primecashpro · 1 year
Happy World Press Freedom Day!
"May the press always be free to speak truth to power." . . .
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¿Has oído hablar de las Sustancias Extremadamente Preocupantes o SEP?
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¿Has oído hablar de las Sustancias Extremadamente Preocupantes? ¿Y del efecto cóctel? ¿Sabes que la contaminación por químicos es uno de los 9 límites planetarios que establece la reprografía científica? ¿Lo hemos superado? ¿Sabías que la Unión Europea tiene una de las regulaciones más estrictas a nivel mundial en materia de sustancias químicas? Siendo así, ¿crees que está teniendo un impacto real para tener un entorno seguro en este ámbito? 🤔
Si no conoces la respuesta a alguna de estas preguntas, entra a nuestra web, en el proyecto Life AskREACH podrás encontrar respuesta a ellas e información sobre cómo Life AskREACH y su app Scan4Chem están luchando por la salud de las personas y el planeta.
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tmarshconnors · 3 months
US Must Drop Charges Against Julian Assange!
In a world where the essence of democracy hinges on transparency and the free flow of information, the relentless pursuit of Julian Assange by the US authorities stands as a grave injustice. It is imperative that the espionage and all other charges levied against Assange, rooted in his work with WikiLeaks, be immediately dropped. The US government's dogged determination to prosecute Assange for publishing documents that reveal potential war crimes committed by the US military is a blatant assault on the fundamental right to freedom of expression.
Julian Assange, a beacon of journalistic integrity, is currently confined within the oppressive walls of Belmarsh, a high-security prison in the UK. His imprisonment is a direct consequence of a US extradition request, aiming to prosecute him for disseminating disclosed documents through WikiLeaks. This is an affront to justice and a dangerous precedent for freedom of the press. Amnesty International vehemently opposes any move to extradite or otherwise transfer Assange to the US, where he would face severe human rights abuses, including the specter of torture and inhumane treatment, such as prolonged solitary confinement.
The hostility directed at Julian Assange by US officials at the highest levels further erodes his right to be presumed innocent, casting a long shadow over the fairness of any trial he might face. This campaign of vilification is not just an attack on Assange, but on the very principles of justice and democracy.
Assange's publication of disclosed documents as part of his work with WikiLeaks should be celebrated, not condemned. This act of transparency mirrors the essential functions that investigative journalists perform daily. To prosecute Assange for this is to strike fear into the heart of journalism itself, compelling reporters to self-censor in the face of potential prosecution. Such a chilling effect on the right to freedom of expression is intolerable and must be resisted with all our might.
Julian Assange is not just a man; he is a symbol of the struggle for truth in an age of deceit. The charges against him are an attack on every journalist, every whistleblower, and every citizen who believes in the right to know what their government is doing. The United States must drop these charges immediately and unequivocally. Only then can we begin to restore faith in the principles of freedom and justice that underpin our society.
In this urgent call for action, we stand not just for Julian Assange, but for the very future of a free and open press. We stand for the truth, for accountability, and for the enduring power of free expression. The time to act is now. The world is watching.
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hopbugmedia · 5 months
It’s Time To Plan For Data Signal Sustainability
In a world marked by digital transformation and technical developments, the value of data is immeasurable. Every click, interaction, and transaction generates a data signal, which influences how organizations run and people perceive the world. However, great power comes with great responsibility, and the long-term viability of these data signals is an important factor to consider. If you're a publisher or advertiser, especially if you work in the mobile arena, you're probably tired of hearing about new upcoming developments that will undoubtedly disrupt your data analysis and marketing strategies. The basic truth is that analysis is the sole constant in today's digital landscape.
Understanding Data Signal Sustainability
Data signal sustainability extends beyond the traditional concept of environmental sustainability and delves into the responsible and ethical usage of data. As companies collect massive amounts of data, it is critical to guarantee that the collection, processing, and storage of data signals adhere to ethical norms and long-term viability.
The Need for a Comprehensive Plan
Businesses must now take a comprehensive approach to data signal sustainability, rather than focusing just on data gathering and analysis. This entails developing a detailed plan that addresses several important aspects: 
Ethical Data Practices: Organizations must create and follow ethical principles for data gathering and use. Respecting user privacy, obtaining informed consent, and establishing open data rules are all key components.
Data Security: As the volume of data increases, so does the likelihood of data breaches. A sustainable plan incorporates strong security measures to protect sensitive data, prevent unauthorized access, and retain customer and stakeholder trust.
Resource Efficiency: Sustainable data practices extend to the infrastructure that enables data storage and processing. Adopting energy-efficient technologies and optimizing data center operations help to create a greener, more sustainable future.
Lifespan Considerations: It is critical to assess the lifespan of data signals. Not all data is eternally relevant, and organizations must develop methods for appropriately archiving or removing obsolete information, minimizing digital clutter, and lowering environmental impact.
Compliance and Regulation: Keeping up with changing data privacy laws and industry requirements is critical to sustainability. Adherence to compliance requirements not only reduces legal risks, but also demonstrates a commitment to safe data handling.
Benefits of Embracing Data Signal Sustainability
Enhanced Trust and Reputation: Consumers are becoming more picky about the ethical standards of the organizations with which they interact. Prioritizing data to signify sustainability increases trust and improves a company's reputation.
Cost Savings: Optimizing data processes and infrastructure for sustainability frequently results in cost savings. Energy-efficient technologies, simpler procedures, and decreased data storage requirements all contribute to a more inexpensive approach.
Long-Term Viability: Planning for data signal sustainability is an investment in the organization's long-term viability. Adapting to shifting ethical norms and customer expectations enables ongoing relevance and success in a fast changing digital economy.
The moment has arrived for enterprises to recognize the value of data signal sustainability. As data continues to define the future, a well-thought-out plan that incorporates ethical considerations, security measures, and resource efficiency will benefit individual organizations while also contributing to a more responsible and sustainable digital environment.
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eroz-codes · 6 months
Accountability With Internet Pricing
The Federal Communication Commission here in the US has pulled through for consumers. Below is taken from their website describing the new mandate that has gone into effect as of April 10, 2024.
Broadband Labels are designed to provide clear, easy-to-understand, and accurate information about the cost and performance of high-speed internet services. The labels are modeled after the FDA nutrition labels and are intended to help consumers comparison shop for the internet service plan that will best meet their needs and budget. (1)
For those that don't really understand why this matters, let me elaborate. Essentially, this forced label gets companies to explicitly state their pricing, from intro rates to regular rate, the performance rates of upload, download and latency, as well as any additional fees and terms that may have, previously, been hidden deep in fine print.
How do we know that this is a good thing? Well, when all the FCC is asking for is more transparent pricing and said companies try and push back, it generally means there there wasn't much transparency to begin with. In fact, many of the broadband providers kept asking for extensions. Luckily, the FCC stayed firm and went through with the previous due date. The Internet & Television Association, a group representing an assortment of cable companies stated in a letter that, “this new requirement would add unnecessary complexity and burdens to the label for consumers and providers and could result in some providers having to create many labels for any given plan [. . .] These unnecessary burdens would be felt by both small and large providers.” How else could you read this as except, "we are not willing to be held accountable to the random hidden fees we give out to screw over the consumer"?
I couldn't be happier!!! In what world could a consumer be expected to pay for a service that they don't have the full details for? Additionally, some of the non technical population, may not know the importance of upload/download/latency and not view as a determining factor in choosing a provider. It leads me back to a quote by Carl Sagan, "We live in a society absolutely dependent on science and technology and yet have cleverly arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. That's a clear prescription for disaster."
My hope for these labels is that consumers are now going into choosing a provider fully informed of both price and quality of the services.
Broadband Consumer Labels (https://www.fcc.gov/broadbandlabels)
FCC Says Comcast, Spectrum, AT&T Must Start Displaying the True Cost and Speed of Their Internet Service Starting April 2024 (https://cordcuttersnews.com/fcc-says-comcast-spectrum-att-must-start-displaying-the-true-cost-and-speed-of-their-internet-service-starting-april-2024/)
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piyusha30 · 1 year
Former US Military Analyst Faces Court Over Alleged Pentagon Leaks | PentagonLeaks | USMilitaryIntelligence | WhistleblowerJustice | PressFreedom | NationalSecurity | ClassifiedInformation | USGovernmentSecrecy | JackTeixeira | USMilitaryOperations | MiddleEast | Afghanistan | Journalism | EdwardSnowden | ChelseaManning | CivilLiberties | RightToKnow | GovernmentTransparency | CourtAppearance | BreakingNews |
Jack Teixeira, a former intelligence analyst for the United States military, is set to appear in court on Thursday to face charges of leaking classified information. The charges against Teixeira stem from allegations that he provided sensitive military information to journalists, including information about U.S. military operations in the Middle East and Afghanistan. According to court documents,…
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obaline · 2 months
#RightToKnow: The Game Meats Trial
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aquagrand · 1 year
International Right to Know Day
This Day influences particular importance as it promotes our freedom to access information. 
#RightToKnowDay #RightToKnow #rights #PeopleRights #humanrights #HumanRightsViolations #aquagrand 
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No.1 Trusted Water Purifier Service Provider In Kerala. Multi Brand Water Purifier Repair And Services. | Services Call: +91-9807883333, +91-9686548888 | Book Online @ www.aquagrandservices.com
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alexanderrogge · 1 year
Brenda Baletti - Lobbyists Paid ‘Influencer’ Nutritionists to Promote Aspartame and Sugar to Kids on Social Media:
Aspartame #ArtificialSweetener #AmericanBeverage #ProcessedFoods #BigFood #BigBeverage #FTC #WHO #FoodAdditives #JECFA #RightToKnow #USRTK #Influence #Nutrition #Marketing
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halfbakedrant · 5 years
The Australia I knew and loved could continue to disappear
The news media is right to highlight the suite of laws recently passed by our Federal Parliament that makes it illegal to publish or promote information that may be embarrassing or inconvenient to the Government of the day. I hope this #RightToKnow campaign is successful and that these laws are repealed. Unfortunately, I'm not optimistic.
My pessimism is fuelled by the complete and utter failure of this same News Media over the preceding 20 years to do anything other than to promote and repeat the talking points of an increasingly conservative, war-mongering, fact-denying, and hysterical minority who seem hell-bent on dragging us back to the dark ages.
Where was this News Media when Australian men and women were asked to fight a war based on completely fictional evidence? Where have they been while vested interests waged a misinformation campaign designed to delay and disrupt any efforts to transition away from a carbon-based energy economy?
Where are they now while state governments are passing laws to make it illegal to gather in groups of 3 or more, or to peacefully protest? What are they doing about laws being passed to prohibit considering carbon emissions during mine approvals?
Where are the front-page headlines about draconian laws, fact-denying Luddites, mindless war hawks, corrupt officials and parliamentarians? Why do they insist on continually promoting the misleading and deceptive idea that we are all in imminent danger, that our neighbours can't be trusted or that all strangers are potential terrorists?
Our major media outlets are happy to cover their front pages in hysterical headlines about the most trivial and unimportant issues or to devote hours of conversation and debate about "snow-flake millennials" or complaining minorities. Why do you insist on wasting your energy on such things?
Our News Media plays a critical role in our democracy. It must question and critique our government and institutions.
It must call out their lies, half-truths, misdirections, and non-answers.
It must resist and reject being used as the mouth-piece of Government and the establishment.
I'm not asking you to be without an agenda. I'm asking you to search for and regain the values of your past. To hold facts as sacrosanct, not to promote opinions as facts. To respect the intelligence of your readers and understand that reasonable people can disagree.
We are not stone-age warring tribes. We are a modern, educated community and we need to know facts and truths so we can make informed and rational decisions about our lives. Stop trying to divide us with petty issues and lies.
Please stand up. Do your bit. We need you.
If you don't do that then the Australia I knew and loved will continue to disappear.
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Instala la app Scan4Chem en tu móvil
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¿Has oído hablar de la app Scan4Chem? Es una aplicación para proteger el derecho de las personas consumidoras a conocer si los artículos de consumo que compramos tienen o no Sustancias Extremadamente Preocupantes #SEP #SVHC. 
Si te preocupan estos agentes que tienen propiedades negativas para tu salud y el medio ambiente, entra en nuestra web e infórmate sobre ella. 
Necesitamos a personas comprometidas para hacer crecer el movimiento para disminuir (incluso eliminar) la polución generada por tantos agentes químicos dañinos.
Bájate la app #Scan4Chem y entra en nuestra a. nuestra web para ver toda la info sobre ella 👉 Proyecto Life AskREACH
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nbdevelopers · 3 years
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Did You Know? The current shortage of housing in urban areas is estimated to be ~10 million units. An additional 25 million units of affordable housing are required by 2030 to meet the growth in the country’s urban population Contact Us:  +91 9998581399, +91 9998558099
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mariansmusings · 4 years
Telemedicine Blog: How to Know If You Are Speaking to a Licensed Doctor
Telemedicine is the latest, greatest tool in healthcare.  In this age of COVID, talking to your doctor via a phone, or an online video chat is more than just a convenience. The biggest plus? You don’t risk exposing yourself to COVID by going to a medical office. Telemedicine also saves time in travel and money on gasoline and parking.
 But what if the call is not with your own primary care doctor? What if it’s a physician you have never met who is taking care of your loved one in a hospital? You can’t be there to see this doctor in person because of the visitor ban. Your only option is to talk to the voice on the other end of the line.
 So, how do you know this voice is a real doctor? The answer is – you don’t.  The person on the other end of the line may not even be licensed.
 I discovered this issue first hand last September when my husband was in UC San Diego Health in La Jolla, California. It was torture to only get an update once every 24 hours from the hospitalist, whom I will call Dr. A.  She was sensitive to my husband’s condition, and lobbied to get him moved to a floor where he would get more individualized care.  I looked up Dr. A on the Medical Board’s website, and saw that it was clear, although that can be a false comfort; the Board only posts disciplines but not complaints. After a few days, Dr. A brought in another doctor to consult for possible radiation treatments. Dr. A introduced Dr. B as a “radiation doctor.” After discussing options and promising another update the next day, the doctors hung up.
 I looked up Dr. B on the Medical Board website, and was alarmed to find she was not listed.  I then called the Board’s consumer line and was told that Dr. B had no license of any kind in any state. That was disturbing. I did more research on this Dr. B and discovered that she was just a first year resident. In the state of California, medical residents are supposed to have a Post Graduate Training License, a PTL, within 180 days of enrollment in a three-year resident program. Dr. B. didn’t have a license yet.  (She wouldn’t get her PTL until December, 2020.)
 The next day when the doctors called with an update on my husband’s condition, I again asked what kind of practitioner Dr. B was, and for a second time was told she was a “radiation doctor.”  Instead of questioning her, I asked who would be doing the radiation procedure since she was a resident, and heard a gasp on the other end of the line.
 The thing is, I would have been fine if this resident had told me her status.  My husband and I had consulted with other residents at UC San Diego Health before who had been up front with their status. Why did these medical professionals choose to lie to me? Because of this choice, I lost all confidence in both doctors because I no longer could believe anything they said to me. This added to the stress of not being able to be with my husband in the hospital at a time when his health was in a nosedive.
 If I had been able to speak with these doctors in person, I could have seen their titles embroidered on their white coats, or on their ID badges.  But because our conversations were only over the phone, via “telemedicine,” I was at a disadvantage. I could only rely on what they told me.  .
 A friend of mine also recently dealt with the issue of doctor identity at a Nevada hospital. The doctor who called her used the name “Shaw,” or at least that’s what she thought.  As it turned out, the spelling of this doctor’s name was “Shah.”  She had panicked when she could not find him listed with the Nevada Medical Board.  My friend called me with her concerns, and I was able to track him down with the correct spelling and specialty for her. Had he fully identified himself when he first spoke to her, she wouldn’t have experienced this stress while her father was in the ICU.
 The confusion in titles comes from the medical profession itself.  People who have graduated from medical school are allowed to call themselves “doctors,” before they are actually licensed by state medical boards. Residents call themselves doctors, and even though most have that Post Graduate Training License, they are still not fully licensed physicians.
 I checked with the Medical Board of California about whether doctors have to identify themselves, and was told they are required to do so in person in their offices or hospitals.  However, there is currently no law requiring them to identify themselves on the phone or video chat via telemedicine.
 Interestingly, the Washington Medical Commission is currently considering a bill to require doctors to identify themselves as part of the informed consent protocol for telemedicine.
 Since telemedicine is now widely accepted, especially in this age of COVID, patients need to take the initiative when talking to anyone claiming to be a medical professional over a device.  This includes doctors, physician’s assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, and even administrators. First, ask the doctor to say and spell their name. Then have them state their medical specialty and their license number. Keep a notebook where you can write down who spoke to you, what was discussed, and the answers to any questions you had.  This can be done pleasantly, and not in a confrontational manner.
 Most people would be upset to know that their Uber or Lyft driver just had a learner’s permit, or that the guy flying their jetliner was a student pilot. However, when it comes to doctors, consumers usually assume that title means they are licensed -- when that is not the case.
 Patients and their representatives have the right to know the identify of the person they are speaking to over telemedicine – and especially whether that person has a state license to practice medicine.  It should be part of the informed consent process. Until doctors are required to identify themselves, it is up to consumers to take the initiative to ask -- and then to verify that so-called doctor with the state medical board.
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pincaustralia · 5 years
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✊ #riseup #HunterStreet #HunterSt #Newcastle #Newy #Dutton #PeterDutton #PotatoDutton #humanrights #ClimateCriminal #Facist #fascism #facism #righttoknow #righttoprotest #steetart #artagainstthestate https://www.instagram.com/p/B4bUoUFA8CN/?igshid=frckwvkbycqo
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#Repost @blmlosangeles 💥💥TODAY💥💥 ・・・ TODAY AT 3PM - 211 W. TEMPLE DTLA We’ll gather at an earlier time with families whose loved ones have been killed by the LA County Sheriffs to serve Sheriff Villanueva with a lawsuit. Despite the passage of CA #RightToKnow legislation, the sheriff refuses to turn over materials on murderous officers. Then, DA Lacey covers for them by refusing to prosecute. Let’s stand with the families #CheckTheSheriff & DA Lacey. Thank you to @aclu_socal for co-sponsoring this week and to @metoosurvivorsmarch for hosting. #JackieLaceyMustGo #ByeJackie2020 (at Hall of Justice) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Pt8gJjHF9/?igshid=1gzygsty87enl
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trexboy76 · 5 years
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#뉴파워새로운권력의탄생 #newpower :howpowerworksinourhyperconnectedworld-andhowtomakeitworksforyou #jeremyheimans #henrytimms #translated #비지니스북스 #speakyourself #platformstrongman #openinnovation #needtoknow #righttoknow #doitourselves #icebucketchallenge #givingtuesday #getup #unbranding #wewashing #starcitizen #brewdog #afol #signaling #structuring #shaping #bornthisway #nra #podemos #세줄평 19/4/3-7/22 Unbelievable!! It’s a miracle!! Henrytimms gave me “Like” I’m very appreciated it. Thanks Henrytimms!! (Nagoya-shi, Aichi, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0PPiUKgQYd/?igshid=1kyefxf72p7hp
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