#renault 2006
chilegp · 9 months
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my man !
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lclrcstppn · 16 days
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feraltwinkseb · 10 months
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April 22, 2006 - San Marino, Italy Source: FILIPPO MONTEFORTE/AFP via Getty Images
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keepthedelta · 6 months
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okay which one of them has the giant black and white photo of them in their house?
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schumigrace · 7 months
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truly one of a kind
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scrollonso · 4 months
A Strollonso AU where the daughter of a Canadian billionare and her friend are hired by Renault to bring attention to the teams 2nd driver. What'll happen when the girls gain the attention of more than just the media? (4k words, whore fernando, emotional lance) [@roostersrocket] {this was supposed to be a oneshot but... pt2 soon}
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Lance sat in the back of the car her father sent, Esteban digging through her bag to find her concealer as their chauffeur drove at a steady pace.
"Putain, where is it?" Esteban muttered, running a hand through her hair as the other dug through the sky blue bag on the floor of the backseat
"What's wrong, Estie?" Lance asked, glancing at her friend as she curled her eyelashes
"Do you have concealer? I think I left mine at the hotel"
"Yeah" She hummed, Lance handing the girl her own makeup bag "It should be your colour"
"Thank you, Lance, I'd be dead without you" Esteban said, taking out what she needed before putting the bag back next to Lance's pale thigh
After what felt like ages they arrived at the Imola Circuit, Lance stepping out to fix her clothes, knowing the odd material was messed up after the long car ride.
She had on a white tube top with the teams logo plastered right over her tits, a halter-top like jacket on over it. She propped one leg up on the side of the car as she unrolled her shorts, tucking the back of them back under the belt with a Renault branded buckle on it
"Lance, does my ass look okay?" Esteban called from the other side of the car, the Canadian looking up from her legs to see Esteban turned around at the other side of the vehicle, the yellow "2" on the left pocket of her shorts making it impossible to notice if her ass looked bad.
"Your ass always looks great" Lance confirmed, putting her leg down and closing the car door as she stepped forward to thank the driver before her and Esteban made their way onto the paddock.
They quickly found their way to the Renault garage, not able to ignore the cameras on them as soon as they got there, the duo only worried about how their faces would look in these pictures
"What if I have a double chin?" Lance asked, hand smoothing the skin under her jaw as she spoke
"Lance, the only double you have are double D's, calm down" Esteban scoffed, smiling at her comment
"Stop, I can't kiss you in front of all these people" Lance smiled back, nudging the girls shoulder as they made their way to the Italian side of the garage.
The two mainly sat around, speaking politely to all the slightly offputting men that would walk up and hit on them, the friends having no interest in anything besides the expierence from the job so far.
They'd probably spoken to half the engineers working for Renault before a driver approached them, realizing who it was as soon as he spoke
"You two must be Esteban and Lance, It is a pleasure to have you both here" Giancarlo spoke, extending a hand to Lance then moving to shake Estebans next
"Thank you, We absolutely love it so far." Lance smiled politely, legs crossing as she gazed up at the Italian
"There won't be much going on today but it will get more exciting as the week progresses, I look forward to having you two cheering me on" He smiled back, nodding at the girls before returning to his engineers side, back to work
"God, he's hot" Esteban gushed instantly, whispering in the Canadians ear
"Shut up" Lance laughed, hitting the girls shoulder as she shook her head, disapproving of the comment
"Oh, come on!" Esteban whined "Tell me he isn't. You like older guys, he's like 15 years older than you."
"And so not my type."
"You're such a liar, but fine, more for me then" Esteban hummed, rolling her eyes at the younger girl
Lance and Esteban began to wander around the paddock once the Renault drivers started speaking to the media, being told that it would cause more people to begin speaking about the driver with the number 6 plastered on his car
"My legs hurt" Lance complained, wrapping her arms around the taller girl's waist, pulling her closer as she stumbled on her heels
"Merde" She cursed under her breath, having been startled by the sudden weight on her "Take off your heels then, it'll probably look better if we're shorter than Giancarlo anyway"
Lance nodded, looking at the concrete her heels were resting on before unclasping them and sliding her feet out, glad the pavement wasnt overheated by the sun yet
"God, I should've worn flats" She mumbled, balancing on one foot as she rubbed the sole of her foot
"Stop complaining, it's only been two hours" Esteban laughed at the now shorter girl, picking up her shoes and pulling her along, not noticing the Spaniard who's eyes were stuck on the Canadian with long, bleched blonde hair.
Fernando stopped in his tracks as he saw the two girls not far ahead of him, they were facing away but as the blonde girl spoke her head turned just enough for the World Champion to catch a glimpse of her face, he felt like he'd been punched in the gut he was so in awe with her.
The way her lip jutted out slightly as she complained to the older girl in front of her, the way her clothes fit her perfectly no matter how she positioned her slim yet curvaceous body, the way her hair curled at the ends as it draped over her bare shoulders, everything about her had Fernando completely beguiled.
As Giancarlo finished with his interviews the girls were quick to rush to his side, striking up a conversation while still close enough to the journalists for them to notice the closeness between the trio
"Hello, girls, figured you had returned home already" The older man commented, arms snaking around the young girls' waists as they walked back to the yellow and blue garage
"We couldn't leave without getting to know you more" Esteban hummed, having to look down slightly in order to meet the mans eyes
"Only if I can get to know you as well" He responded, accent thick as he winked at the French woman, Lance rolling her eyes as she third wheeled
As the trio walked into the Italian side of the garage, Lance couldn't help but notice the eyes from the Spanish side. She looked up for a second, lips curving up as she saw the older man look away quickly as if he was caught doing something he wasn't supposed to
"So, what is it you ladies want to learn?" Giancarlo spoke, taking a seat at a small table in the corner as Esteban did the same, Lance just wandering the one side, now curious of the other.
"What are you willing to show me?" Esteban hummed, cocking her head to the side as she gazed at the Italian, completely oblivious to her friend slipping away, putting her shoes back on as she walked.
Lance peeked over to Fernandos side, noticing it was significantly emptier than Giancarlos, hesitating to actually step foot on the other side.
She almost fell over when she heard a voice close to her, grabbing tightly on to the closest thing to her for stability
"Woah" A thick accent spoke, hands grabbing harshly onto her waist "Are you okay?"
Her eyes widened, a startled look on her face as she gazed down at the Spaniard, realizing she'd tripped and fell into the arms of Giancarlos teammate
"Yeah, I'm sorry" She laughed, stepping back and fixing her top, unable to forget how his fingers lingered on her skin as she pulled back
"Don't be sorry, princesa." He responded, a part of him liking having to look up to see the girl "You're welcome on the better side of the garage any time"
"Are you trying to hit on me, Alonso?" Lance smiled, cocking her head to the side as she saw the Spaniards face flush
"Quiza, is it working?" The Spaniard laughed quietly, leaning against the wall beside him as he gazed at the Canadian, hoping he wasn't making the girl uncomfortable
"You'll have to try a little harder, Alonso" She shook her head, looking away from the Spaniard to scan his side of the garage
"Hm?" She hummed, eyes falling back on the man in blue
"Call me Fernando. Alonso's too formal, no?"
"Okay, Fernando" She nodded, unable to stop herself from smiling "I'm Lance. It's nice to meet you"
"The pleasure is all mine"
Lance spent the rest of the evening on the Spaniards side, he was funny. She was glad to get along with someone besides the man Esteban was clearly into.
"You have to choose one card, now" He smiled, holding a deck of Spanish cards in his hands, fingers decorated with silver rings.
"Okay" She laughed, eyebrows raising as he quickly flipped through the deck
"Oiii, you are too slow" He teased, shrugging as his eyes stayed glued to the woman
"Oh, come on!" Lance groaned, hitting his arm lightly "Go again, slower."
"Yes ma'am" He nodded, flipping through the deck again as he waited for Lance to tell him to stop
"There" She said, and he stopped, moving the deck so she would see her card.
"You know it?"
"Yeah" Lance smiled, leaning forward on the table as she watched the older man link the cards together, showing that he wasn't taking anything out
"Okay, we have the cards," He hummed, laying the deck down now that it was stuck together "You know which one you choose?"
"Then, we take this off." Fernando glanced at the girl before unlinking the chain and grabbing the cards, setting them in seperate pile one by one "When you see your card you tell me stop."
He got through half the deck and Lance had yet to say anything so he spoke again
"You have to tell me stop, if you no tell me stop-" He said, almost scolding the girl
"I will! I haven't seen it yet" She defended, jutting out her bottom lip as she moved her head closer to the cards
"We cannot play if you no tell me stop."
"I think it might've disappeared! Where's it gone?" Lance questioned, laughing as he reached the end of the deck
"I dunno! You were in charge." He shook his head, lifting up the unlinked chain to show the girl
"Where have you put it?" Her eyebrows furrowed, smiling slightly as she glanced at Fernando, smile widening as he began to laugh.
"I dunno!" He spoke through laughs, beginning to pat himself down
"I don't trust you" Lance's eyes narrowed, taking over and patting the Spaniard down, from his neck to his waist trying to figure out where the small piece of paper had went
They were close, Fernando could feel the girls breath on him, he'd never admit it but it made him quite nervous. She looked even prettier up close.
"C'mon, Fer!" She whined, hitting his chest "Tell me your secrets
"Look in my hat, princesa." Fernando looked up, eyeing the blue material on his head.
She was quick to take it off, shocked to see her card laying in his hat
"How did you-"
"Ah, ah, ah." He shook his finger, "Is a secret."
"Lance" Esteban called from Giancarlos side of the garage, the Canadian girl getting up fron her seat straight away
"Lancito" Fernando said, reaching out and grabbing the girls arm, worried she'd walk away if he didn't "Can I have your number?"
"Of course, Fer" She nodded, quickly typing her number into the mans phone before disappearing back to the side she was supposed to be on.
As soon as they got in the car Lance started gushing about the man she'd spoke to, overanalyzing everything that'd happened.
"No, you don't understand. He called me princess. TWICE. And admitted that he was flirting with me." She tried to explain, Esteban sitting with a skeptical look on her face
"He's a world champion, you're gonna get played." Esteban tried to explain, Giancarlo having briefly mentioned his teammates and how bad he treated the girls he brought around.
"I don't care, he's sexy." Lance whined, grabbing her friends shoulders and shaking her "I can fix him!"
Lance put on the same outfit as yesterday but with a skirt instead, not wanting to look the exact same.
The Spanish man had yet to text her and it made her heart ache for whatever reason, she craved his attention.
As Lance and Esteban reached the paddock they were greeted by the Renault boys straight away. Giancarlo coming to wrap his arms around the girls as Fernando walked with another woman by his side, the polar opposite of Lance.
She had dark brown hair, green eyes, tan skin, she was in flats and jeans and a simple tank top. Is that what Fernando likes? Lance could be that.
He made sure not to stare, instead getting closer to the Italian man at her side as Esteban struck up a conversation, she always knew what to say.
They'd just gotten done with qualifying, Giancarlo p11 and Fernando p5 but the two girls still managed to congratulate the older of the two as if he'd gotten pole.
Lance didn't spare Fernando a glance, no matter how much she wanted to, she wasn't easy.
"You did good out there!" Esteban praised, body pressed against Giancarlo as his hand rested on Lance's hip
"I'm starting to think you girls don't understand how this sport works" He laughed, thumb brushing over the exposed skin on the Canadian's side
"Well, You're right." Lance laughed, trying to pretend she wanted the mans touch how she wanted his teammates "But, at least you aren't last!"
Lance decided she'd head to the car first, not interested in how her friend was eyefucking the man they worked for. She slipped her phone into her pocket, ignoring how it buzzed. She just wanted to take off her makeup and fall asleep in the back seat
"Lancito" A familiar voice called. Great. She'd ignored him all day and now he wanted to talk?
She turned back, unsurprisingly losing every ounce of anger in her body as she saw the look on his face
"My side of the garage missed you today." He hummed, stopping once they were just centimeters apart. The look on his face was different than it had been the day before, no longer soft and playful. He looked bothered.
"Oh, really? Didn't think you'd notice my absence."
"How could I not?" He laughed, hand finding its way to her hip, the same spot Giancarlo had touched earlier. "Hard to not notice someone like you."
"Mm" She just hummed, licking her lips as she looked at Fernando, unable to stop her gaze from falling on the mans own lips.
Without saying a word he pulled her closer, lips connecting roughly, grip on her hip tightening as he pressed their bodies together.
A shakey breath left Lance's lips, her fingers tangling themselves in the shorter mans hair as she kept him close. If he was the last man she was to ever kiss, she wouldn't complain.
His leg came up slightly, pressing against her core as he pressed her back to the wall behind them. Lance was never the doing-stuff-in-public type but if it was from Fernando she'd take whatever she could get.
Her mind clouded as she began to thoughtlessly rut against the mans leg, feeling the smirk forming on his face as her skirt hiked up. She should be embarrassed, really, she met this man, who is almost a decade older than her, yesterday and now she was whimpering into his mouth in a hidden area of the paddock. Maybe she was easy but she's also just a teenage girl, teenage girls have needs too and if this is how she'll meet them she doesn't see anything wrong with that.
Not long after they started it stopped, Fernando hearing his teammate calling his name. He pulled away from the girl, not bothering to even spare her a glance before he disappeared again. Leaving her feeling hot, heavy, and alone.
Lance thought about Fernando all night, thought about the kiss, his touch, the girl from earlier.
She hardly spoke on the ride back to the hotel, Esteban brushing it off as her being tired but even the next morning she was quiet
"What happened, Lance?" She finally asked, sick of her friends silence, it was race day they should be excited.
"He kissed me" Lance muttered, looking over to Esteban as they were both getting dressed
"FERNANDO ALONSO KISSED YOU AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?" She said loudly, dropping her shirt and going over to Lance, forcing her to sit down "Now you have to tell me everything"
"Well, I left early"
"I remember" She nodded, eyes glued to Lance
"He followed me, called me Lancito and said his side of the garage missed me. He literally had a girl by him all day hes such a fucking prick." She complained, covering her face with her hands
"But then you kissed?"
"He just got so close to me and I looked at his lips and suddenly he kissed me and pushed me against a wall and did that thing guys do with their knee-"
"OH?" Estebans eyes widened, standing up from Lance's bed "Lance, he wants you so bad."
"Yeah, wants my body so bad."
"Oh, come on. I gave Giancarlo a blowjob yesterday, that's all it is. That's all they want." Esteban shrugged, she'd never cared about the romantic part of things, always just what she could gain from the rich men she encountered. Lance had prayed to wake up like her, not caring, it never worked.
She tried harder today, trying to make herself look like the girl from yesterday. She wore low rise jeans with a soft design on the pockets, lighter makeup, and then a cropped renault shirt with Giancarlos name stitched on the back.
She didn't want to be just a body to the Spaniard, she wanted to be so much more. She wasn't just a body. She was a girl. A woman. She was so full of love and so desperate to recieve the same love she gave and she wanted that from Fernando. For whatever reason.
Lance got out of the car, walking and talking with Esteban as they made their way to the garage, now used to the sounds of clicking cameras and the flash of their pictures being taken.
Esteban was greeted by Giancarlo first, Lance's eyes meeting Fernandos as he walked next to a different girl. Tall, slim, blue eyes, ginger. What did he want. Why did none of his girls look the same. Why were none of them her.
Lance was in a funk practically the whole day, following Esteban around like a lost dog while Fernando and Giancarlo raced.
"I can't believe him." Esteban said randomly, Lance looking at her confused. "He kissed you yesterday and now he's with another girl?"
"I guess world champions just do that" Lance shrugged, trying not to think about it even though Fernando was all the commentators were talking about.
"Not all world champions, he's just a whore."
"I could fix him" She added, laughing it off as a joke but really, she hoped she could.
Giancarlo finished 8th, getting a point for the team. Fernando got 2nd so by the time the second driver returned most of them were at the podium waiting for Fernando to celebrate.
"You did good, Carlo" Esteban hummed, sitting on a counter on the wall of the garage as the Italian took off his helmet and balaclava
"Yeah, you're great." Lance added, nodding as she wished to be celebrating with Fernando.
The podium celebration came to an end, the Spaniard coming back to the garage and going straight to Lance, whispering in her ear before disappearing to shower.
Come to my hotel with me.
Who does he think he is?
Does he think he can just have any girl he wants?
What a dick.
Lance was definitely going.
She told Esteban she'd be staying behind to get to know people and her friend didn't prod, just smiling and nodding before taking herself back to their hotel while her friend snuck off to a drivers.
She found herself in the passenger seat of Fernandos car, his hand tracing shapes on the denim covering her thigh as he drove. She was nervous, not because she knew she wasn't the only girl he'd planned on fucking recently but because she hadn't fucked anyone recently.
The last time she'd gotten any action was with Max Verstappen before an f2 race in a cramped drivers roon where he kept her mouth covered the whole time. He wasn't good.
Surprisingly, her door was opened for her. Fernando holding his hand out to lead the girl in the lobby, into the elevator, and to his room.
He waited for the door to be closed before he kissed Lance again, picking her up and wrapping her legs around his waist with ease.
He moved towards the bed as if he didn't have over 100 pounds of extra wait on him, as if Lance was light as a feather.
It made her smile, hands on either side of Fernandos face as she deepened their kiss, bottom lip jutting out in disappointment once he pulled back, laughing under his breath.
"Come on, have to take these off" He spoke quietly, kneeling on the ground in front of Lance who was sprawled out on the bed, taking off the heels she'd been wearing all day.
Lance sat up, watching as Fernando unbuckled one and slid it off, placing it next to him before doing the same to the other. She was eager for him to get up but he stayed put, peppering her ankles and calves with kisses as he slowly made his way back up, Lance giggling at the feeling of his stubble against her skin.
Eventually, Fernandos lips were back on Lance's, one hand on the nape of her neck while the other worked at undoing her belt, eager to have her fully exposed under him.
One thing Fernando did differently off track was he took his time. Lance hated it. She needed him.
She decided she'd have to do it herself if she wanted anything to happen before she stopped feeling it.
Lance pulled away from him, quick to take off her own belt and pants until all she had was the shirt with Giancarlo's number and name all over it.
"I do not like sharing, Lancito" He muttered, finger brushing over the embroidered "2" on her chest
"I'm all yours." She responded, even though she knew he wasn't all hers.
Fernando scoffed, not believing just how easy the girl was. He undid the first few buttons before sliding off her shirt, adoring the sight of her in nothing but her underwear. A matching black set. As if she knew what was going to happen.
"Qué guapa eres" How pretty. Lance wasn't fluent in Spanish but she'd been hit on by enough Spanish men to know what he was saying.
It was embarrassing, how flustered she got from the most basic compliment.
She could barely remember what happened after that, waking up sore and with dried cum practically covering her skin. Disgusting. Seems like no aftercare had taken place. She wasn't surprised.
Even if she didn't expect aftercare she expected to at least wake up with him still in the room. Obviously, her expectations were too high because she woke up alone. All he left her was a text. Three fucking letters.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Beanie Nando for @sweatyflytrap <3
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nikxtty · 5 months
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endofbeginings · 1 year
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2006 FIFA WORLD CUP STICKERS (f1 edition)
(2002) (2010)
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gracehwells · 7 months
"Bro experience twink death and became hotter"
- my friend about Fernando Alonso, c.2024
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umseb · 8 months
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formula renault driver sebastian vettel in the f1 paddock after slicing off part of his finger in a crash, hockenheim, germany - july 30, 2006 📷 sutton images / motorsport images
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Renault Altica Concept, 2006. A 3-door shooting brake prototype with butterfly doors designed by Patrick Le Quément. The Altica featured a “Synthetic Jet”, an aerodynamic device consisting of a 2mm slot at the rear of the roof through which air was alternately sucked or blown to control the separation of air depending on the car’s speed. It was claimed to reduce the Altica’s Cd by up to 15%
photographs by Stéphane Foulon
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onecreatesart · 1 year
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i will leave this just here.
getty images
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feraltwinkseb · 8 months
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May 6, 2006 - Nurburg, Germany Source: PATRIK STOLLARZ/AFP via Getty Images
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schumigrace · 2 years
Fernando using the camera as a mirror (Bahrain 2006)
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scrollonso · 6 months
First Kiss (Race 1)
A strollonso AU where 18 year old rookie Lance Stroll falls helplessly in love with the notoriously mean world champion. (1.1k words, no warnings) {This is my first Tumblr AU so ignore how bad this is... This was fun to write so expect more!}
masterlist - next part
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As quali came to an end, Lance could hear his heart pounding in his ears. He had just completed his first-ever quali, and he felt like he was about to throw up.
He heard someone speaking to him over his radio, but he was too busy registering that this was real to listen.
As he got out of the car, he was bombarded by his team, all rushing to hug him and congratulate him. It took him a second to realise why.
He qualified P3.
His face lit up at the realisation—that's insane. P3.
He was going to start his debut race in P3, but he knew it wasn't the race, so it hardly mattered, but just knowing he set the third fastest lap out of everyone on the grid was enough to boost his ego a fair bit.
Eventually, his team fell back into their usual places, and he began gathering his things to leave before he heard a familiar voice speak, a voice he'd only ever heard over the television.
"Lancito, congratulations on P3," he said, lightly patting the youngers shoulders.
He was stunned, and Fernando Alonso was congratulating him. He was so taken aback by the praise that he almost missed the new name. Almost. Lancito? He'd never been called that before, yet somehow it felt right to hear it come off the Spaniard's tongue.
"Thank you. It feels amazing being able to start my debut race so close behind you, Alonso." Lance wasn't sure exactly what to call him, hesitating to even say his last name.
"Am excited to see how you do, Lancito. I wish you luck." He flashed a quick smile before moving his hand off the other man's shoulder and beginning to walk away.
Lance watched him closely, still flustered at the physical contact, kind words, and the new nickname.
"Oh, and," Fernando started, quickly turning back to Lance. "Please, call me Fernando; there is no need to be professional when it is just us, no?"
Lance nodded, smiling at the older man as he turned and left. He wasn't sure he'd be getting any sleep that night.
After getting to the paddock the next day (and barely getting through interviews), he began talking to Nico outside of the garage, trying his best to convince his teammate that starting P12 was a blessing.
Nico was a great driver, so he knew this would just be a chance to stun the crowd with brilliant overtakes.
The conversation was going smoothly, the two meshing surprisingly well, before Lance's attention was grabbed by a man in blue and yellow.
He was hard to miss, and it didn't help that Lance had been absentmindedly searching for him all day.
He was on his way back to his team garage. Lance was unsure where exactly he was coming from; all he knew was that he looked perfect.
Lance wasn't sure how he felt about Fernando, but it seemed to be admiration. It made sense for him to admire Fernando; he had just won the world championship the year before, so a rookie admiring him was more than acceptable, right?
As everyone got into their cars, Lance couldn't help but get more and more anxious, everyone falling seamlessly into their places. Before Lance knew it, the race was starting (and he was off to a horrible start).
He felt himself getting more and more frustrated. Seeing as other drivers passed him, he continued to curse under his breath, but he knew he was going to make it up. He was so confident he was going to overtake them again, get back to P3, and finish his debut race on the podium.
Then he felt the car get worse; his tyres were locking up during what seemed like every turn, and before he knew it, his car was smoking.
"Lance, box, box, we need to retire the car."
He felt sick to his stomach; this had to be one of the worst ways to start his rookie season. He was beyond embarrassed. 
He pulled into the pit lane and went to his garage. There was nothing positive about this situation, but somehow it felt even worse knowing that Fernando Alonso wished him good luck the day prior and he couldn't even finish the race.
He unzipped his race suit to his hips and sat down, putting on a pair of headphones and pretending to be interested in the race—his debut race, his first DNF.
The race came to an end after what felt like an eternity, and Nico came back, having scored points in his first race. A part of him was glad for Nico; of course, he more than deserved it, but he couldn't help but wonder what would've happened if he had finished; he wanted to score points. He had to score points.
The debrief passed, and so did the podium, and now the teammates were just sitting together, Nico leaning against the wall as they spoke, talking about whatever came to mind and just enjoying each other's presence before they noticed another driver coming towards them.
It was Fernando, and before either of them could speak, he beat them to it.
"Nico, very good job today." He praised, and Lance felt a pang of jealousy as he recalled Fernando saying similar things to him after quali yesterday. He wished he had raced long enough to get praise from the older man as well.
"Thank you, Fernando. It means a lot." Nico smiled, the conversation between the two ending there.
"Lancito, am sorry to hear you retired. Not a very good start, but it just guarantees Malaysia's going to treat you better, eh?"
Lance nodded, looking up at Fernando. It wasn't every day a 6'0 rookie had to look up to a 5'7 world champion, but Fernando looked good up there.
"Yeah, let's hope that doesn't mean you'll do worse then." He laughed, and with Fernando's logic, he supposed the Spaniard would DNF next.
"Don't jinx me now!" Fernando shook his head, moving closer to pat Lance on the shoulder again, seemingly a new thing between them. "Am getting older; I have to win another championship before I retire, don't you think?"
And before he knew it, the older man was gone again—back into the Renault garage.
He hadn't noticed at the time, but after Fernando left and he turned to Nico, he was met with a very suspicious look.
"So, you two are friends?" Nico asked, more familiar with the reputation Fernando had than Lance.
"Maybe? I'm not sure." He laughed, leaning on the wall behind him. "He spoke to me yesterday too; maybe he's just nice to all rookies like that."
"Maybe" Nico agreed, although he knew that wasn't true, and so did everyone, besides Lance, it seemed.
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