#rewrite part 7
hiddensneker · 27 days
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What could have been…
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altocat · 6 months
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More cringe memes. Lucrecia Edition.
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overly-verbose · 4 months
A whole lot of the next Part is literally just;
Everyone else's brains: *the entirety of the Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney OST intensifies*
Meanwhile, SIkuna's brain: *the Wii theme song (occasionally interrupted by falling_metal_pipe_sound.mp3) starts playing*
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sarroora · 2 months
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oh-shtars · 6 months
Reach for the Stars! AU QnA:
Thank you so much for those of you who sent in asks!! Y’all are the best. 🥹
I’ve decided to compile the asks I received into one post for easier access. So far, this is Part 1. If y’all want Part 2, keep shooting me more questions! 😉
I had to type in some of the questions myself since Tumblr unfortunately only lets me put on 10 screenshots maximum. (I still put them in word-for-word too btw 😂)
But let’s dive into it, shall we?
(⚠️This is going to be a loooooooong read-)
Yeaaaah, this section is dedicated to you. Couldn’t thank you enough for the support from the very beginning. Love ya, Anny!!! 💖✨
1.) Who are Asha’s parents? What do they mean to her and how have they influenced her life?
Asha’s parents are still known as the same from the canon movie, Tomás and Sakina.
It really bugged me in the film how they mentioned Asha’s father like TWICE, and never brought it up again. That sounds like a very good thing for character building, but nooooooo. They won’t even address it anymore. It’s just there so that Asha wins sympathy points from Magnifico >:/
Anyways, Tomás:
is a philosopher who had a dream to share his ideas with people around him. But he also had a passion to learning the ways of magic, which is why he worked as Oliver’s (the previous king before Mag) apprentice for 2 years in his reign before he passed away. After the king’s passing, Tomás became Magnifico’s assistant. No longer an apprentice since Mag had banned the usage of it other than him and his wife for “Rosas’ greater good.”
Tomás is passionate and holds true to his beliefs. He has a love and curious wonder for the ‘maybes’ and ‘what ifs’ of the old myth about Wishing Stars. Most of his work is written around them, gathering old info and recordings from old sources that claim the authors have been visited and blessed with the guidance of one. It’s a ‘legendary and once-in-a-lifetime’ chance for a star to ever go down to earth. But because of its rarity, most people don’t really believe the myth is true.
He shared this wonder and love of dreaming to his daughter, Asha. It was her favourite thing to do every now and then each night to sit under the stars, and listen to her father tell her about her favorite bedtime story about these wonderful, celestial and magical beings above them.
When Tomás unfortunately died from their house on fire, that ambition and confidence to become just like her dad someday within Asha, broke. It’s like it had withered away along with him. Ever since the tragedy, Asha closed in on herself and spent her time drawing on her sketchbook and on her own to cope with the loss. Keeping her mind busy by helping her mother carry out chores in the castle as she grew older.
Thus, it’s why she got so estranged with her 7 childhood friends. Asha loved her father and all her memories with him very dearly and it struck hard to have this dream be taken away from her so suddenly.
Tomás’ death is a very sensitive topic for her. Asha’s insecurities to accomplish things for herself stem from the fear of dreaming too big and experience that very same pain again of being disappointed if that dream could never be achieved. But at the same time, it serves as her motivation to help others with their own wishes and help them be happy. Because she, herself, wasn’t able to.
is a little more down-to-earth. She wants Asha to not look up at the sky all the time and actually appreciate what she currently has. She balances out her husband’s influence on their daughter. She’s happy to have Asha be a dreamer like her father, but it’s also important for her to notice just how lucky she is in the moment.
One of Asha’s flaws is that she fails to notice these little precious things since her eyes are always on the prize. She believes that the only way people can ever be truly happy is if their wish is granted. Her strongest trait is love. She cares so much that she barely looks out for herself anymore.
Sakina loves her daughter and is also saddened by her husband’s death. It pains her to see Asha be so distant and be missing that little spark she had as a child. It’s Sakina that constantly encourages her to open up to her old friends more.
Like I said, Sakina is a “in-the-moment” kind of person in contrast to Tomás. She was a seamstress before the tragedy, but ever since then, Sakina barely does this hobby that she used to love doing. She just does it in her free time now, which she barely even has. (She does spend the time making cute clothes for Valentino).
Whenever Asha is concerned on why her mother isn’t pursuing that hobby as much anymore, Sakina reassures her that it’s not so bad. What’s more important right now ‘at the moment’ is do her job as a servant to the king and queen and raise and look after her daughter.
2.) Are the 7 teens, or any different interpretation of them, any different in your rewrite? If so, how are they like and what will they serve to the story?
Funny, I actually already answered this same ask like twice now. 😂
I’ll just link the answer I’ve already done here.
3.) How was Asha’s childhood?
It went just as normally as any child would have. Loving parents and a home with a South European exterior and a North African interior design. (I’m pretty sure that’s what it said in Wish’s Art book)
Asha pretty much lived in her family’s home until she’s 10 years old. That’s when tragedy struck, their house burned down, her dad…..you know. And now, Asha and her mother are generously given a place to stay in the castle in exchange for their services. To express their gratitude for the king and queen’s kindness.
Asha was only 8 when Magnifico started his reign as king, so she doesn’t really remember much of what Rosas was like back then. When magic wasn’t forbidden and can be studied by anyone. Back when the easy route didn’t exist and no one gives up their wishes to the king.
But at least she’s now growing up in a time where all wishes are given an equal chance to be granted very easily with no struggle or strife anymore, right?
4.) What do you want the moral of your story to be?
Fun fact:
When I was brainstorming how I would go with this rewrite, I went back to Disney’s roots. How did this company’s legacy come to life? Of course, I went back to their first movie: “Snow White and the 7 Dwarves.”
And you know what I found?:
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Walt risked everything to let this movie exist. He risked selling his house and going bankrupt because he believed so much that ‘Snow White’ would be a success.
“Omg, this company. Disney. All these amazing movies. Started because one man took a giant leap of faith and never gave up on his wish.”
And I knew I just HAVE to capture this one action that brought the Disney we all grew to love into life. (No. Not the corporate Disney we have now unfortunately-)
Every character in my AU will experience the fear of “what ifs.” What if this doesn’t work? What if I fail? What if it’ll all be for nothing?
But Walt Disney pushed and strived to reach his dream. Even if the odds weren’t pretty. So I wanted the moral of my story to be THIS. To never stop dreaming big.
And now, at least you know why I named my Wish rewrite: ✨ “Reach for the Stars” ✨
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Awwwwww, THX SO MUCH. 💖 It makes me so happy that people love what I’m trying to create. Believe it or not, this is the first time I’ve ever felt this committed to creating something grand. It’s kinda scary :,).
And Sueño’s backstory?
Hmmmm, I don’t want to spoil much.
All I’m going to say is he was unfairly captured from the sky at a very young age of only 12. And ever since then, Magnifico exploits and uses the young star’s Wish Magic to grant, collect and store the wishes of Rosas.
Basically, just think of this deleted scene where Mag attempts to pull down a star from the sky. ⬇️
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Will Sueño ever run out of Wish magic? No, not really.
The most important part of a star is their magical core. It’s like a human heart. A Wishing Star is born every time two mortals share their FIRST and MUTUAL Act of True Love, whether platonically, familial or romantically. The magic of this act of love shoots upwards to the sky, where a Wishing Star’s core is created and an ordinary ball of burning gas gains consciousness.
This core is what holds them together and it’s what produces more Wish Magic that is used up whenever they grant a wish. Without it, they fade away to dust and basically die.
So as long Sueño’s core is still intact, he’s fine. Sure, it still hurts to have Wish Magic extracted from him but, he’s alive. 🤷
I sure hope Mag doesn’t intend in absorbing it for desperate measures in the end, amirite?
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I’ll be honest here, I’m no song writer. No experience or not even know what makes a song “perfect” for a scene. As long as the song is a vibe and it makes sense to me, I don’t really pay attention much to the rhythm or beats.
But most likely, I’m going to be keeping some of the canon songs and tweak them a little bit? (Definitely keeping “This Wish” and “At All Costs” but tweaked.)
Or, if the song is too far gone to save it from my story’s context, (like “Welcome to Rosas”), I’ll probably just explain what happens in that scene and pretend there’s a song there.
I could use some pre-existing Disney songs to set up a scene’s vibe but they won’t actually be sung. It’s just to enhance the experience I guess.
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1.) I do actually! Omg, I even amazed myself on how I even came up with it. 😂
Magnifico’s end is going to be poetic and I already have a design in mind for him post-story. Also, the final battle? Ohohoho- it’s SOMETHING!!
It’s always the middle part of the story that gets me unfortunately 😤.
2.) My favourite character has to be Sueño. I really love how I got creative with his character and make him really stand out from the other Starboys. Where he’s not exactly the naive “Let’s-grant-everyone’s-wishes!!” kind of guy. It’s the opposite.
I’ve also come to become fond on how he slowly opens up to the human world around him after all the paranoia and anxiety he used to have. Character development~ ✨
But I also liked Magnifico’s complexity too.
He’s tragic but it doesn’t excuse what he’s done. He’s incredibly cruel and he’s aware of it. He’s a hopeless romantic when it comes to Amaya. He’s someone sympathetic who didn’t deserve his village getting destroyed. He’s still a jerk and an arsehole who needs to be stopped. He’s someone whose concerns were unfairly ignored in the past. He’s still completely willing to make innocent people suffer underneath him.
Idk, I guess I just like grey characters.
3.) Lol, Magnifico nor Amaya can’t speak sign language. And they’re used to the star’s passive attitude and being too afraid to stand up to them at all.
But the universal sign of ‘Fck you’ isn’t too hard to figure out once Sueño finally had enough of them and grow a backbone. Mag would be caught off-guard and heavily pissed about it, that’s for sure.
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Thank you so much for this question, because it really made me think about this for a bit!! (Not saying the previous asks didn’t, but this is just a point that I had a vague idea but didn’t put much detail into it yet.)
When Asha accidentally released the star that Magnifico had been keeping this past decade, the star escapes the castle and tries to return back to the sky. Only to crash back down again due to an enchantment on him that prevents him from leaving Rosas at all. He’s stuck on earth basically until they find and break the artefact holding the spell.
Which is undoubtedly back with King Magnifico-
If he wants to go back home to the sky, he’s going to have to go back to the castle and break this enchantment. Asha wants to help him, but out of concern and love for her kingdom, she needs his help to release a few wishes and grant these poor, dull and zest-less people a chance to experience the joy of their wishes granted without being in the king’s debt.
The star did not like the idea. He is out of the Wishing business for the next million years or so. But he literally has no idea how to sneak back in without attracting attention and without confronting the scary meanie of a king as much as possible. Plus, he doesn’t even know what a “normal human” acts like. Without her help, he could risk getting caught by the king’s magic. Again…
And dammit, how could he say no to that desperate, sad look on this girl’s face-
Fiiiiine. A few wishes granted but that’s it.
I guess ‘trusting Asha’ is more of a ‘he had no other choice’ kind of thing? He does inevitably have to interact with her on the way though. And at first, Star expresses his frustration with this situation with little harmless jokes, pranks, and stalling their journey back by interacting with the cute woodland creatures. Much to Asha’s frustration.
He initially thinks Asha is just like everyone else. She wants something from him. That’s it. He’s sort of distant at first, and he flinches and reacts negatively to any attempt of touching him.
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But over the course of the story, Star gets to learn more about who she really is. A loving and empathetic person who just wants what’s best for those around her. She even gave him a new name that meant she doesn’t see him as just merely a star.
Sueño. Someone who’s not just a wishing tool. She really treats him like an actual person. A person with feelings. Slowly, he starts to really trust her and become genuine friends with Asha.
And overtime, become a little smitten of her beauty both inside and out.
I mean, what, who said that-
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I guess for Asha, she will try to understand as best she could and if it’s something serious, she’ll try to really listen and seek further clarification.
Though, if it’s casual talk and nothing important, she’ll do that introvert thing where they just politely nod and pretend that they definitely heard you because it’s too embarrassing to be saying “Huh???” like 5 times.
Sueño? He’s actually pretty extroverted once he’s out of his shell. So he isn’t shy to really ask for more detail on the subject if he needs to. He’s VERY familiar with the feeling of not being understood often because he, himself, can’t speak. So, he makes sure that he does put an effort to understand the person he’s talking to.
Though, he might accidentally go a little off-track with his questions and suddenly, you’re talking about an entirely different topic.
Wow, this sure was interesting. Don’t you think?
As always, details might change in the future but this is really helpful for me to track down my thoughts on where this passion project is going.
I can’t say enough thank yous for all the asks and all the support!! Love y’all!! :DD 💖💖
Edit: Look at that, we have a Part 2 :)). Thanks Saph!!
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soft-serve-soymilk · 2 months
on a related note: awwwwwww fuck, I spent 5 months designing Cynthia’s fake magical girl outfit, what about her REAL one 😭😭😭
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asexualbookbird · 2 months
i knew this bone season project would be slow going but UGH its AGONISING shes already a wordy author and i have to read everything TWICE. I'm only aboht 120 pages in each book which feels like NOTHING but i have to remind myself thats 240 pages if i was reading One Normal Book
and it doesnt help that really i JJST want to be reading the updated version, regardless of my feelings on the book itself, the changes ARE good and the writing is more readable. The plot just SUCKS!
Still, I want to read the updated version of the Mime Order because there's less of the Rephaim which means I might actually ENJOY it in some way but WHY AM I LIKE THIS
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hollowwhisperings · 9 months
that thing wherein you're reading something and just KNOW
"this person has completely forgotten that the characters here live in Japan/Korea/China/Russia"
and is, instead, writing like an American.
#to be fair: jp & cn authors are just as guilty of narrow imaginations#but those authors are also the original content creators in these instances#with american fans later consuming asian-based content & rewriting them as wholly american#british media is somewhat better about not being orientalist nowadays (south asians are the UK's largest ethnic minority group)#globalization#americanisms#not an american#fandom things#it is very weird to see walmart show up in any story set in east asia#there are the odd american franchise there (starbucks & mcdonalds & 7-11 have HUGE presences in east asia)#but for the most part?#halloween and christmas are imported holidays used almost entirely for marketing purposes#fresh fruit is eaten everyday (bc - japan especially - these places are tropical)#milk is rare except as a flavour#because the vast majority of east asians are lactose intolerant#eating cereal for breakfast is WEIRD#rice cookers!!!#at least one parent will be MIA for most of a kid's life bc work culture - JP especially - is HELL#coming out is a weird american invention#(unless YOU are a person's significant other it's VERY rude to go around asking/talking about someone else's love life)#“well-behaved” teens have very limited spare time bc of school & clubs & cram school#highschoolers are “1st/2nd/3rd years” not freshmen/sophomores“ (seniors is still used)#ages of maturity are also Different & the culture around youth-adult interactions is less policed#cops are still awful (& having even the mildest of criminal offenses renders you a social pariah FOR LIFE)#blue anime hair/irises are supposed to read as “black with a blue undertone” (unless it's aqua or something egregriously unnatural)#red anime hair/irises are supposed to read as “reddish-brown” (unless it is explicitly addressed as unnatural)#pink is also supposed to be “brown”#the reason why anime uses such fantastic colouring in the first place?#EVERYONE'S HAIR/EYES ARE BLACK OR BROWNA#even dyed hair ends up less “blond” & more “light brown”
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sanchoyo · 1 year
read a cute romcom book a while ago and had a surreal experience when I googled it after to see what other ppl thought:
1. It was made into a shitty Netflix movie with leads that look wildly different from the characters looked in my brain . I can assume it’s shitty bc the reviews are. Bad. Which is a Shame bc the book was cuuuute :(
2. But One of said actors is in teen wolf I guess so when u go into the books tag here on tumblr all u see are teen wolf aus of the book instead of reviews 😔
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starryluminary · 1 year
Ggghhrrraahhh I have a new series idea for rewriting Mal in all stars but I cant keep making new stuff before I finish the OLD STUFF I CANT KEEP DOING THIS
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antirepurp · 1 year
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yes im still writing my stone ocean rewrite no this is not a sufficient backlog whatsoever
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solvicrafts · 1 year
You may think I am exaggerating when I talk about my workload with all the plush dolls and how the drow line alone is going to easily have close to 40 if not more.
I am not.
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Not pictured: 13 other drow dolls that I have finished but are packed away in storage in preparation of the move.
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euphor1a · 1 year
Bewitched will be returning from the war this summer <3
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nerice · 2 years
only took me 5k to get thru the opening sequence. h
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brainmoss · 7 months
kill the part of you that cringes
kill the part of you that cringes
kill the part of you that cringes!!!!
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nagalias-mindscape · 11 months
Sis: So.... that SCP fanfic you've been writing...
Me: What about it?
Sis: You said Iceberg's actual name is Julian Evergreen Finn-Finnegan, yeah?
Me: ... Yeah?
Sis: How often does Dr. Bright tease Iceberg with the acronym Jeff?
Me: Icy's the sort of guy to prefer Jeff to both Iceberg and Finn-Finnegan. More confusion, too, with any eavesdroppers.
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