#resulting in more consistent (and realistic) gameplay
pathetic-gamer · 6 months
my favorite ongoing tradition in the fire emblem subreddits is new people showing up to ask why the displayed hit rate %s never actually add up (e.g. a 90% hit rate hits more than 90% of the time while a 20% hit rate hits less than 20% of the time), because they invariably get two answers:
someone explaining mathematics behind double-RNG and how it makes for a better player experience psychologically so while the devs obviously want to provide a challenge that still has some degree of luck, they also want people to not rage-quit, and
someone saying it's bc it's funnier that way
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qcellbit · 11 months
if theres one thing ill never complain about its how cellbit plays his character. months ago he said he hates fan service and it really shows in everything he puts into the qsmp - qcellbit feels so tangible! i really admire how realistic and consistent his behaviour and reactions are. his backstory was purely accidental built off years of unconnected fantastical machinima and non-rp gameplay and as a result of that itd be really easy to slip into an overexaggerated persona made up of disconnected tropes (the cannibal with the split personality, the shivering demure tv depiction of ptsd), but he doesnt! qcellbit has dissociative amnesia. qcellbit values his scars and the white streak in his hair because without them the events that caused them wouldnt feel real. qcellbit subconsciously treats his son more like a little brother and a best friend than his child. literally everything he does and says makes perfect sense with his history taken into account in a way that is so refreshingly grounded. its always been so enjoyable to watch and its the reason hes been my favourite character in fiction for months
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vampire-connoisseur · 3 months
I decided to actually find out what the coffin of andy and leyley is all about and I gotta say it's a lot tamer than I expected. you all made it sound really taboo and hardcore but it was mostly just chibi murder and cannibalism. spoilers ahead.
I know a lot of fuss was made about the incest plotline, but it was all very clearly portrayed as the result of a longstanding toxic relationship. ashley is unambiguously evil, being called a "tar soul" by the demon and failing to perform remorse over their first accidental kill, while andrew is regularly guilt tripped and blackmailed into maintaining even a platonic relationship with her. the romantic side of their relationship is cultivated by their shared crimes, with cannibalism especially standing in for indulgence in their desires for each other, especially on ashleys side.
their three month isolation and the scorn with which the rest of the world treats them due to their possible infection lead them to become even more dependent on each other and lose the moral reinforcement that comes with living in a society. the same way their hunger drives them to turn to cannibalism, their human desire for companionship drives them to seek out more and more from each other.
in fact, if you go the decay route, andrew will refuse to eat the parent soup as he closes himself off to ashley. their hatred for other people and their disregard for taboos and human life repeatedly push them closer to each other, paralleled by ashley performing affection for andrew to torment their mother before the ritual. again and again, their romance is tied to plainly immoral acts. the anti-ship stance that its wrong to portray immoral actions without condemnation should call for this game to be celebrated as an example of a story handling abuse, manipulation, and incest right.
anyway, i've really enjoyed the game so far. the soundtrack is interesting, though it mostly consists of a few simple, looping tunes, and the art style is striking and effective. the portraits are expressive and the environments are cozy in a dystopian sort of way. the gameplay mostly consists of walking around and interacting with objects or at the very least commenting on them, and picking up items to solve simple puzzles. it's a little frustrating that you cant interact with items until you walk your sprite over to the place they will be used so andrew or ashley to comment on their need, and some of ashleys dream puzzles really start to drag on, but it's nothing egregious.
the story is well told, with distinct and consistent personalities for both of the leads as well as many of the background characters. ive heard a lot of praise for the dialogue as "realistic sibling banter" before it leans into the romantic side of their relationship, which I cant really speak to, but the dialogue is indeed fun and flows well. the story outside the developing relationship of the two siblings is dark and silly, with typical less-than-solemn dystopian elements as well as one-off comic relief characters. the complexity is mostly reserved for andrew and ashley themselves, with some form of tension building between them throughout the story, depending on which route you choose.
either way, its an engaging journey. it stands out in its genre for its pacing and attention to detail. im not very observant at the best of times but even I noticed a lot of parallels used to build the central story, and the gradual, consistent buildup of their relationship across multiple games and even multiple routes with different dynamics between the characters is impressive.
one small thing I noticed was that their parents' table had only three chairs, leaving ashley to pull up a stool. three chairs is fine for a two-person household, and it wouldn't be odd for ashley, the youngest, to be expected to make do. yet her hesitance to participate in the conversation for fear of contradicting andrew is uncharacteristic of her as such a reckless person, and the detail clearly stuck with her enough to be present in her dream. the pink rabbit falling out of the chair while the green one can sit in it just fine drives it home: she doesnt feel welcome at their table. thus, consuming the parents who excluded her with andrew at that same table takes on a new emotional meaning to her.
overall, its strengths are its well told story and stylistic identity. its main weakness is probably the gameplay itself, which borders on dull but is regularly broken up with banter and comedic relief. so far it seems enjoyable and definitely worthwhile.
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miloscat · 7 months
[Review] The Last Guardian (PS4)
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Ico 2 & the Colossus.
The Last Guardian (bad name) had a messy development, with Team Ico working on the game since 2007. Struggles with the PS3 prolonged its gestation, and Team Ico disbanding and leaving Sony can't have helped. But Director Fumito Ueda formed a new studio, GenDesign, with many of the former staff, and they decided to continue collaborating with internal Sony studios to finally get the game finished in 2016.
I feel like knowing this game was in development hell for almost a decade helps me understand some things about the final product. The movement and mechanics have the same kind of clumsy jank that Ico and Shadow of the Colossus do, but somehow it doesn't hang together as well. The big new gameplay ideas end up in player frustration way too often. The overall story is full of enticing mystery but leaves off with too many lingering questions.
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Describing the game as Ico 2 fits it well, I think. You're a little boy (unfortunately nameless this time) clambering around an old mysterious ruined castle solving puzzles to proceed through the environment, and avoiding capture by . This time instead of an enigmatic girl as your companion (or a horse, in SotC's case) you have a gryphon-like creature named Trico. A more apt comparison might be the Anzû of Mesopotamian mythology, as there's other inspirations from that culture in the looks and plot (thanks to my friend Gibbon for pointing this out). Sidenote, Trico is usually referred to with male pronouns, which breaks the pattern of male protagonist and female companion in the previous games. And yes, I feel like constant comparisons are warranted with this series since there's a fairly distinct throughline.
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Anyway. The Ico continuity is clear, while Trico represents a kind of friendly Colossus, as you often have to climb on them... and try to manipulate their wilful behaviour the way you had to in some Colossus fights. A key technical goal and talking point of the game is Trico’s realistic animal behaviour… well and good but having a character you rely upon be consistently recalcitrant and obtuse did not make for a consistently enjoyable gameplay experience for me. You soon learn to issue commands to Trico and while it can be thrilling to ride them around and fight alongside them, the delays and misinterpretations really added up to frustration for me more often than I’d like. Add to this that it’s not always clear what you have to do next, and that progress sometimes looks like failure in this linear story-driven game, the result can be confusion.
The dynamic between the two is the heart and soul of the game, so when it breaks down you can feel helpless. But when it works it’s incredible, this big feathery kitty coming to trust you and helping you solve puzzles, while you work to heal Trico’s hurts and traumas. This is a really strong concept that the whole game is built around, it’s only let down by some clumsiness in the execution.
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As you venture around these crumbling chambers and towers, there are a few optional things to find. Trico is fed via glowing barrel; they attract glowing butterflies of the same colour so I figured that’s what they contain but the truth may be more sinister. Finding out-of-the-way rooms with barrels adds up to costume unlocks… a limited form of cosmetic customisation that sadly is only enabled for subsequent playthroughs. Unless you’re planning on multiple runs, you’ll have to settle for finding them being its own reward. Especially when you can’t get Trico to eat the damn things, or your discovery of them gets reset when you die on a platforming section.
The Last Guardian (still a bad name) is an uncut gem, it could have been so brilliant if not for the roughness that pervades the experience. As with its two predecessors it has strong art direction, the ancient land you find yourself in the perfect place for an adventure full of mystery. But with as many cool and interesting ingredients as there are, there's aspects that are clearly not ready for primetime even after so long in the oven (to mix a metaphor). Even things like Trico's appearance I feel are representative of the game as a whole: they worked hard to give each feather individual rendering and physics, but look at it as a whole and it's a big flapping mess. Eight years on, TLG doesn't seem to have had the impact and staying power as Team Ico's other games have, and that's a shame... but I understand why.
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bridgeportbritt · 11 months
Storytelling Poll Results
Hi! So recently I did a couples polls to see how we feel about the new way I'm telling my story which is basically storytelling vs. gameplay or some kind of mix.
This is a long post and I'm sure not that relevant to everyone so my thoughts are under the cut!
Poll #1: I love how the winning option was that you don't mind either.
I just appreciate the support from you all! It warms my heart and keeps me going. Okay back to the poll. From my perspective, while I love both styles. It's been a lot more fun and easygoing to do gameplay. With storytelling, I felt a lot more structured and limited to posing (which I don't love to do). My story started as a gameplay so it's felt good to get to my roots.
But, I of course, want to acknowledge the few folks who prefer the storytelling way which was the second highest voted option.
I also got an awesome ask that affirmed that my storytelling is appreciated which made my day. I definitely don't plan to abandon my story in anyway.
Poll #2: I asked a second question to dig deeper. Pretty much everyone picked, the story flow is better with storytelling.
I will also say to the few folks that voted for more frequent updates. I understand! I was definitely more consistent with storytelling. But, you know life has been lifing so I haven't quite been able to keep up. I definitely think posting daily like I used to just isn't realistic for me. But, I think as we get into fall/winter, I'll be able to be more consistent so yay! I will also add that gameplay is much easier for me so it's helped me post even through my hectic schedule whereas if I were storytelling, I probably would have just taken a hiatus.
So, back to the winner of the second poll. I honestly wasn't sure how or why the story is feeling like it doesn't have as good of a flow as it did before.
But, I did get a great ask that clarified some of this for me. I definitely do not want my story to lose it's flow. I think a large part was just me figuring things out. But, I think you'll find in the coming days that things are getting more structured as the plots continue to come through. I've even done a bit of outlining that is manageable but not restrictive. So, thank you for your feedback!
Overall, I think my story will be a mix of both. My storyline and plots are not going away. We have to see what happens with Ella's love triangle, what happens to KBE, and how Diana deals with the genetic defect issue running through her family!
But, I also want to incorporate the fun things that happen in gameplay and use it to help me plan things out and rely less on posing. So, I hope you guys enjoy where it's headed! I may ask this question later on to get more feedback! But I will say I'm very jazzed about my story again and excited for what's to come! And I really do appreciate you for sticking with me! <3
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askagamedev · 1 year
Why is it so difficult for dissatisfied Pokemon fans to transition into other similar games? Especially when there are indie devs who cater to their needs
It's probably the same reason that dissatisfied fans of other major franchises have difficulty transitioning to other similar games - the things they dislike about one game, while important to them, aren't as important overall as all of the other things they do like. It is more comfortable for most players to play Pokemon (or Call of Duty, FIFA, GTA, or whatever major franchise) and complain than it is to actually step out of their comfort zone and play a competing game - especially if that competing indie game doesn't have the breadth of features or production value of Pokemon.
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Industry leading games like Pokemon aren't small undertakings. There's a huge amount of work that goes into each and every pokemon game. Without similar budgetary backing and experience in the field, a competitor can't realistically build out similarly competitive feature sets. It goes further than this, though - Pokemon isn't a stationary target. Every new mainline game release brings new features, new gameplay, new story, new regions, and also brings back plenty of nostalgic content as well. Furthermore, new Pokemon games get built with all of the technology, tools, and expertise of the predecessors - they have a lot of collective experience building Pokemon games that a new competitor would likely lack. All of these factors put together means that any competitor aiming to take down the leader is not aiming at a stationary target, but a moving target - one that has a lead and is continuing to push forward. This is what makes industry leading franchises so difficult for a "killer" competitor to dethrone - it requires a tremendous amount of effort and resources to catch up to, let alone surpass, a market leader.
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There's also the mentality aspect of things - human brains tend to dislike change quite a bit. The percentage of players who threaten to quit a particular game and actually follow through is significantly smaller than the percentage of players who quit playing for other reasons. Much of the time, even if the player does switch to a new game, the overall scale of the changes to adapt to and inability for competitors to produce the consistency, production value, and scope of content that the franchise leader can usually results in the player returning to the original franchise at the next major product launch. These players often enter a leave/return cycle, where they'll play for a while, leave, and then return at the next major launch.
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leam1983 · 1 year
Trepang2 - Thoughts
Monolith's F.E.A.R. really is something that Time swallowed up. Try and imagine the concept of a no-holds-barred first-person John Woo bulletfest in the context of today's stop-and-pop shooters and arena-clearing Boomer Shooters, and you'll realize the whole concept of it is an outlier.
It's dressed in Tacticool and heavily grounded weapon designs, everyone you shoot looks and feels like you'd imagine PMC members would look and feel and you could almost excuse the game for looking like a series of drab Call of Duty Deathmatch maps - but the gameplay is now wholly non-standard. There's no ADS, with accuracy solely being the domain of your twitch skills and your character's Bullet Time shenanigans, and the game's AI harkens back to times where we thought that soldiers being reactive was revolutionary.
In application, this unfortunately means that most grunts are grenade-spammy and that the game tries to consistently keep you on your toes. It'd be a problem, except you can powerslide with six degrees of freedom along the ground plane and can launch even heavily-armored grunts into the stratosphere before peppering them with HV ammo. The end result is that you're the meat grinder, so to speak. What goes in is an endless procession of Ooo-rah-spouting, Semper Fi rejects all implied to have been dishonorably discharged, and what comes out is sometimes hilariously terrified gnats in heavy armor who realistically go from surgical strikes against you to cussing you out to, well - more or less shitting their pants while calling for backup that never arrives.
As to why it never arrives? Well, you've mostly killed everyone else on your lonesome. You're Asterix and they're Romans covered in low-vis, million-dollar-a-pop tacwear that's rendered utterly useless against your time-bending Bullet-Fu. What's particularly hilarious to me in the context of the game's near-future setup of crimes against scientific morals in the name of creating cool supersoldiers is that the main Evil Megacorp of choice is implied to be Canadian. Multiple combat maps are set in Canada, and TREPANG Studios themselves are also predominantly staffed with Canadian members.
I'm sorry, but the most evil megacorp I know in Canada is Power Corporation, and its biggest crimes amount to giving a platform to right-wing douchecanoes in West Coast newspapers. Genetic experiments and superhumans gone wrong does not seem especially plausible, let's say...
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onesunofagun · 9 months
With Zelda, I think you gotta acknowledge that-- not from a place of ineptitude or lack of care-- the Devs have always been like:
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Which is fine. But also, without throwing out the canon details given in the games themselves, I think you gotta be able to take that as free leave to gather up all the franchise materials and be like:
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In both a critical and joyful way.
I think if Zelda makes you feel critical more than not, maybe it's not all that good for you to engage with it. I imagine that there's probably a lot of people like that, who kinda like the vibes or were players in their childhood but don't really want to engage the actual media, who are more comfy in the sub-fandom space of heavily reimagined Zelda fanworks. The way I see that is, they're curating their experience heavily.
I'm a fan of the core and official franchise materials mostly, but from my perspective-- there is a lot of lore to play with, and there are intended and interesting themes all over the place. There are a lot of connections that are there on purpose. There is subtext to find. There are a few overarching tales that do have some masterful craftsmanship behind them and they aren't happy accidents fans make up. These things are canon, they are cornerstones that help make the franchise overall fantastic. I think the Zelda team have been consistently passionate and skilled people throughout most of the franchise who produced excellent works.
But not all things intended are good, and not all good is intended, and sometimes there's unhappy accidents, mishandling, biases, and questionable themes and messaging too. There are intended connections that have negative implications. It also doesn't mean that there hasn't been a decline in quality in certain games or glaring issues in others.
Both can be true.
Being realistic about the issues and talking about them is important, but I think some slide entirely into a habit of accepting really bad faith takes at face value. I think that loses a lot of the usefulness of effective critique-- which isn't supposed to be a solely negative thing, on its own. It goes both ways.
In a franchise that hugely centres itself around player investment and interpretation, while also not prioritising the narrative intention over gameplay experience as a whole because of this, sometimes there are roads that lead nowhere in terms of overall story. This can be both a disappointing thing, and a good one. Because I, as the fan, am invited to fill them in, and sometimes that's also clearly part of the intent-- and I don't see that as me doing some kind of heavy lift. If I felt that way, I probably wouldn't be a fan.
Regardless of whether people appreciate that approach or not, I think it's important when engaging with media that we can identify when this is the case. Like when something is a conscious choice and when it's not. Whether or not something is actually a failure or weakness of structure in the media itself, or if there's a different reason for a feeling of disconnect in reception. Because there's a difference there between dissection of the meta in how something is presented and why and what the result was, versus criticism or deeper analysis of its conception and construction and chosen ingredients.
One examines reception and impact of the final product -- which is a critical part of the discussion in Zelda especially given its larger reliance around the player interpretation-- and the other looks at the mechanics of how it came to be that and why. Those are deeply related, but also very distinct, focuses in these discussions.
I think if I start lovingly pulling apart Zelda, it's important to me that I have a clear idea of which mode I'm in.
Y'know what I mean?
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The Rise of “Movie Games”
   To say that video game storytelling has come a long way is a tremendous understatement. Remember back thirty or so years ago when the “plot” of a game was just an excuse to give the player an objective? Nowadays, the writing and presentation of a game’s story is often taken just as seriously as the actual gameplay, if not more so. Cinematic games are on the rise, and advancements in technology like motion-capture are causing the differences between game and film development to be outnumbered by similarities. Video games are such a unique medium, able to accomplish things that others cannot, and combining them with the medium of film creation and storytelling is a fascinating and increasingly popular concept. I’ve found a few excellent examples of “movie games” that each showcase ways that games are becoming part of cinema in their own right, and together prove just how far games have really come.
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   Every now and then, movies will feature scenes shot in a single, long camera take. For a full minute or even longer, the camera moves around the set without being interrupted by cuts, for a difficult yet spectacular final result. It’s arguably even more difficult to pull off in animation, considering the animators all have to work together on the entire scene at the same time. Now, take that idea and extend it to an entire 50-hour-long scene - that’s God of War: Ragnarök. The full game has the most impressive cinematography I’ve ever seen in a game, which might even be more noteworthy than any long take in a live-action film because of how seamless the camera moves between cutscenes and gameplay. When the camera is often controlled by the player, keeping it consistently uninterrupted and smooth takes incredible talent from both the game’s programmers and director. To add to the cinematic feel of the game, every character is animated entirely by motion-capture, making the characters feel more like actors on a stage rather than just hand-animated character models.
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   Taking the idea of motion-capture even further, Detroit: Become Human is about as close as it gets to a full live-action game without actually being live-action, largely thanks to mocap magic. Every character is modelled to look exactly like their voice actors, who also perform the motion-capture for a complete live-action feel. On top of the realistic graphics and excellent acting, the choice-based nature of the game makes D:BH closer to an interactive movie than a video game. Many choose-your-own adventure games can feel clunky and inconsistent due to allowing the player to control certain character decisions that clash with the rest of the writing, but D:BH is impressively consistent with any choice made by the player thanks to incredibly intricate programming and quality writing. Watching this game makes it easy to see why there is a growing overlap between game writers and film writers - the screenplay of this game could be mistaken for a film, and could very well be adapted to film with almost no modifications.
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   Is the screenshot above taken from a game, or a new Pixar movie? The fact that it’s nearly impossible to tell will never not impress me, and that’s just the beginning. Despite what some might say, animation has just as much of a place in cinema as live action - animated films can tell some of the most emotional and moving stories ever in a short few hours (and if anyone disagrees, they haven’t watched Toy Story 3), and Kena: Bridge of Spirits does exactly that. The only difference is, instead of a bucket of popcorn, you’ve got a controller in your hands. Kena has an incredibly touching story told through a cute, charming and downright gorgeous artstyle, combined with whimsical orchestral music and adorable sound effects that make the game feel as close to a playable Pixar movie as it gets. You could pop a walkthrough of this game in front of a theatre audience and it would probably be a while before they realised they were even watching a video game!
   Looking at these games and all the technology and tricks that go into making them, it’s fascinating to see how far things have come in the past 50 years or so. Advanced cinematography, motion-capture and incredible animation, all held up by genuinely emotional and engaging writing that puts plenty of best-selling films to shame, makes me honestly believe video games are just as important to cinema as any movie or series. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this - do you agree, or do you think games aren’t quite there yet? Feedback is greatly appreciated, alongside reblogs and likes!   Thanks for reading!
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undertheopensky · 2 months
One bonus of insomnia: I finally finished Spirit of the North!
I purchased this in 2021 while trapped at my sister’s house, unable to go home for two months during Covid lockdowns, but didn’t get very far into it. I just didn’t vibe with it, since at first it’s very much a walking simulator, and with no dialogue it sits somewhere between confusing, alarming, and depressing in the initial chapters.
However, unlike another game that came out around the same time featuring foxes and a lot of walking, this had actually gameplay! Exploration and platforming form the basis of the core gameplay loop, and while it’s not unenjoyable, it can be a little frustrating. One of the main side quests is finding an object to bring to a specific location, neither of which tend to be obvious until you’re right on top of them. This led to a fair amount of hunting-for-significant-looking-places and gridsearching. It was engrossing, at least.
Now, the controls.
On the ground steering is fairly fluid, but once jumps get involved it can get a little awkward. Your avatar doesn’t always jump in the direction or with the impulsion you expect it to. If there’s a wall a little too close, you sometimes won’t jump forwards, just straight up in the air, even though if you HAD jumped forwards you’d have cleared the obstacle. Other times you wind up jumping in the /opposite direction like you rebounded off it. There’s also no midair correction system, which, yes, is realistic, if not for the fact that the game has no issues with knocking you off course (again, if you’re too close to a wall). Overall, it feels rather unresponsive - not helped by my avatar sometimes just refusing to jump at all. Like what the hell, dude?
There are several special abilities, and while they’re not very intuitive at first, they /are consistent. When you find tasks or obstacles you generally know what you need to do to solve them. The most difficult part is that due to lack of dialogue you have no idea what they’re called, which can make googling specific frustrating puzzles even more frustrating. (IN MY DEFENSE, I didn’t know the avatar power and the dash power could be used simultaneously!)
So controls are generally very functional. What about graphics?
Pretty, but poorly contrasted in some places. There were some sections where I had to play in the dark with the backscreen fully lit up just to see what I was doing (looking at you, chapter 6). I feel like there was a day night cycle going on too? Which meant things randomly got deeply shadowed and suddenly I was left squinting at my next target. Generally, though, the graphics are nice enough to look at and don’t hurt my eyes, even when glowing things come onscreen.
The music is nice, if not amazing. Not a fan of the way it seems to randomly select tracks when one finishes, though, as this sometimes results in super ominous music out of nowhere. All I’m doing is crossing a field, stop trying to give me a heart attack!
Unfortunately a lot of the ‘special effects’ noises are annoying. The fox panting at random intervals, the glooping sounds, the rush of water sometimes when there’s no water present…. The way your companion yips back at you whenever you bark is cute, though.
Less confusing than the other fox game I played recently, despite having zero dialogue. The use of pictographs and environmental storytelling was fairly effective here. Some things were just inevitably lost in translation. However, I mostly followed what was happening and what had happened, and the conclusion was satisfying in a ‘oh, that makes sense!’ kind of way, even if there were a few loose plot threads still.
Worth it? Yeah. Not my favourite, by any means, but I’ll probably go through at some point to find the rest of the collectibles, now I know what I’m doing.
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tclotteryvip · 2 months
Unveiling the Secrets: How to Master TC Lottery with Proven Strategies
The allure of winning big with TC Lottery has captivated countless enthusiasts worldwide. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer, understanding the intricacies of the game is crucial. While some may search for a "tc lottery hack," it's important to focus on legitimate strategies that can enhance your chances of winning. In this article, we will delve into effective techniques for mastering TC Lottery, providing you with valuable insights without resorting to hacks.
Understanding TC Lottery
TC Lottery, a popular game of chance, offers players the opportunity to win substantial prizes. The game’s simplicity and the potential for high rewards make it a favorite among many. However, winning isn't purely based on luck; a strategic approach can significantly boost your odds.
The Myth of TC Lottery Hacks
Before diving into legitimate strategies, it’s essential to address the myth of a "tc lottery hack." Many websites and so-called experts claim to have discovered foolproof hacks to win the lottery. However, these claims are often unfounded and can lead to financial loss or even legal trouble. Instead of chasing after nonexistent shortcuts, focus on proven methods that can genuinely enhance your gameplay.
Proven Strategies for TC Lottery Success
Study the Patterns: While TC Lottery is a game of chance, certain patterns can emerge over time. Analyzing past winning numbers and identifying trends can help you make more informed choices.
Manage Your Budget: Setting a budget for playing the lottery is crucial. This ensures that you don’t spend more than you can afford to lose. Stick to your budget and avoid the temptation to chase losses.
Join a Lottery Pool: Participating in a lottery pool can increase your chances of winning without spending more money. By pooling resources with other players, you can buy more tickets and improve your odds.
Consistency is Key: Regularly participating in the lottery increases your chances of winning over time. Consistency can pay off, as it keeps you in the game and increases your opportunities to win.
Use a Random Number Generator: Instead of relying on lucky numbers or significant dates, consider using a random number generator. This can help diversify your number selection and avoid common combinations.
Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest TC Lottery news and updates. This includes changes in rules, prize structures, and any special promotions that might be running.
The Role of Luck in TC Lottery
Despite the strategies mentioned, it’s important to remember that TC Lottery is still a game of chance. No method can guarantee a win every time. Embrace the thrill of the game and view it as a form of entertainment rather than a guaranteed income source.
Avoiding Common Pitfalls
Beware of Scams: Be cautious of websites or individuals offering guaranteed lottery wins or "tc lottery hacks." These are often scams designed to exploit hopeful players.
Don't Overspend: It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and spend more than intended. Always stick to your budget and play responsibly.
Understand the Odds: Familiarize yourself with the odds of winning TC Lottery. This can help set realistic expectations and prevent disappointment.
The Importance of Legal and Responsible Play
Playing TC Lottery should always be done responsibly and within the legal guidelines of your region. Engaging in illegal activities or using unauthorized methods to win can result in severe consequences. Always prioritize legal and ethical play.
The Thrill of the Game
The excitement of anticipating a win and the potential life-changing impact of a substantial prize make TC Lottery a thrilling game. Whether you play occasionally or regularly, the experience can be both fun and rewarding.
While the idea of a "tc lottery hack" may be enticing, it’s essential to focus on legitimate strategies and responsible play. By understanding the game, managing your budget, and employing proven techniques, you can enhance your chances of winning TC Lottery. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination. Enjoy the game, play responsibly, and may luck be on your side.
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kalyanchartonline · 3 months
Harnessing the Power of the Kalyan Chart: Enhancing Your Understanding
 The Kalyan Chart is a fascinating tool used in the number guessing game. To effectively leverage the power of this chart, it’s crucial to understand its intricacies and methodologies. This blog will guide you through the essential aspects of the top Kalyan Chart, helping to enhance your understanding and usage.
Introduction to the Kalyan Chart
The Kalyan Chart forms a critical part of many number-guessing games. It provides patterns and sequences that can help players make informed guesses. Originating from traditional Indian gaming practices, it has become immensely popular among enthusiasts seeking both entertainment and strategic challenges.
Understanding what the Kalyan Chart is and how it functions is foundational for anyone interested in this realm. The chart typically consists of a series of numbers arranged in a specific order, reflecting historical data from past games. By analysing these patterns, players attempt to predict future outcomes.
How to Read the Kalyan Chart
Reading the Kalyan Chart requires a blend of analytical skills and familiarity with its structure. The chart is generally divided into days or sessions, each displaying results from previous rounds.
To start:
Identify Patterns: Look for repeating sequences or numbers.
Historical Analysis: Review past results to understand frequency and trends.
Mathematical Insight: Employ basic mathematical principles to interpret potential outcomes.
For instance, if certain numbers appear frequently on specific days or follow particular events, recognising these can provide predictive insights.
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Strategies for Using the Kalyan Chart
Using the Kalyan Chart effectively involves more than just reading it; you need strategies that maximise your predictive accuracy. Here are some approaches:
Pattern Recognition
By identifying recurring patterns within the chart, you can increase your chances of making correct guesses. This might involve noting down combinations that appear at regular intervals or tracking numbers that follow specific trends.
Statistical Methods
Employing statistical techniques like probability analysis can significantly enhance your understanding of potential outcomes. Calculating probabilities based on past results allows you to make more informed guesses rather than relying solely on intuition.
Regular Updates
Keeping your data up-to-date is crucial as outdated information could lead you astray. Regularly updating your records with recent results ensures that your analysis reflects current trends rather than obsolete patterns.
Common Misconceptions About the Kalyan Chart
Many misconceptions surround the use of the Kalyan Chart in number guessing games. Addressing these can help refine your approach:
It’s All Luck: While luck plays a role, strategic analysis using charts increases accuracy.
Quick Rich Scheme: Patience and thorough research are vital; it's not an overnight success path.
One-Time Effort: Continuous effort and learning improve proficiency over time.
By dispelling these myths, users can approach their gameplay with a more realistic mindset focused on skill development rather than chance alone.
Harnessing the power of the Kalyan Chart involves understanding its structure, employing effective strategies, debunking common myths, and maintaining ethical considerations while playing number-guessing games responsibly. By following these guidelines, you enhance not only your understanding but also your enjoyment and success rate within this intriguing domain.
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finalank10 · 3 months
Expert Insights on Winning Big with DPboss Matka
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DPboss Matka is a widely popular platform for Satta Matka enthusiasts, combining elements of luck, strategy, and skill.
To increase your chances of winning big, it's essential to go beyond merely picking random numbers and adopt a more strategic approach.
Leveraging expert insights can make a significant difference in your gameplay, helping you make informed decisions and improve your odds.
In this blog, we’ll explore some valuable strategies and tips from seasoned players and experts on how to win big with DPboss Matka.
Understanding DPboss Matka
DPboss Matka is an online portal that provides daily results, expert tips, and real-time updates for various Satta Matka games.
Players select numbers from a predefined range, place their bets, and wait for the results to see if they’ve won.
While luck is a crucial factor, understanding the game's nuances and adopting a strategic approach can significantly enhance your winning potential.
Analyzing Historical Data
One of the most effective strategies recommended by experts is to analyze historical data. DPboss Matka offers a comprehensive archive of past results, which can be a goldmine of information.
By studying these results, you can identify patterns and trends that might indicate which numbers are more likely to be drawn.
Look for recurring numbers, sequences, and other patterns that can inform your future bets.
Leveraging Expert Tips
DPboss Matka features insights and tips from experienced players and industry experts. These tips are invaluable, providing you with strategies that have been tested and proven effective.
For instance, experts often suggest focusing on a mix of both high and low numbers, as well as odd and even numbers, to cover a broader range of potential outcomes.
Paying attention to these expert opinions can guide your betting decisions and increase your chances of winning.
Effective Bankroll Management
Effective bankroll management is a fundamental principle in any form of gambling, and Satta Matka is no exception. Set a budget for your betting activities and stick to it.
This discipline ensures that you don’t overspend and can continue playing over the long term. Divide your budget into smaller portions and avoid placing all your money on a single bet. This approach helps you manage risk and stay in the game longer.
Consistency and Regular Participation
Consistency is key in Satta Matka. Regular participation helps you stay updated with the latest trends and results. The more you play, the better you understand the game dynamics, which can inform your future betting decisions.
Additionally, staying active on the platform allows you to take advantage of real-time updates and adjust your strategies accordingly.
Joining Online Communities
Engaging with online communities and forums dedicated to DPboss Matka can be highly beneficial. These communities are filled with shared experiences, tips, and strategies from other players.
Participating in discussions can provide you with new insights and ideas to improve your game. Sharing your experiences and learning from others can significantly enhance your understanding and approach to the game.
Understanding Game Variants
DPboss Matka offers various game variants, each with its own set of rules and payout structures. Familiarize yourself with these different formats and understand the nuances of each.
This knowledge allows you to choose the games that best align with your risk tolerance and potential reward preferences. Being well-versed in the different game variants can help you make more informed decisions and increase your chances of winning.
Setting Realistic Goals
While the allure of winning big is tempting, it’s important to set realistic goals. Understand that Satta Matka is a game of chance, and not every bet will be a winning one.
Set achievable targets and celebrate small wins along the way. This approach keeps you motivated and reduces the pressure to hit the jackpot every time.
Winning big with DPboss Matka requires a blend of luck, strategy, and informed decision-making.
By analyzing historical data, leveraging expert tips, managing your bankroll effectively, and participating regularly, you can significantly enhance your chances of success.
Engaging with online communities, understanding the different game variants, and setting realistic goals further contribute to a more strategic and rewarding gaming experience.
Embrace these expert insights and strategies to maximize your winning potential and enjoy the exciting world of DPboss Matka.
Read More: Understanding DPboss Matka: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
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flentas · 4 months
Introduction to Generative AI: Basics and Applications 
Generative Artificial Intelligence (Generative AI) is a groundbreaking branch of artificial intelligence focused on creating systems that generate content, from images and music to text and complex data patterns. Unlike traditional AI, which typically analyzes and reacts to data, Generative AI produces new data, offering various possibilities across various industries. This blog will delve into the basics of Generative AI, its history, key technologies, and diverse applications, showcasing how it transforms the world. 
Understanding Generative AI 
At its core, Generative AI involves models that learn the underlying patterns and structures of input data to create new, similar data. The primary aim is to generate outputs that are indistinguishable from human-created content. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) are two of the most influential models in this field. 
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) 
Introduced by Ian Goodfellow and his colleagues in 2014, GANs consist of two neural networks: a generator and a discriminator. These networks are pitted against each other in a game-theoretic scenario where the generator creates new data instances, and the discriminator evaluates them against actual data. Over time, the generator improves its ability to produce realistic data as it learns to deceive the discriminator, which simultaneously gets better at detecting fake data. This adversarial process drives both networks to enhance performance, resulting in highly realistic generated content. 
Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) 
VAEs, developed around the same time as GANs, are another popular generative model. They work by encoding input data into a latent space and decoding it back to the original data space. The process involves introducing some randomness into the encoding, which allows VAEs to generate new data points by sampling from the latent space. VAEs are particularly effective in generating coherent data that varies in meaningful ways, making them ideal for applications where diversity and authenticity are essential. 
Applications of Generative AI 
Generative AI's ability to create new content has led to its adoption in various fields, revolutionizing how we approach problems and develop solutions. Here are some notable applications: 
Art and Music 
Generative AI has made significant strides in the creative arts, enabling artists and musicians to explore new forms of expression. AI-driven tools like DeepArt and Google's DeepDream allow artists to create stunning visual artworks by applying unique styles to existing images. In music, AI models like OpenAI's MuseNet and Jukedeck can compose original pieces in different genres and styles, providing inspiration and new material for composers and musicians. 
Generative AI is a powerful tool for advancing medical research and improving patient outcomes in healthcare. AI-driven models can generate synthetic medical data, which is invaluable for training machine learning algorithms without compromising patient privacy. Additionally, Generative AI is used in drug discovery to design new molecules and predict their interactions, significantly speeding up the research and development process. 
Content Creation 
Generative AI is transforming content creation across various media. In journalism, AI-powered tools like GPT-3 can generate news articles, reports, and even creative writing pieces, assisting writers in producing high-quality content efficiently. In marketing, AI can generate personalized advertisements and social media posts tailored to individual preferences, enhancing engagement and conversion rates. 
Gaming and Entertainment 
The gaming industry has embraced Generative AI to create more immersive and dynamic experiences. AI-driven models can generate realistic game environments, characters, and narratives, offering players unique and personalized gameplay. This technology is also used in the film industry to create special effects, realistic animations, and even entire scenes, pushing the boundaries of visual storytelling. 
The Future of Generative AI 
As Generative AI continues to evolve, its potential applications expand, promising even more significant impact across various sectors. Advances in model architecture, computational power, and data availability drive the development of more sophisticated and capable generative models. However, this rapid progress also brings challenges, including ethical concerns related to the misuse of AI-generated content, such as deepfakes, and issues around data privacy and bias. 
Generative AI represents a significant leap forward in artificial intelligence, enabling new and innovative content across various applications. From art and music to healthcare and entertainment, Generative AI is reshaping industries and opening up new possibilities for creativity and problem-solving. As we continue to explore and develop this technology, it is crucial to address the accompanying ethical challenges to ensure that Generative AI benefits society. 
For more details about our services please visit our website – Flentas Technologies 
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The Evolution of Intel: From Pioneering Innovations to Dominating the Gaming Industry
The Evolution of Intel: From Pioneering Innovations to Dominating the Gaming Industry is a fascinating journey that showcases the growth and development of Intel Corporation, one of the world's leading semiconductor chip manufacturers. Over the years, Intel has not only revolutionized the computer industry but has also made significant contributions to the gaming sector. This article will explore the progression of Intel, its impact on gaming, and its ongoing competition with other market players.
The Beginnings of Intel: Pioneering Innovations in Computing
In 1968, Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore founded Intel Corporation with a vision to create advanced semiconductor technology. Their breakthrough invention, the microprocessor, paved the way for modern computing devices. The release of the Intel 4004 microprocessor in 1971 marked a significant milestone in computer history. This small yet powerful chip laid the foundation for future innovations and set Intel on its path to success.
The Impact of Microprocessors on Computing
Microprocessors revolutionized computing by enabling faster and more efficient data processing. They allowed computers to perform complex tasks, making them more accessible and user-friendly. With each subsequent generation of microprocessors, Intel pushed boundaries and introduced new features that improved computer performance. These advancements directly influenced the gaming industry by providing developers with powerful tools to create immersive gaming experiences.
Expanding Horizons: Intel's Progression into Gaming
As computers became more capable, gaming started gaining popularity as a form of entertainment. Recognizing this trend, Intel began focusing on developing technologies that would enhance gaming experiences. By collaborating with game developers and investing in research and development, Intel positioned itself as a key player in the gaming industry.
Intel's Contributions to Gaming
Intel's commitment to pushing technological boundaries has resulted in several notable contributions to the gaming industry. Let's explore some of the key advancements that have shaped gaming as we know it today.
1. Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)
Graphics play a crucial role in gaming, and Intel has made significant strides in GPU technology. The integration of powerful GPUs into Intel processors has allowed gamers to enjoy visually stunning games with realistic graphics and smooth gameplay.
2. Optimized Game Performance
Intel's dedication to optimizing game performance has led to the development of technologies like Intel Turbo Boost, which dynamically adjusts processor frequency based on workload demands. This ensures that gamers can enjoy consistent performance and smoother gameplay, even during resource-intensive gaming sessions.
3. Overclocking Capabilities
For enthusiasts looking to push their gaming systems to the limit, Intel offers overclocking capabilities on select processors. Overclocking allows users to increase the clock speed of their CPU, resulting in improved performance for demanding games.
4. Virtual Reality (VR) Support
Intel has been actively involved in advancing virtual reality technology and creating immersive VR experiences. By partnering with VR developers and providing http://sergioisop741.fotosdefrases.com/the-evolution-of-intel-from-pioneering-innovations-to-dominating-the-gaming-industry hardware optimizations, Intel has played a crucial role in popularizing VR ga
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Unlocking the Potential of AI Development
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In the gaming world, virtual game development has become very popular. Players love the realistic and captivating experiences it offers. The combination of AI Development and Machine Learning (ML) has transformed virtual game development and changed the way creativity, immersion, and gameplay experiences are defined. By using new and advanced technologies, the company that makes virtual games can make the player's experiences better, with more realistic settings and smart non-player characters, and also by adjusting the game as the player goes along. In this article, we explore how AI and ML have a big influence on virtual game development.
What does Virtual Game Development mean?
Virtual game development involves the complex process of making, designing, and improving digital experiences that feel real but are actually happening in a computer-generated environment. A virtual game development company makes virtual worlds. They use advanced technologies, artistic skills, and technical knowledge to create interesting stories, complex game mechanics, and beautiful landscapes. These companies use both artistic and programming skills to create exciting and interactive game worlds. They use advanced tools like AI and machine learning to make the games more engaging. Their games are a combination of imagination and technology.
The role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in the development of virtual games.
A company that makes virtual games uses advanced technology like AI and Machine Learning to make their games. They are very important in different parts of how virtual games are made better, including how the game is played, how it looks, how users enjoy it, and how the whole game is designed. The virtual game development company has a variety of skills and knowledge, including:
Procedural Content Generation:
Procedural Content Generation (PCG) is when a virtual game development company uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to create game content, like the terrain, levels, textures, and assets, automatically. This makes sure that players have exciting and different gaming experiences that keep them interested and absorbed in constantly changing virtual worlds.
Real-time Ray Tracing: 
Advancing the future of game visuals, a virtual game development company uses AI techniques like deep learning-based denoising to make real-time ray tracing faster. This improves lighting, shadows, and reflections in games, making them look more realistic and better in terms of graphics.
Natural Language Processing (NLP): 
A virtual game development company uses NLP algorithms to create engaging conversations that make interactions with non-player characters (NPCs) more interesting. This enhances the storytelling in the game and creates a deeply immersive experience for players.
Behavior Trees:
 A company that makes virtual games is using AI-powered behavior trees to control what non-player characters (NPCs) do in the game. This makes the game characters seem very realistic and able to change their actions as players do different things.
Virtual game development services use Reinforcement Learning (RL) to teach computer-controlled characters, allowing them to adapt and become strong opponents that consistently challenge players, resulting in exciting gameplay.
Procedural Animation
Procedural Animation is a technique used in creating video games to make the movements of characters, creatures, and objects look more realistic. This is done by using a type of computer program called ML algorithms that analyze real-life movements and use them to create animations in the game. The goal is to make the game feel more immersive and authentic to players.
Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment (DDA) 
Virtual development services use advanced technology called Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment (DDA) to make games more interesting. This technology uses artificial intelligence to analyze how good a player is and then changes the difficulty of the game accordingly. This way, each player gets a personalized challenge that matches their abilities, making the game more exciting.
Predictive analytics 
Predictive analytics uses modern technology to study how players behave and what they like in virtual games. This helps game developers create personalized experiences and recommend things like marketing and content that will make players more interested and involved in the gaming community.
Anti-Cheat Systems: 
AI-based systems that stop cheating in games by noticing unusual actions and patterns, making sure everyone plays fairly.
Pathfinding and navigation:
 ML-based algorithms help characters in virtual worlds find the best routes and avoid obstacles, making them more aware of their surroundings and smarter.
Automation in game testing uses machine learning technology to imitate how real people play games and find issues like bugs, mistakes, and unfair parts. This helps make sure the game is high quality and runs smoothly.
Physically-Based Rendering (PBR):
Physically-Based Rendering (PBR) is a technique that uses AI to make materials look more realistic by optimizing their properties. This creates better textures and lighting effects, which make the visuals feel more immersive.
Character customization 
Character customization means that players can make their own personalized characters in the game. ML models study what players like and use that information to create customized character appearances, clothes, and accessories. This lets players create special avatars that match their own style and preferences.
The combination of AI and ML is changing the way games are made, played, and loved. AI and ML are making video games better. They help create realistic characters and big game worlds. They also improve the graphics and predict what players will do. This technology is bringing new ideas and making interactive entertainment more exciting.
Shamla Tech is really good at using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to make virtual games better.
Shamla Tech is a top virtual game development company. They are really good at using AI and ML technologies in their work. By using advanced technology and computer programs, we improve how games work, make characters in games more realistic and responsive, make game content more randomly generated, and create virtual worlds that seem real. By using AI and ML, we make user experiences better, tell stories that can change based on the user, and use resources efficiently to create an amazing gaming experience. We are really good at combining artificial intelligence and machine learning into virtual game development. This helps us bring new ideas and excitement to the gaming industry.
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