#rich aunty
chichimodele · 11 months
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When we talk IT GIRL, Tracee Ellis-Ross is who we’re talking about 💋
- Childfree
- Marriage free
- Cosmopolitan lady
- Rich auntie
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bird-inacage · 1 month
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A Love Sea Gifset | Tongrak + Cat Energy
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becomingher-era · 9 months
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Boss 🤍
IG: @quianawatson_
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radiance1 · 1 year
Danny and Vlad are now mythical creatures.
They don't know exactly how- their bets are on Desiree. Which mean someone in Amity Park had to wish for this to happen.
Except it extended to the whole of Amity park, and not just them. Danny became a dragon, while Vlad became a phoenix and not those small ones, but he's a very big one.
Like, bigger than a person big.
Everyone can switch between from a creature back to their human selves, with the catch being that some of their beastly instincts and traits carry over into their human side.
Danny is just minding his own business, resting in dragon form in the deepest part of the Far Frozen, until a phoenix busts through and interrupts his haze, fire blazing behind him and hits him with.
"Pariah Dark is missing."
And if that didn't wake Danny up faster than one of his parents inventions exploding then he doesn't know what would.
So they go to his abandoned castle, see the coffin missing, proceed to freak out for a few minutes, then remember that Clockwork exists and races over to his lair, leaving a trail of ice and fire in their wake.
Clockwork tells them that Pariah Dark was summoned to another dimension.
"Ghost King he is no more, but powerful ghost he still is."
So now they have to jump to different dimensions to try and find Pariah Dark before something goes down.
Meanwhile with Pariah Dark:
The 10 year old sitting at the edge of the summoning circle staring at the Sarcophagus that just appeared in stunned silence.
Also said child walking forward and poking at it curiously.
Also said child when he summoned something in his parents basement from a really old book he found not expecting it to work but it did: Neat.
The kid then opens the Sarcophagus, found it stupid easy, and then what is obviously a groggy giant man pulls himself out of it.
So he obviously dragged him upstairs and sat him down on the couch.
Meanwhile with Danny and Vlad:
Both of them are going through portals looking for the ex-ghost king, landed in some medieval dimensions, accidently became legends based on sightings alone, landed in some present day dimensions, alarmed their governments.
Yet none of them contained were wrecked and enslaved by Pariah Dark, nor was there even any signs of him.
they spent a few years looking in different dimensions, then they felt a tug about someone summoning them, not just one of them, but both.
Probably didn't get the memo about a new king.
Meanwhile with Pariah Dark:
Showing pictures of the kid who summoned him to other aunties and gossiping about the new gangs and drama in Gotham.
Meanwhile with Vlad and Danny:
Looking at the stunned faces of cultists as they stand menacingly in their mythical creature forms, just staring done at them as if they were mere ants.
In reality they just want this over and done with so they can go back to finding Pariah Dark and finally call it a day.
They're waiting for the cultists to finally speak and tell them what they want, only for them to be interrupted by people in colorful spandex who beat up the cultists.
Did they stay after that?
They left the summoning circle to look for Pariah if he has any chance of being in this one.
They also went intangible to avoid them if they decided to chase after them, Vlad went one way and Danny the other.
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melaninadorned · 1 year
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High Tea Vibes | Melanin Adorned
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nico-esoterica · 7 months
Megan getting a cat in her 6H profection year, ruled by Venus for her (Libra), while in Japan, I think? And her relocated chart's 6H is ALSO Venus ruled (Taurus) and that house is associated with pets ain't a coininkidink. Since the SN is transiting there for her, she's wanted a cat for a WHILE and may have since childhood and she's finally able to get one now 😢 Or one she could actually KEEP.
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princesssmala · 8 days
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Blue Brunch
A new wallpaper for you🫖
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kireoppi · 1 year
i took some pictures of me and my cane at the mall yesterday.
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[Image descriptions: Image one shows a faceless mirror selfie of a cane user. He is holding his phone on his left hand while he holds his cane on his right. He is wearing a black, short-sleeved top and slightly baggy, long brown pants. He has a small purse on attached to him, and he is wearing Mary-Jane shoes. His stance is significantly wide and he appears to be in a sort of clothing store as there are shelves and racks with clothes on them behind him.
Image two displays a similiar selfie, except his body is more close together, with his left foot turned slightly out and in front while his right foot is turned out behind. His cane is also now placed beside his left foot. End description.]
normally im not one to take selfies but it was my first time at the mall with my aids so i figured it'd be nice!
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mafaldaknows · 9 months
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📸: mafaldaknows | 9.30.2023
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chichimodele · 9 months
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kingsandbastardz · 7 months
So this is a thing that’s been bouncing around in my head for awhile, but I hadn’t really had a good starting point for it because it was just a billion fragmented pieces. I kinda have to write it now, though bc I think it’s giving me mental constipation and actively preventing me from writing other things. Anyway, forgive me for being long-winded.
Regardless of how you see the ending – whether you think he reached enlightenment/ascended, or he died, or he lived  -- llh’s story is about escaping the narrative.
FDB meanwhile is about being a catalyst of change or transformation, whether it is for his own life or llh’s. He exists in a shifting narrative space that's difficult to define and creates narrative movement from that.
DFS… well. He's still trapped.
First, what exactly is ‘the narrative’ I’m talking about here? It’s a thought or concept, it’s alive yet also not. It’s essentially the words of a story strung together and told and retold, adjusting to the whims of the storyteller and the desires of the people hearing it. It lives and changes organically based on call, response and group consensus.
It’s a crowd of people sitting around an old man in one town, nodding along and yelling when they don’t like the direction a story is going – and then in the next town, that same story teller making adjustments so he gets more tips that evening. It’s people in other towns asking repeatedly for the same story over and over because they like that one hero and each time, the storyteller obliges them, with small details being added or falling off. It’s the collected gossip that morphs as it moves like lightning through an entire city. It’s the records found in a courts’ archives where the ink has become smeared and illegible because a scribe dropped it in a puddle and the next scribe did his best to write in the margins what he thinks it said. Probably.
It is the men at the beginning and end of MLC telling the crowd about Li Xiangyi’s great feats while dressed in white, and heroically battling evil.
This changing, amorphous thing is The Narrative. Now, see the entirety of MLC as such a story—this narrative being told by all these different voices to the audience (us).
So LLH escapes it. FDB defies it and changes it and refuses to live by it.
DFS is… he is part of it. If he ever cared about what anyone says about him, dfs has long since given up on changing the narrative. He’s learned to accept it because it literally doesn’t matter what he says or  does – ppl will always spin it to suit the needs of the story, which will then get passed around as fact. So he lives within this framework of societal expectation for the villainous. He weaponizes it to use it to his advantage. And, ultimately, he’s trapped by it.
Imagine a yin yang symbol. Imagine llh standing on one dot with dfs standing on another. Imagine the yin yang spinning as they both walk forward. They’re interlinked, never to be separated. They’re mirrors, but at the same time always moving in opposite directions of each other as the symbol spins. This is the position I image DFS being when in relation to llh.
Narratively, DFS both parallels and moves in opposite directions to llh.
Mirrored parallels, let’s go with that - Where they are the same but on opposite ends of it:
Visually dark vs light in clothing etc, even their masks are black vs silver and on opposite sides of their faces
Skills and energy-wise: both utilize pure yang energies but fast and overwhelming vs slow and steady
Positioned as great rivals/oppositional forces of equal skill
He’s just as trapped by the narrative as LXY but as the demon lord instead of the hero
Repeatedly placed on opposite sides of the screen as a visual cue
Dfs = chaos, llh = agent of order
Llh femme presenting for a very heteronormative appearing sect and storyline while dfs is extremely masculine/heteronormative appearing, but at the helm of a sect that is full of fringe elements and is potentially queer
regarding personal health - llh uses risk percentage as an excuse to not try to heal himself – meanwhile dfs will take any risk to heal himself even if it means he dies
Dfs rescued himself as a child while llh is picked up and nurtured by others
Dfs is a self-taught genius while llh is a trained genius
Dfs survives so hard he doesn’t understand what it means to want to die, llh wants to disappear so badly that he doesn’t understand what it means to desire to live
Oh right, and the thing I didn’t mention before. Not only does DFS live in the narrative. DFS is narratively bound to llh. He is not and was never independent of llh. Not due to lack of skill or for want of trying, dfs is narratively incapable of succeeding at his greatest goals without llh’s help – or ultimately fails due to llh’s actions. Either outcome, llh is involved.
He leaves the story when LLH does (disappearing into the ocean after the Donghai Battle) and returns to the narrative (leaves seclusion) the very moment FDB forces LLH to become active again and LLH starts moving to tie up loose ends.
His attempt for establishing peace was destroyed by Shan Guado and Jiao Liqiao, yes, but it ultimately fails because lxy declares war and ‘kills’ him. It takes LLH revealing himself to everyone and establishing events for things to quiet down.
Unable to reach the guanyin elixir without llh’s help
Unable to figure out the secret behind shan gudao’s death and the war between their sects without llh’s cooperation
Succeeds in finding the styx flower, not for himself, but for llh’s benefit
Unable to reach the next level of Beifeng Baiyang without help from llh and Yangzhou Man
Continuously bids for freedom and agency – but his first attempt is foiled by not being able to get rid of the mind control bug. Then during the amnesia arc, his ‘freedom’ from his enemies comes at the cost of being kept by llh as a servant. Then as soon as he was able to get rid of the mind control bug, he’s captured by jlq and his freedom/autonomy is taken away again. If the narrative was a sentient being – it’s watching him claw his way up the side of a mountain and every time he almost reaches the top, it chops his hand or fingers off to send him flying back down below. Ultimately, DFS is only able to regain physical and mental freedom when llh rescues him and choses to give him that freedom (see amnesia arc where llh tries to keep dfs as his servant/weapon).
Cure llh/save his life – ultimately stopped by llh’s actions.
Simply put – while llh exists without dfs. As far as the narrative is concerned, dfs does not exist without llh. Jinyuan Alliance is replaced completely by Shan Gudao as the bad guys in the story. (Which he was- but there is no mention of DFS or the alliance's roles - everything is attributed to lxy's heroism and return from the dead.)
So what happens post canon in a world where llh is dead? What then? We have fdb, right?
I’ve been bothered by this – and as much as I go on about how fdb is the future of the story. That he’s the inheritor of everything llh, including dfs... There is no guarantee of anything because he’s the guy that writes his own story and transforms his narrative.
We get the bit of bonding with each other in the zombie village when llh deliberately leaves them alone with each other (could this be an example of llh facilitating emotional bonds between the two?). We get fdb’s sense of betrayal later on when he thinks dfs turned on them. And then later his happiness when he realizes dfs was on their side. We get him calling dfs Lao Di. But then we have the moment at the eastern sea with the letter - where we get him running off to investigate alone until both men just happen to arrive at the beach at the same time from opposite directions. Because fate, I guess. I think dfs and fdb’s relationship is meant to be a 50/50 swing by design because we don't know the future and Fdb is ultimately the catalyst for whatever direction the story goes.
As two men who loved the same man and who tried their best but ultimately failed to keep llh alive, will he care enough about dfs to maintain ties with him or… just… walk away after saying his goodbyes --- you know, they way they often do in jainghu.
So just for speculation’s sake. Let’s say, with no additional input or relationship development. Let’s say they take the second route and go their separate ways. FDB doesn’t reach out further to DFS and DFS never tries to find fdb for a replacement fight. They never try to bridge that llh-shaped gap.
This is where we come to the third thing – Narratively, dfs’ purpose is to remind llh of the true past and to provide information or vehicles for him in his quest to address that past.
So what does that mean for dfs when LLH dies? Dfs, as a survivor, cannot physically do the same. How will he die narratively? Imo, with the way his movements mirror llh's and his role for llh, it makes sense that dfs will do what llh did - he goes back to where he was in the past. He returns to the beginning.
And from there? Maybe, DFS returns to seclusion, or a form of seclusion at least, once again in mourning. Because otherwise what else does he have left that holds meaning for him? Jinyuan Alliance? Whatever remnants remain... he never cared about it and I’d argue that at the very start of the series, he was already 1-foot out the door with retiring from leadership. Strength was freedom – he has both, so now what? Power and skill? The one person he wants to fight is gone.
DFS goes away. Days become months, become years and life continues on. New heroes and villians will rise and fall. And one day, fdb will remember he used to know a powerful guy. Whatever happened to him? And the people around him will shrug. Some may even be young enough to be like, “Who?” FDB lets it go because he’s a busy man. He’s got businesses to run, students to train, etc – can you blame him? His life is full. Eventually, he forgets he ever asked a question.
This is how the last living piece of dfs in the worlds’ consciousness dies. He fades away from memory, absentmindedly.
Maybe one day, a student or scholar will crack open a book about the history of li xiangyi and if they don't skim, they’ll come across a line or two talking about some guy that fought lxy that one time and ultimately failed to kill him. Maybe they will be motivated enough to look further into him, maybe not.  
Llh remains alive as a memory – his legacy kept alive by fdb who’s his student and his students’ students. Sigu Sect and Baichuan Court remain as pillars of society.
DFS? Who is there to remember him? Who is there to see how his story ends? Does it matter? Who is DFS without llh?
There are plants that exist without their natural pollinators or creatures that eat their fruit because they are so ancient, those creatures no longer exist. We only know what they potentially look like based on the shape of the flower/plant/tree.. They survive because they have evolutionarily figured out stopgap measures to make up for the deaths of their pollinators. But one day those measures will no longer work. Stopgaps only buy time. That plant exists as a living memory of something that used to exist and then one day it too will die.
DFS is like that remaining plant.
You know that question about whether a tree exists if no one is there to hear them fall in the woods?
Now, here is me, getting a leg cramp in the audience. I’ve always loved the antagonists, the monster-shaped beings that weren’t really monsters inside, and all the random side characters that fall off the story one after another. I’ve always bothered the hell out of everyone bc I’m the person going “So what about x? What about y? Where is z now?”
So consider this me asking – in a story where his existence is swallowed by a narrative that no longer needs him - what about dfs? Where is he now? What is he doing now?
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Plus make a brand
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melaninadorned · 1 year
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Pretty in Pink | Melanin Adorned
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hyunpic · 11 months
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arctic-reptile · 2 months
kyo behind the scenes sukekiyo photoshoot for moan
taken from his tiktok
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it's that time of year again so i'm bringing this masterpiece back.
it's just so cute and cozy and festive. (also the attention to detail with the ornaments is actually insane)
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artist creds: the queen herself @madschofield
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