#right blog this time! :eureka:
sonzies · 1 year
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surfin practice
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anim-ttrpgs · 6 months
I was interviewed on Storyteller Conclave!
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You’ve probably seen several posts on here about how I’m going to be on Storyteller Conclave talking about Eureka. If you haven’t, you’re going to, because there’s still some in the queue and I’m not going to remove them.
But, that happened, and it was a great time! You can listen to the episode here, here, here, or here!
I wasn’t on my A-game the whole time unfortunately, I had some mic trouble for about the first 20 minutes, along with some other distractions on my end that kept me from focusing early on, but luckily I had team member @ashweather to support me and help me out.
If you can bear with the rocky start, there’s a lot of good insight into the design of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy in this podcast, and a lot of it goes into stuff that we haven’t really covered on this blog, especially the themes.
We talk about the realistic and simulationist nature of Eureka and how this serves its gameplay and themes, we talk about how it takes inspiration from John Woo films such as Hard Boiled, its pretty unique approach to the concept of HP, how it approaches and flips the concept of "winning", and its deeply character-driven nature.
Of course we also talk about Eureka's unique and awesome rules for investigative gameplay, and how it improves upon games that did investigative gameplay before it. How it trusts the players' intellect, but also won't leave them totally twisting in the wind after a bad roll or two!
My favorite thing we talked about, near the end of the show, was Eureka’s approach to monsters, disability, and its sympathy towards “bad people.” I’m actually going to be writing a whole essay on this topic hopefully before the Kickstarter ends on May 10th, but you can get a really good gist of it just from listening to this episode of the podcast.
Oh and on that subject, the hosts, two veteran Vampire: The Masquerade players, said in the show that in many ways, Eureka does vampires better than VTM. Like, wow, that’s high praise..
Here’s a reminder also that Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is kickstarting from right now until May 10th, 2024. Back it and get yourself a copy plus custom artwork or the chance to get your blood sucked by vampires as an entry on the random victim tables for playable monster PCs! With every stretch goal we meet, the game gets better and better. Tons of beautiful new artwork, new options for gameplay, and even two entirely new playable Monsters could be added to the book, so visit the Kickstarter and secure your copy today!
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If you want to try before you buy, you can download a free demo of the prerelease version from our website or our itch.io page!
If you’re interested in a more updated and improved version of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy than the free demo you got from our website, subscribe to our Patreon where we frequently roll our new updates for the prerelease version!
You can also support us on Ko-fi, or by checking out our merchandise!
Join our TTRPG Book Club At the time of writng this, Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is the current game being played in the book club, and anyone who wants to participate in discussion, but can’t afford to make a contribution, will be given the most updated prerelease version for free! Plus it’s just a great place to discuss and play new TTRPGs you might not be able to otherwise!
We hope to see you there, and that you will help our dreams come true and launch our careers as indie TTRPG developers with a bang by getting us to our base goal and blowing those stretch goals out of the water, and fight back against WotC's monopoly on the entire hobby. Wish us luck.
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themistressdomme · 6 months
Hi! I'm messaging because I was reading your blog and i saw you mention you were ace! I'm curious as to what your experience is on the ace spectrum in terms of intimacy and how you discovered your identity (if you don't mind my asking, completely understandable if you dont wish to answer)
I ask as I myself am Acespec and I ADORE reading smut but don't particularly care for actual intimacy and I'm curious for another perspective , especially from someone who's writing is so captivating :)
Thank you!
(A silly gal who likes your blog)
Hello my love!
First off, thank you so much for your compliment for my words! 🥰 I'm flattered and I appreciate that so much! 🤗
I'd absolutely love to answer this question! I love meeting fellow acespecs and learning their experiences, because it's not very talked-about and it can feel devastating and so lonely when you're first trying to figure things out!
For anyone wondering what "acespec" is, it's shortened for the asexual spectrum! Someone who is asexual may not experience sexual attraction/desire, but that's very broad and we're all different! :))
For me, I discovered my identity when I realized that I didn't like receiving in any sort of way. Really, the first clues, looking back, were that I never did find myself that curious about sex at that teenage age where all my friends were. I also didn't find myself fantasizing about anyone, when again, all my peers were. I just thought I'd "grow out of it", and that I'd be "normal" when I was older.
News flash, that's not the way it went.
I realized that receiving during sex for me on my actual body (i.e., the strap is not a part of my anatomical body and so I love using it/receiving on it) made me feel... "gross"? That might not be the right word, but it's the best word I can find for now. It doesn't make me feel good.
For a long time, I thought it was because I wasn't ever really comfortable (in terms of being vulnerable) with the people that I was hooking up with. Now imagine my surprise when I found out that it's not just me - there's a term for it! "Ace"! Or rather, "acespec"!!! It was a eureka moment for me, and everything started to make sense. I finally didn't have to be so uncomfortable and just receive (to be "normal"), because it is normal to be on the acespec for some people! Before realizing this, I was very bad with boundaries and just let myself dissociate while receiving because I thought that was the proper way to do things, as to not upset my partners, whether it be relationships or randoms. But once I found that there's a word for that, it made me almost cry from knowing that I'm not alone in feeling that way.
In terms of intimacy in the sense of giving, I love giving. I love it so damn much. I love being a Domme. I learnt that there is a word for this too! "Stone top"!!! Again with the happiness when I realized that this was a feeling that had a label!!!! Whilst I know that labels aren't everything, and that some people don't like them, it really helped me in that moment, knowing that there was a label for someone like me.
For me, being acespec also includes not having a very high libido on a day-to-day basis, so I don't ever really initiate sex, if that makes sense? But once it's initiated by a partner, I can be absolutely down to pleasure them. This can also be difficult because multiple partners in the past have thought that I don't initiate because I "don't find them attractive anymore" and stuff like that, but that is absolutely not the case.
We're all goofy lil things, and we're all different!
Thank you for telling me your experience as an acespec! It was very interesting to see that you love reading smut but don't really care for physical intimacy!!! :))
Thank you, darling!
So much love for you, fellow acespec, silly gal 🥰🥰
P.S. If my explanation is a little all over the place, please do forgive me! I've never really said all this out loud before! :))
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yesmissnyx · 8 months
Not exactly a question so I do apologize. So I’m a trans woman who’s still in the closet and I’ve been searching for names that fit me with little success. I have a few I like but none that feel viscerally right. Then I saw your blog and became enamored with the name Nyx. It’s funny, because I’m a mythology nerd and Nyx has always been one of my favorite goddesses and I’ve seen your name before on reposts but for some reason this time it clicked and I couldn’t have stopped myself if I wanted to.
So I wanted to thank you, even if you obviously didn’t do it on purpose, you were the cause of my eureka moment, and a name is such an important part of the journey. I decided not to use it yet, but to leave it as a goal, to motivate me to get to a place where I’m out and where I’ve done all the things depression has resulted in me putting off like losing weight and getting back on estrogen. That’s the meaning behind the-night-to-be, it’s a promise to myself. This is painfully awkward, but sincerely thank you. I might just also get around to actually using my blog, so maybe you’ll even see my name on reblogs one day like I saw yours. Hopefully if you do, my name will have already changed by then.
I hope it's okay that I'm answering this publicly because 🥺💕🙏 Holy shit, I am SO honored to have helped and inspired you to live your best life.
Names are weird! I've been through a lot in my life, both for professional and personal reasons. In my experience, you can't force a name. You just kind of have to wait around until they find you...but once they do??? The little ZING of recognition you feel when you realize that's you???
And I hope the journey to being the person you want to be is swift, easy and full of unexpected joys 💕
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indiaalphawhiskey · 4 months
Comepletely and thoroughly loving the polin content 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 stopped checking tumblr regularly a while ago and now I come to your page every day to check bc I just need a touch of joy and squealing, a couple YouTube videos and now the fics you recommended. This weekend my little sister looked at me and said “you really are a fan girl at heart” and my partner said "oh so het fic too?" 💀😂
if you have any accounts or additional fic recs pls do share 🫡
Aww, darling, this is so nice!
And yes, I’ve been wondering like why I’m so addicted to watching the carriage scene reactions on TikTok particularly and I had this eureka moment where I realized I’m reveling in our collective joy.
Like it’s just so rare to feel enveloped by people squealing in excitement and giggling and kicking their feet, and leaning into their passions and pleasures so unapologetically. Its exactly, exactly the same feeling as hearing the trumpets opening HSLOT on a warm summer evening, and I hope all of us always have somewhere to pull that feeling from, one way or another, because damn. I have not smiled this much in a long time, and it feels good!
Fangirling is the best!
For blogs, right now I’m following @/colandpen @/ilovepolin and @/daily-polin (I won’t tag them cause no one knows me and I’m so happy to lurk hahaha)
On TikTok I follow theotherblackgurl, tifaine.red, ansley_broom, kazul_a, and mrbridgerton.
For fics, I’ve heard great things about Sea_Dragonfly, lixabiz, and ktbeets, but again, I’m so stuck on the source material that I haven’t even been able to delve. 🤣
Enjoy, sweetheart! Im patiently waiting to see if this obsession dies down after the season or if you will find me writing Polin fic eight years down the road. 🤣
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daryascurse · 2 years
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𝐔𝐧𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈𝐈: 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠
Ryoumen Sukuna x Reader // ♡ follow #ULSukuna for updates ♡ // ⁿˢᶠʷ mdni
POV: second person, AFAB reader, feminine pronouns Chapter tags: dominant Sukuna, submissive reader, themes of dubcon/ seduction, spitting, violence, blood, degradation, orαl, fingering, sex, αnαl, orgαsm control Chapter length: 4.5k
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He descends on you, the kiss open and hot. Like his kisses are drawing out snake poison, the pain ebbs away. You’re melting into him, hands up and pressed against his chest before you realize it. He lets you cling to him as you kiss him back, the smooth skin of his muscles hot under your palms, even as something cold slides down your cheek, tacky and sticky against his fingers.
He draws back and spits right into your still-open mouth.
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Read after the jump or on AO3 // set the mood
I have a very strict adult-only interaction policy. Ageless, blank, and clearly minor-run blogs that interact will be blocked. If you have questions about what that means, please read the byf in my pinned.
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Author's note: If anal is unappealing to you, I would advise skipping to the last ~7 paragraphs / lines for plot purposes or, at least skip when it comes up in the last 1/3rd. (From the line "Half-lidded eyes shoot open, and you slide your hands across the floor to prop yourself up on your forearms. 'Sukuna – no, wait – '" -> to the line "'Me first,' he says, ragged and raw, and thrusts again, again.") Also, I have been scouring the canon material and at this time I cannot find anything saying that the terms of Binding Vows cannot be changed if both parties agree to it (as would be the case with real life contracts). If I'm wrong... whatever.
It comes back in a feeling similar to the delicious satisfaction when you remember a word that’s been dancing on the tip of your tongue. A forgotten word just out of reach, clouding at the back of your mind and fogging up the rest of the conversation. And then – a burst of clarity when you least expected it. “ Oh, ” comes the cry in those moments, interrupting whatever dialogue has continued, but basking in the revelation when it’s there – “ that’s it! I knew it!”
But this feeling, this here, this now, is the inverse of that delightful eureka. When the burning ecstasy strikes, it’s dark and sickening, the sudden familiarity of your surroundings turning to dread. The yawning jaws around you, the rancid puddles at your feet, the ghostly blue shrine and the smirking man sitting in it, elbows on his knees and eyes fixed on you.
That’s it. I knew it.
Sukuna pushes his fingers together, letting them fall through each other. He props his chin on the collapse of his hands. “Well, well, well. The little slut is back again.”
You swallow, and notice shamefully that you’re naked.
“You just came as you were. Was it good?”
You raise your hands to cover yourself wordlessly.
“Ah, did you come at all?” He laughs once at his own joke. “So was the body in your bed worth messing your sheets for? Is your throat raw from his cock, is your cunt satisfied?” he asks in a slow voice dripping with sarcasm, shifting his hands and cracking his knuckles to enunciate his words. The second pair of eyes rolls forward to you, blinking out of time with the first. “It must have been something, my dear. You’re dirty, and here you come to be cleansed from another’s touch. That is our vow.”
Sukuna pauses, but you do not offer any words.
There’s nothing you can say. Your mouth is dry. You can faintly hear your own breath as it escapes from you in shallow, sickly puffs.  This place is familiar , you recognize Sukuna, but - memories do not come flooding back. It’s like a recognition of deja vu but an inability to trace it. And when you try to follow that thread back, back in your mind, it snaps like gossamer. 
But you do remember the night you were just living. When you blink, you see the dented pillows, the shoes left by the front door. You can’t see who was in your bed, just elbows, just feel the sense of coarse hair pricking under your fingers. 
He’s right. 
Sukuna drops his hands to his knees and leers closer to you. Your legs go weaker. He doesn’t stand from the steps of the shrine, doesn’t approach you down among the bones and filth, but his eyes – all four – are locked keenly on your shy gaze.
“Nothing to say? I remember when we first met you were so determined, so desperate to escape. Where’s that fighting spirit gone?”
Now he stands. The folds of his kimono swing open, his bare chest exposed more and more with every step closer to you.
You can't avert those eyes.
“Yes,” you say, your voice soft and stunned. “I remember.”
You don’t - quite, though. The thread reaches forward again, and snaps. But, it sounds right.
The black markings highlighting his bone structure ripple with the movements of his face, a devious smile that shines in the cut shards of cold light. “Do you? I'm well familiar. Do you remember how desperate you were for my cock, how you rutted right over my hand, your mouth greedily sucking me down, all the begging and pleading just rambling from your whore mouth? So desperate for your own pleasure you bound yourself to me.”
He’s beautiful, horribly beautiful.
“You wanted it,” Sukuna continues, and when he looks down his nose at you, the light of his eyes fall away into shadows. “You entered this vow of your own free will, you said ‘ yes ’ – this is what you desired.”
You lift a foot, skating the top nervously against the puddles as you prepare to take a step away.
“Sukuna, I can’t -”
And then pain strikes you, when you open your mouth. The weight of the words contradict the binding contract of the vow and ripple heavy down your shoulders. Your ribs sting, suddenly, sharply, as if cracking, and you interrupt yourself with a painful gasp. You grab at yourself and almost collapse, desperate to hold yourself together. It feels like you’re being torn apart, though no blood gushes from your midsection, right where your shaking fingers grasp at an invisible wound. 
“Can’t ?”
You stare helplessly at him.
Sukuna’s lips part in a sneering smile, and he raises a hand to your face. You shudder into his grip. The point of his nail pricks against the back of your skull, and then he digs in. The pain comes washing, nauseating, drowning out the panic.
“Free will is such a fickle human thing. But irresponsible to wield it thoughtlessly when you’re signing yourself to a contract, hmm ?” Sukuna strokes his thumb against your temple, the side of his nail cutting into your face now too, and you let out a strangled sound through gritted teeth. “You know what you have to do to make that pain go away. Submit willingly. Fulfill my terms, and I’ll fulfill yours and let you free again.”
Sukuna slides his hand down, and it slices your face right at the jaw, forcing your mouth open in a gasp. He descends on you, the kiss open and hot, tongue coming right into your mouth and wrapping on yours. It slides and tangles between you, barely letting your mouth close in response.
Like his kisses are drawing out snake poison, the pain ebbs away. You’re melting into him, hands up and pressed against his chest before you realize it. He lets you cling to him as you kiss him back, the smooth skin of his muscles hot under your palms, even as something cold slides down your cheek, tacky and sticky against his fingers.
He draws back, lets his lower lip fall, and spits right into your still-open mouth. Your stomach drops, rolls, and he draws you back for another sloppy kiss. His lips lock onto yours, that hand still bracing against your face, the other coming to press right into your hip. A sick embrace that he breaks with one last caress against your cheek.
“Your thighs are shaking, you’re already clinging to me. If I touch your cunt you’d be wet, am I right?” Sukuna says in a hoarse murmur. His finger shines with blood, your cheek stinging sharply.
“I…” you struggle for the words to defend yourself. He smirks, lolls out his tongue, licks your blood from off him. Bright red liquid webs into the ridges of his finger.
“Still so needy. How arrogant of you, to just come crashing back in, disturbing my rest and violating the terms of our arrangement, and just expect your pleasure satiated once more. You have to earn it this time.”
He lets go of your hip, letting his hand drop and squeeze against your skin as he does, before turning and walking back up into the mouth of the shrine. The water slides cold against your feet as you follow, like a dog to its master. Light breaks through the cracked bones caved around you, that blue glow just out of sight.
Sukuna disrobes as you walk up into that yawning entrance, almost carelessly, his elbows dancing to the side of his body as the obi comes untied and the kimono falls to the ground. He turns to you, flicking the last of dried blood from under his fingernails and regarding you with a haughty expression in those four gleaming eyes.
“Get on your knees. I prefer looking down on you like that.”
You sink to the ground, a position of pious supplication before him. He strokes his cock before you take it in your own hands. 
“I know you just had a visitor,” Sukuna repeats. “But do better for me, yes?”
He’s hard under your fingertips as you stroke down his shaft, wrapping your fingers down at the base, and harder in your mouth when you part your lips for the head of his cock.
You let out a “mmph” as you taste him, so familiar. 
Sukuna sighs in pleasure, hand on the top of your head as you suck gently. You let go to keep moving and run your mouth over him, more of him, tongue working against him. The ridges of his cock, of the veins, the flattened slit at the tip, you explore them all, saliva spilling from you. You open your mouth again, to take him in at the top and down your throat. He lets out a groan that reverberates right at his stomach against your forehead, hands tightening on you.
Your jaw tires out almost immediately, lips stretched wide over him. As if you’re just too tired from earlier - but you keep going, building a rhythm and picking up your speed, smacking and rolling your tongue. Your one hand still braces against his groin, thumb stroking down under, slick and then tacky with drying saliva before your finger drags more down. The other is tight against your knee, your own fingernails digging into your skin as you hold yourself up, keeping your mouth busy on him.
It shouldn’t feel so good just to suck his cock, just to have him heady and thick on your tongue but it still pulses through you, throbbing behind your stomach and settling in your core. You shift on your ankles. Your heels dig into your thighs as your legs shift, hunting for some sort of friction that your lower body needs. The sedulous, busy work of your hands and your tongue isn’t distracting enough from the rising urgency of your own body.
But it does make you move faster, moaning over him, opening your mouth and licking Sukuna’s cock sloppily. He groans above you, only slight movements of his own hands controlling your motions, turns of the wrists to angle you. He raises your head just enough to make you take his cock deep down your throat, a quick thrust of his hips into your face and stilling the motions.
It gags you, muffles your moaning cry of half-protest, but his pleasured grunt is gravelly and loud. Your throat closes and convulses, feeling him down you, and the thick fingers tightening his grip. It’s only a brief push before he lets go, pulling his cock out of your mouth with strings of saliva following.
“Enough,” Sukuna says, his breath gasping at the end of the word, and a pause to collect himself. He looks down at you again, with an expression almost like pride. “That whet your appetite, didn’t it? Let’s see how desperate your body is now.”
He keeps a hand on the back of your head as he circles you, the nail tracing down the column of your neck and between your shoulder blades, and evoking a slight shiver from you when he slides away. His hands lock around your ribs as he kneels behind you, cock hard and wet with your own saliva against your back. His knees come splayed on either side of your own, a light dusting of hair on his thighs silvery in the sickly blue light.
Sukuna’s hands slide down your ribs to your waist and down, spreading over your own legs and you shudder again, a light “oh” when he squeezes the sensitive skin right at your inner thighs.
“How does your cunt feel?” he asks, his breath right at the back of your ear when one hand comes up to feel for you.
“Oh,” you say again, harder this time, when his finger slides between your folds. You’re slick and part for him easily. The throbbing inside you rises again, thick and hot. It feels like you’re pulsing over his finger, and then fingers, when his wrist flicks up and he pushes two into your entrance.
“That was easy,” Sukuna says, his voice thick and syrupy. He kisses the side of your cheek, a wet, drooling smack, and he laughs without humor. “My whore is ready and waiting, aren’t you?”
You moan, a wordless whimper, desperately tightening and fluttering your muscles over his fingers as you compose an answer, anything close to intelligent. “Sukuna, I, it… feels so good.”
“I know it does.” He pulls his fingers out of you, wiping your own arousal across your hips and thighs. “Forward, right on your hands and knees.”
You almost lurch into the yawning blackness of the shrine, beyond the fangs and jaws, as you move forward on your hands. The heels of your palms scratch against the ground, and you rock your hips back when his hands slap across your ass in a brief spanking. The tip of his cock comes to your entrance, nudging you open, teasingly as your thighs shake, your body already primally searching for more.
And that’s when something else, something stronger than deja vu and memories, unlocks – being bent over here, the floor hard and cold under your hands, Sukuna’s breath right in your ear before he leans back, the rough touch of his skin on you – this has happened before . And before . And before .
The dark realization hits again. It’s sickening, it’s cold.
Oh. That’s it.
“There it is,” Sukuna grunts, his fingers drumming against your hips as your gasp echoes through the shrine with a sharp clarity. “I told you, any time, any time you were dirtied by another, you’d return. I told you, I’d clean you with my cock. I told you, you’re mine. But you never seem to really remember the full thing until I do the work for you. And I’m sick of reminding you - every time. Again, and again. ”
He thrusts hard inside as his hands come down, a sharp slap, and you cry out. The jerking dance of your bodies pushes himself immediately inside you. 
Sukuna pauses before moving, his cock slowly pulling out over the immediate fluttering squeeze of your inner walls. And then - again . The next strokes are faster, his rhythm building. Moans begin to slip from you as he picks up the pace.
This is familiar. You know this feeling. You know his cock.
Sukuna’s hold on you moves, gripping at the back of your shoulders, up to your neck, and the angle shifts his cock higher and deeper up in you. His hand moves again, sliding to your face, and his fingers flash in front of your eyes.
“You’re just my fucking toy wasting my time. Tell me you’re sorry for disturbing me.”
You scramble to speak through lips suddenly spread painfully wide, words that cannot come out coherently. Two of his fingers are hooked in your mouth, salty, coated with the drool spilling involuntarily from your lips.
“I – can’t – hear – you – !” Sukuna jeers, snapping his hips into you with an aggressive force. The back of your thighs sting with the slap of his skin against yours. His other hand clenches down on your own grabbing desperately against the shrine floor, nails digging into the skin of your fingers. One slips right into the nailbed of your middle finger, and you scream sharp and shrill enough to cut glass. The pain ebbs away, cold down the back of your fingers as he adjusts his grip, and your cry peters out. Your tongue lolls over your bottom lip, and you struggle to swallow with an open mouth. He’s still waiting for you to speak.
Yes. All you are is a fuck toy at his whim.
But fuck. His cock feels so good, so good. The words are babbling, rubbery and half-formed, out of you – “so good, so good,” – slurring “ shooo guuud ” for a moment - and when his fingers slip, first one, then the other, out of your aching lips, you spit the gathered drool onto the floor and keep speaking, singing his praises in hymns. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry , I’m sorry I disturbed you, forgive me, Sukuna, it’s so good .”
“Begging and pleading,” Sukuna says in a hiss, and he puts his hands back over you as his body collapses into yours, pushing your crouched position as flat to the ground as he can, chest falling over your knees. Your elbows bend, splaying, and you grab at your ankles, wrapping around the width of his thighs. His hands press into your waist, shoulders into yours, and his sweat smears down over your back.
He hisses in your ear, with a thrust that doesn’t move back down, and you moan and clench over him, thighs trembling: “You actually enjoy how I fuck you, don’t you? Getting treated like an object like this.”
You whimper, unable to deny or fight him. He rolls his hips up, the angle so tight inside you and you try to shift your hips down in response. The oil of sweat and arousal across your thighs tacks you to the floor. You’re drenched, something hot and burning behind your stomach aching as you try to shake and meet him.
“You’re mine, you little slut,” Sukuna says. “Every part of you, every part is mine.” His tongue flickers down to your shoulder, cold and sticky as he relishes the taste of your sweat, and then bites sharp against your bone. One clawing hand against the back of your arm, the other groping at your chest, his touch is hot and electric. You cry out again.
“Sukuna! ”
“Ask me – if you want – to come,” he pants before scraping his teeth again down your skin.
“I want to come, I need, please, please, let me come,” you say in a broken whimper, repeating over and over when his hips slam faster against yours and his grip moves again. His hands spread, fingers pushing under your stomach, and down, searching.
“Every part,” he says again, a growl, and then he pulls out of you. “Not just this filthy dripping cunt.”
You have no strength to move, to force your elbows up, but the pressure on your ankles slips as he leans away from your body, breaking out of the tangle of limbs. It throbs as he leaves you empty. You shift, rolling your hips slightly, then harder and harder in a desperate attempt to feed yourself friction even as you drip on the floor. His hands come hot and strong to your waist, pushing down to your ass, a spitting sound, and then it’s cold as something dribbles down onto your skin.
Half-lidded eyes shoot open, and you slide your hands across the floor to prop yourself up on your forearms. “Sukuna – no, wait – ”
“I said, mine,” he says, a triumphant crowing claim. His hand scoops up from your sore, dipping folds, dragging your hot arousal past your cunt and up with it. The sounds are wet and almost disgusting behind you, and you whimper, muscles clenching as he smears it over your body. His fingers press, squeezing in and spitting again when he spreads you.
You jolt, every nerve in your body a live wire. “Sukuna, please , please , I can’t – ”
“But I can,” Sukuna says in a terrible voice, and his finger slides in. It urges your body to the ground and you slide into a pained whimper. “A tight little ass, and it’s mine, as much as the rest of your pathetic body.”
The problem is, more than that he’s right, is that it feels good. Even as you clench over his finger and cry when the edges of his nail slip down your ass on the way out. He comes down to your cunt again, finding more of your own slick to bring up, and leans back over you. His smile spreads across your shoulder, teeth rubbing into the grooves of his previous bite marks, as his cock comes grinding against the curve of your ass.
“Just my own little whore,” he says, his breath so hot in your ear your eyes screw up and your neck cranes back, meeting his gleaming sets of pupils. You’re just too full of thrill to relax so it hurts, it hurts so fucking badly, when he presses against you and pushes in.
You scream.
“Oh,” Sukuna groans, and he acutely shudders as he sinks slowly into you. He grunts, easing inside as your body clenches, neck jerking forward and head dropping back down. Your mind reels, and his hands move, one at your hip pulling you wide and eliciting another sound of anguish from your aching lungs.
The screams spur him on, and you feel more than hear the rumble of laughter in his chest so close against your back. “Cry out, you stupid little whore, scream and yell,” he taunts, and the other hand grabs at the back of your neck, pushing you into the floor.
Your sounds taper off into a shuddering groan, your body going limp beneath his, squeezing your eyes shut and blinking teardrops away. He moves, a thrust out and another slowly in. The movement somehow helps. More and more now it’s feeling good as the pressure melts away, your back arching and body starting to relax in response to his pace. Sukuna’s moving slow, mercifully slow, if you were so foolish to think he’s being kind. He’s rocking almost gently, stretching you open and moving just a little faster each time.
All you are is his fuck toy. Just used for his desires.
And it’s – so –
“… so… good… ”
He lets out a groan, and he must know he’s being too kind, because then he picks up the pace, hips slamming against yours and hand so tight on your neck it could snap the bones. Blood rushes through you, the slice on your cheek throbbing in time with your heart. The sounds coming out of you are grating messes, your legs trembling even as your knees rub against your ribs, crumpled in two below him.
“Sukuna,” you let out again, his name little more than a breath, pleading now not for him to stop, but to keep going.
“Your ass is gripping my cock,” he says, his voice slipping low and mumbling. “I just entered you, and I’m going to come. What an excellent toy you are, you fucking slut.”
“Sukuna, please,” you start. The words taste thick in your mouth. You’re trembling as he thrusts again and again, every part of you flushed and strained. “Please, let me come.”
“Greedy – fucking – whore,” Sukuna grunts, giving no indication he’s either heard you or plans to heed you. “Can’t – control – yourself?”
“Please, please let me come! ”
“Me first,” he says, ragged and raw, and thrusts again, again.
He pulls out and it makes your stomach drop, your hands scrambling against the floor. It’s hot when he comes in long spurts across your back, dirty and slick and claiming you once more. But he’s still moving, right over you, hands clamped at the top of your thighs as he breathes heavy and hot in your ear.
“You need to ask me, ask me, beg me,” he’s hissing as his hands move, one spreading you open and the other just so gently right over your clit. Your legs shake.
“I need it, Sukuna, I need to come, please let me come, please.”
“No. You don’t need it,” Sukuna says, his chin digging into your shoulder as he speaks. His fingers dance down, pushing over you, so sore and over-stimulated when he begins rubbing over your clit. The fire burns under his touch, rocketing up somewhere behind your stomach, thighs trembling and squeezing together erratically.
“Greedy, selfish, demanding, I need to do it all for you, don’t I? You stupid little slut, you can’t come without my cock, without my fingers, you just so desperately want to feel pleasure.”
Sukuna moves faster, pressure down and off you, harder again and again with his words. Your lower back spasms, arching, wet against his stomach when you meet his body. “Please,” you whimper, his finger rubbing tight circles faster and faster, your hips rocking and pushing into him.
His jaw slides down, teeth biting into your shoulder again, and he moans into your flushed skin. The finger at your clit slides down, fully over you, and back up again, pressing on and off faster and faster.
“Then fucking come,” Sukuna says at last, a snarling edge in his voice that fades into a guttural growl, and it rockets through you. The climax soars overwhelmingly as it hits, dizzyingly, your heart racing and head pounding as it peaks. You cry out, an incomprehensible sound.
He rubs you through the orgasm, the hand spreading your folds sliding down and releasing you, the nails nicking the inside of your thighs and drawing another cold thin trickle of blood across your skin. You barely feel it when he fully lets go, his body off of yours, your shoulders trembling and cramped legs rolling out as you slide down, panting.
Sukuna is silent as you lie shaking against the ground, heels of your palms scraped with the pulls against the floor. Your shoulder throbs where he bit you, your face hot and aching, every muscle weak. Your vision begins to blur, eyelids sinking heavier with each blink.
“Are you satisfied?”
His voice is flat, and you let out a weak sound of agreement.
“Then let me offer you a new deal, before you leave my Domain again.”
You force your eyes open, the swimming blackness beginning to descend from the corners of your eyes once more. Sukuna is sitting, one knee drawn up with his elbow resting across it, turning his head to the side. Two eyes roll down to regard you as he speaks.
“You tire me, if we’re going to repeat this song and dance struggle every time. If I need to remind you what’s going on. If I’m doing all the work to make you heed the terms of this arrangement. Frankly, you’re close to boring me.”
You open your mouth, and close it again, uncertain. 
“So let’s change the conditions. I’ll bring you back here once more, in fact,” – he barks out a harsh laugh, eyes glittering down at you – “I’ll offer you a race again, too. Next time you come here, if you can come first, you’re free. Completely free. But if it’s me, you little whore, then you’re all mine to break and dispose of when you no longer entertain.”
One more time. Another race. Another impossible race, a lying chance. But he’s waiting, and as your body thuds in time with the swirling blackness overtaking you, you say that word to agree and to bind it:
chapter iii
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taffycandyqt · 6 months
Hello! I am Taffy and I post fanfics, comics, and art! Though I am usually pretty tired so most the time I just post stupid memes. This is a NON-NSFW/18+ blog!
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This is me! You can call me Taffy🩷
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Art made by my boo boo @ghosty-0w0🩷 (my old persona design)
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About me!
I am Christan, specifically a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
I have three main special interests. These are pretty much any iteration of TMNT. The two I don't particularly vibe with is Mutant Mayhem and the Michael Bay movies, so I don't really talk about those two. I also like the Sonic franchise. My favorite character is Shadow. Lastly is Tokyo Mew Mew! If you haven't seen it I suggest you check it out, just don't watch the reboot. The writing is really lazy. (In my opinion)
Some smaller hyperfixations of mine are mha, demon slayer, over the garden wall, atla, static shock, Sailor Moon, Mermaid Melody, Gravity falls, The Owl House, the Wonka movie, and some others I can't remember right now.
Bring Rise of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles back! Sign this petition!
If you want to send in requests for fanfics I write for...
Tmnt (no Mutant Mayhem or Bayverse)
Tokyo Mew Mew
The Owl House
Gravity Falls
Avatar: tla
Demon Slayer
If you want me to write for a franchise that isn't on the list just ask and I'll let you know if I will right for it or not. :)
Requests are CLOSED
Request Rules🩷
Fanfic Masterlists:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Sonic (none)
Tokyo Mew Mew (none)
Avatar: The Last Airbender (none)
The Owl House (none)
Gravity Falls (none)
My Hero Academia (none)
Demon Slayer (none)
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A New Kind of Place: TMNT fancomic
Chapter 1
Part 1
Part 2 coming 🔜
Some things about Eureka
No schedule. I update when I update.
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Get ready to meet NINJA TIME!!!
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Co writer and artist: @ghosty-0w0
Updates every Saturday
Time Traveler Leo AU:
Chapter 1:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Chapter 2:
Part 1
Part 2
Pedos("m.a.ps"), proshippers, 18+ blogs, homophobes, heterophobes, transphobes, and jerks/creeps of any kind. DNI.
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mindmeltonabun-blog · 2 years
Alchemy of Souls Part 2: Evidence The Soul In Part 2 Was Not The Same Soul From Part 1
Hello Readers,
Thought I should post some more evidence to that what I said in my Theories and Analysis post for Eps 29-30. When I had initially shared a link to my blog post on Reddit, I thought things would have calmed down by now and people would not be so toxic. I also thought there would be more open minded people who would consider alternative arguments. However, I was wrong. Many there did not even choose to read what I wrote and immediately said things like "you are confused" or "you do not understand the show" or implied I was stupid for even proposing such things. If I did not understand the story in the first place then how would I have gotten some many things right during Part 1?
Things progressed to even more people jumping on the bandwagon and hurling more insults at me when all I did in the first place was provide a different prospective on things. It became apparent to me that it was futile to continue to discuss such things with these types of people. What I observed among these people is that they could not fully establish any logical counter argument other than saying Naksu=Cho Yeong. That was pretty much the gist of what they said.
They also accused me of not wanting to be wrong when in reality I do not care if I am right or wrong. I have stated as much repeatedly both here and my Twitter. If I could sit there for hours and debate about my own thinking, they should at least be willing to do the same. In my profession, all we do day in and out is internally debate with ourselves whether our logic is flawed or not. Therefore, I have no qualms about being wrong. At least in my field when we tell someone they are wrong, we provide reasons, examples, etc. You do not simply tell someone just because. If you do so, it just makes you seem like you are the ones who are afraid to be wrong.
What I sought to do here on my blog was to try and make sense of everything, connect things to see the bigger picture, and consider everything there is to possibly consider. When I formulate my theories, I at least explain my reasoning behind it by giving examples from the show. So, if there is anyone who disagrees with all that I will say below then please enlighten me. Provide me with a rational counter argument with examples from the show. Otherwise, if you are unable to, then maybe you should consider that what I say could be correct.
Thinking caps on! Time to do a mini analysis!
More Evidence Proving The Soul In Part 2 is Mu Deok/Cho Yeong
Before I start this section, I want to add that if you want to discover whose soul belongs to whatever face, alternative name, real name, and body, just turn to these three characters: Soi, Jin Mu, and Seo Yul. These characters had known either girls the longest in comparison to other characters (Soi-Mu Deok and Jin Mu and Seo Yul-Naksu).
Now in Ep 26, Soi tells Seo Yul Naksu's soul is in Jin Bu Yeon's body. She adds the current face of Jin Bu Yeon is Naksu's face (GYJ face). Soi's logic was that since the soul inside is Naksu's soul, Jin Bu Yeon's current face must also be that of Naksu's. Side note, this is where assigning souls to alternative names to faces to real identities will get you into trouble.
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Flash forward to Ep 29, Seo Yul hears some information which causes fireworks to go off in his head. During the flashback, Soi talks about how the girl she knew from Sari (Mu Deok) had consumed the soul potion which caused her to go crazy and die. What did this mean? Eureka moment, anyone?
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It meant Soi thought it was "Mu Deok's soul" who resided in Jin Bu Yeon's body in Part 1. However, we as viewers knew it was actually "Naksu's soul" who was in Jin Bu Yeon's body during Part 1. Since Soi thought it was Mu Deok's soul in Jin Bu Yeon's body in Part 1, she erroneously deduced it was Naksu's soul in Jin Bu Yeon body in Part 2 (Ep 26). Just read that statement again and let it digest before continuing on. It should be noted Soi never found out it was Naksu's soul who was living inside of Jin Bu Yeon's body in Part 1.
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It was only after Seo Yul talked to Soi's worker in Ep 29 did he realize Soi had mixed things up and that the soul currently residing in Jin Bu Yeon's body was not the same soul from Part 1 (aka Naksu's soul). If it was not Naksu's soul in Jin Bu Yeon's body, whose soul was it? It was Mu Deok's soul. The question became "what is the real identity of Mu Deok's soul"? There are two choices Cho Yeong or Jin Bu Yeon. If you know the soul inside transforms the face to match its true appearance and the real name of the GYJ face is "Cho Yeong" then you can conclude Mu Deok was Cho Yeong. Therefore, if Mu Deok's soul=Cho Yeong's soul then Naksu's soul=Jin Bu Yeon's soul through the process of elimination. If you said Mu Deok's soul is Jin Bu Yeon's soul then her face would have transformed into the JSM face. However, since it did not, then you have to accept that Mu Deok's soul is Cho Yeong's soul.
The only reason why many did not catch this is because they were too distracted with everything else which is understandable. The Hong Sisters purposely presented this piece of information near the very end (vs beginning) because they wanted people to think Naksu=Cho Yeong. In turn, this caused many to either completely overlooked or disregard the statement made by Soi in Ep 29. If the Hong Sisters had presented the following scene from Ep 29 much earlier, more viewers would have caught on that the soul in Part 2 was not the same soul as in Part 1. And who knows how that might have affected the ratings. Anyways, the pattern among many viewers is when anything becomes confusing or does fit the narrative they have in their head, they will disregard it to soothe themselves into thinking what is easier to comprehend.
In the world of AOS where soul shifting happens, a soul's alternative name can sometimes be different from the real name of the body it is in. The real name of a face does not always mean it is the real name of a soul who had previously resided in that body (AOS has made it clear there is a fine distinction between body and face). I will admit it is convoluted, but this is why you should not immediately jump to conclusions and assign faces, bodies, alternative names, and real names to souls before thinking about everything. If you keep your beliefs flexible and consider the alternative then you will be more likely to find the truth. Instead of being face or body trackers, maybe all of us should strive to be better soul trackers. Anyways, I will gladly welcome anyone who can disprove all that I have stated above. And simply stating "Naksu is Cho Yeong" does not cut it. You should formulate a logical argument that is backed up by evidence from the show.
Final Thoughts
In my opinion, it made no logical sense for the Hong Sisters to introduce Naksu as a powerful soul only to have her be reduced down to a damsel in distress, soul food, relic detector, and Jang Uk's shadow. I saw Naksu's journey as being one of self discovery, personal growth, and enlightenment. If Naksu was really Cho Yeong, the Hong Sisters would have introduced more things about the Cho clan. Instead, they had completely wiped out the Cho clan from the start while placing a heavy focus on the Jin clan. Furthermore, they had associated Naksu with many bird related things to show her connection to the Jin clan. For me, it made more logical sense the show began with her being an assassin fighting on the wrong side of things and ended with her discovering her true authentic self (Jin Bu Yeon) so she could save all of Daeho. And sure, her journey may have ended rather sadly (or it may not since she is a divine soul now), but at least she managed to accomplish so much during that time. She was able to correct everything, find out the real truth about herself and the events that surrounding her multiple deaths, and take responsibility for her past actions.
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Finally, to all of those who are not convinced by what I have said (Naksu=Jin Bu Yeon and Mu Deok=Cho Yeong), I will end this post with excepts from Lee Jae Wook's interview so you can decide for yourself of whether the soul in Part 1 was the same soul in Part 2. Note: the translations below were done using Google translate so there may be some inaccuracies.
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Back to hibernation I go until the next great fantasy drama comes along!
P.S. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them!
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etes-secrecy-post · 4 days
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
#OnThisDay: Sept 23rd, 2009
Title: Cuteness ACE 3 the final retro
IMPORTANT NOTE: Umm... Before I shared my throwback, I just wanted to say, I'm still not okay from yesterday [CLICK ME!]... 😞😔 I'm still had jealousy feeling from my siblings owing to their own jobs and I DON'T HAVE ONE. My cure from depression is going albeit slow... But, I'll try to dust myself off and standing my two feet. Maybe a nice morning walk will make myself a little better, like what happened in 2022. 🚶
Anyway, enough of my sorrow, let's moved on to my Monday's throwback:
Here's a fun fact of me playing video games: Did you know, 15 years ago, I've played the SUPER underrated mech-based game gem called "Another Century's Episode" franchise exclusively on Sony PlayStation consoles/handhelds (specifically, PS2, PS3 and PSP; PlayStation Portable)? 🤖🎮😁 Yup! It was a lot of fun, at the time when PS2 still going strong (over the new PS3).
• For those who don't know, this Japanese exclusive video game 🇯🇵🎮 was created by the old gaming publisher/company "Banpresto", the same team behind the "Super Robot Wars" franchise (formerly known as "Super Robot Taisen") before Banpresto was merged with "Bandai Namco Games", now called "Bandai Namco Entertainment". Now, ACE (short for "Another Century's Episode") wasn't your typical mech-based chess strategic game like the aforementioned "Super Robot Wars", ACE had a different approach using "Third-Person Shooter" game where you played different mechs based on Japanese most memorable TV Anime Mecha shows like of course "Gundam" (which we're never forget in our hearts as a fan), "Martian Successor Nadesico", "Getter Robo" series, "Eureka Seven" series ,and more... Heck, they even collaborate with Banpresto and Atlus (well known for "Shin Megami Tensei" and "Persona" series) creating their own mechs and characters for the 3rd ACE installment, and its SUPER DOPE in a good way! 😃
BTW: let's not forget "From Software", who also developed the said underrated mech series. Which, you may known today behind "Soulsborne" genre, like the over popular "Elden Ring". ⚔️🏰
• And as you can see, I draw Pocoyo 🔵👶 armoring the "Exblau Form H", along with Kirby ⭐ armoring the "Burning/God Gundam", and two Muglox faries of Mirmo 🪇 and Murumo 🥁 armoring the "Gundam Double X + G-Falcon" and "Freedom Gundam", respectively in a colored-retro style! 🤖😁
If you want it more, then please go to these provided links 😉👉 [CLICK ME! #1], [CLICK ME! #2], [CLICK ME! #3].
Pocoyo - POCOYO © Zinkia Entertainment Kirby - Kirby series © Nintendo, Hal Labs Mirumo & Murumo - Mirmo! © Hiromu Shinozuka/Shogakukan, TV Tokyo Armor - Another Century's Episode © Bandai Namco Entertainment (BANPRESTO) Armors (Mobile Fighter G Gundam, After War Gundam X, and Mobile Suit Gundam SEED) - Gundam series © Bandai Namco Filmworks, Inc. (SUNRISE), Sotsu
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mil-doo · 1 year
The antifascism of surfboarding robots
Wow. Look mom, I’m blogging.
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So I just need to type up my thoughts on my Eureka Seven rewatch before they’re totally diluted by my next here and gone hyper fixation.
The first time I watched E7 was in high school a redacted amount of time ago, but to give you an idea I watched a lot of it in parts with severe buffering. I loved it. I loved love then, I love love now. I also love big robots and had my mind pressed through an Evangelion shaped playdoh press at the age of 15 and I feel I have that to thank for me becoming a real person. But that’s a bit of a  tangent.
In my teens if I liked something, I mean if I really liked it, I’d rewatch it incessantly. SO I watched Eureka Seven over and over until my junior year of high school, around when I started getting a lot more self conscious about the art and entertainment I enjoyed.
Jump to today-ish and I’m right back where I started. I love Eureka Seven. I’ve gone through a bit of a light Gundam phase over the last year or so. Robots are in. Of course I was going to return to the surfing mech show.
The mech designs are great! They’re bulky, they’re colorful, they’re animated with an occasional expressiveness and when they explode they’re a bright powdery pink. What’s not to love. The palette of this show in general is lovely, it’s firmly set in an aesthetic that I find difficult to describe beyond the toy section of a mid aughts Discovery Channel store at your local mall.
More than the robots I was most captured by the character designs, the look of the landscapes and world, and the ship designs. I’m a sucker for flying wings and the ones here are Neat. The Gekko is also just such a wonderful ship design, inside and out, and I love that we get such a good feel for it as the show goes on.
It’s also impossible not to be grabbed by the politics of Eureka Seven and I’m kind of surprised I haven't read more about them elsewhere. Eureka Seven has one of the better portrayals of fascism and more importantly one of my favorite portrayals of antifascism I’ve seen in anything aimed at an all ages audience like this.
The show is deeply concerned with climate change and the ecosystem of the world at large, and in a way that goes much farther than just the comfort and survival of people. As a result our leader principle obsessed little freak, Dewey Novak, is a human supremacist driven by what he sees as the dignity of his species in the face of an environment that can’t support it unconditionally.
This feels incredibly prescient with the rise of eco-fascism and the increasingly inevitable rise of climate leviathan states (Joel Wainwright and Geoff Mann).
And thankfully none of this is to the exclusion of fascism’s violent cultural divisions. Being a show from 2005 produced by studio Bones, Eureka Seven is very much thinking about the United States’ wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and bombing campaigns across the globe. As a result the show demonstrates the process of alienating religious minorities and forcing them into violent acts of preservation that can be cleanly categorized by the state as terrorism.
It even shows how the decaying and ineffectual bureaucracy of the state can be consumed by the fascistic elements it had itself propagated and groomed in its own ranks for its benefit.
All of this resulting in a very holistic and digestible presentation of fascism in a show made for a younger audience.
We’ve talked about our fascism, let’s talk about our anti-fascism because it’s something I deeply appreciate in this show. For starters this it is unavoidably pro eco-terrorist. The Gekko and its flying circus of mechs is soaring across the globe being directly and lethally confrontational with the state and its destruction of the environment. And while the show does grapple with the human toll of these actions it’s never in a way that condemns those who fight the state in this fashion.
We have characters who share a conviction to safe guard the world that allows them to surf the waves they love without always sharing in the same tactics. Our romantic duo by the end of the show embrace a non lethal antifascism, destroying the tools of the state without destroying the bodies that composite it due to their discomfort with personally partaking in any greater violence than that. Meanwhile the crew of the Gekko continue to face the state head on with lethal means. By the end this is all done with a mutual respect and understanding.
It shows a multifaceted approach of antifascism as some characters only assist as medics, others in the capacity of artistry and journalism, and others still in a much more mundane logistical capacity. It shows a respect toward each individual’s unique toolset and the need for a great variety of hands working toward a kinder world.
All of this is steeped in the countercultural aesthetic of surfing and a deep love for music (and as a result we’re blessed with a unique and killer soundtrack). I really appreciate how Eureka Seven demonstrates what it’s for, what it loves, and what it wants far more than what it hates. It is a jubilant resistance.
To make a sharp turn back to our characters I couldn’t love the show without loving the relationship between Renton and Eureka. A relationship all about the powerful emotions of first love. It’s a romance that feels lived and earned. We start with one sided infatuation, with something that feels much bigger to our protagonist Retnon than it really is. And through the the course of their encounters we see the consequences of that culminating in a realization that what Renton has considered his love for Eureka was something that was initially selfish that resulted in convictions to protect her that she never asked for.
For a show made in 2005 it also nearly feels like it’s in conversation with the geek culture misogyny to fascist pipeline that blossomed in full in the 2010s.
After this realization, and as Eureka starts to understand her own feelings, we’re left with the development of a relationship that feels a lot more precious and tangible.
Okay, so it’s an abrupt close but I’ve talked enough. This was way more than what I originally intended to type. If you read all this, thank you. If you read some of this thank you but just not as much.
I think I plan on using this blog as a way to journal my thoughts about art I love as I find it or find it again. So maybe I’ll keep doing this blogging thing, who knows.
Anyway, thanks for being kind and get it by your hands 😌
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neelamkishabdvaahini · 11 months
Our relations define us. Our life is a product of who we meet, know, or live with. It has been 955 days and 22,920 hours since I posted my first blog post here. It is now time for a small revealer.
I was not even in middle school when my Nani (maternal grandma) passed away. To be truly honest, I never came to understand her properly. When she was running behind me, I was busy enjoying my new world out of mom's uterus, and when I got some sense, she said goodbye. So she was 'Neelam.'
But this blog isn't about her. It was never about her. She wasn't a poet, writer, or a philosopher. And she did not possibly teach me any of the things I write here on Tumblr. Then what did that old lady do that she has her name written right on the top?
'Vaahini' in Hindi means channel. And my pretty granny decided to make me a delicate channel. So, some stardust was sprinkled on me by my grandma (who is possibly enjoying a glass of wine with the Gods now). And that canon event has led to all the beautiful writing I do. My Nani gave birth to my mother, but that is not too big of an accomplishment.
Nani, you still deserve a million thank yous, and well yes a blog by your name for doing something magnificent. Thank you Nani for raising a girl who is much more than my mother. 
PS: She is not at all like you and does not make better food as well.
Thank you Nani for making me fall in love with the festival- Janamashtmi. It was because of you that I dressed up as Radha and sang in my very horrible voice a famous Bhajan dedicated to Lord Krishna.
As a writer, I have had many Eureka moments, and I know that it is your stardust that brings me all those values you couldn't give me in your lifetime.
On a slightly different note...
We go to Uttarakhand every year. Every year it is. My mother loves it and now I have to love it too. I have literally visited every inch of this state. From Haridwar to Chamoli and from Dehradun to Nainital, there is beauty, beauty, and beauty. Aesthetic, spiritual, and cultural beauty. Too much beauty and altitude make me dizzy. But when you know it is the comfort destination for your mother, you end up loving even the mischievous monkeys that reside in every temple’s corridor. Believe it or not Mom, today when I am getting accepted by universities abroad, I understand why the snow in Uttrakhand is gold.
My mother has taught me what a family is. I can’t possibly say that we are the best family in the world because the life I am living with them is the only life I know about. And I can't possibly say that Mom you are the best mother because you are the only mother I have ever had. Plus that would be unfair to Nani. But what I can say is that I am the best version of myself today because I have you.
Happy Birthday Mumma!
This blog isn't the best description of you because you know you are not the best mother in the world.
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 Nani, you have to help me choose. Which bhajan from your abundance am I supposed to sing next?
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I greet the divine within you-"Namaste"
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rz-jocelyn · 2 years
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[TRIVIA] Live Spectacle NARUTO: Getting to Know Sato Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO" (Part 03)
Compiled from the Twitter thread: HERE
Part 01 of this trivia series can be found: HERE
Part 02 of this trivia series can be found: HERE
Sato Ryuji’s Official Accounts
Personal Twitter: @ryuji7117
Official Staff Twitter: @satoryujiST
Personal IG: ryuji_japan
Blog: https://ameblo.jp/ryuji7117/
FANSITE: https://sato-ryuji.com
NOTE: He doesn't have a Weibo account.
1. Arata Shihou, who played Suigetsu (Team Hebi / Team Taka) in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO (Narusute) ~Ninkai Taisen, Kaisen~" (2022), about Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke).
"He really is Sasuke, for real. I was blown away."
He also added:
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2. Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) often wears his own personal Sasuke merchandise to "Live Spectacle NARUTO" rehearsals.
He had a custom-made shirt made with the name "Uchiha Ryuji" (2015), and wore LIBERE's official Uchiha Sasuke and NARUTO Rival T-shirts (2021).
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3. In 2021 during the "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Uzumaki Naruto Monogatari~", Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) posted about the Mangekyou Sharingan lenses that he bought himself even though he wasn't required to use them in the actual stage play.
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However, Ryuji did use them for his Uchiha Sasuke character visual photoshoot.
4. Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) is considered to be one of the actors who has contributed greatly in shaping the culture of 2.5D.
NOTE: "2.5D musical/stage" loosely refers to musicals/stage that are based on a 2D source material ie. manga, like the "Live Spectacle NARUTO".
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Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) has been featured in books about 2.5D, like "Eureka: 2.5D Special" (2015) and "Top Runners of 2.5D" (2019), and was invited as a guest panelist to speak about his experience in 2.5D (2015).
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He was also a guest on "What’s 2.5D?" (2019), an official show about 2.5D, hosted by Kenta (Gaara), 2.5D ambassador at the time.
Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) also has TV specials about career, such as "Butai Danshi 'Sato Ryuji no Sugao'" (2016) and "Sato Ryuji 'Ryu'" (2022).
Links to watch "Sato Ryuji 'Ryu'" can be found below.
Episode 01 (Actor): HERE
Episode 02 (Variety): HERE
Episode 03 (Artist): HERE
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And, he has a special on Spotify: HERE
5. Ryuji in 2021 on how much he thinks about Uchiha Sasuke in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO":
"Without a doubt, at present, the ones who think about Sasuke the most in Japan are Kishimoto-sensei, Sugiyama-san, who plays Sasuke in the anime, and right after them, me."
6. Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) was featured in Koudai's (Uzumaki Naruto) "10th ANNIVERSARY BOOK" (2022).
Team 7 members, Yui (Haruno Sakura) and Kimi-chan (Hatake Kakashi), too.
They talked about their history with Koudai: Ryuji and Kimi-chan (since 2013) and Yui (since 2015).
7. Kimi-chan (Hatake Kakashi) has a personal online show called, "Oheya de Shabera Night". For the milestone 50th stream, he invited Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) to appear as a guest.
Of Team 7, the other member who also appeared as a guest was Nakao-kun (Uzumaki Naruto).
8. Kimi-chan (Hatake Kakashi) also invited Rachi-san (Uchiha Itachi) to be a guest on one of the streams. During their stream, they talked about their friendships with Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke).
Some of the stories they told are included below.
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9.  A small fraction of the many glimpses we get at the friendship between Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) and Kimi-chan (Hatake Kakashi). Since 2013, they have worked together in "Musical The Prince of Tennis", "Live Spectacle NARUTO" and the "Fire Force Stage -Hakai no Hana, Souzou no Oto-".
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Translations of Kimi-chan’s Tweets about Ryuji
01: HERE
02: HERE
03: HERE
04: HERE
05: HERE
06: HERE
Quotes Kimi-chan has said about Ryuji:
"Being able to meet Ryuji every day is fun. Having a comrade that we can be together with for a long time is nice!"
"[Our] History, [our] love, [our] growth. It's special. The fact that I've met you Is a treasure in my life. Yet, for us, '[How we are] Now is the best' You're so cool."
And, Kimi-chan has also called Ryuji "a treasure" and has told fans, "Let's all cherish him together." 
10.  Other than his career as an actor, Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) also has an active music career. He is the lead vocalist in his own band, The Brow Beat, where he composes and writes the lyrics for the songs. He is also a member of ZIPANG OPERA, a unit from the label LDH Records.
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The Brow Beat Official Accounts
Twitter: @The_Brow_Beat 
Website: HERE 
YouTube: HERE
Spotify: HERE
iTunes: HERE
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ZIPANG OPERA Official Accounts
Twitter: @zipang_opera
YouTube: HERE
Spotify: HERE
iTunes: HERE
TikTok: HERE
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anim-ttrpgs · 5 months
Hey just wanted to say that the work you do is really inspiring. I think the TTRPG community has needed an urban fantasy noir sort of thing for a little while and I really like the direction you're taking it in. Looking forward to stuff in the future!!
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Thank you! Basically all our projects come from a place of need, each one being something that we wanted to play ourselves, but either it just didn’t exist, or the people who did do it didn’t do it to our satisfaction.
Since it’s our blog we can toot our own horn a bit, and yeah, the TTRPG community did need Eureka. The whole idea originally came out of our dissatisfaction with investigation and mystery-solving gameplay in most of the other more well-known TTRPGs that attempt to tackle this genre, such as Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green, and Gumshoe. They either make it too easy for bad dice rolls to get the party hopelessly stuck by relying too heavily of the PC’s skills, or make things difficult on the player by not giving the PC’s skills quite enough input, which can make efficient mystery solving very difficult across sessions with a whole week or more of real time in between them. (And it’s barely even worth mentioning that the most popular TTRPGs such as D&D5e and Pathfinder just plain cannot do investigative gameplay to any respectable degree at all.)
Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy’s Investigation Point and Eureka! Point system, whereby each skill check to investigate something fills a bar on the character sheet until the investigator gets a “Eureka!”, which can be spent to retroactively gain information from an investigation skill check that they previously failed, as well as many other specific rules that are too nuanced to go into here but that you can read about in the free version of the rulebook, are part of our answer to that. As you are putting the pieces together in your own mind, so is your character, and this system acts as a failsafe, but not a crutch, to prevent a single bad dice roll from leaving the party totally twisting in the wind.
And I personally have always been really autistic about folklore, which is where Eureka’s unique approach to playable monsters comes in. No RPG had ever really done certain monsters to my satisfaction, particularly vampires. Folkloric vampires have a great deal of quirks and weaknesses that usually get cut from any sort of vampire media because they’re too “silly,” but I disagree. I want them all, and so when a monster is playable in Eureka, it’s its own unique experience, unlike playing anything else in any other game or even within Eureka. (I am very, very proud to say that a number of V:TM veterans have said that Eureka does vampires much better than V:TM itself.)
Not every playable monster in Eureka is 100% strictly folkloric, which was a bit of a struggle for me, but ultimately the small exceptions that were made make the RPG better, so I can’t complain, especially because we managed to weave some pretty cool themes into all of them, which I will touch on more when I finally get finished writing that big huge post about, well, Eureka’s themes.
Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is kickstarting from right now until May 10th! Back it while you still can!
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If you want to try before you buy, you can download a free demo of the prerelease version from our website or our itch.io page!
If you’re interested in a more updated and improved version of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy than the free demo you got from our website, subscribe to our Patreon where we frequently roll our new updates for the prerelease version!
You can also support us on Ko-fi, or by checking out our merchandise!
Join our TTRPG Book Club At the time of writng this, Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is the current game being played in the book club, and anyone who wants to participate in discussion, but can’t afford to make a contribution, will be given the most updated prerelease version for free! Plus it’s just a great place to discuss and play new TTRPGs you might not be able to otherwise!
We hope to see you there, and that you will help our dreams come true and launch our careers as indie TTRPG developers with a bang by getting us to our base goal and blowing those stretch goals out of the water, and fight back against WotC's monopoly on the entire hobby. Wish us luck.
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ennaku-sirri-da · 1 year
Hey man Yknow what I’m actually kinda curious about what the basic plot of Roseverse is ngl. I mean from what I’ve seen habit is a big ol Grumpus muppet kinda fellow(BASED AS HELL BTW) soo ermmm, lore. Plz? *Looks at you with big ol eyes*
Okay I was gonna reply to this with a whole comic but it's taking a wHILE and I don't wanna keep you waiting THAT long so. Here's an answer in text for now!!
Roseverse didnt start out as an AU. It was a bunch of loose ideas all the way back in late 2021 for an idea I was struck with like when that Greek dude with the bathtub and the gold cried EUREKA! Except, you know, instead of making a huge scientific discovery I just made a bunch of nerd shit instead. Which is SOOO Haiderrrr /lh /affectionate
The idea was " What if Habit and Kamal were childhood friends"? ( Plaintext: What if Habit and Kamal were childhood friends? ) And so I worked off that basic premise. I took Habits diary pages, analysed them, and drew and thought out what he'd be going through and looked like at the time, with Kamal as well to mutually play off of each other. I did this ALL with my very good friend @prrusten 's help, hell we didn't even mean to make something so big, we were just talking and having fun and hitting it off!
But yeah. Here we are...Almost 3 years later! And now it's become a whole AU called Roseverse, after its Flower Kid sona/insert, Rose T. Flower. But it's not actually about him HwjjskHAKSJSJ--and its branched out beyond just Habismal though TBH Gillis is still the MOST underdeveloped character in the whole thing LOL I'll think of ideas for you one day someday muscleman. It's changed a lot too. There was a phase with Mad Scientist Kamal and everything. I don't think I'll ever post everything aha! But I will surely share content while I can.
Infact one of the changes is Habit's design...! You've seen some ofthe newer refs as opposed to Grumpus looking Habit, he looks more like a marionette. I still dearly love the old design...but messy stuff just happened and I feel immensely wrong using it again for newer art now. So I needed a specific revamp to indicate change for me. I don't really wanna get into every detail but I'll make a appropriate post about it one day or like update my pinned when I'm ready and know.
Here's a little drawing for you in the meantime Sharko! An old one but I think it still carries the spirit of the whole thing:
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[ ID: Simple styled and digital colored art of Dr Habit and Kamal Bora from Smile For Me. It is in mostly dulled purple and pink tones. Habits hair gives a burst of rose and pink against the other tones.
He is closing his eyes and has caught Kamal in a hug from behind, leaning into his head. He looks worried. Kamal looks back at him, visibly tired, but there is a spark in his eye. Here his hair is long and falling down.
Whitish-purple text reads ‘’We’re in this together.’’ Then more transparent, ‘’Not Alone’’ and finally in bold clear text, ‘’Dont forget.’’ end ID]
And a song I more newly associate with Roseverse vibes...
[Thumbnail ID: A screencap from the anime Clannad. A man kneels on the ground to tightly clutch a little girl who hugs back. The background is sheer white snow. End ID]
[ VD: The music sounds melancholic, with twinkling noises throughout, and a slowly played track with echoing ambience. End VD ]
Morning edit: Aw Sharko.. I'm sorry this happened right after I told you about it but I've decided Roseverse will be shutting down and I shall post no further content of it for the time being. I will still continue like, using this blog for S4M stuff and make fanart in the Canon style sometime later but yeah man... :") (teary smile emote)
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jmenvs3000f23 · 1 year
Mother Nature? That's my girl! 🌱💗 (U1)
Hey everyone! so having started this nature blog and all, I thought I’d introduce you to a good friend of mine but I’m realizing you might actually already know her? You see, Mother Nature’s friends with pretty much everyone but it’s easy to forget you’re not her only one, cause she often has a way of showing you things that feel like they were created just for you.
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For as long as I can remember, my relationship with nature has been my prized possession. Having spent each summer as a child on the beaches of Lake Erie swimming, adding to my shell or rock collections, and often rescuing baby birds and other critters who fell victim to the changing seasons, I always felt like being outside was simply put; fulfilling.
As I grew older, I found myself spending more and more time deliberately looking to nature for entertainment, distractions, and peace- whether it was for a forest walk to look for fauna when I’d be feeling down, or randomly researching new animals or plants I’d previously heard of when I would get bored, nature always had a place for me, my emotions, and interests. Around the transition from elementary school to high school (and likely a consequence of hearing about the horrors of climate change for the first time), I decided I wanted to protect nature. Not yet knowing in what way, but for the first time understanding not everyone shares my sentiment of holding nature in the highest regard.
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Now bare with me cause this is one silly story but spoiler! I’m in fourth year zoology and I’ll tell you what, or better yet who, helped me get here. On an anthropology trip to a zoo in 10th grade, I had an assignment involving watching a primate and so I walked into the Gorilla enclosure (because who doesn’t want to be even remotely like Jane Goodall?). Oddly enough there was no one else in there. After almost leaving before making eye contact with a lone gorilla in the enclosure, I went up to the glass and smiled, hoping to somehow translate my appreciation for the opportunity to see him. I’m honestly not sure what I expected but his response? Walking right up to the glass and taking a seat 2 feet away from me, staring at me with what I could only describe as sad eyes. At that point another classmate came in, jokingly saying “oh cool, he’s watching you too” and in that moment which I really didn’t see coming, I just started bawling my eyes out.  Funny enough the gorilla walked away as if he did his job in sharing the sadness, but I think in that moment I just felt so sorry for the ape. We'd spent so much time in other classes learning about deforestation, global warming, etc. etc. and so it was sort of like one of those movie flashback scenes except it was like the life I thought that gorilla should have had. To this day, I still interpret that hour as my eureka moment, where I was told by an intense-eyed gorilla that animal conservation is what I’m meant to do.
Since then, I’ve had the dream of opening an animal sanctuary. To help me one day get there, I've worked at exotic animal outreach programs, was a zookeeper, participated in local conservation efforts in both Toronto and Guelph, and have even been to Madagascar this past summer to practice lemur conservation research. (I also have a ton of lovely pets to share with you but that's for another time!) At this point, it really feels like the passion could only ever grow. It’s my hope that with this blog though, I’ll be broadening my definition of nature to not just immediately go to animals so stay tuned! And go …
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*images taken from pinterest
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Hordak's Arms and Cybernetics
Thanks to something completely unrelated to Spop, I think I may have figured out how Hordak's arms work. And, I've got an idea for fanart. I always thought that they must have some kind of internal cybernetics to work because, organically, they shouldn't be able to move being just skin over bone without critical muscles and tendons. I figured that Horde-clone arms must be fundamentally different from our own in that they had some kind of cybernetics alongside the bone that worked in a way to compensate for or shore up the muscle and thus a rotting out of muscle that Hordak had didn't leave him completely helpless (although in a bad way). Cue a reboot of another show I liked back in the day coming up and showing me just how this might work! Trigun: Stampede is a re-work of the anime Trigun from 1998 and the manga from the late '90s - '10s. It was my very favorite thing from 2001, when I'd discovered it until the early '10s and Vash the Stampede is my all time favorite blorbo (even though my brain flitted off to other fandoms - Vash is the character I consistently list as "Favorite Character of All Time.") I couldn't get a JPEG to post, but the article as a web-image screenshot of the anime with a really nice shot of Vash's prosthetic. Vash always had a prosthetic left arm (well, not when he was a kid, but in the story of Trigun, all versions). In the original anime and manga, it's one of his three important guns (hence the series title). Despite this, he is actually a pacifist and I am glad that the new series has kept that critical part of his character. The arm/gun had a very different look in the manga and first anime series. The reboot redesigned it and instead of having it hidden and a revealed mystery later, just had it out loud and proud - and even made a joke about it when Meryl meets Vash. "Ooh, need a hand?" (Pops off). It is noted right away as Lost Technology (an important aspect of the Trigun story, like First Ones' tech, but slightly better remembered). Anyway, the redesigned arm - for people who take a look at the first-episode review article with pics... Look at the thing! It's a bone-arm! Well, it's metal / shiny crystalline stuff because Studio Orange wants to show off their animation-chops, but there it is, big ol' gap with a fake radius and ulna attached to the hand-unit with something of a pivot-joint, no artificial muscle or hydraulics need. And, yeah, watching my ULTIMATE BLORBO back in action in a new form for the first three episodes of the new anime released so far, I saw that arm and thought of reboot Hordak from my more recent fandom. It's like a eureka-moment, like "Ooooh! That's how arms that are Like That can work!" And it tempts me to do a fanart wherein Hordak has been given new fully-prosthetic arms by Entrapta... but they still have gaps in them, as a facsimile of his old arms (but they are indestructible First Ones tech crystal so there is no tactical advantage of anyone wedging anything in the gap) and they look like the new-version Vash-arm. If I do that, it will have to wait until I feel like doing fanart again. I'm too depressed to do much lately (for reasons spoken of earlier on this blog).
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