#reviving bionicle
revivingbionicle · 2 months
Reviving Bionicle Update July 2024
Hi everyone. it's been a little while since I've posted a real update on this blog (the last written update was December 27, 2022). On RB's 10th anniversary last year I made a video, but now I'm going to write this out.
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The screenplay for episode 5, now titled "Wounds and Time", is complete.
It's been difficult to get this thing written. Would you believe me if I said I outlined this in 2018? That's 6 years ago. This thing has been bouncing around my brain for 6 years. It's 98 pages (including the title page) and it feels so good to finally get this thing done.
What's next?
I have sent the screenplay to a few people who will be helping me out with various areas I'll need assistance in. They're currently reading it and giving me an idea on what they think. While I have lots of confidence in this, I am still looking for a little feedback.
Soon I'm going to start filming, regardless of feedback, so I can at least get some smaller scenes under my belt and finally get the ball rolling.
I can't believe this thing has been written. After so, dang, long. It almost doesn't feel real.
Hopefully I'll have more updates for you later (scenes finally getting filmed, good feedback, and maybe even screencaps). I just wanted to let y'all know that yes, this project is still moving forward, and hopefully I can push through what life's throwing at me right now to get this finale out. I don't know when that'll be, but I'm going to do my best to do right by what I've written.
See you soon!
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nerdsinc · 2 months
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other little miscellaneous doodles for 810nicle day! gameshow host tahu since that part of stream was hilarious, and some other doodles!
i wanted to draw stuff from bionicle that mattered to me a lot for the last two, so i drew some reviving bionicle fanart (as that was what really got me into bionicle in the first place) and then a little matoro doodle since hes my favourite character of all time!!
happy 810nicle day everyone!!
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thyfleshc0nsumed · 2 months
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Reviving Bionicle 3 - Ep5: The Future
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somerandopers0n · 10 months
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He'll make it back
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moonsinkfoxgirl · 5 months
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love how the small ones have these little backpacks to carry the Krana around, that's so cool
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herora-nuva · 1 year
Toa Mahri: Matoro, we are going to sacrifice ourselves for you.
Matoro: Hm, yeah about that
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randomwriteronline · 6 months
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more and less unusual bionicle duos (who's who in alt)
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girlfoxcock · 1 year
ok... i put one bionicle theme in here. tell me if you recognize it. hint: in the original song, they're actually "vocals"
ive been working on a lot of music and im sad i haven't been able to really finalize anything to the point where i can upload it to soundcloud. i want to post an album there every year to keep music juices flowing, but there are so many other things i need to work on that this is clearly not a priority.
that being said, here's the first song ive finished in months, despite having a million unfinished ones.
volume warning in some cases, fyi. loud and electronic
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illudens · 2 months
the moment artfight is done im making SO MUCH bionicle and reviving bionicle fanart
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reactionimagesdaily · 2 years
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sepublic · 4 months
I remember hearing an interesting theory; That Ninjago and Hero Factory, which came out at more or less the same time, were both meant to be successors to Bionicle. Because in addition to the parallels people have already pointed out, the theory suggests that Lego created both themes to explore different aspects of Bionicle, and see which one fared better as a way to decipher which aspect of Bionicle made it so successful?
So Hero Factory carried on the constraction, buildable figure aspect of Bionicle. While Ninjago carried on its story and elemental character aspect. In the end, Ninjago proved to be the more popular one by far, suggesting it was the story that made Bionicle resonate with fans (and Brickonicle proves this imo). Which makes it baffling that when Lego revived Bionicle, they gave it even less lore than not just G1, but also Ninjago and Chima in their early years as well.
My best guess is that Lego decided Ninjago already fulfilled the story driven niche and wasn’t ending anytime soon. So instead of making it compete with Bionicle G2, have G2 replace the dwindling Hero Factory, so it can inherit the focus on the constraction system with less emphasis on the plot; To its detriment, as it turned out…
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sandiaheadonline · 8 months
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Turaga Nuju sat alone in the observatory of a Knowledge Tower. All the lightstones in the chamber had been doused. He watched the stars make their flight across the sky in silence. His exaltation over Mata Nui's revival had been replaced by grief over the Toa lost in the fight.
Many centuries ago, disaster had forced the Matoran of Metru Nui and their Toa to relocate to a wild, previously unknown land. That disaster had in part been caused by the pride and overconfidence of the Toa Metru, of whom Nuju was one. After the Toa became the village elders called Turaga, they had tried to put the past behind them—all but Nuju. He adopted the language of flying Rahi birds in place of Matoran, only speaking the common language in emergencies. It was his way of reminding the others of what they had been through and the dangers of arrogance.
Of course, speaking another language meant Nuju needed a translator so others could understand him. He chose a Ko-Matoran hunter/tracker with a real respect for the natural world. Matoro had seemed taken aback by the offer, but eventually agreed to be tutored in Nuju's language.
Over the next 1,000 years, the Turaga and the Matoran would be almost constant companions. Matoro had shown himself to be efficient and trustworthy, keeping all that he heard in the Turaga's councils to himself. Nuju came to rely on him, both for his skills and for his honesty. He was a reminder of the true nobility in every Matoran.
And now he was gone.
The cold, analytical side of Nuju told him this was an acceptable exchange—one Toa for the life of the universe. It was, in fact, a small price to pay for such a monumental event. Feeling regret or sadness was not logical. After all, what was the alternative—Matoro living, and the universe dying? Would that have been better? For reasons he did not understand and never would, Nuju suddenly realized that the answer might just be 'yes.'
What sort of Great Spirit requires the death of a brave, noble hero for his survival? If a being as powerful as Mata Nui could not thrive without demanding such a sacrifice, then maybe existence needed to learn to get along without Mata Nui, he thought angrily.
Nuju sighed. No, that wasn't right. If Mata Nui was not worth saving, then Matoro had died for nothing. That he could not accept.
He looked down from the observatory to the streets below. Most of the Matoran residents of the city had not heard about Matoro yet, only that their world was not going to end, after all. They were rejoicing. Nuju felt even more detached from them than usual, for in his Knowledge Tower there would be no celebration. There would be only memories of a good translator, an honest Matoran, and—Nuju finally admitted—a lost friend.
-BIONICLE Ignition, Death of a hero.
Old Matoro and Nuju fanart I made around three years ago and the first fanart I made in this style. It will never stop hurting 💔
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nerdsinc · 5 months
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my friend @xonxt made me watch this cool series called reviving bionicle!! obviously i got hooked on it and had to do some art... so heres kopaka! i tried to simplify/stylize the design so i could draw him easily and so it wasn't just normal bionicle fanart, so sorry its not completely correct to how he actually looks :P
(as always, PLEASE reblog so my art gets circulated!! it would be very, VERY appreciated! thank you, ily!!)
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makutaservaela · 21 days
Random Bionicle Headcanons and Running Gags
Involving canon characters
Somehow, Helryx always knows exactly where in the room Jerbraz is in and looks him dead in the eye when she speaks to him. Masks that can reveal him don't generally reveal details, so she is the only person who ever looks him in the eye. He has no clue how she does it and it scares him shitless. (Mazeka suspects she can hear his breathing and/or footsteps, uses that to calculate whereabouts to look, and then listens for his surprised breath-hitch when her gaze meets his eyes).
Mutran hates heights
Teridax was generally considered annoying by most other Makuta. Even those who respected his plan generally considered him annoying on a personal level.
Although Skakdi need to work with another Skakdi to activate their elemental powers, the assistance can either be physical or neurological. In other words, they can either be in close-proximity and activate at the same time, or on can just grab the other's arm and then he can use his powers. He doesn't need the other Skakdi's consent to use his powers that way.
Upon returning to Toa status, Vakama is really fucking tall for some reason, towering over the other Toa Metru.
Onua Nuva in his adaptive armour is also really fucking tall for some reason.
Air elementals are usually quite short.
Miserix sounds like Morgan Freeman.
Vican sounds kinda like Eminem.
Skakdi speak with some accent I can't quite identify, but it is rather UKish. I've always imagined it that way even though I have no clue what the accent is. For example, they pronounce Rs "wr". I likely based that on the fact they rarely close their lips all the way (they can, they just don't do it often).
Skakdi move faster on four legs than two, but prefer two legs so they can hold things and to look more civilised.
Avak smokes cigars (despite the aforementioned lip-closing thing)
Lewa is really good at figuring out people's secrets by incorrectly assuming what the secret is, cracking a joke about what he thinks the secret is, and then the person misunderstands the joke into thinking he knows the *actual* secret, and they confess.
There are some implants installed into all Dark Hunters upon initiation. One is the implantation of metal fangs as a backup weapon. Because of this, some people have taken to calling Dark Hunters/Ex-Dark-Hunters "Metal-Mouths".
Mutran can't spell "Kraahkan". In general, he is not good at spelling.
Most Bionicle are somewhat ambidextrous. They do tend to have a dominant hand, although the difference between dominant and non-dominant is way smaller than with humans.
Mutran is left-handed (which can be seen in a recent Bio-Parenting).
Krika is naturally heterochromatic- one gold eye, one red. When disguised as a male Makuta, part of his disguise involved hiding his heterochromia. Now that she is restored to life, she displays her natural eye colour.
Vamprah tends to self-groom via licking when he is embarrassed.
Miserix tends to self-groom via licking as a show of disrespect (ie, if someone is talking to him and he wants to communicate "I no longer give a shit about your opinion, go away", he will just start grooming and act very, very interested in his grooming. He used to do this non-stop to the Shadowed One).
Since their revival, Makuta have regained The Call: Makuta have an instinct to give a bird-like shriek when they feel there are no other Makuta around, and if a Makuta hears a Call, they feel a strong urge to respond. It's a method of locating and keeping track of each other. They had it long ago, but lost it when they originally became essence in armour. They can pinpoint the distance and direction of another Makuta's Call if they hear it.
The Call is affected by mask: Shelek wearers give one similar to the stereotypical "eagle" call (which is actually a hawk call). Avsa wearers give one more similar to an actual eagle call. Jutlins are short, rapid shrills, Felnas sounds like a mountain lion scream, both the Kraahkan and Miserix make a crocodile-like growl that vibrates everything in its vicinity, and I haven't decided the other masks yet.
A smallish canid species on Bota Magna was named "Vahki" and are kept as pets. The name is due to their similarish appearance and how they are often kept as livestock guard dogs.
Spikits can be farmed for their milk, but it tastes awful and needs to be heavily processed.
Helryx has developed narcolepsy due to how worn-out she is. The other Order Members politely ignore her random faints, although they will usually make some attempt to catch her.
I have no clue where tf Umbra went in my HC.
I am incapable of reading Irnakk's name without automatically pronouncing it "EE-nak". I... have no clue why. I think someone erroneously put that in the Wikipedia once and it just settled in my head.
For some reason as a kid I screwed up Matau's name and, until I watched the movies, thought his name was "Matua" (Mah-Too-uh)
Involving OCs
The Toa Metru are god-awful at coming up with original names for things (hence the naming conventions of the island of Mata Nui). This is why Nokama named most of her kids after Rahi: Muaka, Oohnora, Usall, and Goku.
In canon, when Pohatu learns a new thing, he always asks "What is XYZ?" And usually immediately finds said thing. This trait is genetic, and despite him not having raised his son, his son Pohanu, grandson Mikaua, and granddaughter Lonya all picked up this trait independently.
All four of Matau's kids have independently developed some thing that makes them more likely to bond with Nuju: Irunak was, due to a birth defect, born an ice-elemental, Oohnora was the middle of 9 kids and struggled to get attention, so the ever-distant Nuju was the only one who noticed her, and Kekek and Usall taught themselves the language of the flyers to use as a code-language without knowing that Nuju could also speak it fluently.
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matoro where he shouldn’t be day 50: watching reviving bionicle
hail denmark
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xtarart · 2 months
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HAPPY BIONICLE DAY!!!!! time for another look into my mind to see more Bionicle minifig concepts, this time... After sacrificing himself to save the mask of life, the brave matoran's soul was revived and reforged by the great spirit Karzani with a new form, the great spirit also granted a boon of power to his friends, the six were reformed into a new generation of toa who would help protect the planet they call home. The Toa Inika.
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