#revealing he does in fact have a higher percentage
twisting-echo · 6 months
SonallyNShadamy4Ever has returned... Again!
(Please click on pictures for better quality!)
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SonallyNShadamy4Ever, later known as Sonally4LifeReborn, now going by FinalBossSonally has returned and is harassing me and others once again.
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I don't even have words right now. My stomach honestly feels sick from dread. Once I start feeling better, this parasite shows up and ruins my day. The comment he left on my Alice Tsukagami x Brad Hawk moodboard made me emotionally relapse. This guy is taunting me about my bisexual identity and that I ship Roupaz. I've reported this guy many times, and he keeps coming back and harassing me and others. But let's get this over with.
"Let's be real." (Considering that biology was one of my favorite subjects and still is.)
Incest and asexual reproduction are not the same. Asexual reproduction involves a single parent, resulting in offspring that are genetically identical to each other and to the parent. Incest refers to sexual activity or marriage between close blood relatives, such as siblings, parents, or cousins. Incest involves sexual reproduction; it is not equivalent to asexual reproduction. Incest does not lead to genetically identical offspring; instead, it introduces genetic diversity (albeit with potential risks such as recessive genetic disorders).
So basically, asexual reproduction produces clones, while incest involves sexual reproduction with close relatives. The two processes serve different purposes and have distinct genetic outcomes.
Yes, it is confirmed that Knuckles and Julie Su are distant relatives.
When distant relatives, such as cousins, enter into a romantic relationship, it does not necessarily constitute incest. While forming a relationship with distant relatives is not inherently incestuous, it’s essential to consider both the genetic risks and the legal and cultural context.
There is a difference between being a distant relative and a direct relative. Direct relatives are closely related and share a higher percentage of genetic material; distant relatives have more distant connections within the family tree.
Knuckles and Julie Su are extremely distant cousins—their shared ancestor was several generations ago; they didn’t meet until they were older; and they didn’t learn about their relation until even later.
I don't ship Knuckles and Julie Su because I'm an "incest lover." I liked their relationship because of their interactions with each other and because I thought they made a cute couple. I liked them way before it was revealed that they were distant relatives. That came out way later. I can't control that. I honestly wish that they could've left that part out of the canon entirely. But what can I honestly do about it? It's canon; thanks, Ken Penders.
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FinalBossSonally didn't “innocently inquire” about my Sonic the Hedgehog ship memes; he interrogated me about them, demanding to know why I ship them, forcing his own ships on me, and insisting that he was “simply correcting my shipping tastes.”
This guy literally told me—a bisexual woman, that he was “disgusted” by the fact that Roupaz almost became canon, by the fact that they’re an interspecies relationship, and by the fact that Rouge is bisexual. But Sonelise is A-OK because it’s “straight.”
He claims that he's not homophobic/biphobic, but I have cold, hard proof that he is.
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Here he is insulting Kanohi-Zeo for having LGBT headcanons for STH characters and openly admitting that he HATES LGBTQ+. He also ropes in that being a "lesbian" is on the same level as being a pedophile, or something that is illegal. And then he continues to complain as to why they didn't make Knuckles a "female-leaning bisexual," so at least he could be attracted to females because Knuckles' species needs straight male echidnas to repopulate. And then he finishes by calling Kanohi-Zeo disgusting for having these headcanons. If that's not homophobic, then I don't know what is. Aside from it being offensively uneducated stupidity, of course.
So, I didn't respond to his toxic, childish comment, and I blocked him, again.
And as for FinalBossSonally being "my master," FinalBossSonally, you are not the master of anyone; you are a stalking, batshit, psycho, toxic, homophobic, parasite with some serious mental issues. Go touch grass and get some help. I'll be here, having fun in my bisexual hell with my friends~
This link below is the post about my first encounter with SonallyNShadamy4Ever and the full contents of my callout post.
This link below is the post about my second encounter with SonallyNShadamy4Ever as Sonally4LifeReborn and the full contents of that.
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pooma-education · 1 year
Even 2% Graduate Teachers did not pass in Paper 2 of Teacher Eligibility Test – Shocking Information.
Shocking information has come out that even 2 percent of the graduate teachers did not pass the 2nd paper of the Teacher Eligibility Test.
It was recently announced that to take classes in government schools from classes six to eight, one must pass the second paper of the Teacher Eligibility Test. Accordingly, the result of the 2nd paper of this teacher qualification examination held last February was published yesterday.
In this situation, it has been revealed that 4,01,986 people registered for the teacher qualification exam, but only 2.54 lakh people appeared for the exam. It is reported that 1.5 lakh people did not appear for the exam. It has been reported that out of 2.50 lakh candidates, less than 20 thousand graduate teachers have passed the exam.
Social activists have opined that 98 percent of the graduate teachers have failed in the 2nd paper of the Teacher Qualification Test, which has put the quality of education into question.
➖Dr. BALA SUBRAMANIAN: If they are simply appointed as per seniority, think about the future of the state,future of the child studies and school life. The government is very happy and does marketing by saying the highest enrollment ratio in higher studies. In the last 20 years the number of institutions multiplied like mushrooms, even AICTE / UGC worried about poor infrastructure and perhaps many ( engineering) colleges don't get admissions to.
Now engineers have started studying the BEd degree program. Government playing in recruitments, unemployment and underemployment is a big question with NO ANSWER ( and have excuses) .
Both students amd teachers like to apply for exams and.tske hall tickets too
and don't want to do the examinations
➖Dr Sekar Srinivasan: Without proper subject knowledge one should not become a teacher.
Here the concern is only about the ability of teacher to have full knowledge about the subject he or she is going to teach
➖Azeez: It is indeed concerning to hear that only 2 percent of graduate teachers were able to pass the second paper of the Teacher Eligibility Test.
The fact that such a small percentage of teachers were able to meet the required qualifications for teaching in government schools raises questions about the quality of education that students in those schools are receiving.
There could be various reasons for this low pass rate, such as inadequate preparation by the teachers or flaws in the examination system itself.
It is important for the authorities to investigate the reasons behind this result and take necessary measures to address the issue
Ensuring that teachers are well-qualified and competent is crucial for improving the quality of education in any country. It is essential that the education system provides adequate support and training for teachers to enhance their skills and knowledge, which can ultimately benefit the students they teach.
How to change the fact❓
Changing the fact that only 2 percent of graduate teachers passed the second paper of the Teacher Eligibility Test requires a multi-faceted approach.
Here are some potential steps that could be taken:
1. Review and revise the exam:
It is essential to review and revise the examination system to identify any flaws or shortcomings that may be contributing to the low pass rate. This may involve analyzing the exam format, question quality, and the content of the curriculum that is being tested.
2. Provide support and training for teachers:
Teachers who are not able to pass the exam should be provided with adequate support and training to help them improve their knowledge and skills. This can include workshops, coaching, and mentoring programs, as well as access to teaching resources and materials.
3. Attract and retain qualified teachers:
Attracting and retaining qualified teachers is crucial for improving the quality of education. Incentives such as higher salaries, better working conditions, and opportunities for professional growth can help attract and retain qualified teachers.
4. Encourage collaboration and sharing of best practices:
Encouraging collaboration and sharing of best practices among teachers can help improve the quality of education. This can be done through teacher networks, online forums, and other platforms that facilitate communication and collaboration among teachers.
5. Increase investment in education:
Lastly, increasing investment in education is crucial for improving the quality of education. Adequate funding can help provide resources such as textbooks, teaching materials, and technology, as well as improve infrastructure and facilities in schools.
It is very important to note that the Government should give an assurance that the TET cleared teachers on the waiting list will get sure jobs.
There are so many TET cleared teachers are on waiting list and not confirmed that they will get jobs.
They cleared B.Ed, then TET, then Eligibility among TETs...
How many screenings and eligibility tests and appointment test, a teacher should go through?
Government wants only one percent for appointments. What they wanted, teachers give one more percentage to choose to the government.
Government gets above their need from what they really wanted. What is the use of showing or getting 90% pass in TET.
We can't asses the teachers through this test. They have shown their agitation in their performance. Nothing wrong.
If it continues, in few years of time, B. Ed degree colleges will be empty and there will be huge vacuum in availability of teaching posts. No use of simply eye wash or mind wash examinations to woo the teaching community.
If truly the examination is conducted with minimum seriousness, the result also will reflect in the results.
➖Dr Sekar Srinivasan: 100 percentage failure of Headmasters. That is the prime reason. Again and again we find flaws with testing agencies and we don't even agree to National level tests and procedural. It is a matter of great concern how these teachers teach. Strict quality control should be laid by the headmaster.
➖Dr. BALA SUBRAMANIAN: Sir, please kindly revise your blame only on headmasters, it's like a team work start from Students demands, Parents supports, Teachers feeding, Society how counts the performance, Peer support
Employability in the right time and right counting, System or Government planning and responsibilities.
We are seeing still some discussions in examination papers either school or service commision examinations, supplying wrong answers, we may give. Bonus marks after tue exam or by courts guidance
(Do we measure how much pressure for the students and particpants)
Even book printing, with errors and corrections,
When can we change to do without making mistakes.
I remember one time for the universoty examinations, they misplaced wrong queation papers and postponing for the other days so on.....
Please sir, please don't corner a single person, mainly headmasters, frankly speaking many don't like to work like heaaster positions too, mainly in the private schools since managing
All. Dimensions and getting or branded like leaders like Saddam or Idiamins even if they are Mother Theresa.
➖Dr Sekar Srinivasan:
Number 1 responsibility is with Headmasters.
Say in a school with 40 teachers minimum Headmasters can easily spare 20 minutes a day to closely follow up atleat 5 to 8 teachers and intensely coach them to learn better abd and teach well. With A minimum of 15 years experience only one gets the post of Headmaster. So it is not a good logic to say that i am not well versed with the individual technicality of the subject. The command should be there.
Afterall a programme leader in an MNC is having all hold of the team. Don't jump immediately to salary or other benefits etc.
99 percentage of daily preparation and prompt execution by teachers should be monitored by Headmasters alone.
See in many recognised private schools seldom is the influence of management in this functioning of headmaster. There is no punishment for them that is why as a group herd culture prevails.
What's the duty of headmaster then. Team work is different from extracting academic work from the teacher.
➖Dr. BALA SUBRAMANIAN: Nicely explained sir.
Participants are demotivated with many reasons.
1. Long period of waiting after graduation
2. Working in another domain, just trying for service commission exams, like buying a lottery
3. No stipulated time for regular study even after the graduations.
4. Gents use to start work any field they get a room - since making money is a mandatory ( perhaps for women too, but high dependence on men incomes) and ladies after marriage, less time to re-learn again.
We no need to. Worry much about other department, and education department selection should be very serious.
Even in health care if some wrong medicine given, may he again another anti- medicines to heal and it's not possible in education.
Once given brain means, it's cannot be erased or taken out until a person die/dead. So Feeding right contents, right time, right age is very very very important and serious topics too to discuss.
➖Dr Sekar Srinivasan : Sir's each time we drift away from main subject of concern to other exemptions and omission.
I am a teacher and i am also a principal.
I know where the nail should be tightened.
If we start blaming system, supervising officials etc etc there will be no end.
Here the problem is equipped academically by individual teacher. Whom else other than headmaster could moniter and correct.
It is a professional ethics of ever headmaster to do this. Otherwise don't call as headmaster become an assistant. Will you tolerate such leadership in any professional care.
When I started teaching plus two was introduced for the first time and we were fresh PG teachers with minimum teaching experience but with maximum superiority complex of being M Sc and MA etc. But around syllabus expertise was only due to the great headmaster we had who used to spend atleast 15 minutes in cycle with every teacher and correct us.
He will bring experts from colleges and ask them to do appraisal without explicitly calling it. He will guide and provide lots of books for each one of us and promote our learning abilities.
For each year he will particularly tell each unit and ask us to prepare exhaustive lesson organisations right from 6th to 12th subject content of that chapter or unit in a graded way.
After 10 years when we become selection grade teachers almost all subject teachers were in direct contact with district as well as state educational authorities for any academic reference answer key preparation etc.
All due to our beloved Headmaster.
➖Dr. M Ramachandran: 100% true statement.
I can narrate my ongoing experience in general particularly what I experienced yesterday.
You might be aware that the government of Karnataka has launched public exams for grade 5 and 8.
It started from 27th March and progressed well as per government's media claims.
Yesterday's exam was maths for grade 5 and 8.
Schools, the so called exam centres were strictly instructed to follow the guidelines of public exams,ie, question paper collection by headmasters, opening the packets in the presence of invigilators from outside, submission of unused question papers, if any to the department alongwith the answer scripts by the HMs etc.
The first day 6 of my teachers were appointed as invigilators for two different schools, one govt school and the other aided school.
Since I got mandatory instructions from the department, I had to releive all of them.
They were told to report one hour early to the exams centres. Yes, they reported, enjoyed full hospitality including lunch and refreshments. They collected questions from the centre HMs and proceeded to the examination halls.
They started the distribution of questions, putting their signatures on the answer scripts cover page etc. Candidates started writing.
Further details can be visualised in this way:
1. After 15 minutes the subject teachers of same school came to the examination hall with a request to see the questions.
The invigilators from my school didn't show.
2. After 30 minutes, a Sr school functionary and the subject teachers attempted to enter the Hall.
The invigilators stood in their way
3. After one hour, the attendant of the school invited the invigilators for refreshments in the principal's office.
The invigilators denied.
4. During the last 30 minutes, the so called principal and subject teachers entered the exams hall by force.
5. In between the Vigilant sqad led by BEO were present in the principal's office.
6. After the exams, the BEO had informed my invigilators that you are transferred to some other school.
Now, my centre story:
I had to collect the question paper packets from the department of one hour earlier. Brought to my office and kept in iron cupboard and locked.
Invigilators reported. 30 minutes prior to the scheduled time we have opened the packets in front of the invigilators and found 12 questions papers are less in number.
Both invigilators and my staff reported to the education officer. He shouted at them for not counting earlier.
My staff replied to him that it was instructed by the department to open the question paper in the presence of invigilators only. He kept quiet.
Later ordered to collect the papers from the department. We did it.
Exam started 45 minutes late and the same time compensated for children to complete the answers.
Next side of the story is about the invigilators who came to my centre.
When my attendant served drinking water and refreshments outside of the Hall, they told my attender that subject teachers can come and help their students.
Our attender replied to them that our principal sir won't allow teachers to do so .
Yes, the quality of teaching and learning, general discipline inside and outside of the school premises including the buses , values etc fully depends on the actions of the administrative and academic head of the institution.
➖Dr Sekar Srinivasan: Excellent observations and to the point.
➖Phani Kumari: That the Government every year experiments on children with different education policies ensuring the best methodology of teaching concepts. For name sake practical assessment are introduced for assessment. Proper facilities are not provided to the school. Most of the governments teachers are busy in maintaining the records and mid day meal and some or the other training courses to attend.
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waywarddreamerfan · 2 years
10 Inspirational Graphics About blue sherbet strain
Some Ideas on Obama Runtz You Should Know
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0 notes
bastillewolf · 4 years
It’s More About Looks Than Skill (X)
Pairing: Ryuk/Reader
Summary: Ryuk finds himself gaining feelings for Light Yagami’s best friend, but she doesn’t know he exists. When he makes the grave mistake of touching her, he makes things a lot more complicated.
Notes: New year new chapter, but let’s hope I update more frequently than that now lol. Please leave me a kick in the ass so I stop procrastinating, thanks! And also big thank you to the immense support. Love you guys <3
Let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list! If I wasn’t able to tag you, please check your settings and send me another ask.
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Chapter X
She really couldn’t help herself. What sane person wouldn’t start screaming the second they hopped onto a Shinigami’s back and started flying? She clung onto Ryuk’s neck for dear life, her legs wrapped around his middle while his wings flapped them higher and higher until they’d reached a thick level of fluffy clouds with the dark sky above them. There, the wings stopped flapping, and she found herself gliding through the air, her hair being pulled back by the gentle breeze. She realized how harshly she was squeezing Ryuk, and quickly loosened her grip to a point that she was still comfortable she wouldn’t be able to accidentally let go.
“I’m sorry,” she murmured in his ear. It was actually very beautiful, now that she took a good look around her. Below the white, she could see all sorts of lights from the city flickering through, as if they were mirroring the stars above.
“I can take it. I just wasn’t expecting you to scream, is all,” Ryuk replied gently, “I thought you wanted to fly?”
“Y-Yes, I did. It’s just… a lot scarier than it looks. I don’t have wings, so rationally if I let go I would definitely not survive. I think even L could confirm that with percentages and a graph.”
“Rationally I would catch you. I’m heavier, I fall faster than you. You would be saved before you could say ‘Shinigami’.”
She chuckled, “Rationally I wouldn’t count on that. Maybe I don’t trust you. Rationally.”
He turned his head slightly, but she was still unable to see his facial expression from her position on his back. However, it became rather apparent through the sad note in his voice when he spoke. “You don’t trust me?”
She quickly shook her head, “No, I’m sorry Ryuk, that’s not what I meant. I mean that I should rationally not count on you catching me if I fall. I made the decision to hop on your back, thus it is my responsibility to take responsibility for my actions and face the consequences. If I fall, it would be my mistake.”
“Even if it were, I’d still catch you. I’d always catch you.”
She felt a sense of ease wash over her, along with a tingle in her stomach, but she wasn’t quite sure what that meant. She smiled, resting her head on his shoulder, and breathing in a waft of fresh air that dragged along a hint of Light’s cologne. “How come you’re never this nice to Light?”
Ryuk chuckled dryly. “Because he’s not you.”
He felt a blush coat his cheeks when he felt her hands running along the feathers of his wings in a slow, gentle manner. She kept doing this until they’d landed, and then proceeded to latch onto his hand after they’d landed in the back of an alleyway.
Even if you do not actually possess the Death Note, the effect will be the same if you recognize the person and his/her name to place in the blank.
Ryuk was in love. There, he could finally say it. He’d been on a date and now he could say he was in love. He was slightly hunched over so the girl could hold his hand without people noticing at her side, but not for one second did he feel an ache in his back. All he could think about was the way she’d clung onto him, how she’d touched him, how sweet she’d sounded muttering nothings in his ear while she stroked his feathers. Affection wasn’t something that came naturally to him, Shinigami’s never really deemed such thing necessary. Yet with her, he seemed to want to keep her hand in his forever.
Unfortunately, fate seemed to have other plans for him, because she was the one who dropped it like a ton of bricks, along with his heart. Then he noticed the reason for her sudden shift, and it was standing in front of Light’s house. She lightly tugged on the chain that was stuck to the other death note he was carrying and kept her fingers wound tightly around it, but he didn’t mind. If she wanted to take his Death Note, she could go right ahead and do it. That’s how happy he was.
Until he met the bleak pale-yellow eyes of the tall creature hovering above the blonde stranger in front of them.
“Okay, Ryuk, we need to have a little talk,” Light started. They’d just been at the hotel, where they’d found out the second Kira was willing to do everything Light wanted them to do. They were supposed to set up a meeting place and Light wanted to prepare. She knew a round of questioning was about to begin, so she plopped down onto his bed in an instant.
Ryuk sighed, “Should’ve known.”
“And I’d appreciate an answer if you could,” Light added. “If two Shinigami happened to meet in the human world, are they allowed to speak to each other?”
“Hard to say,” the Shinigami replied. “As long as I’m attached to a human, I’d say it’s against the rules unless I had their permission first. But there are no laws against it either, so I guess it’s possible that another Shinigami might talk to me.”
“So, does that mean that if this fake Kira’s Shinigami were to see you, there’s a chance he might mention the fact that you’re with me and reveal that I’m Kira?”
“They probably wouldn’t, but it depends on their personality.”
“And if this kind of situation did arise I can assume you’ll act the way you normally do?”
“Yeah,” Ryuk said, “Even if I see another human with a Shinigami I’m not gonna tell you.”
“Well, I definitely think you’ve got the right approach.”
“Humph, thanks.”
“Oops,” he couldn’t help but curse under his breath, recalling the conversation he’d had with Light. He didn’t recognize the Shinigami before them, but if they wanted to, they could directly link Ryuk to the girl that was latching onto him. They might think she was the real Kira.
Though the latest message had already revealed Light’s stunt in the city with the group of people surrounding Ryuk had been a failure and he had been discovered to the fake Kira, there would be no good explanation for him to be hanging around this human.
Luckily for him, the other Shinigami remained deathly silent, until the girl at her side turned.
“Oh, hello there!” she said.
She blinked in response. “Uh… I- Uh… Aren’t you that girl from TV?”
The blonde giggled profusely, suddenly walking up to her as casual as could be. “Yes, I’m Misa, nice to meet you! Do you want an autograph?”
She scratched the back of her head awkwardly, “Uh, no, I think I’m good. Were you looking for Light?”
“Eh?” Ryuk vocalized. He didn’t expect her to be so blunt about it. But then again, he realized, Light had most likely already been discovered. He just didn’t know how she detected that this was the second Kira without being able to see the second Shinigami floating only a few feet away.
“Oh, I was. Are you friends with him?” Misa’s head turned, but her eyes held a sudden blank expression as if her mind were calculating a proper physical response once she’d gotten answers.
“Yeah, for like, my entire life. How do you know him?”
“Oh… I just, I found the notebook he left in class. Then I looked him up online and I thought his resume was very… impressive. I just really wanted to meet him, he seems like such an intelligent guy.”
Ryuk heard the other Shinigami audibly sigh.
“Well, why don’t I introduce the two of you then? I’m sure he’s still up at this hour, and I was just on my way to see him now.”
“S-Sure!” Misa replied hesitantly.
She wished Light’s sister, Sayu, could’ve at the very least toned down her excitement a bit when she met Misa, but alas, she was in awe, as well as the girl’s mother. Light eventually came trotting down the stairs behind them, his neutral facial expression continuing to withstand even as he saw the strange scene before him. He managed to shoo his family members away and closed the front door behind him. She could’ve sworn she hadn’t heard crickets chirping before that.
“Uhm, pleased to meet you,” Misa started, sinking to her knees in a bow, “I’m Misa Amane.” She then glanced at you, and back at Light again.
Ryuk chuckled until he heard the other God of Death say, “Misa, the girl is being followed by another Shinigami. I doubt she isn’t aware of it.”
Misa made a noise of understanding, before looking at the odd placement of your hand which was still wrapped around Ryuk’s chain. “I thought you might get worried if you saw that message on TV. I just couldn’t take it anymore so I brought… this notebook.” She held out an identical copy of his Death Note in front of Light, and Ryuk heard the girl next to him audibly groan. Of course, the girl had no issue showing something like that out in the open. It was like she had no idea.
Light touched it, yet he made no sound. “Does she know? About all of it?” Misa questioned, directedly pointing her gaze at his best friend. Light nodded, so she was allowed to touch it as well. She very much tried, but unfortunately, her poker face wasn’t as good as Light’s, so she ended up with her mouth slightly agape. Ryuk lifted a finger to close it.
They decided it would be best to move the conversation inside, so they did, and Light had cautiously locked his bedroom door behind them after making sure his mother and sister thought this was just a nice drop-by from his (girl)friend.
“Have a seat.”
As Misa sat in Light’s desk chair, his best friend scooted onto the mattress behind him with Ryuk towering over them at the bedside. Her Shinigami, a pale skeleton with yellow eyes and purple hair and what appeared to be vampiric teeth, stood guard behind Misa.
“How did you find me?” Light decided to ask.
She answered with a gasp, “I knew it! You never made the Shinigami-eye deal. When you have the Shinigami-eyes like I do, you can see most people’s name and lifespan just by looking at them. However, you can’t see the lifespan of any person who possesses a Death Note.”
Light glanced over at Ryuk, looking for an explanation, but Ryuk seemed just as shocked. “No kidding! I have to admit, even I wasn’t aware of that little detail.”
“Well, now you’ve managed to find me, but you were careless; what if you’d been caught by the police? Then they’d know everything about Kira!”
“It’s all right,” Misa said, “Because the police didn’t catch me and if I do as you say from now on, they’ll never be able to. So we’re safe. After all, don’t you need someone to see L’s name? If you want, I could be your eyes. So…”
“Yeah? So what?”
“-Would you please make me your girlfriend?”
Both Ryuk and the girl behind him burst out laughing, but he decidedly ignored them. He then proceeded to question her about her strategy in the city, as well as the evidence she could’ve left behind. She ended up even offering her Death Note to him, and while she’d still be the rightful owner, Light would be in control of it, and she of her Shinigami-eyes.
“-And if I become a burden to you, you can just kill me, okay?” Misa said pleadingly.
“But you might’ve removed several pages from your Death Note, you could be hiding them somewhere for all I know!”
“Why are you so suspicious of me?” she cried out, getting up from the chair and stomping her foot on the floor, “I already told you, I don’t care even if all you do is use me! Please believe me!”
“Why are you so willing to give up your life for him?” (Y/N) asked, and Light had to admit, that was the question he’d been building towards this entire time.
“Oh, I wouldn’t expect you to understand-“ Misa spat.
“Hey,” Light barked, “If you want to show your loyalty, how about you start being nicer to the only person I’ve trusted with my secret so far and has kept it?”
“How can you be so sure you can trust her?! I bet she’s only in it so she can take it from you after you’re dead, so she can become the new Kira!”
“How dare you!” (Y/N) snarled warningly, but Misa was already launching herself at the girl.
Light hadn’t quite seen that coming. Thankfully, Ryuk had. He took the blonde girl by her arm and lifted her until her feet didn’t touch the floor anymore and she’d let out a startled scream. He noticed the other Shinigami wanted to step in already, but Light was faster. “Misa, if you and I were to work together, I need to know you can make rational decisions without letting your emotions get the better of you. Can you do that?”
She didn’t really look at him, so he decided to repeat himself, this time a bit more convincingly, “If you were to be my girlfriend, I need to know if you can tolerate being around my best friend.”
At this, she lit up, and Ryuk was quick to let go of her.
When she’d finally left, the girl he’d just been on a date with was now slung around his neck, having climbed on top of the bed to be able to reach him. His large hands grasped her sides, and his smile had grown even wider.
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ismokechurros · 3 years
misunderstandings - ao3
When his mark first appeared, he hated it. He was five and didn't quite like that the first thing he would ever hear his soulmate say would be
"I'm sorry."
What did that mean? Would his soulmate hurt him? Would that be the very first thing they did? That can't bode well for a long term relationship. 
Besides that depressing thought, another issue he had with it was how common it was. People apologized every day, how was he supposed to find her?
His first mistake was thinking it was his kindergarten teacher, who apologized after he ran into her feet. It was hard to explain to his parents why he got sent to the principal's office on his first day of school, hugging a teacher's leg and professing your undying love for them isn't exactly a common offense. 
After that, he tried not to get too excited when he heard those words. And as time went by, he succeeded. Slowly, his head stopped shooting up everytime someone near him apologized, his heart rate stopped skyrocketing when a passerby said sorry, he grew to feel the general disdain and doubt most feel in accompaniment with apologies. 
Those two, meaningless words scrawled at the top of his right bicep were left ignored and he went on forgetting they existed for the better part of 17 years.
She was five when her mark appeared, too, though that seemed to be a common age for the mark's development so she wasn't exactly surprised. What she was surprised by was the 
"You're okay."
now sprawled on the bottom right side of her neck. An odd place for an odd mark. 
In her five-year-old indignation, she resented the fact that her mark was telling her what she was. She could be not okay if she wanted to be, who was her soulmate to tell her that she wasn't! 
A stupid fight to pick, and one she dropped after about two minutes. That was how long it took before the girl next to Nancy screamed and then started crying. Apparently, Amy didn't like that the first words her soulmate would say to her would be asking for her starbucks order. 
Nancy decided it could be worse.
Working at The Claw can't be that bad, Nancy thinks as she enters the restaurant for her first day at work. She needs to get her mind off of her mother's death and making a few bucks in the process couldn't hurt. Plus, it would help ease the financial burden of college- if she still stood a chance of getting in, that is. Her senior grades (and attendance rate) weren't exactly "Columbia Material", no matter how good her essay was. 
Walking from the door to the back room, Nancy makes sure to take into account everything she sees on the way. Two truckers eating greasy cheeseburgers at the counter; a woman drinking coffee alone at a table; a family celebrating their daughter's graduation in a booth. Another reminder of the life Nancy won't get to lead.
Reaching up, Nancy rubs the side of her neck where she knows, under several layers of foundation, there's a reminder that she's okay. Her soul mark has grown to be something of a saviour for her these past couple months. A reassurance everytime it seemed her demons were getting a little too close to snuffing out her light, her crutch at her most debilitating moments. Nancy thinks, whoever her soulmate is, they must be a decent person if they’re able to give her this much comfort.
“Drew! Your uniform’s in the back, I’m not paying you to stand there and look pretty! You did enough of that in high school!” 
Ah yes, George. No matter how many times Nancy tries to proclaim her innocence, George refuses to believe she didn’t play a part in spreading the rumors that ruined her life in high school. And honestly, maybe she was right. Nancy may not have spread any rumors, but she definitely didn’t stop them. Maybe she does deserve George’s wrath. Besides, what’s another person added to the list of “People Nancy Drew Has Failed”. George can go right under her mom. 
At this rate, she might need to put more foundation on her mark.
“Now, Drew!”
Eh, she’ll do it at lunch.
One month in and Nancy thinks she’s got the job down pat. She’s at least doing better than some people. 
Dishes clatter in the kitchen as pots hit the floor. 
“Oops! Sorry!”
Speak of the devil. Nancy goes to the kitchen to help Bess, because Bess has needed nothing but help since the day George gave her the job, but when she opens the door she's met with a peculiar scene.
Bess, the endearing clutz she is, is on the floor trying to pick up the pots but somehow making a bigger mess. Ace, on the other hand, is just staring.
Nancy hasn’t known Ace very long, hasn’t even talked to him directly, but from what she’s seen he’s at least helpful. He cleans up after himself, stays late to do inventory, cleans out the grease traps, all without complaining. Yet here he is, staring at Bess on the floor and doing nothing.
Nancy wants to call out, ask why he isn’t helping, or at the very least say excuse me on her way to help Bess collect the pans, but oddly enough she can’t find the words. She just stares at him with that confused look on her face. 
It seems she doesn’t need to say anything, though. As if the question on her face was spoken aloud, Ace snaps out of his reverie and bends to help Bess. He’s smiling at her a little too much, and Nancy can tell where this is heading before he even opens his mouth. She decides to make a clean exit before she’s forced to watch him try and fail to shoot his shot with her royal waitress Bess.
Nancy just needs a minute. She needs a second to breathe. Serving her high school friends and having to listen to their patronizing and pitying tones while she can hear them laughing the second she turns around is not what she signed up for.
To make matters worse, she’s about one more rub away from her mark making its presence known and she doesn’t need the added stares today. She doesn’t quite understand the taboo of revealing your soulmark to others, but today may not be the best day to tackle generations worth of unnecessary forced modesty.
She rushes through the back door, the mocking sounds of laughter cut off as the door swings shut behind her. Apparently god isn’t on her side, though, because the second the door shuts, the freezer opens and Bess exits carrying boxes stacked a good foot higher than her. Boxes that topple over as she tries to close the freezer behind her.
Normally, Nancy would help Bess out. God knows she’s gotten used to it, and Bess is a nice enough girl that Nancy doesn’t totally hate doing it. But right now, the noise from the boxes is too loud and sounds suspiciously like laughter and Nancy can’t really breathe so she doesn’t think getting near the cold, thin air of the freezer is gonna help her.
And so she ignores Bess’ apologies and pleading eyes and instead barges through the backdoor, hoping to get some much needed air in the alleyway behind The Claw. Instead, she faceplants into a cotton cladded wall.
“I’m sorry.” 
She maneuvers around the person she ran into, avoiding eye contact and desperate for some space. She reaches the wall across from the door and puts a hand on the cool brick hoping it’ll help ground her. Leaning forward against the wall, the other hand immediately goes to her neck.
“You’re okay.”
Suddenly, struggling to breathe is less of an issue than not breathing altogether. 
Nancy slowly turns and stares at the man who she is destined to spend the rest of her life with.
Ace slowly blinks back.
“Are you okay?” He asks, concerned. Nancy can’t really respond, considering the fact that she can’t breathe.
“Woah, Nancy. You don’t look so hot.” Great, my soulmate thinks I’m ugly. Nancy urges herself to use her actual brain for a second instead of whatever it is she’s using now because obviously that one isn’t working.
Still, she says nothing. Ace takes the silence as an invitation to lean against the wall across from her. They continue to stare at each other; her like a deer in the headlights and him entirely too mellow for someone who just found their soulmate. Unless he didn’t.
That’s not a thought Nancy wants to have. But now that it’s out there, she can’t stop thinking about it. Does it work like that? Can the whole soulmate thing go unrequited? Some memory escapes the precipes of her mind, a brief chapter on soulmate history she had to read for class. It was her senior history class, so she didn’t really pay attention, but she does remember reading something in there about a rare percentage of the population that had one sided soul marks.  She also remembers thinking about how sad of a life they must lead.
And it's not like she's wrong about this, especially since Nancy’s heart feels like it’s about to explode and she instinctively knows the only thing that can calm her down is standing there, staring at her with glazed eyes.
“Want one?” Ace asks, materializing a blunt out of seemingly thin air. “They always help calm me down.” 
Now the glazed eyes make more sense. Nancy reaches for it without thinking, the brief touch of their fingertips as the weed changes hands works wonders for calming her down. She is finally thinking a little clearer, breathing a little easier. She stands taller and some of the tension escapes her body.
“See? Works wonders for the nerves.”
If he wants to attribute her abrupt demeanor shift to his weed, she won’t correct him. Instead, she thinks about how this is the first real time he has talked to her. She wishes it happened sooner, his voice reminds her of waves crashing on the shore and when he talks she thinks she’s found her happy place. She’s never hated herself more.
Taking a hit, she passes the blunt back to him and relishes in the little contact that brings about. How lame is it that she’s pining for a guy who is destined to be with someone else. 
“You seem more relaxed now, if you wanted to talk about anything, I’m here.”
She does. She wants to talk about how she feels more  at ease and safe with him, here in this alleyway, than anywhere else; how she hasn’t felt peace like this since her mom died; how he has a calming effect on her that she wishes she could use like a drug; how she’s scared it might become one.
But she can’t talk to him about that at all, because she knows that though her soul finds peace with his, his soul fits better with someone else's. She doesn’t want to guilt him into any half-assed relationship, figures it would be better to become his friend and get to experience the safety and comfort he exudes at a safe arms-length away.
Instead, she talks about the ways everything has gone wrong in the past year (she avoids bringing up how he could have been her first right thing in a while). He listens as he smokes through the whole blunt, his eyes getting heavier as she continues. She’s confident he won’t remember anything tomorrow, thankful she won’t have to explain her near-meltdown. But above all-else, she’s sad. She really is doomed to go through life alone, she doesn’t get anyone to help shoulder her pain. Maybe she doesn’t deserve it.
When she finishes her sob story, he thanks her for sharing it with him. She nods but doesn’t say anything, afraid of what she might reveal if she opens her mouth again.
“DREW!” An angry George calls from inside.
“That’s my cue.” She makes to leave but is stopped by an arm on her hand. She tries to ignore her heart screaming.
“Hey, I really liked talking to you. We haven’t really done that before.”
She nods, trying to make it seem like she just doesn’t want to talk and not like she physically can’t (not while he’s touching her).
He doesn’t let go, though. Instead, he stares at her with more consciousness in his eyes than she thought he would be capable of by now. 
“You’re not alone. I don’t know why, but I feel like you need to hear that.” His voice is soft and quiet and warm, low tide at sunrise.
Nancy’s eyes widen (though her heart warms) and he let’s go. She heads inside without another word, hand rubbing her neck on the way in.
Nancy decides to invest in neck ties.
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autumnblogs · 4 years
Day 37: > Lord English: Reveal Yourself
Fun fact; remember how Rose has the highest percentage of fuck out of the main cast in her cursing profile? Caliborn has the highest percentage of bitch. This is presumably to code his misogyny.
Surprisingly, Caliborn’s use of language is relatively developed - he has the same level of relative floweriness, approximately, as do Dirk and Rose, but it’s stunted by the fact that his poor period placement makes his manner come across as halting.
More after the break.
Are being evil, and thinking that human reproduction is disgusting, the one thing that Caliborn and the Condescension share in common? I feel like it probably is, other than being, y’know, evil. I think we can interpret this total disgust for other peoples’ bodies as being symbolic of the same kind of specific hate as homophobia - irrational hate and fear of another person’s body as a site of pleasure, pleasure that is unfamiliar to you.
While we can read the first few instances where characters repeat each other’s syntax as being meaningful, now that we’re in the second half of the story, and the fact that Homestuck’s narrative layer is becoming more and more obvious, rather than being indicators of commonality, these sorts of reproductions start to become empty signifiers, in kind of exactly the way that the various symbols become for the characters themselves - symbols or rituals absent of their original meaning, being reproduced for the mere sake of reproducing them.
English’s first act after entering the Furthest Ring through the Green Sun is to Go Kill Andrew Hussie.
This is a great conversation that really puts out into the open a lot of the questions, without directly answering them, but I think that the answer to Karkat’s main question; “What’s the Point of All This?” is bound up in the word self-fulfilling. In Homestuck, a thing has no meaning external to itself. The meaning of our actions are only and entirely what we make of them. That’s the nature of Paradox Space. Through a causal loop, Paradox Space creates itself, just like everyone in Paradox Space is created by their own actions, for the most part.
And where I guess I’m going with all of this is that if we want to talk about Homestuck as a work of theological fiction (it is a creation story after all), it’s a definitively Pantheistic one, or at least a Panentheistic one. What I mean by this is that at the end of the day, probably the best use to which we can put the word God - which has all kinds of weird different meanings - is a thing which is the way it is for no external reasons. There is no higher power, no earlier link in the chain to which you can refer to explain why it behaves as it does; you must simply accept that that is, in fact, what it does.
Because of Homestuck’s conceit that it does, in fact, contain its own author (and audience) as characters, Paradox Space has, from an internal perspective, no link in the causal chain prior to itself to which we can refer to explain why it behaves as it does. It Just Does That.
And so too do individual people in Paradox Space! They Just Do That! Which is what I mean when I say that Paradox Space is a Panentheistic Universe. It’s not merely that Paradox Space itself is Divine - everything and everyone in PSpace, or at the very least, Jujus, Paradox Clones, and so on - Just Do That. The fact that Karkat throws a tantrum is not predicated on any external factors - he Just Does That. Karkat cannot blame his anger on anything other than himself - it is entirely a reflection on, and an expression of, his own character.
Dave is so much less cool in person. He just babbles inanely to himself pretty much 24/7. I wonder if he used to do that around the house when he was living with Bro.
I get the impression that Rose’s Seer of Light Powers effectively allow her, among other things, to have a comprehensive awareness of what has happened in Homestuck so far.
Pretty much our first opportunity to see what they kids are up to on their meteor ride, and everyone is stewing in unfathomable malaise of restless puberty. Dave in particular grappling with his growing understanding of how fucked up his relationship with his Bro is, and his own complicated sexuality.
Romance in general clearly makes Dave uncomfortable to talk about, except as a way of fucking with people. (Also, the way that Karkat is extremely defensive of his taste in movies, going to extreme lengths to justify watching them, he probably just actually likes them and feels guilty for doing so which I think is hilarious.)
I feel like this is illustrative of the reason that Karkat and Terezi broke up in the first place - Karkat is borderline incapable of respecting people’s boundaries. He’s too self-absorbed, too absorbed by his own emotional squalor to be able to consider other people as anything other than actors, as opposed to thinking about them as people with inner lives, for the most part. Except for when he can calm down for half a second.
Dave doesn’t solve this conflict with violence, exactly, but even if it’s not romantic physicality, I still kinda don’t think this level of phyiscal altercation was appropriate to the situation, and probably made things worse for everyone.
That said, Dave is absolutely justifiably angry over the way Karkat is treating this whole situation.
The purpose of these intermissions seems to be exploring the emotional consequences of the negative ideas that the characters have had transmitted to them culturally.
I think the main bad idea that John has had inculcated based on the appalling way that he treats Davesprite is that ultimately, only the “real” Dave actually matters.
While there’s the fact that Dave and Davesprite are still probably the same ultimate self, both of them are still individuals, they’re different from each other. Ironically, the way that Dirk treats the Autoresponder is probably a better model of how to treat people than the way that John treats Davesprite.
More evidence for the “John is Ace” box.
In spite of his youthful preoccupation with movie star crushes, John just has no interest in the romances. (Maybe he’s Aro, rather than Ace?)
We’ll pick up here tomorrow.
For now, Cam signing off, Alive, but kind of exhausted.
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rushingheadlong · 4 years
This isn’t exactly Queen-related, but since this is my “bandom” blog y’all are getting this post over here instead of on my main so. sorry about that I guess lol.
I mentioned this a little bit in my post about the sale Tim Staffell is having on his bandcamp right now, but I also want to talk about this in it’s own right too: Music artists, especially independent creators, earn hardly any money from streaming services and it’s important to actually buy their products to support them!
I know there are other posts going around talking about the problems with Spotify’s payment model right now, but a) I can’t find them to reblog at the moment and b) I think it’s easy to get confused when you look at “average amount paid per stream” because that’s not actually how streaming sites pay out their artists at all.
Rolling Stone did a breakdown in August 2020 of what Spotify most likely pays out to artists, based on the available revenue information. If you don’t want to read the whole article, the long and short of it is that:
The conservative estimate for the number of artists on Spotify is 3 million - of which only about 43,000 artists account for the top 90% of streams on the site. 
Spotify doesn’t technically pay artists per stream. All the revenue that it distributes to artists each month is pooled together, and artists are paid out from that pool based on popularity of individual tracks. 
As this separate Rolling Stones article explains, if five hit new songs by one artist pull in 2% of all the streams in December, that artist (and everyone with rights to those five songs) gets 2% from that pool of money. But that means that if you listen to nothing but small, independent artists the money Spotify makes from you is going first and foremost to top-name artists and not the people you actually listen to.
Here’s a breakdown from that first article that makes this a little clearer: The top 43,000 artists make about $22,000 per artist per quarter. Everyone else (over 98% of all artists on Spotify) averages $36 per artist per quarter, or roughly $12 per artist per month.
You can also see that in breakdowns of what artists with high stream numbers actually make. Just over 1 million streams earned one group just under $5,000 across three months. Although to be clear, this is not a problem with only Spotify and buying digital copies of albums from places like iTunes and Amazon also doesn’t result in high profits for artists - usually netting them less than $1 per album, or about 9 cents per track downloaded. 
Here’s the thing, though: If you buy directly from the artist themselves that percentage of profits goes way up. 
That should be obvious, but it’s easy to rail against how unfair Spotify and other streaming sites are and lose sight of the fact that there is a very clear way to support independent and/or less popular artists and it’s by simply buying their stuff without using a middleman!
Not to keep talking about Tim Staffell but that’s exactly what we’re going to do for a moment here: He sells his music and limited merch through Bandcamp which takes 15% of each sale of digital downloads and 10% of each sale of merchandise. 
His albums are priced a little more expensive than a $9.99 iTunes purchase, but you can buy digital copies of his entire discography for £24 and he’ll make about £20.40 on each sale. If you buy a physical copy of one of his albums for £20, he makes £18. Hell, even if you buy a CD during his 50% sale he’ll still take home about £9 from it and that is still a significantly higher profit than what either streaming sites or iTunes pay out. 
This article talks more about how much more money artists earn selling through Bandcamp than they do through streaming sites. One example given is a band who made $4,200 releasing a new album on the site, vs maybe making $100 a year in streaming. 
From a broader ethical standpoint, that same article talks about some of the charity donations that Bandcamp makes from their revenue and the fact that since the COVID-19 pandemic started Bandcamp has launched “Bandcamp Days” where they waive their percentage from each sale entirely so all profits go directly to the artists. (There’s also the fact that Bandcamp simply pays out artists faster than streaming sites do, so they aren’t waiting for their money to be released.)
It’s also worth noting that Bandcamp requires artists to set a minimum amount, but you can also choose to pay more if you want so if you have some extra cash to burn you can, in fact, give it directly to that small indie artist whose music you fell in love with if you so choose!
And the thing is, it can be really easy to look at a group and see that they have their music on iTunes or Amazon or whatever and just buy from there out of habit, but I guarantee that if you look at their website they’ll also have a link to their Bandcamp page - but you do have to go looking for it!
If you follow my main blog, a few weeks ago I was waffling over whether I wanted to buy merch from The Longest Johns (yes, you’re getting a real glimpse into my musical tastes today). I spent well over an hour looking through their store and I was so tempted by the vinyl copy of their newest album. And I’m still tempted by it but y’all, I live in the US and conversion from £ to $ plus international shipping is not always the kindest so I didn’t buy it. And I will never judge anyone for not having the money to pay for international shipping to support independent artists.
But here’s the thing: The Longest Johns also have a Bandcamp page, which I never went looking for because I’ll admit that I found their music to stream and I just did that and never looked further into it. But now that I know that I can buy digital copies of their albums for £10, of which 90% of that is going directly to them, I am definitely going to be doing that instead.
I get that not everyone has the money to do this, and I fully understand that streaming sites are sometimes the only way that people can listen to the music that they love. If you don’t have the money to spend on something, then of course that’s fine!
But if you do have the money, considering spending it to directly support an independent artist!
Look, Queen is a multi-million dollar enterprise. It’s one thing to advocate for supporting new album releases, like Live Around the World, because that can influence future projects that they might release - but at the end of the day, I genuinely don’t care if you illegally download their music or stream it or anything else. (Seriously, I don’t care if you stream Queen, because the issues with Spotify’s payment structure don’t matter to them when they’re that rich already and there needs to be a massive overhaul* across all streaming platforms anyway in order for smaller artists to make a reasonable profit off streaming sites.)
But if you have an independent artist that you love - be in Tim Staffell or The Longest Johns or Omnia or anyone else - how you engage with their music does matter a lot more. And if you’re financially able to do so, look into buying their music or their merch from them directly, either through Bandcamp or whatever other storefronts they may use. They’ll get a much larger share of the profits if you do that than any amount of time you could spend streaming them on Spotify.
*If you want to do something to start forcing changes with how streaming sites pay out artists, the Union of Musicians and Allied Workers has a list of demands for Spotify specifically which includes paying at least one cent per stream, adopting user-centric pay models, revealing existing payola and then ending it altogether, and crediting all labor in recordings, among other things. You can sign on to support them and read more information HERE and there’s a tumblr post you can reblog HERE as well.
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daretosnoop · 4 years
Legend of the Crystal Skull Review:
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I loved this game so much! The Nancy Drew games are always stellar at placing you in the world of the game. I have yet to play a series that really roots you in its atmosphere. CRY delivered that at another level. I’ve been to New Orleans, and this game took me back to that trip. I loved how everything in the house was slightly crooked to reflect the kookiness of Bruno Bolet, as well as make things more eerie. I remember how the intro to the game scared me as a kid, yes, I got scared of the Skeleton man as a kid. Imagine freaking out to the skeleton man attack and then cutting to Renee’s creepy eyes as a kid! Even as an adult, Renee’s eyes creep me out, and no way was I ever going to drink that concoction! This game has a lot of odd things that you can eat: mysterious beverage that may or may not kill you, chocolate that definitely will, and expired bubble gum that surprisingly does not kill you. Okay, back to atmosphere. The ambience of the game was consistent, even when you played Bess’s portions which was supposed to take you away from the eeriness of the Bolet house for a bit. The rain effect and the semi-dark state of the house because of the electricity outage definitely amped up the fear and creepiness. You definitely took cautious steps in and out of the house. The graveyard. THE GRAVEYARD. THE GRAVEYARD. I think the exploration of the graveyard might be my favourite exploration spots of all the games. I love how you can see Nancy’s silhouette and hear her shoes as she traversed the grave. It was big enough to pique curiosity, but not so big that you would get lost. I also appreciated how every grave section had its own design as it made things more memorable. I know some people didn’t like the graveyard scavenger hunt, but I relished it! The earlier games (1-5) had this slight ruthlessness to the game play. There was a slight edge that kept the reader hooked and just a touch fearful, and this game maintained that edge. I really appreciated that, especially since it would pater out a bit in later games.
This game has one of the best tracks: “Legend”. That alone should put it as a game with an amazing music score, but no, they had to add other titles like “Chatter” and “Bruno”. As someone who loves Jazz, I digged this score. So often I would stop and just listen to the music, and could feel myself get pumped whenever “Legend” would play. Honestly, why hasn’t someone created a Nancy Drew Ambience record yet? The jazz music was a nice contrast to the shadowy layout which added to the “everything is slightly unhinged” element of the game. But man, when the danger music would play, I would get chills. Especially when you’re in Renee’s room or in Bruno’s secret room. Surprisingly those two rooms creeped me more then the graveyard!
I also loved the little noises like the sound of rain, or the way the rain hit the windows. Nancy’s heels as she walked through the graves. The skeletal hand for Charlie’s puzzle. The sound Henry’s chair makes when he moves. Etc. etc.
Nancy was amazing as usual. It surprises me how she remains unfazed by everything, but I love that side of her. Bess felt a bit out of character with her resistance to participating in snooping. Usually she’s dying to know what’s up, or help Nancy out, but she wasn’t this time. Still, got to had it too her. Not many friends would sneak into a private meeting and demand her rights despite being surrounded by creepy skeletal men. Some of you might scoff, but y’all would be crapping your pants if you were in the same situation.
So since you technically didn’t know there would be a mystery, it made sense that there were only 3 suspects. I like how Nancy doesn’t start out with an investigation. She mostly wants to figure out who the skeletal man was and why he attacked her, and how that simple curiosity leads her to the crystal skull. It’s a nice progression of plot.
Henry: Henry Bolet is handsome. I know some people might not like the arm sleeve thing or painted nails, but it’s 2020, it’s called aesthetic! Her Interactive over here creating male characters who want to paint their nails way before popular culture accepted it/picked up on it. Haters be jealous. I’m kidding. But still, I loved how much depth they put into this character. How with so little, you understood his character. When he complains about how Bruno sent him away as a child, it revealed that Henry is someone who really needs family. He’s aware his emotional needs are higher than the average person, not because he lost his parents, but just who he is by nature. It also makes his attachment to Summer make more sense. We can easily surmise that Summer was probably the first person to give Henry the emotional security he needed, but that it was clearly done for her own selfish desires. Henry’s inability/or refusal to see it also makes more sense. That being said, the moment we learn about Summer, it takes Henry off the suspect list. Up till then, the game does a good job at making him seem suspicious do to his dealings with Lamont. It’s not a bad thing, but since we only have 3 suspects, his removal immediately makes the culprit an easy 50-50 guess. Not to mention the fact that after blackmailing him (which was kind of mean of Nancy to do to someone who is already being emotionally abused by his girlfriend) he gets sidelined for the rest of the game despite there being a good chunk left to play.
Renee: Classic sweet but deadly suspect. Love how the game kept her super suspicious from the way she acted to the way she would emphasize things. For example, I found it so odd that she remembered the exact percentage of who would receive what in the will, like she had been mulling over that. And the way she ends with mentioning that she was to receive 10% compared to the others getting 30%, so subtle a remark yet it catches the ear of any good detective. And of course, the room and her interest in the occult made the suspicion grow. Unfortunately, I found the whole part about authenticating the skull a bit lackluster and kind of gives the culprit away. I mean Renee said “I wanted to find the skull” when Nancy confronts her about hiding information. After such a confession, wouldn’t the obvious follow up question be “why?”. I can only guess they included this to hype up the “chase” for the skull since we know the Dr. Buford is also looking for it, but the game didn’t really deliver on the urgency so this felt like a lackluster confession. It also came close to the end of the game, so when Renee appeared at the end it wasn’t surprising. Nancy’s faith in Renee was odd, and the fact that she just tossed up the skull—face slap! Nancy, she literally confessed 10 min ago, did you forget!? The ending was nice. I liked how she “forgot” to tell Nancy about Bernie (so malicious!), but then actually forgot that Bernie was in the water.
Dr. Buford: He was interesting. Seems nice and charming, but the more we learn about Bruno’s death, the suspicious he becomes. Love how Bess worries about Buford coming back to take the skull. I still don’t understand what exactly the skeletal society does, other then being pirate fans, but I liked the costumes.
I love a healthy balance between puzzles and dialogue and this game delivered on that. The dialogue was nicely spaced out throughout the game and added to the characters. Each character had their own way of talking and phrases that stayed true to their character. The one exception is Henry’s “I’ve been naughty but I’ll be nice now” line which threw me off so hard. HELLO?? WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THIS! It’s so random for a college/uni person to say this. Actually, who says this?? I’ll be honest, my mind went a bit dark and wondered just how bad was Summer abusing him for such a dialogue to come out of him……. poor Henry.
But back to the puzzles. I honestly loved most of the puzzles. I know the bowling ball machine (the one where you have to roll all eyes) annoys people, but I enjoyed it. I also know the graveyard scavenger hunt bored people, but I love puns, and l loved the layout of the house and graveyard so much that running back and forth was so much fun. Solving the clock puzzle and teeth puzzle was also fun, and they made me feel like a genius. The first part of the buzzard puzzle wasn’t bad, it was just annoying to have to turn back and see what affect each gargoyle bird did. The book mentioned that the sounds the gargoyle’s made was important, but I didn’t catch anything. I also liked how the final puzzle was a puzzle that built throughout the game. You didn’t know the eye puzzle would be the final big puzzle, but every little puzzle played a role in being a part of the final puzzle. I just thought that was cool, I like interconnected stuff.
There were three puzzles I did not like. The first was with Bess and the box she had to open. The clue was Hamlet and some numbers. I thought that you had to call Nancy and have her check the library for Hamlet and look up those reference numbers. What was the point of writing Hamlet? Nowhere in the letter did it mention that you have to associate the letter to the number and type out what it spells. Also, it did not mention that you had to restart the counting every time! I had to go online for help with this puzzle. The second puzzle was the second part of the buzzard puzzle. After getting the key, which you don’t get a good look at, you’re supposed to use them on the gargoyles. But I didn’t get that, plus the emblem on each gargoyle was just a feather with notches, so how do you know that the key goes there??? Finally, I hated the wasp puzzle. It was annoying and I don’t know why Nancy didn’t take a handful of loquats at once!
They really hold up despite being 13 years old. Sure, it’s a bit weird around the eyes and mouth, but the rest is stellar. Also, I love how they added in certain quirks that matched each character’s personality. Like Henry kicking his legs up to show he’s someone who doesn’t care about bending the rules, little rebellious. But then the fact that he sits proper when talking shows that he’s not so rebellious and is actually trying to be professional. Also shows the contesting sides of his emotional needs and the military training he would have received. Renee’s position over her pots show that she’s someone tricks you into thinking that she loves to work with her hands (lol, end game “this girl just handed me the skull”. I told you I love puns). It also shows that she prioritizes the small things, and the fact that she’s potting despite being recently laid off (she’s the only character still working despite Bruno’s death) makes her a bit unnerving. Dr. Buford at the French quarters show that he’s someone of charm. Etc. etc.
Like I said, loved the slow buildup of plot—how one thing led to another. Don’t know why Ned sent Nancy to do his work, but okay…
The Summer plotline felt like it got accidentally dropped. Like the writers forgot to finish it. Even if it’s just Nancy telling Henry that what he has isn’t healthy/good, or something in the end credits where he finally broke up with her. For all we know, they could still be together.
The introduction of the magical qualities of the skull and Bruno’s death was weird. I like how Bruno’s death became questioned, but while his desire for the skull kind of made sense, it didn’t make sense why Buford or Renee wanted it. It still wasn’t clear at the endgame either. I guess there’s the financial prospect, but that subplot kind of pattered out in favour for the magical plot. It also didn’t make sense that Bruno wanted it for Henry, because let’s be real, he wasn’t a good guardian. It really did seem like Bruno didn’t care for Henry. I mean, why give your nephew a skull instead of what he really wanted/needed, a friend. You can take this a bit darker when you realize that Bruno was giving Henry monetary comfort over emotional comfort and that Henry by end game has come to associate monetary gift to be equivalent to emotional gifts, which just makes his relationship with Summer get even darker.
 Overall, this was a great game. 10/10. One of my favourites and would play again and again. That’s why I bought it, lol!
~Dare to Snoop
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thewitchoftherock · 5 years
“Hordak discovers Entrapta is ticklish”
Hordak often found himself in awe at Entrapta. She was brilliant, holding her own with his own intelligence despite being stuck on this mudball of a planet her entire life. She was creative, coming up with solutions he often didn’t consider, and the woman had NO FEAR of him.
Which didn’t always work out to his advantage. It had been a good while since she had accidently discovered - and he had discovered, by extension- that he was ticklish. If she had been afraid of him in the least, she’d never had been grabbing him with her hair as she always did- thus revealing the weakness in the first place, and she certainly wouldn’t have taken various opportunities to tickle his sides in the sanctum!
Thankfully, the random tickles in the sanctum had stopped. He had been terrified that she’d do that when a subordinate was around. He didn’t miss it at all! Not at all. He certainly hadn’t tried to inflict the same sensation on himself, but to no avail. That would be utterly ridiculous, not to mention abjectly humiliating if anyone found out.
No matter.
Today he was in awe both for her fearlessness and her brillance. She was working on a new, high voitile power regulator for the portal using some matrials and chemicals which he himself never would have thought of. He had stopped his own work to watch her, just in case something happened.
Of course something happened. He could see something sparking next to her while her attention was fixed on soldeiring a few pieces of metal.
“A minute.”
“Just a minute, I’m almost-“
“Entrapta!” He lunged forward as the sparks caught some of her papers on fire. He grabbed her by her midsection perhaps not as gently as he could have been and stomped the fire out.
Then he noticed the giggling. His ears flicked down at the noise as he looked down at Entrapta who was squirming in his arms.
“Your fingertips.” She giggled, her hair puffing out around her.
His fingertips were clutching at her stomach, he realized, and where he had grabbed her so quickly, and where he was struggling to hodl onto her because he had gotten an awkward grip on her..
He set her down.
“Sorry.” She said, still smiling with her face flushed.
“Sorry?!’ He snapped, turning on her. He loomed over her, “You should have been paying more attention! You could have gotten hurt!’”
“... And why didn’t you tell me YOU were ticklish!”
Entrapta blinked at him, her hair twisting around her, “Uhhh..should I have?”
“Because… Because..” He felt his ears droop. Why should he have known anyway? He looked away, frowning, “Well.. you know about me.”
“... Oh! Oh I get it!” Entrapta said, lifting herself up on her hair, “Because you’re embarrassed that you’re ticklish-“
“I am not-“ His denial was cut off by a poof of hair.
“-Then you would probably have felt better if you knew I was ticklish as well, giving you some way to combat my attempts to tickle you.”
Hordak didn’t agree. He just looked away with his ears burning.
“... But.. you’re cuter than I am when you’re tickled.”
Hordak whipped his head around, looking at her. She was looking down and had a sad smile on her face.
“Excuse you?”
“Well… you’re adorable when you laugh. Your snort a little when you laugh really loud- which is cute-“
“You snort when you laugh!”
“Yeah, but it’s not cute.” She said, frowning, “It’s weird when I do it. And besdies that, you’re… well…” She looked away, “I’m not cute when I laugh because I laugh too loudly. I snort when I shouldn’t… And I…” She frowned, and poked at her stomach through her coveralls, “I’m.. kinda.. .My body fat percentage is higher than average. It rolls up when I laugh. You can’t see it around my stomach when I double over, but it does around my face, and I look all weird, and I-“
Hordak put a hand on her shoulder, “Stop.” He said. She looked at him, confused. He sighed. “I do not wish to hear you… insult yourself in my presence again.” He said sharply, “You are adorable.”
Entrapta’s hair puffed out around her, and the flush returned to her face, “You think I’m adorable!”
Hordak felt his ears flick down and burn blue, “I did not say that!” He insisted, “I said you -are- adorable. That is simply a point of fact, and not something to be debated.
“... what would you consider adorable about me then. Factually.”
“Factually.” He said, sharply, “Softer creatures are normally considered more adorable than ones with sharper points and harder bodies, like myself.” He said firmly, “Your coloration would be universally considered to be a cute combination of colors. Your eyes sparkle when you’re really excited about something. You get animated more than normal when you start talking about something you’re excited about.” He walked past her, his ears still burning blue, “All these things would be considered ‘adorable’ in the wider universe. If anyone in this pathetic excuse for a civilization would say otherwise, then that is a poor reflection on them, and they deserve to stay trapped in Despondos.”
“And… and i’m cute when I laugh?”
“The sound is endearing.”
“Even the snorts?”
Hordak turned on her, “Especially the snorts.”
Entrapta gave him an uncharacteristically shy smile, then looked at him, “Thanks.” She said softly.
“Do not thank me for stating the obvious.”
“Well.. thanks anyway.” She said, “And… I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I should have known you’d be less embarrassed about it if you knew I was ticklish.”
“As I said, I’m not embarr-“
His protests were cut off again, this time not by a poof of hair at his mouth, but by strands of hair at both his sides, dropping him to his knees in helpless laughter.
“Well.” Entrapta said over his laughter as she watched him squirm and write, trying to protect his delicate sides from her hair’s attack, “If you’re not embarrassed by it…”
She was close. Too close for her own good. Hordak had an attack this time. He reached out, digging his fingers into her stomach, making her back up, double over, and giggle as her hair puffed out, releasing him. He held her to the ground for only a moment more, tickling her soft stomach until he released her.
“There.” He muttered as he sat on the ground, catching his breath, “I have a defense.”
Entrapta caught her breath, but was still smiling from ear to ear. “You sure do.” She said. “I can’t believe we just had a tickle fight!”
Hordak felt his ears burn. “We did no such thing!” He protested. Entrapta sighed. Hordak was almost painfully shy, and far too self-serious.
She hoped he let that go one day.
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asteriuszenith · 4 years
VT Investigation Files: POI Files: Miz Cardozo
Updated As Of:
Miz Cardozo’s Statement Regarding The Cases Filed Against Her as Well As Her Response To the Call Out Posts
On the Topic of Names
Dr. Cardozo’s full name is Misericordia Cardozo.
Misericordia is the Latin word for “mercy” which is derived from misericors, ‘merciful’, which in turn is also derived from the words misereri, ‘to pity’, and cor, ‘heart’. I find it quite ironic that she is named that considering it appears that Cardozo is anything but merciful now that facts of her apparent misdeeds and actions regarding different horrible events are being dug out in plain view for the world to see.
Perhaps that itself is one of the reasons why Nocturne and Cassie compared her to that of a Wolf.
Cardozo itself originates from the surname ‘Cardoso’. It came from the old Portuguese and in english, the name’s meaning translates to ‘a field full of thistles’.
2017: A Truthful Confession?
In November 2017, an entire month after the upheaval that had been Adrian Carter’s death, the world began to buzz like a beehive full of angry bees when Dr. Miz Cardozo came forward to confess that she had been hiding a dark secret that she had been unable to utter when her boss had been alive primarily because said boss was the reason why she had to keep silent in fear of his retribution that would certainly ruin her career, reputation, and life.
Miz Cardozo admitted to the entire world at large that she had been sexually harassed by Adrian Carter for the years she had been working under him when he was still alive.
The world had been horrified—scandalized—that the genius Montauk leader that led so many innovations had been That type of person.
2018: What Happened In Rosemary Road?
In 2018, Rosemary Road which is a mental illness treatment facility in which Miz Cardozo had been working at, had gone under critical view as its dehumanizing treatment of its patients had been revealed to the world’s judging eyes. The doctor and current CEO of Montauk came under fire as the way she had treated one of her patients—Jak Richard—was made public. Doctor Cardozo’s subpar treatment of the patient’s nyctophobia (the extreme or irrational fear of the night or of the darkness) which involved locking him within a dark room and refusing to release him even as he had begged her to do so disgusted many people. However, her actions did not just end there. She had also been linked to the illegal surgery of one Derrick Brody which had been believed to have worsened his state.
In an answering post created by the doctor in 2019 as a response to Cassandra Carter and Nocturne’s callout posts, she defended herself for her actions in Rosemary Road as well as denied full responsibility for some of them. She claimed that she and a lot of the staff in the facility had been forced to do such extremely morally dubious measures due to severe pressure from the higher ups to produce immediate results. She also claimed that the people should not immediately believe the words of their patients such as Jak Richards for they are prone to charming and lying in order to exaggerate events in order to get people to take their side.
With regards to Derrick Brody’s illegal surgery, she said that she was not his main doctor and that it had been a man named Dr. Henrik Von Schneeplestein who had been the one to lead and perform the illegal surgery procedure on Mr. Brody. She claimed that the doctor came to her one day seeking her counsel regarding the procedure and she had told the doctor that the procedure has a small percentage of succeeding however it also has a possibility of providing good results and improving Mister Brody’s health. After which Dr. Schneeplestein apparently lied to her and the other members of the surgical team that the board had given him the go ahead to perform the procedure on Mister Brody. Basically, she’s foisting off the entire fault to the other doctor.
Unfortunately for her and for everybody who wants to know the truth, Dr. Schneeplestein along with many other staff and patients in the facility is missing. So he is unable to affirm or deny Cardozo’s claims.
Another thing that had been linked to Cardozo from Rosemary Road is the case of the missing doctor called Lawrence Rose. From what I’ve been reading in the sort of between the lines of everybody’s posts is that Cardozo is responsible or at least is highly connected to the missing case of Dr. Lawrence Rose. It appears that they seemed to have had both a deep and toxic relationship that might’ve led to… abuse, so to speak. Doctor Cardozo seemed to be downplaying their relationship to that of a more professional one of a senior co-worker being far too harsh on her younger coworker in order to teach her the ropes and expressed some regrets on her treatment of Doctor Rose. She also denied the allegations that she inflicted the same abuse that she had suffered from the late Adrian Carter upon Doctor Rose, claiming that she would never do such an act after suffering such things from somebody else.
Jury’s still out on whether these claims are sincere or not though.
Either way, things may become much clearer once I begin to sink my teeth into the intel that I had been sent based on the Rosemary Road events. Although that might take quite a while since there’s… a hell of a lot of them to process and consolidate into a comprehensive article or post.
There appeared to have been an initial trial during 2018 wherein Cardozo had been left to become the scapegoat of the public to take the fallout for the consequences of having these events come into light considering most of the staff and patients involved in the case are either missing, dead, or unfitting to be called for trial. However, regardless of becoming the public’s scapegoat for these events, Cardozo is still being painted as the ‘victim’ rather than a perpetrator and instigator for the crimes committed in the facility by the media. No doubt PR and money had been heavily involved in ensuring these.
Ah capitalism and the unending song of corruption within the system… you will never change, won’t you?
2019-2020: Where is she now?
2019 seems to have been a rough year for Dr. Cardozo. Her trials and questioning was continuing on to 2020 as more information and questions circulating around her kept popping up. She was or may even still be in house arrest after she had been questioned by the FBI probably for her involvement in the RR case. However, unknown to the public, it appears that the Bureau of Unreality is hard at work at covering what may have been their influence slash actions in the case.
There was an unlisted video hidden within the voxtenebris youtube channel which showed what appeared to be Doctor Cardozo holding an interview with the unknown Administrator of the Bureau. However, Cardozo seems rather… dazed? I don’t know how to describe it but like she’s rather distracted. It took the administrator several repeats of their questions for her to catch up and answer them. That seems to be odd considering people’s impressions of her is that yes, she tends to pause a bit before answering because she mulls over what to say in her mind before speaking but the way she spoke in the video was… It was as if she was absent minded? Perhaps she was processing the identity of the Administrator since she met them face to face and I believe that their identity has always been unknown to the public.
But as I said, I rather doubt that since her way of speaking seemed a bit… slurred? I don’t know.
Either way, something odd seems to be going on with Cardozo as something from her might be causing some interference in technology. At a certain part of the video after she lost her temper with the administrator, the audio of the video crackled and screeched before an eardrum destroying thrill/ringing noise came from the speakers before it all settled down as she calmed down as well.
So… What does this entire part imply? It implies that the BOU held these sorts of interviews with Cardozo in order to give her a script that would not implicate them in the RR case. So they must certainly be hiding something rather juicy within this case and they must have been cooperating with or working with Cardozo in order to keep whatever secret it was hidden. Suddenly, the experiments on people with certain abilities mentioned by one of the informants Nocturne talked to in the forums came to the forefront of my mind. It makes me wonder if whatever happened in RR is directly linked or just loosely connected to it. The interview also implies that something odd is going on with Cardozo herself and I wonder if it’s just due to stress or there’s something else at play in this. There isn’t too much information on that right now so I’ll just leave it to the side. I’m pretty sure I’ll get some more intel on that later on once I finish slogging through so much documents and stuff that I had been led to.
Anyway so with that in mind, Cardozo obviously knows something or is involved in something that connects Montauk, the morally dubious experiments committed by both the BOU and Montauk in separate cases, the Rosemary Road case, and the BOU itself together.
With that part done, going back to the court trials, there have been rumors that Cardozo will be cleared of all charges regardless of whatever concrete evidence would be presented in court against her. I’m not exactly surprised. Of course they’d do everything to cover their asses.
Montauk’s stocks would die if its CEO is charged guilty with the ugly shit that’s being filed against her and the BOU would have to cooperate with Cardozo in order to save their asses since I have no doubt that she would be the type of person who would drag an entire ship down with her to the depths of the abyss if they left her in the curb to take all of the fall out of the events on her own.
Be Wary of Her
In one of Nocturne’s nightmare blogger entries, he warned us (or maybe just himself?) to be careful when dealing with Cardozo as she is not who she seems to be. It makes me wonder what this warning meant. It makes me wonder if the nightmare entries might be more than what we thought it to be.
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wannacontribute · 4 years
Kill with a knife, fight with poison
2020/10/27, there is a lot of news that the US media reported that once Trump’s re-election campaign is successful, he will immediately fire FBI Director Ray, CIA Director Haspel, and US Secretary of Defense Esper. This has caused a huge controversy. The news was exposed by the American media at this time. It was really a stab to kill.
In addition, the US media also reported that Trump would fire US Attorney General Barr. This is his most loyal lackey. Now Trump has to deal with it. Trump is full of anger at Barr recently. That is, Barr did not initiate the investigation of Clinton Mail Gate and Biden Tongwumen. Trump threatened that Barr would not be ruined or endured in history. If he wants to stay in office, Barr needs to immediately initiate investigations into Hillary and Biden. , Sent them to prison.
Trump is now facing a huge backwardness, lagging Biden by about 10 percentage points in the U.S. public opinion support rate. To bridge this gap in a short period of time, unless a shocking political event erupts, just like the 2016 U.S. election. Like the Hillary Mailgate scandal, Trump quickly turned over.
So far, it is still 8 days from the election. If the shocking political incidents are not revealed at this time, it will be very difficult for Trump to catch up with Biden, so Trump gave the US Attorney General Barr and the US FBI Director. Ray and Haspel, the director of the US Central Intelligence Agency, have exerted tremendous pressure, hoping that they will immediately initiate an investigation into Biden, but these people have not done so yet, which makes Trump intolerable.
Trump also wants to fire US Secretary of Defense Esper because Trump has always hoped to use the US military to suppress the US anti-racism campaign, but Esper has always opposed this, which made Trump very angry. Almost fired him. As a representative of the high-level US military, Esper also stated on many occasions that the US military would not participate in the US general elections, saying that politics would return to politics, and Trump hopes that if the general election fails, he will declare martial law in the US. If the military does not cooperate, it will be difficult for Trump to achieve his goals.
In this case, Trump felt that the US judicial organs, US intelligence agencies, and the US Department of Defense did not implement his orders, did not investigate and arrest rival Biden, which made him extremely angry and looked at Biden’s The support rate is getting higher and higher, and oneself may be farther and farther away from the throne of the US president. In this case, contradictions within the Trump Organization are on the verge of breaking out.
The reason why these people were indifferent to Trump's order is that there is no definite evidence. If Biden is investigated and arrested at this time, it will arouse anger and crazy opposition from the American people. This is political persecution. It is Trump who wants to use his presidential power to improperly frame and suppress competitors. This is a typical abuse of power, which can cause very serious consequences and even trigger impeachment.
Although Trump was very angry and crazy at this time, he did nothing to succeed in his re-election campaign, but the Trump Organization still maintained the last point of rationality, that is, it did not immediately dismiss the FBI director, the CIA director, the secretary of defense, and the secretary of justice. Dismissing them before the general election will cause an avalanche, causing the group to fall apart immediately, triggering a huge political disaster.
But at this time, the American media deliberately exposed such news. In fact, it was deliberately creating panic and division within the Trump Organization, so that they could start fighting in advance. In this way, U.S. Attorney General Barr, FBI Director Ray, and CIA Director. Speer, Secretary of Defense Esper, etc. will secretly sabotage Trump’s election, and even launch a counter-attack against Trump at a critical moment. Don’t forget that the US intelligence services, the US judiciary, and the US military are very vulnerable. Deep, once they join forces to kill Trump, there is a possibility.
Obviously, the Democrats at this time launched a tactic of killing others by borrowing the knife against the Trump Organization, hoping to borrow the hands of some of these people to make Trump lose in the next election, even if Trump subsequently announced his defeat against the United States. To implement martial law and incite U.S. riots, the U.S. military is also likely to support Biden and take extreme measures against Trump. It can be said that Trump is now in a very dangerous situation and offends the U.S. intelligence services and the U.S. military. This is one thing. A very stupid thing.
In addition to the above tactics of killing people with the help of the knife, the Democratic Party also launched a poisonous attack on another Trump's lackey. This person is Trump’s personal legal counsel, Giuliani. This very wretched guy has since turned to Trump. , Became extremely brazen and did a lot of hurtful things.
In order to cater to Trump, Giuliani ordered his subordinates to steal the computer of Biden’s son Hunter, from which he obtained some unsightly videos of Hunter, as well as some mail exchanges between Hunter and Ukraine, thus accusing Biden. For his son Hunter, he sought illegitimate interests in Ukraine. After this incident was exposed, Trump was very happy, praised Giuliani, and asked other people under him to learn Giuliani's unscrupulous methods.
Giuliani also said that he still has Biden’s major scandal evidence in his hands, which will be made public 10 days before the election, which will be a fatal blow to Biden. For a good calculation, it should be made public these two days, but Everyone did not wait for Giuliani to announce the evidence of the Biden scandal. Instead, they fell into a scandal.
Once a company specialized in recording all kinds of secretly photographed celebrities' videos and released them into movies. This time they secretly photographed Giuliani. The company hired a beautiful model, posing as a beautiful reporter to interview Giuliani. As a result, during the interview, Giuliani frequently became ambiguous with the beautiful reporter. After the interview, Giuliani was still lying down. He was about to take off his pants on the bed, but the person who rushed in caught him on the spot.
This secretly filmed film was released on the Internet, and immediately aroused a wave of criticism. This is Trump’s personal legal adviser. He also kept saying that he wanted to expose Biden’s scandal. As a result, he was unable to wash away a lot of scandals. clear. In this way, the unscrupulous Giuliani, Trump's cadre, was annulled by the Democratic Party's tactics of fighting against drugs. His words had no credibility and no one believed it.
The U.S. election is still eight days away. In these eight days, there will be constant climaxes, constant reversals, and various conspiracies and tricks are staged in turn. Trump is a recognized actor who is especially capable of coming, but judging from recent actions, The Democratic Party also hides the killer move. Today's killings and poisoning with drugs are all used by the Democratic Party. In 2016, Trump was in the dark and Hillary was in the light. As a result, Trump killed Hillary and had no power to resist. Once Trump was in the light, and the Democratic Party was in the dark. The Democratic Party used his own way of ruling his own body.
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dejaaalm · 4 years
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I remember when I turned 16 years old, my mom brought me to Subway to apply for my first job. Applying and doing the interview was easy, but my first day on the job was really scary. I had so many doubts and questions. Was I ready to work? To make sandwiches in a fast-paced work environment? To provide good customer service? To count money and give back change correctly? I had all the thoughts and worries a 16-year old would have on their first day of working.
I remember the supervisor teaching me how to make all of the different sandwiches - this meat goes in here and this sauce goes with this. I felt fine at first because he was there to guide me. I felt confident and rest assured knowing that he had my back if I messed up. Two weeks after training, I was on my own. I felt lonely and unsure of what to do. I did not want to screw anything up. I still remember the first time I closed the shop all by myself. I had forgotten the password to the safe, how to alarm the store, and how to refill the pop machine. It was a disaster and I remember feeling so overwhelmed and afraid that I would get fired.
This experience made a huge life-long impact on me. The constant battle of feeling so fearful often wrapped its wings around me. When I got my job at Hennepin County in 2016, the adrenaline of fear slowly crept up on me again. My hire group and I were in training for about 2 months and then we were left to be on our own to prove that we were worthy enough to make the cut and be a permanent team member. Previously, probation was 6 months long. Training lasted 2 months and then we have 2.5 months to process cases and have them be reviewed. I needed to pass both months with a cumulative average of 85% or higher to show that I understand policies and procedures.
I witnessed people from the previous hire groups get fired. There were a few people in our group that got fired or left to find a new job. I was mad and irritated with health care policies and processing procedures. I wept and wanted to quit every day. I felt so neglected by my senior colleagues and supervisors. I felt like God left me there to be tormented and slowly die on the inside because every ounce of confidence and pride that I had left within me had gone out the window. I began to question my own worth. Am I cut out for this job? Do I suck this bad? Do these numbers and percentages really depict my worth?
I was angry for a while. One day, I was praying to God about how hurt and mad I was about the probation process. During my prayer, God revealed something so prominent that I will never forget. In the quiet, I heard "But this was the job you desperately prayed for a few months ago. This was the breakthrough you cried for. Now that you have it, you want to quit?" Right at the moment, one of my favorite Bible verses pierced my heart: Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Right then, I stopped crying. I stopped bickering. I stopped venting. I began to praise him and thanked him for all that I have been given. I promised myself that I would work harder and shift my focus from my defeats to my victories. I would allow God to use me, mold me, and take me to where I need to be.
That prayer led me to so many incredible experiences and connections with people at my workplace. This is not to say that I completely stopped feeling fearful, overwhelmed, angry, and anxious because I still feel all of these emotions from time to time. I still feel defeated and have lots of questions sometimes. The difference is that I have a better coping mechanism and I've learned to really do a lot of self-care. Instead of re-evaluating my entire life and mishaps, I focus on realistic goals that I can reach. Instead of feeling sorry or sad for myself when I didn't do something well, I focus on how I can improve. Shifting my mindset and letting God take the lead has really allowed me to take on opportunities at work.
I got two promotions last fall! I got promoted to be a senior and to be a mentor. I train new workers to potentially become a worker like my colleagues and me. I create training materials and activities, facilitate group discussions, train in-person and virtual training courses, and so much more. For the most part, I love my job. COVID-19 has really stretched my co-workers and me in a lot different ways on a personal and mental health level, but we're hanging there and doing our best to provide meaningful training content.
We have two new hire groups. Our Aug 2019 group completed their formal training and case reviews already but we are still providing support to them. Our March 2020 group started at a really awkward time. It happened right after Gov. Tim Walz ordered everything, except for essential workers, to shut down. We've been training everything virtually. We work with a very complex health care system so it's not easy training this stuff virtually.
Before the state was ordered to shut down all non-essential workers and employment, we were gearing up our Aug 2019 group for the formal period--that is to dissect their case work and look for errors. This process is currently on hold. I could see on their faces how stressed out they were. In fact, one of them broke into tears and walked out of the classroom a few months back because she was so overwhelmed by the amount of test evaluations they were taking. I was not there but when I heard about it, I wanted to hug her and tell her that everything was going to be okay. All of what they're going through right now is to prepare them to gain the knowledge and experiences needed for their future role as it has done for me.
I think our relationship with God is a lot like that. The beginning stages always feel like we're on cloud nine and things are going smoothly. We happily pray every day, sing songs of praise, read scriptures, and intentionally engage in bible studies with friends. We attend conferences, retreats, and worship events to be filled. We want and search for that feeling of "God is in my life and he's guiding me onto the right path." It feels good to have a sense of direction or feel that God is holding us in the palm of his hands. But what about when we hit rock bottom or get close to it? Or, how about the days when we feel like we're worthless, our life has no meaning or value, or you feel like no one cares about your passion and goals. Even in my own personal walk with Christ, sometimes I feel like that long lost and lonely 16-year old making sandwiches at Subway. I need someone to hold my hand. I hate the process. I hate the struggle. I hate what I'm going through. I need to be reminded of my purpose and that God still has a plan for me.
Often times, I was afraid. I was constantly afraid of doing things on my own, or facing trials and challenges, or trying new things, or believing that God really does have a unique plan for me. I realized that my biggest fear is actually not really a fear. I have a trust deficit. I don't trust myself, my skills and abilities, and sometimes, I don't even trust those closest to me. They say, trust in God because he has a plan for you. How can I trust in God if I can't trust myself and others?
Being fearless is something I struggled with. I'm afraid of so many things but most importantly, I'm afraid of my journey with Christ. I'm afraid to let God take control of my life. I'm afraid of being obedient because I don't know what's ahead of me. If you're anything like me, I like to read spoilers before reading a book or watching a movie or tv show. It is so weird but I do that all the time. I don't want to feel like I wasted my time on something so good but it ended so terribly.
It's easy to look up scriptures and read it and say "Oh, that was really good. I needed that today." This doesn't have any meaning. It's a quick "hand-holding" moment that often times lasts for a few minutes and is forgotten. One scripture in particular that has really been my living testimony the past decade is Joshua 1:9 - "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
When I was younger, I always liked this verse. I had it memorized and even recited it out loud whenever I was afraid. But to believe and trust in it was a different process. To see the word of God come to life and manifest in my life was compelling. This bible verse is no longer just an encouraging or inspirational verse. It's alive! It's real. Believe it. Let scriptures come alive.
I don't think it was the struggle of the work or the amount of work that I was afraid of; I was afraid of not knowing what will happen. I was already afraid of the possible negative outcomes if my performance was poor during probation. I was afraid knowing that I was on my own. But God says that we are never alone for he is always with us wherever we go.
During this pandemic, it is completely normal to feel fearful. It is our natural response to a global disaster such as COVID-19. Our social media and news outlets continue to feed us fear. We fear of being disposed to illness, fear of being sick, fear of dying, and fear of running out of food and supplies. Our entire focus is on social distancing and staying safe. Fear has consumed many of us. I encourage you to relinquish your fears today, whatever it may be or what it is related to, and let God take the lead. He knows your strengths and weaknesses and what you are capable of doing more than you know. When you let go and let God, you find the courage and strength to overcome your fears.
It’s easy to fall through the cracks and let the enemy seep through with lies and chaos. Whatever you are going through, know that God is bigger. I often tell my kids to trust me because I know what’s best for them and I know that they don’t know, so in essence, God is the same way. We don’t know what the outcome will be weeks and months from now, but we do know that God is loving, forgiving, kind, and faithful. Call unto him and he will hear you. I am praying for you, dear friend. Be fearless!
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calorieworkouts · 5 years
5 surprising, myth-busting facts about high-intensity interval training
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Jordan Metzl, MD, is significant about high-intensity period training. Much so that HIIT is becoming his best Rx.
The New York City doctor has been attempting to develop bridges in between physical fitness as well as medication for years now. In his book, Dr. Jordan Metzl's Workout Prescription, he makes the argument that HIIT is a workout that-- regardless of a few of the pumped-up rhetoric out there-- is not simply for the very fit.
Dr. Metzl thinks it can be obtainable to individuals of every ages and also fitness degrees, as well as includes amazing health benefits for those with marginal time as well as equipment. (To that end, guide includes great deals of at-home body-weight exercises that vary from 10 to half an hour, so you can essentially leap right in.)
' What I tried to do is make use of both the role of medical professional as well as fitness trainer to provide the most effective information on the scientific research of intensity ... as well as exactly how people can get the most benefit [from exercise] within the least amount of time,' he explains.
' I desire individuals to not be afraid of strength, I want them to embrace intensity.'
The only thing Dr. Metzl doesn't like about HIIT? The name, which he claims can make the sort of training sound frightening. 'It seems challenging to people,' he describes. 'I desire individuals to not hesitate of strength, I desire them to embrace intensity.'
To help you do simply that, we chatted to Dr. Metzl about a few of the typical myths around HIIT to bring you these 5 unusual facts.
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1. HIIT disappears unsafe than much less intense types of exercise
In truth, Dr. Metzl dropped in love with HIIT after it helped him rehab his very own sports injury several years earlier. 'I can get people's whole kinetic chain stronger in a much shorter duration of time, which stops injury,' he explains.
Many physical fitness injuries are likewise as a result of overuse, specifically among joggers, as well as considering that HIIT is brief, it gets rid of a number of those threats (think repetitive striking of your foot on the pavement). Dr. Metzl says he has kids as young as 9 as much as grownups as old as 80 that pertain to his courses as well as do the workout safely-- you just have to concentrate on type and also not go over the top in regards to training. 'I 'd recommend a pair times a week, not on a daily basis,' he keeps in mind.
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2. HIIT has many research-backed benefits past melting fat
HIIT gets one of the most focus for its capability to deliver major afterburn ( Also Known As your body will certainly remain to burn calories at a much faster rate long after you're done sweating). The scientific research Dr. Metzl lays out in his book goes method past that effect.
HIIT has likewise been revealed to help individuals with kind 2 diabetes control blood sugar, for instance, and also to influence appetite so you may consume less. Consider it as the exercise buddy with advantages.
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3. HIIT can enhance your athletic performance elsewhere
You may be believing, 'Yet I'm a jogger!' In which situation, you ought to definitely be adding extreme intervals right into your workout routine.
Dr. Metzl provides numerous studies in which scientists found joggers as well as bicyclists who incorporated HIIT right into their training programs improved both their endurance and also speed up even more than those who did not.
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4. Ten mins of HIIT truly does make a difference
It might be tough (impossible?) to think that exercising for 10 minutes a few times a week could be enough. However while this type of regular will not turn you into an Olympian or offer you body builder muscle mass, studies have actually shown that doing HIIT for that percentage of time can have every one of the very same benefits ( i.e. cardio health and reduced blood stress) as exercising for a lot longer amount of times at a reduced strength (AKA steady-state cardio).
The trick? You simply need to truly press yourself while you're in it. 'The additional out of your comfort area you go, the a lot more useful it can be,' Dr. Metzl says. 'The easiest method to determine is just by your 'huffing and also blowing range.' The more you're huffing an puffing, the a lot more you're functioning. Obtain comfortable with remaining in that zone for 70-80 percent of the workout.'
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5. HIIT sounds like abuse, yet people actually discover it fun
That aforementioned huffing-and-puffing effort might seem unpleasant, however Dr. Metzl presents studies that reveal individuals usually prefer HIIT-style exercises to 'continual modest' workout and also perceive the exercises to be easier than constant workout, also when the intensity is much higher.
Anecdotally, he claims amongst individuals who involve his classes consistently, they have a tendency to feel like they're having a really great time. 'Considering fun is really essential when thinking of uniformity of workout programs,' he claims, since then individuals are further influenced by adjustments in their body and energy degrees. 'In terms of what people can do to stay inspired, the outcomes piece of HIIT training is simple to see and also can take place extremely quickly.'
Another point that the health and fitness crowd can not stop speaking around today? HILIT (high-intensity, low-impact workouts). And also, why you could want to prevent doing HIIT workouts 2 days in a row.
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ariesrps · 6 years
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in honor of a recent rise in roleplays set in the uk, coinciding with the recent global success of the new british netflix show sex education, i was inspired to create this guide to roleplaying british characters. as a british kid myself i love seeing these characters in rps, but have often had friends in the rpc tell me that they struggle to write them due to the differences in popular culture, dialect, slang, media etc.
of course, accuracy isn’t TOO important when it comes to this, since british people generally aren’t a marginalized or oppressed group. however i do think this is a guide a lot of people will find valuable. in a poll with 43 respondents, the highest percentage of roleplayers were from north america (72.1%) compared to only 9.3% coming from the united kingdom (all info correct at time of posting). with the assumption that people mostly write characters that are from the country they’re most familiar with, there aren’t a lot of british characters in tumblr rp. if this guide can provide non-UK-based rpers with the info they’re seeking to pen a british muse, then my job here is done!
DISCLAIMER: if you were looking for a guide written like an essay or report, this ain’t it! this is mostly a collection of external resources you may find useful when writing your characters, as opposed to written instructions.
GEOGRAPHY — where will your character be from?
as a british person who isn’t exactly the most well-traveled, there are definitely inaccuracies in my knowledge of other countries’ geography. i wouldn’t be surprised if some people struggle with the same issue, but regarding the united kingdom. if your character is from the UK, it’s important to know that their characterization should differ depending on which part they’re from.
map of the british isles
map of england
map of scotland
map of wales
map of northern island
the difference between the UK, great britain, and england: explained
why is the republic of ireland not a part of the united kingdom?
NOTE: this guide will not include info on how to write characters from the republic of ireland, as that identity is one of its own and is not classified as part of the uk!
SOCIAL CLASS — what kind of socio-economic background will your character have?
class is an important issue in the UK, in some ways more-so than the US. the first bullet point of this section is an interesting article which explains why this is, but to summarize: the american dream – though flawed, is a reality to an extent. there is no such concept in the UK, making the class situation and socio-economic divide a little different.
“in the uk, i’m working class, but said goodbye to that title in america” article
the seven social classes of 21st century britain — where do you fit in?
POLITICS — what kind of stance will your character take?
just like in any country, politics is extremely important in the UK. just like in america, the country is extremely divided between left and right. if political views is something your character views as important, or you think that their politics defines their characterization in any way, this section should be helpful!
parliamentary (UK) vs. presidential (US) democracy, explained
the uk’s many political parties, explained ( NOTE: this video is slightly outdated. the prime minister, and leader of the conservative party, is now theresa may, not david cameron. but you probably already knew that. )
uk political spectrum
2017 uk general election map
brexit, explained
to summarize the two main parties: labour = left-wing = good. conservative = right-wing = bad.
ETHNIC DIVERSITY — what kind of ethnic background will your character have?
similarly to the US, the UK (though dominated by caucasian people aka white british) encompasses many different cultures. according to the UK gov “87% of people in the uk are white, and 13% belong to a black, asian, mixed or [from] other ethnic group[s], according to the combined 2011 censuses.” while non-white ethnicities are a definite minority, it’s so important not to erase their existence.
a chart illustrating the uk’s race / ethnicity breakdown
britain’s most racially diverse areas
2011 census reveals most ethnically diverse city
IDENTITY — what kind of cultural identity will your character have?
ask a scotsman for a handful of reasons he’s different from an englishman, and he’ll talk for hours. within england alone, ask a londoner how they’re different from a mancunian and they’ll talk for even longer. different parts of the uk have different identities, and it’s important. something we want to avoid is the “posh”, well-spoken, crumpet-eating stereotype or, on the other end of the spectrum, the modern-day oliver twist. expand your horizons!
stereotypes americans have about british people that aren’t actually true
10 differences between brits and americans
what does it mean to be british?
how is the south of england different to the north? (spoiler: very)
north-south divide wikipedia
culture of england wikipedia
our scottish culture: so much more than kilts and bagpipes
scottish culture and traditions guide
culture of scotland wikipedia
wales history, language and culture
welsh culture: facts and traditions
culture of wales wikipedia
northern ireland – cultural life
northern ireland history and culture
culture of northern ireland wikipedia
LANGUAGE, DIALECT, ACCENT, SLANG — how will your character speak?
here’s where the fun parts start! there are so many different variations of accents, regional dialects, area-specific slang and colloquialisms throughout the uk. sometimes i see british characters being written with little to no use of any of these, nothing at all differentiating them from american characters and it’s such a waste in my opinion. even if you don’t like writing with a an accent (some people don’t!) the dialect and slang words along can make your character so much more authentic.
how are british english & american english different?
everyday american words we don’t use the same in the UK
america vs british english – 50 differences
NOTE: resources for the north of england are higher in quantity than the midlands and south of england due to wider variations of accents within the region.
a tour of northern english accents
a - z of northern slang (GENERAL NORTHERN)
northern slang with blossoms (GENERAL NORTHERN)
a - z of mancunian slang (MANCHESTER)
mancunian: english like a native (MANCHESTER)
scouse: english like a native (LIVERPOOL)
scouse slang (LIVERPOOL)
geordie slang (NEWCASTLE)
mackem slang (SUNDERLAND)
yorkshire slang (YORKSHIRE)
the yorkshire accent (YORKSHIRE)
sheffield slang (SHEFFIELD)
arctic monkeys slang lessons (SHEFFIELD / YORKSHIRE / GEN. NORTHERN)
how to speak birmingham (BIRMINGHAM)
a brummie accent (BIRMINGHAM)
7 things said in nottingham (NOTTINGHAM)
black country dialect (BLACK COUNTRY)
10 common british/english slang expressions & phrases (NON-SPECIFIC)
cockney (LONDON)
cockney rhyming slang: english like a native (LONDON)
roadman slang vs cockney slang (LONDON)
london street slang, translated (LONDON)
west country: english like a native (WEST COUNTRY / SOUTH WEST)
essex slang (ESSEX)
mark watson on bristol slang (BRISTOL)
slang of the south - portsmouth (PORTSMOUTH)
welsh people on welsh slang (GENERAL WELSH)
taron egerton talks welsh slang (GENERAL WELSH)
common welsh sayings (GENERAL WELSH)
luke evans on welsh slang (GENERAL WELSH)
25 words and phrases you’ll always hear in cardiff (CARDIFF)
swansea slang (SWANSEA)
20 welsh colloquialisms (GENERAL WELSH)
29 words that have a totally different meaning in wales (GENERAL WELSH)
welsh language wikipedia
how to speak & understand glaswegian (GLASGOW)
gerard butler teachers you scottish slang (GENERAL SCOTTISH)
glasgow slang words (GLASGOW)
most used scottish slang words & phrases (GENERAL SCOTTISH)
doric from around aberdeen (ABERDEEN) note: definitions in description
edinburgh dialect words (EDINBURGH)
trainspotting slang explained (GLASGOW / GENERAL SCOTTISH)
scottish words glossary (GENERAL SCOTTISH)
glossary of scottish slang & jargon wikipedia (GENERAL SCOTTISH)
handy scottish words to know (EDINBURGH / GENERAL SCOTTISH)
28 great scottish sayings and slang phrases (GENERAL SCOTTISH)
use of gaelic in scotland wikipedia
jamie dornan teaches you northern irish slang – vanity fair (GENERAL N. IRISH)
jamie dornan does northern irish slang – bbc (GENERAL N. IRISH)
28 sayings from northern ireland (GENERAL N. IRISH)
northern irish words (GENERAL N. IRISH)
16 slang phrases you’ll need to know in northern ireland (GENERAL N. IRISH)
17 words and phrases you’ll always get in belfast (BELFAST)
a list of belfast sayings (BELFAST)
derry slang words 1 (DERRY)
derry slang words 2 (DERRY)
use of gaelic in northern ireland wikipedia
SURROUNDINGS — what’s it like where your character grew up, or where they live now?
whether your character comes from one of these places OR lives there now (or both!) it might be interesting to incorporate some of their surroundings into their characterization. this section isn’t classified by country/region, because if i were to start going into that much detail here, this guide would go on forever!
10 incredible historical towns in the uk
where are the largest cities in britain?
a guide to the english countryside
the 15 most stunning places in the uk outside of london
top 50 areas for quality of life in the uk
10 best party cities in the uk
10 best student cities in the uk
10 of the uk’s most creative towns & cities to live, work & play
cities with the youngest vs oldest age population
map of stereotypes in the uk
google autocomplete map of the uk “why is [city]...”
POP CULTURE / MEDIA — what does your character like? what are they consuming?
us brits are very proud of our own british-made media. our television, our music, our cinema, etc. if you’re somebody who is interested in including the things a character likes in their characterization, it would be unrealistic not to give a british character some favourites from the place they’re from.
uk map showing where tv shows are set and filmed
uk map showing the origins of famous bands/musicians
the uk’s most popular tv shows according to IMBD
10 best british rock bands of the 21st century
the ultimate reference guide to british pop culture
making british characters realistic as an american writer
tips from a brit for writing british fictional characters
another ‘writing british characters’ guide by @thewritershelpers​
another ‘writing british characters’ guide by @writeworld​
another ‘writing british characters’ guide by @rphelper
how to write dialogue for british characters
writing black british characters by talkthepoc on wattpad
of course, this is overkill. there’s no way on earth you’ll ever need all of these resources, but they’re here and i hope you find some use out of this guide! please forgive any inaccuracies or mistakes, this is my first time writing a guide. you’re welcome to leave me feedback on this here. last but not least, HAPPY WRITING!
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scholarsofthedas · 5 years
Case Study: Feynriel - Regarding Elf-blooded & Elven traits
While roaming within the streets of Kirkwall as Hawke & Co. encounter more shenanigans they didn't ask for. Or maybe they did. Something has, in particular, has piqued my interest.
Or perhaps should I say someone.
Feynriel - an elf-blooded apostate, who Hawke would later be informed by Keeper Marethari during [Night Terror] that he is a "Somniari," or "Dreamer," an exceptional skill that makes him able to enter and change the Fade at will, even killing people within it. A rare talent, if developed at all, that was thought was thought to have been extinct for two ages ( as far as Southern Thedas is concerned), since dreamers attract demons and most prove too frail of mind to survive a demonic possession.
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What is quint about this young man wasn't the fact that he turns out to be a Dreamer; while his body physique is unmistakably human. If we take a closer at his facial features and compare to his parents, he much resembles his elven mother Arianni
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than his human father Vincento
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Such as the spacing between the eyes and its shape, and the tip of his ears appears to be a little sharper (although one might argue it is due to the angle of the picture) 
Which is a rather peculiar phenomenon considering that elf-blooded (often refer to offspring sired by a human and elven parent) would appear physically human and are in fact considered purely human. The reason why we don’t usually encounter individuals that have elvhen traits unless they are full elven was that the elven genome has been described as "adaptive" and elven reproduction in this regard has "much more to do with magic" than science or simple breeding.
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Even his wiki page has sited that the developers have more or less acknowledged his more elven features, although Weekes has dismissed it as a “mistake” in Feynriel’s model.
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What I propose is the notion that it is more to do with the environment. Let me explain:
Elves generally don’t mingle with other races much already due both cultural and practical reasons (as offsprings between human & elf is a [elf-blooded] human, general social discrimination and hostility).
Regarding Dwarves, they aren’t very fertile race to begin with due to the fact that darkspawn has taken over and tainted majority of the Deep Roads, not to mention the notion of mating with other races (humans & elves) was in fact so rare it is considered an oddity than a group of its own; In addition, Orzammar is very restrictive on who they allow into their territory, thus being contact with one, let alone forming an intimate relationship (or at all) is very rare. A “half-dwarf” would mainly be a result of a union between a surface dwarf and human.
As we learn throughout the lore, the very essence of elves are deeply connected to the Fade. In fact, it is heavily implied that elves were once spirits themselves but later take on flesh, mortal form.
And the existent of the Veil has muffled (not mute) that connection.
Typically, cities and settlements avoid locations where the Veil is thin for practical reasons such as spirit and demons unless the place is of political and/or religious significance. Not unlike the people in real life have superstitions and/or avoid such places that are said to be haunted or supernatural essence in general. Normal civilians usually stay away from regions and buildings that harbours the Circle of Magi as well. Even where were signs of any civilization in such place where Veil is thin are usually of the wilder folks such as the Avvars and the Chasind in which they are lived in the region for generations and more intimate information we know about them are often the tip of the iceberg. Majority of Dalish clans generally refrain from human contacts. 
Now, Kirkwall is where things get interesting. 
You see, while most people might have just assumed that it is only the Gallows where weird [magic] shit happens (“expected” in most Circles ).
If one did take the time to search, gather and read all 12 parts of [Codex entry: The Enigma of Kirkwall], one would realize the “City of Chains” and it’s surrounding region (including Sundermount) is one special place of fuck-up.
The investigation notes conducted by “The Band of Three” has revealed that the underbelly of Kirkwall aka Dark Town is not simply sprawling mess of a labyrinth. The layout plan of the city shows there were patterns in the intersections, back alleys, and boulevards. Some magisters believed in the power of symbols or shapes. In the oldest parts of the city, one can make out the outlines of glyphs in the very streets.
 Later notes shows, the records of slaves entering Kirkwall, the numbers did not add up.  "For every thousand slaves that came to Kirkwall, a hundred disappeared", that's one out of ten slaves. A disproportionately high number and quite alarming.
"The mages of Kirkwall have a more troubled history than those in other Circles. A greater percentage of them do not survive the Harrowing, and a greater percentage turn to blood magic—almost double that of Starkhaven or Ostwick." (Why the Chantry decided it was actually a good idea to set up a Circle here in the first place boggles the mind. But that’s topic is for another time)
"It is well known that the Veil is thin in Kirkwall, small wonder given the suffering in the city. But we've discovered the magisters were deliberately thinning it even further.” Basically, with the information above, we can come to the conclusion that those ‘missing’ slaves were being sacrificed to whatever blood magic ritual the Ancient Magisters were preparing.
(This is some level of *FMA horror right there; City state-scaled instead of the whole nation. Not that it was any better)
Whether the citizens & inhabitants acknowledge or unaware of the haunting history that their resident used to be the heart of the slave trade in the height of the Ancient Tevinter Imperium, we do not know. Perhaps they choose to be ignorant of such history for better sleep at night.
You might be wondering why I brought up all these grim past and what is it has anything to do with being elf-blooded and elven traits.
The point is, Kirkwall is a rare case that contains all the ‘required’ elements - a city with a fair amount of residents - including an Elven Alienage. But also where the Veil is extremely thin, dangerously so. However, it also means the connection to the Fade is stronger as well - strong enough for the ‘recessive’ -like (word loosely used) gene of the elven blood to surface and affect one’s appearance.
Therefore the word “adaptive” is being used because it is affected by the level of connection to the Fade in the region.
 Conclusion: I have come up with 2 theories + 1 potential variable.
Theory I.) “Inborn” - The elven-gene is affected by where the child was conceived and where was the mother during her time of pregnancy. The energy from the Fade is absorbed by the child and nurtured at its most vulnerable stage - the fetus, in the purest form.
Theory II.) “Postnatal” - where the mother was during her pregnancy might be irrelevant. What is more important was the environment the child themselves was in. Just as the local diet and culture practice would affect the physique of a person, so does the energy of the Fade would influence the essence of the said elf-blooded individual, nurturing them as they grow up.
Variable) The parents of the child - the elf-blooded child who has an elven mother has a slightly higher chance of having their [physical] elven traits surface than compare to elf-blooded child who has mother of other races (Humans, Dwarves, Qunari(?)) due to the fact that the child is [usually] more closely connected (emotional & physically nurtured) by the mother as the result of the pregnancy.
Let me know what do you think? 
Drop us an ask or discuss away in the notes and/or reblog! 
Thank you for reading.
- Curator Justine ✹
*FMA - Full Metal Alchemist [Brotherhood];
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"Pit bull terrier bites were responsible for a significantly higher number of orthopaedic injuries and resulted in an amputation and/or bony injury in 66% of patients treated, whereas bites from law enforcement dogs and other breeds were less associated with severe injuries."
"Among the breeds identified, pit bulls are proportionally linked with more severe bite injuries."
"47.8% of pit bull injuries required operative repair, which was 3 times more than other breeds."
"Pit bulls are more likely to cause severe injuries that require operative repairs."
"Of the 9 patients with extended hospitalization, 6 (66.7%) were caused by a pit bull...confirms our theory that this breed results in the most devastating injuries at our center."
"Our data were consistent with others, in that an operative intervention was more than 3 times as likely to be associated with a pit bull injury than with any other breed. Half of the operations performed on children in this study as well as the only mortality resulted from a pit bull injury."
"Our data revealed that pit bull breeds were more than 2.5 times as likely as other breeds to bite in multiple anatomical locations. Although other breeds may bite with the same or higher frequency, the injury that a pit bull inflicts per bite is often more severe."
"Of the more than 8 different breeds identified, one-third were caused by pit bull terriers and resulted in the highest rate of consultation (94%) and had 5 times the relative rate of surgical intervention."
"Unlike all other breeds, pit bull terriers were relatively more likely to attack an unknown individual (+31%), and without provocation (+48%)."
"Although a number of dog breeds were identified, the largest group were pit bull terriers, whose resultant injuries were more severe and resulted from unprovoked, unknown dogs."
"The findings of this study are consistent with and extend from previous publications...Dog bites from pit bull terriers, compared to bites from all other dogs, are more common, more severe, and not related to the dog being provoked."
"Compared with attacks by other breeds of dogs, attacks by pit bulls were associated with a higher median Injury Severity Scale score (4 vs. 1; P = 0.002), a higher risk of an admission Glasgow Coma Scale score of 8 or lower (17.2% vs. 0%; P = 0.006), higher median hospital charges ($10,500 vs. $7200; P = 0.003), and a higher risk of death (10.3% vs. 0%; P = 0.041)."
"Attacks by pit bulls are associated with higher morbidity rates, higher hospital charges, and a higher risk of death than are attacks by other breeds of dogs. Strict regulation of pit bulls may substantially reduce the US mortality rates related to dog bites."
In this controlled temperament test, pit bulls were at least twice as likely to attack as Dobermans, three times more likely to attack than Rottweilers, and nearly ten times more likely to attack than golden retrievers. Note that the anti-breed ban activist authors found "no significant difference" between breeds when the definition of "aggression" was watered down to the point that even whining was considered aggressive. But pay close attention to Table 5 on page 138: out of all the breeds tested, pit bulls were markedly the worst when it came to the percentage of dogs that actually attempted to bite or attack. Close to one out of seven pit bulls reached level 5 during the one hour test compared to only one out of the seventy goldens tested. "Staffordshire terrier" is what some breed registries call the pit bull terrier.
The interactive dangerous dogs map kept by the city of Minneapolis is maintained in a "breed-neutral" way in that MSP does not "discriminate against" pit bulls. Still, 70% of the dogs listed as dangerous are pit bulls; 81% are pit bulls plus closely-related bully breeds. In fact, this list has always been over half pit bulls since it was launched in 2015.
In fact, pit bulls dominate animal control dangerous dog reports throughout the U.S.: I've just singled out Minneapolis so folks can't pull the usual "but pit bulls are always misidentified" excuse because this list shows clear photos of each pit bull.
People scoff at dogsbite links, and admittedly, the editorializations on Dogsbite.org can be quite unprofessional and I disagree with many of the opinions expressed. But the matters of fact cited on Dogsbite.org are generally independently verifiable and the site generally makes clear efforts to link to and archive the original source. For example, this list of animal control reports is a good source: the data are reported directly from animal control departments and departments of agriculture.
Dogsbite.org also publishes photos of dogs that kill people on its website. If you wanted to put together a 12-month calendar of the most popular breeds in the U.S., it would look like this. But when you make that same image using the most recent reasonably clear and credible photos of the dogs that killed people in the U.S., it's considerably less diverse.
Note that these aren't the most recent deadly dog attacks, they're the most recent deadly attacks where either law enforcement or a news outlet published its own photos of the fatally-attacking dog(s). See more recent photos, including ones taken from owners' and victims' social media, here. The American Veterinary Medical Association has essentially acted as an animal breeding industry lobbying arm since 2003: the AVMA published and its position paper continues to misleadingly reference an incredibly deceptive study authored entirely by pit bull activists without mentioning their conflicts of interest or addressing any of these problems with the study.When someone "rescues" a pit bull, they're still buying a dog: a dog for whom they'll need to buy food, supplies, and veterinary care for the rest of its life. The conflicts of interest the pet care industry has in defending pit bulls is obvious. I'd be much more impressed with a ringing endorsement for pit bull innocence from any human health or public safety organizations, but literally none of them say anything remotely close to "actually, pit bulls are safe." The most comprehensive research to date on BSL in North America, conducted 2012, found a significant decrease in dog bite injury hospitalizations in regions where pit bulls are banned. The lead author, Malathi Raghavan, is assistant director of research and education for the American Veterinary Medical Association:“What we found is where the legislation was enacted, then the number of bites was reduced relative to places where the legislation wasn’t enacted,” said Dan Chateau, one of the authors of the study and a research scientist at the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy. “How strongly we can claim that one caused the other, that is a little bit still up for debate but the relationship is definitely there.” From 1984 to 2006, the total number of dog bite hospitalizations per year fell by about 20 per cent, from 3.47 to 2.84 for every 100,000 people.“ Hospitalizations for dog bites are really rare. A 20 per cent reduction in anything is good, particularly with dog bites,” Chateau said. “I would think it’s a substantial reduction.” The “crusade against pit bulls” ...is hilarious to hear about in light of the fact that pit bull lobbyists spend millions of dollars every year to pimp pit bulls in cable TV and in the news and in coffee table books with insipid titles like I'm a Good Dog: Pit Bulls, America's Most Beautiful (and Misunderstood) Pet and in feature films and with an invented history as sugary and fake and absurd as "nanny dog" and "American icon."...while anti-pit bull crusading is pretty much limited to Dogsbite.org, which gets less than $50,000 in funding annually, and news reports on severe and fatal dog attacks. What other breed has a lobby backing it up? Why would a breed need lobbying on its behalf? Why is there no historical evidence to support either "nanny dogs" or the idea that pit bulls weren't historically stigmatized?The Little Rascals? They weren't just any kids, they were scruffy troublemakers from the "wrong side of the tracks." So was their dog. And the dog symbolizing the U.S. in WWI posters? In other posters, this dog bears much more similarity to a white bullterrier than the pit bull, and at the time, show bull terriers were considered distinct from "pit" bull terriers. If the pit bull terrier was such an "icon," why isn't the dog shown in those posters unambiguously a pit bull? Why isn't it labeled as a pit bull terrier, and why is it white and not colored like a typical pit bull? Why was a pit bull cast as the companion to poor kids who often clashed with others around them?Why didn't the American Kennel Club recognize pit bulls until 1936? Why did the AKC only agree to admit them under the star-spangled name of..."Staffordshire terrier?" Staffordshire is in England. Why didn't Americans want to take credit for "America's Dog?" Why didn't the American Kennel Club give this "American icon" an American name? The general public is under the impression that this breed is carnivorous, vicious, and, fed on a diet of raw meat, will devour a human being...When the pit bull terrier was introduced into America, he was more commonly found to be owned by prize fighters, saloon keepers and habitues, sporting men and the like. From the start the breed earned an unjust reputation due to his fighting ability and the character of the owner. To this day he is still trying to live down an unjust and undeserved reputation. Joseph Colby, The American Pit Bull Terrier, published 1936. Colby was then one of the world's best-known pit bull breeders, and when he addresses the pit bull's reputation, he makes two key points: Pit bulls had a bad ("unjust") reputation "from the start" (or about the mid-1800s) and pit bulls still had a negative reputation a century after the type originated. A "pit" bulldog belongs to a strain of dogs which have been trained to fight each other in bloody battle to death in a dog pit. Around this pit, or arena, inhuman humans, more brutal than the brutes that they are brutalized, assembled to gratify an evil lust for blood and rejoice in the suffering and death of the wretched animals they had trained to cruelly and ferocity...Small wonder that pit bulldogs have inherited the ferocity of their masters, who trained them to brutality...no pit bulldog should be ever made the companion of a child. Milwaukee Sentinel, Feb. 17 1945 
The bull-and-terrier type, which later became the pit bull, arose because dogfighting became popular after bull-baiting was banned.
The original bulldogs, however, strongly resemble pit bulls and at the time they had a strikingly similar reputation (attacking without provocation, not letting go, not warning before an attack, et cetera.)
In his 1792 A General History of Quadrupeds, Thomas Bewick referred to bulldogs as "the fiercest of all the Dog kind.”
in British Field Sports, an 1818 guide to hunting, William Henry Scott described these dogs as “devoted solely to the most barbarous and infamous purposes” and “the real blackguard of his species." He also argued that the bulldog possessed “no claim upon utility, humanity, or common sense” and concluded that “the total extinction of the breed is a desirable consummation.”
Writes William Bingley in Memoirs of British Quadrupeds (1809: "The Bulldog is remarkable for the undaunted and savage pertinacity with which he will provoke and continue a combat with other animals, and when once he has fixed his bite, it is not without extreme difficulty that he can be disengaged from his antagonist...He is oftentimes fierce and cruel, and seems to possess very little of the generosity and disposition so remarkable and so celebrated in dog species.”
Bingley also warned that bulldogs were especially prone to unprovoked attacks on humans, arguing that this breed “frequently makes his attack without giving the least previous warning." Bewick, too, wrote that “the bull-dog always makes his attack without barking” and because of this, “it is very dangerous to approach him alone.”
The entry for “bulldog” in the fourth edition of The New American Cyclopedia:
So strongly marked is this peculiarity that an able recent writer on the dog considers the bull-dog a sort of abnormal canine monster, a dog idiot, yielding to uncontrollable physical impulses, now of blind ferocity, now of equally blind and undiscriminating maudlin tenderness, which renders him more addicted to licking, slobbering, and mumbling the hand, the boot, or any other part of any person to whom he takes a sudden and causeless liking, and whom he is just as likely to assault the next moment than any other of his species.
Editor George Ripley argued that “the bull-dog does not display the usual intelligence nor fidelity of the dog; since he will capriciously attack his master." It is not true that pit bulls have a special locking mechanism in their jaw but it is true that they hold on when they bite and they won’t let go. In fact, experts recommend that pit bull owners carry something called a "break stick" around at all times: that's literally a tool used to pry a pit bull's jaws open during an attack and they're pretty much just for pit bulls. As to the myth that pit bulls who were man biters were culled by dogfighters, here, this blogger put together a documented list of famously human-aggressive fighting dogs who not only weren't "culled" but were bred so often that they produced over 1,200 known, registered offspring:"The man-biters were culled and the pit bulls were not bred for human aggression myths were created from thin air, complete fabrications. There is not a sliver of truth in the myth that dogmen culled man-biters. Not only weren't human aggressive pit fighters NOT culled, but a talented man-biter was heavily bred, his stud services were in high demand and the stud fees commanded a premium. The progeny of man-biters are still sought out long after he or she has passed away. This Italian game-dog website lists their choice for the Best Ever fighting dogs, three of the five are known man-biters and the other two trace their origins to the others on their "Best" list. Some famous man-biters have their own facebook fan pages. If you happen to be a 10x winner with 3 kills and scratching on the carcass, people tend to overlook a little thing like the danger she poses to people and she is also likely to be nominated for the cover of this month's International Sporting Dog Journal. Some famous man-biters not only have a facebook fan page, they have their own promotional merchandise too."
Let's lay aside the on-its-face absurdity of the "no one knows what a pit bull looks like" shtick: Appellate courts have consistently ruled that people "of ordinary intelligence" can identify pit bulls as pit bulls. Pit bull apologists have spent literally millions of dollars to teach us not only what pit bulls look like but also why we should adopt one and proselytize on social media about how "sweet" and "misunderstood" they are. You can't have this massive multi-million, multi-decade rebranding campaign on social media, TV, movies, books, and everywhere else...and then claim that most people have no clue what a pit bull is.
Here are some of those rulings:
Vanater v. Village of South Point, Ohio: Village criminal ordinance, which prohibited the owning or harboring of pit bull terriers or other vicious dogs within village limits, was not overbroad, even though identification of a "pit bull" may be difficult in some situations.
Toledo v. Tellings, Ohio: The Court found the state and the city have a legitimate interest in protecting citizens against unsafe conditions caused by pit bulls. The evidence presented in the trial court supports the conclusion that pit bulls pose a serious danger to the safety of citizens.
Hearn v. City of Overland Park, Kansas: The court held: (1) the ordinance is not unconstitutionally vague or overbroad; (2) the ordinance does not violate the due process rights of plaintiffs under the United States and Kansas Constitutions; (3) the ordinance does not violate the equal protection clauses of the United States.
Dog Federation of Wisconsin, Inc. v. City of South Milwaukee, Wisconsin: The court found that reference to recognized breeds provides sufficient specifics to withstand a vagueness challenge. With regard to equal protection, the court held that the ordinance is founded on “substantial distinctions” between the breeds of dog covered by the ordinance and other breeds of dog. Moreover, the ordinance is “germane” to the underlying purpose of the ordinance to protect persons and animals from dangerous dogs.
Colorado Dog Fanciers v. City and County of Denver, Colorado: The court found the ordinance to be a valid police power exercise to protect the health and safety of the citizens since the evidence showed pit bulls to be inherently dangerous.
American Dog Owners Ass'n, Inc. v. Dade County , Florida: The District Court held that ordinance sufficiently defined “pit bull” dogs by specifically referencing three breeds recognized by kennel clubs, including a description of the characteristics of such dogs, and provided a mechanism for verification of whether a particular dog was included. The uncontradicted testimony of the various veterinarians reflected that most dog owners know the breed of their dog and that most dog owners look for and select a dog of a particular breed. The Court found that the law afforded fair warning of what is proscribed. I find it kind of funny when people say calling pitbulls dangerous is racist because pitbulls are associated with POC, but here’s an interesting fact: The Ku Klux Klan is inextricably linked to pit bull and dogfighting culture and to this day, the image of a pit bull is still listed as a hate symbol by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Found this on reddit:
Pit Bull Owners More Likely to Show Sociopathic Tendencies
A significant difference in criminal behavior was found based on dog ownership type. Owners of high risk dog breeds were significantly more likely to admit to violent criminal behavior, compared to large dog owners, small dog owners, and people who did not own dogs. The high risk dog breed owner sample also reported that they engaged in more types of criminal behavior compared to all other participant groups of criminal behavior (i.e., violent, property, drug, and status).
The interesting addition to our knowledge that that this study provides has to do with the personality characteristics of the high risk dog owners. In general high risk dog breed owners were significantly more likely to engage in sensation seeking and risky behaviors. As a group they were also more careless, selfish and had stronger manipulative tendencies. - Psychological Characteristics Owners of Aggressive Dog Breeds, Psychology Today
"Owners of cited high-risk ("vicious") dogs had significantly more criminal convictions than owners of licensed low-risk dogs." - Ownership of high-risk ("vicious") dogs as a marker for deviant behaviors: implications for risk assessment. - Full text PDF
" Findings revealed vicious dog owners reported significantly more criminal behaviors than other dog owners. Vicious dog owners were higher in sensation seeking and primary psychopathy. Study results suggest that vicious dog ownership may be a simple marker of broader social deviance." - Vicious Dogs: The Antisocial Behaviors and Psychological Characteristics of Owners - Full text PDF
"Vicious dog owners reported significantly higher criminal thinking, entitlement, sentimentality, and superoptimism tendencies. Vicious dog owners were arrested, engaged in physical fights, and used marijuana significantly more than other dog owners." - Vicious Dogs Part 2: Criminal Thinking, Callousness, and Personality Styles of Their Owners
Also see: Personality and Behavioral Characteristics of Owners of Vicious Breeds of Dog (dogbitelaw.com) I’ll edit this for formatting and add to it in the future.
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