seafoamheart · 1 year
decayed asteriks
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the text says 'it's not so bad... atleast, i feel something again."
asteriks belongs to @Smolpinkboy on Twitter
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chrai · 9 months
anyway I'm trying to decide on rifttale or apath(y)tale (I'm uncreative asf 😭😭)
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Actually I'm too lazy to type the story out uhhhh maybe I'll draw a comic for it ;w;
(btw u can help me pick between the names 🙏🙏)
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thatoneashkid20xx · 1 year
This is Flowey's(Gold's) battle explained as easily as I want-
Note that since Astro and the other souls are there too, you have more HP. Instead of 20 HP, you now have 80. Your ATK and DEF also go up to 4 instead of 0. Due to this, all monsters you encounter have higher stats, and their bullet patterns are trickier to dodge.
Also note that your souls has colors of all 7 humans, because all 7 humans are fighting with you. When one of the humans dies, their soul color disappears too.
Gold's battle is pretty easy compared to the rest. At first, he seems eager to fight you and get a human soul, but the more you spare, the more he realizes that what he's doing isn't right. He'll ask you if you understand what's going on, and say he has to do this. He says this to scare you. Eventually, he wraps your soul in vines so your movements start to slow. Your soul turns a light green when this happens, but you don't get a shield like in Undyne's battle. I'll explain why later. He'll start to use blue, orange, and green attacks to freak you out. Keep sparing him and he'll look at you with anger.
"What are you doing?"
"Why are you sparing me?"
"Even after all those attacks... Even after I tried to kill you and your friends..."
"Why do you still want to give me your mercy...?"
" . . . "
Gold's attacks start to slow down a lot, but your soul is no longer trapped in vines, so it turns back to normal. At this point, after you survive one last attack, you can spare Gold.
". . . ? "
"You're sparing me?"
"You really haven't learned a thing, have you?"
Gold will have a quick attack that you aren't prepared for, but it's a green attack. After this, Gold looks down and prepares something. Spare him one more time and the battle ends.
He will look at you sadly, and mumble a thank you, before disappearing into the Earth. Gold is now an ally, and can help you with certain puzzles throughout the various areas.
I have Toriel's battle written as well so I'll just include that-
Toriel's fight is relatively the same as before, with some slight changes after the first couple attacks. Toriel will speed up her attacks to see how well you can avoid unpredicted attacks. No matter what you do, the patience soul will die, bringing your HP down to 68. After Toriel will refuse to fight you anymore.
"I... I did not mean to do that..."
"Hopefully I can heal them..."
"Child, this battle cannot go on any longer."
"I will now spare you... After all,"
"You have clearly shown you can survive well..."
"Though your friend didn't..."
Toriel will stop talking for a moment to collect herself.
"I will keep this little one here."
"Hopefully she can be revived..."
The battle then ends. You will see Toriel pick up the patience soul and walk off screen. At this point you can backtrack to see Toriel sitting at the flower bed in front of the Castle with the patience soul. She will not say anything to you. Continue forward to proceed to Snowed town.
Honesty, OverSouls isn't my main focus rn- RiftTale has my interest much more than OS does-
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zenus-7246 · 8 months
Peaceful Meadow
ft. Quillow and Grillbz from RiftTale by Ruben
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Little music put into it:
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eevee-haze · 3 years
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Okay so I absolutely adore Ink and I haven't been able to/wasn't confident enough in my work to ever draw anything for him until now. He's one of my favorite Sanses in the entire multiverse and even inspired me to make an AU of my own (which I'm also releasing today as part of his birthday gift), the Tale and Swap versions of which are pictured above. Fell's not there cause he thinks parties are stupid, but. Either way I'm so happy Ink exists. It's probably sad how invested I am in Ink as a whole. His concept and execution are top tier and his design is *chef's kiss*
Thank you so much @comyet / @myebi for making this wonderful rainbow bean
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penguinsare-gay · 7 years
some of my ut/aus and a slight description
freezetale: cold
fish au: everythings the same but charas Asriels pet fish
Rifttale: frisk's reset f*cks up
kiltgore: Asgore. Kilt. we don't talk about this
Cherry: Chara isn't acttualy dead they pretend, asriel killed, fusion happens, don't let them know
ripped au: Chara is a ghost ripped in half
4ntitale: Toriels rude, Undynes pure, ect
swap... thing: Chara and Sans swap roles
determined hatred: pun thing
bookworm flowey: ... you can tell just by that name
musfrisk: frisk can only make music to communicate
french frisk: chara has to translate frisks french rambles
undercide: frisk you don't have a dick stop being one
Little theif: frisk give back the things
plushverse: https://randomdrawer1010.deviantart.com/art/Plush-Verse-Chara-705378416
redeye frisk: edge
skip/hop: frisk can hop though dimensions, they want to go back home
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dajinxhooman · 6 years
New baby
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This is Jukka! He's in a fact an UTAU OC, and he has horns under that hood.
To get his story and stats defined:
Name: Jukka 
Parentage: Resia (Human, patience soul), Sorin (Goat monster)
Age: Approximately twenty
Gender: Male
Universe: I'm debating on the name. RiftTale or UnderRift. The story will come out when I can finish it.
Soul trait: indecision.
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rifttale-blog · 8 years
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PREVIOUS : * Here.
NEXT : * ???
More to come soon!
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eevee-haze · 3 years
Aight so It's... not news to literally anyone that I like Ink sans a lot as a concept, and his birthday is today, so I figured what better way to celebrate his birthday than to make a brand new AU (or at least post the info for it)! Or I guess three since I'm working on Swap and Fell variants for it as well.
One of my main questions about the Underground was "how do they handle seismic activity" which was how this AU started forming. It's probably not at all scientifically accurate in the least, but oh well. I call it Rifttale. Cause the earthquakes cause literal rifts in the mountain lmao. I'll put the rest under a read more since this'll get long.
The idea of Rifttale is that Mt Ebott is located on a fault line, and all the hollowing out the monsters had to do made the mountain extremely unstable, and that problem only increased the more the underground's population grew. It's pretty dangerous underground in Rifttale what with the constant threat of cave in due to poor structural integrity and the fact that they don't really have much to work with to make their homes and businesses quake resistant. A fair portion of houses get rubble rained down on them and something always needs fixing.
All four sections of the underground remain, but the layout and placement are different. (And probably larger scale) For example, Snowdin is located near the top of the mountain since snow from the peak falls in through the cracks left in the roof of the cavern, and Hotland is at the very bottom of the mountain, where lava has surged up from the seismic activity. Both Waterfall and New Home are around the mid section, but are separated by a thick wall of rubble that followed a quake that happened maybe days before Frisk fell.
The man of many jobs adds two more responsibilities to the list rather begrudgingly in this AU. As one of the only Monsters capable of gravity manipulation and teleportation in Snowdin, he and his brother are tasked with being emergency responders in case of an earthquake as well as assisting with any initial construction steps in order to make bridges across newly formed gaps. Sans often gets called to other regions for his services too, but he really doesn't appreciate it.
Frankly he's convinced the mountain's going to crush them before they get the final soul they need, which is part of why he agrees to keep Frisk safe so easily. He doubts anything will change about their predicament with or without them. A No-Mercy route in Rifttale would see him saying things like "Couldn't have waited for the mountain to get us?" Or "I think I would have preferred a cave-in."
Something Rift!Sans doesn't really tell people is that he's blind in his right eye. When he and Papyrus were little, he shielded Papyrus from falling rocks during a quake, and one of them got him good just above his right eye. Most of the injury healed but it left a nasty crack in his socket which prevented him from actually being able to see. He can light the socket, and does so strangers don't needlessly worry about him, but it can't light up all the way like his left does.
Ah yes the sunshine boy. Personality wise he's not that different in this AU. He still wants to be in the guard and he's still confident and friendly, but sometimes he gets a little subdued and worried about Sans since Rift!Sans is much more obvious about his emotional/mental struggles. Another notable part is that he's being kept out of the guard mostly because he's more useful in the emergency unit. He's strong and capable enough to be a guard, but he's too soft, so they gave him a job that was helpful while playing to his strengths.... though like a silly he doesn't see the admirers he has and still hopes to become a guardsman one day.
Frisk & Chara
These two are interesting in this AU. Chara was around 13-14 when they died and spent years underground with the Dreemurrs before their death. They have a strong distaste for their own kind for several reasons, among which being the way they were treated (that led them to run away in the first place) and the fact that they forced such nice creatures into what is essentially a death trap.
They're a bit of a gremlin, but they're certainly not all bad like they consider themself to be.
Frisk on the other hand is a quiet child of roughly nine years. Adventurous and curious, but also blind. They hadn't seen the hole when they were exploring and ended up falling down. They rely on Chara to lead them around the more treacherous parts of the underground since they can't see it. (Chara is able to touch Frisk and tends to tug them by the wrist when guiding them.) Chara starts off really unhappy about guiding them, and depending on the route will even refuse to do so, not that it matters in a No-Mercy route. That's because in the No-Mercy route the Player is more of an active component. Frisk physically can't fight back on their own, and Chara would never help them do so. Essentially the Player is just an entity used by us creators to manipulate Frisk into a No-Mercy route since it wouldn't happen otherwise.
Asriel & Flowey
Personality wise the two really aren't all that different. Asriel is the slightest bit more skittish thanks to his timid nature and the uncertainty that comes with the constant tremors, and Flowey is the slightest bit more bearable. He still doesn't have much in the way of emotions, but it's pretty obvious their situation is bleak without him making it worse (As such, while he has tried No-Mercy in the past, most of his runs were seeing what effects smaller changes had. The volatile environment made it interesting regardless).
Though he's notably far more annoyed about losing his save and reload powers in Rifttale because he'd been in the middle of trying something when Frisk fell.
On the more technical side, Flowey doesn't tend to get around much when there aren't bridges over the chasms. While he can cross them himself, its a pain if they're too awfully wide. This means that the severe quakes tended to impede him a lot.
Toriel & Asgore
As a result of the meddling Flowey was doing, Toriel reclaimed her place as Queen and has been talking things over with her husband about everything that happened. Stuck in the ruins she hadn't gotten the news that Asgore amended his statement later on to say that they would only take the souls of humans that fell if they were hostile or after they died of natural causes. None of the children who fell were killed by monsters. (Many died in partial cave-ins or from falling into lava or the like, though so a quick death from a monster likely would have been preferable.)
Toriel still thinks that going out and just collecting the remaining souls they need would be faster, but Asgore argued a few points on that such as doing so likely angering the humans and giving them a further negative bias as well as the fact that whoever went to get the souls may well die like their children did.
They're still working things out but it's better than how it was before.
Toriel still spends a lot of her time in the ruins, but now its more out of a sense of duty since most of the children fell into the ruins first. She actually guides Frisk up until they meet Sans where she passes escorting them to him since he is more capable of ensuring their safety, and she needs to hurry ahead to make preparations for their stay and inform Asgore.
Predictably not much different personality wise. She's actually one of the safer monsters since she never leaves her lab and it's reinforced to withstand rockfalls to some degree, not to mention the basement level with the true lab in it (though its hot as heck down there cause of the magma nearby.) Her primary goal is more geared toward keeping the underground as stable as possible so that they can hopefully last until they get the last soul. That's not to say the amalgamates don't exist, they do, but she's at least been looking busy as sort of an excuse why she hasn't answered back any of the letters. No time for mail when she's trying to save people, after all.
Captain of the Royal guard, still. The guard does still exist, it's just less numerous and has more focus on recruiting strong members. After all they exist in case a hostile human arrives instead. So naturally Undyne is even more of a badass than normal, and she's ready in the event of a No-Mercy run. Even in a pacifist playthrough she's a bit wary of Frisk, notably not wanting to leave Alphys alone with them in case they were hiding their true intentions. This means she's the one who ends up escorting the human through the first little bit of Hotland after Waterfall, whereupon Mettaton would take over.
Considering a Human-killing robot was no longer needed, he was created with maneuverability in mind. The idea was that he could help others when needed, much like the emergency rescue portion of the guard, but Mettaton much preferred to focus on his career of course. He’s part of the reason Sans keeps being called to help out in other regions which gets him a healthy amount of resentment from the older skeleton.
No major story involvement, but he does have plot importance. Gaster was the Skelebro’s father, and while he made them artificially, he did care about them a lot. Not much about him still remains and very few remember any details about him since he was quite a reclusive skeleton. He was close friends with the Riverperson however, so that’s who ended up essentially raising the two skeletons after Gaster fell into the Core. They provided for them despite being gone a lot.
Misc. Details
Children that stayed for an extended period were often called the “New Hope” a term coined when Chara first became a part of the Dreemurr family
Not all children opted to stay with the royal family, hence their belongings being stored in different regions
There were hostile humans that fell as well, but most met their fate in the lava and their souls were burnt up before they could be retrieved.
Frisk had fairly negligent parents. They weren’t outright abusive, but they really didn’t pay much attention to them.
Portions of the Waterfall part of the Underground have large nets bridging the gaps to catch the garbage that falls down that way nothing gets wasted falling into the chasms.
The Delta Rune on Sans’s coat is a reflective sticker. They told him he needed to wear something reflective for visibility’s sake and because he wasn’t willing to mess up his jacket, nor go without it, he cheated the system.
Papyrus wears a battle body just like normal, but he hot-glued some of the reflective material from human clothing that ended up falling down onto it so that he could both look cool and follow rules
Despite being a very neat and cleanly skeleton, Papyrus often ends up dirty as a consequence of his job. Because of that he takes care to meticulously clean both himself and the house before they go to bed.
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zenus-7246 · 8 months
Peaceful Meadow
ft. Quillow and Grillbz from RiftTale by Ruben
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rifttale-blog · 8 years
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BEGINNING : * You are here.
NEXT : * Here.
More to come eventually!
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rifttale-blog · 8 years
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Character design for Chara
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rifttale-blog · 8 years
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Character design for Undyne
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rifttale-blog · 8 years
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Character design for Gaster (particularly when he's really, REALLY mad.)
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