#remus and luna <333
billsbae · 11 months
we see a lot of harry with wolfstar and luna with rosekiller
i need harry with rosekiller and luna with wolfstar
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accio-sriracha · 10 months
Angst- Drarry.
That's it- it's the title.
For people who love to read traumatized Harry!!
And for people who don't.... well? Sorry??
Good luck <333
Harry stood abruptly from his seat in the Great Hall.
He had managed to make it so far.
He made it through the fucking train ride. He made it through sitting in that same car he met Remus Lupin in. The same car he had met Ron and Hermione and Neville in.
He managed walking through the gates, watching as now everyone around him could see the thestrals only himself and Luna could see just last year.
He managed the sorting, the fact that there was less than twenty first year students total, each looking even more nervous than the last.
He made it through Slytherins not clapping at all, some looking as terrified as the kids who were put into their house.
He made it through the names, oh Merlin the names, the names of families he now recognized, each sending a jolt through him like lightning.
He made it through McGonagall being the one to stand up and give the speech, through her apologetic smile, scanning over the gaps in tables where students no longer sat.
Through the first half hour of conversations.
Through all of the new faces at the staff table.
Through Hermione checking in on him every few minutes.
Through Ron barely touching his food.
He made it.
But then he made the mistake of looking up.
It was an old habit, he had no idea why he even felt the need to do so now. It was a habit he picked up eight years ago, when he constantly felt the need to check whether the Slytherin was doing anything nefarious.
And there he was.
Blond hair unstyled, half hanging in front of his eyes. His face held a large scar across his cheek now, his hands shaking as they brought the goblet to his lips with difficulty. His wand sat in front of him, close by, something Harry needed to do as well.
Harry stood abruptly, shocking his friends out of their quiet reveries.
"I have to go." He mumbled to nobody in particular, stepping over the bench and making his way to the door.
He had made it so far before he snapped.
And of course it would be those haunted gray eyes that would do it for him.
"Potter." A voice called as he practically tore down the corridor, needing to get away from it all.
He froze.
That voice.
Familiar yet so, so different. Resigned but worried, a hint of fear.
Harry turned on the spot,
"Malfoy." He breathed back.
Merlin what had he done. He couldn't handle this conversation. Couldn't handle the look on Malfoy's face, the way his hands lifted up slowly to show he wasn't actively armed.
Harry knew the action meant little, both of their wands lay upright in the pocket of their robes, both prepared to draw it at moments notice, at a flicker of a shadow.
"Are you alright?" Malfoy asked carefully.
"No." Harry replied. He'd given up lying about it a long time ago. He'd been asked a million times. Nobody ever believed him anyways, they could see it, there wasn't a point in pretending.
The honesty shocked Malfoy, he reeled in surprise for a moment before composing himself, "Is there something you need right now? Something I can help you with?"
He'd heard those words a million times too. Yet somehow...
"Yes." Harry whispered, his resolve hanging by a thread.
His quick answers bubbled to the surface. I need to be alone. I'm fine. I'll be alright. No, I just need time.
None of them came out, Harry's shaking breath was the only sound to break into the tense silence.
"Okay." Malfoy continued his slow approach, his hands still out and visible, "What do you need?"
"Out." The word was a quiet plead, tearing through him before he could stop it.
He wasn't sure it made any sense to Malfoy, hell, it barely made since to himself.
Malfoy seemed to understand.
"Come on." He closed the distance and took Harry's hand, disapparating on the spot.
With a whoosh of air and a dizziness Harry wasn't sure he'd ever get used to, he found himself in a large field.
"What-" Harry started, looking around.
"It's a new safety protocol. All of the prefects were given permission to disapparate to this specific field in case of emergency. This is the only place you can do it to and from Hogwarts and it's incredibly secured."
Harry looked around, he noticed the shimmer then, high above them like a force field, protecting the area from people coming in from the outside.
"That's ridiculous they never added this before." Harry thought out loud. A safety evacuation spot only prefects and teachers can reach? It was perfect.
"It was my idea." Malfoy told him quietly, he shrugged, "Kids shouldn't be forced to either fight or wait to die. There should be a safe zone to bring them to in case something like that ever happened again."
"It's brilliant." Harry turned to look at him, realising with an odd flutter that their hands were still clasped tightly together.
He didn't let go.
Neither did Malfoy.
"Do you need to sit down?" He asked. Harry shook his head,
"No, fresh air is enough. Thank you." He whispered.
They stood in odd silence for a while, their hands held tight, their eyes focused on a random point in the distance, careful not to look at each other.
"Do you think they can see us?" Harry asked quietly. He didn't know why, he'd never wanted to talk about it before, always triggered easily by the mention of them. Draco didn't need to ask who,
"Maybe." He replied thoughtfully, looking up to the sky.
If the conversation bothered him he didn't show it. Harry was surprised he was so calm himself.
He told himself it was just the fresh air and not the steadying pressure of their laced fingers.
"I saw them all when I held the resurrection stone. Everyone I'd lost." He cleared his throat, "I know it sounds stupid but it... it seemed so real."
"It could have been real." Malfoy looked at him now, turning his gaze away from the clouds, "I don't know of anybody who's used the stone before and stuck around to talk about it, maybe you really did see them."
Harry looked up too, "Maybe." He muttered.
He wondered what his parents would think of him now, what they would see in the half life he wandered through. He wondered if they'd have still been proud had they watched the lives it took to keep his safe.
He wondered if they met the others, if Fred had told them what Harry had cost the world.
He hadn't realised he started shaking again until he felt a gentle tug at his arm, Malfoy pulled him into a tight embrace, holding him close.
He relaxed, the pressure making his heartbeat slow and his thoughts focus in on the moment.
"I'm sorry." Malfoy murmured, "I should have asked first... this is what Pansy does sometimes. It-" He hesitated, "It helps me feel like I won't fall apart. Like she's holding me together in a way."
Harry couldn't speak. He nodded numbly, letting the truth of Malfoy's words wash over him.
Malfoy was holding him together.
He didn't break the way he thought he did when they locked eyes. It was an explosion of a dam. It was release.
It was tension he wasn't allowed to acknowledge, emotions he wasn't allowed to feel. Grief he hadn't had time for and respect he shouldn't give.
Malfoy didn't have that look in his eyes, terrified of him breaking down. Malfoy looked at him like he was waiting for it, expecting it, hoping for it. And he looked like he was sure he would be there to pick him up again.
Malfoy held him together, and suddenly Harry was crying. His heart finally letting go of all the pain it carried around. His tears flowed, his hands clutched at the back of Malfoy's robes, grateful to have something secure to hold on to.
And Malfoy let him. He didn't try to reassure him, he didn't tell him to calm down. He let him cry. He let him grieve and grieve and grieve until he was empty.
And the pain was gone.
"It's gonna be okay." Malfoy told him after he'd been silent for a few minutes, "It took me a while too, to get to the point where I let myself feel. But you'll feel better soon, you just can't hold it in all the time."
Harry nodded, letting his comforting words wash over him. His strong hands and kind voice. Malfoy was there to piece him together as many times as he needed to break.
And, oddly enough, it felt right that it was him.
"Thank you." Harry whispered after the silence had stretched again.
"Don't worry about it. I'm here however many times it takes until you're alive again." He cleared his throat, leaning back a little so they met eyes,
"It's never going to be the same, Potter. That's life, that's war. We'll never be the people that we once were, so don't expect yourself to be. You're allowed to have scars now, you're allowed to be a little broken, but you can't mend anything if you won't acknowledge the cracks are even there. I won't judge you for anything that happened when we were younger, or for anything you needed to do to survive. You're here now, that's what matters." He took a deep breath and nodded, "I'm glad you're here, Potter."
Harry smiled weakly at him. The words felt so nice to hear, comforting in their sureness. It wasn't empty promises and vague advice. It was facts. He was never going to be whole again, but that was okay. He could live with okay.
He could allow himself to break, as long as he knew it was Malfoy going to be there to help him pick up the pieces.
"I'm glad you're here too, Malfoy." He whispered.
And he meant it, more than he'd ever meant anything in his life.
In this meadow, in Draco Malfoy's arms, for the first time in his life, he was at peace.
He was home.
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broomsticks · 9 months
driveby hp fandom stats dump
stats by ship (M/M, F/F, F/M) for all fics updated 2023
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
"Anal Sex" was a top10 additional tag unique to M/M,
"Romance" and "Explicit Sexual Content" were unique to F/M, and
"Femslash" and "Lesbian Sex" were unique to F/F.
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F/F (-F/M, -M/M) top 10 characters:
Hermione Granger (1735) Bellatrix Black Lestrange (968) Narcissa Black Malfoy (960) Lily Evans Potter (853) Ginny Weasley (814) Harry Potter (794) Marlene McKinnon (604) Dorcas Meadowes (556) Luna Lovegood (554) Pansy Parkinson (548)
F/F top 10 ships:
Hermione Granger/Bellatrix Black Lestrange (555) Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes (405) Fleur Delacour/Hermione Granger (333) Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (248) Hermione Granger/Narcissa Black Malfoy (225) Mary Macdonald/Lily Evans Potter (223) Hermione Granger/Pansy Parkinson (178) Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley (159) Narcissa Black Malfoy/Lily Evans Potter (133) Alice Longbottom/Narcissa Black Malfoy (133)
F/M top 10 characters:
Hermione Granger (13391) Harry Potter (10142) Draco Malfoy (8817) Ron Weasley (6399) Ginny Weasley (4816) Severus Snape (4450) Sirius Black (3391) Remus Lupin (2974) Theodore Nott (2863) Pansy Parkinson (2788)
F/M top 10 ships:
Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy (6047) Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley (1910) James Potter/Lily Evans Potter (1773) Hermione Granger/Severus Snape (1418) Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley (1388) Hermione Granger/Harry Potter (1222) Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy (502) Severus Snape/Original Female Character(s) (442) Draco Malfoy/Original Female Character(s) (435) Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks (385)
M/M top 10 characters:
Harry Potter (12452) Sirius Black (9857) Remus Lupin (8300) James Potter (7623) Draco Malfoy (7531) Regulus Black (5747) Ron Weasley (4335) Severus Snape (4256) Hermione Granger (4169) Lily Evans Potter (3429)
M/M top 10 ships:
Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (6567) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (6412) Regulus Black/James Potter (3948) Harry Potter/Severus Snape (1591) Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort (1307) Harry Potter/Tom Riddle (1113) Barty Crouch Jr./Evan Rosier (935) Regulus Black & Sirius Black (845) James Potter/Lily Evans Potter (842) Minor or Background Relationship(s) (712)
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ursoriddikvlus · 1 year
notes ; let me preface this by saying this is not an x reader fic HSDHADHAS it does have a crumb of my fave ships, although it's mainly focused on jegulus so <333 there is also no logical explanation for this,,, i just want to bring them back so <333
wc ; 1011
warnings ; canon divergence HSADHAS, some violence but not really, some angst but not really
summary ;
the war is almost over. harry's announced dead, but is he? however, he's not the only one to come back from the dead.
yep, regulus black is back to bring you hell, voldemort and he brought some friends!
pairings ; regulus black x james potter, sirius black x remus lupin, dorcas meadowes x marlene mckinnon, lily evans x mary macdonald, regulus black & sirius black, regulus black & harry potter
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"Harry Potter is dead!"
Laughter rang out on the battlefield as the Hogwarts' students and professors' faces dropped with Voldemort's announcement as Hagrid carried Harry's body. It can't be, can it? Harry Potter, the Chosen One, dead? Hermione and Ron are in disbelief as they hold each other close.
"And now it's time to declare yourself! Come forward and join us…or die."
There was tense silence as they looked around, fear in their eyes as they waited for whoever wanted to join his army. Harry was restless as he waited for the right moment, eyebrows furrowing a little when he heard Narcissa and Lucius call out to Draco.
"Come, Draco." Lucius beckoned him over. Draco looked at his mother who smiled a little and nodded. "Come now."
Draco's eyes watered as he stared at his father, hoping one last time he'd be better, but he continued calling him over. However, Draco was tired and stood his ground as he shook his head, closing his eyes as his father got angrier. Luna, seeing his discomfort, whispered to him in her dreamy voice, "Do not worry, you'll be safe here, Draco." Narcissa nodded once more as she held her husband back. All she wanted was to keep her son safe and she's hoping that she made the right choices.
Everyone looked as Neville limped forward, eyes in disbelief as they watched. Voldemort grinned, "Well, I must say I hoped for better. And who might you be, young man?"
Neville stood his ground, "Neville Longbottom."
The Death Eaters cackled. Voldemort was grinning as he said, "Well, Neville, I'm sure we can find a place for you in our rank."
"I'd like to say something."
"Well, Neville, I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say."
"Doesn't matter that Harry's gone."
Seamus interrupted him, "Stand down, Neville."
Neville turned, frustrated. "People die everyday! Friends, family. We lost Harry tonight." 
"He's still with us, in here." He said, pointing to his heart. "So as Fred, Tonks, all of them. They didn't die in vain."
He looked at Voldemort who was grinning, "But you will, because you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us, for all of us!"
Neville pulled the sword of Godric Gryffindor from the hat, saying, "It's not over!"
This prompted Harry to drop out of Hagrid's arms, screaming, "Confringo!" as he pointed at Nagini, who hissed as the spell bounced to the nearby Death Eaters. Voldemort screamed as he pointed his wands, sending spell after spell on Harry's running form. His Death Eaters were mostly leaving, but a moment of silence occurred as a spell went past Lucius.
"Hey, leaving so soon?" Everyone stared at the newcomers. Voldemort's eyes were twitching as he tried to remember who this was but Lucius, oh Lucius, was frozen in his spot. "We haven't even joined the party."
"You're supposed to be dead." Lucius said as he stared at Regulus. "You died!"
"Well, Harry's not the only one who, let's say, came back from the dead."
Evan and Barty stepped forward, eyes watering as they regarded their old friend. "Missed me?"
Everyone was confused and scared as Evan and Barty approached Regulus who was on the side opposite Voldemort, save for Hermione who remembered Regulus and turned to Ron, "R.A.B.! That's Regulus Black!"
Whispers erupted as they regarded the man, Sirius' brother, who had his wand still pointed to Voldemort. Evan and Barty were by his side, and for this moment, they weren't Death Eaters but brothers in arms as they also raised their wands towards Voldemort.
"It's not just me, Voldy, let's just say, I've brought friends."
"Aww, we're friends, Reggie?" Dorcas grinned, hand in Marlene's who snickered.
Harry stared, recognizing the people who've joined Regulus, which was impossible because they're supposed to be dead. Harry's head turned when he heard another voice, eyes watering.
"You can't sirius ly leave us, Reggie." James grinned, who found his son and waved. "Hey, Haz. I'm sorry I'm late."
"Prongs, what the hell is that?" Sirius has his hand in Remus' who was grinning as well, his wand pointed to Peter and the other Death Eaters. "Even I could sirius ly doe better than that."
"I swear, I thought this was all over. Guess I was wrong." Lily said to Mary as they walked together, smiling sweetly at Harry. "Hello, Harry."
"This can't be. You're all supposed to be dead!" Voldemort snarled, his wand pointed at them. "This is impossible!"
"Yeah, well, you're supposed to have a nose, but look where we are." Sirius grinned, winking at Harry who's still dumbfounded. How are his parents and their friends (SIRIUS) alive?
"Let's cut the bullshit, alright?" Regulus said, his wand pointing squarely at Voldemort. "You're nothing."
"I'll have you kn–"
"Look around you," Regulus grinned in a sinister way. "They're almost gone. You have nothing left, Voldemort. I can't let you hurt anyone anymore, not on my watch."
"Everyone, get back inside!" Ron and Hermione helped the students go back as they watched, some of the Death Eaters were still by Voldemort and ran to battle with the students, but the adults prevented them from doing so.
"Harry, dear, I know you're the chosen one and all, but let's leave it to the adults, yes?" Regulus grinned. "Let's get to know each other after this, I'll see you."
Harry nodded, running to where Hermione and Ron were. They fought the other Death Eaters with less power, still confused, but didn't stick around to know until the war was over. James grinned as he looked at Regulus, raising his eyebrows, suggestively. Regulus huffed, rolling his eyes. "Later, Potter."
"Wouldn't have it any other way, Reg."
"Keep it in your pants when I'm within earshot, okay, mate?" Sirius playfully glared at his brother and his best friend. "I'm serious. I don't want to hear about anything."
Regulus breathed out a laugh. "Of course, you're serious. You're Sirius Black."
"And, I'm Regulus Black," his eyes turned grim as he looked at Voldemort. "Let's finish this, shall we?"
it has proper capitalization because this was also crossposted on ao3 ! if you want, you can also read it there <33
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cherryslyce · 1 year
The amount of HC's I have within my mind is alot but this one. this one.
MC worried, watching Reg asleep.
Luna: it'll be okay, we'll be okay. c:
MC: oh little moon.. *grabs hand*
Anders: *spooked he saw Volderzhort* WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT👹
Blaise: you reply to my MOM and not ME?
MC: Milf privilege. 🥵
Blaise: Don't contact me. I take it back. Don't reply. Oblivate your mind.
Harry: Padfoot misses you.
Padfoot probably: I want to annoy her SO bad. I just. I'm getting angsty. I feel it in my bones. It's the need for the big dog to humble thy puppy.
Remus, probably reading: no, that's probably arthiritis.
Padfoot: oh yeah. 🤒
Mannnnnn shit got me emotional. It's weird knowing I've been reading since the beginning. I feel like a proud mother who leaves sticky notes on ur work. Although the end of this beautiful series is bittersweet I'm glad I have your future work to look forward to and praise. Amazing chapter and enjoy the headcannons bubz. 💌💌 -Head of Cannon Anon.
My dear headcanon anon!!
Oh how you crack me up <33!
+ I can absolutely picture Regulus being resurrected by sheer saltiness alone LOL. Yeah, he's definitely not over the whole Crowface fiasco just yet!
++ Voldemort is so spooky istg, but absolutely, death eaters are being paid in copious amounts of traumatic events! Poor Regulus </3
+++ Contessa Zabini deserves all the love and Blaise is 100% bitter that everyone who knows both him and his mother, obsess over her more than him <3
++++ Poor Padfoot misses bullying reader </33, and he's going to be even more upset once he realizes that reader has been vacationing in Norway all this time without him LOL (I miss Sirius omg).
My love, you are truly becoming one of my pillars of motivation these days! It is super crazy to think of how far we've both come, and I appreciate your support and love so much <333! I'm so glad to see that you'll be sticking around for my works after Second Son ends. Can't wait to hear from you again, love <3!!!
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gayliketheancients · 5 months
hiiii gay can i request pandalilly raising baby luna perhaps? just fluffy slice of life, maybe their typical weekend mornings <333
I GOTCHU. You made my whole day asking for this thank you sm
micro Pandalily raising Luna fic at 560 words❣️
Lily had long given up on sleeping in.
During the war, she felt like all she did was sleep most days. The exhaustion of being pregnant with Harry and never knowing where, when, or with who she’d be safe then had left her in a constant state of fatigue. There were days when even the idea of leaving the bed to go to the bathroom had felt like an insurmountable task.
The war had ended with Peter, and his quick thinking. He’d brought Voldemort to their home, but he hadn’t left them unprepared. Lily wasn’t ashamed in saying she was the one who unleashed the curse that ended the war that night. A muggleborn ending the war of blood supremacy hadn’t exactly gone over with a parade, but she couldn’t complain compared to how life had changed.
Mornings had gone from tense, quiet affairs waiting for the post to being filled with insane breakfasts and stories narrated in funny voices. The end and the beginning all came down to her, her family, and their refusal to give up at all costs.
Looking through the kitchen window at where Luna and Pandora were hunting in the back garden for nargels, Lily couldn’t find herself to regret it.
Their home wasn’t the largest, and it surely wasn’t how most wizarding families chose to decorate. Little drawings Luna and Harry had done hung everywhere on the largest wall of the sitting room, in full view for their guests when they had tea. There were books everywhere, a small cauldron of Wolfsbane being brewed for Remus, toys on every possible surface. There were no enchanted portraits, but there were pictures of their loved ones hung everywhere, filling their home with as much love as they could.
James would be dropping Harry off for her week soon, and Lily couldn’t wait. They had an outing planned to take the kids out to pick out a kneazel kitten, and everything felt right in the world finally.
Lily waved her wand, enchanting the tray of drinks to float out in front of her as she headed outside.
“Mama!” Luna yelled as soon as Lily crossed the threshold, running at her full force. Lily bent down just in time to grab the four year old launching herself into her arms.
“La Lune, baby, what are you and Mummy doing?” She asked with a smile.
Luna’s face scrunched up slightly on her nose. “It’s a secret.”
“Well, good for you, little love, that I am an excellent secret keeper.”
Luna let out a little laugh, then leaned in close to whisper in her ear.
“Mummy asked me to help pick out all the prettiest flowers so she could give them to you. But I can’t ‘cause you’re the prettiest flower! I don’t know what to do,” the little one whined, and Lily couldn’t help but grin.
“Maybe we can pick them out together? That way Mummy and I can both give each other flowers?”
Luna looked like she was thinking it over hard for a moment before nodding. She grabbed Lily’s hand and tried with all her tiny strength to pull her toward the butterfly bushes first, saying they were her favorite.
The early morning sun shone brightly on their little family that weekend, and Lily couldn’t even find herself missing wanting to sleep in anymore.
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otrtbs · 2 years
Okey, so it's 3:45 am (I had to get up at 3 am to take my wife to medical exams, somehow they schedule appointments at 3:30 am 🙄).
Buuuut, I reached chapter 12: I hate Picasso, and I'm here to scream.
1. The orange muffins. How the fucks is James this sweet?! He has no right. Poor Regulus, he is lost. So head over heels. Poor baby.
2. I love Regulus "I fucking fly a plane but I can't park"Black. The fact that he JUST TAKE HIS HANDS OFF THE WHEEEL because he was DISTRACTED... Jesus.
3. I really feel the drowning Degas scene. Standing there, not able to do anything, just doubting, just hurting💔. Also James and his "I'm here to drowning it if you need me to" is sooo, sooo.. I can't even describe it.
4. "Love at first fuck" got me wheezing and giggling.
5. I love Dorcas. I want more Darlene now now now.
And those are my screams for now.
You are really talented, thank you so much for writing this. Your fic is giving me so much comfort (I know there's angst ahead, but angst can be comforting too) in a rough time.
Please tell me if this is ok. If it gets annoying just tell me and I'll stop. But my fellow "I'm and adult in my early 30's" friends don't get this, so I scream in tumblr, heh.
Have a nice day,
Hi! If I had an appointment at 3:30 I would just not sleep the night before because there is no way I could get up at that time
Orange muffins!! Regulus doesn't know what to do haha
2. Regulus not being able to drive is so personal TO ME mans can do everything but he can't do that!! we all have to have at least one flaw hahaha
3. James pulling up his pant legs and just getting into the freezing cold water ready to help no questions asked is just the most james thing i can think of
4. Remus says I draw the line at love at first sight but first fuck?? that's a different story 👀
ahh thank you so much for the kind words :,)) <3
THIS IS ABSOLUTELY SO OKAY! IT'S NOT ANNOYING AT ALL (my asks are closed atm but feel free to come into my messages and scream there as you continue reading!! haha) The BEST parts of being in a fandom/reading fanfic is being able to talk about it and freak out with people who also know what's up !! <333
I hope you're having a nice day!! <3
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morwap · 3 years
hey babe! how’s your day been?🥰
here’s a lil challenge for you, give me your fave fictional character for every letter of the alphabet!👀
hiiii bb! my days been good thank u for asking <333
how has your day been??
a: aneesa qureshi never have i ever
b: blaise zabini hp
c: cho chang hp
d: devi vishwakumar never have i ever
e: eleanor wong never have i ever
f: fez euphoria
g: gia bennett euphoria
h: harry potter hp
j: james potter hp
k: kurt hummel glee
l: luna lovegood hp
m: mercedes jones glee
n: neville longbottom hp
p: peter parker any spider-man movie
q: quinn fabray glee
r: remus lupin hp
s: sirius black hp
t: tom riddle hp
v: veronica fisher shameless
w: will leclair the society
y: yasmin bratz
z: ziggy berman fear street
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ughgclden · 3 years
ahhh congrats on 900 lovely!! may i get a 🎞 for dps or hp pls? i have ~wavy~ shoulder length dark brown hair and i do that annoying little thing where you put on blush to make it look like a sunburn, that mainly covers my freckles. cher horowitz & jackie burkhart are the blueprint when i dress and sometimes my friends make fun of me and call me the pink character :/ i’m passionate about musical theatre, and go to a performing arts school for such and such reason. i also really enjoy baking, doodling, archery. my personality could be described as very warm mom friend who holds ur hand when we cross the street, and worries about you after school type beat. lily evans kinnie :( i’m very loyal, and opinionated and i can be stubborn at times ( all the time babe :( ) thank you so much, and congrats again on a very well deserved 900!!! 💕
ahh thanks so so much lovely !!! of course,, i'll do both bcos i'm a fiend and love writing these things - i hope u like them !!! thanks sm for sending something in <333 i apologise about how long this is - i started writing the dps one completely forgetting i was also doing the hp one,, i have no impulse control
if you were in dead poets society..
i think the first poet you'd meet would be neil! as you're extremely passionate for musical theatre and have a talent for the performing arts, it's not surprising when you end up in a production with him. thanks to your warm personality and neil's extroverted nature and desire to make friends, it doesn't take long for you both to become friendly. he really appreciates your support and help, due to his problems with his dad and such, and thinks you give the most perfect advice. by opening night, you guys are great friends, and he's told you all about the poets who are coming along to watch him and how they'll love you. and he was definitely right, because when mr todd anderson spots you on stage, the lights hitting you just right to where you look like you're glowing, acting like it's second nature to you, his mind goes into overdrive.
after the show, he nervously asks neil about you, trying to act casual, but neil can read him like a book and instantly realises that he has a crush. he invites you over to meet his friends, paying a little extra attention to todd when he introduces the two of you. because he's a devil, he proposes that the poets and you and your friends who've come to support you all go out together - there's a local diner not too far from here that you could all head to at the weekend. everyone thinks this is a great idea, and todd is ready to kill neil. so when the weekend rolls around and you show up, he thinks you're the prettiest person he's seen, the blush on your nose adding to your overall angelic look.
it goes without saying that charlie LOVES your outfits so much - he thinks you have incredible style, and will compliment at least one of your clothing items each and every time he sees you. he will be your main hype man okay. he also definitely wants to do archery with you, because he thinks it's so so badass and he won't turn down an opportunity to add to his self proclaimed coolness.
i also think you'd get on so well with pitts - mom friends stick together, and pitts is definitely a mom friend. you're both the impulse control from the poets, having to convince charlie or knox that their 'genius' ideas are not that genius at all. the fact that you're super loyal is something all of the poets admire - they know they've found a good friend in you, and can always rely on you if they need to.
and when they find out you can bake? oh god, it's chaos. with this new found knowledge, they now desperately want to bake with you and you and pitts have to try and wrangle these overly excited boys so you can make something actually edible.
if you were in harry potter...
again, thanks to your warm nature, people are just drawn to you, so i think you'd get on well with practically everyone at hogwarts. you'd definitely be approached by a lot of the younger students who are nervous or lost, as you look approachable and kind, not intimidating like other students who tower over them and push them in the corridors.
i think you'd be closest to ginny, neville and luna. luna thinks your hair is super pretty, and is constantly placing flowers in it, sometimes even braiding them into the strands if she has time. you and ginny are both stubborn, loyal and opinionated, so you get on extremely well on that front, both enjoying sticking by your friends and standing up for yourself and what you think is right. neville loves seeing your doodles, please slide some towards him during class, it makes them more bearable for him. i can also see you being good friends with angelina johnson!
due to your friendship with angelina, it isn't long before a certain red-head starts catching feelings for you. it's george, i'm talking about george. listen, he just thinks you're super sweet, and he adores your fashion and freckles. plus, with your mom friend attitude and general care for people, how could he not begin falling for you?
BUT if we're talking the marauders era, it's only fitting you're best friends with lily, marlene, dorcas and mary. oh my god, you'd be the most iconic friendship group that everyone else would be jealous of. i'm talking late night karaoke sessions, a silencing charm cast on your dorm to avoid waking up your fellow classmates. there'd be so many hogsmeade outings, wandering around all of the different shops and just enjoying being in each other's company.
i definitely think remus would have the biggest crush on you. he isn't really sure when it started. he just remembers waking up one day with the knowledge that he likes you, and that was that. he'd be a bit apprehensive to make a move, not knowing if you reciprocate his feelings. but if you show any indication? he's jumping at the chance to ask you out
i hope these were okay babe!! like i said, im so sorry about how long they got, i've had a lot of coffee and i'm a menace when it comes to these things- but i truly hope you like them !!! thanks for sending something in, i adore your blog and the fact we're mutuals is mind-blowing <33
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littlebabyyd0ll · 3 years
Favourite HP boy and girl ?
my fav golden age boy is ronnie !! underrated angel <3 n my fav girl is sweet baby luna :,)
marauders era is remus & lily <333
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ao3feed-romione · 3 years
Let's Get This Straight.
Let's Get This Straight. by AngelicDemonSpookynoodles
You all know how Harry Potter went. It was pretty inaccurate, in all honesty, and didn't focus on Fred and George nearly as much. Come on, let's go through what actually happened.
Words: 333, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter RPF
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Lee Jordan, George Weasley, Fred Weasley, Ron Weasley, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Newt Scamander, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Regulus Black, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Hermione Granger, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Cedric Diggory, Mildus Black, Lavender Brown, Fleur Delacour, Rubeus Hagrid, Angelina Johnson, Minerva McGonagall, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, Marauders, Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, Padma Patil, Parvati Patil, Stan Shunpike, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Alicia Spinnet, Nymphadora Tonks, Oliver Wood
Relationships: Lee Jordan/George Weasley, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, BAMF Fred Weasley, POV Alternating, Sad George Weasley, Protective Fred Weasley, George Weasley Needs a Hug, Fred Weasley needs a hug, BAMF Percy Weasley, BAMF Women, BAMF Minerva McGonagall, BAMF Molly Weasley, BAMF Ginny Weasley, BAMF Ron Weasley, BAMF Charlie Weasley, BAMF Bill Weasley, BAMF Arthur Weasley, Oblivious Harry Potter, Oblivious Harry, Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Book Ginny, Black Hermione Granger, Dark Hermione Granger, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter Friendship, Hermione Granger is a Good Friend, Everyone Is Gay, Author Is Sleep Deprived, The Author Regrets Everything, Please Don't Hate Me, Please Kill Me, How Do I Tag, I Don't Even Know, I'm Bad At Tagging, I'm Sorry, I'm Bad At Titles, What Have I Done, I Blame Tumblr, I Ship It, Gay George Weasley, Good Percy Weasley, Gay Panic, Gay Percy Weasley, Genderfluid Character, Awesome Molly Weasley, Molly Weasley is Superior, Draco Malfoy & Ron Weasley Friendship, Weasley Family-centric, Lesbian Ginny Weasley, Asexual Luna Lovegood, Autistic Luna Lovegood, Minor Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, molly and arthur are good parents, Arthur needs rubber ducks, Demisexuality, Demisexual George Weasley, Lesbian Luna Lovegood, Good Albus Dumbledore, Albus Dumbledore is a Good Teacher, Albus Dumbledore is Actually Gay, Gay Albus Dumbledore, Fashion Icon George Weasley, Molly Weasley Runs a Magic Bakery, Molly Weasley is Everyone's Mum, Ron Weasley is So Done, Harry Potter & Ron Weasley Friendship, Arthur Weasley is a rubber duck enthusiast, femboy sirius black, Sirius Black is the antichrist, Sirius Black Taught George Fashion Tips, George Weasley Teaches Sirius Fashion Tips, Gay Sirius Black, sirius black has tattoos, Sirius Black is a Good Sibling, Sirius Black is a Good Boyfriend, BAMF Hermione Granger, Hermione Granger is Pining, Percy Weasley is in Love, Percy Weasley Loves His Jock Roommate, Asexual Charlie Weasley, Autistic Charlie Weasley, Charlie Weasley is a Good Sibling, Trans Charlie Weasley, Charlie Weasley is Friends with the Dragons, Charlie Weasley is Friends with Luna Lovegood, Charlie and Luna Bonded Over the Dragons and Bumbos in Their Toasters, Chaotic Twins, Weasley twins, Lee Jordan Actually Exists, Lee Jordan is So Soft, Everyone Needs A Hug, Everyone Has Issues, everyone is soft, Gay, no straight people, No Smut, No Sex, Oliver Wood - Freeform, Protective Oliver Wood, Pining Oliver Wood, Oliver Wood Is A Himbo, but not really, Oliver Wood Pretends to be A Himbo, Oliver Wood is in Love, Oliver Wood Loves His Nerd Roommate, Autistic Percy Weasley, Autistic Newt Scamander, Autistic Fred Weasley, Autistic George Weasley, Fred Weasley has ADHD, George Weasley has ADHD, Please Give the Twins some Love, Uhhhh there's a lot of OCs, No one is cishet, literally no one, Maybe Voldemort, Lesbian Minerva McGonagall, Anarchist Bill Weasley, Anarchist Sirius Black, Feminist Sirius Black, Sirius and Lily Punch Sexists, Sirius Black Wears Makeup, Remus Lupin Needs a Hug, Gay Remus Lupin, Protective Remus Lupin, Established Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Molly Weasley Took On Bellatrix She'll Take on Voldemort if She Damn Wants, Neopronoun Usage, sensory issues, George Weasley Needs Mental Help, Double Agents, Mental Health Issues, Percy Weasley Needs Mental Help, Remus Lupin has Self-Esteem Issues, Remus Lupin Has PTSD, Indian James Potter, James Potter Being an Idiot, James Potter Needs a Hug, Harry Potter Needs a Hug, Indian Harry Potter, Everyone Is Alive, Except Voldemort, Good Severus Snape, Severus Snape Has a Heart, Severus Snape is Bad at Feelings, But he loves his students, Severus Snape is a good teacher, Severus Snape isn't obsessed, He probably finds love, idk - Freeform, I'll make it up, McGonagall has a wife, They have afternoon tea together, They adopt all the students, Well actually one person dies, Fuck Pettigrew, Let Sirius say fuck, Get that rat bitch Sirius fuck him up, Hashtag Pettigrew hate club, Childhood Friends, Friends to Lovers, qpr, Asexuality, Give the Weasleys some pasta, Ginny learned to fight because woohoo fighters and lovers, Why do all the Weasleys have red hair it's a recessive gene, George and Ginny swap Christmas Jumpers, Arthur is so curious please teach him how to google, James and Lily Hide from Voldemort, Peeves actually exists, Drarry, Dolores Umbridge is Her Own Warning, Dolores Umbridge Bashing, Pranks and Practical Jokes, Potatoes, Eating Disorders, I Can't Believe I Wrote This, I made some OCs, Why Did I Write This?, Twins, Chaos, Protective George Weasley, Dragonologist Charlie Weasley, Minor Seamus Finnigan/Dean Thomas, Artist Dean Thomas, Gay Dean Thomas, Gay Seamus Finnigan, Harry doesn't observe anything, I mean it, i can't believe myself, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Modern Era, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Alternate Universe - Modern: Still Have Powers, I Wrote This While Listening to Hozier's Music, I need help, but so does everyone here, Worry, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Fred and George need each other, Gender Issues, Gender Dysphoria, Cinnamon Roll Newt Scamander, Adorable Newt Scamander, Newt Scamander is a Dork, Teacher Newt Scamander, There is going to be 7 of these, all through the years of Hogwarts, happy for the first two years, then it goes downhill, it's already kinda fucked up, Fucked Up, Growing Up, Good Draco Malfoy, malfoy oc, Gay Draco Malfoy, Someone stop me, why, Good Fred Weasley & George Weasley, Fred and George are Part of a Quadruplet Set, The Other Two Are Girls, Freya - Freeform, and, Grace - Freeform, Freya and Grace, a girl named Winter Malfoy, Severus Snape is a good person, Lucius Malfoy is annoying, Lucius Malfoy Bashing, Narcissa is an angel, Good Person TM, Narcissa and Molly are Good Friends, Autistic Remus Lupin, Sirius Black & James Potter Friendship, Sirius Black has ADHD, Autistic Rubeus Hagrid, Harry Potter is a Himbo, I'm Serious, Not Sirius, Just serious, gay repression, Someone Pushes Down His Gay, He is a bab, Internalized Homophobia, Body Image, Male Homosexuality, Platonic Relationships, Platonic Cuddling, Platonic Soulmates, Platonic Female/Male Relationships, Female Homosexuality, Platonic Male/Male Relationships, Platonic Female/Female Relationships, They are all gay, Werewolf Bill Weasley, Bisexual Bill Weasley, Bill Weasley is Super Fuck, Bill Weasley is Super Fucking, hold on, I can't function, Bill Weasley is Super Fucking Cool, okay thank you, I hate myself, This will probably be not too great, Don't Examine This Too Closely, Don't Judge Me, Genderfluid George Weasley, Harry is Too Oblivious to Notice This Shit
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30527859
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ao3feed-snape · 3 years
Let's Get This Straight.
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3sZjYNK
by AngelicDemonSpookynoodles
You all know how Harry Potter went. It was pretty inaccurate, in all honesty, and didn't focus on Fred and George nearly as much. Come on, let's go through what actually happened.
Words: 333, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter RPF
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Lee Jordan, George Weasley, Fred Weasley, Ron Weasley, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Newt Scamander, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Regulus Black, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Hermione Granger, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Cedric Diggory, Mildus Black, Lavender Brown, Fleur Delacour, Rubeus Hagrid, Angelina Johnson, Minerva McGonagall, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, Marauders (Harry Potter), Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, Padma Patil, Parvati Patil, Stan Shunpike, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Alicia Spinnet, Nymphadora Tonks, Oliver Wood
Relationships: Lee Jordan/George Weasley, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, BAMF Fred Weasley, POV Alternating, Sad George Weasley, Protective Fred Weasley, George Weasley Needs a Hug, Fred Weasley needs a hug, BAMF Percy Weasley, BAMF Women, BAMF Minerva McGonagall, BAMF Molly Weasley, BAMF Ginny Weasley, BAMF Ron Weasley, BAMF Charlie Weasley, BAMF Bill Weasley, BAMF Arthur Weasley, Oblivious Harry Potter, Oblivious Harry, Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Book Ginny, Black Hermione Granger, Dark Hermione Granger, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter Friendship, Hermione Granger is a Good Friend, Everyone Is Gay, Author Is Sleep Deprived, The Author Regrets Everything, Please Don't Hate Me, Please Kill Me, How Do I Tag, I Don't Even Know, I'm Bad At Tagging, I'm Sorry, I'm Bad At Titles, What Have I Done, I Blame Tumblr, I Ship It, Gay George Weasley, Good Percy Weasley, Gay Panic, Gay Percy Weasley, Genderfluid Character, Awesome Molly Weasley, Molly Weasley is Superior, Draco Malfoy & Ron Weasley Friendship, Weasley Family-centric (Harry Potter), Lesbian Ginny Weasley, Asexual Luna Lovegood, Autistic Luna Lovegood, Minor Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, molly and arthur are good parents, Arthur needs rubber ducks, Demisexuality, Demisexual George Weasley, Lesbian Luna Lovegood, Good Albus Dumbledore, Albus Dumbledore is a Good Teacher, Albus Dumbledore is Actually Gay, Gay Albus Dumbledore, Fashion Icon George Weasley, Molly Weasley Runs a Magic Bakery, Molly Weasley is Everyone's Mum, Ron Weasley is So Done, Harry Potter & Ron Weasley Friendship, Arthur Weasley is a rubber duck enthusiast, femboy sirius black, Sirius Black is the antichrist, Sirius Black Taught George Fashion Tips, George Weasley Teaches Sirius Fashion Tips, Gay Sirius Black, sirius black has tattoos, Sirius Black is a Good Sibling, Sirius Black is a Good Boyfriend, BAMF Hermione Granger, Hermione Granger is Pining, Percy Weasley is in Love, Percy Weasley Loves His Jock Roommate, Asexual Charlie Weasley, Autistic Charlie Weasley, Charlie Weasley is a Good Sibling, Trans Charlie Weasley, Charlie Weasley is Friends with the Dragons, Charlie Weasley is Friends with Luna Lovegood, Charlie and Luna Bonded Over the Dragons and Bumbos in Their Toasters, Chaotic Twins, Weasley twins, Lee Jordan Actually Exists, Lee Jordan is So Soft, Everyone Needs A Hug, Everyone Has Issues, everyone is soft, Gay, no straight people, No Smut, No Sex, Oliver Wood - Freeform, Protective Oliver Wood, Pining Oliver Wood, Oliver Wood Is A Himbo, but not really, Oliver Wood Pretends to be A Himbo, Oliver Wood is in Love, Oliver Wood Loves His Nerd Roommate, Autistic Percy Weasley, Autistic Newt Scamander, Autistic Fred Weasley, Autistic George Weasley, Fred Weasley has ADHD, George Weasley has ADHD, Please Give the Twins some Love, Uhhhh there's a lot of OCs, No one is cishet, literally no one, Maybe Voldemort, Lesbian Minerva McGonagall, Anarchist Bill Weasley, Anarchist Sirius Black, Feminist Sirius Black, Sirius and Lily Punch Sexists, Sirius Black Wears Makeup, Remus Lupin Needs a Hug, Gay Remus Lupin, Protective Remus Lupin, Established Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Molly Weasley Took On Bellatrix She'll Take on Voldemort if She Damn Wants, Neopronoun Usage, sensory issues, George Weasley Needs Mental Help, Double Agents, Mental Health Issues, Percy Weasley Needs Mental Help, Remus Lupin has Self-Esteem Issues, Remus Lupin Has PTSD, Indian James Potter, James Potter Being an Idiot, James Potter Needs a Hug, Harry Potter Needs a Hug, Indian Harry Potter, Everyone Is Alive, Except Voldemort, Good Severus Snape, Severus Snape Has a Heart, Severus Snape is Bad at Feelings, But he loves his students, Severus Snape is a good teacher, Severus Snape isn't obsessed, He probably finds love, idk - Freeform, I'll make it up, McGonagall has a wife, They have afternoon tea together, They adopt all the students, Well actually one person dies, Fuck Pettigrew, Let Sirius say fuck, Get that rat bitch Sirius fuck him up, Hashtag Pettigrew hate club, Childhood Friends, Friends to Lovers, qpr, Asexuality, Give the Weasleys some pasta, Ginny learned to fight because woohoo fighters and lovers, Why do all the Weasleys have red hair it's a recessive gene, George and Ginny swap Christmas Jumpers, Arthur is so curious please teach him how to google, James and Lily Hide from Voldemort, Peeves actually exists, Drarry, Dolores Umbridge is Her Own Warning, Dolores Umbridge Bashing, Pranks and Practical Jokes, Potatoes, Eating Disorders, I Can't Believe I Wrote This, I made some OCs, Why Did I Write This?, Twins, Chaos, Protective George Weasley, Dragonologist Charlie Weasley, Minor Seamus Finnigan/Dean Thomas, Artist Dean Thomas, Gay Dean Thomas, Gay Seamus Finnigan, Harry doesn't observe anything, I mean it, i can't believe myself, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Modern Era, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Alternate Universe - Modern: Still Have Powers, I Wrote This While Listening to Hozier's Music, I need help, but so does everyone here, Worry, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Fred and George need each other, Gender Issues, Gender Dysphoria, Cinnamon Roll Newt Scamander, Adorable Newt Scamander, Newt Scamander is a Dork, Teacher Newt Scamander, There is going to be 7 of these, all through the years of Hogwarts, happy for the first two years, then it goes downhill, it's already kinda fucked up, Fucked Up, Growing Up, Good Draco Malfoy, malfoy oc, Gay Draco Malfoy, Someone stop me, why, Good Fred Weasley & George Weasley, Fred and George are Part of a Quadruplet Set, The Other Two Are Girls, Freya - Freeform, and, Grace - Freeform, Freya and Grace, a girl named Winter Malfoy, Severus Snape is a good person, Lucius Malfoy is annoying, Lucius Malfoy Bashing, Narcissa is an angel, Good Person TM, Narcissa and Molly are Good Friends, Autistic Remus Lupin, Sirius Black & James Potter Friendship, Sirius Black has ADHD, Autistic Rubeus Hagrid, Harry Potter is a Himbo, I'm Serious, Not Sirius, Just serious, gay repression, Someone Pushes Down His Gay, He is a bab, Internalized Homophobia, Body Image, Male Homosexuality, Platonic Relationships, Platonic Cuddling, Platonic Soulmates, Platonic Female/Male Relationships, Female Homosexuality, Platonic Male/Male Relationships, Platonic Female/Female Relationships, They are all gay, Werewolf Bill Weasley, Bisexual Bill Weasley, Bill Weasley is Super Fuck, Bill Weasley is Super Fucking, hold on, I can't function, Bill Weasley is Super Fucking Cool, okay thank you, I hate myself, This will probably be not too great, Don't Examine This Too Closely, Don't Judge Me, Genderfluid George Weasley, Harry is Too Oblivious to Notice This Shit
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3sZjYNK
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ladyvesuvia · 3 years
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[Navigation] [Masterlist]
REQUESTS: Open / Closed
I made this to indicate what I write, might write, and will not write. Please take note that it might take time for me to get to your requests, I am currently tending to my school works + I also have the right to deny a request if I don’t feel like it, so I’m sorry if I turn it down :((
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I am allowed to turn down a request if I just don’t feel inspired or if I feel uncomfortable.
I’m currently only writing Fem!Reader because it’s what I’m used to, but this might change in future.
Please do not get mad if I get to your request late or turn it down. I have a personal life of my own and a bunch of school work.
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Smut - Sorry, but as a minor, I don’t feel comfortable writing stories with mature and sexual themes.
Anything NSFW
R@p3 / non-con, abu$e, p3d0phili4, in¢est - this is self-explanatory (i hope so). i will not write anything that might suggest romanticizing, normalizing, and justifying issues such as these.
Songfics <333
Fluff too :))
Blurbs with around 500 words
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I’m sorry if it’s limited! I will be expanding my character list in the future.
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Harry Potter - as you may have noticed, this blog is harry-centric, soooooo ;))
Draco Malfoy
James Potter
Luna Lovegood
Remus Lupin
Ron Weasley
Sirius Black
Diluc Ragnvindr
CHARACTERS I MIGHT WRITE ABOUT (not accepting requests for these characters):
If a character is in this list, it means that I’m thinking about writing one-shots about them. But it also means that I don’t have a good grip on their characters (mannerisms, way of talking, interacting, and etcetera). Which is why I’d like even an anonymous tip or guide on how to write some of the characters without ruining their overall charm! (A character being in this list does not automatically guarantee that I will write about them.)
Cedric Diggory
Ginny Weasley
Hermione Granger
Neville Longbottom
Because why even
Tom Riddle / Voldemort
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ursoriddikvlus · 2 years
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𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲? 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐧 !
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↬ back to navigation
‣ last updated ; april 19, 2022 ‣ status ; open !
↬ always indicate whether your request is a/an ;
‣ blurb [600 words or less] ‣ imagine [700 words or more] ‣ headcanon/s [up to three or five characters] ‣ fake chat/text [1-9 characters, depending on the request, i may override the number of people you requested for, if the topic is a bit too small for me to think of different reactions]
↬ please specify if you want a fem! reader or gender neutral! reader, unless otherwise stated, i will be using gender neutral readers (male! reader is also possible if one does request for it, i may struggle a bit since i don’t identify as male lkajdha]
↬ requests are written in my own time and in my own pace ; i will accept emergency requests if you do indicate them [emergency requests may override the current status of requesting if in dire need, and i will get to them as soon as possible]
↬ i will not write for the following ; [will be updated]
‣ noncon/dubcon ‣ rape ‣ character x character ‣ incest or any forms of this (stepcest, etc.) ‣ pedophilia ‣ kinks i am unfamiliar with (e.g. watersports, very kinky stuff) ‣ A/B/O ‣ drug use
↬ i do write ;
♪ fluff ♪ comfort ♪ lgbtq+ themes ♪ lgbtq+ ships [wlw, mlm, and non-binary folks] ♪ platonic relationships, familial relationships
[keep reading for the character list]
—james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, lily evans, regulus black, severus snape
—harry potter, ron weasley, hermione granger, luna lovegood, draco malfoy, blaise zabini, theodore nott, ginny weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, charlie weasley, bill weasley, fleur delacour, cedric diggory, viktor krum, neville longbottom, pansy parkinson, oliver wood
FANTASTIC BEASTS and where to find them
—newt scamander
—tom riddle, bellatrix lestrange + platonic/familial only for minerva mcgonagall
note ! a lot of these characters, i would rather write them with a platonic/familial relationship with the reader, than them being a love interest, but we’ll see HJSDHKASJHA if you want a character that is not on here, you may ask thru my askbox whether i’d write for them, cuz honestly, i may have forgotten KJASHYJKASDGJKS M’ SORRY so just ask ty <333
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cherryslyce · 1 year
Sirius: haha. pup. like puppy. like a small dog.
MC: like i fucking BITE, bitch.
Contessa: You had me thinking about Blaise-
MC: exactly what I thought.
*at the same time*
Contessa: Niente puttane? (No bitches?)
MC: No bitches?
Blaise: I absolutely hate it here. Genuinely. Take your Runes. You've "rune"d everything.
Blaise: how DARE you leave me to be a single parent?
MC: how dare YOU not tell ME you were pregnant?
Theo: how dare YOU be, B.
Both: ..
Theo: I wished to feel included.
Luna: he said bb c:
MC: I wonder what Reg would do.
*does opposite*
MC: I must spite him still, for that is true lo.. like. Intense like.
Regulus' journal: "I wonder what it's like to love."
MC: Oh.
Luna: Are you alright?
MC: I think I just busted a tear. Spraint my eye socket. Unleashed a sense of deep sorrow through sweat from my pupils.
Luna: Your way with words is truly unique.
Harry and co: I wonder how she's doing.. I hope she's alright.
MC writing Draco back: Listen here BITCH. Tell your ugly rat ass fucking looking aunt to square THE FUCK up. You know what she's actually already very square. Tell her to CIRCLE her days left on a calender.. bitch.
You're doing amazing and I'm sorry this is such a long ask. All my love and suffering - HC anon. 💌
Oh my goodness!! Hello! I was just thinking about you the other day haha! I love this so much! Sirius and reader definitely have that kind of dynamic LOL. Also, the Contessa Zabini + Y/N combo is lethal, especially for poor Blaise (someone please save him).
Y/N and Blaise being reluctant parents to poor Draco + Theo being the Uncle who magically appears everywhere <333
+ Y/N most definitely woke up with puffy eyes after reading Reg's journal (and honestly, same). And LOL, Y/N is definitely a poet.
++ Bellatrix is really amazing at making enemies. Unfortunately, that won't turn out all too great for her in the end :))!
No need to apologize for the lost message, I really had a good laugh at this LOL. I missed you, dear!! Much love <3333
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witch-and-a-half · 4 years
hello???? i just saw and read your analyzing for the zodiac/birth chart and kinda want my chart analyzed 🥺👉👈 only if u want tho😳😳 you can happily delete this if u dont
but if you doooo according to co-star my sun is Leo, rising is Sagittarius and moon is Sagittarius
ok thanks :)) <33 lots of love
eee!!! hi hi! of course i’ll do a little analysis! (also reminder i’m not an expert so if anybody sees this and is like “thats not right!” plz let me know!)
my explanation of sun/moon/rising can be found here in case you wanna look over it!
- leo and sagittarius are both fire signs! this might mean you’re a pretty bold person and have a lot of energy and chutzpah!! obviously not everyone is super confident always, but you might have certain ways that you reflect a confidence or passion that’s unique to you. i’d also suggest looking at some of your other placements if you feel like the fire sign traits are a bit off because if you have a lot of other non-fire signs in your chart, that could have an impact too.
☼ leo suns tend to get a lot of flack for being vain or shallow, but i personally don’t think there’s anything wrong with that and leo’s attention to detail is one of my favorite things about them. one of my best friends is a leo and she is a great gift giver and excellent to go shopping with because she has a great eye for cool looks and ideas that other people (me!) wouldn’t have seen otherwise. leos can also be passionate leaders who take the reins in situations—especially if no one else will. since this is your sun sign, it might feel the most overall applicable to you as a general blanket of your identity, but there might be gaps where it doesn’t feel as applicable, and other parts of your chart might fill those gaps.
☾ sagittarius’s tend to be one of the more mellow fire signs, but still have the classic fiery charisma. you might crave adventure or deviation from the norm a bit more than others might. i also know sagittarius placements are known to be pretty positive and optimistic (although not everybody can always be happy always), so you might have an ability to see the bright side of situations and not dwell on the negative ideas in the same way others might. your moon sign is your perception of yourself from within, so hopefully you see yourself as this generally positive person!
↑ it’s super cool that your rising and moon signs are the same! this probably means that your optimism and desire for freedom are also present in the way you present yourself for others. this is really cool because it means your perception of yourself might be well aligned with the way the people around you would perceive you. this could mean you come off as super genuine and authentic right away, especially because the fire sign traits radiate an especially attractive energy.
♡ i’m going to give you a harry potter ship too (or maybe just analyze your potential relationships with characters) so this is at least a little on topic hehe and because it’s fun. at first, i wanted to ship you with a weasley twin too because they’re fire signs, and you might get along with them really well in some ways, but sometimes being around other people with the same element sign can be exhausting because you could be so similar. i also thought about a maurader like james or sirius because they have that same enthusiastic energy but james is an aries like the twins (makes sense) and remus and sirius are water signs which could work but sometimes water signs can be too complicated or emotional for fire signs who need to be a bit more go-with-the-flow. fire signs tend to couple reallllly well with air signs though!!! air signs and fire signs are pretty good at balancing each other out (i’m an air sun and some of my favorite people are fire suns!), so i’d pair you with an air sign character!! draco is the most prominent air sign, but i don’t feel like his overall negativity would jive with your personality? but maybe if he let his guard down, your fire sign ways could open him up to the more whimsical life he secretly wants? instead of just listing all the other air signs, you can check here and look at the libras and aquarius characters you might meld well with!! this just hit me!!! cedric! its hard because he’s not a super detailed character but i think his warm but still pretty mellow personality could work really well with yours!!! you’d both be leaders and would work really well as a team!!! (also i realized this is super heteronormative which i think might be okay because you write about male characters, but, for the sake of including women, you would also get along with someone like Luna or Ginny!)
i didnt mean for this to be so long but hopefully you like it and if it didn’t resonate, i could also try the other big three you submitted and see if those are more accurate!! <333
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