#rick DOESNT disappoint
urapocolypticcrush · 9 months
OKAY I KNOW IM REALLY LATE BUT this one had me in TEARS percy sacrificing himself with literally no fear??? HOW like this kid is 12 and he’s willing to do ANYTHING for his friends and then the PERCABETH content oh my like the hug and grover started speaking and percy looked so lost in annabeth’s hug???? i literally was crying and then annabeth geeking out over the amusement park and then her part about how she’d never be like the gods again and how percy isn’t AND THEN grover getting into ares’s head and working stuff out UGHH THIS EPISODE WAS BRILLIANT AND some bits were SO FUNNY like “the emotional abuse and cheeseburgers” and “im the last one to work this out aren’t i”!!!! im just in love with this whole thing and IN A FEW SHORT DAYS ITS LOTUS CASINO!!!!!! also end note fuck gabe for that interview and him on about his car like SHUT UP no one cares dude
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incorrect-riordanverse · 11 months
the problem with all these white authors like rick riordan who are revealing their stances on the israel-palestine apartheid is that they barely do anything but virtue signal when they claim “i’m on the side against war” “i’m anti-violence” “i abhor terrorism.” zero people are going to disagree with you. zero people believe what hamas did is justified. zero people think israel shouldn’t have a right to defend itself against terrorism. but that isn’t what israel is doing when they collectively punish all of palestine, who doesn’t even have an official army. when rick riordan says some wishy-washy bullshit about the violence suffered on both sides of the conflict, and words his whole dumbass blog post like it’s violence that is in any way equal, that literally helps no one. in fact, it’s so damn negligent of the 75 years of violence that palestine has suffered and been oppressed for. yes, there are innocent civilians in israel who are suffering, no one is disagreeing with you. that doesn’t erase the fact that israel is a disgusting state that has used state-sanctioned violence on a systemic scale since its conception, and the oppressed people have responded to that in violent retaliation (because OBVIOUSLY they would). israel is built on the subjugation of palestine, there is no equal suffering between the two.
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birdricks · 11 months
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this shit makes me want to die
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nico-di-owgelo · 8 months
i was SO disappointed by adhd "rep" in the show. they literally did worse job than the movie, how can you go that low. percy's never confused, wrong, misremembering, having memory blocks/issues, needing to focus, hyperfocusing, etc. how was this approved. rick so doesnt care <3
Exactly!!! Like aside from Percy being called "special" in ep one by his classmates (which lmao should not be the only rep in a series that was originally about uplifting neurodiverse kids) and the school he doesn't get into? (actually do they say that it's for kids with spld or do they just say it's for kids like Percy? Or that it'll "help" him) There's fuck all evidence that he even has ADHD and Dyslexia?? Like I genuinely can't remember if it's been mentioned at all. And you're right not even like the symptoms of it! Aside from idk doodling ??? Being distracted? Hell where is the emotional disregulation? The rage, the yeah like you say anon! attention issues, and even Annabeth mentions reading something in a book and there's no mention of dyslexia at all?
Not mentioning the disabilities contributes to the soulless vibe the show has going on because how are you forgetting the very reason the story was written in the first place??
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my-mt-heart · 11 months
The way I look at Season Two: Book of Carol is them having her first literally cross half way up the US East Coast with the tiniest bit of information possible. And she was capable of speaking to him on the radio but didn’t get any information to were he was. BUT SOME HOW, She is going to on whim not just end up in the same country, but the same city, and eventually exactly where Daryl is at in said place in Paris. And we are talking no phones, no real maps, no forms of communication smh the bloody Vikings 4 thousand years ago had more intel as far as maps and knowing had to read the stars and the night sky to know exactly where they were located. But upon landing on foreign soil there was no way to communicate or find your brethren that sailed ahead of you. France is HUGE…🤦🏻‍♀️ So let’s suspend all forms of actual realistic notions. And she finds Daryl despite it being the end of the world and they are like the few people left alive and they both just traveled to a massive foreign place( its so silly) course we know that, but why bring them to hell and back again if they aren’t going to finally make them canon. You know what I mean??? Why go through all this effort to reconnect these two just for Carol to be like “ Ohh hey Bestie, Just happened to be in the neighborhood and wanted to give you a Hollar. Ohh is this your new girlfriend and adopted son? Wow well neat, everything looks great here with your new family that you have chosen over your family at home who misses you like dearly. But that’s ok you’re doing great, oh before I head back across half the freakin entire world again for a second time. Thought you would want to know Rick says hi, ohh yea btw he is back now. Him and Michonne both are but you got new life don’t worry I will send them your love. So I am just going to head off on way...Bye ✌🏻️" smfh
The premise is so absurd, if they are GOING THIS FAR TO BRING THEM TOGETHER ON A SCALE THIS SIZE. Its something huge and them going canon and them finally breaking the walls down that have kept them from taking their relationship to the next level and admitting they want more them friendship has to happen. Cause there truly is no other reason to drag Carol on some crazy far fetched journey literally half way across the globe if its not for somethinghuge. We do not need her to show up to kick some major ass and save the day. As awesome as that is, we have already seen it countless time, she truly is the undisputed queen of the apocalypse. A living force of nature that is forever under estimated and every single person on the show by the time it ended was alive cause of something Carol did or sacrificed one way or another....So yea we know she can kick ass but Daryl doesnt need anyone to rescue him...He desperately needs the love of his life to break down her walls and let him in. Something that should of happened a long time ago. And I swear if this upcoming season if they go threw a bunch crazy shit to reunite them and it's just more best friend bullshit I am going to mentally snap 🤬 I know I shouldn't be hopeful after 12 years of disappointment. But I just vant imagine the atory going any other way..
I want Carol to have a hero narrative because she deserves it after getting sidelined in S11, but like you said, getting her happy ending with Daryl is a really important part of her journey. It's the only natural step after traveling across the world to find him, and if that gets ignored or messed up, then what's the point?
I think there are definitely reasons to have hope. The teaser looked good. Melissa knows her character and gets to help shape her story. There are just other cooks in the kitchen whose interests may not align, and it makes me nervous if someone is acting more like a fairy godmother to them than a boss. The power dynamics are really unusual and need to change.
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vibing-in-space1 · 8 months
ok so like the percy jackson TV show has been... good enough so far. it's enjoyable and Rick Riordan has made some valid changes from the books. but I'll never forgive him for the music choice in the casino 💀. he hyped it up so much and made such a point about how they were gonna use an appropriate song for a trip to the casino. and then...they chose Levitating by Dua Lipa. Literally what. the song itself is fine, it's an upbeat, popular song. but in what world was it a good choice for the casino episode of percy jackson. its not the upbeat, the lyrcisim doesnt match the situation, theres nothing that suggests the song is fitting. the whole point was that they got to go on an exciting adventure inside this casino, they got to play games and party and go through this challenge. fans have been suggesting songs for months, recommendations that would've fit way better and been more appropriate. and while there was an unlimited amount of choices they could've picked to play, they chose levitating... AND I ran (so far away) was played not long after. like, what? I can accept and move on from the poor pacing, the boringness, all the other issues that appear with the show, but to be so disappointing with the music, like come on. Anyways, love the cast the most and they're doing an amazing job, but the crew really need to get it together
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marcianoliterati · 1 year
The sunbearer trials, by Aiden Thomas
3.5 stars
This is more of a discussion than solely a review, and does feature some spoilers :
I was really excited for this, but found myself a bit disappointed by the end.
It takes place in a fantasy world heavily inspired by Mexico. It all sounds pretty Aztec to me,the gods mentioned and all that but it's not particularly mentioned anywhere, and all the copy solely reads 'mexican-inspired'
It’s a mix of modern society and ancient stuff, there’s gods and demigods running around, there’s an academy for heroes and every ten years something called the sunbearer trials happens where a demigod child is killed by another so they can ‘charge the sun’ and keep the bad guy in his cage.
Tw: violence, bullying, manipulation, world-ending mistakes
It’s clearly another take on the hunger games and other similar stuff.  Only no one here is supposed to be killed till the end. 
The main character is teo, a trans boy who has wings he’s ashamed of, and who feels underappreciated due to his mother being a second-rate god which means he’s not seen as particularly important or good enough to be a hero. 
Still, he and his best friend are called to participate in the sunbearer trials, and he spends the whole time being unsure of it all and just trying to keep everyone he loves from dying.
It’s a good premise, and it’s entertaining, but it constantly feels like the worldbuilding is lacking. 
A thing i don’t like is when the characters, for whom this is all supposed to be their normal, don’t know what they are doing. It’s a lazy form of exposition  I find.
And teo is constantly confused about everything.
They say that the trials go back a long time, that it’s a great honour to participate, to kill, to die, 
But no one shows it. 
Everyone acts like theyre afraid of it ashamed of it.
Even the career heroes that are supposed to be trained for it since birth.
Now, i don’t read  a lot of YA, cause i tend to find the teens annoying as fuck.
Which is probably part of why I had issues with this book. 
Yes a lot is teens being teens
And i also have issues cause i tend to find them toothless.
Too often they feature kids who are afraid to do anything bad. 
Like they sneak out once and its a huge deal and of course they never do drugs or drink alcohol or engage in another common risk-seeking behaviour, so it lets them be bratty teens as long as they don’t do anything teens do?
It feels very puritanical, and it’s boring. 
this is about a deadly race, with many obstacles and chances to hurt or get hurt.
but dont worry, everyone will have a miraculous escape! Plot armour for everyone!
it cant be like youre wrapping both the protagonists and readers in a little bubble where nothing bad ever happens and they never need to see anything that could be potentially dangerous
 the danger has to be real.
you truly don’t know if they’ll survive, and how
this doesnt mean it has to be some grimdark everyone can die the future is hopeless thing
thg works because it is willing to go that far, it says your faves are in dangers and means it. nobody gets out unscathed.
In thg the danger is real, and the worldbuilding is incredibly detailed. Even though katniss who is confused like 90% of the time is the pov character.
It doesnt feel like someone is pausing and explaining everything every 5 minutes.
derry girls is a good example of where they do show dangerous things, it is political, but it is all filtered though the lens of girls who dont know better, and you feel that.
rick riordan’s catalogue also shows this well.  it has kids in trouble, it has danger, it deals with Issues, and so on. 
The main problem with this is that it doesn’t feel real. 
From the beginning, you know things aren’t gonna go according to plan.
You’re surrounded by danger but nothing bad is actually going to happen. 
and theres the ‘the sacrifice is an honour but we all know its wrong’ and the way the approach it , like being sad about it.
their sacrifice is supposed to “charge the stones” and “keep monsters at bay”
But it’s never explained. Why? Why must it happen this way? What does it mean?  No one can challenge it, it is just the way it is but it is not explained either.
Why the trials? Why can’t people volunteer? 
if this is their religion, the way its been done for thousands of year why are they sad and umcomfortable to talk about it? 
like, i feel like at least some people should be going like crazy over them, offer them gifts asks for blessings hell they should be like tell me your stories your wishes your goals so we may complete them for you
like, honour them properly? not this “killing people is a shame but it must be done and instead of facing it we are just kind of awkward about it”
In a way, it feels like it is using modern morals to tell a story where those morals simply don’t work. They don’t apply. 
I expect complicated feelings sure, but it is more like ‘it sucks let’s sweep it under the rug’
There’s a whole subplot of Teo having a sister he never knew cause years earlier, she was sacrificed. And his mum never talked about it.
That sounds a lot like shame and fear.
Tributes in the actual hunger games where treated better. People knew they were pawns being sacrificed, and that it was awful, but they also knew there was nothing they could do. 
Why isn’t there a memorial somewhere honouring the sacrifices?  
If they don’t like it, have they tried doing something else? 
There’s this episode of SNW where they also have child sacrifices, and they approach it way better. They also talk about they have to or the whole planet dies, and how they’ve tried to search for other ways and haven’t found any. 
So now they face it head on. They do a whole festival they do their best for the chosen ones, and so on. They know it’s an awful thing to do but they don’t hide it. They don’t look away in shame.
And the way shame is constantly everywhere in this story feels weird. 
The have the MC and his friends look back into the archives and besides discovering he had a sister nothing much is said of it. There was a moment right there for them to learn of the history and heritage of why and how it is done and…nothing.  Completely missed opportunity. 
like, the character often feels like theyre being faced with all of it for the first time, rather than actually growing up with it, what happens if someone is chosen and doesnt want to compete? do they become the sacrifice ? has anyone ever tried?  have people died doing this shit? what does the process actually entails??
For example,HDM goes into a lot of detail as to the origin the why the motivations and so on.
That’s why i think the worldbuilding feels lacking. The whole foundation of the story is less than great. 
What does it mean for this civilization to have this? To grow like this? 
what kind of place is it? how does this masquerade change the world? 
but i feel like a lot of ‘our world but slightly to the left’ don’t take the time to ponder the winder ramifications.
or you could do growing up thinking it was wonderful for everyone involved ,theres luxury and rewards, everyone wants to be chosen and then oh shit its actually dystopic af and ppl have been lied to.
someone slowly becoming aware of the horrors
and this goes slightly over there ‘oh no someone has to die, i dont want anyone to day, last time i was a kid mum didnt even let me watch’ or ‘oh actually the heroes i admire have really tough life’ but it just sort of waves as it goes past, not even bothering to detour 
i feel like the premise is great, a whole country, how does it all work?, and they even go on a tour, but we dont get to see much, a lot of good things are mentioned, only in passing.
I don’t know if it’s really the sort of thing that can be improved in a sequel, although maybe with new characters who can bring in a different pov it might be possible.
So that’s why i feel the story loses steam.
I admittedly don’t know a lot about mesoamerican human sacrifices, but i don’t think shame was the prevailing emotion.
It just doesn’t make sense.
It’s a shame cause i was excited about it, i wanna support latino books and you don’t get a lot of fantasy based on latinamerican folklore, but even wanting to hype it up it still felt a bit flat.
I guess it’s a bit like ‘i had this cool idea so i’m gonna sketch some stuff around it to support it’ and never quite getting around it to filling it in.
Like, teo,the MC is trans. This is quickly mentioned as ‘everyone was fine with it’, and i think there might be a mention of a genderfluid god?
But beside that everything is the same. Another trans kid wears a binder. They take testosterone, it’s just like in our world. 
Or how Teo is the son of a bird god, he can talk to birds, which we barely see him do, and he has freaking wings.
Which he doesn’t know how to use.
Cause apparently he was ashamed of them so his guardians just let him hide them?  What? get that kid a therapist of something what the hell. 
And the whole reason he is ashamed is simply cause he found them too girly.
That’s like saying oh my legs are too ugly i don’t wanna use them. And your parents just being like ok here’s a wheelchair?
Maybe there’s more to it but it’s never explained so that’s the impression i get, like it’s such a big handicap!
And he spends the whole time complaining he isn’t allowed to go to hero school! Is someone stopping him from training? No, i’m sure his mother’s palace has a gym, and he could’ve gotten tutors, he could’ve been using his wings the entire time.
Maybe it’s too judgmental of me, but it seems  incredibly foolish, and i wish we had more talk about it. Rather than him going “oh i dont want to” or “i don’t like it”
I think it’s a good rec for anyone who likes hp, pjo, thg, or hdm, but i don’t think it is as strong as any of those.
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Anybody else watching the percy jackson episodes yet? Imo it's incredibly disappointing so far. Hoping it gets better but definitely doesnt feel like Rick Riordan was a part of it at all. And if he was then he doesnt care about them straying from the books like they have. Also the cgi sucks low key.
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moss-sprouted · 1 year
im really really struggling to continue this book,im only a few chapters in but the sentence structure and the clunky dialogue that doesnt feel like any bit of rick's and it does really Feel like a middle grade book but it doesnt feel YA either it kinda just feels like fanfiction and everyone feels kinda out of character
the plot isnt bad, the execution is just bad and its extremely disappointing
i dont think rick Needed to write with another author, even if its because he wanted to write their love story with someone whos queer, which is nice but its missing some of the heart of the PJO universe and its not really captivating me or pulling me in, i want to like it but this doesnt really feel like these characters i know and love
maybe it gets better, maybe theres a part i should wait for
and the thing is its Not the change of pov, its not it being longer, its not it being different because HOO was all of those things
but the way those felt still felt in tune with the tone, and rick proved with hoo and toa that he Can write darker and sorrowful toned parts so it doesnt have to be a dull toned thing to focus on nico's trauma, and i dont think mark's a bad writer this isnt Bad its just not something i'd read, and this isnt a pjo book and the fact that nico got done so dirty especially when he and will are proclaimed like, fan favorites is so disappointing
nico in toa might have seemed like he had a bit of a personality shift from hoo and toa but this just feels like its not really him, the story can still have some lightheartedness while being able struggle and trauma
percy and annabeth's journey through tartarus still felt in with the lighthearted tone, but it was still painful and heartbreaking and sad and dramatic and traumatising, but its still going to be my favorite section of chapters from any of the books ever, because its well written and it has the same heart the series does
and the fact that the series first gay main couple gets something that essentially feels like fanfiction
again i havent finished it, and im only to about where theyre entering the underworld, but it just feels really boring and the pace is too fast but not in a good way like the rest of the series
the pacing is just too off, we dont sit in the moments enough but then sometimes its too much and nothing happens besides dialogue and it doesnt feel like this universe, why arent they being attacked by monsters every minute? how did they get through a train ride in new york without one monster popping up? this so far feels like an AU and maybe it'll get more dramatic in tartarus but some peoples posts have told me it doesnt
please tell me it gets better
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starsquad valentines but absolutely none of them know how to flirt that @hournites both inspired and enabled smxnsd
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bonus wallyope akxnsd
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comradestolovers · 4 years
Me watching everyone get their hopes up for the pjo adaptation, talking about how characters should be casted and saying it must be as good as the Harry Potter films, and being excited with them but knowing the show won’t be perfect and dreading when tumblr will inevitably cancel it because it doesn’t meet their unreasonable expectations:
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artemiseamoon · 3 years
The Firehouse (one shot)
TF boys x f reader ** ( curvy to plus short reader) 
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* *a gift for us short and curvy to plus ladies
Words: 1,075
Credit to GIF owners
Warnings: mention of an ex, broken engagement, one night stand, vibrator
About: Life in your new city grows even more exciting when you reunite with a familiar face.
TAGS none / check @artemiseamoon-updates
AN: Can’t stop thinking about this, so jotting it down. :) And yes I made Tom Rick flag. Cause fuck that other Tom.
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Getting to know your new city was fun, everything was exciting and new. Only two weeks in it felt like you always belonged here. From the moment you signed on your new apartment, everything fell into place. Was this city a good luck charm, maybe, and you weren’t complaining about it.
After a month you felt ready to start dating again. You felt some minor apprehension about the whole app thing. You met both of your previous exes in person and the last time you used an app, all you had to show for it was a string of very disappointing dates.
That was two years ago, two years after your ex-fiance showed his true colors. You focused your time on other things, putting your love life on the back burner as you mended your wounds.
You came out of those two years a more empowered version of yourself, but it was lonely and part of you was afraid to dive into relationship land again. Dating, lighlty, seemed like the best bet and you were long overdue for the exciting sex life you always wanted. There was only so much your vibrator could do, now you needed the real thing.
One night stands weren't really your style, but you loved hearing your friends stories about it. The one and only time you indulged was right after you kicked out your ex. Your besties took you on a spontaneous girls trip to NYC for an extended weekend. It was fun, hectic, exciting.
On the first night, at the second bar you met him. Beautiful deep olive skin, brown eyes, dark hair; he was handsome and sulty. You couldn’t recall his name, not really, it was something with an S but you remembered in great detail the 5 hours you spent together that night. This guy, of all people, was the last person you imagined you’d run into. But you do.
Taking a different route home, you decide to pass by the firehouse to catch a glimpse. Living five blocks away you’d hear the truck sometimes but never saw the men. Maybe there was something in the air, maybe you were feeling extra feral that day but you were hoping to catch a glimpse of some eye candy.
Making a left, you continue down the street when a familiar laugh meets your ears. In your mind you try to place it, where have you heard that laugh before? Who was that?
It doesnt take long to match the laugh with the man. At first you see the back of his head, his strong shoulders, the way the black shirt fits like skin. You even notice the way his ass looks in his blue jeans. You barely notice the guy he’s talking to.
Memories come back like little bits of a movie. New York. That bar in LES. The way he ran his hand through his hair. That voice -
Just as you pass by him, he turns to look at you. That charming smile and the lines at the corner of his eyes as he grins make you stop in place. Pleasantly surprised, you rest your hands on your hips and look him over,
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“Wow.” You mouth the word.
He takes a step away from his friend and comes to you. His eyes move over your body slowly, he savors every single second of it and you feel the sexiest you’ve felt in two years. The guy he was talking to goes back into the firehouse.
“It’s you.” He grins.
You moisten your lips and lean back slightly, to get a better view of him, “What are the chances.”
He moves a little closer then stops, “Santi.” he points at himself.
You chuckle and fiddle with the strap of your bag,
“I remember.” You lie but throw a flirtatious smile on it. He laughs, like he knows you’re lying and shrugs playfully.
When your name leaves his lips, body memories rush back from that night and the way his body felt against yours. Then, in that moment you feel a little bad for forgetting his name. But, to be fair, you had a lot of shit going on at the time. 
“You live by here?” Santi asks, inching closer.
“Yeah about 5 block - “  Before you could finish another man pokes his head out of the firehouse. His presence makes Santi alert, he looks back at him.
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“You ready?” The man asks. He briefly glances at you then back at Santi.
“Yeah.” Santi and the man share a knowing look before he disappears back into the house. Santi turns his attention back to you, “I hate to walk away but Captain calls.”
You wink at him and take a step back. Santi flashes a smile and goes inside.
You couldn’t get Santi out of your mind. What were the chances you’d end up blocks away from his firehouse? Did it mean something? Was this a sign?
Over the next two days you entertain the idea of walking pass again, but you don’t want to seem desprate, so you wait. It’s not until the third day that you think about going for real. You change out of your work clothes into your best pair of jeans, tight tshirt and your leather jacket. After checking yourself out in the mirror, you leave the house.
You barely step out of the building when the loud sound of a bike roars up the street. The guy on the bike comes to a stop infront of your building. He gets off the bike and kneels down, checking out this tire.
The hot tall blonde curses under his breath before standing up again. As he does, you can see how tall he actually is and nearly gasp aloud. His wide shoulders, big hands, strong arms…your eyes dont know where to land there's just so much of him.
Then he catches you. When those blue eyes meet your own you hold your breath,
“Hey.” His voice is smooth, calming.
You nod, forgetting how to speak or use words. His eyes move over your body, then raise back up to your face. He flashes a heartstopping smile before mounting the bike again.
You unzip your jacket, suddenly feeling flushed with heat. The stanger glances at you once more and you wave him off as he drives away.
That good feeling you had about this place, well that just got even sweeter.
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More triple frontier (with links to each guy)
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haec-est-fides · 3 years
Omg thanks for listening to my random ramblings I am feeling so validated right now. To answer your tags I have only watched bits and pieces of Rome, mostly Octavian stuff. I enjoy watching /the/ Machiavellian paragon, I may actually sit down and watch it all one day. I am not going to lie, my main interest in ToA lies with the Olympian dynamics, although from what I've seen I will have to adjust some pre existing headcanons based off what I've read especially the Hermes bit at the end of ToN, which is so disappointing from what we've read about Mr. "cant give up on family" (yes I am a bit of an Hermes apologist. Was he a terrible father to Luke? Yes absolutely by mortal standards but he did care and he has bound by fate and you cant change fate without making things worse and he doesnt seem to have a problem with the unclaimed living in his cabin unlike idk Hera would probably so as far as Olympians go he is not the worse. Not good but not the worse and damn is he an intersting character to think about.) Also something I noticed while reading through your blog is Nero said souls escape all the time from the Underworld? Which is super stupid. What kind of leaky ship is Hades, who so far has been portrayed as one of the most responsible and serious gods running down there. And it directly contradicts all of the myths that show how hard and impossible it is to escape- I just really hate that detail it feels like Rick makes all of these throwaway lines and doesnt think about how it affects the canon at large. The closest thing I can think of to justify this is Melinoe from the sword of hades story where she is supposed to take souls who didnt receive proper burial rites and terrify mortals on the surface in myth but that is not what it sounded like. Octavian is the hero of his own story and it is so tragic like from his pov he is totally in the right. Some random amnesiac son of Neptune rolles up to town and is elected praetor over you a vet in a respected position entirely devoted to the camp after one week where he mostly wasnt even in camp and showing no administrative skills and he wasnt even leader of the quest that was Frank. And then he brings a literal warship of your historical enemies, who attack your city and then dip. Yeah, he is totally justified in declaring war. And then he dies and is hailed as the hero he thought of himself in life. Rick I am begging for some depth to Octavian to show how he is an anti hero or well intentioned extremist. The manipulated by gaea angle later on was lazy and if anything makes him more sympathetic rather than him doing it all of his own will and most likely revisionist by Apollo. I also noticed how you dont seem to like the seven and nico and reyna could you expand on that? Is it the carte blanche on killing? Because I never really thought about it but, Michael Yew was Percy's fault huh? I dont remember if he ever told them to evacuate the bridge before he brought it down, which would muddy the waters, but either way it was a reckless disregard of lives, especially his for all intents and purposes subordinates as he is basically the commander of this army. I understand that these are middle grade books, which is why I try not to hold all of these thoughts against Rick too much but I cant help but think of what ifs. Especially since he brings these topics up and then brushes them under the rug, like the demigods on the Andromeda. They are fighting a war, and there will be casualties, demigod on demigod killings. Obviously he is not going to delve into the ethics of child soldiers killing each other directly but he still brings it up. And the whole Bryce thing went well beyond self defense. And yeah I get that this whole series requires serious suspense of disbelief, but that is easier with the Mist/deliberately hiding from mortals. But three immortal roman emperors with the largest company ever and fingers in every mortal pie have been able to hide for centuries? I didnt realize I had this many thoughts on the series huh. Sorry for the word vomit.
Sorry for taking longer to get back to this ask than the last ones!
I cannot recommend HBO's Rome enough. I've watched it so many times! While it does of course have its issues, it's really fun in a political intrigue way imo. I think I keep going back to it because Octavian / Augustus "wins" in the end, the show being focused on the establishment of the empire, and that's not an ending I see a lot in media?
Riordan definitely wrote a lot of "throwaway" lines without thinking about the consequences for the broader world he was creating. Octavian is sort of that same concept -- a throwaway line -- but a whole character, seeing how little he was explored and, more, how little his role in the world seemed to affect anything else.
Hm, I suppose I don't like the Seven, Nico, Reyna, etc. But honestly? It's almost wholly personal, and I will admit that. I definitely respect them as people, for what they've accomplished and been through, but,,,I doubt I'd get along with them, largely because they don't seem to even try to understand Octavian / the Roman viewpoint. Even the "Romans" -- Reyna, Jason, Frank, Hazel -- are explicitly juxtaposed with traditional Romanness at large, and that's written as a "good" thing. I probably actively dislike Nico the most, as well as Michael Kahale, because of the roles they played in Octavian's death. Nico plays a big protagonist role in ToA too, so,,,I consider him my enemy on narrative grounds.
Regarding the way death is so,,,casual? Not addressed very well, if at all? Yeah, it's sometimes hard to swallow. The Andromeda explosion and Octavian's death are great examples, but it comes up in ToA as well and makes me angry every time.
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my-mt-heart · 2 years
Its really hard for me right now as a caryler. Im french and i like Clemence Poesy, had it been still a caryl spin off i would be over the moon. And im one of those who loves Rick (refering to your post). I know u said lets not again put the blame on us carylers because we re devastated and saying it, and i get it, im sick of the carylers being blamed for everything as well, but some carylers on twitter are really really really going too far, and also are judging carylers that are not by shaming them and calling them pathetics losers that need attention and approval by GA etc. What kind of bullshit is that? Where's the tolerance for different opinions? Its sad. Im tired.
We dont know yet how this spin off will turn out. Yes the night club thing is strange but its just a setting, it doesnt mean we ll see Daryl having sex with all kind of strippers or girls in the club. Yes, Clemence is younger than Melissa, and the "cast as a lead" thing can be upsetting, but as u said, there is also a male lead, being cast as a lead doesnt mean anything else than she ll be in all episodes and be important to the story. That doesnt necessarely mean she'll be Daryl's love interest (but mind you... donnie and co are gonna jump on that ship for sure, canon or not...) , plus hell for all we know the spin off could be set before the time jump at the end of 11.24 with caryl canon.
Maybe, just maybe, lets wait for the finale before being scared and disappointed, and maybe also lets really wait for that spin off to air or have real spoilers abt it before jumping to the conclusion that its gonna betray Daryl's character. About what Khary said, well, he does know Melissa better than we do so even if he cant talk for her it is worrying for me. On the other side she did say Carol's not over yet, so i guess we just have to wait and see.
I have litteraly nothing against what lots of carylers are feeling right now, i've been sad and pissed myself for months, but seing some of "us" making fun of Clemence on twitter, having decided before seeing anything that its gonna be shit and full of shitty male gaze doesnt help our cause. And i know its not everyone, but its still tiring. And again, we are not bad carylers because we dont hate the new female lead. Our because we re kind of "happy" (not really because its just Daryl but hope u get my point) our country is getting some kind of recognition in our favorite show. I really really wish it could be Caryl in France and not just Daryl, but its not...
There are probably going to be a few french actors on this show that are either half famous around the world or at least huge stars in the french speaking countries (France, Belgium, ect...). I might like them as a fan of french cinema or tv. Am i a bad caryler because i dont wanna hate them just because they are trying to "internationalize" their career with an american spin off of a very famous show ? Am i going to stop liking them because they are in the show? No
Im not saying its what u re asking, i know its not. And im NOT watching the show anyway. Because carol's not in there. I'll just spoil myself if necessary. But i dont want to hate on Daryl, i refuse (i dont care abt Norman).
Again, please, i hope u ll understand what im trying to say. Im so tired. And its not against you. Or anyone on tumblr really. I love your posts. As some other anon pointed out, you re the light here, very often. Im just exhausted. Now, i shared here my opinion but respect yours or everyone else, i just wished everybody (and i dont mean u) did the same.
I understand what you're saying and I agree we shouldn't be jumping down each other's throats or blaming the new cast. As for the general uproar, AMC has broken our faith in a lot of ways, they've mishandled Daryl's story before (thinking of Leah), they've sidelined Carol/Melissa, kept Caryl apart and the list goes on, so I think it's important to keep holding them accountable for that. The finale/finale event will give us more insight like you said, and if we aren't happy, then yeah, we don't watch. I don't think any of us are planning to anyway.
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[SUMMARY: Rick's daughter Melody cant stop thinking about Negan. The two developing a connection before she learns the truth of what Negan had done to Glenn.]
Negan and Melody PART TWO
It had been about two weeks since you saw Negan. Two whole weeks yet you couldnt stop replaying what happened between the two of you. Sucking your teeth you cursed at yourself for even continuing to think about what happened. You werent interested to see anymore of Negan, at least that's what you tried convincing yourself. It was hard fighting the thoughts in your head, just how much control you had over Negan for that moment until he climaxed. With a sigh you walked out and decided to help Michonne that day with her daily duties. As you walked past where Negan was held captive, you couldnt help but keep your eyes on the door not having any idea your father would catch you. This was the second time now that your father caught you looking at the jail cell in a strange manner. Brushing it off he went about his day as you did.
Negan continued to wake up each day with a hard on, thinking of you and what you did. Truth be told it was hard for him to ask you to leave when he did, Negan felt comfortable having conversation with you. He appreciated that you didnt treat him like an animal locked away, although you didnt know why he was in the cell, the sight of him in the cell didnt make you treat him any different. He wondered if any bit of you would think of coming by to see him, he wondered if you thought about what you did to him. He replayed it in his head only in his head it didnt end with you leaving. He lay in his bed when he suddenly heard the voice of a man calling your name through his window.
"Hey Melody, wait up!"
You turned to find Fred running towards you. Fred was one of the new guys who entered Alexandria within the last month. Since his arrival you noticed how much he looked at you and how much he would try to talk to you. Being distracted in your head with the whole Negan situation you didnt realize that maybe this guy had a crush on you.
"Where you headed to?" Fred asked out of breath as he caught up to you.
"I'm just going to check on the kids, sometimes I help Anne with the classes."
"Maybe I can accompany you."
Negan frowned as he overheard Fred's suggestion.
"I mean, sure if you want to." You smiled at Fred not having any idea the two of you were being heard.
"You look really cute in that shirt by the way." Negan sat up at Fred's compliment and looked up at the window. He wondered if you were wearing that same black top you had when you came to see him. The same black top that showed just enough of a peak at your plump breasts. He made a dirty look knowing this man was probably thinking the same as him when he saw you in that top. Negan stood up on top of a box and put his ear closer to the window continuing to hear the conversation.
"Thank you," you giggled looking down at your shirt suddenly remembering this had been the same top you wore when you saw Negan. You remembered how he couldnt get his eyes off it.
"You alright?" Fred asked noticing you blank out in thought.
"Yeah of course. Lets go, Fred." You smiled before walking off with him.
"Fred huh" Negan mumbled to himself as he stepped down. It striked a nerve of jealousy in him that he didnt understand. Negan didnt even know who Fred was. He lay back down with his hands behind his head brushing off the matter, well he tried to at least. He knew he had asked you to leave but he wondered if this new guy Fred is what kept you from even trying to see him.
The next day you came outside to find your father and the others holding up the fence in the entrance. A few walkers attempted to make their way in but thankfully they were stopped.
"Melody!" You looked to the side and found Gregory, the same guard that let you in to see Negan the last time calling for you.
"Melody, I need your help-" he suddenly handed you a tray of food and threw a set of keys at you.
"I need you to give Negan his food, I have to help with the entrance."
"What? I'm not going in there, my dads not even calling for you." You insisted with confusion.
"Listen they need a hand from the outside, now unless you want to do that just take Negan his stuff I'll be back quick." Before you could respond Gregory ran off making you sigh. The last thing you wanted to do was see Negan. Looking around to make sure nobody would see you, you quickly snuck inside and locked the door behind you. You could feel your heart rate go up as you walked down the dark hall. You found Negan sitting back against the wall reading a book. The sound of you entering made him look up and raise his brows.
"Well look who's back," he spoke in his usual cocky tone as you rolled your eyes.
"Dont flatter yourself, Gregory asked me to do this favor." You shoved the tray under the cell as he put the book down and stood up.
"Now dont tell me you dont want to see me." He teased as he stepped close to the bars.
"I don't." You snapped back.
"Why not? Your boyfriend Fred might get jealous?" He grinned.
"Hes not my boyfriend-wait how do you even-" Negan interrupted you with a deep chuckle.
"What the hell do you care anyways?" You squinted your eyes at him.
"Mmmm..I thought a new man caught your eye, sweetheart."
"Again. What the hell do you care?"
"Maybe I missed you." He slowly licked his bottom lip with a smile. You scoffed rolling your eyes in response.
"I mean I know I told you to leave, doll but shit you broke my heart. Thought youd be back."
"Well you thought wrong." You crossed your arms confidently until he squinted his eyes at you.
"You've been thinking about me too, havent you?" He teased.
"N-no, I havent actually." You lied and you werent even good at it.
"You sure? You don't think about what you did to me? Or better...what I wanna do to you." He spoke seductively watching as your lips parted.
"Because I do. I think of it every fucking day."
You took a deep breath knowing damn well that's exactly what you had been thinking since you last saw him.
"Why are you telling me this?" You whispered slowly.
"Cause I want to fucking see you." He blurt out leaving you silent. Truth was, you wanted to see him too but did your best to fight the thought out of your head.
"Do you?" You asked when you suddenly heard the door open behind you and your heart sunk.
"Melody, what the hell are you doing here?!"
You turned to find your dad angrily walking towards you.
"Dad-" you gasped.
"Oh shit..." Negan muttered to himself with a smirk as he realized who Rick was to you.
"I want you out of here-"
"Dad let me explain!"
"Go to your room. Now!" He yelled so loud it made you jump. Negan frowned hearing you tear up before you ran out of the room leaving only him and your father alone together.
"So that's your daughter, huh?" Rick looked at him with intense eyes afraid to even know what he was thinking of you.
"Pretty girl-"
"Watch your mouth!"
Negan couldnt help but laugh in response, knowing the daughter of the man that has him locked up was the one that jerked him off.
"Its no wonder she likes me-"
"She doesnt like you, dont speak of my daughter."
"Oh but I think she does." Negan responded in a cocky manner.
"Your daughter and I actually got to know each other quite a bit and I think she likes that I dont treat her like a fucking kid. I mean shes not...shes a whole lotta woman." A slow grin appeared on Negans face making Rick bang his gun on the bars.
"I'm going to warn you, when it comes to my daughter you really dont want to cross me." With that being said Rick left the room and ran to find you.
In your room sitting on your bed nervous you knew you would be hearing from your father any minute.
"Stupid Gregory," you muttered to yourself wondering why he let your father get back to the prison first. As you sat staring at the floor your father barged in angrily. Rick stood in place for a moment staring down at you disappointed before he began to speak.
"You're going to have a curfew from now on."
"Dad. I'm already locked in Alexandria-"
"How long have you been seeing Negan?" He cut you off bluntly.
"I havent...today was the first time." You lied making him sigh.
"Melody you have to understand that man is dangerous, hes locked up for a reason."
"And you cant even tell me why." You shot back crossing your arms. Your father stood silent staring down at you, he couldn't bring himself to tell you the truth.
"Melody I'm your father and you should just trust me when I tell you something. That's that. Now stay in your room." He slammed the door as he left making you want to pull your hair out. Angrily you lay back in bed and sighed just wanting the day to be over.
Two days passed and you hadn't really spoken to your father, you had nothing to say. Sitting on your porch you saw your father getting a truck ready to go on another run. The supply run would last over night with the destination being far but they knew where to go. You looked over at where Negan was held and saw Eugene standing in the front before realizing your father was watching you with a warning glare. With a sigh you stood up and went back inside.
Negan overheard Rick and a few others were going to get a few supplies. Yet, he was sure he wouldnt be seeing you for a while now, he knew you would be too afraid to. Eugene came inside to check on him and Negan could always tell how nervous the job made him.
"I gotta ask," Negan began to speak making Eugene tremble.
"Why you out of everyone out there?"
"Wh-what do ya mean?" Eugene responded hesitantly when Rick suddenly called for him as he was making sure Negans cell was locked.
"Be right there!" Eugene yelled out before nervously running out being thankful that something got him out of there. Negan chuckled leaning on the bars when the cell suddenly opened.
"Holy shit.." Negan whispered.
"Eugene I need you to help Anne till I get back."
"Well what about Negan?" Eugene asked worriedly.
"He'll be fine. Doors are locked, he wont know you're not in front. Just do me that favor till I get back alright?" Eugene nodded quickly before Rick jumped in the truck and drove out of Alexandria.
Negan heard the car drive out and stepped on the box to get closer to the window to hear who was around. It sounded very quiet outside. Slowly opening his cell door he made his way down the hall. Putting his ear to the door to hear who was outside he slowly turned the knob. Surprised that it was open he let himself out. Negan could've easily used this chance to escape, he could've used this chance to be free but, Negan wanted to see you. Looking to his right he was lucky to catch you going inside the house so he knew right where to go.
Negan hid behind the houses as he snuck his way closer to you. Stopping a few feet away he looked up and noticed you by your window. Distracted completely by the sight of you taking off your top, he couldn't help trying to get a peak. Rushing to the front of your house as no one was around, he quietly snuck inside gently closing the door behind him before making his way upstairs.
Negan could hear you humming to yourself as he slowly went up the stairs. He could hear you coming from the left side of the house. He looked to see your door was cracked and slowly moved closer to it. Through the crack he saw you still with your bra on brushing your hair.
As you brushed your hair all you could think about was Negan. Why the hell did that man have such a hold on your mind? You abruptly stopped singing getting annoyed at the thought of the situation. How he asked you to leave last time then suddenly had the nerve to say he missed you.
"Negan missed me huh," you scoffed not knowing you were being heard.
"So why the hell ask me to leave, asshole?" You stood up throwing your brush on your dresser before reaching behind you and unclipping your bra. The second you removed your bra Negan let out a deep breath at the sight of your round and plump breasts. He could picture them filling up his large hands, he could feel himself getting hard at the thought. You sighed as you suddenly spaced out thinking about that morning. Thinking about how much you actually wanted to suck on his cock. Thinking about how he wrapped his hand around your throat...then touched your breast. Without realizing it you found yourself caressing your breasts.
Negan practically almost lost his balance at the sight. Keeping himself composed he began to rub his crotch area as he watched you twist your nipples between your fingers.
"Oh.." he whispered softly as he watched your hands touch yourself all over, your neck and shoulders. Your eyes closing as you bit your bottom lip and squeezed your breasts. Negan was breaking a sweat watching you, his breathing was heavy as he focused on every part of you. He tried his best to hold himself back but he couldnt control himself any longer and opened the door to you room.
Negan walked inside making you scream as you stumbled back against the wall. Covering your breasts with your hands you couldnt believe Negan was in your room.
"What...h-how.." you gasped in shock as Negan smirked, slowly closing the door behind him and locking it. You couldnt find the words to say, had he escaped? What the hell was he doing here?
"Come on, arent you glad to see me? I sure am glad to see you." He stepped closer as you stared at him in shock. Licking his lips with a twinkle in his eyes he looked down at your hands covering your chest.
"You're gonna put those hands down for me, sweetheart?" You could see he was aroused just as you were. Slowly but surely you obliged putting your hands to your side. He looked down at them licking his lips before looking back up at you and grinned.
"Thats a real nice fucking rack."
Negan chuckled at your shy response he could tell you were nervous and shocked at the sight of him.
"You wanna share with me what your fine self was just thinking about?"
"You saw me...how long were you there?" You finally spoke hesitantly.
"Long enough. Now tell me, what exactly were you thinking of about big ol' Negan here." He slid his tongue between his teeth as he looked down at you excitedly.
"I...um...Negan..." you laughed nervously making him smile, he actually thought it was kinda cute.
"Let me help you out." He blurt out before clearing his throat.
"Were you thinking about this?" Negan suddenly took your nipple gently between his index finger and thumb, twisting it lightly. You gasped looking down at what he was doing as he began to now do it with the other hand as well.
"Negan.." you whispered before he leaned down and took your nipple in his mouth. You moaned throwing your head back as you held on to him, the feel of his tongue flicking around your nipple making you weak. Negan began to pull your pants down as he continued to tease you knowing exactly what he wanted to do to you.
"I dont know if we should right now." You whispered knowing damn well you didnt want to stop. Negan stood up straight and began taking off his clothes as he stared down at you.
"Come on, sweetheart. No ones around to stop you. Plus..." he walked backward towards the bed and pulled you back on it with him.
"I still owe you, remember." He winked looking down at you before leaning in and kissing you. It felt so good feeling his body lay beside yours. Negans hand caressed your body as he kissed you. He placed himself behind you as he kissed the side of your neck and shoulder. He lifted your leg up and began touching your clit. You moaned leaning back against him feeling the tip of his cock press against your ass.
"Mmmhmm..I know you've been thinking of me." He whispered against your ear feeling how wet you already were.
"Dont worry, I'm gonna do exactly what you want me to do." Negan continued rubbing your clit as you felt him thrust his pelvis against you. You could feel the tip of his cock teasing your entrance and you wanted more. He nibbled on your ear as you felt him slide his cock between your lips teasing you before unexpectedly sliding himself in. You moaned as he closed his eyes leaning his face at the soft curve of your neck.
"Holy fucking christ.." he whispered out of breath. The man had been craving the feel of pussy for months and yours being the first one he had felt in a long time he fought himself to not explode. He struggled fighting the intense urge to cum inside you. It was all he could think of doing.
"Negan...that feels so good," you moaned leaning back against him.
"I know baby," you could hear him having trouble to speak and through it all he didnt stop rubbing your clit. It was to the point you felt a giant burst of pleasure take over you that you moaned loudly pushing away from his cock. Negan felt you squirt all over him and cursed under his breath.
"Oh fuck yeah-" he muttered not expecting you to orgasm the way you did. You collapsed against him as he slid his cock right back in making you gasp. Negan held you close his hand grabbing your breast as he continued to fuck you when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Negan and you both froze, his cock still in you before you took a deep breath and answered.
"Who is it?" You spoke in a shakey voice.
"Melody, it's me Fred. You ok?"
Negan chuckled low kissing your shoulder before he began to move again making it harder for you to speak.
"Y-yes...why?" Negan got a rise out of fucking you while knowing the guy who was interested in you was just outside the door.
"I thought I heard you yell from the window, I got worried. I just wanted to check on you." You couldnt respond as Negan purposely began to move faster, more than anything you wanted to cry out.
Negan right away covered your lips with his hand knowing you both were about to cum as he thrusted as fast as he could.
Your eyes rolling back, Negan felt your body shake against him as you whimpered right as he pulled out, barely in time.
He let go of your mouth as he jerked himself off on your inner thigh biting down on his bottom lip as he did. The amount of warmth you felt cover your thigh as you felt his body jerk against you made you moan softly. Letting out a deep breath he lay back, you panted beside him.
"Yes!" You yelled out without meaning to out of breath.
"I mean, yes. Sorry I'm fine." You cleared your throat as Fred stood by the door confused.
"Ok...I'll see you around later. We can catch up if you want."
"Sure, Fred." You just wanted him to leave, you struggled to catch your breath with Negan before finally hearing him walk down the stairs.
"Fucking shit that fuck is annoying." Negan stood up wiping the sweat off his face with his tshirt as you began to clean yourself off. You didnt respond as you began to get dressed making Negan turn to look at you as he buttoned his pants.
"You're not going to actually see him later are you?"
"I dont know. Maybe." You responded without looking his way making him sarcastically chuckle.
"What do you care?" You turned to him making him frown.
"Are you still giving me attitude after how I just fucked the shit out of you? By the way, holy fuck I had no idea you were a squirter."
"Neither did I." You responded making him raise his brows.
"Well look at that, fucked you good and made you squirt. You're gonna stop being mad at me or what?" You sighed, you couldnt stay mad at him..not with that look.
"I guess I will." You smiled rolling your eyes as Negan stepped close to you and leaned in for a kiss. He grabbed your face kissing you passionately when you suddenly heard the door slam downstairs.
"Who was that?" You gasped hearing someone loudly run up the stairs only terrifying you even more.
"Melody open the damn door!" You gasped bulging your eyes out hearing your dads voice.
"Shit." Negan muttered as Rick attempted to open the door.
"What the hell is he doing back, he was suppose to be gone for the night?" You whispered in a panic.
"Open the damn door, I know you're not alone in there!" Your father yelled as you looked up at Negan.
"Just open it, it'll be ok. I'll deal with it."
Hesitantly and fearfully you unlocked the door and opened it to see your father immediately turn to Negan.
"Now Rick, before you say-" before Negan could finish Rick ran in the room and speared him to the floor.
"Dad!" You screamed as he punched Negan before Negan quickly turned him around.
"Dad wait!" You screamed watching in shock. Rick stood up out of breath angrily wiping the blood from the corner of his lip.
"You wanna take advantage of my daughter? I warned you not to cross me!" Your father yelled as Negan stood up out of breath.
"Hes not taking advantage of me, daddy please stop. I'm grown enough to make my choices."
"Oh yeah, was Negan honest to you about what he did? Did he tell you why hes locked in the cell? Were you grown enough for him to tell you that?"
"Dad stop it! You never told me yourself." You yelled back at him.
"I didnt tell you to protect you, he didnt tell you so he could get to use you. Why dont you tell her Negan, tell her what you did." Your father and you turned to Negan as you saw the look of guilt in his eyes.
"I'm not that same man anymore." Negan spoke low.
"Tell her what you did!" Your father yelled once again making you jump. Negan stood silent staring at you knowing there was nothing he could do at this point. Knowing you would never look at him the same way again.
"Negan...tell me." You whispered worriedly. Your father didn't want to hurt you, he didnt want to tell you this but clearly it was the only way to keep you away from him.
"Melody....Negan killed Glenn."
Your eyes bulged out as you stared at Negan in silence. He didnt say a word only confirming it to be true. Your eyes welled up with tears as you felt a knot build up in your throat.
"No.." you whispered feeling a tear roll down your cheek.
"That...that's a joke." You responded in denial.
"You...you wouldn't have let me...knowing that...you wouldnt..right?" You stared up at Negan realizing maybe your father was right. He took advantage using you for sex knowing the wrong he had done. He knew how you would feel about it but chose not to tell you so he could still have you.
"Glenn?" You whispered again remembering how you confided in Negan telling him how upset you were of the situation. And that's when he had asked you to leave...that was why he asked you to leave, you began to realize.
"I'm gonna be sick.." you turned away with your hand on your chest as your father rushed beside you putting his hand on your shoulder.
"Dont!" You suddenly yelled shaking his hand off.
"If it werent for you treating me like a damn child...hiding things from me...I wouldnt have fallen for this-"
"I tried to warn you." Your father responded calmly.
"If I would've known he killed Glenn I would've never...ever spoken to him!" You cried out as Negan looked down at the ground, he knew there was nothing he could say.
"Melody.." your father moved towards you making you move back.
"Dont. The both of you leave me the hell alone. Just leave me alone." You ran out of the house wiping your tears way. The two men staying in silence before Rick silently tied up Negans hands. Without alerting anyone you grabbed your emergency back pack you had hidden away by the entrance and quietly climbed out without anyone knowing. You wanted nothing more to do with Alexandria. You felt hurt, betrayed, lost, you thought of your friend Glenn and cried. You couldnt be here anymore and walked off not hearing Eugene call out your name as you ran off.
Eugene ran towards Rick's house catching him as he came out with Negan tied up.
"Rick, shes gone! She left...I tried stopping her-"
"Who?" Rick raised a brow speaking low to Eugene.
"Melody! She left she took a bag and left-"
"Melody." Negan whispered with a frown making Rick glare at him before turning back to Eugene.
"Which way did she go?"
"She went down the road turning left. Ya gotta find her I saw her crying." Eugene spoke in panic as Rick nodded with concerned eyes.
"Alright, here's what you're gonna do. I need you to take Negan back to the cell. I'm going to get Melody. Find Daryl and Michonne and tell them to meet me by the small lake by the road. Got it?"
"Y-you want me to stay with Negan?"
"Yes. Can you do that for me? I'm counting on you." Eugene nodded his head but was clearly nervous for the job. He handed Negan to Eugene and quickly ran off to leave and find you.
Negan watched Rick take off and didnt like the idea of you being out there alone and distraught. Hell, he found himself worried about you. Negan walked with Eugene pretending to stop and fix his shoe with his hands tied in front, he picked up a rock. Quietly he made his way to the cell as Eugene anxiously bought him inside.
"I like you, Eugene. But...I gotta do this."
"Do what?" He asked confused when Negan lifted up his hands and slammed the rock on his head making him knock out cold.
"Sorry man." He whispered before grabbing the knife out of Eugene's pocket and cutting the rope loose. Grabbing whatever weapon he could Negan was not going to let you be out there on your own. He felt at fault and he didnt want anything happening to you. Without being seen Negan climbed up the fence and made his way out determined to find you and bring you back home safely.
If you have any ideas you want to share for the next part, please send them in. Any feedback I appreciate. Thank you
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rayghosts · 4 years
i think i realized what rick riordan’s flaw is when writing characters of color: his research is always set in the past.
like, with piper, he admitted that the books he read when creating her character were all on native history. none of them were on how it’s like to live as a native in this day and age. hence, he has all this knowledge on native culture without knowing how to properly execute it.
the same goes with frank. he has all this niche history knowledge (or rather theories, since not all historians agree on this) about china and its relation to rome. but when you look at the actual character of frank, there’s absolutely nothing chinese about him except for his grandmother, and he doesnt even call her by a chinese word like how leo calls his relatives in spanish (which was very disappointing to me as someone who has chinese descendance).
and samirah. im also a muslim, and i thought she was cool rep, but the part about her arranged marriage bugged me. while it’s true that children used to be in arranged marriages, times have changed, and nowadays you dont find anyone pressuring their daughter into an arraged marriage unless she’s at least 17 or 18.
then there’s hazel, who is literally from the past.
im not saying that rick is bad, or that you should boycott him or anything (in fact, i find it super neat that his books have this much diversity in them!). im just pointing out a flaw i noticed in his representation.
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