2001hz · 11 months
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メトロポリス (2001)
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wonderoustime · 8 months
suna kinda definitely has a thing for hair.
growing up with a life-size dress-up doll (a.k.a his little sister asami) has left suna an expert in hair and fashion. he says she always annoyed him until he was doing her hair for her ("more like he hijacked my hair," asami once grumbled to you), so he obviously knows a thing or two. he usually de-stresses after a long and tiring day with his hands in your hair as he experiments with different styles — both wacky and... surprisingly cute ones. gently easing out tangles as he brings your hair into a dutch braid, or softly murmuring apologies while quickly rubbing circles on your scalp to soothe the pain from the pulled hair during a high ponytail. the repetitive motions of fixing your hair for you eases all his worries and makes him feel lighter than before.
suna also loves it when you return the favor. be it massaging shampoo onto his scalp or softly stroking his hair. he finds your touch soothing — reassuring him that you're just there, right next to him as your fingers rubbing gentle circles on his scalp lulls him to sleep right where he lays on your chest.
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Page of Metropolis (2001) storyboard studies! This is your reminder to study and learn from the art you love~
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goryfluff · 2 years
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METROPOLIS メトロポリス (2001) dir. Rintaro
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lele-11 · 6 months
ME: yall I love Suna Rintarou and stuff but like. Finding fanfics of him is sooo hard. Like, BRO I DO NOT WANT A SUNA STORY IN WHICH HES A DRUG ADDICT. I srsly believe he likes edgy aesthetic but HE IS NOT A DRUG ADDICT. like why can’t there just be something a bit more wholesome 😭
ALSO ME: *currently writing a depressing Suna fanfic that is the opposite of ‘wholesome’*
(But srsly. Yall need to make Suna stories that makes him NOT a drug addict or something)
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atomic-chronoscaph · 1 year
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Space Pirate Captain Harlock (1978)
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kushanna · 2 years
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Bride of Deimos | 悪魔の花嫁 蘭の組曲 (1988) dir. Rintaro
Revolutionary Girl Utena | 少女革命ウテナ (1997) dir. Kunihiko Ikuhara
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relicariums · 3 months
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Metropolis (2001)
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comradebeandip · 4 months
Directed by Rintaro
Cinematography by Hitoshi Yamaguchi
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curiousrentals · 11 months
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Bride of Deimos | 悪魔デイモスの花嫁, 1988
“Though the flowers may wither, their scent remains. The strong scent of suspicion. A spider unceasingly spins its web. Not resting for a moment even as you sleep.”
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igrofox · 12 days
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Середина октября выдалась довольно теплой в Харборе и Мишуно. За последние три года сестринские посиделки с детьми снова стали постоянным явлением для сестёр Стэнфилд и Монро. Вот и в этот раз девушки собрались в игровой комнате в детском центре где развиваются их дети.
-Они уже такие большие.. -Фелисити в очередной раз любовалась подросшими мальчишками бегающими друг за другом. -Мальчикам же уже по 4 стукнуло да? - немного грустно спросила Керри. -У нас дети ровесники, ты же до сих пор не привыкла что мы стали мамами? -с ухмылкой перевела вопрос Фелиция.
Керри задумалась на пару секунд. -Возможно… Знаете за это время я так и не почувствовала себя матерью… -Монро грустно посмотрела на близнецов -Порой я вообще ловлю себя на мысли, что всё случилось слишком рано и люблю ли я близнецов… Все заботы о них взяли на себя мама и Курт, давая мне возможность, как можно скорее вернуться в моделинг. -Почему ты не рада? -Фелиция с искренним удивлением посмотрела на кузину -Ты можешь тратить время на себя и по желанию сидеть с мальчишками.
Старшая из двойняшек легонько ткнула сестру костяшками -Фел, Керри имеет в виду, что не чувствует материнской любви к Тревису и Люку. -Что?! -Фел задумчиво вспоминала последнее обсуждение материнства ещё будучи подростками -Но разве ещё подростком ты не относилась нейтрально к беременности и даже мечтала о совместных детей с Куртом?
-Было такое, но… Видимо раннее окончание школы и работа моделью поменяло мое отношения к этому. -Керри с грустной улыбкой посмотрела на младшую кузину -Ты то и сама поменялась в отношении материнства. Раньше ты с такой брезгливостью отзывалась о беременности, да и детей не хотела, но сейчас души ни чаешь в сыне и рада быть его мамой.
-Выходит при своём мнении осталась только ты, Фей.
Фелисити тихонько рассмеялась -Что правда то правда. -девушка продолжила наблюдать на играющего сына -Я никогда не хотела уходить далеко от семьи в сторону работы или себя самой. Любимый муж и ребёнок, работа писателем из дома - всё что я хотела. -пожав плечами, девушка уверено улыбнулась -Не смотря на то что я ещё не получила диплом, мне уже предлагают работать в нескольких издательствах.
Керри решила продолжить тему университета и спросить давно волнующий её вопрос -Фел, а ты так и не планируешь поступать в университет?
-Я бы с радостью.. -Устало вздохнув Фел мельком глянула зашедшую в здание Эвери -Всё ещё хочу работать дизайнером, но на данный момент меня берут только на разовые проекты из-за неопытности, а на универ времени нет.
Старшие сёстры переглянулись и взволновано посмотрели на Фелицию -Нет времени? Разве Генри не зарабатывает пассивно с акций сидя дома?
-Ты говорила он даёт тебе возможность реализоваться в дизайне, нет? -с недавних пор Фелисити особенно уделяет внимание отношением между сестрой и её мужем, сама не понимая почему.
-Всё так, но в последнее время в компании проблемы, плюс повздорил с братьями, и он то в компании сутками, то дома без сил. -Скрестив руки на груди, Фел хотелось свернуться в клубочек. -Рин всё время со мной, так что мне едва удаётся делать одноразовые заказы…
-Фели… -Керри знала кого это когда не удаётся побыть наедине с супругом и хотела подбодрить кузину.
-Я не жалуюсь, не подумайте.. -стараясь сделать голос менее расстроенным, Фел надеялась избежать жалости сестёр -Просто немного расстроена, что придётся ещё на какое-то время отложить дальнейшее обучение.
Пока сестры продолжали беседовать, со второго этажа спустила Эвери Кроуфорд с дочерью на руках.
-Мамочка, там Рин играет. Не перенося компанию Фелиции и её сына, девушка старалась побыстрее покинуть центр. -Нет. -Но я хочу поиграть с ним. -Малышка стала дуть губки и строить щенячьи глазки матери. -Нет, Хели, папа нас ждёт снаружи и забудь уже об этом мальчишке. -Эвери старалась сдержать раздражение от привязанности дочери к возможному "дяде"
Спустя ещё полчаса детских игр и разговоров, мальчишки скромно уселись рядом друг с другом
-Люк, ты тяжёлый. - Макс старался аккуратно сдвинуть кузена с живота. -Мамочка, я кушать хочу. - крикнул второй из близнецов. Макс поддержал младшего кузена -Я тоже хочу.
-Похоже уже наигрались - с тёплой улыбкой Фелисити прервала диалог с сёстрами и обратилась с мальчикам -Что хотите покушать?
-Я бы тоже перекусила чего-нибудь. -поняв что время доходит к 6 часам вечера Фел резко почувствовала голод.
-Я хочу ПИЦЦУ! И калтошку фли! - как самый голодный восклицал Ринтаро -Мы тоже! Мы тоже! -поддакивали остальные. Встав с нагретого местечка Керри пошла за верней одеждой детей -Тогда давайте собираться.
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2001hz · 1 year
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Galaxy Express 999 Ginga Tetsudō Surī Nain dir. Rintaro (1979)
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rriinnnie · 7 months
reach you | suna rintaro x reader
bandau!guitarist! suna rintaro x singer!reader
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“Rin is more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of - I am sure of one thing - his and mine are the same”
WARNINGS: smoking, use of drugs, swearing, toxic relationship, nsfw, sex, vulgar and strong language, rehab, addiction, anxiety, mental illness, depression
WORDS: 2.9k
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It was late in the evening when Eita called Osamu to meet him. That’s why they were now at the port of the town. Confusion and a sense of betrayal washed over Osamu after hearing the news from the leader. On the other hand, Eita seemed very calm about it. He stayed silent, looking over the horizon where the sun set.
“Do you have a lighter?” was all he said and without looking at the young boy he catched the lighter that was thrown at him. “Thanks man” he smiled and proceeded to light up his cigarette.
“What’s this all about old man?!” Osamu grew impatient, he didn’t understand a bit of what his older friend was telling him “Are you really gonna leave us behind?! And what about University?!” then a smacked fell on his head “HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!”
“You jackass it’s about Rintaro not me, are you even listening to me?” now it was Eita’s turn to feel irritated - how could a person be so dumb, he couldn’t explain it. Then something clicked on the poor teen’s mind “what? Is Sunarin leaving for Tokyo?? And why is that?”
A moment passed, the puff of smoke that left Eita’s lips mixed with the cold weather of their hometown “Do you remember about that band Rintaro and I often hung out with? If i’m not mistaken they now go by the name of “NoMemories”” he explained “yeah what about them?” Osamu couldn’t see the point of it. “well about two years ago, they signed a contract with a big record company in Tokyo. Now it looks like they are about to have a huge debut”
“WHOA! THAT’S AWESOME! I’M SURE THAT IF WE CONTINUE LIKE THIS WE WOULD BE ABLE TO HAVE OUR DEBIT AS WEL-“ Eita interrupted him, now looking at his eyes “i don’t think that would happen ’Samu”
He felt guilty saying this but that’s how reality really was “Before the announcement of their debut, something happened and it seems like their guitarist left the group out of nowhere….”
“That’s why now they all hope Rintaro will join them”
The sound of the world shutted and everything else around him stopped.
Osamu couldn’t find the courage to speak any other words “This morning Mr. Prodigy went to Tokyo to meet up with the producers. He brought a taped recording of his guitar playing and of course they loved it, at the end of the day it’s Rintaro we’re talking about haha, that rascal. You had to see his face when they gave him the contract” Osamu was still in disbelief, eyes widened, his usually cheerful behavior was no where to be seen, he was trying to collect all these information - was Rintaro really gonna leave them? What about Revival? He was the one who formed this band and now he wanted to abandon them?
“wait a second Eita” his voice was flat, if Semi didn’t know any better, he would have believed that this was not Osamu “mhm? If you’re wondering if he already left, I assure you he hasn’t. He still has many things to figure out before moving. He’ll be back tomorrow morning don’t worry hahah” - why was he acting like that? didn’t this affect him even a bit? Isn’t he angry with Rintaro? Is he supporting him? Aren’t we gonna stop him? what side you’re really on Eita? This were the questions that haunted Osamu’s mind.
“I can’t accept it leader” he admitted, Eita looked over him, heavily sighing. Of course it was an uncomfortable situation to be in - he was well aware of that - but what should he do to fix this problem? Besides there was still a huge obstacle to break down and that was you.
Did Rintaro even tell you? If so how did you react?
“I know it feels surreal but-“ “WHAT IF WE ALL GO WITH HIM TO TOKYO LEADER? WE CAN GET PICKED UP BY PRODUCERS TOO!! AND FINALLY HAVE OUR DEBUT” - ohh how naive of Osamu to even think that. “sorry to break it to you but the one they chose is Rintaro not Revival. This will be a huge opportunity for him and I won’t let anyone ruin that for him. He deserves this opportunity. You know he always loved music. Playing the guitar has always been his passion and doing it in front of thousands of people would be a dream come true from him” - of course it gutted Eita but he loved his brother till death and was gonna do anything in his power to make him happy.
Eita have always wanted the best for Suna and he always knew that this guy had the potential to go far with his talent “……’Samu….” he whispered.
“…don’t you think his talent is wasted here?”
Yes, it was. Eita always viewed Suna like a trapped bird with beautiful wings. However those wings were clipped and couldn’t fly high to show everyone the beauty he had to offer.
Rintarō is a prodigy, everyone knew that. This was a one in a life time opportunity, they had to be happy for him and support him no matter what. Osamu sighed “You know…Rintarō firstly refused the offer because of Y/N…” Eita revealed “he said that if Y/N wasn’t there then he didn’t even need to think about it, he was gonna stay here with her. He said something like - “there’s no point in playing if my inspiring muse isn’t there ~ <3”” Osamu looked at his leader with disgust, almost throwing up “WHAT?!” Eita said confused
“please don’t imitate Sunarin anymore that doesn’t fit you at all” he stated but another smack was thrown on his head “I WAS JUST EXPLAINING TO YOU THE CONVERSATION I HAD WITH THAT BASTARD. I’m telling you all of this cuz i’m the one who convinced him to accept, so if you have to be mad at someone that is me. Leave Rinataro out of this”
“I’m not mad…whatever decision he will make i’m sure it’s the right thing to do but at the same this I can’t help but think about Y/N…
…Is Sunarin gonna dump Y/N?”
A sigh left Eita lips. He was as worried as Osamu about you. They all knew that you were attached to all of them and that Rintarō was your pillar, so with him leaving, your panick attacks will increase drastically - but Rintaro didn’t know any of this at the time, he didn’t know how much you suffered his departure. He left you just like your mother did.
“You know…you shouldn’t stick your nose into other people’s business” Eita lectured “BUT I WANT TO KNOW. WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO HER?” “‘Samu, Y/N is a proper independent and mature woman, she can take care of herself. Besides they are both mature enough to decide about what they want to do with their relationship. If Y/N wants to leave with Rintarō, so be it. But at the end it’s her who has to decide and that punk knows it better than anyone else. Even if he wants Y/N to come with him he won’t ask her because he is just like this…he’s kind….he’s a good kid”
“Eita you’re so mature I think i’m falling in love with you” Osamu confessed but all he got was another smack “STOP WITH YOUR BULLSHIT!” Eita angrily shouted “YOU’RE SO MEAN LEADER!!!”
“by the way ‘Samu, I have a gut feeling that she won’t follow him. She will stay to show him that she can rely on herself and achieve everything she needs even without him by her side so you ‘Samu better get started and go look for a new guitarist” he smiled and then left.
“But before that, prepare yourself to soothe our princess once the prince leaves.” Eita joked and waved at his friend without looking back. Even though y/n seemed strong she was still a frail girl in love just like others.
However a constant thought hunted Eita’s mind - did he do right thing by convincing Rintaro to leave? He knew better than anyone else that that kid suffered from anxiety and couldn’t live in the idol industry, but he wanted to believe in him - cuz he promised he wouldn’t rely on those substances anymore.
But promises are meant to be broken, right?
[The same evening in Y/N and Rintaro’s home]
As Osamu and Eita were having the conversation, you were in Rintaro’s little wearehouse, crunched down on the cold floor hugging your legs together.
You observed the place.
“Y/N, I will be going to Tokyo”
Those words repeated on your mind like a broken CD. You couldn’t handle it anymore.
Last night you didn’t said anything to him in response and just fall of asleep with your back facing his figure. He sighed and before drifting to sleep he covered your naked figure and kissed your temple.
“Tomorrow I have to go and meet the producers in Tokyo, just some formality and shit, nothing has been decided yet. So don’t worry I’ll be back tomorrow morning, I promise” he whispered.
“I’m not worried at all because I know that despite you’re leaving to Tokyo, tomorrow you’ll be back into my arms. But what will happen when they will ask you to sign for them and won’t come back to me nymore?” you thought.
Yesterday events felt surreal. Why didn’t you say anything to him? You don’t know. Maybe deep down you were hoping that he would be rejected by the label and everything was gonna return back to normal. But you knew that was impossible. He was too good to be rejected and that made you hate him.
You started to cry.
You reminisced the day Rin told you his story. He never knew who his parents were, he just knew that they abandoned him at the front door of this not so big warehouse near the port and that a passersby coincidentally found him there and brought him to the town’s orphanage were he met Eita.
When he was telling you that he laughed. Laughed at the memories. Some might pity him but he did have a good childhood despite all. He was free and grew up faster than the rest of the kids. He started to smoke very early because he felt like an adult - he was only 12 maybe 11 at the time. He was savage, careless, blunt and everyday he found excuses to ran away from the orphanage just to sit at the front of the warehouse where he could observe the ocean.
He was around 5 when he found a guitar inside the storage room of the orphanage. From that moment on he developed such a strong bond with it and fell in love with music. Many consider him a prodigy, till this very moment. He didn’t need a teacher as he learned everything by himself as if he was born to play the guitar. Eventually he became so good at it that every night he played for the other kids before sleeping and even taught to a few of them how to play, even Eita.
When Eita was adopted he didn’t have anymore reasons to stay there and eventually moved into the abandoned warehouse. But he still usually payed visit to him and his new family - so often that his mother offered to adopt him but he refused.
He wanted his freedom.
He was and has always been a womanizer. But you couldn’t blaim him for it, because it is undeniable that he’s handsome but the reason why people fell for him was not only because of his looks but because of his gentleness.
In fact, despite the bored look behind his eyes deep down you all knew he was a kind boy. He always prioritized others problems before his like it was normal - it was his instinct. And you were one of the countless girls who fell for him. But the only one who catched his heart and locked it, making it yours. When he met you he felt like he didn’t need nobody else but you and that was it.
When he asked you to be his, it was in the middle of december, it was freezing as hell and snow didn’t seem like it wanted to stop any time soon, but both of you didn’t mind a bit, you were sitting on the port looking at the ocean which appeared as a soft white blanket.
Days after his confession he asked you to move in with him and even gave you a spare key to his place. In return you gave him a neckchain with a lock that had the same latch of his home. You locked it, like a seal.
That was the seal of your love.
But back to were we left, you were now gazing at the room.
Despite being equipped by few but essential fornitures, it still felt empty. Every thing that was placed there held a fond memory of you and him.
The couch was the first thing Rin picked for his place but now it was a bit damaged because of the numerous times you two slept there when he still didn’t have a bed - because he stated that he didn’t need one but when you moved in he decided to order a bed. However despite the countless times you slept there it didn’t feel warm anymore like it used to be.
It was on that couch that you and Rin spent endless nights gossiping about the more or the less such as the affairs between the pub’s slut and the mayor’s rich son - Rintaro even said that she tried to hit on him when he was still in high school but you didn’t belive him even a bit.
Then it was on that same couch he made love to you countless and sleepless nights, showing you how much he cherished you.
Then your gaze shifted at the table in the middle of the room. You still perfectly remember the first time you came in he just had one chair but eventually he added one for you. Everything he had, he duplicated it- just for you.
Then beside the entrance there was the plant you bought 3 weeks ago but it was slowly dying - you had never been someone who could take care of a plant - but the sight of it dying made you sad - would this have been the same end of your relationship with Rin? The thought sickened you.
On the walls he hung some posters of his favorite band and now you felt like they have been watching and judging you for the past 20 minutes. As you avoided their gaze your head turned to his electric guitar that was resting near his bed side and then just right on top of the bed you observed the scattered papers of his new song - was it selfish of you to hope that it was dedicated to you? Maybe, but what you didn’t know was the fact that he actually wrote if for you.
It was already 12am, Rin left for Tokyo to meet the producers early that morning and was supposed to come back in 6 hours but he hasn’t contacted you since. You hated when he wasn’t there, hated the idea that he could live his life without you - the thought ate you alive. You tried to convince yourself that you didn’t even need him, that you were capable of living alone - because that’s how you grew up. Alone and abandoned.
His face flashed through your mind and the idea of him leaving you worsened your condition to the point where your heart started to beat faster than usual, your eyes couldn’t see anything but black despite being wide open, your body felt cold but at the same time you were dripping from sweat and as minutes passed by, your breath worsened to the point you thought that you were about to die.
A panic attack
You tried to stand up and reach for your phone that was laying on the your nightstand. You had to call someone - Rin? no way he is probably busy or tired after his day and what were you expecting from him to do? He is literally in Tokyo, kilometers away from you. Osamu? that fucker has a heavy sleep, nothing could wake him up.
No choices, you had to call Eita.
Your vision started to get even blurry and as you were just a centimeter away from the phone, you felt your head getting dizzy.
black, silence, cold
That’s when you lost you conscious.
As you fall down on the floor your hand hit the nightstand.
Everything dropped.
Your phone.
Your cigarettes.
Your lighter.
And the framed picture of you and Rintaro broke down in pieces.
You were still laying unconscious down the floor when a pin echoed through the apartment.
- 12:24 am -
[ 6 new messages from: Rinnn <3]
Rinnn <3: I miss you so much princess. Be back in a few hours.
Rinnn <3: Got some good news from the company.
Rinnn <3: I know you’re mad at me but we’ll figure something out, like we always do.
Rinnn <3: Can’t wait to see you
Rinnn <3: guess my princess is asleep. Goodnight sleep well ~~
Rinnn <3: i love you <3
stupid Rintarō.
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Hope you enjoyed it!!!
Part 4 soonnn!!!
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l-ultimo-squalo · 8 months
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Labyrinth Labyrinthos dir. Rintaro. Featured in Neo Tokyo (1987)
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abdulraveman · 8 months
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Kishi Yuta
Anan No.2361
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reblogthy · 2 months
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A thing that Knocked Me On My Ass while watching Osamu Tezuka's Metropolis (2001) last week was this map in the background labeled with the names of various Southern Ontario municipalities but definitely is not a map of Southern Ontario.
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