#reply 🥘
hamatos-talk · 7 months
maybe you’re in some kind of limbo.. you’re dead, but you’re also.. not? in a way? like dead but alive enough to feel and touch and eat.. all those things.
He's definitely not in limbo... He did die, all of us did... But he's very alive, he just... Won't acknowledge it...
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Touch tongue to the roof of your mouth and mew
No 🙎
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hamatos-talk · 7 months
Don't worry, I mainly do it on single player. Also this room just is not roOMING- *constantly destroying and rebuilding the room over and over again* what is it missing??? Why is it not looking right? I swear, imma turn on my Herobrine add-on and summon him if this room ain't gonna be a room-
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hamatos-talk · 7 months
Dunno, brain no work
That's fair. You want anything in your pancakes?
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hamatos-talk · 7 months
What condition? *I look up at him*
You have to make the grunting noises when you swing like they do in real tennis.
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hamatos-talk · 20 days
*I sip at the water.* I think I wanna just. Go lay on the couch and sulk- that was my 2nd fail today and my ego is already low but two fails? Pretty much in a row???????? Yeah uhhhhh- imma be a potato on the couch
Couch potato time?
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hamatos-talk · 26 days
.... But then that'll make it soucy better y'know? Like a princess wearing a long gown to the ball. *I giggle.* I don't care if it don't fit right, we just gotta get the ✨vibes✨
*laughs* But it'll slip right off.
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hamatos-talk · 26 days
You are so beautiful! Now all we need is a dress for you and then you'll be the prettiest princess ever! *I cackle a bit*
*gasps, dragging you to his room* Like this?
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hamatos-talk · 27 days
I won't, don't worry. All of my friends hear me say cursed shit at some point. *I shrug, whiskers twitching.*
That's fair. But I'd never let you eat my babies. 🙎
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hamatos-talk · 6 months
*Pokes Mikey.* boop
*laughs, pooking you back*
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hamatos-talk · 2 months
Michelangelo Orange Hamato
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hamatos-talk · 2 months
11, 16, 29
11. Something on your wish list?
There's a concert I really want to go to... It looks cool.
Coffee .... But also the museum, I can't wait to go.
A bunch of baby stuff.
16. They say you can tell a lot about a person from the state of their desk... Do you have a desk? Can you describe it?
I haven't gotten to use my desk yet... So it has nothing on it.
Fabric trimmings... Pattern pieces... It's a mess...
An organized mess. Covered in pain and charcoal dust...
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hamatos-talk · 2 months
I'm a little curious, What things do you guys like most about your partners/mates?
Well.... 🧋 is sweet and soft. Her fur is so nice. Danger is strong and so easy to talk to.
Is everything an option? 🐦‍⬛ is literally perfect.
🐈 is... Always there. She's carrying our child too and it just shows her strength. ✨ is so sweet and loving. I know they're busy right now, but...
Tallulah is everything to me... She's my first and only love...
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hamatos-talk · 2 months
1, 28, 34, 29
Happy birthday turtles (and human) <3
Ask list
1. What do you like most and least about your own appearance?
I don't... Like my scars, people tend to be scared of me. But... I do like my arms.
I am a bit insecure about my thighs, but... I love my hair.
My scars... Especially a few of them that are pretty thick, that is why I have tattoos... I do like my hands.
28. What do you wear to bed?
Shorts ☺️
I normally wear a shirt and sweats. Nothing special.
29. Do you have a sex music playlist?
No.... Should I...?
No. But I've thought about making one.
Yes! It's a collection I've made, adding some suggested songs.
34. What is something non-sexual that turns you on?
My partners putting their hair up... 🤤
Being told how much I mean to them... Being complimented.
.... Grabbing my chin...
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hamatos-talk · 3 months
Oooo nice
Do you need a swimsuit? I've got a lot.
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hamatos-talk · 7 months
I sometimes do destruction, but not around people's builds....
Oh and sometimes I'll make like a 1 by 1 cube, fill it with water, place a command block under it, spawn a shit ton of fish. I mean, so many fish that when I hit the lever to stop the command block it takes a good few seconds to actually hit the lever. Then I break one of the side blocks. FISH CANNON. It's so much fun with puffer fish or the silly little tropical fish. *I speak while still building my ravine base*
What are you planning to use the fish cannon for...?
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