#ren- laugh nervously and leave
juanarc-thethird · 6 months
Topic Idea based on Coco x Jaune Househusband: Jaune being asked to be the house husband of Winter?
Jaune's Apartment
*Ding Dong!*
Jaune: *Opens the door* Oh Winter! I'm glad you came.
Winter: No problem, thanks for inviting me to your get together. (This way I can see if you are worthy of my little sister)
Jaune: Thanks to you for coming, please come in.
Winter enters and sees that she is the first to arrive.
Jaune: The others don't take long to arrive. At the moment can I offer you something? Water, lemonade, um… Beer? I don't know if you drink or not.
Winter: *She keeps looking around* A lemonade is fine.
Jaune: Great, just a moment.
Winter: (He's attentive, that's good. Good start Jaune, good start)
While Jaune prepares the drink, Winter begins to inspect everything. He checks the furniture for dust, the windows for dirt, and even the floor for a hint of trash. But nothing, everything is clean. As if it were done by a professional.
Winter: (His apartment looks clean. My little sister would be comfortable living here.)
Jaune: Here is your lemonade.
He says as he approaches her to hand it to her.
Winter: *takes the glass* Thank you. By the way, who do you hire to clean your apartment?
Jaune: Nobody, I do everything myself.
Winter: Wait, you cleaned this apartment squeaky clean? You alone?
Jaune: Yes, it's something I learned living with 7 sisters. They really were a pain in the ass when it came to cleaning.
Winter: *Surprise* Wait, you were in charge of your household chores?
Jaune: Yeah, I was the one who cleaned the house, did the laundry, and even cooked.
Winter: *Curious* But your mom helped you, right? (It can't be possible for him to do everything alone.) *She puts her glass cup on a nearby table*
Jaune: Ahaha… *he laughs nervously*. Well, she's not very good at chores, so to speak. My dad and I were the ones who kept the house clean. But my dad works, so I did most of it.
Winter: (Wait so...) *Gets closer* So you know how to clean stains?!
Jaune: Ye-Yeah
Winter: *Closer* How about bathtub stains?!
Jaune: *Trying to move away* Th-That too
Winter: *Closer!* How about sewing?! Do you know how to do that too?!
Jaune: *Against the wall* M-My sisters always ripped their favorite clothes, so y-yeah.
Winter: (Oh my God! He is the perfect househusband! Weiss would be…! Weiss? Why does Weiss deserve such a man?)
Jaune: Um..Winter?
Winter: *Back to reality* Huh?
Jaune: Y-You are too close
Winter: Too close? *Gasp!* (Too close to my destiny!)
She takes both of Jaune's hands, drops to one knee, and with a voice of desire and hope she says.
Winter: Jaune Arc…
Jaune: *confuse* What are you doing?
Winter: would you marry me?
Jaune: *Red* Eh?!
At the time Winter said that, Nora and Ren were already entering the apartment using the extra key that Jaune gave them.
Nora: Hey Jaune, we brought the…
The two groups stare at each other
Nora: We'll come back later.
She says as she starts to close the door to leave them alone. But Jaune runs towards them and stops them.
Jaune: I-It's not what it looks like! There's nothing going on between us!!!
Winter: *Looking at him with desire* (Yet~💕)
I look at Winter as a person who focuses on her work and family first before herself, and looks for the most efficient. That's why she looks for the best candidate for her sister. But what if that candidate is great for her? Love may not be the most important thing to her, but it's not something she's not willing to try~
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mothwingwritings · 8 months
F!Reader X Ren Hana
Hello everyone!!! Back at it again with a new Boyfriend To Death fic ❤
I know what you might be saying. “Wow another BTD fic based around a collar, real original Moth” BUT in my defense I actually wrote this one before the story I wrote for Strade. My brain barfed this out a few months ago (when I finished playing through Ren’s route for the first time) but I wanted to make something Christmas-esque because it was December, so Strade’s story came out first.
Regardless, I had a lot of fun writing both, so I hope you enjoy them too! ❤
Though there is nothing overtly sexual in this, due to the subject nature of this fic this story is 18+ ONLY please!!!
Warnings: imprisonment, abuse (physical and mental), reader has some extreme Stockholm syndrome going on, incredibly unhealthy relationship, biting, blood, reader gets hurt, mentions of sex, I guess maybe petplay potentially??? (what with the collar and all).
Thank you for reading!
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“Okay… You promise you’ll be a good girl, right? No funny business?”
Despite being perched on soft carpet, your legs ached from kneeling on them for the past half hour. You kept your back pin straight and your shoulders even, your hands neatly folded in your lap. His voice was cheery as he spoke down to you, playful even, but you knew Ren well enough to know that these next moments were crucial. With him, even the most benign moments could turn at the drop of a hat.
“I promise Ren. I’ll be good.”
Your voice was soft as you responded to him, big doe eyes looking up at the beastkin in expectation. Your promise wasn’t a lie- you always intended to be good for him, striving to do so even when the situation made that nearly impossible. You bit your bottom lip apprehensively, a slight shiver wracking Ren’s body when you did so. He was watching you just as closely as you were him, drinking in your form, honing in on each and every move of your body and change of expression. 
He smiled at you, that sad half smile he always got when he was grappling with his inner emotions. “I know you will. You are always good for me… To me…” He hesitated for a moment, staring with trepidation at the key that lay in his hand. It was no bigger than his pinky, but seemed to weigh him down regardless.
“I’m just, um, nervous I guess. But I’m not sure why? It’s not like taking it off is gonna change anything,” Though he laughed to dispel the tension, it had the opposite effect, his nerves palpable as he fidgeted where he stood.
For a moment you thought he was going to go back on his word. Tell you to forget about it and toss the shock collar’s key aside, leaving you stuck in it for another day. Part of you wondered if that would even matter. Ren was right, nothing truly would change, collar or not.
… But still, you couldn’t help but hope. That cruel, nagging feeling swelled up in your heart, making your breath hitch in anticipation. Your heart beat like a drum in your chest and sweat slicked your brow as you watched him nervously turn the key around in his palm, your fate in his hands as he mulled the decision over.
It had been months now that the collar had been around your neck, heavy and overbearing, a constant, torturous reminder of your new life. He had only allowed it to come off in brief intervals when you showered or when you slept so that you could find some comfort as you laid next to him, caged in by his embrace. Otherwise it wrapped around your neck like a noose, and even though these days its intended purpose was hardly necessary, Ren kept it firmly in place. He was too afraid to keep it off you for long, worried that given the choice you would abandon him too.
But you wouldn’t. For better or worse, whatever twisted feelings Ren had harbored for you, you now shared for him-all of his ardent affections reciprocated. Deep inside you knew this all was wrong, and it would be a blatant lie if you said you no longer felt any fear or sadness over all that had transpired (all that continues to transpire) while he held you in captivity. Even so, none of that dulled the fact that at this point you craved his touch, yearned for his smile, and wanted nothing more than his companionship and love to get you through the lonely struggle life had become.
After spending months with him as your only companion, you had grown to care deeply for Ren. Though the experience was often terrifying and confusing, you had learned to place your trust in him as he watched over you the past half year, relying on him for all your needs and necessities. The more time you spent together, the more you learned about him. And the more you learned, the more you began to open up to him. 
After a certain point, love began to blossom.
That feeling flourished within, growing so unruly that even his moments of torment and cruelty were accepted with open arms. It took you awhile to realize it, but you now understand that everything Ren does he does for your benefit. Whether he was treating you like a princess or teaching you a harsh lesson, Ren did everything in his power to make sure you were cared for, protected, and aware. Life wasn’t always fair and kind, it was better to be taught that at the hands of someone who loved you then to experience it unexpectedly out in the wild.
Looking back on it now, you were a fool not to appreciate him sooner. All the fussing and fighting you did when he first brought you home seemed completely ridiculous now. He took you in, let you live in a nice home, prepared you home cooked meals every day, and lavished you in affection even when you were being stubborn and didn’t deserve it.
For all that he is and all that he has done for you- the good and bad alike- he deserved nothing but your wholehearted devotion in return. Thinking about the past made you cringe but you refused to let yourself get caught up in it, doing your best every day to be good for him and make up for your prior indiscretions. He loved you with all that he is, poured his soul into caring for you and keeping you content. No past lover had ever treated you with the loyalty or attention that Ren had, and you were thankful for that.
 His happiness had become your happiness. To risk the life you had built together by taking advantage of his kindness was unthinkable.
But even with your steadfast dedication to him, he still continued to mull over this decision with a deep scowl plastered on his face. An ache blossomed in your chest. Surely he had to realize by now that he was just as precious to you as you were to him? You pouted a bit as you watched him agonize over the situation, your heart hurting to see him have such a lack of faith in your bond.
“… Ren?”                                                                                    
Your questioning voice caught his attention, dragging his focus away from the key he was clutching in his sweaty grip. The moment you had grabbed his attention, you slowly began scooting closer to him, your knees itching as they scratched against the fibers of the fancy carpet. Once you neared him, you raised your hands till they cupped his, gently enveloping his shaky fist in your warm hold. You pulled his hand towards your mouth, delicately kissing each of his fingers as you stared up into his eyes.
“If you don’t want to take it off, you don’t have to,” you smiled at him genuinely, your lips lingering on his thumb before you pulled away. You felt a shiver pass through him as his eyes grew hazy, boring into yours with growing intensity, “I can tell it’s making you uncomfortable, so it’s OK. I am not upset, we can keep it on another day-“
Your eyes widened at the assuredness in his voice, all previous concern nonexistent. “No… It’s time to take it off. It’s only getting in the way at this point. Just… Gimme a second, OK?”
He positioned himself behind you, nervous hands fumbling as he worked to remove the collar. After several seconds of poking and prodding, a loud ‘click’ came from the back of your neck followed by a small thud as the heavy collar fell from your body, colliding with the carpeted floor.
Your hand’s shot up to touch your exposed skin, a shiver coursing through you as the cold air hit your sweaty flesh. Tears began to well in your eyes as the realization donned on you. You were free. You had been a good girl for Ren and he rewarded you for it, just like you knew he would.
“W-well,” you heard Ren stutter above you, clearly a bit nervous about what may happen next, “What do you think? How does it feel?”
“It feels amazing,” your voice warbled as you still got used to the sensation. Its absence was foreign and exciting and you couldn’t help but break out in a huge, elated grin. “Thank you Ren. Thank you so much.”
He lowered himself in front of you, crouching on his knees. “Can I see?” A hint of worry still remained in his timid voice, fearful that you may still end up rejecting him.
You looked to him with a smile and nodded, baring your neck for him to witness. “Of course! I probably look a little bit different without it on, huh?”
“Pretty…” His voice was breathless as he dragged his fingers gingerly across the freed skin of your neck. His pupils dilating slightly as he felt you shudder under his touch. “So, so pretty… But also, a little barren, don’t you think?”
Your breath caught at the insinuation, a small wave of panic causing your body to tense. Did he regret his decision after all? Was he going to put the collar back on? You had told him it was fine if he decided that, and you weren’t someone who went back on their word, but at the same time… that was before you experienced it. Now that you realized how good it felt without that horrible, weighty reminder clinging to your skin, you dreaded the thought of it attached to your body once more.
An airy chuckle fell from his lips as he noted your reaction. He leaned in closer to you, his hand cupping your cheek as he brought his mouth close to your ear.
“Don’t worry pumpkin, I’m not going to put it back on. But I do hate the idea of you walking around without something on your body to signify that you’re mine, you know?” His caress traveled from your cheek, his right hand snaking around your head to cradle it, pulling you closer to him. His free hand wrapped around your waist, which kept you flush against him.
“I want to give you something better than that collar,” his voice had become strained, lithe fingers curling up to entangle in your hair, tugging roughly on the strands at the base of your neck. “I want you to have something personal, something that will look perfect on you.”
Without another word, he latched himself to your neck. Not in a kiss, but a harsh, powerful bite.
You gasped as his sharp incisors dug themselves into your flesh, a wave of pain causing tears to flood your eyes. You pressed your fists against his chest, biting down on your trembling bottom lip in an effort to hold back your cries.
Warm blood trickled from the wound as he detached himself, a vibrant trail snaking from the puncture wound to slither down your neck. His tongue stopped it before it hit your collar bone, leaving a wet, sloppy streak across your neck as he licked up the mess.
“This is much better, right?” He asked tentatively, his fingers traveling down to trace the wound he had inflicted. Blood coated his fingertips as he ran them over the injury, his breath hitching as he smeared you with crimson, “prettier… you are so pretty, (name)…”
“T-thank you Ren,” you flinched at the movement of his fingers, shuddering as he pressed down on the open wound, “It’s much better.”
“Hmmm,” he hummed, pivoting your head slightly so that he could nuzzle into the unmarred side, “but it’s not perfect yet, there needs to be more.”
Another abrupt bite sunk into your flesh. This time you couldn’t help but cry out, blubbery whimpers tumbling from your quivering lips. You felt Ren shiver against you, your reactions eliciting an excited moan from him that was muffled by your flesh in his jaw. The hold his teeth had on you eventually yielded, but the assault of his mouth did not. Feverish kisses pressed against the new wound, his tongue lapping at the blood as it muscled its way across the puncture. You whined at the sensation, waves of pain emanating from the weeping, gory wounds as he continued to aggravate them.
When he finally pulled away tears had already begun to fall freely down your cheeks. Though he had given your neck a much needed break, you were given no time to collect yourself as he proceeded in pressing his lips firmly to yours. The taste of copper flooded your tongue as he deepened the kiss, forcibly pushing himself against you until you had no choice but to lean backwards, your back falling flat against the floor as he crawled overtop you.
He placed his hands on either side of you, his legs straddling your hips as he sat himself atop you. You were effectively caged in when his lips parted from your own, and though his face was obscured in shadows, you could clearly see a swath of your blood spread across his mouth. It perfectly complimented the animalistic hunger in his eyes, his mischievous fox like features seeming far more sinister than normal as he leered down at you.
If you didn’t know any better, you would fear he was going to eat you alive.
“I want to mark you in all kinds of ways, (Name),” His tongue darting out to swipe across his bottom lip, a sliver of pink peeking through the red, “I want to mark you to show you how much I love you. I want you to be able to look at every inch of your body and be reminded of me. That way even if we get separated, you won’t be lonely. You’ll have a constant reminder of how much I love you.”
A serene smile spread across his face as he looked at you, the vibrancy of his blush nearly matching the blood that coated his mouth and chin. He shifted a bit above you, the feel of his hardening cock unmistakable as it pressed against your pelvis.
“I love you,” his voice wavered as he leaned closer towards you, unsteady breaths fanning your face as his lovesick eyes drank you in. His lips were teasingly close to yours as he continued to smile down at you, a small, happy laugh tumbling from his lips as his tail began to swish behind him in excitement.
“I’m so glad I made you mine.”
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cindol · 1 year
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Let’s reverse the roles.. fem plug!reader.
Fem plug reader x eren Yeager
tw: fluff fluff, I don’t know SHIT about weed here, nerd!eren here, reader and eren are in their 20s, in the hc format,
tags— @neptunes1nterweb @honeybleed
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Fem plug!reader who’s only a plug just so she can find a way to always have ends meets and take care of her 11 year old baby sister. Ever since her mother abandoned them she had the soul responsibility of taking care of her sister on her own.
Fem plug!reader who tries to keep to herself when it comes to actually being a plug. Being one of the rare female plugs she had to face misogyny sometimes from male clients so she liked to show she’s about straight business.
Fem plug!reader who met Eren through her usual customer onyankopon. He was a chill customers of her she sometimes kicked it back with in his crib. When she was just coming to give Onyakopon the front door she knocked on was opened up to a 6 foot pretty boy in a grey jacket with brunette hair and square black glasses on his face.
He noticed her staring him down and bashfully checked her out also. From her top she had a white tank top on with a opened up pink jacket on and down to her bottoms she had black Nike shorts on and light grey slippers. He snapped out his stare when she raised a brow at him.
He nervously chuckled looking at her and scratched his head.”Ah you must be the dealer or whatever! You can just hand me the uh cannabis I guess?” The way she giggled at that made a faint blush appear on his cheeks as he turned his head and put his hands into his jackets pockets until onyankopon came over chuckling and put a hand on his shoulder.”i see you met my pretty plug. Sorry if this one gave you a stink eye ren, she just has a resting bitch face.” He joked making her laugh in response, they could just make jokes like this with one another.
onyankopon then cleared his throat.”why don’t you come in yeah? I’m gonna be showing my boy ren here how to smoke for his first time. Would be nice to have the plug herself see it.” y/n chuckled.”sure why not, my sister’s staying at her little friends house so I got free time.” Y/n then took her way to brush between onyankopon and eren causing an obvious effect on eren.
Onyankopon just chuckled and patted Eren’s back.”calm down there yeah? Getting red in the face like a virgin at my dealer before you even have your first smoke sesh.” He then walked off behind y/n making eren gulp and squeeze his brim of his nose with his two fingers.
Fem plug!reader who had eren so nervous when putting his lips to the blunt. The way she sat next to Onyankopon on a opposite bed to the one he sat on looking at him with smiling two toned lips looking at him made him nearly sweat. He took the first hit and exhaled coughing making onyankopon chuckle and sigh and y/n grinned also.
“Damn your boy sucks shit at smoking Ony.” Eren just coughed and nervously laughed putting the blunt on the square plastic ashtray.”uh sorry I guess.. just never done this type of thing before in my 23 years of living y’know?”
y/n giggled at that more and nodded getting his perspective. He was so cute and joyous to her.”Mm i get that.. you’re like a cute little college boy. I could definitely teach you some things about smoking though..”
Onyankopon saw they were chatting it up and took his chance to take a quiet leave to the bathroom. They both were alone now in this room and y/n moved to sit next to Eren making him more nervous than he was minutes ago. Eren took the key to start speaking first and cleared his throat.”Ah uh.. what could you teach me about smoking?” He heard her giggle again. He didn’t understand how a drug dealer could have such a nice giggle like that.
“Well I could teach you some things if you’re willing to come visit my house sometimes.” She pulled out her phone.”if you’re interested in being a client of course, don’t want any weird shit.” Eren nearly broke out in a grin. He couldn’t believe a pretty girl like her was giving him a gateway to her number.
He eagerly pulled his phone out himself.”I would love that! do you uh wanna exchange phone numbers maybe?” She smiled at how eager he was and pulled her phone out, exchanging numbers with him.
Fem plug!reader who surprised eren with how pretty her room was. It wasn’t over the top but he had this mindset that since she was a plug she wouldn’t think of tidying her room up ever. As he sat on her soft bed he was in awe making y/n chuckle and shake her head.”you gonna keep feeling on my pillows and comforter or you wanna learn how to smoke?”
That made eren jump a little but nodded as y/n sat next to him with her legs criss cross and some grabba and papers in her hands and looked at eren.”you ready to smoke or what?” He gulped and nodded.
Fem plug!reader who after teaching eren how to properly smoke she started have some more smoking sessions with him and slowly opening up more to him. More about how her deadbeat mother was and how tough it was to take care of her baby sister on her own.
Fem plug!reader who had eren at her house more as a regular. On some nights he would babysit her sister sometimes on days he was free from studies then when it came 11PM he would stay cozied up in bed with y/n, like friends do.
Fem plug!reader who had eren feeling jealous sometimes when he saw how friendly and cozy she was with onyankopon. He knew he didn’t have any kind of right to be jealous but he couldn’t help it, seeing how she clung onto his arm made his brows furrow.
When they were both alone he took the chance to question her about her and ony’s relationship.”so uh.. you and onyankopon are close? Like close close right?” She chuckled again getting what he was trying to say, it was cute honestly.
“Mm why you jealous Ren?” She teased him making him blush and rub his head. She giggled, everytime she teased him his cheeks got so pink.”me and ony are just good friends eren, he was my first client. You worried he’s gonna steal me away?” She teased again.
Fem plug!reader who had her fair share of being jealous also. Sometimes when she was picking up eren from his classes and saw some girls just giggling and jokingly teasing him she felt a sting of jealousy and pettiness.
When eren came in the passenger seat sitting next to her he was very aware of her jealousy, even when she put up some cute tough act pouting and turning her engine on. It was his turn to tease.”sad I got other friends than you or something?” That made her gasp as she tried hiding her smile and hit his shoulder.
Eren who picked up a few lines to use or as Onyankopon would say,”rizz” y/n up. They were very corny lines still but they made her giggle.
He used every line he learned from his college boy friends and used them on her making her smile and laugh saying,”that’s real cute babes.”
Fem plug!reader who acted almost like a girlfriend to him and he acted like a boyfriend in return without the two noticing. Eren didn’t even peep how he himself was spending weeks at her house with y/n and her baby sister.
He and y/n nearly had a routine together, on mornings eren would be up early in the morning making some basic waffles and bacon for y/n and her baby sister. Then when she dropped her sister off to school they would spend the afternoon having a smoke session while watching some sitcoms like the Office and Arrested Development and then when night comes they spend the day with her sister.
Fem plug!reader who in a high haze shared a kiss with a just as high eren. She didn’t even notice how smoothly she sat in his lap with the blunt they shared between her acrylics. But from her view eren just looked so cute, his glasses were inside his hair and his green hazel eyes tinted red with a nervous smile on his lips. He had both hands on her thighs, he didn’t know if it was right to do but he kept his hands there.
“You’re so adorable y’know?” She held one side of his face with her free hand.”don’t know how you think girls aren’t attracted to you..” she gave him a slow kiss making his cheeks light up.”because I am.”
Fem plug!reader and eren who would be more playful and flirty after their shared kiss and it was telling to onyankopon and eren’s friends something was definitely going on. With the way y/n would wrap her arms around him or give him a glossy kiss on the cheek while handing him a small baggie of weed into his hand. Eren chuckles in response.”thanks y/n.” And he gets a “You’re welcome baby” making onyankopon raise his brows.
Onyankopon, Jean and armin end up questioning if he’s actually messing with her in secret. Eren of course just scoffed denying.”you guys are craaazy! What? No! Me and y/n are Just good friends.” It obviously wasn’t believable to them.
They found out sooner or later because of how dumb eren was, he posted everything on his Instagram so it was easy to just piece everything together. When eren posted himself with a pink robe that obviously didn’t belong to him sitting on a pink bed and hamper with cheetah print bra and panties hanging off of it that was familiar to onyankopon it all clicked for the 3 sneaky men.
When they found out they confronted him when they were having a smoke session. Onyankopon patted his back as he looked at him and laughed.”you’re so sly you know that?” Eren just looked at him with a dumbfounded look and Onyakopon scoffed.”don’t play dumb, I know you been messing around with y/n.”
eren nearly choked on his own spit hearing that as ony took a drag of the shared blunt once it was passed to him.”aha.. how’d ya even find out?” Jean let out a boisterous laugh at what he said.”you’re barely even secretive with the shit you do man.”
Eren side eyed Jean.”shut up you damn horse.. I thought I was being secretive! I even tried hiding and closing up on my face in photos to hide I was at her home!” Armin let’s out a soft chuckle also.”you were wearing her pink robe and her bra was hanging out her hamper in the background. Not very secretive Ren..” armin shook his head, eren wasn’t the smart one when it comes to girls despite being a nerd.
Eren just scratched his chuckling.”secrets out I guess..”
Eren who had been getting bolder and bolder with Fem plug!reader. She made him feel more comfortable to be much more out there with what he wanted to say so he found himself doing some pda in public with her. Now that their whole secret about them being in a somewhat fwb relationship got leaked to his friends he wasn’t shy with his affection.
It was to the dismay of his friends though when they were witness to y/n putting her legs on his lap across the couch they both sat on making y/n giggle and Connie and onyankopon groan.”hope I never grow to be that lovey Dovey..” Connie shook his head, ‘friends with benefits my ass..’
Fem plug!reader who found herself blushing at the smallest things he does and the big grand gestures also. When y/n groans and whines in bed about her needing ego waffles in her fridge for her sister before school starts he gives a simple kiss on her neck and heads out to get waffles.
Fem plug!reader who bragged and gloated about eren so much to onyankopon. It made Onyakopon smile how much she’s opened up since meeting eren, it was like she made a best friend and boyfriend. It just made him frown how they were just friends with benefits because of a wall y/n built up.
“Oh he got me these jewelry boxes also! These pink boxes and—“ ony chuckled hearing how excited she would talk about him.”why don’t you and ren just date already? Talk about the nigga like he’s your boyfriend.”
That gagged her a bit and made her sit up. as nice as it would be to be official with him she couldn’t see herself dating him yet, she was always too busy and felt like she could hurt him.”Mm.. I’m comfortable with where I’m at with him right now.”
Fem plug!reader who found it being difficult to fight against their friends with benefits relationship. The way he would kiss and suck on her neck while holding her hips in her kitchen made her feel something more than lust when she had to kick him away when her sister came in.
Fem plug!reader who matched eren perfectly whenever she went to him to college parties when she was free. No college boys even flirted or played around with her with how she hugged onto his arm, they both complimented one another so well.
Eren who had enough of them both just playing a game and pretending to be friends and confronted her about his feelings at her house. He cornered her in the kitchen one day as she sat against her counter and let her know.”I’m tired of playing pretend, aren’t you? Just acting like we don’t have something more..”
She gasped as she sat on the corner counter surprised and gagged at his behavior. She guessed her personality had rubbed off on him with how confrontational he was being.”ren, you know we can’t I’m too..”
Eren made a pout at that.”please.. I don’t care whatever problem you have. Just give me a try with you.” That made her smile, maybe she’ll give him and her a try.
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yourpersonaljaskier · 4 months
Light streamed softly through the tree leaves, falling just in the pathway of Ren's eyes. He hadn't been asleep, instead relishing in the quiet of the night and the warm body pressed against his.
Martyn's face was tucked into his neck, breath tickling his skin. His arms were curled around Ren's middle, holding him tightly, as if he would disappear in the middle of the night. Ren's hand was half tangled in Martyn's hair, playing with the dying ends as he counted the still sleeping breaths of his paladin, his other resting comfortably on his waist. He knew Martyn like the back of his hand by now, knew the internal workings of his body and mind.
A particularly loud chirp of a bird roused the paladin, the trees rustling as the bird flitted by. Martyn groaned, tucking into Ren with a shift of his body. Ren laughed softly, pressing a loving kiss to his paladin's head. "Good morning," he greeted as Martyn stretched against him, lazily attempting to push himself further into Ren.
Martyn mumbled a reply, hands coming up to grab at the ends of his hair, fingers tangling with the locks. "S'not morning," he said clearer, moving his face away to look at Ren with an unimpressed look. "You let me sleep in, milord."
Ren could only smile with a shrug, a mischievous feeling rattling in his chest as Martyn groaned, tucking back into Ren. "I don't know why you're whining, man, you seem content," he teased as he moved his hand from Martyn's waist to his lower back, rubbing at his spine idly. "Besides, you earned it."
Martyn gave a half hearted grumble, melting with a sigh as Ren pressed another kiss to his head, shifting on their bedrolls. "You always say that," he mumbled, sleep pulling at him again. "We need to be moving, milord," he said, sounding as unconvinced as Ren felt.
"Do we? I don't know, dude, I'm quite happy here," he teased, words forming against Martyn's head as Ren pressed more kisses to his paladin, earning a delighted laugh. "You seem to be as well, you aren't in a hurry to get up," his finger gently poked Martyn's back, tapping his way up his spine. The smile that was pressed against his skin was intoxicating, hoping to engrave the feeling of Martyn's lips against his neck into his body, feel it forever.
Martyn pulled away, and Ren immediately yearned for his touch again, the warmth he left oh so familiar and achingly sweet. His paladin sat up and Ren followed suit, watching as he stretched fully, hands extending far beyond his head. His hair was a tangle, a loving mess from being pressed into the same position from hours on end, Ren's hands likely the reason for some of the tangles.
Ren reached out, smoothing Martyn's hair down in a gentle stroke. Martyn leaned into his touch, relishing in the closeness, even if they were still touching. "Did you sleep well?" Ren asked, nervousness suddenly on his lips as Martyn looked at him, a loving smile on his lips. "You didn't move a lot, so I hope you did."
Martyn laughed softly, his hands coming up to cradle Ren's face, hands gentle, worshipping. "I slept fine," he breathed, a soft flush spreading across his skin as he glanced at Ren's lips then back up. Ren felt like he was on fire once more, his body flushing with a heat that suddenly felt alien. He wanted more of it.
Martyn's fingers gently rubbed his cheek bones, brushing just under his eyes before Martyn leaned in, nose brushing against Ren's. "I slept more than fine, actually," he mumbled, breath mingling with Ren's. His mouth was suddenly so dry, and he tilted his head just slightly, catching Martyn's lips with his.
It was electrifying, as always. The quiet that suddenly soothed over his mind, the flush that spread with purpose, the excited, flustered buzz of butterflies against his belly as he gently held Martyn's wrists. Martyn was solid against him, a gentle lull against the flames that threatened to swallow him whole once more.
They broke apart for a moment, only for Ren to lean back in. Kiss after kiss was pressed against Martyn's lips and then skin, love brimming between them like an overflowing cup. Ren didn't mind if it was too much, he'll wipe it up and reuse it all, over and over and over, if Martyn asked him to. Devotion shifted against him.
It should be the other way around, but as Martyn laughed at the kisses peppering his face, Ren didn't want anything to change, happy to worship the one meant to worship him instead.
@liloinkoink Something happened here (Titled Devotion of a God)
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hyvksun · 5 months
❲ 2:42 AM ❳ . . . . . . 김선우
“Hey love, I found a perfect place for our date today and it's filled with your favourite flowers, lilies!” Sunwoo shows you the place he looked up on his phone but he quickly pulls it back when he notices the scowl on your face.
“Sunwoo, really? 2 years.... we've been together for 2 years,” you look at his phone and back his face with the same scowl making Sunwoo fold nervously.
“I know,,, today's our anniversary—”
“My favourite flowers are tulips,” you said rolling your eyes before standing up from your chair and leaving the classroom.
I fucked up....
Sunwoo is livid as he texts the artist he contacted for a commission.
How can I be so dumb 😭
They're gonna think I'm cheating on them 🥹
You know, normally I'd feel sorry if it was a stranger I'm talking to but unfortunately for you as your best friend I'm laughing at your face right now.
Thanks ren, that helps a lot.
Is it too late to change my commission?
How can you even mix up lilies and tulips 🤦‍♂️
I'm screwed....
They hate me now....
In the end, Sunwoo couldn't bring himself to give you the flowers personally and just made his friend do it. With a shake of your head and an endeared smile, you take the flowers in your hand and despite all that it makes your heart flutter because of your boyfriend's efforts.
Now you're just considering changing your favourite flower.
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captain039 · 1 year
PART 6 Playing with fire
Alpha!Kylo Ren x omega!reader
Warnings: AOB, sexual, jealousy, slow burn, eventual smut, anger issues, swearing, harassment, needle usage, drug usage, dark themes
I’ve got big plans for this book I’m just hoping I can stick to them xD
Previous part <-
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You awoke the next morning, half expecting an alarm to blare in your ears, but it didn’t come. Instead, the smell of breakfast and home filled your nose and you remembered where you were. You smiled wiping your eyes before getting up. You sat up only for your head to spin and your stomach flip, you ignored it though. Your mum greeted you with a smile and you said a quiet good morning before sitting down. Your sister was already ready and on her data pad.
“No tech at the table” your mum huffed and your sister sighed, but put it away. You chuckled letting the feeling of family warmth surround you.
Before lunch you headed to the healer. You were nervous to see your grandma. You didn’t know what to expect, but seeing tubes out of her made your stomach tumble. Your sister held your hand and you held hers tightly as you both walked in. Your grandmas eyes opened slowly and she smiled weakly.
“My dear” she said voice weak as you headed over to the bed and held her hand.
“Hey Grandma” you said and she sighed softly.
“I’m glad you’re alive” she chuckled and you did too nervously.
“Somethings different though” she stated frowning which made you frown too.
“Nothings different Nan” your father sighed.
“Hm, get out, except you” your grandma kicked everyone out except you, she still had her assertiveness.
“Did you find him?” She asked suddenly and you raised an eyebrow.
“Find who?” You asked and she huffed annoyed.
“You’re mate!” She said and you blinked in confusion.
“Gran I didn't find him, why does everyone think I did?” You sighed. Well two people, the nurse at the ship and now your Nan.
“Maybe they made you dumb up there” she muttered and you glared playfully as she smirked.
“So have you met our supreme leader?” She asked waving your family in again.
“I have” you said and she hummed.
“I slapped him” you added and she laughed. You smiled before she began coughing violently. Your mother began to fuss and got her to drink some water before her coughing calmed down. You looked up from your grandma only to freeze seeing the figure behind your father. The supreme leader was there, well projecting there, eyes on your grandma then you before he disappeared. You let out your breath as your grandma frowned at you and hummed. It was nice to see her again, just not in that state. You headed back home around dinner time. You called Leo and briefed him on what was happening before grabbing your bath things. You felt sick again and sighed taking a seat on your bed, grabbing your suppressants case, time to try the other one you guess.
“Another one?” You heard and just about jumped into hyper space.
“Yes another one, this one isn’t working” you snapped at the supreme leader.
“How is your grandmother?” He asked and you frowned looking to him.
“You were there” you stated.
“Not physically” he said.
“She’s dying” you muttered, the healer said she didn’t have long, what the had wasn’t working.
“What the healer has isn’t working for her, so they just make her comfortable” you said biting back tears.
“I’m going to shower go away” you snapped before getting up and leaving. You took the different suppressant before showering. You felt refreshed slightly and headed to dinner.
You and your family watched a movie before you headed to bed and went to sleep. The next day you woke up you heard commotion in the kitchen. You quickly went to investigate seeing your father and mother talking softly by the kitchen window.
“What’s going on?” You said tiredly.
“The supreme leaders here” she whispered and you froze. What on sith hells was he doing here?!
You began to panic, surely he’s come to kill you now, let you have your day to reunite then kill you. You groaned, maker this was horrid.
“Let’s get to grandma” you sister said worried and your parents nodded. You headed to the healers house seeing a fleet of storm troopers and the knights of Ren. You frowned as they headed this way before you caught scent of the supreme leader. You saw him in the middle of his knights and an overly scared healers? Behind him. You were confused as they came closer and finally stopped nearby. You walked in front of your family as the supreme leader emerged from the group.
“What’s going on?” Your sister whispered and you hushed her.
“Supreme leader” you muttered bowing your head slightly. He cocked his head and the two healers stumbled forward.
“Your grandma is here?” He asked and you nodded. He pointed to the door and looked to the healers who scurried off inside. You stared highly dumbfounded at the alpha.
“I’m confused” you stated your family tense behind you.
“You said the healers here couldn’t do anything so I brought my own who can” he said simply, but it baffled you more.
“Why?” You asked as you heard the healer door slide open. You glanced seeing your grandma behind wheeled out.
“I told you, you found him” she said the healer leaving her by your side.
“Found who?” The supreme leader asked and she scoffed apparently not caring of his title and status.
“Idiots the both of you” she rolled her eyes and your whole body went rigid. The supreme leader smiled slightly though and you relaxed a little.
“Your mate” she said hushed and you froze.
“Nan no, that’s not-“ you began to babble as nerves crawled up your spine.
“He’s not-“ you added and she smacked your arm making you shut up.
“You can’t sense it because you have about three different suppressants in your system” she scoffed and your mother gasped. You looked to the ground embarrassed and ashamed.
“Your sick, suppressant sickness is very real” your gran huffed.
“And he is too stupid to say anything” she pointed to the supreme leader and you chuckled nervously slapping her hand down. The supreme leader frowned slightly, but didn’t say or do anything. Your nerves were making you feel sick and light headed, there was too much going on.
“Leave” the supreme leader said to his men.
“Sir-“ one of the knights said, but the supreme leader sent him a look. The knights and stormtroopers left, the onlooking people scurrying into their homes.
“I know of suppressant sickness because I did the same thing as you” your gran sighed.
“I went to join the first legion, I covered my scent and suppressed my rank, I met my mate there too” she smiled sadly and you frowned slightly at her new words.
“I got sick and we had to leave, only problem is the first legion either kill or kick you out, you don’t quit” she sighed.
“So we escaped, hid in a planet were I had your mum” she smiled glancing to your mum who was currently holding back tears. We were hunted for years, your grandpa died trying to protect me and your mum” your gran said sadly.
“Then they stopped chasing us and I had to raise a child on my own, but I’ll never regret it” she finished.
“Come here” she beckoned the supreme leader and you froze.
“Grandma you can’t-“ before you could finish the supreme leader walked over and knelt down in front of her. The sight made your mouth dry as you stared in shock. Your grandma smiled sitting up and resting a hand on his cheek. The supreme leader didn’t move, didn’t say anything or slice her hand off.
“You are great” she whispered.
“But she, will make you greater” your grandma nodded to you and moved her hand back to her lap and leant back in the chair.
“I need to rest again” she said weakly as the healer took her back inside. You saddened at her leaving as the supreme leader stood again. You looked to him and he met your gaze. Was he really your mate?
Next part ->
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orangeocelotmartyn · 5 months
Treebark Week – Hair/Picnic
part one (Build/Divine) | part two (Frost) | part three (Sweet) | part four (you are here)
Now that they’d gotten settled, gotten Martyn something to eat, Ren began to notice that Martyn was…far different, than when he last saw him. Scruffier, perhaps. 
His hair was only barely being held back by his headband, and almost rivaling his own in length, along with his stubble. It was, on one hand, concerning–even in the middle of war–if you could call what happened, in those death games ‘war,’ Martyn had taken the time to keep himself presentable, befitting of his position as Hand of the King. Hell, even when they weren’t on the same side, as it were, Martyn still took the time to shave, tame his hair (although it had never had leaves sprouting from it, maybe that was why–?) and get ready for the day.
Without thinking, perhaps harkening back to before, when they had been that close, Ren reached out to adjust Martyn’s headband, leaving Martyn staring at him, his sentence cut off midword. 
“Boss, if something was up, I could’ve fixed it myself,” he joked, his own hand coming up to touch where Ren’s hand had been, as if to minorly correct it himself.
His words left Ren frowning thoughtfully, lips pursed, not quite sure what to make of himself, or of Martyn’s seeming defensiveness, nervousness. 
“You always took care of me,” he said slowly, watching for Martyn’s reaction. “Can’t I care for you, as well?”
Martyn licked his lips, caught off guard, for once (a surprisingly good look for the man), and could only laugh a bit, brush a bit of hair out of his face once again. “And how would you propose to do that, milord?”
Ren eyed his hair again, then his face, his neck. “Let me braid your hair,” he offered. “It appears you’ve forgotten those lessons I gave you, way back when. You look most well unkempt, unsuited for your role, me Hand.”
Martyn let out a rather undignified snort laugh, even as he tried to puff himself up, seem offended. “It’s easier to do on someone else, than myself, firstly–”
Ren waved him off, in what he assumed was a regal fashion. “Nonsense. Turn around, let your king show you how it’s done.”
Rather than fighting, which Ren had honestly expected–maybe a bit of witty banter, which Martyn was known for, Martyn simply…turned around. Tried not to muss the picnic blanket too much as he did, and he undid his headband, let his hair fall into his face, show that it hadn’t been trimmed in at least a few months, which almost made Ren fret.
But he had things to do, and so he moved closer as well, kneeled up so he had a better vantage point as he gently sectioned Martyn’s hair into three parts, combing it out with his fingers. “You’ve been good, though,” he asked, keeping his voice soft, so as to not, for once, get them both started on a sure to be very funny, and very elaborate bit. 
And Martyn, his quick witted Martyn, took a few moments to reply with a simple, “yes,” before lapsing back into silence. His head was tipped back into Ren’s hands, and he seemed to just be..basking, eyes closed as Ren worked. His freckles, hidden before, by the frost, seemed to glimmer in what little sunlight was glancing out of the clouds, and Ren was enraptured, starstruck by this man, this beautiful man, who he knew had walls higher than Dogwarts herself, more fortified than his vault, even, let himself be touched, Ren’s fingers working nimbly through his hair to begin weaving in a simple braid. 
His tail was wagging behind him, surely kicking up some dust onto the blanket, but that didn’t matter, not when he had a job to do, a chance to make up for all the things Martyn had done for him. Not that this one simple thing could, honestly–it would take much more than some pie, or a braid, to make up for Martyn’s protection, even when they weren’t ‘allies,’ in a sense.
Martyn’s hair wasn’t that thick, all things told, and the motions were natural to Ren–so much so that he was done faster than he thought, but not fast enough that Martyn hadn’t fallen half asleep already.
Which made it all the more awkward when he realized that he didn’t really…have anything to finish the braid off with. Using Martyn’s headband just seemed wrong, because he would still need it to keep his bangs out of his face, and any extra hairbands that he would’ve had he forgot in his bedside table. He, Ren reflected, was in quite a predicament. This could only mean one thing.
He awkwardly kept clutching the (soon to fray) braid in one hand, as his other hand grabbed his comm out of his inventory, so he could tap out a message to False.
“False! I require your assistance, please and thank you! It is a matter of most importance! -RD”
He glanced between his comm and Martyn’s back, and he’d be tapping his foot if he weren’t currently kneeling down.
False’s reply wasn’t coming as swiftly as he’d like, but his slow building panic was interrupted by the sound of rockets, which made Martyn jerk awake, nearly dislodging Ren’s hold on his hair.
“What, what is it, Ren,” False called as she landed smoothly, eyebrow raised as she took in the scene. Ren gave her a crooked smile, trying so very hard not to seem disappointed that Martyn had woken up–the bags under his eyes were worrying, and a nap could’ve done him some good, really. 
“Do you, perchance, have a hairband I could steal," Ren said, smiling winningly up at her.
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kikufuku01 · 1 year
I Love You, Always
Sukuna x Reader
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Part 14 Three Brats ♡♡♡ Part 15 Sakura series m. list
Reblogs, likes and comments are appreciated!
Warnings: Oral(o/c receiving), sex, nipple pinching, Sukuna is horny and wants your attention (lol)
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"Sukuna, get up." You violently slap his arm, "you gotta leave after my parents leave."
You smack his arm harder this time, “you can’t be here today.”
Sukuna lazily lifts his head from your pillow and frowns, “why not? I heard everything.”
“Which is why you have to go. I can’t have you here today.”
He chooses to ignore you by laying back down, turning his back towards you and all you can do about it is get annoyed. If you kick him out now, there’s a chance someone will see him. With one final blow to the back of his head, you sigh and then throw the blanket over his head, “fine, stay hidden in there and don’t come out all day.”
Sukuna doesn’t bother to respond, so you gather up new clothes and head out to freshen up. You’d usually take your sweet time showering but your heart is anxious, since Sukuna doesn’t want to leave. After towel-drying your hair, you head towards the kitchen and prepare yourself something to eat while your parents walk around back and forth in the house. And since Sukuna wants to be an asshole, he doesn’t get any breakfast.
Your mom pokes her head into the kitchen while putting earrings in, “Ayumi said she’d tell you when she’s around the corner, so make sure not to go back to sleep.”
“I get it.”
She gives you a quick scowl but nods anyway, “we’ll be off then.”
You’re eating as you wait around for five minutes when you finally hear the sound of your dad’s footsteps traveling down the steps to the front door along with your mom’s. Once the door clicked, you wandered out into the living room and lounged around, waiting for Ayumi’s text. It took about fifteen minutes before your phone started ringing.
“Oh hey, y/n, I’m outside, do you mind opening the gate?”
You jump up from the couch immediately, “of course.”
Instead of going outside to open the gate, you go towards the buzzer by the door and press the button.
“Asa-san, Ayumi-san, it’s great to see you again.”
You’d give them a hug if they weren’t each carrying a sleeping child in their arms. They smile at you in unison and wander into the house.
“Sorry for the late notice again,” Ayumi says with a sorrowful smile.
You shake your head at her, “it’s totally fine. I wasn’t doing anything.”
Asa looks around and starts to walk towards your bedroom, “since they’re both asleep, should I place them in here?”
Fucking shit!!! You look pretty fucking sketchy based on your stunned expression, but what are you supposed to do?! You’d look weirder to them if you said no, but Sukuna is in there lying dead asleep like an ass! Hell, they aren’t even paying attention to you. Instead, Ayumi is following Asa and before they open the door, she turns back at you, “in here?”
You’re caught. You should’ve kicked him out the moment your parents were gone. Why didn’t you try harder? Now you’re caught! You manage to force a smile and laugh nervously, “yeah, just place them down and I’ll tuck them in after you guys leave. Isn’t Hotaru still in the car?”
Ayumi chuckles, “yes, but he’s asleep as well.” She walks in with Asa and places Ren down first before glancing up at Asa. “Honey, you should go back to the car first to make sure Hotaru is alright and then bring in the kid’s things. I’ll be out in a second.”
When you walk in, your heart literally falls out of your ass and you sigh a breath of relief. Sukuna isn’t here! Well, he isn’t on the bed anymore and you’ve no clue where he’s at, but you’re grateful that he’s gone for now.
Asa lays Haru down as well and gives you a small bow with his head, “thank you so much for this favor, y/n-san. As a way to pay you back, please let Ayumi and I take you out for dinner someday.”
You quickly bring your hands up and shake them with a laugh, “oh no, there’s really no need to do that. We’re family, that’s what family is for.”
Ayumi takes your hand in hers and leans on Asa, “please, we feel so indebted to you, y/n.”
Well, since that day would most likely never come, you awkwardly nod your head and agree. Asa leaves first to go to the car while Ayumi explains how her kids are. Most of it just went in one ear and out the other… all you really caught were naughty and don’t play well together.
With Ayumi and Asa gone, the two kids asleep in your room and Sukuna disappearing, all you can do is lay around downstairs and wait for them to wake up. Where did he run off to anyway? Did he sneak out through the window? Maybe you should look for him.
You enter your room again and tiptoe around quietly. Nope, not here. Where could he have gone? You go to the window and check but the window is locked, which means he’s somewhere in the house… when did he wake up?
You make sure to keep your voice low because frankly, you’re not ready to care for two kids yet. After searching the whole downstairs, including the pantry, you go up. As expected, the upstairs living room is empty. There’s a heavy pull to your eyebrows as you continue to wander about. He’s nowhere here and the only place left is your parent’s room, so you push the door open and peek inside.
“What are you doing here?”
Your voice pulls him out of his train of thoughts and he turns around with a goofy grin, “this you?”
It’s a photo of you in your middle school days and boy… you weren’t all that cute in the photo. Just that one though! Your face burns red with embarrassment as you march over and snatch the frame. You flip it down so that it’s no longer showing, “I asked why you were in here.”
Sukuna muses, “I was bored. I came up here a little before your guests arrived.”
You jab at him with an angry frown, “that doesn’t mean you can just wander as you please. What if you got caught?”
He grabs your wrist and pulls you closer, “but I didn’t.”
“And if you did?”
He wears a pretty smirk on his pretty face, a playful glint sparkling in his eyes, “then I’d act like I was robbing you. I’ve got the looks to play the part.”
There’s that laugh he was looking for. You shove him away with your free hand and back away, “you’re stupid.”
“Only for you.”
You deadpan, “yeah, right.” You drag him out of the room, “anyway, now that I’ve found you, you can’t be here.”
“I think I can help you look after these runts.” Sukuna playfully puffs out his chest and gives it a smack, “I did pretty well with that other runt last time, don’t you think?”
He’s got a point, but you absolutely cannot risk these kids tattling on you. With a stern voice, you answer, “that’s true, but these kids are older. Hotaru only babbled.”
He follows you down the stairs with heavy feet, “then I’ll threaten them.”
“Kidding~” he raises his hands above his head and sways side to side, “just tell them that I’m a friend that’s here to help. It can’t be that big of a problem. I’ll bribe them with money, too. Kids love that.”
You frown at him again, “they’ll ask where the money came from.”
Sukuna leans over your face and smiles like an innocent child while his eyes tell a different story, “from you, of course.”
You’re going to argue back but your bedroom door suddenly opens and all doom falls on you. It hit you like a baseball bat, you swear. Sukuna didn’t expect for the door to open either, based on how much he stiffened. You turn around with a nervous smile and look at the seven year old. He’s staring back at you while he rubs one eye.
“Hi… Haru.”
Haru’s eyes go from tired to curious and he walks up to you with an expression you can’t read. His small hands grab at yours and then he glances up at Sukuna, “who is this, auntie y/n?”
Sukuna stifles back his laughter and raises his eyebrows, “yeah, who am I, auntie y/n?”
“Oh, this is my friend, Sukuna.” You lower yourself to his level and hold a finger up to your mouth, “but you can’t tell anyone about him, okay?”
Haru squints his big eyes at you, “why not?”
Crap. Your brain actually stalls and loads as you look for an excuse but none come to you. All you really can do is panic internally.
Sukuna taps the kid’s head and sighs, “because I can play with you and your brother better, since we’re guys.”
Well that’s sexist. You roll your eyes at them, “what kind of excuse is that?”
Haru ignored you and beams at Sukuna instead, “you have a dingdong like me, right?”
“Yeah,” Sukuna bursts out laughing and nods along, “except mine's way bigger than yours.”
Haru shakes his head at him and releases your hand to slap Sukuna’s thigh, “mine is bigger! We can measure.”
“No, you can’t.” You stand back to your normal height, “just promise that you and Ren won’t mention Sukuna. If you promise, my friend will give you money.”
You have doubts but if they tell, hopefully Ayumi and Asa will think they’re talking nonsense. Ren wakes up a little after the whole incident as well and you explain the same thing to him, except you tell him that it’s a game and the winner would get more money the next time you saw them. He looked eager to take the deal but children make promises like it’s nothing.
♡ ♡ ♡
By now it’s around one and you’re busy looking around in the kitchen for something to cook. Since you weren’t properly listening to Ayumi, you’re left to guess what they can and can’t eat. There’s a 20% chance they’re allergic to specific things and you’re sure they’re picky eaters since they’re young, so you’re trying to be mindful. Okay, Ren is five, so he might eat whatever you feed him, but Haru is definitely around the age of being a picky eater.
“Curry udon it is.”
You mutter to yourself as you gather the needed ingredients. The house is the loudest it's ever been since Sukuna is watching them for you. You easily find what you need and get to work. Because you don’t have all-purpose flour, you substitute by mixing 100g of bread flour and 100g of cake flour with water. You begin to mix it in slowly, pouring the water and a bit of salt in time by time until the consistency becomes dough-like. When that’s done, you spread flour onto a tray and lay it down, continuously kneading and spreading until it’s ready. It’s going to be a long process to get the dough completely smooth, so you’ll be at it for a while. And maybe you’re out of shape, but your arms are already starting to get sore. Ugh, you don’t even want to know what the chaos going on is about. You shove the dough into the fridge and prepare to make the curry.
While you’re busy doing that, Sukuna is laying on the couch and playing on his phone. He’s not even watching them!
Haru is busy controlling his remote-control race car while Ren follows him around and hovers over his shoulder. Feeling annoyed, Haru reaches behind him and shoves Ren back, “go play by yourself!”
Ren stumbles backwards but stays persistent in lingering around, “I want to play with it too!”
“You’re annoying!” Haru shoves his younger brother again and controls the car to go somewhere else. He makes sure to travel around the living room with the car though so he doesn’t lose sight of it.
Ren wordlessly follows his older brother again, still waiting for a turn. When Haru hears him coming, he stands up and holds the remote close to his chest with a glare, “leave me alone! Play with the other toys.”
This finally catches Sukuna’s attention, so he removes his eyes from the screen and clicks his tongue at Haru, “stop it.” He sees Haru shove Ren back again and sits up on the couch when Ren’s lips begin to quiver. “Look, he’s about to cry any second now because of you.”
Haru glares at Sukuna this time and walks away to play with the car in another area of the house but he stops when he hears Ren behind him again. This time he hits Ren’s head with his knuckles which makes Sukuna stand from the couch. He frowns at the seven year old, “oi, would you stop that? You’re gonna make him cry.”
“I don’t care.” Haru walks towards the car and picks it up, “I don’t share toys with Ren.”
He walks towards him again and pushes him back but this time it’s a little too hard and the boy falls onto his butt. Just like that, the younger brother begins to sob and Sukuna has no choice but to walk to them, “look, you made him cry. What did I tell you?”
Sukuna snatches both the car and remote from Haru, “none of you can play with it if you can’t share.” An evil grin plays on his face, “now it’s mine.”
Ren continues to cry while Haru kicks Sukuna’s leg as hard as he can (it’s doing no damage lol), “give it back! It’s mine!”
He sticks his tongue out at the kid and puts the car down to play with it, “go cry to auntie y/n about it.” As soon as the car starts moving, he smiles more child-like, “I’ve always wanted a race car!”
Haru does as told and runs to wherever you are. Knowing that there’s trouble around, he picks Ren up and goes to the kitchen as well. Like a brat, Haru angrily stomps in and tugs at your clothes, “auntie y/n, your stupid boyfriend won’t give me back my race car!”
You look down at him with furrowed eyebrows, “he’s not my boyfriend! And Sukuna,” you change your line of view to him, “stop being a child and give him back his toy. You should know better.”
Sukuna lifts Ren to get a better hold of him and shrugs innocently, “I’m discipling them.”
This time you cross your arms, “you aren’t their parent; therefore you get no say on how to discipline.”
He likes to challenge you, so he talks back like a smart ass. Sukuna steps further into the kitchen, “I’m their guardian right now, so that means whatever I say goes.” He waves the toy in the air to tease Haru, “if they can’t learn to share the toy and play together then they can’t play at all.”
“The. Toy. Is. Mine.” He gets in Haru’s face and smiles in a cunning way, “am I clear?”
You stop what you’re doing and stare at Sukuna with a bored face, “I didn’t know I was signing up to watch over three brats. Since you also can’t play fair with them, you don’t get the toy either.” You hold your hand out to receive the toy, “hand it over.”
Sukuna scoffs, clearly amused, “no way.”
“Sukuna, give it.”
He hums softly to himself and gives you a mischievous look, “if I give it to you then I’ll just have to find something more interesting to play with.” He steps closer to you, “something like… your kitty?”
You shove Sukuna away from you and continue to make the udon base, “that’s disgusting.”
Ren blinks his big owl eyes at you, “auntie, you have a cat?”
You’re gonna pretend you didn’t hear that. Sukuna on the other hand has other plans as he plays around and nods like he’s talking about something innocent.
“She sure does. It’s pretty and cute… soft and really friendly.”
Ren’s eyes go even wider than they already are and this time Haru clings onto Sukuna’s leg, “can we see?”
Alright, this has gone too far. You turn down the heat and ruffle Haru’s hair, “Sukuna is talking nonsense. I don’t own a cat.” You smile cutely at Ren as well, “he’s talking about my neighbor’s kitten. Now,” you glare at Sukuna again, “give it.”
Sukuna rolls his eyes at you and puts Ren down, “fine.”
When Sukuna is out of sight, you give the toy back and point a stern finger at them, “if you can’t share then I’m taking it away again. Understood?”
Haru looks down but nods his head at you. Same goes for Ren, “yes, auntie.”
“Go have fun.”
Gosh, what a headache. Three brats… really??? Anyway, since the broth is starting to boil, you add in some bonito flakes, turn the heat off and wait for around a minute until the flakes completely sink. After that, you strain it and begin to cut up the rest of the ingredients, even going so far as to add some pork belly. For the curry mix, you combine curry powder, flour, potato starch and water.
You’re done cooking the pork belly and don’t question why Sukuna is suddenly in the kitchen again until he stands right behind you and wraps his arms around your waist. Feeling that it’s too risky, you push him with your elbows, “get off of me.”
Your words fall on deaf ears because Sukuna starts to leave tiny little kisses down your neck and onto your shoulders. You stiffen in his hold as your breath hitches from the tickling sensation, “stop, Sukuna.” You use your elbow again, “not here, my nephews are in the room next door.”
Sukuna’s hands travel down to the waistband of your bottoms and he sighs softly to himself, “they’re busy, come on.” He gives your shoulder another kiss, “let me get a taste.”
You’ve already poured the veggies, pork and broth in so you’re too busy manually removing the foam from the pot to actually fight back, “stop being a pervert and go play with them. I’m making lunch.”
Sukuna’s fingers just dig deeper into your pants while he watches you pour in soy sauce, mirin and sugar, “they’re getting along and playing just fine, I made sure. They won’t even know what’s going on in here.” His right hand cups over your crotch while his middle finger presses down right onto your clit, “don’t you think youthful innocence is just so cute?”
He’s the fucking devil. You’re trying to focus, so you continue to cook, “yes, it is. I’d like to keep it that–” you jump from the sudden sensation of rubbing and try to ignore him as best as you can, “I’d like to keep it that way. Who knows if they’ll walk in and become traumatized because you can’t keep your hands to yourself.”
He smirks onto your shoulder as his fingers become soaked in your arousal. Like the ass that he is, he slips two fingers in and begins to pump in and out at a steady pace, “I just want a taste of dessert. After all,” his other hand slips into your shirt and under your bra, “you were being mean.” His fingers begin to rub and tweak at your hardened nipples, making it hard to concentrate.
Your eyes shut momentarily as you lower the heat to lower to let it simmer and thicken, “how so?”
Sukuna brings his mouth towards your ear and gives it a slow lick, “you took the race car away from me. Now I have nothing left but your kitty to play with.” He places a gentle kiss on the shell of your ear, “let me get a taste.”
“There’s no way in hell.”
After adding the curry mix, you try to push Sukuna away but he holds you firmly and pushes another finger into you, “you’re behind a counter, y/n, and the kids are in the other room. No one will see a thing.”
Just as Ren runs into the kitchen, Sukuna ducks down to be unseen and pulls your bottoms down as well. Ren stands by the entrance, holding up a lego piece he built, “auntie y/n, look! I built a car!”
“Spread your legs.”
Sukuna whispers loud enough just for you to hear. Obviously, you don’t comply. Instead, you make big eyes at Ren and nod, “wow~ Oh-” you cut yourself off when you feel Sukuna spread your legs for your and forces you to stick your ass out so he can get a better angle. He licks a stripe down your cunt from behind like the nasty man that he is. To fix your mistake, you laugh, “that’s so cool, Ren. Just keep playing over there with Haru, okay? Lunch is almost ready.”
By now, Sukuna is greedily tongue-fucking you and you have no choice but to act like nothing is happening. Ren cocks his head, “are you okay, auntie? You’re moving a lot. Where is uncle Sukuna at? I want to show him!”
He’s about to come to you but you hold your hands out at him and stop him, “no, go play in the living room. Sukuna– ngh… he went to the bathroom, I think.” You point behind Ren and smile as best as you can, “go over there and I’ll go get him for you, okay?”
Ren blinks twice before eventually smiling again, “okay! Tell him to hurry so I can show him!”
He’s out as quick as that and all you can do is breathe a sigh of relief. Once you’ve calmed down, you turn back and try to shake him off, “get your tongue out from there, you fucking pervert!”
Sukuna smirks against your cunt and buries himself deeper, chuckling lowly when you bite your own lip to hide your moans. Even if you used all your strength to shove him away, he’s holding you firmly in place with no problem. He can taste your mess, but he continues to kitten lick you through your orgasm.
“Stop,” you sigh out as your legs begin to shake and lose strength. You can barely manage to stand as overstimulation begins to hit and the only thing keeping you standing is Sukuna’s hold.
With one final lick, he swallows your taste and pulls your bottoms back up in one swift move, “oh, shut up. You enjoyed it.” He tidies your clothes up a bit and wraps his arms around your waist again, “I felt your cute little hole clenching.” His lips tickle the back of your neck as he mutters against it, “you were excited, weren’t you?”
“No, I was horrified he was going to discover us like this.”
He rubs his lips against your skin and then pulls away smugly, “I couldn’t help it. You taste so good. I want more.”
Before his hands can wander more, you turn off the heat, unravel yourself from him and go towards the fridge to take the dough out to cut, “later, okay? Stop distracting me.”
You lay out a bunch of flour so the pieces don’t stick together and begin to roll it flat when Sukuna leans over and pokes at it with a pout.
“I just want a kiss, then.”
“A kiss? If I give you one then you’ll shut up and be on your way?”
What an ass. He lingers in your kitchen, does as he wants, watches you cook and doesn’t bother to help at all. After you’ve rolled the dough out enough, you fold it and begin to cut them precisely.
Sukuna flicks the flour from his hand and nods, “yes ma’am.”
Fine, if a kiss will shut him up then so be it. You cup his cheeks with your flour covered hands and give him a soft peck on the lips. It’s nothing romantic at all, but a kiss is a kiss. You pull back from him and look him in the eyes, “happy?”
He looks far from it, lol. Sukuna’s lips twitch into a frown and he clicks his tongue sassily at you, “not a fucking peck. What am I, a kid? Give me a real kiss.”
You look away from him to resume cutting the dough into noodle pieces, “but– mph!”
Sukuna impatiently grabs your chin with one hand and slams his lips down on yours, forcing your mouth open with his tongue. He pushes his tongue against yours and makes sure that you can barely catch your breath before breaking away. Like the dick that he is, he smirks to himself in a proud manner and wipes your lips for you with his thumb, “that’s more like it.”
He wipes the flour off of his own cheeks and then smacks your ass with his left hand, “no take backs. You better serve yourself on a silver platter for me later.”
He doesn’t bother to linger any longer as he walks out of the kitchen, “yo, kiddos! What did you want to show me?”
You wipe at your own mouth and scoff in disbelief, “that asshole.”
Ugh! Whatever… You try to forget about the wet mess that you are and boil the noodles so they’re ready to serve.
♡ ♡ ♡
You pour the curry into a small bowl and go out to find them. The first thing you see is Sukuna hogging the race car while Haru clings to his leg as he waits for his turn. Even when you said for him to play nice he’s still being greedy… you smile at the scene anyways and tap your foot on the ground to get their attention. Sukuna’s eyes never leave the car but he responds.
You shrug in an obvious way, “where’s Ren?”
“Shit, dunno.”
Really, Sukuna? You groan at him, “you lost him?”
Sukuna’s other hand begins to push at Haru as he tries to pry him off, “he’s not lost, just somewhere else.”
Haru’s little hands clutch onto Sukuna’s pants tighter, “quit it, it’s my turn now.”
“Beat it, kid.”
You’re beginning to lose patience with the two as you speak, “Haru, where’s your brother?”
The kid whips his head around and stares at you with the same big owl-like eyes as Ren. He shrugs his little shoulders, “he left to play by himself.”
Crap. Guess you’ll have to seek him yourself. He shouldn’t be too far, so hopefully you can locate him quickly. Since it’s obvious that he’s not in this area, you go into your room and search. Nope, not there either.
“Ren,” you call out, “it’s time to eat.”
You go upstairs with hasty steps and halt at the top when you see him peacefully building legos by himself. The only thing you’re dreading is the bunch of legos that he dumped out onto the floor, but that’s an issue for later. For now, it’s time to eat.
“Ren,” you say again, “come here.”
He silently stands from where he’s sitting and runs over to you, “wanna play?”
“Maybe later. Here, try this.”
You give him the bowl and make him try the curry.
“Is it spicy? Can you eat it?”
Ren’s chubby cheeks turn a soft shade of pink but he beams at you happily, “it’s yummy.”
You pick him up and carry him down with you while shouting.
“Time to eat!”
Both Haru and Ren line up behind you to get their portion and so does Sukuna. He’s standing there like a big baby waiting to be pampered and coddled, how ridiculous. You start off with Haru and give him his bowl, “walk slowly and go sit at the table over there. Would you like anything specific to drink?”
He lights up like a bulb, “soda!”
“Is that okay with your mom–”
“Ah come on, let the kid have some soda.”
Sukuna’s louder voice cuts through yours and when you turn back to glare at him, he cackles and hides behind his bowl to avoid your gaze. Haru taps your leg and nods eagerly, “yeah, auntie y/n, listen to your boyfriend. I want soda.”
“He’s not my–”
“Let the kid be happy, baby.”
The way Sukuna says it is so cunningly sweet that it irritates your soul… however, there’s a giddy feeling in your stomach from his stupid ass teasing. How is it possible for him to be so carelessly playful all the time? Once Haru gets out of the way, you give Ren his and walk him over to the table. Sukuna scoffs in offense, “aren’t you forgetting about someone?”
“You’re a big boy, Sukuna. You can serve yourself.” You’re speaking to him in the same playful tone he used on you and hide your laugh when he squints pettily.
He makes sure to huff and puff repeatedly when filling his own bowl but it only makes him look like a man-child. “Are you going to offer me a drink too or ignore me again?”
You move to make yourself a bowl as well and tap your cheek, “hmm, don’t you have two feet that work?”
“I have a third leg that wo–”
“Alright, alright, what do you want to drink, asshole.”
He snickers triumphantly, “soda for me, too.”
Clink, clink, clink and clink. You place four cans down on the table and sit across from Sukuna, digging in after everyone has already started. The next hour consists of you watching the three of them play together. Of course, there are moments when you have to step in and tell Sukuna to stop being childish, but he only listens for a few minutes and then goes right back to acting like a kid. Ren is the only one who is laid back, but that’s because he’s occupied with the many other toys Ayumi packed.
“I’ll be right back.”
You go back upstairs and take your sweet time to collect the lego pieces that were dumped. Just how many pieces are included in this set? You crawl over to grab the two buckets and hum to yourself. 2,000 pieces per bucket, wow.
“That’s my car!”
Ren’s voice roars from downstairs and his loud crying follows shortly after. Gosh, Sukuna can’t have the race car so he takes Ren’s? Why can’t he be a bit more responsible? You quickly gather the pieces in bunches and snap the lid back on so you can bring both buckets downstairs with you.
“Sukuna, would you quit acting like a brat?”
Your voice dies down when you see the situation. It wasn’t him that took the car, it was Haru. Sukuna is looking at you with an ‘are you serious right now’ look while cradling Ren in his arms to help console him.
His frown quickly lifts into a grin as he mocks you, “yeah, oh.”
Embarrassment seeps into you as you walk over to Haru. You hold out your hand and demand for the lego car, “what did I say about playing nice? If you can’t do that, you can’t play at all.”
Haru crosses his arms and frowns at you, “then I’ll tell my mom and dad about your boyfriend!”
“Ouu,” Sukuna bursts out laughing at you and covers his mouth with a fist, “he got you there.”
“You’re not helping the situation, Sukuna. None of this would’ve happened if you had just left when I told you to.”
He bounces Ren in his arms to help lull him, “if I left, you would’ve been stressed trying to take care of them on your own.”
Well, he has a point. Damn him. You feel so defeated today as nothing is going your way… What are you supposed to do? The three of them won’t share the damn race car, Ren is in love with the one he built yet Haru won’t let him have it and even when you told Sukuna to be an adult, he won’t let the kid have the race car to himself.
While you’re blanking out about what to do, Sukuna takes it upon himself to step closer and pull you into an embrace with his other arm, “stressed out?”
“A bit,” you sulk, muttering against his chest.
Haru grimaces at the scene but quickly becomes jealous when he realizes he’s being left out, so he quickly shoves himself between you and hugs Sukuna’s thighs, “I want a hug too! How come you guys are only hugging Ren?!”
Sukuna playfully rolls his eyes, “beat it, kid.” Despite saying that, he releases you and kneels down to pick him up.
“I was just having a bit of fun, y/n. I didn’t mean to stress ya out.”
He tries to make it up to you by puckering his lips for a kiss but you immediately reject it and shoot him down.
“Fine,” he grumbles, “hey kids, how about we all clean up and watch a movie together?”
Ren sniffles, wiping his own tears, “movie?”
“What kind of movie?” Haru adds.
Sukuna moves his head closer to Haru’s and lightly headbutts him, “any kind you want. You just can’t say a word about me being here, okay?”
The kid squints with suspicion and scoffs, “don’t forget about the money you promised.”
He puts them down and digs into his wallet to give them pocket change, “yeah, yeah.”
It’s kind of cute watching them run around the house as they try to tidy things up. Sukuna is barely doing anything to help but it’s the effort that counts and the other two are shoving things in their duffel bag. Since it’s almost four now, you’re curious on how much longer you’ll have to watch them. You would text Ayumi but you’re not sure how serious Hotaru’s condition is, so it might sound insensitive of you to ask how much longer you’ll have to babysit.
So, you guys spent a good few minutes arguing on what to watch since everyone’s preference was different. Sukuna wanted to watch horror but you argued against him since it wouldn’t be appropriate for children to watch, therefore you’ve all settled on Coraline. Sukuna is stuck on the other end of the couch with Haru sitting beside him and then there’s Ren and you. Because he’s a bit scared of the movie, he’s clinging to you and Sukuna is glaring at the poor kid through the corners of his eyes. He’s jealous that you’ve given these kids all of your attention because now he’s left hanging.
They fall asleep halfway through the movie, possibly from food coma and from sitting still for so long. Sukuna turns to look at you with a gentle pout still on his lips, “kids are asleep.”
“What about it?” You whisper back.
He points down at his thighs, “this brat is heavy, and my legs are asleep so let’s move them.”
Aww, Haru looks so cute when he’s not being a smart mouth, almost like Sukuna. You carefully lift Ren up and stand from the couch, “they should be fine in my room again.”
You wait for Sukuna to stand as well and then go towards your room. You’re about to enter, but Sukuna turns and goes in a different direction. “Uh, where are you going?”
He doesn’t even look at you, “putting them in the room upstairs.”
All he does is ignore you, so you have no choice but to follow him up. It’s so weird! It’s weird to see Sukuna with kids. You weren’t used to it last time and you’re not used to it now. He looks too soft… To imagine him as a father is just funny, and with that imagination in mind, you end up laughing a little too loud.
He tucks Haru in first and looks up at you, “what’s so funny?”
“Nothing, just… it’s nothing.” You pull the blanket over Ren and start walking away, “why did you bring Haru up here anyway?”
Big arms snake around your waist, holding you in place, “so they won’t get in my way.” Sukuna releases you, bends down and picks you up bridal style after, “you haven’t paid attention to me all day.”
A giggle leaves your lips at his immaturity, “that’s a lie, I paid attention to you this morning.”
“You left me hanging.”
“Oh, you got me there.”
He leans down and leaves a kiss on the tip of your nose, “now it’s time to make up for it.”
Your smile drops at his statement and you begin to flail in his arms, “Sukuna, no. The kids are still here.” You feel his grip on you tighten so you begin to flail harder, “you can sneak back over later tonight. We can’t do anything here.”
He shuts your door with his foot and throws you onto the bed, “it’ll be fine, y/n. They’re dead asleep.”
This guy… No. You can’t let him have his way right now but Sukuna quickly topples over you, trapping you beneath him. He’s not exactly sitting on you, just hovering above, but he’s a lot heavier than you so no matter how much you try to fight him off he won’t budge.
He smirks down at you, “I hope you realize how loudly you’re laughing. You’ll wake them up if you continue.”
“Good, hopefully they can save me from this horny pervert!”
“Ahh~” he sighs, “a pervert? Me?” He laughs in a cynical way and lowers his face so that his nose almost touches yours, “you might not be wrong~”
There’s so much tension between you two right now as he lays his forehead against yours, “but on a serious note, pay attention to me too.”
Damn, he switches just like that, huh? First he looks all evil and sinister and then he looks all vulnerable and shit. What an absolute ass. You told yourself not to give in, but he just pulls you in like a magnet… you can’t help it.
You tilt your head up first and meet his lips and gosh, they’re hypnotic. The not-so-secretive smiles that play on your lips disappear as you both indulge in each other, mindlessly crossing lines that were long blurred all over again.
Before things escalate, Sukuna separates and pants against your lips, “if you really don’t want to do it, we don’t have to. I’ll wait.”
Fuck it. You’re already horny. You tilt your head upwards again to continue the kiss, granting him permission to continue and you moan softly with excitement each time he grinds against you. Your heads turn at different angles to deepen the kiss while his hands move down to your thighs. Everywhere his hands go, your skin burns. It’s crazy, right?
Sukuna gently lifts your hips up to pull your pants off while his lips move from yours down to your neck, leaving you a panting mess. It’s crazy how his lips leave such soft supple kisses on your skin while his breath tickles your neck.
“Let’s take a look,” Sukuna says as he removes himself from you. He spreads your legs apart and salivates at the mess you’ve made.
Feeling shy, you close your legs again and look away, “don’t look… it’s embarrassing.”
Sukuna shakes his head at you and spreads your legs open again, “it’s cute, doll. Nothing to be embarrassed about, alright?”
He stares at you with such tender eyes before moving down to lick a stripe up your cunt. It sends a shiver down your spine but you’re quickly drowned in bliss when he gets to work. Sukuna’s mouth attaches to your clit and he gently flicks up and down while his hand pumps in and out of your pulsing cunt. There’s a dirty squelching sound that fills your ears and you can feel your stomach tightening up.
Your hands fly down to Sukuna’s head in a panic and you violently grip at his hair but you’re too late. Your legs are already squeezing his head while your back arches from the pleasure and he’s just shamelessly lapping up all your juices like a starved dog.
“Fuck me,” you whisper in the heat of the moment.
Sukuna removes himself from your cunt and crawls back up to tackle you in a wet kiss. He’s letting you taste yourself, that dirty man. His damp fingers move into your shirt and under your bra so he can play with your hardened nipples.
“Shit,” you moan into the kiss at his touch and push him away gently, “hurry, who knows when they’ll wake up.”
He sits up and unbuttons his pants, his boxers damp from precum. It amuses him how you’re always looking at his bulge with such wide eyes. It fits every time, so why do you always look a bit anxious? Sukuna pulls out his dick and pokes at your soaked entrance. He pushes in slowly and muses in the erotic sounds you’re making. Your previous orgasm made it easier for him to slide in, so he begins to move at an easy pace.
You let your hands roam under his shirt, “kiss me, Sukuna.”
He does as you say, leaning back down to lap his tongue over yours. While making out, he quickened his pace, going harder for each thrust. It makes you bounce up and cling to him more, wrapping your legs around his waist. Sukuna grips at the back of your neck to swallow more of you while his other arm wraps under you to press you closer against him. Everything about you drives him insane.
You could feel every inch of him sliding in and out while your breaths and moans got louder and louder. The sound of skin slapping and the smell of sex began to fill the air but you were too intoxicated on sex to care. It just felt too good. Everything felt too good with Sukuna.
He grunts harshly while a sheen layer of sweat begins to build up, “baby.”
You don’t hear him. You’re too distracted with your own pleasure.
Sukuna pinches your nipple to get your attention. “Baby,” he calls again.
This time you open your hazy eyes and look up at him, “yeah?”
Shit. You didn’t make a face at the name he called you. Now he’s even harder. Initially, he planned to pull out and finish on your stomach, but you just pull him back in each time. Sukuna grabs both of your wrists and pulls you up off the bed.
“Turn around. Face down, ass up.”
You submissively do as he says and get into the position he asked. He lines himself up with you again and slams right in, earning a loud moan from you. “Fuck,” he mutters, “you’re swallowing me up.”
His hands grip your waist and he begins to pull you back and forth while his hips snap into you violently. He’s burning with desire, just on the edge of cumming. “I’m gonna cum,” Sukuna says as he begins to slow down his pace.
Too drunk on sex, you push your ass out towards him, “in me…”
Do you realize what you’re saying? As much as he would like to, he’s not wearing a condom and the possibility of you getting pregnant would cause problems, so he chuckles and leans forward to press sensual kisses down your back, “baby, did seeing me around kids give you a funny idea? Hmm?”
No answer… You’re a drooling mess with your tongue lolled out. There’s a pool of saliva seeping down on your sheets but Sukuna doesn’t need to know that.
Sukuna grins at your silence and moves closer to turn your head towards him. Hungry lips devour you and you’re left kissing him back like the horny mess you are, moaning uncontrollably. You release first, flinching with sensitivity as his dick continuously rubs up inside of you.
Sukuna quickly pulls away from the kiss and pulls out of you while his cum spurts onto your ass and back. When the high finally dies down and you both catch your breaths, he flips you onto your back and presses cute tiny kisses on your cheeks and lips, “sorry, I made a mess on you.”
“That’s okay,” you softly pant, “guess we both needed that.”
“Let me help you change.”
Before you can argue back, he walks to your dresser and digs around for a bit. While he’s doing that, you use your old undies to wipe his mess off your back.
When Sukuna finds what looks like comfortable enough undies and a pair of sweats, he comes right back to you. There’s a glow on his face as he smiles gently, putting your legs through the holes and dressing your bottom half. He pulls you to sit up, “are you okay? Did I go too hard?”
“No, it was perfect. Promise.”
You jump off the bed and kiss his sweaty forehead, “you’re the devil, Sukuna. Such a tempter.”
He shrugs in a nonchalant way, “you like it, don’t lie.”
Damn, he’s got a point… again. You fan yourself and walk towards the door, “I’m gonna make sure they kids didn’t hear us…”
“Have fun~”
You look over your shoulder with a playful smile, “go home, okay? I don’t wanna get in trouble later. If you like me as much as you say you do, you’ll listen and spare me some punishment.”
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@Lucyrocks86 @mykyoon @hxlalokidottir @wo-ming-bai @adoraspace @yourusernames @raviolixxx @blackjanexx
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katalyist · 1 year
I rewatched Grian's pov of last life some days ago (you know, as everyone does with their favorite season of the series) and the surprise I had when in the last episode I heard "Joel, this is the ultimate betrayal, I'm sorry" when they were trying to trap the main path and Joel was under a lot of TNT and Grian was just one block away of the lever that triggered everything.
Like, I knew limited life was a lot similar to last life but Grian didn't had to pull out the same phrase to one of his red allies the two times, you know?
My natural response to this information is to make a headcanon about it and make it about Grian and his trauma responds to being betrayal.
If you watch the episode he sounds like he couldn't help himself, he was nervously laughing, seeing the lever and Joel and then the lever back and saying "Joel- Joel, you don't understand!" with the same defeat energy he said "There was buttons on the floor, Jimmy!" in limited life, like it is part of his nature, like he was trying to excuse his nature and even warn Joel to get away to the fire zone before he inevitable pull the lever. I'm pretty sure he would have done it if Joel stayed there.
So yeah, silly Grian response to pull down levers and touch buttons until seeing what it does. But I want to add how this might be also an unconscious response to the trauma of being betrayed several times in the past and fearing that people he trust would do that to him again, not only for Scar big betrayal in third life but the ones in last life too.
So, let's make a list of the ones I remember:
He was exiled of the Southlands when he become red (that isn't really a 'betrayal', but he did feel that one "exiling me from the base that I create", he felt that they abandoned him because he was a loose cause now).
Mumbo and Jimmy trying to kill him a couple times until Grian end up killing both of them for being traitors (isn't curious how when he was red he never try to go for the Southlands?)
Martyn inmediatly turning against him when he was the boogeyman and leaving for another alliance the moment he become red again.
When Bdubs pretend to join the red alliance but end up killing Lizzie.
Like, this one was a group of people he trusted and wanted to stay with. And I understand most of it is justifiable, but that doesn't erase the feeling of betrayal they provoke, that stays no matter how much you want to rationalize it (and Grian does try).
And in all of this except when he was exiled he has a fight response, Mumbo and Jimmy have tried to kill him for the fourth time, that's it, he is killing them, Martyn betrayed him the second he become the Boogeyman? He is trying to kill him, Bdubs betrays the red alliance? He is killing him!
His pilot answer of being betrayal is fighting back. I think that is the reason why he was 'ultimate betrayal' Joel in that episode, because Joel has become red two times, technically he is the reason he lost his friends one time, is logical that he thinks he could betray him and tries to do it first but at the same time doesn't want to do it, doesn't want to get rid of the only friend he has left.
I think this is something Grian starts to do automatically after this. In double life, he plans the stalactite kill on Ren and he doesn't have in count that for the soulmate link he is also gonna kill BigB until he does.
And finally in limited life the las episodes Scar was threating them, trying to kill Joel a couple times. But Scar was also someone that Grian considerate an 'allie' and was pretty chill with him when neither the noisy neighbors or Cleo where around, he does the ultimate betrayal and is successful, probably because Scar wasn't putting attention, but Grian does try to warn him that he is gonna attack him, he does a quite "I'm sorry, Scar... This is the ultimate betrayal" and he apologizes but at the end, he killed him.
My other theory is combining this with Grian's curse of getting rid or being the cause of the deads of the people he cares about, almost like this is the way the Watchers punish him for entering the game: forcing him to betray people he cares about.
I could talk about Last life Grian for hours, he is my favorite and the dynamic of Joel and him is so silly I love them.
Thank you for coming to my Grian rant of the week.
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prismartist · 2 years
life's no picnic ('til you make it one)
part 5.2 of to break bread, the series about soulbounds and food
The first thing Grian and Scar hear when they reach Box is wailing.
It's despairing and very loud, and Scar gives Grian a terrified look.
"On second thought, G, I don't think I want to meet them."
"We're here now Scar, we can't turn back."
Scar sighs. "You're right, you're right." He squares his shoulders and puffs out his chest, as if going into battle. He raises one of his crutches, furthering that image. "Onwards we go then! Let us save our friends from whatever is ailing them."
Grian rolls his eyes fondly, then refocuses on the door, pursing his lips. With a deep breath, he opens the door. 
BigB and Ren are sitting on the floor, openly sobbing. It’s a horrific crime scene, as surrounding them are the mangled corpses of pumpkins, bits and pieces of their flesh scattered around. The two dig spoons into their pumpkins with immense effort, grunting like cavemen. They look up as Grian and Scar enter, and gasp with relief as if they’d just seen angels descend.
"Grian, Scar baby!" Ren stands up, effectively discarding his pumpkin, and outstretches his arms in a welcome gesture. "Welcome to our humble abode, dudes!"
"Please help us," BigB supplies weakly.
"Oh my gosh." Grian laughs nervously. "What happened?"
“Well—” Ren futilely kicks aside some of the pumpkin gore, which only succeeds in smearing their sinews across the stone, “—we were preparing our very yummy surprise meal for the picnic, but uhm-”
“Shucking pumpkins is harder than we thought,” BigB says, still trying to scoop out his pumpkin’s meat.
“Yeah, exactly.”
Grian doesn’t say anything for a bit, even as Scar turns to him and suggests cheerily, “Shall we leave them to it?”
“Wh…” Grian finally forces out in a strangled voice, “Why don’t you just boil it?”
A beat.
“...oh,” says Ren. “Yeah that would’ve been considerably easier.”
“Why didn’t we think of that, Ren?” BigB asks mournfully, bowing his head into his hollowed pumpkin as if to hide. Grian giggles at the sight.
“Grian, I’m beginning to judge your choice in soulmates.”
“What does that make you, then?” Grian snipes back at Scar.
“You didn’t even choose me, may I remind you.”
Grian drags a hand over his face. “Point taken.”
With some help from Grian and Scar, graceful allies as they totally are, they chop up the remaining pumpkin and place them in a pot of water to boil. Scar takes extra measures in breaking Ren’s pumpkin clean in half with his bare hands. It’s clear he’s trying to show off, but admittedly, judging by how everyone gawks, it works. 
With the two new companions the process luckily passes by quickly. Ren laments his failed attempt at butter for the bechamel sauce, so Grian sympathetically offers his own, making Scar lament that they won’t have anything to slather on the bread. The pumpkins are skinned and mashed, cooked, and mixed with the sauce as the herring is prepared. All is mixed into the casserole dish (“How did you make such a nice platter?” exclaims Grian in disbelief, studying it closely as BigB smiles bashfully), covered with cheese and the puff pastry. Ren attempts to model bits of the pastry into the shape of a fish, which everyone admits looks pretty decent. They stick it into the oven, and wait.
“Sorry for the hassle,” BigB says to Grian as they plop down on the floor, rubbing the back of his neck. “If we hadn’t messed up we would be eating by now.”
“Yeah dudes, you didn’t have to help us. This is our half of the potluck!” Ren adds. 
“Nah, it’s really no problem.” Grian smiles and bumps his shoulder against BigB’s. “What are soulmates for?”
Scar narrows his eyes and pouts. “You stole that from me.”
“So what if I did?” Grian wraps an arm around BigB, who laughs, and sticks out his tongue at Scar. Addressing BigB once again, “Besides, I was impressed by the amount of pumpkin you did manage to scoop out.”
BigB grins. “I guess you like your soulmates strong, huh?”
Scar never passes up an opportunity to flex. “Clearly.”
“Okay, you don’t have to call me out,” Grian mutters, red blooming in his cheeks.
Once the pie is ready, Ren slips on two wool mittens and rubs his hands together eagerly, his tail wagging. He reaches into the oven, and brings out the dish with a flourish, showing it off to the others.
The fish decoration has… not survived, apparently. It’s seemed to have melted into a sad smooshed state, resembling more of a puddle than a fish. Ren makes an anguished sound as he clocks its unfortunate demise and BigB moves to comfort him. 
“Hey, at least it looks edible,” he says to Ren’s bowed head. He’s not wrong; the crust has turned a lovely golden brown and the savory scent doesn’t hint of any burning. 
“Yeah, that actually looks pretty good, Ren,” Grian says.
“I gotta say, there’s an awful lot of pastries in this picnic,” Scar pipes up. “We’re gonna be stuffed full of carbohydrates by the end of this.”
BigB smiles over at him. “I guess we should’ve coordinated a bit better then.”
“Hey, I wasn’t complaining! Besides, surprises are more fun anyway.”
“Can’t fault you for that.” 
BigB can’t help but notice the smile that spreads across Grian’s face.
“Blue skiieeess~” sings Scar as they hike up the hill, “Blueee skiieesss, come ooouuuuut~”
“Singing isn’t going to change the weather, Scar.” Grian grunts. Overhead, the clouds blanket the sky in a murky gray.
“Well you never know.”
“I don’t mind it.”
“‘Course you don’t, B.”
“I mean, at least it isn’t sweltering.”
“And the song is rather catchy, if I may say so myself!” Ren says cheerfully. He then takes a deep breath. “Blue skies, come out,” he sings along.
“Good lord, there’s two now,” Grian mutters.
“Blue skiees~” 
“BigB, please, not you too.”
The singing continues even as they start to set up the picnic, Scar humming while he places down the blanket and Ren harmonizing (surprisingly well) as he sets down the leather bag containing the pie. BigB smooths out the blanket, juggling the plates and utensils he carries, and Grian follows, setting down the bag with the souffle, but not bringing it out. 
“No,” he says at the look on Scar’s face, “not until we’re done with the main course.”
“Well it looks like we don’t have much time to do that—” BigB gestures at the sky as he sets down the dishes, “—so we should hurry up and eat.”
Grian looks down at the dishes. “Did you guys really use the sugarcane to make paper plates?”
BigB flushes. “We thought it would be convenient,” he explains. “And we haven’t really tried making them before, so-”
“And we thought it would be appropriate, you know, for a picnic!” Ren says with a grin.
Grian sighs. “I guess, but please use something like wood next time and not the incredibly sparse resource.”
“Whatever you say, dude!”
Scar removes the cloth off the herring pie with a flourish, and everyone eagerly tucks in. Even with the clouds looming overhead and the occasional chilling sweep of the breeze, the atmosphere is peaceful as the group digs into the warmth of the meal. 
Perhaps a bit too soon the herring pie is reduced to crumbs and satisfaction sitting at the bottom of their stomachs, and Grian finally brings out the crude tin holding the souffle. Scar claps in excitement, and everyone leans forward eagerly as Grian moves to remove the cloth on top of it.
Ren’s ears suddenly perk up. 
“Uhh, did you feel that?”
Scar blinks. “Feel what?”
BigB’s eyes widen. “Oh no.”
Drip drip drip.
“Oh,” says Scar. “Uh oh.”
Drip drip drip drip drip-
“Pack up, we got to go!” Grian shoves the souffle back into the bag, and the rest spring into action, quickly picking up the supplies as the torrent of rain starts to pour down on the soulmates. 
"Where should we go? Box is too far away," BigB says.
"Red Velvet Keep should be closer," replies Grian, drawing the string close. "Follow us."
They dash through the forest as quick as they can to the bright red walls of the Red Velvet Keep. Though the trees somewhat alleviate the downpour, the rain soaks through the clothes and pitter-patters on their skin. Despite this, if there were any passers-by present (which there was, in the form of a very befuddled Pearl), they would hear that the rain was unable to drown out the sound of laughing traveling through the woods.
"Scar, it's a bit weird that you have towels made out of panda fur," BigB says, holding one of said products.
Grian spreads his arms in exasperation. "That's what I said!"
"Excuse you!" Scar gasps in offense. "I would like you to know that Jellie towels are 100% ethically sourced and very painstakingly made. They're great quality as well!"
"I dunno about you guys, but this is drying me out fantastically," Ren says, muffled by the towel over his face.
"Thank you, Ren! See, there's a man who knows his stuff."
"Why were they ever enemies again?" Grian murmurs to BigB, who chuckles and shrugs.
"Well, now that's out of the way…" Ren emerges from the towel, his hair cartoonishly poofing up. BigB and Grian snort at the sight. "Can we please resume with our picnic business, dudes?"
“Yeah!” Scar says, and BigB sees two pairs of puppy eyes targeted at Grian. “Since the main course is finished…”
Grian smirks, and loosens the string on the bag once again. “Well, as promised.”
He reveals the golden pastry to the exhausted group, who all immediately grab their piece and indulge. The dessert is a nice light dish compared to the pie, and predictably, the souffle is also gone within minutes. 
“You should make more next time we do one of these,” BigB says.
“Yeah, Scar also made that point.” Grian swallows the last of his piece. “It’s kind of a pity.”
BigB blinks. Grian seems deflated, an unusual mood on him. He glances around, noticing everyone else’s rapidly emptying plates. 
“Hey,” he says softly, bumping his shoulder against Grian’s, and Grian looks at him. “I’m really glad you did this for us. You and Scar.” Scar perks up at the mention of his name, and BigB smiles at them both. “It’s really nice considering the uh… the complications.”
“Yeah, it’s been the most terrific time.” Ren flops down and lays his head down into BigB’s lap, grinning. “Even if we got all wet and stuff, it was still super fun. And if we can’t do this again, I mean, it’s great that we got to do it in the first place, right?”
“And we’re not done yet. I mean…” BigB gestures outside, his smile growing wider. “It’s not like we can leave.”
Grian and Scar share a look and a wordless conversation, before all of a sudden Scar straightens up and declares, “That’s it, we’re taking you hostage!”
“Uh- what?”
“I think what Scar means is, we’re having a sleepover.” Grian looks back at BigB, and softens. “It’s like you said, you can’t leave, and judging by how heavy the rain is, you can’t for a while.”
“And you’ve been the sweetest picnic companions—I mean, I don’t know why I was against having you as a secret soulmate in the first place, B.”
“I mean, I’d say you had valid reasons,” Ren mutters, and BigB rolls his eyes. Ren then gets up, and meets Scar at his level. “Then it’s decided. Tonight shall be the night of all nights, the sleepover night to solidify our friendship!”
Grian rests his head on BigB’s shoulder. “I rather like the sound of that,” he says.
BigB leans his head against Grian’s, and looks out at the peaceful forest outside, the sunlight peeking through the clouds. He sighs serenely, just before realizing.
“...uh, guys?”
“The rain’s clearing up.”
A beat.
“...still sleepover night, though, right dudes?”
“Oh.” BigB wraps his arms around his soulmates, and draws them close. “Definitely.”
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kylowritten · 1 year
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If the Slipper Fits
Pairings: Kylo Ren x ForceSensitive!Reader
Summary: Nobody wants to be the woman whose foot fits that slipper.
Warnings: fluff, kissing, mentions of sex, nudity, mentions of self harm
Word Count: 5.3k
A/N: Wooo😅 I'm so sorry for how long it took for me to get this out. But here it is!! I struggled with writers block for awhile but recently remembered the ultimate cure: reading. I forgot how much a good book can really inspire me. Without further ado...
Part Fourteen
You’re not sure what to expect upon arriving in the Third District. You didn’t exactly leave on great terms with Kylo and, not to mention, you’re completely unaware of what’s happened while you were gone. More than likely you were walking into a hostile situation if anything like Parric in the Sixth District occurred; however, the servant who fetches you is amicable enough, and leads you into a room to get settled.
You half expect Kylo to be there, and so you prepare what to say. Undoubtedly he’ll know how it went. And you’re not sure if you’re disappointed or relieved when the room is notably absent of any sign of your husband.
There’s a knock at the door.
Panic jolts through you. You remember, vaguely, that if it was Kylo, you would’ve felt him approach through your Force bond.
Instead, your company is a regal-looking woman wearing a dress made of deep maroon. She smiles softly, if not somewhat abashed, as if she’s aware that she’s spooked you.
“Hello. I apologize, I’ve been eagerly awaiting your arrival.”
“Oh,” you say, laughing nervously. “No need to apologize.”
You don’t want to admit to her, or yourself, that you’re on edge about seeing Kylo.
She offers her hand and you shake it. “My name is Emelia, I’m the lady of the house.”
“Thank you for having us. From what I’ve seen of it, your district is lovely.”
Emelia’s lips twitch. “You’re very kind.”
You twist your head, pinning her with a look of incredulity. “You don’t believe me.”
“I don’t mean to offend,” Emelia quickly says.
She gestures past you. A rounded set of double doors open up to a small, adjoining balcony. Rain falls in sheets across the windows, and you remember the icy prick of it on your skin as you ran after the servant from your ship into the warmth of the grand estate.
Emelia adds, “We aren’t exactly known for our weather.”
“I like the rain,” you truthfully tell her. “I think it’s relaxing.”
“I agree, although I may be biased. We have a wonderful market, though, so I hope the clouds clear long enough for you to visit.”
“I would love that.” You smile.
Emelia clears her throat. “I’m afraid that I didn’t come here to discuss the splendor of our district. I-I have an ulterior motive.” A flash of gold catches your eye, and you realize it comes from the plethora of rings on Emelia’s hands as she wrings them. “May I speak freely, Your Highness?”
Your Highness. You would never get used to that.
“Of course,” you reassure her.
“My wife and I, we have two daughters.” Emelia pauses as if contemplating how to continue. “By the end of the year, they would’ve become the acceptable age to be fitted for the slipper. I…I feared for them terribly. I know that you didn't necessarily have a choice, but I am grateful for you for marrying the king and sparing my daughters of a similar fate. For all of the women in the kingdom. No more will have to die.”
You want to inform her no one actually died, but feel it would defeat the kindness of her statement. Someone else might’ve mistaken her words for callousness, but you understand what she meant — you were a savior, one way or another.
“It needed to end,” you say softly. “If I had to be the one to do it, then so be it.”
Little did she know how truthful you were. It truly was up to you to end the dark reign of the royal family over the kingdom, and of Palpatine’s unrelenting hold on Kylo.
“There you are.”
Kylo’s voice evokes both you and Emelia to turn towards the doorway.
A part of you softens at the sight of him.
Sans helmet and armor, Kylo stands in a simple pair of dark pants and a black sweater. Dressed like this, he looks perfectly aristocratical, reminding you glaringly of his royal upbringing; he hardly embodies the feral, wild man that you know, the one you watched kill a man for disrespecting you.
The complexity of him, the stark juxtaposition of his character, strangely intrigues you.
“Kylo,” you say, more breathless than you meant.
Emelia sheepishly smiles. “I’m sure that you wish to reunite with your wife.”
Kylo addresses her with his intense, unwavering stare but says nothing. After a pregnant pause, Emelia scurries past you and Kylo, making sure to give the latter a significant distance, which isn’t an easy feat considering that he fills the entire doorway. Before she can disappear around the corner, you shout, “Thank you,” then, quieter, knowing you have her attention, “Emelia.”
Emelia glances at you. She nods, then leaves.
With her gone, Kylo’s stare slides to you. “I trust that your trip was pleasant.”
“It was.”
He shifts, leaning hip and elbow against the frame of the door. “What did Lady Emelia want?”
Kylo is obviously shooting for nonchalance, but falls somewhere short of overbearing. It brings the slightest hint of a smile to your mouth. You tell him, “Just to say hello.”
“And everything is well?”
“Everything is well.” You swallow. You’ve forgotten to be afraid of this interaction. The reminder ratchets your nerves. “How are you?”
The door closes behind Kylo. He devours the space between you in two strides, effectively crowding you against the bed. The backs of your knees collide into the bed frame but you don’t concede to sitting, instead persisting on standing so that you’re wedged between his legs.
He towers over you, the proximity of him — his general being — overwhelms you.
“I couldn’t stop myself from thinking of you,” he says thickly, as if inflicted with some terrible curse. He all but spits it out. “I hated it.”
“Sorry,” you mutter to him.
Kylo fiercely says, “Don’t do that again. From now on you go where I tell you.”
“I’ll go where I please,” you fire back, blistering.
“You torment me,” he eventually replies. His tone is pained, all-suffering, the words sharp, cutting across your skin like a blade. His fingers, though, are appalling gentle as he snags a lock of hair, caught in the corner of your lips, and tucks it behind your ear. His brows furrow. “Please. Make it stop.”
You smile wryly. “I’m not sure I know how.”
An expression passes over his handsome features, the semblance of a smile. The very first of its kind.
“Join me, tomorrow.”
You frown. “What?”
“We’re going somewhere.”
“I’ll worry about that.”
You narrow your eyes, playfully suspicious. “What’s going on? Shouldn’t we be…” you wave your hand vaguely, “I don’t know…touring?”
“I think we’ve earned a break.” One of his brows, a thick, dark stroke against his pale skin, raises almost minutely. “Don’t you agree?”
“I suppose you.” The edges of your mouth curl mischievously. “You really missed me.”
He sniffs, “I didn’t miss you. I just think it would be of good conscience to spare our hosts from your insufferable tendencies.”
It takes a moment for you to realize that he’s kidding, that it’s just a sample of his dry humor. You get such seldom glimpses of it. In a singsong voice, you say, “You missed me.”
“How dare you accuse me of such a heinous act.”
You smirk, triumphant. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.”
A pleasurable ache between your thighs greets you as you wake, blinking sleep from your eyes. You turn, twisted in the sheets; you gave up a long time ago trying to catch Kylo still in bed, although the remnants of him are still there — his lingering warmth, his scent, and the memories of the former night heat your cheeks.
You languish, for a moment, in the comfort of an unhurried morning. Then, you lift your head and sweep your bleary gaze across the room, starting from the door to the balcony — there. Leaning casually, well, as casually as someone who perpetually upholds an essence of power, Kylo stands on the balcony with his back to you.
You swing your legs off the bed and hurry to grab your robe and belt it around your waist.
You’re not sure what overcomes you — perhaps the subtle domesticity of it all — but you pad on bare feet across the room and encircle your arms around him, your cheek nuzzling up against the muscular plane of his back.
“Good morning,” you hum.
His grunted response rumbles through his chest. “I would ask if you slept well,” he says, voice deliciously husky from sleep, “but I already know the answer.”
He can’t see you, but you roll your eyes. “So humble.”
Kylo grunts again. From behind him, you peek to see what he’s looking at. Beyond the balcony, rolling green plains are backdropped by clear skies, and you’re given view of the district that the rain obscured the day before. Awe yawns in you.
“What are the plans today?” You ask. For the first time since you can remember, you feel a worm of excitement working it’s way into your chest.
Kylo twists so that his back is against the railing of the balcony, but still in your arms. “Go get dressed,” he orders.
“You’re really not going to tell me anything?”
“No. Go.”
Kylo delights you as he slaps your ass on your way back into the room, and you cry out in protest. The sound of his chuckle follows you.
“Kylo, where are we?” Blindly, you reach out with your hands.
"We're almost there. Stop fussing."
You scowl. You feel as if your fussing is perfectly reasonable, considering that he's kept you out of the loop all afternoon. You flew to a remote location and then, upon climbing off the ship, he insisted that this be a surprise. So, you've walked for at least the last half mile with Kylo's large hands covering your eyes, stumbling awkwardly in front of him.
"Don't make that face."
"What? What face? You can't even see my face."
"The one where you furrow your brow and scrunch up your nose."
Irritatingly, he's right. You relax your features, forgetting that with his hands over your eyes he can tell the different in your expression. You smile sheepishly as he laughs.
"Are we almost there?" You complain.
"I'm going to walk you in circles if you ask one more time. I have nowhere to be today, I can delay this as long as necessary."
Finally, he stops in his tracks. You're grateful, because your feet have started to ache - it's been an embarrassingly long time since you've walked so far. "Keep your eyes shut," he instructs. The warmth of his proximity disappears, boots crunching the ground as he takes several steps away. "Now open."
Kylo steals your vision first. Unsurprisingly.
You take in your fill of him before your gaze slowly drifts. Behind him, a small lake laps at the sandy shore where he now stands barefoot, the hem of his pants rolled up; it's strangely attractive, and you shove down your sudden desire. The area surrounding the lake is green, grassy, interspersed with patches of flowers and trees.
You breathe out, "Wow. It's beautiful."
"My mother used to take me here," Kylo says, softly, distant — lost in memories that you could only guess about. "If I was well behaved during her diplomatic meetings, we would go swimming."
For half of a moment, you wonder whether or not you should divulge how you met Leia, but you think better of it. "Thank you for bringing me here." He shifts, clearly uncomfortable with the level of vulnerability, so you hurry to add, "I'm relieved it wasn't just to get me out of my clothes."
"Would it have worked?"
You give in to a face-splitting smile. In a swift movement, you pull off your shirt and step out of your shoes. Kylo lets out a soft sound of amusement as you run past him, wriggling out of your pants as you splash into the lake water. Icy cold envelopes you but gradually subsides; the sun warms your face as you float in the water on your back.
"Was that a yes?"
Kylo peels off his clothes and wades into the water, looking everything like some fictional hero. Or villain, perhaps, you think. Either way, he's unafraid of his nudity, and even though you've seen him countless times before, it still makes you sheepish. After all, you're still wearing your bra and panties, leaving you painfully overdressed.
You watch him slip under then re-emerge, slicking his wet hair back. His dark eyes are dancing with an emotion you can't identify.
"Of course it was a yes," you tell him with a laugh. "As you already know, I don't necessarily need a reason to get undressed for you."
"Mm, you're right," he says.
Treading water, he grabs you by the waist and pulls you toward him. His hands are like fire on your skin, scorching a path as they roam from your waist to your thighs, gripping tightly as to hoist your legs around his hips. You squeal in delight and encircle your arms around his neck.
Kylo moves to shallower waters. Droplets of water roll off his broad shoulders. You're fascinated with his lashes — wet, spiky, unfairly long — so you're unprepared for when he leans in and seals a kiss on your mouth. Unlike previous kisses, this one is unhurried, relaxed, secure in a way they haven't been before.
The afternoon passes much quicker than you would've liked, but you see a new side of Kylo that makes it worth it. He's still very much the same, blunt and serious, but the usual tension is missing. He's not a royal figure but a man — in fact, you're almost certain that you catch a glimpse of the child he had been when he insists on showing you how he can swim all of the way to the bottom of the lake.
You're pleasantly tired, burnt, and your fingers have wrinkled far past normalcy when you announce, "I wish it could always be like this."
Kylo lays on the shore, reclined back on his hands and drying off. Mercifully, he's put on pants, or else you wouldn't have been able to hold a conversation with him. His eyes are closed, his breathing steady and calm. "How so?"
"Both of us. Without any expectations," you say. "We aren't fighting. We're not...rulers. We're just people."
As imperceptibly and quick as the breeze rolling over you, Kylo stiffens. "But that's not us."
"It's true in this moment," you protest.
"But that's all this is." Kylo sits up. Waves a hand. "A moment."
You turn to him. By this point, you're half submerged, on your way to getting out of the water when he stops you in your tracks. "Can't you just enjoy the sentiment?"
"No. It's not realistic."
"None of this is realistic," you say, on the verge of hysteria.
It's vague, a blotch on your subconscious, but you suddenly feel the same as when a plate slips out of your hands, the tension before it smashes to the ground into hundreds of pieces.
"I wasn't —"
"Nevermind," you quickly say. You don't want to hear his gruff excuse, the lack of understanding and empathy. "Forget I said anything."
Kylo is alert, more than he was before. His dark eyes watch you closely. "I upset you."
"Yes, Kylo, you did." You huff, mostly out of frustration than disappointment. "But it's okay. I wasn't being realistic. You're right. Tomorrow — in a few hours — we'll go back to barely tolerating each other and being respectable diplomats. This is just a moment, it doesn't mean anything."
You snatch up your clothes and put them on. By the time you're done, your cheeks are still wet with the tears you've failed to scrub away. Kylo stands a few feet from you, expression unreadable.
"That's not what I meant."
"No, it never is."
You just want to go home. But you have no home, no real one, so maybe you just want to go back to the palace. It's unfortunate that you still have two more districts to visit.
"Let me explain." Kylo's voice is a growl, deep in his chest. He grabs your wrist and spins you around so that you're only inches apart. "I've always thought very...linear. And I can't always express what I mean." He shakes his head then, perhaps irritated with himself. "I brought you here today for a reason. I wanted you to see this."
You implore him with your eyes. "But will it mean anything? After this?"
His gaze flickers to your lips. "It will. To me." He swallows, throat bobbing. "I said that because we can't change who we are. But we can still appreciate being together, even when things are...difficult."
"I thought I was insufferable," you say. Secretly, you're touched.
His lips twitch. "You are."
This admission of his thoughts, his feelings, means more to you than any grand romantic gesture. You're afraid, though, that if you push anymore he might throw himself into the lake and drown himself. So you declare that you're hungry, and that you know the perfect place; Kylo is hesitant, but nonetheless accepts.
You have to admit that you have no clue where you're going, but Kylo knows exactly where to go when you mention the market that Emelia talked about the day before. In your head you're not sure what to think — you only had your own district to compare it to. But you're more than pleasantly surprised to find that the Third District market sprawls several miles, cutting through the plains like a colorful serpent. Chatter greets you first, then the savory smell of meats and other things being roasted, sweetened by a stall selling small, sugary cakes.
Kylo insist that you try one. The vendor seems more than apprehensive about selling to the King, but is remarkably thrilled when you take a bite and profess how delicious it is.
The two of you gradually make your way through the plethora of stalls, stopping and chatting with those who look close enough to recognize you (well, mostly you, Kylo stands sullenly behind you); sampling foods and browsing wares — jewelry, scarves, pieces of wood carved into impossible shapes. You're aware that Kylo will buy you whatever you want, so you overly show your admiration for as many vendors as you can. If Kylo catches onto this, he doesn't say, just silently pays the vendor without complaint.
You excitedly dart away from him to investigate a stall boasting beautiful bottles of perfume. Kylo gets lost in the throng of onlookers. You pick up one of the bottles and lift it to your nose, just as a flash of color catches your eye.
Was that...? Curious, you mutter something to the perfume vendor then shuffle a few steps. Your gaze combs the crowd. There — again! Your brows furrow and you start your pursuit. You want to shout but you're afraid that Kylo might hear you. A quick glance over your shoulder tells you that he's still straggling behind, so you forge ahead, elbowing and doing your best to keep up.
The clothed figure slips into an alleyway. You follow after. "Luke!" you shout. "Luke?"
"Did he follow you?" Luke twists toward you, blue eyes searching past you. This is the first time you're seeing him in person, and you find yourself just as awestruck as meeting him through the Force.
"Um, no. No, I don't think so," you say.
Luke nods, abrupt. "We don't have much time. But we needed to meet again."
"Couldn't we have just met like before?"
"No. This requires in-person training," Luke tells you, mouth curling with amusement. He resembles his sister, painfully so, reminding you that he's also related to Kylo, to Ben. Dry humor evidently runs in the family.
"Okay," you say, unsure of what else to.
"I'm going to lower my defenses," Luke says. "And let you try to penetrate my mind. We spoke about the abstract of defeating the darkness, but this is the physical. I have a memory that I want you to try to reach."
"How will I know what it is?"
Luke smiles wryly. "Trust me."
He sweeps a hand, concealing the alley in a temporary bubble. No one from outside can see in, or enter.
"Tell me what you learned last time."
You repeat his lesson, the one from the gardens in the Sixth District. It pains you to recall the memory of seeing you father, even if it was fake, and how it felt to obliterate him. You explain how you'll have to find the emotional bond with Kylo to access his subconscious again.
"Have you tried?" Luke asks.
Sheepishly, you shake your head.
If he's disappointed, Luke masks it. "Tonight. You must try tonight. You don't have much longer."
"I know," you say. "I know." Desperate to redeem yourself in his eyes, you add, "I spoke with my district. They're on board with helping us."
Luke nods. "Good. That's a start." He positions himself closer. "Put your fingers on my temples. Here."
You obey.
"Hopefully this will help your endeavor," he says. "Now, concentrate. Remember last time."
You do. You really do. But nothing happens — other than you standing there with your hands on Luke's temple. You realize that he closed his eyes when they open unexpectedly.
"Are you trying?" The same blunt honesty as the rest of his family, too.
"Yes," you stress. "I'm trying."
"Try harder," he demands, a phrase that's never made any sense to you.
You relent. This time, you close your eyes and focus. You try to imagine yourself opening up Luke's mind, like prying open a shell and examining what's inside. Clearly, he's waiting for this, because it almost feels too easy to do so — you slip into it as easy as slipping into a shoe.
Instantly you're transported not into his subconscious, his safe place, but rather directly into a memory. In the memory, you're an outsider. Luke is there, younger, how he must've been when he saved the kingdom along with Leia; he's surrounded by a group of teenagers, children, really. Your eyes settle on one.
Ben. Not yet Kylo, although you decide he can't be far from the man you know.
He's distinctly on the cusp of manhood. Eighteen or nineteen, a man, but his body still lingering in his adolescence. There's an openness to his face. You're not sure if it's your imagination or not, but you're almost certain that you can see a darkness beneath the earnest expression, like shade encroaching on the sunshine.
"Good work today," Luke tells his students. This must be what Leia meant when she said that he had once been Kylo's teacher. "You deserve the rest of the day off."
The children rise to their feet, already starting to cluster into pairs as they retreat. You think that Kylo is slower to jump up, nobody coming to talk to him. His shoulders (broad even then) tense as Luke calls, "Ben. One moment, please."
With a healthy dose of teenage reluctance, Kylo — Ben? you weren't sure — approaches his uncle. There's a trace of wariness on his face.
"We need to talk about what happened," Luke says. His tone is sterner than before, when he addressed all of the students together.
Ben's eyes flash. "What is there to talk about?"
"What you did was irresponsible and dangerous," Luke snaps. His jaw clenches. It's obvious from just this small interaction that he has less patience for his nephew then the others. Perhaps a higher expectation, you think, but nonetheless unwarranted. Clearly Kylo wants his respect.
"I couldn't let him beat me," Kylo says.
"A humble loser is just as important, if not more, than a proud winner," Luke tells him.
A storm crosses Kylo's face. "I didn't do anything wrong."
"Dark magic is forbidden to be used here," Luke says. "You know that. Others saw what you did, too. They already think I'm giving you special treatment and now —"
Kylo interrupts him with an absurdly uproarious laugh. "Ha!" He says. There's a darkness thrumming just beneath his skin. "You hate me."
Luke's anger buffers. He steps back as if physically assaulted. "Ben, I could never —"
"Don't lie," Kylo snarls. "I see the way you look at me. How everyone looks at me. You're all afraid that I'm going to be like King Vader. Maybe I just should be, since everyone already thinks it! He said that —"
It's Luke's turn to interrupt. "He who?"
Kylo's passionate anger shutters, his mouth snapping shut. "No one."
"Ben —"
The future king turns and storms off. Luke moves as if to go after him, but must think better of it. Instead he watches his nephew's retreating form until he disappears.
You're eager to devour more of this — to know more about Kylo's elusive past — but the memory ends abruptly and you're suddenly brought back to reality, stumbling backwards as you are.
Luke's face is grim. "I should've seen it coming."
"You couldn't have known," you say softly. Sure, watching with what you know now, the signs were all there. But Luke couldn't have seen it. Even with his tendency to be hard on Kylo, he most likely only saw his beloved nephew.
"That was the first day he used dark magic in front of me," Luke tells you. "It's not long after that Palpatine turns him completely." He pauses, then shakes his head. "Anyway, you did good. Great, even. I trust tonight will go well."
"Yeah," you say, distant.
Your immediate instinct is to bring this up with Kylo, but you know that you can't without giving away everything. Your chest tightens.
"I should go. He's looking for you," Luke says.
"When will I see you again?"
"Soon." He smiles, softly. "Soon."
Luke is gone before you know it, and with it the protective bubble. Kylo descends upon you almost immediately, grabbing you by the shoulders and inspecting you. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine," you say, although you feel far from it.
However, you've recently excelled in experiencing mental whiplash and then having to act normal, so you hopefully collect yourself in a convincing manner. "I'm sorry, I must've gotten away from you."
"I...I lost connection with you, for a moment. Through our bond." He frowns. "I thought the worst."
"And what would that be?"
Kylo doesn't answer you. His gaze sweeps the alley — once, twice — before landing back on you. "Was someone here?"
"No," you tell him, suddenly nervous. "No one."
"Who were you talking to?"
You insist, "No one, Kylo, I swear. I just got lost."
He doesn't believe you.
But he doesn't press again, so you launch yourself back into the market. The same magic as before is missing, misplaced somewhere between meeting Luke and Kylo finding you; it seems fitting, your perfect day couldn't last forever, anyways. By the time you make it back to the estate, you're tired from putting up a facade after seeing Luke's memory, and knowing that you need to infiltrate Kylo's mind.
After a quick bath, you return to your shared bedroom to find Kylo sitting on the edge of the bed. His elbows are on his knees, and he's staring at his interlaced hands.
You approach him, sidestepping the ridiculous amount of things you bought at the market today, now stacked unceremoniously, and gently easing him back so that you can squeeze between his legs. But it's not close enough, so you crawl onto his lap, desperate suddenly to be as near to him as possible. He's still reticent, but his hands rest on your waist and you know that things are okay.
"Thank you," you tell him. "For today."
He nods. Blinks. "Of course."
You bring your lips to his, lightly. He kisses you back just as gently, but it's not long before he deepens it, coaxing open your mouth so that he can slip his tongue inside. He bites at your bottom lip until the copper taste of blood floods your mouth, and he assuages the pain with a swipe of his expert tongue.
His hips grind against yours, your center so readily available to him in your simple bathrobe.
It's easy to get lost in him — to throw yourself with wild abandon into this impossibly paradoxical man and forget everything but him. But, deep down, you have trouble enjoying this, his hands roaming your freshly washed skin, the trail of his kisses down your throat. You have trouble because you know that you initiated this kiss just to betray him.
His walls are down. He's not on the defense, not when you're like this. It pains you that at least in these moments he trusts you, and you're going to break it.
Through the bond, you can feel the intensity of his desire and his emotions. Just like you hoped, the heightened sensation is easy to connect with, and soon you find yourself transported back into the room from before, the one where Kylo had flogged himself. You flinch at the recollection.
Kylo isn't there, not mentally. He's with you, still kissing you.
You want to do this fast. You don't know what to expect, but you don't want to find out what happens if Kylo catches you.
Dark waves lap beneath the platform, nearly masking your footsteps. At the end of the platform is the flog. Pain spirals through you as you remember how it glistened with blood, his blood. Kylo's. It makes your stomach churn.
You stand a few feet from it, not wanting to get close. There's nothing obviously wrong here, at least not like when your father hugged you.
How were you supposed to do this?
Looking down at the flog, you make the decision to pick it up. It hums with a powerful energy. You turn it this way and that, and then, on a whim, toss it into the water.
A moment later it reappears at your feet.
"Too easy," you mutter.
You're convinced that you must destroy it. Kylo can not hurt himself with it again if it's gone, and it's the only thing that you can tangibly destroy. It has to be why it's pulsating dangerously — this is the dark magic manifesting in his subconscious. You concentrate on the weapon.
In your own subconscious, you attached to the dark magic until it quite literally imploded.
Gripping the flog in both hands, you focus all of your attention onto it. You imagine gathering the dark magic in your hands like a liquidy substance and expunging it. The flog, the dark magic, refuses to part — rallying back against your efforts. Your back molars grit together as you channel your magic into it, summoning every bit of your strength to battle against it.
A white light appears in your vision, power building, a scream beginning softly in your throat and then crescendoing; the flog shatters, pieces of it flying away in dusty remnants.
You collapse to the ground.
The residual shards of dark magic fade from your hands as if washing away ink.
Before your eyes, the room shifts.
It's no longer darkened, a singular space. There's still the pier-type platform, and still the water, but you can faintly make out the shapes of trees in the distance. Of land. The water lightens as you make your way back down the platform, and the success of your effort is nearly enough to make you want to start dancing.
However, your celebration is short lived as your sucked back into the present.
Your lips are swollen, breath raggedly escaping your chest. Kylo pulls away slightly. He's breathing heavy, too, but looking at you as if something catastrophic just occurred.
"What?" You ask, flattening your hands on his chest. "What's wrong?"
Kylo swallows. Fear flutters in his face before disappearing behind a mask of composure. "Nothing. Nothing. I just...I felt..." he trails off without further explanation.
Panic hitches in your throat — did he suspect something?
And, because you've evidently become some master seductress, using sex as a way to carry out your mission, you distract him with another kiss. This time you compact all of your emotions from the day into it: your delight from the lake and the market, your unwavering devotion to him, the sympathy you have for the memory that Luke showed you in the alley.
And he kisses you back just as fiercely.
It breaks your heart, frankly. But you know that in order to save him, you must betray him first.
- - -
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navi-sakura · 2 months
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Okay, I think that's enough for tonight.
"Shoot, I don't think my room's ready!"
"What, it's just a bedroom. Besides, it's only another girl using it, don't worry."
( There's an awkward silence. )
"Did you forget...?"
"About what?"
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( More awkward silence. )
"...I'm just gonna... head to bed, hehe. Alright, goodnight everyone...!"
( Ryuji nervously laughs before he hastily leaves. )
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daggerpawstudios · 2 years
Holding Hands
Ruby watched in the distance as everyone crowded around Oscar to ensure he was okay. After escaping from Salem's grasp using Long Memory, Yang, Jaune, Ren, and Oscar brought back themselves and Emerald, to everyone's surprise.
Yang had told the group that Oscar had proposed the idea, and they had trusted his judgment.
Ruby went in for a hug earlier but was taken by Emerald's presence and stopped herself from hugging him.
While everyone crowded around him, She sighed in relief, knowing he was okay.
"Let's get you to a bed so you can rest up. " Said Yang as she touched his shoulder.
Oscar slightly flinched in pain.
"Yeah, that might be for the best." He chuckled.
Ruby watched them pass her in the hallway and walk upstairs.
" You know you can go up there." Said a voice behind her.
Ruby turned around and saw Weiss standing behind her.
"Wha-what? " Asked Ruby in a confused tone, trying to feign ignorance.
" Listen... Your secret is safe with me." Said Weiss as she crossed her arms and turned back around to go down the hall where Nora was sleeping.
" I don't know what you are talking about it. " Mumbled Ruby as she inched farther away from Weiss and glanced down the hall to Oscar's room.
Ruby looked at the room in yearning and satisfaction. Finally, he was safe and alive. He had met Salem face to face, and he had stopped her all by himself. For now, Salem was gone, and they had time to prepare to save Atlas. In a way, she was relieved but slightly nervous.
He had grown fast and prepared himself for battle. Oscar was no longer the soft-spoken farm boy she had met in Haven. He was something more.
Something even she did not quite understand.
The hall of Schnee manor was empty. Everyone had left and went to catch up with their loved ones. Blake with Yang. Ren with Nora, leaving Weiss, Jaune, and the Schnee family to their own devices. Ruby paced herself and mustered up the courage as she walked to Oscar's room. As she got close, she spun around in a circle in disbelief, trying not to make a sound.
"Wh-What am I doing? " She muttered to herself.
"I can't go into his room. Hahaha." She said out loud.
She held herself tightly as she tried to cover her embarrassment and walked back down the hall. She walked until she recalled a memory.
Yes, how could she have forgotten? It wasn't strange for her to go to his room because HE had already initiated that sort of contact the first time they arrived in Atlas. Ruby recalled when he came to her room as she gazed in awe at her new clothes. He came to speak to her about her lie to Ironwood.
She was not uneasy back then.
She was full of confidence and felt secure, so why does she feel so insecure now?
What had changed from back then?
" No, everything is still the same."  She told herself as she turned back around and walked down the hall.
She opened his room door.
Oscar sat in bed with a book and a cup of tea. He didn't notice Ruby's presence until the door closed behind her. He quickly turned to look and saw Ruby standing in the doorway.
"Ruby..." He said.
"Oh.....uh....I .... How are you feeling?" She said nervously.
"Oh...I am okay. I am just resting for now, at least. After all, we are meeting later to discuss the plan to save Atlas, right? "He asked.
"Y-yes." She said.
Oscar looked at her in confusion as he noticed her nervousness.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yup." She said.
Oscar looked at her again.
" Okay...listen. I am just glad you are okay because I was so worried." She confessed as she ran closer to his bed.
Oscar slightly blushed at Ruby's confession.  
"Haha...What am I even saying?" She said she started to grab her hair.
Oscar started to laugh.
" I am okay. If that is what you are wondering." He chuckled.
Ruby looked embarrassed as her face started to turn red. Oscar continued laughing as Ruby kneeled beside his bed and held his hand.
Instantly, Oscar became quiet as Ruby gently touched his hand.
"Ru-Ruby...?" He whispered as his eyes jolted back and forth to look at the door and then at Ruby on her knees.
" Please just let me enjoy this. " Whispered Ruby as she avoided eye contact with him.
Oscar's expression became serious as he looked down at Ruby's black hair.
" I missed you too." He said as he interlocked his fingers with hers. 
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heaven-s-black-box · 11 months
Braids- Hermitcraft ensemble
Return to File
Recovery date: May 12th, 2022
Description: Scar’s hair is a mess, Gem offers to help, Doc essentially uses Dawn on Scar’s hair, Stress, Pearl and False help at various points, Ren brings some snacks, and Joe learns to braid his mullet. Oh, and Cub stops by.
Notes: N/a
Word count: 1 278
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It started with Scar getting caught in his tree. 
Trying to clear off the cookie monster Stress had built had proven to be a difficult task, especially trying to collect all the wool. As he broke it down, bits and pieces fell deep into the canopy and he tried to collect as much as possible. (If he was putting in the effort to take it down, he might as well save himself some material collection effort later) So he dove down and dug around to find as many wool blocks as he could, and that’s when it happened.
Getting between the branches and leaves was hard enough, maneuvering with elytra in such a dense space and trying to find stable branches for his wheelchair was difficult. (It wasn’t built for him to be resting in the canopy after all, it wasn’t meant for anyone to be in here so that mobs couldn’t spawn) Then his hair got caught. 
It was a sudden tug as he darted forward to grab the last cluster of wool blocks, he winced as it pulled him back and carefully tried to untangle it. As he looked down at his hair, trying to fish out the leaves he hadn’t realized has been collecting, he realized just how tangled it was. He wasn’t even sure he could get all the knots out with his brush.
“Man, maybe growing my hair out was a bad idea,” he grumbled, carefully trying to take apart the knots.
“Or you could just… tie it up?”
Scar screamed, and his wheelchair rocked on the branch before being steadied by a random hand coming through the top of the canopy.
“Careful there,” Gem laughed, her head poking down through the canopy. “Need a hand?”
“With what, dying again?”
“Sorry,” she chuckled nervously, jumping down onto a branch across from him and taking a seat. “I thought you were on a platform.’
“In what space?”
“I don’t know, I’ve never been up here. But with how unlucky you are, safety platforms would be a good investment.”
“You’re the second person to tell me that today.”
“Am I the first person to suggest you tie your hair up?”
Scar stopped trying to untangle his hair and looked at Gem.
“It’s so messy,” he whined.
She laughed. “Here, come by my base and I can braid it for you.”
“Sure! Or I can put it in a bun so it’s tighter. I can even teach you how to braid your own hair so you can do it yourself.”
“That would be wonderful, thank you.”
“No problem. See you in a few.”
And with that, she rolled backwards out of the tree to head back to her base.
After struggling to get out of the canopy, and having a close half a heart call with the ground, he headed over to Gem’s tree house. She’d set up at the base, with a bottle of something and a comb. Scar found himself mildly terrified.
“That looks painful,” he said on approach.
“That’s,” she picked up the bottle, “what this is for my friend.”
“Some kind of numbing spray?”
Gem laughed as Scar backed up in front of her.
“Leave in conditioner, and don’t worry, I’ll try not to pull.”
And boy did she try, but four weeks of next to no hair care and the tangles had really built up. So she went slow, spraying and combing in sections from the bottom up.
“Alright,” she sighed, nearly 20 minutes later.
“Are you done?”
“Not even close.”
“What, but we’ve been here forever, is my hair really that bad?”
“I mean… when was the last time you washed it properly?”
“Uh, what day is it?”
“Uh…” he stared up at the sky as he counted. “Last monday?”
“Ew! I thought your hair felt oily because of the conditioner, Scar!” She smacked his shoulder.
“Hey! I’ve been busy.”
“Okay, you know what, I’m calling in backup. And we’re washing your hair!”
Backup came in the form of Pearlescentmoon, Stress, and Doc.
“You weren’t kidding,” Doc said as he took a closer look ast Scar’s hair. “It’s going to need at least 2 washes.”
“I find that it usually needs five or six to get all the grime out after a few weeks.”
“Ya, but you don’t have industrial strength soap.”
“Is- is that even safe for hair?”
“It can’t be that bad,” Gem shrugged, “besides what’s the worst that could happen?”
“Uh, I could lose my luscious elven hair!”
“Love, there is nothin’ luscious ‘bout your hair right now.”
“It’s still long and luscious!”
“Scar, it looks like a drowned rat.”
“... Now you're just being mean,” he pouted.
“Alright, let’s get this over with. I’ve got physics to break.”
“As long as you don’t break my hair we’re good.”
“Hmph, no promises,” Doc mumbled as he pulled out a bucket of water.
The grease wasn’t the worst part. No. The worst part was the color of the water, and the bugs. It took three washes and they had to take turns because of how much of a workout it was, but in the end Scar’s hair was a much lighter brown. His hair still looked like a drowned rat, but a clean drowned rat. And it smelt much better too.
“Gem?” Scar asked as she combed through his hair and sectioned it off to braid.
Doc, Stress and Pearl had both already left, as the sun had started to set.
“What's up?”
“How does your hair stay so clean? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you tie it up.”
“Well… I mean, it’d be kind of silly if I couldn’t keep tidy in my natural habitat. Like, sure sticks and leaves get stuck in my hair but I don’t let it get out of control,” she shrugged. She used a bit of magic to help keep her hair tidy, but she had a feeling Scar could already tell. “Aaaaand done,” Gem smiled, tying Scar’s braid off with a green bow.
“Thanks,” Scar smiled, moving the braid over his shoulder so he could see it. “It’s kind of la-ate,” he yawned, “ are you free tomorrow? I can stop by so you can show me how to braid.”
“Sure, I’ll see if anyone else wants to join us. You’ll need someone to practice on at first anyways.”
“Sounds like a plan, see ya then!” He waved, before launching himself off towards his base.
Sleeping on his braid was weird, but in the morning he was pleased to find his hair presentable. The braid hadn’t fallen out, and for once his hair wasn’t all matted.
“Morning Scar- Scar… your hair,” Cub started, staring at his roommate in the kitchen.
“Good Morning Cub! I see you’ve noticed my beautiful braid courtesy of the wonderful Geminitay.”
“Oh, I just noticed that it didn’t look like a birds nest this morning, good for you buddy.”
“Wah! Is my hair really that bad normally?”
Cub didn’t respond, and just stared at him while waiting for his coffee to brew.
Around mid morning, a group of Hermits had settled around spawn. Ren, False, Joe, Pearl, Gem, and Scar had set up a makeshift hair salon.
“Right!” Gem clapped her hands together. “The plan for today, teach Scar and Joe how to braid.”
Scar raised his hand.
“Yes Scar?”
“Why’s Ren here?” He asked, pointing at Ren.
“This event is sponsored by Gigapies my dudes, I brought the snacks.”
“I don’t know about you, but I don’t intend to be here long enough to get hungry.”
They were in fact there long enough to get hungry, with other Hermits joining in on the braid train.
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envihellbender · 2 years
Playwright/porn shoot Ben, set builder Hux art school AU with a side of yandere pls
Fandom: Star Wars
Characters: Ben Solo / Kylo Ren (trans man), Hux (agender)
Content: Yandere, sex worker
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Hux hadn’t heard the front door open, he was too engrossed in his screen, his lips growing dry with anxiety and his stomach twisting. He didn’t even hear Ben come up the stairs, and open the door to their study until he spoke.
“What are you doing still up?” Ben asked. Hux became fluster and slammed his laptop lid down, his had grown a light pink. He turned to Ben who had a slight smirk on his face, clearly under the impression he’d caught him about to start wanking or something. Hux sighed and let out a forced laugh.
“Nothing,” he said a little too quickly, spinning his chair to face Ben who had his thick black eyebrows raised. “Just. Work. Designing. You know. For the play. The old factory and such… it’s a bit complicated.”
“Oh? Let me see!” Ben said excitedly he stopped forward and Hux began to panic as he protectively put one hand over his laptop.
“Not yet. It’s … my process. You know I don’t like to show you anything unfinished.” Ben stopped and looked at Hux for a minute, for a moment Hux thought he didn’t believe him. “It’s not very interesting right now anyway, I’m just doing diagrams and seeing if I can make the 3D program come up with some concepts that’s all.” Finally, Ben just shrugged, Hux stopped himself from sighing in relief and instead avoided Ben’s gaze.
“Well, whatever, I’m gonna get something to eat,” he said leaving. “Rehearsal went well today by the way thanks for asking,” he called over his shoulder passive aggressively.
“I- Great, sorry, I didn’t-” Before Hux could come up with an explanation Ben was going downstairs. He sighed and turned back to the laptop. He could make it up to him later, he thought.
Hux opened the laptop lid, swallowing nervously as he typed in his password and it sprung back to life. It immediately showed the browser open again, the image that was seared into his eyelids was right there. It was a picture of Ben, naked, sat on his heels, legs spread revealing a black triangle of pubic hair, and his long thin scars under his pectoral muscles on display. He wore a thick black collar and his wrists were cuffed together and held above his head by a pale hand. On his belly in red lipstick was ‘free to use’. He scrolled down to the description: ‘cuntboy slut just wants a belly full of cum and a mouth full of piss’. His soft thick lips were pouting, looking submissive and a little bratty. Hux felt his breathing alternate between stopping and growing quickly as his jealousy rose. He quickly scrolled through the comments, his hands shaking in anger as he saw so many people lusting over Ben, saying all the depraved things they’d do to him.
Hux went back to his email and opened the message from Victor that screamed at them from the screen: “isn’t this Ben? Lmao”. Hux wrote a simple “fuck you” in response and sent it. He felt his chest heave and his cheeks burn, he knew what Ben would say. That it was up to him, it didn’t mean he was sleeping around but… it still filled Hux with enough anger to make him want to lock Ben in their bedroom and find every single one of the commenters. Find them and rip their bodies to pieces, he thought, fantasising about dismembering them. He picture cutting off their pathetic, little cocks and shoving the blade of his knife inside their putrid cunts.
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chocolatechibi · 1 year
Nuts n Dolts week: Day 6
Prompt: future
Beyond the Stars
“I’m just saying, there’s something so appealing about the idea of raising a son!” Nora insists, grinding her spoon into her ice cream scoop, “Having a little man running around the house… Wouldn’t you like to have a father to son experience?”
“I’m not saying I wouldn’t like to have a father to son experience, I’m just saying a girl would be better! Girls are just more interesting somehow, and surely easier to raise!” Ren argues.
I snort. Like Yang or I was ever easy to raise. Not for a minute.
“Well a boy would be interesting, too, if he came from us!”
“But girls are nicer…”
I can’t help but smile as the two continue to bicker. There’s something strangely charming about watching two nineteen year olds who have barely been dating two months argue about what gender of baby they would have. They aren’t having one—at least as far as any of us know—and they wouldn’t even get to choose the gender if they were, and yet they still fight.
“Well if I have a baby, I want a girl!” Yang announces, scraping the remaining ice cream from the bottom of her bowl.
“I want a girl, too,” Blake says quietly, tugging on the ends of her short hair.
“Oh yeah? Cool!” Yang responds, then, “Wait, would you have, like, a litter, or just one?”
Blake makes a face.
“Just one, Yang, I’m not actually a cat!”
“I’m just checking, just checking, you do like laser pointers a lot-“
“Shut up!” Blake snaps, not-so-subtly kicking my sister under the table.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
Yang just rubs her head, chuckling nervously. I laugh, too.
“Alright all of you, just don’t make me an auntie too soon, you’re all too young,” I say, to which all four others in the room blush the color of tomatoes.
I just laugh again.
“Alright, well, see ya. I’m gonna go find Penny,” I say, getting up from the table.
They all mumble their goodbyes to me, and as I leave to the hall, I hear their conversation quickly resume, along with the sounds of spoons clinking against ice cream bowls.
It’s late, so Penny must be back now, but if she hasn’t come in, I bet I know where she’ll be.
The stairwell up to the roof is dark, and when I grab the railing, the metal is so cold I flinch away. When I make it to the top I have to push pretty hard to get the old metal trap door to open, but I manage to wrench it upwards eventually, revealing a square of the night sky above. A burst of cold night air comes to meet me, and I shiver.
“Penny?” I call out softly, climbing out onto the roof.
Surely enough, there’s my girlfriend, sitting aways away on the tip of the slanted roof. She turns as soon as she hears my voice, her face lighting up with recognition.
“Salutations, girlfriend Ruby!” she calls back to me, and I already feel warmer inside.
“Hi Penny.”
I scoot over to her, being careful not to fall down the sloped roof, and pull her into a little half-hug, kissing her cheek.
Pink dusts across her cheeks. She never blushed before she became a real girl, but now, she does, if only sometimes. I think it looks beautiful on her.
“What’re you doing up here?” I ask her as we snuggle closer together, arms around each other.
“Oh you know,” she says, nuzzling against my temple, “Just thinking.”
“Whatcha thinking about?”
“Not much. Just life,” she says softly.
We’re so close I can feel her heartbeat, and it makes me so happy. She has a beating heart now. She’s a real girl now, just like she always wanted, though I know she always was one in spirit. That was never enough for her, though. She wished for a beating heart, and now she has one. It’s lovely to see how happy it makes her.
I give a soft sigh, looking up at her through half-lidded eyes. She smiles at me, the love in her eyes enough to make me melt.
She leans forward, and our lips meet in a gentle kiss, eyes falling shut. It’s so warm, it feels like we’re glowing.
“Penny?” I say again as we part, “The others were talking about… Do you want kids when you’re grown up?”
A hint of surprise dances in Penny’s eyes, then she smiles.
“I… can have my own children now,” she says softly, her eyes warm, “I want to.”
My heart flutters, warm in my chest.
“Me too. I want to be a good mom, like my mom was.”
Penny nods.
“I never had a mom, but I still want to be a good one someday.”
“I’m sure you will,” I say.
She gazes up at the sky.
“I want to name my child Kokoro. It means heart. She will carry the strong, beating heart of a real girl, from the very moment she’s born. A heart like yours. And now, mine, too,” she says, and she looks about to cry.
I’ve never really seen Penny have this look before, of such profound emotion.
There’s so many things I could say, but words seem to get lost on me in this moment, so I say the only thing I can think of.
“So you want a girl?”
Penny gives a little happy laugh.
“I do.”
I feel so happy in that moment, I never want to leave.
“She’s out there,” I say softly.
Penny turns to look at me, curiosity in her eyes.
I look to the stars.
“She’s so far away. Right now, she’s just an idea adrift in the cosmos, a dream of what could be. She’s out there, somewhere beyond the stars.”
Penny just stares at me, her eyes a bit wide. I don’t blame her, I’ve never heard myself talk like this, either. It just slipped out.
“She’s out there somewhere,” I continue, “But she’s also within us. We have everything we need to have her one day.”
I take Penny’s hand, staring into her teal eyes.
“Someday, we could have our own daughter. If you want to.”
Penny smiles, brushing away tears with her other hand. She leans down once again, pressing her lips against mine. The kiss only lasts for a moment, but it’s just enough to make the whole world feel perfect and warm.
Her response is short, but true. I can see it in her eyes. The future, our future, is out there, somewhere beyond the stars, and we can see it. It’s waiting for us.
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