#resources .
koiiyumi · 3 days
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PNG's I found on PicsArt , f2u no creds needed
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putridosistema · 2 days
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͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ paper for edits ♡⠀⠀ ⠀ ♩ 💧☘️
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who's verifying Palestinian GFMs again? Where's a link to the big spreadsheet of verified fundraisers? I am straight up zoned out like 90% of the time I'm (doom)scrolling my dash so I haven't bookmarked the pertinent links or followed the pertinent blogs yet, and you seem *extremely* in-touch with this in a way I already should be. Thanks in advance and don't let the bastards grind you down
I've mostly been using the pinned post on @/el-shab-hussein's Tumblr
And there's also this list from @/gazavetters
The Butterfly Effect Project list
Operation Olive Branch list
I know there are still others doing vetting now too tho; there's another collective that uses oranges in their imagery that are legit, but I have awful memory so I can't remember their full names to find links for you.
But the above are what I use.
If you're just looking for blogs to boost/donate, this site only posts vetted gfms and randomly spotlights them so you don't have the pressure of choosing who to donate to either
Solidarity 💗💗💗
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dollywons · 3 days
hiiii 𓂃⊹
could you possibly make draculaura themed headers for behind my profile picture on my profile?
if not it’s completely fine but i love your work & decided to try an order ^,…,^
hi hii!! of course!, here’s your order of 𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒖𝒓𝒂 themed profile headers! I hope you see something you like ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ have a nice day pls! ♡︎
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free to use!! ♡︎ credit would be appreciated of course!! :>
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atimefordragons · 2 days
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800x450 #ffffff border (I can and will customize it on request)
might make more, might not. feel free to use, you don't have to credit me if you use it, but don't claim it as your own work. do not use if you are an anti-dany, a right-wing wonk, or if you are blocked for whatever reason.
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genderqueerdykes · 1 day
this may not be your wheelhouse and if so feel free to ignore but: do you know how to get past the sense of imposter syndrome wrt being punk? like. i'm punk, have always been will always be, it's objectively not debatable. but i've had to make some very un-punk decisions (ex. getting a degree and a normie job) in order to survive. and i haven't been well enough to do the work out on the streets or go to the venues in a while now. obviously i didn't magically become a poser, i still know the music, history, fashion, theory, etc... but i still kinda feel like a fraud :/ any advice?
you know, that's a pretty good question, actually, because i've noticed in a lot of alternative scenes, people really like to get uppity and make fun of people who are just getting into it, or may be into it for a while and then move on
i noticed it firsthand when i lived with other punks in a house venue. i saw probably hundreds of people filtering in and out of there over the course of months and a lot of conversations were leftist infighting and it just kinda became the same old garbage over and over again. some people have superiority complexes that make them feel "Above" everyone around them because they are counterculture. it can become a bit tiresome
what i would say, is that you cannot make decisions that line up with your beliefs/politics/etc. all the time. anticapitalists still need to make money. punks very well may need an established career in order to survive. people who live in food deserts have to rely on shitty companies in order to get their groceries and necessities. i don't think that makes anyone 'unpunk', fortunately, because despite how much we despise this capitalist hellhole, we can't just magically exist completely outside of it without engaging in every single thing we oppose
there's no reason why a punk can't be 'formally employed', so to speak, because not everyone is capable of living off of donations or running their own shop, selling zines, selling customized clothing, selling things they've grown ethically and organically, and so on. the thing is, is money moves so fast in capitalism that two weeks can easily break you. most people are one missed paycheck away from the worst situation of their life
as long as you actually follow through with what you believe and stand for in the areas where you can, that's what's important. as long as you behave in a way that doesn't oppress others, support your local community, participate in harm reduction events, or whatever your specific focus is on breaking down the structures firmly built around us to divide us, you are very much a punk.
respect for others, standing up for one's self, and other's when possible in situations where remaining peaceful is not an option, unlearning racism, trans/misogyny, transandrophobia, transphobia, lesbophobia, homophobia, intersexism, biphobia, and other queerphobic beliefs, learning to respect demonized and heavily oppressed people such as people of color, homeless people, addicts, people with personality disorders, people with schizophrenia, people with bipolar disorder, people with DID, people with OCD, people with autism, people with ADHD, and other neurodivergent and mentally ill people, and breaking down other internalized oppressive structures in your own mind to prevent perpetuating it, you've achieved your goal
the thing is is not every punk is a master of punk history, most punks are in the scene to meet with like minded people who very well may have other interests outside of the community that take up more of their time. many people don't have the time to read up on literature and zines because they live transient or busy lives. many punks don't listen to entirely punk music, some don't listen to any at all. i don't listen to a lot of music, due to being autistic and easily overwhelmed by sound, myself, so that is an area that i am not super versed in. i have very basic knowledge from sitting around and listening to other punks and their music, but i'm more focused on activism. but that's exactly the thing:
not every punk is an activist, either. you can wade as far as you personally want to into these waters. there are different kinds of punks, for sure, and that's not a bad thing at all. some folks are really passionate about music and want to spread a message that way, but may not have the time to become involved with local activist organizations. some punks are in it for the art. some are in it because they like each others company and personalities. some people like that there are a lot of trans and queer people in general in the scene so they find it a safe place to meet other queer people. some people like the casual atmosphere and ability to do whatever substances they want with other people in a safe environment without judgment, and around other people who have experiences with these substances. some people literally just dress alternative and like hanging out with other people who do and that's not bad, either.
all of these are okay things
as long as you acknowledge where you're at and not pretend to know more than you really do, you'll be fine. ultimately it means lot of things to a lot of different punks and just like any other identity, every punk will describe it slightly differently. i thought i was an outcast because i was the only real activist in that household, most other folks were there to be around like minded people who hate the way out society is run, and that's totally okay. if that's their vibe, that's their vibe. i can't tell them they're not punk, what would be the point of that? they play in and listen to punk bands. i'd be an idiot to tell them they're not really punk, you know?
you are the one who defines what punk looks like for you, as it is your experience. don't worry about someone else bothering you about it unless you've genuinely stepped out of line and said something potentially fascist, racist, queerphobic, etc. be open to genuine criticism but if someone gives you shit for not knowing some obscure detail about punk history it's not worth your time. i literally knew a punk girl who ran an anarchist reading club and she herself didn't read the book and just listened to everyone else talk about it and discerned her opinion from there.
punks come in all kinds- however:
THE ONLY WAY TO NEVER, EVER BE PUNK IS TO BE A NAZI, COP, OR OTHER KIND OF FASCIST. queerphobes, abelists, racists and their enablers aren't welcome either.
that's the main takeaway, if you ask me. i hope that helps, i have imposter syndrome with a few mental health things so i understand, it's a pain in the ass. if you have any more questions feel free to ask!
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bugsfavicons · 2 days
strawberry stuff
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bobathing · 2 days
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🍕 — gregory, fnaf rentry graphics
these are completely f2u :3! gregory render used here, art credit here, psds used 1 / 2 !
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koiiyumi · 3 days
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splatters + leftovers from previous post. f2u no creds needed
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whereismywarden · 2 days
Dragon Age Worldstates Template
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Hi there, everyone!
As we approach Veilguard's release date, I found myself in need of a place where I could keep track of all my different worldstates and the ever-growing number of OCs that come with them. So I created this little Google Sheets template, which you can find here!
For the most part, I based the list of choices on what's in the Keep and only kept the ones I judged were somewhat important. If you think I forgot to include something, don't hesitate to ask. (At any rate, I will update the template after playing Veilguard.)
You can pick multiple answers on the gender, pronouns, and sexuality lists. (Meaning your character can be an aroace trans lesbian who uses she/they pronouns if you so choose.)
For the ages, you only need to enter the age your characters are at the start of each of their respective games. The other columns will autofill.
Anyway, enjoy!
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jaegraph · 3 days
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wang jackson (( more ))
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mauesartetc · 28 days
Palestine fundraisers with easily-achievable goals
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By "easily-achievable", I mean in the 50-60K range and below. Once again, drawing from my pinned list of fundraisers, which have all been vetted by Palestinians on Tumblr (check that post for the proof next to each family name). I'll update this post just like the main list and the "under 1000 donations" list. Many of these are extremely close to completing their funding. Let's help get them there!
As always, donate if you can, reblog if you can't!
10K range
Aya's family Goal: 15K 1764 TO GO!
The Saftawi family Goal: 16K 1206 TO GO!
20K range
The Sami family Goal: 20K Half funded
Zaen and Yehya Goal: 25K 1/3 funded
The Ismaeel family Goal: 25K 1/3 funded
Ashraf's family Goal: 25K 1224 TO GO!
30K range
Ahmed's family Goal: 30K 1/3 funded
The Alnabih family Goal: 30K 3451 TO GO! No longer accepting donations
Issam Aziz's mother Goal: 30K 1812 TO GO!
Amira's family Goal: 39K 3/4 funded
40K range
The Hor family Goal: 40K Under 1/5 funded
The Abushammaleh family Goal: 40K 1/3 funded
The Shaqoura family Goal: 45K 2/3 funded
The Aburass family Goal: 45K 1/4 funded
Note: The Aburass campaign is in SEK, so the goal is technically 450K, but converted to USD it's closer to 45. Ultimately I decided to include this one since USD, CAD, GBP, and EUR will be more powerful here, and a huge chunk of the site's user base will pay with one of those currencies. The more hands on deck, the better.
50K range
Amal's family Goal: 50K Under 1/5 funded
(Reblogged) The Baalou family Goal: 50K 1/5 funded
Walaa's family Goal: 50K 1/4 funded
The Shorbaje family Goal: 50K 1/3 funded
The Aldeeb family Goal: 55K 3/4 funded
The Khalaf family Goal: 55K 1/2 funded
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momosane · 2 months
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Marcelat Sakobi of Democratic Republic of Congo, at the end of the women’s round of 32 boxing match against Uzbekistan's Sitora Turdibekova, made a strong gesture to raise awareness of the ongoing genocide in the DR Congo by placing her hand in front of her mouth and pointing two fingers at her temple.
Resources for Congo:
Friends of Congo
Panzi Foundation
War Child
Genocide Watch
A guide to the decades-long conflict in DR Congo
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Industrial mining of cobalt and copper for rechargeable batteries is leading to grievous human rights abuses.
An explanation thread from 2019.
Books on Congo.
Films for peace in the DRC.
Feel free to let me know of other resources to add.
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eggyolkperona3000 · 6 months
Master doc that contains different resources and support for many countries including Palestine, Congo, Haiti, Hawai’i, etc ((the creator is underneath the link))
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Link to the tweet: https://x.com/seaweedlagoon/status/1772449954046279818?s=46&t=s8SsfXh2OjpNRAj1OBxwqg
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weepingfireflies · 11 months
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People & countries mentioned in the thread:
DR Congo - M23, Cobalt
Darfur, Sudan - International Criminal Court, CNN, BBC (Overview); Twitter Explanation on Sudan
Tigray - Human Rights Watch (Ethnic Cleansing Report)
the Sámi people - IWGIA, Euronews
Hawai'i - IWGIA
Syria - Amnesty International
Kashmir- Amnesty Summary (PDF), Wikipedia (Jammu and Kashmir), Human Rights Watch (2022)
Iran - Human Rights Watch, Morality Police (Mahsa/Jina Amini - Al Jazeera, Wikipedia)
Uyghurs - Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP) Q&A, Wikipedia, Al Jazeera, UN Report
Tibetans - SaveTibet.org, United Nations
Yazidi people - Wikipedia, United Nations
West Papua - Free West Papua, Genocide Watch
Yemen - Human Rights Watch (Saudi border guards kill migrants), Carrd
Sri Lanka (Tamils) - Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch
Afghans in Pakistan - Al Jazeera, NPR
Ongoing Edits: more from the notes / me
Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh/Azerbaijan (Artsakh) - Global Conflict Tracker ("Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict"), Council on Foreign Relations, Human Rights Watch (Azerbaijan overview), Armenian Food Bank
Baháʼís in Iran - Bahá'í International Community, Amnesty, Wikipedia, Minority Rights Group International
Kafala System in the Middle East - Council on Foreign Relations, Migrant Rights
Rohingya - Human Rights Watch, UNHCR, Al Jazeera, UNICEF
Montagnards (Vietnam Highlands) - World Without Genocide, Montagnard Human Rights Organization (MHRO), VOA News
Ukraine - Human Rights Watch (April 2022), Support Ukraine Now (SUN), Ukraine Website, Schools & Education (HRW), Dnieper River advancement (Nov. 15, 2023 - Ap News)
Reblogs with Links / From Others
Indigenous Ppl of Canada, Cambodia, Mexico, Colombia
Armenia Reblog 1, Armenia Reblog 2
Armenia, Ukraine, Central African Republic, Indigenous Americans, Black ppl (US)
Rohingya (Myanmar)
More Hawai'i Links from @sageisnazty - Ka Lahui Hawaii, Nation of Hawai'i on Soverignty, Rejected Apology Resolution
From @rodeodeparis: Assyrian Policy Institute, Free Yezidi
From @is-this-a-cool-url: North American Manipur Tribal Association (NAMTA)
From @dougielombax & compiled by @azhdakha: Assyrians & Yazidis
West Sahara conflict
Last Updated: Feb. 19th, 2024 (If I missed smth before this, feel free to @ me to add it)
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copingchaos · 10 months
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Reminder that in Gaza alone, around 90-95% of the water supply is contaminated and unfit for human consumption...
If you dont believe israel is capable of this evilness (that they've been enforcing for OVER 50 YEARS) read it for yourself, from AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL
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