#rex sloan imagine
gatorbites-imagines · 4 months
hi !! could i maybe get some rex splode x gnc trans male reader stuff, if you’re cool with that !! maybe smth abt the reader getting misgendered for wearing clothes they feel more comfortable with and rex stepping in to defend them :o thank you sm !!
Rex Sloan/Rex splode x ftm reader
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Rex wasn’t the best guy up until getting shot in the second season, but that wouldn’t matter if you guys were dating, except for the fact that he would apologize to you and try his hardest to be a better boyfriend.
He might have misgendered you on accident the very first time you guys met, but when you corrected him that didn’t happen again. He might have been a dick sometimes, but he isn’t a bigot.
I like to think Rex is secretly into fashion at a low level, since he’s into stuff like decorating. So, he would be excited to help you plan your outfits.
Since he is a government experiment, he wouldn’t have that deeply ingrained image of gender either, so he wouldn’t care too much about you, your gender, or your way of expressing yourself.
In the beginning he wouldn’t be into wearing anything feminine himself though, since he’s quite insecure and unsure about himself and the image he puts off. But that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t support you.
His insecurity would have crossed over to how people treat you though. Since disrespecting you is also disrespecting him, but also because he loves you and doesn’t want you getting mistreated.
This leads to him getting into fights, both verbal and physical, since how dare they treat you like that? Who the fuck do they think they are? They can taste his damn explosions if they’re gonna keep that shit up.
In the beginning his acts of defending you can be quite a lot, since he takes peoples comments more personal that you do. To the point where he might even get snippy with people who do it on accident even if they correct themselves immediately after being informed.
But after getting shot in the head and rethinking a lot about himself, Rex would become better at dealing with himself, his emotions and his reactions.
This not only leads to him being a better boyfriend in general, but also not reacting so quick to violence and anger if somebody says the wrong thing or looks at you wrong. He still keeps a sharp eye on people though, especially when you are dressing the ways you prefer.
Where in the past Rex would make a loud scene, after the bullet he would be more lowkey. And by that, I mean, pull the person to the side or just quietly tell them that if they don’t stop nobody would be able to find the pieces of their body after he blew them up.
Of course he doesn’t always end up using threats of death, but that’s mainly because he knows you wouldn’t like it. to Rex, being transphobic on purpose deserves it, but since it wouldn’t be what you and others wanted, he would keep it as a last defense. Or at least wait for no one else to be around.
He makes sure to check up on you afterwards too. Rex would try to be subtle, but he isn’t really the most subtle guy. So, when he’s trying to see if your okay and affirm your gender, he says something like “you know you’re the most handsome guy I know, right?”
After understanding himself better, he might even get the interest in trying to wear different things. At this point I can’t imagine him wearing it in public, but when he’s alone or together with you, he might put on a few different things to see how he feels.
Rex always gets embarrassed about it though, especially if you comment about it, even if it’s telling him it looks good. So your best bet is to not mention it until he brings it up himself.
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cemeteryspider · 6 months
I Have a Dilemma...
If as many people as possible could let me know what they think that would be amazing! Even if you don't plan on reading the fic your preference is still helpful! Also I might not care what the poll says and change my mind... so keep that in mind.
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gutterfuuck · 5 months
something short, haha 😅 this could be an epilogue to my other rex fic, just a quick few paragraphs as i have had them in my notes.
cws - none, really (i am not sure? will update tags), just fluff! mdni. rex x cecil’s daughter!reader. for my sistas that are reading!!: it is not specified wether reader is biological or adopted child of cecil, you can fill that in if you would like! i personally prefer that is adopted, however you can imagine as you’d like. i’m not too happy with this one because i did not know how to end it, haha. maybe i will have to extend more
rex sloan met you in the summer while he had been training at the guardians’ headquarters, running on a treadmill with sweat sticking auburn brown strands onto his forehead.
you strolled right past him with your arm linked onto cecil’s, excited eyes taking in your surroundings. you had begged him for a job at the pentagon for as long as you could remember, you wanted to be just like your father, ever since you were able to identify what a job was. cecil had finally given in one day,
“whatever my baby girl wants.” he sighed, watching with a smile as you jumped up and down, a shrill scream reverberating off of the walls as you thanked him, your arms thrown around your dad’s shoulders with your eyes squeezed tight, trying your hardest to keep tears from rolling down your cheeks;
and now you were here, having already finished your little tour of your soon to be work place and teleporting over to your well awaited tour of the superhero headquarters you had been so excited to see. you were going to be just like your father, you worked so hard for this. you passed the top of your class, A+++ across the boards, you memorised the layout of your father’s place of work and kept every single secret identity sealed tightly and locked away behind your lips, never to be spoken. you had proved yourself, you hadn’t just been given the job because you were cecil steadman’s ‘spoiled kid’ (even though you were, and it did improve your chances of getting the job), you had put your blood, sweat and tears into this.
rex sloan couldn’t take his eyes off of you, he couldn’t tell wether you were the one making his heart race faster or if it was the fault of the increasing speed of the treadmill. he was sure that if aphrodite had been reborn, it would’ve definitely been you. rex watched breathlessly as you and cecil made your way to the exit door, your image burning into his eyelids. beauty incarnate. the treadmill slowed, he opened his mouth to say something before you left.
and you were gone, your giggles echoing around in his head. for once in his life, rex had been speechless. he stared blankly at the closed door, blinking slowly with his lips parted.
“i’m y/n steadman, i’ll be overseeing you all today on account of my father getting me a little work experience.” you introduced yourself, white collared shirt tucked into your striped formal trousers, blazer buttoned with a pink tie fastened around your neck. “it’ll be nice getting to meet you all.” you finished, standing in front of the sitting heroes for a few seconds before you realised your mistake; “-oh! ah, sorry, any questions?” you corrected yourself, nervously playing with your fingers. they blinked at you blankly, you cleared your throat. a hand raised, your attention shifted, nodding and pointing at the hero,
“i-.. it’s nice to meet you…!” rex blurted out, monster girl laughed. “that isn’t a question, stupid. do your brain cells blow up when you use your powers, too?” she joked, making kate cover her mouth so she could giggle behind it. “hey! don’t you grow younger every time you transform? you’re the one who’s loosing brain cells!” he retorted, to which she laughed harder. you chuckled, rex’s attention turned towards you, “are you smarter than a 5th grader?” you joined in, lightly poking fun at him. you looked beautiful, your smile was unlike anything he had ever seen before.
rex nodded at you, teeth exposed in a wide smile, “good one, at least we know you’re not as stuck up as your pops.” it were as if he had to recover every time you spoke, his response had come fifteen seconds after a silence that everyone else had found weird. everyone would just brush it off as rex just being stupid and waiting for an applause or something. he had just gotten lost in you, taking in every feature and savouring the way your shocked face looked around before your shoulders heaved with a silent laugh, hoping that your father wouldn’t hear this when listening in.
you met rex sloan in the summer while at your first job, he never failed to make you laugh. you never failed to snap back just as wittily.. and that never failed to make him go silent, face heating up as he mocked your laugh, nothing to rebuttal with. it wasn’t because he couldn’t keep up banter, it was because you looked so goddamn gorgeous with a smile on your face, you’d playfully slap his arm to defend yourself against his mockery.
you and rex met on top of the roof in the summer evening, his head in your lap with your fingers loosely braiding his hair. you both looked up into the pinkish red sky, watching as the sun melted into the hills and switching with the moon, red turning to purpleish blue, finally settling on a pitch black, starry scattered sea of night. rex’s hair would fall over his face as he propped himself up on his elbows, not even having to ask as you pressed your lips onto his, short and sweet. “no fair, if i moved that quickly around you, you’d probably zap me or something with that weird tech shit.” rex shook his head, sitting up fully and pulling you into his lap, “oh rex, you really think i hate you… that much..?” you poked him in his forehead, sticking out your tongue at him. rex could only bring his face closer, nuzzling his nose against yours. “i already know how much you hate me, i can tell that you hate me, that why you can’t sleep without me.” he whispered, kissing you and resting his head against yours, “that’s why i gotta bust my ass climbing up to your window so your dad doesn’t skin me alive,”
“and that’s why you gotta be gone by 5:30am, cuz dad wakes up at six sharp.” you found your hands in rex’s hair as you spoke, stroking through his soft locks and scratching his scalp gently, “and i like to sleep in with my girl for a while.” he finished, his hand rubbing up and down your leg lovingly. it was late, you had to be in bed early to wake up in the morning on time to get back to work and cecil would definitely be asking you questions about where you had been later, even though he was fully aware. your father actually didn’t mind, but refused to give you the impression that he was becoming more lenient. he wasn’t stupid, cecil actually woke up at five in the morning. he could see rex’s legs dangling from the kitchen window one time, watched him closely before he fell onto his back with a loud thump onto the grass, winding himself for a moment and sneaking off of the property with his shoes in his hands. well, at least he took his shoes off in the house.
“you got a boyfriend yet, kid?” your father would ask, sipping bourbon from his little glass while he scanned his laptop one last time, his finger pressing down on the power off button. you quickly stammered to find your words, leaving your space in the kitchen with your yellow rubber gloves still on your hands, soapy bubbles running down your wrist as you stood there, “not a boyfriend, sir. a colleague who i have taken a liking to, sir.” you fiddled with the yellow rubber gloves, eyes avoiding your father’s in an attempt to keep your composure. “c’mon, honey. we’re not at work, we’re home. you don’t need to be so… formal.” he raised an eyebrow, clearing his throat as he fixed his tie. hypocrite. you smiled at his habit. “it’s hard to-“ “hard to break out of, yeah.” he finished for you, shaking his head with a soft chuckle, “you’re my pride and joy, y’know that?” and you’d nod back at him, conversation dissolving as you made your way back to the dishes.
you and rex sat on the roof of your home, setting off fireworks into the sky. you thought it was so cool how he could do that, produce colourful sparks and loud bangs from virtually nothing. it’s the bangs of the fireworks he remembers when he’s on his knees, staring at the remains of his teammates as his life starts to flash before his eyes, the only thing worth remembering being you. he remembers your giggles and gasps when he’d shot off a firework that he’d managed to make look a little like a flower, he’d been practicing to impress you. he remembers the first time he’d seen you, the way you’d made his heart almost burst out of his chest… and that’s when he snaps, just as the gun fires, just as the bullet strikes him through his brain. not now, not when he still had to make it back to you tonight. he still had things he wanted to do with you, you hadn’t even tried out that new ice cream place that opened up, the one just five minutes away from your house, the one he’d promised to take you. one question remained in his adrenaline filled state. how dare you shoot me, how dare you try to take me away from my girl?
if not for his body running on instinct, he’d have probably collapsed and died right there, he should’ve died. it was a blur, beating that green piece of shit to a bloody pulp while he momentarily blacked out each time he landed a punch… when backup showed up, he was sure he’d thrown up a thumbs up, even with his missing hand. you were gonna be so worried about him, he could hardly wait for the earful you were going to give him about being careful. rex just wanted to hear your voice, that was the only thing he needed right now, along with some intensive care. like, soon.
rex holds your hands as you try your hardest not to cry, biting down on your bottom lip with your eyebrows knitted together, glassy orbs observing his injuries. “m’sorry i didn’t make it back to you last night, i bet you thought there was something really wrong when you didn’t see me this morning.” he touches your face with his hand that’s still there and you want to slap him, you want to grab him and shake him by his shoulders so hard that he’d quit being a hero, this was so close! you could’ve lost him forever, never seen him again. your anger translates into a puff of your chest, leaning yourself forward to place your lips into his, hands flying around his shoulders to pull him close. “thought- when dad told me- you were shot in the head and..-“ you sobbed softly, resting your head in the space between his shoulder and neck, wetting his skin with your tears. it was a miracle he’d survived, maybe your boyfriend really was stupid enough to take a bullet to the brain and have almost no changes. you’d laugh about that idea on another day, when the event wasn’t so raw to you. you couldn’t wait to get home that night, you’d finally tell your father about you and rex’s real relationship, if this had ever happened again then cecil would go on without ever being able to know how to comfort you since he only really saw the guy as an employee. you loved rex, you loved his resilience. who else would be able to survive a gunshot to the head and still have enough in him to beat the culprit with a bloody stump for a hand and his vision blanking out?
rex sloan gave you a ring just at the start of fall; nothing too special, not expensive by any means. plastic, pink and it hardly fit your hand. you’d acted offended upon receiving a cheap toy as an ‘engagement ring’, his lips kissing the back of your hand. “i couldn’t find one perfect enough for you. this one isn’t any better, but it’s cute. it’s you. you don’t care about flashy shit, you’re cool like that.” his words make you feel warm inside, he really knew you. he really loved you, you loved him just as much. he couldn’t wait to get back to work, you’d be there to keep him confident.
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ufonaut · 2 years
can we get one ufonaut headcanon for all og jsaers:)
og members
alan scott - autistic. to me, this is more perceiving reality than outright a hc but it's something i'll stand by always and forever. alan's hobbies are repairing/collecting old radios and putting together model train sets. i think he's also big on country/folk music, from his railroad days. okay, that's several hcs (the ufonaut special).
jay garrick - jay's got some sort of vague anxiety disorder as per the implications of the jsa: ragnarok novel. nothing to do with his speed, he's just a born over-thinker.
al pratt - not enough heroes in humanities so it's my genuine belief al eventually gets a degree in lit/journalism from calvin college and ends up working at a newspaper.
kent nelson - i'll always believe kent choosing jared stevens as his successor was his one attempt to stand up to nabu and break the cycle of abuse inherent to the fate legacy, and for a little bit there he nearly did it. my other kent hcs have been [redacted].
carter hall - permanent chairman of the jsa because nobody else wants to be. considered clinically insane by many, loved by few.
rex tyler - his addiction issues are pretty much as explicit as it gets but i'll still say i think rex's addiction extends far beyond miraclo and the adrenaline of it, and the fact that he's ended up with some awful chronic pain from his years as hourman contributes to some less than advisable ways he self medicates every now and again. non-negotiable, there's no way miraclo not preventing injuries but merely allowing him not to feel them as they happen hasn't had deep repercussions.
jim corrigan - in a committed & exclusive gay homosexual relationship with the spectre, which is not his own soul nor an entirely separate entity but a secret third thing. most closeted man imaginable. still speaks like a noir detective, all dames and broads and such. ignoring ostrander's '92 take of having him be from the south, jim lives & breathes new york (or... he did. anyway. when he lived and breathed).
wesley dodds - dian & sandy both deserved better. that's all i've got. i'm sorry to say i'm the no 1 wes dodds hater (see: 'the creature in the velvet cage', justice league of america 1960 #113).
johnny thunder - most autistic teenager on planet earth :)
as we all know ted knight & charles mcnider (asc #8), wonder woman (asc #12), terry sloane & ted grant (asc #24), and dinah drake (asc #41) are all later-but-still-golden-age additions so i won't be including them as original jsaers. however, i still hope you enjoyed this! thank you so much!!
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leonsliga · 2 years
7, 15, 20, 90, 94 😊
Hey Mon! Thanks as always for the ask, ily 💗
7. Do you have any pets? I do, but just the one:
my husky-lab mix pup Rex. My baby 🥺
15. Favorite song? Oof, it changes daily at this point, but since I can’t decide on just one, have a couple: Fall by Sasha Alex Sloan, Something in the Orange by Zach Bryan, the Borders by Sam Fender, Northern Attitude by Noah Kahan, Meet Me in the Woods by Lord Huron, Brazil by Declan McKenna, Little Bit of Love by Tom Grennan, and Nana Triste by Natalia Lacunza and Guitarricadelafuente. Ok, so maybe that was more than a couple…oops 🙈
20. Are you religious? I used to be. I grew up in a predominantly Catholic family, so I was Catholic for a long time. I went to Catholic school and everything. It took me way too long to realize that pretty much none of their beliefs aligned with mine, like their takes on sexuality, sex (in general), and abortion, to name a few. Most of my time as a Catholic, I was just going through the motions. Needless to say, I’m an agnostic right now lol. I don’t know if I believe in God. I believe in being good to people (or at least trying to be), that much I know. And that’s good enough for me right now.
90. What makes you angry? Let me just start by saying anger and I have an odd (not exactly normal) relationship. I tend to shy away from the things that make me angry, because I experience emotions intensely. In the interest of being honest though, there are a few things that do make me angry. I think the main ones are passive-aggression and guilt-tripping. I dealt with both a lot in my upbringing, so I have a really hard time tolerating either one. I’m not a big fan of know-it-alls or condescending people either if I’m honest. People who feel the need to be the experts in the room at all times just kind of exhaust me, especially when they try to convince you they know more about a topic you know far better than they do. I’m finally getting to the point where I’m shedding some of my insecurities, but for the longest time, my intelligence was one of them, and that really hit that particular insecurity hard. People who mock your interests irritate me too. Your interests are your interests, and if they make you happy, that means something. The last thing anyone needs is someone mocking them for something they’re passionate about. Passions should be nurtured, not crushed.
94. What are you strengths? Ah, this is a question I’m working on getting better at answering 😂 so let’s take a stab at it, shall we? I have a very vivid imagination, which lends itself well to writing. Writing is something I’ve always been passionate about, and I like to think I’m decent at it, idk lol. I’m pretty observant. If someone feels left out or upset about something, I can almost always tell and will try my best to help. I listen to people and sometimes I hear things others miss. I care deeply about people (although this one sometimes gets me into trouble) and I want to see good things happen for them. I try to believe the best in people. Do those count as strengths? Maybe? 😵
Thanks again Mon 💕
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gaeforurmum · 3 years
these are some songs that give me the best shifting/writing motivation because they are really good for imagining scenarios or just getting me in my feels <333
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* |
#icanteven - the neighborhood ft. french montana
<3 - carter james
0 |
18 - one direction
505 - arctic monkeys
a |
all i want - kodaline
all i wanted - paramore
all the young dudes - mott the hoople
always a woman - billy joel
always forever - cults
american pie - don mclean
another love - tom odell
apocalypse - cigarettes after sex
arcade - duncan laurence ft. fletcher
are you with me - nilu
as the world caves in - matt maltese
astronomy - conan gray
a thousand years - christina perri
b |
beautiful boy - john lennon
best friend - rex orange county
big black car - gregory alan isakov
blood // water - grandson
bluebird - luca fogale
bohemian rhapsody - queen
brooklyn baby - lana del rey
bubble gum - clario
c |
can't remember to forget you - shakira ft. rihanna
careless whisper - george michael
cigarette daydreams - cage the elephant
cinema (specifically acoustic) - gary go
corduroy dreams - rex orange county
corps - yseult
could have been me - the struts
counting stars - onerepublic
crazy - shawn mendes
d |
dancing with your ghost - sasha alex sloan
dark horse - katy perry
dark red - steve lacy
daydreamin' - ariana grande
death on two legs - queen
did i mention - descendants (the songs are good man)
dusk till dawn - zayn ft. sia
e |
easily - bruno major
eleanor rigby - cody fry
electric love - børns
e.t. - katy perry
experience - ludovico einaudi
f |
fire on fire - sam smith
fix you - coldplay
fools rush in - elvis presley
fourth of july - sufjan stevens
freaks - surf curse
g |
golden - harry styles
good looking - suki waterhouse
go solo - tom rosenthal
h |
hall of fame - the scrpt ft. will.i.am
happy accidents - saint motel
heart attack - demi lavato
hold my hand - jess glynn
home - luke mccormick
home - cavetown
i |
idk you yet (acoustic cover) - zach hood
i don't want to watch the world end with someone else - clinton kane
i hear a symphony - cody fry
illicit affairs - taylor swift
i lived - onerepublic
i love you so - the walters
i melt with you - modern english
infinity - jaymes young
into it - chase atlantic
isabelle - zach hood (especially good if ur name's isabelle)
i think i'm in love - kat dahlia
it's ok - tom rosenthal
i wanna be yours - arctic monkeys
i want you - mitski
j |
je te laisserai des mots - patrick watson
juliet - cavetown
just the two of us - grover washington
k |
kids again - artist vs poet
killer queen - queen
l |
lay me down - sam smith ft. john legend
the less i know the better - tame impala
let her go - passenger
lights are on - tom rosenthal
like real people do - hozier
line without a hook - ricky montgomery
liquid smooth - mitski
locked out of heaven - bruno mars
look after you - the fray
lose my mind - dean lewis
love grows - edison lighthouse
love in the dark - adele
lover - taylor swift
loverboy - a-wall
love story - taylor swift
m |
make you mine - public
male fantasy - billie eilish
marry you - bruno mars
meet me in the woods - lord huron
middle of nowhere - vancouver sleep clinic
midnight memories - one direction
million dreams - the greatest showman
million little reasons - oscar lang
moral of the story - ashe
mr. forgettable - david kushner
mr loverman - ricky montgomery
mrs magic - strawberry guy
my blood - ellie goulding
my kind of woman - mac demarco
n |
never be alone - shawn mendes
night changes - one direction
nocturne op.9 no.2 - chopin
notion - the rare occasions
o |
ocean eyes - billie eilish
o children - nick cave & the bad seeds
only love can hurt like this - paloma faith
ophelia - the lumineers
out of my league - fitz and the tantrums
p |
paper rings - taylor swift
paradise - coldplay
photograph - ed sheeran
peices - danilo stankovic
pretty boy - the neighborhood
purple rain - prince
r |
remember that night - sara kays
revenge - xxxtentacion
rewrite the stars - the greatest showman
right here - chase atlantic
riptide - vance joy
rolling in the deep - adele
rosyln - bon iver and st. vincent
run - onerepublic
s |
say it first - role model
see you again - charlie puth and wiz khalifa
see you later - jenna raine
sexy and i know it - lmfao (this is kind of a joke but also not, sorry)
she - harry styles
she looks so perfect - 5sos
sign of the times - harry styles
silence - marshmello and khalid
sleep on the floor - the lumineers
slow dancing in the dark - joji
solas - jamie duffy
soleil soleil - pomme
somebody to you - the vamps
someone like you - adele
someone to you - banners
somewhere only we know - keane
space song - beach house
sparks - coldplay
stella - cereus bright
stereo hearts - gym class heroes
stolen dance - milky chance
stubborn love - the lumineers
style - taylor swift
summer&cigarettes - sammy rash
sunkissed - khai dreams
sunsetz - cigarettes after sex
sweet creature - harry styles
sweet dreams, tn - the last shadow puppet
t |
take me home - jess glynne
take me home - cash cahs and bebe rexha
take on the world - you me at six
tenerife sea - ed sheeran
this is home - cavetown
this is how you fall in love - jeremy zucker
this side of paradise - coyote theory
this town - niall horan
till forever falls apart - ashe and finneas
tongue tied - grouplove
tonight tonight - hot chella rae
touch - sleeping at last
treehouse - alex g
the nights - avicii
the night we met - lord huron
the truth - james arthur
turning page - sleeping at last
u |
us - james bay
use somebody - shawn mendes
w |
wait - m83
waiting for love - avicii
wake me up - avicii
war of hearts - ruelle
watch - billie eilish
we are the champions - queen
welcome home - radical face
welcome to wonderland - anson seabra
what makes you beautiful - one direction
where is my mind - maxence cyrin
when will i see you again - shakka
where's my love - syml
why'd you only call me when you're high - arctic monkeys
wildest dreams - taylor swift
the wisp sings - winter aid
wonder - shawn mendes
wyd now? - sadie jean
y |
yellow - coldplay
ylang ylang - fkj and ((( o )))
you & i - one direction
youth - troye sivan
young - vacations
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amukmuk · 3 years
Three things.
2. I’m confused about the Fett boys ages. Could you give a list of how old everyone is in this last update?
3. What kind of city is Corasaunt like? Should I be imagining a New-York type city, or like a Houston TX type city where it’s massive, but everything is spread out?
Ahhh thank youu!!
Yeah, so I've been a little wishy washy with ages and I'm so sorry!
Basically by chapter 12 Ahsoka should be 29, Rex 31, Ponds 32, Wolffe 33, Bly 34, Cody 35, and Fox 36. So... not that old at all XD
Okay, so I've kind of been imagining Coruscant as Washington DC in terms of, like, all of the politicians are there and there's a lot of wheeling and dealing and parties etc. Now, geographically, I imagine it'd be more like New York with like little burrows because as mentioned there was a fire in the Flats in the chapter where Sloan dumps Rex and idk if DC has, like, little areas within the city. I hope that answers your question?
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wazafam · 3 years
Mark Grayson is an average 17-year-old, except for the fact that he is half-alien, and his dad is one of the most famous superheroes in the world. His average life is turned upside down when he finally gets superpowers of his own, but as the saying goes - with great power comes great responsibility.
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Based on a comic series penned by the brilliant and imaginative creator of The Walking Dead, Robert Kirkman, Amazon Prime's hit animated series Invincible is not only chock full of action-packed fun, but it features a broad array of famous guest stars including Jon Hamm, Seth Rogen, Mahershala Ali, Clancy Brown, and Ezra Miller. The main cast is just as star-studded with familiar and beloved voice actors, many of them a nod to other superhero franchises as well as The Walking Dead.
10 Sandra Oh (Debbie Grayson)
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Sandra Oh is a Canadian-American actress best known for her portrayal of Cristina Yang in Grey's Anatomy. More recently, she stars as Eve Polastri, a security services operative that gets caught up in the tangled web of a unique cat and mouse game with an assassin in Killing Eve.
Oh takes on the role of Debbie Grayson, a firm but loving wife and mother. She often serves as a rock for her family when things fall apart. She doesn't have superpowers, but she does have good advice and kind words for her husband and her son.
9 Steven Yeun (Mark Grayson/Invincible)
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Steven Yeun's first, major claim to fame was from his work as the lovable and brave Glenn Rhee on AMC's The Walking Dead. Since he met his fateful end at the hands of Negan, Yeun has been busy. He can be found voicing in Voltron, appearing in Sorry To Bother You, and he recently made Academy Award history with his Best Actor nomination for his role in Minari.
RELATED: Steven Yeun's 10 Best Roles Outside The Walking Dead, Ranked (According To IMDb)
Yeun plays Mark Grayson, an average high schooler who desperately wants to be a hero like his father. When he gets his wish, he realizes that the life of a hero is not as simple as he thought it would be.
8 Zazie Beetz (Amber Bennett)
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Playing Domino in Deadpool 2, and Sophie Dumond in Joker, Zazie Beetz is not a stranger to comic book adaptations. Outside of the superhero world, Beetz has also worked with Donald Glover on his hit series, Atlanta.
Amber Bennet is a headstrong, young high schooler who doesn't need anyone to take care of her...but she finds it kind of cute when Mark makes an effort. Amber is Mark's friend and love interest, though currently, their relationship is strained because of his superhero work and his friendship with Atom Eve.
7 J.K. Simmons (Nolan Grayson/Omni-Man)
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J.K. Simmons has also been an important part of the superhero universe. He expertly brought J.J. Jameson to life, the fast-talking editor-in-chief of the Daily Bugle in both the Marvel Cinematic Universe and in the Sam Raimi Spiderman franchise. An Oscar-winning actor for his work in Whiplash, Simmons has also been in Oscar-nominated films such as Juno and La La Land.
RELATED: J.K. Simmons' 10 Most Memorable Roles, Ranked (According to IMDb)
Nolan Grayson is Mark's father, also known as Omni-Man, one of the most famous superheroes in the world. He protects the innocent and upholds justice...or does he?
6 Andrew Rannells (William Clockwell)
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Andrew Rannells is a man of many talents whose work has spanned from Broadway to film to television. He has voice acted in various popular animated series such as Big Mouth, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Pokemon. He also played a recurring role in HBO's Girls, and led Trey Parker and Matt Stone's comic musical, The Book Of Mormon.
William is one of Mark's high school friends who tries to keep him out of trouble, but with Mark's new super-powered life, he's bitten off a bit more than he can chew.
5 Zachary Quinto (Robot)
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Zachary Quinto is a talented actor who first began to receive notice from his sinister portrayal of the superpowered villain, Sylar, in NBC's Heroes. He has gone on to helm the incredible role of Spock in JJ Abram's Star Trek franchise and has also had recurring roles in American Horror Story.
Quinto lends his voice to the character of "Robot" in six episodes of Invincible season one. After the Guardians meet their demise in the first episode, a new band of superheroes must be created, and Robot is ready to help form a team.
4 Mark Hamill (Art Rosebaum)
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Mark  Hamill will always be Luke Skywalker to Star Wars fans young and old, but his experience spans far outside that galaxy far, far away. Mark Hamill first voiced the Joker in the early 90s and continued to play the chaotic Batman villain for 19 years. Hamill hasn't thrown in the towel for voice acting.
RELATED: 10 Of Mark Hamill's Most Iconic Roles (Outside Of Star Wars)
He recently voiced the killer doll, Chucky, in the popular horror reboot, and also had a role in The Dark Crystals: Age Of Resistance. Art Rosebaum is the Edna Mode of Invincible. He is the man that superheroes go to for their costume needs, and he is more than happy to find the perfect one for Mark.
3 Gillian Jacobs (Samantha Eve Wilkins/Atom Eve)
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Gillian Jacobs has had starring roles in Community and Love, as well as a recurring role as Mimi-Rose Howard in HBO's Girls. Prior to that, she showed off her voice-acting chops in the Monsters vs. Aliens animated series.
Jacobs takes flight in Invincible as the amazing Atom Eve, a fellow high schooler and a part-time superhero. Friends and partners in world-saving, Eve catches Mark's eye, but her tumultuous relationship with Rex Sloan keeps a potential romance out of arm's reach.
2 Jason Mantzoukas (Rex Splode/Rex Sloan)
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Known for playing loud, brash, and politically incorrect characters, Jason Mantzoukas is a big name in comedy. He has been featured in live-action television series including The Good Place, Brooklynn Nine-Nine, Parks and Recreation, and The League. He can currently be heard as the voice of Jay in Netflix's adult animated series, Big Mouth. 
True to his name, Rex Splode has the ability to make objects explode with just his touch. Cocky and a bit of a playboy, Rex gets himself into hot water with his big mouth, and when his girlfriend catches him in a compromising situation with another super.
1 The Walking Dead Cast (Various Superheroes)
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Robert Kirkman wrote the graphic novels for The Walking Dead and later helped bring the series to life on television. He is doing it once again with his dark yet hopeful superhero series, Invincible.  The cast of AMC's hit, dystopian drama is clearly near and dear to his heart, because many of them are featured in his new show.
Fans of The Walking Dead should listen carefully when watching because guest stars include The Walking Dead alums such as Khary Payton, Lauren Cohan, Ross Marquand, Lennie James, Chad L. Coleman, Sonequa Martin-Green, and Michael and Cudlitz.
NEXT: The Walking Dead: Top 10 Celebrity Guests On AMC's Ride With Norman Reedus
Invincible: Where You Know The Voice Actors From | ScreenRant from https://ift.tt/39JWapv
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junker-town · 7 years
The only time Georgia played Notre Dame before 2017, a UGA national title was on the line
Two of college football’s biggest programs had only played once, but it was on that season’s biggest stage. Here’s everything that got the Dawgs to that point.
With Georgia visiting Notre Dame on Sept. 9, now seemed like a good time to revisit the first (and only, before 2017) time these two historic programs played. Thirty-seven years ago, the Dawgs and Irish met in New Orleans. The Dawgs were on the verge of a national title. (And then in 2012, of course, UGA would fall just shy of advancing to play Notre Dame in the BCS Championship.)
Below is a chapter from my 50 Best* College Football Teams of All Time, published in March. 10 percent of all profits from sales of 50 Best* this fall will go to a soon-to-be-mentioned Houston-based fundraiser to benefit Hurricane Harvey victims.
On April 7, 1980, Georgia secured the signature of a running back from Wrightsville, a town of about 2,000 in east central Georgia. The Dawgs have won plenty of recruiting battles in the state’s small towns by simply showing up, but this recruitment lasted a little bit longer than most. Head coach Vince Dooley had to fend off a majority of the nation’s powers – Alabama, USC, Ohio State – along with other local schools like Clemson and Georgia Tech. This back was named the nation’s best; he was a 6’2, 216-pound behemoth who had, the previous fall, rushed for 3,167 yards and 45 touchdowns while leading Johnson County High School to the Georgia Class A state title.
You could say that Georgia won the 1980 national title the day Herschel Walker signed.
Even blue-chip freshmen usually take a while to become acclimated, to grow into a large role within the game of college football. Hell, until recent years, freshmen weren’t even allowed to play; they had to wait until their sophomore seasons to make an impact. Though the rules changed, most coaches still lived with the belief that freshmen had to be eased in, that you wouldn’t be able to count on them to make a difference that early in their respective careers.
Usually, this approach was acceptable, and for one simple reason: Most recruits weren’t Walker.
A former Auburn quarterback and Auburn assistant, Dooley took over for Johnny Griffith in 1964, when UGA was at a low ebb. The Dawgs had finished ranked only once since 1949, but by his third year, Dooley had the Bulldogs back in the top five. Georgia won the SEC in 1966 and 1968, but results had grown more sporadic in the 1970s, as integration changed life for many SEC programs. The Dawgs went 19-5 in 1975-76, then fell to 5-6 in 1977. They went 9-2-1 in 1978, then fell to 6-5. They were ranked 16th in the preseason AP poll heading into 1980, and honestly, they may have indeed been the 16th-best team in the country. But throughout one of the wildest, most unlikely runs in the sport’s history, Walker carried a heavier load than anyone thought imaginable, and the Dawgs consistently found a way to make the one play they needed to make.
Absolutely, positively necessary play No. 1: Pat McShea recovers a Glen Ford fumble.
The first game of the season took place in front of the largest crowd to ever watch a football game in the South. A crowd of 95,288 filled Knoxville’s Neyland Stadium to watch Tennessee host Dooley’s Dawgs, and the home crowd was happy for a while. Georgia quarterback Buck Belue fumbled the ball in the end zone in the second quarter for a safety, and Tennessee led 9-0 at halftime. The Vols quickly expanded the lead to 15-0, but after Georgia got a safety of its own when UT fumbled out of the end zone, Walker took over.
His first career touchdown was perhaps his most memorable; Walker ran through an ankle tackle at the line of scrimmage and, at the 5, ran over Tennessee safety Bill Bates like he was driving a corn harvester. Bates, by the way, would go on to become an all-pro safety for the Dallas Cowboys. Walker flattened him like Bates was an overwhelmed 15-year old playing against Johnson County High.
Legendary Georgia announcer Larry Munson yelped, “My God Almighty … he drove right over orange shirts just driving and running with those big thighs! My God, a freshman!” Walker would score again on a nine-yard sweep to give Georgia a 16-15 lead and would finish with 84 yards. He had begun the game on the third string; he would never be anything less than a first-stringer again.
Georgia still had work to do, though. As the minutes wound down, Tennessee moved the ball inside the Georgia red zone and all the way to the 1. But Ford fumbled, and McShea recovered. Georgia had only gained 240 total yards to UT’s 310, but four Vol fumbles made as much of a difference as Walker did.
Walker made his home debut in front of 60,000 at Sanford Stadium the next weekend, and against a weak Texas A&M team, the Dawgs left nothing to doubt. Walker rushed for 145 yards and three touchdowns and shook off tackler after tackler on a 76-yard burst late in the third quarter.
Absolutely, positively necessary play No. 2: Frank Ros tips a Clemson pass into the air, and Jeff Hipp picks it off.
Now 10th in the country, Georgia played host to rival Clemson. The Dawgs and Tigers were in the middle of a crazy series of tight non-conference battles, and this one was no different. Early on, Georgia’s Scott Woerner nearly won the game by himself. He returned a punt 67 yards for a touchdown, then made a leaping interception in the Georgia end zone and raced 98 yards to set up a short Belue touchdown.
Georgia led 14-0 in the first quarter, but despite Walker ending up with 121 rushing yards, the Dawg offense was stagnant. Clemson was able to cut the lead to 20-16 by the fourth quarter and was driving to possibly take the lead. However, Ros tipped a ball at the line of scrimmage and Hipp won a fight for the ball at the UGA 1. A 20-yard Walker run allowed UGA to run out the clock on a second narrow victory.
Another home game, this time against a weak TCU squad, offered a little bit of a respite. Belue threw two touchdown passes and, nursing a sprained ankle, Walker carried just nine times for 69 yards in a 34-3 win. But while the Dawgs were now sixth in the country, the challenges would continue.
Absolutely, positively necessary play No. 3: Carnie Norris rips off a 20-yard run against Ole Miss.
“It never seems to come easy,” Dooley told media after Georgia’s 28-21 win over Ole Miss. The Rebels were not doing very well under third-year head coach Steve Sloan and had already lost at home to the Texas A&M team that couldn’t hang with Georgia. They trailed by just three heading into the fourth quarter.
Amp Arnold caught a 34-yard pass from Belue, and the Dawgs led 17-0 in the closing seconds of the first half. But James Otis picked off a Belue pass and returned it 32 yards for a score with just nine seconds left in the second quarter, and Rebel quarterback John Fourcade scored on a one-yard sneak midway through the third. A 25-yard Walker run set up a 43-yard Rex Robinson field goal to stretch UGA’s lead back to 20-14, but the game wasn’t out of reach until third-string running back Carnie Norris’ 20-yard run set up a one-yard Belue touchdown with six minutes left. A late Ole Miss touchdown made the final score 28-21.
Norris finished with 15 carries for 150 yards, picking up the slack beautifully for Walker.
The extra rest for Walker paid off. Over the next two weeks, he would rush for 418 yards and four touchdowns as the Dawgs beat Vanderbilt 41-0 and Kentucky 27-0. That set up the biggest game of the season to date.
Absolutely, positively necessary play No. 4: Tim Parks recovers a George Rogers fumble at the Georgia 16.
South Carolina came to Athens on a roll. Behind eventual Heisman winner (and Georgia native) George Rogers, the Gamecocks were 6-1. Rogers had rushed for 142 yards in a 17-14 upset of Michigan in Ann Arbor, and their No. 14 ranking was their highest since 1959.
Against Georgia, Rogers was good, rushing 35 times for 168 yards. But the game was mainly remembered for two plays. On the third play of the third quarter, with Georgia leading by just a 3-0 margin, Walker exploded down the right sideline. Three different Gamecock defenders looked like they had an angle to catch him, and none did. The 76-yard score made it 10-0. It showcased Walker’s speed in the same way that his harvesting of Bates showed his power.
Walker finished with 219 yards on 43 carries, but Georgia’s lead shrank to 13-10, and South Carolina was driving with five minutes left. Once again, the resourceful Georgia defense, the Junkyard Dawgs, saved the day. Rogers powered what could have been a game-winning drive, but he was shaken up on a run inside the 20. On his final carry of the day, the ball was stripped and flew into the air. Tim Parks fell on it, and after a roughing the punter penalty gave Georgia one last break, Walker plowed away at the rest of the clock.
Rogers would go on to win the Heisman, in part because Heisman voters just couldn’t fathom giving it to a freshman.
Absolutely, positively necessary play No. 5: Lindsay Scott runs and runs.
Walker did everything he could against Florida the next week in Jacksonville. Georgia still needed more. His 37 carries and 238 yards gave him the school’s single-season rushing record – In the ninth game of the season! Despite battling injury for a couple of weeks! – and his 72-yard run opened the scoring in the first quarter. But Georgia still found itself trailing Charley Pell’s 20th ranked Gators, 21-20, in the closing minutes. Rival Georgia Tech tied No. 1 Notre Dame, so the Dawgs could ascend to No. 1 for the first time since 1942 with a win. But a Florida punt bounced out of bounds at the UGA 8 with 1:35 left.
On first down, Belue scrambled but found no one open and got pushed out of bounds at the 7. On second down, he threw incomplete to the sideline. At this point, he was 6-for-15 for 52 yards, a touchdown, and two interceptions.
Again rolling to his right, however, Belue then threw the most famous pass of his life. Take it away, Larry Munson: “Buck back, third down on the eight. In trouble! Got a block behind him. Gonna throw on the run ... complete on the 25 ... to the 30 ... Lindsay Scott 35, 40 ... Lindsay Scott 45, 50, 45, 40. Run, Lindsay! 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, Lindsay Scott! Lindsay Scott! Lindsay Scott!”
It went down in history as “Run, Lindsay, Run!”, maybe the most celebrated play in school history. Belue rolled to his right, then threw back toward the middle of the field to Scott, who was running the opposite direction of most of the defenders. He turned the corner and raced up the left flank for the game-winning touchdown – a member of UGA’s 400-meter relay team, he was not going to get caught. He was immediately mobbed by fans in the end zone.
UGA followed one huge rivalry game with another, visiting Auburn on November 15 as the No. 1 team in the country. Auburn did a pretty good job of playing spoiler, trailing just 10-7 near the end of the second quarter. The Dawgs had made it to the Auburn 1 with nine seconds left in the half, but Belue fumbled the snap in what was supposed to be the last play before attempting a field goal. Georgia didn’t have any timeouts, but the refs had to stop the clock to clear up the pile, and that gave Belue time to get his team lined up as soon as the ball was placed. With one second left, Belue took the snap and threw to Norris Brown for a touchdown and a 17-7 lead.
Auburn attempted a surprise onside kick to start the second half, but Georgia recovered it and drove 34 yards for the score. Walker rushed for just 77 yards, but he wasn’t needed: Georgia went up 24 points before a couple of late Auburn touchdowns made the final score 31-21.
The Georgia Tech game was the Walker Show. UGA wrapped up an undefeated regular season by racing to a 17-0 halftime lead and winning 38-20. Walker rushed 35 times for 205 yards, and his 65-yard, fourth-quarter touchdown both iced the game and set the NCAA’s single-season freshman rushing record at 1,610 yards.
Absolutely, positively necessary play No. 6: Trainers pop Herschel Walker’s shoulder back into place.
On Georgia’s second play from scrimmage in the Sugar Bowl against No. 7 Notre Dame, the greatest freshman running back ever separated his shoulder. With so many close wins and only two victories over ranked teams, the Bulldogs were seen as a relatively soft No. 1. It wasn’t hard to find someone predicting the 9-1-1 Irish to take down the Dawgs, and that was with a full-strength Walker.
The record-setter barely missed any time. His shoulder was popped back in on the sideline, and he carried the ball 36 punishing times for 153 yards. Ridiculous.
Late in the first quarter, Rex Robinson nailed a 46-yard field goal to tie the game at 3-3, and the Irish fumbled the ensuing kickoff. UGA recovered at the 1 and took a 10-3 lead on a diving Walker touchdown. Frank Ros soon forced a fumble, and Chris Welton recovered. Walker scored to make it 17-3, and the game took on the typical Georgia script: UGA takes an early lead, the opponent begins to come back, and Georgia’s defense makes repeated stops near the end. Up 17-10 in the final period, Georgia came up with a big third-down sack to force a field goal that missed, and on ND’s final surge, Scott Woerner, the All-American and hero of the Clemson game, picked off a fourth-down pass. For the first time in 38 years, Georgia was national champion.
This wasn’t the best Vince Dooley squad. Hell, it probably wasn’t even the best Herschel Walker squad – you could make the case that either the 10-2 team of 1981 or the 11-1 team of 1982 was better. But this team simply refused to lose. It had the best player in the country (Heisman voting be damned), and just about every player on the team made a key play at a key time. While everybody else in the country slipped up at an inopportune time, Georgia simply won every game on the schedule and made both Walker and Dooley immortal in the process.
0 notes
tragicbooks · 7 years
Life on Earth will survive nearly anything, say scientists. Hells yeah.
Scientists have calculated what it would take to sterilize the planet. No wait, stay with me! It's not as morbid as it sounds!
Three scientists from Oxford and Harvard universities were interested in just what it would take to sterilize the Earth — not just wipe out humanity, but get a really deep scrub in there and completely wipe out life.
What they found is that life could survive pretty much anything the universe is going to throw at us for at least 7.6 billion years.
To figure this out, they looked at the greatest survivors ever.
Not humans. Not sharks. Tardigrades.
Big, impressive life — humans and whales and Tyrannosaurus rexes — are actually kind of fragile. We depend on very specific environments to survive. But there are much tougher creatures out there, wriggling around, like tardigrades.
Tardigrades are basically tiny little Terminators. GIF from "Cosmos."
Also known as water bears, these microscopic little guys are tough as nails. Tardigrades can be frozen, irradiated, starved for decades — heck, they've even survived the vacuum of space!
After doing a bunch of math about radiation and pressure and other factors, the scientists determined the only way to wipe out these little buggers would be to boil the entire ocean. Let me repeat that: The only way to get rid of them is to boil the ocean.
And boiling the ocean just isn't likely to happen anytime soon. You'd have to slam the planet with a truly gigantic asteroid, or hit it with a supernova or an ultra-powerful gamma ray burst. The scientists did the math, and they say all of those are just too rare or too far away to matter to a tardigrade.
"Life, once it gets going, is hard to wipe out," study co-author Dr. David Sloan said in a press release.
GIF from "Jurassic Park."
Basically, life on Earth is probably going to survive as long as the sun does.
Unfortunately, there is an end point. In about 7.6 billion years, the sun's going to evolve into a red giant star. At that point, it'll either devour the Earth or be bright enough to, yes, boil the oceans.
That's a long way away. Life has only been on Earth for about 3.8 billion years — multicellular life even less. In only about 600 million years, we went from worms to dinosaurs to Carl Sagan. Imagine what another 7.6 billion years will get us. Life on Earth hasn't even hit middle age yet.
The researchers say this gives hope to the possibility of finding life on other planets.
Perhaps the deep soils of Mars or the volcanic oceans of Europa or Enceladus have their own little microscopic Terminators too.
"If tardigrades are Earth's most resilient species, who knows what else is out there," said Dr. Rafael Alves Batista, a co-author of the study.
That doesn't mean we humans should take our sturdy little home for granted, though.
Remember that tardigrades are little Terminators. We're not. Humans, it turns out, really like Earth the way it is now.
If we want to last as long as the tardigrades do, we have some work ahead of us — like preparing for climate change, protecting the biosphere, and maybe keeping an eye out for some of those smaller asteroids.
But if these scientists are correct, no matter what, life on Earth is going to survive a long, long time.
So take that, universe, you're stuck with us.
0 notes
cemeteryspider · 8 months
cemeteryspider's Masterlist
Started: 01/13/24
Last Updated: 08/24/24
Total Works: 49
The Boys
Hughie Campbell
Family Jewels Series Obsessions Oh No!
DC Comics
Nightwing- Dick Grayson
It's All Fun and Games Lost and Found DCeased: A New Hope
Red Hood- Jason Todd
Come Over Again DCeased: Shadows of the Bat
Gravity Falls
Stanford Pines
Daughter Reader! Family Fractured Part 1 and Part 2
Hazbin Hotel
Alastor- The Radio Demon
Ballet on the Bayou Masterlist Ballet on the Bayou: Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 5 Dearie Masterlist Dearie: Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 5 Disco Inferno Imagine Being a Lady Dimitrescu-esk Overlord and Being in Love With Alastor
Lucifer Morningstar- Hell's Greatest Dad
Only Human It's Called: Freefall
Charlie Morningstar~ Princess of Hell
I'm the Bad Guy
Helluva Boss
Fizzarolli and Asmodeus~ Hell's Worst Kept Secret
A Helluva Rescue
Verosika ~ Hell's Greatest Rockstar
Unfinished Symphony
Invincible- Mark Grayson
Imagine Dating Mark Grayson With Dazzler's Powers Imagine Dating Mark Grayson With Dazzler's Powers Pt. 2
Rex-Splode- Rex Sloan
Rex-Splode Dating Headcanons A Healing Touch Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4 Coming Soon-ish ~ A Healing Touch Pt. 5
Black Cat- Felicia Hardy
Chat Noir
The Amazing Spider-Man- Peter Parker
Imagine, Goodnight, Spiderboy Silken Bonds of Alternate Realities
The Scarlet Witch- Wanda Maximoff
House of Us Good Luck, Babe
Quentin Beck- Mysterio
Just a Little Mysterious
Kate Bishop
*NSFW* Be a Good Girl
Madelyne Pryor
Orange Juice
Nightcrawler- Kurt Wagner
The Shadows Redemption Haunting Memories A Feathered Destiny
Gambit- Remy Lebeau
Rooted in Love Genosha Revisited Two of Cups Counting Cards In the Wake of Destruction Part 1 and Part 2
Percy Jackson
Luke Castellan
Strings of Fate: The Puppet-Master
The Walten Files
Sophie Walten
Late-Night Protector
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socialviralnews · 7 years
Life on Earth will survive nearly anything, say scientists. Hells yeah.
Scientists have calculated what it would take to sterilize the planet. No wait, stay with me! It's not as morbid as it sounds!
Three scientists from Oxford and Harvard universities were interested in just what it would take to sterilize the Earth — not just wipe out humanity, but get a really deep scrub in there and completely wipe out life.
What they found is that life could survive pretty much anything the universe is going to throw at us for at least 7.6 billion years.
To figure this out, they looked at the greatest survivors ever.
Not humans. Not sharks. Tardigrades.
Big, impressive life — humans and whales and Tyrannosaurus rexes — are actually kind of fragile. We depend on very specific environments to survive. But there are much tougher creatures out there, wriggling around, like tardigrades.
Tardigrades are basically tiny little Terminators. GIF from "Cosmos."
Also known as water bears, these microscopic little guys are tough as nails. Tardigrades can be frozen, irradiated, starved for decades — heck, they've even survived the vacuum of space!
After doing a bunch of math about radiation and pressure and other factors, the scientists determined the only way to wipe out these little buggers would be to boil the entire ocean. Let me repeat that: The only way to get rid of them is to boil the ocean.
And boiling the ocean just isn't likely to happen anytime soon. You'd have to slam the planet with a truly gigantic asteroid, or hit it with a supernova or an ultra-powerful gamma ray burst. The scientists did the math, and they say all of those are just too rare or too far away to matter to a tardigrade.
"Life, once it gets going, is hard to wipe out," study co-author Dr. David Sloan said in a press release.
GIF from "Jurassic Park."
Basically, life on Earth is probably going to survive as long as the sun does.
Unfortunately, there is an end point. In about 7.6 billion years, the sun's going to evolve into a red giant star. At that point, it'll either devour the Earth or be bright enough to, yes, boil the oceans.
That's a long way away. Life has only been on Earth for about 3.8 billion years — multicellular life even less. In only about 600 million years, we went from worms to dinosaurs to Carl Sagan. Imagine what another 7.6 billion years will get us. Life on Earth hasn't even hit middle age yet.
The researchers say this gives hope to the possibility of finding life on other planets.
Perhaps the deep soils of Mars or the volcanic oceans of Europa or Enceladus have their own little microscopic Terminators too.
"If tardigrades are Earth's most resilient species, who knows what else is out there," said Dr. Rafael Alves Batista, a co-author of the study.
That doesn't mean we humans should take our sturdy little home for granted, though.
Remember that tardigrades are little Terminators. We're not. Humans, it turns out, really like Earth the way it is now.
If we want to last as long as the tardigrades do, we have some work ahead of us — like preparing for climate change, protecting the biosphere, and maybe keeping an eye out for some of those smaller asteroids.
But if these scientists are correct, no matter what, life on Earth is going to survive a long, long time.
So take that, universe, you're stuck with us.
from Upworthy http://ift.tt/2u2oihm via cheap web hosting
0 notes
cemeteryspider · 5 months
A Healing Touch~ Part 1
Rex-Splode! Rex Sloan x Superpowered! Reader
Summary: Working at the Superhero Hospital under Cecil was not something you looked forward to, until Rex Sloan comes in, close to death, and you have a chance to save him in more ways than you could imagine.
Trigger Warnings: Violence, Death, Injury, and Emotional Distress
Word Count: 1139
Every day you spent at your dads work the more you wished you had just stayed home. Every day you left and shadowed your dad at the hospital for superheroes he works at. You and your dad shared a power. You were able to direct the healing process in the bodies of others, allowing broken bones to heal in a fraction of the time, shrink tumors given enough time, and so much more that you were learning by shadowing your dad.
You watch him perform routine checkups on Black Samson, surgeries on Night Boy after his tussle with Invincible, and now the biggest attack on a superhero team since the original Guardians of the Globe were killed in the fight that also took your mother's life.
There was no time to think about that when you saw all the Dupli-Kates wheeled in on a stretcher, unmoving, and most certainly not breathing. Shrinking Ray, covered in goo and blood, again not moving but with a woman on her chest performing chest compressions. Lastly, a boy with a missing left hand and a hole in the front of his skull.
His head shifted as the gurney made its sharp turns into what you knew was trauma one, while Shrinking Ray went into trauma two, and Dupli-Kate into a different room which you knew people rarely came out of.
You made a move to follow but he just shook his head and closed the door. You spent the night at the hospital because your dad spent 19 hours working on the boy in trauma one.
When he walked out of the room he put his head in his hands and sat down next to you. Explained how the treatments and the surgeries didn't fully heal him. That he had something to ask of you.
"Your healing aura will help... him. If you stay in his room while he recovers, his chance of recovery increases exponentially. You can say no if you-"
"I can do this, Dad. My first job" You sat and smiled at each other for a minute.
"You're good, you know that?" You made eye contact with him, and gave him a little smile.
"Thanks, Dad. It means a lot coming from you"
"Your mom would be so proud of the person you've become"
He escorted you to the room where the boy lay, his chest steadily rising and falling, half his skull covered in a machine, all his hair shaved. Even in this state, you saw the beauty he radiated.
Quickly you shoved the thoughts out of your head and brushed away your father's concerns of leaving you at the hospital alone. You were grown, and most of all you were ready for some responsibility. 
The next few days were a blur. You found yourself pacing the room, or the hallway just outside to get your blood flowing. Reading in the chair next to him, sometimes out loud in case he could hear you. Or asleep curled up in the chair beside his bed. Often nurses came in and asked you questions about how he was doing, and if anything had changed.
You had taken to answering these questions in as professional a manner as you could muster. Often the nurses would smile at you and tell you to hit the call button if anything changed. Your dad came in sometimes to check the healing progress and remarked how quickly he seemed to be healing.
Sometimes his friends would come by, and you excused yourself leaving the room to give them their privacy. Sometimes you would check up on your dad and his patients or go to the cafeteria to get a coffee. His friends visited a lot, with Eve, Atom Eve, visiting the most. You often wondered to yourself if they were a couple, but again shut the thoughts out of your head.
You lay on your stomach on the floor next to the bed, reading your fourth book in the past 3 days when you heard a groan from above you.
Shooting to your feet you saw who you've come to know as Rex's eyes looking around the room and trying to move his limbs. You quickly hit the call button with shaky hands to alert a nurse and stood next to him.
"Rex. You're okay. You are injured and you are in recovery. Please stay calm," You had been preparing for this in the days you spent in this room, but it made your throat tight and your hands clammy at the moment.
"Wha's happening?" which came out a little more like "wash hapin"
Nurses quickly swarmed his bedside to take vitals and look into his eyes when his hand closed around yours. He squeezed your hand as the nurses and doctors poked and prodded at his wounds, and you just stood there watching it happen.
Nurses drew blood from his arm, shined lights in his eyes, and tested reflexes. They rushed out with samples and in with pain medication. The lights were being brightened and dimmer everything made you want to turn and run, but still Rex held your hand in his. Grounding you as you were his lifeline to a hint of normalcy.
Once the doctors and nurses left he fell asleep again, and your hand loosened from his iron grip. You pulled your chair up next to his and before you could stop yourself, put your hand on top of his.
A whisper pulled you from your sleep, "Eve?"
His speech was more clear than it was just a few hours ago, and you sat up realizing that your head was resting on the hospital bed with your hand on top of his.
"Oh, no, sorry, my name's Y/n, and I've been helping you heal the past week or so" You pulled your hand away but he gently grabbed your wrist, but let go when he saw your raised eyebrows and wide eyes.
"Shit, sorry, your hand was fine there, it actually felt pretty good," You rested your hand on his again with a slight smile, "You were talking to me... when I was asleep"
You nodded your head, "Yeah, sometimes I would talk to you, and sometimes I would read to you. I figured you might get bored if you could hear me but I wasn't saying anything. Sorry if that bothered you"
"No, it was nice. Would you mind reading to me some more, ya know, until I fall asleep"
"I can do that Rex,
November 7, 1991, Dear friend, It was one of those days that I didn’t mind going to school because the weather was so pretty. The sky was overcast with clouds, and the air felt like a warm bath. I don’t think I ever felt that clean before..."
Barely audible you heard Rex mumble, "Thank you"
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junker-town · 7 years
Behold, the most absurd all-time NBA 2k lineups for every team
You had great suggestions for each team’s all-time starting 5. I, on the other hand, had terrible ones.
Dope news: NBA 2K18 will allow you the chance to play with the best possible all-time roster for all 30 NBA franchises. Ever wonder how your favorite team’s legends of yesteryear mesh with your best players today? Wonder no more, thanks to the magic of sports’ best video game.
This got us thinking about who would make each franchise’s all-time starting 5. So, we asked you and tracked your responses.
It also got me thinking about the dumbest all-time starting 5s I could put together for each team. (Why? I don’t know. I gave up trying to figure out my brain years ago).
Below are the answers to both of those questions. If you can come up with a weirder all-time starting 5 for your favorite team, let me know in the comments.
My pointless lineup
PG: Acie Law III SG: Dion Glover SF: Dominique Wilkins PF: Rasheed Wallace C: Jon Koncak
Sheed was technically a Hawk, right? Also, poor Nique.
Your way better lineups
Spud Webb Iso Joe Wilkins Millsap Pettit https://t.co/M61iIeImAM
— sad georgia fan (@The_Kid_Across) August 11, 2017
Doc Joe Nique Horford Dikembe Maybe? https://t.co/sjiy3p5oNf
— Bo Churney (@bochurney) August 11, 2017
Atlanta Hawks: PG: Lenny Wilkens SG: Pistol Pete SF: 'Nique PF: Bob Pettit C: Dikembe Mutombo https://t.co/Lzer6k8Hzy
— Garrison (@Garrison_McD) August 11, 2017
My pointless lineup
PG: John Bagley SG: Dana Barros SF: Todd Day PF: Dino Radja C: Greg Kite
The Celtics have too many legends, so how would a team of forgotten Celtics fare? The schadenfreude already amuses me.
Your way better lineups
Rondo Pierce Bird Garnett Russell https://t.co/antU6U5nTF
— Ammar Ljubijankić (@IlCapitanoJuv) August 11, 2017
Rondo/DJ/Jones Pierce/Jones/Ainge Bird/Havlicek McHale/Cowens Russell/Parish https://t.co/oYftBd4jUT
— Mike Slonina (@Slo_24) August 11, 2017
Cousy, Pierce, Bird, Garnett, Russell https://t.co/rLT3CY3cwO
— John Morgan Francis (@MonJorgan) August 11, 2017
Cousy, Sam Jones, Hondo, Bird, Russell. Sounds nice. Aproximately 3928 rings between them, too. https://t.co/XPTg07NQUI
— TM Warning (@tmwarning) August 11, 2017
My pointless lineup
PG: Rumeal Robinson SG: Rex Walters SF: Bostjan Nachbar PF: Yinka Dare C: Brook Lopez
Brook Lopez has played on worse teams.
Your way better lineups
Kidd-Petrovic-Erving-Coleman-Lopez https://t.co/QtL5nPJTuQ
— NBA Central (@nbacentral247) August 11, 2017
Jason Kidd Vince Carter Dr. J. Kenyon Martin Brook Lopez https://t.co/R4z8atYFVv
— Yoshimitsu (@me_IKE_who_U) August 11, 2017
My pointless lineup
PG: Raymond Felton SG: Rex Chapman SF: Kelly Tripuka PF: Byron Mullens C: DeSagana Diop
Let’s remember the worst of the early days of the Hornets and Bobcats.
Your way better lineups
C: Alonzo Mourning PF: Larry Johnson SF:Glen Rice SG:Dell Curry PG: Kemba Walker
— Jeremy Powell (@coolastheyc) August 11, 2017
Hmmm. . . Kemba Walker Dell Curry Gerald Wallace Larry Johnson Alonzo Mourning Just post Bobcats (04): Kemba Batum? Wallace Diaw?! Okafor https://t.co/AwE9stpgJV
— Stroupe-a-loop (@Stroupe_a_loop) August 11, 2017
Baron Davis, Rex Chapman, Jamal Mashburn, Larry Johnson, Alonzo Mourning @BringBackTheBuz
— Jordan Flowers (@FlowersJordan) August 11, 2017
My ridiculous lineup
PG: Jannero Pargo SG: Michael Jordan SF: Brad Sellers PF: Victor Khryapa C: Dalibor Bagaric
What’s the worst possible team I could create around Michael Jordan? I challenge you to do better.
Your way better lineups.
Rose/Sloan Jordan/Theus Pippen/Love/Walker Rodman/Love Gilmore/Noah https://t.co/oYftBd4jUT
— Mike Slonina (@Slo_24) August 11, 2017
Jimmy G Rodman Noah https://t.co/PfsssB3QSw
— le (@wallinthe80s) August 11, 2017
My equally ridiculous lineup
PG: Matthew Dellavedova SG: Sasha Pavlovic SF: LeBron James PF: Donyell Marshall C: Chris Mihm
This team is definitely making the playoffs in the East.
Your way better lineups
Price Carr LeBron Love Z https://t.co/iBeS4iLeOr
— . (@CLE4life216) August 11, 2017
C - Ilgauskas PF - Larry Nance SF - LeBron SG - Austin Carr PG - Kyrie
— Josh Hooper (@fmjosh) August 11, 2017
— PETTIS NO ES BORICUA (@LoWuaSacar) August 11, 2017
My pointless lineup
PG: Brad Davis SG: Tim Legler SF: George McCloud PF: Charlie Villanueva C: Shawn Bradley
Is Shawn Bradley ... the first option?
Your way better lineups
nash finley mashburn dirk tyson
— costanza. (@bforbernard) August 11, 2017
Dirk Aguirre Chandler Nash Blackman#MFFL https://t.co/lS00YkzB8i
— adam (@adamahole) August 11, 2017
My pointless lineup
PG: Michael Adams SG: J.R. Smith SF: DerMarr Johnson PF: Nikoloz Tskitishvilli C: Raef LaFrentz
J.R. Smith is gonna take every shot, and he probably should.
Your way better lineups
Iverson English Melo McDyess Mutumbo https://t.co/Nea6BLT9Um
— heirpush. (@Pusha_TeeWat) August 11, 2017
Chauncey Billups Alex English Carmelo Anthony Kenyon Martin Nikola Jokic https://t.co/cbPRFrKyTs
— Lucas Navarrete (@LucasNavarreteM) August 11, 2017
Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf David Thompson Alex English Carmelo Anthony Dikembe Mutombo https://t.co/BI3sOMnQQh
— Tommy Wood (@woodstein72) August 11, 2017
My * thinking face emoji * lineup
PG: Rodney Stuckey SG: Arron Afflalo SF: Jonas Jerebko PF: Jason Maxiell C: Darko Milicic
Imagine a world where Darko turns into a star. The 04 Pistons start to age out, and it’s time for a new generation to take over with Darko as the centerpiece. It’d look something like this, right?
Your way better rosters
Isiah Joe D Debusschere Rodman Big Ben#DetroitBasketball https://t.co/iadwZrYHrn
— Ben (@Ben_Searle) August 11, 2017
Isiah Chauncey Grant Hill Dennis Rodman Ben Wallace W/ 6 man Joe Dumarshttps://t.co/1XkYvEPYeb
— Chuck (@idgachuck) August 11, 2017
Prediction: Thomas, Dumars, Rodman, B. Wallace, Lanier Favorite: Billups, Dumars, Hill, Rodman, B. Wallace https://t.co/oTsQa1CgGD
— Detroit Bad Boys ☠ (@detroitbadboys) August 11, 2017
My pointless lineup
PG: Earl Boykins SG: Vonteego Cummings SF: Mike Dunleavy PF: Todd Fuller C: Andris Biedrins
Remember when the Warriors were a joke? Let’s go back to a time when that were true.
Your way better rosters
This beats anybody who's not Lakers or Celtics: Steph, Mullin, Rick Barry, Durant, Wilt https://t.co/wYh2ES8CRR
— Tony Biasotti (@TonyBiasotti) August 11, 2017
Curry, Thompson, Durant, Green, and Literally Anybody Else. https://t.co/b5iLzzHmcr
— Grant Brisbee (@mccoveychron) August 11, 2017
OK OK I get it.
There's a real argument for choosing Steph, Klay, Iggy, KD, and Draymond https://t.co/7jxuWu5GSr
— Golden State of Mind (@unstoppablebaby) August 11, 2017
My pointless lineup
PG: Yao Ming SG: Dikembe Mutombo SF: Dwight Howard PF: Moses Malone C: Hakeem Olajuwon
The Rockets are the franchise of big men, so let’s make them all play together.
Your way better lineups
Harden Tmac Barkley Yao Dr34m https://t.co/KEukh6WZp6
— Hurk (@McHurk) August 11, 2017
CP3, Harden, T-Mac, Elvin Hayes, Hakeem https://t.co/2sOYg323QA
— The Red Monster (@ChrisR7575) August 11, 2017
Calvin Murphy Harden Tmac Hakeem Sampson/Yao https://t.co/FZakJeNWUR
— Tad Ghostal (@_ForestWind) August 11, 2017
My vengeful lineup
PG: Haywood Workman SG: Fred Jones SF: Paul George PF: Tyler Hansbrough C: Zan Tabak
Instead of punishing Paul George by making him play in Oklahoma City, why not build this roster and force him to stay?
Your way better lineups
Mark Jackson, Reggie Miller, Roger Brown, Mel Daniels, George McGinnis
— Sam DeVoe (@samtdevoe) August 11, 2017
If ABA players are out: Mark Jackson, Reggie, PG, Granger, Jermaine O'Neal. https://t.co/AAdXEnHiKM
— Caitlin Cooper (@C2_Cooper) August 11, 2017
My oh-god-there-are-so-many-options-how-do-i-choose? lineup
PG: Baron Davis SG: Marko Jaric SF: Yaroslav Korolev PF: Keith Closs C: Michael Olowokandi
We could create infinite terrible Clippers starting 5s.
Your way better lineups
CP3 Maggette Griffin Brand McAdoo
— Whatsapp Danny** (@DanielCoupe) August 11, 2017
CP3, Corey Maggette, Elton Brand, Blake Griffin, DeAndre Jordan. https://t.co/YUNCT0qUWr
— Josh Roberts (@JoshCantBlog) August 11, 2017
My pointless lineup
PG: Smush Parker SG: Kobe Bryant SF: Wesley Johnson PF: Slava Medvedenko C: Travis Knight
How long until Kobe breaks his teammates’ eardrums?
Your way better lineups
Magic Kobe Elgin Baylor Kareem Shaq https://t.co/rlcmcWQze5
— Alex B. (@ABsole_) August 11, 2017
Magic Kobe The Logo Shaq Kareem Playing old school af https://t.co/doNf5TUqUI
— Keenan Victor (@KeenanVictor) August 11, 2017
My pointless lineup
PG: Steve Francis SG: Tony Allen SF: Zach Randolph PF: Marc Gasol C: Bryant Reeves
Merge the pillars of Grit ‘N Grind with the two biggest player reminders of why Vancouver failed.
Your way better lineups
Dickerson, Edwards, Reeves, A-R, Bibby??? I dunno ask Jay Triano.
— Cleveland in 6 (@RealMurf) August 11, 2017
Marc Gasol, Randolph, Abdur-Rahim, Allen and Conley
— Ravis (@SRavi81) August 11, 2017
My rude lineup
PG: Gary Payton SG: Mike Bibby SF: Juwan Howard PF: Chris Gatling C: Zydrunas Ilgauskas
The all-time Ring Chaser team! Let’s see if you can do better.
Your way better lineups
Tim Hardaway, D Wade, LeBron, Alonzo Mourning, and Shaq https://t.co/h4hSrp4OPv
— KingOfGettingCurved (@jordanholic19) August 11, 2017
Tim Hardaway DWADE LeBron Bosh Shaq
— DatBootyDoe (@ShonenShadow) August 11, 2017
Tim Hardaway, D Wade, Glen Rice, Bron and Zo. Zo is captain despite Bron's numerous objections. https://t.co/IJ94AJKpyz
— Bobby Wilson (@chewingbones) August 11, 2017
My pointless lineup
PG: Lee Mayberry SG: Charlie Bell SF: Todd Day PF: Marty Conlon C: Randy Brewer
Another team with a ton of super random dudes that have played for them. Damn.
Your way better lineups
Oscar Roberson, Sidney Moncrief, Michael Redd, Giannis, Jamaal Maglore https://t.co/hTYkd6Qlnc
— Nader Kiblawi (@Kiblawi97) August 11, 2017
Oscar Moncrief Giannis Terry Cummings Lew Alcindor https://t.co/oDfByr94Xq
— Tyvion (@tyvion_jones17) August 11, 2017
My Kahn special lineup
PG: Jonny Flynn SG: Wesley Johnson SF: Michael Beasley PF: Anthony Randolph C: Darko Milicic
David Kahn really went out of his way to get all of these players. I’m speechless.
Your way better lineups
@Timberwolves: Pooh, Tony Campbell, @22wiggins , KG and @KarlTowns. I'll hang up and listen. https://t.co/3Qu65JGujX
— Kyle Jamison (@kylejamison) August 11, 2017
Marbury, wig, butler, KG and KAT https://t.co/CybN9NAuxq
— Matt Johnson (@Matt_Johnson10) August 11, 2017
My lineup to prove a point
PG: Chris Paul SG: Marco Belinelli SF: James Posey PF: Anthony Davis C: Omer Asik
Take the two best players in franchise history and surround them with a visual reminder of how terribly the franchise build around them.
Your way better lineups
Chris Paul Baron Davis Jamal Mashburn David West Anthony Davishttps://t.co/7eY0CVIXv6
— The Bird Writes (@thebirdwrites) August 11, 2017
CP3, Baron, Peja, AD, Tyson RT @SBNationNBA:2K18 is releasing All-Time teams this year. What’s your favorite team’s all-time starting 5?
— deejay (@whoadiedeejay) August 11, 2017
Your pointless lineup
Shane larkin, langston galloway, lance thomas, quincy acy, lou amundson https://t.co/5e1rQLjDyG
— #TheHackening (@Boehme_NYJ) August 11, 2017
Your way better lineups
Fraizer Monroe King Anthony Ewing #knicks https://t.co/N59gNzcDzp
— Kola Champagne Papi (@ZSoloDolo) August 11, 2017
Frazier, Earl Monroe, Melo, Willis Reed, Ewing https://t.co/uKrTsu04mM
— ak (@LiveLoveAK) August 11, 2017
My suuuuuper fun lineup
PG: Gary Payton SG: Russell Westbrook SF: Kevin Durant PF: Shawn Kemp C: Jack Sikma
Because this combined franchise deserves the best.
Your way better lineups
Sonics: Payton, Allen, KD, Rashard, Kemp. Make it rain 3s in Seattle. https://t.co/VlmfMzFlJP
— Colin Byrne (@BallinByrne) August 11, 2017
Payton, Westbrook, Durant, Kemp, Sam Perkins? https://t.co/Pb5AKqNvsm
— alternative moe (@Atlmoe6) August 11, 2017
If you want Sonics only...
Hmmm... C - Jack Sikma F - Shawn Kemp F - Dale Ellis G - Lenny Wilkins G - Gary Payton https://t.co/teMPB8hr0C
— Tanner Savage (@tsavage55) August 11, 2017
My pointless lineup
PG: Brooks Thompson SG: Anthony Bowie SF: Jeff Green PF: Jeff Turner C: Andrew DeClercq
Brooks Thompson was one of my favorite players growing up. Not joking.
Your other good lineups
Penny TMAC Grant Hill Vujevic Shaq
— Yeboi (@itsmeyeboi) August 11, 2017
Penny Hardaway Tracy McGrady Grant Hill Rashard Lewis (I guess) Shaq Injuries are our fave https://t.co/ivWjL9FuVI
— Smokey Carmichael (@turtlewithapen) August 11, 2017
My pointless lineup
PG: T.J. McConnell SG: Allen Iverson SF: Hollis Thompson PF: Sharone Wright C: Manute Bol
Will Allen Iverson ever pass? Tune in to find out!
Your actually good lineups
Mo Cheeks, AI, Dr J, Barkley, Wilt https://t.co/BVS7xawIBt
— Matt Powers (@MattPowers31) August 11, 2017
PG: Simmons (Yeah I went there) SG: Iverson SF: Dr. J PF: Barkley C: Wilt Chamberlain https://t.co/5ryTwqifuG
— Arie & Al (@OfficialReview) August 11, 2017
Mo Cheeks A.I. The Doctor Charles Barkley Joel 'The Process' Embiid https://t.co/kSdrdnn8fb
— 737 almost every day (@ShoutingStreet) August 11, 2017
My pointless lineup
PG: Isaiah Thomas SG: Eric Bledsoe SF: Goran Dragic PF: Negele Knight C: Frank Johnson
Three point guards that feuded with each other and two point guards you surely forgot about.
Your way better lineups
Gimme - Nash - Majerle - Marion - Barkley - Amar'e https://t.co/mrGjLJPrZX
— Joey Artigue (@Joey_Artigue) August 11, 2017
C: Adams PF: Barkley SF: Marion SG: Davis PG: Nash@Suns #Suns https://t.co/YSaDnHvKdy
— Phillip_Ramírez (@Phillip_Ramirez) August 11, 2017
My thought experiment lineup
PG: Damon Stoudamire SG: Ruben Patterson SF: Rasheed Wallace PF: Zach Randolph C: Bill Walton
How would Bill Walton deal with the JailBlazers? I wanna simulate a season and see what happens.
Your way better lineups
C: Walton PF: Aldridge SF: Roy SG: Drexler PG: Lillard Would hear arguments for Lucas or Sheed at 4. https://t.co/pRhK7BSDiM
— Ricky Young ⭐️ (@RickySYoung) August 11, 2017
Rod Strickland Clyde Drexler Kiki Vandeweghe Rasheed Wallace Bill Walton https://t.co/q7acF7M63v
— DTea (@DTillery79) August 11, 2017
My thought experiment lineup
PG: Jason Williams SG: Doug Christie SF: Peja Stojakovic PF: Chris Webber C: DeMarcus Cousins
The inverse of the Portland scenario. How will a fun team affect DeMarcus Cousins’ sour mood?
Your way better lineups
jason williams, peja, the rock, webber, cousins
— CdotJdot (@cjayyyof916) August 11, 2017
Sac Only: Theus, Richmond, Peja, C-Webb, Boogie Franchise: Tiny, Big O, Jack Twyman, Jerry Lucas, C-Webb https://t.co/1x4ECJUs78
— Akis Yerocostas (@Aykis16) August 11, 2017
Archibald, The Big O, Peja, CWebb, Boogie
— Marc N (@KingsFan312) August 11, 2017
My thought experiment lineup
PG: Avery Johnson SG: Willie Anderson SF: Chuck Person PF: J.R. Reid C: Tim Duncan
If you look back in NBA history, the Spurs surrounded David Robinson with some weird rosters full of mediocre vets. Would Tim Duncan fare any better than Robinson did with them? I’d love to know.
Your way better lineups
Spurs: - Parker - Manu - Kawhi - Timmy - Robinson 6Man: Gervin Bench: J. Silas, Bowen, Aldridge, D. Green and Diaw because he's the GOAT https://t.co/l1Hx4rDOX7
— Jacob Roth (@Jacob_Roth21) August 11, 2017
My pointless lineup
PG: Mike James SG: Vince Carter SF: Joey Graham PF: Rafael Araujo C: Andrea Bargnani
How many Raptors fans would enjoy seeing Vince Carter punished with this sad team?
Your way better lineups
Lowry DeRozan Vince Carter Chris Bosh Antonio Davis https://t.co/3ny0LTGYXK
— K-D (@KDnoball) August 11, 2017
Mighty Mouse/Lowry DeRozan Vince Carter/Tracy McGrady Chris Bosh Antonio Davis #WeTheNorth #RTZ https://t.co/bIlotcxI4d
— ⚠️Guy On The Couch⚠️ (@6SportsGod1) August 11, 2017
My pointless lineup
PG: Raul Neto SG: Delaney Rudd SF: Quincy Lewis PF: Scott Padgett C: Greg Ostertag
Remember when Delaney Rudd had an awesome moment in the 1992 playoffs? I swear, it happened!
Your way better lineups
John Stockton Pete Maravich Adrian Dantley Karl Malone Mark Eaton (Gobert is coming for this spot)#TakeNote https://t.co/27ymqsBQ57
— Jake Hatch (@JacobCHatch) August 11, 2017
Jazz one is interesting John Stockton Pete Maravich Gordon Hayward/AK47? Karl Malone Gobert? Already? https://t.co/LZImegrrYV
— Ben Wagner (@ben_wagner) August 11, 2017
My lineup to prove a point
PG: Mark Price SG: Michael Jordan SF: Bernard King PF: Charles Oakley C: Moses Malone
Did you know all of these guys played for this franchise? Bet you didn’t, but it’s true. (Alt lineup: Muggsey Bogues | Nick Young | Ladell Eackles | Andray Blatche | JaVale McGee).
Your way better lineups
Here's a stab at the Wizards All-Time Starting 5 (they all should make the team) John Wall Earl Monroe Phil Chenier Elvin Hayes Wes Unseld https://t.co/mju9TpBQtL
— Bullets Forever (@BulletsForever) August 11, 2017
Wall Arenas Unseld The Big E Dandrige
— Pete (@PeteRuso) August 11, 2017
Wall, Chenier, Butler, Hayes, Unseld
— Jack Kogod (@Unsilent) August 11, 2017
0 notes