#riko is in middle school
reckless-rider · 1 year
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majikuriboh · 4 months
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ahaha Satoru and Suguru are soo petty lol
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milkywaystake · 1 year
Pushing the riko and moimo as basketball players' agenda
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sashisuse · 2 months
tweaking salma’s design every time i draw her to make her look more and more similar suguru… because it’s funny.
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hirookouji · 2 years
if i can just get thru the week i will make so much art
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dellalyra · 1 year
𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙨 - 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙩𝙬𝙤
𝘱𝘰𝘭𝘺!𝘴𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘴𝘶𝘨𝘶 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
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𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘴.
𝘊𝘞: 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘨𝘯𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘺, 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘺𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦, 𝘣𝘪𝘨 𝘧𝘢𝘵 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯 𝘥𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦, 𝘭𝘪𝘭 𝘴𝘮𝘶𝘵𝘵𝘺, 𝘢 𝘩𝘶𝘨𝘦 𝘢𝘶 𝘸𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘵
part one
recommended listening:
The Search - NF
Waltz for Richard - First Aid Kit
Late Night Talking - Harry Styles
It wasn’t a question for any of you.
These kids? They were staying.
No way in hell was Suguru letting those kids, sweet, good kids go to the fucking Zen’in estate to be ruined and brainwashed into the same thinking as the higher ups.
They settled in easily, Tsumiki enjoyed playing with Suguru’s hair, braiding it to match hers sometimes in the morning. Megumi definitely gravitated to you, a comforting presence, less extroverted than either of the boys. Satoru loved introducing them both to Digimon - which Megumi became enamoured with.
And then - one day when the kids were at school, and you and Satoru were at work - Suguru had a mission.
A village. A shitty village. The middle of nowhere.
Pathetic, weak, cruel people.
Two small, tiny and scared girls.
Two small girls, no more than 4.
Two small girls, in a fucking cage.
He came so close - so fucking close to just wiping the village out. He could have done it. He nearly did. There were only 2 reasons he didn’t.
Y/N and Satoru. He couldn’t, he couldn’t do that to you both. He couldn’t do it to himself.
He finds himself grateful this didn’t happen 2 years ago. Because then he would have followed through.
Without hesitation.
He hauls both girls into his strong arms, and leaves the town with a warning that if something like this happened again - he would be back, and he wouldn’t be alone.
The terrified girls slept soundly as he transported them back to the house. He opened the door, and softly kicked it shut behind him.
“Suguru? Is that you? ‘Toru and I are about to start a movie - I made pop-” Your voice carries from the kitchen as you round the corner and the plastic bowl of popcorn clatters to the ground at the sight before you. Two small girls, one curled up in each of your boyfriend’s arms. Suguru looked exhausted, and there was something in his eyes that was rare to see - fear.
Satoru came skidding around the corner at the sound of the bowl falling, clad in one of Suguru’s hoodies and basketball shorts. He stops in his tracks right beside you.
“Holy shit.”
“They were in a cage.”
“What?” You whisper.
“The mission. They - they kept them in a cage.” He stuttered, voice laced with raw fury.
“Suguru, baby, give me the kids. I’ll lay them down on the sofa. ‘Toru?” You say as you take a tiny girl in each arm, they were so small. Not the size a 5 year old should be.
“I got him, princess.” Satoru says, turning to Suguru who is stoney faced.
“C’mon, baby, let’s go to the kitchen.” Satoru says, grabbing his boyfriend’s hand and pulling him into the kitchen to sit at your cosy table.
Suguru sits, elbows resting on knees and hair falling in inky tendrils down around his face. Satoru kneels in front of him, between his knees as he lets him breathe for a moment. The last time he saw Suguru like this was after Riko, the darkness in his eyes reflected what he felt inside.
You walk back into the room, having put the sleeping girls down, wrapped in blankets on the sofa.
You sit on the table beside Suguru, and exchange glances with Satoru.
“Suguru, what happened?” You ask, gently as possible.
You hear a deep breath.
“The village. The curses they had, weren’t curses. Just two little girls, they were scared of them so they locked them in a fucking cage. I couldn’t - I couldn’t leave them there. I - fuck, Satoru, Y/N - I… I nearly killed them. The village. All of them. I was ready to burn that place to the ground.”
The shake in his normally languid voice startled you and Satoru. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into your chest as you press kisses to the top of his head and Satoru wraps his arms around his middle and kisses his cheeks.
There’s 3 of you, and 4 kids now. It took some discussions and figuring stuff out - but you all believed the twins should stay with you. Megumi was 6 now, Tsumiki was 8, the twins newly turned 5. At 21, you never expected to be mother of 4 but you wouldn’t change it for the world - not when you had the two best dads by your side.
It took Suguru a few weeks to shake the feeling from the village, but the twins soon came to be known as two balls of sunshine. Megumi took some time to warm up, but about 6 months later acknowledged them as his sisters, Tsumiki was just happy to an even bigger family.
Figuring out the legalities was tricky, when you all decided to adopt the kids formally. Eventually, you decided that Megumi and Tsumiki would be legally you and Satoru’s kids, and the twins would legally be Satoru and Suguru’s. Having the Gojo name as backing would ensure a level of safety for each of the kids, so that was decided from the get go.
The twins insisted on sharing a room, which was fine by you - so they stayed in the room next to Tsumiki. They were just old enough to start school, so you enrolled them at the same school as the older two. Megumi immediately went into protective big brother mode and more than once you were called in because he beat up some kids being mean to his baby sisters.
However one day, you were called in with Satoru and Suguru and told that Nanako and Mimiko had beat up some boys who wanted to fight Megumi. The three of you barely contained your laughs when you found out that your two now 7 year old girls beat up 5 10 year old boys with ease.
As the kids grew up, they started to ask questions about the family. So you came up with your answer. You and their dads had so much love that you all decided that you would use that love to be with each other, because you all made each other happy. You loved Suguru and Satoru, Satoru loved you and Suguru, Suguru loved you and Satoru. Then, because you guys loved each other so much - it grew even more love, and that’s where the four kids came in. It wasn’t always easy, having four kids under 10 in the house, but with there being 3 parents (and a usually semi tipsy aunty Koko in the living room) it was easier.
It was never even discussed, but Satoru somehow became Papa to everyone and Suguru became Dad (daddy had been off the table, because that’s what you called him).
One night, Suguru was cooking a meal for you and Satoru. The girls were having a slumber party with Utahime and Aunty Koko, and Megumi was having a nature documentary evening with Uncle Nanamin having vehemently declined the offer of joining the slumber party with the girls.
You three sat and ate, laughed and chatted and then went to snuggle up on the sofa with a glass of wine each.
After an hour or so, Satoru left to get a top up for everyone.
But when he came back, it wasn’t wine in his hands - but two small blue velvet boxes.
You clasped Suguru’s hand as you gasped and he whispered the white haired man’s name.
“This isn’t half as flashy as people would expect from me, but neither of you like flashy - plus, it only felt right for this to be just for us. Nothing we’ve done has been normal, from day one, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. When Y/N and I first started dating, I never thought I could love a person as much as I loved her - until I realised that I was ridiculously in love with you too, Suguru. When Y/N and I realised we loved each other, and you - and you loved us back - any infinity or infinite void would never compare to that feeling of having you both by my side.” He kneeled down on one knee in front of you both, as you sat up with Suguru’s arm around your waist. “Y/N. Suguru. Will you both do me the honour of promising to spend the rest of your lives doing stupid shit and annoying the hell out of everyone together with me, and each other?” You couldn’t hold it in any more as you flung yourself at the kneeling man and pressed your lips to his, one had dragging your other love behind you as you said yes a million times. Your antique ring was accompanied by a plain tungsten black band for Suguru and a platinum one for Satoru.
The wedding was simple, you all married each other (that was tricky to organise) and had a classic, small and intimate reception at the rooftop garden in Tokyo.
The years passed, the kids became teenagers - 4 teens simultaneously was testing - Tsumiki and Megumi were easy enough, Tsumiki worrying both her dad’s endlessly with her popularity with boys and Megumi was easy going, just sullen and grumpy - but not that that was a change from when he was 6. The twins were just as fun as ever.
Tsumiki’s curse hit everyone hard. She was everyone’s big sister, everyone’s rock. You vowed with your husbands that you would find a way to wake her up, you promised the kids.
Once Megumi was getting ready for his move to the dorm at Jujutsu High, the twins started talking about how in a years time they’d be starting too, a year below their brother. Gakuganji tried to coax the twins to enroll in Kyoto, so that not all 3 of the Gojo-L/N-Geto kids would be in Tokyo but he was swiftly denied with a ‘shove your shitty old school, I’m going with my brother, you wrinkly ballsack’ by a 14 year old Nanako.
Gojo said he’s never felt more proud.
With Tsumiki… not around anymore, Megumi only a few months from only spending weekends at home and the twins joining him in a year - you and your men realised the house would feel pretty empty pretty soon, and you all felt a bit young at only 27 for empty nest syndrome.
Geto was the first to broach the topic. Suggesting that maybe, because your IUD is running out next month - that maybe, you just don’t get a new one. You looked to Satoru, who quickly nodded in agreement. Because the truth was, you all loved raising your adopted kids so much, but they’re grown now.
So maybe, just maybe
It was time to try for a baby…
Before any pregnancy started - you rang Satoru one day - telling him to come to your location. Megumi and you were there. Behind you, hoisted up by your eldest son, was an unconscious pink haired boy. You introduced him as Yuuji. Why was he unconscious? Oh! You had to knock him out, because he’s also Sukuna.
He came home with you that night. You set up the spare room so that he could settle and you could tend to him before he started school.
“Another kid? Y/N, Megs just moved out.”
“Hey! You two both brought home your strays. This one’s my stray.”
The next weekend, a fiesty girl reminiscent of yourself a decade earlier joined the gang - your second stray, your Nobara.
Again, Satoru saw your little body roommate first. He noticed a trace of cursed energy in your belly before you did. There were tears and joy between all three of you. Neither of them cared who the kid belonged to biologically - it was a baby made of a huge amount of love. That’s all.
They were nightmarishly protective during the pregnancy, never leaving you alone. Geto discovered his intense kink for seeing you with his kid in your tummy and couldn’t keep his hands off you, Satoru was only spurred on more by this - seeing your belly all soft and round with his baby? The baby that he made with the two people he loved? Had him leaking in seconds.
9 months later and 14 exhausting hours later, the baby arrived.
The minute you all saw the baby, freshly cleaned and placed in your arms, the three of you burst out laughing.
“Well, I guess there’s no question over the paternity of this little one.” Satoru giggles.
That’s because Genji Yu Geto L/N Gojo was staring at you all with the brightest blue eyes from under a swathe of snowy white lashes to match his snowy white hair. He was placed into Suguru’s arms, who kissed you and his husband and thanked you both for his beautiful son.
Raising the baby was no different from raising the kids, you were all the parents. He was loved so much by all three parents, all four elder siblings and his Grandpa and Grandma Geto.
Genji’s godparents were Shoko and Nanami.
When Genji was 2, you fell pregnant again. You quickly realised that unless the child only had your genetics, it would be easy to tell who had who’s genes. This was proven when Keisuke Geto-L/N-Gojo entered the world, all dark hair and dark eyes and ivory skin. Your two babies were carbon copies of their biological fathers, but funnily, Genji behaved like Suguru, and Keisuki like Satoru.
Nobara and Yuuji were asked to be Keisuke’s godparents, with Yuuji very confused by how it would work being his godfather and brother in law - now that he was dating Megumi.
Izumi came next, he looked exactly like you - just with eyes that made him clearly Geto’s, but your hair, your nose, your lips. The youngest now, with Genji being 5 and Keisuke aged 3.
Utahime and Hikari were named as Izumi’s godparents, and they doted on the boy.
You figured you’d finish there. 3 boys under 5? Impressive given that the three of you were only 33.
However, the sudden craving for toasted marshmallows and Sakura mochi 3 years later at Megumi’s 24th birthday made you freeze.
Grabbing Shoko, you drove to the store.
8 months later, the most beautiful little accident arrived into the world. Suki Geto-L/N-Gojo arrived to the world announcing her presence with lungs capable of deafening an elephant. All shiny soft white whispy curls and sparkling blue eyes, your baby daughter joined the world. A true beauty, perfect in every way, Satoru’s other carbon copy but every ounce of her mother’s temper, moxie and gall, she became the apple of her elder brother’s eyes, and the angel of her sister’s. Mei Mei and Choso were chosen as Suki’s godparents.
Your husbands? The most doting fathers ever. You typically wake up on a Saturday morning with Geto’s arm slung around Satoru’s waist, who is leaning his white head on his chest, Suki having a bottle on Geto’s lap with the bottle held by Gojo, Izumi having pancakes on Satoru’s lap and Keisuke and Genji on either side keeping watch over their siblings or trying to braid Geto’s hair whilst watching scooby-doo. Every time, you’d sit beside them, scooping Suki into your arms and the two elder boys would curl up on their dad’s lap. All was peaceful. Well, that was until big bro Megumi and Yuuji-kun arrived.
All four of the elder kids? Adored by all three of you.
All four of the babies? Adored by all seven of you.
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asdfghjklmals · 1 year
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GENRE + T/W: sfw, angst. hurt and comfort. mentions of blood and injury. WORD COUNT: 4.1k words. TAGS: satoru gojo x fem!oc. high school lovers.
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SYNOPSIS: oc gojo girlfriend thought that satoru gojo's infinity was impenetrable... oc gojo girlfriend tries her best to heal satoru after a grueling fight, but will her best be enough? AUTHOR'S NOTE: this fic follows 'fated to love you' click here to read. i cut toji and satoru's fight scenes pretty short beause i really don't do well writing fight scenes. would it really be a mals angst without ending on a somewhat good note? literally oc gojo girlfriend's au is me inputting her into the actual jjk manga where i can. 😂 REMINDER: if you want to imagine yourself in oc gojo girlfriend's character descriptions instead, please do!
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tokyo jujutsu high school: oc gojo girlfriend's pov
“have you heard from idiot #1 and idiot #2?” shoko asked as you twiddled with your pencil. you were spending the afternoon studying with your bestfriend while satoru and suguru were on a mission.
you frowned, realizing that you actually haven't heard from satoru since he left. all he sent you was a good morning text saying that he made coffee for you in the dining hall before he left for his mission.
“no… yaga-sensei sent them off on a really important mission regarding the star plasma vessel for master tengen, but that’s all i know about it.”
“the last i heard from satoru was that they were going to okinawa to kill time. why don’t we try calling them?” shoko suggested.
you smiled back at her, "it’s okay, i’ll call satoru later. i try not to bug him while he’s on missions."
deep down, you really just wanted to know if he was okay. suguru had mentioned to you earlier this morning that satoru hadn’t slept yet. he had kept his infinity on ever since they left and it hasn’t been turned off. he was probably exhausted.
okinawa aquarium: satoru's pov
“are you going to get a souvenir for (y/n)? you know she loves aquariums.” suguru reminded satoru as they watched riko gaze at the large tank full of exotic fish.
“i already did. it was the first thing i did when i got here.” satoru smiled softly. it was the one thing he was actually looking forward to doing during this mission instead of babysitting a middle schooler.
“what did you get her?” suguru asked curiously.
satoru smiled cheekily, “i got her a small glass full of sand and seashells from the gift shop.”
suguru started to laugh at the mention of the bottle of sand, “you’re not going to put a love note in there again are you?”
“for the millionth time, it wasn’t a love note!” satoru defended himself. (read ‘souvenirs’ here)
"hey! bangs!" riko called out to suguru, "can we go to the reptile exhibit?!"
suguru closed his eyes and sighed heavily, "i wish she wouldn't call me that."
satoru patted suguru on the back and laughed. he was glad that suguru was here with him on this mission.
later that night: oc gojo girlfriend's pov
after a long day of studying, you laid in satoru’s bed. whenever he was gone for an overnight mission, you would sleep in his dorm room.
it totally wasn’t because you missed him immensely when he’s gone, but because you looked forward to how he would always greet you in the morning by plopping down on top of you and hugging you so tightly to the point you couldn't breathe. and not to mention, he never failed to pepper kisses on your forehead in the mornings. it was a very wholesome way to be woken up.
‘i wonder what he’s doing right now’, you thought to yourself. hesitating to press the call button on your flip phone. you laid there, flipping your phone shut, opening it back up, and flipping it shut again.
“i’ll just call him to say goodnight…” you mumbled, dialing satoru’s phone number. he answered immediately after the first ring.
“are you okay?” you heard him ask you. he sounded worried but tired, you could hear it in his voice.
“wow, not even a ‘hi sweetheart’ to your girlfriend? i should be asking you that mr. no-sleep-and-infinity-always-on.”
satoru sighed, “suguru told you, huh? he’s such a snitch.”
"he's not a snitch." you muttered, "he cares about you, just like i do. why don’t you get some sleep, babe?"
“i have to stay up to protect everyone, sweetheart.”
you bit back, “someone else can be on star plasma vessel protection duty while you sleep.”
satoru laughed at your statement, “who’s gonna protect me when i’m the strongest?”
“i will.” you said confidently, “—or suguru will. he promised me he would take care of you for me.”
“oh, my sweet little girlfriend is going to come all the way to okinawa to protect me?” he teased.
you grumbled, and rolled over onto your stomach. “you know i would if you wanted me to…”
satoru was quiet for a moment. you could hear his breathing through the receiver before he let out another loud sigh. “it’s late, sweetheart. you should get some sleep. we’ll be back tomorrow at 3pm.”
“promise me you’ll rest when you come home?”
“yes, i promise. maybe i’ll nap in your room.” satoru said.
you giggled because you knew he would end up sleeping in your room. that was a given after every mission. it was a hot shower first, then cuddles later. that was satoru's post mission routine.
“goodnight, satoru. i love you.”
“i love you too, (y/n).”
the next day: tokyo jujutsu high 3pm
you felt satoru’s presence enter the jujutsu high barrier. you sighed in relief. there was no way you couldn't detect his cursed energy because it was so strong, and his residuals felt like they were a part of you. you could sense that guy anywhere.
you called out to shoko, “shoko! i’m going to head out to the gates to see satoru and suguru.”
“okay, i’ll catch up with you guys later!” she waved as you left the classroom.
you walked slowly, appreciating the warm spring air and the smell of fresh cut grass. while you were on the way to the courtyard, you heard loud demolition sounds almost as if a building was being torn to pieces. heavy gusts of wind started to pick up, quickly.
you sensed a very familiar cursed energy, it was satoru’s cursed technique lapse: blue… but it was maximum output. you jumped up onto the roofs of the jujutsu high buildings, dashing towards the courtyard's front gates.
‘what the hell is happening? why is he using maximum output here?’, you thought as you sprinted and jumped from building to building. you had a horizontal view of the school, debris was floating in the air. as you were running, you saw suguru running the opposite way towards master tengen’s location. he was with two girls. ‘was that the star plasma vessel?’
“(y/n)!” suguru called out to you, “don’t get any closer to satoru! the opponent he’s facing is dangerous! he doesn’t have any cursed energy! he has a heavenly pact! you won’t be able to sense him!”
“—but i can help satoru!” you yelled back.
“trust me, satoru wouldn’t want you to get hurt. just stay hidden.”
you pursed your lips in hesitation. you wanted to help satoru, but you knew suguru wouldn’t have warned you if he didn’t think the situation was dangerous. and you would probably get in satoru’s way… you were always satoru’s achilles’ heel.
satoru gojo fought at his very best when he was alone. he could go all out and not have to worry about anyone getting caught in his techniques or in his domain expansion. any other sorcerer next to him would be a hindrance to him, even you.
“fine, i’ll stay hidden.” you called out to him, “—hurry and get to master tengen.”
you watched as suguru nodded back at you. he and the two girls started running again. you picked up the pace to get closer to where satoru was, until you saw a swarm of fly heads circling around the center of the courtyard. ‘where did those fly heads come from…?’
you stopped running. it was at that moment where your heart dropped. you couldn’t sense satoru’s cursed energy anymore.
you didn’t know whether or not the threat was still present or if satoru was masking his cursed energy using some sort of barrier technique.
there was no way something happened to him... right?
he was untouchable with infinity… right?
he was the strongest… right?
you jumped down onto the cobblestone pathway and hid behind one of the buildings several meters away. a man with dark hair in a black shirt, white pants, and a scar on his face started walking towards suguru's location.
you looked over to where the fly heads were. you quickly put your hands over your mouth to stop from screaming out satoru's name.
satoru’s body was sprawled on the concrete, blood and debris pooled around him. you summoned a protective barrier of water around satoru and sent a large pressured tidal wave towards all the fly heads, exorcising all of them at once.
“satoru!!!” you screamed, “—satoru, oh my god…”
you ran to his side, throwing ice shards at the remaining fly heads crawling all over his body. he had stab wounds on his head, his neck, multiple gashes on his right thigh, and a large slash through his chest all the way down to and through his abdomen.
a small ripple of cursed energy from his hand danced across his pool of blood. was that the last of satoru’s cursed energy? how could this happen to the untouchable satoru gojo? never in your life would you believe satoru could be defeated like this. there was just no way. he was the strongest.
"babe, please wake up!" you screamed as you shakily lifted his lifeless body onto your lap. you had to get it together if you wanted to heal him your with reversed cursed energy… and you had to do it fast. you focused all of your reversed cursed energy onto his largest wound, his chest. water left your hand to surround his wound, but it didn’t heal him at all. you wished your reversed cursed technique was more refined at this moment. you had been working so hard with shoko to master this healing technique of yours...
“damn it!” you screamed in frustration, tears streaming down your face. your vision was blurred by all the tears. you were so distraught that you couldn’t even focus. were you really so weak that you couldn’t even focus to heal the person you loved most?
you tried it again. water surrounded his wound, but stayed stagnant. you started to break down. catching your sobbing breaths, you hiccuped as you held satoru’s body in your arms. his blood drenched your uniform, but you didn’t care. you were about to lose the love of your life and you couldn't do anything about it. you cradled his head, moving his stray hairs out of his face. if this was the last time he would be in your arms, then so be it.
“please, just let me heal him…” you cried to yourself, begging to all the gods you could, with a small sliver of hope that you could maintain control of your cursed energy for even just a second to heal him.
as you held him, you noticed that satoru’s wounds were starting to slowly heal… but it wasn’t from your reversed cursed technique.
you closed your eyes, thanking all gods above for whatever it was that was healing him.
“satoru… please come back to me. you promised you wouldn’t leave me here alone… you promised to protect me.” you sobbed as you held him closer to you. your tears drenching his cheek.
“wow, (y/n) (l/n) crying over silly ol’ me?” a weak and quiet voice said in awe, “—i never thought i’d live to see the day.”
you wiped your tears with your sleeve. you couldn’t believe what you were seeing… or hearing. satoru gave you a meek smile.
“how are you even talking to me right now?” you scoffed as you continued to cry. “you are literally dead in my arms.”
satoru groaned, “reversed cursed technique, babe.”
“but i thought you didn’t know how to do that yet…”
you held him tighter. refusing to let go of him in fear that he’d disappear from your arms. this must be your imagination. you probably went insane after satoru died. and now you were starting to see and hear things.
as much as satoru would have loved to stay in your embrace forever, he sat up and pushed your arms away from him, “that’s another conversation for later. i have to take care of something.”
you snapped out of it and panicked when he tried to leave your side, “no! don’t go! i don't want to lose you again…” you clung onto his arm, shaking your head to wake you up from this nightmare. you knew he was going to go back and try to dispose of the man who did this to him. the man you saw earlier.
“you’re not going to lose me.” satoru reassured you. “—i’m the strongest, remember?”
tears streamed down your cheek as you sobbed. it was satoru’s turn to comfort you now. he held your frantically shaking body, using his thumb to brush away tears from your cheek.
“i’ll come back to you.” satoru said confidently, “(y/n), i promise that i’m going to be the strongest jujutsu sorcerer. i told you that i was going to protect you. i love you, you know that?”
you tried to catch your breath through your sobbing, “y-you pinky promise?”
“i pinky promise.” satoru said as he intertwined your pinkies before pressing a kiss on your quivering lips. “i have to go. can't have the man who made my baby cry roam free, can i now?”
he teleported off before he could hear you weakly say, “i love you, satoru…”
satoru gojo vs. toji fushiguro round 2
enlightenment. the action or state of attaining knowledge or insight.
satoru. a masculine japanese name meaning ‘to know’ or ‘to understand’. if you write satoru’s name in a different way, it could mean ‘to be spiritually awakened’.
and in that moment, on the verge of death, satoru gojo had finally understood the core of cursed energy.
he felt the positive cursed energy from his reversed cursed technique flow into limitless.
cursed technique reversal: red.
it was the first time that satoru had successfully unleashed red. and it was right into the man who spiritually awakened him, toji fushiguro.
“heh, what a monster.” toji muttered as he got up from the rubbish and debris around him after being hit by satoru's cursed technique.
‘sorry, amanai…’ satoru thought to himself, ‘i’m not angry about your death anymore, nor do i feel any resentment towards anyone. right now, everything just feels right.’
“throughout heaven and earth, i alone am the honored one.”
satoru swiftly dodged all of toji’s attempted attacks with the inverted spear of heaven as the sorcerer killer kept his strikes coming.
toji was from the zen'nin clan. growing up, he was taught about the gojo clan's techniques such as limitless, blue, and red. but the cursed technique that satoru was about to attempt for the first time, was only known to a select few people of the gojo clan. (read ‘meet the gojos’ here)
motion and reversal. positive and negative. born by combining both infinities of blue and red. a powerful, imaginary mass that rushes forward, obliterating all matter in it's path… one of the strongest techniques in the gojo clan.
hollow purple.
"so, any last words?" satoru asked the sorcerer killer as he bled from his torso. an entire chunk of his body and arm was gone from the hit from hollow purple.
"nope... in two or three years, my kid will be sold off to the zen'nin clan. do what you will with that information." toji told the white haired sorcerer as he fell to the ground.
inside the star plasma vessel association hideout
"you're late, suguru." satoru called out to his bestfriend without any emotion in his voice. his tone was flat. it was like he was lifeless, yet he was still alive.
"satoru?! what happened to you?" suguru asked, surprised to see satoru standing in front of him with riko’s dead body in his arms.
satoru ignored him, noticing that suguru was healed up. he sensed yours and shoko’s residuals. "looks like you saw (y/n) and shoko."
"yeah, they fixed me up." suguru started to say, he saw riko's hand fall from her deceased body. "actually... it doesn't matter if i'm fine. i—"
satoru interrupted him, "it's not your fault, suguru. i'm the one that messed up and let my guard down."
suguru took a moment to read the room before he waved towards satoru, "let's get out of here."
"suguru... do you... want to… kill them all...?" satoru asked his bestfriend coldly, referring to all the people applauding the death of the star plasma vessel, "—the me right now probably wouldn't even feel a thing if we killed them."
suguru knew that nothing good would happen if he were to kill all of these people who had different ideals than him and satoru. he shut his eyes and sighed, "forget it. it's pointless and pointless killing is futile. plus, what would (y/n) think of you?"
satoru stayed quiet for a moment before scoffing. "pointless, huh? does there need to be a reason to kill these people?"
"of course. it's important to have a reason. especially as jujutsu sorcerers. jujutsu sorcerers exists to protect non-jujutsu sorcerers."
suguru geto was and always will be satoru gojo's moral compass. adding onto his morality, an image of you appeared in satoru's newly enlightened mind.
'what would (y/n) think of me if she could see me right now?' satoru thought to himself. he had to be better than this, he knew he was better than this. you always saw the good in satoru, he couldn't disappoint you today, not now, not tomorrow, not ever.
"okay then, let's go home." satoru motioned. he paused after a thought, “actually, you head back with amanai first. there’s something i need to do.”
suguru took riko’s body from him as he watched satoru teleport off.
before returning to jujutsu high, satoru gojo went to dispose of the inverted spear of heaven. he didn't give a damn about the history of this tool and where it came from. there was no way a cursed tool that could nullify his cursed technique was going to stay on this earth. there was no way he was going to take his chances of dying again. and there was no way he was going to let that cursed tool exist given the possibility of losing you.
later that night
after a very long and hot shower, satoru laid in your bed, absentmindedly staring at the popcorn ceiling above. his fingers subconsciously rubbing soft circles into your lower back. it was a habit of his that he picked up ever since he started sleeping in your dorm room.
you couldn’t help but think about how you weren’t able to help satoru earlier today when he was bleeding out in your arms. were you really that weak and not in control of your own powers? you hated yourself for not being able to get your cursed energy under control. you couldn’t even save the one person you loved most in this god forsaken world. you couldn’t imagine your life without satoru and you almost lost him... and you couldn’t do a damn thing.
you felt satoru’s arm dive under your torso, pulling you closer to him. you closed your eyes and pursed your lips, afraid you might start crying in front of him. you didn’t have the heart to face him.
“what’s on your mind?” he asked, peppering soft kisses on your temple.
you scoffed in disbelief, “i should be asking you that. you’re the one that almost died. what happened to you, satoru? who that hell was that man?”
“i got caught slipping,” satoru sighed, “remember that tool that went missing when we went to visit your family?”
you remembered the uproar it caused when you went back with satoru to visit your clan. the inverted spear of heaven was stolen from your clan’s collection of cursed objects that day. that tool came from the last known water cursed technique user from your clan and the six eyes user from the gojo clan 400 years ago. (read ‘fated to love you’ here)
it hurt you to ask, “did that man use that tool on you…?”
“yeah. it broke through infinity.”
tears started to form in your eyes. guilt filling every ounce of your body. a cursed tool from your clan’s collection that the gojo clan entrusted to your clan ended up being the reason why satoru almost died.
“it’s funny, don’t you think?” satoru started to say, “a six eyes gojo ancestor gave that cursed tool to the love of their life, a (l/n) water cursed technique user to keep safe so that no one could ever use it against the gojo clan... and the tool almost killed me. my ancestor would be rolling in her grave right now.”
you wiped your tears with the sleeve of your pajama shirt, “it’s not funny, satoru. i don’t care what the legend has to say. i’m not losing you. not in this lifetime.”
satoru wished things could go back to normal... before this whole mess with the star plasma vessel, before the inverted spear of heaven was stolen. today was life changing for satoru, as he was sure it was for you too. he unlocked a side of him that he didn’t know existed. after tapping into the core of cursed energy, everything inside him changed. he felt a new high that he thought would never go away. would he be able to live his life freely with these new abilities?
“well, i’m still here kicking and breathing. someone has to be the strongest and live to protect the weak.” he said sarcastically, trying to lighten the mood. “—but really though, what’re you thinking about?”
“i’m thinking about how i almost lost the love of my life.” frowning at the nightmare you experienced today. "and this life for us was just getting started..."
you thought back to yours and satoru's visit to your clan's estate. the memory of you and him confirming your feelings for one another at the lily pad pagoda. you wanted to be with him in this lifetime, and all the lifetimes after that. satoru was end game for you.
he grinned, whispering in your ear, “damn, this guy named satoru gojo must be lucky to have a girlfriend like you.”
“satoruuu—” you whined, hitting his chest softly with your tiny fist, “i was so scared seeing you like that. and i couldn’t even get my shit together to heal you.” tears started to form on your dark eyelashes again, the guilt was still eating you up inside.
satoru cupped your cheek with his hand, wiping your tears away with his thumb just like he did earlier today. the palm of his hand on your cheek was a perfect fit. it was like he was made just for you, to hold and to love for the rest of your life.
“it’s okay, babe. you did everything you could.” he whispered.
“and it wasn’t enough, satoru! i couldn’t even protect you like i promised...” you cried as more tears streamed down your cheek. satoru's thumb wiping away the tears again.
“it's not your job to protect me.” satoru said sternly.
“then what is my job?”
“just to sit here and look pretty for me.” satoru joked as you glared at him through damp tears.
before you could interject with another whine, he hushed you by putting his index finger on your lips, “—your job, babe, is to love this guy named satoru gojo for the rest of your life.”
“now that… i think i can do.” you hiccuped, “—don’t ever scare me like that again, satoru gojo.”
there was a silence between the two of you after you said that. satoru knew he probably couldn’t promise you that something like this wouldn’t happen again, but he knew that he could promise you that he would do everything in his power to protect you for the rest of your lives. it was the very same promise he gave to you, your brother, and the both of your grandparents.
two eyes as blue as the ocean yearned for you to tell him the three words he’s been waiting to hear all day. he stared into your eyes as you gently stroked his cheek with your hand.
“i love you, satoru gojo. so much.” you leaned into him, kissing him with a little more need than usual. satoru tilted his head back, admiring the view of the beautiful you before he leaned back down press a kiss on your forehead.
“i love you too, (y/n). it’s an honor to be loved by you...”
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spiriteddreams · 1 year
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x Reader Warnings: angst, fluff, happy ending(? yea i'm pretty sure it is) Word Count: ~2.3k A/N: my flex is that i heard rwylm live so i won at life :D
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seventeen — champagne problems Gojo Satoru slips through your fingers before you even register it happens. One moment you are dancing in the rain, Infinity not yet perfected as the cold seeps through your clothes. At seventeen you are both young and free, blissfully unaware of the consequences of your own actions as you fall in love. You may have fallen first, stumbling over the uneven cobblestone that protruded from the ground of Jujutsu High, but Gojo Satoru fell harder. Head over heels and far too arrogant for his own good, the holder of Limitless and the Six Eyes sweeps you off your feet and swears to offer you the world. He’s the strongest, and with his best friend at his side, there is really nothing that can stop the two of you. He spouts cheesy poetry with roses behind his back, looking away when you poke fun at the red that rises on his cheeks. You think you could bask in this moment forever, caught up in the adolescent innocence that was running from Principal Yaga during school hours and baking with Shoko in the middle of the night.
“This dorm is a madhouse,” you laugh, hand in his as you stumble to his room after narrowly avoiding being caught. 
Gojo grins back at you, “Well, it’s made for me!” A smile stretches across his face as he tugs you through the hallways. You ignore the way your friends watch with knowing looks, purposefully turning away to give the two of you space. When Gojo Satoru was seventeen, he didn’t quite grasp Infinity just yet, so the idea of space between the two of you, was impossible.
It is shattered in an instant and Gojo’s eyes become clouded with the weight of the reality of the jujutsu world. He drops your hand in the midst of dancing, leaving you standing in the rain, nothing to block out or distract you from the biting cold that stings against your skin. The death of Amanai Riko shakes Gojo to his core; both him and Geto, and he slips far beyond your reach. He’s there but he isn’t, and when you try to reach out to him, you feel as if he’s raised Infinity against you too.
The weight of the world seems to crash upon his shoulders as the applauses that he once reveled in became a dull roar in the back of his mind. Blurred faces haunt his memories and when you try to ask, Gojo shakes his head, mumbling that he doesn’t want to talk about what happened.
You don’t break up, but sometimes, you think that maybe, it would have been easier if things had ended then.
twenty — tolerate it Your heart drops when you hear that Geto has now been labeled as a curse user and is to be executed on sight. You refuse to believe that this boy that you’ve spent the last few years with in high school had suddenly turned his back to you, to Shoko, to Gojo. Gojo. 
“Satoru?” your voice is quiet but it cuts through the silence of his dorm room. You poke your head into the dark room, barely making out his figure leaning against his desk, head in hands and hair falling over his face. He doesn’t acknowledge your presence and when you step into his room, you feel as if you’ve fallen into a trap. The tension is thick and choking and you hold your breath as you approach him. His eyes are closed and you watch the steady rise and fall of his chest. The soft huffs of breath are the only sound that accompanies you in this silence.
“Satoru?” your call of his name for the second time makes his head raise, just barely tilting to acknowledge your presence. At twenty, you are caught between a teenager and an adult and amidst your own struggles, you realize that you don’t quite know what to do anymore. It shouldn’t have taken you this long to try to talk to him, because now that the distance has begun to stretch thin, you find that you are running out of things to say. How does one comfort a loved one who has lost another when, to him, you would never understand what it feels like to grapple with this turmoil. His words, not yours, remind yourself, mind flashing back to the last argument you had, one that ended with heaving chests and two stubborn teenagers. Only this time, you had Shoko to turn to, and Gojo had no one else. 
“Please, stop trying,” his voice is raspy but it hurts to hear. You realize that he’s far gone from your reach and this distance that you had once thought might be good for both you and him has instead come back around to tear you apart. “I’m fine. You don’t need to worry about me.” The cycle repeats and he shuts you out once more despite each tallied attempt.
You say “I love you” to a seemingly empty room, the words clinging to nothing but the dust and shadows that you feel like you’ve been talking to this whole time. 
twenty-one — happiness Gojo Satoru never flinches. He takes the punches without batting an eye and strikes back even harder, knowing exactly where it hurts. He knows which cuts will bleed the most until you are left with nothing but pride to grapple with. 
You break up with him when you are both twenty-one. Four years together is shattered in an instant. Your voice doesn’t waver, doesn’t break, and neither do you. But he just stands there, eyes covered by sunglasses and takes it. It’s not messy, there are no raised voices, just the weight of exhaustion of two lovers who have pulled a string taut. Loving turns to waiting for the other to take the scissors and cut the string, but both are too stubborn to make the first move. And when given the opportunity, when he slips you the scissors behind your back you make the final decision. Emotions feel like a whirlwind in the moment as you grapple with knowing that you are the one to end four years of happiness. 
“I’m moving to Kyoto, I want a new start and Utahime is looking for a new roommate,” you say when the worst of it has passed. A few months down the line and you find that staying in Tokyo is only doing more harm. You become caught between growing tensions and your own internal conflict. So when Shoko offhandedly mentions moving somewhere new, but still with hesitance in her tone, and Utahime reaching out with regards to her new apartment, you jump at the new opportunity. For some reason, Gojo is the first person you decide to tell. He glances at you with a smile, teeth peeking out between his lips. You freeze at the sight, horrified at the cruel realization that you can’t quite tell if Gojo is truly happy for you to be starting anew, or if this winning smile of his was already starting to turn into a smirk.
“Don’t miss me too much!” ever the tease, Gojo tilts his head down so he can make eye contact, as if giving you one last look at those beautiful eyes of his before he hides them away. You’ll miss those eyes of his, you think; those ever knowing eyes that seem to see through you and break past every wall that you’ve built.
He does see through it all, so in tune with your emotions and every little twitch of your eyes and lips. Gojo is well aware of his own faults in this fall, but stubborn as he is, and selfish in his want to keep things civil, he doesn’t say anything else. His heart drops at the news of your departure. He can keep himself emotionally distant but physically? Perhaps this time you’re the one slipping beyond his reaches.
twenty-eight — long story short Utahime tells you that Gojo has taken in a new kid. You choke on your tea at the words until she clarifies that he’s simply taken in a boy to Jujutsu Tech (not custody over another kid, you hope that poor Megumi is doing well dealing with this man-child). At twenty-eight you know you’ve moved fast past your teenage romance that was Gojo Satoru. Now, you laugh at the memories, looking back on faded photos and scrawled love letters that once swept you off your feet.
But still, you find that it’s easy to fall into bad habits. And this one just so happens to be named Gojo Satoru. Ever cocky and teasing with his words and touches, you find yourself spending more time at Jujutsu Tech under the guise of working with Okkotsu Yuuta. Gojo finds his ways to slip back into your life, whether it's to bring you sweets he picked up as he was coming in late to work, or try to pester you about what it’s like to live with Utahime. There are no issues with humouring him, after all, you’ve had seven years of reflection. 
But seven years later you find yourself in his presence again and Gojo seems to be making every attempt to win you over again. He makes no attempt to hide what he’s trying to do, and you’re horrified to learn that Shoko knows all about it and she finds it rather amusing. 
At twenty-eight, both you and Gojo have had a myriad of experiences under your belt. Maturity comes with age, and while that may be said about the both of you (for the most part), you realize that Gojo still holds onto some of that childish innocence and energy that he did when he was younger. You see it in the way he raises Megumi who responds to his guardian’s attempts with eye rolls and glances over at you for help. You see it in the way he teaches his first years, poor Inumaki, Panda, Maki and Okkotsu staring blankly as their teacher brandishes extra sweet pastries as if it were some sort of reward. 
It is that energy that he brings back into your life that has you stumbling back, indulging in late night invitations to grab food and reminisce about your teenage days. Now, with the alarming lack of physical distance between the two of you, you would be lying if you said the thought never crossed your mind, that if you had stayed, what might have been. 
And one night, when you find yourself tangled up in his arms, you run, cursing his name through confusion and frustration. Seven years down the drain and you feel foolish.
When Gojo wakes to the distance reinstated, he wonders if you both will survive this when it all ends.
twenty-nine — right where you left me You return to Tokyo Jujutsu Tech under Gojo’s request. He texts you out of the blue with emoticons that contradict the severity of the situation at hand. You return with hesitance, walking through old hallways lined with dust and memories of teenagers that ran through with no care in the world. The trek back to your old classroom is one that brings back memories in waves and you can only wonder why Gojo has asked you to meet there. Your old classroom, the one that he now teaches in, with chairs that groan when you sit on them and desks that have markings from your teenage days looks nothing new, and yet it’s unfamiliar. 
Gojo sits with his feet propped up on the desk, chair tipping back precariously as he rocks back and forth, head turned towards the open window with blindfold over his eyes. He sits there, not yet acknowledging your presence, as if he’s been there for ages. The dust from the room seems to swirl around him, but never quite settling on his hair and skin because you know that he has Infinity raised. You wonder when the last time he let it down around you was. 
“What a sad sight,” you joke, “I never thought you would willingly sit in those seats again.” Gojo turns at the sound of your voice and a smile crosses over his lips. You know that he could have sensed you from a mile away, so you can only wonder why he decides to play stupid like this, minding his own business, seemingly caught up in his own thoughts. 
“Sometimes I like to indulge in old memories,” he doesn’t make any effort to move so you take the step forward, crossing through the doorway to enter this room of memories. You’re both older and wiser now and yet you seem to abandon it at the door. 
At twenty-nine you both know what’s coming next. The world has gone to shit and it’s impossible not to see the exhaustion that weighs down upon Gojo Satoru. Your feet move first, then your hands and your body as you embrace him tightly. For a moment you are thrown back in time, locked in the fantasy of seventeen with your arms wound tight around him. To stay here forever, like this, together, is all either of you dreamed of when you were young and stupid.
Fast forward to the present and you find yourself in this same old familiar position with years of history to separate the two of you. In the back of your mind you wonder if this is the right decision to make. You know that Gojo has been trying to return to your life, attempt after attempt chipping away at ivy covered walls as you take every chance to run. But as October peers around the corner, you let yourself fall back into his arms.
And when it’s time to go, when the world calls for the strongest, when it asks for Gojo Satoru to once again make another sacrifice, you hold his face close to yours and throw out all thoughts that this could end badly. 
“I’ll be here, right where you left me.”
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reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated! <3 a/n: spirit appears, spirit writes, spirit disappears (hopefully not)
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the-plothole-court · 2 years
riko: you can’t hide forever
neil: try me
matt: yeah, try him
neil: my middle school classmates think my name is stefan
matt: yeah
neil: the only girl i kissed thinks my name is alex
matt: YEAH
neil: and my teammates think my name is neil josten
matt: OH YEAH
matt: wait what?
neil: don’t worry about it
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s4toryuu · 8 months
it’s okay — gojo satoru
two weeks after suguru’s death, you come home to to your apartment and to your surprise, your boyfriend.
notes: hurt and comfort, post jjk0, established relationship, angst, ooc!gojo (you’ll see), sorry in advance, based off when gege said gojo had many breakdowns after jjk0
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just like everyone, when you first met satoru back when you were first years, he was insufferable. however, you being you, you concluded that it would only be common sense that his title of being the strongest made a not-so-positive impact on his psyche. so you were forgiving.
you secretly made it one of four years’ mission to get the one and only gojo satoru to open up and drop the cocky act. but even when amanai riko, the girl he grew fond of in your third year, was assassinated, he barely budged. he said he barely knew her. not to say he wasn’t phased by it, but every time it would come up he would find a way to lighten the mood like he always has.
this was when you confirmed your belief about his damaged psyche. when they were in okinawa, satoru had texted you and shoko about riko and how you would love her and how riko would love shoko and utahime. he told you about the beach and the aquarium, and later geto told you about how satoru stayed up all the nights to keep guard. he cared about amanai, so his reaction couldn’t have been completely truthful.
you two still weren’t the closest then, but you just couldn’t let it go. awkwardly a couple of weeks after the girl’s death, you approach satoru after you finished a quick duo mission. “goj—satoru,” you start, mistaking his family name. he looks to you from the vending machine. “you know, it’s okay to be sad about it.” your voice gets quieter from the bench you sat at.
“huh? about what?” gojo sits next to you, handing you your drink of choice. “oh. yeah, I know.” he opens his coke. “but ‘ya know. it is what it is—that brat is probably in a better place anyway.” he shrugged and sat limp beside you with his arm behind your back, resting on the wood.
“satoru, it’s okay.” he took a big inhale and you fiddled with the drink in your hand.
“did suguru send you or something? or you being sweet for something else?” he looked to the side through his glasses. “it’s nothing to me now. plus, I learned a lot from it anyway.”
then, a year later, he barely talked about it when suguru defected. you figured you just weren’t close enough. when you started dating a year after that, the first thing you talked to him about was how it was okay to be sad even if it meant being weak in his eyes.
however, in the next 9 years, you’ve never caught him being more than just quiet or reserved when he was feeling down. even then, it wasn’t complete because he was always making annoying remarks. so you set that mission aside to be ready if the time ever comes, but decided not to hold your breath.
sometime in that time frame, you slowly notice satoru letting his guard down to you more and more during challenging times. upsetting or sad times were extremely rare, but that just made you treasure and observe them more carefully. you think it’s just satoru maturing as well. you used to joke that satoru being genuinely really sad was just as rare as his six eyes and infinity combo.
most of the times were because of his (and yours, kinda) adopted son/little brother/student/nephew/beneficiary/“brat with crazy potential”/“the future” named fushiguro megumi not playing along to his antics. the worst was when the pre-teen lashed out at satoru for “acting too much like my dad.”
that was the first time you saw satoru genuinely upset. he had asked (interrogated) megumi about his new middle school, to which the angsty kid, stressed with the new environment, who wanted to be left alone, snapped. satoru has opened up to you that night.
two weeks ago, satoru killed his best friend. you were guarding inside the school, especially because of the new student. when you had heard the news, all you thought about was satoru. it had been almost ten years that you talked to suguru, and honestly while you couldn’t blame him for his crimes, it was hard to look at him the same.
the first week after that, satoru was perfectly normal. the start of the week after was the same, so you figured he might’ve not been as affected as you thought. however, you couldn’t accept that he was just okay with permanently losing his self-proclaimed “other half.”
so when you come home after a full day’s worth of errands and hear deep shaky breaths from your bathroom, you think you’re mistaken. that part of you you set aside shivered at the thought that you were correct; that satoru bottled these big feelings to release them alone.
“satoru?” you called softly before slipping off your shoes. the door to the bathroom was open. as you started your way towards it the faucet started running, followed by water splashing against a face you now studied as you leaned against the doorframe.
“hey! you’re home early!” satoru smiled at you, face wet. he made no effort to stop the droplets from running down his chin, to his neck, and eventually to his sweater.
“so are you, toru. is everything okay?” you shifted your weight and he turned the water off. you swear you felt your brain flex at you struggling to decide how to approach this.
you swear he was just crying. will you make him uncomfortable if you pry? no, you don’t want to pry anyway. he was forced to kill his best friend just less than two weeks ago. it had only been you, shoko and satoru since suguru had first defected, but despite the time, satoru had always talked to you about suguru coming back somehow.
“yep. yaga let me come home early. I might take him up on that break offer, honestly.” satoru watched himself in the mirror, smile slowly fading. you grab a towel from a cabinet and have your boyfriend face you.
“that’s good. your students won’t mind. they understand—we all understand.” gently, you reach up to dry his face. to your surprise, you got stuck just in front of his nose. he still had his infinity on. you waited for him to realize, as he zoned out looking down at you.
satoru sighed softly and he closed his eyes. “shit, sorry. I’m distracted.” he rubbed his forehead and you wiped his face.
“it’s okay.” you tiptoed to kiss his temple and he bent down to reach around your waist. you hugged for a good ten seconds, feeling his chin on your shoulder.
“wanna take a nap?” you asked in an almost whisper. satoru nodded on your shoulder. “I’ll wash up first.” satoru hums and lets you go. really, you just wanted to hug him. you weren’t tired at all, but knowing satoru he would only rest like this if you were there to encourage it.
you dressed in a matching crewneck and shorts and walked to satoru, who was already on the verge of sleep in your bed. usually, when he felt your weight on the mattress he would lay his arm out for you to lay against his chest. instead, satoru let you lay down and just hugged you from your side.
he closed his eyes and sighed. he called your name and you moved your arm to let him lay against you. “I’m just distracted. I’ll save that vacation for another time.” he said, seemingly out of nowhere.
“baby it’s a break, not a vacation. I think you should take it. I can stay home with you if you want—”
“it won’t do anything anyway.” your boyfriend snuggled into you and rubs his face under your shoulder. you two laid in silence and after a couple of beats you speak up.
“I miss him too y’know.” you say, just above a whisper. you adjusted to put your arm under his head and turn yourself to face him. he nods his face into your neck.
satoru breathes in deeply and holds it in his chest. he releases it shakily. he doesn’t inhale until a couple beats and then he holds it and shakily releases it again. you rest your chin on the crown of his head, met with the comforting scent of his haircare. you think of what to say next, but gave up to hold satoru tighter.
“he’s gone now. because of me.” satoru whispers. your heart shatters and you freeze. suddenly all the memories of you, shoko, satoru and suguru from high school flows into your brain. you couldn’t bring yourself to speak. you wrap your hand around his head to bring him closer—an attempt to somehow share this burden.
you feel satoru swallow and he sighs. his breathing gets deeper with each breath, and you notice them getting more hasty. your heart sank to your stomach.
“satoru…” you start. he curls into you, knees shifting up against your thigh and finally, the tension breaks.
satoru sobs. he hugs you tighter and you feel tears welling up in your own eyes.
your mind went blank. you knew there was nothing you could say to comfort your boyfriend. this was the first time you’ve seen him cry in thirteen years. you felt as if your heart was squeezed. satoru was sobbing against your neck and you wanted nothing but to at least take some of his pain.
you listened to satoru sob and you closed your eyes. you held him, hoping the pressure comforts him. it was difficult as he’s almost twice your size, but nothing else felt right.
you knew satoru wasn’t only referring to killing suguru two weeks ago. he had told you how he was too weak to plead his best friend ten years ago to stay—that the two of them could make this all right. that the two of them could’ve corrected the system. he believed he could’ve prevented everything if only he was strong enough to do something so mundane compared to his battles. why couldn’t he have just… spoke?
satoru’s sobs leveled off. he went back to hasty breathing. you felt his tears on your pillow now and shoulder, but you couldn’t care less. all you wanted was for satoru to stop carrying his pain alone.
you kiss the top of his head and your own tears start to flow. “it’s okay, satoru.”
after a moment he pulls away from you and sits up, looking down at his lap. you stared at his slumped shoulders and he tried to steady his breathing. you sat up too and scooted up to turn your body to face him.
you held your hand to his cheek. he looked at you and looked back down. “it’s okay.”
he let out a shaky breath and you wiped his tears. his face was warm to the touch. he started a word, but he sighed and shook his head. you leaned in and hugged him. it was more for you than for him.
to say this broke your heart was too much of an understatement. you wondered how many times he’d cried alone. just because he was pinned to be “the strongest.” the title leaked into his life outside of his power. for a second you hated the world. you hated everyone at the school; yaga, shoko, nanami… your head felt hot with rage at how they could let that happen— how they could let satoru bear so much alone.
satoru looks down when you pull away, hiding his face. your hands rest on his shoulders and you kiss the top of his head again. “it’s okay.”
he coughs twice. you get up to get him a glass of water and he finishes it in three gulps.
“do you want to talk about it?”
satoru swallows and sighs outward. “I had to review the report. And testify as a witness. Yaga came and they let me off easy.” you sit down at the edge of the bed to listen.
“I just—“ he stutters. “that’s it.” you’re glad he’s calmed down. he finally looks up at you, still struggling to hold eye contact. it must feel weird for him to cry in front of you. his eyes were wet and red, along with his nose. his brows furrowed and he looks down again.
“I’m really sorry you had to relive that. those higher ups don’t understand your relationship. but it’s okay to think about it once in a while—and mourn.” you tell him.
“yeah…I know, it’s just hard.” he sniffled.
“I know.” you sigh. you pat his head and he rests it on your shoulder. you hug him again. the two of you make your way back to your previous position laying down, and you flipped your pillow. satoru scoffs amusingly, after which you expected a clever remark to come but it doesn’t.
“could you…” he hesitates.
“could you… stay tomorrow?” satoru huffs into your shoulder.
“of course.”
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reblog to give gojo a hug :(
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active-mind-15 · 8 months
I've got some more chronic Akashi brainrot for y'all...
I had re-watched parts of Last Game not too long and I remember the scene after Team Vorpal Swords won when Riko's dad bought a bunch of snacks and drinks for everyone to celebrate. While eating, Midorima asked Akashi (referring to the haphazard way snacks were spread across the table), "Are you sure you're okay with something so sloppy, Akashi?" And Akashi looked at him and said, "What are you talking about? We used to sit around and celebrate like this in middle school all the time."
It really stuck in my head for a reason I kinda mentioned the other day, when I was talking about Akashi's dynamic with Hayama. I won't explain that entire post, but I was mainly discussing how Hayama is touchy with Akashi but Akashi never minds, and the last sentence of my post regarding that was, "Akashi seems to be very unfazed whenever he's manhandled by his Rakuzan teammates which shows that he was never really that uptight about people touching him to begin with and people just assumed he was". This brings me to the main topic of this post: Akashi Seijuro and the assumptions the KNB cast has about his personality.
As I love to point out on this godforsaken app, Akashi has been done dirty by every adult in his life with the exception of his mother. So much of what went wrong in his 3rd year at Teiko was due to high expectations and the idea that Akashi was not allowed to be anything less than perfect at whatever he did, but at the root of all of this are assumptions.
False assumptions that he was able to handle such a heavy workload. False assumptions that he was ready to be captain in his second year. False assumptions that he was coping with stress well. False assumptions that he wasn't already cracking before he even enrolled in Teiko. He was let down so many times by so many people because people assumed he was okay when he wasn't and hadn't been for YEARS.
And I think it's a big reason as to how and why the rest of the Teiko gang unintentionally isolated Akashi back in middle school. They put Akashi on a pedestal and assumed that there was some sort of invisible barrier between him and the rest of the team. In the same way when, during Last Game, Midorima assumed Akashi would stick his nose up at... eating chips and drinking juice with the homies... everyone has this idea that Akashi is more haughty than he actually is? Akashi isn't haughty at all. In fact, the Replace Plus Chapters highlight the fact that he's the complete opposite. This boy saved a baby in one chapter, and as the mother of the baby profusely thanks him, he says "Anyone could have done that." As if he didn't showcase superhuman reaction time and reflexes by pulling a baby out of a runaway stroller coming down a hill at high speed right before the stroller was obliterated by an oncoming truck. 💀
These assumptions make even less sense when Akashi has already shown people how much he doesn't want to be put on a pedestal. Again, back to the scene in Last Game, Midorima assumed Akashi wouldn't be down for the "sloppy" afterparty, but Akashi had to remind Midorima that they'd already done things like that in middle school. Momoi has cute nicknames for every member of the Teiko gang except Akashi, who she refers to simply as "Akashi-kun". Maybe that was her assuming Akashi would never accept being called by a cute nickname. Never mind the fact that he already was being addressed as "Akashicchi" and "Aka-chin" by Kise and Murasakibara, respectively, and then later was being addressed as "Sei-chan" by Mibuchi. And you can't even argue that she didn't want to make Akashi uncomfortable, because Midorima has outwardly expressed before that he didn't wanna be called "Midorin" but Momoi just kept calling him that.
And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they're shitty friends for doing this. I just think that there was a lack of communication within the Teiko gang, and in an attempt to respect what they assumed were Akashi's boundaries, they unintentionally excluded Akashi from activities that he would absolutely participate in if he had just been given the chance.
This post is long asf so I'll just conclude here, but one of my delusional headcanons for the Teiko gang post-Extra Game is that Akashi becomes more open with them about how he feels and also about wanting to be included in more of their activities, and so he finally gets to experience having a regular hangout with friends like a regular teenager. I just think he deserves that so bad after feeling alone for so many years.
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marshmallow-manju · 13 days
due to popular demand I'm putting the WanPre movie plot under the cut
anything that's missing? i forgor. super spoilers for the entire movie.
Starts out with a mysterious egg coming from a computer screen in a laboratory. The egg escapes, glitching, and gets into Animal Town, voicing jealousy over the people taking care of their pets.
The precure find it, try to reason with it because it isn’t a Garugaru. But because it has ears and a tail and can speak, ending sentences in tanu, Wonderful calls it a Tanutanu. It gets angry. Grows giant. Attacks. The girls immediately pull out the Niko-sama full attack. It seems to work, but there’s nothing left when the attack is over. They transform back and, from behind a fence post, the egg sees them and is in awe that Wonderful and Nyammy are actually a cat and a dog. Thinking the fight is over they all head to pretty holic to play a new game they just bought. Satoru and Daifuku are also there and they’re set up with snacks and treats while they explain the premise of the game.
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Essentially, animal crossing looking characters, on an island of tanuki, run races and people from all over the world compete against eachother with their custom animal avatars. Iroha makes a Komugi looking character on her (not switch) and Mayu makes Yuki. Satoru is playing on his pc and makes Daifuku. They all ask the animals how they feel about the lookalikes, and they all approve, even Daifuku through Komugi’s translation. She notes that he sounds as cool today as ever. Cut to the other special two teams of the movie. Ageha makes a little birdie who looks like Tsubasa, to his embarrassment. Mirai makes Mofurun, who is delighted. Haa-chan also thinks it’s super cute, but Riko can’t understand why any of this is fun.
They play a little, and Komugi gets really into watching Iroha and actually jumps at the screen, causing Iroha to mess up and drop the Komugi mascot off a cliff to wander in darkness, which really upsets Komugi...until Iroha promises that they will be together forever and nothing will ever keep them apart.
They are about to start another game when the mysterious Tanutanu egg reappears. It “hatches” splitting into two human sized tanuki. They say they have no need for dogs or cats. Just the humans. And there’s a bit of them trying different ways to persuade Iroha and Mayu to come with them including transforming into cute tiny versions of themselves. They fall for it, and get sucked through a portal. Yuki and Komugi also jump through, Komugi barely making it. Satoru is distraught, since they disappeared before his eyes. And then looks under the table to find that Daifuku is also missing.
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In the game, Komugi is alone. And realizing that she is a weird hybrid of herself. A dog that stands on two legs! The tanuki appear and explain the rules to her. If she ever wants to see her precious Iroha again, she’s gotta win the games. Which is impossible! Good luck! She’s gifted with a ring (the item that anyone under middle school age is gifted upon entry to the movie theater, this year’s light up cheering item) and starts the race! Running to the first arena! First up is a rhythm game. The first Wanderful ed song plays and Komugi does her best to hit the buttons by herself. But she’s told that it’s a two player game and so she’s probably going to lose. She does her best, bouncing from button to button with no misses, until it looks like she’s going to miss one on the far side. Yuki hits it, with style and flair. And they finish the song perfectly.
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They team up for the next arena, the dancing tama-ire. (Note, this is something little kids do on sports day, so it’s definitely an appeal to the small children of the audience).
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The game starts with dancing. Another Precure song. Then the red and white balls drop down and everyone gets to throwing them into the basket. Notably, the avatars for mofurun and Tsubasa are in the mix without much focus. It’s random animals, the red team, against a team of all tanuki, the white team. And there are special balls in the mix. One Tanuki grabs one and suddenly becomes extra tall to block red balls from going in the basket. Komugi and Yuki also find special balls and become their Precure forms! Along with all the benefits they have with speed and agility. The other cure teams playing the game are shocked to see cures in the game. What could that mean?? Also the mysterious game programmer whose computer the egg from the opening bounced out of gasps that she didn’t program these characters…. Back to game. White team is winning by a small margin. Then it’s dance time again. And ball release. Repeat. They win it at the last second because Nyammy picks up like 300 balls and throws them all in at once. Somehow.
The next game involves turning a crank to move an elevator platform up a wall. It’s all tanuki NPC teams vs Komugi and Yuki, back in their animal forms, and the two tanuki who hatched from the egg. They’re asking why they’re trying so hard to save their humans. What could possibly be their motivations. Both animals have flashbacks of when their human partners rescued them. And declare that they’re going to be together forever. No matter what. They pull ahead to the top and win!! They’ve won the games!!
They’re allowed into the room with no exits that Friendy and Lillian have been trapped in with the NPC tanuki trying to make them feel better by turning into Komugi and Yuki (badly), and offering them fancy juice drinks and fanning them with leaves. The girls are overjoyed to see their pets again, happy hugging reunion. And then the boss tanuki appears. He’s huge. He’s wrapped in a green scarf. Intimidating. He offers to let them all live here in his game world forever. Never getting older or changing. Just being there to love and cherish the many tanuki, and also Komugi and Yuki since they won the games and proved themselves.
Satoru has been trying this entire time to get in contact with the game creator with Meimei cheering him on. The game creator has been typing codes into her computer, until the big tanuki, Mujina, appears. She recognizes him immediately, but calls him something else… He seems like hers very nice, until they refuse. Asking to be let back home to their families. He chose them because they love animals. Things seem at an impasse when suddenly. A very manly voice comes from behind the doors to the goal room.
It’s Daifuku.
In game rabbit form.
But now we can hear him speak and everyone is shocked. He is indeed as cool a character as Komugi has been telling us all this time. Mujina agrees to let the girls play one more game. The winner can get any wish granted that they want. The game is a tournament style balloon pop. Where everyone has a ball on their heads and a bat to pop it with. Except? It’s the 4 cures and daifuku against a full army of Tanuki NPCs, and Mujina on a throne. It looks hopeless. The cure teams watching feel like it’s hopeless…but maybe they can help? The mahou girls cast a Cure-up rapapa to try to get in there to help and send—
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Mofurun!! By himself!! The game starts and he very cutely casts a little cure up rapapa of his very own to pop all the balloons in one go. (I was really hoping for cure Mofurun, but….) Winning the whole game at once! Everyone cheers, and he disappears as his job is done. Daifuku pops the final ball on Mujina’s head. It’s over. Mujina is upset but allows the girls their wish. They’re transported to a blank space full of stars, where a weird Tanuki made of constellations offers to grant them their any one wish. Daifuku murmurs that he wishes he could have done more on his own powers and.
Flash of light, it cuts to everyone standing around staring at Daifuku. Hes shocked because he didn’t mean to take the wish, and says that he isn’t suited to being a human. We still haven’t seen him. But Nyammy opens her compact for him to see his reflection…. He is still a rabbit. Nothing happened. The wish was a fake and Mujina never intended to let them go.
Then, finally. The mysterious programmer and Satoru manage to get messages to them in the game! The game creator, Natsuki, has been working to program a portal out of there. But they only have a few minutes to make it work. And Mujina has figured out that he’s being betrayed from the outside. He’s powering up, growing bigger and bigger. The cures (friendy grabs Daifuku) run to make it up the unnecessarily complicated winding staircase that Natsuki made for their escape. Being stopped by the NPC Tanuki and using the kirarin fox to turn into matching Tanuki along the way to escape. They get to the final staircase, and Mujina is a giant swiping at them, clawing and grabbing the footholds and desperately trying to get them. The girls wonder why he’s so desperate. What’s the reason he wants to keep them here so badly? They get to the top and reveal the ticket to getting out of there. The tanu-key. (Terrible pun, it was great).
Mujina attacks again, and the key flys out of Wonderful’s hands. It lands in the air, cracking the border edge of the game world and sticking in the crack. Wonderful makes a dive for it. Crashing through the border and disappearing into uncoded territory. Natsuki is horrified. There’s minutes left to unlock the portal and she has no idea what is beyond the game world that she coded.
Komugi wakes up in total darkness in her game-dog form. She can see a light from the crack and starts walking toward it. An illusion of Mujina taunts her. Why is she trying so hard to get out. He’s offering her everything. The chance for nothing to ever change. For Iroha to never leave her side. But Komugi refuses. She wants change. A stairway appears. She starts climbing up it. Running. She trips. Mujina keeps taunting her. But she gets up again. Running and running. Declaring that change is wonderful and everyday brings something new and someday she and Iroha will be old ladies together!!!
She breaks out, Wonderful again! Key in hand! For the 5th time in the movie they beat the clock by one second!!!! Unlocking the portal with their Friend RIngs.
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They make it home! But they’re not the only ones out of the portal. Mujina has also escaped and gone full youkai form. A sleek spectral tanuki made of black energy, still wearing the green scarf. He sniffs. And bolts off. He’s looking for something.
The girls chase after him, leaving a relieved Satoru on the porch of Pretty Holic. And also a boy with gray hair that looks suspiciously like rabbit ears. Satoru knows him immediately and tells Daifuku that he’s so happy he can finally talk to him. They chase after the cures together.
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The action really starts from here. Somehow we end up at Minato Mirai (like almost all the Allstars movies do!!) Mujina is running rampage, destroying things on his run until he finally slams into the red brick warehouses. The hirogaru girls make their entrance and pull off some great attacks, and also combo with the wonderful girls. Mujina gets away again, and this time the mahou girls come in and do the same thing. Everyone poses and does a signature attack. It’s exactly what we’ve been waiting for with the crossover.
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He gets away again. He’s a tanuki on a mission. Except. He’s distracted by a guy walking and petting his dog in a display of human to animal affection. Mujina is pissed.
Satoru and Daifuku show up exactly then, running to try and save the guy and doggie. Wing sees this and makes a dive to save all of them. Flash of light. Both our bunny boys are in cure (?) form and save the day. Daifuku comments that it’s pretty alright to be like this and Satoru agrees.
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Once again the tanuki gets free and climbs a building. It’s clear he’s going to Natsuki and she knows it too. She’s on the roof of a building, waiting for him. Everyone chases after and he finally stops, growling, facing her. And she calls him something like “pon-chan” or another generic Tanuki name that I’m forgetting and goes into flashback mode. As a child she had no friends. But one day she met a little tanuki in the park near her school. She would stop and talk to and play with him every day, and it was the highlight of her days. She confided in him that even though she didn’t like school much she loved her programming class. One rainy day she gave him a green scarf and promised that she would be back tomorrow and the day after and the day after forever. Until one day the park was under construction and being dug up by big machines and she never saw him again. She instead threw herself into programming her first game character so she could remember her friend forever. One of the NPC looking Tanuki but with a green scarf. She went on to make her game, get a grant, and a contract with a company to make it a reality. But she never forgot her friend.
She was sad because they could never talk and she couldn’t say goodbye. She wondered if her friendship was one sided. But the wonderful girls assure her that even if her tanuki friend couldn’t speak real words to her. The warmth she felt when she was with him and the memories she cherished were proof that they were friends. The animal girls go on to say that before they were cures it was the same for them. Even if you can’t speak the feelings come through. Mujina sparkles and turns into the programmed character Natsuki made all those years ago. And shimmers into the sky. They come down off the roof and say goodbye. The animals turn back into animals and Tsubasa reveals he’s actually a bird. Meimei appears and tells Natsuki that she’s not to repeat this to anyone at all ever. They invite her to animal town someday to play.
The ending theme plays and has stills of everyone going on a picnic and having fun, Daifuku is back to being a regular rabbit, but Komugi and Yuki are in human forms mostly. But there’s a few stills of them as animals with Mofurun and Tsubasa and Elle all being small and cute together. Final scene, a bush rustles and a tanuki steps out. He looks just like Natsuki’s old friend. Everyone laughs as the camera pans to the sky.
The end.
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cherryys · 3 days
Gojo and Megumi exist as wretched mirrors of each other; you are all I could've been and you are all i might be.
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how their characters and their narrative arcs are foils of each other, a post:
1. Intro
Gojo and Megumi's origins start off pretty similarly: they were born from the 3 major clans, and they inherited the prized technique and let that dictate their lives, for better or for worse.
The divergence in fate starts when Gojo chooses to take Megumi in instead of letting him be subjected to the Zenin Clan's whims, i.e making him go down the same path Gojo had been born into and end up isolated and alone just like he was before Geto.
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Here is where the first key component that separates Megumi entirely from Gojo fundamentally and the fate Megumi would've eventually found himself trapped in:
2. Tsumiki
Here, when Megumi is asked what he wants, he asks about Tsumiki, about her happiness. Megumi has someone he cares about and someone that cares about him from a young age, something Gojo didn't have yet.
Tsumiki was the reason he chose to go with Gojo. Had she not existed, Megumi wouldn't have taken Gojo's deal and probably dismissed him as he would've gained nothing from going with him, which would've ended with him with the Zenin Clan per Toji's deal.
in fact, she's the reason why Megumi turned out so differently despite being under Gojo's tutelage. Because of her, Megumi had someone to ground him, someone to connect him to non-sorcerers and "weak people", something Gojo didn't have. Because of her kindness, he had made it his
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ideal to save people. there's an emotional weight and connection because Megumi grew up surrounded by non-sorcerers (went to a normal middle school) and was influenced heavily by them (Tsumiki).
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So despite his grievances with people in general, he gets it. he understands where they're coming from, he despises it exactly because he grew up in it, and he sees it reflected in himself. but his sister changed him and showed him that some people are worth saving and fighting for.
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unlike Gojo when he was a teen who, because he didn't have any connection to non-sorcerers or "weak" people growing up, viewed himself above them and saw that saving them was an unnecessary chore. and even with Geto, he was still indifferent.
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it wasn't until Riko and Geto's defection that he saw value in saving these "weak" people too, but even then, there was still a sense of detachment from everyone else. a duty he had to carry out.
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But because Megumi had earthly attachments (Tsumiki) he wasn't able to awaken or reach enlightment the way Gojo was able to in HI. in that moment of awakening, Gojo had momentarily let go of everything— Riko's death. Of course, Riko and Tsumiki are completely different in regards of how much they mean to Gojo and Megumi respectively (one is someone gojo knew for a few days at most while Megumi grew up with Tsumiki) but the point is Gojo had a separation from everyone else since the start (barring Geto), a separation Megumi never had because he had someone to tether him to the "world", so to speak, and that was what Sukuna exploited to completely destroy him.
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3. Connection
Because Megumi was more "grounded", he was able to connect and interact with his classmates and upper classmates in a way Gojo wasn't able to before (barring Geto). Megumi didn't separate himself from the people around him, and spoke to them very respectfully.
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he speaks to his upperclassmen formally using polite speech and honorifics, he still considers himself part of them, not a higher being or anything. Hell, he even trains with them (Maki), and heeds their advice well.
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And while at the start he had an aloof air about him, he's quick to form bonds with Yuuji and Nobara, and by CH. 58, he was able to share a vulnerability with them and trust them to help him save his sister. Hell, as early as CH. 10, they had already impacted him hard enough for him to honor their wishes.
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Gojo never had that with anyone before Geto, and he never had it with anyone else other than him.
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This isolation Gojo felt is because of being The Strongest, but it's also because he grew up alone in the Clan, so it was what he was used to, unlike Megumi who grew up with Tsumiki.
4. Techniques
Their techniques and the way they work reflect their characters and contrast each other. Limitless is a very strong offensive Technique that requires precision to master, and it's one that works best alone. Its destructive power doesn't allow for any team-ups, and Infinity only protects him from any dangers, so it's isolating in nature. That's why Gojo works best alone. it doesn't allow for cooperation.
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Contrastingly, 10S is a very versatile technique that has many uses besides offensive, and it is one that relies on cooperation because you can use many shikigamis at once, and it's one that doesn't isolate the user because you can utilise it in team-ups, too. its strength is in numbers. That reflects on their characters, their insecurities, and flaws.
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Limitless sacrifices companionship for strength, and 10S sacrifices strength for companionship.
Likewise, Gojo loves the strength that comes with it yet he loathes the loneliness that it subjects him to, and Megumi loves the companionship that comes with it yet loathes the inadequacy he feels that comes from not being strong enough to protect the people he cares about.
10S is a technique that works against the user because you have to put your life on the line for the rituals, but you have your shikigami to aid you. while Limitless is one you can train freely with little to no immediate danger on the user, but you have to do it alone.
Gojo grew up being told he is strong while Megumi grew up being told he could be strong. That's why Gojo thrived and Megumi didn't. Gojo was constantly assured he was The Strongest every step, while Megumi was pushed to grow faster despite his efforts.
5. Dreams
Gojo had always loved Jujutsu, and he preferred his death by Sukuna's hand over something "boring" like dying of old age. He doesn't like simplicity. while Megumi wanted that. he never liked Jujutsu and would've preferred he lived a quiet and peaceful life.
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6. Conclusion
Megumi exists as a harsh reminder for Gojo: He is all he could've been—able to connect with the people around him and have empathy for those who are weaker than him, and Gojo exists as a harsh reminder for Megumi: you are all i might be—powerful, but alone.
6.5. Prediction
this is just a prediction, a theory if you will, but there is a chance that Megumi could have his awakening in Chapter 271, surrounded by his friends, as opposed to Gojo who had his alone and detached from everyone else. who's to say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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aftgficrec · 16 days
Hi!!! Do you have any recommendations for Kevin/Jeremy/Jean fics? Both more canon compliant ones or AUs are fine. Thanks!
I’m pleased to say there are some fabulous fics in our previous recs, and I found quite a lot more Kerejean for you here. - S
Previously recommended:
In the Light of Day here
‘when i kissed the teacher’, ‘Lap Sitting’ and ‘Spice the Eggnog Ch.8’ here
‘Daylight, Sunsets’ here
‘Belief’, ‘Our First Christmas’ and ‘Kerejean soulmate au’ here
‘Funeral Pyre’ here (updated)
‘Best of you’ here (updated)
‘To Be Certain We'll Be Tall Again’ here (completed)
‘Coming Home’ here
‘Enby Kevin/Kerejean Request’ here
text me (when you're home) by Anonymous [Rated T, 11007 words, incomplete, last updated Sept 2024]
After a summer of radio silence Jean finally reaches out to Kevin in form of a text. It goes from there. or a kevjerjean texting fic
'tis the damn season by footnotesforfoxes (y2beans) [Rated M, 7155 words, incomplete, last updated Aug 2024]
BREAKING NEWS - Exy star Kevin Day suffers extreme knee injury! Will he ever play again? Kevin Day, Jean Moreau, and Jeremy Knox have never been able to leave each other alone. That is until five years ago when Kevin chose his future in Exy over making a life for himself with a couple. After a career-altering injury, he is forced to face the mistakes of his past and find that love that still waits for him.
tw: negative self image
So Dark the Hunger, So Sweet the Ruin by NikNak22 [Rated M, 7233 words, complete, 2024]
This is a story about a boy, a monster, and a curse. It is about a sun, a moon, and some stars. It is about longing, words unspoken, and scars that never heal. It is about things scuttling around in the dark that should never be seen. It is about wanting something so badly that you would sacrifice everything to keep it safe. Even from yourself. Aka in a world where Kevin doesn't have a soul mark, what is the point of him falling in love?
tw: depression, tw: self esteem issues, tw: negative self talk, tw: implied/referenced suicide attempt
Haunting Spirits by fullyvisible [Rated T, 13637 words, complete, Daylight Savings Fest 2024]
Kevin's life is going wonderfully until the fifth anniversary of Riko's death catches him by surprise, and he realizes his happiness--and his sobriety--may be more precariously balanced than he had thought. Kevin is desperate to keep it together well enough to prevent anyone from noticing, but Jean and Jeremy know him better than most.
tw: alcoholism, tw: ptsd
Because, Despite, Still by codename_adler [Rated T, 11047 words, complete, Daylight Savings Fest 2024, locked]
"No matter what Jeremy thought he knew, no matter his meticulous observations and incessant pleas for Kevin to come and fix Jean, Kevin could see plainly that perhaps he should not have trusted the USC Captain on that one. Every time you show up on TV or any of us talk about you, he shuts his eyes for a few seconds. Like… Like he’s looking for you, inside himself. There’s nothing… There’s nothing else I can give him. I swear to you Kevin, I would if I did. I’m well aware this is most certainly going to get uglier before it gets better, but that’s a knife I can’t remove myself. Only you, Kevin. Only you. Please come home to him."
tw: implied/referenced abuse 
NB: you can find a link to a playlist for this fic on the author’s tumblr post
The "Ex" Protocol by KweenDay [Rated M, 14151 words, complete, Daylight Savings Fest 2024, locked]
Jeremy has heard about Jean's high school boyfriend, Kevin, of course, but he's not jealous. He doesn't get jealous over exes. Except... he didn't know ex-Kevin was THE Kevin Day, Exy royalty extraordinaire. And no, he's still not jealous... or obsessed with him. So what if he keeps finding a way for the three of them to be in the same room time and again? It's for research! Obviously.
tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced cult membership
In The Middle by KweenDay [Rated E, 6894 words, complete, 2024, locked]
Jean has always looked at his life in two segments - the one when he loved Kevin Day and both, pleasure and pain, were inextricably linked; and the one when he loved Jeremy Knox and he learned that loving someone could come without the threat of pain looming over his head. But in the past few months, both of those segments are bleeding into each other. The shadows of the past mixing with his present, and Jean thinks maybe this is a whole new chapter. Something different. Something good.
tw: explicit sexual content
Break the Ice by noNic02 [Rated E, 25396 words, incomplete, last updated Feb 2024]
Things are finally looking up for Jeremy Knox. He moved to a new city, he likes his university program, his roommates are great (mostly), and he started hooking up with one very attractive Jean Moreau. There's really only one problem - Jean's roommate hates him.
tw: explicit sexual content, tw: scars, tw: implied/referenced abuse
Tell me where it hurts most by xxhearttommo [Rated T, 1828 words, complete, 2024]
Jeremy is on a date with his boyfriends when he answers a call from his mother and finds out his father has passed away. Jeremy is hurting. Jean and Kevin help him get himself together and go through a rough patch.
tw: death of a parent
suneater by REDRAGEOUSED [Not Rated, 11371 words, incomplete, last updated Jan 2024]
Jeremy reaches over and messes with Kevin’s hair, nails scratching his scalp lightly, and he leans into it hard, barely noticing it when he turns to whisper to Jean that “they should probably get him home.” Then the car is starting and Jeremy’s hand pulls back and this time, this time Kevin holds back the whine, but he’s still feeling fucking ridiculous because what grown man enjoys being pet. Kevin is not built for this, he is not built for affection and soft touches, he is built to be hit and bruised and pushed to his limits so this is just all fucking wrong. kevin day is desperate and fucked up and everything wrong with the world. he's not sure how they haven't realized yet.
tw: implied/referenced eating disorders, tw: panic attacks, tw: implied/referenced abuse 
through numb lips by REDRAGEOUSED [Not Rated, 2494 words, complete, 2024]
Kevin isn’t really sure why they’re whispering, but given the way he has to swallow, thick and heavy, to answer, he thinks it's probably for the best. He says “I think- I think I’m high.” He doesn’t know why he says it like that, but then Jean, vaguely somewhere up laughs, and he’s glad he did. kevin day gets high & gives the best blowjob of his life
tw: explicit sexual content, tw: recreational drug use
Lagom by NikNak22 [Rated E, 19399 words, complete, 2023]
When his kingdom falls, Prince Kevin Day is ripped from his golden cage and thrust into reality. With no skills to speak of and his title gone, he has to work long and hard to learn how to survive. It is only through the grace of his teachers (or captors or liberators, depending on how one looks at it) that he has succeeded, allowing him a kind of freedom and self-sufficiency he's never known. Together, Jeremy, Jean, and Kevin form a tenuous bond of loyalty and obligation, allowing them to co-exist peacefully. It is a partnership built on mutual understanding and respect. One with clear lines and boundaries. One that reminds Kevin daily of his place. Until one day, it all starts to unravel.
tw: explicit sexual content, tw: self esteem issues
The Love We Unravel by fullyvisible [Rated T, 10049 words, complete, 2023]
Jeremy deserves a comfortable, safe life; Jean knows he can't give it to him - and neither can Kevin. But they don't consider whether Jeremy thinks they're a risk worth taking. Inspired by Midnight Rain by Taylor Swift.
Birthday Wishes by fullyvisible [Rated T, 2595 words, complete, 2023]
It's Jean's birthday, and he expects to spend it alone - which would be fine, if he hadn't gotten so used to spending his time with Jeremy and Kevin.
Beach Trip by fullyvisible [Rated T, 4592 words, complete, 2022]
When Jeremy finds out Kevin and Jean have never been to the beach, he decides to take them for a day in the sand, sun, and waves.
tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced scars
Optimiste by mitigates [Rated M, 28838 words, complete, 2022]
“Riko is- is dead. I am- I am- I am alive-” Jean sucked in a gasping breath that made his chest ache with the force of it. He gripped Kevin’s collar until his breaths calmed into a slow aftershock.  A soft gasp in the doorway revealed Jeremy’s presence. Jean turned on him, eyes flashing. He said the words harshly in French, “This does not concern you!” - or - Jean loses his memories after an accident. In his mind, he's barely survived Riko's last beating, Kevin left him alone at the Nest, and Jeremy is nothing more than a strange captain from another team.
tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: major character injury, tw: nightmares
can you show me how to make it true? by Flowerparrish [Rated E, 11071 words, complete, 2021, locked]
It’s not that Kevin and Jean don’t text. But one day, Kevin gets the text.
tw: implied/referenced alcohol abuse
doomsday by erosandhades [Rated T, 4810 words, complete, 2021]
He remembered every drink Kevin had thrown at him, then the shots, then moving to the next party, then Jean. He remembered thinking “fuck it”. He remembered doing three more shots with Kevin and two with Jean. Now, he didn’t remember how he got there. Or that tweet "one time at a party i kissed someone's girlfriend and to make sure he wasn't mad about it i just kissed him too... i blacked out and woke up to a text in a groupchat with both of them that said "did you make it home safe baby? <3"' but make it Kerejean.
One, two princes kneel before you by moonqueerdom [Rated T, 10084 words, complete, 2021]
Once upon a time, on a cold, dark night in the Central Court of Arcane, the annual winter masked ball was held. Faeries danced majestically all over the place, for the song being played by a charming group of faeries was enchanted (more literally than not) and the folk wouldn't miss the opportunity to celebrate the solstice. The winter flowers were blooming inside the castle with all the magic bursting from the Land and from the folk, and snow was falling outside the transparent plasma-gloss walls. And, last but not least, two princes and a guard were about to meet among all those partying people. A fairy tale about three faeries who meet at a masquerade ball and accidentally start a new folklore. And they're a chaotic mess.
Ask me to kneel by moonqueerdom [Rated E, 15404 words, complete, 2020]
Jeremy Knox meets Jean Moreau and Kevin Day in a BDSM club after some time without seeing them and finds that they have quite a Dom/sub dynamic that interests him immediately
tw: explicit sexual content
Stuck With U by moonqueerdom [Rated M, 21198 words, complete, 2020]
Jeremy and Jean go to Denver and stay at Kevin's apartment, but then the quarantine starts and they are forced to spend much more time than they expected in the city. And at Kevin's apartment.
tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: anxiety, tw: implied/referenced suicide, tw: alcohol abuse
cuddly kerejean by @ohsleepie on X
cold weather is better if you have two boyfriends to be your personal heaters🧡❤️💛 by @princesoleil29
highkey in love w them ? by @redrageoused
I’m supposed to be working but I needed everyone to see my vision by @thepriceofsurvival
Hockey is rotting my brain , but so is Kerejean  by @jeremy-knoxs-on-wood
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tthel · 16 days
KnB future AU (kinda) where all the characters end up in the careers they wrote in middle school (or something non-basketball):
Kuroko would, of course, be an amazing kindergarten/elementary teacher. He have Nigou certified as a helper dog and would have all the best guests
Kagami would be a firefighter. Amazing, no notes
Aomine would be a policeman. He'd be one of the ones who is weirdly good with teens and trouble kids
Kise would be a model (I know he canonically wrote pilot, but I can't see him with such a regular job, and I read a fic once where he'd kind of grown to hate it, so), and I feel like he'd be the everyman's representative for the Olympics or any major sporting event. The media would be all over him - this amazing model, former member of the Generation of Miracles. And then he would watch whatever sport was being explained on that segment and ace it first try
Midorima would be a doctor. Either a specialty surgeon or a pediatrician, no in-between
Murasakibara would be a baker/pastry chef, and run an amazing bakery
Akashi would take over his father's business, hire Momoi, and end up owning half of Tokyo. Between the two of them, it would be the most above-board conglomerate ever
Riko and Hyuuga would run a sports camp with Kiyoshi for kids of all ages and backgrounds
Imayoshi would use his unique ability to take down every yakuza and gang in the area. He always asks for Aomine when he calls, and half the detectives either can't stand him or don't know what to do with him
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thee-horny-thicky · 7 months
So a while back, I wrote what was supposed to be the beginning of another fic, about Suguru losing his girl to Satoru. However, I never picked it back up. With Savior concluded, I'll probably start working on it soon. Until then, enjoy this snippet :)
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Every little choice you make has the potential to affect the very course of your future. Asking someone how they’re doing may prevent them from ending their own life. Deciding to ask a stranger for directions can lead to meeting your soulmate. Waking up too late can save you from being a victim of a brutal attack. Accepting a drink from a stranger can lead to you being kidnapped and sold. Driving your car just a little too fast can result in you dying a fiery death.
Making little choices that alter your life and that of those around you is the very basis of the butterfly effect. Your actions always have consequences, after all.
Suguru Geto was now learning this the hard way. Not answering a few texts, rejecting some invitations to hang out, and missing a few days of school seemed like minor choices. He hadn’t been in the right headspace for the past few weeks. Riko’s death had impacted him, and every day, he regretted not allowing Satoru to slaughter those fucking twisted cultists.
Their applause continued to echo through his head, the memory of the way they rejoiced at the death of an innocent girl never failing to sicken him.
He’d thought nothing of taking time to himself to cope and intended to make it up to every single one of his friends. You, most especially. He’d begun to long for the feeling of you in his arms and planned to treat you to a date night to apologize for his absence.
But actions have consequences, and the consequence for his was seeing Satoru flaunt you around the school. Unlike him, the heir of the Gojo clan had no reservations about showing you off to the world.
And why wouldn’t he? You were so quick-witted, a living challenge to the idea that pretty girls couldn’t be intelligent or capable. Your cursed energy could turn explosive, and he delighted in seeing the sadistic smile on your gorgeous face as you blew up 1st-grade curses with ease. You weren’t from a major clan, but you were from an upper-middle-class family of sorcerers that’d traveled the world, making you miles more experienced than most of your peers.
Your knowledge was something he loved about you, and your technique was something he admired about you. He adored seeing you high off adrenaline and caught up in a battle, how light your laugh sounded, the way your pretty eyes gleamed. The nature of your technique made you destructive, and you embraced that wholeheartedly.
You’d been the yin to his yang, and he allowed you to slip through his fingers.
Suguru hadn’t wanted to broadcast your relationship, not ready to fully commit to you. He was a part of the strongest duo, and that came with a lot of responsibility, which allowed little room for love.
Or, so it had seemed, as Satoru seemed to be juggling the two just fine. Because unlike him, Satoru had taken Riko’s death as a testament to how short life was and didn’t hesitate to take his chance with you.
He regretted not adhering to your pleas to publicly claim you, and anger would flare inside of him every time he wondered how long you held feelings for Satoru. Surely, his time away from you wasn’t enough for your feeling to fade away.
But either you were a damned good actress, or you’d truly fallen out of love with him, and transferred your feeling to his white-haired friend. The two of you were caught up in your own little world, giggling as Shoko looked at you and Satoru in disgust. Watching the two of you was sickeningly sweet, and whereas the brunette seemed repulsed by your bountiful PDA, it only made Suguru bitter.
It should be him holding you, not Satoru. The man already had everything, being blessed in every way imaginable. He had looks, money, power, and a stupidly large personality. Surely, it wouldn’t be too much to let Suguru have you? If anything, you should be his reward for all he’s gone through, not another thing he’s lost.
Satoru brushed his lips over yours, and though the kiss was chaste, it was too much for Suguru to bear. Were you trying to make him jealous, allowing your ex’s friend to be so handsy with you?
As Shoko faked a gag, Suguru shot from his seat. His friends look at him in confusion, while you merely rolled your eyes. When you look at him, there was no bitterness or satisfaction in your gaze. No, it was worse with that, as your eyes held no discernable feelings for him. It was a far cry from the way you looked at Satoru, so full of affection, the same you way used to look at him.
“You good, bro?” Satoru questioned; his arm wrapped around your shoulders.
No, he wasn’t, and his best friend was part of the reason why. He never gave much thought to the flirty comments Satoru aimed your way, because that’s just who Satoru is, a flirt. He thought it was just playful banter, not that he was expressing his true feelings for you.
How wrong he’d been.
“I’m fine,” he gritted out, gathering his things.
He could tell none of you believed him, but he didn’t care. He needed to get away from you and Satoru before he did something he’d regret.
“Where are you going?” Shoko asked, twirling the stick she kept in her mouth.
To find a curse to brutally kill. He needed a way to release his jealous rage.
“I have something to do.”
“Oh, wait, before you go, we’re going out tonight,” Satoru revealed, gently stroking your back as you leaned against him. “Wanna come?”
And see you all dolled up, wrapped around Satoru, and pretending he didn’t exist? He’d have to pass.
“I’ll see.”
“Oh, c’mon,” you whined, finally acknowledging him. “We haven’t hung out in so long!”
He had to hold back a scoff at your faux concern. If you really did care, you would’ve waited for him until he was ready to come back to you.
“…I’ll think about it.”
“I’ll text you the deets,” you said, ignoring his hesitance as you pulled your phone from your pocket.
Nodding, he began to walk away, stopping when his phone buzzed. His eyes widened at your message.
You: Stop being a little bitch and text Satoru back. He misses you.
You: I know you’ve seen them.
He quickly put his phone away, worried he’d throw the device if he stared at your texts much longer. Of course, you didn’t miss him. No, you were only concerned about Satoru.
Turning back, he shot you a glare, but your focus was again on Satoru. Not even Shoko noticed him, too concerned about making fun of you two.
Not bothering to hide his soured expression, he stomped away. Maybe he would go out tonight, just to put a damper on yours. Perhaps, he’d find a pretty thing to cuddle up with as you had with his best friend, though he doubted he’d elicit a reaction from you. Regardless, he needed some way to get the bitterness out of his system, and fucking it out might just be the best release possible.
So, as he stomped away, he fired off a text to Satoru to let him know he’d be in attendance.
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