#renfri's brooch
tawnyfool · 1 year
They gave Renfri's sword and scabbard to Ciri ...surely this isnt a recycle and there is a deep lore reason right??? RIGHT??
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ladyannemarie5 · 1 year
Okay. So, I was finally able to sit down and properly watch The Witcher Vol. 2.
Things we learned/confirmed about our bard in Vol. 2:
He thinks there's nothing under Radovid's mask.
Chose his family over his love.
He knows all the smuggling routes in Oxenfurt thanks to his work as the Sandpiper.
Even though Radovid broke his heart, he wanted to help him to run away
His singing is so beautiful that it makes the dryads cry
Milva, welcome to Jaskier's harem (The Hansa is becoming more and more real).
Geralt's best friend
Sings love songs in elder (for Geralt obviously)
Ciri considers him 100% her family
He doesn't know that Radovid was more than willing to leave his position as prince to go after him (my heart can't take this)
He doesn't know that he is no longer the crush of the prince of Redania but now he is the crush of the King of Redania
Frivolity as a coping mechanism (because of course he'd write at least 3 songs and an epic poem about Geralt's death).
He sits and stands next to a wounded Geralt (just as in the fanfics *cry*).
He holds Geralt's hand when he's hurt and Geralt leans on him (as in the fanfics).
Knows the ingredients of Witcher potions (Maybe Vesemir himself taught him *father-in-law-son-in-law moment* or maybe Geralt himself taught him *husbands moment*)
He's the emotional support bard for EVERYONE (Geralt, Yennefer, Ciri and even Dara) but who the hell is my baby's emotional support?
He writes his songs seeing Geralt being Witcher (as in the fanfics :3).
He doesn't know that Rience is dead
Geralt is his personal bodyguard who will brutally kill whoever touches his bard (once again, just as in the fanfics \^^/)
Jaskier knows that the brooch is important to Geralt and possibly knows about Renfri.
Geralt even trusts him with his sword
He finally has a fucking horse, and it better be named Pegasus.
And once again, Joey Batey is the love of my life.
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viking-raider · 1 year
This has been sitting on me.
They broke Geralt's sword, the one with Renfri's brooch, during his fight with Vilgefortz. Shattered it. A lot of me, is devastated by this. But part of me wishes they hadn't so Ciri could have used it, in some sort of silent nod to Henry. Another part of me, is happy they broke it, because then Liam's Geralt can't use that sword.
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samstree · 1 year
something something about jaskier knowing the significance of renfri’s brooch…
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changenameno · 2 months
My Own (Chapter 1)
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Geralt finds himself once more on the path, gloomily looking at what lies ahead. And you? You had no one, no home and certainly no coin. Well that’d be something you had in common. No coin. You two are surely off to a great start… Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Fem. Nymph Reader
Warnings: 18+, death, blood, cursing, angst, MDNI (there may be smut in the future)
Word count: 1.5K A/N: This is my first attempt writing something that I’d actually post. Have been afraid to do so, for a very, very long time. It’s not proofread, any mistakes are my own. Please be kind, comments/rebblogs are very appreciated…Thank you❤️✨
Shout-out to the lovely @livesinfantasyland not only for her beautiful crafted moodboards (which you should totally check out!) but also her kind words of encouragement! One moodboard of yours especially sparked my writing muse, called “Bathing with the Witcher”. Thank you soooo much! You truly are a sweetheart, and I hope you will like this…
!The Witcher characters and world are not mine!
🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 CHAPTER 1 Looking back you saw the castle ablaze with fire. Smoke spirals rising into the dark sky, only adding to the clouds above. Your home was burning to the ground before your very eyes and you could do nothing to save it.
He grunted, reproachfully opening his yellow eyes. A new day was only just breaking, not even fully light yet. It had been another night on the road, without a job, without coin… Yesterday Geralt had tried selling the Kikimora to the alderman, who in turn had promised their mage would buy the beast. Turns out, Stregobor was just another weird wizard, talking nonsense about lesser evils. Then there had been Renfri, he didn’t actually think she’d leave Balviken but he wasn’t very prepared for the market fiasco either. Now he squinted at where his swords lay next to him. With the addition of a brooch attached to one them, it should serve as a reminder that something like that would never happen again. He slowly sat up, sore and still bloody. His thigh throbbed, there was a deep gash in his black breeches where Renfri had stabbed him. Vesemir would have scolded him for not taking care of his wound right away. Grunting once more, he got up and walked to where Roach was standing near a tree. She tried to nuzzle him and he let her, petting her sturdy neck then reaching into his saddlebags and grabbing a cloth and his least favourite potion. He didn’t bother sitting down, Geralt simply poured the liquid over the wound. “Rrgg f-fuck,” he grimaced. Once the excruciating pain had subsided a little, he wrapped the white cloth around his thigh, all the while breathing through his clenched teeth. Roach nickered softly, he turned his yellow eyes toward her and lifted one of his brows “Hey don’t be mean… I know I should’ve done that yesterday.” Suddenly his head whipped to the right, he had heard something on the other side of the clearing. Though he didn’t see anything yet, Geralt was sure that there was something or more likely someone behind that huge oak tree.  
                                                               Slowly and without making a sound he made his way over to his swords, picking the one closets to him and readying his fighting stance. His nostrils flared, the reason why he picked up the sword in the first place. That smell. Unnatural. A tinge of blood but also another very pleasant scent nearly overpowering his senses. He couldn’t pinpoint what exactly that scent was, but he’d never smelled anything like it. Though now that he was thinking about it more clearly, he remembered that he had smelled it before. It had been in the air, only a whiff but still the reason he woke up so early. That must mean whoever was hiding, had been there for some time now. Geralt lowered his sword, staring at the oak tree. Too tired and angry to come up with a refined plan he simply roared, “Show yourself!” With his luck, obviously nothing happened. Waiting a few more frustrating minutes, he finally made his way over to the oak tree. The dewy grass making his boots wet. As he reached the end of the clearing, he took step by soundless step around the thick tree trunk, once more sword at the ready. It was like watching a cat stalking its prey. Or so he thought. Before he could even lift his sword, a branch hit him square in the face and with such force, he stumbled backwards.
It felt like your lungs were drowning, drowning in thick smoke. Even though the castle was dozens of miles behind you by now, it still felt like you couldn’t breathe. The cool night air doing nothing in aiding the battle of your burning lungs against your panic stricken system. They couldn’t get you. They couldn’t… Your mind supplied very unhelpfully, that they indeed could get you, because they had horses and were therefore a lot quicker than you. But you couldn’t stop. You had to get away, so you continued to stumble through the night. Then you heard it, the rumbling thunder of the rapidly approaching horses. “There she is! Quick, we’ve got her!” “Over here!!” The voices rang through the night. Before you could run any further, the riders of doom had circled you. Wide eyed and breathing heavily you looked around. Tall horses surrounding you, all of which were ridden by deadly armed men. There was no escape. Looking at the ground you saw a branch, so you swiftly picked it up. It was barely longer than your forearm, but still better than nothing. One of the man dismounted his horse chuckling, “Aaaw that’s adorable, we’ve got ourselves a fighter. But Princess don’t bother, we shall deliver you unharmed. Isn’t that right?” He laughed darkly and the other surrounding men joined in. Yet you refused to lower the branch, so he kept talking as if you were a scared little girl. Technically you were scared but surely you were no little girl.
His first mistake, dismounting his horse. His second, nearing you without drawing his weapon. And thirdly underestimating you. He couldn’t finish his next demeaning sentence before you hit him over the head with all the strength you could muster. A truly horrid scream and cracking sound followed, then his body hit the ground. Unmoving. One of the other men screamed: “That damned idiot, get her!!” You let yourself fall onto your knees, releasing the branch and putting both your palms on the ground. Digging your fingers into the dirt, you began to murmur, the only thing that could save you now. The men grew uneasy, as did the horses. “What is she doing?” “How should I know?” “Make her stop!!” Suddenly a piercing pain exploded on your right shoulder. An arrow had struck you. You whimpered but didn’t stop whispering. Then finally the ground began to shake. “What’s happening!?” The horses panicked and reared up, just as the first root shot up and knocked the three men closest to you off, of the back of their horses. The resounding thud as they hit nearby trees, let chaos further explode around you. Screams, shying horses, roots continuing to shoot from the ground, pain. It was deafening. And yet you didn’t hear anything, besides your own racing heart. Quickly you got up on wobbly feet, trying to breathe through the pain. With your left hand you struggled to get a hold of the arrow sticking out of your shoulder, but you only succeeded in breaking the shaft off. The resounding pain, made you howl loudly. “F-uck…”, you pressed out. Oddly enough right then everything had come to a halt. Spooked by what’d happed, all the horses had either run off on their own, or with more or less conscious riders still in the saddle. The remaining men strewn on the ground unmoving.
The roots now, nowhere to be seen, as if they hadn’t just been beating dozens of armed men unconscious. Only weirdly shaped holes in the ground, pointing to an unnatural maybe magically induced battle. You didn’t really care about that though. The most pressing matter was, getting away, so you steadied yourself and started walking as fast as you could manage. Because your shoulder blade throbbed with every step, you weren’t going very fast at all.
Still you soldiered on. And on… and on. Through the night. Numbed by exhaustion and the horror that came with your escape, you weren’t very aware of your surroundings. Just enough that you’d picked up the branch before you left, as a last defence against who knows what.
As you continued to stumble through the woods, the first ray of light penetrated the thick foliage overhead. So you came to a halt at the edge of a clearing, leaning against a huge oak tree and sinking to your knees. The exhaustion catching up, made you lay down on your left side to not further antagonize your injured shoulder.
You lay completely still, eyes closed, for about ten minutes only concentrating on your breath. Seconds before you could finally welcome the blessed unconsciousness of dreamland, a roar nearly made you jump out of your skin: “Show yourself!”
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bambirex · 1 year
Keep My Heart In Your Gold
Pairing: Geraskier
Characters: Jaskier, Geralt of Rivia
Additional tags: friends to lovers, angst, hurt/comfort, sad geralt of rivia, supportive jaskier, trust, grief/mourning, renfri's brooch, inspired by season 3 episode 8
Rating: teen and up audiences
Word count: 2,579 words
Chapters: 1/1
Summary: Geralt always carries a brooch around with him. Jaskier wants to know why.
Author's notes: I can't stop thinking about Jaskier knowing what the brooch meant to Geralt, like, the implications of that??? It must have taken a huge amount of trust on Geralt's side to tell Jaskier this and since i'm insane about this whole thing, i decided I wanna write how that conversation went.
Read on Ao3
The brooch always seemed out of place for Jaskier. It wasn't exactly the type of accessory that you would imagine a dark, brooding witcher carrying around: pure gold and shiny gemstones, and delicate carvings that almost made the brooch look like it had an eternal smile.
Yet, Geralt always had it with him, strapped to the hilt of his sword. The sight of it was a little comical, here and there, to have something so pretty stick out during an intense fight with a gruesome monster. If the brooch got covered in blood, Geralt would wash it off with such gentle, caring movements, as if it wasn't just a simple object, but something more important.
But Geralt wasn't such a sentimental kind, was he?
Jaskier has been traveling with Geralt for a couple of months when he first brought up the brooch.
"It's pretty," he pointed out one evening as they sat by the fire, the orange glow of the flames reflecting off the gold.
Geralt followed Jaskier's eyes that fixated on the brooch. He let out a quiet grunt and returned to tending to the fire. Jaskier waited for a few moments. When no more reaction came from Geralt, he continued.
"How long have you had this?"
"A while," was all Geralt said. He didn't even look at Jaskier. Usually, Geralt wore a closed-off, strict expression. At first, Jaskier thought it was only reserved for him and his somewhat annoying shenanigans, but he's quickly learnt that it was just simply Geralt's face. There was something else to it now, though, a deeper, darker emotion, like bitterness.
"Was it a gift?" Jaskier pressed further as he scooted closer to Geralt. "I mean, it was, wasn't it? It looks expensive. Almost like it came from someone royalty."
Something flashed in Geralt’s eyes as he looked at him - like a fleeting moment of anguish. Whatever it was, it made Jaskier's chest tighten.
"How do you know that?"
"I hang around royalty a lot, Geralt, I'm a bard," Jaskier reminded him. "I know what kind of jewelry they wear, so..."
It wouldn't make much sense for Geralt, who famously despised royalty, to accept a gift from someone like that, let alone keep it. Whoever gave it to him, they must have been special.
"It's time for you to sleep," Geralt told him, not bothering with a reply to the actual question. Jaskier snorted.
"You're putting me to bed like a child?"
"You are a child," Geralt replied with a small grin. That made Jaskier sputter, but he did take his place on his bedroll all the same.
The brooch was the last thing he saw before he fell asleep.
All of Jaskier's attempts at trying to ask about the brooch turned out to be futile. Geralt either completely ignored Jaskier until he gave up, or he changed the subject right away. If Jaskier was a little too pushy, Geralt would even snap at him and tell him to stop being so nosy.
Jaskier wondered why Geralt was so apprehensive about telling him. As the years have gone by, their bond deepened, and the witcher opened up to him more and more. He trusted Jaskier, that much was obvious: he left him alone with Roach without hesitation, told him about Kaer Morhen and the witcher trials, entrusted him with picking out the right potions for him after a fight. He let him give him baths, for Melitele's sake, it was obvious that Geralt knew Jaskier was someone he could rely on.
And yet, he refused to tell him about the brooch, over and over again.
"It's from someone important," Jaskier noted one day. It wasn't a question, and Geralt realized that, too, because he just stared down at his boots, the muscles in his jaw twitching, like he wanted to reply, just didn't know how.
Jaskier waited for him to open up at last, to let him in - to share something so clearly important with him. He looked at Geralt, trying to silently communicate to him that it was alright, that he could always talk to him about whatever heavy burden plagued him about that brooch.
"Just drop it, Jaskier," Geralt said eventually. The sheer pain in his voice was enough for Jaskier to reach out and give his hand a squeeze. He didn't press it any further. Geralt seemed eternally grateful for it as he laced their fingers together.
Jaskier stopped asking about the brooch after that. He relied on his vivid imagination instead as he walked up the hill after Geralt, looking at the gold shining on his sword.
Who could have given it to him? Was it a gift, a sign of gratefulness after Geralt has gotten ridden of a monster? Maybe, but he wouldn't have held it so dear, then. This was something deeper.
An old friend? Someone Geralt greatly cared about, someone who cared for him too - someone that Jaskier hoped to be like, one day, if Geralt was ready for it.
Family? His mother? The only thing that was left of her? Another witcher at Kaer Morhen? A token of love?
Love... maybe it was from someone really close to Geralt's heart. Someone who meant the world to him. Where did they go? Did they leave? Did they die? Did looking at their brooch cause Geralt great pain, a reminder of what he has lost, or did it fill him with joy, giving him the strength to move forward?
"I wish you could talk," Jaskier chuckled softly when he cleaned Geralt's sword and faced the brooch. It was already a big step that Geralt let him clean it, he hasn't before. It felt almost as if day by day, Jaskier got closer to Geralt's heart. Maybe one day he would learn the truth behind the brooch, and he would be fully let inside. Until then, he appreciated what he could get.
"I'd love to know your story. I bet it's a great one, isn't it? Good song material."
The sunlight glinted on the surface of the brooch, almost like it answered him. Jaskier laughed at the silly thought.
"Also, I want Geralt to fully trust me, you know?" Jaskier continued as he scrubbed at a nasty stain on the edge of the sword. "And, I don't know. I feel like you mean something to him. And it would mean a lot to me if he shared you with me."
The way the light reflected in one of the gemstones made Jaskier laugh again, because it looked like the brooch winked at him.
Jaskier was about to fall asleep when Geralt slipped out of bed. Jaskier didn’t question it; he knew Geralt often had trouble sleeping as his witcher senses kicked in during the night, picking up every single quiet noise and tiny movement. He also knew about the nightmares, the horrific images of having to take lives, and seeing his witcher brothers die haunting his mind. Jaskier didn’t think a big deal of Geralt leaving their bed, so he pulled the blanket up to his chin and closed his eyes again.
A couple of moments after Geralt got up, the bed dipped again. Jaskier cracked one eye open, trying to get used to the darkness in the room. Geralt was only somewhat illuminated by the moonlight, but Jaskier could still tell he was looking right at him.
"You're awake, then," Geralt stated. Jaskier rubbed his eyes as he sat up against the headboard.
"Yeah. What's wrong?"
Geralt looked down. Jaskier noticed he was holding something in his hand, but couldn't tell what it was in the dim light.
"You used to ask about it a lot," Geralt started. His voice was tired, pained. It woke Jaskier fully at once. Geralt didn't even need to tell him what he meant, because Jaskier immediately knew he was talking about the brooch.
"You've stopped."
"Because it's clear you don't want to tell me," Jaskier replied. "And that's okay, Geralt. I don't want to force you."
"I want to tell you," Geralt said. The moonlight glinted off the brooch as he turned it around in his hand. "I want you to know."
Jaskier hugged his knees to his chest. He tried to appear patient, but his heartbeat picked up as he realized that what he has been waiting for years - for Geralt to truly let him in, to share such an important piece of his soul with him - was finally happening.
"This brooch," Geralt said, looking down on the gold in his hand, "belonged to a girl named Renfri. She was a princess who had to leave her home because she was born under a Black Sun. She was prophesied to be dangerous. But she was just... a girl who was hurt. Too many times."
He looked at Jaskier as he continued. "She was a skilled warrior. Very strong and brave. Any man could have envied her strength. She was also witty and smart. I think you would've liked her."
"You think so?"
"Yes. I often wish you two had a chance to meet."
Something about the way he said it made Jaskier's heart flutter inside his chest.
"Renfri was special. In a way, she really was dangerous. When nothing good ever happens to you, when you keep hurting... it's hard not to become the very thing everyone was told you were going to be. But that did not make her a bad person. She had a right to be angry."
He reached out and took Jaskier's hand. Jaskier drew in a sharp breath when Geralt placed the brooch in his palm, laying his own over it until he covered Jaskier's hand with his own. The brooch was cold, but Geralt's skin was warm against his own.
"She was more than her anger," Geralt continued, looking down on their joined hands. "She also had a right to prove she was more than that. But she didn't have enough time."
"You loved her," Jaskier whispered. Geralt nodded.
"I did. And I killed her."
Jaskier only heard his own heartbeat in the dead silence of the room. Geralt sighed deeply.
"It was always going to end that way," he said, "you truly cannot trick destiny. I was told to choose between the lesser of two evils. I had to kill Renfri to stop her from unleashing chaos on the Continent."
Jaskier's throat felt dry and constricted around his words. "I'm sorry, Geralt."
"This is a reminder for me," Geralt continued. He ran his hand over the brooch, then Jaskier's palm. "That I can't escape the past the same way I can't escape the future. Renfri told me that the girl in the woods will always be with me."
"And who's that?"
"I have a hunch. The destiny I was trying to avoid, again. The one you also warned me about not trying to forget."
In the pale moonlight, Geralt's eyes shone bright as he looked into Jaskier's eyes.
"Renfri was the first human I truly let close to me," he told Jaskier, his voice softer than Jaskier has ever heard it before, "and somehow, although you are very different, I see her in you, sometimes. A constant reminder of my own humanity. And..."
He caressed his thumb over Jaskier's palm again, gently. "I trust you, Jaskier. You bring something good out of me. The same way she could have, but destiny stepped in. But with you... I think things are going to be alright."
Jaskier's eyes welled with tears as his heart nearly burst with an emotion so strong, he couldn't resist that eternal pull anymore - the one that made him follow a grumpy witcher at Posada, the one that never let him leave his side, the one that loved Geralt so dearly, always hoping, always longing to be the one Geralt trusted the most. The one Geralt loved as much as he loved that mysterious girl from the past, who left a part of her heart behind in that brooch.
In that moment, it just felt right when he leaned forward and kissed Geralt. Geralt's arm snaked around his waist and pulled him close until he was on his lap. He grabbed onto Jaskier's shirt like an anchor, holding him close almost desperately. Jaskier wiped Geralt's tears off - or were they his own, he didn't know anymore - as he continued kissing him, silently telling him that he would never leave.
"Thank you," Jaskier whispered as he pulled back to rest his forehead against Geralt's. Their hands were still intertwined over the brooch.
The soldier wouldn't let them pass, and they couldn't waste any more time. They needed to find Ciri as soon as possible. Jaskier could have screamed in frustration.
"Wait," Geralt said, reaching into his pocket. Jaskier raised an eyebrow at him. They didn't have any more money on them, so they had nothing to offer as a fee.
"What about this?"
Jaskier gasped when he noticed Geralt holding Renfri's brooch.
"No, Geralt," he whispered, "not that."
Geralt sent him a small smile, and touched his lower back fleetingly. A small gesture of comfort, as if he wasn't the one who was about to pay a douchebag Nilfgaardian soldier with one of the most important objects in his possession. Jaskier tried to reason with him one more time, but Geralt handed the brooch over anyways. Seeing that bastard take it made Jaskier's stomach churn, and his heart clench uncomfortably.
He didn't have time to dwell on it while he had to assist Geralt's fight with the soldiers, but it was the first thing he asked him once they got their horses ready for the road.
Geralt sent him a questioning look. "What do you mean why?"
"The brooch," Jaskier sighed, "Geralt, it was important."
Geralt smiled as he gently tucked Jaskier's hair behind his ear. He cupped his cheek soothingly.
"It's time to let go of the past," he said softly, "and focus on the future."
"But... there must have been another way, Geralt! I could have offered him a blowjob, although it wouldn't have been one given willingly."
"I would have chopped his head off before I let him touch you," Geralt scoffed. He smiled again when Jaskier leaned into his touch. "It had to be done. For Ciri, for all of us. It did mean a lot to me. But it's time to let it go - to let Renfri go."
He kissed Jaskier on the lips before he planted another kiss on his forehead. "Come on. Let's find Ciri."
Jaskier nodded with a smile. Geralt's heart worked in mysterious ways, but Jaskier was slowly learning its intricacies. He knew he was right: cherishing the past was important, but staying stuck in it didn't help anyone. He saw the way Geralt smiled at him before he grabbed the reins of his horse: he looked relieved, like a huge weight has just left his shoulders. The same way he trusted Jaskier with the truth all those years ago, now he trusted him to understand his decision. And Jaskier did.
He looked back at the camp one last time, saying goodbye to the brooch and its history in his mind - and to the girl whom, while he did not know, also meant a lot to him, because she was important to Geralt.
And now it was time to take his beloved witcher's hand and face the future, so they could rescue someone who also meant a lot to both of them.
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The Witcher S3 Ep6: Everyone Has A Plan 'til They Get Punched in the Face
There is no aka this time, because how could I ever dream of coming up with something better?
(There was so much happening, I didn't even get to properly appreciate Jaskier's doorway lean)
You might, but I don't, Djikstra. The fuck?
Also why are you coming after the mages?
Not Artaud! He was chill. I think...who was he again?
Oof that sounded like a threat to Yen. Geralt don't take kindly to those
Do all mage chambers have hidey holes behind the walls?
I don't like that look...Jaskier, why did you tell him the barrier came down at dawn?
🥺 babies...
Don't be so fast to count my wife out, Lydia. Especially if she's in a place with friends
Well, that takes care of that. I thought she was a much more significant character...
I like Radcliffe. He's probably going to die
There can be more than one traitor, Tissaia, especially among men that think themselves all powerful
I don't think those are Redanian...
Well if you didn't want him to be rash, maybe you shouldn't have threatened Ciri
Just 50? I think you might need more than that, your current ones are folding like a hand of cards
Get fucked. Like, I kind of wanted to root for you and your duplicitous ass, but you don't need to be such a dick about it
Do we actually trust Cahir to do that? Or is he going to cart her straight home to Emperor CreepyDad? He serves so many masters at this point, and thus serves none
RIP Filavandrel! Damn!
Oh heeyyyy Fringilla! FrinFran reunited! And fucking shit uuuup!
Oh shit. I knew that ring was going to be trouble...
That. Was. Sexy. And the best way for Fire Fucker to die. Mom and Dad teamwork, no chance of resurrection
Ooh. These twins are neat.
God, Istredd 👀👀 Triss and Marti too honestly
Tissaia, don't give up...please...
Triss is not allowed to die. Especially now that I'm shipping it extra hard
That was an excessive number of arrows guys...
🥺 "my daughter" "come back to us" this family, I can't 😭
OT3 maybe? I'll have to figure out how to add in Cahir's name when FrinFran is so perfect...
Damn Tissaia. That...might also be killing your people but it's super badass
Get. Fucked. Vilgefortz. If you touch a single gorgeous hair on his head...
Where did you just send my boy?!
You should have known better my guy. Philippa and Djikstra are never far apart
Go Ciri! Rage your little heart out! And hold your own against a trained soldier like Cahir, even on the defense
Ooh! It's the moment Bonnie's been waiting for!
You are one man against five on horseback, bitch...what are you doing?
...where is my beloved bard in all of this chaos? Honestly also my beloathed one?
Am I...rooting for Stregobitch in this moment? I feel itchy and uncomfortable.
Shit, now what?
Ooh, Renfri's brooch/gem glowing is new and fun. Is it just for effect, or Significant?
Where is your other sword though? I feel like Vilgefortz is a two-sword situation
Oh yeah, that really helps your case that you're the good guy...
Oh look, he's been impaled
Shiiiiit...Geralt might actually not walk away from this one...
Why? Why only you? Who the fuck are you? You still haven't given a good reason for shit
🎵Get fuuuuucked🎵
Wait, he was on the beach, how'd he end up in the water?
Triss and Geralt having a Little Mermaid moment?
That's probably not a good thing, but it was really cool so...
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finleycannotdraw · 1 year
yes syanna deserves punishment but her stupid sister won't punish her. We know this from the dialogue with Dandelion in the ending where Dandelion visits Geralt. No one denies that syanna suffered a lot and undeservedly but she absolutely does not deserve to be forgiven for the crimes. and this is what happens in the 'good ending' syanna had psychopathic tendencies even before she was diagnosed with the curse. For those who choose Yennefer because of books, Syanna's death should be canonical. syanna is Renfri created for the dlc. What did Geralt with Renfri? Butchered her in the middle of Blaviken. He should do the same with syanna. She is my most hated character from the entire witcher universe. Dettlaff is not completely good character but psycho sisters are not better than him. the perfect ending for me would be with both sisters dead and alive Dettlaff. But I only had with syanna dying. Dett deserve a second chance just like Regis in the books
Okay, so, you’re making the issue black and white when it clearly isn’t. Syanna and Dettlaff were both hurt and made bad decisions, and I think Dettlaff deserves more sympathy than he’s given by the game and the fandom, but you’re arguing that.. Syanna is just the villain, straight up, full stop? Yes, what she did was inexcusable. But one of the main ideas in the witcher is that there is no lesser evil, it’s just people and their choices! That was the whole point of Renfri’s story!
Your comparison to Renfri disregards and disrespects the point of the character and the message of her death. Yes, Geralt kills her, but it was based on a decision at a moment’s notice and he regrets it later. He carries her brooch with him for over two decades! He was prompted to choose the lesser evil, but truly, it was just different evils. He did what he thought was best with the information he had! We all do this, every day! This happens with Syanna as well, because yes, they are parallel characters. One difference is that Syanna had power over Dettlaff, but Renfri never had power over Stregobor. Dettlaff and Stregobor are not parallels the same way Syanna and Renfri were written to be.
You said, “syanna had psychopathic tendencies even before she was diagnosed with the curse”. She wasn’t diagnosed with anything! She was born, and the time of her birth made everyone think that she was a monster. That’s not her fault! What are the “psychopathic tendencies” you’re talking about? Lack of caring about others? First of all, that’s insensitive, and second of all, she’s an insecurely attached rich princess who was thrown out of her home for reasons she had no control over. She doesn’t know how to be a person. That’s why I think she deserves to live and learn.
Also, what’s the point of bringing up Yennefer???
Same with Anna Henrietta! Why do you think she deserves to die? According to story canon, she’s a beloved leader! Toussaint is prosperous under her leadership! Yes, her priorities are skewed, and she should see that Syanna is punished, but she’s blinded by the fact that her sister is alive! Anarietta was not only one of the reasons for Syanna’s banishment, she was also hurt by the way their parents treated her! Her reaction to learning that Syanna is alive is completely reasonable, and wanting to protect her is too. At this rate I think the issue is yours and not the game’s.
You’re allowed to hate her. I’m not saying you shouldn’t. But none of this is broken up neatly into right/wrong, black/white, good/evil the way you seem to believe. Come back when you understand that people (and all stories about and portrayals thereof) are more complicated than that.
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okjetaime · 1 year
let's never gloss over the fact that Jaskier knows what the brooch means to Geralt, so he knows what Renfri means to him. and with that in mind, he still wrote burn butcher burn.
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by sylvandreams
by americanjedi
Geralt's on contract to slay the monster in the castle. Jaskier stands on the marble floor in his bare feet and watches. Renfri's brooch is in the bard's hand, Renfri's brooch is hanging from his neck. Geralt needs to find the monster, it's dangerous. Geralt needs to protect Jaskier, he doesn't understand the danger he's in.
Words: 0, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, The Witcher (TV), Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game), Wiedźmin | The Witcher Series - Andrzej Sapkowski
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Eskel (The Witcher), Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier | Dandelion
Additional Tags: Renfri's Brooch, Symbolism, Spooky, No Spoilers, no beta we die like men, Unreliable Narrator, there are at least three ways of interpreting the story, all three are valid, call up your english teacher, there's going to be some literary analysis in the house tonight, I've tried very hard not to spoil anything in the tags, Horror, Podfic & Podficced Works, Podfic, Podfic Length: 10-20 Minutes, americanjedi, americanjedi podfic
Listen on AO3
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ub-sessed · 4 years
"The addition of Renfri's brooch on the hilt signifies Geralt's reinforcement of his beliefs that he shouldn't get involved in the affairs of men because they always lead to his own personal pain. And Renfri's brooch, every time he draws his sword, reminds him that despite how he may be trying to achieve good, evil may be around the corner regardless." -- Henry Cavill
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3dways · 4 years
Renfri's Brooch from The Witcher TV series Is finished for Anne and now ON SALE
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viking-raider · 3 years
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renfriscreyden · 4 years
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'The girl in the woods will be with you always'
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viktor-the-dog · 4 years
Geralt having boy problems
I was rewatching the Witcher and I didn't notice this at first because I was crying having emotions, but in the scene on top of the mountain Renfri's brooch is shown next to Jaskier.
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Which makes me think it represents Geralt involving himself with the problems of man and how this led to his freindship and inevitable fight with Jaskier. And now I'm sad again.
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alexeishostakoff · 5 years
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the witcher (2019) | richard siken
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