talonselite · 5 years
The pact
to @reyes-is-dead​
Kassandra look one last time at the door behind her. After a moment she finally close it, trapping herself in this dark room where there was only a table and two chair that decorate it. The was only one light that merely lighted the room.
She remembered what the Doctor O’Deorain said to her: «Don’t forget, don’t ask him any personal question if things seem strange. And please, stay calm. He is part of the council. » The young girl was in a way unsure, but also very determinate to have this meeting. She had in a way joined in Talon for this. With some luck she would finally have answer she desperately sleeked.
Though……………………………….. the room where she was was empty.
The person she was supposed to meet wasn’t there!
 « Ah ben calvaire(Aw damn it)!» She swore in her native tongue.  
She was about to turn around and find the doctor and ask what kind of damn joke this was.
But a strange smoke caught the Major’s attention. It flew wright next to the young girl.
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 She saw things in Talon, but smoke turning into someone, that was particularly strange. Especially that for whatever reason, the guy was wearing a black costume. And a skull mask.
She didn’t know who he was, but she stayed calm.
That big raven was flying high but it takes more than that to scare a wolf.
 She keeps the precious folders and the document close to her. She finally moved forward him, caching the chance to finally talk with the masked men.
«Sir.» She began, « I’m the Major Kassandra Leloup. It is a pleasure to finally have this discussion with you. Please, asseyons-nous ( let’s sit). » She says, pointing the chairs politely.
She sat. The stranger, after a few seconds, finally sat at the other side of the table. Facing her.
 « The Doctor O’Deorain perhaps didn’t explain all this to you, or who I was… But I won’t go take too much of your time. I’ll go straight to the point. »
The men in front of her stayed silent. It was hard to tell what he was thinking of all this with that mask. Still, she continues with a determinate voice as the Reaper was observing her.
« Sir, I recrested this meeting because the doctor told me you may have informations that I seek. I’ve been… searching for someone who’s been kidnapped by Overwatch ounce, and is now missing. I need some file that Blackwatch could have about the case. Actually, I need all the file. I don’t know who you are, but I’ve been told that you where the person that could help me. I’ve myself gathered information about now retired Overwatch officers, but they aren’t what I’m currently seeking.  Though it may interest you?»
 She clutched the files tightly in her hand.
« … We could make an arrangement. If you agree. »
The big black bird in front of her was silent.
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gamfcowboy-a · 5 years
Got an itch, baby?
Honey when yer around I’ve always got an itch.
Usually right between my shoulderblades.
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She has paced back and forth enough while wondering what was the best thing to do, and currently, leaving him alone was not it. Sure, most days she would abide by his request, but to hear he was not ok after a dip in the tank? Not good either.
His location flickered on her pad. It will be a short trip. And before long, the sniper was punching in her own access code to the Talon base.
“Cher? Where are you?”, despite best ideas, she did not pull a gun out, but rather kept her hands on the injector for his nanites.
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mto-art · 5 years
reyesisdead replied to your post: “Curious: What kind of energy do I give off? All answers are allowed,...”:
[you're alright, you just speak your mind, nothing wrong with that. Seem burnt out though, fed up. Time to just leave Tumblr and delete it all in search of greener pastures? This place is a huge shit show anyways, not worth "wasted breath" ]
Can’t believe you nailed it this accurately. And yeah I’m burnt out with tumblr but I think any artist on here is burnt out of this website. I put about 1% effort into posting anything here... when I don’t forget to post here at all Which is weird cuz I have the biggest following here but I am also the shittiest version of myself on tumblr
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gamfcowboy-archived · 5 years
reyesisdead replied to your post “Sinday, ain’t it? Well alright, come get a little sin then. I’m...”
Gives a look.
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xmilitisx · 5 years
reyesisdead replied to your post “This entire website is filled with monster fuckers. It’s not a call...”
Excuse you.
The fuck you want to be excused for. Aren’t you on that list?
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anathesniper · 5 years
Have one Wraith noodle-slug-thing slinking into your lap. All two hundred and forty pounds of him.
She’s not quite sure WHAT to do with the slug - let alone the fact that he’s just dead weight. Not that that is necessarily a problem for her. Ana isn’t quite as weak as so many think she is. 
If she can haul a super soldier around, she can probably handle him.
“It’s been a long month, hasn’t it?”
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glorypast · 6 years
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whiskeyandsake · 6 years
Reapzo+Bi flag thing
Send me a character + flag and I’ll draw them!
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It’s a bit shit coloured so have it without all the pink, I like this better:
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camwritesshit-blog · 6 years
I’m down for hanahaki and single parent AU; combined or separate, your choice
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I guess we have our winner!
Hanahaki it is!
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gamfcowboy-a · 5 years
It’s post training.
Of course, it’s always post training and Jesse might be a little salty about that. Still. Sure there’s the odd day off here and there but every day it’s running and push ups and climbing and push ups and more fucking running and push ups.
He’s really tired of training.
More tired of push ups.
Really really fucking tired of push ups.
He’s grumbling about it as he strips off his sweats and puts on the uniform they all have to wear. No shower, not yet, that’s still hours and another workout away. So his hat goes right back on his greasy hair and a little snarl twists his lip up because his arms fucking hurt doing it. God he hates push ups.
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@reyesisdead @reyes-is-dead
replied to your
Stretch, yawn, flop - a tired little spider on her...
Needs more dick.
“You know where I’m at, big guy.”     “Offering?”
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angelicpacifist · 7 years
Roses are red. This is pretty damn hard. I can't face you right now. So I've sent you this card. -R
Angela turned the card in her hands, her brows furrowed in her confusion. No return address, no personalization other than the scrawl on the card. She sighed and ran fingers over the signature. Only one name came to mind, with it an ache in her heart. “... Happy Valentine’s Day, Gabriel.”
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gamfcowboy-archived · 5 years
reyesisdead replied to your post “Y’all. No. Don’t do it. It’s a fuckin’ horrible idea. Yer balls are...”
This is equally amazing and horrific.
...Gabe I swear.
If yer thinkin’ about it I’m gonna put yer balls in a vice.
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xmilitisx · 5 years
reyesisdead replied to your post “The harder I try, the less of myself is left.”
And they call me Edgelord.
Mall Goth Princess. 
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anathesniper · 5 years
reyesisdead replied to your post: // the art camp/residencies are open for Iceland...
[DO IT so I can visit you]
// I dont think Germany is near scotland or iceland, dunno how youre going to manage that one
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