rhythmbastard · 6 months
Anonymous Coward asked: What's your dream merch for Thrash
Plushies and dakis would be cool, but I also have to contend with carrying that shit around from con to con. The ultimate goal would be to have Thrash featured in a game or something. [Smile or comment on the answer here](https://retrospring.net/@RhythmBastard/a/112128031970825063)
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moisellethefae · 5 years
Ral needs to get to the Beacon Tower, but there's an army in the way. How can they get around it? Original Story: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=671981442a09c23d267bd602b&id=989fe24b08
Voice Credits: Ral Zarek: Mycroftian https://twitter.com/mycroft__xxx Kaya: Nilahni https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8EbwCH__SoqB5P1FYx9oMQ Hekara: Melissa Sheldon https://twitter.com/mrs_missy_ms Captain: Noxshade https://www.youtube.com/noxshade Panjandrum: Rhythm Bastard http://rhythmbastard.rocks/ @rhythmbastard The Circus: Paul Warren, Abzanascendancy, Phoenix Madrone, Sean Thomas, Dan Mulkerin, Elven Fangirl, Penny Soldier: Elven Fangirl https://www.instagram.com/elvenfangirl36/ Officer: Sidney Hinds III Mage: Dan Mulkerin http://smashfiction.libsyn.com/ Vraska: Maxi Bridgwood https://twitter.com/MarquessM0nk
Sound Credits: Sound Editing by Grace Nua @formalcasual "On the Shore" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Voice of All is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Wizards of the Coast Fan Content Policy. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC. @wizardsmagic
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animeiwai-blog · 7 years
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We proud to have several community guests joining us for Mini Iwai! Ray Hager's WaLu Kung Fu & Combat Conditioning Club will being joining us with some demonstrations. They are local and happy to share their craft with us! @nerdsknow will be hosting several excellent panels throughout the day! @3000brigade will be joining us around the convention and putting on a preview show to get you excited for they full show to November! @rhythmbastard will also be attending and playing some tunes for our attendees! Remember, Mini Iwai is only $5 to get in or FREE when you pre-register for Anime Iwai: Soar, which is only $30 until Sunday at Midnight, where after the price will increase to $35. #miniiwai #animeiwai #animeiwaisoar #onedaycon #nonprofit #notforprofit #fathersday #fathersdayfun #animecon #animeconvention #kungfu #deerfield #deerfieldbeach #nerdsknow #3000brigade #rhythmbastard #community #guests #communityguest (at Doubletree Deerfield Beach - Boca Raton)
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yoddel · 7 years
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@rhythmbastard Ok, is there a step two?
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dreamsofamadman · 8 years
Got tagged by @asylos for this. Thanks!
*Nickname:* Don’t really have them. Ray I guess. Sometimes Raymondo. Very rarely; ray ray. *Star sign:* hotdog  *Height:* 183cm *Time right now:* 0909 *Last thing googled:* Predestination, I was trying to work out what story the movie was based on.  *Favorite music artists:* ...ahhhhhhh Kim is pretty cool. @rhythmbastard is also a fun dude. *Song stuck in your head:* The “What Was I Looking Forrrrrrr?” song that I sing to myself as I search for files on my G drive. *Last movie watched:* The Birdcage :) *Last TV show watched:* I think I tried to watch the 1st ep of Series of Unfortunate Events. Not a fan. *What are you wearing now:* Black shorts and nothing else. *When did you create your blog:* 2010. *What kind of stuff do you post* Anything. Mostly funny random shit. Sometimes something cool looking. Apparently I post too much RPG stuff. *Do you have any other blogs:* I have a porn blog that is all reposts...mostly het shit, cause dispite being Bi I find most Gay porn to be terrible. I also have a theme blog about the reclaimed earth. And at one point I ran a weapons blog that I haven’t posted to in like 4 years.  http://eroticdreamsofamadman.tumblr.com/ http://reclaimedearth.tumblr.com/ http://coxsweapons.tumblr.com/ *Do you get asks regularly:* Not a lot. But please send some more. *Why did you choose your URL:* It seemed really cool and edgy when I was writing a sci-fi novel and posting cool robots. *Gender:* irrelevent. *Hogwarts House:* Armodillomon. *Pokemon team:* Torreto. *Favorite color:* Purple. But I mostly wear black. *Average of hours of sleep:* 8-10 *Lucky number:* don’t believe in luck. *Favorite character(s):* hmmmm Paula Myo from Commonwealth Saga, Megatron from Transformers Prime...Ma Ma from Dredd. *How many blankets do you sleep with:* always at least 1. *Dream job:* Something where I get paid to create what ever I’m in the mood to create. *Followers:* 425 I think. might be higher now.
I will tag, with no obligation, @stirringsagacity @deathowler @rppr-podcast @great-collapsing-hrung-disaster @laurabwrites @idaman008 umm...and... @mekhack
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hanari502 · 8 years
Junkrat and Roadhog Headcanon for what they do to get themselves hype for a mission.
Junkrat: “What’s the plan again?”
Roadhog: “You’re gonna blow shit up.”
Junkrat: “I’M GONNA BLOW SHIT UP!!!”
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shylax · 8 years
We were talking about Four Job Fiesta on the podcast last night, and I want to ask: How did your run go?
It was a success! I didn’t expect to finish, and I had some trouble at parts (I had a Thief/Berserker/Bard/Samurai party), such as Garula, Byblos, Twintania (it was really hard getting Death Sickle to process against him), and Neo Ex-Death (I had to grind to survive Almagest, so I was around level 40-41 when I won). I completed the game, so it was a success.
I also defeated Omega by scamming him using the Bard’s Romeo’s Ballad song 3 times each turn to freeze Omega in place, while the Berserker hit him. Sadly, I had nothing for Shinryu, so I couldn’t get the Triple Crown. Shinryu outpaces me with damage, he gets more turns than me, I have to use Coral Rings to survive his opening move, no access to Berserk for the scam win, and Apollo’s Harp doesn’t deal enough damage.
It was the first time I beat a Final Fantasy game without using white magic, or any magic at all, so that was a weird experience. I had to make sure I had Elixirs at all times, I tried to keep a stock of around 20 as much as I could. FF5 doesn’t have megalixirs or multi-healing items, so I struggled against party-wide attacks.
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fyeahtaskmaster · 8 years
Headcanon: When he can play drums like Neil Peart and shred like Angus Young, Taskamaster likes pop music (e.g. Spice Girls) because production and songwriting are the two things he can't replicated with his powers.
Love this!
Send in your Taskmaster headcanons!
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rhythmbastard · 2 years
Just dropped my cover of "Mexican Radio" from my Megaplex 2022 show to my Patreon!
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moisellethefae · 5 years
Ral meets with several guild leaders in order to begin preparations for Ravnica's defense and reflects on how he met Nicol Bolas. Original Story: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=671981442a09c23d267bd602b&id=48e093d4dd
Voice Credits: Ral Zarek: Mycroftian https://twitter.com/mycroft__xxx Sergeant: Ercman013 Pytr Liosh: VioletLegacy https://twitter.com/TheVioletLegacy Boros 1: Fox @foxcoloredcat Boros 2: Purple Rogue https://twitter.com/Purplerogue57 Senator: Noxshade @noxshade Vedalken: Keo https://twitter.com/Keofire Minotaur: Penny @mardu-lesbian Aurelia: Emily "Haz" Dahms @hazoret Dovin Baan: Rhythm Bastard http://rhythmbastard.rocks/ @rhythmbastard Isperia: Miranda Selene https://www.castingcall.club/m/Sorceress737 Elf Girl: Sharon Grünwald https://www.castingcall.club/m/Fussbudgetjr Lavinia: Mertiya @elspethsunschampion Tomik: Eli Lewis Elias: Isa Martel @ysrnty Butler: Connor Robey https://twitter.com/robey_connor Gunther: Rasmus Bækgaard https://twitter.com/limroto Varo: Joe Loof https://twitter.com/alittlealoof Nicol Bolas: Regula https://twitter.com/Regulavish
Sound Credits: Sound Editing by Grace Nua @formalcasual "On the Shore" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Voice of All is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Wizards of the Coast Fan Content Policy. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC. @wizardsmagic
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yoddel · 7 years
Tagged by @virescent-phosphor​
A (age): Turned 27, like, a week ago
B (biggest fear): Getting stuck in this rut, never truly gaining autonomy
C (current time): 23:37 when I started 02:31 when I finished.
D (drink you last had): Black tea with honey.
E (easiest person to talk to): Rosie and/or Caroline and/or Tove
F (favorite song): The Show must go on - Queen, but this is liable to change per minute...
G (grossest moment): I stayed out in the sun too long and got a sunburn so bad I was bedridden, blisters and sweat and green vomit.
H (horror yes, horror no): Horror movies have gone from “why tho” to “I will grow stronger from repeated exposure” in my mind. 
I (in love with): IDK, fuck. I have 5+ crushes I maintain.
J (jealous of): People who can pick and choose what to do, people who know what they want, people who have romantic relationships. 
K (killed someone): Now that would be silly thing to admit to. 
L (love at first sight or should i walk by again?): Just keep walking. 
M (middle name): Joseph.
N (number of siblings): Four, I guess.
O (one wish): I wish magic was real, but this magic could only be accessed from a deep, true sympathy, and only to improve the situation that sparked said sympathy.
P (person you last called): My mom’s boyfriend, so as he would pick me up.
Q (question you’ve always been asked): Variations of “what will you be working as”, the answer has transformed into “I’m tired of this question, and of trying to live in the future”.
R (reasons to smile): There are still stories to explore, people to hear out. 
S (song you last sang): What’s Up - 4 Non Blondes
T (time you woke up): 10 ish
U (underwear color): Black 
V (vacation destination): I’d love to go to visit the peeps I know in the US, Australia, and wherever else they live.
X (x-rays I’ve had): Teeth, a couple of times. Dentist loves them x-rays.
Y (your favorite foods): Salty, savory and full of protein and carbohydrates. Honestly, I’m anosmic so food is 90% consistency, making any blanket statement regarding favorite food dumb, the ingredients are more important than the dish itself. 
Z (zodiac): Taurus.
Oh, and I tag... @hietalaa @rhythmbastard @theladyspanishes 
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pinstripehourglass · 9 years
Metal Gear Solid
revolver ocelot is the most extreme example of the worst characterization/story writing trope in the world, the villain who is so smart and devious and knows everything that will happen and what everyone will do years before anyone else does. it just ruins stories for me. a character like that loses any humanity because it’s just so unbelievable, and it hurts the story around them too. A villainous conspiracy to take over the world is threatening when it’s a cabal of people planning in the long-term and reacting to changes in teh short-term. When it’s just one guy who knows everything that’s going to happen in advance because of his anime mind powers, and doesn’t actually want to take over the world anyway he just wanted you to think that, it completely deflates my interest.
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shylax · 9 years

19. Three favorite songs lyrically - Rush “Analog Kid”, Yes “Shoot High, Aim Low”, and Barenaked Ladies “One Week”
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rhythmbastard · 6 months
Anonymous Coward asked: Perform for a cruise ship, rooftop pool party or underground bar?
I'd say underground bar. Cruise ships and parties I get a little anxious about performing because people are always coming and going, but then again, I'd only be a small fixture and can enjoy the rest of the event. [Smile or comment on the answer here](https://retrospring.net/@RhythmBastard/a/112244268458870846)
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moisellethefae · 5 years
Things are tense as a confrontation between Vraska's Golgari and Ral's coalition forces looms on the horizon... Original Story: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=671981442a09c23d267bd602b&id=ccb3c2685c
Voice Credits: Xeddick: Connor Robey https://twitter.com/robey_connor Vraska: Maxi Bridgwood https://twitter.com/MarquessM0nk Hekara: Melissa Sheldon https://twitter.com/mrs_missy_ms Kaya: Nilahni https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgeWrWUkGPI Teysa: Melissa Sheldon https://twitter.com/mrs_missy_ms Tomik: Eli Lewis Ral Zarek: Mycroftian https://twitter.com/mycroft__xxx Aurelia: Emily "Haz" Dahms @hazoret Dovin Baan: Rhythm Bastard http://rhythmbastard.rocks/ @rhythmbastard
Sound Credits: Sound Editing by Grace Nua @formalcasual "On the Shore" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ https://www.purple-planet.com/ Voice of All is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Wizards of the Coast Fan Content Policy. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC.
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greatmewtwo · 10 years
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A nice set. #rhythmbastard #fortlauderdale #creatorownedexpo
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