#rhov discourse
It’s a simple, very very simple, request that when many people tell you to stop making a fetish of their sexuality, you should stop. Not sic your “minions” after them. No one is asking you to chop off your elbow or anything.
Don’t claim to be a “mother hen” with your followers when mothers, good ones, would take care to reprimand their “minions” to not send death threats.
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gaymirajane · 7 years
I got so absorbed in this discourse I forgot to take my meds and now my heart is beating weirdly again ahxksndns
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akatsukigadaisuki · 7 years
My thoughts on the 1700 fujoshi discourse
hella long post, cuz i got a shit ton to say
I’m...so fucking confused??? I don’t support either side, nor do I hate every straight person or support ALL LGBTQA+ people because people aren’t defined by their sexualities alone,, just bc someone is straight doesn’t mean they are like the majority of assholes and not all lgbtqa+ people are nice people who just want to live in a world where their sexuality is accepted / homophobia doesn’t exist. 
even though i am a part of the lgbtqa+ community, i don’t really know much about where the line is drawn for certain things but I’d really like to learn about it. 
anyways, here’s where i saw faults on both sides:
rhov and her supporters:
– instead of accepting that what she was writing did offend people, she continued to state that she knew better than actual lgbtqa+ people who were clearly offended by her writing
– she should have tried to educate herself instead of being like a powerhouse and using the fact that she has ‘1700 fujoshi fans’ as a basis to support her knowledge of how gay / mlm relationships work
–– she should have never made this argument personal, it was based strictly on how she wrote this fic (which btw, i haven’t read, and it probably would make more sense for me to read it so i could make a better argument but as an asexual i prefer staying away from sexual fics) but she decided to say disrespectful things instead and hurt the admins of fairy-tail-salt. totally not mature, at all.
–– from what i read on her blog, i believe she didn’t properly write the kinks/rape and made actual rape into some sort of fetish instead of a problem and claimed it as healthy? (again, i have not read her fic so i can’t make much of an argument without just assuming things). that would clearly trigger many people, and she should have stayed away from that if she didn’t know how to write it well. it’s okay to not know, but what’s not okay is to publish it and have so many people read it and misinform them of how rape should be treated or how it actually works. 
fairy-tail-salt and others:
–– instead of making a meme out of it or just being angry (which is completely understandable) maybe you could’ve just educated her on the whole thing? like tell her what’s actually right and how to properly write mlm and what stereotypes to avoid bc rhov could’ve just not known and possibly wasn't doing all this on purpose, like maybe she wasn't purposely trying to mischaracterize mlm or make it into a disturbing fetish/yaoi but she just believed that it was how it worked or how she saw it? (if this sounds familiar to you, then yes, i was the one that sent that ask)
–– you can’t really expect a straight cishet woman to understand all concepts of what it’s like being gay, i mean, it’s a little impossible when she’s straight? to understand what it’s like being gay, i mean. like she could have a general idea of what it’s like but since she isn’t gay herself she could never fully understand what it’s like or what we all go through as part of the lgbtqa+ community.
––  i think the way you worded things could be executed better. i know you had good intentions and were upset at how she wrote mlm, but the way you said certain things is causing a lot of concern and fear for others as seen by how some people are now afraid to write mlm.
–– rhov may be popular, and since you are trying to stray away from that fact by claiming that it doesn’t justify her actions, then you probably shouldn’t have responded to her at all...but now that i look at other things you said, the fact that she made it personal was what made you get involved, right? but anyways, looking aside from that personal bit, i think that she made a point when she said there are many writers out there who don’t know how to correctly write mlm and make it into yaoi or a disturbing fetish by sexualizing them. but you guys responded to rhov and rhov alone and kind of reinforced her popularity by making her the main topic of concern when there are probably tons of other writers out there who do the same as her and weren’t called out. yes, rhov should have been called out for what she did, but to go this far is bad, isn’t it?
now what i’m confused about.... (feel free to clarify or correct me if i’m wrong on any of these, i really want to know what’s considered right and wrong)
–– this whole trope thing or whatever, like when writers who don’t know the true concepts of wlw or mlm write them, are people offended by the fact that some writers write one of the men as a little more feminine or one of the girls as a little more masculine just so one can top and the other bottoms or something? i mean, physically, when sexual activity is occurring, doesn’t one of them have to top and the other has to bottom at some point? they could obviously switch but maybe one of them prefers to be dominant and the other submissive. i dont entirely understand how that part is offensive, but i do understand being offended by the part that one of the males has to be more feminine just so the ship could work or be valid or one of the girls has to be more masculine for it to work because that would be homophobia and trying to force heterosexual stereotypes on gay people. (although, in some cases, that would be valid because we can’t just erase that sort of thing from all relationships as long as that one way of thinking doesn’t define every relationship.)
–– some people, and rhov could be one of them despite how she executed her argument + the stuff she said in response, don’t know all the rules of homophobia and transphobia or where the line is drawn and other people, the real bad people, know the rules and concepts and all that and yet still abuse the terms and have blatant hate whereas some people genuinely make mistakes and dont know and need to be educated instead of having hate thrown on them? 
–– for us to send hate to her and others for not knowing how to write mlm is a bit hypocritical. i mean, as part of the lgbtqa+ community we receive enough hate as it is from many people, but to do the same thing back to straight people or whoever is against us is not good either, since we are stooping to their level instead of being mature and level-headed.
–– to me, gay and straight relationships are basically the same, the only difference being gender. i mean, it’s just a relationship between two people, and as i said before, sexuality isn’t the only thing that defines you as a person. one half of the relationship doesn’t have to act a certain way to be accepted as “right” but even if some stereotypes are mixed in, it doesn’t make it awful or horrible. it’s not okay to have those stereotypes define the relationship or say that those stereotypes have to be how every relationship is like, but it’s not impossible for some aspects of those stereotypes to exist in some relationships. 
basically, my main point is, it shouldn’t matter too much how a relationship is written or executed, whether it’s straight or lgbtqa+ as long as it’s written in a healthy way and doesn’t state that any stereotypes used is how ALL relationships should be or how they should work. of course there are some lines drawn but overall it shouldn’t be too much of a problem. we are all human, we fuck up a lot and make mistakes, and we are all unique in our own way. there shouldn’t be strict rules for how things work but there are baselines and all and that is totally understandable.
i hope i made things clear in my argument, and please tell me if i am wrong about something. i am still new to the lgbtqa+ world and if there’s anything you want to tell me, hmu in the askbox or through the messaging thing. thank you.
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iishiizu · 7 years
wildrhov replied to your post “I just want you to know: you may be 100% salt but I'm 1700% (give or...”
I hope you didn't send this to yourself. My fans are not bragging about being "1700" anything. In fact, they feel threatened toward this entire meme, they think it's homophobic since it specifically targets LGBT people, so this is obviously fake and quite frankly disgusting. Please leave my fans out of this... and stop sending each other fake anons.
Okay hey hi, I did want to keep this off my main blog, but thanks for sending me this completely unprompted.
First of all, I did not send this to myself. I have no doubts you won’t believe that for a second but I did not do it.
Secondly, to my knowledge, I have not seen anyone say your fans are bragging about the ‘1700 fujoshis’ thing, and have never once thought that. It was also not mentioned in the post you have replied to, so, again, unprompted.
Thirdly, again, didn’t send this to myself, but ‘k thanks. I totally wanted your opinion it was completely warranted! And calling something - that I didn’t do - you think I did ‘disgusting’ just- wow! So happy right now!!!
Now, I want to ask how the meme “specifically targets LGBT people” but I would rather you didn’t speak to me again, so...? The meme quotes something you said, so if it’s homophobic, isn’t that on you???
Oh boy, I am more than happy to keep your fans out of it!! Please keep 100% away from me I would love it!! And again, didn’t send myself the ask! And I haven’t seen anybody else send themselves ‘fake’ anons either - some people are just horrible in case it escaped your notice.
Your reply aside, you sent this on an ask I got that seemed jokish to me. The anon had played their message off a pickup line I got and replied to, mentioning that I was 100% salt. Because of that, it seemed like a joke to me, which is why I didn’t reply seriously, even using that ‘guess i’ll die’ meme. It’s not that deep, rhov.
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unashamed-shipper · 7 years
What was it that you reblogged to cause discourse?
I don’t like to admit this, but anger. I got angry at Rhov, and I was angry at all the things she said. I don’t get angry often, but her discrimination against people was terrible imo.
I want to formally apologize for reblogging the post, and will not reblog in anger again. I want to reblog when I am happy, not sad or angry. I completely screwed up, and I am so sorry. Please forgive me.
I will be deleting any further asks about this reblog that happened. If you have any questions or are confused or anything, please message me instead of asking me questions.
Thank you! ❤❤❤
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nalufever · 4 years
do you have any more nalu fic recs?
Sorry, not sorry - you’ve unleashed more than you could’ve guessed. ^^ Always happy to Recommend a List of Fics ~ And thank you for asking! Admittedly there’s a few Recs that aren’t Nalu - I got excited to share my favs. ;)
A Girl Worth Fighting For: Natsu navigates unspeakable horrors to win Lucy’s love or Natsu goes shopping, looking for the perfect white day gift. 
A Lesson: Natsu and Lucy can’t keep themselves from expressing their passions - and the results are bed breaking. Short but smutty - smexy in fact. ;P 
A Solidly Constructed Kiss: Erza strong-arms Lucy and Natsu into working the Kissing Booth to raise funds for a school trip. Lucy’s never been kissed and Natsu acts like he’s never entertained even the idea of kissing another person. Things naturally come to a head when Lucy and Natsu are given the task to build the actual booth; will they fight over construction or build themselves some kind of relationship? 
Fairy Tail Week: A collection of drabbles from tumblr prompts to celebrate Fairy Tail. Fairy, Ladies, Lads, Magic, Guild, Ultimate Team, Stronger, Mashima, Tail. Only rated teen to err on the side of caution, family friendly content featuring most of the Fairy Tail Guild! 
Feathers and Scales: Angel/Demon AU. Devils are more than they seem and Angels no less. Pitted against each other in a never-ending battle for souls, a single Angel and Devil trade mercies and fall in love. Warning: major character death(s). 
Full Moon Secret: Natsu had wanted to tell Lucy his secrets, to share his family history with the fey…it had just never been the right time. Tonight the truth was going to be revealed, one way or another. 
Okay, I could just keep hyping all of my own fics individually - but I won’t - other than to just put in a link to ALL OF THEM. ;) Fair warning, I have a few other fandoms works in all the Fairy Tail stories - from Brooklyn 99 to The Flash, Snow White with the Red Hair, RWBY, Blue Exorcist, Teen Titans and some Hakuouki. Yes, I’m a shameless self-promoter. Speaking of that - one more I need to rec!  Natsu’s Stars in Lucy’s Sky. I swear Imma finish this. 
I also have more than a few favourite authors who write for Fairy Tail (and other fandoms) ~ some have not contributed lately to Fairy Tail or chosen to concentrate on other fandoms - but I like them and their excellent writing. 
ObsessedwithNalu: One of my first fandom friends and pretty much any of her FT stories is gold. @obsessedwithnalu  
Christmas Treats: Admittedly a gift to me and very cherished for that fact - and - it’s frigging awesome. Lucy does a little holiday baking at home before Fairy Tail’s Christmas party. Natsu, as always, is there. One thing leads to another… 
Thanks, Krov: When Krov decided to relax at his favorite bar after work, he never imagined that he’d be seeing some of his old guild members, especially since he thought they had died long ago. Nalu fluff. 
Edo-Nalu love fest: Submissions for the Nalu love fest week of 2014. But instead of regular Nalu, these ones feature Edo-Nalu. Smut-tastic and delightfully mature. 
ImpracticalDemon: Another early fandom friend who’s still writing this, that and the other thing - and she’s just GREAT. Again, a link to all her works and a few that are special to me follow. XOXOX @impracticaldemon  
May the Best Man Survive: “Gray would never have in a million years thought he’d host Natsu’s bachelor party (Nalu pairing). Why is it his job to herd the bunch of rowdy mages from bar to bar, ending up at the guild where the real surprise party is? Oh yeah, the idiot had asked him to be the best man at his wedding. Hijinks, chaos and hilarity ensue.” ^^ A prompt supplied by me and I’m smirking so wide because the fic Imp came up with delivered more awesomeness than I could have hoped for! 
A Star At His Side: “Accidentally Fall Asleep Together” for Endragoneel on tumblr. Natsu and Lucy spend the day together at a festival in Magnolia. Natsu ends up watching more than just the stars when the festival is over… 
Christmas Gifts: When Erza walks Wendy home from the Guild’s Christmas Party, Wendy realizes how alone her friend and mentor is feeling. She sets out to recruit Lucy, Natsu and the rest to break Jellal out of prison for just one night, as a Christmas gift for Erza. Meanwhile, Natsu has accidentally burned some of Lucy’s writing. Will she forgive him? 
Dark Shining Light: One of the best and most welcoming writers I have ever interacted with! I’m still gobsmacked she’s a friend! She’s a legend and I don’t know what else I could add to any discourse about her writing - but the classics are classic for a reason, yeah? Here’s a few of my personal favourites of her works and just know there’s too many to list them all! AKA @ff-darkshininglight 
Mischievous Cat: Let’s just say there have been a few incidents where Happy has come in at a bad time. 
What Belongs to a Demon: Everyone knew she belonged to the great demon lord and she would prove that she deserved to stand by his side. 
The Truth Revealing Cards: Lucy should have known if there was a card that would reveal her secrets, Natsu would want it. 
Eliz1369: Got introduced to her for her Hakuoki fics but she’d dipped her toes into FT as well ~ and this is a great fic. ^^ @eliz1369 
The Light of Fairy Tail: The members of Fairy Tail may be their own brand of crazy, but their hearts are always in the right place. 
rougescribe: Shame on me for not reading more of this author’s works! @rougescribe  
Fire Sprite No 5: For him, Heaven wasn’t a place or a single moment in time. It was a feeling built on memories upon memories, past and present and a hope for future ones all tied down together. All sharing one common denominator: Her. Nalu. Tumblr Valentine’s Event. 
Fallen Ark Angel: Admittedly I only have interacted from afar with this writer. I mainly read Nalu fics but I love her take on Mira and Laxus and her next gen offspring characters. She’s got a lot to offer and it’s all superb. @fallen029
Loving Satan: Loving Satan is never easy. But when she loves you back, its twice as bad. 
Madartiste: Another one-sided love affair with someone else’s writing. And her stories are all wonderful and prolly appear on hundreds of Fic Rec Lists - but here’s one of my Favs! @madartiste  
Hoarding: Getting interrupted gets old fast. 
UranoMetria: I added her to my stable of fav authors 05-03-2014. Wow. Eons ago and even if I’m not sure she’s still active in the fandom, I salute her. Kudos. 
The Goddess Gate: With six years of partnership, Natsu and Lucy are torn apart by a mysterious visit from a secret magic council. Lucy is kidnapped and her memories suppressed. She fights her way back home to regain her life - with a startling secret revealed as she begins to remember. The lives of all Earthland hang in the balance. **Okay, this is a wicked old fic - but amazingly written and fuelled my own desires for writing. Last updated in 2018 but who knows? Some current attention may slay any demons on her back in regards to writing - and even if not - the hours of enjoyment reading this is worth giving a comment just to say, ‘thank you for writing.‘ 
Wild Rhov: Do I even need to say anything about this author? Famous, famous, famous. Excellent. Writes a lot of pairings and fleshes every relationship into something REAL. I Can’t Even. @wildrhov  
Beastly Possession: Something is murdering people in Magnolia. When Lucy is attacked, Natsu goes on a rampage to find the culprit, and everyone in Fairy Tail wants revenge. But could this bloodthirsty attacker be someone they know? Warning: High octane nightmare fuel! Do not read while eating, and beware of red eyes in the dark! 
Shell1331: Introduced via Imp. This writer is in a few fandoms and is worth reading. @shell-senji  
Juicy: Impulsivity and poorly chosen words get Natsu into more trouble than he’d expected, which is saying something for him. 
AbsentAngel: Everyone should know this writer. Been stalking her since 2014 so that says something. Tho, it’s prolly just that I’m creepy. ;) My suggested fic here is being re-written/has been? into something original and worth being purchased when it becomes available and re-read over and over. No, I am not being paid to shill but I am open to having senpai notice me. @absent-angel  
To the Flame: She stares, transfixed, as the blood runs down his fingers and begins to pool in his palm. He holds his hand up to her lips in offering, and she tears her eyes away from the blood to study his face. He is smiling softly. “Go on Luce, I didn’t cut them for nothing.” [Vamp AU] 
HawkofNavarre: Loved for awesome and delightful Gruvia content. Looks like there’s a tumblr but I can’t manage to link it. :(
You Stole the Rain: He just wanted to be friends; fine, she just needed to change his mind. Gray x Juvia 
Ricardian Scholar Clark-Weasley: Not sure I spelled that right even after checking three times! I usually short hand that to RS-CW in my head. And she’s prolific - has a tonne of fandoms and is a tower of talent. Is anyone reading all my fangirl gushing? 'Cause she follows one of my fics and comments (sorry I haven’t updated that fic in a while) and it’s a source of happiness that someone who writes so well happens to enjoy some of my content. Okay, bragging over - back to the Recs! 
Tales of Fairies: A collection of oneshots exploring different friendships, ideas, sad themes, comical scenarios, and lots and lots of pairings…but mainly Nalu. 
snogfairy: Another giant in the FT fandom. Impressive talent. @lineffability  
naughty nalus: smutty nalu oneshots B) ***Mature content!*** 
Rivendell101: Another giant in FT and other fandoms. This author would be considered required reading if I ran a fandom course in a University setting. Just sayin’ @rivendell101  
Crave: /krāv/ Verb. To feel a powerful desire for (something). They crave each other. And satiation doesn’t come easily. He growls against her again. “Beg for it,” he demands, lips ghosting against her. 
Lakerae aka @hidetheremote : Did you think I’d forgotten you? Ha! Gotcha good! You’re an inspiration to me because you’re working so hard to publish your children’s books. Kudos to you li'l sis! You’re busy but still make it a point to talk to me and I love you for that and everything.
The Gift of the Magi: A Gajevy Twist: A retelling of the classic Christmas story “The Gift of the Magi,” with your favorite Fairy Tail couple Gajeel and Levy! It’s Christmas time and Gajeel and Levy exchange gifts. They both are surprised what they receive and learn a lesson of the true meaning of Christmas. 
I could add more and more as I search my saved favs on FF.net ~ and I’m sorry to not include all of them - but this is crazy long as it is. If you read and like any of the recommended fics, please be sure to let the author know. To the authors of these and all fanfics, Thanks for everything.
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meruvia · 7 years
i just went on wildrhov’s blog and literally all of the content is various ways of guilt tripping us, actually lgbt ppl, for expressing our distaste at the gross fetishization of mlm, part of our community
plus the guilt tripping part?? wow way to go  👏👏
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gaygajeel · 7 years
I really agree w/ you abt the discourse with Rhov. 'About half my fans are LGBTA' ao3 doesn't have any stats for that?? Most people who read fmbm are probably cishet yaoi fans // the type of people who watch ft for solely the excessive fanservice. In fmbm, Rhov (a het woman) is fetishizing young gay men (probably around 19 years, still v young) and some of it isn't even a healthy relationship??? She also says 'fujioshi and fudanshi' as if its something to be proud of, although they just (1/2)
"Consume real-life problems in media which completely destroy the /real-life/ aspect of them and turn them into stereotypical and meant for entertainment,, Rhov also uses the amount of 'fans' from her fics to say her opinion is right, although quite a lot of lgbtqa+ people read less fics than cishet people bc (in my experience) of the fetishizing of stereotypically people and romanticizing of real-life issues they/we face. (2/2)"im on mobile so i cant tag this right away but tw for rape & pedophilia mYEAH like shes trying to defend her ass by saying it was a fantasy with the rape stuff n its like. girl, youre fetishizing the thing many ppl have killed them selves over. rape is serious, not your fucking kink to get off to. and like, even if it happens that shes a survivor or some shit, thats no excuse. its still belittling other peoples experiences. its like the discourse where if pedo/incest survivors should ship pedophilia to cope- dont do it in public, because thats just adding to the trash pile, because the people who are gonna actively go after that shit are gross. or worse- kids could find it and think its ok, which seems to be whats happening here.and the fans thing christ.... many of the lgbt ppl backing her are on anon. you realize you can go on anon and claim to be anything right? and they also say how the "lgbt side of the fandom is backing her" like bish no we aint. dont speak for all of us. and if you try do, do it off anon, so we actually kno who u are & not some cishet claiming to be lgbt.
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girlsline · 7 years
@harmonxx replied to your post “God dkdkd while im not rlly in the fandom anymore… The ft drama going...”
you know discourse has reached a new level when the fandom collectively creates a meme AND a tag bout it.
IKR. Honesly ive seen it happen in other fandoms but .....this is definity the first time i’ve seen it with FT (atleast on this big of a scale)
@spikerr replied to your post “God dkdkd while im not rlly in the fandom anymore… The ft drama going...”
er, what drama is going on this time? or is it something not worth thinking about?
A really popular fic writer and blogger (wild//rhov) is. Uhm. Well for starters, a fujoshi, and acting really... high and mighty about lgb+ people. You can look up #1700 fujoshis on  tumblr and you’d probably find stuff. just block her if you can, though you probably follow her bc of how popular she is.
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akatsukigadaisuki · 7 years
becausesin replied to your post “My thoughts on the 1700 fujoshi discourse”
Can I add that rhov saying "yaoi meaning is not universal" is like saying we can call any war a jihad because "some people see it that way"? I agree with all the points too, tho I think you haven't read too much yaoi, since one of your points is a bit naive...
yeah, i actually have never read or watched any yaoi before. which point was that?
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iishiizu · 7 years
Straight people can appreciate homosexual love.
That is not fetishizing it.
That’s called tolerance.
So,, you are ‘tolerating’ mlm?? There are multiple other ways you could have said that to not make you sound like you are only tolerating mlm, maybe saying idk? ‘Support’??
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gaygajeel · 7 years
uh hi i rlly agree w/ u on the whole rhov thing but the thing abt discourse u said... uh u see i got into a discourse once abt something that matters to me when the op started to literally bully me after i showed them proof from professional sources as well as calling me a lesbophobe bc of some au i have when im lesbian. not sure theyre eve lgbt. i had to back off bc i have did and it was starting to feel like one of my alters was literally dying. was it a good thing i did?bc i kinda regert it..
i doubt you did anything wrong, you were probably just overwhelmed, with the whole bullying & alter thing (i hope theyre doing ok btw!!). some ppl just cant discourse bc of things like that, and its fine. if someone is bullying you even after you gave them professional sources, i have a feeling you wouldnt be able to change their mind anyway. 
having to back away from things for your own safety is ok.
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iishiizu · 7 years
So r/h/o/v is basically that Marge post about the 1700 fujoshis meme let’s not lie
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