#rh krystal bailey
himes-things · 7 months
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Krystal Bailey from Rainbow High; my favorite RH doll I own!
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wildwheatfields · 3 months
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Realizing I already got series 2 lined up
Can you tell I love character design
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interruptedfern · 2 years
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Finished drawing all the girls of season 2 in my fantasy fashion packs! I would loooove to see these runway fits on my dolls. Maybe I’ll do the slumber party line next?
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Doll restoration/restyle: Rainbow High’s Krystal Bailey
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She was another one that came with Carmen Major and Gabriella Icely’s lot. No before pics because I forgot, but honestly I don’t think it matters. She was super easy and in great shape. I would honestly class this one as more of a restyle than a restoration, because the restoration parts felt more like regular doll maintenance.
Her face and body were in excellent condition. All her hair needed was a quick comb to get all the tangles and cat hairs out and a wash to get out the styling glue.
Unfortunately, I didn’t get any of her clothes, shoes, or accessories, so I had to dress her up in completely unrelated clothes. Her skirt came from Carmen Major, Jacket from one of the Storm twins (who is still in my to-restore box). Not sure about the shirt, shoes, and hair clips. I have a lot of as-yet unidentified stuff in my Rh closet.
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s-luckie-arts · 2 years
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📰🖋 Here’s my redesign of the charismatic journalist Krystal Bailey 🖋📰
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freaky-flawless · 18 days
I'm so happy! I managed to snag a Krystal Bailey doll from TJ Maxx for $15!
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rainbowhighpoll · 1 year
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mythosidhesdollhouse · 3 months
Rainbow High Littles: Indigo Bailey, Pt. 2
Hey folks, sorry it took longer than expected to get this posted (health complications, not serious just time consuming), but as promised here is the continuation of my RH Littles review (Pt.1 is here). Still feeling a bit drained from *stuff* so I'm going to keep this one fairly short and to the point...right after Krystal Jr. has finished banishing that slime daemon back to its own dimension...
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...And now with that out of the way--Hair talk! (sorry for the lack of banter in this one, I'm too tired to script dialog today)
I've already seen one review claiming at least some of the Littles have polypropylene hair. Based on my examination of Indigo's braids, in her case at least I do not believe this assessment to be correct. In my opinion the evidence points to her rather having lower grade nylon hair (as referenced in @dollsahoy's excellent video on the problems with using polypropylene as a doll hair fiber). In this post we're going to take a look at how I came to this conclusion, with the help of some Shadow High girls with similarly textured hair.
First let's compare Indigo's braids to our purple QUEEN, Monique. Now, imo Monique is the gold standard for microbraids on a doll, not just just for RH/MGA but across the board. The majority of her braids are very fine, shiny, smooth to the touch, and made up of straids of multiple colors woven together. They hang quite straight, and have a nice weight to them. I say the majority because mixed into the base of multicolor braids there are a few monochrome blue and purple strands, which differ in weight and texture to the rest, being courser and slightly bulkier.
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An initial side by side comparison shows that Indigo's braids look quite different than Monique's. They are mainly a solid periwinkle/lavender shade, with some strands incorporating a second, more magenta-leaning color mixed in. They feel lighter, and don't sit neatly around her head, though I attribute this at least in part to her rather chaotic rooting pattern. In texture and appearance they have more in common with Monique's blue and purple highlight strands than the bulk of her hair. Taking all this into account, I think it's safe to say these two do not share the same hair fiber.
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But now let's take a look at our other braid ambassador, Pinkie. When I first got this doll I was immediately struck by how different her hair was, in both appearance and texture, from Monique's. It's both courser and duller in texture, has less complexity to the color blend (I see only two, extremely similar shades of pink), and doesn't appear to have the same weight to the fiber necessary to lie straight like Monique's does. Additionally, given their slightly crunchy feel and fact that they remain creased from her packaging months after I unboxed her, I suspect the only reason her braids lie as flat as they do is that some amount of product was added to her hair to keep them in place.
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And when we compare Pinkie's braids to Indigo...this looks like a much closer match! Leaving aside the difference in color and length, the braids on these dolls look, feel, and behave in virtually identical ways. Taking everything I've observed from these comparisons into account, I feel comfortable with the conclusion that Pinkie's and Indigo's braids were made from the same fiber.
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But here's the thing....MONIQUE AND PINKIE BOTH HAVE NYLON HAIR. I have never seen a single indication that a mainline Rainbow or Shadow High doll has had anything else. It might not all be the same quality of nylon, but it's nylon all the same. Just for good measure I grabbed a Skultimate Secrets MH doll (which very definitely has poly) and they don't feel the same. They just don't.
Aside from some speculation (completely unsubstantiated) that the Swim & Style budget dolls have polypropylene hair, it's never been in question that MGA has used anything other than nylon on this line, and it seems vaguely nonsensical to me to imply that they would start now. Sure I could be wrong--obviously if MGA makes an official statement confirming they've switched to poly I'll eat my words--but the detail and care that went into the design of Indigo's clothing tells me they are still trying to make a good quality product. While the target demographic and aesthetic of the brand may have changed since the soft reboot began earlier this year, I see absolutely no evidence that these are badly made dolls. Adult collectors may not like them, and yes it's a hard shift from the exemplary attention to detail we got used to when the focus of the brand was on older collectors, but that's not the same thing as them being objectively poor in quality. They're just different. It happens.
SO YEAH. That concludes my thoughts on Rainbow High Littles. I think they're fine for what they are. I like the one I got. I have no plans to buy more, but if they release other characters down the line, who knows? I for one am ready to move on from this 'controversy' and redirect my attention to other dolls I'm actually looking forward to.
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play-dolls · 2 years
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wildwheatfields · 3 months
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Student: Krystal Bailey
Year: Junior
Major: Journalism
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trynadollsiesplay · 1 year
Ash Silverstone Doll Analysis
Because I knew the controversity, but I didn't think it would be... this 😬.
My opinion: Basically, Ash Silverstone's male body is an updated version of the rainbow high series 2 sculpts imo and I don't get it 🙁. I'm not saying this is a bad thing exactly. The only problem is it was released with series 4 Rainbow High Dolls. And Shadow High Series 1 dolls were way better too, by this time. Thus, it is confusing.
It has it's pros and cons. I haven't heard about these things enough. So I will share. Go down the list lol uwu. 😊
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(on the left is S2 Krystal Bailey's Stand, in the middle is Ash Silverstone's stand SH S1, and on the right is Nicole Steel's stand SH S1)
I didn't notice the shape to start with, but the boy dolls have unrealisticly-realistic masculine bodies. And they don't fit on the same stands as the girls do. But, they were realesed with a series of dolls with advanced stand tops. And the masc doll stand is more reminiscent of the older stands.
Also, Ash in his clothes was still extremely tight on this stand too 🤨. Weird they didn't fix it.
* Extra fact: All of Ash's pants come with drawstrings. No valcro. I feel like this should have been a thing, for the girls, some time. This somewhat offends me. Not that that's important. But I am slightly irked now. 😐
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Overview: Ash Silverstone's overall mold is pretty and shiny. But... that actually makes it less posable. Above, we compare on the left, Ash Silverstone, to Krystal Bailey on the right. Their upper arms are brought as close to the body as they can. And as the image shows, Ash cannot bring his elbows to his torso. Which, strongly, annoys me.
Also, the legs on Ash's mould cannot come further together, because the thighs are so thick and the crutch is a crutch. Which is fine. But also, it looks so cool. But then it does that. Ugh!
Also, mentioning the torsos. The boy torso is so unrealistic that I find it cringy. BUT, look at those collar bones. If the boy has the collarbones on his mould... why don't the girls?
The Actually body of Ash's sculpt, is like... thicker? Than the female mould. Which is both offending and crazy. The curvy doll has yet to come out yet, but it would probably be easier for MGA to recycle some of Ash's moulds, because they are thick enough.
The tiny knees on Ash look Aesthetically pleasing, but they too, are problematic. See the source bellow:
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(On the left is Krystal Bailey S2, on the right is Ash Silverstone SH S1)
I find it extremely annoying, because you can feel Ash' knee connecting with the plastic of the thigh, but there is no space for it to come out. I would be fine if it didn't do that. Boys are less flexible irl typically, sure. But the knee wants to bend *release frustrated scream*
Furthermore, Ash's character can do the equivalent of a split. Showing he is above the typical flexibility abilities of most men. But his knees are less efficient than the girls? This is problematic world building. And a nitpick. And frustrating anyway.
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(On the left is Ash Silverstone preforming his best attempt at the splits SH S1. On the Right is Krystal Bailey, showing off the flexibility she houlds over Ashe's mould, she is RH S2)
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(First image, left side, we have a comparison of: On the top, Krystal Bailey S2, Middle is Ash Silverstone SH S1, and at the bottom Is Reina "Glitch" Crowne from SH S2)
When comparing hands, it is clear that Ash Silverstone's mold is much choppier and low quality than newer molds. I compared my S3 Daria mould and it still had the indentations, but I believe Shadow High series 1 doesn't have them. I also find the larger hand mold is held back by the closeness of the wrist. It doesn't turn as well, doesn't quite have as much movement as his female doll counterparts, because these issues. Which is annoying, to a lesser degree. His wrist pins look pretty bad though. don't know if I just drew a bad straw, or if they were all pretty bad in the same way.Not sure I wanna find out 😬.
(Image 2 gives a side view centred on the elbow joints of the two dolls, which are facing inwards. Again, Krystal Bailey S2 is on the left, Ash Silverstone SH S1 is on the right)
Ash Silverstone's wrist joint is... annoying bulky. It makes click sounds and has 3 spots it prefers to be and shifts between. The join is stiff, and takes a bit more to stop in the right position than the female doll molds. A great fidget toy, sure. Still annoying to pose.
Finally, last but not least, we have,
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(on the left is Krystal Bailey from S2 RH, and on the right is Ash Silverstone from SH S1. They are both posed to better show the ability possessed by the Male doll mould)
Ash Silverstone has FLIPPING Rotation at his ANKLES!!! 🤩 why did I not pick that up before. Everything I hear about joints like waist and ankles is that they are annoying. But apart from the fact that you have to stop them from spinning when taking off his annoyingly tight shoes, they seem really strong and capable. Put him on the doll stand and he can so so much more. He could kick a ball. He could trip someone with his high heels he is wearing.
I can't tell if this is a positive or negative trait. But I don't care. I find it really exciting. Between his eyes and his ankle joints, I wanna get another boy doll. Because ankle joints are cool. His eyes are cute. And everything else can get fucked. I really don't get my own appreciation. But I can appreciate it.
Y'all, keep avoiding the boy dolls. That way I can get them cheaper 😊🤪😆.
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thelivingmemegod · 10 months
Thoughts on the Junior High line? (Both series)
Junior High!
Ruby Anderson!
My sweet girl. She was DEEP in her Supreme phase here it’s very cute, it feels very juvenile, I love her necklace, I love her top, side pony, I love her checker sneakers too. Her under sweater with the red and black sleeves and the scrunchie. Her backpack is really cute too. I wish they had these in Rainbow High too (I wish basically everything things set in school had backpacks though, so not new at all lol-)
Poppy Rowan!
Please I’m hyperventilating SHES SO CUTE-
I love her backpack too! The sparkle print and the monarch butterfly patch are adorable. Her freckles are kicking my ASS it’s so cute
Sunny “this women is gonna end me” Madison!
This jacket, this shirt, this skirt, THESE SOCKS- all the pins and prints I’m- 😭
Her shoessss, her platformsssss I say she still has these platforms in Rainbow High and you cannot take that away from me.
She’s 100% a victim of the see-through backpack thing in America BUT she made the most of it and it’s adorable.
Her hairstyle is just darling, I love the rainbow clips, I love the buns and the curls and HER BABY HAIRSSSS (chokes)
Jade Hunter!
Jade is super cute!
Love the low cut colorblock pants, love the boxers peaking out, love the stripe croptop moment. All of these dolls have been proof that RH is better when they don’t let them make shoes see through. Love the shoes. Her twin ponytails and her scrunchies and her socks (especially the socks cuz you can’t even see them but they’re still awesome)
Once again, the backpack is fire.
Skylar Bradshaw!
Loveeee her sweatshirt, it looks so comfy. Her jirt (I’m sorry for this stupid ass joke I just love it) looks like she took a silver metallic posca marker and went to town on that pocket.
Her lil topknot hair is cute! Love the fact that her hair tie matches the tag she left on her shoe (which is a real trend!) I also really like the checker on the bottom and the printing on her socks. Another See-through backpack girl, at least it’s cute!
Violet Willow!
This boujee bitch went to a private school LOOK AT HER.
Most popular girl there.
The bangs are MUCH better and I love the pigtails with the fluffy hair ties. I love her cardigan, her button down, her plaid skirt, her knee thick’s and the diamond shoes. Her backpack is giving Channel grandmas couch REALNESS
Amaya Raine!
ADORABLE. Her sweatshirt is so, sooo cute, her pleated skirt is kinda weird pattern wise but still pretty cute cuz it’s like an add on to the sweater. Those BOOTS ARE THE STAR; YES GIRL YOU ARE FASHION.
Her white hair is really cute and I love the rainbow backing with the gold everywhere.
Krystal Bailey!
Her lip color aside.
Love the printed Jean jacket and skirt and ooooo those boots are HEAT gimmie.
The sorta satchel backpack with that latch is a nice change
Kendall River- 😭
Karma Nichols!
I like this more than the base doll actually- I like the high waisted shorts set in green and white and the jacket and the shoes. She looks sporty and I like that she’s holding her backpack more like a purse.
Sella Monroe!
Girl you needa learn some CONTRAST. But I do like sequin dress, her crown and her t-strap heels they’re cute. Also like her satchel/pure/backpack
Bella Parker
She has no waist but I actually like it for the juvenile look. I like her little bow tie, the black buttons, the straight on bow and high pony, love that she keeps her socks and heels between these two, cute detail. Her bag is also adorable and giving the same realness as Violet.
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dollulus · 1 year
Krystal Bailey Doll Review! Rainbow High RH
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rainbowhighpoll · 1 year
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detestabledolls · 2 years
current project list:
- rec.me contest winner (G3 draculaura)
- mutuals ocs x 3 (Katrine DeMew, RH Krystal Bailey, + unknown base as of yet)
- persona 3 fuuka and her persona (unsure of base, large project. Two parter.)
- kuromi & my melody
- ??? surprise project
Going to work on these this month however I can! They will be uploaded in no particular order, but I hope ur excited for them either way!
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Hey Dollblr, can yall help me out?
I just got my first-ever Rainbow High doll for 20 bucks at Burlington. She's absolutely gorgeous, I adore her. But her hair is super sticky and rough on the sides, and fluffy and a little frizzy down the middle. How do I fix this? Thanks yall!
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