books i’m reading right now
- momo - michael ende
- the thing aroud your neck - chimamanda adichie
- why i’m no longer talking to white people about race - reni eddo-lodge
- the collector - john fowles
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worldpeacemomma · 5 years
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The passion I have lately for reading lots of different genres of books is unreal. I have roughly 10 to read and currently reading ‘Why I’m no longer talking to white people about race’ written by Reni Eddo-Lodge. So far it has some realisations and poetic quotes in there for me and the view she is showing the reader is there for me too, whether I’m white or not, I can honestly say it must be tough still to this day in 2019 for those whose are not white (so many ethnic backgrounds to write them all) and I am deeply saddened by this world sometimes 🌍
The worst form of racism for me that I have witnessed is ‘living room banter’ otherwise known as ‘casual rasicm’ and I believe in my heart that can be the worst because that’s where it starts off acceptable, and it’s not acceptable, it shouldn’t even be ‘a thing’. It’s embarrassing! I’ll keep reading the book anyway, I’m sure this will make it to my book journal for a review. It’s a good read so far and I’m only half way through. Powerful piece.
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