#requests open 🎀
bannythesillybunny · 2 months
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|| angel gabby icons ||
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kltira · 1 year
Hello! I do hope your having a fantastic day/night!
And may i say i do love your blogs style!
I do hope you dont mind if i drop a request in?
May i get Mukuro (Danganronpa, ) And Kaede ( Danganronpa ) with an S/O that carries their cat around to prevent their common panic attacks and anxiety attacks? Yet they do often get made fun of because of the cat since people think its childish-
I do hope its not too much to ask- i know its a little hard but i believe in you!
And i hope you dont mind that i am 🎀 anon!
-Signed with love by - @regular-ol-anon
Good luck and please take your time!
┊₊˚{☁️}  “Comfort Kitty” ₊˚꒦。
꒦꒷︶꒷ ꔫ Requested by...꒱꒱ @Anon 🎀 ( #cutiekittysender : Anon🎀)
ꔫ Fandom꒱꒱ Danganronpa
ꔫ Genre ꒱꒱ Fluff {100% sfw}
ꔫ Type and pairing꒱꒱ Imagines (x reader) ꔫ Featuring꒱꒱ Mukuro, Kaede, Hiyoko, Fuyuhiko, Nagito, Kokichi
ꔫ Pronouns꒱꒱ They/Them, GN reader
ꔫ Content Warning(s)꒱꒱Panic attacks, light angst, bullying, swearing, Danganronpa spoilers, minor yandere themes
ꔫ Summary꒱꒱ You carry your cat around everywhere! Including Hopes Peak. You have severe anxiety and when your significant other can't be with you 24/7, you need a companion so you're not living with constant panic attacks. Though...Some kids start making fun of you and calling you childish for having your emotional support animal with you. How will your significant other react to you crying at home because of the bullying?
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She was a bit different about getting a cat at first because of her job and sister and was afraid something bad could happen to it, but that wasn't quite the case. Though, she would do anything to make you happy, so she was content with getting a cat in the end of things.
Plus with her originally being an orphan anyway, adopting was something she always had her hopes on doing; a pet is a great way to stop!
She knew about your constant anxiety and did her best to help, but sadly with her job she couldn't be there 24/7, so she's glad you have someone to help you when she can't be there. It truly puts her worry at ease.
She grew to love the cat too, and was happy you were confident enough to bring it everywhere with you.
Though when she saw you run home crying with your kitten from school...She knew something was up and anyone who hurt you like this was going on her hitlist....But first she had to go and check on you!
You emitted sobs from your room. Your cat nudged against you, looking up at you; trying to comfort you. Normally this would help, but the issue was being laughed at for having the kitten. Since you ran home early because of the incident, your shared dorm with your girlfriend was just you and your cat since Hopes Peek was still in session. So who could this be? You slowly got up and sniffled. You tried to look sort of presentable, even though you were still very much upset. Opening the door, you looked up; it was Mukuro! Mukuro always had a very neutral expression, even when you started dating; but you could always tell her true expressions, anyway. She seemed worried, and you could figure out why. "(Y/N)? What happened...? Did you get hurt?" She questioned walking into the dorm room and lightly shutting the door behind her. Mukuro seemed extremally calm, she always did after all she deals with stressful situations being a soldier and all. Though, this calmness didn't mean she wasn't worried, she was always worried and caring about you. You busted out in tears again, jumping up and wrapping your hands around the other as you continued to cry into your girlfriends shoulder. Mukuro was a bit stunned at your sudden movement, but she hugged you back scooching over onto the ground just holding you in her arms for a minute. Your cat purrs and walks over to both of you, rubbing their face on both of you. "You don't have to tell me if you don-" Mukuro was cut off by you looking up at her and beginning to explain how you were getting bullied today and mocked for bringing your cat to school with you. "I'm so weak! I don't deserve to be an ultimate!!!" you mumbled into your lovers chest at the end of your explanation. Mukuro could only rub your back and leave a kiss on your head. "You're not weak my love, far from it. You don't deserve any of the words they dare say to you. I'll take care of them, don't worry." She said that last part more quieter than the rest. You sniffled and wiped away some tears and gave Mukuro a sweet smile, you honestly felt a lot better hearing her soothing voice ring throughout your ears. Your cat came up to you with a small meow while you petted the feline. "Thank you...I love you" you said to both your cat and your girlfriend.
The next day at Hopes Peak when you brought your cat, you were expecting the bullying to continue...Instead the kids that were making fun of you aren't anywhere to be seen. Just your girlfriend walking over to you and kissing you on the cheek as she walks you and your cat to all your classes. In reality, those kids were definitely checked off on Mukuro's hitlist.
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You and Kaede both agreed to getting a cat, as it fits both your cozy lifestyles
Your panic attacks always worried her, though Kaede was amazing when it came to helping you through them; she used to have performance anxiety so she gets the feeling.
Super happy you found another great coping mechanism to use when you get all stressed out.
Since you both went to different schools, bringing your cat for comfort really helps you get through the day
Though because of that the bullying started and today you just couldn't take it anymore
So here you were on the bathroom floor next to your cat that was trying to comfort you, crying your eyes out
Kaede bent down to your level, frowning. She knew about the bullying and always tried her best to cheer you up, and most of the time it worked. This time, you seemed to be too stuck in your own head. Kaede didn't know what to do but hug you and put her hands through your hair in the hope of soothing the tears pouring out of your eyes. "I just wish I didn't have anxiety..." you mumbled in between sobs, your cat just lying on your lap, also not knowing what to do. Kaede was speechless, her mind fumbling over how to respond, but she responded in the only way she knew how: through music and song.
Kaede slowly got up from the ground your eyes tracing her movement as she went over to the other room where the piano was. You rubbed your eye and sniffled, curious on what she was about to do. Your girlfriend started playing the piano, it was your favorite song! Your cat perked up and started to trail around Kaede's feat as she started playing. You smiled getting up and wiping dried up tears, her playing always made you happy and this time...It made you confident and cared about. "Thank you Kaede." you whispered just enough for her to hear once she finished her song. She nodded in approval before giving you a peck on the cheek.
The next day at school the bullying continued, but you were no longer letting it get to you. You were confident bringing your cat with you and simply ignored those who were bothering you. You always remembered Kaede's piano playing when you were anxious about having your cat with you all the time and it truly just made you feel better. Thus, because of your ultimate pianist girlfriend; you feel much better about having your support kitty!
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It was actually Hiyoko who wanted the cat in the first place since she never got to have an animal growing up
Of course you agreed, as cats are just the cutest and it would make a great addition to the family.
You always kept your anxiety pretty well hidden since that's just how you were, but you did notice when the cat was around it always helped your mind to be put at ease.
So you started carrying the little guy everywhere with you
Hiyoko didn't mind, she actually secretly thought it was so cute and was happy you both got along
You were only teased at school when Hiyoko wasn't around, since even the bullies feared to be bullied by her wrath
You never said anything as you felt it wasn't a big deal and didn't want to trouble your girlfriend
Though sometimes it was alot to handle and it stressed you out to the point you just broke down at school one day in the bathroom
Hiyoko waddled after you; she knew something was wrong, and she was absolutely right. "Huh? Y/N? What's wrong!?" She panicked as she hugged you close. Nobody but you would ever see this caring side to her, but she also didn't care if people saw it. Her focus was on you and only you. You sniffled and explained the mean things people had said to you and that it was just too much. She was surprised anyone would dare talk to you that way; you were perfect and the only person who understood her. She had a pouty face on; she was definitely not mad at you but rather at them.
"How dare those pig-faced bitches say anything mean to you? They're such losers, and how is it that they go this low? Hmph." She pouted, crossing her arms, and you giggled. The insults you thought were very creative and cute made you feel a bit better. Hiyoko smiled back at you and helped you up on the floor. Grabbing your hand, she started walking away with you before starting to speak once again. "Cm'on. I'm going to make them say sorry to you!" Your eyes widened; this is Hiyoko were talking about, so it's bound to be insults until they're crying apologies to you. Hiyoko knows how to hit all the weak spots.
You showed her the people that were being mean to you, and she crossed her arms, kimono draping. She looked pissed, and the bullies stopped in their tracks. "You pig-slut losers! You should carry a plant around with you to replace the oxygen you waste! Were you born this stupid, or did you take lessons? I’d slap you, but I don’t want to make your face look any better. Now, see that door? Say sorry and go to the other side of it." She spurted at them, and it seemed to work, as they quickly apologized to you and did as she said. Maybe they were afraid of the amount of bullying Hiyoko would have done if they didn't, as what she said was just a sample. Hiyoko pouted and then looked at you with a smile. "Now, wanna go and get candy? We can get cat treats as well!" She tilted her head as you nodded and smiled back at her.
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You already had your feline friend before you started dating Fuyuhiko
It was surprising to you how gentle and caring he was towards your pet. You didn't think he liked cats but he actually really does
You never really carried your cat around before your relationship bloomed, but your anxiety started to get bad and Fuyuhiko was always at dangerous jobs so he wasn't around alot unfortunately
Though when he is around, even though he's not best with his words he gives the best physical affection that always eases your mind
Honestly people were scared to even talk to you because of your boyfriend, but those unknowing of who your boyfriend was was quick to tease and pick on you. Not a good idea on there part
You didn't want to worry Fuyuhiko with this since he has enough on his plate, so you just silently sobbed to yourself when he was away
A few tears trickled down your cheeks while you were in your shared dorm. Your boyfriend was already gone for whatever the Yakuza had going on at the moment, and he wasn't expected to be home until much later. The bullying earlier really got to you and stressed you out; you weren't sure what else to do but cry and curl up in a ball. Your cat was in the other room asleep; you didn't want even your fluffy little fur ball to see you like this. After a few moments, the door opened quietly. Usually,  you would be taking a nap at this time, so Fuyuhiko probably thought as much. When your boyfriend walked in, you tried to quickly wash away your tears, but Fuyuhiko already saw the emotional distress you were in.
His eyes widened, he crouched down to your level, and he gave you a hug. "Who the fuck did this to you? Are you hurt?" He panickily asks, trying to be as quiet as he can to not scare you or make your anxiety worse. You nodded and sniffled, afraid to talk, but you knew it would only worry your boyfriend if you didn't. You took a deep breath, looked up at Fuyuhiko, and made eye contact. Soon enough, you were crying your eyes out, explaining your situation to your beloved. Fuyuhiko's eyes turned to anger. How could someone dare even say a word to you without his permission, nevermind say something so filthy? He took a deep breath, controlling his anger so as not to take it out on you. He kisses you on the lips lightly as you melt into it. "I'll handle it; don't worry, Y/N. I fucking promise you." He whispered into your ear.
The next day, you brought your cat to school as always, expecting the bullies to come and torment you again, almost forgetting Fuyuhiko's promise, until he tapped you on the shoulder. You turned around and smiled at him, pecking his lips with a kiss. He wasn't usually at school because of his job, so it was a happy surprise. "By the way, Y/N, Peko is handling those fuckers today, so she won't be here," he whispered into your ear as your eyes widened. It was a good day to have a Yakuza boyfriend!
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He says yes to whatever you want, you are his little hope bagel after all!
But.....A pet? After what happened to his dog he wasn't sure if he deserved to take care or even be around another animal; afraid his luck would do something to it
After a lot of convincing him that it'll be okay, you both agreed to get a kitten
You got a white kitten that looked very similar to Nagito in a weird way, it was comforting to think even when the short minutes when Nagito was away you still had a piece of him
So you started to bring the kitten everywhere with you!
Nagito also suffers from anxiety, so if anyone he understands it the best. He's overjoyed you found a great coping mechanism
Plus he doesn't think he's good enough to comfort you, so this also puts his mind at ease.
Nagito regularly got bullied at school, and it's usually you that would stand up from him but since you started bringing a cat with you...Things started to change
You're a really sensitive person and don't know how to deal with being picked on so you just start crying
Nagito was a clingy mess, so of course he was with you when you overheard some kids talking bad about you and your cat, and he was there when you started to tear up. Nagitos’ heart broke. How dare someone bring despair to his precious hope? You tried not to weep In front of your boyfriend, not that you were afraid to show weakness but the fact that you couldn’t stand him being a big worried mess about you. Your boyfriend stayed calm and took your hand and guided you out of the school. You didn’t ask what he was doing as you were ecstatic to leave the school and destress. Your cat was on Nagito’s shoulder, curious about how to make you feel better. You and Nagito walked to the car, Nagito in the driver’s seat and you in the passenger seat. He frowned, looking over at your saddened and stressed out state. You had no words as when you were upset and stressed; talking wasn’t a thing you did. Nagito hugged you close and tilted his head. “It’s okay, my hope. Everything will be okay. You’re so strong and beautiful, please don’t listen to their despairful words,” he said softly as your cat climbed onto your lap and curled up, purring. You pet your kitten, then giggle and pet Nagito's hair. Later that day, Nagito drove both of you home. He had a plan of how to handle those people who were picking on you, but for now, he decided to keep your mind off of it. Thus, you Nagito and your kitten all cuddles on the couch together and watched your favorite movie. “... I love you,” you mumbled to Nagito as you cuddled into his chest, snuggling your head into him. His face turned red with blush as you cuddled onto his chest.. You said this a lot to him, but he won’t ever believe he has such a hopeful, significant other that truly loves him. “I love you too.”
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Why do you want a cat? Isn't he good enough for you?
He would tease you, but all with love of course
At the adoption center of course he acted like a toddler looking at all the animals and pointing....
After an hour you adopted a black cat because Kokichi said it looked evil, but that was a lie as the cat was the sweetest thing to both of you
The kitty would always seem to make you happy just as much as Kokichi did. He had to admit he was a SLIGHHHHT bit jealous but he still was happy for your small little friend
Kokichi was either hated or loved at school, no in between, but everyone knew that you were his queen/king/royalty because he would talk about you ALL the time
So those that didn't like him...Well also didn't like you, but until you started bringing your cat around they had nothing to make fun of you for
You were used to teasing by Kokichi, but this is straight out bullying with the cruel words they said to you
Once the day ended you broke down, frowny face and all
You were off on the way to your dorms while walking with your kitten on your shoulder and boyfriend next too; you did this every day after your classes, but this time you weren’t as cheerful and you weren’t teasing Kokichi back when he made snarky remarks. He took notice of this but didn’t want to say anything in public with all the other ultimate’s walking through to their own dorms. Kokichi frowned before bringing you closer and taking your hand. He just held your hand on the way back to both of your dorms. Your cat went off to eat, and Kokichi grabbed your wrist with concern. “… What happened?” he asked in a worried tone, tilting his head. “W-what do you mean?” you acted dumb trying to ease your lovers’ concern. “Don’t lie to me, please tell me” a small tremble in his voice at this point; you just sighed and frowned before telling him everything that’s been happening and you started sobbing at the end of your explanation.
Shock swept over Kokichi. He knew people hated him and he couldn't care less, him and D.I.C.E would just prank them all the time anyway, but he draws the line of them messing with his queen/king/royalty. The rest of the night was filled with special attention from your little supreme leader. He was a clingy mess, and you loved it! He gave you many pecks on the cheeks and did everything in his power to distract you from what happened, besides he plans to have D.I.C. E give them the worst prank he can think of tomorrow, making sure they never dare make fun of you for having an emotional support animal again. While you both were cuddling, your cat wanted to join as it pounced onto the bed and curled in between you two, meowing and being a cutie. “See! It’s dividing me from my queen/king/royalty. I told you it’s evil!!!” Kokichi states, giving a pouty look to your cat. All you could do was facepalm at his shenanigans. He was such a loveable goofball.
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littlesillykitty · 2 months
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🐇-> Hoppy Hopscotch age regression stimboard !! 🗨-> With rainbow, scene kid and glowcore stims ! 💌-> Requested by Anon ! requests -> OPEN!!(Check pinned post before anything.)
⚡|🐇|⚡ 🐇|⚡|🐇 ⚡|🐇|⚡ Dividers -> 🍬|💗 The Hoppy bunny stimboard -> 🍬
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pinkmelodie · 7 months
Introduction to My Blog !!
Hii! My names Melody, I <3 COD, MK, Marvel, DC, rdr, Stardew Valley, Until Dawn & so much more, but those will be what I write about 😋 I’m new to Tumblr (I was a proud AO3 girlie….) so I don’t completely know how it works, so If anyone has any tips for me pls do tell ! Anyways my requests are open so send one in and I’ll try to get to it, tho I can’t promise I’ll be quick with them since I’m very busy and a professional procrastinator 🫡 ….but yeah! I hope you guys enjoy my fics <33
Blog rules:
I can write fluff, smut, and occasionally some angst 😙
I don’t write anything racist, homophobic, etc, or any type of non-con or zoophilia, it’s just rlly gross to me!
I can write canon x reader or canon x canon, but I can’t write male readers I’m sorry :(( I’m just terrible at it! Idk how you guys think 😞
No reposting of my work and claiming it as your own is allowed :/:/
Comments are so so appreciated! Even if you wanna point out a mistake I made or give me some constructive criticism, please do! I promise I won’t be offended, I love hearing peoples opinions on my writing and how I can improve C:
My tags:
#melo!writes for all of my fics <3
#melo!cod for my Call of Duty fics !!
#melo!könig for my König fics <33 (my love)
Tysm for reading! Have a great day all <3
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kodaswrld · 8 days
haii small announcement
i recently started making userboxes!!
if you need a custom userbox don’t be afraid to use my ask box or dm me for a private interaction. 🫶🏼
thankies for reading, ilysm
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angelicmutts · 1 month
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making horned creatures ,, if you want a spef type of horn reqs are open !! Will probably need a photo ref + color you want :3
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solarlunarsstuff · 6 months
SEND IN THE REQS !!! (pls)
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manidk1273 · 4 months
Hello 💞
Just so everyone knows, I do take requests! My asks are currently open<3
also, it's my birthday today:)
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gabatronnie · 5 months
,, request rules !!
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i highly recommend popping into this section of my page before submitting a request of any kind, breaking my rules can result in either me ignoring your request and/or blocking you. you’ve been warned.
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1. i only write female/fem aligned readers
i think this goes without saying due to the fact that this is a SAPPHIC blog, and considering i write only fem characters, yes, i only write for female/fem aligned readers. this blog isn’t necessarily a “men dni” blog, but i don’t really see why you’d be here when i don’t make content for you?? (and that’s not in a rude way) — either way though, i stick to fem readers!
2. be specific with your requests!
unless you want me to take creative liberties with your request (and even then, i’d like that to be specified), PLEASE take the time to get into the details of your request! don’t be afraid to be corny or elaborate, just say what you want in your request, that’s how you get the best result, after all! seriously though, i won’t judge you (unless it’s problematic), whatever your hearts desire is just name it, baby~
3. i do not write shit, piss, non-con, etc for smut
i think this doesn’t need much of an explanation, like cmon, i am not willing to and will NOT write sort of problematic pieces here. i am willing to go outside of what the norm is smut wise and try out some things, but what i am willing to do is put something on the internet that makes myself and others uncomfortable. anything of the sorts like listed above will be deleted from my ask box and blocked immediately. (the list above is not limited to but contains the following)
4. no yandere requests of any kind
i do not understand or enjoy yandere content, you do you, but personally you will not find that type of content here. i don’t understand it and it makes me uncomfortable reading, let alone writing about it.
5. please be patient whilst waiting for your request!
do not be afraid to ask questions on how the request is going, but please do not nag me or spam my inbox about the request, the more you do that the more it makes me not want to write it.
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this list only touches on my main concerns, this list can/will be added to, and do not find some shitty loophole to get what you want, cause frankly, ya won’t.
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© gabatronnie - don't translate, heavily inspire, feed my work to ai, or repost it on other platforms.
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thomashelbyswife · 7 months
M!! I hope you’ve been well!!
I was just staring at your latest gifset for like the past 5 minutes and was wondering….do you take requests?
They’re all absolutely gorgeous!! 😍
K! I've been well! I hope you're too! 💗
Aww i'm so flattered omg you're so lovely i loved making this gifset & yes i'm taking requests!
You can drop in whatever you may please 🥰 these past few weeks I've been wanting to open my requests for so long but I couldn't figure out how to make a post for that but yes, you best believe that they're open now!! I will make a lil announcement soon haha so be out for a lookout & tysm for the love, my dear 💋💋
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gender-darling · 1 year
okay .......... new tags all done ! The bitch you hated will get to coining as soon as kyu possibly can , okay ?
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cwlumbinas · 1 year
🎀 : writer speaking here !
"how do i make my request?" name the character and a color, and leave the rest to me !
i make layouts / bios of all animes / games / series !
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idesani · 1 hour
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kodaswrld · 9 days
good morning my baby vamps!
i sincerely apologize for having turned off my anon requests last night.. but i was getting bombarded with hurtful anonymous asks..
they have been turned back on as i know most of my vamps here like to be anon, hopefully i stop getting hateful asks & continue getting back my normal decor requests.. 🫶🏼
~ with love, mama koda
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angelicmutts · 22 days
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wordmoji reqs open
Hello beautiful people !! Requests for wordmojis are OPEN !! I'd like to make ones in irish specifically (please include translation), but any req is fine !! Feel free to ask, I dont bite (.. bites you /silly)
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tinylambnursery · 6 months
HAI!!! do you do requests? your graphics are BEAUTIFUL
HEYY!! im going to be honest at first i didnt want to because i was too nervous n thought my graphics like.. weren't good enough :,) but if people like them then i might be open to them!!! what did u have in mind? :o
and for future reference, i work full time throughout the week and dont have a whole lot of free time so weekdays may be slow if i were to open requests!
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