#ricky memphis
Natale a 5 Stelle (2018) 
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*on Netflix, 5 Star Christmas*
As I've said many times, I don't look into any kind of review or research on the cast prior to watching films. Going in blind I think helps me stay as unbiased as possible. I didn't even read the description on Netflix, so, as usual, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that this movie is Italian. If you don't like subtitles, you're in for a bad time.
Prime Minister Franco Rispoli (Massimo Ghini) is traveling with his assistant Walter Bianchini (Ricky Memphis) to a political convention in Budapest, Hungary. Also attending is Senator Giulia Rossi (Martina Stella) who is part of the party opposing the Prime Minister's party. However, Giulia and Franco are hoping to turn this 3 day trip into a way for them to consummate a romantic relationship between them. It has to stay private as they are both married, but fortunately they are away from all the prying eyes in Italy. That is, until they go to the window to look out at the Danube river and there is an unresponsive Santa Claus (Riccardo Rossi) stuck in the window. Franco is sure that Santa is dead (he's not), but he doesn't want anyone finding out Giulia is in the room at all, so he calls Walter up to take care of the body. Walter doesn't answer right away as first he has to call back his mother (Roberta Florentini) and then he runs into his mother's former nurse, Berta Molnar (Andrea Osvárt) at the market. Franco and Giulia are getting stressed as they're never quite sure who will be at the door because the Bellhop (Biagio Izzo) and the Hotel Manager (Ralph Palka) are constantly checking up on Franco. The manager wants to make sure he's well taken care of, and the bellhop is nosy.
When Walter finally gets there to take care of the not dead corpse, who should show up but Roberto di Leo (Massimo Ciavarro), Giulia's husband? And a bit later, Marisa Rispoli (Paola Minaccioni) comes in to surprise her husband Franco because it's their wedding anniversary. As more people barge in on things they shouldn't see, the lies get more and more outlandish.
This is a silly comedy with fun bits throughout. The music is also playful. The best thing I think is that it never takes itself too seriously. The Prime Minister is still scheming (like any good politician) at the very end of the movie (with a particularly bad plan, if he were to ask me). I do love the uniqueness of this as a Christmas movie, and the characters feed into the reputation that Italians are very passionate and have big personalities. I wouldn't mind watching it again, but it probably wouldn't be my idea. Overall, I'll give it 3 stars.
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fantom-flower · 17 days
fantom's album review #1
I decided I'd go through NPR's The 150 Greatest Albums Made By Women.
Doing all 150 seemed a little too daunting, so I'm just doing the top 50. I'm going in order from 50 to 1, listening to all the albums from start to finish, rating them and writing my opinion.
I'm just doing this for fun, to learn more about the history of popular music and also listen to genres that I'm less familiar with.
All my ratings are based on my own personal tastes, so the following list is HIGHLY subjective.
50. Hole - Live Through This (1994)
7/10  I’ve never been much for 90s grunge. I was a little too young for its heyday (I was <10 when this album came out, hardly the intended audience) and later when I got into 90s music, grunge never really appealed to me. Still, I enjoyed this album, and I think a few of the songs on it will make it into my regular rotation.
49. Ricki Lee Jones - Pirates (1981)
2/10  Wow. I fucking hated this album. Her voice is okay, sometimes annoyingly breathy, and not nearly interesting enough to carry the meandering talk-singing she engages in nearly every song. Best thing I can say about this album is that it ends.
48. Etta James - Rocks the House (1964)
7/10  I don’t like live albums. That being said, this one is actually pretty good. It has a fun energy, with some great call and response with the audience. NPR's review said she “howled her way through” her songs, and that is accurate. Not something I usually enjoy, but aside from the howling, she has a very powerful and lovely voice, and even the howling started to grow on me by the end of the album.
47. Celia Cruz - Son con Guaguanco (1966)
10/10  No notes. I fucking loved this album. Es La Humanidad is my favorite song off of it. Stunning voice, great instrumentals, so fun to listen to.
46. Emmylou Harris - Wrecking Ball (1995)
6/10  A lot of the songs were really hit or miss for me. Largely, I really preferred the accompaniment. Wrecking Ball in particular stood out with this great lonely, yearning sound. Deeper Well is the best song on the album, if the rest had been like that, could have been a 9/10 easily. Orphan Girl was awful.
45. Dusty Springfield - Dusty in Memphis (1969)
5/10 Boring. The Windmills of Your Mind was alright.
44. Heart - Dreamboat Annie (1976)
9/10  Glad to find that Magic Man and Crazy on You are representative of the album rather than exceptions from it. Soul of the Sea is probably my favorite track. Lots of fun to listen to.
43. M.I.A. - Kala (2007)
2/10  I think I like Paper Planes as much as the next guy, but not enough to listen to a whole album of it.  Absolutely chock full of the most annoying sound effects known to man.  This one took me a long time to get through. When it was time for me to listen to music I kept thinking, “I don't want to ruin the pleasant vibe I have going by making myself listen to this.”
42. Ella Fitzgerald - Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Johnny Mercer Song Book (1964)
9/10 Hard to go wrong with Ella Fitzgerald. Name a song of hers that’s not an instant classic. I was surprised to see that this album was from the 60s when I started listening to it. Not the decade I associate with big band. I deduct one point because for me, all slow, soulful, romantic big band songs all kind of sound the same. I like the sound, but I like having some variety. 
41. Tracy Chapman - Tracy Chapman (1988)
10/10  Came into the album only having heard of Fast Car. It lives up to the hype, and the rest of the album does not disappoint! Great sound, great lyrics, great social justice message. Talkin’ bout a Revolution is going to be the next song I listen to over and over again to wring every drop of serotonin I can get from it.
Final thoughts of albums 50-41
Favorite album from this group is Tracy Chapman's self titled album. 
As for my least favorite, it's really hard to choose between MIA and Ricki Lee Jones. They were both so deeply awful to listen to.
What I'm looking forward to in albums 40-31:
Kate Bush and my childhood favorite, Tina Turner
What I'm dreading in the next ten:
Björk. I've been doing my best to listen to all the albums from start to finish even if I don't like it. Björk might break the streak.
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23 Year Old Ricky Morton , 1980
Ricky Morton is one half of the legendary tag team , The Rock N Roll Express. Morton ‘s career began in 1977 at Continental Wrestling Association. In 1983 , he began teaming with Robert Gibson and that was when The Rock N Roll Express began. The two were put together by promoters Jerry ‘ The King ‘ Lawler and Jerry Jarrett. They would have a fierce rivalry with The Midnight Express. The Rock N Roll Express went on to become multiple time tag team champions and were inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2017.
Ricky Morton is currently wrestling on the Independent Circuit and has made appearances in the NWA alongside his son , Kerry. He also owns a wrestling school , School of Morton.
I hope to meet Ricky at WRESTLECADE this year!
📸 : Classic Memphis Wrestling Facebook Page
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elvispresleywife · 1 year
I'll be there.
Pairing: Elvis x Female!Reader!
A/N: Ok, so I know it's late(VERY), and I know it's not amazing, but this is my first fic, so I hope for what it's worth you all enjoy it and it was worth your waiting!! Please be kind, the last thing this fandom needs is nastiness. 💗💗(Again I'm sorry if it's bad.)
Words: 1388 (Sorry I know it's long I got carried away!)
Proofread? Very slightly.
Warning: None I think...Let me know if there are any that you find!
Characters: Elvis Presley, Reader, Memphis Mafia, Dodger(Grandma)
Summary: Reader is a fast-paced, go-go girl who doesn't like to slow down. There's always stuff to do! At the moment though she has a bad cold due to the cold autumn Memphis. However, like always she acts like she's fine, goes about her business like usual, until one day it get's too much.
I'm fine. Really, I am. No one needs to know that my head feels like it's about to explode, my body feels like fire, yet ice running through my veins, no one needs to know the struggles of trying to breath normally through my nose while it burns to my brain, or while my brain can't get enough air because I can't breath. See? I'm fine. I'm ok! I don't need pitying looks, or people to look after me all the time. No...No that's not what I need. After all, if Elvis found out I was sick? He'd make me rest in bed for at least 3 days, people coming up to me "Are you ok?" and then I'd have to say "Yeah I'm fine." but then there would be that pitying, sympathetic tone of "Are you sure?" it's the kind of voice you use when your not really wanting to sit and listen to someone complain but you know it's the right thing to do. So no. I won't have anyone do that.
Hence why....I'm currently out in the backyard with Elvis as he and the guys go around racing in golf carts, demonstrating karate to each other, joking around and laughing as usual. Meanwhile I try to join in. Buuuuuuut I can feel my voice threatening to leave, while my nose also threatens to let lose at any moment too. "Y/N!" I hear Jerry run up to me, I turn around happily. "Hey Jerry!" I smile, "You ok? You weren't fightin' for the golf carts today." Jerry jokes, I chuckle. "Yeah I'm fine. Just a little tired. That's all. Plus I didn't feel like today was the right day to you know....smoke you guys anyway. Got to let someone else take the win sometimes." I chuckle, Jerry laughs and folds his arms. "Well alright. Sure. Whatever floats your boat." He teases. Suddenly I sneeze "Achoo!" I sneeze, Jerry chuckles "Bless ya..." He's about to say something before Lamar calls him over. "Talk later Y/N!" He says and runs off. So I go back to now watching Elvis throw the football around with Billy and Ricky and a few of the others. I chuckle, Elvis is like a big kid sometimes.
"Y/N!" Elvis yells, I smile and look over. I wave. "Whatcha doin'?" He asks running over to me. "Oh nothing. Just admiring some handsome man." I chuckle and he grins that goofy grin. "Oh really? Wha's he like?" I smirk. "Well he's tall, handsome....could benefit from getting his hair done though." At that moment his hands fly up to his hair and he begins fluffing it around and fixing it. He then pokes his tongue out at me before giving me a devilish smirk. "You know who else could do with their hair gettin' done?" he asks, right at that moment I get his hint and begin to sit up slowly on the soft grass. "Elvis....no" I say firmly. He chuckles and begins to mess up my hair. His long fingers racking through it, and pulling it in every which way. Gently of course. "Elvis!" I chuckle as he's doing it and try to get away. "What darlin'? Don't like my style? I think it looks great." he chuckles pulling away, I look like my head's been dragged under a cart of hoarses! "Why you!" I yell and begin chasing after him. He runs away laughing that genuine laugh with the small hiccup in-between each chuckle. Of course he's got long legs so I'm trying to chase after him as fast as my little legs and skirt will let me run before....it happens.
I feel myself getting incredibly lightheaded, so I stop a moment trying to re-gain my composure. Elvis keeps running but when he doesn't hear me laughing or chasing him he stops and looks behind him. "Baby?!" He asks confused and jogs back over to me. I give him a half smile. "Baby you ok?" he asks worriedly and out of breath. "Yeah. Yeah I'm fine. Don't worry about me." I smile, but he's not convinced. "You sure? Your lookin' pale honey. Maybe you should sit down." He says, but right as he says this my legs give out from under me. He quickly outstretches his and catches me, and at this point the guys are around me too.
"Baby! Y/N can ya hear me? What's wrong, talk to me baby." he says worriedly lowering me to the ground. "I'm fine." I say out of breath. "Yeah ok well that's a lie." He says concerned. "Billy go call a doctor." he says. So Billy runs off to the house to call the doctor. I scoff and try to sit up a bit on the soft grass that I've been lowered on. "Elvis I'm fine. I don't need a doctor." I say. At this point though, my nose has decided to run, and my voice is leaving me. Great timing. "Honey don't get up. Lay there a minute 'til I know wha's goin' on with ya." He says. Because of all his medical/pill books he begins asking me a few basic questions. Am I in pain, when did I start feeling like this, am I nauseous, did I eat this morning all that stuff. So I answer, and eventually I feel myself gain a bit more strength to sit up. "Elvis I'm fine. It's a cold." I say. He looks at me confused. "What do ya mean a cold? Your sick?" he asks shocked and concerned. I nod. "Yeah. I've been sick about 3 days, but didn't want to tell anyone. I didn't want anyone to worry....but so much for that idea." I shrug, and he gives me almost a forced smile. He waves the guys off telling them I'll be ok and to get back to the game. He sighs and rubs his forehead. "Honey, why didn't ya tell me? I woulda never let ya...." he begins but I cut him off. "I know I know. You wouldn't have let me outside if you knew, and you would have taken care of me, and to answer your question....again I didn't want you to worry. It's one of your rare times off and I wanted you to enjoy it without worrying too much." I say. He sighs. "Honey I'm always gonna worry when it comes to you. Doesn't matter what you say or do, I'll always worry. That's what I'm meant to do. It's how I am." He says, and I feel a little guilty at his sad childlike expression. I sigh. "I'm sorry. I should have told you, but again because of your movies you never get time off anymore. I didn't want you to worry on one of your rare moments at home." I say and he sighs. He looks up at the slowly setting sun, which casts shadows through the thick trees of Graceland. "Yeah well, it don't matter what happens baby. It don't matter where I am, what I'm doin', what we're doin', we're together and that means we need ta be honest 'bout everythin' ok? If your sick I wanna know so's I can take care of ya. If the roles were reversed I'm sure you'd wanna know what's goin' on with me too. Understand?" He asks and I nod. "Yeah. Yeah your right. I'm sorry." He gives me a small smile. "S'ok baby doll. I get it. Don't worry 'bout it. But honey your health and well-bein' is my number 1 concern when we're together ok? So just don't be hidin' stuff like this from me in the future 'k?" he asks and I nod. He then runs a hand over my cheek and leans in for a small kiss before pulling away. Then I sneeze....how romantic. He chuckles though. "How's 'bout we call it a day here honey, we go inside, I'll get Nancy ta cook ya up some real nice soup, and we sit in bed watchin' movies for the rest of the day huh?" he asks with a smile. I smile back. "I like that very much." He then looks at me happily. "Good. Come on. Let's get ya back to the house." He smiles and helps me up, and then we walk back to the beautiful safe-haven known as Graceland for a lovely one on one quiet time.
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wrestlingisfake · 1 year
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Saw this on Twitter, from a 1983 issue of Gong magazine. I'm trying to use Google Translate (and a little common sense) to figure out who everybody is.
Hulk Hogan (roller skating in California)
Bruiser Brody (riding the space shuttle, piloted by a gorilla)
Terry Funk and Dory Funk Jr. (falling off a horse)
Fritz, Kevin, Kerry, and David Von Erich (standing together in Texas)
Ric Flair (literally jet-flying, wearing the NWA world title)
Harley Race (in Missouri, punching out the Funks' horse)
Ted DiBiase and the Junkyard Dog (dressed like jazz guys, to represent New Orleans and Mid-South)
Verne Gagne (in Minnesota, giving the thumbs up)
Nick Bockwinkel (holding the AWA world title)
Dick the Bruiser (dressed like a Chicago gangster)
Jerry Lawler (dressed like Elvis because he's in Memphis; a curious foreshadowing of his cousin becoming Honky Tonk Man in 1986)
Stan Hansen (wearing a cowboy hat, standing in Georgia)
Ricky Steamboat (in the Carolinas, pointing at Lawler)
Andre the Giant (standing between Canada and New York)
Dusty Rhodes (representing Florida, riding the surfboard)
Bob Backlund (swinging off the Statue of Liberty, wearing the WWF world title)
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doll-elvis · 1 year
Oh, I would love to delve into discourse about the Stanley family. I'm not really a fan of them either, but I have empathy for their side of things. And from everything I gathered, I think both they and Elvis would've been better off not knowing each other, lol.
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warning: talk of addiction, abuse of prescription medication, and use of illegal recreational drugs
thank you so much for sending this in and oh my gosh I completely agree with you: “I think both they and Elvis would’ve been better off not knowing each other” truer words have never been spoken !!!
to be honest I didn’t have much empathy for the Stanleys boys until I read this quote below for the first time ⬇️
LAMAR FIKE: “In defense of the Stanley boys, it’s well to remember that they didn’t ask to be there. And Elvis was stuck with having stepbrothers, so he made the best of it. I’m very partial toward David because I raised him from the time he was three years old. Or I feel like I did. Those boys have had it hard. What you have to remember is that they were corrupted by Elvis Presley. All of them were. Absolutely. No doubt about it”
excerpt from “Elvis and the Memphis Mafia” by Alanna Nash
It by no means cancels out some of the things that they have said about Elvis, like David and his accusations about Elvis’ death, however it did make me realize that they truly had no choice in being stepbrothers to someone as famous as Elvis, they were quite literally the only people on Earth who could say they had that kind of relationship with him, and I imagine it was one that was difficult to manage
However… I hold absolutely no empathy for Dee 🤧
Dee has always been predatory in her actions imo, and I’m not surprised he never liked/trusted her. She first tried to hit on Elvis, who was of course not interested, and when that failed, she chose to go after his father, who was likely vulnerable and starved for female attention after Gladys' passing. Dee Stanley was still married while she and Vernon were dating in Germany, which was just a terrible situation to subject her three young sons too
LAMAR FIKE: “Vernon and I were having breakfast in the restaurant, and this blonde came up in a white coat. Vernon introduced himself and said Elvis had been called away. So she made her moves on Vernon. Boy, she stalked him like prize game”
MARTY LACKER: “Elvis didn’t like Dee from the start. He questioned her sincerity, you might say”
BILLY SMITH: “The “Dee thing” turned Elvis away from his daddy. Vernon had been seeing younger women, and it was too damn quick after Gladys’s death. Elvis resented the hell out of it”
excerpts from “Elvis and the Memphis Mafia” by Alanna Nash
And then, years after Elvis’ passing, Dee came forward with a new book about Elvis (one of several that she wrote for $$) that made accusations such as Gladys and Elvis were in a inc*stual relationship. What is possibly more disgusting than the baseless accusation itself is that Dee only used persons who had already passed away to corroborate her claim like Vernon Presley, Minnie Mae Presley, and Alberta who worked for the Presleys and was very close with Gladys and Elvis
So not only did she disrespect the memory of Gladys and Elvis, but she used people who were no longer alive as her sources because she knew they weren’t here to say otherwise…Whew that woman was unbelievably nasty and the fact that even her own sons wanted nothing to do with that book speaks volumes ⬇️
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And like you mentioned, I truly believe that both Elvis and the Stanley boys would have been better off if their relationship ended in the 60s. It is so sad to see what their relationship devolved too (being dependent on one another for drugs) and how all four of them became victim to addiction ⬇️
Billy smith: “Later on, Elvis kept them around for one reason and one reason only. And I hate to say this, but it’s true. To get drugs for him. Ricky and David were on the street. And Elvis, in essence, put them there”
Marty Lacker: “Towards the end the Stanley boys were there for three reasons: One, to procure drugs for him. Two, they would listen to him. And three, Elvis would preach to them and think he was teaching them stuff”
excerpts from “Elvis and the Memphis Mafia” by Alanna Nash
It’s hard to accept but I don’t disagree with Lamar Fike saying that Elvis and his lifestyle more or less “corrupted” the Stanley boys. I can’t say that Elvis was fully to blame for everything they did but he was asking them to procure drugs, both prescription and illegal, and that in turn led to them having to take the fall for Elvis, even going as far as getting arrested in some cases ⬇️
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excerpts from “Elvis and the Memphis Mafia” by Alanna Nash
And since they were procuring drugs for Elvis, they often indulged in the same kinds that Elvis was using and because of their shared addiction, they became very dependent on one another as almost everyone else in the group was against using “street drugs” like cocaine ⬇️
JOE ESPOSITO: “For a brief time, Elvis even dabbled in illegal hard drugs. One day, I discovered that despite his professed concern for his stepbrother’s drug habit, Elvis had sent Ricky to Nashville to buy cocaine. “I want to see you,” I told Ricky when he returned. I hustled him into a private corner of Graceland, “Give me that bottle,” I said. “I can’t,” he whined, “Elvis will be mad”
excerpt from “Good Rockin’ Tonight” by Joe Esposito
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excerpt from “Elvis and the Memphis Mafia” by Alanna Nash
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excerpt from “My brother Elvis” by David Stanley
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excerpt from “Elvis: my brother” by Billy Stanley
Them being around each other was just a recipe for disaster in terms of their drug use, Elvis simply couldn’t keep up with them and his health suffered as a result. And so long as the Stanley boys worked for him, Elvis would have access to more prescriptions than what was actually prescribed to him, and I don’t believe that they would have ever told him no or tried to stop him as they suffered from addiction as well. So how could have Elvis gotten better when they were always there to get him what he wanted? Infact it was Ricky Stanley who gave Elvis his final pill packet the early morning of his passing
One of the biggest disasters Elvis’ dependency on them caused was the incident where Dave Hebler and Red West threatened to assault Ricky Stanley for supplying cocaine to Elvis. Dave and Red saw how Elvis was becoming more and more erratic because of it, and decided they had to go to the source to stop it
This incident ended up being one of the reasons that they got fired alongside Sonny West as they were trying to stop Elvis, who was in active addiction, from doing what he wanted which of course didn’t bode well ⬇️
MARTY LACKER: “When Ricky started bringing cocaine to Elvis in Vegas, the sparks started flying. He got it from some of the guys in the vocal group. I think they got it from some pusher in Nashville. And Red and Sonny found out about it, and they told Dave Hebler. Dave went to Ricky and said, “If you bring it to Elvis one more time, I’m going to break both your fuckin’ legs.” And Red went in and said the same thing to the guys in the vocal group. So what did Ricky do? He went back and told Elvis. The next day, Red tried to talk to Elvis about trying to get off pills. This was up in the suite. Red was sitting up at the bar. Elvis was at the bar, too, and somehow the conversation got on that. Red said, “Elvis, this stuff is really bad for you. I wish you’d stop doing it and go get cured. I can tell it’s really getting to you.” Elvis sat there, and he said, “Yeah, yeah. I know what you’re saying. But don’t worry about it.” He was real calm. Well, a few minutes later, Elvis went to bed. And “he said, “Yeah, yeah. I know what you’re saying. But don’t worry about it.” He was real calm. Well, a few minutes later, Elvis went to bed. And brooded about it all night long. When he got up the next afternoon, Elvis came out of that room screaming. He just went nuts. If I’m not mistaken, he pulled an AK–47 [automatic weapon] on Red and threatened to shoot him. Sonny was there, too, standing right next to him. Elvis screamed, “Goddamn, Red, mind your own fuckin’ business! Telling me how to run my life!”Everybody always says, “If you guys really cared about him, you could have done something about him.” These people have no idea what went on. They have no idea of how Elvis was”
excerpt from “Elvis and the Memphis Mafia” by Alanna Nash
This quote from Marty is why I try to have sympathy for everybody in Elvis’ group, they were put into an impossible situation as they either had to watch their friend suffer or try to put it a stop to it, which often led to Elvis having an outburst and threatening to fire them. Essentially they were damned if they did, and damned if they didn’t ⬇️
JOE ESPOSITO: “Even the the Memphis Mafia occasionally tried to intercept drug shipments from various doctors. One night Red West accidentally broke a delivery boy’s toe, he threatened to break the kid’s entire body if he didn’t quit delivering to Elvis, but Elvis heard about it. He called me, Red, and Sonny into his bedroom, “I need it,” Elvis finally said with a piteous look. If anyone pushed to hard Elvis’ stock response was “If you don’t like it, there’s the door! Get the hell out of here! I don’t need you!”. He was manipulating us and we let him. “God, I’m going to straighten out my life but I need this right now,” he would intone fervently, his blue eyes wide and sincere, and we believed him”
excerpt from “Good Rockin Tonight” by Joe Esposito
Addiction takes no prisoners and I think it’s important to remember that those who suffer from it are victims themselves. My heart breaks for Elvis, for the Stanley boys, and everyone who loved them during this time, it’s an impossibly difficult situation to deal with
To finish this I want to include a quote that really shows how addiction can destroy a person, and make them become someone they aren’t. I think Dave Hebler, who was fired alongside Red and Sonny West, captures it perfectly ⬇️
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excerpt from “The Elvis Experience” by Dave Hebler
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cadaverre · 11 months
i love your blog smm, it's so prettyyy! <33
do you like listening to music? if so, what kind??
tysm!! yours is gorgeous as well <33
do i LIKE listening to music?? that’s like asking if i LIKE oxygen, i NEED that shit embedded into me at all times.
ok here we go i love *deep breath* boygenius (i listen to their solo stuff but mainly phoebe) taylor swift, paramore, glaive, ericdoa, lana del rey, girl in red, halsey, big thief + adrienne lenker, doja cat, brakence, billie eilish, lovejoy, ricky jamaraz, melanie martinez, clairo, haitus kaiyote (mainly their 2015 album that my dad always played so i have such nostalgia for it) olivia rodrigo, bon iver, deftones (mostly their popular stuff i’m basic ik) memphis lk and a bunch of other people!! ask me about any of them and i will go on for hours :)
thanks for the ask!!
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gay-nidoking · 2 years
Tagged by @opaleyedprince to do 10 songs/10 people. Put my spotify on shuffle let's gooo
The World Ender by Lord Huron
All My Friends by Dermot Kennedy
Mr. Loverman (acoustic) by Ricky Montgomery
Memphis, Tennessee by Chuck Berry
Robbing Banks by Autoheart
Mighty Little Man by Steve Burns
Bad Religion by Frank Ocean
Born out of Mischief by Andy Suzuki and the Method
Jackboot Jump by Hozier
We Are the Storm by Oceans
Yeah, that's pretty indicative of my music tastes haha
Tagging: @jushiro-ukitake @depressed-pansexual @blorpimorpi @daggerslesbian @pumpkin-bread @frog-scream @cringepdf @the-eldritch-it-gay @cheshirepirouette @hotmacncheese
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buscandoelparaiso · 1 year
la terza maglia della roma sta bene pure a ricky memphis che abbiamo comprato a caso e non ha mai ancora giocato, meriteremmo lo scudetto solo per questo
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Elvis MOVIE CANON character 1 of 3
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Basic Information
Name: Aricka Marie Roberts
DOB: April 31st 1935
Nicknames: Sissy, Rickie, blondie, angel, angel-eyes, darlin’, honey, beautiful, my girl, lil girl, babydoll
Birth place: an apartment in the Lauderdale courts in Memphis, Tennessee.
Physical Appearance
Eye color: hazel-blue mix
Hair color: blonde but later on she dyes it to a darker brown
Hair length: middle of her back length until 1960, when she got a pixie cut
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 150 lbs
Build: curvy
Notable features: bit of a boyish frame, very freckle-faced, wears glasses until the late 1950s when she got contacts for the first time, rosy cheeked, bright eyed, always has a hint of mischief in her smile.
Jewelry/accessories: not much of a accessory wearer until her and Elvis start dating, then she wears an EP necklace everywhere and one of his rings.
Dominant hand: left hand
Is she healthy: as healthy as the average person
Any allergies: seasonal allergies, pollen, pumpkin, certain laundry detergent gives her hives
Preferred hairstyle: until she gets it cut she always wore it curled and secured in a high ponytail.
Preferred style: she keeps with the trends as much as she’s able; and once she’s dating Elvis, he stops at nothing to make sure she’s got all the pretty clothes she ever wants.
Speech style: conversational, she stutters a little when she’s excited, tends to repeat herself once in a while, tends to mumble when she’s nervous, talks loud and fast when she’s excited, gestures with her hands often, can be a tad dramatic, sometimes sing-songs words when she’s happy.
Quirks: if she snaps her fingers once, she does it at least two times for each hand, tends to look away/shy away from eye contact unless she trusts the person speaking to her, snorts if she’s laughing really hard, loves to snack during the day, if she cares about someone she provides their favorite snacks, shakes her leg/ankle when sitting for too long, constantly rolls her sleeves up or down depending on her body temperature, goes from walking slow to speed walking within a blink, shifts her weight constantly during conversations, absolutely cannot sit or stand still, craves physical touch like hand holding or leaning against someone.
Positive traits: she’s kind, considerate, loyal, empathetic, intelligent, thoughtful, resilient, optimistic, warm, friendly, honest, trustworthy, courageous, logical, wholesome, attentive, realistic, adventurous, curious, a bookworm, charming, polite, talented, forgiving, respectful, courteous, imaginative, easygoing, romantic
Negative traits: antisocial at times due to being an introvert, can be a bit childish at times, is somewhat disorganized, extremely impatient, insecure, stubborn, temperamental, vindictive only when it comes to her family and Elvis.
Hometown: Memphis Tennessee
Social class: middle/working class family
Education: high school, but later on goes to study musical education
First memory; performing “this little light of mine,” at her church when she was 9.
Worst memory; when Elvis collapsed in the hallway before Aricka put her foot down and demanded he receive proper medical attention instead of being forced to do the show that night.
Best memory: swimming in the creek behind her house with her two best friends- Ram ( @letsgofoletsgo) and Elvis when she was 14. She fell off the rope swing and Elvis caught her. That was also when she fell head over heels for him.
Most important childhood event; meeting a 13 year old Elvis when her family went to meet him and his parents when they moved to her town.
Role Models: Greta Garbo, Katharine Hepburn, Judy Garland, Shirley Temple, Wonder Woman
Where does she live: she’s lived at Graceland with Elvis since she was 24.
Where does character want to live: somewhere warm and sunny all the time.
Mom and dad: Jennifer and Brian Roberts
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Older twin brother: Sean Roberts
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Younger sister: Charlotte Roberts
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Best friend: Ramsey ( @letsgofoletsgo-!!)
Future love interest: Austin Butler!Elvis Presley
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Future fankid: Desiree Jane Presley
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Austin Roland Presley
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Tags: Aricka x Elvis, light my morning sky with love; Aricka’s Elvis canon
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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playlistjunkie · 1 year
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Best Get Ready Playlist by Tyler Childers
3/7/20 - WhiskeyRiff.com - by Wes Langeler
• Housefire - Tyler Childers
• Leaving Lousiana In The Broad Daylight - The Oak Ridge Boys
• Plastic Saddle - Nat Stuckey
• East Indian Princess - Laudon Wainwright III
• Country Squire - Tyler Childers
• Lets Invite Them Over - George Jones
• Don't Feed the Animals - Shooter Jennings
• Things Goin' On - Lynyrd Skynyrd
• Matthew - Tyler Childers
• Ugly Woman - Jerry Reed
• Mama Bake a Pie (Daddy Kill a Chicken) - Tom T. Hall
• Girl On the Billboard -Jim & Jesse
• What I Really Mean - Robert Earl Keen
• Peace of Mind - Tyler Childers
• One Night Stands - Hank Williams Jr.
• Lousiana Man - Buck Owens
• Awful Lot to Learn About Truck Drivin' - Red Simpson
• A Week in County Jail - Tom T. Hall
• Ever Lovin’ Hand - Tyler Childers
• Chick Inspector (That’s Where My Money Goes - Dick Curless
• County Boy - Ricky Skaggs
• All Your'n - Tyler Chillers
• Loser's Cocktail - Dick Curless
• It’s Such a Pretty World Today - Wynn Stewart
• That Just Kills Me - Wynn Stewart
• Live Fast, Love Hard, Die Young - Faron Young
• Crazy Arms - Jerry Lee Lewis
• High School Confidential - Jerry Lee Lewis
• Hillbilly Fever - Jerry Lee Lewis
• Settin' the Woods on Fire - Jerry Lee Lewis
• My Home Ain't in the Hall of Fame - J.d. Crowe
• Take Your Shoes Off Moses - Ralph Stanley
• Gemini - Tyler Childers
• Rank Stranger - Ralph Stanlay
• Over the Glory Land - Ralph Stanley
• Amazing Grace - Ralph Stanley
• I'll Answer The Call - Ralph Stanley
• Going Up Home to Live in Green Pastures - Ralph Stanley
• Boogie-John Hartford
• Holding - John Hartford
• Joseph’s Dream - John Hartford
• The Cover of "Rolling Stone" - Dr. Hook
• Welcome To Goose Creek - Goose Creek Symphony
• Whupin It - Goose Creek Symphony
• Creeker - Tyler Childers
• Chicken Train Stomp - The Ozark Mountain Daredevils
• Tarheel Boys - Town Mountain
• Lawdog - Town Mountain
• Up the Ladder - Town Mountain
• Foggy Old London - Jimmy Martin
• Bus Route-Tyler Childers
• Milwaukee Here I Come - Jimmy Martin
• One Loaf Of Bread - Dave Evans
• Harlan County - Jim Ford
• She Turns My Radio On - Jim Ford
• Long Road Ahead - Jim Ford
• Working My Way to LA - Jim Ford
• Under Construction - Jim Ford
• Pinball Blues - Moore & Napier
• Mama's Got The Know How - Doug Kershaw
• Third Rate Romance - The Amazing Rhythm Aces
• Typical American Boy - The Amazing Rhythm Aces
• Countrified - John Sanderson
• Haunted House - John Anderson
• I've Got Me a Woman - John Anderson
• Prop Me Up Beside the Jukebox (If I Die) - Joe Diffie
• Don’t Come Home a Drinkin’ - Loretta Lynn
• Gettin’ Happy - Dolly Parton
• Fancy - Bobby Gentry
• Memphis, Tennessee - Bobby Bare
• Wolverton Mountain - Southern Culture on the Skids
• Muswell Hillbilly - Southern Culture on the Skids
• Banana Puddin' - Southern Culture on the Skids
• Put Your Teeth Up on the Window Sill - Southern Culture on the Skids
• Give Me Forty Acres - Jim & Jesse
• Six Days On the Road - Jim & Jesse
• Hole in the Ground - Larry Cordle
• Death Metal in a Minivan - Dinosaur Burps
• Dungeon Map - Dinosaur Burps
• Nap in the Face of Danger - Dinosaur Burps
• Aswdwnwl - Dinosaur Burps
• Orange You Is Peachy - Dinosaur Burps
• Don’t Touch Me - Tammy Wynette
• Fuck You - CeeLo Green
• Don't Pay the Ransom - Nat Stuckey
• 4th Of July / He Stopped Loving Her Today - Shooter Jennings
• Where the Stars and Stripes and the Eagle Fly - Aaron Tippin
• Kiss This - Aaron Tippin
• Tight Fittin' Jeans - Conway Twitty
• Hello Darlin' - Conway Twitty
• Slide Off Of Your Satin Sheets - Johnny Paycheck
• Woman (You Better Love Me) - Johnny Paycheck
• Country John - Allen Toussaint
• Shoot Low, Sheriff! - John Anderson
• Steam Powered Aereo Plane - John Hartford
• O.D.’d in Denver - Hank Williams Jr.
• Fax Me a Beer - Hank Williams Jr.
• She's All I Got - Johnny Paycheck
• Stop the World (and Let Me Off) - Waylon Jennings
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cyberthingpuppy · 2 months
Houses Eldridge Ave Memphis Tennessee to Ricky motel 650 Lester St, Memphis, TN 38112 near summer ave Memphis Tennessee understeps must return to Candace Marie Hughes and earth and paid. On. Paid. Mail KIY KEY card dh to Candace Marie Hughes. On. Paid. Remove kover. Paid. Remove cover. Paid. VVoiced paid on. On. Paid. Parked. Paid.
0 notes
motivatornetwork · 3 months
Movie: Missing Anthony Fox, Witnesses - Paul Barresi, Johnny Depp, Adam Waldman - Fixers Not Mafia Killers
Not Mafia - Missing Anthony Fox & Johnny Depp with Paul Barresi "Violin" Tapes & Fixer Adam Waldman - WITNESS Interference Spin. Interest of Depp in West Memphis 3 Damien Echols and allegedly John Wayne Gacy painting similarly to Brian Peck seen by actor for Quiet on Set. Johnny Depp named a farm in Kentucky after his mother Betty Sue.
Spin on Breakins/Vandalism by Waldman & Barresi in Recorded Telephone Call Against Witnesses.
In Movie "High Society" Grace Kelly jokes about culture shock about the British and asks where does Jack the Ripper teach?
- Stuff Movie with writings on the wall like 'kill pigs' like charles manson and damaged property all over produced by Depp & Scarmonga. - Investigators of Confidential Magazine cause terror onto Hollywood. Comparing to a foiled breakin by 'investigator fixers' surveilling Marilyn Monroe for jealous Joe DiMaggio. Fixer Fred Otash. Files on most blonde bombshells in Film Business.
3 Audio Clips of the Call between Viper Room Witnesses Big Ed Shaw and Richie Albertini of the Viper Room about assault of Stacy by Johnny, Naomi Campbell, Paul Schindler and Bob Pfeiffer -- who tried to hire Schindler as a hitman to kill his wife Maria. Schindler got Ed Shaw employed in the Viper Room. Ed Shaw is not surprised about wanting Schindler to do that.
- With Schindler's name spoken, Anthony Fox is brought up with his name. - Later talks on Olivia, Ricky Beck Mahler, many others in a friendly way.
Hollywood Fixer Paul Barresi in edited audio recordings implicates Financial Transactions and Other Locations harming Investigations (Viper Room), while mocking the Ventura police law enforcement. - As a "fixer" he focuses on letters/objects and bank accounts of Fox's mother and daughter instead of witness testimony on who did it.
Scenes from Love in the Afternoon Movie with Gary Cooper where Investigator Incites His Client to Attack
The Charley Project on Missing Anthony Fox: https://charleyproject.org/case/antho...
Sadly, a second image added in December 2021.
With Grace Kelly & Kim Novak
- Golden Hollywood scenes of "High Society" inspired by the French. She says the reporter's name sounds like a Martyr that perished in medieval times... Isn't dancing wonderful? Grace Kelly adores strangers.
Kim Novak has a Witness that "appears" during her trial in "Notorious Landlady" and an actor ex-boyfriend provides a story to Confidential while she's with a millionaire. "He does look like a rat" shows on screen from the Fixers after the Cary Grant & Grace Kelly car scenes.
Johnny writes to serial killer claiming unknown movie role: https://www.cinema.com/news/item/613/... William Hazlet has the Art of Deception - Adam Waldman and Paul Barresi Calls
Clip of Ed Shaw audio tape stating "We Not in the mafia" and denying the purchase of bulletproof jackets in the Viper Room with background scenes of Private Jet & to catch a thief edits.
No one removes Fixers Adam Waldman and Paul Barresi from this social circle or from causing this nightmare as the Viper Room's Paul Schindler was.
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pistonsx · 5 months
¿Cuántos jugadores españoles han llegado a la NBA?
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¿Cuántos jugadores españoles han llegado a la NBA?
Estadísticas jugadores españoles NBA
Los jugadores españoles en la NBA han tenido un impacto significativo en la liga a lo largo de los años. Con talentos destacados como Pau Gasol, Marc Gasol y Ricky Rubio, España ha demostrado ser una fuente confiable de jugadores de baloncesto de alto nivel.
Pau Gasol, dos veces campeón de la NBA con los Lakers, es considerado uno de los mejores jugadores españoles en la historia de la liga. Con su habilidad en la cancha y su ética de trabajo incansable, Gasol dejó una marca indeleble en la NBA y allanó el camino para futuros talentos españoles.
Su hermano Marc Gasol también ha dejado su huella en la NBA, ganando un campeonato con los Toronto Raptors en 2019. Con su habilidad defensiva y visión de juego, Marc Gasol ha sido una pieza fundamental en varios equipos durante su carrera en la liga.
Ricky Rubio es otro jugador español que ha tenido un impacto notable en la NBA. Con su habilidad para distribuir el balón y su agudeza en la defensa, Rubio ha demostrado ser un base versátil y talentoso en la liga.
En conjunto, los jugadores españoles en la NBA continúan demostrando su valía en la cancha, ganándose el respeto y la admiración de aficionados y compañeros de equipo por igual. Su presencia en la liga refleja el talento y la pasión por el baloncesto que caracteriza a España como una potencia en este deporte a nivel mundial.
Historia baloncesto español en la NBA
El baloncesto español ha dejado una huella significativa en la NBA a lo largo de la historia. Desde los primeros jugadores como Fernando Martín hasta las estrellas actuales como Marc Gasol, los jugadores españoles han demostrado su talento en la liga más importante de baloncesto del mundo.
Fernando Martín fue el pionero español en la NBA, convirtiéndose en el primer jugador español en debutar en la liga en la temporada 1986-1987 con los Portland Trail Blazers. A pesar de su corta carrera en la NBA, su legado ha inspirado a muchos jugadores españoles que han seguido sus pasos.
Uno de los momentos más emblemáticos en la historia del baloncesto español en la NBA fue cuando Pau Gasol fue elegido como novato del año en la temporada 2001-2002 con los Memphis Grizzlies. Gasol abrió las puertas para una nueva generación de jugadores españoles que han triunfado en la liga, como su hermano Marc Gasol, Serge Ibaka y Ricky Rubio.
La presencia de jugadores españoles en la NBA ha contribuido al crecimiento del baloncesto en España, inspirando a jóvenes a seguir sus sueños y trabajar duro para alcanzar el éxito en el deporte. La pasión y el talento de los jugadores españoles han dejado una marca imborrable en la historia de la NBA y han demostrado que España es una potencia en el baloncesto a nivel mundial.
Jugadores españoles de baloncesto en la NBA
Los jugadores españoles de baloncesto que han triunfado en la NBA son reconocidos a nivel mundial por su talento y habilidades únicas en este deporte. A lo largo de los años, varios jugadores españoles han dejado una marca indeleble en la liga de baloncesto más importante del mundo.
Uno de los jugadores más emblemáticos es Pau Gasol, quien ha sido dos veces campeón de la NBA con Los Angeles Lakers y ha sido seleccionado múltiples veces para el All-Star Game. Su habilidad en la cancha y su liderazgo lo han convertido en un referente para las futuras generaciones de jugadores españoles.
Otro destacado jugador español en la NBA es Marc Gasol, hermano de Pau Gasol, quien ha tenido una exitosa carrera en la liga, incluyendo un campeonato de la NBA con los Toronto Raptors en 2019. Marc Gasol es conocido por su inteligencia en la cancha y su habilidad para leer el juego, lo que lo ha convertido en uno de los mejores pivotes de la liga.
Otros jugadores españoles que han dejado su huella en la NBA incluyen a Ricky Rubio, Serge Ibaka y José Calderón, entre otros. Estos jugadores han demostrado que España es una cantera de talento en el baloncesto y continúan representando al país con orgullo en la liga más importante del mundo.
En resumen, los jugadores españoles de baloncesto en la NBA han demostrado su calidad y talento en la cancha, ganándose el respeto y la admiración de fanáticos y compañeros de equipo en todo el mundo. Su contribución al baloncesto no solo en España, sino a nivel global, los convierte en verdaderos embajadores del deporte.
Datos jugadores españoles en la NBA
Los jugadores españoles han dejado una marca significativa en la NBA a lo largo de los años. Desde los pioneros como Fernando Martín hasta los actuales como Pau Gasol, han demostrado su talento y habilidad en la cancha a nivel internacional. Uno de los nombres más destacados es el de Pau Gasol, quien ha ganado múltiples campeonatos de la NBA y ha sido seleccionado para varios All-Star Games. Su habilidad en la cancha, tanto en la ofensiva como en la defensiva, lo ha convertido en una leyenda del baloncesto español.
Otros jugadores destacados incluyen a su hermano Marc Gasol, quien ha tenido una exitosa carrera en la NBA jugando para equipos como los Memphis Grizzlies y los Toronto Raptors. También está Ricky Rubio, conocido por su habilidad para repartir asistencias y su agresividad en la defensa. Además, jugadores como Serge Ibaka, José Calderón y Juancho Hernangómez han dejado su huella en la liga con su talento y dedicación.
Los datos de los jugadores españoles en la NBA muestran un crecimiento constante en términos de participación y rendimiento. Cada temporada, nuevos talentos emergen de España para unirse a las filas de la NBA, mostrando que el baloncesto español sigue siendo una potencia a nivel mundial. Con su pasión por el juego y su determinación para triunfar, los jugadores españoles continúan inspirando a la próxima generación de basquetbolistas en España y en todo el mundo.
Participación española en la NBA
La NBA, la liga de baloncesto más reconocida a nivel mundial, ha visto a lo largo de los años la participación exitosa de varios jugadores españoles. Desde los pioneros como Fernando Martín en la década de 1980 hasta los talentos actuales como Marc Gasol y Ricky Rubio, España ha dejado una marca significativa en la competición.
Uno de los primeros jugadores españoles en destacar en la NBA fue Pau Gasol, quien tuvo una exitosa carrera con los Memphis Grizzlies y los Los Angeles Lakers, ganando dos campeonatos de la NBA. Su hermano Marc Gasol también ha tenido un impacto notable en la liga, ganando un campeonato con los Toronto Raptors en 2019.
Otro jugador español que ha dejado su huella en la NBA es Ricky Rubio, conocido por su habilidad para repartir asistencias y robar balones en la cancha. Rubio ha jugado para varios equipos en la liga y actualmente forma parte de los Minnesota Timberwolves.
Además de estos nombres destacados, otros jugadores españoles como Serge Ibaka, José Calderón y Nikola Mirotic han tenido carreras exitosas en la NBA, demostrando el talento y la calidad de los jugadores españoles en la competición.
La participación española en la NBA ha contribuido al crecimiento del baloncesto en España y ha inspirado a una nueva generación de talentosos jugadores a seguir sus pasos en la liga más prestigiosa del mundo del baloncesto.
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jogoqueens777 · 5 months
¿Cuántos jugadores españoles han llegado a jugar en la NBA?
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¿Cuántos jugadores españoles han llegado a jugar en la NBA?
Historia de jugadores españoles en la NBA
La historia de los jugadores españoles en la NBA es una fascinante muestra del talento y la dedicación que ha surgido de España hacia la mejor liga de baloncesto del mundo. Desde los primeros pioneros hasta los talentos actuales, los jugadores españoles han dejado una huella indeleble en la NBA.
Uno de los nombres más reconocidos en la historia de los jugadores españoles en la NBA es Pau Gasol. Gasol, un destacado pívot, ganó dos campeonatos de la NBA con los Los Angeles Lakers y fue nombrado dos veces All-Star. Su habilidad en la cancha y su liderazgo lo convirtieron en un ícono tanto en España como en la NBA.
Otro jugador español que ha dejado su marca en la NBA es Marc Gasol, hermano de Pau. Marc también ha tenido una destacada carrera en la liga, ganando un campeonato con los Toronto Raptors en 2019 y siendo nombrado All-Star en varias ocasiones.
Además de los hermanos Gasol, jugadores como Ricky Rubio, José Calderón y Serge Ibaka han demostrado su valía en la NBA a lo largo de los años. Su impacto en el baloncesto español y su contribución al éxito de sus equipos en la NBA los han convertido en referentes para las generaciones futuras de jugadores españoles.
En resumen, la historia de los jugadores españoles en la NBA es una historia de talento, dedicación y éxito en la máxima competición del baloncesto a nivel mundial. Su legado perdurará en la memoria de los aficionados al baloncesto en España y en todo el mundo.
Estadísticas de jugadores españoles en la NBA
Las estadísticas de los jugadores españoles en la NBA son un fiel reflejo del talento que han aportado al baloncesto profesional. Desde Pau Gasol hasta Ricky Rubio, los jugadores españoles han dejado una marca indeleble en la liga más importante de baloncesto del mundo.
Pau Gasol, uno de los jugadores españoles más destacados en la historia de la NBA, ha acumulado a lo largo de su carrera más de 20,000 puntos y 10,000 rebotes. Su habilidad en la cancha y su liderazgo lo convierten en uno de los referentes de la NBA.
Marc Gasol, hermano de Pau, ha demostrado su valía en equipos como los Memphis Grizzlies y los Toronto Raptors, siendo nombrado All-Star en varias ocasiones y contribuyendo de manera significativa a la consecución de campeonatos.
Ricky Rubio, conocido por su habilidad en el manejo del balón y su visión de juego, ha dejado su huella en equipos como los Minnesota Timberwolves y los Phoenix Suns, destacando por sus asistencias y su capacidad para liderar la ofensiva de su equipo.
Estas estadísticas demuestran el impacto positivo que los jugadores españoles han tenido en la NBA, consolidándose como figuras clave en la historia de la liga y llevando el baloncesto español a lo más alto del panorama internacional.
Experiencias de jugadores españoles en la NBA
La NBA ha sido durante mucho tiempo el sueño de muchos jugadores de baloncesto de todo el mundo, y los españoles no son una excepción. A lo largo de los años, varios jugadores españoles han dejado una huella significativa en la liga más prestigiosa de baloncesto del mundo, la NBA. Estas experiencias no solo han contribuido al desarrollo del baloncesto español, sino que también han inspirado a jóvenes jugadores a seguir sus pasos.
Uno de los nombres más destacados en la historia de los jugadores españoles en la NBA es Pau Gasol. Gasol, un jugador talentoso y versátil, ha dejado una marca indeleble en la liga con su habilidad para anotar, rebotear y pasar el balón. Con equipos como los Memphis Grizzlies, Los Angeles Lakers y Chicago Bulls, Gasol ganó numerosos premios y campeonatos, convirtiéndose en un referente para los jugadores españoles que aspiran a triunfar en la NBA.
Otro jugador español que ha tenido un impacto notable en la NBA es Marc Gasol, hermano de Pau. Marc ha demostrado ser un jugador dominante en la cancha, especialmente conocido por su habilidad defensiva y su inteligencia para el juego. Con los Memphis Grizzlies y los Toronto Raptors, Marc ha ganado reconocimiento por su contribución a equipos exitosos y su influencia en el juego de baloncesto.
Además de los hermanos Gasol, otros jugadores españoles como Ricky Rubio, Serge Ibaka y José Calderón también han dejado su huella en la NBA, cada uno con su propio estilo y contribución al juego. Estas experiencias de jugadores españoles en la NBA no solo son inspiradoras, sino que también demuestran el talento y la dedicación de los jugadores españoles en el escenario mundial del baloncesto. Sin duda, su legado perdurará y seguirá motivando a futuras generaciones de jugadores españoles a perseguir sus sueños en la NBA.
Impacto de jugadores españoles en la NBA
La NBA, la liga de baloncesto más prestigiosa del mundo, ha sido testigo del impacto significativo que han tenido los jugadores españoles en su desarrollo y evolución a lo largo de los años. Desde los pioneros como Fernando Martín hasta las estrellas contemporáneas como Pau Gasol y Marc Gasol, los jugadores españoles han dejado una huella imborrable en la NBA.
Uno de los primeros españoles en incursionar en la NBA fue Fernando Martín en la década de 1980, abriendo el camino para futuras generaciones. Sin embargo, fue con la llegada de Pau Gasol en 2001 que el mundo realmente comenzó a prestar atención al talento español en la liga estadounidense. Gasol rápidamente se convirtió en uno de los mejores jugadores de la NBA, ganando dos campeonatos con Los Angeles Lakers y dejando un legado duradero en la historia del baloncesto.
Otro jugador que ha dejado su marca es su hermano Marc Gasol, quien ha sido fundamental en los éxitos de equipos como los Memphis Grizzlies y los Toronto Raptors, donde ganó un campeonato en 2019. Su habilidad en ambos extremos de la cancha y su visión de juego lo han convertido en uno de los jugadores más respetados en la liga.
Además de los Gasol, jugadores como Ricky Rubio, Serge Ibaka y Juancho Hernangómez han contribuido al crecimiento del baloncesto español en la NBA, demostrando su valía en las canchas estadounidenses.
El impacto de los jugadores españoles en la NBA va más allá de sus logros individuales; han inspirado a una nueva generación de talentos en España y han elevado el nivel del baloncesto internacional. Su legado perdurará por muchos años y seguirán siendo una fuente de inspiración para futuros jugadores españoles que sueñan con triunfar en la máxima competición del baloncesto mundial.
Futuro de jugadores españoles en la NBA
En los últimos años, el número de jugadores españoles en la NBA ha ido en aumento, lo que ha despertado el interés de muchos fanáticos del baloncesto en España y en todo el mundo. Jugadores como Pau Gasol, Marc Gasol, Ricky Rubio y Serge Ibaka han dejado una huella imborrable en la liga más importante de baloncesto a nivel mundial.
El futuro de los jugadores españoles en la NBA parece brillante, con jóvenes talentos como Luka Doncic liderando la nueva generación. Doncic, quien aunque es de nacionalidad eslovena, jugó en el Real Madrid antes de unirse a la NBA y ha demostrado ser uno de los jugadores más prometedores de la liga.
Además de Doncic, otros jóvenes jugadores españoles como Juancho Hernangómez, Willy Hernangómez y Alex Abrines están ganando protagonismo en la NBA y consolidándose como piezas fundamentales en sus equipos.
El crecimiento del baloncesto en España, así como el desarrollo de programas de formación de talentos, han contribuido al aumento de jugadores españoles en la NBA. Con cada vez más jóvenes españoles destacando en las ligas menores y universitarias de Estados Unidos, es probable que veamos a más talentos españoles dando el salto a la NBA en los próximos años.
En resumen, el futuro de los jugadores españoles en la NBA es prometedor y emocionante, y seguramente seguirán dejando huella en la liga con su talento y habilidades únicas en los próximos años.
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esportebetpraposta · 5 months
¿Cuántos jugadores españoles han llegado a jugar en la NBA?
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¿Cuántos jugadores españoles han llegado a jugar en la NBA?
Estadísticas de jugadores españoles en la NBA
Las estadísticas de jugadores españoles en la NBA han capturado la atención de los aficionados al baloncesto en todo el mundo. Desde los primeros días de Pau Gasol hasta la llegada de talentos emergentes como Luka Dončić, los jugadores españoles han dejado una marca indeleble en la liga más importante de baloncesto del mundo.
Pau Gasol, uno de los pioneros de la era moderna del baloncesto español, dejó un legado impresionante en la NBA. Con dos títulos de campeonato con los Lakers de Los Ángeles, Gasol demostró su habilidad excepcional tanto en la ofensiva como en la defensiva. Además, se convirtió en uno de los jugadores más respetados de la liga, tanto por sus habilidades en la cancha como por su ética de trabajo fuera de ella.
Otro jugador español que ha causado sensación en la NBA es Marc Gasol, hermano de Pau. Con su juego inteligente y versátil, Marc ha dejado una huella imborrable en equipos como los Memphis Grizzlies y los Toronto Raptors, con quienes ganó un campeonato en 2019.
Más recientemente, Luka Dončić ha surgido como una estrella en ascenso en la NBA. A pesar de su juventud, Dončić ha demostrado un talento excepcional y ha capturado la atención de aficionados y expertos por igual con su habilidad para anotar, asistir y liderar a su equipo.
Las estadísticas de jugadores españoles en la NBA son un testimonio del crecimiento y la evolución del baloncesto en España. Con cada vez más talento español haciendo olas en la liga, el futuro del baloncesto español en la NBA parece más brillante que nunca.
Jugadores españoles destacados en la NBA
Los jugadores españoles han dejado una huella imborrable en la NBA a lo largo de los años. Desde los pioneros como Fernando Martín hasta las estrellas actuales como Marc Gasol, España ha sido una cuna de talento que ha brillado en la máxima liga de baloncesto del mundo.
Uno de los nombres más icónicos es el de Pau Gasol, dos veces campeón de la NBA con los Lakers y nombrado dos veces All-Star. Su habilidad en la cancha, combinada con su liderazgo y ética de trabajo, lo convierten en uno de los jugadores más respetados de la liga.
Otro jugador destacado es Marc Gasol, hermano de Pau, quien ha tenido una exitosa carrera en la NBA, incluido un campeonato con los Raptors en 2019. Su inteligencia en la cancha, habilidades defensivas y visión de juego lo hacen invaluable para cualquier equipo en el que juegue.
Ricky Rubio es otro jugador español que ha dejado su marca en la NBA. Con su manejo del balón magistral y su capacidad para hacer brillar a sus compañeros, ha demostrado ser un base talentoso y versátil a lo largo de los años.
Además de estos jugadores, España ha producido una serie de talentos emergentes que están empezando a destacar en la NBA, como Juancho Hernangómez y Willy Hernangómez, quienes prometen un futuro brillante en la liga.
En resumen, los jugadores españoles han demostrado su valía en la NBA no solo por su talento en la cancha, sino también por su ética de trabajo, liderazgo y pasión por el juego. Su legado continuará inspirando a las generaciones futuras de baloncestistas en España y en todo el mundo.
Trayectoria de jugadores españoles en la NBA
La NBA es conocida por ser la liga de baloncesto más prestigiosa del mundo, y muchos jugadores españoles han dejado una marca indeleble en ella a lo largo de los años. La trayectoria de los jugadores españoles en la NBA ha sido variada y exitosa, con varios de ellos logrando destacar en este exigente entorno.
Uno de los jugadores españoles más emblemáticos en la NBA es Pau Gasol, quien ha tenido una carrera exitosa y ha sido dos veces campeón de la NBA con los Lakers. Gasol ha sido un pilar en la selección española de baloncesto y es considerado uno de los mejores jugadores europeos de todos los tiempos.
Otro jugador destacado es Marc Gasol, hermano de Pau, quien también ha tenido una carrera exitosa en la NBA. Marc ha sido parte fundamental en el éxito de los Memphis Grizzlies y ganó un campeonato con los Toronto Raptors en 2019.
Otros jugadores españoles que han dejado su huella en la NBA incluyen a Ricky Rubio, Serge Ibaka y José Calderón, entre otros. Estos jugadores han demostrado su talento en la liga y han contribuido al crecimiento del baloncesto español a nivel internacional.
La presencia de jugadores españoles en la NBA ha contribuido a aumentar la visibilidad y popularidad del baloncesto en España, inspirando a futuras generaciones de jugadores a perseguir sus sueños en la liga más competitiva del mundo. Sin duda, la trayectoria de los jugadores españoles en la NBA es un ejemplo del talento y la dedicación que caracterizan al baloncesto español.
Impacto de los jugadores españoles en la NBA
Los jugadores españoles han tenido un impacto significativo en la NBA a lo largo de los años, contribuyendo de manera notable al éxito de sus equipos y dejando una marca indeleble en la historia de la liga. Desde los pioneros como Fernando Martín hasta las estrellas actuales como Marc Gasol y Ricky Rubio, los talentos españoles han demostrado su valía en la máxima competición de baloncesto a nivel mundial.
Pau Gasol es uno de los nombres más destacados, habiendo sido nombrado dos veces campeón de la NBA con los Lakers y siendo considerado uno de los mejores jugadores europeos de todos los tiempos. Su habilidad en la cancha, tanto en ataque como en defensa, le ha valido el reconocimiento de compañeros, entrenadores y aficionados.
Marc Gasol, hermano de Pau, también ha dejado su huella en la NBA con su juego inteligente y su liderazgo en la cancha. Con su campeonato con los Raptors en 2019, se convirtió en uno de los pocos jugadores españoles en ganar un anillo de la NBA, demostrando su valía en los momentos de mayor presión.
Ricky Rubio, conocido por su visión de juego y sus habilidades como pasador, ha sabido adaptarse al ritmo de la liga y ha demostrado ser un base de élite con su desempeño en equipos como los Timberwolves y los Suns.
En resumen, los jugadores españoles han dejado una marca imborrable en la NBA, demostrando que el talento y la dedicación trascienden las fronteras y que España es una potencia en el baloncesto a nivel mundial.
Oportunidades para jugadores españoles en la NBA
En los últimos años, se ha observado un aumento significativo en la presencia de jugadores españoles en la NBA, la liga de baloncesto más prestigiosa del mundo. Este fenómeno ha abierto un sinfín de oportunidades para talentosos deportistas provenientes de España que buscan triunfar en el exigente mundo de la NBA.
Uno de los ejemplos más destacados es el de Pau Gasol, uno de los mejores jugadores españoles de todos los tiempos, que ha dejado una huella imborrable en la liga con su talento y profesionalismo. Su éxito ha allanado el camino para otros jugadores españoles, que hoy en día encuentran más oportunidades de ser reclutados por equipos de la NBA.
Jugadores como Marc Gasol, Ricky Rubio y Serge Ibaka han logrado destacar en la NBA, demostrando que el talento español tiene un lugar merecido en la élite del baloncesto mundial. Además, la celebración de eventos como el NBA Global Games en España ha contribuido a promover el baloncesto y a identificar nuevos talentos en el país.
Las oportunidades para jugadores españoles en la NBA continúan en aumento, con equipos y entrenadores valorando cada vez más el talento y la técnica que los jugadores españoles aportan al juego. Sin duda, el futuro se presenta prometedor para los deportistas españoles que sueñan con triunfar en la NBA y dejar huella en la historia del baloncesto.
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