Sometimes you just have to listen to Roasted Garlic Summer Sausage by Brian David Gilbert and Karen Han repeatedly in hope that the agonies decrease.
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caelichythcat · 1 year
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it's summer
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smbhax · 8 months
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Virtua Fighter 4 (PS2, running in PCSX2 @ 1080p, 4K internal, 4xRGSS blah blah it looks sweet!)
Session: https://youtu.be/OfuN8tNc9fU
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times-eclipse · 2 years
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harglblarg tired
have a very work-in-progress screenshot, but at least the general idea is on its way
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phantom-nisnow · 2 years
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Piece I did for Pokenoms zine \o/ wanted to draw Steven Stone and a bunch of his Pokemon
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clumpstumplr · 1 year
Okay but BDG really did not have to make such bangers about a roasted garlic summer sausage, wishing you could wear hats, bad game ads and mfing DARTS
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Will Wood:
Most Fucked Up Song: Venetian Blind Man, Vampire Culture, Marsha Thankk You
Favorite Song: 2econd 2ight 2eer, Dr. Sunshine Is Dead, Laplace's Angel, Hand Me My Shovel, Against the Kitchen Floor
Propaganda: "funky guy. Several of his songs are about how "I'm [Will] a raging fucking narcissist but I also hate myself" (the quote was something like that). Pulled out a worm on a string during a live performance. Amazing fashion. His music gives me gender envy what the hellhis most popular song on Spotify is basically "I'm cis actually so stop telling me otherwise because fuc kyou" and it's a banger.did ALL the songs for Camp Here And There doesn't need female singers with the high notes he can hit"
"I know a lot of people have probably already submitted Will Wood, but the music is important to me so I’m submitting them anyway"
Brian David Gilbert:
Most Fucked Up Song: RGSS
Favorite Song: Welcome To The Neighborhood
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jaffre · 7 months
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i can't believe i still have jojo's city and linkus on my computer????? they don't run cause im missing a rgss or smth, but i can still open file in rpg maker xp
but most importantly
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tuesday again 2/21/2023
despite two sections clocking in at one sentence each, i had a lot of thoughts about a video game so this one is the normal creeping-up-on-2k-words length
brian david gilbert's rgss must be presented without comment.
earlier last year a regional gas station chain offered a whopping twenty five cents off per gallon. many terms and conditions applied. the one that made me scoff and delete the app right there at the pump was that location data had to be on at all times. not just when you were using the app or in a geofenced area around the gas stations, all the time. i hate people knowing where i am. i despise my data being sold. do not advertise to me. fuck off.
last year this made me briefly wonder about the loyalty programs i have with the regional supermarket chains, big y and stop & shop. i don't even want to think about whatever instacart was collecting on me much earlier in the pandemic. unfortunately i can choose not to drive as much but i really should not eat less and i do love a loss leader sale. and then i had to move again and forgot about it. earlier this week my favorite data scientists at The Markup dropped a...upsetting article on kroger's data practices, which can include in-store tracking, biometrics, facial recognition, and when shopping on kroger.com: "Third-party trackers send your product page views, search terms, and items that you have added to your shopping cart to Meta, Google, Bing, Pinterest, and Snapchat." did you know they have their own spinoff data company? for why, you might ask?
Experts told The Markup that companies that sell products in grocery stores don’t have much visibility into what happens after their items are placed on shelves. These brands want granular shopping data that only supermarkets have in order to gauge the success of the brands’ products. In recent years, this data has become harder to come by and therefore more valuable. 
i try very hard not to be be doom and gloom about tech bc reporting already tends toward the hysteric, and usually there is stuff i can do or a different option i can take to avoid a package of my data being sold and linked to other packages of my data. however, it is unrealistic to leave my phone at home and pay with cash, and financially i can't afford to opt out of these loyalty programs. sucks! sucks real bad! The Markup articles are pretty good at making the american senate take notice, but they are very slow and do not always fully understand tech abuses, bc their average age is sixty fuckin three.
im ticking along in adventure time, in the middle of season six, the last real long season before we get down to twenty and fourteen episode seasons. there has been an amusing string of episodes where finn and jake aren't present or are only present briefly. this show will wander off to tell the most heartrending story about a character you will never see again, and this episode will stick with you for ten years.
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ive also been looking at the fandom (i know) wiki page for each episode, bc why not, and it is a very funny fan wiki. a great deal of emphasis on animation errors with the caveats that maybe the miscolored arm of a princess in episode whatever actually means there's two princesses of that kingdom and we're only seeing the second one for the first time now. whenever the show references a classic work, the note in the wiki has the tone of "ugh this weird old thing why is my show making a joke about it". if an episode won an emmy (this show won fifteen emmys btw) it is usually the very last thing on the page bc that's not lore or errors or connections to other episodes why should you care??? either a very specific type of guy or a bunch of young teens wrote this. probably a bunch of young teens that grew up to be a very specific type of guy.
thank u for all ur open world rpg recs, i think horizon zero dawn is the closest thing to what i want but i will probably end up playing Prey first (which has exactly one of the many qualities i want and is not open world even a little bit) bc it is a game i actually own. but im here to say i know im having a depressive episode when im listening to a lot of mother mother and playing f/allout 4. anyway we're back at it again in far harbor, which at least contains the most interesting storytelling in the game. can we all say hello to andre, bethesda's eleventh first gay character?
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coming up on this drive-in theater with an incongruous neon heart looming out of the mist and spooky music plus screams from the horror movie trailer that's been playing on loop since the bombs dropped is SO fun. nothing on the mainland is quite this atmospheric. the fog really does heighten the fun of exploration. i know dead money did it first and better but this is less dire than dead money. usually.
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also i forgot they're showing a western staring Legally Not Lee van Cleef if u switch the reels. this is not even getting into the delightful enemy encounter at this location bc i have a different location i want to talk about
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GOD the MS Azalea (the one screenshot that isn't mine and is from the wiki) is so fun to run around. a rusted out, ripped in half cargo ship with five different sections (guardpost, top of ship, shipping container apartments on top of ship, inner sheltered harbor within ship and floating kitchen/pool table parlor, floating bar and clinic lashed to ship entered by swimming or elevator down from the top of the ship, sheltered harbor between two halves of the broken ship. each of these sections uses vertical space in interesting ways bc the ship is so fucking big. there is a straight up House underneath that boat. and everything feels very lived in, there's clutter and signs of life everywhere. these guys are just vibing with their little stores and their little apartments. a smarter game or a game with more time would have leaned into "you were sent to kill these guys by the townsfolk bc they felt threatened by an unaffiliated settlement" but alas. the trappers on the boat are just xp.
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it is very funny that the lighthouse on the south end of the island refuses to load in properly, no matter where i am
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this dlc, more than anything else in the game, actually does feel like my choices matter. i do the missions for the mariner and the barricade physically changes. i do enough fairly complex quest chains for enough of the town and they decide they like me enough to go build settlements. seeing the settlement fog condensers off in the distance from across the island feels very different from the mainland, where generally your settlement's buildings don't pop in until you're pretty fucking close.
i really don't care about how big the map is, i want the main game to be this dense and this bold in telling a stories, start to finish, that feel very interconnected and grounded to its location. i am feeling a little conflicted with my playtime, bc i gotta lotta fucking bones to pick with this game, but i am having fun with this dlc. part of it is "what if fallout/the rest of the game was good" and part of it is the depression making any scrap of delight feel weird. so it goes. february will end eventually.
did my taxes.
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caelichythcat · 10 months
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the pathos
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Roasted Garlic Summer Sausage
Roasted Garlic Summer Sausage
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noctude · 2 years
my friend. don’t worry. don’t waste your anger. watch RGSS by BDG , feel peace
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sky-of-the-tides · 2 years
I have RGSS by Brian David Gilbert stuck in my head, which is fine by me because its only lyrics are four words being said on repeat.
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times-eclipse · 2 years
Today on Animations and Actions: Mirroring
So since Witness to Unity uses a "side-view battle system", it means we need to have animations mirror depending on where they're coming from. Real nice of RPG Maker XP to not have that built-in because it was front-view by default. :T
The current state of our code looks like this. It's kind of a mess.
# Cycle for hits (from reflect or not) for target in @target_battlers # Mirror animation # Note, this is currently set up incorrectly. # It relies entirely on the starting x/y of the targets # to presume how to mirror the animations, because there's # no way to get the current x/y from target. if item.for_ally? || item.for_dead_ally? target.mirror_animation = false elsif target.screen_x > Tayruu::SW/2 # Note: takes current mirror_animation state: # If set to true because of reflected skill, this # will un-mirror it back. #target.mirror_animation = !target.mirror_animation target.mirror_animation = true else target.mirror_animation = false end # Get animation effect target.animation_id = @animation2_id target.animation_hit = !target.missed
The problem is that target contains nothing about the current location of a battler's on-screen sprite. screen_x and screen_y originally defined where a sprite was, but this is only for its initial location in WTU's system.
This is because RPG Maker XP originally was a "front-view battle system", the sprites never moved, so they never needed to reference updated co-ordinates. Thankfully later versions of RM at least provided variables and references in their default code that scripters could make use of.
The correct way to do this would be to reference the relative position between the attacker and target, but that's a bit hard to do when the actual x/y information is stored in Sprite_Battlers in Spriteset_Battle, but not the Game_Battlers. Funnily enough, the sprites know what their battlers are, but not the other way around.
I suppose in thinking about it we could add new variables to battlers like current_x/y and update those when the sprites are, but, we're just worn out now.
EDIT: okay it's fixed now
# In Sprite_Battler: do_tween({:x=>x, :y=>y}, speed) until @tween.nil? [$scene.spriteset, Graphics].each {|a| a.update } end # Store current location @battler.current_x = x @battler.current_y = y # Return to normal @battler.update_animbat_pose if !knockback # In Scene_Battle: # Mirror animation # For allies, ignore if item.for_ally? || item.for_dead_ally? target.mirror_animation = false # If attacker is to the left of the target, flip the animation elsif @active_battler.current_x <= target.current_x target.mirror_animation = true # Otherwise, leave alone else target.mirror_animation = false end
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