#reylo Halloween
eastwesthomeisbest · 2 years
Happy Halloween
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'm slipping, into the deep end
I'm in over my head,
I can't catch my breath
I'm slipping, into the deep end
Feel the current within
I can't help but give in...
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pulpwriterx · 2 years
Hey guys! Who's following Reyloween22 on Twitter I'm doing at least one five for each week. Week 1 is Modern.
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The link will be live tomorrow, on October 3. Check it out!
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kylowanderer · 6 months
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I missed making memes so here is one.
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lilibethdrawsreylo · 11 months
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I didn't draw any new reylo this week because I was sick, but here's some vampire goodness that was posted to my boosty earlier this year. 🧛‍♂️🖤🧛‍♀️
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
Fandom peeps who act like there's no other coping mechanism except for sex are annoying asf and embarrasing but i'll admit the ones who do it with supervillain characters are unitentionally funny as hell.'They're totally secretly a slut,what someone who kills all those people and is THAT hot wouldn't cope with crazy wild and DISGUSTING sex😏'Babygirl what do you think the murders are for
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lily-lilibeth · 11 months
Ok this Halloween I'll costume as Rey and my friend..(or crush >///<) said he would costume as Kylo Ren REYLO!!!
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aidelon · 2 years
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Reylo Halloween edition 🖤🧡
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sassinake · 11 months
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(art used with kind permission)
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren/Rey Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren Additional Tags: dubcon, Werewolf Sex, Knotting, Cunnilingus, Teratophilia, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-TLJ, Rey gets down on all fours and doesn't bitch about it, Monsterfucking Series: Part 9 of Reylo Sexy One-Shots Summary:
“You’re a monster.”
“Yes I am.” 
Kylo/Ben has a secret he keeps from Rey
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scifimom13 · 7 months
@lilibethdrawsreylo is amazing 🖤🩶💛
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srorgana1 · 11 months
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Paring: Vampire Kylo/Hunter Rey
Warnings: Dark Themes (Dead Dove), Supernatural/Paranormal, Blood, Violence, Gore, Death, NSFW 18+, Sexual Content, Psychological and Physical Torture, Kidnapping, Hatred towards organized religion, Pain, Major/Minor character death/injury, Demonic Possession
Chapter Twenty Seven
The clang of metal echoes through the hall, ringing in the air. Kylo can almost see it if he squints hard enough. The vibrations of metal and footsteps dance with the dust as they ricochet off the thick magick laden wall. He tries to shake some feeling back into his hands, the manacles rattling again the chains. The cuffs grate against his raw open skin, sending a new wave of pain through his already overstimulated system.
He kneels back down, trying to stretch the muscles of his back. The thin cuts on his back and chest burn as his skin stretches. He shakes his filthy hair from his eyes and awaits the inevitable. They come daily or so it seems, to show him that he is nothing more then a sack of beaten bones, a fallen forgotten warrior. They laugh and goad him, asking where the fearsome Kylo Ren went.
Yes, so fearsome. My once great Black Knight a voice says in his mind. He grits his teeth and tries his best to shake Him out of his head. Please no not this he thinks. He can take the physical pain; the cuts and bruises from Angel blades and fists. But when He comes and riffles through his mind, putting visions in his head, it is the closest he comes to breaking.
His hearing goes fuzzy as he feels his claws dig into his mind, his body beginning to shake. White light flash behind his irises, visions of death and destruction flooding his brain. He sees multiple burning cities accentuated by a blood red sky. Demons running rampant, killing at random.
The vision switches to Takodona Castle in ruins, overran with demons. He sees Asher in a dark suit walking in through the decimated front doors as Hux reads from the book and waves his Angel blade. He smiles maliciously as he ascends the stairs towards Hux, whose face is as red as his hair from yelling.
Asher’s face darkens and his clawed hand swipes at Hux as the scene fades out, as a deep howl of pain and anguish echoes in his mind. He’s not sure if it’s him making that sound or something else but it doesn’t matter, what he sees next hurts more than anything else could.
He sees The Dark Throne, the black stone accented by surrounding candlelight. Two figures move atop the stone, their bodies attached in carnal bliss. He can hear their moans and growls of pleasure. The flames brighten as the man’s head raises from the a woman’s neck. Asher stares at him, his mouth and chin covered in blood. He smiles wickedly as he grips the her neck tightly, turning her towards Kylo.
His heart falls as he sees Rey’s face scrunched up in bliss, panting Asher’s name as his continues to fuck her in front of him. “She’s so lovely Ren” Asher growls “her magick and her pussy are just perfect”. Kylo tries to turn away but he cannot, his body not in his control. She opens her eyes and looks at him. Her beautiful sharp hazel eyes are gone, replaced by black demon eyes.
She smirks, turning away from Kylo as the vision fades once more, a dark laugh rumbling through the darkness. Kylo wants to gouge out his eyes and heart for what he just witnessed. His hearing sharpens out and he returns to his cool dark cell, his sharp inhales the only sound in the room. “Noo!” he roars, his body overwhelmed with emotional and physical pain. He slumps over, tears filling his eyes at the thought of Rey, his Rey, joining Him.
She wouldn’t a different voice says in his head, she is good, her magick is good. The voice repeats in his mind, honestly the only glimmer of hope he has left. He tries to think back to his previous torturous visions. There has to be something he’s missing as to why He keeps showing them to him. His eyes widen as he remembers one particular vision.
Rey is in the woods running from something, her face flushed beautifully. She stops suddenly as a group of dark figures encircle her. She stares at them with fear in her eyes as Asher steps out, offering her his hand. “Come Reyna, we must finish this. Join me” he says, his dark eyes never leaving her.
She shakes her head no as she raises her hands, her gold lines sparking. “Once Ren is gone, I will be complete, but I need you Rey. I need you break the bond…” His voice dissipates as the vision fades. Kylo huffs out a breath as the pieces finally fall into place in his head.
She is needed as much as he is. The ritual is not complete. The small spark of hope flares in his chest. The world still has a chance and it all lies with her. His Rey. He knows she is strong, but she hasn’t encountered anything like this before. He hopes with all his heart she stays true to herself.
The heavy footfalls of the guards stop in front of his cell pulling him from his thoughts. “Ren you awake in there?” one of them yells. Kylo says nothing, taking a deep shaky breath. He knows what comes next. The old metal grates as they unlock the door, the bright light from a torch temporarily blinding him. “Oh good you are awake, this will be fun after all” one chuckles. As they approach, he clears his mind. He has to trust in Rey and their connection. He has to hold onto hope.
Asher growls lowly as he rises up, pushing the female demon off of him. She moans dramatically as she climbs off of him, spreading her legs so he can watch their combined fluids drip onto his black silk sheets. He scowls at her as she retreats across to the bed to the other female demon resting there. They stare at him as he stands, pulling on his pants.
They came running as soon as they felt him return. His followers hiding in dark corners of the world. It angered him and he punished some for their cowardice. They groveled at his feet, promising their loyalty and service. He set them on the world with a wave of his hand, for he had his own things to do.
He turns to his desk and smirks as he looks over his gruesome collection of severed heads. His dark ego swells as he remembers dispatching them, their black eyes wide with fear as they begged for mercy. His eyes land on a particular head, his anger rising quickly once more. Baal. How he played him and then tried to take his fucking place. Stupid hubristic fucker. He chuckled as he remembers his face when he and his hoard entered AXS and burned it to the ground. He made Baal watch before ending him.
He stretches his lean host’s muscles, enjoying the feeling of his strong virile form. It’s perfect even though his host is particularly annoying, rattling at his cage often. The female demons moan behind him as he walks to his desk and pours himself a glass of blood. It ignites his senses as his drinks it down, able to feel the magical signature within. He sets it down with a sigh.
He shuts eyes as he senses her coming. Her bright magick a seductive beacon. She will make the most beautiful dark queen, one worthy of reverence and fear and above all, him. He could feel how powerful she was as soon as he crossed the veil, her magick a perfect counterpart to his own.
He growls as his claws dig into the rich wood of his desk. She has refused him at every turn so far. He has promised her the world, showing her everything she could ever want. He tried different tactics each time: coercion, seduction, fear. Each time she refuses, her eyes burrow into him unafraid of who and what he is. It makes his cock hard at the thought of it. His fierce dark queen.
He rummaged through her head once, learning an important detail as she writhed and screamed on the floor. Her connection to Ren. It infuriated him that he could still smell him on her, that he got to taste her before him. He saw them intimate in her memories and it angered him on how much she cherished them. Damn the prophecy, he thinks. The first one wasn’t true and neither was this one. Their bond wasn’t the one foretold. He knows now to get to her he has to break Ren and his hold over her will be gone. It’s the only way.
He can feel his host banging at the walls once more, yelling how all of this wrong. He laughs at this weak boy’s pleas. He was truly a waste of superior magical blood. He pushes him away, silencing him. He looks down at his young strong form, reveling in that it’s so much better than his previous one.
He picks up his glass once more, willing the remaining liquid to become a vintage scotch as the doors open. She is led in by Dameron and Bronte, her hazel eyes lowered on her bound hands. They lead her to his couch, making her sit facing him. They bow and retreat quickly, shutting the doors with a solid thud.
He growls smelling the inferior demons’ lust for her. He can see their lewd and depraved thoughts. He will have to punish them for lusting after what is his. He watches her stare down at her hands, trying to ignore him and the two female demons on the bed. Their over dramatic noises becoming more and more irritating.
“Stop” he says, waiving a clawed hand in their direction. They stop instantly and watch him intensely. He turns back to Rey, waving his hand to magick a tray of expensive and exotic delicacies to appear in front of her. He pours her a glass of a rich merlot and places it in front of her as well. “I’m sorry for that Rey, that was inappropriate” he says smoothly.
She rolls her eyes, turning away from him. He eyes her form, his eyes caching her reddened and scabbed wrists. A part of him feels bad for restraining her but its overridden by his need to make her his first. “You know” he saws sitting next to her “it would be a lot easier for everyone if you took the time to reconsider my offer.”
Her eyes lock with his as he grabs an olive popping it in his mouth. “Your offer to turn on everything and everyone I hold dear? No thank you” she says coldly as he stares at her hands once more. He waves his hand, her bonds falling from her wrists. He moans loudly as he feels her delicious magick flowing freely around her, his cock twitching painfully in his pants in response.
He shifts his body, allowing her a good view of his erection. “That what you do to me, my queen” he says, sending her visions of the two of them together. How their magick will meld, a true dark dyad meant to rule this world. He’s so involved in the scenes in his mind that he almost doesn’t notice her shields raising quickly, blocking his influence.
He opens his eyes, snarling at her defiance. “You will submit” he growls “you will be mine!” His magick crackles around him as he stands, hovering over her. She doesn’t cower like the others, her eyes flashing with limitless power. “I will never be yours. I belong to no one and you will never win” she says lowly, her eyes never leaving his.
He curses as he pulls himself from her, his anger white hot. His magick crackles like black lightning along his skin as he bellows for Pryde. The door opens quickly, the demon standing at the threshold. “Bring him” he growls. Pryde nods and shuts the door. He looks back at Rey and at the female demons on the bed. If he cannot convince her, he will then have to break her as well.
He turns and sits on the bed in front of her, the female demons immediately wrapping themselves around him. He stares at Rey, smirking darkly as they kiss and nip at him, their clawed hands caressing his body. The door opens once more and he smiles as he watches Kylo being drug inside. Rey seems to immediately sense him because she turns quickly, her eyes wide in shock.
“Kylo” she whispers, her eyes immediately filling with tears as he is dumped in the center of the room. He shudders and groans, his wide shoulders shifting against his bonds. Kylo looks up quickly at the sound of her voice. His eyes redden and fangs descend quickly as he notices Asher sitting before him.
Asher growls deeply, standing and walks towards him slowly. The two females also rise and follow, hissing in his direction. Asher looks over to his left, beckoning the long dark haired female demon forward. She stops in front of Asher, her fangs barred and eyes black. “How the mighty have fallen” she laughs as Asher’s arm wraps around her torso, his long fingers playing with her long hair and the gold chain attached to her pierced nipples.
Asher smirks as he feels Kylo’s anger rise at seeing his one time consort Lilim in his arms. “I have won Kylo, just accept it” he says as he turns and looks at Rey. “I always win.” Asher’s eyes glow bright gold as Kylo suddenly screams in pain, his body twitching violently.
Rey stands quickly, her eyes full of tears as she rushes towards him. She almost makes it when a clawed hand grabs her waist and pulls her back. She gasps and cries, struggling against their hold. “Stop please” she cries as she watches Kylo’s body bend at an unnatural angle, his bones cracking loudly.
Asher looks over at her, drunk on the feeling of their pain and suffering. “You can stop this Reyna, you just have to say the word” he says softly. “Rey don’t” Kylo grits out as a new wave of pain hits him, his exhausted body collapsing onto the stone floor. She squeezes her eyes tightly as her tears flow freely.
Asher calls for Pryde once more, telling him to ready the ritual room. “It’s time” he says as he levitates Kylo’s still twitching form from the ground and sends him with Pryde. Rey sniffles as the doors close behind them. “Qarinah, Lilim, prepare our beautiful guest here” he says as he walks back to his desk “she must be perfect for tonight.”
But now for more pain and suffering...sorry not sorry 😜
A huge thank you to everyone for reading/commenting/following/likes! I honestly can't put into words how much it means to me ❤️ I always appreciate comments and likes🥰
A huge thank you also to my good friend and Beta @mrs-zimmerman ❤️ for letting me send her all types of weird ass ideas at all times of the day and NOT hate me for it 🤣
A spooky surprise is coming soon 🥰😉
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foreverreylo · 2 years
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Knight and Witch 💕🦋
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pulpwriterx · 2 years
Happy Reyloween!
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kylowanderer · 4 months
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Made a new meme. Thank you Adam's new pics!
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sushigirlali · 11 months
Bad Idea Right? - Part II (Reylo Fanfic)
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Part I | Part II | Part III (Complete!)
Summary: Rey Niima realizes she may not be over Ben Solo when Hux’s social media posts show her ex-boyfriend may be moving on at Poe’s Halloween party. Donning a matching costume purchased before their breakup, Rey decides to stop running and confront him. Horny Halloween hijinks ensue!
Pairings: Rey/Ben, Rose/Hux, Finn/Poe
Continuity: Modern AU
A/N: Happy Halloween, rats!! May I present Part II of my holiday-themed fic, or as I like to call it: Rey, please get it together, babe, you’ve giving Ben whiplash 😵‍
Master list –> AO3 | ff.net | Tumblr
Bad Idea Right? - Part II
By: sushigirlali
Boston, MA
Friday, October 31
Now I'm gettin' in the car, wreckin' all my plans
I know I should stop-, but I can't
And I told my friends I was asleep
But I never said where or in whose sheets
A week passed and Ben didn’t text again. She would say he ghosted her, but that wouldn’t be fair. Expecting him to put himself out there again given how badly she’d bungled their chance of reconciliation was ridiculous. She had enough self-awareness to admit it to herself at least. 
So, in an effort to give him some peace, she had decided not to go to Poe and Finn’s Halloween party that night. Although she had broken up with Ben, they still had numerous mutual friends in common and she didn’t want to make the event awkward for him. 
Another mark against her going was that none of their friends actually knew why they had broken up as far as she was aware. She tried to make it seem amicable anytime the topic came up, but she could tell Finn and Rose both low key blamed Ben. It wasn’t fair, but she was too ashamed to give the real reason. 
They all knew about her upbringing in foster care, some of the trials and tribulations she went through, but none of them had lived it. And while her motives behind rejecting Ben’s proposal made sense to her, or they had at the time anyway, she didn’t expect her moderately well adjusted friends to understand.
For his part, according to Rose, Ben’s response when asked about their split was always, “Whatever Rey says happened is what happened.” He was too gracious by far and she didn’t deserve it. Or him. Which was why…
Rey started as her phone dinged loudly. Lowering the volume, she looked at the screen and saw that Hux, Rose’s boyfriend and Ben’s best frenemy, had posted something new on Instagram. Curious, she couldn’t remember the last time the stoic redhead had posted anything, Rey opened the notification.
“What the fuck!” She held the phone away from her like it had bit her. But quickly after, unable to help herself, she pressed on the photo and zoomed in and out on every possible angle. Whitehot anger blazed through her at the sight of Bazine, dressed like Jessica Rabbit, sitting on Ben’s lap, her arm around his shoulders while they laughed about something she couldn’t decipher.
The freeze frame was captioned, “Eddie and Jessica, who knew 👀,” and it made her want to throw things.
“So, he thinks he’s over me, huh?” Rey raged, nearly tripping over a new pile of unwashed clothes on the way to her closet. “He’s wearing our couples costume and he thinks he’s over me? We’ll just see about that!”
And I pull up to your place, on the second floor
And you're standin', smiling at the door
And I'm sure I've seen much hotter men
But I really can't remember when
Rey adjusted her very short green cheerleader skirt, checking that her ass was covered before stepping through Finn’s front door. He didn’t know she was coming, nobody did, and she supposed she should have let her friends know in case some major drama was about to start, but she wanted the element of surprise. She needed to catch Ben off guard to get a real reaction out of him; he was too good at schooling his features otherwise. 
Gingerly twisting the handle, she was relieved when it opened without her needing to call someone to let her in. Pushing the door halfway, a wave of loud club music and strobe lights assaulted her senses.
There was a mass of people moving to the music in the living room, the green velvet couch Finn was obsessed with pushed against the wall to allow for a makeshift dance floor. Cupping her hands over her ears, she slowly walked inside, squinting at the faces before her. 
When she didn’t see Ben, and no one paid her any mind, she moved past the study on her right and into the open concept kitchen. Through the glass doors that led to the patio, Rey could see several of her close friends gathered around a game of cornhole.
Rose and Hux were dressed as western Barbie and Ken (how Rose got her snobby boyfriend to wear such a fun outfit was beyond Rey), Finn and Poe were Spider-Men Miles Morales and Miguel O'Hara, Jannah was Starfire, and Kaydel was wearing a giant, inflatable t-rex costume.
Rolling her eyes as her colorfully dressed friends drunkenly missed shot after shot, Rey backtracked to the hallway between the kitchen and study that led to the back bedrooms. What if Ben was back there with Bazine? Were they already fucking? The thought hadn’t crossed her mind until now, but it sickened her.
In all fairness, it shouldn’t. She was the one who ended things. It wasn’t his fault if he’d found someone else. But after what she and Ben had done on the phone last week? Yeah, no, she was…
“Ben.” Suddenly spotting a talk, dark shadow near the end of the hall, Rey released a breath she wasn’t aware she was holding.
He wasn’t in a dimly lit bedroom with another woman, he was alone in the hallway leading to the guest bath, leaning against the wall with a dejected look on his face. Had Bazine rejected him? Was he thinking about her? She had to know.
Pacing down the hallway, she wrapped her hand around one thick bicep. “Ben, we need to–” 
“Bazine, I said no. I’m not–Rey?” He looked shocked to see her, but not unhappily so.
“Come with me,” she said over the music. 
He didn’t resist when she tugged him into the nearby bathroom and locked the door. She turned on the overhead light and got a better look at him. He was wearing the Stranger Things costume they had picked out together, and he looked damn good in it. The patched vest, tight jeans, and long, wavy wig made him look like a rock god.
She had intended to immediately launch into an interrogation all the way here, but now that she was alone with him again for the first time in months, all she could think about was the other night. His direction, his selflessness, his filthy words…
Without another thought, she dropped to her knees in front of him.
“Rey!” Still shocked. Good.
Looking up at him from under her lashes, she reached for his black belt. He didn’t stop her when she undid it, or when she unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, but he did stay her hand when she reached into the slit of his checkered boxers. 
“What is this?” he asked seriously, holding her fingers still when she tried to wiggle them against his hard flesh.
“I would think that’s fairly obvious.”
“Fine, then why?” he pressed. 
“Because I want to,” she said simply.
“Because Hux posted a pic of you with Bazine and it made me jealous, okay?”
He shook his head as if to make sense of her. “Rey, you made it pretty clear last week that you–fuck!”
His hands went into her hair as she leaned forward to press her lips against the bulge in his shorts. “I want to suck your cock,” she said impatiently. “Are you going to let me?”
Ben cupped her cheeks, staring into her eyes, looking for something. Whatever he found there seemed to satisfy him, thankfully. “Okay.”
Smirking at her victory, she grabbed the waistband of his boxers and peeled them down over his hips, bearing his heavy sex to her eager eyes. “Yummy.” He staggered a little as she circled him with her hands, testing his hardness. “You’re bigger than I remember, heavier,” she said absently.
“Maybe because I haven't…”
He didn’t finish the sentence, but she knew what he meant. “Neither have I.”
His expression turned tender, but she wasn’t here for that. She was here to wreck him. Stroking the base of his penis in tight concentric circles, she sucked his fat head into her mouth.
“Fucking hell, Rey!” he yelped, supporting the back of her head with his massive hands. “Baby, you really don’t have to–ahhh!”
She loved hearing him groan because of her, so she sucked harder and tongued his tip like a lollipop. His thickness was a little uncomfortable after not being with him for so long, but she just relaxed her jaw as much as possible and kept going.
“I’m not going to last–it’s been 69 days,” he gasped, trying to pull back. “Rey, please, I’m going to come.” He actually sounded kind of embarrassed by how turned on he was, poor boy. “Rey!”
She giggled around his length and wiggled her eyebrows. “69 days, huh?” 
He seemed to realize what she was so amused about and choked out a laugh too. Then he was swearing and straining against her again, trying to limit his response to a few quick, shallow thrusts. But she was having none of that. She wanted him out of control.
“Baby, please slow down. I’m going to make a mess all over your pretty costume,” he groaned. “You look so hot, I don’t think I can—uh!”
She smiled at his courtesy, but continued to ignore his pleas, focusing on the motion of her hands, the push and pull of her lips, determined to drive him wild. But it didn’t take much more stimulation before his fingers tightened almost painfully in her hair and his whole body shook as he came in her mouth.
Then she barely had time to swallow before he was hauling her to her feet with his hands under her armpits, lifting her onto the counter, and forcing her thighs wide around his hips. Brown eyes so dark they were almost black, he stared at her lips for the briefest of moments before kissing the life out of her.
Their bodies surged together, their hands and tongues everywhere. It was like the first time, it was like coming home. It was…
“Oh!” Rey moaned as Ben’s cock pressed into her wet slit. If she could only get him to move slightly to the left… His lips suddenly lifted and this time she moaned in disappointment. 
Dodging her attempts to bring his face back down to hers, Ben pulled up her skirt. “What–oh, fuck.”
“Yes,” she agreed. “Your place?”
“Do you have any condoms on you?”
“No, I–Rey, you’re not wearing underwear.” His tone suggested his brain had disconnected from the rest of his body.
“Right. So, your place?” she said again.
He lifted his eyes in wonder, or maybe it was shellshock, but he nodded.
My brain goes, "Ah"
Can't hear my thoughts (I cannot hear my thoughts)
Like blah-blah-blah (blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah)
Rey held his hand all the way to his black mustang and allowed him to open the door and buckle her in. It was like before, they way he took care of her. Smiling stupidly, feeling loopy and weirdly calm, the insistent buzz of her cell interrupted her train of happy thoughts.
Rose: Rey, what the heck? Did I just see you leave with your ex?.
Rey: Maybe
Rose: I thought you weren’t coming to the party?
Rey: Check your boyfriend’s insta
Ben looked sideways at her furious texting. “Everything okay?”
“Fine,” she said blithely. She didn’t care what anyone thought about her relationship–situationship?–with Ben. Not even her best friend.
Rose: I’m going to kill him. He did that on purpose!
Rey: Just realizing that lol
Rose: Look, he’s your ex but he’s also my friend and I know it’s none of my business, but do you think this is a good idea?
Rey: Yes, I know that he's my ex, but can't two people reconnect?
Rose: Are you together again then?
Rey: I only see him as a friend
“The biggest lie I ever said.”
Rose: Rey
Rey: What?
She could practically hear Rose’s annoyed sigh through the screen.
Rose: Can we at least meet for brunch tomorrow and discuss? 
Rey: Sure. Frenchie’s?
Rose: See you there at 11am
She turned back to Ben, amused that his tall form somehow fit into the too small muscle car. It was miraculous, really. He always took up so much space, always weighed her down in bed… “Mmm.” She especially liked it when his big body was on top of hers in bed. “Make good choices?” Rey reached over the middle console to lay her hand on his muscular thigh. “No, I don’t think I will.”
Should probably not
I should probably, probably not
I should probably, probably not
They stumbled into his brownstone fifteen minutes later, but Ben’s sense of urgency was seriously lacking as far as Rey was concerned; she pouted while he made her stay still long enough to lock the door and re-engage the security system. Struggling against the strong arm wrapped around her waist, she tried to turn and kiss his face.
“Still such a greedy little thing, huh?” he said fondly, deftly securing the door before ducking to haul her up over his shoulder.
“Ben!” she gasped, loving his display of strength. And the hand that creeped up her thigh and under her skirt. “That’s the spirit,” she simpered, hanging over his body like a limp scarf.
“Happy now?” he chuckled, kneading her ass.
Rey didn’t know how to answer that, so she stuck her hands into his back pockets instead. 
“Rey!” Ben danced on the spot like she’d jammed him with a hot poker. 
Releasing a peel of laughter, she squeezed his butt cheeks through his jeans. “Have you been working out more, Solo? I don’t remember these buns of steel!”
“Yeah,” he said a little sadly, “I’ve had a lot of time on my hands lately.”
“Well, it’s really paid off,” she replied lightly.
“Thanks.” He cleared his throat. “Are you, um, hungry?”
“Just for your dick,” she said boldly, wanting to sail straight past any awkwardness. “Take me to bed.”
“Fuck, Rey, you’re killing me here,” he complained, but he started moving toward his bedroom all the same.
The trip upstairs was quick and she was happy to see that his bedroom looked the same as it had two months ago when he flipped a lamp on. He even kept the numerous photos of them together, the heavy, expensive looking frames scattered across several surfaces. Clearly, he was about as over her as she was of him.
They really should talk before getting down to business, even if Rey’s natural instinct was to avoid all possibility of rejection. It was clear there was still something between them, that she hadn’t completely ruined everything. But before she could summon the courage to say anything, Ben was flipping her onto the bed and hauling her close to the edge. 
Shrugging off her crossbody purse, which only housed her phone, her keys, a slim wallet, and red lipstick, Rey hurriedly tossed it aside. The only distraction she needed tonight was Ben Solo.
Responding to her eagerness, Ben’s hands cupped the underside of her knees, stretching and bending her legs backward like the photo she had gotten off to a week ago. “Ben,” she whispered unsteadily, the position blatantly exposing her core to his needy gaze.
He looked down at her, sprawled in her green and yellow cheerleader uniform and blonde wig, already flushed and dripping. “I don’t think I can be gentle, the first time.”
“The first time?” She licked her lips. “Okay.”
“Can I fuck you in your costume?”
“Please,” she said enthusiastically, reaching for him.
But Ben captured her wrists and placed them above her head on the coverlet. “No, don’t move. I want to taste you first.”
Rey shook her head, so slick from anticipation that she was already primed to go. “I don’t need–”
“I do.” His eyes were saying incredible things, bright and imploring, wanting, loving…
Rey relaxed on the bed, clasping her fingers together where they still rested above her head. “You can do whatever you want to me, Ben.” 
She saw the exact millisecond he snapped, the switch in his brain flipping from considerate lover to voracious demon, and it was exhilarating. 
Prying her legs further apart to accommodate the width of his shoulders, Ben kneeled on the floor, pulled her close, and jammed his tongue so far inside her that stars burst behind her eyes. This was what she had been missing, what her stubbornness had denied her for weeks and weeks. The instant connection, the burning desire, the overwhelming pleasure only Ben Solo could rend from her body. 
Why had she broken up with him again? With someone who loved her to distraction? Someone who took care of her every need and allowed her to reciprocate without measure? 
Surely she wasn’t stupid enough to lose the man she loved because of a few silly hang-ups. They could work through them, maybe have a nice, long engagement to get her used to the idea. They didn't have to get married tomorrow, just the promise of commitment was enough. Somehow it all seemed so clear now when it had been murky before. 
“Ben, Ben, Ben,” she chanted as he switched angles, distracting her from serious thought.
He growled in response, nipping gently at her clitoris in time with the languid stokes of his tongue. She tried to grind her pussy into his intimate kiss, but he wouldn’t be rushed. Gripping her thighs tighter, he forced her lower body to remain still, single-minded in his pursuit of pleasure. Nobody ate pussy like Ben Solo.
“Ben! Yes! Right there!” 
He zeroed in on the spot that had her screaming, stirring her bundle of nerves until tears were streaming down her cheeks from pleasure so intense it boarded on pain. And then she was coming, gushing fluid into his waiting mouth, straining and whimpering while he held her captive.
What felt like an eternity later, she felt him shifting her body on the bed, tilting her pelvis upward to take him. “Ben?” she whispered, utterly boneless, ready and willing for anything.
“I need to be inside you. Right now.” His face was fierce, and the rocker costume he was still mostly wearing only increased her desire. 
She’d always wanted to roleplay in bed with him but had been too shy to suggest it. But now, with his pants pulled down just enough to free his pulsating need, Rey knew he would be willing to try anything she wanted. 
“I need you inside me,” she echoed, reaching for him again.
He went into her arms willingly this time, planting a knee on the bed for leverage before sinking into her warmth in one smooth motion. They both groaned as he penetrated her, the feeling of completeness bringing more tears to Rey’s eyes.
“Sweetheart,” he murmured, sipping the salty stains off her cheeks, “what’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” she sniffed. “Everything is incredibly right.”
Ben rewarded her words by kissing her upturned mouth in long, drugging pulls, sucking on her tongue until she was moaning harshly again. “I love the way you sound when I make love to you.” 
“Ben,” she sighed, wrapping her legs around his waist, wanting to trap him inside her body forever.
His mouth trailed down her cheek to her neck before meeting the edge of her shirt. Huffing at the barricade, he pushed the cheer top and her favorite lacy bralette up to her chin to gain access to her breasts. Ben dipped to capture a stiff nipple and her back arched of its own accord, pushing her small breast halfway into his mouth and choking him a little. 
“Bad girl,” he admonished, lightly biting her tip in playful retaliation, but she found the pressure to be oddly arousing.
“Ben! Oh–I really like that! Bite me again!” He laughed, delighted by her enthusiasm, and did as she asked. “Ah! That feels so good! Ben!”
He went to work on her then, biting and sucking at every piece of flesh he could get his lips on, tunneling his thick cock into her over and over again, reaching for an explosive completion that they could only achieve together. 
“Fuck,” he said, still pumping hard. “Rey, I forgot to put on a condom. I’m sorry, let me–”
“No! Don’t you dare!” She locked her ankles together to prevent him from pulling out.
His pace faltered, but when she squeezed her internal muscles hard around him, Ben’s hips snapped back into rapid action. “Ah! God, Rey! Are–are you sure, baby? I want to protect you.”
“I haven’t been with anyone else and neither have you!” she gasped, so close to coming again she could taste it. “I’m still on the pill, I never stopped taking it in case…” Ben did stop then and the sudden lack of friction was unbearable. “Ben, please!”
“In case what?” He held her down when she tried to lift her hips. “Tell me.”
“In case you called!” she shouted. “In case you still wanted me after–after what I did.”
He was quiet for a moment before picking up the pace again, pistoning his hips like he wanted to brand her. “Okay, but now I’m definitely going to make a mess all over your pretty costume.”
True to his word, Ben exploded inside her a minute later as she clenched hard around him, his release dripping all over her pleated skirt where it was crushed beneath her hips. As he collapsed on top of her, she made a cursory effort to say something romantic, to tease him about his desire for her, but the mind-blowing orgasm she’d just experienced left her mentally and physically depleted. 
Instead, she simply cuddled his dark head to her breast and murmured a weak, “Happy Halloween!” as his heavy body pressed hers into the mattress.
Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right?
Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right?
Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right?
Seein' you tonight, fuck it, it's fine
A/N: I had a great time deciding what to make all the characters be for Halloween. I love dressing up for conventions all year, so cosplay is never far from my thoughts 💃 Check back tomorrow for Part III!
Halloween costume reference:
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lilibethdrawsreylo · 1 year
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Frankenben 🧟‍♂️
Bringing your lover back from the dead can look many different ways. See the full NSFW version here.
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itssandgirl · 2 years
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