rierice8 · 1 year
Be a good boy for master, okay?
Sub Aether x male reader
Help theres no yellow colour for text?? Anyways heres a thing I’ve been working on forever because I got halfway through and just ran out of inspiration-
Warnings: name calling (ex: slut, pretty boy) , exhibitionism, rope/bondage, use of master, overstimulation, dacryphilia, hair pulling
Word count: 920
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Aether sat prettily in a chair that his hands were tied to with ribbons. He didn’t say anything, just sat and whined loudly about letting his hands loose so he could touch himself as he watched you stand before him in lingerie. You shushed him with your finger before taking a few steps back and moving the lingerie panties to the side and grabbing your dick.
“Don’t you wanna see master touch himself in front of you, pretty boy?” You smirked as you started stroking your cock slowly.
“No! I wanna be the only thing that makes you feel good, master!” Aether cried as he tried to fight against the ribbon that was keeping him in the chair.
“Uh-uh, pretty boy! That's so mean! Do you not wanna see me stroke my big cock into your face? Or is it more so because my fat cock isn’t blowing your brains out that makes you upset?” You said with a low groan. Your hand sped up as you jerked yourself off right in front of Aether. He was whining again about how hard his dick was and how he wanted you inside him but you ignored him. You moaned at the sensation of your own palm rubbing against your tip and you even started pinching and twisting your nipples through the lace with your space hand to sweeten the show.
“Please!! I can’t take it anymore, master!!” Aether was getting louder now; louder and less embarrassed.
“Mmm, want your cock inside, nghh,” he kept whining and moaning so sweetly. Every one of his delicious moans fueled you more.
“What's the magic word, pretty boy?” You asked him through your own moans.
“Please…please put your dick inside me!!” Aether begged. You could see his tip was red and leaking. It just looked so delicious, and his lap looked oh so comfy.
“Lemme do you one better, darling. Master’s gonna come over and sit on your cock mkay?” You said with a smirk as you stopped stroking your dick and walked over to the chair your lover was tied to.
“Mm-hmm!! Yes please, master,” Aether said shyly as he looked down to the side. Anywhere but at your lace adorned figure. Before you did anything though you knelt down and positioned yourself doggy style before Aether. He looked shocked for a moment before realising that you were going to stretch your hole before taking him.
“May as well give you a show to go with it, yea?” You said. Aether didn’t say anything in response, he was too busy observing the way your two fingers pumped inside and out of your ass like it was nothing. You scissored yourself and pushed your digits inside and out of your own ass.
When you felt as though you were stretched enough you got up again and began making your way to Aether again. You figured you didn't need any lube or even spit on Aethers cock as there was so much precum rolling down it that you’d be ok. You carefully climbed atop Aether before lowering yourself onto his red and throbbing cock. You moaned in pure ecstasy as you felt him stretch your insides. Aether though, moaned even louder.
“Feels good~ your ass feels so good, master,” Aether panted.
“Shit-” you started bouncing up and down on his cock, his size stretching your insides. You slowly began to bounce yourself up and down on his cock, making yourself feel good at Aethers expense.
He was a beautiful mess tied to the chair beneath you. Moaning and wincing uncontrollably.
“What a pretty angel you are for me, dear” you said, strain evident in your voice as you try not to moan. He was mounding your ass so perfectly it was too good. You stared at Aether intently, low groans escaping you occasionally. The slick sounds coming from below were fuling the intense feeling building in your stomach. You tensed as you felt Aether bite into your shoulder. Not even a few moments later you felt Aether cum inside you. You grabbed a fist full of his hair and tugged him off your shoulder. Staring him in the eyes you stopped moving, much to your dismay.
“What do you do before you cum, Aether?” You questioned him roughly, clearly upset with his disobedience. He tried to turn his head away but your grip on his hair was too strong. His eyes teared up as sorrys started pouring from his lips.
“Answer me, slut.” You demanded. Slowly raising yourself off his cock, as if to signal that if he didn’t respond you’d leave. His eyes widened as he struggled against the ribbons that kept him tied to the chair.
“I tell you, master. I gotta tell you. Mh- I’m so sorry,” he slurred his words as heavy tears fell from his eyes. You gently placed your hand on his cheek and wiped away the tears as you resumed bouncing on his dick. He whined out.
“Mmhg- it's too much!! Too much, master!” Aether cried as you ignored his pleas and sped up instead.
“God, Aether, your cock feels so fucking good,” you spoke as you continued watching him writhe in overstimulation. You’re so close, the speed of your bounces slow down. You look back at Aethers face and his dishevelled self sends you over the edge. His tears and drool running down his face, his eyes rolled back and tongue lolling out. White strings of cum splattered over yours and Aether’s abdomens.
“Fuck, I love you Aether.”
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rierice8 · 1 year
Arthur and Oliver
A prologue and introduction to the eventful lives of 27 year old aspiring author, Arthur Bishop and a 30 year old Photography professor, Oliver DeVente and their romance. An original story, that I might officially publish once I have enough parts written.
Tw: Suicide, vivid descriptions of death, character death, suicidal thoughts, depression, vivid ptsd, nightmares, light homophobia
Set in England, in the years around 1910
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Broken. Thats all you could describe it as. Like something is missing, and that something was ripped from you unfairly. You’d do anything, plead, beg, cry but the hands of fate are cold and unmoving. There are sounds that are being ripped from your throat, thoughts that wont form, salty water trailing down your contorted and scrunched up face. The ringing in your ears obnoxiously loud, eyes refusing to stay open.
Unbearable, unimaginable pain.
Arthur stirs in his sleep, his blond hair spread out across his pillow. His dream is nothing short of this pain. After experiencing it, the mind chooses to constantly remind one of these memories. You can hear him groaning softly in his sleep. Night terrors grabbing him by the throat.
Arthur walks into his shared home with his most beloved younger sister, Elizabeth and his parents. Upon entering the house, it was dead silent, the most silent it had ever been. Arthur found this strange as just the other day him and his sister had headed to the hardware store to buy some rope and wood as she had a project for her science class that required them. He expected his parents not to be home, as they were both away on a work trip, but his sister should have been home from school by now. Unless she was out with her friends, but she knows Arthur doesn’t like her going out without telling him.
“Ellie, are you home?” Arthur yells through the house.
“Ellie? Are you in your room? Come downstairs, I have something for you,” He continued.
Arthur walks up the stairs of his house. The long, winding staircase couldn’t have felt any longer. Reaching the top of the stairs Arthur turned to to right, heading for his sister's room. The corridor felt eerie, the lighting was dull in his eyes, he felt dizzy, like he could already tell something was wrong, a hundred different possibilities racing through his mind all at once. Stopping in front of Elizabeth's door, it felt like time had slowed; every second was an hour long. Arthurs's hand rested on the door handle, slowly twisting it so that the door would open.
The smooth brown wood, glistening enough that he could see his reflection staring back at him. His reflection looked back with a face that seemed warped with fear. Almost in warning; in warning to not open the door. That after opening the door a sight so gruesome would forever be etched into his mind, that his life will never be the same after. He will never be able to see this oak door the same way. It will forever be an omen of something terrible to come. The golden handle suddenly feels heavy, like thousands of men are holding it shut. The blue walls of his and his sister's childhood home seemed to be closing in. It was getting smaller and smaller, air was becoming scarce. He couldn’t breathe.
The handle was fully turned now, all that was left was to open the door.
Open the door.
“Why can’t I open the door?” Arthur thinks. His mind racing.
He pushed lightly until a small crack into her room was open. He dared not place his eye to it in fear of what he’ll find. The door suddenly swings open violently, the hands of his hanging sister pulling him into the room. The tips of her fingers bloody from scratching at her neck after the chair was kicked. Her face pale and her pupils dilated and grey. The rope around her neck long and hanging from the tall ceiling, her neck seeming almost broken from how lopsided it was. Frothy white foam dripping down the corners of her mouth. Her throat bruised, her body swaying.
“Where were you, brother? You left me here, I can’t be with you anymore now.”
“Join me, big brother. I’ll listen to all your stories. We can dance to the piano again. This rope is long enough for the both of us.”
“I love you, Arthur.”
Arthur wakes up in a cold sweat.
“FUCK,” he screams as he sits up and brings his knees in. He rests his hands over his eyes, wiping whatever tears had begun to fall. These dreams haven’t stopped, no matter how long ago it was. Her blond hair, the bounce of her curls, her bloody swollen neck.
It’s been a year and a half and everyone except for him had moved on. He felt so helpless.
He lifted his head from his hands and looked at the curtain. Shaking, he stood up and opened the curtains to reveal the window and the sky that was beginning to turn a light blue and lilac by the horizon. He barely slept 3 hours. Arthur turned around and stared at the clock on the wall across from his bed.
“6:45,” he mumbled before running his hands through his hair and heading for the bathroom. He flicked on the bathroom light and walks to the sink. The water runs cold and Arthur gently puts his hands under it before splashing some on his face. He looks up at his disselved state in the mirror.
“I can’t keep living like this,” he sighs. Just as he was about to run the shower he heard the phone ring from the bedroom. Lugging himself begrudgingly out of the bathroom and to the ringing phone, he eventually picks up.
“Hello, Arthur, love,” he recognises his mothers voice on the line.
“What do you want,” He coldly answered. There was a short silence that followed his question.
“Arthur. May I please remind you that I am still your mother and-,”
“You may. And you have now reminded me, so let me re word that phrase. What do you want, mother,” Arthur responded bitterly while making sure to accentuate the word mother.
Truth be told he loves his mother, though its her over baring and controling tendencies that makes their relationship sour. Along with how fast she seemingly moved on from her own daughters suicide, it made him fume.
“I got you a job interview,”
“No. I told you I want to be an author. I’m just finding a publishing company now,”
She sighs, clearly not accepting his answer.
“I know. You’re a naturally talented writer, and so I found you somethinng that is related to the English subject. Since you did graduate with a masters in English, I was wondering if you could apply to be a professor. So I pulled some strings and they’re willing to see you today at 18:00,”
Arthur walks around the room and dragges his hands down his face before heading back to the phone.
“Mother, I don’t want it. They wont accept me anyways, I only took one year in teachers school before I quit, I can’t even teach elementary now, there’s absolutely no chance that they’ll hire me as a university professor,” he said, almost hanging up out of frustration.
“I want you to go. I don’t care if you get the job or not, just get out of your filthy mess of a home and at least attempt to get a job,” she yells through the phone. Arthur hangs up, knowing that if he were to stay on the phone he’d end up saying something he’d regret. Arthur paces back and fourth around his room, his recent dream still fresh on his mind. All he wants to do is crumblr and cry. Though, he decides, on a whim, that he’ll show up to the interview today. His sister would’ve wanted it.
A several hours later he's already off the train and at the college that his mother set up the interview with. He walked through the large entrance doors and not even five minutes later, found himself completely and utterly lost between the millions of doors and halls. It was a large building, filled with many tall windows and lecture halls. Arthur had no clue as to where the interviews were held.
“Pardon me, but, are you lost? You don’t quite look like you know where you are,” Arthur heard the angelic voice of what seemed to be a student at the collage.
“Oh, yes, I’m very lost,” Arthur laughed lightly.
“Well where are you heading? I don’t work here, I actually work at the arts school just across campus, but I’m here enough that I could give you directions,” The man with brown curly hair said.
“You work here?” Arthur questions, surprised. The sun from the window burning his back.
“Not quite yet, I’m working as an understudy, a co op student for my teaching course. I’m only 28, by the time I’m 30 I should be teaching photography though. I’m Oliver DeVente, or just Oliver, thats the English pronunciation. You see, my family is french,” Oliver smiled and began walking.
“I’m assuming you’re heading to the interview room. The managers office?” Oliver said as he continued walking in that direction. Arthur nodded lightly and ran to catch up with him.
“Nice to meet you, Oliver. Also thats quite interesting, Photography? Are you a photographer then?,” Arthur asked, genuinely interested.
“I am actually. I tried to work professionally but I found that I don’t quite like the high stress environment and quit to persue teaching photography instead. I’m in my last year now, very stressful,” Oliver laughed. Arthur had only then noticed how many papers and folders the man was holding. He let his eyes trail up from Olivers hands full of things up to his shirt. A white shirt, fully done up with a tie and pants with suspenders. He had a small camera draped around his neck that Arthur had somehow managed to miss. He then looks at the photographer's face; he had light skin, yet still darker than Arthurs. He had freckles and deep hazel eyes that turned amber in the sunlight. His lips were a light pink, almost as if he had makeup on. He was an exceptionally handsome man. Arthur had already been questioning himself before the incident happened but since then, he hadn’t even seen another person. He almost could swear that if Oliver were secretly a girl, he’d kiss him on the spot.
“Here we are,” Oliver said airily, as though he was disappointed that their walk together was over.
“Wait, what was your name?” He said right before Arthur was to open the door.
“My name is Arthur Bishop. It was nice meeting you, Oliver,” He smiled before turning around and opening the door. Leaving Oliver alone in the hallway.
The interview went horribly. They saw Arthurs CV with no proper work experience on it. All he had was his writings and his degree; not enough for him to even get hired as an assistant or an intern. It was embarrassing. When Arthur was asked as to why he hasn’t been working for the past year his eyes went glassy and the interviewer noticed and changed subjects. That surely did nothing to help his already unconvincing CV. He left the office that same day an hour and a half later with only one thought.
“My writing isn’t good enough, I will never achieve anything, it's time to give up.”
This is all he was thinking of as he walked through the grandiose corridors. All he was thinking as he got closer to the exit. He thought about his sister, if he goes then he can see her again. He thought about what she said in his nightmare. She appreciated his stories when no one else did.
Just as Arthur was by the exit, he realised he left his satchel in the office. He wondered why he’d care if he was going to kill himself anyways, but his wallet was there, and his house keys.
Arthur decides to head back for his wallet, he’ll head up to the roof after and that’ll be it.
“No, then they’ll know it was set off by the interview,” Arthur thought.
He’ll head back for his wallet then walk to the pharmacy and renew his prescription, overdose on antidepressants and die. It had been a while since he last visited the pharmacy too, they would never suspect a thing. Arthur walked back up the corridors, everything seemed to be dull in colour and warped. He could barely make out the floor he was staring so intently at. Then all of a sudden the large university halls seem so much like the small hallways of his parent’s old house. The baby blue walls with white flowers painted on by his father, the dim yellow lighting, it was all coming back to him. He hated that corridor, all he could feel when seeing it was impending doom, the overlooming sense of dread, that something awful and irreversible was about to happen. Arthur felt as though he was snapped back to that very same hallway. He wanted to crumble up into a ball and cry. He hates this corridor.
“Are you alright? Arthur?” Olivers voice rings in his ears. Arthur opens his eyes and sees himself standing in the bright university corridors.
“You’re trembling, what seems to be the matter?” Oliver said gently as he places his hand on Arthurs shoulder.
Olivers face was contorted with worry, his shining hazel eyes staring into Arthurs green ones.
“I’m fine, apologies for worrying you.”
Arthur turns away and continued towords the office.
Oliver stands in shock at how Arthur completely brushed him off.
“Hey, wait please! I have something to ask you,” Oliver yells. Arthur stops and turns his head to look at the brunette. Olivers face goes red.
“What is your opinion on homosexuality,”
Arthur fully turns around, almost in shock at how casually the subject is mentioned. It’s illegal to marry anyone of the same gender.
“I’m not opposed to it,” Is all Arthur could get out. He doesn’t quite know where he stands so there was nothing more for him to add. Oliver's body immediately became less tense. He walks closer and almost whispers,
I’m glad, because I’m gay. I was wonderinf if you…were also.”
Arthur immediately knew where this was heading.
“I already have plans tonight, sorry,” he said, ready to turn around and go back to get his bag.
“So you are? If you knew what I was going to ask,” Oliver said while grabbing onto Arthurs shoulder to stop him from walking away.
“What are you busy with? I’ll make it worth your time, I promise.”
Arthur took a deep breath in and let it out with a sigh. What would he say he’s busy with, suicide? The truth wouldn’t do him well.
“I…don’t know how I feel personally about being in a relationship with a man. I’ve never tried it,” Arthur said, trying to find a way out of going anywhere.
“Well I have, and I can guide you. And if you don’t feel comfortable then we don’t have to be together. Just go out with me please, you’re so very handsome I feel I may die,” Oliver said as he moved his hand from Arthurs shoulder to his hands. Arthurs face felt hot. This man was so insistent on taking him out tonight, it was flustering. Maybe, he’ll kill himself tomorow and let Oliver enjoy him tonight.
“Fine. I’ll go,” Arthur said softly.
“Oh amazing, why don’t we just go right now, since it's already quite late,” Oliver smiles. His smile was so sweet, it outshone the sun.
“Alright, but I have to grab my bag, I forgot it in the office,” Arthur laughed as he turned around and Oliver followed.
That date saved Arthurs life.
“What are you thinking about, love,” Oliver asked Arthur, who’d all of a sudden stopped writing and just stared blankly at the wall.
“I was thinking of the first time we met,” Arthur said as he turned back to Oliver. Oliver laughed, remembering it clearly.
“That was over three years ago, you were so nervous and look at us now, we’ve been dating for three years,” Oliver smiled.
“I wasn’t nervous, it was more so that you asked me out on the very same day I planned to take my life. Did you know? Had you not asked me, no, had you not forced me to go, I would have killed myself,” Arthur said with a sad smile and a soft voice. Oliver looked wide eyed, he knew of Arthurs past traumas and suicidal tendencies but he never knew of this.
“Really? Darling you should have told me,” He gasped.
“No, you get too worried, too fast. You wouldn’t have let me our of your sight, and you’d feel more like my mother than my boyfriend,” Arthur laughed. Oliver still looked worried sick. He was scared that Arthur still felt the same way.
“Arthur, do you still feel like that?” Oliver wispered hesitantly, not knowing if the subject was too sensitive.
Arthurs eyes dimmed, you could immediately tell his answer just from the way his eyes flickered away from Oliver and a sombre aura encapsulated him. Oliver's face dropped.
“Love-” Oliver began, but Arthur cut in.
“If you had lived through what I had, and seen what I’d seen, you wouldn’t want to be here either. Though, having you makes everything better, I won’t be gone anytime soon,” Arthur said in a meloncholy tone, though with a touch of hope somewhere mixed in.
“Oh, Arthur. I don’t know what you’ve been through, and even if I did, I wouldn’t pretend to understand. If you’d ever trust me with it though, I’m always here to listen,” Oliver said as he smiled gently and placed his hand on Arthurs.
Arthur looked down and stayed quiet. Contemplating whether to share or not. He took a deep breath in,
“My sister. I had a sister, she was only 15,” Arthur was already crying. Oliver’s blood ran cold at even those simple words, that and the fact that Arthur was crying. Oliver panicked, he’d only seen Arthur cry once or twice before, he never cries. So seeing him cry now must mean that nothing good happened to his sister.
“I never knew you had a sister.”
Arthurs face seemed to contort more, Oliver knows there must be a good readon why he didn’t know.
“She killed herself,” Arthur barely even managed to whisper out.
Oliver grabbed Arthur and gave him a large hug.
“You dont need to keep talking if it hurts too much,” Oliver reassured his partner.
“No, I need to tell you,” Arthur said and he leaned into the hug.
“Alright, whatever you need.”
“I don’t remember the details, I think I forced myself to forget them because it hurt too much. I… I walked up to her room, and when I opened the door,” Arthur was fully sobbing by now, though he tried to keep his voice steady, his tears and the way he couldn’t stop the quivering of his lips exposed him.
“I opened the door and I saw her, oh god, it was gruesome. All I saw was her legs and I was already throwing up. I didn’t have the strength to pull her down. My parents were away on a work trip too. I was pathetic, I just cried at the door, all I can remember is her hanging frame,” Arthur whispered the last part.
Oliver just sat shocked with Arthur still tightly in his embrace.
“I’m so sorry,” was all he could muster.
“I’m always scared she’s behind me, I can see her in mirrors,” Arthur stopped crying, but his eyes were visibly red. Oliver didn’t know how to help his beloved. Arthur laughed,
“Don’t worry about helping, I just wanted to tell you. I’ll be fine.” Oliver smiled sadly.
“I’m sorry I can’t be of more help to you, my love.” Arthur smiled at him and lent in for a kiss. Oliver caught his lips and deepened the kiss. Arthur always tasted of black tea and Oliver loved it. He has the same tea every morning, lunch and evening. Earl gray with one milk and three sugars. His favourite.
“What was her name?” Oliver asked softly as their lips parted. Arthur looked down and fiddled with his hands.
“Elizabeth. She would’ve loved you.”
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rierice8 · 1 year
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My intro and dni list!!
A note: this blog contains explicit adult content along with sfw things too. If you are a minor, I’d prefer you to not even interact with my sfw posts, to keep yourself away from the nsfw. PLEASE DO NOT REBLOG THIS POST!!
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About me!
I’m Rice, male, 19 years old, my birthday is February 1st 2004 and I’m a mainly dom switch with a thing for pretty lace lingerie (on me)
I’m bisexual and taken! Please don’t ask me about my boyfriend either, he's mine, hahahaha…I’m watching you..
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My interests are:
classical literature, sketching and drawing, writing short classical inspired stories (and fanfiction on the side), men, mythical creatures, vintage things and renaissance furniture/clothes, vtubers (nijiEN mainly hehe) photography, classical music, vocaloid, anime, history, music theory and music history, composing music, musicals, video games and playing instruments
I’m an ex competitive figure skater and fencer! Talk to me about those sports, its really been a while, I only do them for fun now but it used to be my whole life along with marching band (im still in marching band though haha)
I’m in uni as of now and I’m quite busy so I won’t ever be posting on a set schedule! Just whenever I finish things!
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My DNI list
-homophobic, transphobic, racist, anti semitic, misogynistic, just a general piece of shit kinda person
-Minors and people with no age in bio, female aligned/women, fujoshis/fudanshis, straight men
-people who sexualise minors, maps, pedophiles, people ok with pedophilia, pro shippers
-people who don’t understand that sex needs consent, people who don't know the difference between fanfiction and real life
-people over 35, I’m only 19, that's a bit weird
-people who sexualise being gay or a certain race
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Do’s and don’ts with my request box and dms!
-Do: ask me to write something, I’m always waiting for new things, don’t hesitate!!
-Do: rant to me about your fantasies with a certain character in my asks box, I may even write something from it!
-Don’t:rant to me about fantasies you have with me, that’s weird, you don’t even know me and I’m happily taken! Just cuz I write about it with characters, doesn’t mean I want strangers to do it to me in writing randomly!
-Don’t: dm me unless we're mutuals (I forgot if you can still do that) and don’t dm me inappropriate/pornographic stuff.
Do: send requests! My requests are open, I can't stress it enough, I’m so bored in between work and school please make me write things
Don’t: send me an ask and talk about another blog, this is my blog and respectfully, I’m the main character here cuz of all the work I put in! Think of it like talking about another streamer in the twitch chat of a different streamer, respect them by not doing that yk
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My hashtags:
#rice dying #rierhymes
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