#rhysands sister
"The things I love have a tendency to be taken from me."
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For @officialrhysandweek day 3 @maevecrom composed this absolutely beautiful illustration of Rhysand and his younger sister for me.
We wanted to imagine that before she was taken from him so awfully she was a playful and spunky young girl who loved messing and spending time with her older brother Rhysand. He'd of course huff and puff that she's bothering him but would always cave and let her hang out with him.
Here she is sitting on his legs while he practices magic :) Hope you all like it!
commissioned by @colorlesschristmastree from @maevecrom
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fourteentrout · 3 months
God the scene during the high lords meeting where Kallias is confronting Rhys about the murdered Winter children is so impactful to me because I always see it as like...this is the same shit Rhys went through with Tamlin.
Rhys says he tried and Kallias says something along the lines of "Tell that to the families of the children that were slaughtered. That you tried."
And I always think of Tamlin and rhys probably having a moment at some point where Tamlin says he tried with Rhys' mom and sister, and Rhys says that's not fucking enough, because they're still dead, and you're still a traitor.
And now he's tasked with getting a guy on his side who feels the same way he does, but this time it's about him.
And he has to deal with the weight of the question that, if he can urge Kallias to let go, why can't he?
It's a very speculative lens to look at the scene through but that's what I think of whenever I revisit it.
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stargirlie25 · 7 months
Raise up your hand in the comments if you want Rhysand sister to come back somehow and her and Tamlin to be lovers who reunite after years of tension and end up being mates because
You want Tamlin to have a healing arc where he gets his HEA
you want it to piss of rhysand
you want to see rhysand sister defend tamlin to rhysand
NO because number 3 would be so insane and dramatic and juicy tho
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viktoriaashleyyx · 2 months
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This is a pro Tamlin, anti Rhysand self insert revenge fic. All characters belong to SJM, but she wasn't treating them right. Tam x reader, Tam x Rhysands Sister (OC), First person narrative. This will also reference Elucien and Neris in the future but we aren't there yet. Contains slight violence, poisons, broken bones. Also profanity. I'm not sure what else to tw if I miss something let me know. This is my first fic. I honestly don't know how to find word count, but it's roughly 4 pages on word docs. Criticism welcome. Rhysands Sister is back and she's pissed. Rhysand gets his ass whooped and Tamlin gets shown love. Enjoy.
Ch 2. Ch3 Ch4 Ch5 Ch6 Ch7 Ch8
Chapter 1:
I crash landed on a stone surface. A balcony of sorts? It was well built if it was, considering how long I've been falling, I'm shocked I didn't crash right through it. I know now that making a deal with the gods is a lot like making a deal with a damn djin. 
“Who goes there??” A booming male voice barked. I could hear swords drawn. Fuck where am I? My ears were still ringing, vision blurred, and chest heavy from the impact. I blinked my eyes open to find a winged male looming over me. Another illyrian? Have I finally made it home? Fuck, then that means I am in the night court. Damnit, 7 fucking courts in Prythia and I just happen to land here. At my brother's court. 
This ones expression shifted from threatening to complete shock as his gaze landed on my eyes. “Sky?” 
At my brother's court and at his fucking house, Freya has a sick sense of humor. I slowly sat up, ignoring the hand the illyrian extended to me. 
“Your wing!” He gasped. So thats what that throbbing pain was. My wing seemed to have been snapped in the fall. “You need a healer, go get Madja” he commanded the other brute. 
“Don't bother” I dismissed, standing up slowly. I pulled a small glass vial out of my pocket, a healing potion, I always kept a few on hand, never know when you're gonna need it. I downed the bitter red liquid as I've done a thousand times and grabbed the dagger off my hip. I put the handle in my mouth and bit down on it as I grabbed my own wing and straightened out the bone. I held it right for about a minute until the potion worked its magic. It hurt like crazy but I was careful not to show these idiots, the fear and shock on their faces was satisfying if I am being honest. 
“I'm guessing you are Azriel and Cassian, though I can't tell which is which” I admitted, trying to seem just polite enough to leave. 
The one next to me spoke first “I'm Azriel, he's Cassian” okay, Azriel short hair, Cassian long hair “this is Mor and Amren and she is Feyre, High Lady of the Night Court” 
“So my brother is dead?” I had hoped my excitement would come off as concern. 
“No, no, they rule together, as equals” Cassian spoke
“Got it” this conversation is dragging. I need to leave. 
“It's so nice to meet Rhysands sister, we thought you were dead, I'd heard so much about you” Feyre gushed, “Rhys is out on important business at the moment but he should be back soon.” I had no use or interest in this small talk. 
“How old are you?” I looked at her as if to study the young thing in front of me. I was never good at pleasantries. I spent a good while in isolation and I tend to just blurt out the questions on my mind. 
“I am 21” Feyre replied sharply, yep I angered her with my lack of class. 
“Ew, 21 years? Ugh, my brother always did like them unreasonably young.” I'm just gonna keep going with it, hopefully she'll throw me out. 
“My age is not a disability” Feyre snapped. 
“It's adorable that you think that.” I'm in too deep. Oops. “Anyway, I am sorry I crashed into your home, I had little control, but I would like to leave now.” 
“You will apologize and bow to your high lady.” Cassian growled. Azriel stepped in front of the door. 
“She is not my high lady, I am not a citizen of your court, in fact, I am starting to feel like a prisoner.” It's not lost on me that I have bore the title of Queen, multiple times. In both cases I have dismantled the monarchy entirely, setting up a system in which the people vote on who leads them. Her title meant nothing to me. I bow to those deserving, not the one who rely solely on birthright. But she doesn't need to know this. I have more important things on my mind than to argue with a child "I will request one more time, you move and allow me to leave.” 
“Or what?” Azriel snapped. Unmoving. 
I did not want to show this much of my hand just yet, knowing this magic is not native to Prythia. But, if they want to twist my arm, so be it. A swirling purple circle opened up under me and I fell though, closing it quickly behind me. Portals were my favorite magic to do, in more cases than once it ensured my freedom.
Landing softly on my feet, I took in my surroundings. Cool air, rolling green hills, and the sounds of birds chirping in the distance, the Spring court. I was finally home. I eventually spotted the manor I spent so much of my time at as a child. Mother didn't make me train with the illyrians as she did my brother because she feared the treatment I would receive, also by the time I came along she had befriended the ladies of the other courts. We would spend weeks here at times, the children would play together and the mothers would discuss adult things we didn't care about. One of those things being alliances, and what better way to encourage an alliance between Spring and Night than by an arranged marriage.
I didn't mind them encouraging me to play with the cute blonde shapeshifter. He was kind and silly and only a couple years older than me. The other kids, mainly Autumn boys, were rough and volatile, and I just had no interest in what they considered fun. When I would get flustered by my wings knocking things over and getting in the way, the youngest Spring boy would remind me how beautiful they were, or how powerful they made me. The few times he would get a chance to practice his fiddle, I would dance and twirl, even if it was just the arpeggios. He was the 3rd born, and I the second and a girl, they didn't expect either of us to become High lord. 
The manor was about a mile away, I shot up another portal to the door, I was tired after all and, if I'm being honest, a little excited to be back.
When I reached the door it was broken in half and wide open. I creeped inside, cautiously. It looked to be abandoned. Dirt and dust coated the walls and floors, priceless artifacts shattered and books thrown from the shelves. I noticed claw marks in the furniture. “Please just be alive, after everything, I can’t be too late.” I whispered to myself. My heart sank as I looked around. 
Further into the dilapidated manor, I heard muffled voices coming from the kitchen. “Get out.” a tired weak growl. I ran to the entrance and just as I rounded the corner I saw my brother's boot kick in the chest of.. Tamlin. He began spitting up blood. 
“WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?” I hissed at my brother. 
Rhysand whipped around towards me, Tamlin looked up from the floor, eyes wide. 
“You're alive??” Rhysand darted towards me and I shoved him to the ground, rushing to Tamlins side. I knelt down beside him, held his head up from where he laid on the floor and pulled another glass vial out of my pocket. 
“It'll be bitter but swallow” I commanded gently. He didn't argue, he took the healing potion and I kissed his forehead as I laid him back down gently to address my brother. 
I stood tall. Nothing but pure rage in my violet eyes toward my brother. I always hated how much we looked alike. “THIS is the ‘important business’ you told your wife you had to take care of?” 
“I thought he killed you, he hurt my mate.” Rhysand admitted, no remorse. 
“And I finally make it back home after 300 years in exile to find you kicking mine” I state through gritted teeth. 
Rhysands eyes narrowed “your what?” It was obvious he wanted me to retract my statement, not going to happen. I didn't waste my time away, I knew I was more powerful than all of Prythia, I had to be, in case I had returned to Amarantha still terrorizing the place. 
“You heard me.” I maintained his gaze. In a split second he lunged for me and I reached my hand out into the small portal that appeared to my side. I grabbed one of the curved blades I was gifted by the warriors I previously trained with. These blades were specifically enchanted to drip poisons into the wounds they create. This one? Bloodbane, or as Prythians call it, “Faebane.” I slashed him across the face in a controlled move, just enough to leave a scar and allow the poison to sink in. 
He screamed in pain and looked back up at me. My eyes fell entirely black and cracks formed across my face as I spit my curse at him, lifting up his chin with my sword to make him look me in the eye “IF YOU, OR ANY OF YOUR LACKEYS, ENTER THE SPRING COURT BORDERS AGAIN, ALL OF THE AIR WILL BE DRAWN FROM YOUR LUNGS, AND IF YOU CANNOT GET OUT BEFORE YOU PASS OUT WE WILL FEED YOUR BODIES TO THE PIGS.” I relaxed, my face returning to normal. “Now get out.” A portal opened below him and he fell, leaving him only halfway up the steps to the House of Wind. 
I turned my attention back to Tamlin, he had sat up, the healing potion having done its job, looking up at me with a million different emotions on his face, shock, fear, concern, confusion and relief. I sat down next to him, draping my legs over his. He embraced me like I was going to disappear any minute. “You're alive. Or I am dead, I do not care as long as I have you in my arms again.” he sighed as we just sat there on the floor.��
I awoke the daemati powers I hardly used as I pressed my forehead to his. A gentle knock on the walls of his mind, and he allowed me in. I shared the memories I held dear for all these years, of us playing in the fields of Spring, the days he would spend with me in the gallery his mother gifted me, watching me paint, the mischief we would get into and the giggles we would share. His face relaxed into a soft smile as I kissed his cheek.
@ladythornofrivia asked to be tagged❤️
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metalarmsrcool · 2 months
Astraea: *accidentally makes her wings disappear*
Astraea: “Oh my god! Holy shit my wings are gone!”
Jurian: *cleaning his nails with his knife*
Astraea: “Jurian! Help! Where’d they go? Do you see them?!”
Jurian: “Don’t you have an off button?”
Astraea: *starts turning in a circle trying to see her back*
Jurian: “Stupid bat.”
incorrect quote from my acotar fanfic, out on wattpad now!
@fictonalfairygirl on wattpad
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dawneternal · 3 months
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✴ Rhysand's little sister
✴ I named her Hespera (which means evening star) and I'm imagining how much shit she'd give Rhys after he became High Lord.
✴ I have a few one shots planned in a Hespera-themed collection. Find the first work and her moodboard here.
✴ I drew her a month or two ago at this point and there's already a lot I'd do differently but I'm absolutely planning on drawing her again so I decided to just post it instead of being a perfectionist 🫣
✴ please do not repost or use with AI
(also yes, I gave her Illyrian tattoos!)
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shadowsingercassia · 25 days
The Gate To Home | Chapter 5: "Lower the shields, or I'll shatter them, Rhysand"
Summary: You are an Ironteeth witch and one of Manon's Thirteen. During the third Valg war, all the Thirteen were dead, and you - heavily wounded - fell through a portal. Landing on a far away land, in a war camp, everyone seeming petrified by your iron teeth and nails, you see three males. Rhysand, Cassian and Azriel, your only hopes. But which one of these hopes will help you find your way back into a new home?
Words: I am guessing about 1k or a but less? (I'll check it later)
Warnings: angst, mentions of blood and whipping
This chapter is dedicated to the people who are in need of hope. Look at the stars. ❤️
This is a shorter chapter simply here to make you cry and prepare for the next one. Reader and Rhysand are still apart, but who will guide them back to each other? Multiple point of views and people wishing on the same star, at the same time. And the results of it 🤭
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"Don't. Ruin. My. Plans." Each word was emphasized with the snap of a whip against Rhysand's bare back. He could feel the leather, making contact with his well-built backside, tearing through skin.
Scarlet red drops of blood rolled down his back, like the tears of his skin as it was torn apart by the whip.It didn't stop. It just came down, the snaps so loud that he wouldn't be surprised if the whole camp heard.
Biting back, his screams of pain weren't easy in the least, his teeth digging into the inside of his cheek so hard blood pooled in his mouth. Rhysand spit out the red liquid, and another snap of the whip made him groan.
Faebane coated the iron cuffs his father had placed on his wrists, and Devlon helped him as they had chained him to the wall.
His magic was amplified, and talons scrapped his mind. His father. Locking his mental shields in place, he winced when the talons dug.
"Lower the shields, or I'll shatter them, Rhysand," his father commanded, but he didn't budge.He turned his head to the small window. The stars seemed dim tonight, but he took his chance and picked out one, wishing to be able to save you from his father's clutches.
The star seemed to brighten up as he mentally made the wish.
Rhea sat in her room. The door was locked, yet she managed to go down to that woman and give her a cloak. She had secretly seen as Devlon took her to that cell.
It was the least she could do for her.
The woman was beautiful, even in her state. Pale skin, deathly pale skin, and yet Rhea swore it could still glow in the candlelight that she'd brought with her that day.
Her eyes. The rest of the color seemed drained, but... she saw a few gold flecks, shining as bright as stars, and counted them. Eight in total. It brought her comfort to count things, and when she felt too alone, she would imagine her eyes and count the gold flecks over and over again.
Rhea wondered if it meant something, but she couldn't go down there and simply ask.
The woman's lithe figure had thinned in the time that had passed since she had first been dragged into that cell. She had looked so vulnerable, but Rhea didn't feel pity. She had been through similar torture. She had been starved and cold, but not at that extent. But still, she didn't feel pity.
The High Lord didn't want her in bad conditions since he had agreed to marry her off to a high-ranking nobleman once she came of age.
That cloak she gave the woman was her last cloak, but she had warmer clothes so she didn't even mind it. Her mother had made her a few fleece shirts and knitted sweaters before she left.
Her thoughts drifted. From the woman, to her mother, and lastly to her brother. Rhysand.
They had been together the first seven years of her life and then he was gone. Off to an Illyrian camp.
Rhea had send prayers to the Mother that Rhysand was alright.
But today, she changed antics. That girl, with the golden flecks in her eyes, they reminded Rhea of the stars.
And so she picked one, and wished on it: that her brother and the woman in the cells would be alright.
The star seemed to brighten up as she mentally made the wish.
Cassian was usually sleeping at this hour, but something felt off. He couldn't sleep since Rhysand told him you were missing and in trouble. The troublemaker in trouble. Anyone would have thought she has just found a way back to her world. But not Rhysand.
It was a week ago, when he had barged into his room.
"Y/n's gone."
And now, he still thinks of it. He had searched for you, missing training to try to track you.
But you were nowhere.
Tonight he lay down on the grass of the forest behind your cabin. Cassian had never wished for anything, and he certainly had never wished on a star.
Tonight was different. As he heard the snaps of a whip, he only prayed it wasn't Rhysand.
So he picked out a star, and wished, for you, for Rhysand and for himself.
The star seemed to brighten up as he mentally made the wish.
You sat on that cell, after another seemingly endless back and forth with your younger self. She just kept reminding you of how you failed and failed again.
But then she came back.
Softened eyes landed on yours. This time, she didn't insult you or tell you how badly you failed.
Likewise, she approached you with soft steps, that made no sound.
Her hand extended towards you, her fingers reaching to touch your cheek.
"Get up," she said in a soft tone and when you touched her hand, she vanished.
But the smile that had graced her lips was a sight you would never want to get out of your head.
a/n: Ignore me as I go sob in the corner right there with our reader 😭❤️ Also who found the parallel? 🤭 (if anyone finds it y'all are getting a sneak peak into both chapter 6 and a sneak peak AND title reveal of the new long fic I'm writting)
series taglist: @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden @anarchiii @saltedcoffeescotch @blackgirlmagicforever @okaytrashpanda @mis-lil-red
general taglist: @blessthepizzaman @amara-moonlight @homeslices @flourishandblotts-inc
comment '🤍' to be added to my series taglist!
comment '💕' to be added to my general taglist!
Love, Cassia ❤️
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You know what, I don't think Rhys was close to his sister at all.
She's this tragic character whose death impacted him so much... but what's her name? What was her personality like? Come to think of it, I don't think any of the I.C ever mentioned interacting with his sister at all, and surely if they had known her in the centurelies that they've known Rhys, they'd be monologuing about her sad sad death to Feyre and shoving in our faces how truly evil the Spring Court was for killing her every other page.
But... nothing??
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shallyne · 2 years
I bet the star that slapped Feyre was Rhysands Mother and when he laughed his sister just did the most sister thing in the world and slapped him to shut him up
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hellogoodbye14 · 2 years
A Court of Haze and Shadow (Sneak Peek)
Amarantha has taken over and Rhysand has been imprisoned Under The Mountain. There is no way out for him or the people of Prythian. But what if… what if someone could break the fold? Someone who could match his power and bring the evil that encapsulated their land to its knees? This is the story of Rhysand’s sister Elara, who lives during the ACOTAR timeline.
She wielded her sword behind her back. Her cloak blowing with the wind into eternal night.
Azriel whispered, his shadows encasing his breath, “It wouldn’t be safe. Not alone.”
She didn’t turn back. She ignored the silent plea in those words.
“He’s my brother and I’m getting him back.”
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Raven, younger sister of Rhysand.
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Throne of shadows chapter 1
Chapter one 
Word count: 1,268
TW: mention of death/illness, secret relationship 
Elevenia’s POV:
“Caedenn!! I'm going to kill you!” I scream through the house. 
“Really sweetheart? I bet you're not.” he smirks at me as he comes into the room and pokes my side. I gently smack his hand away as I smile. 
“You hide my sword. Like a jerk, and I have to meet your dad in 15 minutes or he will train me twice as hard as he normally does.” i say and cross my arms over my chest and i raise my eyebrows at him. 
“ Well, you're going to have to find it. I'm not helping.” he says and grabs a glass of water. God he is so infuriating! Caedenn leaves the room with a smirk on his face. Anoll walks in and looks at me. 
“What is that look for?” I ask as I keep looking for my sword. Rowan had given it to me when I was 14 and started training me with it, Aelin and Rowan had been training me in hand to hand combat since I was a child. They had really taken me under their wing since my mom died when I was 128, she died from an incurable illness. 
“You too have been at eachothers throats for years. Like children.” she says and pokes my ribs. 
“He's like my sibling, Anoll. You know this.” 
“Yeah I know, you better get going before Rowan marches down here and kicks your ass. Again.”  she says. 
“Do you happen to know where my sword is?” I asked her. 
“Top shelf of the hall closet. I thought you were a spymaster?” she says as she walks out the front door. I stick my tongue out at her as she leaves and she flips me off in response. I grab my sword and I head out the door. I make it to the clearing Rowan and I train at and i pull out my sword and start doing the six pointed star and i keep doing it over and over until Rowan shows up with his arms crossed. 
“ Why are you grumpy? You're the one who's late.”I say as I look at him. 
“Just observing. Your form is off by the way.” he says as he watches my form with the same fierce stare he always has, like his eyes are piercing into my very soul. Gives me the chills half the time. 
“My form is perfect thank you very much.” I retorted and the corner of his mouth twitched. 
“Just like your mother,” he says as I look at him. 
“Am I like her?”
“In all the best ways, kid. Now do it again. But the correct way this time.” he says and i roll my eyes at him before i do the star again. 
“Don't roll your eyes at me.” he says and we start training. About four hours later I walk back into the house I share with Anoll and Caedenn. We moved in a few years ago after we all turned 18. I take a hot bath to soothe my sore muscles. I get out and put on an old tunic and a pair of leggings, I go downstairs as I braid my hair. 
“Dinner?” I said to Anoll. 
“Umm I got us all to roast from the place in town we like.”
“You're a godsend” I say and grab mine from the counter and I sit on the floor in front of the fireplace. Anoll lays on the couch and reads her book. I eat my food as Caedenn walks in, drops his bag and sits next to me. I take his crown and put it on my head. 
“That's mine.” he says and plucks it off my head. 
“Eat. food in the kitchen and it's hot.” I say and smile.
“Someone cooked?” he says with his eyebrows raised, 
“God no, I ordered from the place in town we all like.” Anoll says 
“Do you not remember what happened the last time we cooked?” i say and laugh
“God the house almost burned down, how could i forget.” he laughs as he gets up and gets his food.  I grab my book from the shelf as fleetfoot comes into the room and curls up by the fire. I tuck a strand of my raven hair behind my ear, my violet eyes cast around the scene in front of me; my two childhood best friends and my favorite pup hanging out in the same room. I smile softly and curl up in the cozy chair in the corner of the room. I open my book and get lost in the story, eventually I fall asleep. I woke up a few hours later, covered up with a blanket. I cover my shoulders with the blanket and I go to the roof of the house. I watch the stars for a while and absentmindedly rub my shoulder. A tattoo rests there from when I made a deal with my mom when she was dying. I may have been young but she made me promise to find a way to bring her home. 
“Hey mom…Rowan says I'm getting better at the six star with the sword….i miss you. I wish you were here with me…” i go quiet and look up at the stars, I had always loved the moon and the stars, the night sky had always brought me peace. I watch the stars until the sun starts to rise over the mountains, Caedenn comes and sits next to me. 
“You're up early.” he says as he hands me cup of coffee. I let the hot mug warm my hands.
“I never went to sleep. Thank you for the coffee Cae.”
“No need to thank me, so what constellations did you see tonight?” he asks as he puts his arm around my shoulders. I lean against him and smile softly at him. 
“Well right over here” I say and point to the left of us.” was Orion, and over here.” i say and point to the right “was Cygnus” Caedenn lets out a laugh. I gently swat his chest. “Don't laugh!” I say and laugh. 
“ im sorry El,”he says still with a huge smile on his face “but if we ever get a dog we have to name it that.” he says and grins at me, he takes my cup from my hands and places it on the floor he rolls us over and i let out a small giggle
“Anoll is going to be up soon”I say as he kisses me.
“So?” he says and laughs softly as he kisses me again. I moan softly as he kisses me.
“We agreed my love to keep things a secret” I say and smile as he kisses my cheek. 
“I know. I know, so I was thinking that we should go away together when she is on her mission tomorrow.” he says as he kisses me again.  I grin 
“But what about your parents?” I ask and kiss him back. 
“I want to tell them. That you're my mate, my love and  the one who makes me the happiest I have ever been.” he says and grins as he kisses me deeply. I melt into his touch and let out a soft moan. “So tell them at dinner tonight?” he asks as he kisses my forehead. 
“Tonight.” I say and he beams at me. We sit up and I settle against his chest as he wraps his arms around my middle and we sip our coffee as the sun rises over the mountain.
//I hope you all enjoy the first chapter of my fic!! I am really excited to be writing again. let me know what you think in the comments and let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for this fic!!!
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stargirlie25 · 6 months
My fav Acotar crack ships!
Feycien-Generally would be so hot together and Rhys could still have been feyres endgame because Sarah could pull a chaol and on him and everybody normal loves chaol so we would all love lucien! Although I know Sarah didn't do it because LucienisElainArcheronsproperty™
Azris-Im a hardcore Gwynriel but my boy Eris needs some love. Maybe Sarah will give him love by the form of friends,his momma,Lucien,his sister in law,and just imagine if helion could be his father figure too? No scratch imagine SARAH THAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN.
TamlinxRhysSister-I swear I love this. I just want him to have some Love. He does not deserve to be held to what he did to feyre for the rest of his existence. Ive seen ppl saying stuff about how tamlin has an enchanted lake of starlight and maybe that's linked to Rhysands sister? Either way I am 100% rolling with it.
EmeriexBalthazar-unpopular one for sure but I remember briefly in acosf in the blood rite where Nesta leaves Unconscious Emerie with Balthazar to hunt for clothes and when she comes back Em is awake. Idk man maybe they talked but I like their dynamic. Considering she has been falsely treated by the illyrians but he is kind. Also poc x poc? Everything. Would Sarah do it? Ehhh
Could their ship name be Emzar? Baltrie?
Whats your fav crack ships?
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simply-ellas-stuff · 11 months
Does anyone have theories on what's rhys sisters name is??
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metalarmsrcool · 2 months
Rhysand: “Astraea?”
Astraea: “Who the hell is Astraea?”
Azriel: *at the same time* “You’re my mate.”
Cassian: *gasps dramatically* “Holy fucking shit! I knew it!”
Mor: “Fuck!”
Cassian: *turns to Mor* “You owe me 20 dollars bitch!”
incorrect quote from my acotar fanfic, out on wattpad now!
@fictionalfairygirl on wattpad
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dawneternal · 6 months
What Can't Be Undone
✴ a one shot inspired by the theory that Elain reminds Rhys of his sister
✴ word count: 1.1k
✴ warnings: grief, loss, nightmares
✴ Hespera Masterlist
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Rhysand woke to a room cloaked in starry midnight. His eyes scanned each corner for threats, heart beating so quickly it ached in his chest. He was too warm, skin sticky with sweat.
Thunder rumbled, rattling the glass of the windows. It took him a moment to understand that it hadn't come from himself, but the summer storm approaching Velaris. He held his breath, glancing toward Nyx's bassinet, but the wards had held. The sound hadn't gotten through and his son was still asleep, little face peaceful and painted silver with moonlight.
Rhys's gaze shifted toward the bed. The space beside him was empty and the anxiety rattled harder against his ribs. He knew Feyre was only at the House of Wind with Nesta. But he needed her now.
Before he could stop himself, Rhys was out of bed and tugging on clothes. His nightmare and the real world were still merged, horror crawling down his spine. In this strange version of the world, a pair of glowing purple eyes overlapped with a pair of shining hazel ones. The sharp sting of loss filled every inch of him, coursing through his veins like the night-kissed power he'd inherited.
If Feyre were here, or Cassian, or Az, they would help him slide back into reality. But they weren't here and he was stuck in this world of rumbling darkness. This rendition of the truth, created by his nightmare.
Running down the hall, he barely registered how stupid this would look and how foolish he would feel in the morning. He didn't care. He couldn't care. Not with the panic and the grief warring for space in his mind. And worse, something deep in his gut was clawing for a shred of hope. He fought for it, chest heaving. Because accepting the truth would hurt more than he could bear.
Trembling fingers grasped the doorknob to Elain's room and swung the door open wide. Lightning illuminated her form as she shot upright, fear written across her features. Thunder rolled again and Rhys jumped, scurrying toward her. Elain's shoulders sagged as she realized it was just him, though her brows furrowed at the wild gleam in his eyes, the sheen of sweat on his torso as he struggled for a breath.
"What's wrong? Is it Nyx?" She pulled back the covers and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. Another flash of lightning ignited the amber of her eyes.
When he saw it, the honey brown that was supposed to be violet, Rhys crumbled. He dropped to his knees by Elain's bed, the harsh thud of his landing coinciding with another wave of thunder. When the sound faded, sobs filled the room. Rhys bent forward slowly to rest his forehead on Elain's knees.
She was still for a moment, processing the High Lord coming undone at her feet. Then she silently reached toward her sister, hoping the message made it to her, before pushing Rhysand back with gentle hands so she could kneel in front of him. She wrapped her arms around him, letting him weep into her shoulder. An image drifted into her mind and she didn't know if it had come from her own gifts or if Rhys had shared it with her. Wherever it came from, it sent a wave of aching grief so strong it pulled tears from her own eyes. 
The heart-shaped face of a winged girl, blushing and laughing. Her golden skin and thick black eyebrows matched Rhysand's. Her eyes the same shade of violet, flecked with stars. Unruly black curls bounced over her shoulders. She was so young. Younger than Feyre had been when she'd gone over the wall with Tamlin. Elain could see her youth and promise, possibility wreathing those dark curls like a halo. As brilliant and glowing as her brother's power.
"Hespera," Rhysand croaked, grasping fistfuls of Elain's nightgown. Her jasmine scent filled his nose and pulled another choked cry out of him. It was not Hespera's scent. Not the smell of summer nights and moonflower he'd likely never experience again. 
Elain's heart broke in two as she understood. He had come looking for her. He would not find her, would never find her again.
Rhys had told her once that she reminded him of his sister. It had filled her chest with warmth, made her eyes gleam with the honor, though a part of her had wondered if he was just being nice. 
Now, she knew it was true. As he had rushed in his half-awake state to her room, to the closest thing in this living world he could find to his sister. Mind hazy from his dream, he had forgotten she was gone. Elain knew what it felt like, the jumbled mess of emotions that came from dreaming of one you've lost.
"I'm sorry," Elain whispered, threading her fingers through his own inky hair and cradling his head. The floorboards dug into her knees and snagged against her nightgown but she did not move, only reached toward Feyre again. "I'm so sorry." 
Elain couldn't guess how long they stayed like that, Rhysand enveloped in grief as the storm raged outside. She listened carefully for Nyx but he seemed to be sleeping through it all and she thanked the Mother for it. 
Then she heard the snap of an incoming winnow and hurried footsteps on the stairs. Feyre ran past Elain's open door, doubling back when she registered what she'd seen. She stopped in the doorway, eyes drifting over her mate in Elain's arms, the panic in her eyes turning into sorrow. 
"Feyre's here," Elain whispered as Feyre sat on the floor with them. Rhysand released Elain, looking at Feyre with such devastation in his red-rimmed eyes. Feyre held his face in her hands, brushing away the tears, murmuring comfort. 
Elain wondered how her sister could stand even a fraction of the grief he must be sending through the bond. Her thoughts flashed toward her own mate, wondering if he had ever experienced such an episode and held it in so as not to send it to her unwittingly. It was another wave of pain in her already twisted heart.
She stood and walked toward the door a little numbly. Tea. Tea might help. 
"Thank you," Feyre whispered over her shoulder at Elain, tears falling freely down her cheeks. 
Elain nodded, not bothering to wipe away her own. For the millionth time, she cursed the cauldron for the power it had thrust upon her. This time, though, she did not wish to be human again. She wished for more. Something greater than her visions, greater than either of her sister's stolen powers. Something that could reverse the cruel death of Rhysand's sister. Or something that could help her dole the most fitting justice. She would send that vengeance to the afterlife, if she must.
Just as Nesta hadn't seen the silver glow of power in her own eyes, Elain could not see the golden light of her own. 
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