#rgb to hex online color converter
colorhex · 7 months
Color Converter
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At Convert a Color, we understand the importance of getting the exact color you need for your projects. Whether you're a graphic designer, web developer, or just someone who loves to work with colors, our online Color Converter tool is designed to make your life easier. We provide precise and easy-to-use solutions for all your color conversion needs.
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 3 months
Ramping up to Disability Pride Month: The disability pride flag By-the-Numbers
I made the images of the Disability Pride Flag that are at the end of my Pinned Post in Microsoft Paint (the version with bolder colors, for tee-shirts, physical flags, brochures, etc., are behind a "read more").
So I've decided to put on my grown-up pants, and finally learn to make vector image versions using LibreOffice's "Draw" program. ...It's kind of driving me up the wall, tbh, because the grid lines and rulers are hard for me to read, and I'm squinting at my computer monitor trying to figure out if all the lines are parallel.
In the meantime, I figure there are folks out there who want to make their own Disability Pride art, and would like to use the right colors without copy-pasting from the stuff I made.
So here are the R-G-B values and Hex codes:
Digital / Online Flag (Muted Colors for backlit screens)
87, 87, 87 (Black) 205, 112, 126 (Red) 235, 200, 117 (Gold) 231, 231, 231 (White) 120, 151, 222 (Blue) 57, 173, 123 (Green)
Hex Codes:
#575757 (Black) #CD707E (Red) #EBC875 (Gold) #E7E7E7 (White) #7897DE (Blue) #39AD7B (Green)
For the physical flag colors, I plugged the R-G-B values of my original design into a Convert-to-Pantone™ generator, picked the closest matches that actually look good next to each other, and put those colors back into the "Straight Diagonal" design.
And here are those color codes:
16, 24, 32 (Black) 218, 41, 28 (Red) 242, 205, 0 (Gold) 221, 229, 237 (White) 0, 156, 222 (Blue) 72, 162, 63 (Green)
Hex codes:
#101820 (black) #DA291C (Red) #F2CD00 (Gold) #DDE5ED (White) #009CDE (Blue) #48A23F (Green)
Best Pantone™ color options:
Pantone Black 6 C Pantone 485 C (Red) Pantone 7404 C (Gold) Pantone 656 C (White) Pantone Process Cyan C (Blue) Pantone 362 C (Green)
As for the widths, on a 3 foot by 5 foot flag (a standard size for a 'front porch' display -- at least, in the U.S.), each stripe is 6 inches wide. On a 3 inch by 5 inch patch, each stripe is half an inch. In other words, the width of each stripe is 1/10th the overall length of the flag -- so the band of stripes together is half the length of the flag.
(I hope that's more clear than mud)
And here are the image descriptions:
The Disability Pride Flag in muted colors (for use online). A charcoal grey flag with a diagonal band from the top left to bottom right corner, made up of five parallel stripes (going from bottom up / left to right) in red, gold, pale grey, blue, and green.
(Print media and such)
The Disability Pride Flag in fully saturated colors (for use with physical media). A black flag with a diagonal band from the top left to bottom right corner, made up of five parallel stripes (going from bottom up / left to right) in bright red, gold, white, cyan, and green.
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dorianthedoll · 8 months
had someone ask about my glitter GIFmaking process so i will give! i exclusively use web-based programs, so you don't need to download any software for this!
to preface, my process is a bit convoluted but it's so my images aren't compressed or made fuzzy. ALSO, these steps are for PC.
this is the final result, but you can make basically anything [and probably something prettier than this, i just made this image to demonstrate rotating & resizing pixel GIFs]
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tutorial below!
the site i use for glitter backgrounds is online-image-editor.com
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click "UPLOAD AN IMAGE" to get your picture in, then click the "Animation" tab. it'll take you to "Add Glitters". click that!
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if your image is over 650x650 pixels, it WILL be rescaled. this is why i only upload images below that size, but it's up to personal preference and the compression isn't that bad unless you're using pixel art.
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here are the settings i use when filling with glitter. i always change "Floodfill at selected Color" to "Replace selected Color" because it makes it faster, but it really depends on what you need to be filled. you just click the area on the image that you want to be filled on the preview and it'll be filled
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kaoru jumpscare! here's my image so far! i just open the preview into a new tab to save it. it won't be PERFECT but it'll look presentable and that's all that matters.
NOW, for adding GIFs to this unsuspecting kaoru, i use photopea.com. i usually use GIFcities.org, glitter-graphics.com or tumblr to find GIFs. where the GIFs are from doesn't matter, just make sure you save them as GIFs onto your computer.
when you upload your GIF into photopea, you might realize that it's not moving anymore!
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this is OK, it will be a GIF when you export it. if your image is not exported as a gif, make sure that all the frames of each single animation are in the same folder, and all begin with "_a_".
IMPORTANT because i didn't initially include this, but i recommend you duplicate every layer of your background image 1-3 times if you're inserting GIFs with a relatively higher count of frames so the glitter doesn't flash like crazy when you export. to duplicate layers, select a layer and "Ctrl+J". do this for every layer that doesn't have "copy" in its name first then repeat so you don't duplicate the wrong layers.
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to open a new GIF or image, you go to "File", then "Open..." . note that you can do this with multiple images/GIFs in one go!
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to add the GIF to the image you want edited, make sure you have selected the folder. go to "Layer" then "Duplicate Into ..." and make sure you duplicate to the image you are editing.
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if you go to the image, it should contain a new folder containing all the layers from the image you duplicated from.
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if you want to move the GIF, select the folder and use "Ctrl+Alt+T" to transform. if you only move the GIF it should not turn fuzzier, but if you want to resize the GIF i usually use ezgif.com/resize with the Gifsicle setting for "Resize method".
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you can rotate GIFs by exact 90 degree increments if you hold the "Shift" key while rotating in photopea, however any other rotation WILL make your image fuzzier, and it's a bit harder to rotate the GIF but is possible!
i use ezgif.com/rotate for this, you can do any rotation you want but i did this one.
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OK! it's rotated, but there's an annoying navy border so i'll show you how to get rid of that! DON'T bother saving the GIF you have just made, go from "Rotated image" and click "more tools", then "Remove background"
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assuming you get the same navy as i do, the HEX code is #282840, but you can get you own hex code by converting the RGB to HEX [or getting a hex colour picker to work, didn't work for me. you can get the RGB by screenshotting and using MS paint]
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voila! it is now transparent!
after you've added all your images in and you're satisfied with your image, you should select all the layers by holding "Shift" and selecting the top and bottom folders
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and then, you go to "Layer", "Animation" then "Merge". you can always undo this and make edits so do not freak out if you've realized you want to edit parts
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now, your GIF is ready to be exported!
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go to "File", "Export as" and select "GIF"!
it'll take a while for it to load in, and you might notice an immediate issue! the GIF is too fast! you can fix this by messing around with the speed dial. this is the most frustrating part of GIF making for me because my computer is slow and freezes a lot. just stay patient, and do NOT reload your browser or you'll lose all your hard work!
annnddd that's it! bye bye!
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blubushie · 1 year
Hello Blu
In my cycle of projects, I am back at designing your dragon, and I have more questions to pester you with
Specifically, I was wondering about uhhhh paints and colours. For the dot tattoos on the wings.
I could just... look it up. I mean, I did. But aboriginal folks and cultures aren't a monolith and so much of the information online treats them as such. And I don't want to know about vague facts, I want the specifics. So I'm asking you.
Are there certain meanings/guidelines to follow colour wise? Should I avoid using certain colours, or patterns? I have read that yellow is associated with womens bussiness, black with mens, and white with sorry business. I have... no clue if any of that is right.
Do you want me to use ochre paint colours exclusively? Or could I expand the colour palette to include more greens and blues? Or are you indifferent?
I know circles are a common theme, but are there other patterns?
I am also curious about the specific shades of colours you had applied to you during your ceremony. Could you use the colour picker below and give me HEX codes of the colours used?
Also also, I want to add patterns of Ngalmudj along the dorsal frills. Any specific colours or features I should use to depict her?
Yes black is good! When I completed my Walk I was painted with a lot of black, blue on my face, neck, and shoulders, purple down my stomach, and red around my groin. White is used for corroboree but that's because it's actually tied to spirits, no sorry business. We just paint with white for sorry ceremonies like funerals because of the symbolism with spirits. Marrkidjbu paints his entire face white.
Colour symbolism as goes:
White: This is the most important colour to my mob, as Kakadu has the whitest clay in all of Australia. It's thought to be Ngalmudj's faeces and so this clay is handled very carefully so as not to disturb her. This colour is associated with Ngalmudj (coming directly from her) and with spirits, as it's the colour of stars. #fff7ed
Yellow: This is commonly associated with women's business but isn't purely associated with that. Yellow in ceremony that isn't women's business is used to symbolise the markings on the back of Ngalmudj, and so yellow is usually applied in long wavy streaks down the back. #f0c741
Black: Comes from coal and is used for men's business, but is also just the colour of people (because of the dark skin). It can specifically be for men, but it's also just colour used for people in general. This is the colour I'd use for any marking on the dragon. #121110
Red: Colour of war, but also ceremony and celebration, and motherhood. When I completed my Walk I had red painted around my groin to tie me to the blood of the mother who birthed me (I was painted with black streaks on my arms to symbolise the father who raised me as well). After my Walk the red paints were the only ones that weren't scrubbed away. When I got my first buffalo kill Jacko streaked my chin and cheeks with its blood to celebrate. After a successful hunt of a particularly difficult target animal I'll still streak my chin with the blood to celebrate and let it wear off on its own. It's a way of paying respect to the animal as well. Put up a good fight, mate. #6e2213
Blue/turquoise: I have no idea what this symbolises and I don't know where the Marrkidjbu got it as (far as I know) there's no lapis deposits in Kakadu. I've never seen blue used before or since in any ceremony, Jacko didn't get blue paint, and I'm inclined to think that the Marrkidjbu chose blue specifically because of what the colour symbolises to me. Definitely came from some kind of stone as it was a grainy powder. #0c5f6e
Purple: No clue where the Marrkidjbu got this neither. He only used is as a blend for the blue on my chest to branch down to the red at my groin. I have no idea what it symbolises, it anything. #493f5e
As for patterns, it's mostly lines, swirls, and dots. Care has to be taken not to break white lines as this is considered offensive to spirits and they'll come kick your arse. During corroboree when everyone's dancing about you keep an eye on your mates and if a white line is broken you apply ochre again to keep the spirits from getting aggro over the offence. My mob specifically uses white more than I reckon other mobs would and leans heavily into the spiritual symbolism of that over it being strictly relegated to sorry business. It's the colour you see most during corroboree.
As for Ngalmudj, it's generally accepted that she has kangaroo's ears, a downward-curved horse's head (think a highblood Arabian) with a fanged mouth, a snake body, crocodile-like scutes down her back, a spiked tail, and... tendrils? She's thought to have trailing tendrils. When I saw her she was just, quite literally, a giant snake. A beautiful giant snake, with iridescence that reflected colours I couldn't even possibly describe, but a giant snake. And her eyes were yellow, if that counts for anything. To me she was just a giant, very beautiful (what looked to be) white-lipped python, minus the white lips.
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Meanwhile Jacko has a hypothesis that when Ngalmudj first appeared to humans, she took the form of a ribboned pipefish, which would explain a lot of her characteristics.
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Now for symbols!
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sevenrs · 1 year
also ghosts (echoes*) have a specific colour for their gold that's applied before the shaders but i can't check what it is in hex because it's in a float rgb. and also the numbers r rlly long.
But it's "public Colour goldColour = new Color(0.5294118f, 0.3647059f, 0.18431373f)
tried for a bit to get this color from an online converter and none of them cooperated (at least on mobile)
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harleycao · 1 year
Random note for putting together Tumblr layouts! For the background (and sometimes accent) color, go online and use a site where you can get the hex code for a color from an image and find one from your header! This trick has helped me SO MUCH!!
I use this website!
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onlinetoolsarena · 4 days
Effortless Color Conversion for Designers
Struggling to get the right color code? Our Color Converter tool makes switching between HEX, RGB, and CMYK formats easy and fast! Whether you're working on your next big project or just experimenting with shades, we’ve got you covered! Start converting today!
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twainjack01 · 1 month
Understanding Hex Color Codes: How They Work and Why They Matter
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In the world of digital design and web development, colors serve not only to enhance visual appeal but also to convey meaning, brand identity, and user experience. They play a pivotal role in shaping how information is perceived and interacted with online. Behind every vibrant website or engaging digital interface lies a sophisticated system of color representation: hex color codes.
These codes are indispensable tools that empower designers and developers to define precise color choices across diverse platforms and devices, ensuring consistency and fidelity to creative intent. This article explores the nuanced workings of hex color codes, shedding light on their intricacies, practical applications, and significance in modern digital media.
Hexadecimal Notation Explained
Hexadecimal, or "hex" for short, is a base-16 numbering system widely used in computing. Unlike our familiar decimal system (base-10), which uses ten digits (0-9), hexadecimal incorporates six additional symbols: A, B, C, D, E, and F, representing values 10 to 15. This system's utility stems from its direct correlation with binary, the fundamental language of computers. Each hexadecimal digit corresponds precisely to a grouping of four binary digits (bits), making it a convenient shorthand for representing binary values in a more manageable and human-readable format.
Components of Color: RGB Model
Colors displayed on digital screens are synthesized using the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color model. This model operates on the principle of additive color mixing, where different intensities of red, green, and blue light combine to create a vast spectrum of colors. In RGB, each color component can independently vary from 0 (minimum intensity) to 255 (maximum intensity), allowing for precise control over the hue, saturation, and brightness of displayed colors.
Encoding Colors with Hex Color Codes
Hex color codes are a compact and efficient method of specifying colors in digital environments. Represented by a hash symbol (#) followed by six hexadecimal digits (e.g., #RRGGBB), these codes succinctly convey the intensity levels of red, green, and blue that compose a particular color. For instance, the hex code #FF0000 signifies pure red, with the red component at its maximum intensity (FF in hexadecimal) and no green or blue present (00 in hexadecimal).
Understanding Hexadecimal Conversion
Converting RGB values to hex color codes involves translating each decimal (base-10) value of the RGB components into its hexadecimal equivalent. This conversion simplifies the process of specifying colors in web design and graphic editing software, ensuring consistency across different platforms and devices. For example, the RGB value (255, 0, 0) converts directly to the hex code #FF0000, reflecting its pure red composition.
Efficiency and Range of Hex Codes
Hexadecimal notation offers significant advantages in terms of both efficiency and range. By condensing complex RGB values into a concise six-digit format, hex color codes facilitate streamlined communication and implementation of color specifications in digital media. With 16,777,216 possible combinations (16^6), hex codes encompass a comprehensive palette of colors that can be accurately reproduced on various digital screens, ensuring fidelity to designers' creative intentions.
Hex Code Abbreviations
In addition to full six-digit hex codes, abbreviated versions can be used for common colors. This shorthand notation offers several benefits:
Compactness: Reduces the code length to three digits, enhancing readability and efficiency in coding.
Performance Optimization: Helps optimize web page performance by reducing file sizes in CSS and HTML documents.
Ease of Use: Simplifies color specification and editing, particularly in large-scale web projects.
Compatibility: Widely supported across browsers and digital platforms, ensuring consistent color rendering.
For example:
#F00: Represents pure red (#FF0000).
#0F0: Represents pure green (#00FF00).
Practical Applications in Web Design
Hex color codes serve as foundational tools in web design, providing designers with a precise means to specify and manipulate colors across different digital platforms. By incorporating hex codes directly into CSS stylesheets or HTML attributes, designers ensure uniformity and coherence in color schemes, regardless of the viewing device or browser. This approach facilitates seamless adjustments and updates to color palettes throughout the development lifecycle, enhancing both aesthetic appeal and user experience.
Learning and Skill Development
Understanding hex color codes extends beyond practical application in web design, encompassing broader implications for digital media production and software development. Mastery of hex codes equips designers and developers with enhanced control over color manipulation and presentation, fostering creativity and technical proficiency across various digital disciplines. By grasping the nuances of hexadecimal notation and its relationship to RGB color encoding, professionals can elevate their capabilities in graphic design, image editing, and interface development.
In conclusion, hex color codes represent a cornerstone of modern digital design, enabling precise color representation and consistency in an increasingly digital world. By leveraging hexadecimal notation and its applications in the RGB color model, designers empower themselves to articulate visual concepts effectively and create compelling digital experiences. Mastery of hex color codes not only enhances technical proficiency but also enriches creative expression, underscoring their significance as essential tools for contemporary digital professionals.
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sonjuktaweb · 6 months
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haker78612334455 · 1 year
Online images tools
Our website provides a variety of iconic tools in a click. From size reduction to image transformation and from Davidson generation to world-class images search, you can use all in a single tab
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image color picker
Use Image Color Picker to find the perfect colors for your website or image. Get HTML colors from any image with this simple online tool.
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Whether you’re designing a website or just trying to get the right color pick from image, you need to first find the perfect color codes. Luckily, there are plenty of colorpicker online from image tools out there to help you do just that! An online tool called online image color picker makes it easy to get the colors from an image and use them as your own color palette. Here’s how Image Color Picker works, and how it can help you create the perfect color scheme for any project using online color pick!
Even more experienced designers, though, normally make mistakes when it comes to picking the correct colors for a design of any type.
One of the most important factors you must consider is the usage of colors to ensure that the picture or design is eye catching. Your choice of color combinations using free online color picker may make the difference between a perfectly content and one that is merely good.
Even after viewing several videos and reading a large number of articles about color picker tool, selecting the perfect color combination might be difficult. As a result, you may choose colors from any image and then utilise them in your design using image color picker from if image editing image tool.
Do you want to know what colors are in your picture?
This photo color picker, which supports HTML HEX code, RGB color code, and CMYK color code, can assist us in selecting the color of an image. Simply capture a photo, upload it, and then click on it to obtain the color code. This is a free online color tool that doesn't require installation and is simple and convenient to use.
How can I choose colors from an image?
We offer a variety of options to support photos:
By clicking the upload your image button, you can directly upload an image from your computer or smartphone.
You can drag an image into the image area.
You can paste a clipboard image.
Simply capture a photo.
The picture color picker also supports selecting images from a drop box.
After choosing an image, simply move your mouse over the image preview and click the image to choose a color.
the RGB and Hax formats of the selected pixel color are displayed in the right-side result window after clicking.
The results can also be copied exact color.
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ixy8 · 1 year
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arizonapiner · 2 years
Color picker google
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#Color picker google how to
#Color picker google install
Happy HuesĬreated entirely in Webflow by none other than Mackenzie Child, Happy Hues gives you various color palettes for inspiration and shows you real examples of how those colors could be used in professional designs. This helps you decide what your primary and secondary colors might be, as well as how they fit together.Īctually selecting the colors can be tough - luckily, there are tools that help us do it! 4. Palette generators give you a great way to see your entire color palette together. Handy, right? Color scheme and palette generators And once you've grabbed the color, you can easily make it a global swatch to quickly and easily reuse across your site. (Wikipedia) With this super easy and quick tool, the color choosing process becomes much simpler.
#Color picker google how to
To demonstrate this, let’s change the background color of Google homepage to a shade of red like this: We have seen how to perform a basic. It’ll load up the color picker where you can change the existing color to any color of your choice. That makes it super simple to pull the right color from a logo, hero photo, or illustration, without having to leave the app. A color picker (also color chooser or color tool) is a graphical user interface widget, usually found within graphics software or online, used to select colors and sometimes to create color schemes. To access the color picker, inspect an element, go to the styles tab and click on any color square. Browse and select the image from which you want to pick the colors. Select colors from a PNG, JPEG, WEBP, HEIC, GIF, ICO, TIFF, BMP, or SVG image. Popular Close to 2,000 positive reviews at Chrome Web Store.
#Color picker google install
Find the exact RGB Value of any image once you install our software extension Color Picker. Currently read HEX, RGB, HSL, HSV, CMYK colors. Open Source without any tracking Open Free and Open Source browser extension. This software extension allows you to pick colors from any web pages, color picker to get pixel code, rgb value of any image on the website youre browsing. for your chrome browser by going to Google and simply searching for color picker chrome. With Color Picker, you can choose any color from everywhere on your screen using the magnifier and selecting your desired pixel. You can use a color picker to enhance the look of your pages. Use the eyedropper to identify colors and apply them to your layers. Convert HEX, RGB, HSL, HSV, CMYK, HTML/CSS colors. The eyedropper tool allows you to select and sample colors from any object or image in a file. Of course, we'd be remiss if we didn't mention our very own Webflow Chrome Extension, which activates an in-Webflow color picker to enable web designers to easily grab colors from within their own project. Pick colors from an image, sampler, or spectrum.
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dritaent · 2 years
Patina green
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#Patina green free
Used for gutters, metal roofing panels, downspouts, cupolas, louvers, edge metal, flashing, step flashing, leader heads, gutter accessories, conductor boxes & skylights. Our collection of treasures is constantly changing but always inspired by great fondness for fine textiles, artisan-made jewelry, laugh-out-loud words and botanicals all around. Patina Green sheet metal is vastly used for it's similarity to aged copper. Our collection of treasures is constantly changing but. At Patina Green, we celebrate the art of living creatively and all that is perfectly imperfect. At Patina Green, we celebrate the art of living creatively and all that is perfectly imperfect. photography and website design by Melinda Ortley. There is a Royal Stencil pattern available for every decorating style! We are continuously updating our stencil collections to offer you everything from timeless patterns to the latest design trends. Patina Green is a gift shop located in the center of historic Concord, MA. Patina Green Home and Market, 116 N Tennessee St, Suite 102, McKinney, TX, 75069 9. Find quality garden & patio products to add to your Shopping List or. Simply choose the best stencil paint color to match your decor to create a coordinated look. Patina Green Get color data for 15,000 Pantone Colors Pick colors and share palettes Convert RGB/CMYK/Hex/Lab color equivalents to. Shop for Cast Aluminum Path, Walkway and Area Light, Patina Green (1) at Harris Teeter. It is not a powdered, casein-based milk paint. Stencils give you endless custom color options. Cone 10 (Dry Material) Description: Previously called Riverstone Matt we had changed its kaolin and therefore changed its name. General Finishes Milk Paint is a premium interior/exterior mineral based paint named for its low-luster sheen. Use them to stencil patterns on walls, wood, concrete, furniture, tile, fabric paper, cork, canvas, and more.ĭecorating with stencils is economical! All you need are some basic Stencil supplies and paint to create a patterned wall or surface at a fraction of the cost of wallpaper. With minimal care, stencils can be used repeatedly for many different projects and on multiple surfaces. We are taking every precaution possible in the care and handling of items.Our stencils are laser cut in our San Diego, California, USA studio from durable 10mil Mylar plastic sheets.
#Patina green free
We are offering free doorstep drop-off (Concord and bordering towns only) or $8 flat rate shipping. New products are added to this site daily! Call us at 97 for FaceTime shopping or special orders. Our showroom is all about artful display…a place where vibrant color, delicate fragrance and crusty paint combine to create a uniquely joyful experience for our visitors.Ĭurrent Promotion: In light of the COVID-19 crisis, Patina Green has created an online pop-up shop. Patina Green Home and Market is a lifestyle market and farm-to-table restaurant, serving real food and offering curated collections in historic downtown. Our collection of treasures is constantly changing but always inspired by great fondness for fine textiles, artisan-made jewelry, laugh-out-loud words and botanicals all around. Patina Green is a gift shop located in the center of historic Concord, MA.Īt Patina Green, we celebrate the art of living creatively and all that is perfectly imperfect.
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joneswebgoods · 5 years
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Convert Your HEX Colors to CMYK & More!
I have a few favorite colors I like to use for themes in HEX values, this tool is great for converting those values into something a bit more print-friendly for vector graphics.
You can check it out here: https://codebeautify.org/hex-to-cmyk-converter
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onlinetoolsarena · 18 days
RGB to HEX Color Converter for Perfect Design!
Save time and achieve color perfection with our RGB to HEX converter! Whether you're designing a website, creating stunning visuals, or working on a creative project, this tool ensures you get the exact colors you need in just seconds. Say goodbye to mismatched palettes!
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humansoulsarg · 5 years
Back to the Future Sega Post Solve
This post contains two animated images. One apparently showing scenes from the Sega game Back to the Future III and the other a seemingly corrupted or somehow staticified mystery.
Turns out the static image is another shifted image using the Arnold’s Cat Map algorithm. This site https://www.jasondavies.com/catmap/ can be used to recover the original image by shifting through the iterations of the cat map algorithm. (It’s magic sauce to me, I haven’t wrapped my head around the transform yet, but I trust the tool as it seems to work.)
The resulting image is another scene from the Sega game, but with some extra flair along the bottom in the form of what appears to be something we’ve seen before, three barcodes combined as one using RGB channels and black and white images.
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After isolating and scaling the colorful barcodes, an online decoder gave the following ciphertext for the three channels:
This text can be decoded as a Vigenere Cipher using keyword ‘backtothefuture’ to yield a reduced-alphabet string (we’ve seen this method a lot over the years of this Pangent Technology investigation. The clever part of this technique is it breaks most automatic Vigenere solvers as there is no english text in the plaintext, so it’s a password guessing game. At least the passwords have been straightforward. thanks Pangent!)
These can then be converted to ASCII hexadecimal values using the mapping A=1, B=2, … J=0, K=A, … P=F to yield:
74696B746F6B2E6 36F6D2F4070616E 67656E7474656368
Which then decodes as ASCII hex to:
A new source of Pangent material. I don’t even know what Tiktok is, this old man is not a part of the Social Media revolution. But welcome to another new venture, Pangenttech, may your likes and follows increase.
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