#rex splode imagine
gatorbites-imagines · 4 months
hi !! could i maybe get some rex splode x gnc trans male reader stuff, if you’re cool with that !! maybe smth abt the reader getting misgendered for wearing clothes they feel more comfortable with and rex stepping in to defend them :o thank you sm !!
Rex Sloan/Rex splode x ftm reader
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Rex wasn’t the best guy up until getting shot in the second season, but that wouldn’t matter if you guys were dating, except for the fact that he would apologize to you and try his hardest to be a better boyfriend.
He might have misgendered you on accident the very first time you guys met, but when you corrected him that didn’t happen again. He might have been a dick sometimes, but he isn’t a bigot.
I like to think Rex is secretly into fashion at a low level, since he’s into stuff like decorating. So, he would be excited to help you plan your outfits.
Since he is a government experiment, he wouldn’t have that deeply ingrained image of gender either, so he wouldn’t care too much about you, your gender, or your way of expressing yourself.
In the beginning he wouldn’t be into wearing anything feminine himself though, since he’s quite insecure and unsure about himself and the image he puts off. But that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t support you.
His insecurity would have crossed over to how people treat you though. Since disrespecting you is also disrespecting him, but also because he loves you and doesn’t want you getting mistreated.
This leads to him getting into fights, both verbal and physical, since how dare they treat you like that? Who the fuck do they think they are? They can taste his damn explosions if they’re gonna keep that shit up.
In the beginning his acts of defending you can be quite a lot, since he takes peoples comments more personal that you do. To the point where he might even get snippy with people who do it on accident even if they correct themselves immediately after being informed.
But after getting shot in the head and rethinking a lot about himself, Rex would become better at dealing with himself, his emotions and his reactions.
This not only leads to him being a better boyfriend in general, but also not reacting so quick to violence and anger if somebody says the wrong thing or looks at you wrong. He still keeps a sharp eye on people though, especially when you are dressing the ways you prefer.
Where in the past Rex would make a loud scene, after the bullet he would be more lowkey. And by that, I mean, pull the person to the side or just quietly tell them that if they don’t stop nobody would be able to find the pieces of their body after he blew them up.
Of course he doesn’t always end up using threats of death, but that’s mainly because he knows you wouldn’t like it. to Rex, being transphobic on purpose deserves it, but since it wouldn’t be what you and others wanted, he would keep it as a last defense. Or at least wait for no one else to be around.
He makes sure to check up on you afterwards too. Rex would try to be subtle, but he isn’t really the most subtle guy. So, when he’s trying to see if your okay and affirm your gender, he says something like “you know you’re the most handsome guy I know, right?”
After understanding himself better, he might even get the interest in trying to wear different things. At this point I can’t imagine him wearing it in public, but when he’s alone or together with you, he might put on a few different things to see how he feels.
Rex always gets embarrassed about it though, especially if you comment about it, even if it’s telling him it looks good. So your best bet is to not mention it until he brings it up himself.
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cemeteryspider · 6 months
I Have a Dilemma...
If as many people as possible could let me know what they think that would be amazing! Even if you don't plan on reading the fic your preference is still helpful! Also I might not care what the poll says and change my mind... so keep that in mind.
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clemberryfriends · 2 years
Okay okay I’m here again finally and bro just got done with watching Invincible AGAIN and I’m just like Mark and Rex are just so foine😤😤
Pleassseee if y’all got any fic recommendations on em or if your writing one please tag me I’m begging ESPECIALLY for Mark I’m begging on my knees🙇🏾‍♀️🙇🏾‍♀️
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r4vn · 1 month
hey shawties ;)
so i have started uni again! its a new university so im still getting accustomed to my new environment. updates will be maybe even slower. but i will do my best to continue :) for those in school i hope you have an amazing school year also <3 and if you are on break, enjoy yourself!!
all love!!
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radskull-69 · 21 days
the world of the undermutts!
while I’m sketching up the other keychain (or just chibi) designs of the gang I wanna share my vision for the kinda world/city the mutts are set it.
WARNING! Spoilers for ‘the boys’ are in this, don’t ask..
my main inspirations for this world is ‘Chicago musical’, ‘helluva boss’, ‘the boys’ and ‘epic the musical’
here’s some pics I got as inspo that convey what the city looks like!
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The setting is a mix of the 30s - 40s while still holding some steampunk aspects, like more advanced. The cities are huge and compact, lights are always on and there’s always something ticking in the walls
the hierarchy system is also inspired from ‘ZeSketches’ webtoon!
I’m thinking about taking a turn where not everyone is this world is human, it’s common for everyone to have an ability of their own. 70% of people only have small bits of it though.
here’s the mutts powers!!
One has all his senses more sensitive, he can hear whispers easily, smell things like a tracking dog, and see the smallest specks on a black suit. Inspo from Shirou Ogami from BNA!
Two can phase through any living mass, so he can’t go through walls. But he can go through people and suddenly stop being ‘transparent’ and appear physically again while inside, making it implode? Inspo from hughies dad from the boys!!
Three can make anything she touches explode on command, takes up a lot of energy and the bigger the explosion the more it takes out of her. inspo from ‘Rex-Splode’ from Invinciples!
four people assume it’s that he’s just really strong, and he is, but his real power is he can stitch living mass together and make it alive again. So can basically Frankensteins monster anybody if he has parts, can even heal himself with stitches if a arm is ripped off.
The other 40% of humans have large amounts of power snd strength like that of a god almost.
they can be called ‘Tazzers’
Those born this fortunate naturally fall into a life of crime, becoming a ‘Don’ in a sense. There’s always at least two Tazzers in a city, having their owns sides and towns under their reign.
everyone wants to steer clear of them yet wants to be around them thanks their wealth and power, a lot of brawls and fights over territory or anything happen frequently in the middle of the city.
what kind of powers do they have? Typically just super strength and durability, bullets and blunt force doesn’t affect them. Punching down cement walls with utter ease
Each don has a unique power of their own, or even an OP form, like.. they can look like a ordinary human a majority of the time and when they’re in danger they transform into their stronger self.
I imagine fights between Tazzers are a lot like murder drones, since their fights are so fluid and cool.
The undermutts actually work under the top Tazzer of the city, they’ve never met or seen the man but only get their info on missions through his wife. She seems nice enough.
so basically the undermutts are goons who do all the dirty work, pretty much the bottom of the food chain. Always being reminded how expendable they are and with a flip of a switch the boss man can make them die for real instead of coming back.
the mutts often get in scuffles with other Tazzers goons, they state their boss plays dirty and messes with forces he shouldn’t by bringing back old big shot criminals like them. And they agree, not out loud that it…
the mutts still don’t know their past or origins since all records of their existence have been wiped by the boss, they were each given a file about the crimes they had committed and their age. (Even though they were made in the lab recently, but physically and mentally they are grown adults)
the facility in which they were made and tested on is still running, many failed clones still there and only the clones that were allowed to leave and go on mission were the mutts.
the bosses OP form would be a big wolf I think, like a werewolf maybe, has alot of pelts and animal pelts in his office. Public outside of other Tazzers rarely ever see him, only seeing the man at exclusive hunting parties, or the odd jazz club under his name.
I’ve mentioned before that ‘Humanity Co.’ is tied to the undermutts in a way, and it is! Humanity Co is set in the future, idk how far but pretty far since it’s so much more advanced already.
it’s why I’m keeping the greyscale (except for some red here and there.)
I’m gonna rewrite and redesign Humanity Co another day, make the Boss of that company a Tazzer himself.
here’s the sketches so far (I’ve already done one but I wanna show off) idk what pose to make four do, each sketch I did over a random nendroid since I adore their proportions. So I’ll go searching for more nendroid posing
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could I request a team? Looking for Invincible side heroes, maybe a team of Kate, Monster Girl, Robot, and *rolls dice* Immortal I guess
I'm gonna go with the OG Teen Team members+Mark & Monster Girl, so no Immortal, sorry. As A group, I imagine them as another Atlesian Spec Ops Group.
Semblance: False Body-Control of human-like constructs
Weapon: Weaponized drones, derived from Atlesian Knights
Rex Splode
Semblance: Volatile-Infuse non-Dust objects with with his Semblance, turning them explosive
Weapon: Bo staff and various throwing devices (Shurikens, knives, ball bearings, etc.)
Semblance: Uncertainty Principle-Production of clone bodies she can trade places with. Bodies are quite fragile.
Weapon: A Longbow that shifts into a double sided Pudao.
Monster Girl
Semblance: Grendel-A berserker state that summons a monstrous aura construct to envelope her.
Weapon: Megingjorth-A belt and arm bracers that channel Dust energy through the Grendel Form
Atom Eve
Semblance: Restructure-Atomically restructure any non-dust material she comes in contact with. Not reactive with dust itself, but her constructs can interact with Dust.
Weapon: A ferrofluid comprised of a bunch of broken down materials that she manipulates.
Semblance: Lightweight-Manipulate personal gravity to grant himself flight.
Weapon: Heavyweights-Twin Cestus Gauntlets infused with Gravity Dust to increase striking power.
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Voice headcanons for CKC that I'll edit into a video sometime in the future.
Cody - Rex Splode (Invincible) I like Rex, I think his voice sounds appropriately young and impulsive, some of these characters I wanted to make sure the voices sounded "young" but others I just didn't and for Cody I think it's because to me, him because some dumbass dipshit 18 y/o (iirc) is very important, I want him to be able to sound very confident one moment and then doubting himself entirely the next, and Rex Splode in Invincible shows off that range really well in one fight scene
Peter - Ensign Sam Rutherford (Star Trek: Lower Decks) Peebs was a difficult one for me, because when I read the game with Aster I do a voice akin to Boy from H:TP, but that's not really a great "Peter (CKC)" Voice. The funny answer would be get Tom Holland, but I'm not here for jokes I'm here for serious head canons, so I searched my mind palace looking for dweebish dudes who sounded a bit higher pitched, and honestly Rutherford was the best pick. He's got this charming voice that easily slips into sad puppy dog but can sound confident
Mini (Cool/God) - Grimal (Hunter: The Parenting) This'll make more sense once I make the video version of this
Juvie - Jay (Jay & Silent Bob/Other View Askew projects) DO NOT FOR THE LIFE OF YOU THINK OF JUVIE SAYING ANY DIRECT JAY QUOTES, JUST IMAGINE JAY READING OUT SOME JUVIE LINES. That aside, Juvie in my mind has a raspier voice, and while Aster does it amazing as *incredibly* raspy, lorewise that's not so good, but Jay has this slight raspiness and a good aloof tone
Holden - My brain is fighting on whether Holden is Alex Eggleston (Yiik: a postmodern RPG) or Michael (Yiik: a postmodern RPG) but I'm leaning more towards Alex. I think Holden sounds the oldest of the main cast, but as I understand, lorewise Daniel should, which I've elected to ignore because I know a better voice for Daniel
GG - I dunno, I'd probably find the right voice if I rewatched all the JelloApocalypse stuff again, but off the top of my head either Percy (Epithet Erased) or Weh (Dogs in Love) I think GG generally sounds very apathetic and/or monotone.
Peggy - Zora Salazar (Epithet Erased) just imagine her as more nervous.
Daniel - Zee Bashew (D&D Youtuber I like), this one's very personal but I actually find it difficult to imagine a wizened wizard in D&D without at least somewhat thinking of Zee. Zee to me is like the very definition of "Person who sounds like they know alot about D&D". I think of Zee's "Everybody's lying about dice" video specifically
Rhyme - Okay I spent the most time looking for Rhyme's voice, because I think that Rhyme should sound young while still being imposing & serious, which as one could guess is difficult, and I had to drop that, so I've decided to land on Agent Carolina (Red vs Blue) I wish I could say a specific Carolina moment which sells me on it, but I don't wanna start a while rewatch if RvB rn
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writing-fanics · 3 years
[Invincible MasterList]
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Mark Grayson x Reader
[When Needed The Most] (TW: assault/rape)
(Mark’s Secret Talent) (requested)
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spellbook-gayboy · 2 years
Cape-Watch Monthly News Bulletin- June 2022
Hey, y’all! I’m your host, Christina Cabello, bringing you the latest roundup of this month’s supe-related news with the Cape-Watch Monthly Bulletin! June has proved quite a surprising month for our spandex sentinels, and we can’t wait to give you the top stories!:
Famous Superhero Found Alive After 30-Year Disappearance
Kicking off this list is a comeback story I don’t think anyone saw coming! Yesterday, the government liaison to the superhero community, Peter Schlottman, announced in a conference that the legendary superhero Frontline was discovered somewhere in the vicinity of the Himalayan mountains. Cape-Watch reached out to Mr. Schlottman’s office for further comment, and received this statement:
“All of us in the superhero community are overjoyed to hear of Frontline’s return; to have such an incredible advocate for superhero ideals back among us again is such an amazing turn of events, and it is my great pleasure to be the one announcing the news. All of us in the office and the wider community wish him a speedy recovery and a swift return to active duty.”
The hero, formerly a soldier in the US Army’s 3rd Infantry Division, made his debut on the battlefields of World War 2, fighting alongside other famous heroes like The Immortal, Red Rush and War Woman as a part of the world’s first superhero team, The Defenders of The Free World. After the war’s end, he then served a nearly 50 year long career as a superhero, doing everything from helping found The Guardians Of The Globe to leading his own team called Breakthrough throughout the 1980s and even helping to found the first incarnation of the Teen Team, all the while cementing himself as an important and influential hero. He was presumed dead after disappearing while on a mission in November 1994, but it seems recent events have since proved otherwise. 
The timing of this news also appears to be incredibly opportune: with much of the world still reeling from the reveal of Omni-Man’s true intentions, perhaps the rediscovery could represent a return to a more old-fashioned style of heroics. Whether or not this ends up panning out, only time will tell.
MLM Superhero Couple Empower LGBTQ+ Youth Worldwide
In other news, Pride Month has once again rolled around, a time for many to express their truest selves openly. A quite surprising example of this is none other than a member of The Guardians Of The Globe, Rex Splode! The hero publicly revealed at the New York Pride Parade his romantic relationship with the popular solo hero Invincible, before simply stating “Oh, I’m bi, by the way”. Seems very on-brand given his reputation, and when Cape-Watch asked for further comment from the liaison’s office, we instead received a statement from the man himself:
“Well, I can’t imagine what else you’d want after that interview we had with you, but sure! In case you didn’t already make it clear to the readers, I like guys. The guy I’m with is Invincible, and he’s great! He’s also got a great ass- I mean a great sense of right and wrong. Is that good enough?”
Despite the less than formal structure of his statement, the couple have received an outpouring of support from many gay rights groups around the country, with a spokesperson of BiNet USA stating the news was an “important step for LGBTQ+ representation in the superhero community, and also provides many LGBTQ+ youth with positive role models to grow up idolising”
My view on the matter? Happy Pride to the both of them! If superheroes can be comfortable in loving who they want, then maybe there’s hope for the rest of us.
Cooking Stream Mishaps Breaks Internet and Raise Millions
On a slightly more comedic note, the more culinary-inclined Guardian Shrinking Rae hosted another episode of her popular cooking show ‘Recipes with Rae’. Forgoing her usual co-star and teammate Dupli-Kate, she instead invited two others for a special charity stream: the new San Diego-based hero Magic Man, and the newest member of the Guardians, the Martian hero Shapesmith. What started out as a simple recipe for fried catfish soon devolved into complete chaos, the cooking thrown aside as they were soon forced to stop a tentacle monster from emerging from the sink. Suffice it to say, the clips of all the madness quickly made their way into many of the biggest social media platforms, being made into everything from reaction GIFs to funny memes. 
Despite the sudden descent into disorder, the stream was successful in raising the funds for the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, prompting this overjoyed statement from the charity’s scientific advisor, Dr. Maxine Dreyfus, Ph.D.:
“It is events like this that remind us that not only do superheroes protect us from physical threats, but also work tirelessly to help us overcome evils such as cancer, leukaemia and other catastrophic diseases. We at the charity thank Shrinking Rae and her allies for their contributions to our cause, and they can rest knowing that what they have done for us will save lives for many more years to come”
Another great result, it seems. My compliments to the chef!
The Order Dealt Devastating Blow By Hero Coalition
To round off our bulletin, recent reports have revealed that the infamous supervillain group The Order have suffered massive losses as a result of combined effort between Capes Incorporated and The Actioneers. Several of their most notorious members, including the likes of Slaying Mantis and Red-Eye, were captured and transported to the appropriate holding facilities while many of their strongholds around the world were raided by government agents. In light of the news, Capes Inc. leader Commander Capitalism released a public statement detailed below:
“The work was long and hard, but thanks to the support of Sergeant Superior and the others, our combined arms have yielded important results. Now, while I understand if you feel the need to celebrate right now, I must remind you: many of The Order’s members, including Set, Mr. Liu and Octoboss remain at large, and there are many of their bases we weren’t able to locate. If you see them, do not hesitate to report their whereabouts to the appropriate authorities. Rest assured, citizens, that we will not stop until all of their members are behind bars”
And that’s all, y’all! We’d like to thank all of our fans who continue to support Cape-Watch with their donations, since you guys are what keeps the lights on around here! Remember, folks: stay safe, stay hydrated, and tune in next month for more of the biggest superhero stories around!
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spockandawe · 3 years
Man, the biggest disappointment of the clone wars, by far, is how BARELY the clones are even characters. 99 got as many lines as most of the other boys. I was expecting echo to have at least *one* episode between invited to be an arc and being sploded. There's still a few seasons left, but I'm only a few from umbara, which means it's time for hardcase and dogma to get, very possibly, less development than cutup and droidbait. I know the bad batch is going to disappoint me in new and exciting ways, but it's.... very unsettling. The random old jedi dude who helped ahsoka find her lightsaber has gotten show attention leaps and bounds beyond arguably every clone we've met. At a minimum, fives and rex will beat him out eventually, for sure, but they've been around for three whole seasons and are losing, badly, to a one-off rando unaffiliated with any main characters.
Like, I was so excited to meet monnk, and stoked to see it was a three-parter where he was featured, so SURELY-- no. fuck you. if you don't already recognize his armor in murky low light, you don't even get to know if he's talking. I watched one mortis episode and skipped the others, because it was AGONIZINGLY dull and i don't need three episodes to tell me anakin is super powerful and gets dangerously attached to his people. I can't believe we dumped all the dathomir momentum for THAT, and there weren't any clones or zabraks to make things fun
Not that I'm.... unhappy here. I'm just kind of stunned by just how much fandom creators are carrying this franchise on their backs. I would still say it's a good show, but i would be DRASTICALLY less compelled if not for fanfic to expand on all these characters who show up to get a name and die. People clown on cody for barely having a canonical personality, but I'm almost halfway through, and he's got more to him than almost every other clone character 🙃 The most developed clone so far is 99, and that's because he's a clear-cut Tragic Archetype 🙃🙃🙃
Just IMAGINE this show with a more modern form factor, something closer to SU maybe, where you've got a large-scale plot happening, but it's easy to zoom in on tighter episodes as necessary, but ALSO can integrate side characters in little ways to round them out before they're central to the plot. 'But SU has a smaller cast--' COOL then take your notes from transformers! I'd hesitate to say most animated versions do a good job of giving the WHOLE cast balanced attention, but it's still an improvement. Imagine I had some idea of who jesse was before umbara! Or kix! That would be wild! But I think they've had one or two throwaway lines each, and it's such a waste of potential.
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mojave-tiger · 3 years
Since it's taken me five years to get to Dead Money (I don't even know why), it would be fitting to say the DLC's events take place five years after the conclusion of the main game, but honestly, I never thought very hard about what happened post credits. I kind of rushed through my first playthrough, with Viv narrowly able to defeat the Legion at a quaint level 16. Sixteen!! Thank God for grenade launchers.
Despite her wild card path, she had no real interest in running things herself, and probably broached some kind of deal between the various Vegas factions and Freeside to get things stable and out of her hands. But hey, maybe she got the Lucky 38 up and running again and kept it as a main residence. She might not want the responsibility of being the sole proprietor like House was, but she sure likes the view. 
Point is. She hears this mysterious broadcast touting what she assumes is a pre-war casino, and her motivations for tracking it down aren't too complicated. She's always been naturally curious, and maybe, just maybe, it'll lead to a nice payday... or a trap. (She's not stupid, either.) But when you've taken on Caesar's Legion and lived to tell the tale, an old casino doesn't exactly get you shakin’ in your boots.
I knew you weren't allowed your companions for this quest, so I had Veronica and Rex stay at the Lucky 38. I can handwave that it's five years later - Veronica has her own life to lead and maybe Rex is getting a little too arthritic to take on risky ventures. And it's refreshing, in a way, exploring on her own again.
Then again, she hates being underground for long periods of time, so it's fitting that the trap is sprung pretty quickly once you enter the bunker. And then waking up- without her gear, in a dirty, rough jumpsuit, a heavy collar around her neck... She's shaken, confused, angry. She doubts Elijah will actually let her go even if he gets what he wants out of this heist, but maybe with enough time she can find a way out... a way to disarm the collar safely. Something. Unfortunately tech was never her strong suit.
I got her 'sploded pretty much right away, though, because I was too focused on what Dog was mumbling to notice the, uh, rapid beeping. Once she got her head back on and played the recording, summoning "God," she was inclined to keep this version around, but the nightkin himself convinced her that Dog's brutality and physicality would in fact be more useful, and she's nothing if not practical. So Dog it was. (I was afraid I'd encountered a glitch, because for a few minutes there I just seemed to be stuck in a never-ending dialogue loop with God with no way to end the conversation. I even googled it in a panic but eventually found a new path.)
Dean Domino strikes her as... useful but untrustworthy, in ways very different from Dog. I avoided the more hostile dialogue options in favor of her being level-headed, straight shooting, even wry. She even made him laugh. It wasn't hard to convince Dean they were stuck together.
Embarrassingly, when I finally got to Christine and she emerged from the Auto-Doc, for a split second I thought, "Hey, I finally get to hear her voice!" before remembering >> Half the time the text went by too fast for me to really grock what she was signing, and I imagine Viv is similarly bad at charades and probably has had a Time communicating with her. Not in a mean way, but Viv possibly got more frustrated with poor Christine than Dog. LOL But they muddled their way through an understanding of Christine's usefulness, and yes, I did choose the "How romantic" response.
And this is way more writing than I usually do in a sitting, so I'll leave it there for now. I can tell the next stretch with Dog is going to be harder, since one hit from the ghost people seems to kill me dead... Also, Windows has been going all blue screen of death on me, so that doesn't help. I'll continue Viv's Very Bad No Fun Day when I'm able.
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gatorbites-imagines · 6 months
you guys should send me invincible requests *blinks cutely*
ive only finished season 1 but im already watching season 2, so feel free to send requests about the characters.
i have also only read like the first 13 issues of the comics, so most if not all my knowledge is based on the show and the wiki.
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Note that my fave is def Mark at this point, but many of the characters have grown on me, especially Darkwing 1 and 2, Immortal, Rex, etc. ill even write about the flaxans at this point, cuz why the flaxan leader kindaaaa.... also a big fan of the evil versions of invincible.
Ive already had a few ideas, like a reader thats kinda based around mysterio from marvel. Or maybe the reader being green ghost, or even some viltrumite reader stuff.
and yes, of course i write smut too 🔥
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cemeteryspider · 8 months
cemeteryspider's Masterlist
Started: 01/13/24
Last Updated: 08/24/24
Total Works: 49
The Boys
Hughie Campbell
Family Jewels Series Obsessions Oh No!
DC Comics
Nightwing- Dick Grayson
It's All Fun and Games Lost and Found DCeased: A New Hope
Red Hood- Jason Todd
Come Over Again DCeased: Shadows of the Bat
Gravity Falls
Stanford Pines
Daughter Reader! Family Fractured Part 1 and Part 2
Hazbin Hotel
Alastor- The Radio Demon
Ballet on the Bayou Masterlist Ballet on the Bayou: Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 5 Dearie Masterlist Dearie: Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 5 Disco Inferno Imagine Being a Lady Dimitrescu-esk Overlord and Being in Love With Alastor
Lucifer Morningstar- Hell's Greatest Dad
Only Human It's Called: Freefall
Charlie Morningstar~ Princess of Hell
I'm the Bad Guy
Helluva Boss
Fizzarolli and Asmodeus~ Hell's Worst Kept Secret
A Helluva Rescue
Verosika ~ Hell's Greatest Rockstar
Unfinished Symphony
Invincible- Mark Grayson
Imagine Dating Mark Grayson With Dazzler's Powers Imagine Dating Mark Grayson With Dazzler's Powers Pt. 2
Rex-Splode- Rex Sloan
Rex-Splode Dating Headcanons A Healing Touch Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4 Coming Soon-ish ~ A Healing Touch Pt. 5
Black Cat- Felicia Hardy
Chat Noir
The Amazing Spider-Man- Peter Parker
Imagine, Goodnight, Spiderboy Silken Bonds of Alternate Realities
The Scarlet Witch- Wanda Maximoff
House of Us Good Luck, Babe
Quentin Beck- Mysterio
Just a Little Mysterious
Kate Bishop
*NSFW* Be a Good Girl
Madelyne Pryor
Orange Juice
Nightcrawler- Kurt Wagner
The Shadows Redemption Haunting Memories A Feathered Destiny
Gambit- Remy Lebeau
Rooted in Love Genosha Revisited Two of Cups Counting Cards In the Wake of Destruction Part 1 and Part 2
Percy Jackson
Luke Castellan
Strings of Fate: The Puppet-Master
The Walten Files
Sophie Walten
Late-Night Protector
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So I binge read Invincible
What a trip of a story. Gotta say, I’m really hoping Amazon doesn’t screw it up, but what I’ve seen of the show so far seems to be a good update. The comic came out in 2003 after all, so there’s some parts that don’t hold up well 18 years later.
The ending wasn’t to my taste, but it was mostly satisfying. Spoilers if you keep reading beyond here.
The comic makes gratuitous use of time skipping, usually because of Mark being very vincible (yes, bad joke, don’t care), at several points. The worst ones for me were the 3 or 4 months he spent with his father and brother healing from a stomach wound and the 5 year skip after the “reboot”.
And oh boy do I have thoughts on that reboot. Some mysterious entity we are never given any further information on traps him in a cave and sends him back to being 17 with no powers on Earth. He proceeds to do everything in the most efficient way he can before giving up to be with his family. And then he’s back, but 5 years after he left. Was he really in the past or was that entity just messing with his mind? And did it really take him 5 years to process those few weeks? Or did he get brought back to the wrong time? Was that thing vengeful and wanted to rob him of what he wanted for disobeying it? And after that little section is over, we never hear about that thing again.
And then there’s the deaths of Oliver and Nolan. Both were mostly well done, Oliver died in battle (sure he would have wanted it that way), and Nolan died with his favorite son present. Or least favorite, it’s hard to tell at some points. And both were well used catalysts into propelling the story. Oliver’s death convinced Mark he had to act against Thragg. Nolan’s death put Mark in control of the new Viltrum Empire, and in direct opposition to Robot. I refuse to call him Rex. Rex Splode deserved better than that.
Through the whole series, I didn’t trust Robot. From the beginning, I had a bad feeling about him, and when he was revealed to be a human, Rudy, that pretty much cemented it for me. A genius who relies entirely on logic, even when they have an emotional attachment to someone? Yeah, if that doesn’t scream trouble, I don’t know what does. Putting his brain in a jar and leaving Immortal in charge seemed like the best option.
But that also brings up the question of why he left Immortal in charge at all. Having been brought to the future by two people working for Immortal just so he could get his death, don’t you think Mark would have remembered that? Would have known the pain he would cause his friend? Or was there really no better option? It does provide continuity, answers why Immortal was in charge, and I guess prevents a paradox, which is all probably why it was done. Mark doing that knowing what would happen though, it’s probably the most Viltrumite thing he does in the series, cold and devoid of human emotion. Mark does have a habit of disagreeing with his allies at times, and sometimes that leads to what feels like betrayal.
Even Allen got the short end of that stick, with the Viltrum Empire spreading peace at the end, Allen’s coalition fell apart. And Mark makes some good commentary there that definitely applies to Earth today. But wouldn’t you think he’d want to help Allen change the COP to make it better for those planets being exploited? That seemed to be his thing, but instead he just left them to figure it out.
Going back to immortality for a bit, let’s talk about Eve. She gets severely wounded and suddenly she becomes a god just long enough to patch herself back up. This is used a couple times, first on Eve alone, and then on herself and Mark. The first time she gives herself bigger breasts (yup, it’s a guy writing the series) and the second time Mark asks “Did you make me stronger?” while he flexes. Given that Eve was carrying their child at the time, it makes sense why he wouldn’t leave her power to kick in to replace her lost leg, but it ends up making death feel a bit cheap, the way Marvel and DC do by killing off their heroes and bringing them back. It’s really made worse when Eve dies of old age and is suddenly in her 20′s again. “Guess I’m immortal” my ass. If she’s just going to keep doing that, eventually she will outlive Mark’s thousands of years and she’ll be just as lonely as Immortal. Feels like they didn’t think the ramifications of that one through. I do enjoy the fact that Eve is always, and I do mean always, the one initiating their intimate moments though. A woman taking charge of her sexuality is nice to see.
And then there’s Marky. Poor Marky. Left alone on Earth with an adoptive human father while Mark ignored him because of his rage at Marky’s mother. Debbie steps in to help, and it’s clear Mark still has some contact with his son, but he’s definitely not going to have the support his father did growing up, even if he is the new Invincible. Why on earth would this poor half abandoned child take the name of the father that clearly doesn’t want to take much interest in him? I get it’s a carrying on the family legacy kind of thing, but it gives me weird vibes.
For all my griping though, I have to mention Cecil. Almost a perfect foil to Mark’s black and white thinking. Cecil only sees in shades of grey. No matter where someone’s actions put them in Mark’s eyes, Cecil always sees them as a force to be used to his own ends. Cecil’s need to protect people and his search for peace align so perfectly with Mark’s but because of his way of looking at the world and lack of superpowers, he contrasts so perfectly with the hero of the story. I disagree with Rudy that Cecil would have been okay dying to get the world brought about by Rudy, but I’m not really sure how to put those thoughts into words just yet.
But the ending in general, while neatly wrapping up most of the plot threads (looking at you tentacle entity from the reboot storyline), feels a bit too much like a happily ever after. Now that’s personal taste, but honestly, if they’d just ended it with Mark taking over and saying he was going to leave Earth with the Viltrumites on his mission to help the universe, I’d have been a lot happier leaving the rest up to the imagination. Instead, we get flashes of this race of near gods forcefully bringing peace to the universe and we end with another vaguely satisfying callback.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved the series and I’m honestly tempted to read it again to get a better idea of the callbacks and setups we see. The perspective on some things might be different now too, and that’s always interesting. I’m very much of the opinion that if you love something, you should be critical of it. And there’s a lot in Invincible that seems like doing something just to make the story work. I can’t tell if that’s just because of the medium or if it actually makes sense given that Mark is an alien, so maybe I would need to read it again to figure that out.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Why Amazon Prime’s Invincible Had to Be Animated
Invincible comic writer Robert Kirkman has a gentlemanly agreement with Steven Yeun, who appeared in The Walking Dead for six seasons and now stars as the adapted Invincible’s titular hero. 
“Steven and I have a rule that there’s no more popping his eyeballs out. I can live with that – once is enough,” Kirkman tells Den of Geek and other outlets during the series’ press day.
Kirkman’s imagination is as violent as it is vast. Yeun’s character Glenn Rhee on AMC’s The Walking Dead (based on the Kirkman comic of the same name) was a notable unfortunate recipient of that bloodlust when he was beaten to death with a barbed wire baseball bat in the show’s seventh season. 
Now Yeun is providing his voice to Mark Grayson a.k.a. Invincible – the super-powered high schooler at the center of Amazon Prime’s adaptation of Kirkman’s comic. Steven (and Mark’s) eyeballs are safe for now…but very few other body parts are in this sprawling superhero tale.
Invincible first premiered in a preview as part of Image Comics’ Savage Dragon #102, more than a full year before Kirkman’s black and white zombie blockbuster The Walking Dead debuted. The character graduated to his own regular series in 2003, first illustrated by Cory Walker, and then by the prolific Ryan Ottley. The story of Mark Grayson ran, uninterrupted and with very few side arcs, for 15 years before concluding with issue #144 in 2018. 
The appeal of Invincible can be hard to describe. At first glance, it’s a very conventional comic book story. Mark is the son of Nolan Grayson a.k.a. Omni-Man, an alien from the planet Viltrum and now Earth’s most powerful superhero (of which there are many). The series begins with Mark eagerly anticipating the arrival of his own superpowers and then embarking on an adventure of super self discovery, alongside a host of heroic allies and terrifying villains.
What sets Invincible apart, however, is its dedication to realistic storytelling. Mark is a very likeable, yet believably flawed young man.Kirkman’s sprawling 144-issue narrative meticulously follows Mark’s maturation and the ethical questions raised by a universe fit-to-bursting with invulnerable ubermensches. 
There’s also the violence…oh the sweet, sweet violence. Ryan Ottley’s art in Invincible has a deep, abiding respect for the physics of super powers. Though the images may be colorful, the action depicted within them are shocking in their brutality. Nary does a bone go uncrunched or an intestine un-ripped out in Kirkman and Ottley’s hyper visceral world. 
Naturally, Invincible was always a hot target for adaptation, particularly after AMC hit Kirkman zombie paydirt with The Walking Dead. But how exactly could any TV series fully capture the deliriously gory detail of Ottley’s art? The answer as it turns out is to just go ahead and adapt the art too. 
Amazon Prime’s Invincible, the first season of which will be eight episodes, features animation from Wind Sun Sky Entertainment and Kirkman’s own Skybound. Kirkman himself is on board as a producer, alongside David Alpert, Catherine Winder, and Simon Racioppa (who serves as showrunner). The end result is an animation style that hews closely to the comic’s original art and often seems like Ottley’s illustrations in motion.
“The action is a little bit more brutal when things are moving. I think it’s going to serve to heighten things in the series,” Kirkman says.
While heightening the violent rhythms of Invincible seems like a wild proposition, the show’s star agrees that the animation does just that. 
“You can go to places that live-action probably isn’t able to go to, even now,” Yeun tells Den of Geek and other outlets. “(Animation) creates a nice separation so that you can examine what the show might be saying without one-to-one comparison. Like that’s an actual arm being ripped off, but it’s a cartoon arm being ripped off. There’s just something different about that.” 
Both Yeun and J.K. Simmons, who plays Nolan, note that the show’s kinetic sequences provide interesting voice acting challenges. 
“What’s really fun is going back over in ADR and tracing back over these action sequences and these emotional moments. A lot of this show lives in those emotional moments that aren’t necessarily mixed in with dialogue, where a breath or a subtle way of gurgling blood in your mouth and trying to breath is its own kind of emotionality,” Yeun says.
“ADR is usually just ‘make this grunt.’ But because of the intensity of the violence and the stakes and the repercussions, it did feel much more emotionally connected doing the fight sequences,” Simmons adds.
The show’s animation style isn’t all about merely capturing the grunts and gurglings of blood, however. While Mark Grayson’s story begins relatively small, it eventually blossoms into an enormous superhero universe containing countless people, monsters, and worlds. Even in our era of technical sophistication where just about anything seems possible on television, Invincible is a hard sell as live-action.
According to Kirkman, animation was the only way to properly tell this story.
“The main benefit is that we’re going to be able to provide the audience with a scope and scale, more akin to a $200 million blockbuster movie than what you usually get from your average superhero television show,” Kirkman says. “Drawing an army of a thousand people is a little bit easier than hiring a thousand people and putting costumes on them and things like that. If we want to have three different alien invasions in the same episode, we can.”
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Invincible Review (Spoiler-Free)
By Bernard Boo
Kirkman knows the limits of live-action television as well as anyone. Though The Walking Dead remains an enormous success for AMC, it has experienced quite a bit of casting turnover throughout the years with only Norman Reedus’s Daryl Dixon and Melissa McBride’s Carol Peletier remaining of the season 1 main cast in the show’s 11 seasons. Requesting that actors endure grueling television shooting schedules in the humid Atlanta summers for an undetermined number of years is a big ask as it turns out.
If depicted in live-action, the commitments of actors’ times and bodies would be even more brutal for the Invincible cast. And the cast of Invincible is set to be huge. The first season alone will star: Yeun as Mark Grayson, Simmons as Nolan Grayson, Sandra Oh as Debbie Grayson, Seth Rogen as Allen the Alien, Gillian Jacobs as Atom Eve, Andrew Rannells as William Clockwell, Zazie Beetz as Amber Bennett, Walton Goggins as Cecil Stedman, Jason Mantzoukas as Rex Splode, Zachary Quinto as Robot, and many, many more. (Check out the full list over here).
And that’s before the story begins to expand with more heroes and villains in later issues/seasons. The relatively smaller time commitments of voiceover acting in animation allows Kirkman and the series writers to keep the cast as large as needed, though Simmons notes that he, Yeun, and Oh all still get to act together in-studio. 
Kirkman says the show is able to delve deeper into certain characters than the comics did, with figures like G-man Cecil Stedman and the Rorschach-esque Damian Darkblood getting more screen time. 
“These are characters that I should know intimately, but getting to work with these actors and getting to hear these voices and how these performances come together, it’s like I’m meeting these characters again for the first time and the absolute best way,” Kirkman says. “I’m seeing new aspects to them that didn’t really exist before. It’s really making me more excited about moving forward with this show for many seasons with this cast.”
Yes, Kirkman and the rest of the Invincible cast already have “many seasons” in mind for the show. Whether those seasons will come to pass are up to Amazon and its subscribers. But it seems clear that animation was the right choice for the story’s scope was television was the right choice for its length.
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The first three episodes of Invincible will premiere Friday, March 26 on Amazon Prime. 
The post Why Amazon Prime’s Invincible Had to Be Animated appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3lItwd9
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wazafam · 3 years
Mark Grayson is an average 17-year-old, except for the fact that he is half-alien, and his dad is one of the most famous superheroes in the world. His average life is turned upside down when he finally gets superpowers of his own, but as the saying goes - with great power comes great responsibility.
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Based on a comic series penned by the brilliant and imaginative creator of The Walking Dead, Robert Kirkman, Amazon Prime's hit animated series Invincible is not only chock full of action-packed fun, but it features a broad array of famous guest stars including Jon Hamm, Seth Rogen, Mahershala Ali, Clancy Brown, and Ezra Miller. The main cast is just as star-studded with familiar and beloved voice actors, many of them a nod to other superhero franchises as well as The Walking Dead.
10 Sandra Oh (Debbie Grayson)
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Sandra Oh is a Canadian-American actress best known for her portrayal of Cristina Yang in Grey's Anatomy. More recently, she stars as Eve Polastri, a security services operative that gets caught up in the tangled web of a unique cat and mouse game with an assassin in Killing Eve.
Oh takes on the role of Debbie Grayson, a firm but loving wife and mother. She often serves as a rock for her family when things fall apart. She doesn't have superpowers, but she does have good advice and kind words for her husband and her son.
9 Steven Yeun (Mark Grayson/Invincible)
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Steven Yeun's first, major claim to fame was from his work as the lovable and brave Glenn Rhee on AMC's The Walking Dead. Since he met his fateful end at the hands of Negan, Yeun has been busy. He can be found voicing in Voltron, appearing in Sorry To Bother You, and he recently made Academy Award history with his Best Actor nomination for his role in Minari.
RELATED: Steven Yeun's 10 Best Roles Outside The Walking Dead, Ranked (According To IMDb)
Yeun plays Mark Grayson, an average high schooler who desperately wants to be a hero like his father. When he gets his wish, he realizes that the life of a hero is not as simple as he thought it would be.
8 Zazie Beetz (Amber Bennett)
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Playing Domino in Deadpool 2, and Sophie Dumond in Joker, Zazie Beetz is not a stranger to comic book adaptations. Outside of the superhero world, Beetz has also worked with Donald Glover on his hit series, Atlanta.
Amber Bennet is a headstrong, young high schooler who doesn't need anyone to take care of her...but she finds it kind of cute when Mark makes an effort. Amber is Mark's friend and love interest, though currently, their relationship is strained because of his superhero work and his friendship with Atom Eve.
7 J.K. Simmons (Nolan Grayson/Omni-Man)
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J.K. Simmons has also been an important part of the superhero universe. He expertly brought J.J. Jameson to life, the fast-talking editor-in-chief of the Daily Bugle in both the Marvel Cinematic Universe and in the Sam Raimi Spiderman franchise. An Oscar-winning actor for his work in Whiplash, Simmons has also been in Oscar-nominated films such as Juno and La La Land.
RELATED: J.K. Simmons' 10 Most Memorable Roles, Ranked (According to IMDb)
Nolan Grayson is Mark's father, also known as Omni-Man, one of the most famous superheroes in the world. He protects the innocent and upholds justice...or does he?
6 Andrew Rannells (William Clockwell)
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Andrew Rannells is a man of many talents whose work has spanned from Broadway to film to television. He has voice acted in various popular animated series such as Big Mouth, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Pokemon. He also played a recurring role in HBO's Girls, and led Trey Parker and Matt Stone's comic musical, The Book Of Mormon.
William is one of Mark's high school friends who tries to keep him out of trouble, but with Mark's new super-powered life, he's bitten off a bit more than he can chew.
5 Zachary Quinto (Robot)
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Zachary Quinto is a talented actor who first began to receive notice from his sinister portrayal of the superpowered villain, Sylar, in NBC's Heroes. He has gone on to helm the incredible role of Spock in JJ Abram's Star Trek franchise and has also had recurring roles in American Horror Story.
Quinto lends his voice to the character of "Robot" in six episodes of Invincible season one. After the Guardians meet their demise in the first episode, a new band of superheroes must be created, and Robot is ready to help form a team.
4 Mark Hamill (Art Rosebaum)
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Mark  Hamill will always be Luke Skywalker to Star Wars fans young and old, but his experience spans far outside that galaxy far, far away. Mark Hamill first voiced the Joker in the early 90s and continued to play the chaotic Batman villain for 19 years. Hamill hasn't thrown in the towel for voice acting.
RELATED: 10 Of Mark Hamill's Most Iconic Roles (Outside Of Star Wars)
He recently voiced the killer doll, Chucky, in the popular horror reboot, and also had a role in The Dark Crystals: Age Of Resistance. Art Rosebaum is the Edna Mode of Invincible. He is the man that superheroes go to for their costume needs, and he is more than happy to find the perfect one for Mark.
3 Gillian Jacobs (Samantha Eve Wilkins/Atom Eve)
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Gillian Jacobs has had starring roles in Community and Love, as well as a recurring role as Mimi-Rose Howard in HBO's Girls. Prior to that, she showed off her voice-acting chops in the Monsters vs. Aliens animated series.
Jacobs takes flight in Invincible as the amazing Atom Eve, a fellow high schooler and a part-time superhero. Friends and partners in world-saving, Eve catches Mark's eye, but her tumultuous relationship with Rex Sloan keeps a potential romance out of arm's reach.
2 Jason Mantzoukas (Rex Splode/Rex Sloan)
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Known for playing loud, brash, and politically incorrect characters, Jason Mantzoukas is a big name in comedy. He has been featured in live-action television series including The Good Place, Brooklynn Nine-Nine, Parks and Recreation, and The League. He can currently be heard as the voice of Jay in Netflix's adult animated series, Big Mouth. 
True to his name, Rex Splode has the ability to make objects explode with just his touch. Cocky and a bit of a playboy, Rex gets himself into hot water with his big mouth, and when his girlfriend catches him in a compromising situation with another super.
1 The Walking Dead Cast (Various Superheroes)
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Robert Kirkman wrote the graphic novels for The Walking Dead and later helped bring the series to life on television. He is doing it once again with his dark yet hopeful superhero series, Invincible.  The cast of AMC's hit, dystopian drama is clearly near and dear to his heart, because many of them are featured in his new show.
Fans of The Walking Dead should listen carefully when watching because guest stars include The Walking Dead alums such as Khary Payton, Lauren Cohan, Ross Marquand, Lennie James, Chad L. Coleman, Sonequa Martin-Green, and Michael and Cudlitz.
NEXT: The Walking Dead: Top 10 Celebrity Guests On AMC's Ride With Norman Reedus
Invincible: Where You Know The Voice Actors From | ScreenRant from https://ift.tt/39JWapv
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