#responses to watchmen. like all of them Kind Of Are like Inherently but them especially you know
Charlton and Watchmen character comparisons are good and fun as long as the person making them actually knows what they're talking about. The problem is people are always just saying shit assuming Captain Atom hasn't had a appearance since the 60s despite him literally having been on the justice league
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evolutionsvoid · 8 years
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         Cyclos is a part of the species known as Slime Hags, an amphibious race of jawless creatures that are known for their ability to create copious amounts of slime. As a male of his species, he is much larger than the other gender, and lacks the dexterity that they possess. This is mainly because the males are usually the ones who hunt for food and defend their territory, and thus rely more on size and strength to function. During his younger years, Cyclos stayed with his tribe and was one of the many responsible for capturing prey and deterring intruders. At some point of time in his life (no confirmation when) Cyclos left his home and sought out for something new. He had grown weary of his day to day life, as something about it was lacking. Cyclos believed that what he truly needed was an education. 
         Though his gender lacked the finesse and tongues that the females possessed, he sought out a school that would help him find his true passion. Somehow, Cyclos' travels landed him in an academy, and he spent several years their studying in the subjects of writing and literature. What academy he attended is currently unknown, but many assume that it was one that was strong in the magical department. This is because Cyclos met Agatha, another Slime Hag, at the academy, where she had been studying the art of brewing and potion making. It is believed that since this academy specialized in mana and magic, that there had to be some instructor who could translate Cyclos' guttural sounds, and thus allow him to communicate to his professors and fellow students. During these years, Cyclos met Agatha and the two began dating (though Agatha has commented that the beginning of their relationship was a bit rocky at first). In the end, the two left the academy together, with Agatha having a deep understanding of potion making that would start off her career as a witch, and Cyclos leaving with a degree in literature.  
          After this graduation, the two were married and they made their way to the cave that they live in now. Now Cyclos lives with his loving wife, dwelling in the lower levels of their cave. He spends his time hunting for food, consuming intruders, aiding Agatha with potion making and working on his writing.       
            Attitude - Though large in size and ferocious in appearance, Cyclos has a sweet heart. He is not inherently aggressive and is a rather calm individual. When around people that he likes or cares about, he is quite friendly and does his best to be polite. Though he cannot speak in a coherent language, he tries to talk with others and enjoys chit-chat (though it requires Agatha for translating). This side of him is rarely seen though, since the couple lives in isolation. The side that many see is one that is quite fearsome. Due to Agatha's line of work, she has a lot of run-ins with thieves, desperate folk and other unpleasant individuals. In this instance, Cyclos plays the part of the monster, used to intimidate visitors and devour those who dare try to harm his wife. When an individual has threatened Agatha or has violated one of her key rules, she will send them down to his chamber. There he devours the offender and vomits out their sticky bones. Even when the visitor is not being served up as dinner, Cyclos' guttural growls can be heard from below, warning them of what could come. Since these are the only real people who visit them, that is all people know of him. The tales of a slavering beast within the witch's cave has spread for miles, and many see him as nothing more than a guillotine with a stomach. Little do they know that Cyclos is a living, thinking individual, and one that possess a degree in literature. Though he cannot speak in basic, he is quite skilled with his words, which often doesn't translate to outsiders, since Agatha has to sum it up to them. With his education and way with words, Cyclos has actually written a few published works. Since he is too big and clumsy for a quill, he dictates it all to a Slime Golem that writes it down for him. The finished manuscripts are sent off through a network a trusted clients and some are eventually published. What he has written is not known by outsiders, as he does not speak of the subject too much and he apparently writes under a pseudonym. One of the reasons he doesn't divulge this information is because he kind of likes the air of mystery it all has.              Relations - Cyclos' biggest relationship is, of course, the one he has with his wife. His marriage to Agatha is one that has lasted for many wonderful years, and there is no sign of it ever stopping. He cares deeply for Agatha and is in very much love with her. He helps her from time to time with her potion making, but mainly by eating victims and spitting their bones out for her to make more Slime Golems. He is also her anchor to reality, as there are times she gets so caught up with potion making and experimentation that she forgets things like eating and sleeping. He will watch over her and make sure that she gets food and proper sleep, even if he has to physically pull her away from the cauldron at times. He is also the one that gets her out of the cave from time to time, with the two sharing a walk together around their territory, just to get some fresh air. Cyclos has apparently written her a few love poems during their relationship. No one can really understand them when he says them out loud, but judging from Agatha's blushing, he has a way with words. Agatha does tease him from time to time about his use of big words and intricate speaking, but in a playful way. Often when translating for Cyclos, Agatha sums it up in the plainest way possible, putting it in "common words for the rest of the common people."             The only other person he really interacts with is Arnie Brachnum, who visits Agatha when his circus is in town so he can trade for her potions. Once their business relationship was established and Brachnum won the couple's trust, the ringleader became Cyclos' link to the publishing world. Since Brachnum travels around and does business with many folk, Cyclos saw him as the perfect way to get his writing out while remaining anonymous. When he has finished a piece, he will send it with Brachnum the next time he visits, who in turn will pass it on to fellow colleagues. Any money that is made from his works will be brought back to them through Brachnum, the whole system kept quiet since the couple don't want any more unwelcome visitors. The secret is safe with the couple and with Brachnum too, as Agatha made it very clear that she would cease doing business with him if the spider leaked the news. Cyclos is grateful for Brachnum's help and is quite polite with him, but the energetic ringleader can definitely grate his nerves from time to time. Especially when the spider keeps asking him to join one of his circus acts, which Cyclos finds quite offensive.             Subordinates - Like Agatha, Cyclos has control over a vast horde of Slime Golems. He can command any one of them to serve his desires and they will obediently follow. Cyclos is responsible for ordering around the Golems that serve as guards and watchmen, making sure that any trespassers are spotted and restrained. A small group of them are used to help prepare meals, as Cyclos is well equipped for catching food, but not cooking it. He also has a select few that he uses to help with his writing. These Golems are specially designed for maximum finesse and dexterity so that they can write properly, and also with minimum slime so that they don't drip on the pages. Any Slime Golem that is within Agatha's part of the cave are left under her command, as he knows that she is quite particular about things. Whenever Agatha has to leave for a business venture, or for ingredient collecting, he is left to watch the cave. In these cases, their home is under maximum lock down, as Cyclos uses every available Slime Golem to make sure no one disturbs Agatha's work while she is gone.               Abilities - Much like the rest of his species, Cyclos' greatest ability is to secrete copious amounts of sticky slime. This thick goo acts like a thick glue, which is perfect for trapping opponents and rendering weapons useless. Cyclos can regurgitate this slime from his throat, spraying a large area with a sticky wave. He mainly uses this in close quarters, when he needs to trap quick prey. For long range, he can fire large gobs from his nostril. His accuracy is not perfect, but the giant sticky glob only needs to be close enough to pin down foes and slow them down. When out hunting for food, he often uses this tactic to trap deer and other game. To go with this are his tendril-like appendages. These long thin hands are what he uses to manipulate objects and move stuff around. These appendages can be coiled into sacs near the back of his mouth, which then can be shot out at lightening speeds. This strike can catch prey off guard and quickly seize them in an iron grip. Though he lacks jaws, his mouth possess dozens of small, shredding teeth which he can pulverize prey against like a cheese grater. For smaller morsels, he can just swallow them whole, letting his stomach acids dissolve flesh and muscle. When he has finished digesting his victims, he will vomit out a gooey pile of intact bones. These bones are sent to his wife, who uses them to make Slime Golems. With this, he is responsible for devouring her foes or any customers who really irritate her. Even when eating dinner, any bones within the meal are regurgitated and used for more Golems.             Tools - Due to his large size and not so fine dexterity, Cyclos doesn't really use tools or weapons. With his slime and strength, he has more than enough to defeat foes and defend his home.             Weaknesses - As an amphibious creature, his body is constantly wet and slimy. This leaves him vulnerable to freezing or desiccation. Though his large body is good for crushing foes, it makes him a big target. Lacking scales or any kind of armor, his exposed body is easy to hit with cutting and piercing weapons. Smaller, quicker enemies can outmaneuver him, especially if he gets caught in small areas. His slime is his only method for slowing targets and pinning down foes, so if an opponent can eliminate it, his offensive capabilities are greatly crippled. Out of all of this though, is his love for his wife. If an opponent can capture her, he can easily be forced to stand down. He is afraid of her getting hurt, so he will do anything to ensure her safety.
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pm-man-matters · 8 years
Become A Man Of Meaning!
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“Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.” ~ 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
It is estimated that as of 2014, there are approximately 3,477,829,638 males on the earth.* Yet despite what the numbers might suggest, manhood today is long on theory but short on examples. That problem has especially been exacerbated in the African American community by the effects of societal injustices that have waged war on the spirit, the psyche and the very soul of black men for generations. A crushed spirit, broken psyche and debilitated soul risks leaving a legacy of the same brokenness left to fester and multiply to succeeding generations. You simply cannot violate the principle of sowing and reaping. A seed will produce only after its own kind. Brokenness begets brokenness; wholeness begets wholeness.
To break the spiritual code of brokenness inherent in the spiritual DNA of the perpetually crushed spirit, broken psyche and debilitated soul requires a mutation of meaning to dislodge the sullen state of meaninglessness that has infiltrated the soul and spirit hid behind the veil of physicality of what passes today for manhood. For manhood is not predicated on the outward physical presence of genitalia found between a man’s legs, but rather the inner presence and power of that which is found beneath the sternum on the inside of the very heart of a man. For it is with the heart, at the very core of a man, where authentic manhood originates.
The development and fulfillment of manhood is not the product of an accidental incident but a purposed process of spiritual growth. Manhood is not evidenced in the reproduction of children as a legacy. Real manhood is evidenced by the reproduction of meaningfulness that a man multiplies in his wake. Where he goes and who he encounters will be left with an impression that they have encountered a man on assignment, not just a man on a mission.The meaningful conduct of a man demonstrating authentic manhood will separate him from all other pretenders to the throne of manhood. By the sheer force of the love in his heart for his God, his woman, his children, his family and his community will influence the meaningful way he lives and loves. The richness of a meaningfully lived life will leave a legacy worth modeling and multiplying.
There is a definitive kingdom perspective that men are ordained by God to have and to walk in. I like to think of it as “kingdom swag.” Wherein women have as their benchmark the noted biblical example of the proverbial “Proverbs 31 woman,” men who would demonstrate true biblical manhood have their biblical benchmarks as well. Our ultimate example to imitate of course is Christ. Another one of those benchmarks is the simple two-verse passage that appears captioned above, 1 Corinthians 16:13-14. There is an unmistakeable watchfulness, standing, acting, and strength done in love that evidences authentic manhood. Authentic manhood has a certain rhythm or heartbeat: “kingdom swag.”
Primarily, manhood evidences itself by who and what it covers. What a man covers he watches over. He is the “watchman on the wall” on behalf of his wife, his children, his family and his community. It is no coincidence that God required of those males who would become His men, in the earliest days of their natural lives to have surgically cut away what covered that which outwardly identified them as males. For what ultimately makes a real man out of you, what evidences the fulness of authentic manhood, is an altogether different hood or covering than that which is physically circumcised: It is the spiritual covering of the Lord over the man’s heart that truly circumcises him as a man consecrated to the Lord. It is God’s watching over the ways of a man that brings a man into authentic manhood.
What would ultimately make a man out of a male, a gentleman out of a little boy, would not be his genitalia but the gentleness of his heart toward the Lord. For inside the hardened exterior of the “mighty man of valor” lies a gentle heart that only stiffens in response to and in respect of covering his woman, his children, his family and his community. Manhood would surrender its life to protect those which it dutifully and lovingly covers. Watchfulness will likely present times that necessitates a man to take a “stand firm in faith.” In the midst of every threat to his well-being, manhood takes its stand for righteousness and justice sake. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “If a man hasn’t discovered something he will die for, he isn’t fit to live.” That is what it means to demonstrate authentic manhood.
In the African American experience, existential threats to our women, our children, our families, our community at large and to ourselves have been a never-ending daily part of our lives in America. These daily threats to our existence are the legacy that we have been left with since we landed on North American shores in chains from out of the dungeon holds of slave ships beginning in 1619. Hostility towards us, especially as the covering and “watchmen on the wall” on behalf of our families and communities, can too frequently engulf us in a hardness that can hamstring our own humanity. To be a black man in America has largely been reduced to our being stereotyped as bitter, angry and prone to violent criminality as a display of faux strength in the face of often real deadly opposition. To “act like men” is to evidence strength and to “be strong” certainly, but there is a particular kind of strength that evidences authentic manhood. It is not that over-hyped, testosterone-centric, cultural phenomenon popularly known as machismo or thug life that makes for authentic manhood. No, the variety of strength that best evidences authentic manhood is meekness. “Say what?,” you say. I didn’t stutter, I said, “meekness.”
For all the strength that he displayed as the defender and liberator of his people, it is written of Moses, “Now the man Moses was very meek, more than all people who were on the face of the earth” (Numbers 12:3). Jesus, our seminal example of manhood under the complete consecrated control of the Almighty Spirit of God, described Himself saying, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls” (Matthew 11:29 KJV). An overview of the earthly lives of these two consummate biblical examples of manhood should be enough of an endorsement for this variety of strength to be striven for by men whose aim is to live meaningful lives that demonstrate authentic manhood.
Biblically, the word translated “meek” means power under control. Such a variety of strength is the epitome of authentic manhood. The word for “meek” in the original New Testament Greek is antithetical to any sense of weakness that the word “meekness” might otherwise convey to the ignorant and ill-informed rendering of the same word in our English. Much to the contrary of any present weakness, meekness describes a condition of the mind and heart, and as “gentleness” is appropriate rather to actions, the meekness manifested by the Lord and commended to believing men is the fruit of absolute power. The common assumption is that when a man is meek it is because he cannot help himself; but the Lord was “meek” because He had the infinite resources of God at His command. Described negatively, meekness is the opposite to self-assertiveness and self-interest; it is equanimity of spirit that is neither elated nor cast down, simply because it is not occupied with self at all.
In 2 Corinthians 10:1 the apostle Paul appeals to the “meekness… of Christ.” Christians are charged to show “all meekness toward all men,” Titus 3:2, for meekness becomes (beautifies or enhances) “God’s elect,” Colossians 3:12. To this virtue the “man of God” is urged; he is to “follow after meekness” for his own sake, 1 Timothy 6:11, and in his service, and more especially in his dealings with the “ignorant and erring,” he is to exhibit “a spirit of meekness,” 1 Corinthians 4:21, and Galatians 6:1; even “they that oppose themselves” are to be corrected in meekness, 2 Timothy 2:25. James exhorts his “beloved brethren” to “receive with meekness the implanted word,” 1:21. Peter enjoins “meekness” in setting forth the grounds of the Christian hope, 3:15. Meekness, seen from a biblical and kingdom perspective, is a weapon of definitive strength to be wielded with the deftness of a skilled assassin.
Meekness is the strength employed by authentic manhood. For not only is meekness power under control, but it is the One whose control it is under that gives it its power. Meekness is power under the control of God who is love. Put another way, meekness is a strength that is exhibited by a power under the control of pure, absolute and resolute love. Authentic manhood then exhibits a strength of character that produces actions under the influence of selfless love. Love is the legacy that authentic manhood leaves. Against all odds, men of meaning governed by meekness make a difference and leave a legacy that makes them unforgettable. Become a man of meaning, aspire to greatness through Christ-like meekness. “Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5). Remember, meekness is not weakness. Perspective Matters…
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* Statistics cited from cia.gov.
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