many variants of the story found across Europe, scholar Jacques Barchilon notes that d’Aulnoy’s version is remarkably robust, appearing in a French Canadian collection, “word for word the version of Mme d’Aulnoy’s with all details,” as late as 1960. Andrew Lang also included it in The Green Fairy Tale Book.
Our story opens with a rich but miserable king. He’s inconsolable, having only recently become a widower. Hoping to comfort him, his courtiers present him with a woman dressed in mourning clothes and possibly crying even louder and longer than the king himself.
Finding solace in their similar sorrows, they decide to wed. Each brings into the marriage a daughter from their first marriage. The king’s daughter: “one of the eight wonders of the world,” the young and lovely Florine. The new queen’s daughter: “neither beautiful nor gracious,” the young Truitonne, with a face like a trout and hair “so full of grease that it was impossible to touch it.”
The queen loves Truitonne much more than she loves Florine, which wouldn’t matter if the king didn’t love the queen so much that he cedes to her every wish. For instance, he allows her to dress Truitonne in jewels and Florine in rags when Prince Charming appears at court. Despite the heavy-handed costuming, however, Prince Charming only has eyes—and love—for Florine.
The queen schemes. The queen plots. She enlists maid, frogs (“for mind you, frogs know all the routes of the universe”), and fairy godmothers. And yet the Prince will not be deflected from his plans to be with Florine. Finally, exasperated with his stubbornness, Truitonne’s fairy godmother turns the prince into a blue bird—for seven years!
It’s not too bad, at first. In bird form, the prince finds it easier to woo Florine—until the queen discovers that he flies to her window every night. Wielding her dark magic, Truitonne’s fairy godmother sends the blue bird to his nest to die.
Fortunately, every bad fairy seems to be balanced by a good fairy. This bright character finds the dying blue bird in his nest and heals him. It doesn’t seem to help much—the queen is determined that Truitonne will marry the prince even if only by trickery and deception.
The queen’s shenanigans never seem to end—this is a long fairy tale—but eventually the universe, or at the least the good fairy, finds a way to bring Prince Charming and Florine together.
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The Friar and the Boy: An English Fairy Tale
The Friar and the Boy, also known as Jack and his Stepdame, reaches back to the poetry of medieval England. In volume three of Remains of the Early Popular Poetry of England (1866), William Carew Hazlitt records a c. 1585 London imprint of the chapbook verse that underpins the modern version of this tale.
The story begins with Jack, a young lad wronged by his stepmother. She starves him, she yells at him, she altogether doesn’t care for him.
One day, sent to the fields to watch the sheep, Jack encounters a hungry old man. Jack’s lunch isn’t much, as his stepmother is loathe to feed him decent food, but he gives it to the stranger. In return, the old man gives Jack three wishes.
Wish one: a bow and arrow, charmed such that the target will never be missed. Wish two: a pipe, its magic strong enough to make anyone dance who hears its tune. Wish three: an enchantment that will turn his stepmother’s harsh words into laughter.
Jack instantly puts his granted wishes to work. When his stepmother begins to scold him, her words turn to laughter. She laughs herself sick. When the Friar is sent to chastise Jack for his impudence, he ends up dancing through the brambles to Jack’s piping. Soon Jack has the entire village dancing to his tunes!
Alas, his poor old father begs for a rest. Jack loves his father, so he ceases to play. Not surprisingly, the Friar takes advantage of the pause to have Jack called before the Judge, “be-wigged and severe.”
The Friar makes his case: “the prisoner here has a pipe, and, when he plays upon it, all who hear must dance themselves to death, whether they like it or not.”
Intrigued, the Judge asks to hear this so-called Dance of Death. Jack is happy to oblige and takes up his pipe to play. Soon everyone in court is on their feet, dancing madly to the tunes. Even the judge joins in, “holding up his robes and footing it merrily.” He’s a believer, but he soon asks the boy to stop.
Jack agrees, but only if everyone promises to treat him properly.
“I think,” says the Judge, “if you will put your pipe away, they will consent to an amicable arrangement.”
Court is adjourned.
The End.
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shivshaktimachtech · 10 days
Tamper Seal Hologram Labelling Machine
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Company Overview: Shiv Shakti Machtech is Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter of Tamper Seal Hologram Labelling Machine. A Tamper Seal Hologram Labelling Machine applies tamper-evident holographic labels to products and packaging. How Does a Tamper Seal Hologram Labelling Machine Work? Label Feeding: The machine dispenses tamper-evident holographic labels from a roll or stack. Application: An applicator accurately applies the labels to the products or packaging. Sealing: Once applied, the labels adhere firmly, creating a tamper-evident seal that will show visible signs of tampering if the label is removed or damaged. Inspection: Some machines include inspection systems to verify label placement and quality. Features: Advanced Hologram Technology: Unique, difficult-to-replicate hologram labels for maximum security. Tamper-Evident Seal: Visible signs of tampering deter potential thieves and indicate unauthorized access. High-Speed Labeling: Efficient labeling process, ideal for high-volume production. Adjustable Label Size: Accommodates various product sizes and shapes. User-Friendly Interface: Easy operation, maintenance, and adjustment. Shiv Shakti Machtech is a Tamper Seal Hologram Labelling Machine and an exporter worldwide, including to Algeria, Angola, Antigua, Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, The Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus, Denmark, Dominica, Ecuador, Egypt, Guinea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Finland, France, The Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guyana, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, South Korea, North Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Libya, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Somalia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, South Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates (UAE), United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatican City, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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citycleannews · 8 months
Armin Ordodary and Benrich Holdings Scam (2024)
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There is an interesting backstory with the Media regarding Armin Ordodary and his Benrich Holdings Ltd fraud. Several parties contacted the Media  after we published a story regarding FSM Smart, requesting or urging us to remove the piece off the internet. We would soon learn more details, and the true narrative would be entirely different. We were advised to ignore the narrative by a good partner since it involved potentially hazardous individuals who could seriously hurt us. Furthermore, Armin Ordodary would merely be a monkey, acting as the frontman for the biggest con artists.
The truth is that Armin Ordodary is more than just a monkey, at least based on the information at our disposal. Even in that scenario, he would still be legally accountable as a director and shareholder of businesses engaged in investment fraud and frauds. He must be aware by now that he serves as the front for con artists and con artists. That leaves him with no justification. According to our Media investigation on Lexbond and FSM Smart ties, he is a part of the fraud group behind FSM Smart and other illicit broker operations.
In order to put an end to the scams that Armin Ordodary fronts for, we would like to learn more about him. Additionally, Armin Ordodary is a director and official partner of the Serbian Upmarkt DOO. Our knowledge from locals indicates that Upmarkt serves as a boiler room for the con artists involved.
Ordodary attempted to have the company’s name changed, according to the Serbian Companies Register. The request for modification has been denied this time by the Serbian Companies Register Authority, although it will eventually be accepted. We would like to know what he does with his companies and for whom or with whom he acts before all traces are lost. Furthermore, he founded BizTech DOO, a new business in Serbia. Ordodary is a director and sole shareholder of this company.
Our Media Research Team has been able to establish connections between Armin Ordodary and the following brands and companies so far:
Brands and Domains
FSM Smart – www.fsmsmart.com
FSM Smarts – www.fsmssmarts.com
NepCore – a white-label broker and/or CRM solution
FSM Smart Ltd – Marshall Islands
Benrich Holdings Ltd – Cyprus
SIAO Ltd – Cyprus
Upmarkt DOO – Serbia
BizTech DOO – Serbis
Armin Ordodary and Benrich Holdings Ltd (As Claimed)
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At Armin Ordodary Group, they are dedicated to helping our clients achieve real, significant results. Their heritage, which was founded in 2014 by Armin Ordodary, is based on excellence.
As a leading worldwide strategic consulting firm with a significant presence in the Middle East, Europe, and Asia-Pacific, Armin Ordodary Group is what it is today. With pride, Armin Ordodary serves as the company’s global general counsel. Their specialty is providing customers with strategic guidance. Many of their clients are managing unprecedented upheavals in their industries and are looking for fresh perspectives on urgent business issues.
Their overarching goal is still to enable client success. They analyse these problems via distinct perspectives, searching for ground-breaking ideas and revolutionary answers. With our impartial, data-driven approach, they help their clients discover important business realities.
Steer clear of Benrich Holdings Ltd since it isn’t overseen by a reputable regulator
That being said, only because a broker is regulated does not ensure that your money is secure. The key distinction is the organisation that oversees the broker.
Three groups of regulators were identified by our brokerage experts:
Top-tier regulators are self-regulatory or regulatory bodies that implement, monitor, and uphold the highest standards and regulations to guarantee that brokers under their supervision don’t commit fraud. Fair pricing, transparent transaction execution, and a controlled trading environment are just a few of the highest regulatory criteria and practices that a broker must uphold when it comes to oversight by a top-tier regulator.
In comparison to top-tier regulators, mid-tier regulators typically operate in less complex legal and regulatory environments and have less severe oversight, which could lead to a less complete level of protection for investors.
Brokers under the jurisdiction of mid-tier authorities are usually subject to less stringent financial and operational restrictions, which may lead to less meticulous operations or a higher probability of fraudulent activities.
The least thorough supervision of brokerage companies is typically provided by lower-tier regulators. Low-tier authorities that regulate brokers usually have less stringent regulations and enforcement of compliance. Customers have few protections because these regulators frequently offer little to no compensation funds or methods for protecting investors.
Brokers regulated by lower authorities are likely to use systems that put them in conflict of interest with their clients, unfair pricing tactics, and opaque transaction execution techniques. Dealing with brokers who are subject to low-level regulatory bodies increases the likelihood of running into dishonest brokers or even fraud or scams.
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armin-ordodary · 8 months
Armin Ordodary and Benrich Holdings Scam (2024)
There is an interesting backstory with the Media regarding Armin Ordodary and his Benrich Holdings Ltd fraud. Several parties contacted the Media  after we published a story regarding FSM Smart, requesting or urging us to remove the piece off the internet. We would soon learn more details, and the true narrative would be entirely different. We were advised to ignore the narrative by a good partner since it involved potentially hazardous individuals who could seriously hurt us. Furthermore, Armin Ordodary would merely be a monkey, acting as the frontman for the biggest con artists.
The truth is that Armin Ordodary is more than just a monkey, at least based on the information at our disposal. Even in that scenario, he would still be legally accountable as a director and shareholder of businesses engaged in investment fraud and frauds. He must be aware by now that he serves as the front for con artists and con artists. That leaves him with no justification. According to our Media investigation on Lexbond and FSM Smart ties, he is a part of the fraud group behind FSM Smart and other illicit broker operations.
In order to put an end to the scams that Armin Ordodary fronts for, we would like to learn more about him. Additionally, Armin Ordodary is a director and official partner of the Serbian Upmarkt DOO. Our knowledge from locals indicates that Upmarkt serves as a boiler room for the con artists involved.
Ordodary attempted to have the company’s name changed, according to the Serbian Companies Register. The request for modification has been denied this time by the Serbian Companies Register Authority, although it will eventually be accepted. We would like to know what he does with his companies and for whom or with whom he acts before all traces are lost. Furthermore, he founded BizTech DOO, a new business in Serbia. Ordodary is a director and sole shareholder of this company.
Our Media Research Team has been able to establish connections between Armin Ordodary and the following brands and companies so far:
Brands and Domains
FSM Smart – www.fsmsmart.com
FSM Smarts – www.fsmssmarts.com
NepCore – a white-label broker and/or CRM solution
FSM Smart Ltd – Marshall Islands
Benrich Holdings Ltd – Cyprus
SIAO Ltd – Cyprus
Upmarkt DOO – Serbia
BizTech DOO – Serbis
Armin Ordodary and Benrich Holdings Ltd (As Claimed)
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At Armin Ordodary Group, they are dedicated to helping our clients achieve real, significant results. Their heritage, which was founded in 2014 by Armin Ordodary, is based on excellence.
As a leading worldwide strategic consulting firm with a significant presence in the Middle East, Europe, and Asia-Pacific, Armin Ordodary Group is what it is today. With pride, Armin Ordodary serves as the company’s global general counsel. Their specialty is providing customers with strategic guidance. Many of their clients are managing unprecedented upheavals in their industries and are looking for fresh perspectives on urgent business issues.
Their overarching goal is still to enable client success. They analyse these problems via distinct perspectives, searching for ground-breaking ideas and revolutionary answers. With our impartial, data-driven approach, they help their clients discover important business realities.
Steer clear of Benrich Holdings Ltd since it isn’t overseen by a reputable regulator
That being said, only because a broker is regulated does not ensure that your money is secure. The key distinction is the organisation that oversees the broker.
Three groups of regulators were identified by our brokerage experts:
Top-tier regulators are self-regulatory or regulatory bodies that implement, monitor, and uphold the highest standards and regulations to guarantee that brokers under their supervision don’t commit fraud. Fair pricing, transparent transaction execution, and a controlled trading environment are just a few of the highest regulatory criteria and practices that a broker must uphold when it comes to oversight by a top-tier regulator.
In comparison to top-tier regulators, mid-tier regulators typically operate in less complex legal and regulatory environments and have less severe oversight, which could lead to a less complete level of protection for investors.
Brokers under the jurisdiction of mid-tier authorities are usually subject to less stringent financial and operational restrictions, which may lead to less meticulous operations or a higher probability of fraudulent activities.
The least thorough supervision of brokerage companies is typically provided by lower-tier regulators. Low-tier authorities that regulate brokers usually have less stringent regulations and enforcement of compliance. Customers have few protections because these regulators frequently offer little to no compensation funds or methods for protecting investors.
Brokers regulated by lower authorities are likely to use systems that put them in conflict of interest with their clients, unfair pricing tactics, and opaque transaction execution techniques. Dealing with brokers who are subject to low-level regulatory bodies increases the likelihood of running into dishonest brokers or even fraud or scams.
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trojerucica-blr · 7 months
Movement for the People and State of Aleksandar Vucic
Bon Appetit!
- Brussels Agreement or the sale of Kosovo and Metohija
- Removal of barricades from Serbian municipalities north of Ibar
- Lithium mine Rio Tint near Loznica
- Phantoms (Belgrade on the water or Budva in Belgrade)
- Vladimir Cvijan was killed for evidence of crime at the top of the government
- Oliver Ivanovic was killed for obstructing cooperation between Serbian and Albanian mafia
- Miša Ognjanović killed after getting into a conflict with Diana Hrkalović, state secretary in the Ministry of Internal Affairs
- Sale Mutavi, Velja Nevolja, gendarme Vuckovic and a machine for grinding human meat
- Zvonko Veselinovic and Milan Radoicic are expanding businesses in Serbia while in Kosovo and Metohija there are fewer Serbs
- Karić freed, Cane Subotic... for the processes initiated by the previous regime, Vucic abolished Dajic
- Part of the SNS government became all those who participated in the robbery privatization carried out by DOS, and before that, SPS and JULY of the 1990s (Dinkic, Vlahovic, Miškovic, Beko... ) and that's why the cases of controversial privatizations have not been resolved, even those that have been selected by the EU
- љeljko Mitrovic, Vulin's godfather and friend of ambassador Hill still does what he wants, obviously, he and his loved ones can kill people too, police will not touch them
- Vulin's "aunt from Canada", 24 apartments of Sinisa Mali in Bulgaria and the testimony of Marija Mali, Millenium team, Goran Vesić, Zorana Mihajlovic, Zoran Babic and the death of Stanika Gligorijevic at Doljevac toll station, affairs with judges and prosecutors...
- Slaviša Kokeza and Neša Roming left Serbia but their companies in Serbia are still working
- Jovanjica - plantation owner on the loose, being persecuted by police officers who arrested him
- Vucic supported the Clintons and Soros in the fight against Trump
- Washington Accord
- French-German or Ohrid Agreement (last step in selling Kosovo and Metohija)
- Ana Brnabic, as the Prime Minister of Serbia, had a child with another wife
- Gay parades and Europride organized by the ambassador of the Quinta state in Belgrade
- Crimes and violations of human rights during the pl(l) pandemic on the instructions of the satanists from WHO
- Center for the fourth industrial revolution of the World Economic Forum opened in Belgrade
- Agreement of the Government of Serbia with Pfizer that the citizens of Serbia serve as guinea pigs in experiments
- Private banks are worse than public enterprises and above the state, NBS controlled by the IMF
- Justice, police and private executors in the service of the state and the mafia and foreign occupiers
- The price of the consumer basket is higher than the average salary
- Farmers are failing, foreign investors are still receiving huge state subsidies
- EPS and Telekom Serbia are collapsing, the authorities are preparing to privatize the remaining economic and natural resources, as they are preparing the final sale of Kosovo and Metohija
- Dinar exchange rate in the service of import lobby, there is no consumer protection
- All big jobs are controlled by a small number of people from the top government or the "deep state"
- The worst food from the world is being imported, medical waste is being burned, poisons are being spread all over, parks for children are being destroyed, there are more and more sick people
- Health and education systems destroyed, negative selection worse than in communism
- Unconstitutional, discriminatory and unscientific Law on Gender Equality has been adopted
- Rigging elections, as it was done in the first communist elections
- Export of Serbian weapons to Ukraine, the Krusic affair, plane with weapons crash, helicopter crash...
- Serbia has not officially imposed sanctions on Russia, but unofficially it has and does nothing to solve the problem in the transport of goods and money transactions between Russia and Serbia
- The authorities in Belgrade on the side of Croatian revisionists who are reducing the number of Serbian victims in the Ustasha concentration camp Jasenovac and NDH
- The life of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija has become unbearable, Serbs about to disappear from Kosovo and Metoch
- The released convicted for the murder of Slavko Curuvija
- The cases of murdered journalists and judge Nebojsa Simeunovic are still not resolved
- There is no free media, there is only regime and pro-European media
- Red Star and Partizan in even bigger debts, before the SNS came to power we were the best in water polo in the world, today we are nowhere, Red Star fan leaders are spreading business while graffiti "When the army returns to Kosovo" are spreading across Serbia
- The murders of the guards in Topcider are not solved, no one was responsible for the death of Dejan Stojkovic at the Peshter polygon, and the Serbian Army led by NATO announces return of compulsory military term
- The case of missing babies has not been resolved, the most important thing for the centers for social work is to take away a child from their parents in Serbia and give them for adoption to foreigners
- The rights of children and parents are being violated, the right to choice is not respected, the state is interfering with the private life of citizens
- Nobody was responsible for the tragedies in Ribnikar and Dubona and Mali Orasje
- Reality shows are not banned, pronography with violence is the main content in domestic media, movies and series
- Serbia's external debt is growing, more and more citizens of Serbia in debt slavery, fuel price (because of state excise) highest in the region
- Police plan to introduce total control of citizens through video surveillance systems on the streets and through digitalization, such as in China or the UK
Movement for the People and State of Aleksandar Vucic
Bon Appetit!
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bhospicefashion · 11 months
The ready-to-wear-brand Sandro, known for their casual but elegant streetwear has acknowledge its responsibility towards the environment. Despite not being sustainable yet, the brand has come up with a specific plan. Sandro aims to make by 2025 over 60% of their products eco-responsible. By the end of this year, 80% of their suppliers will be certified. Besides, since 2019 they reduced 20% of their clothing pieces. Furthermore, they permanently removed the usage of animal fur and exotic leathers from their collections. 
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Sandro Autumn Winter 2022-2023 Ready-to-Wear
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Autumn Winter 2022-2023 Ready-to-Wear
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Sandro- Spring Summer 2022 Ready-to-Wear
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Spring Summer 2022 Ready-to-Wear
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Production takes place at 110 partner sites in 30 countries, including Portugal, France, Italy, Turkey, China, Serbia, Bulgaria and Tunisia. When selecting partners, we use a process based primarily on the search for technical—sometimes rare—expertise, as well as social and environmental audits.
In addition to the suppliers with whom we've fostered long-standing partnerships, we are constantly looking to strengthen the traceability of our collections to reveal every step of our production chain, right back to the raw material.
Our daily concern is also to produce in a better way, i.e. produce as close as possible to what we need. This is why we've implemented a new set of demand-planning tools in order to better adjust the volumes produced, increase distribution agility and therefore limit the amount of leftover stock at the end of a season.
The social and environmental compliance policy for our suppliers is based on the following measures:
• All suppliers must sign a code of conduct outlining our requirements in detail.
• When referencing a new supplier, social audits or the social certifications of their manufacturing sites must be collected and reviewed.
• Social and environmental audits must be carried out, whether conducted by Sandro or requested by other companies according to the standards recognised by the SMCP Group (BSCI, Sedex, WRAP, WCA, and the SA8000 for social; ISO 14001, bluesign, STeP by OEKO-TEX for environmental).
The starting point for creating our clothing and accessories is the selection and production of the raw materials used to make them. Upstream of our value chains is also where the most significant part of our sector's environmental impact lies.
We take the greatest care in selecting the materials we use. Our aim is to offer our customers high quality materials—like cotton, linen, viscose, silk, wool and cashmere—which are produced and processed using methods with a reduced environmental impact.
Keen to improve the environmental footprint of the materials making up our creations, we are now focusing our efforts on sourcing the materials we use most in our collections sustainably: organic cotton, Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) certified wool, Leather Working Group (LWG) certified leather and recycled polyester. What's more, 100% of our jeans are treated using a process that uses 95% less water than traditional treatments.
These materials represent a real challenge from an economic and supply perspective. Only available in limited quantities, we do everything we can to ensure their availability by strengthening the partnerships we have with our suppliers.
in 2022: 52% of our men's and women's collections are made using materials and/or manufacturing processes with a lower environmental impact.
2025: 80% of our men's and women's collections will be made using materials and/or manufacturing processes with a lower environmental impact.
At Sandro, a product is considered more sustainable if it respects one or more of these criteria:
- at least 50% of its main material is organic, recycled or meets criteria for preserving ecosystems (forests, pastureland, etc.).
- its denim is treated using eim (environmental impact measuring) technology, saving 95% of water compared to traditional treatment techniques
- the tannery, for leather items, conforms to the best industry practices in terms of water consumption, energy consumption and the use of chemicals.
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imr-riya · 2 years
Textured Soy Protein Market Analysis Report - Industry Size, Trends, Insights, Market Share, Competition, Opportunities, and Growth Forecasts by Segments, 2022 to 2028
Global Textured Soy Protein Market was valued at USD 2.16 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 3.75 billion by the year 2028, at a CAGR of 8.2%.
Textured soy protein is a meat alternative product that's prepared from soybeans, although it's also possible to produce a similar meat alternative product from other foods. It's a highly processed food item that's produced by separating (isolating) the soy protein from other components found in whole soybeans. Defatted soy protein is flattened into granules or chunks, and usually dried and rehydrated before cooking. Additionally, textured soy protein is made from soy flour that has had the fat removed from it. The flour is cooked under pressure and then dried and this process is called "extrusion cooking." It is a thermo-mechanical process, which combines high pressure, high shear, and high heat to form a product that can be molded into various forms for different uses. There are several variations to the process and this can affect the resulting product's texture, taste, and nutritional make-up. Furthermore, soy protein provides all the amino acids humans requirements. Due to it is a complete source of protein, some medical experts recommend it as a potentially healthier alternative for meat.
The research presents a full analysis of the pandemic's influence on the whole industry, as well as an outline of market scenarios before and after COVID-19. All of our reports will be modified before distribution to account for the impact of COVID-19 in order to offer a more accurate market prediction. The research study looks at numerous market segments based on type, application, and geographies. The research also includes a competitive analysis of the top Textured Soy Protein product providers, as well as their most recent advances. This study is divided into three sections: type, application, and region, with market size and forecasts for each area. For the predicted period, yearly compound growth rates for all segments have also been presented.
To learn more about this report, request a free sample copy:
Key Industry Players in the Textured Soy Protein Market:
·         Archer Daniels Midland Company (US)
·         Cargill Inc. (the US)
·         Bremil Group (Brazil)
·         Shandong Yuxin Bio-Tech (China)
·         DowDuPont Inc(US)
·         Sonic Biochem Extraction Pvt.Ltd (India)
·         Victoria Group A. D. (Serbia)
·         DPS/Dutch Protein & Services B.V. (Netherlands)
·         Linyi Shansong Biological Products Co.Ltd. (China)
·         Wilmar International Ltd (Singapore)
·         Crown Soya Protein Group (China)
·         Sonic Biochem (India)
·         Hung Yang Foods Co.Ltd. (Netherlands) and other major players.
In this report, the textured soy protein market is broadly segmented into soy protein concentrates, soy protein isolates, and soy flour. Soy protein concentrates to account for the largest market as they are easily digestible, cheap, and available in granule, flour, and spray-dried forms. They are well-suited for consumers of all age groups, including children, pregnant & lactating women, and the geriatric population. In terms of volume, the soy protein isolates segment was the second-largest owing to its higher protein content (90%). Soy protein isolates are also estimated to be the fastest-growing, during the forecast period, both in terms of value and volume.
Segmentation Analysis Includes,
By Type:
·         Non-GMO
·         Conventional
·         Organic
·         Others
By Source:
·         Soy Protein Isolates
·         Soy Protein Concentrates
·         Soy Flour
By Application:
·         Food Products
·         Bakery Products
·         Cereals & Snacks
·         Dairy Alternatives
·         Others
By Region:
·         North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
·         Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Europe)
·         Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
·         Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran, UAE, Africa, Rest of MEA)
·         South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
 Will you have any doubt about this report? Please contact us on:   
Key Benefits:
·         This report provides a quantitative analysis of the current textured soy protein market trends, estimations, and dynamics of the global market size from 2019 to 2026 to identify the prevailing opportunity.
·         The key countries in all the major regions are mapped based on their market share.
·         Porter’s five forces analysis highlights the potency of buyers and suppliers to enable stakeholders to make profit-oriented business decisions and strengthen their supplier–buyer network.
·         Textured soy protein market forecast is offered along with information related to key drivers, restraints, and trends.
·         An in-depth analysis of the global market helps determine the prevailing market opportunities.
In addition, textured soy protein as meat extender is considered to be economically more feasible as compared to other protein products, which fosters the textured soy protein market expansion. However, the availability of variety of other plant-based proteins such as chickpeas, chia, fava beans, and quinoa is anticipated to hamper the textured soy protein market growth.
Purchase This Report: -
Impact of nutrition on the immune system has been well documented. Recent research has underlined the need of getting enough of certain nutrients such as protein in COVID-19, increasing the importance of textured soy protein consumption. Nonetheless, due to the disease's novelty, knowledge of the effects of certain nutrients is limited.
Related Report: -
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Introspective Market Research (introspectivemarketresearch.com) is a visionary research consulting firm dedicated to assisting our clients to grow and have a successful impact on the market. Our team at IMR is ready to assist our clients to flourish their business by offering strategies to gain success and monopoly in their respective fields. We are a global market research company, that specializes in using big data and advanced analytics to show the bigger picture of the market trends. We help our clients to think differently and build better tomorrow for all of us. We are a technology-driven research company, we analyze extremely large sets of data to discover deeper insights and provide conclusive consulting. We not only provide intelligence solutions, but we help our clients in how they can achieve their goals.
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helenfletcher · 2 years
You will love this concept because it is a no bake cookie bar and the layering adds a sophistication not often seen in this type of cookie. But the real surprise is that it is not too sweet but intensely flavored.   Bajadera (Bah-ya-deh-ra) has been in existence since the early 1900’s having been a specialty of the Kraš Confectionary Company in Zagreb Croatia. It was named after an oriental dancer, and its shape and the unique layering make Bajadera one of the most popular sweet treats in Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, and Macedonia, all of whom claim it today.  Ingredients All ingredients are listed left to right. Top Row: Petit Beurre Cookies, granulated sugar, water. Bottom Row: unsalted butter, semisweet chocolate, toasted hazelnuts. Petit Beurre Cookies - can be the ones in last week's blog or they can be purchased online as well as some specialty food shops featuring European items. Unsalted butter is used for clarity of taste. Hazelnuts are toasted to intensify the flavor. Semisweet Chocolate - I use Callebaut Callets professionally and at home. They look like chocolate chips but aren't. I don't recommend using chocolate chips. Chocolate Glaze Left to right: shortening (such as Crisco) and semisweet chocolate. See recipe card for quantities of ingredients. Instruction Step 1. Hazelnuts ready to be toasted. For a quick and easy way to remove the skins, see Hazelnut Gianduja Cake. Cool the nuts completely before processing Step 2. Line an 8x8 inch square pan with a piece of parchment paper 8x16 inches letting the excess hang over the sides. Step 3. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler over simmering water or at half power in the microwave. Set aside. Step 4. Place half the nuts and half the cookies in a processor bowl. Step 5. Process the cookies and nuts as finely as possible being careful not to turn them to a paste. Step 6. Transfer them to a mixer bowl. Repeat with the second half of the cookies and nuts. Set aside. Step 7. Place the water and sugar in a medium saucepan. Stir to combine. Step 8. Bring the syrup to a boil. Step 9. Wash down the sides of the pan with a brush dipped in cold water. Alternatively, a tight fitting lid can be placed on top for 3 minutes. Step 10. Bring the syrup to 238°F on a thermometer. Remove from the heat and add the butter to stop the cooking. Step 11. Pour the syrup over the cookie and nut mixture in the mixing bowl. Beat on low to combine completely. It may be soft at this point, but will firm up as it cools. Step 12. Divide the dough in half - about 410 grams or 14 1/3 ounces each piece. Remove 1/2 cup, 100 grams or 3 1/2 ounces from one piece and add it to the other piece. Step 13. Add the melted chocolate to the bowl with less plain dough in it. Step 13. Divide the chocolate dough in half - about 215 grams or 7 1/2 ounces. Step 14. Press half the chocolate dough firmly in the bottom of the prepared pan. If it is at all soft, freeze for 5 minutes to keep the layers from dipping into each other. Step 15. After the plain layer is divided in half, 230 grams or 8 ounces, one half is placed on the chocolate base layer. Step 16. Press the plain dough firmly over the chocolate base. Freeze for five minutes if it is at all soft. Repeat with the chocolate and plain layer as above. Do not freeze the plain layer after it is pressed onto the top. Chocolate Glaze Step 17. Place the chocolate and shortening in a bowl to be melted. Step 18. Melt the chocolate and shortening over simmering water or at half power in the microwave and stir together. Step 19. Pour the glaze over the top layer of the bars. Step 20. Tilt the pan from side to side and up and down to distribute the glaze evenly, making sure to get into the corners. Refriger
ate overnight. Releasing and Cutting the Bars Step 21. Hold a hair dryer set on high close to the pan with the No Bake Cookie Bar to heat the sides so the cookie can release cleanly. Go around the entire pan to heat all the sides. Be careful not to melt the chocolate. Step 22. Lift the bar out of the pan using the parchment that overlaps the sides. Leave it on the paper. Step 23. To cut the bars cleanly, heat a knife under very hot water. Dry immediately on a paper towel. Melt through the chocolate layer and cut straight down. Pull the knife out at the bottom. Do not pull it out at the top or the bar will be smeared with chocolate. Do not use a sawing motion. Repeat the heating and drying for each cut. Step 24. The bars, still on the paper are cut 4 down and 7 or 8 across. These are very rich and small bars are ideal. Substitutions All almonds or half almonds may be used. Toast the nuts as for hazelnuts. Equipment A thermometer that goes to at least 300°F for the sugar syrup is needed. Storage The bars may be stored at room temperature for several days or refrigerated for longer storage.  Bring to room temperature before serving.   Top Tip 1. Be sure to toast the nuts and cool them for the best, most intense flavor. This can be done days ahead. 2. Combining chocolate with a bit of shortening such as Crisco ensures a smooth finish that reduces the chance of a grey or mottled finish to the glaze which is caused by the chocolate becoming untempered. Oil and butter should not be used because they will not set up firmly at room temperature.
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greysprints · 2 years
Imagecast precinct ballot box
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#Imagecast precinct ballot box software
After Dominion filed the lawsuit against Powell, One America News Network (OANN) removed all references to Dominion and Smartmatic from its website without issuing public retractions. In January 2021, Dominion filed defamation lawsuits against former Trump campaign lawyers Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani, seeking $1.3 billion in damages from each. In December 2020 and January 2021, Fox News, Fox Business, Newsmax, and the American Thinker rescinded allegations they had reported about Dominion and Smartmatic after one or both companies threatened legal action for defamation. These conspiracy theories were further discredited by hand recounts of the ballots cast in the 2020 presidential elections in Georgia and Wisconsin the hand recounts in these states found that Dominion voting machines had accurately tabulated votes, that any error in the initial tabulation was human error, and that Biden had defeated Trump in both battleground states. There is no evidence supporting these claims, which have been debunked by various groups including election technology experts, government and voting industry officials, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). The company was subjected to extensive attention following the election, at which then-president Donald Trump was defeated by Joe Biden, with Trump and various surrogates promoting conspiracy theories, falsely alleging that Dominion was part of an international cabal to steal the election from Trump, and that it used its voting machines to transfer millions of votes from Trump to Biden. In the 2020 United States presidential election, equipment manufactured by Dominion was used to process votes in twenty-eight states, including the swing states of Wisconsin and Georgia. Dominion products have been increasingly used in the United States in recent years. Dominion systems are employed in Canada's major party leadership elections, and they are also employed across the nation in local and municipal elections. Dominion voting machines have been used in countries around the world, primarily in Canada and the United States. ĭominion produces electronic voting machines, which allow voters to cast their vote electronically as well as optical scanning devices to tabulate paper ballots.
#Imagecast precinct ballot box software
It develops software in offices in the United States, Canada, and Serbia. The company's headquarters are in Toronto, Ontario, and Denver, Colorado. Dominion Voting Systems Corporation is a company that sells electronic voting hardware and software, including voting machines and tabulators, in the United States and Canada.
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SELITE SE USKORO? Poslovni prostor, stan, kuća, vikendica, inostrantvo ili preko puta ulice u Beogradu, Srbiji ili se selite u ili iz inostranstva?? Prepustite #selidbuProfesionalcima 17 god. u poslu.
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#špedija #beošpedicija #beoselidbe #KompletnuUsluguSelidbe #pakovanjePokućstva u kutije, #demontaža #montažanameštaja , #kuhinje - #zaštitaNameštaja #Utovar #istovar #selidbeKamionom nova vozila, modifikovana za što Bezbednije, lakše i brže #uslugeSelidbe - Iskusni radnici, #osiguranjeNameštaja uključeno u #CenuSelidbeBeograd #medjunarodneSelidbe #medjugradskeselidbe #selidbeposlovnogprostorabeograd #selidbestanovabeograd #selidbeZemun #selidbeNoviBeograd #selidbeNoviSad ... #agencijezaselidbeubeogradu #agencijazaselidbebeograd #firmazaselidbebeograd #selidbekancerarijabeograd #selidbeposlovnihprostorijaubeogradu #kamionskiprevozbeograd #selidbekamionbeograd #selidbekancelarijaubeogradu #selidbeubeogradu #movingcompanybelgrade #movingcompaniesinbelgrade #movingservicebelgrade #movingcompaniesinserbia #removalscompaniesinbelgrade #relocationscompaniesinbelgrade #removalsservicesinbelgrade #relocationsservicesinbelgrade #movingcompanynovisad #belgrademovers #beoselidbe #movingendstoragecompanyinbelgrade #moveendstore #movers #movingcompany #movingservice #citymovers #selidbe #selidba #selidbebeogradnavodi #beogradnavodi #beograd #belgrade #transportnopreduzećesrbija #prebozkamionombeograd #kamiosnkiprevozubeogradu #firmazaselidbekamionom
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mariacallous · 10 months
Serbia’s Higher Prosecution Office has been shaken again, this time by accusations about forged statements. Zeljka Nikolaidis, a prosecutor for organised crime in the Higher Public Prosecution, confirmed to BIRN that her alleged statement used in a disciplinary complaint against her superior, Nenad Stefanovic, and his deputy, Brankica Maric, was forged.
The statement was submitted without her signature, with the Prosecution Office facsimile misused without her knowledge during her vacation, she said.
Her alleged statement, which she called “80 per cent inaccurate”, was used in favour of Stefanovic and Maric in a disciplinary case initiated by two other prosecutors who were previously moved from their posts against their will while leading a corruption case involving a company linked to the ruling party.
The disciplinary case against Stefanovic and Maric, who were previously accused of favouring the ruling party, was dismissed.
“I cannot say who did it but my logic says that it was probably those who had an interest to do that. The disciplinary case was against Stefanovic and Maric. My statement likely influenced that case against them being dropped,” Nikolaidis told BIRN. She added that she will ask for the removal of her statement.
“This is a serious criminal offence and the Prosecution for Organised Crime needs to react,” she said.
Nikolaidis resigned a month ago as chief of the Special Department for the fight against corruption in the Public Prosecutors Office but has remained to work as a prosecutor.
The stir in the Higher Public Prosecutor’s Office started in February when two prosecutors – Bojana Savovic and Jasmina Paunovic – who had worked on a corruption case in EPS, the state-owned electric power company, were transferred to other positions.
Their removal came after the police arrested six people suspected of having lost EPS $7.5 million during the performance of works at the thermal power plant Kostolac B. Some of the suspects were employees of a company long linked with the ruling Serbian Progressive Party.
Prosecutor Stefanovic and his associate Maric denied a political motivation for the removals but giving several conflicting explanations about the reasons for transferring the prosecutors in the middle of an operation to arrest the suspects.
The Association of Prosecutors of Serbia has backed Savovic and Petrovic, while a protest was held in Belgrade in their support with calls for the independence of judiciary.
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natalieironside · 3 years
This ain't good
But if you hire mercenaries to hunt down copyright infringers, you share the blame when they go after innocents. You set that landmine, so you have some responsibility for the legs it blows off.
The reality is that the automated enforcement tools that Pixsy uses will always generate false positives, and the people who operate those tools have no incentive to look too closely at the accusations they generate. False accusations merely terrorize random strangers, who can’t punish you in any way, except, perhaps, by embarrassing you.
Stojkovic is an individual photographer in Serbia. It’s possibly he just hasn’t been around this kind of operation enough to anticipate this outcome. But there are plenty of others who should absolutely know better, who keep hiring fishermen to hang out their tuna-nets without regard to the dolphins they know they’ll catch.
Take HarperCollins (one of the four largest publishers in the world) and Penguin Random House (the largest publisher in the world, in the process of acquiring Simon & Schuster). They definitely should know better.
And yet: HarperCollins and PRH hired Link-Busters, an “anti-piracy” company, to send legal notices to Google in order to flense the internet of pirate editions of their books (disclosure, I have books in print from both publishers).
You can probably guess what happened next. Link-Busters’ automated process misidentified the book reviews at Fantasy Book Critic, a noncommercial site whose volunteers have reviewed over 1,000 books in its 15 year history. Link-Busters, acting on behalf of HarperCollins and PRH, lied to Google and claimed Fantasy Book Critic was full of infringing material, and Google deleted the site, which was hosted on its Blogger platform.
Link-Busters is culpable here, obviously, but HarperCollins and PRH must shoulder part of the blame. Fantasy Book Critic embodies millions of hours of volunteer labor from their own best customers, all in service promoting their books. HarperCollins and PRH knowingly put those volunteers — and every other online book-lover — in harm’s way.
Ironically, the one place where reviewers can be certain they won’t face capricious removal thanks to off-the-leash mercenaries employed by giant publishers is Goodreads, the monopoly review platform owned and operated by Amazon, which serves as a powerful funnel that drives dedicated readers to Amazon, strengthening its commercial control over HarperCollins and PRH.
The good news is that Fantasy Book Critic is now back online, because authors and readers flooded Google with complaints and pleas (this is generally the only way to get Google to address its own mistakes, and obviously it doesn’t scale).
It could get much, much worse. Rightsholder groups are backing a Copyright Office plan to make this kind of robosigning into law, forcing all online platforms to institute filters that automatically remove materials that an algorithm finds to be infringing, without human oversight or judgement.
It’s a recipe for a world where the mercenaries are robotic, remorseless, and act with utter impunity. When a first-name-only Pixsy rep calls you Colin and threatens to sue you for $150,000, at least you can call them out publicly. But when the robosigners are baked into every public forum, even that small measure of accountability is denied to you.
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iliyad · 4 years
everything that has happened in 2020, in case you forgot
because it’s been a long year. counts up to december 20. i tried to get in as much as i could, but there will still be some things missing, because it's been a long year.
january (timeframes will be rough)
australian bush fires
persian gulf crisis
taal volcano eruption
impeachment trial of donald trump
covid-19 pandemic what else is there to say?
the united kingdom’s withdrawal from the european union
delhi riots
collapse of malaysia’s coalition government
stock market crash
luxembourg made public transport free
conditional peace agreement between the united states and the taliban
afghanistan war crimes inquiry authorised to proceed
tokyo summer olympics postponed to 2021
north macedonia joins nato
russia-saudi arabia oil price war
united states designates a white supremacist group as a terrorist group for the first time
opec and allies agree to cut oil production by 9.7 million barrels a day
united states suspends funding to the world health organisation
nova scotia attacks
israeli politicians agree to form a unity government
iran deploys first military satellite
king salman declares people will not be executed for crimes committed as minors
the pentagon officially releases three ufo videos
colombia formalises its membership of the oecd
venezuelan dissidents and american private military attempt to infiltrate venezuela and remove president maduro from office
scientists discover parasitic microbe blocking mosquitos from carrying malaria
first black hole discovered in a star system visible to the naked eye
styrene gas leak in india
cross-border clash at the nantha lu crossing between chinese and indian soldiers
konarak vessel incident
fossil analysis indicates modern humans may have arrived in europe thousands of years earlier than thought
maternity hospital stormed by gunmen in afghanistan
discovery of millipede fossil as the world's oldest-known land animal dating c.425 million years
east africa floods
palestine terminates all agreements with israel and the united states after israel plans to annex the jordan valley
cyclone amphan
united states announces withdrawal from open skies treaty
mining company rio tinto destroys sacred aboriginal caves at juukan gorge in australia
george floyd is killed, beginning mass global protests against police racism and brutality
costa rica becomes first central american country to legalise same-sex marriage
chinese government votes for legislation granting powers to suppress democracy movement in hong kong
rwandan court sentences former mayor to life imprisonment for role in rwandan genocide
first crewed spacex flight is launched
state of emergency declared by russia after 20 thousand tons of oil leaks into ambarnaya river
libya’s government claims control of tripoli
turkish and iranian forces begin air and artillery strikes against kurdish forces in iraqi kurdistan
north korea demolishes kaesong’s inter-korean liaison office
solar eclipse
7.5 magnitude earthquake in oaxaca, mexico
historic three-party coalition government formed in ireland
china passes hong kong national security law
russian voters support constitutional amendment allowing vladimir putin to seek two further six-year terms
landslide at jade mine in myanmar
bulgarian protests against boyko borisov’s government
mass graves uncovered in burkina faso believed to be the result of extrajudicial executions by government forces
turkish president orders the hagia sophia in istanbul to be reverted from a museum to a mosque
china floods
twitter accounts of prominent politicians, ceos and celebrities hacked in bitcoin scam
flooding of the brahmaputra river
nasa launches mars 2020 rover mission
barakah nuclear power plant in the uae becomes first commercial nuclear power station in the arab states
beirut explosions
belarusian protests sparked by controversial presidential election
vladimir putin announces russia’s approval of world’s first covid-19 vaccine
israel and uae agree to normalise relations
stranded japanese ship breaks in mauritius and spills one thousand tonnes of oil into the ocean
coup d'état takes place in mali
africa is declared free of wild polio
amazon ceo jeff bezos becomes first person ever with a net worth exceeding us$200 billion
hurricane laura
japanese prime minister shinzo abe resigns after seven years
an agreement is signed to transition sudan into a secular state
largest find of mammoth skeletons at construction site for airport in mexico city
pope benedict xvi becomes longest-living pope
kosovo and serbia announce normalisation of economic relations
bahrain and israel agree to normalise relations
typhoon haishen
announcement of detection of phosphine in venus’ atmosphere
first discovery of perfectly preserved cave bear remains in siberia, believed to be 22 thousand - 39 thousand years old
venezuelan government is accused of crimes against humanity by human rights council
france, germany, and the united kingdom reject china’s claims to the south china sea
oldest known copy of any work by william shakespeare, a 1634 edition of the two noble kinsman, is found in spain
documents of the financial crimes enforcement network are released, detailing suspicious transations valued at over us$2 trillion
microsoft buys zenimax media in the biggest and most expensive takover in the video game industry
deadly clashes erupt between armenian and azerbaijani forces in nagorno-karabakh
the european union launches legal action against the united kingdom for overriding sections of the brexit withdrawal agreement
new caledonia votes against independence from france
mass protests break out in kyrgyzstan against controversial parliamentary election
thai protests
new zealand prime minister jacinda ardern's labour party wins second term in office by a landslide, gaining the first parliamentary majority since introduction of new voting system in the early 90s
nasa's osiris-rex spacecraft becomes their first probe to retrieve samples from an asteroid
geneva consensus declaration on women's health and strengthening families is signed by 34 countries
falkland islands declared free of land mines
israel and sudan agree to normalise relations
nasa confirms existence of molecular water on the moon
7.0 aegean sea earthquake
typhoon goni
amhara women, children and elderly killed in ethiopia
tumblr melts down over supernatural ship “destiel” (dean winchester and castiel), causing this site to crash several times
united states election concludes joe biden as president of the united states, STATES FLIP DATA
hurricane eta
united states exits the paris climate change accord
armenia and azerbaijan sign ceasefire agreement
hong kong pro-democracy lawmakers resign en masse
nasa and spacex launch to the international space station
hurricane iota
brereton report into australian war crimes during the war in afghanistan released
indian farmers’ protest
iranian nuclear scientist mohsen fakhrizadeh is assassinated
koshobe massacre
lunar eclipse
protein folding is solved
arecibo telescope collapses
the united kingdom approves covid-19 vaccine
three activists jailed in hong kong for part in democracy protests
united nations commission on narcotic drugs votes to remove cannabis from dangerous drugs list
united states announces withdrawal from somali civil war
russia begins mass vaccination against covid-19
venezuelan parliamentary election
the united kingdom begins mass vaccination against covid-19
report into the christchurch mosque shootings released
nepal and china officially agree on height of mount everest
israel and morocco normalise relations
end of nicolas sarkozy corruption trial in france
the european union agrees to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% over the next decade
bhutan and israel normalise relations
the international criminal court accuses the philippines of crimes against humanity in its war on drugs
the united states accuses switzerland and vietnam of currency manipulation
a new, highly-infectious strain of covid-19 begins to spread through the united kingdom and europe
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libertariantaoist · 4 years
News Roundup 8/5/20
by Kyle Anzalone
US News
Border Patrol raided an aid camp for migrants in the Arizona desert run by No More Deaths. Thirty illegal immigrants were arrested. The group believes the aid camp was targeted because No More Deaths published negative information about Border Patrol. [Link]
The Army is using the U-2 spy plane to relay data from F-35s to missiles. [Link]
US representative to Venezuela Elliot Abrams says the US will continue to support Juan Guaido as Venezuela’s president after the coming December election. [Link]
Trump announces plans to bring another 4,000 troops home from Afghanistan by November. If Trump follows through with his plan, troop levels will be under 5,000. [Link]
The US warned Egypt, France, and the UAE about supporting the Libyan National Army. [Link]
Polling shows 47% of Germans support Trump’s decision to remove 12,000 troops. 28% believe the troops should stay, and 25% want a complete US withdrawal. [Link]
NATO members are concerned over China’s sale of drones to Serbia. [Link]
A massive explosion at Lebanon’s port killed scores and injured thousands. It is believed that ammonium nitrate that was stored improperly caused the explosion. [Link]
US sanctions on Syria prevent Syrians from taking tests on Duolingo. [Link]
The Syrian Kurds report that they have not signed a deal with an American company to produce oil in the region of Syria occupied by the US and YPG. Recent reports from Al-Monitor and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said a deal had been signed with a US-based company. The Kurds say they are in talks with several American and Russian companies to produce the oil. [Link]
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