#rent increased $75 for no fucking reason
lordgolden · 5 months
LANDLORDS ARE FUCKING LEECHES!!!!! ALL LANDLORDS SHOULD DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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heisexhausted · 2 years
My birthday is approaching soon, December 1st. For some reason, I feel so empty? Lonely?
I have resigned from my previous job two weeks ago. Only two weeks ago but I felt like I have done nothing for so long. I like to tell myself that it’s because I am used to things constantly moving, me being occupied all the time, days passing by like rollercoasters, and these period of unemployment is getting to me because I am idle.
Or that I am alone with my thoughts? I have learned to cohabitate with my thoughts. To be cordial with it, acknowledge its presence like the old dry paint on a wall. This long period of time is making me acknowledge the presence of “it” even more, and I am uncertain on what to feel towards it.
My thoughts are rabid, disgusting, often mark with self-pity, smile, shiny eyelids, and anger to the world. Molded by the fear and confusion I endured growing up and the ever present platforms of unfairness I have to constantly battle to secure. These thoughts are harsh and insensitive. They linger like unwanted vines, delving its roots to my core until it’s camouflaged as a part of me. These thoughts are ghouls and polluted.
I like to rationalize everything by simply pushing everything down and saying I am only worried about this period of unemployment because I have bills to pay. Yes, that is the easiest reason.
This year started with me being independent. Finally having my own place, and taking the final step to adulting. I hate saying or typing the world “adulting”. Anyway, that’s how ‘22 started. Technically it started with me being in a quarantine facility because I got diagnosed with COVID on the last day of December last year. Guess fucking what, I spent New Year in some abandoned school with the rest of the infected ones. That’s too dramatic, moving on.
Prior to resigning, I have saved enough to pay my rent until the end of the year. Within two weeks, I also secured offers, and believe it or not, I even secured a job offer with 75% increase in my previous salary. Deserved is the right word, right. Kidding aside, I did fairly decent on my unemployment period. It’s just two weeks and here I am, relentless? I don’t know.
I hate not knowing things because it gives way to several doors of possibilities and there is no satisfaction with overthinking. Well, here is a dump of my thoughts. I want to enjoy this solitude. This period of floating. I want to settle in, dream of clear pink skies, murmurations in the sky, patterns drifting here and there along with my thoughts. To be consumed with peace and our poor existence.
Good night, world.
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unrequited-words · 2 years
February 1, 2023
Fuck I’m depressed. This medicine doesn’t do shit. Zod is sleeping and A is in the bath. House is on in the background and I’m in the other room. He fell asleep after I did and I slept for maybe half an hour. His snoring woke me up and somebody had to watch the kid, lol
After that work out I binged and ate pretzel rods, sunflower seeds and chicken nuggets. I have no reason to eat tonight. Maybe another beer to fill this sadness or whatever it’s called
It’s 17° and I’m just over it
I hope to sleep in tomorrow but I don’t it. She napped from 2-330 which was awesome. She got up just as I got off of work and I haven’t had a chance to breathe minus the time I passed out.
I want just three hours to myself. No one typing in the keyboard, no one needing me for juice, snack, I could change the show. I want to be left alone. I don’t want customers to yell at me because they’re so fucking entitled that they’re not getting their way and they don’t wanna hear the word ‘no’ 
I want to add with a solid seven hours out and fucking bothered. I want day to where I don’t have responsibilities or my head set as a notice on the front door stating rent has skyrocketed 75 more dollars so instead of 1200 I get to take $1300. I’m not gonna fucking right. I’m so fucking thankful I don’t have to pay the car insurance anymore.
The car note whatever the fuck it’s called but that money is going to rent now I’m so fucking over this fucking shitty at economy. I’m over the fact that eggs are still over five dollars and $.50 for a fucking dozen 12 fucking eggs  bread should be a dollar but instead of a dollar I get a pay two dollars for fucking white bread, thank God I work from home or I would be severely fucking pissed about gas prices.
I’m fucking over responsibility I’m over the fact that I have to juggle money because I’m the only one working. I’m thankful he takes care of our kid but when do I get a vacation? When do I get a day to myself? I’m being fucking selfish for stating the simple things and what really pisses me the fuck off more than anything is taking a hot shower for half an hour does not Equal self motherfucking care
we stopped going out to eat because it’s stupid expensive we buy all of our groceries and cook all of our meals balance the money we have coming in verses with going out and put the rent increasing in April the money I thought set aside to get him a video card for his computer is going out the fucking window and then I think when we pick up the kids it’s two older kids for summer.
How much money do I have to set aside for that how much money is gas going to fucking cost it’s absolutely fucking ridiculous. I shouldn’t have a burden on my shoulders and it fucking sucks not just me it’s me and him I hate being a adult
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maniacalmachinist · 3 months
Epiphany: The Failures of Business and Economy
Well, it's mid-2024, election season coming up in the US, and 4 years since the Covid Pandemic hit. Sadly, all of the jobs I've had since were affiliated with government, and thus covered by employment as "Essential" due to the company's government contracts. But that aside, let's look at what's been happening since: inflation rose even more (currently $3.25/gal for gas in many states), rent and taxes have increased but with little/no improvement on employee pay, insurance also up, housing rates up . . . it's like the only thing that didn't go up with inflation was, of course, wages. This is FUCKING ABSURD!
And what makes it worse, i recently heard that the person currently running Wal-Mart of all places is making 900x what their employees make . . . so if a starting employee is making (only now making that is) $10/hr, that means this CEO is making $9000/hr . . . I'm sorry, is that even legal? Just because you are making big decisions for a company doesn't mean you're actual worth 900x your employees. You should realize, without your employees, and the blatant embezzling of their potential funds, you'd not be making that amount. There used to be this thing called "luxury taxes," and anyone making over $300k/year was taxed at 75% . . . yet, they're not paying much, if anything on their taxes.
This is just stupid rich, not wealth, but rich, and that's a bad thing for the economy. I don't want to hear "well they create jobs," mother fucker they don't . . . a job only exists when there's a viable and stable market/need for their goods/services . . . this is what "The customer is always right" means . . . means all things are customer driven, whether by popularity or need. IF you create something no one needs, or even wants, guess what? You creation of a job is going to fail.
But I digress, as here's the real reason inflation is a thing . . . because we have billionaires. That's right, wal-mart and other places are increasing their prices because certain jackasses have taken a LOT of money out of circulation, one could call a "economic blood clot." THeir money isn't moving, nor working, which is why their taxes were so high . . . that which is taken out of a system must be put back in by some critical amount. Inflation then becomes an opportunistic excuse to jack up prices, not a necessity.
Last i recall, no one is born with the intent of lifetime servitude to another's well-being. Most of us don't mind working, but when you realize what you're working for is only to put that much more money in another person's pockets, its clearly a blatant insult on human rights. As someone born to the US, we were supposed to be freed from having Kings and Queens . . . but it looks like CEOs are trying to bring back the fiefdoms that our founders didn't want. No one should be born to only become an economic/financial slave to others.
The more a system takes away from it's people, the sooner it's people will rise against it. History has proven that time and again, and just because it hasn't happened in a long time doesn't mean it never will again . . .
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its-snicket-here · 3 years
Being sister of Ainz?? *Whisper from the dark corner*
*Whispers from the deep abyss of personal drafts* Hell fucking yeah
Due to you being much more younger and more prone to gaming. I can see your character to have more of a monstrous form than a humanly look.
Ainz can now rest on having to spend money on your account, due to you doing multiple side jobs. Though, that doesn't let you escape of sharing your half of rent.
Your character is a demon; clad in a tattered yellow cloak with the hood always up, blocking any prying eyes from seeing your face. What it only peaks out is grey hair. Though the sleeve aren't long enough to cover your bandaged and shackled arms. In an ombre fashion, the arms are shown to go from black to blood red at the finger tips.
Though when unhooded, it's shown that your face is also pitch black. Your mouth is replaced with something more inhumane, having no teeth nor anything. Though it's capable of breaking and tearing through anything with such animalistic powers. Strange red substances dribble out, though nobody dares to try even touching it.
Your eyes is blindfolded, though when unraveled, it shows only a void where the sockets are. All oozing the same red substance that dribbles from the mouth. You have a long black tongue that oozes a stank smell when activated for fighting.
Your chest had an open hole, where your ribcage pops out in the flesh and where your spine could be shown. Where the heart is supposed to be lies a giant plasma ball. Though like Ainz's, it's indestructible.
Like the mom, you and Ainz have special perks when you have family members joining in the game. Unlike mother's rage, the two of you have now gained "Sibling's Rivalry."
When the two of you were transported into the new world, instead of spawning inside the Tomb with Ainz. You were spawned inside a cave, deep inside the forest where Hamsuke was at.
It took you a little while to get out of there, but you did it.
But it did took you long time getting your sense of perception because your sight has been replaced black and white outlines. You were tripping over multiple shit in the cave and the forest: trees, rocks, a lizard, a corpse, you name it. You were tripping everywhere.
Though despite your struggle of having a different sense of perception. You were able to detect life sources somewhere, but couldn't exactly pinpoint the direction it was coming from.
So, it caught you off guard when you "see" a giant hamster right in front of you doing a piss ass job of threatening you.
Thus the hilarity ensued when you activated your intimidation skill on Hamsuke.
So, you have now a hamster ride and a new roommate to sleep with. Though, you do enjoy the furry rat hamster's company. At least she'll be your guide around the forest.
Thus the two of you were dubbed the "The Wise King of the Forest" and "The Demonic Puppet," much to your annoyance. You're not a damn puppet that's for sure.
When Ainz heard about you and Hamsuke in the forest, he was highly interested in you. Rumors had it you were the supposed puppet/rider of "The Wise King of the Forest." So of course he wanted to either recruit you or to at least collect you like he was planning to do for Gazef
It was surprise when he finally noticed that it was his sister that was labeled as "The Demonic Puppet," but is relieved that he isn't lonely now
That doesn't escape the fact you're now a gremlin
Might as well make you the prankster demon, because you do a shit ton of light hearted tricks
The classic plastic wrap on the doorways, replacing bombs with glitter dust, making swords break at the first contact before reconnecting all together again, toothpaste filling in Oreos/pastries, you get the drill.
Demiurge wants to experiment and study your red ooze that drips out and see its effect. You have now gained Demiurge's interest on studying you, especially your reasons to be shackled.
I would say that you're aren't specifically in the guide but is considered to be because of your connection and how frequently you've visit the guide.
Though, you can't gain a human look no matter how hard you can transform
As if you can actually transform lmaooooo
So, you are forced to wear a mask and lots of long sleeved shirts, bandages, long pants, your coat, and/or dresses when you go outside with Ainz and Nabe in E-Rantel. Though you can't seem to take off your shackles off you.
I can see you and Evileye being acquaintances in heroes term. Other than that, she sees you as a gateway on trying to hook up with Ainz/Momonga and an interesting person. A strong mage always hiding behind a mask like her.
Though unlike cosmic demon eldritch mama, you don't gain a following. The last thing you want is idiots trying to summon you, despite saying a very hard no on accepting their praises and begging.
There is times where you go onto a blood frenzy uncontrollably out of the blue that Ainz had to put Demiurge and Cocytus in charge in containing your blood frenzy. If it goes out of control, then Ainz would reluctantly WILL and HAVE to put you out for himself.
So when the war happened between the two kingdoms, when Ainz was making everyone thinking he was an actual fucking monster. They all should be fearing you. You. Go. Nuts. With. Full. Intent. of. Excitement. For. Blood. And. Fear.
Before the whole war even happened, you and Demiurge were setting up the battlefield with traps, hidden demons/beasts, hiding poison containers somewhere in the water supply that will open at a specific time, portals from hell, etc. You are on full intent of destroying the kingdom with all of your might.
Just hope they don't get inside [Death's Parade] ok? :)
[Sibling's Rivalry] - Due to you having a connection with another player via email/phone number confirmation, you and your connector have now gained a new skill set [Sibling's Rivalry]. When in a 40 meter radius with your sibling, you have now gained an increase of 125% ATK speed, 45% AGILITY, and a 200+ MP boost.
[Blood Lust] - Every physical kill increases your ATK power by +15%. Maximum is +150% for 15 minuets. Though when passive, when not killing, the player will have a meter that will slowly goes up until 100%. If any kills hasn't occur,
[Death's Parade] - One time use, afterwards you must rest until [Death's Parade] can be used again. Upon use, within 75 meter radius of the caster shall turn into an arena. Those who inside the radius can not escape nor those outside the radius can join in. Multiple demonic summons and undead summons shall appear and will fight to the death to the players that are trapped inside. The arena will stay on until either the caster's MP reaches to 1 or the players inside the arena is dead. 145% ATK speed, 65% spell power, 145% casting speed.
[F. E. A. R] - Fear Energy Acid Radiation. Those who are not immune to the fear energy radiation or has consumed fear acid would now experience a multitude of nightmares and hallucinations until they have escaped the radiation or after 2 hours if digested. It is possible to die from [F. E. A. R].
[Tier 1/2/3 intimidation] - Tier 1 effects low leveled beings through 1 - 25. Tier 2 effects mid level beings through 25 - 75. Tier 3 effects higher level beings through 75 - 100. When under the intimidation, they will be frozen in fear for 10 minuets. Though if using a higher level fear on a lower level being it can have a lasting effect until turned off.
[Blood Cult Garbs] - 'Worship is meaningless when given prayers and offerings. What THEY need is blood to be spilled, screams to be heard, flesh being wounded!' 195% spell power, 145% casting speed
[Sacrificial blade] - 'This is a gift from the Gods...' A blade that has already taken the lives of many unbelievers and its willingly followers. Though it has been unwashed over the years of use. 175% life leech, status: bleeding, status: hemorrhage, status: infected
[Status: Holy Imprisoned] - Due the angelic shackles containing your sins, you have been now suppressed of demonic urges and have now gained morality and emotions. Though the older the shackles are, the harder it will stop the demonic urges and sins seizing through. Every time a demonic ability/spell has been mustered, the host will go through intense pain that will take 25% of their health, but will never go down to 0. -250% holy damage resistance, demonic damage nullified, status: imprisoned, -110% casting speed [Holy Imprisoned is inflicted by Angelic species that is the same level or higher than the host. Can be effected again.]
[Orb of Trickery] - Due to you now infused with the orb, you are now able to cast illusion spells, psychic spells, and hypnotic spells much faster with 3x of the effect.
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lady-wildflower · 7 years
Work and Income New Zealand
So, today my single dad, who is on an invalid benefit due to chronic back pain, needed to go into WINZ to verify if we could have another boarder. The hypothetical new boarder is his brother, who he hasn’t seen since before I was born and wants a fresh start from his life choices. 
Theoretically, this should have gone much easier. Last time, WINZ said that my cousin and her husband counted as one boarder, which meant we could have another.
Except this time, we were told that they were counted as two boarders.
Dad pointed out that the very person he was dealing with once told him they counted as one. This had also been backed up by two senior case managers.
Unsure, the inconsistency leads to the minister being called. Not the manager. The MINISTER. They tell them that they’re considered one boarder and that my uncle can move in without having to be declared as income. Before they called the minister, they seriously expected my dad to throw my uncle under the proverbial bus. My uncle is homeless right now, living in his car.
This in itself is not the problem. The fact they had to go to the minister to check is. This department’s left hand does not know what its right hand is doing. The communication is appalling, probably because the previous government slashed their employees by half.
Previously, my mother stopped paying child support because she had been made redundant. That took our income down by $140 a week. WINZ increased it by $71. Over the last few months, including the removal of child support, we lost over $160 a week. The benefit went up by $71. That does not cut it.
It probably makes sense financially for WINZ. But for us? Dad’s savings over the last two months was $75. That was ALL of his extra money. Over two months.
He’s not a student on a jobseeker’s benefit. He’s a physically impaired single father of two. It is fucking unacceptable that he is having to scrape by. If we get a big bill? He will have to start selling things just to pay the rent. His front teeth are falling out! He can’t afford to get a plate.
The way it is looked at by WINZ - so far as I know - is the most discompassionate way I can think of. How does this affect him? He can’t work. He has to struggle to get by with two kids! He has to maintain a property we’re renting so we can get the rent cheap. The landlord does not maintain the property because he told them he would maintain it with deductions to rent for materials. We live in a five bedroom house with two lounges. In Auckland, $600 a week for that is fucking revolutionary. Little three bedroom bungalows rent for more around here. Know how I know that? The one we used to live in up the road is going for $700 a week.
How does it affect us? When stationery time came around for my school, they said I needed a $90 calculator. My grandparents got it for me. My friends want to do something? I can’t go without feeling guilty as fuck for one of two reasons. Either, I am mooching off my friends for payment and I hate being a financial burden on them, or I am being a massive burden for my dad who has to make ends meet. I want a computer that isn’t crappy so I can pursue my interests effectively? Fuck off, no way we can afford that. We had to fundraise to get me a halfway decent laptop that still isn’t good compared to ‘normal’ computers. It is literally classified as ‘very-slow-computer’ by a rendering site I use. My old one? A piece of shit laptop which was 8 years old. It had 2 gigs of ram. There are phones more powerful than that. I want to buy Christmas presents for my friends? Nope. I can’t. And I feel guilty as hell for that, because they’re generous. I’ve already been given Dishonored by a friend and don’t see myself being able to get something in return.
I fucking hate being the one kid who can’t afford anything. I don’t want to be a financial burden on my friends and family! I can’t get a job because I wouldn’t be considered a dependent child and thus all my income would have to go to my dad to compensate for the reduction.
Sure, it probably all adds up on their screen. But in my dad’s wallet? At this point, barely.
He’s on a fucking invalid benefit. He should not have to scrape by to give his children as close to a normal life as he can. He has doctors surprised he can fucking stand. I should not be forced to forgo social events and my own projects/interests because of it. My brother should be able to pursue badminton as he wishes. I should be able to contact my dad while out in an emergency if it weren’t for the fact that we can’t afford for me to have a phone of any sort.
My dad is not a druggie, he’s not lazy. I don’t give a shit what preconceptions people have about beneficiaries. We should not have to scrape by to get a semblance of normal life.
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