atlantidekids · 1 year
Dell’accordo tra l’uomo e la natura resta l’immagine struggente di una casa in rovina sull’altura
La casa sull’altura di Simone Massi, Nino De vita – 2011 Orecchio acerbo La casa sull’altura è abbandonata. Da lontano non si direbbe. Poi, a guardar bene, ci si accorge che i campi sono ormai a saggina e gli unici frutti che potrebbero essere raccolti sono i fichi d’india. Siamo in Sicilia? Potrebbe darsi da come sembra riluca il sole sul tratto in bianco e nero di Simone Massi. Solo certi…
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gryffinwall · 3 years
So, how do Riley & Farkle get together?
I was asked quite some time ago to talk about how I thought Riley and Farkle would come together. I’ve thought about this a lot since then, and while I’m not 100% happy with my answer, I felt it was high time to give it to you.
First things first, Lucas and Riley need to realize they are not a good romantic match. The show caught a lot of flack for its alleged “bad writing,” and some of that criticism came from the lack of interaction between Riley and Lucas as a couple. If you’ve read anything else on this blog before, you would know I don’t buy into that theory for a second. Them not acting like they’re together and their anti-chemistry was completely, totally done on purpose. Yes, they liked each other, but as I’ve talked about before, neither saw their relationship for what it really was, and it checks out that they’d eventually realize they’re better off as friends.
After that, Smackle and Farkle need to break up as well. And if I’m being honest with you, this is the part that’s tripped me up for a long time. I wanted to break them up in a way that felt in line with the show while also hitting a natural ending for their relationship arc. And while this post is mainly about the Riarkle ship, it makes sense that Smarkle could end with both realizing they feel something for somebody else*.
For Smackle and Farkle, a big component of their relationship was helping each other grow. He helped her understand emotions and social cues, and in return, she helped him elevate his academic game. But after a while, there was bound to be a natural conclusion for these two. Considering Farkle himself doesn’t have the best understanding of feelings, there’s only so much he could do to help her grow. And as much as he’s always appreciated Smackle for inspiring him to be his best, that dynamic could still exist without a romantic aspect attached to it.
In other words, it checks out that they would both outgrow their relationship at some point. In fact, it would be surprising if they didn’t outgrow their eighth-grade relationship at some point (we can’t all be Cory & Topanga!).
So, Riley and Lucas break up because they realize they work better as friends. Smackle and Farkle break up because they realize they’ve outgrown their relationship — and have both felt sparks with other people. How do Riley and Farkle come together?
If it were me in charge, I would have them start spending more and more time together. There’s a bit of a parallel between Rucas and Smarkle — to an extent, they both realized their relationships sounded better on paper than it ended up being in reality. (It’s a bit more nuanced than that, but there are definitely some similarities. In my head, Farkle has a bit of a brain meltdown when he hears about Lucas and Riley ending their relationship. He’d have a bit of trouble comprehending something that makes logical sense not working out because of feelings, but he’d also have a bit of a lightbulb moment when thinking about his own relationship).
After some Lucaya-circa-S2-esque moments (i.e., flirting), Riley would be the first one to voice her feelings, even if it’s only to Maya. And because it’s her show, I really want Riley to have her moment. As much as she deserves the Big Romantic Gesture, I want Riley to be the one who tells Farkle how she feels first, and I want her to instigate the first kiss.
Annnnnd because I’m a cheesy sap, I've always imagined their first date being basically a direct parallel of GM First Date. Lucas and Maya would be each other’s “dates,” and our Riarkle dorks would do the goofy slo-mo run — to each other for real. I also have this very clear vision of Riley stumbling on the subway (because of course!), but Farkle catches her before she actually falls. He’s got her. :)
*I should probably mention here that the person Smackle starts feeling this for is Zay. But you probably knew that.
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nhsflickerx · 4 years
guys, if you don’t believe i’m that crazy as to actually have 258 notes on my girl meets world folder, then get ready because it’s gonna be one heck of a big ride.
oh, and i’m gonna need so many gifs you don’t even imagine. someone knows some good apps to make them?
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leoleofitz · 4 years
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AMBITION ship aesthetics - Riley x Lucas
He shifts his intense expression back to her, immediately softening when they lock eyes. It’s the first time they’ve really looked at one another all night - it’s the first time they’ve really looked at one another in what feels like too long - and as soon as they do it’s difficult to look away. A million and one feelings floating between them, left unspoken. [Ambition 2.08]
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gmwships · 6 years
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“Words weren't made to tell this story For I can't describe the ache No remorse for your betrayal Yet though I find that hard to take How can beauty change unseen into a monster, I don't know Lost love is my hell Sweet is the curse of hearts intwined but lost, detached but bound Sad is their fate without relief Cruel is the curse of love, so luscious yet so dangerous Sweet curse, our hell” (ReVamp)
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incorrectgmwquotes · 7 years
Lucas: Riley, I have a very interesting business proposal for you. I'm moving a lot of heavy stuff out of my old room this weekend--
Riley (immediately): Can I help you move? I'm really good at it. Afterwards I take the paper and wood from the boxes and I use it for dancing.
Maya: I'll go, too.
Lucas: Really? Because an hour ago you told me you'd rather look at a sexy picture of your grandparents.
Maya: Shut up. I don't have anything else to do. Do you want help or not?
Lucas: Alright. See you guys later.
Riley: I think that that's really, really sweet that your grandparents still make love.
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iambecomeafangirl · 7 years
Okay but I'm still sitting here and hoping for season 4 of GMW.
Hope is for suckers
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yuniesan · 7 years
Happy Anniversary Riley Matthews and Lucas Friar
It was on July 29th 2016, when Lucas told Riley that his favorite thing in the world is talking to her, and that he wants to have the important talks with her. Because he chose her, and in his heart want her to chose him. And Riley said she was lucky to have fallen on his lap. Happy anniversary Rucas
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starlightbarbie · 7 years
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Why have I not seen the GMW fanbase talking about this? Let’s get on it.
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gryffinwall · 5 years
Why Riley and Lucas Needed to Get Together (So They Could Break Up)
The short version:
Riley and Lucas don’t see each other and their relationship for what it truly is. They have both built it up to be this perfect fairytale romance and needed to date to figure out that’s not exactly how it is. If they hadn’t, this idealized fantasy relationship and all of the “what ifs?” would have destroyed any chance for both of them to move on.
The long version:
To be blunt, Riley and Lucas idealize the hell out of each other and their relationship. From day one, Riley thinks Lucas is her true love, romantic lead, the Topanga to her Cory. She doesn’t want to hear about his past, doesn’t really acknowledge his flaws and gets outright mad when Lucas’s Texas past come to light.
Lucas isn’t much better: he loves the goofy, silly side of Riley and with the exception of GM High School (and kiiiiinda GM The Other Side/Sassy Halter Top/Whatever else this episode was called at one point), he doesn’t see her relentless optimism and, yes, stunted growth as a bad thing.
The way they see their relationship, however, is even more problematic. They both see it as this great, big, written in the stars romance when the reality of it is painfully different. They act more like friends than a couple. They constantly refer to the library conversation as this great, big, defining moment in their story, yet it was presented in the episode (GM Boy, if you’re interested) as a friendship moment. Even Lucas’s “I choose you” moment in Ski Lodge wasn’t all that sweet or romantic when you really read between the lines. Yet neither see any of this.
Riley and Lucas needed to date. They needed to see that they weren’t acting like a couple, that their library moment was actually the start of their friendship. They needed to see that they don’t really have any romantic chemistry. They needed to come to the conclusion, on their own, that this great big romance they’d idealized wasn’t the reality of the situation. They needed to figure out these things so they could be free of the the fantasies they’ve both lived in for a long time, and start living in reality.
Had Lucas tried dating Maya at this point instead, it wouldn’t have lasted. They big “What If?” of Riley and Lucas would have killed the relationship. Lucas always would have wondered what it would have been like with Riley, always idealized this fantasy relationship with her, and it would have destroyed his relationship with Maya.
I truly believe that had we gotten season 4, this would have gone down in some way or another. I don’t think for a second Lucas and Riley’s lack of intimacy, even lack of scenes/plot lines together was a result of bad writing or simply because it’s a G-rated show. Farkle and Smackle acted like a couple, so why didn’t Riley and Lucas? I think this was the writers building up to the reveal that the two of them act more like friends for a reason. It was their chance to essentially get the Rucas ship out of the way so they could give Riarkle and Lucaya a fair shake down the road; too bad we didn’t get to see this pan out.
If there’s a topic you want me to write about, please let me know! I’ve opened up the option to submit questions and posts, so feel free to request away! The upside to this whole awful Coronavirus thing is that I have more time to blog, yay!
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sk8terpercy · 7 years
What do you miss most about gmw?
It’s funny because I was just talking to my grandma about all the theorizing that happened within the fandom and explaining the atmosphere that came with it. I geeked out for 20 minutes over the symbolism and meta in the show but then I got a feeling of melancholy.
I honestly miss that feeling of having teaser posts, having new episodes air and learning a new lesson every week or every other/two weeks or even a month because of the weird Season 2 scheduling. I miss going onto tumblr within an hour of an episode airing and everyone was already talking about it.
I miss getting excited for the tapings.
I miss the gifs. The gif edits, the gifs of the scenes, but also ones of sly and sneaky camera angles. It felt nice.
I miss how throughout the rest of the week and even months afterwards, we had discussions and break downs of the episodes and I miss how enjoyable that feeling was. There were color theories, character analysis, character/relationship dynamic analysis, brain dumps, and I learned more and more. I think I learned the most about History and English in this fandom than I do in school and it always slightly corresponded with what I was learning because I am a year behind the kids on the show.
I miss when recently (not that recent, now), on scheduled days (on Fridays and weekends) marathoning certain episodes of BMW and doing a GMW rewatch or marathoning movies like “The Empire Strikes Back” was a thing and we would talk about them and @lucayafever23 had their trivia days where we would send in asks for the guessing game/Q&A because they could and had 2 hours to spare. I loved hearing everyone’s thoughts about the episodes and then there was May who was hands down the funniest person in this fandom, let me tell you.
I miss the ship/character appreciation weeks that happened and how anyone could participate, as long as you were nice about it.
There were and still are amazing edits and quotes and moodboards and the most amazing writers ever. I haven’t read all the fanfiction out there for GMW and my preferred pairings or even others but there definitely are some exceptional writers.
I remember only having gotten involved with the Tumblr fandom *because* of the theories. I’ve always been someone who thinks critically and pays attention to detail and I was always kind of mocked for that. @theowldetective was the first GMW, not to mention theorist, blog that I had ever seen and I don’t know how, I’m pretty sure it was a thread or post or something that I saw and someone directed the person (that had a question about Lucaya I think) to her blog that was, at the time, yeoldeshipper. I really wish I had screenshot it at the time and and sent it to phone because that computer doesn’t work anymore but that’s beside the point. The point is that that post, thread, or whatever started this for me. I was hooked by the theories and the endless ones that were there once you scrolled down and it said, “More Posts Like This”. Ngl I felt weird just snooping on her blog for hours. I felt like such a stalker, reading all of the different posts at once but I would honestly do it again if I could. It was because of the Girl Meets Texas Arc that started my curiosity but it was because of Girl Meets “Sludge” turned “STEM” that I was even looking on the internet for things about GMW and wanting to know the probability of something being there between Riley and Farkle or Lucas and Maya and that this isn’t me “analyzing every little thing 😂” or taking something that isn’t actually there and running with it.
I miss how at home it felt. That despite anything we stood by each other because we agreed on the important things, the things that seriously mattered like the cancellation, and episode order in Season 2. Yeah, it’s not the most perfect fandom and gmw isn’t a perfect show, both have had its flaws but they both mean the world to me. I met some amazing people through this whole experience and I learned a lot of things because of this show and it has had such a huge impact on my life as a growing teenager who needs these characters, who needs that push, that dose of reality, and these life lessons that come with each episode.
I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
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obsessedx · 7 years
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maryeemeeh · 7 years
Wolves of Manhattan
SUMMARY: He is the rich kid from the Upper East Side with a troubled past and a dysfunctional family. She is from Greenwich Village who is pulled into the world of the rich and famous when her parents receive promotions. When their paths cross, a spark is ignited and the tables are turned when they learn they are far more connected than they thought. AU.
Originally posted on fanfiction.net 
CHAPTERS: One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight
"So is it true?"
Lucas looked up from his Geometry textbook. Class was about to end as students slowly began to pack up, ignoring the teacher's final words in the lesson. "Is what true?"
Thor threw his messenger bag over his shoulder. "What everyone's saying." Lucas knitted his brows together, waiting for him to elaborate. "Rumor has it that you're back on the baseball team to play in the Championship game."
Lucas quietly chuckled at the thought. "Uh no. I won't be playing until next season."
"I heard it from Coach himself." His teammate, Dave who plays shortstop said next to him. "You're in, man."
Lucas gave a confused look and opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by the sound of the bell, signaling that second period has ended. Students rushed out from the classrooms and scattered the hallways. Lucas walked through the rift of students and eventually found himself in the library during break period. They were nearing the end of the school year, which also meant finals were around the corner. It was expectantly full of anxious students cramming restlessly for finals week. He walked in further past the computer lab and up the stairs to the second floor, scanning a familiar face until he caught sight of Zay and Farkle at a corner table near the tutor center.
"Hey, guys." Lucas took his seat between the two of them, ignoring the stares and the giggles from his female classmates as he walked by. He looked over at Zay who stopped scribbling down notes and leaned back on his chair, shaking his head at him. "What?"
"All you have to do is sit there and look pretty, man." He remarked with a glare, gesturing over to a group of girls staring at their direction. "You don't even have to try. Girls just line up for you."
Zay continued his rant as Lucas idly gazed around the room. He was about to make a witty retort when someone from across the room caught his eye. She was sitting down a few tables away, chewing on her bottom lip—her brown eyes fixed on a novel she had lost her mind in. He found himself staring at her out in the open, trying not to be obvious about it. His palms began to sweat as he gingerly opened his notebook.
"Hey." Farkle broke him out of his trance, nudging his shoulder. Lucas jerked back, unaware. "Are you alright?" His voice had snapped Lucas out of his reverie. He rapidly blinked for a moment, and then came back to reality.
"Huh? Yeah." He murmured rather unconvincingly, absently twirling his pen between his fingers while trying to read his Biology notes. Farkle and Zay exchanged matching grins, realizing the reason for his odd behavior as they peeked at her direction.
"So…have you asked her to the dance yet?" Farkle could not resist asking the question that had bugged him since this morning. With the annual end of the Summer dance fast approaching, everyone seemed to be excited about it as the endless chatter of dresses and dates filled the school.
Lucas melodramatically fell back onto the chair and groaned inwardly. "How do I ask her to the dance?"
"How about, 'Riley, will you go to the dance with me?'" Zay suggested, his tone hinting slight sarcasm. Lucas sat up and glared at him.
He was not known for being an awkward guy. In fact, Lucas had a reputation for being quite the ladies' man—always getting the attention of girls with his dashing good looks and athletic abilities. It's not like he never asked a girl out before. He had dated girls in the past, took them out to see a movie and accompanied them to school dances. There wasn't much effort on his part. Girls did most of the asking. He was a smooth talker, he hardly ever had a problem picking out the right words. But with Riley, it was different.
"You better ask her or someone else will." Maya joined their table just moments later. He tried not to think about it, but the very thought of another boy asking her unsettled him.
"If you don't ask her then I will." Thor joked playfully as he grabbed a chair nearby and sat down between Lucas and Farkle. An uneasy silence filled the air for a few moments as the core four eyed him suspiciously. "What? She's quite a catch." He then turned to Lucas and whispered. "By the way, I was only kidding about the asking her part."
Zay's eyes furrowed and he gave Thor a puzzled look. "So…are we like supposed to be your friend again? Because I'm confused as to why you're sitting with us." He turned to Lucas questionably.
"It's okay, guys." He said, nodding reassuringly as he looked from Zay to Farkle, and then at Maya. "We're…we're okay."
Maya scoffed. "Well, I still don't like you." She retorted as Thor simply shrugged it off and flashed her a crooked smile.
A whole minute passed as a heavy silence fell upon them once more. Lucas swallowed hard as his nerves picked up again. The group eventually breaks into conversation, talking about the Baseball State Championship and Lucas being back on the team, which apparently the whole school knows about, but him. Lucas proceeded to tune them out, mentally reminding himself to talk to Mr. Matthews regarding the matter.
"Dude, why haven't you moved yet?" There was amusement in Thor's voice as it pulled Lucas from his thoughts. "Go ask her. She likes you."
"What makes you—"
"She likes you." Thor clarified with a knowing look.
Lucas bit the inside of his lip and felt a very nauseous feeling rise in his stomach.
"What's the harm in trying?" Maya asked, sensing his distress. "The worse she can say is no."
"Yeah, and you'd still have half of the girls in the school to choose from." Zay added bitterly.
Except there was no one else he would want to go to the dance with.
"Oh what the hell." Lucas stood up abruptly, his courage found finally after a whole week of contemplating as he grabbed his belongings and forged ahead. He knew that he must seem calm on the outside, but his mind was racing, and so was his heartbeat. His hands were sweating more than ever as he clenched his fists and unclenched them, making an indirect route to her table until he finally stopped behind the seat in front of her.
"Hey." He breathed nervously. Lucas felt his heart skipped a beat or two when she looked up and smiled brightly at him.
"Hi, Lucas."
"Um…may I sit here?"
She blinked after a few seconds and replied quietly. "Yes. Yes of course."
He sat down across from her as they fell into a comfortable silence with only the sounds of pages turning and chairs squeaking with their occupants' shifting.
"What are you reading?" He asked, genuinely curious and happy to have time to speak to her.
"Me before You." She replied enthusiastically as she showed him the book cover.
She closed the book, marking her spot between the pages with a pen. "It's tragic really. I read it like three times, hoping for a different and happier ending." Lucas raised a curious brow. Riley tensed up a bit and blushed in embarrassment as his green eyes focused on her. "You must think I'm weird."
His smile crossed his face before he could stop himself. "Not at all."
Lucas felt like he was flying just talking to her. It has become one of his favorite feelings in the world. Once he got pass the initial awkwardness, the conversation flowed seamlessly. They talked about the upcoming finals week, her favorite novels, little league baseball, and their plans for summer break. Then after a few moments of silence, Lucas watched her pull out her Physiology textbook and flipped through the pages while occasionally writing down notes.
Then he remembered why he was there in the first place as he frantically rehearsed in his head on how to broach the subject. "So…are you going to the dance?" He asked softly, his heart thumping wildly in his chest.
Riley shrugged. "I don't know. I guess if someone ask me."
He took a deep breath and readied himself for either answer, and promised that if she rejected him he wouldn't react.
"Will you go to the dance with me?"
His reply had been instantaneous and right to the point as he tried not to cringe under her disbelieving stare. He felt more self-conscious than he'd ever felt before in his entire life. His heart started to beat faster and faster with each passing moment. What was she going to say? Yes? No? His mind raced, and he was sure that he was going to have a heart attack if she didn't answer soon.
"Y-you're asking me to the dance?" She mumbled faintly, blushing nearly as deeply as he was.
He swallowed and his heart was sinking fast. She was going to reject him. He was sure she was going to say no, and he was never going to be able to look at her again. "Yes, I am."
Lucas stiffened as Riley opened her mouth again, and he was clutching the sides of his chair so tightly his knuckles turned white. The dread was already settling in his stomach as he agonized through five more excruciating seconds.
"I'd love to."
Riley rushed back home from school with a flurry of excitement. The absolute glee on her face and her carefree posture made it feel like her heart was soaring high in the clouds.
She was going to the dance.
And she was going with Lucas Friar.
It wasn't supposed to be like this. At least not how she imagined her high school life would be. Riley tried to tell herself she wasn't exactly Lucas' type. She wasn't the type of girl guys like him would notice. She was just…Riley. Because really, why would a handsome and most popular guy in school go after a clumsy, over-the-top, average nobody like her?
Riley shook her head vigorously, trying to expel such thoughts. She had no idea when it had started, or how it began. Sure, he was quite a vision to look at, but she didn't expect to enjoy talking to him. He made her smile, laugh, and even just feel good about herself. But the one thing that the girl with long, brunette locks couldn't deny was that she was falling for him.
Riley was still beaming joyously by the time she arrived at the doorstep that led to the apartment. A few quiet murmurs could be heard from behind the door as she opened it and stepped inside.
A completely unpleasant silence filled the room. The kind of silence that her well-trained instinct tells her something was wrong. Her parents, her brother Auggie and her Uncle Josh were all in the living room, facing each other as they turned to look at her as she entered. Suddenly her excitement from earlier had dissipated, and anxiety coursed right through her when she noticed their somber expressions.
What's going on?"
"Honey, come sit down. We have something to discuss with you." There was a mixture of restrained anger and sadness in her mother's voice as she patted the empty seat on the couch beside her.
"What is it?" Riley asked as she slumped down onto the couch, seeing the look of disbelief on her mother's face.
"There was a School Board meeting today." Her father began, reaching over to grab his wife's hand. Riley shifted her eyes to their joined hands and watched as her mother gave his a squeeze. She looked up and frowned as a pained expression began to dawn upon his face. "There were parents who shared their concerns about how I run things at the school. Particularly, the disciplinary action I imposed on one of the students." Riley simply nodded, her silence prompting him to continue. "I have always taught you and your brother to stand up to what you believe is right even if faced with opposition."
"I know..." Her mind was still wrapping around his words, trying to understanding the meaning of all this. "What are you saying, Dad?" Riley's breath hitched and worry flooded her voice.
"I was let go, Riley. I am no longer the Dean at the school."
To be continued…
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gmwships · 6 years
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Aesthetic Challenge: 4/10 AUs
For the last three years Lucas Friar has generated his own fanclub led by Missy and Sara with his club joined by various other girls in the high school. During the upcoming class play this club devises a plan to make Lucas look even more princely and his girl friends worse by comparison. Missy fixes that by miscasting the roles to everyone’s dismay: Maya’s Cinderella, Riley’s the wicked stepsister, Lucas the fairy godmother, and Farkle’s prince charming! After all they can’t have Lucas being with either Riley or Maya in their play – or real life – for that matter. Now the class must change this classic Fruits Basket adjusted fairytale, and Missy must accept that she might have pushed student director, Isadora Smackle, and Lucas together.
“Why can’t you get this right Matthews!” Missy said. “Make her cry! Have an breakdown! You’re the evil stepsister!”
Riley panicked as slunk down onto the stage floor. “Sorry. Sorry. You can with hold my dinner if you want.”
From the background a classmate mutters why they’d with hold the step-sister’s dinner. Maya rushes over and hugs Riley, the rest of the class groan.
“Aww. It’s alright honey.” Maya said as she helped Riley up. “Besides aren’t sisters supposed to help each other?“
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