fczbecrspizzc · 2 months
where is my daughter.
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spring-lxcked · 2 months
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@revvnant asked: ❝ hc + 👗❞ ( thematic headcanons )
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hc + 👗 for a clothes-themed headcanon
Literally my favorite topic ( except his patheticness ). I've talked a ton about his whole. . . dresses eccentrically enough to stand out, but nice enough to be perceived as well-dressed / attractive / etc. But he does genuinely enjoy most of his style and it's not just for show. His least favorite is actually probably when he feels the need to dress Properly ( think basic ass black and white suit and tie ), but otherwise he likes lots of colors and leans heavily into trends of the times that he enjoys. speaking of, where is my william "tits out" af.ton post— anyway, i def think in his 40s+ he dresses, uh. i mean, there's not actually any such thing as "dressing too young for your age" but i think his kids probably disagree LMAO. on a smaller hc note, he's a huge fan of bellbottoms even once they go out of style ( william 🤝 jayne ) and a lot of his looks can be traced back to 70's rock fashion with a touch of disco-inspired fashion. ( legally required to link his wardrobe pin section )
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mute-call · 10 months
@revvnant // starter call.
"Hey, kiddo." Steve's not that old himself, but there's nothing like working with children all day to make one feel perfectly mature.
"Have you seen the new routines? They--your dad sure outdid himself this time! I've never seen them this expressive before."
He glances toward the stage, watching the band go through their new motions until Bonnie makes eye contact uncomfortable enough to force Bell avert his gaze. Expressive is right. With the eerie silence blanketing the restaurant (music isn't necessary to test the animatronics' motor functions), the robots have an unusual air of independence to them as they move back and forth to routines only they know.
"Oh, wait, before I forget--!" Steven shakes off the feeling of being watched, bending over to root around in his bag. "Brought something for you. Uh... yeah."
The box he pulls out is a little squished, pale pink darkened in splotches here and there from soda that's spilled inside his work bag. Whoops.
"Just some pastries. It's not much, but I thought we could both use a break from pizza." Bell laughs, half-embarrassed, and flips up the lid of the box to present a pathetic-looking assortment of chocolate croissants and madeleine cookies. At least it's something.
"We're in for the long haul today with all the repairs and updates. Mr. Afton hasn't happened to let you know when we, uh, plan to reopen, has he...?"
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burnt-basement-bunny · 11 months
it's because you're in that damn fursuit.
(Anonymously tell my muse what is wrong with them)
"The prompt specified anonymous, Michael. And if we're going by volume of body mass, or simply acknowledging that my soul has bonded to the artificial as well as the flesh, I'm not in the 'fursuit.' I am the fursuit."
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rockcoins · 10 months
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funbonded · 1 year
@revvnant made a birthday wish: you know me and blood.
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❝  Yes, yes. Always doused in it! Your own or otherwise. What makes you so special, Birthday Boy? We both know we're not so different. By programming I'm only as BROKEN as you are. And yet from that I made MYSELF strong. ❞
An impossible glint in his eyes, as his head twists to create the illusion that his wide toothy grin had contorted and twisted into something far more sinister.
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bluegrassnoir · 1 year
 @revvnant continued from x
The officer is… Atypical. Turns out that wet dog smell wasn’t just sweat. Chocolate brown fur turns scraggly at the edges of his snout, a clear display of a breed meant for cold climates. His ears are long and floppy, and his black nose glistens under the dim fluorescent light. It seems dangerous to have a lit cigarette that close to fur, but damn if he isn’t holding it. It’s smoked nearly down to the filter, too.
In his other hand, he’s holding a badge typical of the NYPD, though a little ragged around the edges, and with a bullet-shaped chunk taken out of the center. Apparently his name is Sam.
“I’m here to ask about any… strange occurrences you might’ve seen in the building. Specifically to do with your coworkers. I’m sure you catch my drift.”
He leaves it at that, tucking the badge into an inner pocket of his tailored navy suit jacket. It must be tailored— they would never sell a suit with a hole cut in the pants for a tail. A tail that’s very resolutely still at the moment. His eyes stay locked on Michael.
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simutates · 1 year
detective WAKE up. i found out who was phone.
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                                                   BOY ! BOY TELL ME !
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spring-lxcked · 10 months
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@revvnant asked: ❝ "Why do we never visit your parents." ❞
The question came out of nowhere. William was sat on the couch, leaning back with one ankle crossed over the other while he worked to repair a hole in one of the stuffed animals—a sign of wear rather than damage. ( A soft, plush reimagining of Spring Bonnie, handsewn especially by William. ) It had been relaxing, mindless work, the television droning in the background. NASCAR—a common backdrop in the Afton household on William's days off. Relaxing up until Michael's question, at least. His eyes flicked toward him in all-too-clear surprise. Shoulders tensed, although he forced his focus back to the toy in his hands. "Well, first of all, they're dead." No attempt was made to seem to be grieving over them. Matter-of-fact: his parents had died, he hadn't attended the funerals, and he often wondered if a pessimistic mindset led to an early grave. Then again, they hadn't been spring chickens when Jayne and he were born.
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"Why are you asking about them?" He hadn't had any interest in ever seeing them again. Introducing his kids to them would have been even lower on his bucket list. "You already have two good grandparents." A little distant geographically but not emotionally. Silence, just the television and the barely audible pop of needle going through cloth. Then, he added, "My parents weren't as. . . warm as your mother's are." Another pause. "Nice enough, I suppose." The lie made the corner of his mouth twitch, tying off the end of the thread. Finished in a hurry, a bit messier than he would have liked. "There." He tossed the stuffed rabbit to Michael. "Good as new. Take care of him and he'll last a long time." ( And there was the change of subject. )
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mute-call · 8 months
since steven didn't have time to clean his office before he was jumped, what would michael find in there that would be personal to him, upon starting the next shift?
AOU this is such a good question.. TYSM!!
he leaves mike.... his trash <3 /lh lh lh
on a serious note, i've put in one of my ghost threads that steven's bag is still in the security office. i think he carries a pretty large black shoulder bag with all sorts of crap in it, from old coupons to a journal he's barely written in. a little collection of his life which unsurprisingly means it's full of miscellaneous freddys stuff. but i think there's more to it / more in there than just that, which is perhaps one of the rare like,,, insights into his life OUTSIDE of freddys that's available. little daily items, old lighters, stickynotes he's written to himself & forgotten to toss out. an absence of any family-oriented items because it's been too long since he's seen them for him to keep any of that in his work bag.
i don't think there would be anything too too exciting to find, just a lot of stuff that reminds you that he was like, a person. which i think would be more rough to discover under the circumstances, tbh.
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burnt-basement-bunny · 11 months
💬 + i heard you thought utah was just a desert...
"Yes, when I lived in a completely different continent! I couldn't very well access satellite photos in the 1960s."
William elects not to mention that, in retrospect, an encyclopedia might have mentioned Utah's various topographical features beyond 'deserts, probably'. Look he was a bit busy with other aspects of the move at the time.
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rockcoins · 11 months
HUGS YOU TO MY BREAST. don't listen to them rocky you're perfect in every way.
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funbonded · 10 months
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Lashing  out  would  be  expected  ,  it's  what  he's  come  to  expect  from  Micheal  overtime  ,  enjoyed  the  oldest  Afton  son's  misery  and  anguish  even  .  Whatever  extreme  of  a  reaction  he  could  draw  out  from  him  . 
Funfred  watches  what  will  you  do  next  Birthday  Boy?  Of  all  of  man  he  finds  this  one  particularly  fascinating  ,  they  have  a  bond  ,  @revvnant  designed  him  ,  laid  bare  the  pieces  that  made  up  his  blue  prints  at  a  work  desk  .  He  knew  how  to  dismantle  him  ,  he  knew  his  vulnerabilities  .  On  the  other  had  Funfred  could  match  that  too  ,  had  he  not  been  Michael's  very  vessel  once  ?  Part  of  it  ,  along  with  the  rest  of  his  troupe  .  There's  almost  an  inhuman  resilience  in  that  twisted  body  ,  in  that  twisted  mind  too  no  doubt  . 
𝐀𝐧𝐝  𝐲𝐞𝐭  𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞  𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭  𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝  𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞  𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬  𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞  ;  𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥  𝐡𝐚𝐬  𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲  𝐛𝐢𝐭  𝐨𝐟  𝐭𝐡𝐞  𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲  𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞  𝐭𝐨  𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡  𝐭𝐡𝐞  𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲  𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞  𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠  𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞  .  And  in  this  moment  Funtime  Freddy  has  never  looked  so  close  to  a  live  creature  with  all  of  its  weaknesses  and  vulnerabilities  ,  eyes  almost  pleading  .  The  call  is  made  .  And  it's  relieving  . 
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As  he  picks  himself  from  his  slump  on  the  ground  ,  he  slows  down  ,  crossing  past  Michael  . ❝  If  we  were  to  swap  places  you  know  I  would  have  ended  it  .  ❞  And  with  that  he  slinks  out  into  the  hall  . / ⋆
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reactivatedrockstar · 1 month
!!!: write a headcanon about our muses
lazy roleplayer symbol meme (Accepting!)
[I could very easily see these two discussing and talking about their favorite rock music. Bonnie for sure loves Van Halen and Starship, and he'd definitely suggest a song or two that Michael would like- but he's also a walking encyclopedia of music, so he could just as easily suggest anything from the Shanon Quartet from 1908 to Taylor Swift from today- at least up until he was ""decommissioned"". Not that he would, he just had thay capability, he generally sticks to 50-80's era music, so he's way more likely to suggest Guns n' Roses or Pink Floyd. (Ironically, he's not a huge fan of either of them lol)]
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trapton · 10 months
a mood? get egged idiot. 🫳ミ🥚
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"𝚆𝙷𝚈 𝙳𝙾 𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝙴𝚅𝙴𝙽 𝙵𝙴𝙴𝙻 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙽𝙴𝙴𝙳 to join in on this particular conversation, michael?"
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ladyseidr · 10 months
@revvnant asked for a starter!
Henry was back behind the arcade machines—constant breakdowns leading to constant repairs. Almost seemed like the kids broke the damn things on purpose, though he doubted that despite his sometimes grumbled complaints when the room was quiet. Alone, away from the bustle of children in the other room. ( A birthday party at an irregular time. It meant Henry being left to his devices while William entertained. ) The peace and quiet was disturbed less by noise than movement out the corner of Henry's eyes, although a far preferable source than a stranger.
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"Michael," he greeted, sitting back on one heel where he was kneeling. He leaned around the edge of the arcade cabinet, a small wave of the hand offered. "Trying to escape the 'excitement' too?" He glanced back at the opened back of the cabinet in front of him. "I," he began, already sighing out the word, "am trying to fix the audio on Galaga."
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