#remus play despacito
gingerplaysthesims · 2 years
I have some pretty christmas pictures in the works (that I hopefully manage to finish in time), but before that, the annual sanders winter vacation time, quality content by me. This time in Janus’s and Remus’s vacation home, with the rest of the gang as guests.
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Janus and Remus: *wake up at 1AM*
Janus: It’s your turn to feed the toddler.
Remus: *noises of disterss*
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Roman: Hey Virge, can we have one of these?
Virgil: Sure.
Roman: Yaaaa-
Virgil: But I’m not the one to get probed.
Roman: -aaawwww.
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Remus: You suck, bro!
Roman: *offended*
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You both suck.
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This whole vacation sucks, apparently
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Janus: ...and they lived happily ever after. Also your father never learned how to clean the toilet properly. The end.
Maya: *confused but happy*
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Remus: Want me to give you some pointers how to write graphic novels?
Virgil: No.
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Christmas is the time for acts of kindness. Like farting in Virgil’s general direction.
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Virgil: Bitch! I hate you!
Janus: So sad, Remus play Despacito.
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Virgil: I feel faint. Onions everywhere.
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ketlingr · 4 years
If the Marauders were virtual assistants...
... James would be Google because they are both obnoxious a.f.
Sirius would be Siri because he's to lazy to think of a new nickname.
Remus would be Alexa because they are both surprisingly useful, surprisingly fun and surprisingly dangerous.
Peter would be Cortana. Because duh.
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r0seart · 2 years
Just to make everyone’s lives a little worse, while same sex activity was allowed in Britain in the 70s-80s, you had to be over the age of 21. Easy for Sirius because he’d turn 21 in 1980 but Remus would have to wait till 81, the year where it all went wrong. Remus was born in March, so Remus and Sirius could only be “legally together” for about 7 months, then October of 81’ rolls around and you all know what happened.
Obviously, they might’ve taken a risk here or there before they were 21, that’s the reason I say “legally together“.
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Virgil: That’s so sad, Roman play Despacito
Roman: *starts singing Despacito*
Remus: *joins in because he knows the real meaning of the song*
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buck-is-alexis-rose · 6 years
OMG I was thinking about the despacito meme and realized it would be Sirius Black's favorite thing and would use it non stop.
Remus is having a rough day. Full moon is coming up, and worse, they just covered werewolves in DADA so all he hears are his classmates he thought were good people saying werewolves are monsters. He's sitting on his bed, venting to the room, so hurt and angry the others are slightly scared. But then Sirius walks up with the most sincere look on his eye, he places his hand on Moony's arm, and opens his mouth.
"That's so sad," Sirius says. "Alexa, play despacito."
Everyone goes dead quiet. Remus slowly turns his head to look at Sirius, who is only slightly terrified. His jaw is clenched, and his face is turning red. Sirius silently accepts his fate, it was totally worth it. But then Remus surprises everyone, and starts busting his gut laughing.
James and Peter are surprised, but pleased to see their friend happy, and they start laughing too (mostly out of relief, they thought they were about to witness the death of a dear friend).
Sirius is deathly pale, his eyes are still wide with fear, he thought he was a goner. but he has that crooked smile on his face, and is absurdly pleased with himself for making the cranky werewolf laugh
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vergaytim · 3 years
Remus: Look James, there’s Sirius!
Sirius: *waves*
James, drunk: Siri? Play Despacito
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lupinsfight · 4 years
wolfstar texting
Remus: what's the meaning of life
Sirius: i'll ask alexa
Remus: ...
Sirius: alexa play despacito
Remus: bye
Sirius: alexa play baby come back
Remus: i will h u r t you
Sirius: alexa play can't touch this
Remus: i hate you
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zi-i-think · 4 years
Request Prompt List
*Disclaimer* Some of these prompts are from Pinterest, some inspired by social media and tv/movies, and most of them are created by me. I have no problem with other creators using my list.
You can find my prompt list with the hashtag #zi prompt list
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How to request:
In my asks
Tell me the universe and character (characters not included in this list are fine, but I do reserve the right to refuse to write for a character for any reason).
AU (optional)
Prompt (max of 3)
Any information about the reader (Gender, Hogwarts House, appearance, etc.) I will write the reader as y/n unless otherwise specified.
If you want any specific plot or event, just let me know. Whatever isn’t specified will be left to me and my creative freedom.
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Harry Potter Series
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Ginny Weasley
Bill Weasley
Fleur Delacour
Remus Lupin
Serius Black
James Potter
Lily Evens
Regulus Black
Merlin BBC
Sir Leon
Sir Gwaine
Sir Elyan
Bucky Barnes/ Winter Soldier
Carol Danvers/ Captain Marvel
Natasha Romanoff/ Black Widow
Sam Wilson/ Falcon/ Captain America
Scott Lang/ Ant-Man
Steve Rogers/ Captain America
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlett Witch
Xu Shang-Chi
Xu Xialing
Eros/ Starfox
Lord of the Rings
Avatar: TLA + LoK
Ty Lee
Lin Beifong
Fallon Carrington
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Headcannon: word length varies
Drabble: 100-500ish words
Short fic: 500-2000
(If you want me to write something longer, please know that they take me more time)
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AU’s (optional)
High School
Certain time periods (ex. 1940’s)
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Gen Z Prompts ✵
1. “This is going to sound controversial, but I think that went well.”
2. “You have no idea how to make toast?”
3. “I haven’t showered in four days.”
4. “Tell them how you screwed up.”
5. “Try not to gasp.”
6. “Well, this just scrambles my eggs.”
7. “Look I’m not the brightest tool in the… toolbox.”
8. “Please be quiet, I can’t even hear myself losing the will to live.”
9. “Chile, anyways.”
10. “Why does he have to be so fucking hot!!! And respectful!!!”
11. “That sounds neat, my guy.”
12. “So sad. Alexa play Despacito.”
13. “Well, there goes the fucking plan.” “Wait there was a plan?!”
14. “I want you to park that big mack truck right in this little garage!!!”
15. Teaching them how to do the WAP dance.
16. “Why can’t I throw it back?!”
17. “That wasn’t very g-money of you.”
18. “Yeet!”
19. Playing Among Us.
20. “It the ___ for me.”
21. “You are such a [zodiac sign].”
22. “Sorry, I only simp for Corpse.” “You’ve never even seen his face.” “I’ve seen his hands!”
23. “Will you be my emotional support himbo?”
24. “Might I request thy hand in-” “Marriage?” “No, I was wondering if you want to go to McDonald’s with me.” “Even better.”
25. “I’m here for you bro.” “Really bro?” “Really bro.”
26. *giggles* “Rawr.” *more giggles*
27. “Please pardon my french, but what the diggidy dang was that.”
28. “When will you learn! That your actions have consequences!”
29. “Calling all the Monsters by China Anne Maclaine is a bop and you can’t convince me otherwise.”
30. “Eat the rich!” “[name], I am rich.” “I make no exceptions!”
31. “You’re being very calm right now.” “Oh, that’s just because I haven’t processed what happened. Give me a minute.”
32. “I love you bitch. I ain’t never gonna stop loving you. Bitch.”
33 “I am in love with you and I’m telling you straight up. I want you to be my boyfriend/girlfriend. Do you accept or deny!?... BItch get out the way.”
Fluff ❁
1. “Boyfriend and girlfriend right now?” “No.” “Boyfriend and girlfriend eventually?... You didn’t say no.” “I’ll play the long game.”
2. “I crave physical touch. Please cuddle me.”
3. Kisses on the nose.
4. *sneeze* “That is the cutest sneeze I’ve ever heard.”
5. “How long have you been flirting with me?” “Only since we’ve met.”
6. Playing with their hair.
7. Dancing in the kitchen.
8. “Did you just boop my nose?” “Yes… boop”
9. Y/n going off into a rant and character just stares in admiration.
10. Waking up in the morning.
11. Cuddles after a stressful day.
12. Teaching character or Y/n how to ____.
13. Character or Y/n having a long day and is given a massage.
14. “Sorry I’m late, have you been waiting long?” “Darling for you, I’d wait for centuries.”
15. “Care to give me a back scratch.”
16. “I’ll always be here to annoy the hell out of you.”
17. “I think I love you.”
18. Passing notes in class/in a meeting.
19. “It’s always been you.”
20. “Shush and go back to sleep.”
21. “Your bedhead is really cute.”
22. “I will murder you.” “Of fun?”
23. “You are my new pillow.”
Angst ☁
1. “I said I’d die for you”
2. “I never loved you.”
3. “I trusted you!”
4. Y/n or character sacrificing themself for the cause.
5. “If one of us doesn’t make it-” “Don’t say that.”
6. “I am not weak.” “Yes, you are. And you know what else? You’re stupid too.”
7. “I’ll see you again. One day.”
8. “Is that all we’ll ever be? Friends?”
9. “It’s midnight, where the hell were you?!”
10. “Where did all those bruises come from?”
11. “You could’ve died, you know?”
12. “You want to know the truth? I’m not okay.”
13. “I’m your friend of course I care!”
14. “Let me clean your wounds.”
15. “Can you please come and get me?”
16. “I can’t love you anymore.”
17. “Stop telling me you’re okay!”
18. “Because no matter how much I tried, I can’t stop loving you!”
19. Character or Y/n being reminded of the other, despite them being dead for years now.
Spicy (18+ characters) ♛
1. Hands
2. “You know you’re awfully red for someone who supposedly isn’t attracted to me”
3. Character or y/n training and taking off their shirt.
4. Soft sex
5. Bondage
6. Drunk sex
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drunk Logan #1
Patton: *visibly shaking*
Roman: *crying* this is so sad alexa play despacito
Janus: *plays you spin me right round*
Remus: dont'pacito
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frogsandcookies · 4 years
Sanders Sides Park Adventures
Patton: *gently nudges play equipment*
*said equipment makes a weird gurgling sound*
Virgil: Oh my god, it’s Nixon
Roman: Holy shit, you’re right! It is Nixon!
Roman: I’m going to do a cartwheel
Logan: Ok
Roman: *fails and falls on his face*
Logan: Wow
Roman: Remus, I’m dying! My knuckles hit the concrete and I’m dying!
Logan: Mhm
Virgil: Don’t bother me, I’m on Tumblr
Roman: So this weekend I got into a new fandom
Janus: What is it?
Roman: *silently panics*
Roman: It’s none of your business
Janus: That’s worrying
Virgil: You are a demon!
Virgil: Even Damian Wayne is better than you and he came back from hell!
Virgil: You are a heathen and I wouldn’t be surprised if you came from hell!
Remus: *proceeds to cause even more destruction* 
Janus: Oh that’s so sad, F in the chat, Alexa play despacito
Roman: Real helpful
Patton: You can’t just judge people like that!
Roman: No shit Sherlock!
Patton: You just wanted to say the “s” word, didn’t you?
Roman: Kinda
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darth-does-stuff · 3 years
ok sibling and parent names for everybody
logan cain 
his mom name is Harper Lee Cain 
i include the middle name cause its pretty all together
his dad name is Peter Cain
dee osman
mom name is Aurora Osman
she is,,,seeing someone rn 
their name is Taylor Monroe
they are nonbinary 
dee hasnt met them yet but you bet he will
(taylor is a good person dw)
patton aella
mom name is Jackson Aella because her parent decided fuck gender names
dad name is Sebastian Aella 
sometimes jackson calls him ‘sebastard’ all in good fun and he dies every time its so funny to him
older sister name is Alexa Aella
she is so tired of the jokes
logan: hey alexa play despacito
alexa: im going to hurt someone
his younger brother name is aquil aella because god damn i love that name
young sis name gon be blake aella
roman and remus castello 
dad name is aaron castello(what if i made them ftm,,,tho id have to look into trans stuff because im not familiar with the inner workings of it)
moms name is emilia castello
baby brother name is ryan castello
virgil anansi
older brothers name is derrick anansi
he seein someone named nolan as i mentioned
nolan uses he/they
mom name is isley anansi
dad name is kyle anansi 
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scenecipriano · 4 years
Janus holding a glass of wine while listening to a string quartet version of Despacito: Finally some peace and qui-
Remus: what-...what are you listening to?
Janus taking a long suffering sip of wine:...
Janus: Only classy bitches listen to this version while enjoying soup,begone gremlin.
Remus slowly backing out as a car horn version of despacito begins to play: Jesus Christ Superstar-...
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thecampfirestory · 5 years
Logan learns despacito on guitar and all the lyrics to it and follows roman around for weeks playing it until roman (helped by Remus) took his guitar and hid it for a week
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december-rains · 4 years
sanders sides fanders be like
- Life Ruined By Giftedness Diagnosis
- “You should eat something substantial” *has not consumed anything but coffee/tea in 48 hours*
-75% of their identity is overworking
-The rest is stress caused by overworking
-Absolutely fantastic
-Party Person with a surprising fondness for angst
-Like, a lot of angst
-The Virgil stans are getting concerned over the amount of angst
-Sib From Another Crib™
-Disaster Gay™ (note: not necessarily gay)
-Absolutely fantastic
-Probably has daddy issues
-”I’m fine” *breaks down sobbing*
-Anxious Asexual™ (note: note necessarily ace)
-haha what soul
-”Say 3 nice things about yourself or you’re walking the plank! Wait where are you going-” “Swimming.”
-Absolutely fantastic
-Similar to the Virgil stans in the “Please Adopt Me Patton” need
-Also Daddy Issues™
-Relatively unobtrusive, but also really pervasive
-Everyone loves them but is bad at showing it
-Perpetually 2 steps away from a total mental breakdown
-Refuses to acknowledge own problems in favor of helping everyone else
-Loves pets
-Absolutely fantastic
-That Bitch™ (in a good way)
-Puts their feet on the table
-Secretly lonely and insecure
-Chaos Bisexual™ (note: note necessarily bi)
-Typing quirks
-Absolutely fantastic
-Forgiving and fun-loving
-Really weird special interests/hyperfixations
-Probably a HuffleClaw
-Friendly but really bad at social interaction
-Absolutely fantastic
-”Be Gay Do Crime”
-Speaks exclusively in Meme, Gay, or both
-Worst fear is Straight TikTok
-*writes him in all their fanfics* 
-”Alexa, Play Despacito”
-Knows everything and everyone and no one is quite sure how
-Clinically depressed
-Absolutely fantastic
- The only functioning adult
- *faceplants into couch* *thumbs up*
- Will offer awkward reassurance no matter when u call them up
- The leader but in a subtle way
- Bread 
- Corrals the gays
- Understanding
- Absolutely fantastic
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transromansanders · 5 years
Raking Ruined
Warnings: Remus and Deceit (sympathetic)
Ships: Logicality (romantic), DLAMPR (platonic/familial)
Done with the prompt "Jumping in Leaves" for @sanderssidescelebrations 13 Spooky Month prompts!
Logan smiled at his finished work, several piles of leaves around the yard. It was the perfect time to rake, as it had finally stopped raining for the past few days and the leaves were dry. He'd have to be quick, though if he wanted to get the leaves in trash bags before—
"Go, hurry!"
Leaves flew everywhere, and the crisp autumn air was filled with the giggles of two little boys who now had leaves in their hair.
"Roman, Remus," Logan sighed.
Remus laughed, while Roman at least had the decency to look sheepish.
"Remus!" Dee called from the doorway. "You didn't forget to put shoes on!"
"Don't need 'em!" Remus called back.
Sighing again, Logan smiled fondly.
Virgil toddled through the door past Dee, sucking on his pacifier. Having watched the twins jump into the leaves, he hurried to one of the leaf piles and… fell face first into it. Then he pushed himself up, giggling around the pacifier.
Dee rushed over to scoop his youngest brother up. "You're not getting all dirty, V!"
Virgil whined, squirming in Dee's grip.
Logan grabbed the twins, one in each arm.
"Dad!" Roman squealed.
"Put us down!" cried Remus.
"Only if you promise to help me rake the leaves again," Logan quipped.
"Okay!" Roman chirped.
"No!" Remus cried.
Just then, a car pulled up, and Logan gently put the twins down.
"Papa!" The boys all yelled.
Virgil's pacifier dropped to the ground, and Logan sighed yet again, picking it up to wash it. He would wash it after he got a kiss from his husband, though, of course.
The children were swarmed around Patton as he got out of the car laughing.
"My boys!" he said happily, giving each of them a hug and kiss on the forehead, and taking Virgil from Dee. Then he saw Logan, and his grin somehow grew even more. "Hi, Honey."
"Welcome home, Dear," Logan answered, kissing his husband quickly.
"Why do three of the children have leaves in their hair?"
Logan laughed a little, picking Roman up again, which elicited another squeal from him. "Because they're leaf fiends!"
Roman giggled brightly.
"I'll give V a bath before dinner, don't worry," Logan assured Patton. "As for these two," he said, hoisting Roman a little higher and ruffling Remus's hair, "they're going to help me get the leaves out of the yard."
Remus opened his mouth to protest, but he stopped when Patton reached out to put a hand on his shoulder.
"Thank you, boys!" Patton said happily. "But let's have dinner before that, alright?"
And if he was making his dads happy, Remus didn't mind so much. The family moved to head inside.
"Papa Papa!" Virgil babbled happily at Patton. That was one of the few words he could say reliably, along with 'no' and 'Dada'.
They all laughed as Virgil waved his arms.
Dee was glad, glad that Virgil had all that he had before he was old enough to remember not having it, glad that he had everything that he had now, glad that the twins got to run and play all they wanted, glad that Logan and Patton, who had given them everything, seemed so happy.
Yeah, life was good.
General Taglist: @februaryfun @msu82 @roman-sing-despacito @veiledabnigate @minamishipsit-secondround @thegaypasta @urielthealienboio @quoth-the-sparrow @woorenergy @sippinyotearsliketea @gamerfreddie @darkle-elkrad @modsnow @iampengwing
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1captainjordan4 · 5 years
Deceit: *sobbing* a THEME // Remus: *setting his pants on fire* // Virgil: that is so sad, alexa play despacito
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lmao ye
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