izumi-kousei1715 · 6 months
Introduction to me!
Hi, call me Kou or Izumi, or u can be that weird person and say "that person" or "hey, YOU"
uhhhhhh so I like lots of stuff, interested in anything but here are some things i like:
Anime (guys watch seraph the end its good) (and belle and bubble)
vtubers! (Shu yamino, Uki Violeta, and Riinu!)
Books (I love fantasy)
My bestie to girlfriend to bestie and to girlfriend, @atokirina-tsuki her writing is amazing pls follower her
Manga! (Istg my whole family otaku)
yea, thats that, I dislike:
bell peppers
My g5 and g4 teachers (respectively, i hate you guys to this day)
people who write hate hate comments to my oshis (stay away bitches no one cares if you)
Being a girl (yes I'm trans still haven't transitioned)
stupid negative comments my mind makes about myself (lmao)
Neo-pronouns that don't make sense
oh yea my pronouns! ummmm, ppl i know will tell you im she/her, but i've always felt they/he, but it's ok if you call me she/her, if you find that more comfortable. That's me, btw I don't post much, cuz i made this account to support my gf but yea!
Oh yea if ur my friends or classmates here to find my old intro post, fuck u, and fuck off, you cant find that shit anymore HAHHAHAHA
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octosqueesh · 1 year
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Root and Riinu from Strawberry Prince! I've found and grown very fond of Sutopuri lately and these two I think are the ones I'm leaning towards as faves,,, especially Root,,, though honestly its still very hard to say I really do love them all
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liseran-dm · 2 years
Stars and Prayers / Strawberry Prince (PT-BR)
Segue a tradução minha da música Stars and Prayers:
Vocal: Strawberry Prince / Sutopuri (すとぷり) - Riinu, Satomi, Colon, Root
Letra: ill.bell ; Composição: ill. bell & DYES IWASAKI ; Arranjo: DYES IWASAKI ; Guitar: Johngarabushi ; Ilustradora: SPIKE
「叶うかどうか分からない そんな約束をしよう」 “Não sei se vai se realizar, Mas vamos fazer essa promessa”
君は 最終決戦前夜 Na última decisiva batalha da noite passada 星の下 微笑いながら言う Debaixo das estrelas, você disse enquanto sorria: 「条件はふたつ」 “Tenho duas condições”
(1)この約束を 一度もお互いに確認しないこと (1) Que nunca confirmemos um ao outro, nem uma vez, essa promessa (2)この約束を どこにも書かずに胸に仕舞うこと (2) Que não iremos escrever essa promessa em nenhum lugar, e guardaremos em nosso peito
「それでさ 何年経っても お互いがそれを覚えていて――」 “Então, não importa quantos anos se passem Nós dois iremos nos lembrar!”
待って いやだよ Espera, eu não quero この戦いが終わっても Mesmo que essa batalha acabe ずっと一緒に居たいよって "Eu quero estar com você você para sempre" 駄々をこねる僕の手を Esfregando as mãos, preocupado, そっと握って言った Eu disse enquanto a segurava gentilmente 「――その日 この場所で また会おうね」 Vamos nos encontrar novamente, neste lugar, nesse dia”
Stars and Prayers Estrelas e Orações Stars and Prayers Estrelas e Orações 君が先にオトナになってしまって Você se tornou uma adulta antes de mim 約束 思い出せなくても Mesmo que você não se lembre da nossa promessa Stars and Prayers Estrelas e Orações Stars and Prayers Estrelas e Orações 君の一生分の幸福を Continuarei rezando pela 祈り続けている Sua felicidade eterna
世界は平和になった O mundo entrou em paz 勇者とその仲間たち O herói e seus companheiros 剣と魔法 戦った Espadas e magias lutaram 皆が主人公(プレイヤー)のファンタジー Na fantasia em que todos eram os protagonistas
魔獣使い 格闘家 剣士 Um feiticeiro, um guerreiro, um cavaleiro 黒魔導師 狂戦士… Um mago de magias negras, um berserker (回復役(ヒーラー)が居ねえー!) (Não tem nenhum clérigo-!)
アンバランスなパーティ Uma party desequilibrada マップなんてない旅 Uma viagem sem precisar de um mapa 訳わからん間に Enquanto não temos nenhuma conclusão アタッカー特化ばっかり Só tem agressores especializados
でたらめばっかで創った世界 Um mundo criado só de aleatoriedade 逃げちゃ駄目だと思ってただけ Eu só pensava que não podia fugir けどね 離れ離れになれない Mas não conseguia mais me separar 弱さが「逃げ」なんだね Afinal, "fugir" é uma fraqueza
今なら理解るよ Agora eu entendo 強さの意味 O significado de força 君が 教えてくれたから Porque foi você quem me ensinou
Stars and Prayers Estrelas e Orações Stars and Prayers Estrelas e Orações 君がオトナみたいに笑ってしまって Acabei rindo por você se parecer um adulto 僕の声 届かなくても Mesmo que minha voz não a alcance Stars and Prayers Estrelas e Orações Stars and Prayers Estrelas e Orações もうどうだっていい Não importa mais どうなったっていい Já não importa mais como será 忘れたくないだけ Eu só não quero esquecer
ときどきでいい Tudo bem ser de vez em quando あの冒険を思い出して Eu quero relembrar aquela aventura ドキドキしてみてほしい E sentir as palpitações
ほんの少しでいい Tudo bem ser só um pouco あの日に戻るのを Eu quero imaginar 想像してみてほしい Como se estivesse voltando àquele dia
約束の日は Aquele dia da nossa promessa 誰にも秘密のまま Continua sendo o nosso segredo
君が何処かで生きてると Só de pensar que você 思うだけで Está viva em algum lugar まだ歩けそうなんだ Eu ainda consigo caminhar
忘れないよ 一秒だって Eu não irei me esquecer… Nem por um segundo
Stars and Prayers Estrelas e Orações Stars and Prayers Estrelas e Orações 君が先に星になってしまって Você se tornou uma estrela antes de mim 約束 果たされなくても Mesmo que não tenha cumprido a nossa promessa Stars and Prayers Estrelas e Orações Stars and Prayers Estrelas e Orações 間違っても 失っても Mesmo que esteja errado, mesmo que eu me perca 祈り続けている Irei continuar rezando
届きますように Espero que alcance você 届きますように Espero que alcance você
Essa música está no novo álbum deles! Escutem bastante e, se puder, comprem!! O álbum inteiro tem músicas incríveis, quero traduzir várias!
Até eu traduzir, eu só estava focada no fato de ser escrito pelo ill.bell e com o arranjo do DYES IWASAKI (nem um pouco fã, né). Mas, conforme fui traduzindo, eu admito que até chorei no final. Eu não estava esperando esse final... De verdade. Achei que era uma música de saudade, mas agora tudo faz sentido (cries). Eu amo essa música, desde quando eu escutei pela primeira vez no XFD deles! Espero que tenha ajudado alguém com essa tradução incrível <3
Até a próxima!!
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I am here <3 Riinu’s vocals playing in bg. Weather is awful but I am warm!! 🥰
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animemakeblog · 6 months
“Strawberry Prince” The Entertainment Group Gets Anime Movie in Summer 2024
The advertising firm Bushiroad Move revealed SutoPuri: Hajimari no Monogatari - Strawberry School Festival!!!!, an anime film based on the boy band Strawberry Prince. This summer, the film will debut in theatres.
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yume-fanfare · 4 months
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they're making a sutopuri movie??? and it actually looks ok ??? AND NANAMORI IS STILL IN IT???????
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hana-amashi · 10 months
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My STPR fanart, I didn't do much this year. The Gingira Ginga Colon is the only thing I had major confidence with posting this year. Most of this is from last year and the year prior. Those were pretty cool years. The Satomi colored thing is a partial in joke with a handful of other. It still is funny, a whole year later.
Trans awareness Riinu was one of the best things I posted, along with Colon Memory Colon.
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anyway i think everyone should listen to riinu's cover of shoujorei
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fyodor-the-whore · 1 year
I want to EAT this cover oh my god its so good dskjhdjhskf
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candyn-gutz · 11 months
ok anyway i promised u my internet idols and i am here to deliver. don't mind that there's going to be a lot of the same song... ehehe... i also haven't listened to the unit songs for the two units so like. i cannot send u any of those until i do
so !! lets just start with strpri (strawberry prince) guys i listen to! (riinu's my favorite from strpri btw)
riinu ! the red one. transmasc and i love him so much. if riinu can do it i can do it ! his liddle guy is a dogboy :). shoujorei, magical girl and chocolate, loveit
root ! the yellow guy. very soft kinda voice. love this guy. his youtube channel is mostly minecraft its funny. darling dance, bug
colon! little blue guy. also got that soft kinda voice that i enjoy. devil janai mon
satomi ! pink. has a more mature sounding voice compared to the other three. got a nice bit of power while still being kinda smooth. kinda nice tbh. shoujorei, kamipoina (godish)
nanamori ! purple. had to stop being a utaite for a bit after he kinda got doxxed or smth. like satomi has a more mature voice but still has that smoothness to it (also his voice just sounds neat) one of my faves tbh. he does solo stuff more now :) also he's the founder of strpri!! yellow, loveit, vampire (rlly shows off his power)
nanamori technically isn't active in strpri itself anymore, but he's still active as a utaite and as strpri's like. manager? kinda? so he counts. to me <3
also! lavie (root, colon, satomi, riinu)
KnightA! lets ignore that my favorite enstars unit is knights, and just move on...
vau ! red guy. leader of KnightA. i have mixed feelings on his voice but he has such a unique vocal style that i listen anyway (and im coming to enjoy his voice...). he's got a lot of interesting vocal stuff he does. gets very loud and growly sometimes its impressive. devil janai mon (he sings in a lower and a higher register to mimic deco and pino's styles, and even while singing high he can still growl and emit so much power behind that voice), loveit
soma! yellow. soft but mature voice! usually sings in his normal register but has a few times where he gets a little higher or a little deeper and growly. knightA loves their powerful voices with those growls man. ough. bug, non-breath oblige, gehenna
mahito ! blue. he doesn't do solo stuff very often but has a kinda unique voice to me... very smooth yet a bit low. you don't expect the voice that comes outta that liddle blue guy. goodbye declaration
teruto ! pink. very soft and gentle voice. i enjoy it a lot actually. he does a lot of solo stuff and has covered a lotta songs :) kyukurarin, please play-bite, magical girl and chocolate, goodbye delcaration
shiyun ! green. VERY powerful voice. loves those screams and growls. he gets growly a LOT. when not being all growly he has a very smooth voice, kinda high at times but he's also very good at singing lower ! usseewa, bug, apocalypse now, n ah ah (vocals on this one are very whispery and airy, and then he gets loud for one part towards the end :3)
yukimura ! purple. not actually part of KnightA anymore bc they wanted to go solo, but left the group on good terms! very soft voice. almost feminine sounding? good at hitting highs bc of it. very pleasing to listen to them tbh. also they're kinda controversial in japan bc they're uh ! a fucked up little guy ! read their page on the utaite wiki abt that lmao. also their gender isn't known so :3 ! tensei ringo, ifuudoudou, shoujorei, devil janai mon (w/ utu-kun)
multisongs ! unfriendly haters (shiyun + teruto), identity (vau + yukimura - their voices contrast SO much)
and !! misc guys.
utaranuki ! tanuki guy. got a nice voice. i don't have much to say abt him skdghds. urataneko, ifuudoudou, lavie, magical girl and chocolate
utu-kun ! name literally means depression-kun. most low energy covers ever i love it. also if you run his titles thru google translate they are literally so funny. smooth voice, pleasing to listen to :3 internet overdose (this song in utu's low-energy vibe is so funny tbh), lavie, vampire (shows off his low-energy vibe so well. also the full title is "i, who is afraid of blood, covered [vampire]"), bug (blood in the image, btw),
soraru ! you know soraru. everyone know soraru. soft and smooth voice. ghost city tokyo, kamipoina, menhera janai mon (w/ mazeta)
mazeta! i didn't listen to a lot of his stuff but like he has such a unique vocal style a lot like vau. soft voice with an interesting accent but also just fucking goes ham sometimes. hibana, ego rock (w/ utu-kun. shows off his "go ham" voice where he gets growly and like. sharp. for lack of a better term), usseewa (got some Go Ham mazeta in it :3)
ivudot. i don't listen to a lot of his stuff. has a very smooth like. anime protag voice. but also can sing in a higher and kinda softer register ! nee nee nee, shoujorei
whalewood! fascinating name tbh. i haven't listened to a lot of his stuff tbh but ! soft smooth voice. does some fun vocal stuff at times mostly w/ post-processing effects. gekkou (w/ suisoh), villain, traffic jam
suisoh ! also soft !! i do not listen to a lot of suisoh's stuff though so. yanno. ph, venom
visibly exploded when i saw this in my inbox/pos
thank you so much for being so through with them!!! i love hearing the thoughts. that are being thunked oughbnn ♡♡♡ i will definetely update u as i go through them hoho
but for now i'm really eepy so gonna try to get some sleep...
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chiisana-lion · 11 months
do u know how excited i was when i read that riinu was transmasc. do u know how good that felt. like. !!!! actual person to look up 2 there like. if riinu can do it so can i
RIGHTTTT its so. good for him!!!! i actually found out abt him from the fact he also voices a hworks chara dskjgsdkgjdks fuuma shirayuki my everything. ive listened to a couple stpri songs before too theyre super fun <3333 thank u for ur service riinu
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liseran-dm · 2 years
Jumper! / Strawberry Prince (PT-BR)
Segue a tradução minha da música Jumper:
Vocal: Strawberry Prince / Sutopuri (すとぷり) - Riinu, Satomi, Colon, Root
Letra: TeddyLoid ; Composição: TeddyLoid ; Arranjo: TeddyLoid
ご機嫌なMorning Um “bom dia” bem humorado 今日もはじまるStory E hoje começa uma nova história Up Downしたり Subindo e descendo 日常脱走 Flyer Um folheto diário de fuga
台本通り “Ir de acordo com o roteiro” そんなのつまらない Isso é sem graça キミと出会えた Quando nos conhecemos ここが僕らのステージ Este é o nosso palco
雨のち晴れ Ficou ensolarado após a chuva 傘は閉まっちゃって E fechei meu guarda-chuva さぁ ショーの幕開け Vamos, levantaram as cortinas do show ほら、顔を上げて Ei, levante o rosto
Un, deux, trois… Um, dois, três… ご一緒にどうぞ Por favor, vamos juntos 4, 3, 2, 1 Break! Pausa!
キミと Bounce Bounce bounce bounce bouncing Estou saltando, saltando, saltando, saltando e saltando com você 一緒にJump Jump Jump Jump Jumping E juntos estamos pulando pulando pulando e pulando 願いは(ずっと) Os desejos (Sempre) 想いは(もっと) E os sentimentos (mais) 叶える(きっと) Irão se realizar (com certeza) 超えてく過去のジブンを E irão ultrapassar o antigo “eu”
ちょうだい ひと口 Me dê, apenas uma palavra キミの「好き」がご褒美 O seu “gosto” é uma recompensa 今日も成長期 Hoje também é dia de amadurecimento 毎日更新 Higher Todos dias nos inovando, cada vez mais
ドラマのように Como em uma novela 駆け抜けていたい Quero passar por você キミがくれた A mensagem de amor e magia 恋と魔法のメッセージ Que você me deu
心はずむ場所(ここ)でなら Se os seus sentimentos se floresceram aqui 空も飛べるはずだから Acredito que também conseguirá voar
Un, deux, trois… Um, dois, três… ご一緒にどうぞ Por favor, vamos juntos 4, 3, 2, 1 Break! Pausa!
キミと Bounce Bounce bounce bounce bouncing Estou saltando, saltando, saltando, saltando e saltando com você 一緒にJump Jump Jump Jump Jumping E juntos estamos pulando pulando pulando e pulando 願いは(ずっと) Os desejos (Sempre) 想いは(もっと) E os sentimentos (mais) 叶える(きっと) Irão se realizar (com certeza) 超えてく今のジブンを E irão ultrapassar o “eu” atual
COみんなついてこれるかな? Será que todos vão nos acompanhar? わかってるなら手をあげな! Se entendeu, levante os braços! みんなついてこれるかな? Será que todos vão nos acompanhar? わかってるなら手をあげな! Se entenderam, levante os braços!
Un, deux, trois… Um, dois, três… 過ごす日々はそう、Magic Os dias que passamos, é, são mágicos 描くのはHappy Ending E acabam desenhando o nosso Final Feliz キミとさ(ずっと) Com você (sempre) ぼくらと(もっと) E conosco (mais) 一緒に(きっと) E juntos (Com certeza) 超えてく Iremos ultrapassar!
キミと Bounce Bounce bounce bounce bouncing Estou saltando, saltando, saltando, saltando e saltando com você 一緒にJump Jump Jump Jump Jumping E juntos estamos pulando pulando pulando e pulando 願いは(ずっと) Os desejos (Sempre) 想いは(もっと) E os sentimentos (mais) 叶える(きっと) Irão se realizar (com certeza) 超えてく過去のジブンを E irão ultrapassar o antigo “eu”
Mais uma música do álbum novo "Here We Go!" do Strawberry Prince! Se não me engano, foi a primeira lançada MV (e ainda em3D!!!!) do novo álbum! Sério, escutem as músicas, são maravilhosas!
Desde a primeira vez que escutei a batida dessa música, me apaixonei! Mas percebi que a letra seria meio "perdida" hehe Não que isso vá afetar, continua sendo uma música incrível!! E as vozes saíram tão finas, eu acho muito fofo!
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atvbs · 1 year
if u have some time .. who is this specimen u posted on ur priv twt 👇
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according to my friend that is rineko from inuhachi !! of what i know theyre original charas that are meant to be related to the utaite riinu !! (riinu is very swag btw)
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idolatries · 1 year
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twowink · 2 years
HELP i forget dolce exists sometimes but like. i tried so hard to get into it at one point bc 2 of my fav utaites (riinu + root) voiced in it. i gave up but i have no idea how its doing rn WW
FAIR me w haniwa in general actually im not huge on some of the songs . a lot of them r not v my style but i like a lot of the characters
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yume-fanfare · 2 years
its ok. i can cope with moto seito like how i coped with kikoemasuka by pretending i was hearing childe sing. offers hand. we can do this
NOT KIKOEMASUKA 😭😭😭 his storyquest is one of my favs if only because by the end i was so devastated. pstd. it wouldve already moved me on its own but hearing ryouhei kimura's older brother voice again like that had me
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